Matter and Energy Provider Guide - FINAL

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Florida PROMiSE | Science Institute


Florida PROMiSE | Science Institute
In 2007 Florida revised its mathematics standards, using the NCTM (2006) Curriculum Focal Points as a basis
for revising the K-8 mathematics standards and restructuring the 9-12 mathematics standards into Bodies of
Knowledge (e.g., Algebra) (Florida Department of Education, 2007). These revised standards, particularly at
the K-8 level, represent a significant departure from the previous state standards by decreasing the number
of benchmarks to be taught at each grade level, in some cases from 87 to 17. Similar changes were made to
the Florida science standards in 2008. These changes to the curriculum had implications for teacher
knowledge and classroom instruction. For instance, given the narrowed scope of the curriculum, teachers
now have time to develop understanding of the content with greater depth and to use a variety of
instructional strategies, including inquiry-based practices. This resulted in a need to provide professional
development that would:

 Examine the nature of the curriculum (What is the intent of the revised standards? What are student
 Enhance teacher content knowledge (How do teachers support student learning of science and
mathematics in depth if they have weaknesses in their own knowledge? What are ways to address
gaps in teachers’ content knowledge? How do we help them develop conceptual understanding of the
subject matter?)
 Enhance pedagogical content knowledge (How do we support teachers so that they teach in ways
that build on students’ prior understandings, use inquiry-based instructional practices, facilitate
student learning, and appropriately use the additional time they have been provided?)

To address this need, Florida awarded a grant through its Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP)
program. The awarded project, Florida PROMiSE (Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and
Science Education), is a statewide project that involves four universities, four large school districts, and 36
small, rural high-needs school districts represented by three educational consortia.

Four mathematics and four science institutes were developed and offered to teachers in multiple settings
across the state. A statewide institute design team (e.g., Force and Motion), comprised of multiple regional
delivery teams that included a mathematician or scientist, two teachers, and, when available, a mathematics
or science teacher educator, met to reach consensus about what topics to address in a 60-hour institute and
how to best address those topics. Once decisions were made about the overall nature of the institute,
regional teams, supported by the project leaders, were assigned to further develop components of the
common institute to be delivered and circulate the various drafts for feedback from others on the statewide
team. After a final draft that represented the intended design of the institute was accepted by the statewide
design team, regional teams planned for local implementation. Due to the collective effort utilized to design
the institutes, the final product does not represent the view of any individual or group. Each institute was
revised to reflect the intent of the project, the results of an outside evaluation, and the suggestions of the
members of the design and implementation teams.
Matter & Energy Institute


This sixty-hour institute has been designed expressly for teachers of students in grades K-8. A series of
explorations and content instruction will be used to enhance teachers’ understanding of key concepts in
matter and energy, improve their ability to recognize and appropriately address student misconceptions
about these concepts, and engage their own students in classroom explorations, meaning making, and
application of the content in new situations. Throughout the institute, teachers will be challenged to examine
findings generated through their own explorations, develop explanations, and revise their ideas as they gain
greater depth of science content understanding. This institute will be led by a team composed of a faculty
member from the College of Arts and Science from one of Florida’s leading research institutions, a district-
level science specialist, and a classroom teacher.


1. Understand the crucial role of measurement in science.

2. Explore a variety of aspects through which matter may be characterized.

3. Be able to describe in words the basic physical properties of matter: shape, texture, weight, quantifying
and defining mass, determining volume of an irregular shape, density (qualitative, quantitative), and
buoyancy and their relationship to each other.

4. Understand the phases of matter: solid, liquid, gas.

5. Given a set of data, construct a graph showing the phase changes for a given substance (nitrogen, water,
dry ice, oxygen, and BHT).

6. Understand kinetic molecular theory.

7. Describe in words chemical changes and reactions.

8. Understand the characteristics of bonding (ionic, covalent, polar covalent, and metallic).

9. Given various scenarios, determine whether changes in matter are physical or chemical.

10. Recognize that atoms are the smallest unit of an element.

11. Recognize that atoms consist of sub-atomic particles called electrons, protons, and neutrons; also
demonstrate an understanding of charges of these particles.

Goals and Objectives i

Provider Guide

12. Understand the outermost part of the atom consists of “clouds” of electrons while the inner most part of
the atom consists of the nucleus that contains the protons and, perhaps, some number of neutrons. The
nucleus is tiny compared to the spatial extent of the electrons, and a large amount of empty space exists
between the nucleus and the electrons.

13. Recognize that there are a finite number of elements, and these elements can be grouped in a periodic

14. Demonstrate understanding that an element’s placement in the periodic table provides information
about its properties.

15. Give examples of elements that combine in a wide variety of ways to produce compounds.

16. Describe in words the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions.

17. Given a description of how particular mixtures are made, determine whether the mixture is
homogeneous or heterogeneous.

18. Identify the various components of solutions.

19. Given a substance or its chemical composition, be able to distinguish between a mixture and a pure

20. Given a diagram, predict the flow of heat.

21. Describe how temperature changes through time for objects that are hot, cold, or warm.

22. Design a simple activity to demonstrate the difference between heat and temperature.

23. Recognize examples of radiation, convection, and conduction.

24. Give practical examples of roles of heat in everyday life.

25. Read a graph and determine at what points phase changes occur and why.

26. Identify the abilities of various materials to conduct heat.

27. Use appropriate terminology to describe the attributes of waves.

28. Recognize that sound is a mechanical wave, needing matter for transmission and that transmission
occurs more rapidly in some substances than others.

29. Describe the relationship between sound and vibration and how energy can transform from one form to

30. Understand the relationship between frequency of sound and pitch.

31. Explain the phenomenon of the Doppler Effect as it may occur in everyday life.

32. Describe how static electricity may be generated and demonstrated.

33. Identify general properties that determine if an object is either an electrical conductor or an insulator.

ii Goals and Objectives

Matter & Energy Institute

34. From a set of diagrams, recognize which circuits will permit or will not permit the flow of electricity.

35. Differentiate between parallel and series circuits.

36. Explain the basic principles of the operation of a battery.

37. Discuss the differences between permanent and electromagnets.

38. Recognize factors that determine the strength of an electromagnet.

39. Identify and discuss real-life applications of magnets and magnetism.

40. Recognize that light is an electromagnetic wave and does not require matter for transmission.

41. Identify possible outcomes when light strikes a material.

42. Recognize the usefulness of total internal reflection.

43. Apply the knowledge of light refraction to discuss the behavior of blue versus red light as it passes
through a prism.

44. Apply the knowledge of light scattering to discuss the behavior of blue versus red light in the atmosphere.

Goals and Objectives iii

Provider Guide

iv Goals and Objectives

Matter & Energy Institute


SSS BIG IDEA, STANDA RD, OR BENCHMARK  NASA Toys In Space: Participants will watch a
portion of the video that deals with microgravity in
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter space.
Big Idea 13: Forces and Changes in Motion  Optional Activity: Air Track Demonstration: This
Standard 12: Motion demonstrates (qualitatively) the content of inertial
mass as the property of an object that resists
SC.5.P.8.1 DOK Moderate
acceleration: a=F/m. By compressing the spring by
SC.6.P.13.2 DOK Low
the same amount, the same force is applied. Cars of
SC.8.P.8.2DOK Moderate
larger mass will display a smaller acceleration and
SC.8.P.8.3DOK Moderate
final speed.
SC.8.P.8.4 DOK Moderate
SC.912.P.12.4 DOK Moderate

 Pretest:
o Copy of pretest for each participant
On Day 1, the participants will explore:
o Pencils
 The Powers of 10: (Please note: order video if
 the basic properties of matter (shape, texture, mass,
internet access is not available at your institute
weight, size/volume, density).
 properties that depend on quantity vs. properties
that may be used to identify a specific substance.
 physics relies on fundamental laws that unify the
 Oobleck Activity: (the following items are per group
behavior of the universe. of 4 participants)
 quantifying mass. o 1 plastic bin or dishpan
 gravitational force on an object. o 1 clear disposable 8 ounce cup OR 1 clear
 mass vs. weight. disposable cup marked at 1 cup
 microgravity. o 1 box of cornstarch for each group of 4
o 1 spoon
o Paper towels (for cleanup)
 Pretest: Participants will take a pretest to assess o Marbles, popsicle sticks, pencils for
their knowledge of matter and energy concepts. exploring texture of oobleck
 Oobleck Activity: Participants mix cornstarch and  Florida Caveman Thought Experiment
o 2 rulers
water to create "oobleck". Oobleck has unusual
o Golf ball
physical characteristics, those of a non-Newtonian
o Ping-Pong ball
fluid, and through exploration participants will
o Foam ball
better understand properties of matter.
o Lump of Play-Doh
 The Powers of 10: Participants will watch this video
 Crater Activity:
and investigate observable (macroscopic)
o Sand or flour
properties of matter without discussing atoms. o Cocoa powder
 Florida Caveman Thought Experiment: Participants o Sharp object to cut hole in Ping-Pong ball
will make a physical model of the Florida caveman (such as a drill)
thought experiment. o Disposable cup
 Crater Activity: Participants will drop a ball whose o Plastic knife
o Ping-Pong ball
mass can be varied from a fixed height. The shape of
o Small metric ruler and meter stick
the ball will not vary and the ball should strike the o Tape
sand at the same velocity in each trial. Participants o Aluminum pie pan
will address the relationship between the mass of o Graph paper
the ball and the force with which the ball hits the o Sheet of chart paper to catch sand/flour
sand. under pie pan
o Scoopula
 NASA Toys In Space:
o NASA Toys in Space Video, video player,
variety of sample toys, templates for

Pacing Guide v
Provider Guide

creating additional simple toys, large  Note: on day 1, you may wish to post a list of items
clear glass container, water, alcohol, for participants to bring from home, such as soup
vegetable oil (five drops per glass), eye cans (open at each end), plastic water bottles (16 oz.
dropper or straw for homemade dropper. and 2 liter), EMPTY wine bottles, shoe boxes, boom
box, pennies, washers, hot pads/oven mitts, laser
 Optional Activity: Air Track Demonstration: pointers, etc. These items will be used in upcoming
o Air track, spring, air track cars of different days.
masses (at least three different cars).

vi Pacing Guide
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Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter  Sink or Float Predict/Observe/Explain Activity:

o Container for water (aquarium, bucket,
SC.8.P.8.3 DOK Moderate clear pitcher, plugged-up lab sink, etc.)
SC.8.P.8.4 DOK Moderate o Pan balance or scale
o Suggested pairs of items:
DESCRIPTION OF CONTE NT  Can of regular Coke and diet coke
 Peeled and unpeeled citrus fruit (ideally
On Day 2, the participants will explore: grapefruit)
 Tennis ball (floats) and golf ball (sinks)
 the basic properties of matter (shape, texture, mass,  Ping-Pong ball and golf ball
weight, size/volume, density).  Aluminum foil boat and wadded-up
 mass and volume are combined helps to explain the piece of aluminum foil
concept of density.  Determining Volume and Density Activity:
 physics relies on fundamental laws that unify the o 10 sets of cubic objects (some that float
behavior of the universe. and some that do not)
 definition of & how to measure volume. o Graduated cylinder
 qualitative and quantitative relationship between o Object that doesn’t have a regular shape –
density and buoyancy. toy car, rock, etc.
o Metric rulers
o Calculators
o Balance
 Sink or Float Predict/Observe/Explain Activity: o Pencils
Participants will examine pairs of similar objects  Aluminum Boat Activity:
and predict whether each object will sink or float. o Sheets of aluminum foil for each team
They will test predictions and explain observations. (pieces provided should be the same size
 Determining Volume and Density Activity: for each team)
Participants will get quantitative values for the o Washers or pennies (100 per group)
volume of simple, easy to measure, cubic objects (at o Metric Ruler
least one cube that sinks and at least one cube that o Balance
floats) and an object that doesn’t have a regular o Buckets of water, plugged-up lab sinks,
shape, such as a toy car. etc.
 Aluminum Boat Activity: Participants will make an
 Confirmation of Archimedes’ Principle Activity:
aluminum boat with a flat bottom. Then they will
o Large Ziploc Bag in which the items below
measure and record the width, length, and height of
have been placed:
the boat in centimeters (cm). Known scientific
o Object – may be a mass with a hook at the
principles will be used to predict the maximum
top, or something as simple as a rock
number of pennies or washers your aluminum boat
o String
will hold without sinking. Predictions will then be
o Spring scale
o Overflow container
 Confirmation of Archimedes’ Principle Activity:
o Two empty beakers
Participants will develop a method to determine the
o Balance – available in room
buoyant force a liquid exerts on a body using
 Buoy – O – Meter Activity:
Archimedes' principle.
o 10 sets of cubic objects that float
 Buoy – O – Meter Activity: Participants will use
o Irregularly shaped object
measurements to calculate buoyant force (density). o Sharpened pencil
o Metric rulers
o Graduated cylinder
o Beaker
o Balance
o Calculators

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SSS BIG IDEA, STANDA RD, OR BENCHMARK  Measuring a Phase Change Activity: Participants
will heat BHT to its melting point. The temperature
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter
of the BHT will be measured every 30 seconds as it
Standard 8: Matter
cools to determine the point at which the
Standard 10: Energy
temperature (average kinetic energy) of the BHT flat
SC.4.P.8.3 DOK Moderate lines.
SC.5.P.8.1 DOK Moderate  Graphing Phase Changes Activity: Participants will
SC.5.P.8.4 DOK Low use the data they collect to create 1 graph with
SC.912.P.8.1 DOK Moderate several phase changes for different chemicals.
SC.912.P.8.3 DOK High  Kinetic Theory/Molecular Motion Activity:
SC.912.P.8.7 DOK Moderate Participants will observe and compare the way food
SC.912.P.10.5 DOK Moderate coloring diffuses in hot versus cold water.
 Optional Activity: Distillation: Participants will
work with samples of two unknown liquids and
measure the temperature change of water and a
On Day 3, the participants will explore: mixture of alcohol and water as they boil.
 Optional Activity: Three States of Matter Worksheet:
 properties of matter. Participants will examine phase changes from a
 configuration of atoms within molecules. nanoscale perspective.
 movement of molecules.
 distance between molecules. MATERIALS LIST
 empty space remaining between atoms/ molecules  Representing Molecules Activity (per group of 4
in a solid. participants):
 sublimation of CO2. o Magnetic cookie tray or jelly roll pan
 particle arrangement in each phase of matter. o White (21), blue (21), clear (21), and red
 effects of pressure on volume and state of matter (6) plastic poker chips
(compressibility). o Adhesive backed magnetic tape (1 cm
 graphing temperatures of phase changes. wide, at least 75 cm length)
 heating curves and cooling curves. o Scissors
 kinetic theory.  Void Space Activity:
o Void Space handout
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIV ITIES o Two 50 mL graduated cylinders
o 10 mL graduated cylinder
 Representing Molecules Activity: Participants will o Water
use cookie trays and magnetized poker chips to o Food coloring (optional)
create models of a water molecule, a cup of water, o Two different sized solid glass beads
boiling water, and a new substance as a solid, liquid, o Dropper or pipette
and gas. o 100 mL graduated cylinder
 Void Space Activity: Participants will predict and o 50 mL 90% isopropyl alcohol
make some observations about the volume of space  Dry Ice: A Sublime-O-Meter Activity:
existing between glass beads of different sizes. o Dry Ice handout
 Dry Ice: A Sublime-O-Meter Activity: Participants o Cookie trays and poker chips from
will observe dry ice sublimating in air and in water. Representing Molecules Activity
They will use the poker trays to model sublimation o Dry ice
of CO2. o Heavy gloves
 If We Could See Particles: Exploring Compressibility o Hammer
Activity: Participants will investigate the o 500 mL beakers
compressibility of the three states of matter using o Water
syringes, water, sand, and air. o Balloon
 Journal Graphic Organizer: Participants will record o 100 mL graduated cylinder
graphic organizer in journal. This will provide a
scaffold for debriefing the Comparing States of  If We Could See Particles: Exploring Compressibility
Matter with Syringes activity. Activity:

viii Pacing Guide

Matter & Energy Institute

o 60 mL syringes  Kinetic Theory/Molecular Motion Activity:

o Water o Two 100 mL graduated cylinders
o Sand o Food coloring
o Beaker o Ice water
o Handout: Comparing the States of Matter o Hot water (85-90˚C)
with Syringes o Thermometer
 Journal  Optional Activity: Distillation:
 Measuring the Phase Change of BHT Activity: o One 500 mL beaker
o 500 mL beaker o 25 mL alcohol and water mixture
o 150 mL test tube o Two 150 mL test tubes
o Thermometer (˚C) o Two #4 2-hole stoppers
o Safety Goggles o One thermometer (˚C)
o 15g BHT o Hot plate
o #4 2 hole stopper o One piece of 30cm (1ft) rubber tubing
o Hot plate o Ice
o Test tube rack o Water
o Paper towels o Two 90 degree glass bends
 Graphing Phase Changes Activity o Test tube rack
o Handout: Graphing Phase Changes o Paper towels
o Graph paper  Optional Activity: Three States of Matter Worksheet:
o Copy of worksheet

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Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science  Imaging Activity:

Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter o 20 empty cardboard boxes
Standard 8: Matter o Packing peanuts
o Packing tape to seal boxes
SC.8.N.1.6 DOK Moderate o 20 small diameter knitting needles
SC.8.P.8.5 DOK Low o 20 large diameter knitting needles
SC.8.P.8.6 DOK Low o 20 objects to put in boxes (see suggested
SC.8.P.8.7 DOK Low list in Session 7 Resources Guide)
SC.912.P.8.3 DOK High o Handouts: Imaging Directions; Imaging
SC.912.P.8.4 DOK High Journal Questions
 Rutherford’s Experiment and Indirect Measurement
o Small wooden blocks cut into various
On Day 4, the participants will explore: shapes
o Science fair backboard
 basic atomic structure. o Ping pong ball or golf ball
 the history of atomic theory. o Supports for the corners of the cardboard
 collection and representation of experimental data. (film canisters, small paper cups, or
 mathematics as the quantitative language of science. spools work well)
o Chart paper to put on top of science fair
o Colored markers, pencils, or highlighters
 Imaging Activity: Participants will engage in a o Sticky notes to mark entry/exit points
hands-on exercise designed to mimic some aspects o Measuring tape
of the problems that scientists encounter when o Tape
probing matter in new ways. o Hard, level floor
 Rutherford’s Experiment and Indirect Measurement  Rutherford Experiment “dry lab” Activity:
Activity: Participants will design a procedure and o Ruler
collect data using indirect measurement techniques o Graph paper: linear-linear, log-log
to draw conclusions about objects that cannot be o Data sheet (different data set for each
seen. participant)
 Rutherford Experiment “dry lab “Activity:  Spectroscope Activity:
Participants will work with data to test Rutherford’s o 40 spectroscopes
prediction about the nucleus. Participants will o Colored pencils
explore patterns in data and learn to work with data o Paper
using a logarithmic scale. o Variety of light sources (see suggested list
in Session 8 Resources Guide)
 Spectroscopy Activity: Participants will use
spectroscopes to examine the spectrum emitted by
different light sources as a connection to Bohr’s
theory of atomic structure and to another use of a
logarithmic scale.

x Pacing Guide
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Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science  How small is an atom? Activity:

Standard 2: The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge o 1 m length of adding machine tape per
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter participant
Standard 8: Matter o 40 pairs of scissors
o Transparent tape
SC.8.N.1.6 DOK Moderate
 Magnifying Glass Activity:
SC.912.N.2.5 DOK High
o 40 hand lenses
SC.8.P.8.5 DOK Low
o 10 microscopes
SC.8.P.8.6 DOK Low
o Items to study (see suggested list in
SC.8.P.8.7 DOK Low
Session 9 Resources Guide)
SC.912.P.8.3 DOK High
 Periodic Table Game:
SC.912.P.8.4 DOK High
o 40 copies of periodic table
SC. 912.P.8.5 DOK Moderate
o small whiteboards or pieces of copy
DESCRIPTION OF CONTE NT o dry-erase markers or pens
o silly certificates for winners (optional)
On Day 5, the participants will explore:
 Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity:
o Liquid soaps (hand, dish, laundry, but not
 basic atomic structure. SoftSoap)
 the history of atomic theory. o Pepper
 periodic table of elements. o Ruler
 Law of Conservation of Matter. o Disposable plastic dropper pipets
 what a working scientist does. o 10 sponges
o 40 small plastic cups
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIV ITIES o 20 large plastic cups
o 10 disposable bowls
 How small is an atom? Activity: Participants are o 1 box of toothpicks
encouraged to think of the microscopic and atomic o Paper towels
scale. Each participant will have a 1 m length of o 12 large cookie sheets, aluminum foil
oven liners, or shallow basins constructed
adding machine tape to cut the adding machine tape
from wide aluminum foil
in half again and again until they can’t cut it any
further, keeping track of how many cuts they made.
 Magnifying Glass Activity: Participants will use
hand lenses and microscopes to look closely at
common items. They will be encouraged to
extrapolate to even smaller length scales in
preparation for discussion of the periodic table
 Periodic Table Game: Participants will work in
teams using a Jeopardy-style game to review the
periodic table of elements.
 Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity:
Participants will make a soap solution to explore the
Law of Conservation of Matter by dropping the soap
on a pool of water to measure the monolayer of a
molecule that covers a surface area.
 What Does a Scientist Do? Presentation and
Discussion: Faculty scientists will explain the work
they do at their university followed by discussion of
questions from participants.

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SESSIONS 11 & 12
 Physical and Chemical Change Stations: Participants
SSS BIG IDEA, STANDA RD, OR BENCHMARK will rotate through 11 stations to explore physical
and chemical changes followed by a debriefing of
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter
each station. See Resources guide for quantities of
Big Idea 9: Changes in Matter
materials needed.
Standard 8: Matter
Standard 10: Energy  Optional Activity: Classification of Matter:
Participants will reflect on the classification of
SC.5.P.8.3 DOK Moderate matter using guided questions on a worksheet.
SC.5.P.8.4 DOK Low  Optional Activity: Separating Mixtures: Participants
SC.8.P.8.5 DOK Low will work in groups to try to separate the different
SC.8.P.8.9 DOK Moderate elements of a mixture by physical processes.
SC.8.P.9.1 DOK High  Optional Activity: Salt Lab: Participants will make a
SC.8.P.9.2 DOK Moderate salt water solution and witness the effect that
SC.8.P.9.3 DOK High temperature has on solubility rates.
SC.912.P.8.2 DOK Moderate  Optional Activity: Mixtures on the Nanoscale
SC.912.P.8.6 DOK Moderate Worksheet: Optional worksheet will allow
SC.912.P.10.5 DOK Moderate participants further practice with the concept of
mixtures at the nanoscale perspective.
On Day 6, the participants will explore:
 Dens-O-Meter Activity:
 density. o Graduated cylinder (at least 50mL)
 solutions (including identification of solutes and o Graduated cylinder (at least 10 mL)
solvents.) o Small bathroom cups
 classification of matter. o Dark corn syrup
 elements and compounds. o Light corn syrup
 pure and not-pure substances. o Rubbing alcohol (91%)
 homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. o Dawn dishwashing liquid – blue
 methods for separating mixtures. o Lamp Oil
 physical and chemical changes. o Vegetable Oil
o Water
 chemical properties of matter.
o Food coloring of various colors
o Scale
o Pipettes
o Handout: Suspension Lab
 Dens-O-Meter Activity: Participants will work to
 Underwater Fireworks Activity (per group of 2
create a suspension using products that they could
find around their own homes and making
o Two clear plastic cups
observations about the density of different liquids.
o One teaspoon
 Underwater Fireworks Activity: Participants will
o Five teaspoons of vegetable oil
make a mixture of oil and food coloring and observe
o Water
the properties of food coloring in oil; then
o Food coloring of various colors
observations are made as that mixture is introduced
o Handout: Underwater Fireworks
to water and a solution is made.
 Pure vs. Not Pure Game:
 Pure vs. Not Pure Game: Participants will work with
o Paper
a group to identify substances as pure or not pure.
o Prizes for winners (optional)
 Separation Sensation Activity: Participants will
 Separation Sensation Activity: What are you really
crush iron-enriched cereal, add water to make a
eating for breakfast?
slurry, and use a magnet to separate iron from the
o Water
o Bar Magnet
 Pure Substance or Mixture Game: Participants will
o Ziploc bag – quart
identify materials as Pure Substance, Mixture,
o Cereal (iron enriched; ex: Total, Cheerios)
Element, Compound, Homogeneous Mixture, or
o Rolling pin – optional
Heterogeneous Mixture.
o Paper plate

xii Pacing Guide

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o Handout: What Are You Really Eating for o Dishtowels or oven mitts
Breakfast? o Container for rock salt and ice (NO
 Pure Substance or Mixture Game: SINKS!)
o 5” X 8” index cards (6 per group) o Pitchers
o Handout: Pure Substance or Mixture? o Water
 Physical and Chemical Change Stations: o Toothpicks
o Copy paper (6 sheets/participant) o Paper cups (3 oz. size)
o Small paper cups (5 oz. size) o Ice chest
o Baking soda o Droppers or pipettes
o Vinegar o Graduated cylinders
o Plastic water bottles with lids (20 oz.) o Balances—digital and triple-beam
o Antacid tablets o Thermometers
o Small paperclips o Clothespins
o Dried pinto beans o Scissors
o Uncooked rice o Rulers
o Dried peas o Pie tin
o Zip-top plastic bags, quart size  Optional Activity: Classification of Matter:
o Cornstarch o Handout: Reflection Questions:
o Bowls Classifying Matter
o Craft sticks  Optional Activity: Separating Mixtures:
o Paper towels o 400mL Beaker
o Water-based black markers (Sharpie flip- o Plastic cup
chart marker or Vis-à-vis wet erase) o Salt
o Colored pencils o Sand
o Coffee filters o Paper towels
o Clear plastic cups (16 oz.) o Scale/Balance
o Quick-rising dry yeast o Teaspoon
o Hydrogen peroxide o Rubber band
o Plastic spoons o Candle or other heating element
o Masking tape o Handout: Separating Mixtures
o Citric acid or Fruit Fresh  Optional Activity: Salt Lab (per group of 4
o Film canisters participants):
o Whole milk at room temperature o 400mL Glass Beaker
o Unsalted crackers o Salt
o Iodine o Water (at three different temps…10°C,
o Sugar 60°C, room temperature)
o Vanilla o Teaspoon
o Rock salt o Thermometer
o Ice o Handout: Salt Lab
o Safety goggles  Optional Activity: Mixtures on the Nanoscale:
o Beakers (100 and 250 mL) o Handout: Activity 3.3: Mixtures on the
o Measuring spoons (1/4 tsp., 1 Tbsp.) Nanoscale Worksheet
o Measuring cups

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Provider Guide

SESSIONS 13 & 14

SSS BIG IDEA, STANDA RD, OR BENCHMARK  Discussion will follow on the reliability of indicators
of physical and chemical changes.
Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
 Hot & Cold Glow Sticks Activity: Participants will
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter
immerse glow sticks in hot and cold water baths and
Big Idea 9: Changes in Matter
observe the effects on how the glow stick works
Standard 8: Matter
when activated. This activity will lead in to the
Standard 10: Energy
discussion of chemical reaction rates.
SC.8.N.1.6 DOK Moderate  Vinegar and Baking Soda Reaction Activity:
SC.8.P.8.4 DOK Moderate Participants will predict, and then observe how
SC.8.P.9.2 DOK Moderate temperature and concentration affect reaction rate
SC8.P.9.3 DOK High when vinegar is mixed with baking soda.
SC.912.P.8.2 DOK Moderate  Solubility Lab Activity: Participants will work in
SC.912.P.10.7 DOK Moderate groups to measure the solubility of different
quantities of potassium nitrate or ammonium
chloride at various temperatures.
 Optional Activity: Endothermic or Exothermic Game:
On Day 7, the participants will explore: Participants will work in groups to apply what they
have learned about endothermic and exothermic
 chemical properties of matter. reactions by identifying whether the reaction listed
 chemical changes in matter. is exothermic or endothermic.
 chemical reactions.
 reaction rates. MATERIALS LIST
 solubility.  Optional Activity: Hindenburg Demonstration:
o 2 meter sticks
 chemical bonds.
o Tape
o 1 pack of matches (not a lighter)
o 1 balloon (per demonstration attempt)
o 100 mL graduated cylinder
 Optional Activity: Hindenburg Demonstration:
o Zinc pieces (about 5-7 per attempt)
Participants will observe the collection of the
o Muriatic Pool Acid (25 mL)
hydrogen gas from the zinc + HCl reaction in a
 Representing Molecules Activity: Chemical
balloon and the facilitator igniting it. This demo
Reactions and Chemical Change:
explores some of the theories about what happened
o Magnetic cookie tray
to the Hindenburg. You may wish to do this
o White, (21) blue (21), & red (6) plastic
demonstration outside.
poker chips
 Representing Molecules Activity: Participants will
o Bingo markers (21 clear)
use cookie trays and magnetized poker chips to
o Adhesive backed magnetic tape (1 cm
create models of the following chemical reactions:
wide, 75 cm length)
zinc & HCl and burning methane (CH4). Optional
 Polar Covalent Activity:
extension: participants can model the reaction for
o Ring stand
burning propane (C3H8).
o 2-Liter bottle cut in ½ with cap
 Polar Covalent Demonstration: Participants will
o Water
observe the effects of a charged balloon on a stream
o Balloon
of water to see evidence of the charged polarity of
o Straightened paperclip
water molecules.
o Match
 Identifying Chemical and Physical Reactions Game:
o Food coloring
Participants will work in groups to decide if the
o White paper
reaction being described is a physical or chemical
o Someone with long straight hair
reaction to practice what they have learned about
 Identifying Chemical and Physical Reactions Game
physical and chemical reactions. o Handout: Identifying Chemical and
 Dissolving Myth Activity: Participants will observe Physical Reactions
and qualitatively measure a change in temperature o Prizes or silly certificates for winners
during dissolution of CaCl2 and NH4Cl in water. (optional)
 Dissolving Myths Activity:

xiv Pacing Guide

Matter & Energy Institute

o two #4, 2 hole stoppers o Hot Plate

o two 150mL test tubes o Spatula
o 150mL of water, 75mL in each test tube o Test tubes(4 per group)
o Test tube rack
o 1 large spoonful of CaCl2
o Two 400 ml beakers
o 1 large spoonful of NH4Cl o Potassium nitrate (KN03); 20 g/group
o Handout: Dissolving Myth Activity o Ice
 Hot & Cold Glow Sticks Activity: o Thermometer
o two (or more) glow sticks o 10 ml graduated cylinder
o hot water bath o Stirring rod
o heat source (hot plate or microwave) o Marking pencil
o cold water bath o Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl);
o ice 20 g/group
o Test tube holder/clamp
 Vinegar and Baking Soda Reaction Rate Activity: o Distilled water
o Three 250 mL beakers o Handout: Solubility Lab
o Hot plate or microwave o Graph paper
o Six small paper cups  Optional Activity: Endothermic or Exothermic Game:
o Water (50 mL) o Handout: Endothermic or Exothermic
o Plastic spoons o Prizes or silly certificates (optional)
o 150 g baking soda
o 250 mL of vinegar
o Handout: Vinegar Reaction Activity
 Solubility Lab Activity:
o Balance

Pacing Guide xv
Provider Guide

SESSIONS 15 & 16

SSS BIG IDEA, STANDA RD, OR BENCHMARK  Energy Flow Activity: Participants will investigate
the ability of assorted items to transfer heat.
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter
 Heat Conductometer Demonstration: Instructor will
Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy
place tiny pieces of butter or candle wax at the ends
Big Idea 11: Energy Transfers and Transformations
of the spokes of the conductometer. Participants will
Standard 10: Energy
predict outcome and then observe what happens
SC.8.P.8.4 DOK Moderate when heat is applied to the center of the
SC.5.P.10.4 DOK High conductometer.
SC.7.P.10.3 DOK Low  Heat Transfer Vocabulary Activity: Modified Frayer
SC.7.P.11.1 DOK Low Model: Participants will use the provided handouts
SC.7.P.11.2 DOK Moderate to record and characterize key vocabulary terms.
SC.7.P.11.3DOK High  Bimetal Bar Demonstration: Instructor will heat
SC.7.P.11.4 DOK Moderate bimetal bar while participants observe changes that
SC.912.P.10.4 DOK High occur.
SC.912.P.10.5 DOK Moderate  Optional Design Challenge Activity: Participants are
SC.912.P.10.20 DOK High challenged to design and construct a simple device
to prevent the melting of an ice cube and determine
a way to measure the longevity of the ice cube.
 Write Pair Share Activity: Each participant will list
On Day 8, the participants will explore: all the kinds of waves she/he can think of on index
cards and then work with a partner to add to their
 mass, volume, and heat. lists.
 temperature.  Wave Demonstration with Slinky: The instructor
 thermometers. will use a slinky to demonstrate compression and
 heat flow and basic principles of thermodynamics. longitudinal waves.
 sound.  Crowd Wave Activity: The group will stand in a
 characteristics of waves. circle around the perimeter of the room and
complete 3 transverse waves and 3 longitudinal
 pitch and resonance.
waves, each at a different speed. Data will be
collected regarding time and distance.
 Doppler Effect Demonstration: Participants will
view and “hear” an online animation of a siren as a
 Mass, Volume, and Heat Activity: Participants will
police car approaches and passes by.
observe and record temperature changes of hot
 Making a Sound – O – Meter Activity: Participants
water, ice water with no ice, and ice water with ice
will use a pre-assembled device to investigate
cubes, over time. They will also investigate the time
various types of sounds.
it takes like masses of ice to melt in different masses
 Musical Bottles Activity: Participants will work
of water.
individually to investigate the “pitch” and “ping” of a
 Concept Mapping Activity: Prior knowledge will be
bottle and then, groups will work collaboratively to
activated and assessed as participants work in
make “music” with the bottles as they explore pitch
groups to develop a concept map using terms
and resonance.
related to the study of heat energy. These concept
maps will be revised and discussed during Sessions
 Temp-O-Meter Activity: Participants will make a
simple homemade thermometer. Then they will use  Mass, Volume, and Heat Activity:
the homemade thermometer and a standard lab o Cold water with and without ice
“spirit-filled” thermometer to determine the o Hot water
temperature of room temperature, hot, and cold o Beakers, 100 mL - 3
water. o Ice cubes of similar size
o Plastic Ziploc/storage bags - 4
 Ice Melting Block Demonstration: Participants will
o 100 mL graduated cylinder
observe as identical cubes of ice are placed on ice
o Thermometers – 3
melting blocks and engage in a discussion of
o Colored pencils and pens
conductors and insulators.

xvi Pacing Guide

Matter & Energy Institute

o Graph paper o Ziploc bags

o Timer or stop watch o Water
o Handout: Mass, Volume, and Heat o Styrofoam cups
 Concept Mapping Activity: o Tape
o Chart paper o Ice cubes
o Tape (if chart paper is not self-stick) o Thermometers
o Sticky note pads o Aluminum foil
o Markers o Insulating materials – fiber fill, foam,
o Pens sawdust, Styrofoam packing materials
o Pencil o Handout: Design Challenge
o Highlighters  Write Pair Share Activity:
o Handout: Concept Mapping o Index cards or sticky notes
 Temp-O-Meter Activity: Making a Thermometer  Crowd Wave Activity:
o Clear plastic or glass bottle with narrow o Willing participants
opening, such as a 16 or 20 oz. soft drink o Stopwatch (can be from cellphone)
container  Wave Demonstration with Slinky:
o Clear plastic straw o Large slinky
o Modeling clay or Play-Doh  Doppler Effect Demonstration:
o Thermometer o Computer, speakers, and LCD projector
o Food coloring – red or blue  Making a Sound – O – Meter Activity:
o Graduated cylinder o Empty vegetable can with both ends cut
o Ruler off or cardboard tube—one per person
o Water at various temperatures, room o Package of large rubber bands
temperature, hot and cold (ice water) o Scissors
o Rubbing alcohol (at least 91% works o Large rubber balloons
best) o Small silver reflective foil pieces
o Handout: The Temp-O-Meter: Making a (aluminized mylar)
Thermometer o All purpose, fast drying glue
 Ice Melting Block Demonstration: o Laser pointer
o Ice melting blocks o Modeling clay
o Ice o Chart paper and markers
 Energy Flow Activity: Parts A and B: o Masking tape
o Three, 12-16 oz. Styrofoam cups o Rubber bands
o Assortment of items, such as metal o Boom box with CD of various kinds of
kitchen knife, plastic knife, thick copper sound – high and low pitch, loud and soft,
wire, clothes hanger, and chopsticks various musical instruments
o Safety glasses o Handout: Making a Sound-O-Meter
o Paper towels  Musical Bottles Activity:
o Electric hot plate, microwave, or kettle for o Four large glass wine bottles with labels
heating water removed or other glass bottles with
o Glass or metal container to heat water narrow necks (per group of 4
o Conductometer participants)
o Small bits of butter or like sized pieces of o Pitcher or large beaker of water
candle wax o Funnel
o Candle or torch as source of heat o Alcohol wipes or paper towels dampened
o Handout: Energy Flow (2 pages) with rubbing alcohol, used to sterilize
 Heat Transfer Vocabulary Activity: Modified Frayer mouths of bottles
Model o Fishing weights
o Handout: Heat Transfer Vocabulary: o Rubber bands
Modified Frayer Model o Ring stand or other support
 Bimetal Bar Demonstration: o Pencil or other hard object
o One bimetal bar o Handout: Musical Bottles
o Source of heat
o Handout: Energy Flow PART B
 Optional Design Challenge Activity:

Pacing Guide xvii

Provider Guide

SESSION S 17 & 18


Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter  Anticipation Guide: Participants will complete an

Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy anticipation guide concerning electricity and
Big Idea 11: Energy Transfers and Transformations circuits.
Standard 10: Energy  Explore and Learn About Electricity Activity,
Balloons – All Charged Up!: Participants will conduct
SC.4.P.8.1 DOK Moderate
part of the investigation to learn more about static
SC.4.P.8.4 DOK High
electric charges.
SC.8.P.8.4 DOK Moderate
 Explore and Learn About Electricity Activity
SC.8.P.8.7 DOK Low
Lighting a Bulb and Circuit Design Challenge:
SC.5.P.10.1 DOK Moderate
Participants will devise a complete circuit using a
SC.5.P.10.2 DOK High
battery, light bulb and single wire
SC.5.P.10.3 DOK High
 Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow
SC.5.P.10.4 DOK High
Activities– The Conduct – O – Meter Activity:
SC.7.P.10.1 DOK Low
Participants will devise a conductivity tester, the
SC.7.P.10.2 DOK High
Conduct – O – Meter, to test a variety of materials for
SC.7.P.10.3 DOK Low
electrical conductivity. They will also construct a
SC.5.P.11.1 DOK Moderate
robust circuit.
SC.5.P.11.2 DOK Moderate
 Permanent Magnets Activity: Participants will
SC.6.P.11.1 DOK Moderate
experiment with ring and bar magnets.
SC.7.P.11.2 DOK Moderate
 Electromagnets Activity: Each team will attempt to
SC.7.P.11.3 DOK High
devise the “strongest” electromagnet.
SC.912.P.10.1 DOK Moderate
 Carousel Brainstorming Activity: Teams of
SC.912.P.10.14 DOK Moderate
participants will rotate among 5 pieces of chart
SC.912.P.10.16 DOK High
paper, on which light-related topics have been
written, brainstorm about each topic, and add their
group’s comments.
 Learning about Light Activity: Each team will
On Day 9, the participants will explore electromagnetism and
assemble a light reflecting device and investigate the
behavior of reflected light.
 More about Light Activity: Participants will use a
 common misconceptions about electricity and
refraction dish, double convex lens, double concave
lens and prism to investigate refraction of light. If
 static electricity.
participants complete the investigative and data
 electricity and atoms.
collection portions of this activity early, they will
 conductors and insulators.
collaborate to “make sense” of their observations,
 series and parallel circuits.
develop an explanation and record their
 magnetic materials.
 permanent magnets.
 Making Connections Note Taking Tool: Participants
 magnetic fields. will make connections, concerning activities detailed
 electromagnets. in Handout: More about Light—Making Connections,
 common misconceptions about light. by collaborating with team members.
 light as an electromagnetic wave.
 properties of light.
 reflection.
 Anticipation Guide:
 refraction.
o Handout: Electricity Anticipation Guide
 dual nature of light.
 Explore and Learn about Electricity Activity:
 lens vs. mirror. o Balloons (2 per person)
o Lamps with connectors (1 per person)
o Feathers or tiny particles such as confetti,
bits of Styrofoam, and rice
o Wool fabric – could use socks, hair or fur
o Thread (approximately 2 feet long)

xviii Pacing Guide

Matter & Energy Institute

o D-cell battery (1 per person)  Electromagnets Activity:

o Light bulb (1/person) o 2 D-cell batteries
o Magnifying glass o 2 C-cell batteries
o 15 cm length of insulated wire with o Box of paper clips
stripped ends (1 per person) o Iron nails
o Handout: Explore and Learn about o Masking tape
Electricity o Compass – magnetic
 Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow Activity o Wires of different lengths and thickness
(Conduct-O-Meter Activity): o Pencil
o Lamp with connectors (1 per person) o Handout: Electromagnets
o Shiny NEW pennies  Electromagnet Team Challenge:
o Wax or birthday candle o Same materials used during
o Paper clip Electromagnets Activity
o Square of cotton cloth  Carousel Brainstorming Activity:
o Sugar o Sets of 5 chart papers per group
o 15 cm length of insulated wire with ends o Tape (if chart paper not self-adhesive)
stripped (1/person) o Markers – different colors
o #2 lead pencil  Learning about Light Activity:
o Paper o Large sheets of unlined white paper
o Aluminum foil, cut into small squares (1 o Box or block
per team) o Masking tape
o Wood o Ruler
o Salt o Plane mirror
o Rubbing alcohol o Pencil
o D – cell battery (1 per person) o Golf tees or chess pawns
o Glass o Protractor
o Plastic o Handout: Learning about Light
o Rubber  More about Light Activity:
o Distilled water o Clear water glasses
o Nail o Laser pointer
o Handout: Conductors, Insulators, and o Milk
Electron Flow o Mini-Maglite pencil flashlight
 Permanent Magnets Activity: o Double convex lens
o 6 ring magnets per group o Double concave lens
o Marker pen o Glass prism
o 2 thin books o Water
o 2 bar magnets o Long pencil
o Pencil o Refraction dish
o Masking tape o Large, wide-mouth glass jar with penny
o Square sheet of cardboard glued onto bottom
o 1 gallon plastic storage bag to hold iron o Super glue – for gluing pennies to bottom
filings of jar
o Iron filings o Handout: More about Light
o Compass – magnetic  Note Taking Tool:
o Sheets of white paper o Handout: More about Light—Making
o Scissors Connections
o Handout: Permanent Magnets

Pacing Guide xix

Provider Guide

SESSION S 19 & 20
DAY 10


Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science  Content Review and Discussion

Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter  Matter and Energy Review Game: Participants will
Big Idea 9: Changes in Matter work in teams using a Jeopardy-style game to
Big Idea 10: Forms of Energy review the matter and energy topics addressed
Big Idea 11: Energy Transfers and Transformations during the summer institute.
Big Idea 13: Forces and Changes in Motion
 Small Group Discussion of how participants will
Standard 2: The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge apply matter and energy content learned during the
Standard 8: Matter
summer institute in their classrooms.
Standard 10: Energy
 Survey, Paperwork, and Posttest
Standard 12: Motion

 Small Group Discussion
In the morning on Day 10, the participants will review matter
o Copy of K-12 Next Generation Sunshine
and energy topics addressed during the summer institute
State Standards for Science for each
 Jeopardy style game PowerPoint presentation (on
 Properties of Matter (Shape, Texture, Mass, Weight,
Size/Volume, Density, Buoyancy) (sessions 1-4)
o Prizes or silly certificates for winning
 Mass versus weight (session 2)
teams (optional)
 States of Matter – Solid, Liquid, Gas (session 5)
 Survey, Paperwork, and Posttest
 Molecules and Atoms (session 5)
o Copy of survey, paperwork, and posttest
 Phase Changes of Matter (sessions 5-6)
for each participant
 Atomic Theory, History of Atomic Theory (session 7)
o Pencils
 Methods of Investigating the Atom (sessions 7-8)
 Periodic Table (session 9)
 Classification of Matter (session 11)
 Chemical and Physical Changes (session 12)
 Chemical Reactions and Bonding (session 13)
 Energy and Chemical Reactions (session 14)
 Heat (session 15)
 Sound (session 16)
 Electricity and Magnetism (session 17)
 Light (session 18)

In the afternoon on Day 10, the participants will play a game to

review matter and energy topics addressed during the summer
institute, reflect on how they will apply content learned in their
classrooms, complete paperwork, and take a posttest.

If desired, a liquid nitrogen demonstration has been found to

work well as an institute finale. Save this demonstration for
after the post-test.

xx Pacing Guide
Matter & Energy Institute


Note: This is a list of items needed for the PROMiSE Matter & Energy summer institute. It is grouped by the
location each item could be purchased. Some items (paper plates, baking soda, etc.) could be purchased from
multiple sources. The items in the fifth category (to be purchased from a scientific supply company) are
further detailed in the electronic version of this document; specific vendors (i.e. Carolina Biological, Edmund
Scientific, etc.) are also listed there. The electronic version is also sorted by source in column A (1 = grocery
store, 2 = discount store, 3 = office supply store, 4 = hardware store, 5 = scientific supply company, 6 =
borrow or build yourself, 7 = optional).

Grocery store
Small paper bathroom cups (2 inches tall) 5 boxes
Matches 3 books
Wooden toothpicks 1 large box
Dried pinto beans 1 lb
Uncooked rice 1 lb
Dried peas 1 lb
Coffee filters pkg of 200
Liquid hand soap 1 bottle
Saltine crackers 1 box
Sugar 1 bag of 5 lbs
Liquid laundry detergent 1 small bottle
Finely ground pepper 1 LARGE container
Plastic teaspoons 3 boxes
Paper plates 2 pkgs of 100
Dry ice (5 lb) sold by the lb / usually less than $2 per lb 5 lbs.
Dry yeast, quick-rising 3 pkgs of 3 envelopes each
Alka-seltzer 36 tablets 1 box per Institute
Flour 2 5lb bags
Plastic knives 3 boxes
Paper bowls 2 packages
Breakfast cereal, such as cheerios 2 boxes
Iodized salt 5 containers
Vegetable oil 1 large bottle

Materials & Supplies List A

Provider Guide

Aluminum foil 3 rolls

Corn syrup, light 3 16oz bottles
16 oz. Plastic cups 3 packages
Cocoa powder 3 boxes
Vanilla, imitation 5 bottles
Ziplock bags, sandwich size 4 boxes
Hydrogen peroxide 6 bottles
Clear plastic cups, both small and large sizes 4 packages
Sponge 10
Meter sticks 10
Box of food coloring 5 sets
Rock salt 4 pkgs of 5lb each
Large aluminum oven liner pan 10
Aluminum foil lasagne pan 10

B Materials & Supplies List

Matter & Energy Institute

Wal-Mart or discount store

Birthday candles 1 box
Domino sugar - 50 sugar packets 1 box
Reli-on alcohol swabs, two ply, individually foil wrapped, 100 per box 1 box
Best occasions party squares foil confetti (mylar squares for sound-o-meter) 1 bag
Cotton cloth, 1/2 yard (will cut into 20 squares) 1 yard
Thread, one spool, 300 yards 1 spool
Loctite super glue 1 tube
Glass marbles, one bag of 24 1 bag
Bulldog common nails, 1 lb 3 pkg
Liquid dish soap 1 30-ounce bottle
Fishing weights 1 pkg
Styrofoam cups - dart insulated beverage cups, 16 oz., 20/package 3 packages
Great value, distilled water, 1 gallon 3 gal
Clothespins 1 pkg of 100
Wool fabric, 1/2 yard 1
Hammer 1
Heavy work gloves 1
Lamp oil 1 bottle of 500 mL
Wooden craft/popsicle sticks pkg of 200
Isopropyl alcohol, 70% 946 ml 3 bottles
Iodine 2 bottles
Pga tour 23/4” white golf tees, 90/bag 2 bags
Great value plastic, zip close storage bags, gallon 5 boxes
Scotch masking tape, 24mm x 55 mm 3 rolls
String 3 rolls
Cardinal premier edition poker chips 2
Ping pong balls box of 50
Play-doh 10 containers
White vinegar (1 gallon) 5 bottles
Whole milk 3 gal
Great value plastic, zip-close storage bags, quart size, 40 bags per box 5 boxes
Measuring tape 3 per Institute
Baking soda 15 boxes

Materials & Supplies List C

Provider Guide

Plastic pitcher, brightly colored tops 10

Mini-maglite pencil flashlight 5
Paper towels, bounty basic giant rolls, 8 per package 2 pkg
Mainstay 8” scissors 10
Isopropyl alcohol, 90% 6 bottles
Laser led keychain light 10
Insulated wire 18 gauge, red 40 feet 8 rolls
Large diameter knitting needle us15(10mm) 20
Small diameter knitting needle us10(6mm) 20
Dishpan 10
Best occasions decorator balloons, 72 package 8 bags
Energizer d batteries, 8 pk 5 packages
Energizer c batteries, 8 pk 5 packages
Electric hot plate pro series double burner, stainless steel, features solid
buffet burners, has thermostat
Oneida large cookie sheet 11
Golf balls 6 boxes

D Materials & Supplies List

Matter & Energy Institute

Office supply store

adding machine tape 3 rolls
Office Depot Rubber Bands, #64, 31/2” X ¼” 1 pkg
Office Depot® Brand Rubber Bands, #64, 3 1/2" x 1/4", 1 Lb. Bag 1
packing tape 4 rolls
small cardboard box (approx. 6”x 8”x8”) 20
packing peanuts enough to fill 20 small boxes
Crayola colored pencils, set of 12 5 pkgs
6 pkgs of 3"x5" and 6 pkgs of
index cards
nametags for participants 1 pkg of 100
10 for group table supply
clear plastic shoe box with lid
science fair display board (or piece of cardboard approx. 4'x 6') 5
Chart Paper tablets, Office Depot Brand Restickable, Recycled Easel pads with
Liner 25” X 30”, 30 sheets per pad, white unruled 2 packs
Pack of 2 pads
40 one per participant for
Composition notebooks
Paper Clips #1 Smooth 100/box 20 boxes
Impact Copy Paper, 8.5' X 11" 500 sheets/ream 1 Ream
Protractor 20
Plastic Ruler 40
Crayola Conical Tip Markers - 12 Pack 4 pks

Materials & Supplies List E

Provider Guide

Hardware store
small wooden block (approx. 6” across) cut into a triangular or circular shape
or with irregular edges for indirect measurement activity
metal washers box of 100
playground sand from Lowe's/Home Depot 1 bag of 50 lbs

Order from scientific supply company

Compound Bar (Bimetallic strip with handle) 1
Scientists' Card Games 2
neodymium magnet 1 box of 100 magnets
Calcium Chloride Anhydrous (500 g lumps) 1 bag or bottle
Trading Cards World Year of Physics 1
Ammonium Chloride (500g granular) 1 bottle
Modeling Clay 5 pkgs
39 V 1463Restricted Item dark Corn Syrup, 16 oz. Bottle 3
potassium nitrate 1 bottle of 500 g
Muratic Pool Acid 1 bottle
Magnetic Bingo Chips 2
School Smart Fast Drying Glue Stick 10
Lamp Socket, Plastic Base 10
Slinky, Metal Large 1
pipet 1 package of 100 pipets
Compass, Magnetic, Small 10
citric acid 1 bottle of 500 g
Ice Melting Blocks 1
Zinc Metal, Reagent, Pieces, .05 x 1 x 1.2 cm, Pkg. of 100 2 package
Double Convex Glass Lens, 50 mm, 100 mm FL 10
Double Concave Glass Lens, 50 mm 10
Iron Filings, 1 lb 3
Bag of 5 Glass Prisms 2
Adhesive Back Magnet Tape 3
Butylated Hydroxy Toluene BHT 500g bottle 1 bottle
corn starch, wholesale 1 bag of 25 lbs

F Materials & Supplies List

Matter & Energy Institute

Refraction Cup, Semicircular 10

Flat, Silvered Glass Mirror 10
Miniature Base Lamps, 10 Pack 4
spring scale 4
glass beads 2 packages
Solid Glass Beads 3mm 1 lb. 1 bottle
individual periodic table 1 package has 100 copies
Ring Magnets, Set of 12 8
School Smart Self-Stick Notes, 3” X 5” yellow, 100 sheets per pad, 12 pack 4 pkgs
scoopula 20
Funnel, Polypropylene, Nalgene 2 5/8” 10
Beaker, 1000 mL Pyrex, Vista Low-Form Beaker, 6 PK 1 pkg
Hand lenses 4 sets
Toys In Space Kit 1
500 mL plastic graduated cylinders 2 pkgs of 4
2 ½” Magnifier 20
Glow sticks by the case 1
Word strips 1
Bar Magnets, 2 Pack 5 packs
60 ml luer lock syringe without needle, Box of 25 2 boxes of 25
Surefast Beaker Clamp 5
Graduated Cylinder, 100 mL Pyrex, Graduated Cylinder, Glass 8
Heat Conductometer 5
spectroscope 40
Partial Immersion, Spirit-filled thermometers Delta Education
Beaker, 100 mL Pyrex Vista Low-Form/12PK 3 pkgs
Lead-free Density Block Set 4
Deluxe Density Cube Set 5
Medicine Dropper/Pipette(pkg of 12) 2
Black Machine Rubber Tubing sold by meter (60 cm / 2 ft per group) 3 meters
#4 Twisted 2 Hole Stopper (pk 40) 2
50 mL Beakers (box of 12) 1
North Whisper Safety Glasses 42
10 mL graduated cylinder 10

Materials & Supplies List G

Provider Guide

90 Degree Bent Glass Tube (uses 3/16" ID rubber tubing) 30

Test Tube Rack 10
500 mL Beaker / pkg. of 6 2
Support Ring w/Clamp 10
Test Tubes (25 x 150) pk of 72 1
50mL Graduated Cylinder 15
ring stand rod with base 10

H Materials & Supplies List

Matter & Energy Institute

Borrow or build yourself

log-log graph paper 50

linear-linear graph paper 50

assorted small objects (sea shells, thread, tape, etc) 20

2 Liter Bottle w/ cap 10

rolling pin

film canisters 10

aluminum pie plate 10

candles 10

empty plastic 20 oz water bottles 40

empty metal soup can with both ends cut off 40

large, wide-mouth glass jar 4

Pure / Not Pure activity Misc. products

Topline Digital Pocket Scale 600g 3

standard optical laboratory microscope 10

empty wine bottles 40

Toys In Space Video

Optional; would be nice to have

ScienceSaurus book 2

Corning Scholar 170 Hot Plate 1

Celcius Thermometers 20

Adult Safety Glasses 45

Air source for air track 1

Precision School Balance with Weights 5

Sanford Sharpie Accent Highlighters, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 4 pkgs

Plastic-Back Thermometer 10

Air track, spring, air track cars of different masses 1

Polypropylene Graduated Cylinders 10

Materials & Supplies List I

Provider Guide

250 mL Beakers (box of 12) 1

Pyrex® Student-Grade Beakers, 150ml, Pkg. of 12 1 pkg. of 12

400 ml beaker 10

Student-Grade Glass Cylinder, 25ml, Single Scale 10

Pyrex® Berzelius Tall Form Beakers (pk of 6) 2

100mL Grauated Cylinder 10

VWR Triple Beam Balance 10

J Materials & Supplies List


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Register/Housekeeping/Welcome/Introductions 1-2 30

Pretest 3 60

Break 4

NGSSS Standards 5 5

Journaling 6-7 10

Oobleck activity 8-9 45

Physical Properties of Matter 10-15 10

The Powers of 10 (view video) 16 10

 watch video depicting the basic physical properties of matter

Physical Properties of Matter, continued 17-21 10

Total instructional time: 180

Session 1 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide





Summary: Participants mix cornstarch and water to create "oobleck". Oobleck has unusual physical
characteristics, that of a non-Newtonian fluid, and through exploration students better understand
the properties of matter.

 Place the bin in front of you. Open up the cornstarch. Using the spoon, fill up the cup with
corn starch (to the line if bigger than 8 oz) and dump it in the bin. Do this a second time. [So
you should have 2 cups of corn starch in the bin.]
 Now fill up the cup with water and dump it into the bin. Only put one cup of water into the
 Mix up the cornstarch and water using your hands. Make sure to get all of the cornstarch
wet. Your oobleck should not be runny or powdery.
o What is strange about the oobleck?
o Can you make a ball out of oobleck? What happens if you let go of the ball?
o What happens if you hit the oobleck fast and hard? What does it feel like? What
happens if you just set your hand on top?
o When does it act like a solid and when does it act like a liquid?




1 plastic bin or dishpan

1 clear disposable 8 ounce cup OR 1 clear disposable cup marked at 1 cup
1 box of cornstarch
1 spoon
paper towels (for cleanup)


K-12 Outreach: NSF Science and Technology Center for Environmentally Responsible Solvents and
Processes. Oobleck.

Retrieved from:

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Think About It:

Elementary Level:
When does the oobleck act like a liquid and when does it act like a solid? It acted like a solid when you rolled
it, pushed it, or hit it. It acted like a liquid when you moved slowly through it, held it or set your hand on top.
Oobleck acts like a solid when enough pressure is applied and acts like a liquid when little or no pressure is

Why do you think it acts this way? What do polymers look like? They look like long chains. Is this big or small?
It's small to us but it is big to atoms. It's big if you are standing inside of the oobleck. So there are these long
chains trying to move. If I press them hard and fast what happens? They get tangled up and in the way so the
oobleck can't move. If I press on the chains slow, they have time to move.

Can you think of anything else that acts like oobleck? Quicksand does! So how do you think you should move
through quicksand?

Any time we add a polymer to a liquid it makes it harder for the liquid to move. Usually we can't tell that it
made it harder because it still moves very fast. Cornstarch is special because it slows the movement a lot! We
don't know why cornstarch is so special. Maybe one day you can figure that out!

Middle/High School Level:

What caused the oobleck to act like a solid or like a liquid? Pressure. When enough pressure was applied, the
oobleck acts like a solid. When little or no pressure is applied, it acts like a liquid. Why do you think oobleck
acts like this? What size are polymers in the world of atoms and molecules? Polymers are very long chains.
How might that influence the behavior of oobleck? When pressure is quickly or heavily applied the chains
have less time to move and get tangled up. When little pressure is applied, the chains have time to slide past
each other.

Adding the cornstarch to the water changed the reaction time of the liquid. Usually liquids move so quickly
we do not notice how long it takes them to move. Oobleck has a finite reaction time. We can see how long it
takes for it to react. We can make oobleck act like both a solid and a liquid. A liquid like this is called a non-
Newtonian fluid because it does not follow the rules that Newton discovered most liquids follow. A non-
Newtonian fluid has properties of both a solid and a liquid and reacts to stress with increased viscosity. Can
you think of other non-Newtonian fluids? Quicksand is one example. How do you think you should you move
in quicksand? Other examples include ketchup, paint, shampoo, and toothpaste.

Adding any polymer to a liquid will increase its reaction time. However, different polymers will increase the
reaction time different amounts. Most of the time, we will still not be able to tell the reaction time changed
because it will still be very fast. We do not know why cornstarch increases the reaction time so much.
Cornstarch often appears as a special polymer. This is an area that you could research as you learn more

Was the creation of oobleck a physical or chemical reaction? It was a physical change. Cornstarch (amylose)
and water can be considered a colloidal suspension. A colloidal suspension is a two-phase system in which
the starch and water are not dissolved but simply mixed into a permanent suspension that will not settle on
standing. Other examples of colloids are blood, fog, whipped cream, foams, Jell-O®, and styling gel.

Session 1 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

Teaching Tips:
 Typically we have students complete this activity in groups of 4.

 The amounts of cornstarch and water are approximate and depend on the container used. If a larger
container is used, increase the amounts of cornstarch and water used. Always maintain a 2:1 ratio of
cornstarch:water. Experiment with oobleck ahead of time so that you know how it should act.
Sometimes students will need a little more of one ingredient. Over time the water will evaporate
from oobleck, so students may need to add small amounts of water as they play.

 Oobleck can NOT be washed down the drain. If oobleck is on tables or carpet simply let it dry. The
water will evaporate and you will just be left with cornstarch that you can vacuum or wipe clean. You
can let the water evaporate from the containers and reuse the cornstarch later.

 Do not stack bins or leave oobleck in a closed container. Oobleck will grow mold under these

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute




Oobleck handout

Video: The Powers of 10


Session 1 Handouts 5
Provider Guide

6 Handouts Session 1
Matter & Energy Institute

Used with permission. Describe the Oobleck experience in your journal.

Session 1 Handouts 7
Provider Guide

8 Handouts Session 1
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 1

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 1 Presentation Guide 9

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Registration, Housekeeping, and Introductions

 Participant Expectations:
 Actively participate in all days of the 2-week
summer institute and the follow-up days.
 Be on time. Sign in and out.
 Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
 Be respectful of others.
 Do not use cell phones or other electronic devices
during instructional time.

Time: 30 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Have the instructional team introduce themselves: name, school, why you chose to lead this institute.

Have the participants introduce themselves: name, school, number of years in teaching, subjects taught, what
they hope to achieve from this institute.

Tell the participants what is expected of them.


10 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Allow participants 1 hour to complete the pretest. When participants have finished their tests, they may
move into a break. Be sure to let them know the time that you will begin the session’s content after the test
and break.


Session 1 Presentation Guide 11

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Morning Break

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Instruct participants what time they need to return from the break.

12 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

Next Generation Sunshine State

 What are the NGSSS?
 Why are they necessary?
 How will they be
 What does this mean to me
 Timeline for implementation
 Next Generation SSS for

Time: 5 Minutes
PD Provider Notes:
•What are the NGSSS?
•Why are they necessary?
•How will they be implemented?
•What does this mean to me now?

There are multiple reasons for the revision of the SSS. The level of rigor in the 1996 standards was
inadequate to address the increased levels of achievement necessary for our students. There is ample
evidence from both national and international measures of student achievement indicating an urgent need for
higher levels of challenge for all our students. This could not occur without a serious effort to increase the
level of rigor and expectations across the board for all Florida students. On January 17, 2006, the State Board
of Education adopted a six-year cycle that set forth a schedule of the regular review and revision of all K-12
content standards. This cycle included an alignment of the new standards with assessments, instructional
materials, professional development, and teacher licensure exams. This way, the new standards and their
higher levels of rigor will be fully integrated into the entire culture of K-12 instruction. International
comparisons have been conducted of both student outcomes (e.g., TIMSS, NAEP, and PISA) and curriculum
materials. Briefly, our students are not succeeding in relation to other countries. Our students perform well
before middle school but then there is a precipitous decline in achievement in relation to international
counterparts. In comparison to other countries that are performing well on international studies, the US
curriculum may be considered a “Mile wide and an inch deep”. Decreased number of topics by …
•Decreasing repetition across grades
•Focusing on teaching benchmarks in-depth for long-term learning
•Beginning with concrete and moving to the abstract while building connections between these
•Building connections to more complex topics

Session 1 Presentation Guide 13

Provider Guide

•Being aware of the “Fair-Game Principle” --very important (Even though concepts are not taught
each year, the “fair-game principle” holds that all content taught prior to a given grade level is “fair-
game” on state assessments.)


Florida Department of Education (2010).

14 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

Journaling About Matter

Write-Pair Share
 Take a few minutes to jot down an answer to each of the
following questions in your journal.

 Now, turn to your elbow partner and discuss your

responses and your thinking.

How do you define it?
How can you describe it?
What are some examples?
What is NOT matter?

Time: 10 minutes, slides 6-7

PD Provider Notes:

This is the first journal entry for the two-week institute. It is important to give participants quiet time to
reflect and record their thoughts in their journals. PD Providers then need to guide a meaningful discussion
of journal entries.


Session 1 Presentation Guide 15

Provider Guide

Slide 7

The World We Can Touch and See


Time: 10 minutes, slides 6-7

PD Provider Notes:

Matter is the substance that all objects are made of – anything that has mass and volume. Matter is commonly
identified by its physical properties. Matter can exist in several phases (gas, liquid, solid, or plasma),
depending upon ambient temperature and pressure. A phase of matter is a form that has a relatively uniform
chemical composition and physical properties. Matter undergoes a phase transition when it changes from one
phase to another. We will go into these topics in more detail in the coming two weeks.


16 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Activity - You Thought You Knew

◦ What on Earth is Oobleck???????
◦ Liquid, solid, or something else?
Let’s find out!

Design an investigation to explore Oobleck Video Clips

cornstarch and water in a new way.

Be sure to record your procedure,
observations AND your questions!

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 8-9: (25 minutes for participants to make and investigate Oobleck, 20 minutes for
video, discussion, and content information)

PD Provider Notes:

Cornstarch and water

Think about what is happening with a molecule of cornstarch and a molecule of water.

Participants will do normal things, but we want them to think more deeply.

Is something happening microscopically?

Some will have called Oobleck something else. Mention the fact that Science has a lot of jargon.

Design a simple experiment with Oobleck.

Give 25 minutes to make it and mess with it. Wrap up, watch video, and discuss for 20 minutes.

Explain that Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid. Introduce the new term non-Newtonian fluid -- a substance
that exhibits characteristics of both solids and liquids. A Venn diagram or other chart can be used to compare
the Oobleck with a solid and a liquid. Oobleck is a material that is also known as a dilatant. A dilatant is a
material that gets thicker with an increase of pressure. Oobleck is a liquid until pressure is applied to it and
then it solidifies. It seems to defy Newton’s Third Law of Motion that states that every action will have an
equal and opposite reaction. Here is a great way to test this … take two pie pans, fill one with water and one
with oobleck, take both outside and slap them with an open hand. The water will splash while the oobleck
stays put on the bottom of the pan. Water is a Newtonian fluid because it obeys Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid.

Session 1 Presentation Guide 17

Provider Guide

The cornstarch water mixture becomes hard when pressure is applied and becomes drippy when the
pressure is released. Optional extension: Using a kiddie swimming pool, make a very large batch of Oobleck.
You can pull one participant from each group of 4 to work on the kiddie pool batch. Encourage participants to
run across the pool. As long as you remain in motion, you will be able to walk on the surface of the Oobleck.
When you stand still, you will sink. Bulk containers of cornstarch are available online.


Activity Sources:

McDonald, J. Oobleck. Retrieved from:

Link for Video Clips:

Specific Information about Oobleck is available at these Websites:

Crane, B. (2002). CCMR. Retrieved from:

18 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9

You Thought You Knew Oobleck!

 What is strange about the Oobleck?
 Can you make a ball out of the Oobleck?
 What happens if you let go of the ball?
 What happens if you hit the Oobleck fast
and hard?
 What does it feel like?
 What happens if you rest your hand on
top? Oobleck Video Clips
 When does it act like a solid, and when
does it act like a liquid?

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 8-9: (25 for participants to make and investigate Oobleck, 20 minutes for video,
discussion, and content information)

PD Provider Notes:

See notes on previous slide.


Videos of Oobleck:

Session 1 Presentation Guide 19

Provider Guide

Slide 10

The World We Can Touch and See

Brainstorm the answer to
this question:
What methods do we use to
gather information about the
“Stuff” in the world around us?


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 10-15

PD Provider Notes:

At this point, we will introduce physical properties to the participants. Encourage participants to brainstorm
methods to describe matter.

Possible answers include: temperature, weighing/mass, measuring length/height/depth/volume, etc.


20 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

The World We Can Touch and See


Make a list of all the kinds of physical

properties of matter you can think of.

Record this list in your journal.


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 10-15

PD Provider Notes:

Have participants work in groups (or with elbow partners) to make a list of various physical properties of
matter. After the small groups have worked on their lists:

Give each group two or three sticky sentence strips. Go around the room allowing each team to share one
item from their list. As one team shares their physical property, ask the team to write the property on a sticky
strip and post the property. As properties are named, participants will have to think more deeply to continue
to name properties. Have participants record the entire class’ list in their journals. Some properties the list
may include:








Interacts with light

Session 1 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Color/absorption spectrum

Tensile strength

Specific gravity




Chemical composition

Boiling point

Melting point



22 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

To the Help Desk

Dear Bernard,

I teach my students about physical properties of matter

and how to measure them. Do the properties of matter
depend on the quantity of matter in the sample we are



Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 10-15

PD Provider Notes:

This is the first of a series of “To the Help Desk Slides” that will appear throughout the entire institute. It is
suggested that the Help Desk names be changed to include the CAS faculty member and the teacher or DRT.


Session 1 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 13

From the Help Desk

Dear Ethel,
In some cases the properties, depend on the quantity of matter in the
sample we are studying. These properties are extremely important, but
they cannot by themselves be used to characterize a kind of matter.
Although the specific terminology isn’t the main point of what I am
telling you, properties of this kind are sometimes called extensive
properties of matter.
There are also properties that don’t change when you take away some
of the sample. Some scientists refer to these as intensive properties.
Many intensive properties are characteristic of a particular material and
may be used as clues in helping to identify unknown substances.


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 10-15

PD Provider Notes:

Extensive Properties:

Mass, length, volume

Intensive Properties:

Some of these properties can be determined by simple observations: color (absorption spectrum), melting
point, density, solubility, acidic or alkaline nature, and density are common examples. Even more
fundamental, but less directly observable, is chemical composition.


Lower, S. (2007). Classification and properties of matter. Retrieved from

Intensive and extensive properties. (2010). Retrieved from the Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Whitley, K. (2006). Matter: Extensive versus Intensive Properties. Retrieved from

24 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Physical Properties of Matter

Properties That Depend Properties That May Be
on Quantity Used to Identify a
Specific Substance


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 10-15

PD Provider Notes:

Have participants work in small groups to create a Physical Properties of Matter T-Chart. Suggested Answers:

Properties that Depend on Quantity – mass, volume, weight, length

Properties that May Be Used to Identify a Specific Substance: density, color (absorption spectrum), melting
point, solubility, chemical composition, boiling point, molecular weight, ductility, malleability, hardness,
freezing point , luster, odor.


See resources listed on slide 13.

Session 1 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 15

The World We Can’t Easily

Touch or See


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 10-15

PD Provider Notes:

Transition slide. The upcoming video will show more of the world we can’t see.


26 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Matter is Composed of
Microscopic Atoms
 Video: The Powers of 10

Observable (macroscopic) properties of matter can be

investigated without discussing atoms.


Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This video shows how all the objects in the Universe, though of enormous differences in size, are made of the
same constituents.


Session 1 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Relationships Between the Seen and

Unseen Scales
 Only solid objects have their own shape,
because their atoms are attached (bound)
 Some solids can be sculpted into any
shape, while other solids have inherent
surface shapes.
 Shape depends on microscopic atomic
arrangement, as in crystalline solids, such
as, salt, sugar, and snowflakes.


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

Here are a few examples of how both the seen and unseen scales are related. Shape and texture are illustrated
in the next few slides.

Shape is a simple characteristic when described on the macroscopic level. The largest difference is between
solids on one hand, versus liquids and solids on the other hand. Understanding why some solids can be easily
molded whereas other solids have a preferred shape requires a detailed microscopic description of atoms,
which will be covered in later days.


28 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

More About Shape

 In liquids, the molecular bonds are
weak enough that the walls of a
container can easily bend them.
 Therefore: liquids take on the shape
of the container.
 Gases have very weak, or no, bonds
between molecules, therefore they
take the shape of the container.
 This will be discussed further when
we investigate phases of matter.


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

The difference in bonding between solids, liquids, and gases, and the differences between crystalline and
amorphous solids is complicated. These issues will be addressed in detail in later days. At this point, the
presenter should introduce the concept of bonding between atoms and molecules only in terms of the
strength: strong bonds in solids, moderate strength in liquids, weak in gases.


Session 1 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 19

 Most solids can be polished to be

 It depends on microscopic atomic

arrangement and bonding
(discussed in greater detail later).


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

Texture, like shape, is a simple characteristic when described on the macroscopic level. However,
understanding why some objects have a preferred texture requires a detailed microscopic description of
atoms, which will be covered in later days.

Polishing requires the ability to make surface smooth on a microscopic level. If the arrangement of the atoms
is irregular this may not be possible. An irregular arrangement of atoms can occur in a material in which all
atoms are the same but they are not arranged in an organized fashion. An amorphous solid has an irregular
arrangement of atoms and may not be polishable. Another way to have an unpolishable solid is to have a solid
composed of different types of atoms, some bigger than others. Even if they are arranged in an organized
pattern, the different sizes of the atoms will prevent the surface from being flat because the different size
atoms will create a series of hills and valleys. A GaSe crystal has at least one side that is unpolishable.


30 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20

Why Did the Titanic Sink?

 RMS Titanic before departing
Southampton, England.

The Iceberg suspected of sinking the

RMS Titanic

Answer to Come Later

…after further discussions of physical
properties: mass, volume, density, buoyancy.


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

This slide presents a practical application of the physical properties of matter. The ship Titanic was buoyant
before it hit the iceberg, but the iceberg ruptured the buoyancy chambers, and the ship sank shortly
afterwards. We will discuss the Titanic further in a future session. Consider these terms and their relationship
to the incident: Inertia, materials, liquids, solids, mass, buoyancy, different states/phases of matter. Though
mass and volume are interesting in their own right, the level of interest can become higher when mass and
volume are combined into the concept of density, which is then used to explain the fascinating concept of
buoyancy. The Titanic is used as an especially dramatic example of buoyancy. This slide is a “teaser” that
makes it clear that several concepts must be discussed first.


Session 1 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Lunch Break


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Provide information about surrounding restaurants as well as the location where participants may eat if they
choose to stay on-site during the lunch break. Inform participants what time the lunch break will end.


32 Presentation Guide Session 1

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slide Time

Florida Caveman Thought Experiment, debriefing 2-4 45

F=ma content 5-8 20

Break 9

Crater Activity, debriefing 10-12 60

Help Desk 13-15 20

NASA Toys In Space (view video/discussion) 16-17 20

 watch video
 discuss how low gravity affects the behavior of matter

Exit tickets 18 15

Air track demonstration and optional content 19-22 optional

Total instructional time: 180

Session 2 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Caveman Thought Experiment Extension


Instructions: Using two rulers, a golf ball, a ping-pong ball, a foam ball, and a lump of Play-Doh, make
a physical model of the Florida caveman thought experiment.


1. You may not make a ramp.

2. Do not injure your neighbors or yourself.

It is anticipated that the participants will roll the 3 balls towards the lump of PLAY-DOH and compare
the indentations each ball makes in the Play-Doh. Participants may choose to flatten the PLAY-DOH
and stick it to the side of a table box. Alternatively, they could divide the Play-Doh into three equal-
sized lumps and roll one ball towards each lump. The ruler(s) can be used as a track to keep the ball
rolling in the same direction. A ruler may also be used to flick the ball.

Participants will need to make observations during this extension to share during debriefing.



Materials: (for each group)

2 rulers
Golf ball
Ping-Pong ball
Lump of Play-Doh



2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute


Crater Activity – Gravitational Mass – Using a Force-O-Meter


From a fixed height, we will be dropping a ball whose mass can be varied. We know from Galileo and
our own experience that “free fall” is mass independent, but it is highly dependent on wind
resistance. Since the shape of the ball will not vary, the ball should strike the sand at the same
velocity in each trial. In addition, the acceleration, due to the gravitational force, that the ball is
experiencing should be constant. Finally, we know the ball will strike the sand with a force. Will this
force be proportional to the mass of the ball?

To answer this question, we need a “force meter”. Our experience suggests that the size of the impact
crater in the sand should depend on the force that the object delivers. In other words, more force
yields a larger crater. Of course, there are many aspects to an impact crater, so we will try to work in
a limited range of parameters where the diameter of the impact crater will provide a measure of the
depth of the crater. Finally, we will use the empty ball and its impact crater as a reference point.

The write-up for this activity has a Part 1 and a Part 2. Part 1 is an open-ended inquiry activity. Part II
has more explicit instructions and shows some sample data. Part I is included in the participant
handouts binders, while Part 2 is only in the Resources Guide of the provider binders. This allows the
participants to create their own method for carrying out this experiment, without merely following
the written directions. If desired, the instructor can make photocopies of Part II and distribute to the

Note: dusting the surface of the sand or flour with cocoa powder can help participants to measure the
size of the impact crater.


Gravitational Mass – Using a Force-O-Meter


Sand or flour
Cocoa powder
Sharp object to cut hole in Ping-Pong ball
Disposable cup
Plastic knife
Ping-Pong ball
Small metric ruler and meter stick
Aluminum pie pan


Session 2 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

Crater Activity

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Session 2 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

Crater Activity

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Session 2 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Session 2 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute


NASA Toys in Space Video


Set up equipment to view video segment

Prepare demonstration materials


Say: Now that we have determined that all matter has mass, AND that matter has weight only if it is
close enough to a planet to feel the pull of gravity, let’s take a moment to discover the effect of
microgravity on simple objects. NASA Education has shared the “Toys In Space” video in order to
capture the attention and challenge the minds of our students. Before we view the video, let’s make
some predictions.

Pass out a few of the toys for participants to play with for about one minute.

Say: Obviously we can see the effect of gravity on these items. Now, let’s predict what would happen
if gravity was not a factor. Your students will want to say that there is NO gravity in space. This is
the perfect time to introduce the term “microgravity”, which is what exists in space. Discuss with
your group your prediction for what will happen if this same toy was used on the International Space

Give participants a few minutes to share their predictions.

Say: Let’s take a moment to view a segment of the Toys In Space video.

View the video segment.

Say: What did you observe? What role does gravity have on the mass of an object?

Solicit impressions from the group.

Say: Let’s take it a bit further by setting up a simulation of what a drop of liquid might do in

Either allow each group to try this activity or use it as a demo.

1. Fill a clear glass ½ full with water
2. Tilt the glass and VERY SLOWLY fill the glass with alcohol by pouring the alcohol down the
side of the glass.
3. Carefully sit the glass down on the table.
4. Add 5 drops of oil to the glass
5. Observe the position of the oil and its shape.

Say: What is happening to the drops of oil? Why is that reaction happening?

Solicit responses from the group.

Session 2 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide



NASA Toys in Space Video / Video player

Duration of video: 37.49 minutes
A variety of sample toys
Templates for creating additional simple toys
Large clear glass container
Vegetable Oil (five drops per glass)
Eye dropper / or straw for homemade dropper


James, D. (n.d.). NASA Quest: Space. Retrieved from

Dunbar, B. (2009). NASA International Toys in Space Video Resource Guide. Retrieved from

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Optional Activities:

(1) Air Track Demo (slides 19-22). Demonstrate the air track for the class. You will need two cars of
different masses or a single car with weights that can be added.
(2) Acceleration on Ice Activity


The Acceleration on Ice activity allows participants to investigate the motion of objects in a near-
frictionless environment. The night before, instructors will need to fill the cookie sheets about 1 cm
deep with water and freeze, creating a sheet of ice. Possible items that could be used for the small
objects are children’s blocks or regularly shaped scraps of wood. Stacking either of these and
attaching with tape in between them is one way to create the different masses but keep similar cross-
sectional area. Participants should strike small objects so that they travel across the tray of ice, both
one at a time and in pairs. Observe how objects of different masses travel at different velocities. (It
may take some practice to strike two objects with equivalent force.)

Alternatively, you could freeze water in blocks in Dixie paper cups and use a hot plate to make the
surface of the ice block perfectly level. Slide the blocks across a smooth tabletop.



Air track with car

Cookie tray containing sheet of ice
Small objects of similar shape but various masses



Session 2 PD Provider Resources & Materials 13

Provider Guide

14 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute


Video: Toys In Space

Website resources:

Crater Activity – Gravitational Mass – Using a Force-O-Meter (Part 1)

Session 2 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

16 Handouts Session 2
Matter & Energy Institute

Session 2 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

18 Handouts Session 2
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 2

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 2 Presentation Guide 19

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Thought Experiment –
The Caveman Hunter
 Imagine a Florida caveman who is hunting for his
dinner. He has no tools at hand, so he must throw an
object at his prey to catch it. The two objects nearby
he can choose from are a grapefruit and a rock, both
of which are the same size.
 Which of these objects will be more likely to help
him get meat for dinner? Why?

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 2-4

PD Provider Notes:

This thought experiment is a turn and talk that sets up the discussion of mass and density. The human body
understands the laws of physics – more massive objects weigh more and can do more damage when thrown.


20 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Thought Experiment Extension:

 Using two rulers, a golf ball, a ping-pong ball, a foam
ball, and a lump of PLAY-DOH, make a physical
model of the Florida caveman thought experiment.
 Rules:
◦ You may not make a ramp.
◦ Do not injure your neighbors or yourself.
 Record your procedure and observations in your

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 2-4

PD Provider Notes:

It is anticipated that the participants will roll the 3 balls towards the lump of PLAY-DOH and compare the
indentations each ball makes in the PLAY-DOH. Participants may choose to flatten the PLAY-DOH and stick it
to the side of a table box. Alternatively, they could divide the PLAY-DOH into three equal-sized lumps and roll
one ball towards each lump. The ruler(s) can be used as a track to keep the ball rolling in the same direction.
A ruler may also be used to flick the ball. Participants will need to make observations during this extension to
share during debriefing.


Session 2 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Model Debriefing
 How many different setups were created for the
 Which setups gave the best results?
 How reproducible were the results?
 How is the model like the caveman scenario?
 How is the model different?
 Why are models important in science?
 How do we help students think critically about

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 2-4

PD Provider Notes:

After participants have finished the activity, lead a group discussion about what they observed. Briefly
explain the pedagogy of the thought experiment and model construction. Remind teachers of the importance
of debriefing in their classrooms.


22 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

We know what mass is intuitively,
scientifically, we want to quantify it.

◦ Is to make measurements and assign a number.
◦ Allows precise predictions and comparisons with
experimental results to test whether or not the predictions
were correct.

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

Quantification is fundamental to the scientific investigation, and quantitative comparisons are among the
most rigorous of ways to test an idea. Comparison of propositions with experiments is crucial. Scientific
knowledge is durable and robust, but it is open to change as new discoveries are made.


Session 2 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 6

How Do We Quantify Mass?

Two Methods Are Used
Inertial and Gravitational Mass

Inertial mass of an object

tells us how difficult it is to
accelerate the object.

What are the units?

Let’s talk about it!

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

Have a discussion about this. Inertial mass is the mass of an object measured by its resistance to acceleration.
Gravitational mass is a property of an object that produces a gravitational field in the space surrounding the
object. Inertial and gravitational mass are conceptually distinct, but they are functionally and physically
equivalent to each other – no experiment has ever shown a difference between them. Inertial mass is defined
in terms of F = ma (force = mass x acceleration).


For more information about Inertial and Gravitational Mass:

What is the difference between the inertial and gravitational mass? (n.d.). Retrieved from

JCA: Education: Inertial & Gravitational Mass. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Mass. (2010). Retrieved from the Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

24 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

How Do We Quantify Mass?

Two Methods Are Used
Inertial and Gravitational Mass

Gravitational mass of an object is

determined by the strength of the
gravitational force experienced by
the body when in the gravitational
field g.
What are the units?
Let’s talk about it!

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

Have a discussion about this. See notes on previous slide. Gravitational mass is defined in terms of the relative
gravitational field strength between two objects.

If desired, you can qualitatively introduce this equation: F = Gm1m2/r2, where F = the attractive force, G = the
universal constant of gravitation, m1 = mass of first object, m2 = mass of second object, and r = radius
(distance) between the two objects.


For more information about Inertial and Gravitational Mass:

What is the difference between the inertial and gravitational mass? (n.d.). Retrieved from

JCA: Education: Inertial & Gravitational Mass. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Colwell, C. H. (2010). Physics LAB: Inertial vs Gravitational Mass. Retrieved from

Gravitational mass. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from Encyclopædia

Britannica Online:

Session 2 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 8

Quantifying Mass Using Forces and

One of the fundamental laws,
Newton’s Second Law, quantifies mass:
F = ma
What is the meaning of this exotic equation?

The more mass an object has, the

more force you need to make the
object move.

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

“Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that form the basis for classical mechanics. They have been
expressed in several different ways over nearly three centuries, and can be summarized as follows:
• In the absence of a net force, a body either is at rest or moves in a straight line with constant speed.
• A body experiencing a force (F) experiences an acceleration (a) related to F by F = ma, where (m) is the
mass of the body. Alternatively, force is equal to the time derivative of momentum.
• Whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first
body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

These laws describe the relationship between the forces acting on a body and the motion of that body. They
were first compiled by Sir Isaac Newton in his work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first
published on July 5, 1687. Newton used them to explain and investigate the motion of many physical objects
and systems. For example, in the third volume of the text, Newton showed that these laws of motion,
combined with his law of universal gravitation, explained Kepler's laws of planetary motion.”


Quote above from:

26 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9


Time: 15 Minutes

Session 2 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 10

Crater Activity – Taking a Look at

Gravitational Mass
 During this activity you will have the opportunity to
look at F = ma from a different point of view.
 What are other ways to see the relationship among
force, mass and acceleration?


Time: 40 Minutes, Slides 10-11

PD Provider Notes:

Have participants plot results.

Use both sand and flour – different groups doing different things.

Use ping pong balls- drill holes in ping pong balls – add varying amounts of sand to ping pong balls – drop
balls and measure the diameter of the crater.

Handout Part 1 is intended to be used during this session.

Handout Part 2 is intended to be a resource for participants who would like further information or to do this
activity in their classroom later on.


Image from:

28 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

Crater Activity – Taking a Look at

Gravitational Mass
“Let the Moon be Your Guide”

Height, Mass, Sand, and Flour

What do the craters tell us about the mass?


Time: 40 minutes for Slides 10-11

PD Provider Notes:

Participants should plot results using mass and crater diameter.

Use both sand and flour – different groups doing different things – Ensure that some groups use the different

Use ping pong balls- drill holes in ping pong balls – add varying amounts of sand to ping pong balls – drop
balls and measure the diameter of the crater.


Session 2 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 12

Crater Activity debriefing

 Can your data be modeled by a straight line that suggests
Diameter is linearly proportional to Mass?

 What happens when the ball is dropped from a height of a

meter or is full of sand? Is there a limit to the usefulness of
using the impact crater as a measure of the force being
delivered by the ball?

 Does it surprise you that the mass of matter arising from

everyday forces and the mass of matter in the planets is
the same? What about stars? What about even larger


Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Lead a discussion that addresses the questions on the slide. Participants should refer to their data when
responding to the questions. During the discussion, touch on the development of the methods that groups
used to measure the diameter of the impact crater. Did groups incorporate features of methods developed by
other groups? How many variations on the methods were seen? How could the experiment be improved to
give more precise data?


30 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

Historical Perspectives
Originally, each separate society had its own standard units of
measurement (Babylonian, Greek, Chinese, Indian, etc.).
Determining a worldwide standard facilitated international

THE KILOGRAM, the standard unit of mass, is

a cylinder of platinum iridium alloy (circa 1890).

Location: International Bureau of Weights and

Measures at Sevres, near Paris.

Duplicates of this standard are kept at various

locations around the world.


Time: 20 Minutes for Slides 13-15

PD Provider Notes:

This slide about the definition of a kilogram presents the opportunity to discuss the unification of standards
of measurement also for time and distance.


Kilogram prototype. [Image]. Retrieved, June 3, 2009 from

International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM). (n.d.). The BIMP and the Metre Convention. Retrieved

Dume, B. (2010). New look for the kilogram. Retrieved from

Kilogram. (2010). Retrieved from the Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 2 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 14

To the Help Desk

Dear Help Desk,

In the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, Big Idea 8

(Properties of Matter) talks about mass and weight. I have two

1. What is the difference between weight and mass?

2. Why do we have a standard mass but not a standard



Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 13-15

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide. Response from Help Desk is on the following slide.


32 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 15

From the Help Desk

Dear Gisell,

All matter has mass.

Mass is determined only by the amount of matter contained in an
object. Matter has weight only if it is close enough to a planet to be
influenced by the planet’s gravity. Therefore, in outer space, all
matter has mass (inertia), but does not have weight (no downward
pull). Just remember that the weight of an object depends on where
it is, while its mass stays the same.
One basis for this confusion is that the metric system (which is the
standard for science measurements) uses mass, while the U.S.
measurement system uses weight.


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 13-15

PD Provider Notes:

Imagine yourself out in space away from any gravitational field with a bowling ball in your hands. Let it go
and it just floats in front of you. Without gravity, it has no weight. Now grab it again and shake it back and
forth. That resistance to being moved is inertia, and mass measures how much inertia an object has. Inertia
does NOT depend on gravity. Mass is determined only by the amount of matter contained in an object. Any
two masses exert a mutual attractive force on each other. The amount of that force is weight. A one kilogram
mass on the Earth's surface results in 2.2 pounds of force between the mass and the Earth, so we say the mass
weighs 2.2 pounds. That same one kilogram mass on the Moon, because of the Moon's lower mass, results in
only about 1/3 pounds of mutual force. Just remember that the weight of an object depends on where it is,
while its mass stays the same.


What is the difference between mass and weight? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Session 2 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 16

Consider the following scenarios in

 Can a basketball be thrown into a basket in space?
 Will a wind-up toy submarine swim in air?
 Will a Jacob's ladder flip?
 Why do astronauts “float” in orbit?
 If a balance is used to determine the mass of a golf
ball on Earth and the same balance is used to
determine the mass of the golf ball on the moon; will
the measurements be the same?


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 16-17

PD Provider Notes:

This is a transition slide for the Toys In Space video and activity.


34 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 17

Mass versus Weight

Video & Activity: Toys In Space

Access Video
Toys in Space

Access Teacher


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 16-17

PD Provider Notes:

This slide shows demonstrations of the concept of mass when the property of gravity is removed. The
demonstrations show that you can remove the gravitational force on mass, but it is impossible to remove its
inertial characteristic. To access the video or teacher resources, click on the appropriate hyperlink.

• Set up equipment to view video segment
• Prepare demonstration materials

Source of reference: NASA Education –

Toys In Space video web site link:

Duration of video: 37.49 minutes

Educational Materials:

Session 2 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 18

Exit Ticket
 Summarize four main CONTENT points that we
talked about today.

 Explain two relationships that were explored.

 What questions or suggestions do you have at the

end of Day 1?


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give out index cards for participants to use as exit tickets. Each participant should respond to the bulleted
questions on the slide and leave their exit tickets in a designated area. Exit tickets are anonymous. Exit
tickets should be read by the PD providers at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by
common themes to be addressed during follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to
answer questions and address misconceptions before starting the day’s topics. It will also provide an
opportunity to connect the content between sessions.


36 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 19

Air Track Demonstration

The air track removes friction, so you can control
the forces that are experienced by the cars.

This demonstration is QUALITATIVE.

 



PD Provider Notes:

Air track applet available at:

This slide describes an air track demonstration of mass displaying the characteristic of inertia. The instructor
will perform the demonstration first, explaining the physics. The air track must have a spring mounted at one
end that can be oriented horizontally so that the spring can be compressed by an air-track car that is pulled
into the spring by a person. At least two different cars of different masses must be used. If necessary, a single
car can be used, if the car can be loaded with additional weight for the second trial. The instructor should
explain that the air track is used to remove the effects of friction. Each car should, separately, be used to
compress the spring by the same amount. When released, the heavier car will accelerate more slowly. In
addition, after leaving the spring, the heavier car will have a lower speed. Note: this demonstration is
intended to be merely a qualitative demonstration of inertia. Careful quantitative measurement of
accelerations or final velocities in order to calculate a numerical value for mass will require expensive
equipment and would take longer than is pedagogically justifiable. A similar activity may be done with two
meter sticks placed half the diameter of the smallest apart (4 -5 mm), a small marble and a large marble. A
ball point pen clicker (the top) may be used as your spring.


Session 2 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 20

Use cars of different masses.

In turn, place a car on the air-track and pull it against the spring
to compress the spring.

Release the car and observe its acceleration.

Repeat with a car of a different mass.

Try to compress the spring by the same amount each time.

Observe the acceleration.

What relationship do you observe between mass and

acceleration when the same force is applied?



PD Provider Notes:

Since this activity is qualitative, the participants will only be observing, not quantifying, the acceleration
experienced by cars of different masses.

If instructors are able to borrow air tracks for the summer institute, divide the institute participants into
small groups. All members at each air-track will take a turn compressing the spring with two different cars.
While one person is performing the activity, the others will be discussing the activity.


38 Presentation Guide Session 2

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21

 How might mass be measured on an
astronomical scale?

 In other words…
How Can you Determine the Mass of the SUN
or PLANETS without putting them on a
bathroom scale?

Talk about this with your partners and share your

thoughts by journaling.



PD Provider Notes:

The mass of the sun and planets slides are optional.


Session 2 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 22

How can you determine the Mass of

the SUN or PLANETS…..without
putting them on a bathroom scale?
Combine concepts of :
Inertial Mass F=ma

F m


PD Provider Notes:

This slide reminds the participants of the two different aspects of gravity.

Using inertial (F=ma) and gravity, Newton arrived at a method for “weighing” the sun (or any planet with
moons, such as the earth) without placing it on a bathroom scale. He also gave a fundamental (unified)
explanation for Kepler’s Laws. Can also be used to determine m of any planet with moons. This also allowed
Newton to provide an underlying explanation for Kepler’s Laws. Kepler had determined his laws from
empirical observations but had no explanation.


40 Presentation Guide Session 2


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slide Time

Exit Ticket Review 1-2 15

Turn & Talk 3-4 10

Sink or Float Predict/Observe/Explain Activity 5-7 30

Volume Content 8-13 20

Break 14

Activity and debriefing

15-16 45
 Determining volume and density

Content – Replicates, accuracy, and precision 17-21 10

Density Activity
22-23 20
 Calculate the density of various objects

Journaling and Reflection 24-26 30

Total instructional time: 180

Session 3 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Sink or Float Predict/Observe/Explain


Participants will examine pairs of similar objects and predict whether each object will sink or float.
They will then test their predications and explain what they observed. The masses can be compared
with a pan balance or a scale. The sinking/floating behavior can be explored with a plugged-up lab
sink, a clear pitcher, an aquarium, etc.



Pan balance or scale
Plugged-up lab sink, a clear pitcher, an aquarium, bucket, etc.
Suggested pairs of items:
Can of regular Coke and diet coke
Peeled and unpeeled citrus fruit sections (ideally grapefruit)
Tennis ball (floats) and golf ball (sinks)
Ping-pong ball and golf ball
Aluminum foil boat and wadded-up piece of aluminum foil



2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute


Determining Volume and Density


Activity for all participants in which they will get quantitative values for the volume of simple, easy to
measure, cubic objects. There should be 10 sets of equipment. Each set should have a metric ruler,
graduated cylinder, three or more cubes, and an object that doesn’t have a regular shape, such as a
toy car. For later use, each set must include at least one cube that sinks and at least one cube that

Participants will measure the volume of each object (L x W x H).



10 sets of cubic objects
Graduated cylinder
Object that doesn’t have a regular shape – toy car, rock, etc.
Metric rulers



Session 3 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute


Determining Volume and Density

Session 3 Handouts 5
Provider Guide

6 Handouts Session 3
Matter & Energy Institute

Determining Volume and Density


several cubes, some that float and some that don’t metric ruler

graduated cylinder pencil

balance rock, small toy car, or other irregularly

shaped object


Activity One – Determining Volume

1. For each cube, measure the length, width, and height, and record the measurement for each dimension in
Table 1 below.

2. Multiply the measurements to calculate volume (V = L X W X H) and record the volume for each cube in
Table 1.

3. For each cube and an irregularly shaped object of your choice, determine volume by liquid displacement.
Record the results in Table 1. Think about how you will make this method work for the cubes that don’t
sink in water.

4. Calculate the ratio of the measured volume to the calculated volume for each of the cubes.

Session 3 Handouts 7
Provider Guide

Table 1
Volume Determination of Objects
Cube Length Width Height Calculated Volume by Measured
Number (cm) (cm) (cm) Volume Displacement Volume
(cm3) (cm3) Calculated


Note: One cubic centimeter = 1 milliliter (mL)

Compare the calculated volumes to the volumes, as determined by liquid displacement. Is one method more
accurate than the other? If so, which one? Explain your rationale.

How closely do your results compare to those of other groups? If there are differences, explain why.

Why is it important to examine the ratio between measured and calculated volumes?

How did you make this method work for the cubes that didn’t sink in water?

8 Handouts Session 3
Matter & Energy Institute

Activity Two – Determining Density

1. Using a balance, determine the mass of each cube and record the results in Table 2.

2. Calculate the density of each cube, using the calculated volume, and record the result in the appropriate

Table 2
Density Determination of Objects

Cube Number Mass Volume Density

(g) (cm3) (g/cm3)

Irregularly Shaped

Session 3 Handouts 9
Provider Guide

10 Handouts Session 3
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 3

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 3 Presentation Guide 11

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Exit Ticket Review

 Summarize four main CONTENT points that we
talked about yesterday.
 Explain two relationships that were explored.

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor should address (1) misconceptions and areas of incomplete understanding and (2) areas of
complete understanding (you got it!!) from yesterday. This is also an opportunity to connect the content
between sessions. (You may need to let participants know that some of their questions will be answered in
future sessions rather than spend time on them now.) Facilitators will also be able to respond to any
housekeeping issues that have become apparent.


12 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Historical Perspective
 Based on what we learned yesterday
from the Florida caveman thought
experiment, humans understood long
ago the essential features of Einstein’s
Theory of General Relativity – the
equivalence of gravitational (it’s
heavy! – this is weight) and inertial (it
hurts! – this is mass) descriptions of

Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 3-4

PD Provider Notes:

This slide is intended to provide continuity between sessions.


Session 3 Presentation Guide 13

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Turn and Talk

 In the Florida caveman example, what
are differences between the grapefruit
and the rock at the level which we can
touch or see?

 What about the smaller scale level

which we cannot easily touch or see?

 Hint: Think about the properties of

matter we listed yesterday.

Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 3-4

PD Provider Notes:

If the grapefruit and the rock are the same size, the rock has more stuff in it. The rock has a greater density.
The provider should encourage every participant to go to a new level of understanding. Refer back to the T
chart constructed in slide 14 of session 1.


14 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

Prediction: Will it sink or will it

 Look at the pairs of items.
 In your journal, draw a table like the one below and
predict (1) which item will be heavier and (2)
whether the item will sink or float.

Item Lighter? Heavier? Float? Sink?

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 5-7

PD Provider Notes:

Suggested items:

Can of regular Coke and diet coke

Peeled and unpeeled citrus fruit sections (ideally grapefruit)

Tennis ball (floats) and golf ball (sinks)

Ping-Pong ball and golf ball

Aluminum foil boat and wadded-up piece of aluminum foil

The masses can be compared with a pan balance or a scale. The sinking/floating behavior can be explored
with a plugged-up lab sink, a clear pitcher, an aquarium, bucket, etc. Have participants brainstorm other items
that would be good for this experiment.


Session 3 Presentation Guide 15

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Observation: Did it Sink or Float?

 Test the pairs of items. Record your observations in
your journal.

Item Lighter? Heavier? Float? Sink?

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 5-7

PD Provider Notes:

It is suggested that the comparisons be done as a demonstration for the whole group, rather than
having each group do their own experiments. This will help keep the number of supplies needed low.

Suggested items:

Can of regular Coke and diet coke

Peeled and unpeeled citrus fruit (ideally grapefruit)

Tennis ball (floats) and golf ball (sinks)

Ping-Pong ball and golf ball

Aluminum foil boat and wadded-up piece of aluminum foil

The masses can be compared with a pan balance or a scale. The sinking/floating behavior can be explored
with a plugged-up lab sink, a clear pitcher, an aquarium, bucket etc. Have participants brainstorm other items
that would be good for this experiment.


16 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Explain: Why Did It Sink or Float?

Referring back to the list of physical properties we
developed yesterday, what properties are relevant to
your observations?

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 5-7

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor should guide the discussion towards the concepts of volume, density, and buoyancy. The
upcoming activity will address these concepts in a quantitative manner.


Session 3 Presentation Guide 17

Provider Guide

Slide 8

Introducing Volume
Solids and
How LARGE is an object? liquids have
How much SPACE does it occupy? a definite
Units Used to Express Measurement
meters X meters X meters = m3 Gases fill
OR: cm X cm X cm = cm3 the volume
Note: 1 cm3 = 1 mL of a
If an object is a rectangular solid container.
V= L x W x H

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Volume is the measure of three-dimensional space occupied by an object. “One-dimensional figures (such as
lines) and two-dimensional shapes (such as squares) are assigned zero volume in the three-dimensional
space. Volume is commonly presented in units such as cubic meters, cubic centimeters, liters, or milliliters.”
How can you change the volume of matter? You can change its temperature, pressure, or phase.


Volume. (2010). Retrieved from the Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia:

18 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9

Determining Volume of Rectangular

How do you determine the
volume of a rectangular

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Answer to question: The volume is calculated by multiplying: V=LxWxH. Emphasize that the units must be the
same in all 3 dimensions. Also address the difference between cm3 and m3: 1 m3 = 106 cm3. That’s a difference
of a million!


Session 3 Presentation Guide 19

Provider Guide

Slide 10

What if The Object is Not

If an object is not a rectangular solid,
volume measurement is more complicated.

If the object has a uniform cross-section,

then V = A x h
Volume of a liquid is
Example: Cylinder A typically determined
by pouring it into a
A = r2  V = r2 h h cylindrical vessel known
as a graduated cylinder.


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

This slide first points out that solids with less regular shapes have a volume that is harder to determine with a
ruler. Also, the slide points out that the volume of liquids is easy to determine. Show a graduated cylinder as
an example.


20 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

What if The Object is Not Regularly

If a solid does not have a regular
shape, measuring its dimensions is
NOT an effective way to get its
We need a BETTER way!
What do you suggest?
Think now; discuss when we break into groups.

Is this also an effective method of determining volume

of objects that have a regular shape?


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Answer to the question: If you immerse the solid fully in a liquid, then you can measure the increase in the
volume. Note: The object must be fully submerged in liquid. Whether it will sink or float depends on density.
Remind participants that when reading the volume in a graduated cylinder, they must read the volume at the
bottom of the meniscus. Meniscus is defined in the help desk slides that follow. Match box cars make
wonderful irregular objects to measure volume by displacement. They fit nicely into the graduated cylinders
and “off” brands may be purchased inexpensively at a store like Dollar Tree.


Session 3 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 12

To the Help Desk

Dear Help Desk,

When my students are using displacement to find

the volume of lumps of clay, they are confused
about how to read the water level in the
graduated cylinder. The teacher’s edition of our
textbook uses the term meniscus. What does this
word mean?



Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide. Response from Help Desk is on following slide.


22 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

From the Help Desk!

Dear Gisell,
Meniscus, plural: menisci/meniscuses, from the Greek
for "crescent", is a curve in the surface of a molecular
substance and is produced in response to the surface of
the container or another object. It can be either concave
or convex.



Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

“Meniscus, plural: menisci/meniscuses, from the Greek for "crescent", is a curve in the surface of a molecular
substance and is produced in response to the surface of the container or another object. It can be either
concave or convex. A convex meniscus occurs when the molecules have a stronger attraction to each other
than to the container. This may be seen between mercury and glass in barometers. Conversely, a concave
meniscus occurs when the molecules of the liquid attract those of the container. This can be seen between
water and glass. Capillary action acts on concave menisci to pull the liquid up, increasing the amount of
energetically favorable contact area between liquid and container. On convex menisci, capillary action acts to
pull the liquid down, reducing the amount of contact area. This phenomenon is important in transpirational
pull in plants. Honey, water, milk, etc. have a lower meniscus. When a tube of a narrow bore, often called a
capillary tube, is dipped into a liquid and the liquid “wets” the tube (with zero contact angle), the liquid
surface inside the tube forms a concave meniscus, which is a virtually spherical surface having the same
radius, r, as the inside of the tube. The tube experiences a downward force of magnitude 2πrdσ. Mercury has
an upper convex meniscus. When reading a scale on the side of a container filled with liquid, the meniscus
must be taken into account in order to obtain a precise measurement. Manufacturers take the meniscus into
account and calibrate their measurement marks relative to the resulting meniscus. The measurement is taken
with the meniscus at eye level to eliminate parallax error, and at the central point of the curve of the
meniscus, i.e. the top of the meniscus, in the unusual case of a liquid like mercury, or more usually, the bottom
of the meniscus in water and most other liquids.”


Meniscus. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 3 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

File:Reading the meniscus.png. (2005). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Image source:

24 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14



Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Session 3 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Activity – Determining Volume and

Working within your small
group, devise a way to
determine the volume of two
objects – one regularly
shaped, and one irregularly

Consider This Graduated

What factors might
impact the accuracy of Metric Ruler
your results?


Time: 45 minutes, slides 15-16

PD Provider Notes:

Have participants work in small groups to devise a way to determine the volume of two objects – one
regularly shaped, and one irregularly shaped. Inform participants that while this activity might seem
elementary, it is the first step in a series of activities that will lead to a deeper content understanding.

In this activity, participants will get quantitative values for the volume of simple, easy to measure, cubic
objects. There should be 10 sets of equipment. Each set should have a metric ruler and three or more cubes.
Each set must include at least one cube that sinks and at least one cube that floats. Measurements of length,
width, and height dimensions are entered into the worksheet that is supplied as a resource. The volume is
calculated by multiplying: V=L x W x H.

The ratio was inserted into the worksheet to serve as the starting point for a discussion of accuracy of
measurements. After the measurements and calculations are complete, lead a class discussion about the
uncertainty in the measurements.


26 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Volume Activity Debriefing

1. Which objects were easier to
determine the volume of?

2. Compare the ratio of your

measured and calculated volumes
for each cube. Were your ratios
consistently greater or less than 1?
3. What conclusions may be drawn
from examining the ratios?


Time: 45 minutes, slides 15-16

PD Provider Notes:

• It was probably easier to measure the volume of the regularly shaped objects.
• Answers will vary.
• See upcoming slides. If the If the ratios are close to 1, your measurements were very close to each other.
If the ratios are far from 1, your measurements were far apart from each other.


Session 3 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Ask a Scientist

Why did we determine the

ratios of the measured to the
calculated cube volumes?


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

Answer on next slide.


28 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

From a Scientist

Scientists are always looking for trends.

If the ratio between the volumes is exactly 1,
then the two methods of determining volume
are precise. If the ratio is consistently less than
or greater than 1, then we can detect a bias in
one of the methods. The size of the deviation
from a ratio of 1.0 will also reveal the extent of
the bias.


Time: 10 Minute, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

See upcoming slide for the distinction between precision and accuracy.


Session 3 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 19

More From a Scientist

When a scientist conducts an experiment, she
makes the same measurement many times – this is
called replication. As the number of replicates
increases, the confidence level evolves.
Sometimes scientists learn nothing from an
experiment other than how to restructure the
experiment. Neat, clean results are the exception
rather than the rule.
Scientists may work for years without a decisive
answer to a question.


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

As the number of replicates increases, the confidence level evolves. The confidence level may increase,
indicating that the measurement is valid, or the confidence level may decrease, indicating that the
measurement is invalid. See upcoming slide for the distinction between precision and accuracy.


30 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20

Why Do Replicates?
 By making the same
measurement many times,
you may (bottom) or may
not (top) see
reproducibility in the x
 Reproducible results give
you confidence in the x


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

This slide addresses the reproducibility of a measurement. The top graph shows much variation in the y value
measured for the given x, while the bottom graph shows little variation. Explain how the amount of variation
(scatter) in a repeated measurement (for example, the distance a ball travels when a catapult launches the
ball many times) can indicate how reliable the measurement is. Good reproducibility is one of the main
principles of the scientific method. Also, qualitatively explain the idea of error bars or variance to indicate the
error in a reported measurement.


Reproducibility. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 3 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Accuracy versus Precision

High Accuracy, Low Accuracy,

Low Precision High Precision


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-21

PD Provider Notes:

To really make this point, you can draw the bullseye targets on the whiteboard. Draw the high-precision dots
even further away from the center of the target.


Image source (left): This image is in the

public domain.

Image source (right): This image is in

the public domain.

File:High accuracy Low precision.svg. (2006). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:High precision Low accuracy.svg. (2006). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

32 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

Now, Let’s Look at Density…

How much mass “M” is stuffed into volume “V”
Commonly Used Units: density 
(kg/m3 or g/cm3) volume
How do you measure it?
What is it good for? Density
What does this mean? determines if
an object
Since solids and liquids have inherent mass
and volume, they have an inherent density sinks or floats
that is difficult to change. in a liquid or
The density of gases is easily changed. gas.


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 22-23

PD Provider Notes:

Discuss the definition of density and its applicability to different phases of matter. Ask the participants how
one can change density. The answer is that density can generally be changed by altering the pressure or the


Session 3 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Activity - Density
1. Determine the mass of each of the cubes and the
irregularly shaped object.
2. Using the formula D = M/V, calculate the density of


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 22-23

PD Provider Notes:

See Handout and Resources Guide.


34 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

To Think About - Journaling

First, work with your elbow partner to answer the questions that
follow in your journal. Then, share your answers with your table
group. Revise your initial responses, if necessary.
1. Imagine a loaf of bread that is 10 inches long. If you
place your palms flat on the slices and squeeze along the
length so that the loaf becomes 7 inches long, what
changes? Its length? Its mass? Its volume? Its
density? Explain your reasoning.

2. A bungee cord is stretched to twice its length. What

changes? Its length? Its mass? Its volume? Its density?


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 24-26

PD Provider Notes:

Allow time for participants to develop a journal response for each question. They will first work as elbow
groups (a team of two) and then, as a table group.

Encourage them to revise any responses, if necessary.

Answer 1. Length, volume, and density change. The mass does not change.

Answer 2. Length, volume, and density change. Mass does not change.


Session 3 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 25

To Think About
3. A candy bar is 10 cm X 2 cm X 4 cm. It has a mass of 120
g and a density of 1.5 g/ml. (1 ml = 1 cm3). You eat one
quarter of the candy bar. What changes? Its length? Its
mass? Its volume? Its density?

4. Two shoeboxes are identical in size. One contains beans

and the other contains popcorn. What is the same and
what is different? Mass? Volume? Density?

5. Which one is heavier--a pound of feathers or a pound of

lead? Which one has more volume? More density?


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 24-26

PD Provider Notes:

Answer 3. Length, mass, and volume change. Density does not change.

Answer 4. Volume is the same. Mass and density are different.

Answer 5. They weigh the same – 1 pound. The feathers have a greater volume. The lead has a higher density.


36 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 26

To Think About
6. Which is more dense--a stack of 5 pennies or a stack of
20 pennies? Explain your reasoning.

7. Besides shape, what is the difference between a 300

gram rectangular block of copper and a 300 gram round
ball of copper? Mass? Volume? Density? Explain your

8. How does a lava lamp work?


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 24-26

PD Provider Notes:

Answer 6. The two stacks of pennies have the same density. Each penny in each stack has a constant density.

Answer 7. The mass is the same – 300 g for both the block and the ball. The volume and density are also the
same; only the shape is different.

Answer 8. Liquid motion lamps (which most people know as "lava lamps") have been around for decades. The
theory behind a liquid motion lamp goes something like this: In the lamp you have two liquids which are:

Very close in density

Insoluble in one another

Oil and water are insoluble in one another (that's where the expression "oil and water don't mix" comes
from), but oil and water have very different densities (a volume of water weighs a lot more than the same
volume of oil). They won't work, so you search to find two liquids that are very close in density and are
insoluble. This site can help you in that search. Now you apply heat to the bottom of the mixture. In a liquid
motion lamp, the heat usually comes from a light bulb. The heavier liquid absorbs the heat, and as it heats up,
it expands. As it expands it becomes less dense. Because the liquids have very similar densities, the formerly
heavier liquid is suddenly lighter than the other liquid, so it rises. As it rises, it cools, making it denser and
therefore heavier, so it sinks.

This all happens in slow motion because heat absorption and dissipation are fairly slow processes, and the
density changes we are discussing here are very slight.

Session 3 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Before breaking ask the participants to think about: Quantifying: Floating or Sinking -> BUOYANCY


HowStuffWorks, Inc. (2010). How does a lava lamp work? Retrieved from

38 Presentation Guide Session 3

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 27

Lunch Break


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Session 3 Presentation Guide 39

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slide Time

Journaling 1-2 10

Aluminum boat activity and debriefing 3 60

Content – Why the Titanic sank 4-8 15

Break 9

Large group discussion – Titanic 10 10

Density content 11-12 15

Density, Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle 13-18 15

Confirmation of Archimedes’ Principle Activity 19 25

The Buoy- O-Meter Activity: Using Measurements to Calculate Buoyant 20-22 20

Force (Density)

Brainstorming and Exit Ticket 23-24 10

Total instructional time: 180

Session 4 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Let’s Explore With Aluminum Boats:


In this activity, participants will make an aluminum boat with a flat bottom and then, measure and
record the width, length, and height of the boat in centimeters (cm). Known scientific principles will
be used to predict the maximum number of pennies or washers your aluminum boat will hold
without sinking. Predictions will then be tested by carefully adding washers or pennies until the boat

The team that comes closest in predicting the weight capacity of their aluminum boat, BEFORE
LAUNCHING, will be declared the winner for this activity.

Design an aluminum boat with a flat bottom. Once construction is completed, the boat should be
given a name and tested for leaks before proceeding to the next step. Measure the length, width, and
height of your boat, using centimeters as the unit of length. It is very important to do this accurately.
Record each measurement or calculation in Table 1. Determine the volume of the boat. Determine the
MASS of the empty boat. Determine the mass of displaced water. Predict the maximum number of
washers or pennies your boat will hold before sinking.

Note about activity versions: Three versions of this activity are included: an instructor version,
version 1, and version 2. The instructor version and version 1 are located in the resources guide, and
version 2 is located in the handouts section. Version 1 has more explicit step-by-step instructions,
and version 2 is a more open-ended inquiry based activity. During the summer institute, you should
use version 2. If teachers are interested in doing this activity in their classrooms, the instructor can
distribute copies of the instructor version and/or version 1.



Sheets of aluminum foil for each team – pieces provided should be the same size
Washers or pennies (will need a lot of these; you can ask the participants to bring these from home;
aim for 100 pennies per boat)
Metric Ruler


2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute


Let’s Explore with Aluminum Boats
Instructor Version
Testing the Prediction
Instructor Version

Introduction: One of the major inventions of all time was the boat. Archimedes wrote about boats
in his book entitled, On Floating Bodies. Archimedes realized that the mass that a boat could handle
was equal to the mass of the water displaced. We will attempt to test this idea known as
Archimedes’ Principle.

Shipbuilders are able to make ships and know how much weight they will be able to hold before
launching the ship. In this activity, you will make an aluminum boat with a flat bottom and then,
measure and record the width, length, and height of the boat in centimeters (cm). Known scientific
principles will be used to predict the maximum number of pennies or washers your aluminum boat
will hold without sinking. Your prediction will then be tested by carefully adding washers or
pennies until the boat sinks.

The team, that comes closest in predicting the weight capacity of their aluminum boat, BEFORE
LAUNCHING, will be declared the winner for this activity

Instructor Notes:

Before teams develop a procedure to use scientific principles to test their prediction, the following
content should be discussed or reviewed:

1. Talk about what happens to a liquid when an object sinks in the liquid and also what happens
when an object floats in the liquid.
2. Volume displaced by an object that sinks is equal to the volume of the sinking object.
3. Buoyant force is the tendency of a fluid, in this case a liquid, to exert an upward force on an
object placed in the liquid. This force results in an apparent “loss of weight” of an object when it
is immersed in the liquid.
4. Demonstrate buoyant force using an object and a spring scale. Tie a string around the object
and hook it onto a spring scale. Weigh and record the object’s weight.
5. Now, immerse the object, while it is still attached to the spring scale into a container of water.

Session 4 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

The difference in weight is the buoyant force.

6. Water displaced by an object that floats is equal to the weight of the floating object and follows
Archimedes Principle. “When a body is partially or completely immersed in a fluid, it
experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced.
7. Ask participants how this might be demonstrated.
8. Go to this URL:
9. Allow participants to work together for ten minutes to develop and detail a method, based on
scientific principles to determine the number of pennies or washers the aluminum foil boat will
hold without sinking.
10. Ask each group to share their method. Remind other participants that it is perfectly acceptable
for them to revise their procedure, based on the comments of other groups.


Let’s get started, as you test, or revise and then test, your procedure to determine the
maximum number of washers or pennies your boat will hold without sinking.

1. Design an aluminum boat with a flat bottom. Once construction is completed, the boat should be
given a name and tested for leaks before proceeding to the next step.
2. Measure the length, width, and height of your boat, using centimeters as the unit of length. It is
very important to do this ACCURATELY. Record each measurement or calculation in Table 1.
3. Determine the VOLUME of the boat.
4. Determine the MASS of the empty boat.
5. Determine the MASS of displaced water.
 When the boat is fully loaded with washers or pennies, it will displace a volume of water
equal to the boat’s volume (240 cm3), as shown in the example.
 To determine the mass of the water, we use a fact about water. Each mL (cm3) of water has
a mass of 1 gram (at 4˚C).
 The formula for calculating density is: Density = Mass/Volume
 Water has a density of 1 gram/ cm3.

Using the information above, the: Mass of fully loaded boat = Volume of Boat X Density of
6. Predict the number of pennies the boat will hold before sinking.

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute


Mass of fully loaded boat = Volume of Boat X Density of Water

3 3
M = 240 cm X 1 g/cm

M = 240 grams
Table 1
Boat Measurements and Prediction

Name of Boat:
The example boat will hold 240 grams of weight (Note: This includes the weight of the boat). If the
weight of the boat plus its load is greater than this, the boat will sink.

Length of Width of Height Volume Mass of Mass of Prediction

Bottom (cm) Bottom of Walls of Boat Empty Fully
Maximum # of
(cm) (cm) (cm3) Boat Loaded
Washers or Pennies

Have you revised your original plan? If so, in what way. What, if any, details do you need to
add to your original plan?

Describe Additional Measurements or Calculations

Session 4 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

7. Now, test your prediction!

How many pennies did your boat hold without sinking?

Was your prediction close? Right on target? What factors may have impacted the accuracy
of your prediction?

What questions do you have?

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Below is information, describing one way to more accurately predict the number of washers
or pennies the boat will hold without sinking. This method may be shared with participants
after they have developed and tested their predictions.

Determine the number of washers or pennies that will sink the ship.

 Find the mass of your boat and record it.

 NOTE: Not all pennies have the same mass. Find the mass of several pennies and average
the mass. Record this number.
 Calculate the number of pennies the boat will hold.
 # of Pennies = (Mass of water displaced - Mass of empty boat) ÷ Mass of One Penny


# of Pennies = (Mass of water displaced - Mass of empty boat) ÷ Mass of One Penny

# of Pennies = (240 grams - 20 grams) ÷ 2.5 grams (your penny may have a different mass)

# of Pennies = 88 This number of pennies will sink the ship. The boat can hold no more than 87
pennies without sinking.

Mass of the boat plus the total mass of the pennies should = the mass of the water displaced by the

Session 4 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide


Let’s Explore With Aluminum Boats – Version One
Testing the Prediction


Let’s get started, as you test, or revise and then test, your procedure to determine the
maximum number of washers or pennies your boat will hold without sinking.

1. Design an aluminum boat with a flat bottom. Once construction is completed, the boat should
be given a name and tested for leaks before proceeding to the next step.
2. Measure the length, width, and height of your boat, using centimeters as the unit of length. It
is very important to do this ACCURATELY. Record each measurement or calculation in Table
3. Determine the VOLUME of the boat.
4. Determine the MASS of the empty boat.
5. Determine the MASS of displaced water.
6. Predict the maximum number of washers or pennies your boat will hold without sinking.
 When the boat is fully loaded with washers or pennies, it will displace a volume of
water equal to the boat’s volume (240 cm3), as shown in the example.
 To determine the mass of the water, we use a fact about water. Each mL (cm3) of water
has a mass of 1 gram (at 4˚C).
 The formula for calculating density is: Density = Mass/Volume
 Water has a density of 1 gram/ cm3.
 Mass of fully loaded boat = Volume of Boat X Density of Water


Mass of fully loaded boat = Volume of Boat X Density of Water

3 3
M = 240 cm X 1 g/cm

M = 240 grams

8 The example boat will hold 240 gramsPD of Provider Resources

weight (Note: & Materials
This includes the weight of the boat). If the Session 4
weight of the boat plus its load is greater than this, the boat will sink.
Matter & Energy Institute

Table 1
Boat Measurements and Prediction

Name of Boat:

Length of Width of Height Volume Mass of Mass of Prediction

Bottom (cm) Bottom of Walls of Boat Empty Fully
Maximum # of
(cm) (cm) (cm3) Boat Loaded
Washers or Pennies

Have you revised your original plan? If so, in what way. What, if any, details do you need to add
to your original plan?

Describe Additional Measurements or Calculations

Session 4 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

7. Now, test your prediction!

How many pennies did your boat hold without sinking?

Was your prediction close? Right on target? What factors may have impacted the accuracy
of your prediction?

What questions do you have?

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute


Confirmation of Archimedes’ Principle


Given a working definition of Archimedes’ Principle and a packet of materials, participants will
develop a method to confirm Archimedes’ Principle.

When given a pre-assembled set of materials, participants will work in groups to devise a way to
verify the work of Archimedes. Three potential methods are given on the following page; you can
photocopy these for distribution to the participants, or you can let them devise their own methods.

Participants might use any of the following procedures to determine the buoyant force a liquid exerts
on a body using Archimedes' principle.



Large Zip-Loc Bag in which the items below have been placed:
Object – may be a mass with a hook at the top, or something as simple as a rock
Spring Scale
Overflow can, which may also be called overflow jar or Eureka can
Two empty beakers
Balance – available in room, but don’t have to place into bag



Session 4 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide

Archimedes - Method One

1. Take a stone and tie it to one end of the spring scale. Note the reading on the spring scale. This
will be W1.
2. Now, slowly dip the stone in the water in a container and note the reading on the spring
balance. The reading shown on the spring balance keeps on decreasing until it is completely
immersed in water.
3. The reading on the spring balance gives us the weight of the stone. Since the reading keeps on
decreasing, we can infer that the weight of the object decreases as it is lowered in water.
4. The apparent loss of weight, W1 – W2, shows that a type of force is acting on the object in the
upward direction thereby decreasing the weight.
5. Thus the upward force acting on an object immersed in a liquid, resulting in the apparent loss
of weight of the object, is called the buoyant force. The tendency of a liquid to exert an upward
force on an object placed in it thereby making it float or rise is called buoyancy.

Archimedes - Method Two

1. Determine the weight of the body using a spring balance and record it as W1.
2. Pour water into an overflow can up to its spout.
3. Take an empty beaker, weigh it, record its weight as W2, and place it under the spout of the
overflow can (a beaker or metal can, having a spout near the top; may also be called a Eureka
4. Record the weight of the body when is totally immersed in water as W3.
5. Remove the beaker and reweigh it together with its contents (overflowed water after
immersing the stone) record the weight as W4.
6. Therefore the up thrust of the body is given as, up thrust= loss of weight in water.
7. W1-W2 = Weight of displaced water
8. Hence up thrust =loss of weight in water =weight of water displaced.

Archimedes - Method Three

1. Take a clean and dry beaker and find its mass (m) using a physical balance. Now find the
weight of a stone by suspending it from a spring balance.
2. Fill an overflow can (Eureka can is a beaker having a spout near the top) with water filled
up to the spout. Place the beaker of mass 'm' under the spout. Gently lower the solid,
suspended from spring balance, into the Eureka can, until the stone is completely immersed
in water.
3. When the stone is immersed in water it displaces a certain amount of water. The spring
scale records lesser value thereby showing that the solid experiences an up thrust.
4. The displaced water is collected in the beaker.
5. Using the physical balance, determine the mass of the water and beaker. Let it be m1.
6. If we compare the apparent loss of weight of the solid in water, with the amount of water
displaced, it is found that they are equal. This experiment thus verifies Archimedes'

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute


The Buoy – O – Meter: Using Measurements to Calculate Buoyant Force


1. participants will measure and calculate the volume of each object (L x W x H)

2. put each cube in a beaker and measure the rise in volume of the liquid
3. calculate the density by using the fraction that the cube that is submerged in the water
4. compare density to the volume

In this activity, participants use the cubes that float. They first calculate the density of a cube using
their separate measurement of mass and volume. Then, they put each cube separately in the beaker
and note the rise in volume of the liquid. This tells them what fraction of the cube is submerged. They
use this fraction to calculate the density of each cube. The participants then compare this density
with the value determined by the previous method using m/V.

Note: the measurement of volume using the ruler is especially important here in several different
steps. If there is time, this presents the opportunity to discuss error propagation.

If there are enough cubes that float, give each group more than one cube that floats to work with.



10 sets of cubic objects that float

Metric rulers
Graduated cylinder



Session 4 PD Provider Resources & Materials 13

Provider Guide

14 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute


Let’s Explore with Aluminum Boats

Confirmation of Archimedes’ Principle

The Buoy-O-Meter

Session 4 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

16 Handouts Session 4
Matter & Energy Institute


Let’s Explore With Aluminum Boats – Version Two
Testing the Prediction


Let’s get started, as you test, or revise and then test, your procedure to determine the
maximum number of washers or pennies your boat will hold without sinking.

1. Design an aluminum boat with a flat bottom. Once construction is completed, the boat should
be given a name and tested for leaks before proceeding to the next step.
2. As a team, develop a procedure to make and record necessary measurements in the table
provided. Note, the labels for the columns haven’t been provided. You may or may not need all
columns. It is up to you to provide the information you need.
3. Be sure to include measurements and calculations required to more accurately “predict” the
maximum number of washers or pennies that your boat will hold before sinking.
4. Using the procedure, developed by your team, make and record necessary measurements in
the Table provided. You might even find it necessary to make revisions to your procedure.
5. Once appropriate measurements and calculations have been made, recorded, and the
prediction determined, test your prediction.

Session 4 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

Table 1
Boat Measurements and Prediction

Name of Boat:

Length of Width of Height of Volume of Mass of Mass of Prediction

Bottom Bottom Walls (cm) Boat (cm3) Empty Fully
(cm) (cm) Boat Loaded
# of
Boat Washers or


Did you revise your original plan? If so, in what way. What, if any, details do you need to add
to your original plan?

18 Handouts Session 4
Matter & Energy Institute

Describe Additional Measurements or Calculations

Session 4 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

How many pennies did your boat hold without sinking?

Was your prediction close? Right on target? What factors may have impacted the accuracy
of your prediction?

What questions do you have?

20 Handouts Session 4
Matter & Energy Institute

Confirmation of Archimedes’ Principle

Large Zip-Loc Bag in which the items below have been placed:
Object – may be a mass with a hook at the top, or something as simple as a rock
Spring Scale
Overflow can, which may also be called overflow jar or Eureka can
Two empty beakers
Balance – available in room

When given a pre-assembled set of materials, participants will work in groups to devise a way to verify the
work of Archimedes.

Session 4 Handouts 21
Provider Guide


several cubes, some that float and some metric ruler

that don’t

graduated cylinder irregularly shaped object

balance pencil



1. From the cubes, for which volume was determined earlier, use the cubes that float.
2. You have already calculated the density of these cubes, based on your calculated volume.
3. Separately place each cube that floats in the beaker and note the rise in volume of the liquid.
4. This tells the volume of cube that is submerged. Record this value as Vsb.
5. Next, use the THIN tip of a pencil (or two) to fully submerge the cube. The rise in water level
tells the total volume of the cube and will be recorded as Vs.
6. Finally, calculate density.

22 Handouts Session 4
Matter & Energy Institute

Table 2
Using Buoyancy to Determine Density

Cube Mass (g) Density 1 Vsb Vsb Vs Vs Density 2

Number (g/cm3) (mL) (cm3) (mL) (cm3) (g/cm3 )

Note: 1 mL = 1 cubic centimeter (cm3)

For calculation of Density 2, divide Mass (2nd column in table above) by Vs (cm3; 7th column in table

Session 4 Handouts 23
Provider Guide

24 Handouts Session 4
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 4

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 4 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 2

In your journal, write responses
to the following questions. Then, turn and
share your responses with today’s elbow
What is buoyancy?
How is buoyancy related to:
How can you cheat density?
Why would you want to do this?

Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

“Buoyancy is the upward force, caused by fluid pressure, that keeps things afloat. The net upward buoyancy
force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This force enables the object to
float or at least seem lighter.”


Buoyancy. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Retrieved from

26 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Let’s Explore With Aluminum Boats!

Density Facts
Density of aluminum = 2.7 g/cm³
Density of water = 1.0 g/cm³

Is it possible to make aluminum float?

If you can make aluminum float,

how can you then make aluminum sink?

Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Remind participants that the density of water varies with temperature.

Participants will need the handout Let’s Explore with Aluminum Boats: Testing the Prediction. The Resources
Guide has the instructor version of this handout.

Allow participants to work together for ten minutes to determine a method to use scientific principles to
determine the number of pennies or washers the aluminum foil boat will hold without sinking. Make sure
participants name their boats. Before teams develop a procedure to use scientific principles to test their
prediction, the following content should be discussed or reviewed: Talk about what happens to a liquid when
an object sinks in the liquid and also what happens when an object floats in the liquid. Volume displaced by
an object that sinks is equal to the volume of the sinking object. Buoyant force is the tendency of a fluid, in
this case a liquid, to exert an upward force on an object placed in the liquid. This force results in an apparent
“loss of weight” of an object when it is immersed in the liquid.


Buoyancy Basics. (2000). In Nova Online. Retrieved from

Session 4 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Historical Perspectives: Sinking

of the Titanic

RMS Titanic departing from Southampton

April 10, 1912
Owner: White Star Line
Port of Registry: Liverpool
Destination: New York City

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 4-8

PD Provider Notes:

The Titanic case study is a real-world application of the concepts of buoyancy and density.


RMS Titanic. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

28 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

Historical Perspectives: Sinking

of the Titanic
 The Titanic was 883 feet (268 meters)
 It weighed 46,000 tons (41,730,498 kg).
 Approximately 90% of an iceberg is submerged
underwater (hence the saying: that’s only the
tip of the iceberg).
 The density of ice is approximately 0.92 g/cm3.
 The density of seawater is approximately 1.025

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 4-8

PD Provider Notes:


RMS Titanic. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Titanic Nautical Society & Resource Center. (2006). Titanic facts: Everything you ever wanted to know about
the RMS Titanic. Retrieved from

Session 4 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Historical Perspectives: Sinking

of the Titanic
 The typical iceberg weighs
100,000-200,000 tons (90,000,000
to 180,000,000 kg).
 There were roughly 40 seconds
between the sighting of the iceberg
and impact. Assuming the ship was
traveling at 21 knots, this would
indicate the iceberg was between
400 and 500 yards off the Titanic's
bow when it was first spotted.

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 4-8

PD Provider Notes:


RMS Titanic. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Titanic Nautical Society & Resource Center. (2006). Titanic facts: Everything you ever wanted to know about
the RMS Titanic. Retrieved from

30 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Historical Perspectives: Sinking

of the Titanic
In case you wanted to know:
 The sinking of the Titanic resulted in the deaths of 1,517 of
the 2,223 people on board.
 The ship had a total lifeboat capacity of 1,178 people,
although her maximum capacity was 3,547.
 Titanic used 14,000 gallons of drinking water each day.
 Galley supplies included:
 2,200 lb. ground coffee
 13,000 grapefruit
 15,000 bottles of ale (beer)
 1,000 bottles wine
 8,000 complimentary cigars

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 4-8

PD Provider Notes:


RMS Titanic. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Titanic Nautical Society & Resource Center. (2006). Titanic facts: Everything you ever wanted to know about
the RMS Titanic. Retrieved from

Session 4 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 8

The Sinking of the Titanic

Table Talk
 Compare the mass of the iceberg with the
mass of the Titanic.
 How much of the iceberg was under water?
 The Titanic was made of steel.
o Why did it float?

o Why did it sink?

 What if the iceberg had been much

 What if the Titanic had been moving at a
different speed?

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 4-8

PD Provider Notes:

Ask participants to discuss each of the questions with their table partners.

Mass of the Titanic: It weighed 46,000 tons (41,730,498 kg).

The typical iceberg weighs 100,000-200,000 tons (90,000,000 to 180,000,000 kg). Derivation of the final
relationship between density and the fraction of volume of a solid that is submerged. As mentioned at the
beginning of the previous day, the properties of matter are directly connected to the sinking of the Titanic.


F g = FB

DsVSg = DLVSbg

Vsb Ds

------ = -------


32 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute


Ice: Ds= 920 kg/m3 Sea water: DL = 1030 kg/m3

Vsb Dice 920

------ = ------- = -------- = 0.893 = 89.3%

Vs Dseawater 1030

90% of the iceberg is below the water line  be careful!!

(90% of your ice cube is submerged in your iced-tea)


Session 4 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Afternoon Break

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


34 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

Group Discussion: Sinking of the

 Compare the mass of the iceberg with the mass of the Titanic.
 How much of the iceberg was under water?
 The Titanic was made of steel.
◦ Why did it float?
◦ Why did it sink?
 What if the iceberg had been much smaller?
 What if the Titanic had been moving at a different speed?
 How does a life jacket work?


Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This discussion should be led by the PD Provider or any Titanic expert in the audience.


Session 4 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Water as a Dense-O-Meter
 In the sink-versus-float activity, water was used as a
“Dense-O-Meter” to compare the density of the pairs of
 Density determines if an “object” sinks or floats in a
 What do we mean by “object?”
o The entirety of an object (compare the aluminum foil

boat to a wadded-up piece of aluminum foil, or an

unpeeled grapefruit versus the pile of peeled grapefruit

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 11-12

PD Provider Notes:


36 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

More About Density Density of Common Substances

An object that is less dense than the liquid will Substance
float. Lead 11.3

An object that is more dense will sink. Silver 10.5

Note: it is not the mass that determines if an object Copper 8.9

sinks or floats, it is density=mass/volume. Iron 7.9

Example: Battleships have huge mass, but float Steel 7.8

because most of their volume is air. Aluminum 2.7

Water (ice) .92

………Yet, a little penny sinks. Water 1.0

Gold 19.3

Quantifying: floating or sinking  BUOYANCY

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 11-12

PD Provider Notes:

Substance Density (g/cm3) Air 0.0013, Feathers 0.0025, Wood (Oak) 0.6 - 0.9, Ice 0.92, Water 1.00,
Bricks 1.84, Aluminum 2.70, Steel 7.80, Silver 10.50, Gold 19.30



Integrated Environmental Management, Inc. (2009). Densities. Retrieved from

Session 4 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 13

Using the Laws of Physics

The quantitative
m between density
and buoyancy
The object is in equilibrium (remains at rest) when the
downward gravitational force Fg is balanced by the
upward buoyant force FB.

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 13-18

PD Provider Notes:

This slide is the first of a few slides that derive a quantitative relationship between density and buoyancy.
This slide presents the relationship between the upward buoyant force and the volume of liquid displaced by
the object. Note: the expression for FB is not derived but merely presented as a fact. If there is adequate time,
the instructor can derive the expression for FB.


Qualitatively: if a solid is more dense than a liquid, it will sink.

A more dense liquid will sink below a less dense liquid (if they do not mix).

A less dense solid will float in a more dense liquid.

Important quantitative question:

How much of the volume of the solid will be above or below the surface of the liquid?

We already know Fg=mg= DsVSg

Ds: density of solid object Vs: Total volume of object

What about upward FB?

FB= weight of liquid displaced, which depends on volume of object that is submerged.

38 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

FB= mLdg = DLVSbg

DL:density of liquid Vsb:volume of solid below (submerged)

Total Vs=Vsb+Vsa (volume of solid above)


Virtual Textbook. (2007). Understanding density and buoyancy. Retrieved from

(This website will help instructors with background knowledge for this session.)

Session 4 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 14

Will it Float or Sink?

Let’s begin with two main equations:
Density = mass  volume OR   m (the same as d = m/v)

Force = mass X acceleration OR F = ma

Fbuoyancy  mdisplacedliquid  g


Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 13-18

PD Provider Notes:

With these concepts serving as the foundation, we can begin the discussion about buoyancy (will it sink or

1. We are ready for the force due to buoyancy (which is a wordy way to refer to it but I like it better than
“buoyant force” where, in my experience, the meaning is less clear). First, in words, I like to say “the force due
to buoyancy is equal to the mass of the displaced liquid times the acceleration due to gravity”. These words
need to be converted into symbols suitable for Equation (2). For force due to buoyancy, I prefer FB. For the
acceleration due to gravity, it is common to use g. For the mass of the displaced fluid, I like to use m dis-fluid.
From Equation (2) we have: FB = mdis-fluid g .\ (3)

2. The force of buoyancy is not the only force on the object. There is the omnipresent force due to gravity,
and to make it clear, I use the symbol FG to represent the force due to gravity, the acceleration is again g, and
the mass is the mass of the WHOLE OBJECT, so I write it as mwhole-obj. In my experience, this point is a major
conceptual stumbling point, so I use uppercase lettering for emphasis. In other words we have:
FG = mwhole-obj g . (4)

3. Equipped with the two main forces action on the object, we should recall that forces have both magnitude
and direction. We should remind ourselves that the force of buoyancy, F B, points UP while the force due to
gravity, FG, on the object points DOWN. When we talk about an object that floats, we are saying that it is in
equilibrium, which is the fancy way of saying that all forces acting on an object sum to zero. In other words,
there is no net acceleration on the object. Using our equations, this equilibrium state can be written, using
Equations 3 and 4, as FB = FG (5)

or mdis-fluid g = mwhole-obj g , (6)

40 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

and with g on each side of the equation, the Equation (6) becomes

mdis-fluid = mwhole-obj . (7)

In words, Equation 7 tells us that when an object is floating on a fluid, then the amount of mass of the fluid
that the object displaces must be equal to the mass of the whole object.

4. Knowing the mass of the WHOLE OBJECT is not usually a conceptual problem. However, how do we know
the mass of the of the displaced fluid (which is represented by mdis-fluid)? The answer is to use Equation 1, but
to rewrite it a bit as

mdis-fluid = ρdis-fluid Vdis-fluid . (8)

What is the volume of the displaced fluid (Vdis-fluid)? It is just the volume of the object that is submerged (Vsub-
obj)! So, an object will float if the mass of the whole object is equal to the density of the displaced fluid times
the volume of the object that is submerged. These words describe the combination of Equations (7) and (8)
which yields

mwhole-obj = ρdis-fluid Vsub-obj . (9)

5. Of course, the maximum volume that can be submerged is the entire volume of the object (Vwhole-obj). So, if
the density of the displaced fluid times the entire volume of the object is less than the mass of the whole
object, the object will sink. So, we have an answer to the initial question:

An object will FLOAT when mwhole-obj < ρdis-fluid Vwhole-obj , (10)

An object will SINK when mwhole-obj > ρdis-fluid Vwhole-obj . (11)


Session 4 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Will it Float or Sink?

 If the WHOLE OBJECT is a solid object with
homogeneous density, then the FLOAT/SINK
question becomes one of comparing the densities
of the object and the fluid.
 HOWEVER, in MOST INSTANCES, the object
consists of many parts and compartments. For
example, the hull of the boat may be constructed
from steel, and solid steel will sink in water.
 But when steel is fashioned to include “air” in its
hull, the overall “density of the boat” is less than
water, and the boat will float.
 This point is a major conceptual hurdle for many


Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 13-18

PD Provider Notes:

If there are any scuba divers in your participant group, have them share their experiences with buoyancy.


42 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Historical Perspective:
Archimedes’ Story
 Archimedes, a Greek philosopher and
mathematician (287-212 B.C.), is regarded
as one of the greatest physical scientists.
 The story is that while taking a bath,
Archimedes discovered a method for
figuring out whether the King’s crown had
been made of pure gold or a cheaper metal.
 Archimedes was so excited about his
discovery, he ran straight from the tub
through the streets shouting, "Eureka!"


Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 13-18

PD Provider Notes:


How Stuff Works Express. (2010). How submarines work. Retrieved from

Session 4 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Archimedes’ Principle
Archimedes' Principle states that
an object placed in a fluid is
buoyed upward by a force equal in
weight to the weight of the fluid
displaced (pushed out of the way)
by the object.


Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 13-18

PD Provider Notes:



How Stuff Works Express. (2010). How submarines work. Retrieved from

44 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

Buoyancy Activities
Confirmation of
Archimedes’ Principle
The Buoy-O-Meter

Time: 15 Minutes, Slides 13-18

PD Provider Notes:

Participants will first confirm Archimedes Principle and then, work with cubes that float.


Session 4 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 19

Activity: Confirmation of
Archimedes’ Principle
 Given, what you know about Archimedes’
Principle, collaborate with your group to devise a
way to verify the work of Archimedes.

 Conduct your investigation.

o A set of materials is provided.

Time: 25 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

See PD Provider Guide for several possible ways that this may be done.

In this activity, participants use a set of materials that have been pre-assembled and placed into large Zip-Loc

Into each Zip-Lock bag place:

Object – can be a mass with a hook at the top or something as simple as a rock



A spring scale (some record measurements in grams and newtons – to avoid unit conversions, use this type)

An overflow container

Two empty beakers – one in which to collect the overflow and a larger one for the groups to mass the object
“on land” and then while immersing the object in water

You may also choose to have balances available.


46 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

How can we determine upthrust using Archimede’s principle?. (2010). Retrieved from

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2010). Buoyancy: Archimedes principle. Retrieved from: (2008). Buoyancy and Archimedes. Retrieved from

Session 4 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 20

Buoy-O-Meter Activity
Use the cubes that float from the Volume & Density
activity we worked on earlier.

You have already calculated the density of these cubes,

based on your calculated volume.

How can you determine the density of these cubes

another way?

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 20-22

PD Provider Notes:

This method allows a determination of density of a material by direct measurement of mass and volume.
However, it is only viable when the shape of the object is simple enough so that its volume can be determined
easily with measurements using a ruler. If needed, the instructor can give formulas and show calculations for
determining the volume of other shapes - sphere, cylinder, pyramid, etc.


48 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21

Using Buoyancy to Determine

To Calculate Density
 Separately place each cube that floats
in the beaker and note the rise in Ds • Vs = Dliquid • Vsb
volume of the liquid.
 This tells the volume of the cube that Hint: The density of
water is 1 g/cm3.
is submerged. Record this value as
 Next, use the THIN tip of a pencil THE BIG
(or two) to fully submerge the cube. PICTURE
The rise in water level tells the total
volume of the cube and will be Fg = m•g = DsVsg
recorded as Vs.
 Finally, calculate density.

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 20-22

PD Provider Notes:

In this activity, participants use the cubes that float. They’ve already calculated the density of a cube using
their separate measurement of mass and volume.

Next, they will put each cube separately in the beaker and note the rise in volume of the liquid. This tells them
what fraction of the cube is submerged.

They will use this fraction to calculate the density of each cube from the equation in the box a few slides
earlier. The participants then compare this density with the value determined by the previous method using

F g = FB

DsVSg = DLVSbg

Vsb DL

------ = -------

Vs Ds

Note: the measurement of volume using the ruler is especially important here in several different steps. If
there is time, this presents the opportunity to discuss error propagation.

Note: it is important that the cube be held under water with one or two THIN pencil tips so that the displaced
volume is due almost entirely to the submerged cube. If a pudgy finger is used to submerge the cube, the

Session 4 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

finger will displace significant volume and the rise in water will incorrectly not reflect just the volume of the

Important quantitative question:

How much of the volume of the solid will be above or below the surface of the liquid?

We already know Fg=mg= DsVSg

Ds: density of solid object Vs: Total volume of object

What about upward FB?

FB= weight of liquid displaced, which depends on

volume of object that is submerged.

FB= mLdg = DLVSbg

DL:density of liquid Vsb:volume of solid below (submerged)

Total Vs=Vsb+Vsa (volume of solid above)

Fg= FB

DsVSg = DLVSbg

Vsb Ds

------ = -------



50 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

Comparing Methods for

Determining Density
Densities determined by the buoyancy Densities determined by the previous
method method, using direct measurements of
mass and volume, as determined from
length, width, and height

Were your results similar?

Is one method more precise than the other? More accurate?

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 20-22

PD Provider Notes:

Note: the earlier measurement of volume using the ruler is especially important here in several different
steps. If there is time, this presents the opportunity to discuss error propagation in detail because the volume
is determined by three separate measurements, each with their own uncertainty: length, width, and height.
Revisit slides 20-21 from session 3 for a review of accuracy and precision.


Session 4 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 23

How does the story of the Titanic relate to the
following terms we have addressed?



Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Optional activity: This activity could be done as journaling. Alternatively, put each word on a piece of chart
paper. Allow small groups of participants to move to each chart and record their thoughts relating the Titanic
to each term. Time may not permit each group to visit every chart. The PD Provider will determine how to
best use the time and space available.


RMS Titanic. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

52 Presentation Guide Session 4

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

Exit Ticket

What did you learn today? E
Was anything confusing or surprising to you? A
What are your new questions? N


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give out index cards for participants to use as exit tickets. Each participant should respond to the bulleted
questions on the slide and leave their exit tickets in a designated area. Exit tickets are anonymous. Exit
tickets should be read by the PD providers at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by
common themes to be addressed during follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to
answer questions and address misconceptions before starting the day’s topics. It will also provide an
opportunity to connect the content between sessions.


Session 4 Presentation Guide 53


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slide Time

Exit Ticket Review 1-2 15

Phases of Matter Concept Map 3 20

Representing Molecules Activity (Poker Chip Models) 4-7 30

Phase Change Content 8-13 20

Break 14

Void Space Activity 15-16 30

Dry Ice: A Sublime-O-Meter Activity 17 30

Phase Change Content (continued) 18-19 20

Recap 20 15

Total instructional time: 180

Session 5 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Representing Molecules – Poker Chip Models


Prior to the activity you will need to cut the adhesive magnetic strips and attach a 1cm piece to each
Poker or Bingo chip. We are assuming there are 4 people per tray kit.

For suggested answers see “Cookie Sheet Key” in the Resources Guide- also see notes in PowerPoint.

Participants will use the poker chips to model atoms & molecules as prompted on the slides listed




The following are the parts for one “Cookie Tray Kit”

8” x 13” Non-Stick Metal Cookie tray (also known as a Jelly Roll Pan) – must be magnetic!
At least 75cm of 1cm wide adhesive magnetic strip (to be cut),
6 red, 21 white, 21 blue poker chips
21 clear Bingo Chips



2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute


Void Space Activity


Instructors may want to use food coloring to help make the water visible.

Participants will measure the volume of water that fills up the pore space in between two different
sizes of glass beads. Participants should see that the volume is about the same. Of the 10 mL of water
it should take about 4.6 to fill both the Large and small Bead cylinders to 10mL. This indicates that
the beads both take up about the SAME Volume (5.4mL). Caveat: sand-sized beads are too small for
this demonstration, and they are expensive as well. The glass beads should be of similar size. Look for
glass beads at Michael’s or another craft store.

Stated in Whitfield (2006):

“With coaching from the instructor, students can be led to the conclusion the most surprising result
is that the same quantity of water is dispensed in each case, demonstrating that the percentage of
void space in a solid is independent of particle size. The same must hold true for atomic-sized
particles; of a seemingly uniform [shaped] solid. For students, the very concept of void space in a
solid can be difficult to grasp. Most students, when asked, would never guess that there can be as
much as 48% empty space between the atoms in a crystalline solid. And who can blame them?
Nothing about the visual appearance of a solid gives any clues to its atomic-level structure. There are
a number of well-documented misconceptions in this area. The idea of ‘nothing’ between the
particles …appears to cause considerable difficulties for students. Many seem to prefer to think of
‘something’, usually referred to as ‘air’, as being between the particles. In a review of existing
literature on student conceptions of the gaseous state, found that even students who recognized that
gases were particulate in nature still resisted the notion that there was empty space between the
particles. Most research, however, has centered on student conceptions of the liquid or gaseous state,
with little or no attention given to the solid state. Perhaps this is because there are numerous
demonstrations and activities to challenge misconceptions about gases and liquids. The
compressibility of gases provides some indirect evidence for the existence of empty space between
the molecules or atoms. The fact that salt dissolves in water without noticeably increasing its volume
suggests that there is empty space between individual water molecules. There are, unfortunately, no
compelling demonstrations or activities that provide convincing evidence for the void space in a

Participants will be asked to predict the total volume if they mix 50 mL of 90% Isopropyl alcohol
with 50 mL of water in a 100 mL graduated cylinder. They will then mix the two liquids together and
should observe the total volume to be approximately 97 mL. They will then be asked whether their
predictions are confirmed or not and why or why not?


Void Space Activity

Session 5 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide


Two 50 mL Graduated Cylinders

10 mL Graduated Cylinder
Food coloring (optional)
Two different sized solid glass beads
Dropper or pipette
100 mL Graduated Cylinder
50 mL 90% Isopropyl alcohol


Whitfield, M. (2006). Demonstrating void space in solids: A simple demonstration to challenge a

powerful misconception. Journal of Chemical Education, 83(5), 749-751.

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute


Dry Ice: A Sublime-O-Meter


Instructors will need to purchase Dry Ice the morning of this activity. You should keep receipts to
submit to the Promise host university or district. Styrofoam coolers work best. You will need about
1-2 lbs. This can be obtained at most Publix Supermarkets in Florida, and it costs less than $2/lb.

Each participant should have 1 copy of the Dry Ice Worksheet in the Appendix. For suggested
answers to the Kit activity See Cookie Sheet Key in the Resources Guide- also See Trainer Notes in

Participants will observe dry ice sublimating in air and in water. They will use the poker trays and a
worksheet to visualize what is transpiring.


Dry Ice Sublimation Activity


Dry Ice handout

Poker Tray Kits
Dry Ice
Heavy Gloves
500 mL beakers
100 mL graduated cylinder



Session 5 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

Cookie Sheet Key

One Water Molecule Boiling Water

A Cup of Water Solid

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Liquid W2 Solid

Gas W2 Liquid

Session 5 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide

W2 Gas C02 Sublimation in Water

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Dry Ice
A Sublime-O-Meter Answer KEY

1. What is the Chemical formula for:

Ice: H2O Water: H2O Steam: H2O Water vapor: H2O Dry Ice: CO2

2. When you place ice on a counter top, it melts… and then slowly evaporates. Participants should be able to
tell you that it goes from a solid to a liquid

When you dry ice is placed on a counter top, it skips the liquid phase and goes directly to gas from a solid

3. What is the above process called?

Ice on Counter: Melting

Dry Ice on Counter: Sublimation = phase change from a solid directly to a gas

4. What happens when the Dry Ice is placed in water? Why?

Many might say it is boiling. Ask them what boiling is. Participants should finally realize it is still sublimation,
just faster.

Why? The particles of a liquid are touching, so the entire surface of the dry ice is undergoing a heat transfer,
instead of what happens to a gas, where the particles are spread out. Kind of like the air can be -17˚C, but you
will die faster if you jump into 2˚C water. More particles “absorb” your body heat.

Ask: What would you rather have 99% of $1,000 or 1% of $1,000,000? Then do the math if needed.

5. Again, the process is sublimation – end result CO2

6. Participants’ cookie sheet model will be CO2 in water

Session 5 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

7. Draw what the particles of dry ice might look like if you could see them .

Before After

8. What do you think you are actually seeing when you observe this process?

You cannot see; what you are seeing is water vapor as it cools and condenses to form water droplets or fog
suspended in air. But the droplets quickly warm back up and become invisible again.

9. Is dry ice a “Sublime-O-Meter?” Explain your rationale.

Yes, dry ice sublimes at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

1- Void Space Activity

2- Dry Ice: A Sublime-O-Meter Activity

Session 5 Handouts 11
Provider Guide

12 Handouts Session 5
Matter & Energy Institute



In this activity you will predict and make some observations about the volume of space existing between glass
beads of different sizes.

two, 50 mL graduated cylinders food coloring (optional) Solid glass beads of 2 different
sizes (large and small)
10 mL graduated cylinder Water dropper or pipette

100 mL graduated cylinder 90% Isopropyl alcohol, 50 mL


1. Using the 50 mL graduated cylinder, add the larger glass beads until a volume of 10 mL
is reached.
2. Now, in the other 50 mL graduated cylinder, add the smaller glass beads until a volume
of 10 mL is reached.
3. STOP and take a few minutes to respond to these questions in your journal.


In your journal, predict how much water will be needed to bring the water level to the 10 mL
mark in the graduated cylinder with the large beads and then, the one with the smaller beads.

Explain your predictions.

4. Now, let’s test our predictions!

Session 5 Handouts 13
Provider Guide

5. Using the 10 mL graduated cylinder, measure out exactly 10 mL of water. You may
want to add food coloring to this water, but don’t get the color too dark.
6. Now, pour the colored water from the 10 mL cylinder into the cylinder containing
the large beads until the water level is at exactly 10 mL. IMPORTANT HINT: Pour
slowly and then use the pipette or dropper to be more accurate. If you add too much
water, it will take a long time to dry the beads and start over!
7. If you used a pipette, carefully squirt any unused water back into the 10 mL
cylinder. Record the amount of water remaining in the 10 mL graduated cylinder in
Table 1.
8. REPEAT the process for the cylinder with the smaller beads; however, be EXTRA
CAREFUL, as these are even harder to dry if you over fill.
9. Now, respond to the prompts below in your journal.

Table 1
Volume of Void Space
Amount of Remaining Amount of Water Needed
Bead Size Water (mL) to Fill Void Space (mL)

Large Beads

Small Beads
Note: 1 mL = 1 cm3


How much water was left in the graduated cylinder in each case?

What does the amount of water added to the cylinder with the beads represent? What does the
amount of water left over represent?

Describe any differences or similarities between the two systems.

14 Handouts Session 5
Matter & Energy Institute

What inference can you make about the relationship observed?

What do you think would happen if we used nano-sized beads?

How might this relate to space between atoms and molecules?



If you mix 50 mL of 90% Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) with 50 mL of water in a graduated
cylinder, what will the total volume of the mixture be?

Take a couple of minutes to test your prediction. Were you correct? Why or why not?

Session 5 Handouts 15
Provider Guide



Dry Ice Water Balloon

100 mL graduated cylinder Cookie Sheets Poker Chip Modeling kits

500 mL beaker Ice Hammer

Heavy gloves

Get a piece of dry ice (using gloves or tongs) from the instructor and investigate it! Once your investigations
are complete, discuss the following journal prompts with your group and respond.


1. What is the chemical formula for:

Ice: Water: Steam: Water: Dry Ice:

2. Contrast what happens when a piece of ice is placed onto a table or counter top with what
happens when a piece of DRY ice is placed onto a table or counter top.

3. What is the name of the process in each case?

4. What happens when dry ice is placed in water? Why?

16 Handouts Session 5
Matter & Energy Institute

5. What is the name of the process, described above, and what is the product?

6. Now, using your cookie sheet and poker chips, develop a model to represent this process.

7. Sketch what the particles of dry ice in water might look like, if you could see them, before
and after they undergo the physical change described above.

Before After

8. What do you think you are actually seeing when you observe this process?

9. Is dry ice truly a “Sublime-O-Meter?” Explain your rationale.

Session 5 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

18 Handouts Session 5
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 5

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 5 Presentation Guide 19

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Exit Ticket Review

What did you learn yesterday?

Was anything confusing or surprising to
What are your new questions?

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


20 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Phases of Matter Concept Map

Make a concept map with the following terms.
◦ Pressure ◦ Condensation
◦ Volume ◦ Evaporation
◦ Temperature ◦ Precipitation
◦ Liquid ◦ Sublimation
◦ Solid ◦ Heat
◦ Gas ◦ Cold
◦ Plasma ◦ Freeze
◦ Steam ◦ Melt
◦ Water vapor

Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Have participants work in groups of 4 to make a concept map on a piece of chart paper. Write each of the
terms (pressure, volume, etc) on a sticky note and encourage participants to revise their content maps
throughout the day. There will be time at the end of session 6 to revisit the concept maps.


Session 5 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Today We Will Be Uncovering…

Phases of Matter
Physical Changes
Kinetic Molecular Theory

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 4-7

PD Provider Notes:

Point out the topics to be investigated today.


22 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

Molecular Modeling
 What kinds of models can be used to represent the
different states of matter?
 What are the limitations of models?

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 4-7

PD Provider Notes:

Answer 1. Answers will vary.

Answer 2. Models are not an exact representation of how the world works.

The instructor will lead a discussion addressing the questions on this slide.

In the next slides, we will use poker chips to create models of atoms.


Session 5 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Poker Chip Modeling

 Using the Cookie Tray Kit

provided create a water
 Provide a key to explain your
 Be prepared to justify what
you did.

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 4-7

PD Provider Notes:

Allow approximately 15 minutes for justification and debriefing.

Give each group of 4 participants magnetic cookie sheets, poker chips, and bingo tabs. Have each group create
a model of a water molecule.

Cookie Sheet Answer Key in the Resources Guide.


24 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Poker Chip Modeling

 Now, add to your tray to represent
a cup of water.
 Pay attention to how you are
arranging your molecules.

 Now, make your water

 Be prepared to explain and justify
your model.

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 4-7

PD Provider Notes:

Participants will use the poker chip trays to model a phase change, namely the boiling of water. After
participants have made their representations of boiling water, boil a beaker of water and ask them if there is
anything about their model that they would like to modify. NOTE: Boiling water has gas bubbles below the
water line. Many groups may initially represent evaporation rather than boiling by omitting the gas bubbles
below the water line.

This slide sets the stage for the syringe activity, which will happen at the beginning of session 6.

See Cookie Sheet Answer Key in Resources Guide.


Session 5 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 8

Chemists’ Representation

Water becomes steam.

H2O (l) H2O (g)
l = liquid
g = gas
s = solid

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Explain how chemists represent a phase change. The letters in parentheses after a molecule represent solid,
liquid, or gas.


26 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9

Phase Change Summary

1. The identity of the substance

does not change.
2. No new substances are formed.
3. Molecules stay intact.

Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

On your tray, what remained the same after a phase change?

Did a new substance form?

Did any molecules split up?


Session 5 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 10

Representing Phases of Matter

If a substance is made of only white poker
chips (W) represent the substance in each of
these phases:

 Liquid
 Gas
Now, what if the substance were really (W2)?
Represent this as well.


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Different groups do different phases and share. Then keep the same phase and work with W 2 question.

Tell participants to set the tray aside without dismantling it.

Cookie Sheet Answer Key in Resources Guide.


28 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

How Solid is a Solid?

 In your representation of a solid, is there
any empty space between the atoms?
 Do you think this is true in nature or a
flaw in your model?
 What is your evidence?


Time: Slides 8-13 – 20 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Discuss questions.

Answer 1. Answers will vary, but will probably be yes.

Answer 2. Answers will vary.

Answer 3. Answers will vary. This slide is a lead-in to the upcoming Void Space Activity.


Session 5 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 12

Ask a Scientist

What variables
determine what
phase matter will
be in?


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Scientist’s response is on the next slide.


30 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

From a Scientist



Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 8-13

PD Provider Notes:

Discuss how pressure, volume, and temperature interact to determine the state of matter. For example,
lowering the temperature can cause water to change from liquid to solid.

“In a solid, the particles (ions, atoms or molecules) are packed closely together. The forces between particles
are strong enough so that the particles cannot move freely but can only vibrate. As a result, a solid has a
stable, definite shape, and a definite volume. Solids can only change their shape by force, as when broken or
cut. In crystalline solids, the particles (atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in an ordered three-
dimensional structure. There are many different crystal structures, and the same substance can have more
than one structure (or solid phase). For example, iron has a body-centred cubic structure at temperatures
below 912 °C, and a face-centred cubic structure between 912 and 1394 °C. Ice has fifteen known crystal
structures, or fifteen solid phases which exist at various temperatures and pressures. Solids can be
transformed into liquids by melting, and liquids can be transformed into solids by freezing. Solids can also
change directly into gases through the process of sublimation.

In a liquid, the volume is definite if the temperature and pressure are constant. When a solid is heated above
its melting point, it becomes liquid. Intermolecular (or interatomic or interionic) forces are still important,
but the molecules have enough energy to move relative to each other and the structure is mobile. This means
that the shape of a liquid is not definite but is determined by its container. The volume is usually greater than
that of the corresponding solid, the most well known exception being water, H2O. The highest temperature at
which a given liquid can exist is its critical temperature.

In a gas, the molecules have enough kinetic energy so that the effect of intermolecular forces is small (or zero
for an ideal gas), and the typical distance between neighboring molecules is much greater than the molecular
size. A gas has no definite shape or volume, but occupies the entire container in which it is confined. A liquid

Session 5 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

may be converted to a gas by heating at constant pressure to the boiling point, or else by reducing the
pressure at constant temperature.

At temperatures below its critical temperature, a gas is also called a vapor, and can be liquefied by
compression alone without cooling. A vapor can exist in equilibrium with a liquid (or solid), in which case the
gas pressure equals the vapor pressure of the liquid (or solid). A supercritical fluid (SCF) is a gas whose
temperature and pressure are above the critical temperature and critical pressure respectively. It has the
physical properties of a gas, but its high density confers solvent properties in some cases which lead to useful
applications. For example, supercritical carbon dioxide is used to extract caffeine in the manufacture of
decaffeinated coffee.”


Quote above from:

32 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Morning Break -15 minutes


Time: 15 Minutes

Session 5 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Void Space Activity

In this activity you will predict, make observations
and inferences about the space between different
sized glass beads.

What You Will Need

 Two 50 mL Graduated Cylinders
 10 mL Graduated Cylinder
 Water
 Food coloring (optional)
 2 different sized solid glass beads
 Dropper or Pipette
 100 mL graduated cylinder
 20 mL 90% isopropyl alcohol


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 15-16

PD Provider Notes:

Handout in Appendix


34 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Void Space Activity Debriefing

 What did you learn during the void
space activity?
 Would the results have changed if you
used different sized glass beads?
 How might this relate to the space
between atoms and molecules?
 What happened to the combined
volume of the isopropyl alcohol and
the water? Why?


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 15-16

PD Provider Notes:

Answer 1. Answers will vary.

Answer 2. No, the results would be the same with different size glass beads.

Answer 3. See Resources Guide for this activity.

Answer 4. The combined volume was less than expected. See Resources Guide for this activity.


Session 5 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 17

More Fun with Phases -

A Sublime-O-Meter
 What phases do you observe?
 What is different about what the particles
are doing in each case?
 What is similar?
 What do we call these processes?


Time: 30 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Place dry ice and regular ice on each table. Allow participants to investigate the behavior of dry ice.
Encourage the participants to play with the dry ice.

Dry Ice Sublimation Handout in participant binders.

There is also an Answer Key in the Resource Guide.


36 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

Chemists’ Representation
 Ice melting
H2O (s) H2O (l)

 Dry Ice sublimating?

CO2(s) ?
CO2(s) CO2(g)


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 18-19

PD Provider Notes:

Now instructors represent water molecule with poker chips and bingo chips (white poker chips represents
oxygen; small blue bingo chips represent hydrogen; red poker chips can be used for carbon). Participants
represent CO2. Don’t sweat the bonding and representation – if a group hits on the correct bonding point it
out. (This is not the focus.)


Session 5 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 19

CO2 in Water Phase Change

Use your CO2 poker

chip model to
represent what you
think is happening


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 18-19

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor puts dry ice in water at the tables. NOTE: the first thing that happens is the CO 2 sublimes, but
then keep in mind that the CO2 will react with water to produce an acid base equilibrium. This can be
addressed if needed. *The phase change is the focus. The phase change that we are looking at is still
sublimation even though it is in water.

Cookie Sheet Answer Key in Resource Guide.


Image Credit (top): Photograph “Dry Ice Pellets Subliming” by Richard Wheeler. Retrieved December 7, 2009
from This image is available under a GNU
Free Documentation License.

Image Credit (bottom): Photograph “Dry ice in a cup.jpg” by Shawn Henning. Retrieved December 7, 2009
from This image is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License.

File:Dy Ice Pellets Subliming.jpg. (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Dy ice in cup.jpg. (2008). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

38 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20

Thinking About What You

Respond to these questions in
Your journal:
 What are some things that you learned
during this session?
 Is there anything that is unclear?

Find a partner and discuss your



Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Provider should encourage participants to discuss with each other.


Session 5 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Lunch Break


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


40 Presentation Guide Session 5

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Activity – If We Could See Particles…Exploring Compressibility 1-2 25

Phase Comparison Graphic Organizer 3 20

Measuring Phase Change – BHT Activity 4-6 45

 Using BHT to measure phase change temperatures

Heating Curve Content 7-8 10

Check Your Understanding 9-10 10

Phase Change Content 11-15 20

Break 16

Graphing Phase Change Activity 17-18 10

Kinetic Theory/Molecular Motion Activity 19-21 20

Phase change summary 22 5

Concept Map Revision 23 10

Exit Tickets 24 5

Distillation activity 25-28 optional

Phases of Matter worksheet optional

Total instructional time: 180

Session 6 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



If We Could See Particles – Exploring Compressibility


The instructors will need to fill beakers for the participants with water. Also provide dry sand.

The answer key for the handout follows in the Resources Guide. The Matter Graphic Organizer will
help guide the debriefing from this activity.


Comparing the States of Matter with Syringes


60 mL syringes



2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute




Syringe Water Sand

In the container in each of the circles, draw how you think particles of the three common
states of matter would look, under normal conditions, if you could see them.


Answers will vary. Instructors should walk

around and observe responses to check for
misconceptions and address any that are noted
during the explanation.


Using the materials provided, develop a method to determine whether or not matter in
each of the three common states is compressible.


Our group used the materials to test compressibility of matter, in each of the three common states
(phases),in this way…………………….. We found that each state can or cannot be compressed

It is expected that participants will cover the end of the syringe with one finger and
compress with air, sand, and water.

Session 6 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

Our results indicate:

The water cannot be compressed…the plunger does not move, because particles of a
liquid are already touching.
The sand cannot be compressed…the particles of a solid are already touching.
The gas can be compressed, because there is space between the gas particles.


Explain your findings.

**See text box above for answer.

Share your explanation with your table group and then with the instructor.

Instructors should be roaming from group to group, listening to discussion.

In the circles, draw how the particles of the three common states of matter would appear during testing,
if you could see them.


The illustrations should show, a solid doesn’t take the shape of its container, the
particles maintain shape. The particles of a liquid assume the shape of a container
and are random in orientation. The particles of a gas are randomly arranged and
occupy the space they are in.


4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

1. Place water into the syringe and pull the plunger back with a finger tightly covering
the end. What happens?
**It turns to a gas- water vapor
2. Why does this occur? Hint: Consider what is happening to the pressure inside the
**You are actually “boiling” the water at low pressure. Boiling is a function of
temperature and pressure. We assume the pressure is 1 atmosphere, but pressure
is not always the same. There are different cooking instructions on cake mixes for
high altitudes because the water will boil below 100˚C. In outer space, water will
instantly vaporize despite the extreme cold because there are no other particles
exerting pressure on it.
3. Squeeze the syringe with air in it and pay close attention to how it looks. What are
your observations? Why?
**It should get a little cloudy, because you are compressing the water in the air into
“fog” in a sense.
4. Now, pull the plunger back with a finger tightly covering the end. What happens to
the pressure? To the plunger? To the air?
**The pressure is reduced and the gas expands…the participants cannot see this, but
they can feel the force required to hold, and when they let go, they will observe the
plunger being pushed in by the force of the higher pressure air that is outside the
5. Why?
See above

Session 6 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide


Matter Graphic Organizer


This graphic organizer is a scaffold for debriefing the Comparing States of Matter with Syringes
activity. The answer key for the Matter Graphic Organizer is located in the slide 3 provider’s notes

You will instruct participants to record the table in their journal.







6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute


Measuring a Phase Change – BHT Activity


Lay out materials and explain set up.

Participants will warm and then measure the temperature change of BHT (butylated
hydroxytoluene) as it cools. They should see a flat line at approximately 73˚C, which is the melting
point of BHT under Earth’s atmosphere. You might find it helpful to insert the thermometers into the
stoppers and add BHT to the test tubes, prior to beginning this activity. After the BHT cools and
hardens in the test tube, you will need to heat it back up in order to dispose of it and clean the test
tube. Dish detergent or Vaseline can be used to lubricate the thermometers.

An alternative to having this activity done by participant small groups is that it could be done as a
whole-class demonstration. Every minute or two, have a different participant come to the front of the
room and read the temperature on the thermometer and record on a piece of chart paper or
whiteboard. Between measurements, discuss what is happening in the demonstration.


Measuring a Phase Change


Per Group:
500mL beaker
~10-15g of BHT
150 mL Test Tube
#4 2-hole stopper
Hot Plate
Safety Goggles
Test Tube Rack



Session 6 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide


Graphing Phase Changes


Participants will use the data they collect to create 1 graph with several phase changes for different
chemicals. Follow up questions are in the instructor notes and not given ahead of time to allow for
inquiry questioning that would give some things away if given ahead of time. See answer key below.
The instructor should draw this chart on a whiteboard or chart paper for the class to see.


Graphing Phase Changes


Graph paper (supplied by instructors)



8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Graphing Phase Changes Activity KEY (Slides 16-17)

See electronic file for color version of this graph.

Sample Graph:

Some things participants might ask about is how long to make the “flat” transition line.
There is a set amount called heat of fusion or heat of vaporization, and the length of the line
depends on the energy required for each substance. The heat of vaporization is different
for each substance. Also the specific heat is the rate at which a given substance will heat
up. This is the slanted line. A steep line indicates the substance heats up quickly compared
to others. A slight slope indicates it heats up slowly. This graph is NOT correct for these
values, but it can still be used for comparison purposes. For example: BHT in the solid
phase will increase its temperature more than in the gaseous phase for the same amount of

Answers to 30˚C Table are: L, L, G, G, S

Session 6 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute


Kinetic Theory/Molecular Motion Activity


Set up an ice water bath and a hot water bath for participants to collect in their graduated cylinders.

Participants will observe and compare the way food coloring diffuses in hot versus cold water. The
hot water should be 85-90˚C.


Molecular Motion Activity


Two 100 mL graduated cylinders

Ice water in tub
Food coloring
HOT water (85-90˚C)



Session 6 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide


Distillation Activity - Optional


You will need to prepare two “unknown” liquid samples

1. Sample A: a mixture of 200 mL of alcohol (must be 90% or greater) and 300 mL water
2. Sample B: 500 mL water

Participants will work in and measure the temperature change of a mixture of alcohol and water as it
boils. They should get a double hump (flat phase change line) in this activity for the water/alcohol
mixture. One should be about 80˚C, the other close to 100˚C. The water should only start to see 1 flat


Distillation Activity


One 500 mL beaker

25 mL alcohol and water mixture
Two 150 mL test tubes
Two #4 2-hole stoppers
One thermometer(˚C)
Hot plate
One piece of 30cm(1ft) Rubber tubing
Two 90 degree glass bends
Test tube rack



12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute


Three States of Matter Worksheet - Optional


This worksheet examines phase changes from a nanoscale perspective.


Three States of Matter




March, J., Caswell, K., and Lewis, J. (2007) Introductory Chemistry Modules: A Guided Inquiry
Approach. Brooks Cole Publishers. Used with permission.

Session 6 PD Provider Resources & Materials 13

Provider Guide

14 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute


1. If We Could See Particles…Exploring Compressibility Slide 2

2. Measuring Phase Change-BHT Activity, for Slides 4-5
a. Set up diagram for visualization
3. Check Your Understanding – Phase Changes
4. Graphing Phase Changes, for Slides 16-17
5. Kinetic Theory/Molecular Motion Activity, for Slides 18-20
6. Distillation Activity, optional, slides 24-27
a. Set up diagram for visualization
7. States of Matter worksheet, optional

Session 6 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

16 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute




Syringe Water Sand


In the container in each circle, draw how you think particles of the three common states of matter
would look, under normal conditions, if you could see them.



Using the materials provided, develop a method to determine whether or not matter, in
each of the three common states, is compressible. Describe your activity in the space

Session 6 Handouts 17
Provider Guide


Our group used the materials to test compressibility of matter, in each of the three
common states (phases), in this way……………………..

Our results indicate:


Explain your findings. Share your explanation with your table group and then with the

In the circles, draw how the particles of the three common states of matter would
appear during testing, if you could see them.


18 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute


1. Place water into the syringe and pull the plunger back with a finger tightly covering
the end. What happens?

2. Why does this occur? Hint: Consider what is happening to the pressure inside the

3. Squeeze the syringe with air in it and pay close attention to how it looks. What are
your observations? Why?

4. Now, pull the plunger back with a finger tightly covering the end. What happens to
the pressure? To the plunger? To the air?

5. Why?

Session 6 Handouts 19
Provider Guide




500 mL beaker 10-15g BHT 150 mL test tube

#4 2-hole stopper thermometer hot plate or Bunsen burner
safety goggles test tube rack paper towels


1. Make a water bath by filling the 500 mL beaker approximately half full with water.
Bring the water to a boil on the hot plate.
2. Fill the test tube about 1/3 to 1/2 half full with BHT. This will be approximately 10 –
15g of BHT.
3. Lubricate the thermometer with liquid soap and insert it through the hole of the
stopper. Hold the thermometer in several layers of paper towel while inserting it.
4. Place the stopper in the test tube so that it has a tight fit. Adjust the thermometer to
ensure it is in the BHT.
5. After describing the BHT prior to melting in your journal, place the test tube into the
water bath and leave it until the BHT is completely melted.
6. Once the BHT has fully melted, remove the test tube from the water bath and record
the temperature every 30 seconds in a data table. Graph your results.

20 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute


Describe the BHT prior to melting.

Were any of your final results surprising?

Data Table

Table 1
Temperature of BHT Over Time

Session 6 Handouts 21
Provider Guide


Figure 1. BHT cooling curve

This diagram should help you with set up for “Measuring a Phase Change” activity.

22 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute

Session 6 Handouts 23
Provider Guide



This worksheet accompanies the Check Your Understanding exercise on slide 8. Answer the
questions below.

1. When does this material begin to change from a solid to a liquid? When is the phase
change complete? How do you know?

2. When does this material begin to change from a liquid to a gas? When is the phase
change complete? How do you know?

3. At what points is this substance a solid? A liquid? A gas? What are the melting point and
boiling point temperatures?

24 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute

4. Is this substance water? How do you know?

5. What physical properties are changing as the material warms up?

6. Stretch Your Mind: How would this curve be changed if pressure were increased?

Session 6 Handouts 25
Provider Guide


In this activity you will graph various chemical phase change temperatures compared to
energy. Assume you are using the same mass of each substance. Temperature should be
on the vertical axis.

Make sure to labels the different phases on your graph with the following codes:

Solid= S Liquid= L Gas = G

Freezing Point Boiling Point Phase at

Substance Formula Sublimation Pt
(FP) (BP) 30 °C

Nitrogen N2 -196°C

Water H2O 0°C 100°C

Dry Ice CO2 -78.5°C

Oxygen O2 -182.95°C

BHT C15H24O ~72°C 265°C

After making your graph, in the last column of the table, enter the phase for each substance
at 30°C.

26 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute


In this activity you will observe the motion of liquid particles at different temperatures.


Two 100 mL graduated cylinders Ice water in tub

Food coloring HOT water (85-90˚C)




Fill each graduated cylinder from 2/3-3/4 full: one with hot water, 1 with cold water. Make
sure there is no ice in the cold water.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

Predict what you think will happen when you place food coloring in each beaker.


Place 1 drop of food coloring in each graduated cylinder. Make sure that you release the
droplet as close to the surface of the water as possible to avoid splashing.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

1. Describe what you saw.

2. What conclusions can you draw from these observations?

3. Do you think this would apply to other states of matter? How?

Session 6 Handouts 27
Provider Guide


In this activity you will use your phase change knowledge to identify and separate a liquid


One 500 mL beaker 25 mL of Unknown Liquid

Two 150 mL Test Tubes Two #4 2-hole stoppers

Thermometer (˚C) Hot Plate

Test Tube Rack Two 90 degree glass tubing bends

Ice Water

One piece of 30cm (1ft) Rubber tubing Paper towels


1. Make a water-bath and bring it to a boil on the hot-plate.

2. Make another water-bath with ice-water
3. Measure out 25 mL of the unknown liquid.
4. Insert the thermometer through one hole on 2 of the stoppers. Lubricate the thermometer
with soap before attempting to insert it into the hole. Hold the thermometer with several
layers of paper towels.
5. Insert a 90 degree glass bend in the other hole
6. Place the stopper so that it has a tight fit on the test tube and adjust the depth of the
thermometer so that it is in the liquid.
7. Insert a 90 degree glass bend into another stopper and place that in an empty Test tube.
8. Connect the rubber tubing to the 90 degree glass bends of both test tubes to create a
closed system.
9. Place the test tube with the thermometer into the hot water bath and the empty
(collecting) test tubes into the ice bath.
10. Take temperature readings every 30 seconds until you get to about 100˚C.

28 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute

Create a data table and record this data in your journal.

Make a graph of your data in your journal.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

1. Describe how the 2 substances behaved during heating.

2. What differences did you observe between the substances?

3. Why do you think they behaved in this manner?

Session 6 Handouts 29
Provider Guide

This diagram should help you with set up for the distillation activity.

30 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute

Used with permission.

Session 6 Handouts 31
Provider Guide

Used with permission.

32 Handouts Session 6
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 6

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 6 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Activity - If We Could See

On the handout provided, draw each of the
3 states of matter as you think they would
look “if” you could see them.
You will then use syringes to gather
evidence for each of the 3 states.
Record your responses for each section.

Time: ~25 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Follow the handout. You may want to ask for individuals to share their drawings on the board, then revisit

Syringe Activity handout

There is also an Answer Key in the Resource Guide.


34 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Journal Graphic Organizer

Particle Arrangement Compressibility Shape




Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The syringe activity offered a chance to observe behavior of matter, while the Graphic Organizer is a tool that
will help participants make sense of the phases of matter. Draw the Matter Graphic Organizer table on a
whiteboard or piece of chart paper. Guide a class discussion about the states of matter and characteristics of
particle arrangement, particle movement, compressibility, and shape. Use the notes below to guide the
discussion. As each cell in the table is discussed, record the information in the table on the whiteboard or
chart paper. Have participants record this table in their journal. They can use colors if they want to.


Particle Arrangement- can have a pattern. Particles are in contact. When you pull or push particles keep their
position and move together.

Particle Movement- particles are “vibrating” in place

Compressibility-not easily compressible…depends on substance

Shape -has a definite shape


Particle Arrangement - particles are in contact. Can have a pattern, but it easily changes. When you pull or
push on particles they do NOT keep their position and can easily be separated.

Particle Movement- particles are in contact but can flow around each other. They do not keep their
orientation or position.

Session 6 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Compressibility- Slightly more compressible than a solid of the same chemical (Except ice…which is weird as
it becomes less dense when it solidifies).

Shape- depends on shape of container due to gravity


Particle Arrangement - completely random-no pattern at all

Particle Movement- moving freely and particles are NOT in contact

Compressibility- easily compressed or expanded

Shape- no definite shape because particle are in constant random motion


36 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 4

Reading a Thermometer and

Charting Temperature

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 4-6

PD Provider Notes:

This slide is intended to review the procedures for reading a thermometer and plotting temperature vs. time
on a graph. If your participants are already familiar with these procedures, then skip this slide.

The data for the graph is as follows:

(time, temp) (5, 12), (10, 14), (15, 16), (20, 18), (25, 20), (30, 22), (35, 22), (40, 22)


Session 6 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 5

Activity – Measuring a Phase

In this activity, you will quantitatively measure a
phase change.
500mL beaker ~10-15g of BHT
150mL Test Tube #4 2-hole stopper
Thermometer (˚C) Hot Plate
Safety Goggles Test Tube Rack
Paper towels

Use the Handout provided.

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 4-6

PD Provider Notes:

See Resource Guide and Lab Handout. BHT is an abbreviation for butylated hydroxytoluene. BHT is a
compound which is used as a preservative (or antioxidant) in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and
petroleum products. The graph should have a flat hump around 73˚C, which is the melting point of BHT at
room temperature under the earth’s atmosphere.

NOTE: Do not try to remove thermometers from the stoppers. To clean the test tubes and thermometers, first
immerse in hot water to soften the BHT.

It is recommended that the instructors place the thermometers in the stoppers before the session begins.
Dish detergent or vaseline might help to lubricate the thermometer. If you need to plug an open hole in the
stopper, golf tees work well for this purpose.


38 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

Phase Change Activity Debriefing


Share the data you collected to

make your graph in your journal.
What pattern can you see, and what
conclusions can we draw about
phase transitions from this

Time: 45 Minutes, Slides 4-6

PD Provider Notes:

This is part of the activity.

After each group has finished their graph have them describe the pattern the data displays. The data should
show that the BHT cooled at a steady pace, then the temperature stayed the same (flat line on the graph).
Then after it had solidified, it continued to cool.

The idea is that even though the outside air/environment was “stealing” heat at the same rate (because it was
about the same temperature - room temperature), the temperature remained the same during the phase


It also shows that both states of matter can exist at the phase transition point.

ie: both water & ice can exist at 0˚C, and both water & steam can exist at 100˚C.

When you click on the link scroll down just a bit to look at the table (the end of that web page is discussed on
the next slide).


Zobel, E. A. (2006). Changes of phases (or state). Retrieved from

Session 6 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 7

What does a heating curve show?

 Let's Take a Look at Heating and Cooling Curves

Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 7-8

PD Provider Notes:

This web site shows a phase change animation that superimposes models of molecular motion on top of a
heating curve. Highly recommended.

Scroll down until you see the heating curve for water. Cooling curves are also shown.


Mr. Kent’s Chemistry Page. (2009). Heating and cooling curves. Retrieved from

40 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Water boiling
100o C

Ice melting

0o C
Really cold ice
- 196o C

How does the temperature of
very cold ice change as heat is
continually added?

Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 7-8

PD Provider Notes:

Liquid nitrogen can cool ice to – 196 centigrade, so ice can be much colder than 0 centigrade!

Please ensure that participants understand that matter has heat until the temperature reaches absolute zero
(-273.15 C).

“A system is an imaginary closed container isolated from its environment. It is isolated so that we can
investigate how the system changes as it is disturbed either by transferring mass or energy to and from it.
The existence of the container is optional in definition, but in reality a container is used for the isolation.
When the system is heated, energy is transferred into it. In response to the energy it receives, the system
changes, for example by increasing its temperature. A plot of the temperature versus time is called the
heating curve. One such heating curve is shown here.
When a system contains only one phase (solid, liquid or gas), the temperature will increase when it receives
energy. ( The rate of
temperature increase will be dependent on the heat capacity of the phase in the system. When the heat
capacity is large, the temperature increases slowly, because much energy is required to increase its
temperature by one degree. Thus, the slope of temperature increase for the solid, liquid, and gases are
For example, the temperature of a system containing ice below its melting point will increase when heated.
However, at 273.15 K, the temperature stops rising. At this temperature, the ice start to melt, and the heat is
used to melt the ice. The melting of ice is called a phase transition. When energy supplied is used for the
phase transition the temperature stays constant. After the phase transition is complete, the temperature rise
will follow a different rate than that of the solid due to different heat capacity, as shown in the heating curve.
A colorful web site for discussing States of Matter <
intermolecu.htm> also shows the heating curve, and phase diagram of water. “

Session 6 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide


Cyberspace Chemistry (CaCT). (2010, April 11).The heating curve [Quote]. Retrived from

Boiling Water [Photograph] by Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

Steam Engine [Photograph] by lyle58. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial 2.0 Generic license.

All other photos are created by Florida PROMiSE.

42 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9

Check Your

 When does this material begin to change from a solid to a liquid? When is the phase
change complete? How do you know?
 When does this material begin to change from a liquid to a gas? When is the phase
change complete? How do you know?
 At what points is this substance a solid? A liquid? A gas? What are the melting point
and boiling point temperatures?

Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 9-10

PD Provider Notes:

Tell participants that this heating curve shows a compound being heated in a hot water bath. The
temperature was measured every 5 minutes.

Participants have a copy of this diagram in their handouts. Have them label when the matter is a
solid/liquid/gas, when phase changes start and finish.

The instructor needs to make sure the participants understand that: During a phase change, there is no
temperature change. The phase change is not instantaneous.

Tie this discussion back to physical properties: boiling point, melting point, density, etc. The density of the
material changes as the material is warming up.


When does this material begin to change from a solid to a liquid? 15 minutes. When is the phase change
complete? 30 minutes. How do you know? The temperature starts to rise again.

When does this material begin to change from a liquid to a gas? 45 minutes. When is the phase change
complete? 65 minutes. How do you know? The temperature starts to rise again.

At what points is this substance a solid? 0-15 minutes. A liquid? 30-45 minutes. A gas? 65-85 minutes. What
are the melting point and boiling point temperatures? Melting point 32˚C, boiling point 56˚C.


Session 6 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 10

Check Your

 1. Is this substance water?

◦ How do you know?
 2. What physical properties are changing as the material warms up?
 3. Stretch Your Mind: How would this curve be changed if pressure were
increased? Decreased?


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 9-10

PD Provider Notes:

Tell participants that this heating curve shows a compound being heated in a hot water bath. The
temperature was measured every 3-4 minutes.

Participants have a copy of this diagram in their handouts. Have them label when the matter is a
solid/liquid/gas, when phase changes start and finish.

The instructor needs to make sure the participants understand that: (1) During a phase change, there is no
temperature change. (2)The phase change is not instantaneous.

Tie this discussion back to physical properties: boiling point, melting point, density, etc. The density of the
material changes as the material is warming up.


Answer 1: Is this substance water? No. How do you know? Its melting and boiling points are different. Water
melts at 0˚C and boils at 100˚C. This substance melts at 32˚C and boils at 62˚C.

Answer 2: The density and viscosity. (Other answers are possible.)

Answer 3: If pressure were decreased, the distance between the molecules in a solid increases, and the
molecules become more active. This is the same effect as raising the temperature. If you lower the pressure
enough you can make the molecules so active that they become liquid, without ever adjusting the
temperature. The sublimation of carbon dioxide is so easy to observe because atmospheric pressure is below
the sublimation point of carbon dioxide. Dry ice goes directly from solid to gas. If the pressure were

44 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

increased, the distance between the molecules in a solid decreases, and the molecules become less active.
This is the same effect as lowering the temperature.


Session 6 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Phase Change of Water

Condenses GAS

Freezes LIQUID



Heat energy


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 11-15

PD Provider Notes:

Step through each part of this slide in detail.


46 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

Energy is Required in ALL Phase Changes

Description Temperature
Term for Heat Movement During
of Phase Change During
Phase Change Phase Change
Change Phase Change
Heat goes into the solid as it
solid to liquid melting none
Heat leaves the liquid as it
liquid to solid freezing none
which includes Heat goes into the liquid as it
liquid to gas none
boiling and vaporizes.
Heat leaves the gas as it
gas to liquid condensation none
Heat goes into the solid as it
solid to gas sublimation none


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 11-15

PD Provider Notes:

Provider should go over this table and stress the very last column. The next slide explains why this is so.


Zobel, E. A. (2006). Changes of phases (or state). Retrieved from

Session 6 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 13

Ask a Scientist

What happens to
molecules during a phase


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 11-15

PD Provider Notes:


48 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

From a Scientist

The liquid water molecules have the same

average speed and the same average kinetic
energy as they had before the melting.
So, the water is at the same temperature the
moment after the melting that the ice was at
the moment before the melting.


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 11-15

PD Provider Notes:


Session 6 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Phase Change Terminology

Specific heat:
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
1 gram of a substance in a certain Phase by one degree Celsius.

Heat of fusion:
The amount of heat required to convert 1 gram of a solid at its
melting point into a liquid without an increase in temperature.

Heat of vaporization:
The amount of heat required to convert 1 gram of a liquid at its
boiling point into vapor without an increase in temperature.


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 11-15

PD Provider Notes:

Remind participants that the specific heat is different for different substances. Also, it is different for
different phases of the same substance (ie: water heats up slower than steam.) This is the same amount of
energy required to be removed to cool it down.

It takes 4.186 joules (1 calorie) to heat one gram of water one degree C.

It takes 1.87 joules to heat one gram of water vapor one degree C.

It takes 0.449 joules to heat one gram of solid Iron, Fe, one degree C.

Iron is a good heat conductor, so you would expect it to take less to heat up, while water is a heat sink (often
used as a coolant to absorb heat energy).

Specific Heat J / g˚C

Water (liquid) 4.18

Water (gas) 1.87

Water (solid) 2.06

Ethanol, C2H5OH(l) 2.438

Methane, CH4(g) 2.200

50 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Isooctane, C8H18(l) 2.093

Aluminum, Al(s) 0.897

Table salt, NaCl(s) 0.865

Graphite, C(s) 0.714

Iron, Fe(s) 0.449

Silver, Ag(s) 0.235

Mercury, Hg(l) 0.139

Tungsten, W 0.132


Session 6 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 16

Afternoon Break


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


52 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 17

Graphing Phase Changes Activity

Using the following data, construct a graph showing the phase
changes for each substance. Make sure to use a different line for each
substance and label your graph with all the required parts.
Place an S, L, or G on each of the phases.
Substance Formula Freezing Pt Sublimation Pt Boiling Phase at
(FP) Point(BP) 30 °C
Nitrogen N2 -196 °C

Water 0 °C 100 °C
Dry Ice -78.5 °C
Oxygen -182.95
O2 °C
BHT ~72°C 265°C

After making your graph, in the last column,

write the phase each substance is in at 30°C.


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-18

PD Provider Notes:

Optional: You can have participants graph the data in this table. Alternatively, you can just show them the
next slide. If you do the graphing activity, you need to provide the data table and graph paper. Have
participants graph temperature on the y axis and thermal energy on the x axis. Graph all five substances on
the same graph. See provider’s Resources Guide for the answer key. Sketch the graph on a whiteboard or
chart paper after participants have worked on their graphs for a while. You might want the participants to
only graph 2 or 3 of the 5 compounds listed, as the graphing process can be time consuming.

Have people share their graphs.

Ask: Would all have the same length flat line at different phase changes? What does the length of this line

Answer: Different substances take different amounts of energy to change phase assuming mass is kept

The longer the line, the more energy to change phase.

Ask: Would all of the slanted lines have the same angle at different phase changes? What does the angle of
these lines indicate?

Answer: Different substances heat up at different rates and at different phases for the same substance,
assuming mass is kept constant.

The steeper the line the faster it heats up.

Session 6 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Ask: Tough question if you think they are ready: “How would you get the flat lines to have the same lengths
for different substances?”

Answer: You would need different amounts of each substance.


54 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

Graphing Phase Changes


Time: 10 Minutes, Slides 17-18

PD Provider Notes:

The graph in this slide shows the data from the previous slide. Show how each segment of each line is
obtained. If desired, the instructor could research the melting point, sublimation point, and boiling point for
other substances and have participants create a graph like the one shown here. Participants could also use a
phase change graph to identify various unknown compounds.


Session 6 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 19

Kinetic Theory
What does the word “kinetic” mean?

The Kinetic Molecular Theory states that all

matter is made up of very small particles that
are in constant motion, and can be used to
explain the properties of solids, liquids, and
gases, as well as changes of state.

The Structure of Matter - Exploring the

Kinetic Molecular Theory


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 19-21

This is the intro to the activity on the next slide. Stay on this slide for only about 1 minute.

PD Provider Notes:

Ask participants what kinetic means. Answer: pertaining to or caused by motion.

Matter consists of molecules.

The molecules are always in a state of random continuous motion.

The molecules exert forces on one another. These forces depend upon intermolecular distance.

“Kinetic theory (or the kinetic or kinetic-molecular theory of gases) is the theory that gases are made up of a
large number of small particles (atoms or molecules), all of which are in constant, random motion. The
rapidly moving particles constantly collide with each other and with the walls of the container. Kinetic theory
explains macroscopic properties of gases, such as pressure, temperature, or volume, by considering their
molecular composition and motion. Essentially, the theory suggests that pressure is due not to static
repulsion between molecules, as was Isaac Newton’s conjecture, but due to collisions between molecules
moving at different velocities.

While the particles making up a gas are too small to be visible, the jittering motion of pollen grains or dust
particles which can be seen under a microscope, known as Brownian motion, results directly from collisions
between the particle and air molecules. This experimental evidence for kinetic theory, pointed out by Albert
Einstein in 1905, is generally seen as having confirmed the existence of atoms and molecules.”

Other Useful Information:

56 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

This kinetic-molecular theory states (postulates) that:

All matter (solid, liquid, and gas) is made up of tiny particles called atoms, or atoms that are joined to form

These particles are in constant motion.

Molecular motion is random.

Particles in motion possess kinetic energy.

Their motion increases as they gain energy.

There is an exchange (transfer) of energy between particles (atoms and molecules) during a collision
between them.

Particles (molecules) in gases do not exert large forces on each other, unless they are in collision with each

Collisions between these particles are perfectly elastic.

Molecular motion is greatest in gases, less in liquids, and least in solids.

Solids retain a fixed volume and shape - particles are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.

Liquids assume the shape of the container which it occupies but maintain their volume - particles close
together with no regular arrangement.

Gases assumes the shape and volume of its container and will expand to fill a container of any size - particles
are very well far apart with no regular arrangement.

The kinetic molecular theory is very useful in explaining or describing the forces between molecules and the
energy that they possess, as well as, the effects of thermal energy, temperature and pressure on matter


Kinetic theory. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Edmondson, R. (2009). What is the kinetic molecular theory of matter? Retrieved from

Session 6 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 20

Kinetic Theory Activity

Molecular Motion Activity
In this activity you will observe
the movements of liquid particles.

two 100 mL graduated cylinders
ice water in tub
food coloring
HOT water (85-90˚C)

Use the handout provided.


Time: : 20 Minutes, Slides 19-21

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor will need to prepare 1 large container of hot water on a hot plate and 1 large container of ice
water. The hot water should be 85-90˚C.


58 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21

Kinetic Theory Debriefing

Observations: Share the observations
you wrote down in your journal.

How does this activity support the

Kinetic Theory of Motion?

Do you think this would apply to other

states of matter? How?

Short animation of Molecular Motion(click me)


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 19-21

This is part of the activity.

PD Provider Notes:

After each group has finished their journal writing have them share.

They should observe that the food coloring will diffuse/ spread-out faster with the hotter water. This is due
to the increased motion the hotter water particles have. You may observe that the food coloring sinks faster
in the colder water. This is due to the slower movement of the particles. They bump into the food coloring
droplet less as it sinks so the droplet stays more “intact”.

Basically, the hotter something is, the more kinetic energy it has, and therefore the more it moves. The more it
moves, the more the particles will bump into each other and diffuse.

This would be easy to observe and conceptualize with a gas as well. In hotter air a person is more likely to
smell the cologne someone is wearing because the stinky particles would be moved more quickly through the
room to your nose in hot air than cold air.

Another way to conceptualize this with solids is that you can touch a metal rod that is a solid that has been
put in ice and it feels cold. Place that metal rod in a fire. It will get hot and when touched it will burn you. It
is still a solid with the same mass and number of atoms, but something must be different. The movement of
the particles is different. It is hotter so they move more.

If desired, you may discuss the The Third Law of Thermodynamics that you cannot reach Absolute Zero (0°
K). Participants may have questions about this concept.

Session 6 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide


Bishop, M. (2009, August 26). An introduction to chemistry. KMT animation. Retrieved from (Mark Bishop at

[email protected])

60 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

More About Phase Changes


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This is yet another way to explain phase changes. Spend as much time on this slide as you deem necessary.

If desired, the instructor can bring up the topic of enthalpy, defined in thermodynamics as a quantity equal to
the internal energy of a system plus the product of its volume and pressure. Enthalpy is the amount of energy
in a system capable of doing mechanical work. For more information, see the website below.


Image source: Phase transition. (2010, March 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

Session 6 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Phases of Matter Concept Map

Make a concept map with
these terms.

Pressure Volume Temperature Water Vapor

Liquid Solid Gas Plasma
Steam Water Vapor Condensation Cold
Evaporation Precipitation Sublimation Heat
Cold Freeze Melt


Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This concept map was started at the beginning of session 5. Have participants work in groups of 4 to make a
concept map on a piece of chart paper. Write each of the terms (pressure, volume, etc) on a sticky note and
encourage participants to revise their content maps throughout the day.


62 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

Exit Ticket

 What did you learn today?

 Was anything confusing or surprising
to you?
 What are your new questions?


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give out index cards for participants to use as exit tickets. Each participant should respond to the bulleted
questions on the slide and leave their exit tickets in a designated area. Exit tickets are anonymous.

Exit tickets should be read by the PD providers at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by
common themes to be addressed during follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to
answer questions and address misconceptions before starting the day’s topics. It will also provide an
opportunity to connect the content between sessions.

Remind participants to bring polarized sunglasses for session 8.


Session 6 Presentation Guide 63

Provider Guide

Slide 25

Ask a Scientist

What is distillation?


Time: Slides 25-28, Optional

PD Provider Notes:

The distillation content in this session is optional.


64 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 26

From a Scientist

Distillation is a method of separating

mixtures. The separation is accomplished
based on differences in their volatilities
in a boiling liquid mixture.


Time: Slides 25-28, Optional

PD Provider Notes:

The distillation content in the next 4 slides of this session is optional.


Distillation. (2010, April 5). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

Session 6 Presentation Guide 65

Provider Guide

Slide 27

Distillation Activity
500 mL beaker One 30cm pieces (1ft) Rubber tubing

25 mL sample of an Unknown Liquid Two 90 degree Glass tubing bends

Two 150 mL Test Tubes Ice

One Thermometer (C) Water

Hot Plate two #4 2-hole stoppers

Test Tube Rack


Time: 35 Minutes, Optional

PD Provider Notes:

The distillation activity is optional. It might be better placed later in the Institute, when mixtures and their
separation are discussed. It is strongly suggested that a single liquid be used.

The instructor will need to prepare 2 “Unknown” liquid Samples

Sample A: a mixture of 200 mL of Alcohol (must be 90% or greater) and 300 mL water

Sample B: 500 mL water

You should get a double hump (flat phase change line) in this activity for the water/alcohol mixture. One
should be about 80˚C, the other close to 100˚C.

The water should only see 1 flat line ~100˚C.


66 Presentation Guide Session 6

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 28

Distillation Wrap Up
1. Share the data you collected to make your
graph in your journal.
2. What pattern can you see and what
conclusions can be drawn about phase
transitions from this activity?
3. How is distillation used in society?


Time: 10 Minutes, Optional

PD Provider Notes:

The distillation activity is optional. It might be better placed later in the Institute, when mixtures and their
separation are discussed.

After each group has finished their graph, have them describe the pattern the data displays. The data should
show a double hump (flat phase change line) in this activity for the water/alcohol mixture. One should be
about 80˚C the other close to 100˚C. The water should only start to see 1 flat line around 100˚C. This will not
be perfect, but should be noticeable.

Alcohol will dissolve in water, but the 2 liquids still have their own properties.

The mixture was of Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, which boils @ ~83˚C, while water boils at 100˚C. The 1st
hump (flatter area) of the graph represents the alcohol boiling and becoming a gas. When it has all vaporized
the water will start to heat back up again and will start to flat line ~100 C. Normally this is very well defined,
but it will be a bit less precise because it was a mixture.

The process is called distillation and is used to create alcoholic beverages. Normally alcohol will not exceed
15% in nature because the alcohol concentration will kill the yeast, but brewers can boil off the alcohol,
leaving the residue behind, and use the “spirits” to make stronger stuff. They add sugars and flavors for
whiskey, rum, vodka, etc.

This is an application of what you just did in the phase change activity. Different substances have different
melting & boiling points.


Session 6 Presentation Guide 67


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Follow-up from Day 3 and Connecting with Day 4 Partners—reviewing 2 15

exit tickets

Overview of Day 4: The world we can’t easily touch and see 3 1

Journal Prompts to Start the Day—write alone, talk to partner, talk to 4 25


Ask a Scientist/From a Scientist 5-6 3

Imaging Activity 7-8 16

Break 9

Imaging Box Opening Ceremony and Discussion 10 15

Imaging Journal Questions 11 15

History of Atomic Theory—Democritus to Thomson 12-29 30

Rutherford’s Experiment and Indirect Measurement Activity 30-33 60

Total instructional time: 180

Session 7 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide






1. A small cardboard box of nominal dimensions (6 in x 8 in x 8 in). Comment: Variations of

size are fine, as boxes can be recovered from recycling bins. However, boxes that are too big or
too small do not work well. In addition, the aspect ratio should be a reasonable parallelpiped
rather than one or two dimensions being too short.
2. One large knitting needle and one small knitting needle. Comment: Some flexibility is
available here, but equipping the team with different sized probes allows them to, sometimes,
differentiate fine detail on the objects being imaged. In addition, historically, some groups have
used one needle to locate, hold, or pin the object, while the other probe is used to extract
additional information.
3. A volume of packing peanuts that will sufficiently hold the object in the box. Comment:
Once again, recycling packing material works well, if possible.
4. Packing tape to close the boxes. Comment: Do not try to substitute cheaper variants of tape, as
the boxes will likely burst open during the exercise. In other words, close the box securely, as if
you were shipping it to Europe.
5. Objects to be imaged, one per box. Comment: A hard “superball” is by far the easiest to use,
but consider a tennis ball too. For example, can teams tell different balls apart? Can they
differentiate between a golf ball and a ping-pong ball? More difficult are any small toys of
different shapes, like a car or truck. Can the shape be imaged? Can the team tell if the wheels
actually move or the doors might be able to open or close? Very difficult: a boot lace or small
diameter rope or wire, twisted to represent DNA. Can the number of twists per unit length be
determined? Most difficult: a plastic packing bag that is usually used in lieu of packing peanuts in
shipping containers. I have never seen a team image this item successfully, and in each instance,
the bag was broken. Much like the probes used on living cells, the objects can be destroyed
during the experiments and new probes need to be designed in order to get information about
the object without damaging it.
6. Marker (optional). Comment: Use the marker to remind yourself about the contents of the
boxes so you can coach teams as needed, or (preferred) do not mark the boxes to eliminate any
bias that you might have during discussions prior to the “opening ceremonies”.

Preamble: Many aspects of modern science involve probing matter at length scales that are smaller
than detectable by the human eye. In addition, the “time domain” or dynamics are also of paramount
interest as form and function are key ingredients, especially in molecular biology biochemistry. This

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

hands-on exercise is designed to mimic some aspects of the problems that scientists encounter when
probing matter in new ways.

The Basics: Your team will have a small, sealed cardboard box and two knitting needles, one of large
diameter and one of small diameter. Inside your box, there is an item that you need to image. In
order to represent the “background” that often accompanies an object of interest, packing peanuts
have been used. In other words, your box contains packing peanuts that serve the purpose of
suspending your object in the box. Assume the properties of the peanuts are sufficiently well
understood and relatively inert in this “model” environment. Nevertheless, the packing peanuts
represent the “media” in which you have to conduct your imaging experiment.

The Goal: In as much detail as possible, describe the object in your box. In other words design an
investigation to yield as much information as possible about the contents of your box beyond the
packing peanuts.

The Rules: You may not open your box until you are instructed to do so.

Notes to consider:

If possible, have the groups work in more than one room. From experience, after a short period, it is
always striking to observe the amount of “rubber-necking” that occurs between groups. This type of
collaboration is a possible topic of discussion, as it often occurs in research. However, in some
instances, this type of exchange has led a group to be biased by the results being reported by another
group. In other words, when one group quickly determined that they had a ball, then other groups
lost their diligence and reported that their boxes contained balls, when they did not. This biasing
effect is another possible topic of discussion. In other words, don’t be fooled by the preliminary
reports of others and don’t fool yourselves!

The tendency for a group with an easy object is to stop before they have considered other subtle
aspects. For example, if it is a ball and the size is known, then what can be said about other traits?

The tendency for a group with a difficult object is to stop before any aspects of the object have been
imaged. Indeed, welcome to the world of research! These groups will need encouragement to keep
working or to design new methods.

Just because the knitting needles have been issued as a part of the exercise, they are not necessarily
the only tools that groups have used. In some instances, I have seen groups make large holes that
they can use their own fingers to touch the object. In one instance, a group made such a large hole
that the object was easy to see. This type of inventiveness is also a point of discussion, especially
with respect to success in imaging at the expense of the surrounding media or tissue.

Without a doubt, the hardest aspect to image is the time domain. Groups often develop X-Y-Z
descriptions of their object without considering that its location in the box and parts of the object
may move with time or relocate when probed. Teasing this aspect out of the discussion prior to
opening ceremonies is a challenge.

Group Sharing of Imaging Activity: Prior to the opening ceremonies, consider having a mid-term
report of all groups in each room. If groups were indeed isolated into several rooms, then this

Session 7 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

information transfer might enlighten other groups who would like more time to make additional
measurements. This aspect is also prevalent in research, so be prepared to embrace it.

Opening ceremonies: Have groups open their boxes and wait for their expressions. Lead a
discussion of the techniques used, data collected, and reactions to seeing what was inside the box.


Imaging Directions (one copy per pair)

Imaging Journal Questions (one copy for each participant)


For a group of 40 participants [20 groups of 2]

20 cardboard boxes (approximately 6 in x 8 in x 8 in)

Packing peanuts to fill 20 boxes
Packing tape to seal all boxes
20 small diameter knitting needles
20 large diameter knitting needles
20 objects to put in boxes (You may choose to use 10 different objects and put the same object in two
different boxes so that groups with similar objects can compare data and strategies.) Items you may
wish to use in the boxes can be found around the home or classroom or be purchased at a discount
store (Dollar Tree, etc.)
Whiffle-type plastic baseballs
Mini-flying discs
Plastic animals
Plastic Slinky
Baby water-filled teething ring
Wooden clothespins--old-fashioned one-piece type or newer two-piece type
Metal cocktail-type strainer
Plastic bracelets
Hand-held massager
Air-filled ziplock bag
Balloon (uninflated, water-filled, or air-filled)
Clear plastic cup
Chalkboard eraser
Plastic spoon
Door stop
Toy car
Various balls (hard bouncy ball, golf ball, ping pong ball, tennis ball, etc.)
Metal sink strainer
Short length of chain or string
Stuffed animal
Floppy disc


This exercise is a variation of the one that Mark Meisel (UF Physics) remembers from his 7th grade
Earth Science class with Mr. Brown at Fitch Jr. High School, Groton, CT, sometime during the 1970s.

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

A variation of this activity is “Indirect Measurement” available from the University of Virginia Physics
Department, at

Session 7 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide


Indirect Measurement II
Slides 32-33



1. Gather materials for each group of 10-14 participants.

2. Cardboard will need to be set up as described in Indirect Measurement II in a hallway or other
open area before participants see them. You do not want participants to see the objects to be
measured that are under the cardboard.
3. Goals: Record and organize experimental data. Draw conclusions from collected data. Explain
the importance of using indirect measurement techniques to draw conclusions about objects that
cannot be seen. Estimate the size of the unknown object based on known, comparable
4. On a level, hard floor set up the cardboard as shown in Figure 1. Center the wooden block to be
used as the "unknown object" under the cardboard so it is not visible to the participants. (You
may want to tape the small block in place so it will not shift when struck with the ball during the
experiment.) (Marking off 5 cm increments on all edges of the board will aid in participants'
identification of exit points.) Attach a sheet of chart paper to the top of the cardboard to use for
recording data.
5. Have the participants form a circle around the cardboard as shown in Figure 2.
6. Draw a sketch of the cardboard set-up on the board. Include on it the dimensions of the
cardboard and the approximate positions of the participants around it. You may want to mark
the positions on the floor for the participants to sit to ensure that they remain properly spaced
around the set-up. (Knowing their locations precisely will also increase the accuracy of the
7. One participant at a time will be the "Launcher" and will roll the ball under the cardboard on the
floor. An area on one edge should be designated as the "Launch Area" so that all trials start from
the same general location. The other participants must be ready to catch the ball when it comes
out from under the board. The ball should be launched fast enough that it will roll straight
through the set-up unless it collides with the center object.
8. Record the path of the ball on a sketch of the set-up on your paper. The path should include the
exit point from under the cardboard and the position within the group of participants where the
ball was caught. This helps visualize the angle of deflection for the ball. Additionally, point out to
the participants that the only way for the ball to be deflected is through collision with the small
object in the middle. Assume the ball's path is a straight line until it collides with the center
object. Following the collision, the path is again straight.
9. Participants can rotate through the launching position so each has a chance to launch the ball. As
participants move to the launch position, have other participants move around the set-up to
ensure each position remains filled.
10. After everyone has rotated through the launch position or after sufficient data are collected,
examine the recorded paths followed by the ball. As a group, try to conclude the approximate
size and shape of the wooden block.
11. Recommended "Rules" :

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

a. Do not look under the cardboard.

b. If the ball collides with one of the supports, do not use the trial. Re-launch the ball.
c. If the ball fails to exit from under the cardboard, do not use the trial. Re-launch another
d. When recording the paths of the ball, indicate trials where it collides with the unknown
object differently than those where it does not collide by using a different colored
marker or a highlighter.


Indirect Measurement
Indirect Measurement II (for each PD facilitator to review instructions for set up and activity)


For each group of participants [can have 5-10 participants/group]

Small wooden block (approximately 6 inches across) cut into a triangular or circular shape or with
irregular edges (must be significantly smaller than the cardboard)
Science fair backboard (or large, collapsed cardboard box like those in which refrigerators are
delivered) which is much larger than the block and can be placed over the block so that the block
cannot be seen (approximately 4'x 3') (see Figure 1)
Piece of chart paper to place on top of cardboard for group to record data
Ping pong ball or golf ball
Supports for the corners of the cardboard (film canisters, small paper cups, or spools work well)
Paper for data collection
Colored markers, pencils, or highlighters
Sticky notes to mark points of entry and exit
Measuring tape
Hard, level floor
Copy of Indirect Measurement handout for each participant


Indirect Measurement II: A Physical Science Activity, University of Virginia Department of Physics,
available at

Session 7 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide

Indirect Measurement II
A Physical Science Activity

University of Virginia Department of Physics

Available at


Participants will

 record and organize experimental data;

 draw conclusions from collected data;
 explain the importance of using indirect measurement techniques to draw conclusions about objects
that cannot be seen;
 estimate the size of the unknown object based on known, comparable dimensions.

Motivation for Learning

Driving Question

How can we measure the characteristics of objects that we cannot see? How do we know the structure of an

Background Information

Often we can look at or touch an object to learn about it. Sometimes, however, objects are too small or too
large for us to learn about them this way. When this happens, we need to use indirect measurement
techniques. Ernest Rutherford realized that atoms, which are the building blocks of nature, are much too
small to be measured directly, and so he designed an experiment to measure their characteristics indirectly.
He used a thin piece of gold foil at which he directed alpha particles, which were like very small bullets.
Though he could not see the atoms in the gold foil, he knew that if he watched where the alpha particles went
after hitting the gold foil, he could draw conclusions about the gold atoms. Alpha particles are very small, but
they are heavy. They also travel quickly, and they have a positive electrical charge. When the alpha particles
collide with a specially designed screen that Rutherford placed around the gold foil experiment, the screen
would light up at the point of the collision.

Imagine a stream of water from a garden hose directed at a brick wall. What would happen to the water as it
impacted the wall? Rutherford thought alpha particles against the gold foil would behave much like water
against the wall, but he was very surprised to find most of the alpha particles went straight through the foil.
Imagine how you would feel if the water from the hose went straight through the wall! This experiment led
Rutherford to conclude that an atom is actually mostly empty space with a small, dense, positively charged
nucleus in its center.

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Additional Background Information


Can do one on blackboard for entire class or have multiple blackboards for small groups.

Materials: (For each group of 8-14 participants)

 Small wooden block (approximately 6 inches across) cut into a triangular or circular shape or with
irregular edges (must be significantly smaller than the cardboard)
 Science fair backboard (or large, collapsed cardboard box like those in which refrigerators are
delivered) which is much larger than the block and can be placed over the block so that the block
cannot be seen (approximately 4'x 6') (Figure 1)
 Chart paper to attach to top of cardboard for recording data
 Ping pong ball or golf ball
 Supports for the corners of the cardboard (film canisters, small paper cups, or spools work well)
 Paper for data collection
 Colored markers, pencils, or highlighters
 Sticky notes to mark points of entry and exit
 Measuring tape
 Tape
 Hard, level floor


1. On a level, hard floor set up the cardboard as shown (Figure 1). Center the wooden block to be used
as the "unknown object" under the cardboard so it is not visible to the participants. (You may want to
tape the small block in place so it will not shift when struck with the ball during the experiment.)
(Marking off 5 cm increments on all edges of the board will aid in participants' identification of exit
points.) Attach a piece of chart paper to the top of the cardboard for recording data.
2. Have the participants form a circle around the cardboard. (Figure 2)
3. Draw a sketch of the cardboard set-up on the board. Include on it the dimensions of the cardboard
and the approximate positions of the participants around it. You may want to mark the positions on
the floor for the participants to sit to ensure that they remain properly spaced around the set-up.
(Knowing their locations precisely will also increase the accuracy of the experiment.)
4. One participant at a time will be the "Launcher" and will roll the ball under the cardboard on the
floor. An area on one edge should be designated as the "Launch Area" so that all trials start from the
same general location. The other participants must be ready to catch the ball when it comes out from
under the board. The ball should be launched fast enough that it will roll straight through the set-up
unless it collides with the center object.
5. Record the path of the ball on a sketch of the set-up on your paper. The path should include the exit
point from under the cardboard and the position within the group of participants where the ball was
caught. This helps visualize the angle of deflection for the ball. Additionally, point out to the
participants that the only way for the ball to be deflected is through collision with the small object in
the middle. Assume the ball's path is a straight line until it collides with the center object. Following
the collision, the path is again straight.
6. Participants can rotate through the launching position so each has a chance to launch the ball. As
participants move to the launch position, have other participants move around the set-up to ensure
each position remains filled.

Session 7 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

7. After everyone has rotated through the launch position or after sufficient data are collected, examine
the recorded paths followed by the ball. As a group, try to conclude the approximate size and shape
of the wooden block.

Recommended "Rules"

1. Do not look under the cardboard.

2. If the ball collides with one of the supports, do not use the trial. Re-launch the ball.
3. If the ball fails to exit from under the cardboard, do not use the trial. Re-launch another ball.
4. When recording the paths of the ball, indicate trials where it collides with the unknown object
differently than those where it does not collide by using a different colored marker or a highlighter.

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Figure 1: Set-up for the activity. The unknown block is placed at the center
of the board which is supported at each corner. In this case, rubber
stoppers were used. Film canisters, cups, spools or other small diameter
objects will also work. The board has been marked to help participants
identify the exit point of the ball (shown in the foreground).

Figure 2: Arrangement of participants around experimental set-up

Session 7 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide

Participants with Special Needs

Participants unable to participate in the rolling and catching of the ball could serve as data collectors. Or, the
participants could be limited to a fraction of the class rather than the entire group while the remainder of the
class observes and conjectures on the shape and size of the unknown object.

Journal Entries and Discussion Topics

1. Identify examples from everyday life where objects are analyzed in a manner similar to the
Rutherford Gold Foil experiment.

2. Explain the importance of using indirect measurement techniques to draw conclusions about objects
that cannot be seen.

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

1. Imaging Activity Directions Matter Day 4—Use with Slide 8

2. Imaging Journal Questions Matter Day 4—Use with Slide 11

3. Slides 12-29 based on from

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility found at

4. Indirect Measurement II Activity Handout—Use with Slides 32-33 based on

Session 7 Handouts 13
Provider Guide

14 Handouts Session 7
Matter & Energy Institute

Imaging! Activity
Matter and Energy Session 7

The Basics:

Your team will have a small, sealed cardboard box and two knitting needles, one of large
diameter and one of small diameter. Inside your box, there is an item that you need to
image. In order to represent the “background” that often accompanies an object of interest,
packing peanuts have been used. In other words, your box contains packing peanuts that
serve the purpose of suspending your object in the box. Assume the properties of the
peanuts are sufficiently well understood and relatively inert in this “model” environment.
Nevertheless, the packing peanuts represent the “media” in which you have to conduct
your imaging experiment.

The Goal:

In as much detail as possible, describe the object in your box. In other words design an
experiment to yield as much information as possible about the contents of your box beyond
the packing peanuts.

The Rules:

You may not open your box until you are instructed to do so.

Session 7 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

Imaging Activity Journal Questions

Matter and Energy Session 7

1. Was this exercise an example of hypothesis or curiosity driven science?

2. During the exercise, did you develop a preliminary theory or model of what the
object was? Were your theories and models revised during the process of acquiring
additional data?

3. Was your approach or were your results biased by the activities of the groups
around you?

4. How successful were you in imaging your object? Could you do a better job next
time if the exercise was repeated?

5. At the start of the exercise, it was asserted that progress in modern science often
involves the need to make a model or image of something like an atom or a
molecule. Furthermore, there is an increasing need to “see” how this atom or
molecule behaves with time. Place yourself in the years around 1900 and imagine
how you might explore the constituents of matter. What probes would you propose
to use? What variables besides x,y,z,t might be needed?

16 Handouts Session 7
Matter & Energy Institute

Indirect Measurement Activity


Participants will

 record and organize experimental data;

 draw conclusions from collected data;
 explain the importance of using indirect measurement techniques to draw conclusions
about objects that cannot be seen;
 estimate the size of the unknown object based on known, comparable dimensions.

Motivation for Learning

Driving Question

How can we measure the characteristics of objects that we cannot see? How do we know the
structure of an atom?

Background Information

Often we can look at or touch an object to learn about it. Sometimes, however, objects are too small
or too large for us to learn about them this way. When this happens, we need to use indirect
measurement techniques. Ernest Rutherford realized that atoms, which are the building blocks of
nature, are much too small to be measured directly, and so he designed an experiment to measure
their characteristics indirectly. He used a thin piece of gold foil at which he directed alpha particles,
which were like very small bullets. Though he could not see the atoms in the gold foil, he knew that
if he watched where the alpha particles went after hitting the gold foil, he could draw conclusions
about the gold atoms. Alpha particles are very small, but they are heavy. They also travel quickly,
and they have a positive electrical charge. When the alpha particles collide with a specially designed
screen that Rutherford placed around the gold foil experiment, the screen would light up at the
point of the collision.

Imagine a stream of water from a garden hose directed at a brick wall. What would happen to the
water as it impacted the wall? Rutherford thought alpha particles against the gold foil would behave
much like water against the wall, but he was very surprised to find most of the alpha particles went
straight through the foil. Imagine how you would feel if the water from the hose went straight
through the wall! This experiment led Rutherford to conclude that an atom is actually mostly empty
space with a small, dense, positively charged nucleus in its center.

Session 7 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

Indirect Measurement Activity

Materials (for each group of 8-10 participants)

 Small object
 Science fair backboard – single unbent piece of stiff cardboard approx 3’x4’
 Chart paper to place on top of cardboard for recording data
 Ping pong ball or golf ball
 Supports for the corners of the cardboard (i.e. four 35mm film canisters)
 Paper for data collection
 Colored markers, pencils, or highlighters
 Sticky notes to mark points of entry and exit
 Measuring tape
 Tape
 Hard, level floor


1. On a level, hard floor, the cardboard is set up as shown in Figure 1. Attach a piece of
chart paper to the cardboard to record data.
2. Form a circle around the cardboard as shown in Figure 2.
3. One participant at a time will be the "Launcher" and will roll the ball under the
cardboard on the floor. An area on one edge should be designated as the "Launch
Area" so that all trials start from the same general location. The other participants
must be ready to catch the ball when it comes out from under the board. The ball
should be launched fast enough that it will roll straight through the set-up unless it
collides with the center object.
4. Record the path of the ball on a sketch of the set-up on your group’s paper. The path
should include the exit point from under the cardboard and the position within the
group of participants where the ball was caught. This helps visualize the angle of
deflection for the ball. The only way for the ball to be deflected is through collision
with the small object in the middle. Assume the ball's path is a straight line until it
collides with the center object. Following the collision, the path is again straight.
5. Rotate through the launching position so each person has a chance to launch the
ball. As people move to the launch position, have other people move around the set-
up to ensure each position remains filled.
6. After everyone has rotated through the launch position or after sufficient data are
collected, examine the recorded paths followed by the ball. As a group, try to
conclude the approximate size and shape of the object.

18 Handouts Session 7
Matter & Energy Institute

The Rules:

1. Do not look under the cardboard.

2. If the ball collides with one of the supports, do not use the trial. Re-launch the ball.
3. If the ball fails to exit from under the cardboard, do not use the trial. Re-launch
another ball.
4. When recording the paths of the ball, indicate trials where it collides with the
unknown object differently than those where it does not collide by using a different
colored marker or a highlighter.

Figure 1: Set-up for the activity.

Session 7 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

Figure 2: Arrangement of participants around experimental set-up

Journal Entries and Discussion Topics

1. Identify examples from everyday life where objects are analyzed in a manner similar
to the Rutherford Gold Foil experiment.

2. Explain the importance of using indirect measurement techniques to draw

conclusions about objects that cannot be seen.

20 Handouts Session 7
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 7

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 7 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Follow-up from Day 3 and

Connecting with Day 4 Partners
 Discussion and review of exit tickets from Day 3
◦ What did you learn on Day 3?
◦ Was anything confusing or surprising to you?
◦ What are your new questions?

 Meet your Day 4 partner

 Day 3 Journal Review with your Day 4 partner

Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:
• Discussion and review of exit tickets from previous day. Exit tickets should be read by the PD providers
at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by common themes to be addressed during
follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to answer questions and address
misconceptions before starting the day’s topics. It will also provide an opportunity to connect the
content between sessions.
• Meet Day 4 partners. (Participants will work with a different partner each day.) If desired, the instructor
can assign partners using a deck of playing cards. Remove face cards so that the deck contains 40 cards
(ace and 2-10 of each suit). Shuffle cards and have each participant draw one card. Assign pairs by color
(example: both red 3s, black 5s work together) or groups of 4 by number (all 5s work together).
• Participants will review journal entries from Day 3 with their Day 4 partner.

22 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

The world we can’t easily

touch and see
 Today, we will increase teacher subject matter
knowledge of

◦ Atomic Theory

◦ Basic Atomic Structure

The Helium Atom

Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide to introduce topics.


Session 7 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Journal Prompts to Start the Day

A. Describe water and where you find it. Sketch a
water molecule.
B. Describe hydrogen and where you find it. Sketch a
hydrogen atom.
C. Describe oxygen and where you find it. Sketch an
oxygen atom.
D. What is your definition of a theory? Distinguish
between a good theory and a bad theory. Give

Time: 25 minutes

PD Provider Notes:
• Tell participants to respond to each of the 4 prompts on half of a page in their journals. These questions
will be addressed again at the beginning of Day 5, so participants will need to leave half of the page
available for revisions of and additions to their responses after the content has been addressed during
Day 4. Allow 10 minutes for participants to write in silence.
• After participants have written for 10 minutes, allow 8 minutes for partners to discuss their journal
• Now allow 7 minutes for group discussion of the journal prompts. (and connections to pages 261-263 in
ScienceSaurus® here?)


Sample Journal Entry and Guiding Notes by M. Meisel:

• Describe water and where you find it. Sketch water molecule.
B. Describe hydrogen and where you find it. Sketch a hydrogen atom and a hydrogen molecule.

C. Describe oxygen and where you find it. Sketch an oxygen atom and a hydrogen molecule.

D. What is your definition of a theory? Good theory versus Bad theory, give examples.

A theory is a description of a phenomenon or a set of events. A good theory is able to describe all the known
aspects of a phenomenon. A great theory is able to extend the aspects of a good theory by making predictions
about heretofore unseen or unknown consequences of the phenomenon and these predictions are confirmed
by new experimental observations. A fantastic theory is one that repeated survives with the passage of time.
A bad theory is a description that fails to describe the known aspects of the phenomenon. Bad theories are

24 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

useful constructs on the way to developing good or better theories, but bad theories belong in the intellectual
trash bin. In other words, science does not have room for “good in theory and bad in practice” bromides.

In the next two days, the historical aspects of atomic theory and structure will be discussed in detail. We
need to learn from the early theories and models, generate tests of the prevailing theories, and then develop
new theories when the old ones fail.

The purpose of these journal prompts is to set the stage for atomic structure, the periodic table, and the
sharing of electron orbitals to form molecules. At some level, we can connect this set of prompts (which were
proposed prior to seeing ScienceSaurus®) with the descriptions and pictures on p. 261 and p. 263 of
ScienceSaurus®. If we can garner a peek at participants’ entries in the journals, we will have a sense of the
level of our audience prior to launching into the next two days. Extracting this information without
compromising the trust/privacy of the journal’s author will be a challenge.


Suggested resource to be purchased for all institute participants:

ScienceSaurus®: A Student Handbook Grades 6-8 published by Great Source (softcover cost $21.25 ) ISBN:

Session 7 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 5

Ask a Scientist

How does a scientist go about

investigating a phenomena
that cannot be directly observed?

Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

Answer on next slide.


26 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

From a Scientist

 Considerations: Scale (length) and Dynamics (time)

Time: 2 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Brief discussion about how a scientist goes about investigating a phenomena that can’t be directly observed:
•Many aspects of modern science involve probing matter at length scales that are smaller than detectable by
the human eye.
•In addition, the “time domain” or dynamics are also of paramount interest as form and function are key
ingredients, especially in molecular biology and biochemistry.
•The hands-on Imaging exercise is designed to mimic some aspects of the problems that scientists encounter
when probing matter in new ways.

Consider the Florida caveman: How small of a grain of sand can be seen? Equipped with a hand-lens, is there
a limit to the length scale that can be resolved? For example, most participants would probably say that a
hand-lens or the human eye cannot detect or resolve a single atom, but what about a single molecule? Of
course, it depends on the molecule because they come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Most participants will have used a hand-lens for themselves and with their students, but have they ever asked
“How small can be seen by the hand-lens?”

The spatial resolution is usually quoted by the equation

r = 0.52/NA

where the r is the smallest length that you can resolve, lambda is the wavelength of the light being used, and
NA means numerical aperture, which is a fancy jargon term of something related to the "magnification
power" of the lens. For example, a 4X lens has NA = 0.1 and a 10X lens has a NA =0.25, and these values
should be suitable for most hand-lenses and standard microscopes.

Session 7 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

For more references, see:

So, a "rule of thumb" for the Florida Caveman is that the smallest length scale that can be resolved is about the
wavelength of the radiation being used. Since the human eye is limited to about 400 nm, this is an
appropriate estimate. Of course, with some clever techniques, one might push the "rule of thumb" limit to be
\lambda/4, which means 100 nm for the human eye.

Now, challenge yourself by asking your participants:

What is the diameter of a human hair?

What is the thickness of a thin sheet of paper?

What is the size of the smallest grain of salt/sand that they can detect?

NOW, add the next variable of TIME? What are the temporal resolutions of these imaging techniques?

Most know about "static" images or "time lapsed" photography for slowly moving/growing objects. Indeed,
most cavemen know that photos of sporting events or fast moving objects can lead to blurs like the spokes on
a bicycle.

But, how does a scientist resolve the temporal issues related to photosynthesis or other "fast" processes?
How does one resolve the dynamics of the living cell without perturbing the process?

These spatiotemporal issues are at the forefront of modern spectroscopy, as we build better cameras to
capture this information.


Davidson, M. W. & The Florida State University (2009). Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer: Introduction
to Microscopy. Retrieved from .

Davidson, M. W. (n.d.). Nikon Microscopy U. Retrieved from

Electromagnetic spectrum . (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

28 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

The Basics:
 Small, sealed cardboard box

 Two knitting needles, one of large diameter and one

of small diameter
 Item inside your box that you need to image
 Packing peanuts that suspend your object in the box

Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

This is an open-ended investigation of an object inside a sealed box filled with packing peanuts. It models how
a scientist may go about investigating things that are too small to see.

See Imaging Activity Guide.

Tell participants to look in their handouts packet for Imaging Directions.

The Basics: Your team will have a small, sealed cardboard box and two knitting needles, one of large
diameter and one of small diameter. Inside your box, there is an item that you need to image. In order to
represent the “background” that often accompanies an object of interest, packing peanuts have been used. In
other words, your box contains packing peanuts that serve the purpose of suspending your object in the box.
Assume the properties of the peanuts are sufficiently well understood and relatively inert in this “model”
environment. Nevertheless, the packing peanuts represent the “media” in which you have to conduct your
imaging experiment.


Session 7 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 8


The Goal:
 In as much detail as possible, describe the object in
your box.
 Design an investigation to yield as much information
as possible about the contents of your box.

The Rules:
 You may not open your box until you are instructed
to do so.

Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This is an open-ended investigation of an object inside a sealed box filled with packing peanuts.

See Imaging Activity Guide.

Give each pair of participants a copy of Imaging Directions Matter Day 4.

If possible, divide group in half and send one half of the participants to another room to allow more space for
groups to work without observing other groups too closely.

Allow 15 minutes for probing after participants are settled with their boxes and knitting needles.


30 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9

Morning Break

Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

It is okay for participants to discuss what they have found out about the object inside their boxes during the


Session 7 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 10

Imaging Box Opening Ceremony

and Discussion

 Open your box.

 How did your group work?
 What did you learn?
 What surprised you?
 What would you do differently next time?


Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Regroup in a single classroom and allow participants to open their boxes.

Facilitate a group discussion of the following:

•How did you design your investigation?
•What did you know about the object in your box?
•What surprised you about the object in your box?
•What is the suitability of knitting needles for probing different types of objects?
•How did the size of the knitting needles affect your ability to probe and the information you could gather?
•How well can the knitting needles discern fine details of structure?
•Did you use another tool to gather information? (fingers? sight? sound?)
•What happens when the object has moving parts?
•Is there one probing technique best suited for discovering the shape of every object?
•What happens when you poke too hard with the needles?

32 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

Imaging Journal Questions

 Respond to the questions on the handout in your


Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Questions for journaling after box opening ceremonies: Give each participant a copy of Imaging Journal
Questions Matter Day 4.
•Was this exercise an example of hypothesis or curiosity driven science?
•During the exercise, did you develop a preliminary theory or model of what the object was? Were your
theories and models revised during the process of acquiring additional data?
•Was your approach or were your results biased by the activities of the groups around you?
•How successful were you in imaging your object? Could you do a better job next time if the exercise was

5. At the start of the exercise, it was asserted that progress in modern science often involves the need to
make a model or image of something like an atom or a molecule. Furthermore, there is an increasing need to
“see” how this atom or molecule behaves with time. Place yourself in the years around 1900 and imagine
how you might explore the constituents of matter. What probes would you propose to use? What variables
besides x,y,z,t might be needed?


Session 7 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 12

Atomos: Not to Be Cut

The History of Atomic Theory


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:

Content connections to page 258 in ScienceSaurus®

Slides 12-29 provide a brief history of Atomic Theory. The lens of history provides rich insights into the
process of “how science works.” The development of new technologies often leads to dramatic increases in
our understanding of how the world works. Collaboration among and competition between scientists also
strongly influence the development of scientific theories.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

34 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

Atomic Models
This model of the atom
may look familiar to electron

you. This is the Bohr

model. In this model,
the nucleus is orbited neutron

by electrons, which
are in different energy
levels. proton

◦ A model uses familiar ideas to

explain unfamiliar facts
observed in nature.
◦ A model can be changed as new
information is collected.
Inside an Atom


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 14

Atomic Models
The atomic model
has changed
throughout the
centuries, starting
in 400 BC, when it
looked like a
billiard ball. →


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

36 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 15

Who are these people?

These scientists and their
quests for knowledge
about the fundamental
nature of the universe
helped define our views.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:

From top left:


John Dalton

J.J. Thomson

Ernest Rutherford

Niels Bohr

Maria Goeppert-Mayer

Information about these individuals is provided in upcoming slides.

Resources: Slides 11-28 based on:

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Photo of Maria Goeppert-Mayer from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 16

The Greek philosopher
Democritus began the search
for a description of matter
more than 2400 years ago.
◦ He asked: Could matter be
divided into smaller and
smaller pieces forever, or
was there a limit to the
number of times a piece of
matter could be divided?

400 BC

Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:

Biographical information provided for Instructors to choose interesting personal information about Democritus
to share with participants as desired.

Democritus was an influential pre-Socratic philosopher who formulated an atomic theory. Many consider
Democritus to be the "father of modern science". His exact contributions are difficult to separate from those
of his mentor, Leucippus, because they are often mentioned together in texts. Their hypothesis on atoms is
remarkably similar to modern science's understanding of atomic structure, and avoided many of the errors of
their contemporaries. In spite of being largely ignored in Athens, Democritus was nevertheless well-known to
his fellow northern-born philosopher, Aristotle. Plato is said to have disliked Democritus so much that he
wanted all his books to be burned.

The theory of Democritus and Leucippus held everything to be composed of atoms, which are physically, but
not geometrically, indivisible; that between atoms lies empty space; that atoms are indestructible; have
always been, and always will be, in motion; that there are an infinite number of atoms, and kinds of atoms,
which differ in shape, size, and temperature.

Democritus was born in the city of Abdera in Thrace. His father was very wealthy. Democritus spent the
inheritance which his father left him on travels into distant countries, to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. He
travelled to Asia, and based on his writing, was even thought to have reached India, Ethiopia, Babylon, and

The many anecdotes about Democritus attest to his disinterestedness, modesty, and simplicity, and show that
he lived exclusively for his studies. One story has him deliberately blinding himself in order to be less
disturbed in his pursuits, although it may well be true that he lost his sight as he got older. He was cheerful

38 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

and was always ready to see the comical side of life, which later writers took to mean that he always laughed
at the foolishness of people.

He was highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens, "because," as Diogenes Laërtius says, "he had foretold them
some things which events proved to be true," which may refer to his knowledge of natural phenomena.
According to Diodorus Siculus, Democritus died at the age of 90, which would put his death around 370 BCE,
but other writers have him living to be over 100 years old.


Information about Democritus from

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 17

 His theory: Matter could not
be divided into smaller and
smaller pieces forever,
eventually the smallest
possible piece would be
 This piece would be
 He named the smallest piece of
matter “atomos,” meaning “not
to be cut.”


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

40 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

 To Democritus, atoms
were small, hard
particles that were all
made of the same
material but were
different shapes and
 Atoms were infinite in
number, always moving
and capable of joining


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 19


This theory was ignored and forgotten for

more than 2000 years!


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

42 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20

The eminent
philosophers of the Fire Air
time, Aristotle and
Plato, had a more
respected, (and
ultimately wrong)
theory based on a Earth Water
model by Aristotle and Plato favored the earth, fire,
Empedocles. air, and water approach to the nature of
matter. Their ideas held sway because of
their eminence as philosophers. The
atomos idea was buried for approximately
2000 years.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:

Empedocles (490-430 BC) was a pre-Socratic philosopher who established a model consisting of four
ultimate "roots“ (elements) which make up all the things in the universe. The four “roots” are earth, water,
air, and fire. Each “root” is characterized by its qualities; earth is cold and dry, water is cold and wet, air is hot
and wet, and fire is hot and dry. Empedocles also assigned qualities such as love and hate to the elements.

According to Empedocles, everything in the universe is some combination of the four “roots.” The “roots”
never exist in a pure form but they do try to take their proper place in the universe. The proper place for
earth is at ground level (on Earth). Water’s proper place is above Earth since water floats on earth. Air rises
higher than water, so water’s proper place is above the water. Because fire rises highest of all (flames going
upward), fire’s proper place is on top. Aristotle added “aether,” which is the divine substance that makes up
the heavenly spheres and heavenly bodies (stars and planets).

Each of the four earthly elements has its natural place with the earth at the center of the universe, then water,
then air, then fire. When they are out of their natural place the “roots” have natural motion, requiring no
external cause, which is towards their proper places. According to Aristotle, the aether had a perpetual
circular motion.

Empedocles never used the term "element“ (stoicheion). This term was probably first used by Plato.

A concept similar to the elements can be found in ancient India in both Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as in
ancient China and Japan.

This theory of the four elements became standard dogma for the next two thousand years.

Session 7 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

It persisted throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance and deeply influenced European thought
and culture.


Information from

Robertson, W. C. (2007). Stop faking it!: Finally understanding science so you can teach it: Chemistry basics.
Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

44 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 22

Dalton’s Model
In the early 1800s, the
English Chemist John
Dalton performed a
number of experiments
that eventually led to
the acceptance of the
idea of atoms.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:

Biographical information provided for Instructors to choose interesting personal information about Dalton to
share with participants as desired.

John Dalton (September 6, 1766 –July 27, 1844) was an English chemist, meteorologist, and physicist. He is
best known for his pioneering work in the development of modern atomic theory and his research into color
blindness (sometimes referred to as Daltonism, in his honor).

Dalton's early life was highly influenced by a prominent Eaglesfield Quaker named Elihu Robinson, a
competent meteorologist and instrument maker, who got him interested in problems of mathematics and
meteorology. During his years in Kendal, Dalton contributed solutions of problems and questions on various
subjects to the Gentlemen's and Ladies' Diaries, and in 1787 he began to keep a meteorological diary in which,
during the following 57 years, he entered more than 200,000 observations.

In 1794, shortly after his arrival in Manchester, Dalton was elected a member of the Manchester Literary and
Philosophical Society, the "Lit & Phil", and a few weeks later he communicated his first paper on
"Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colors", in which he postulated that shortage in color perception
was caused by discoloration of the liquid medium of the eyeball. In fact, a shortage of color perception in
some people had not even been formally described or officially noticed until Dalton wrote about his own.
Although Dalton's theory lost credence in his own lifetime, the thorough and methodical nature of his
research into his own visual problem was so broadly recognized that Daltonism became a common term for
color blindness. Examination of his preserved eyeball in 1995 demonstrated that Dalton actually had a less
common kind of color blindness, deuteroanopia, in which medium wavelength sensitive cones are missing
(rather than functioning with a mutated form of their pigment, as in the most common type of color

46 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

blindness, deuteroanomaly). Besides the blue and purple of the spectrum he was able to recognize only one
color, yellow, or, as he says in his paper.

In 1800, Dalton became a secretary of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. In 1801, Dalton
orally presented an important series of papers, entitled "Experimental Essays" on the constitution of mixed
gases; on the pressure of steam and other vapors at different temperatures, both in a vacuum and in air; on
evaporation; and on the thermal expansion of gases.

Dalton communicated his atomic theory to J. J. Thomson who, by consent, included an outline of it in the third
edition of his System of Chemistry (1807). Dalton gave a further account of his atomic theory in the first part of
the first volume of his New System of Chemical Philosophy (1808). The second part of this volume appeared in
1810, but the first part of the second volume was not issued until 1827.

Dalton suffered a minor stroke in 1837, and a second one in 1838 which left him with a speech impediment,
though he remained able to do experiments. In May 1844 he had yet another stroke; on July 26 he recorded
with trembling hand his last meteorological observation. On July 27, in Manchester, Dalton fell from his bed
and was found lifeless by his attendant.


Information about Dalton from

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Dalton’s Theory
 He deduced that all
elements are composed of
atoms. Atoms are indivisible
and indestructible particles.
 Atoms of the same element
are exactly alike.
 Atoms of different elements
are different.
 Compounds are formed by
the joining of atoms of two
or more elements.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

48 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

Dalton’s Theory
 This theory became
one of the foundations
of modern chemistry.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 25

Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model

In 1897, the
English scientist,
J.J. Thomson,
provided the first
hint that an atom is
made of even
smaller particles.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:

Biographical information provided for Instructors to choose interesting personal information about Thomson to
share with participants as desired.

Sir Joseph John “J. J.” Thomson (December 18, 1856 – August 30, 1940) was a British physicist and Nobel
laureate, credited for the discovery of the electron and of isotopes, and the invention of the mass
spectrometer. He was awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the electron and his work
on the conduction of electricity in gases. Thomson conducted a series of experiments with cathode rays and
cathode ray tubes leading him to the discovery of electrons and subatomic particles. Thomson used the
cathode ray tube in three different experiments.

Thomson was born in Cheetham Hill, Manchester in England, of Scottish parentage. His father died when he
was 16 years old. In 1870 he studied engineering at the University of Manchester, known as Owens College at
that time. Thomson moved on to Trinity College, Cambridge in 1876. He obtained his BA in mathematics in
1880 and his MA in 1883.In 1884 he became Cavendish Professor of Physics. One of his students was Ernest
Rutherford, who would later succeed him in the post. In 1890 he married Rose Elisabeth Paget, daughter of
Sir George Edward Paget, KCB, a physician and then Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge. Thomson had
one son, George Paget Thomson, and one daughter, Joan Paget Thomson.

One of Thomson's greatest contributions to modern science was in his role as a highly gifted teacher, as seven
of his research assistants and his aforementioned son won Nobel Prizes in physics. Thomson’s students
included Ernest Rutherford and J. Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Manhattan Project during World War
II. Thomson’s son won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for proving the wavelike properties of electrons.

50 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1906, "in recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and experimental
investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases." He was knighted in 1908 and appointed to the Order
of Merit in 1912. In 1914 he gave the Romanes Lecture in Oxford on "The atomic theory". In 1918 he became
Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he remained until his death. He died on 30 August 1940 and was
buried in Westminster Abbey, close to Sir Isaac Newton.


Information on Thomson from

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 26

Thomson Model
 He proposed a model of
the atom that is
sometimes called the
“Plum Pudding” model.
 Atoms were made from a
positively charged
substance with negatively
charged electrons
scattered about, like
raisins in a pudding.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:

In the United Kingdom, a “pudding” is a cakelike dessert.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

52 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 27

Thomson Model
 Thomson studied the
passage of an electric
current through a gas.
 As the current passed
through the gas, it
gave off rays of
negatively charged


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 28

Thomson Model
Where did
they come
This surprised from?

Thomson, because
the atoms of the gas
were uncharged.
Where had the
negative charges
come from?


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

54 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 29

Thomson concluded that the

negative charges came from within
the atom.

A particle smaller than an atom had

to exist.

The atom was divisible!

Thomson called the negatively
charged “corpuscles,” today known as

Since the gas was known to be

neutral, having no charge, he
reasoned that there must be
positively charged particles in the

But he could never find them.


Time: 30 minutes, slides 12-29

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 30

Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

In 1908, the English
physicist, Ernest
Rutherford, was hard at
work on an experiment
that seemed to have
little to do with
unraveling the
mysteries of the atomic


Time: 60 minutes, slides 30-33, including Indirect Measurement II Activity

PD Provider Notes:

Biographical information provided for Instructors to choose interesting personal information about Rutherford
to share with participants as desired.

Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson, (August 30, 1871– October 19, 1937) was a New Zealand
chemist and physicist who became known as the father of nuclear physics. He discovered that atoms have
their positive charge concentrated in a very small nucleus, and thereby pioneered the Rutherford model, or
planetary, model of the atom, through his discovery and interpretation of Rutherford scattering in his gold
foil experiment. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908. He is widely credited as splitting the
atom in 1917 and leading the first experiment to "split the nucleus" in a controlled manner by two students
under his direction, John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton in 1932. Rutherford’s students included Hans Geiger,
Niels Bohr, and Charles Galton Darwin, grandson of Charles Darwin.

During the investigation of radioactivity he coined the terms “alpha” and “beta” in 1899 to describe the two
distinct types of radiation emitted by thorium and uranium. These rays were differentiated on the basis of
penetrating power. In 1903, Rutherford realized that a type of radiation from radium discovered (but not
named) by French chemist Paul Villard in 1900, must represent something different from alpha rays and beta
rays, due to its very much greater penetrating power. Rutherford gave this third type of radiation its name
also: the gamma ray.

In 1900 he married Mary Georgina Newton (1876–1945); they had one daughter, Eileen Mary (1901–1930),
who married Ralph Fowler, a physicist and astronomer.

He was knighted in 1914. In 1916 he was awarded the Hector Memorial Medal. In 1919 he returned to the
Cavendish as Director. Under him, Nobel Prizes were awarded to Chadwick for discovering the neutron (in

56 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

1932), Cockcroft and Walton for an experiment which was to be known as splitting the atom using a particle
accelerator, and Appleton for demonstrating the existence of the ionosphere. He was admitted to the Order of
Merit in 1925 and in 1931 was created Baron Rutherford of Nelson, of Cambridge in the County of Cambridge,
a title that became extinct upon his unexpected death in the hospital following an operation for an umbilical
hernia (1937). Since he was a peer, British protocol at that time required that he be operated on by a titled
doctor, and the delay cost him his life. He is interred in Westminster Abbey, alongside J. J. Thomson, and near
Sir Isaac Newton.


Information on Rutherford from

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 7 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 31

Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

Rutherford’s experiment involved firing
a stream of tiny positively charged
particles at a thin sheet of gold foil
(2000 atoms thick)


Time: 60 minutes, slides 30-33, including Indirect Measurement II Activity

PD Provider Notes:

The upcoming activity will model Rutherford’s gold foil experiment.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

58 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 32

Indirect Measurement
 How can we measure the characteristics of objects
that we cannot see? How do we know the structure
of an atom?

 Scattering of ball by a unseen object to be measured

and described
◦ Roll ball underneath cardboard.
◦ Observe and record deflection patterns.
◦ As a group, try to conclude the approximate size, shape,
and location of the object under the cardboard.


Time: 60 minutes, slides 30-33, including Indirect Measurement II Activity

PD Provider Notes:

Refer back to the image on slide 31 when describing this activity.

Participants will work in groups of 8-14 (or smaller groups, if supplies permit) on a hard, level floor using:
•Cardboard sheets approximately 2 x 3 feet (science fair display boards will work well)
•Cups or film canisters placed at the corners to hold the cardboard off the floor
•Solid object placed in the center of the board (this “nucleus” will be imaged)—use round, square, and
triangular objects among groups (Instructors need to have attached the objects and film canisters to the
display board before the session begins.)
•Different balls to roll under board to gather information about solid object under center of board
•Golf balls
•Practice golf balls
•Ping pong balls
•Measuring tapes
•Sticky notes to mark points of entrance and exit (or chart paper to lay on top of cardboard and sketch ball
paths on)
•Paper for data collection
•Colored markers, pencils, or highlighters
•Copy of Indirect Measurement handout for each participant (found in handouts section of participant

Session 7 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Mention to participants that they should spend some time planning their approach before they start rolling
the balls. Do they want to keep track of the path of each ball rolled, including the percentage of balls that roll
straight through versus those that are deflected?


Based on Indirect Measurement II activity found at:

60 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 33

Journal Entries and Discussion of

Indirect Measurement II Activity
 Identify examples from everyday life where objects
are analyzed in a manner similar to the Rutherford
Gold Foil experiment.
 Explain the importance of using indirect
measurement techniques to draw conclusions about
objects that cannot be seen.


Time: 60 minutes, slides 30-33, including Indirect Measurement II Activity

PD Provider Notes:

Allow participants 5 minutes to respond to these two prompts in their journals.

Allow 10 minutes for a large group discussion.

Tell participants that we will work more with data to learn further about Rutherford’s experiment after lunch.


Based on Indirect Measurement II activity found at:

Session 7 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 34

Lunch Break


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


62 Presentation Guide Session 7

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Journal Entries and Discussion of Indirect Measurement II Activity 2 5


Building background knowledge 3 5

Rutherford Experiment Animation link 4 5

Introduction to Rutherford Experiment “dry lab” Activity 5 9

Rutherford Experiment “dry lab” Activity individual and group work with 6 40

Discussion of log-log paper, powers of 10, and related issues 7 10

Discussion of data and plotting from Rutherford Experiment “dry lab” 8-10 50

Break 11

Presentation of outcomes of Rutherford experiment activity and his model 12-14 9

of the atom

Mathematics as the Quantitative Language of Science—Journal entry and 15-16 10


Bohr’s model of the atom 17-19 5

Spectroscope Activity and Evening Opportunity 20-21 20

Overview of Day 5 22 2

Exit Tickets for Day 4 23 10

Total instructional time: 180

Session 8 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Rutherford Experiment (“dry-lab” version)



Organize printed copies of data sets for groups of 4. (See data set description under
materials list.)

Preamble: Now that you have completed the “mock” scattering experiment, we are ready
for a “real” experiment. Assume that you are in a nuclear research laboratory in 1913, and
your boss has described Rutherford’s Scattering Theory at a group meeting [2,3]. She
charges everyone in the lab to start gathering data that will test Rutherford’s prediction that

 I A n t   k Z e2  1
N   o d   , (1)
 r 2   2 E KE  sin 4  / 2

where N is the number of counts per unit time that a detector with area A d will measure
when placed a distance r from a target of thickness t. In Eq. 1, n is the number of nuclei per
unit volume of the target made from an element with atomic number Z, I o is the current of
the incident beam that possesses kinetic energy EKE, θ is the scattering angle, e is the
fundamental charge of 1.60  1019 C2, and k = 1/4πεo = 8.99  109 N m2 / C2, which is a
common constant in electromagnetism.

The group of 40 researchers is split into 10 teams of 4 researchers. Each team has its own
instrument, but everyone is using the same conditions. In other words, everyone will use
parameters that approximate the experimental conditions [3,4], namely a 1.0 nA beam of α
particles with kinetic energy of 6.0 MeV (mega-electron volt, 1 MeV = 1.60  1013 J) will be
incident on a 1.0 μm thick silver (Ag) foil, and the detector, reporting counts per second and
with an area of 5 mm2, is located 2.0 cm from the target.

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Aside on units and symbols:
C is the unit of charge known as Coulomb.
N is the unit of force known as Newton.
m is the unit of length known as meter.
A is the unit of current known as Ampere.
eV is the unit of energy known as electron volt.
J is the unit of energy known as Joule.
M is the prefix known as mega, which is 106.
c is the prefix known as centi, which is 10-2.
m is the prefix known as milli, which is 10-3.
μ is the prefix known as micro, which is 10-6.
n is the prefix known as nano, which is 10-9.


Given all of these inputs and conditions, Eq. 1 may now be written as

N C , (2)
sin 4  / 2

where C is a constant for the experimental conditions that are described. So, as the
experimenter, you choose to locate the detector at an angle θ, and then the detector will
provide N, the number of counts per second.

Your team of 4 researchers decides to acquire data at 32 angles ranging from 10˚ to 165˚. A
decision is made to work continuously for 24 hours, with each researcher taking a shift of 6
hours. The decision is made that each researcher will operate the instrument at 8 different
angles that are equally spaced in the range of interest. In this way, the entire angular range
will be measured.

The background count rate for the detector in the absence of the target foil varies between 1
to 3 counts/s.


Notes for the Providers:

Some of the Topics Embedded in the Activity:

I. What do real scientists do? Take data and plot is a common theme.
II. Data sets often have outliers and unexpected trends. When can we consider these
trends as real or spurious?
III. What is the role of acquiring additional data and statistical analysis?
IV. Comparing “large” and “small” numbers often requires the use of a logarithmic scale,
is this concept a part of the participants’ content knowledge? Scientific notation?

Session 8 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

General Points:

1. You should know that the data were first generated as “exactly” predicted by Eq. 1, with
the understanding that the expected output was rounded to the nearest integer value.
Next, “noise” was added by using a random number generator. Ultimately, the mimicked
data had variations of a few percent from the theoretical predictions, but some angles
varied by as much as 11%. Next, these values were split into 40 groups of data. It was
decided that plotting so much data would be too tedious, so each person was assigned 8
angles, as described above. In this way, a group of 4 will span the entire range, and each
student will have some data that may or may not reflect backscattered events.
2. The idea of having a group meeting and having the group split into independent teams is
often a reality in science. The ability of the group to pool their data to improve the
experimental statistical significance is also being probed here.
3. Providing the participants with graph paper with the axes labeled was deemed
necessary to move the graphing exercise forward. The meaning of the log-log paper and
how to use it may require some extensive discussion.
4. You will have to decide when the participants might best use a tutorial on log-log paper,
powers of 10, and related issues. At this point, you might show the “Powers of 10”
movie, which is copyrighted but available for viewing at:
10 min movie. Use as much time as is necessary to make sure participants understand
how to graph on log-log paper.

Then run this one manually:


Rutherford Experiment DATA, found in this Resources Guide. Give one page to each participant. You
may have to pool the handouts from multiple Provider Guide binders (handouts are double sided). If
desired, you can print a single-sided set of data pages from the pdf version of this document.


Graph paper: linear-linear, log-log
Graph paper links: Linear-linear graph paper is easy to find, for example:
5 x 5 decades log-log paper is more difficult to locate. One link is: (Suggestion: After reading
the “Terms of Use”, you will note that you can print this paper for use in this exercise. You may want
to restrict the printing to “B&W or greyscale”.) You can also find 4x4 decades log-log paper at
Data sheet (different data set for each participant)
Summary of Data Sheet Distribution
All 40 data sets are unique and are spit into 10 groups of 4 (e.g. Sets 1-4 form Group 1, etc.).
Sets 01, 05, 09, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37 have angles 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150.
Sets 02, 06, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38 have angles 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 155.
Sets 03, 07, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39 have angles 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160.
Sets 04, 08, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 have angles 25, 45, 65, 85, 105, 125, 145, 165.


4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

See this website for further background information about the Rutherford experiment:

Session 8 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

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Session 8 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

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Session 8 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

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Provider Guide

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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26 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

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Provider Guide

44 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

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Session 8 PD Provider Resources & Materials 45

Provider Guide


Spectroscope Activity


Preamble: The motivation for this activity has several components.

Firstly, Bohr developed his theory for the hydrogen atom as he knew about the extensive research
that revealed the spectrum of light emitted from hydrogen gas had a series of well-defined “lines”
instead of the spectra of color observed for sunlight.

Secondly, the discussion of the electromagnetic spectrum will afford another opportunity to discuss a
plot that only makes sense on a logarithmic (power of tens) scale.

Thirdly, it provides a precursor activity that indicates that the visible range is only a small part of the
electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, if the smallest detected length scale is approximately given by the
wavelength (or about 1/2 or 1/4 of it), then the ultimate resolution of the magnifying glass and the
microscope (using the visible range of the human eye) is defined.

Fourthly, it is fun to look at sources and see the different colors. Yet, once again, the human eye is
being used as the detector. Consequently, due to the nature of the wave the eye detects color and
transmits this information to the brain, the spectral composition of some light sources can
sometimes be surprising.


1. Assemble the spectroscope. Can you put it together without explicit instructions? If YES, then
you must have an idea of how it will work. Sketch your understanding in your journal before
testing it. If NO, then have someone help you to assemble it. Once it is assembled, describe, in
your journal, how you think it will work.
2. You will look at various sources of light, but never use direct sunlight. In your journal, you
should list the source of the light, your expected result prior to using the spectroscope, and the
actual result after using the spectroscope.
3. Being a Floridian, you might own a pair of polarized sunglasses. Now that you have used your
spectroscope, try using it while wearing your sunglasses. You may want to rotate the
spectroscope. Does anything change? Did you learn anything new or confirm your previous
expectations on how the spectroscope is working?
4. Summarize your results. Did you discover anything new? Were your expectations always
consistent with your observations?
5. Most activities of the institute are restricted to class time. However, in this instance, some
extended fun can be found by looking at light sources that are only available at night. Consider
looking at different streetlights, store signs, moonlight, starlight, or any other light sources that
you see. Now that the “background” from sunlight is gone, do you see any differences?


Spectroscope Activity

46 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute


Each participant needs a spectroscope, available from Ward’s Natural Science, packs of 6 for about
$12.50, see:

Colored pencils
Variety of light sources and availability of electrical outlets

Suggested Light Sources:

The sources of light that may be used are diverse and varied. You can restrict these sources to the
ones in the room, or you might include different bulbs purchased at the local hardware store. When
looking at various sources, you may need to reduce the “background” light sources by darkening the

1. The typical fluorescent light bulbs in the room.

2. Indirect (never use the spectroscope in the direction of the sun) sunlight.
3. The emission from an “old” (cathode ray tube) TV screen.
4. The emission from a “new” (flat panel) TV screen.
5. With items 3,4: you might consider looking at all white, blue, green, red, and other color
6. Yellow, red, blue, and white “old” (tungsten filament) bulbs.
7. Yellow, red, blue, and white “new” light bulbs.
8. Assign “homework” to look at streetlights, store signs, moonlight, and starlight at night.


Spectroscope Activity:

Electromagnetic radiation. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Electromagnetic spectrum. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 8 PD Provider Resources & Materials 47

Provider Guide

48 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute


Rutherford Experiment Handout — Use with Slides 5-10

Graph paper— Graph paper links: Linear-linear graph paper is easy to find, for example:
5 x 5 decades log-log paper is more difficult to locate. One link is:
(Suggestion: After reading the “Terms of Use”, you will note that you can print this paper for use in this
exercise. You may want to restrict the printing to “B&W or greyscale”.)—Use with Slides 7-10

Slides 3, 12-14, and 17-18 based on: from Thomas

Jefferson National Accelerator Facility found at

Spectroscope Activity — Use with Slides 20-21

Session 8 Handouts 49
Provider Guide

50 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Rutherford Experiment (“dry-lab” version)


Now that you have completed the “mock” scattering experiment, we are ready for a “real” experiment.
Assume that you are in a nuclear research laboratory in 1913, and your boss has described Rutherford’s
Scattering Theory at a group meeting [2,3]. She charges everyone in the lab to start gathering data that will
test Rutherford’s prediction that

 I A n t   k Z e2  1
N   o d   , (1)
 r 2   2 E KE  sin 4  / 2

where N is the number of counts per unit time that a detector with area Ad will measure when placed a
distance r from a target of thickness t. In Equation 1, n is the number of nuclei per unit volume of the target
made from an element with atomic number Z, Io is the current of the incident beam that possesses kinetic
energy EKE, θ is the scattering angle, e is the fundamental charge of 1.60  1019 C2, and k = 1/4πεo = 8.99 
109 N m2 / C2, which is a common constant in electromagnetism.

The group of 40 researchers is split into 10 teams of 4 researchers. Each team has its own instrument, but
everyone is using the same conditions. In other words, everyone will use parameters that approximate the
experimental conditions [3,4], namely a 1.0 nA beam of α particles with kinetic energy of 6.0 MeV (mega-
electron volt, 1 MeV = 1.60  1013 J) will be incident on a 1.0 μm thick silver (Ag) foil, and the detector,
reporting counts per second and with an area of 5 mm2, is located 2.0 cm from the target.


Aside on units and symbols:

C is the unit of charge known as Coulomb.
N is the unit of force known as Newton.
m is the unit of length known as meter.
A is the unit of current known as Ampere.
eV is the unit of energy known as electron volt.
J is the unit of energy known as Joule.
M is the prefix known as mega, which is 106.
c is the prefix known as centi, which is 10-2.
m is the prefix known as milli, which is 10-3.
μ is the prefix known as micro, which is 10-6.
n is the prefix known as nano, which is 10-9.


Session 8 Handouts 51
Provider Guide

Given all of these inputs and conditions, Equation 1 may now be written as

N C , (2)
sin 4  / 2

where C is a constant for the experimental conditions that are described. So, as the experimenter, you choose
to locate the detector at an angle θ, and then the detector will provide N, the number of counts per second.

Your team of 4 researchers decides to acquire data at 32 angles ranging from 10 o to 165o. A decision is made
to work continuously for 24 hours, with each researcher taking a shift of 6 hours. The decision is made that
each researcher will operate the instrument at 8 different angles that are equally spaced in the range of
interest. In this way, the entire angular range will be measured.

The background count rate for the detector in the absence of the target foil varies
between 1 to 3 counts/s.
Requirements for each participant:

1. A ruler.

2. Graph paper: linear-linear and log-log.

3. Your data, on a sheet that will be given to you. Your data is on the sheet that you are given, and you should
not show or share your data to the other group members at this time. Your data sheet will have a column for
N (counts/sec), angle θ (degrees), and 1/sin4(θ/2). Plot your data: 1/sin4(θ/2) on the X axis and N on the Y

Questions and Analysis:

1. Before attempting any plotting and based on your data alone, can you unambiguously confirm the
“backscattering” events predicted by Rutherford’s formula? Why or why not?

2. Recall that your charge is to test if N, the counts/sec, is proportional to 1/sin4(θ/2), Equation 2. One way
to perform the data analysis is to plot your data. Working independently, plot your data in a manner that will
allow you to compare your data to the prediction. Start with the linear-linear plot where you will have to
judiciously choose the scales of your axes to allow all of the data to be plotted. Recall that y = mx is the
equation of a straight line passing through the origin, and m is the slope of the line. So if you plot N versus
1/sin4(θ/2) and obtain a straight line, then you have shown Equation 2 is an accurate representation of your
data, with m = C . (Are different plots possible? Will a log-log plot work here? If you do not know how to
make a log-log plot, then wait until you are asked to gather in your group of 4 to discuss your results.
Someone on your team might know how to make this kind of plot.)

3. Once everyone has generated plots, have a team meeting and compare your analysis. Revisit Questions 1
and 2 again, as you may be asked to make a presentation at the group meeting. Is there a single plot that best
makes the comparison between the data and the theoretical prediction? Do you need to account for the
background level of counts? Are there any features of your combined data that are anomalous?

52 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Spectroscope Activity

1. Spectroscope
2. Colored pencils
3. Paper
4. Various sources of light

1. Assemble the spectroscope. Can you put it together without explicit instructions? If yes, then you
must have an idea of how it will work. Sketch your understanding in your journal before testing it. If
NO, then have someone help you to assemble it. Once it is assembled, describe, in your journal, how
you think it will work.

2. You will look at various sources of light, but never use direct sunlight. In your journal, you should list
the source of the light, your expected result prior to using the spectroscope, and the actual result
after using the spectroscope.

3. Being a Floridian, you might own a pair of polarized sunglasses. Now that you have used your
spectroscope, try using it while wearing your sunglasses. You may want to rotate the spectroscope.
Does anything change? Did you learn anything new or confirm your previous expectations on how
the spectroscope is working?

Journal Entry:
1. Summarize your results.

2. Did you discover anything new?

3. Were your expectations always consistent with your observations?

Evening Opportunity:
Most activities of the institute are restricted to class time. However, in this instance, some extended fun can
be found by looking at light sources that are only available at night. Consider looking at different streetlights,
store signs, moonlight, starlight, or any other light sources that you see. Now that the “background” from
sunlight is gone, do you see any differences? Be ready to share your evening observations with the group
tomorrow morning.

Session 8 Handouts 53
Provider Guide

54 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 8

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 8 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Journal Entries and Discussion of

Indirect Measurement (continued)
 Identify examples from everyday life where objects
are analyzed in a manner similar to the Rutherford
Gold Foil experiment.
 Explain the importance of using indirect
measurement techniques to draw conclusions about
objects that cannot be seen.

Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Review journal entries from Indirect Measurement II activity in large group discussion.

Tell participants that we will now work to learn more about Rutherford’s experiment and how “real”
scientists work with data.


56 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Presentation of background knowledge about Rutherford and his experiments.

Rutherford's experiment with the gold foil was done by his assistants, Hans Geiger (co-inventer of the Geiger
counter) and Ernest Marsden (founder of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research in New
Zealand after serving in World War I) in 1911. This experiment is named for the two assistants who did the
work—”Geiger–Marsden experiment.”

An alpha source was set up. Alpha particles are helium nuclei, two protons and two neutrons. A shielded
block with a hole in it served as the source. Radon was put inside. The hole acted as the only means of escape
for the alpha particles. The hole was pointed at the foil.

The foil was set up a short distance from the source, and in a line with the opening in the shield block. (They
needed to "aim" the source at the foil.)

Using the foil as the center of the collision or scattering events, they took a long strip of material that was
coated with zinc sulfide and set it up in an almost complete circle. Now they had an "arena" for the event with
the target at the center and the little strip of scintillant material around it.

They turned off the lights. That way they could see the scintillations, the little blinks of light that resulted
when an alpha particle hit the screen. Remember that they looked at the screen and not the target.

Geiger and Marsden expected to find that most of the alpha particles travel straight through the foil with little
deviation, with the remainder being deviated by a percent or two. This thinking was based on the theory that
positive and negative charges were spread evenly within the atom and that only weak electric forces would
be exerted on the alpha particles that were passing through the thin foil at high energy.

Session 8 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

What they found, to great surprise, was that while most of the alpha particles passed straight through the foil,
a small percentage of them were deflected at very large angles and some were even backscattered. Because
alpha particles have about 8000 times the mass of an electron and impacted the foil at very high velocities, it
was clear that very strong forces were necessary to deflect and backscatter these particles. Rutherford
explained this phenomenon with a revitalized model of the atom in which most of the mass was concentrated
into a compact nucleus (holding all of the positive charge), with electrons occupying the bulk of the atom's
space and orbiting the nucleus at a distance. With the atom being composed largely of empty space, it was
then very easy to construct a scenario where most of the alpha particles passed through the foil, and only the
ones that encountered a direct collision with a gold nucleus were deflected or scattered backwards.

This experiment demonstrated the nuclear nature of atoms.


Information on Rutherford’s gold foil experiment from's_Gold_Foil_Experiment_work

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

58 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 4

Rutherford Experiment

Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Refer back to Indirect Measurement investigation from morning and data collected then.

Build on that theme.

Scattering angle and backscattering events may not have been as evident in the morning activity, but this
animation should show this to participants.


Rutherford Experiment Animation from

Session 8 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 5

Rutherford Experiment “dry lab” Activity

 Now that you have completed the “mock” scattering
experiment, we are ready for a “real” experiment.
 You will now need:
◦ Handout
◦ Ruler
◦ Two types of graph paper
◦ Your data—Do not share this with your group yet!
 We will review instructions and the purpose for this
activity together in detail.

Time: 9 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Requirements for each participant:

Give out materials and handouts, including individual data from the provider’s guide. Walk participants
through expectations for this activity.

1. Handout for Rutherford Experiment (“dry lab” version) (located in session 8 handouts)

2. A ruler.

3. Graph paper: linear-linear and log-log.

4. Your data, on a sheet that will be given to you. Your data is on the sheet that you are given, and you should
not show or share your data to the other group members at this time. Your data sheet will have a column for
N (counts/sec), angle θ (degrees), and 1/sin4(θ/2). (Data sheets are located in provider’s binder resources

Provide background for activity:

Now that you have completed the “mock” scattering experiment, we are ready for a “real” experiment.
Assume that you are in a nuclear research laboratory in 1913, and your boss has described Rutherford’s
Scattering Theory at a group meeting [2,3]. She charges everyone in the lab to start gathering data that will
test Rutherford’s prediction that Equation (1) in the Resources Guide, where N is the number of counts per
unit time that a detector with area Ad will measure when placed a distance r from a target of thickness t. In
Eq. 1, n is the number of nuclei per unit volume of the target made from an element with atomic number Z, I o

60 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

is the current of the incident beam that possesses kinetic energy EKE, θ is the scattering angle, e is the
fundamental charge of 1.60  1019 C2, and k = 1/4πεo = 8.99  109 N m2 / C2, which is a common constant in

The group of 40 researchers is split into 10 teams of 4 researchers. Each team has its own instrument, but
everyone is using the same conditions. In other words, everyone will use parameters that approximate the
experimental conditions [3,4], namely a 1.0 nA beam of α particles with kinetic energy of 6.0 MeV (mega-
electron volt, 1 MeV = 1.60  1013 J) will be incident on a 1.0 μm thick silver (Ag) foil, and the detector,
reporting counts per second and with an area of 5 mm2, is located 2.0 cm from the target.

Inform participants that this activity will be challenging, but the instructors will be providing continuous
support and encouragement.


Rutherford Experiment (“dry-lab” version)

See this website for further background:

Session 8 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Rutherford Experiment “dry lab” Activity

 First you will work alone

◦ 15 minutes
◦ Questions 1 and 2
◦ Do not show your data to other group members
◦ Plot your data: 1/sin4(θ/2) on x axis and N on y axis
 Then you will work with your group
◦ 15 minutes
◦ Question 3
◦ Have a team meeting and compare your data analysis

Time: 40 Minutes—15 minutes for individual work with data and 15 minutes for group work with data; 10
minutes for responding to questions

PD Provider Notes:

Questions and Analysis: (from participants’ handout)

1. Before attempting any plotting and based on your data alone, can you unambiguously confirm the
“backscattering” events predicted by Rutherford’s formula? Why or why not?

2. Recall that your charge is to test if N, the counts/sec, is proportional to 1/sin4(θ/2), Eq. 2. One way to
perform the data analysis is to plot your data. Working independently, plot your data in a manner that will
allow you to compare your data to the prediction. Start with the linear-linear plot where you will have to
judiciously choose the scales of your axes to allow all of the data to be plotted. Recall that y = mx is the
equation of a straight line passing through the origin, and m is the slope of the line. So if you plot N versus
1/sin4(θ/2) and obtain a straight line, then you have shown Eq. 2 is an accurate representation of your data,
with m = C . (Are different plots possible? Will a log-log plot work here? If you do not know how to make a
log-log plot, then wait until you are asked to gather in your group of 4 to discuss your results. Someone on
your team might know how to make this kind of plot.)

3. Once everyone has generated plots, have a team meeting and compare your analysis. Revisit Questions 1
and 2 again, as you may be asked to make a presentation at the group meeting. Is there a single plot that best
makes the comparison between the data and the theoretical prediction? Do you need to account for the
background level of counts? Are there any features of your combined data that are anomalous?


Rutherford Experiment (“dry-lab” version)

62 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Mathematics as the
Quantitative Language of Science
 Looking at data and plots
 Did linear plots work?
 Remember Powers of Ten from Day 1?
 Here is another video illustrating Powers of

Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Set purpose for use of log-log plot.

A tutorial on log-log paper, powers of 10, and related issues will follow on Slides 8-10.

Discussion with some groups of participants being invited to share their data and plots.

Discussion on presentation of data and plotting and math as the quantitative language of science.

General Points:

1. You should know that the data were first generated as “exactly” predicted by Eq. 1, with the
understanding that the expected output was rounded to the nearest integer value. Next, “noise” was added by
using a random number generator. Ultimately, the mimicked data had variations of a few percent from the
theoretical predictions, but some angles varied by as much as 11%. Next, these values were split into 40
groups of data. It was decided that plotting so much data would be too tedious, so each person was assigned
8 angles, as described above. In this way, a group of 4 will span the entire range, and each student will have
some data that may or may not reflect backscattered events.

2. The idea of having a group meeting and having the group split into independent teams is often a reality in
science. The ability of the group to pool their data to improve the experimental statistical significance is also
being probed here.

Session 8 Presentation Guide 63

Provider Guide

3. Providing the participants with graph paper with the axes labeled was deemed necessary to move the
graphing exercise forward. The meaning of the log-log paper and how to use it may require some extensive

Click link to show this movie:

4. You can explain log-log graph paper in terms of orders of magnitude – each division of the graph paper
represents one order of magnitude – 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. Contrast this to linear-based (standard) graph
paper, where the distance between the divisions is constant (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, etc).


Images from clip art

Powers of Ten links to Secret Worlds: The Universe Within

available at:

64 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Average of all 10 Groups on a linear-

linear plot

Time: 11 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Set purpose for use of log-log plot.

Discussion with some groups of participants being invited to share their data and plots.

Discussion on presentation of data and plotting and math as the quantitative language of science.

Data is a fundamental part of any scientific investigation, and graphing or charting is an essential method for
making sense of the data. Displaying data in graphic form helps scientists to visualize and interpret the data –
what patterns are present, and what does the data mean?

A method for reading any type of graph:

1. Describe the graph: What does the title say? What is on the x-axis? What is on the y-axis? What are the

2. Describe the data: What is the numerical range of the data? What kinds of patterns can you see in the data?

3. Interpret the data: How do the patterns you see in the graph relate to other things you know?”


Egger, E. A. (2004). Visualizing Scientific Data: An essential component of research, Visionlearning Vol. SCI-2
(1), Retrieved from

Session 8 Presentation Guide 65

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Time: 19 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This is the time for a tutorial on log-log paper and related issues.

9 minutes to teach use of paper

10 minutes to replot data

Show participants how to use log-log paper by showing 10: at origin (1,1) point and labeling the following
points: 10^1; 10^2; 10^3; 10^4; 10^5 for the other decades on each axis. You can make the analogy of place
value to simplify the reading of log-log paper. Let the participants know that the log-log graphs will be
challenging, but the instructors will be providing continuous support. Make connections to the Powers of 10
movies shown earlier this week.

Have participants locate point x=300, y=2,000 as an example and a check for understanding of log-log paper.

If possible, project onto "white board" or use overhead projector and work with the participants after they
have had time to locate this point. Then, as a further clarification of their understanding, have them locate
additional points like (x,y): (10,10), (6, 1000), (450, 9,911), or use your own imagination.

If possible, use a document camera to show how to label the axes and the decades on the log-log paper. Show
how to locate the point above.

Now participants should take time to replot the 8 points from their individual data sheets.

Have participants work with their group members to match up their papers and hold up their data plots up to
the light to see how their 16 graphed points line up.

66 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute


Session 8 Presentation Guide 67

Provider Guide

Slide 10

Average of all 10 groups on a log-log plot


Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Discussion with some groups of participants being invited to share their data and plots.

Discussion on presentation of data and plotting and math as the quantitative language of science.

This slide shows the "pooled" data from all the groups. It shows that the log-log plot does appear to follow a
straight line, albeit with some noise. The linear relationship is confirmation that N (y-axis) is a linear function
of the funky x-axis function 1/sin^4(\theta/2). Rutherford's team discovers the nucleus! It could not have
been accomplished without the log-log plot and it could not have been confirmed by the data given to one
participant, or the data from one group of 4. The discovery required a significant amount of data to confirm
the complicated mathematical expression that was generated from the assumption of "what if all the positive
charge was packed into a small space instead of being spread uniformly through the plum pudding?”


Rutherford Experiment (“dry-lab” version)

68 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

Afternoon Break


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Remind participants what time the instruction will resume.


Session 8 Presentation Guide 69

Provider Guide

Slide 12


Time: 9 Minutes, Slides 12-14

PD Provider Notes:

Rutherford's experiment with the gold foil was done by his assistants, Hans Geiger (co-inventer of the Geiger
counter) and Ernest Marsden (founder of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research in New
Zealand after serving in World War I) in 1911. This experiment is named for the two assistants who did the
work—”Geiger–Marsden experiment.”

An alpha source was set up. Alpha particles are helium nuclei, two protons and two neutrons. A shielded
block with a hole in it served as the source. Radon was put inside. The hole acted as the only means of escape
for the alpha particles. The hole was pointed at the foil.

The foil was set up a short distance from the source, and it was also in a line with the opening in the shield
block. (They needed to "aim" the source at the foil.)

Using the foil as the center of the collision or scattering events, they took a long strip of material that was
coated with zinc sulfide and set it up in an almost complete circle. Now they had an "arena" for the event with
the target at the center and the little strip of scintillant material around it.

They turned off the lights. That way they could see the scintillations, the little blinks of light that resulted
when an alpha particle hit the screen. Remember that they looked at the screen and not the target.

Geiger and Marsden expected to find that most of the alpha particles travel straight through the foil with little
deviation, with the remainder being deviated by a percent or two. This thinking was based on the theory that
positive and negative charges were spread evenly within the atom and that only weak electric forces would
be exerted on the alpha particles that were passing through the thin foil at high energy.

70 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

What they found, to great surprise, was that while most of the alpha particles passed straight through the foil,
a small percentage of them were deflected at very large angles and some were even backscattered. Because
alpha particles have about 8000 times the mass of an electron and impacted the foil at very high velocities, it
was clear that very strong forces were necessary to deflect and backscatter these particles. Rutherford
explained this phenomenon with a revitalized model of the atom in which most of the mass was concentrated
into a compact nucleus (holding all of the positive charge), with electrons occupying the bulk of the atom's
space and orbiting the nucleus at a distance. With the atom being composed largely of empty space, it was
then very easy to construct a scenario where most of the alpha particles passed through the foil, and only the
ones that encountered a direct collision with a gold nucleus were deflected or scattered backwards.

This experiment demonstrated the nuclear nature of atoms.


Information on Rutherford’s gold foil experiment from's_Gold_Foil_Experiment_work

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 8 Presentation Guide 71

Provider Guide

Slide 13

Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment

◦ Most of the positively charged
“bullets” passed right through
the gold atoms in the sheet of
gold foil without changing
course at all.
◦ Some of the positively charged
“bullets,” however, did bounce
away from the gold sheet as if
they had hit something solid.
He knew that positive charges
repel positive charges.


Time: 9 Minutes, Slides 12-14

PD Provider Notes:

Presentation of outcomes of Rutherford experiment.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

72 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

 Rutherford reasoned
that all of an atom’s
positively charged
particles were
contained in the
nucleus. The
negatively charged
particles were
scattered outside the
nucleus around the
atom’s edge.


Time: 9 Minutes, Slides 12-14

PD Provider Notes:

Points to Emphasize:

This could only mean that the gold atoms in the sheet were mostly open space. Atoms were not a pudding
filled with a positively charged material.

Rutherford concluded that an atom had a small, dense, positively charged center that repelled his positively
charged “bullets.”

He called the center of the atom the “nucleus.”

The nucleus is tiny compared to the atom as a whole.

Problems with Rutherford Model and his model of the atom, evolves to Bohr model, which is addressed on
Slides 17-18.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 8 Presentation Guide 73

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Mathematics as the
Quantitative Language of Science
 Whatdoes it mean for something to be

 What are some examples in daily life of

things that are quantized?


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Time for participants to consider these questions and take 5 minutes to respond in their journals.


For discussion guide, refer to:

Demonstrating Quanta. (n.d.). University of Virginia Physics Department. Retrieved from

74 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Discussion of journal entries:

What does it mean for something to be quantized? Answer: Something is quantized when it only is expressed
as multiples of a basic unit. Quantized is the opposite of continuous.

What are some examples in daily life of things that are quantized? Answer: Seating in a stadium (quantized
distance from playing field) versus “berm” seating at the ballpark (distance from playing field is a continuum).
On a 8x8 chessboard, there are 64 discrete (quantized) spots where a chess piece can be placed. On a
staircase, you can stand on the first, second, fifth, etc. step, but you can’t stand on the second-and-a-half step.
Examples of continuous things include temperature, length, and velocity.


Images from clip art.

For discussion guide, refer to:

Demonstrating Quanta. (n.d.). University of Virginia Physics Department. Retrieved from

Session 8 Presentation Guide 75

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Bohr Model

 In 1913, the Danish

scientist Niels Bohr
proposed an
 In his model, he placed
each electron in a
specific energy level.


Time: 5 Minutes, Slides 17-19

PD Provider Notes: Biographical information provided for Instructors to choose interesting personal
information about Bohr to share with participants as desired. Niels Henrik David Bohr (October 7, 1885 –
November 18, 1962) was a Danish physicist. Bohr made fundamental contributions to understanding atomic
structure and quantum mechanics. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922 “for his services in the
investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them.” Bohr mentored and
collaborated with many of the top physicists of the century at his institute in Copenhagen, including. He was
part of a team of physicists working on the Manhattan Project. Bohr has been described as one of the most
influential physicists of the 20th century.

Bohr married Margrethe Nørlund in 1912. Bohr and his wife had six sons. One son died in a boating accident
and another died of childhood meningitis. Their son, Aage Niels Bohr, grew up to be an important physicist
who also received the Nobel prize for physics in 1975.

As a post-doctoral student, Bohr first conducted experiments under J. J. Thomson at Trinity College. He then
went on to study under Ernest Rutherford at the University of Manchester. On the basis of Rutherford's
theories, Bohr published his model of atomic structure in 1913. Bohr introduced the theory of electrons
traveling in orbits around the atom's nucleus with the chemical properties of an element being largely
determined by the number of electrons in the outer orbits. Bohr also introduced the idea that an electron
could drop from a higher-energy orbit to a lower one, emitting a photon (light quantum) of discrete energy.
This became a basis for quantum theory.

Bohr is well-known for his public disputes with Albert Einstein about quantum mechanics in the 1920’s and
1930’s. These two men, along with Max Planck, were the founders of the original quantum theory. Their
"debates" are remembered because of their importance to the philosophy of science. Einstein sought a
physics that would tell him what was happening in the real world "behind" the equations. Bohr was
interested in the equations themselves and did not worry about an underlying reality.

76 Presentation Guide Session 8

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Bohr received the first ever Atoms for Peace Award in 1957. This award was established in 1955 through a
grant of $1,000,000 by the Ford Motor Company Fund for the development or application of peaceful nuclear
technology. It was created in response to U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1953 “Atoms for Peace”
speech to the UN General Assembly in New York City. Bohr’s son, Aage Niels Bohr, also received this award in


Niels Bohr. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

List of All Nobel Laureates 1922 (2010). Retrieved from

Bohr-Einstein debates. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Atoms for Peace Award. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 8 Presentation Guide 77

Provider Guide

Slide 18

Bohr Model
 According to Bohr’s atomic
model, electrons move in
definite orbits around the
nucleus, much like planets
circle the sun.
 These orbits, or energy
levels, are located at certain
distances from the nucleus.


Time: 5 Minutes, Slides 17-19

PD Provider Notes:


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

78 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 19

The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song


Time: 5 Minutes, Slides 17-19

PD Provider Notes:

Recall this image from the morning of Day 4.

Remind participants of what spectroscopic data means.

This is what was driving Bohr.


Applet for elemental spectra available at

The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song available at

Electromagnetic spectrum. (2009, May 10). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

Physics Applets. (n.d.). Universty of Oregon, Department of Physics. Retrieved from

phyisfun. (2007, December 04). The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song [Video File]. Retrieved from

Atoms for Peace Award. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 8 Presentation Guide 79

Provider Guide

Electromagnetic spectrum. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

80 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20

What motivated Bohr?

Spectroscopic Data
 Assemble your spectroscope.
 Before testing it, sketch your understanding of how
a spectroscope works in your journal.
 Look at various sources of light. Do not look
directly at the sun!
 In your journal, list:
◦ the source of light,
◦ what you expect to see before using the spectroscope, and
◦ the actual result after using the spectroscope.


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 20-21

PD Provider Notes:

Pass out spectroscopes and have participants assemble them.

Have participants sketch their understanding of how a spectroscope works in their journals before they test

Have different types of light available—overhead fluorescents, incandescent, compact fluorescent, LED
flashlight, halogen bulb, computer screen, candle, etc.

Be sure participants address journal prompt on 4th bullet as they test their spectroscopes.

Preamble to Spectroscope Activity:

The motivation for this activity has several components.

Firstly, Bohr developed his theory for the hydrogen atom as he knew about the extensive research that
revealed the spectrum of light emitted from hydrogen gas had a series of well-defined “lines” instead of the
spectra of color observed for sunlight.

Secondly, the discussion of the electromagnetic spectrum will afford another opportunity to discuss a plot
that only makes sense on a logarithmic (power of tens) scale.

Thirdly, it provides a precursor activity that indicates that the visible range is only a small part of the
electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, if the smallest detected length scale is approximately given by the
wavelength (or about 1/2 or 1/4 of it), then the ultimate resolution of the magnifying glass and the
microscope (using the visible range of the human eye) is defined.

Session 8 Presentation Guide 81

Provider Guide

Fourthly, it is fun to look at sources and see the different colors. Yet, once again, the human eye is being used
as the detector. Consequently, due to the nature of the wave the eye detects color and transmits this
information to the brain, the spectral composition of some light sources can sometimes be surprising.


Each participant needs a spectroscope, available from Ward’s Natural Science, packs of 6 for about $12.50,

82 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21

Journal Entry and

Evening Opportunity
 Summarize your results. Did you discover anything
new? Were your expectations always consistent
with your observations?
 Some extended fun can be found by looking at light
sources that are only available at night. Consider
looking at different streetlights, store signs,
moonlight, starlight, or any other light sources that
you see.
◦ Now that the “background” from sunlight is gone, do you
see any differences? Be ready to share!


Time: 20 Minutes, Slides 20-21

PD Provider Notes:

Journal entry from using spectroscope in and around classroom:

Participants will:

•The source of light,
•What you expect to see before using the spectroscope, and
•The actual result after using the spectroscope.
Summarize their results. Did you discover anything new? Were your expectations always consistent with
your observations?

Describe evening opportunity with spectroscope for discussion in the morning


Session 8 Presentation Guide 83

Provider Guide

Slide 22

Coming Attractions…
 Use your spectroscope tonight!
 Friday is Hawaiian Shirt Day
 Topics for Day 5 will include:
◦ Getting small through magnification
◦ A musical treat
◦ Game show fun with the periodic table
◦ Measuring a molecule
◦ What does a scientist do?
 Bring your questions tomorrow to
ask the scientist(s).


Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give overview of content (and activities) for Day 5—Periodic Table and Conservation of Matter


84 Presentation Guide Session 8

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 23

Exit Tickets

Please leave your exit ticket in the box

by the door.
What did you learn on Day 4?
Was anything confusing or
surprising to you?
What are your new questions?

Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give out index cards for participants to use as exit tickets. Each participant should respond to the bulleted
questions on the slide and leave their exit tickets in a designated area.

Exit tickets should be read by the PD providers at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by
common themes to be addressed during follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to
answer questions and address misconceptions before starting the day’s topics. It will also provide an
opportunity to connect the content between sessions.


Session 8 Presentation Guide 85


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Follow-up from Day 4 and Connecting with Day 5 Partners—reviewing 2 15

exit tickets

Overview of Day 5 3 2

Journal Prompts to Start the Day—write alone, talk to partner, talk to 4 25


Presentation of Pauli exclusion principle, Quantum Mechanics, the Wave 5-8 25

Model or Electron Cloud Model

Activity—How small is an atom? 9 15

What is the smallest thing you can see? Magnifying Glass Activity 10-11 30

Break 12

What is the smallest thing you can see? 13 10

Content: Periodic Table Presentation 14-45 30

Periodic Table Game (separate PowerPoint Presentation) 46 28

Total instructional time: 180

Session 9 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



How small is an atom?


This activity is intended to encourage participants to think of the microscopic and atomic scale. Give
each participant a 1 m length of adding machine tape. Instruct participants to cut the adding machine
tape in half again and again until they can’t cut it any further, keeping track of how many cuts they
made. Then have them tape their final slivers of paper in their journals. Expect participants to make
11-12 cuts before their paper is too narrow to cut any further. Have them imagine making 21
additional cuts to reach the size of an atom or 40 additional cuts to reach the size of an electron.

If you would like to explore how the number of additional cuts required was estimated, it was
assumed that an atom was approximately the size of 1 angstrom (10-10 m). 1 meter = 1010 angstroms.
233 is close to 1010, so we estimate 33 total cuts (each cut reducing the paper’s size by one half) to go
from 1 m to 1 angstrom.

Since the diameter of an electron is approximately 3-15 m, we can use the same logic to calculate that
you would have to make approximately 51 total cuts to go from 1 m to 10-15 m (251 is close to 3X1015).



1 m length of adding machine tape per participant


transparent tape




2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute


Magnifying Glass Activity:



Organize materials listed below. Set up microscopes around the classroom so that they are
comfortably accessible to groups of 2-4 participants.

Preamble: Everyone has probably used a magnifying glass to observe small parts of
everyday objects, and this experience might have been extended to the use of a standard
optical microscope. The main point of this exercise is to extrapolate to even smaller length
scales even if we cannot detect them with a magnifying glass or an optical microscope.

We are trying to prepare for the discussion of the Periodic Table and of the elements as constituents
of molecules. As self-evident that these concepts may be, a wide-range of research suggests that
students do not easily make this connection. These points are succinctly stated in Ref. [1]:

“Middle-school and high-school students are deeply committed to a theory of continuous matter
(Nussbaum, 1985b). Although some students may think that substances can be divided up into small
particles, they do not recognize the particles as building blocks, but as formed of basically continuous
substances under certain conditions (Pfundt, 1981).

Students of all ages show a wide range of beliefs about the nature and behavior of particles. They
lack an appreciation of the very small size of particles; attribute macroscopic properties to particles;
believe there must be something in the space between particles; have difficulty in appreciating the
intrinsic motion of particles in solids, liquids, gasses; and have problems in conceptualizing forces
between particles (Children’s Learning in Science, 1987).”


Magnifying Glass Activity


Each participant needs a magnifying glass.

Each group of 2 or 4 needs access to a standard optical laboratory microscope.
Rulers should be available to each participant.

Items to Study: Allow the participants to find their own items, but you might supply some standard
examples. These may include common items such as newspaper with color photos, institutional
brown paper towels, thread, yarn, leaves, pine cones, sea shells, sand, salt, sugar, pepper, and flour.
Alternatively, you could also use the small objects from the Imaging activity in session 7.

Session 9 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide


Atlas of Science Literacy, Project 2061, Vol.1, Co-published by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC,
(2001), p. 54.

Although an explicit discussion of the misconceptions is only available in the hardcopy of Ref. [1],
they are implicitly addressed in the “benchmarks”, which are available online. Specifically, see
Chapter 4 “The Physical Setting”, Section D “The Structure of Matter”, see:

Brief and enlightening reading! Complemented by Chapter 4 “The Physical Setting”, Subsection
“Structure of Matter”, in Science for All Americans, by the American Association for the Advancement
of Science (AAAS), 1989,1990, see: - 18

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute


Periodic Table Game



Review the Periodic Table Game matrix (see next page). Optional: The instructors can make
“silly certificates” for the winning team.

Use the Periodic Table Game presentation and matrix (see next page) to guide the participants
through this Jeopardy style activity.




Periodic Table Game presentation file

Paper copies of periodic table

Small whiteboards or sheets of paper (1/group)

Dry erase markers or pens

ScienceSaurus page 265

Session 9 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

Periodic Table Game

Category 1. It’s a Gas.
100 This gas can be used to fill party balloons. (Helium)
200 This gas is widely used in luminous signs. (Neon)
300 About 78% of the earth's atmosphere is this gas. (Nitrogen)
400 A radioactive gas, and it is found in Florida. (Radon)
500 Most of the visible universe is made of this gas. (Hydrogen)

Category 2. Symbols.
100 This element's chemical symbol is C. (Carbon)
200 This element's chemical symbol is U. (Uranium)
300 This element's chemical symbol is Na. (Sodium)
400 This element's chemical symbol is Fe. (Iron)
500 This element's chemical symbol is Pb. (Lead)

Category 3. Known to the Ancients.

100 Commonly found as coal or soot. (Carbon)
200 A pale yellow material found near volcanoes. (Sulfur)
300 Bronze is a mix of copper and this metal. (Tin)
400 This liquid metal has been found in Egyptian tombs. (Mercury)
500 Brass is an alloy of copper and this metal. (Zinc)

Category 4. Alkaline Earth Metals.

100 A fair amount of this element can be found in your bones. (Calcium)
200 One of this element's compounds is used to produce X-ray images of the intestinal (Barium)
300 This element burns with a brilliant white light. (Magnesium)
400 Two of this element's compounds burn with a red flame and are used in fireworks (Strontium)
and signal flares.
500 All isotopes of this element are radioactive. (Radium)

Category 5. Miscellaneous Mix.

100 The gas that you need to live. (Oxygen)
200 Two of three elements used by Rutherford as target foils. (Gold, Silver, Aluminum)
300 This element's chemical symbol is Te. (Tellurium)
400 Named for the country of Poland. (Polonium)
500 Ions of this element used as thruster on Deep Space 1 Probe. (Xenon)

Category 6. Periodic Table Settings.

(Ref: ScienceSaurus page 265)
100 Average mass of an atom of that element. (atomic mass)
200 One or two letters that represent element’s name. (chemical symbol)
300 Russian Chemist who organized the Periodic Table. (Dmitri Mendeleev)
400 Number of protons in an atom of an element. (atomic number)
500 Column in the periodic table. (group or family)

Final Answer:
About 80% of smoke detectors use a radioactive form of this element. (Americium)

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

1. Slides 5-8 based on: from Thomas Jefferson
National Accelerator Facility found at

Similar presentations are available at: and

2. Magnifying Glass Activity Handout—Use with Slides 10-11

3. Copy of Periodic Table—Use with Slides 14-45 and during Periodic Table game (separate PowerPoint

Copies of the periodic table are available at many websites, such as or can be purchased in
books of 100 copies at Ward’s Natural Science at .

Session 9 Handouts 7
Provider Guide

8 Handouts Session 9
Matter & Energy Institute

Magnifying Glass Activity

What is the smallest thing you can see?

 Look closely at a variety of objects.
 In addition to solids, try to inspect liquids.
 Can you inspect any gasses with the tools we have here?
 Make certain that you inspect at least one object that you have never investigated.

Questions for Journal Entries:

In an attempt to extend this activity beyond the usual “inspect and record” activity, please consider
and answer the following questions:

1. What is the smallest length scale that you can measure with the magnifying glass? Justify
your answer.

2. What is the smallest length scale that you can measure with the optical microscope? Justify
your answer.

3. Equipped with your responses to the preceding two questions, comment on the absolute limit
of the spatial resolution of these devices. If there is a limit, how would this limit be overcome
so even smaller sizes might be explored?

Session 9 Handouts 9
Provider Guide

10 Handouts Session 9
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 9

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 9 Presentation Guide 11

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Follow-up from Day 4 and

Connecting with Day 5 Partners
 Discussion and review of exit tickets from Day 4
◦ What did you learn on Day 4?
◦ Was anything confusing or surprising to you?
◦ What are your new questions?
 Meet your Day 5 partner
 Day 4 Journal Review with your Day 5 partner

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
• Discussion and review of exit tickets from previous day. Exit tickets should be read by the PD providers
at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by common themes to be addressed during
follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to answer questions and address
misconceptions before starting the day’s topics. It will also provide an opportunity to connect the
content between sessions.
• Meet Day 5 partners. (Participants will work with a different partner each day.)
• Participants will review journal entries from Day 4 with their Day 5 partner.

12 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Overview of Day 5
 Enhancing teacher subject matter knowledge of

◦ Wave Model of Atom

 Quantum Mechanical Model
◦ Periodic Table
 We will play a Jeopardy-style game—pay attention to increase
your chances to win fabulous prizes!
 Measuring the Length of a Common Molecule
 One Example of a Scientific Career

Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide to introduce topics for Day 5.


Session 9 Presentation Guide 13

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Journal Prompts to Start the Day

A. Describe water and where you find it. Sketch a water
B. Describe hydrogen and where you find it. Sketch a
hydrogen atom.
C. Describe oxygen and where you find it. Sketch an oxygen
D. What is your definition of a theory? Distinguish between a
good theory and a bad theory. Give examples.
E. Describe similarities and differences you noted when
making observations with your spectroscope last night.
F. The Periodic Table…what is it good for?

Time: 25 Minutes total—see notes below for timing suggestions

PD Provider Notes:
• Tell participants to read their journal entries for prompts A-D from Day 4 and make revisions of and
additions to their entries. Participants should have left half of the page available for revisions of and
additions to their responses after the content was addressed during Day 4.
• Participants should respond to prompts E and F on half of a journal page so they will have room for
revisions later in the day. Allow 10 minutes for participants to write in silence.
• After participants have written for 10 minutes, allow 8 minutes for partners to discuss their journal
• Now allow 7 minutes for group discussion of the journal prompts. (and connections to pages 255-265 in
ScienceSaurus® here?)


Sample Journal Entry and Guiding Notes by M. Meisel:

A. What is your definition of a theory? Good theory versus Bad theory, give examples.

A theory is a description of a phenomenon or a set of events. A good theory is able to describe all the known
aspects of a phenomenon. A great theory is able to extend the aspects of a good theory by making predictions
about heretofore unseen or unknown consequences of the phenomenon and these predictions are confirmed
by new experimental observations. A fantastic theory is one that repeatedly survives with the passage of
time. A bad theory is a description that fails to describe the known aspects of the phenomenon. Bad theories
are useful constructs on the way to developing good or better theories, but bad theories belong in the
intellectual trash bin. In other words, science does not have room for “good in theory and bad in practice”

14 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

In the next two days, the historical aspects of atomic theory and structure will be discussed in detail. We
need to learn from the early theories and models, generate tests of the prevailing theories, and then develop
new theories when the old ones fail.

B. Describe hydrogen and where you find it. Sketch a hydrogen atom and a hydrogen molecule.

C. Describe oxygen and where you find it. Sketch an oxygen atom and a hydrogen molecule.
• Describe water and where you find it. Sketch water molecule.
The purpose of these journal prompts is to set the stage for atomic structure, the periodic table, and the
sharing of electron orbitals to form molecules. At some level, we can connect this set of prompts (which were
proposed prior to seeing ScienceSaurus®) with the descriptions and pictures on p. 261 and p. 263 of
ScienceSaurus®. If we can garner a peek at participants’ entries in the journals, we will have a sense of the
level of our audience prior to launching into the next two days. Extracting this information without
compromising the trust/privacy of the journal’s author will be a challenge.

E. Refers to “homework” to look at streetlights, store signs, moonlight, and starlight at night using the

F. The Periodic Table is a reference for all matter. A hardcopy should be given on DAY 1, with the
instructions to the providers and the audience to refer to it when appropriate, but the detailed discussion
about the periodic table will occur on DAY 5. If the hard copy of the periodic table was not distributed on day
1, hand it out now. The periodic table is a compact way to organize and display information about chemical
elements. It provides a framework for classifying and comparing all of the chemical elements.


Suggested resource to be purchased for all institute participants:

ScienceSaurus®: A Student Handbook Grades 6-8 published by Great Source (softcover cost $21.25 ) ISBN:

Session 9 Presentation Guide 15

Provider Guide

Slide 5

The Wave Model

 Today’s atomic model

is based on the
principles of wave
 According to the
theory of wave
mechanics, electrons
do not move about an
atom in a definite
path, like the planets
around the Sun.

Time: 25 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

Points to emphasize:

In fact, it is impossible to determine the exact location of an electron. The probable location of an electron is
based on how much energy the electron has.

According to the modern atomic model, an atom has a small positively charged nucleus surrounded by a large
region in which there are enough electrons to make an atom neutral.

When most people are asked to sketch an atom, they sketch Bohr’s model. The wave model/quantum model
is the correct version, but its details are beyond the scope of this course.

Presentation of Pauli exclusion principle, Quantum Mechanics, then the Wave Model or Electron Cloud Model,
which is today’s picture.

Quantum Physical Models:

The following scientists all contributed to the understanding of quantum physics:

Louis de Broglie, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Born, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Paul Dirac, Werner
Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, and Richard Feynman.

In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed that all moving particles — particularly subatomic particles such as
electrons — exhibit a degree of wave-like behavior.

16 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

In 1924 an Austrian physicist, Wolfgang Pauli predicted that an electron should spin (kind of like a top) while
it orbits around the nucleus. The Pauli exclusion principle says that two electrons in one system cannot be in
the same state.

Erwin Schrödinger explored whether or not the movement of an electron in an atom could be better
explained as a wave rather than as a particle. Schrödinger published an equation in 1926 that describes an
electron as a wavefunction instead of as a point particle. This approach predicted many of the spectral
phenomena that Bohr's model failed to explain. Although this concept was mathematically convenient, it was
difficult to visualize, and faced opposition.

In 1926 Max Born proposed instead that Schrödinger's wavefunction described not the electron but rather all
its possible states and could be used to calculate the probability of finding an electron at any given location
around the nucleus.

A consequence of describing electrons as waveforms is that it is mathematically impossible to simultaneously

derive the position and momentum of an electron; this became known as the uncertainty principle. This
invalidated Bohr's model, with its neat, clearly defined circular orbits.

In 1927 German physicist Werner Heisenberg formulated the idea that no experiment can measure the
position and momentum of a quantum particle simultaneously. Scientists call this the "Heisenberg
uncertainty principle."

The modern model of the atom describes the positions of electrons in an atom in terms of probabilities. An
electron can potentially be found at any distance from the nucleus, but, depending on its energy level, tends to
exist more frequently in certain regions around the nucleus than others; this pattern is referred to as its
atomic orbital.


Atomic theory. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Introduction to quantum mechanics. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Atomic Theory (2007). Retrieved from Pearson Education, Inc:

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 9 Presentation Guide 17

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Electron Cloud:

 Depending on their energy, electrons are locked

into a certain area in the cloud.
 Electrons with the lowest energy are found in
the energy level closest to the nucleus
 Electrons with the highest energy are found in
the outermost energy levels, farther from the

Time: 25 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

Presentation of Pauli exclusion principle, Quantum Mechanics, then the Wave Model or Electron Cloud Model,
which is today’s picture.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

18 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Continuing to Understand:
The Nobel Prize in Physics, 1963

 ½ of the prize was awarded to Eugene Paul Wigner

◦ "for his contributions to the theory of the atomic nucleus
and the elementary particles, particularly through the
discovery and application of fundamental symmetry
 ¼ of the prize was awarded to Maria Goeppert-
Mayer and ¼ was awarded to J. Hans D. Jensen
◦ "for their discoveries concerning nuclear shell structure"

Time: 25 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

Scientists continue to expand our understanding of atoms and sub-atomic particles as exemplified by the
awarding of ½ of the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics to Yoichiro Nambu "for the discovery of the mechanism of
spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.” The other ½ was shared by Makoto Kobayashi and
Toshihide Maskawa “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at
least three families of quarks in nature.”

Biographical information provided for Instructors to choose interesting personal information about Wigner,
Goeppert-Mayer, and Jensen to share with participants as desired.

Eugene Paul Wigner, USA, Princeton University

Born in1902 (in Budapest, Hungary). Died in 1995.

Wigner laid the foundations for the application of symmetry principles to quantum mechanics, an
achievement for which he earned the Nobel Prize. Based on these foundations, symmetry has come to play a
central role in the development of physics during the second half of this century, granting that the
developments have gone considerably beyond Wigner's own work. Theories involving spontaneously broken
symmetries now underlie the description of magnetism, superconductivity, unified electroweak interactions,
and many of the concepts employed in attempting to develop theories that will provide further unified
understanding of the forces between fundamental particles. Posterity will long remember Wigner for giving
powerful new tools to the theoretical physicist, as well as for his comparably basic work on the development
of nuclear reactors.

Session 9 Presentation Guide 19

Provider Guide

Maria Goeppert-Mayer, USA, University of California

Born in 1906 (in Kattowitz, then Germany). Died in 1972.

Maria Goeppert-Mayer was the third woman ever awarded the Nobel Prize for physics. For her dissertation
(1930), she calculated the probability that an electron orbiting an atom's nucleus would emit two photons of
light as it jumped to an orbit closer to the nucleus. Her challenging calculation was confirmed experimentally
in the 1960s.

Maria married physical chemist Joseph E. Mayer in 1930. They moved to Baltimore, where Joe was a
professor at Johns Hopkins. She had an attic office and a mixed assortment of honorary job titles, but no pay.
She nevertheless produced ten papers and a textbook during her time in Baltimore. In 1938, Joe unexpectedly
lost his job and they left Hopkins for Columbia University. There they wrote a classic textbook, Statistical
Mechanics. Again, Goeppert-Mayer had office space, but no pay. During the Second World War, she worked on
uranium isotope separation, under Harold Urey and others who helped develop the atom bomb. After the end
of WWII, Maria worked at the Institute for Nuclear Studies at the University of Chicago and at the Argonne
National Laboratory. In 1948 she started her work on the nuclear shell model. Chicago received her willingly
and gave her great respect, but no salary. In 1956, she was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Three
years later, she and Joe accepted professorships at the new University of California campus at San Diego.

Although she lived a life of scholarly privilege, with the support of her family and many notable scientists, she
was not able to secure full-time work in her field until she was 53. Mayer performed most of her scientific
work as a volunteer.

J. Hans D. Jensen, Federal Republic of Germany, University of Heidelberg

Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany

Born in 1907. Died in 1973.

After obtaining his Ph.D. at the University of Hamburg in 1932, Jensen served on the faculties of Hamburg, the
Institute of Technology in Hannover, and the University of Heidelberg. He and Mayer proposed the shell
model independently of each other in 1949. The shell nuclear model holds that an atomic nucleus should be
thought of not as a random aggregation of neutrons and protons but rather as a structure of shells, or
spherical layers, of differing radii, each of which is filled with neutrons and protons. Jensen collaborated with
Mayer in writing Elementary Theory of Nuclear Shell Structure (1955).


The Nobel Prize in Physics 1963 (2010). Retrieved from

Seitz, F., Vogt, E., Weinberg, A. M. (n.d.). Eugene Paul Wigner. Retrieved from The National Academies Press:

Maria Goeppert-Mayer. (n.d.). Retrieved from San Diego Supercomputer Center:

J. Hans D. Jensen (n.d.). In Encyclopædia Britannica online. Retrieved from

20 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Models of the Atom:

400 BC—Present
Indivisible Electron Nucleus Orbit Electron
Greek X
Dalton X
Thomson X
Rutherford X X
Bohr X X X
Wave X X X

Time: 25 Minutes, Slides 5-8

PD Provider Notes:

Comparison of models of the atom over time from 400 BC to present.The wave model is a good model of the
atom. It describes the periodic table, which is where we are going today. It also provides a basis for atomic


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). atomos.ppt. [PowerPoint
slides]. Retrieved from

Session 9 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Activity: How small is an atom?

 Start with a 1 m piece of adding machine tape.
 Cut it in half again and again until you can't cut it
any more. Keep track of how many cuts you make.
 Tape the smallest piece that you can't cut anymore
into your journal.
To reach the size of an atom,
I would have to cut the
paper in half 21 more times!
To reach the size of a proton,
I would have to cut the
paper in half 40 more times!

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This activity is intended to encourage participants to think of the microscopic and atomic scale. Expect
participants to make 11-12 cuts before their paper is too narrow to cut any further. Have them imagine
making 21 additional cuts to reach the size of an atom or 40 additional cuts to reach the size of an electron.

If you would like to explore how the number of additional cuts required was estimated, it was assumed that
an atom was approximately the size of 1 angstrom (10-10 m). 1 meter = 1010 angstroms. 233 is close to 1010, so
we estimate 33 total cuts (each cut reducing the paper’s size by one half) to go from 1 m to 1 angstrom.

Assume for purposes of this calculation that the diameter of a proton is approximately 3-15 m. We can use the
same logic to calculate that you would have to make approximately 51 total cuts to go from 1 m to 10 -15 m (251
is close to 3X1015).


22 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

Magnifying Glass Activity: What is the

smallest thing you can see?
 Look closely at a variety of objects.
 In addition to solids, try to inspect liquids.
 Can you inspect any gases with the tools we have
 Answer the questions on your handout in your
 Make certain that you inspect at least one object
that you have never investigated.


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Everyone has probably used a magnifying glass to observe small parts of everyday objects, and this
experience might have been extended to the use of a standard optical microscope. The main point of this
exercise is to extrapolate to even smaller length scales even if we cannot detect them with a magnifying glass
or an optical microscope.

We are trying to prepare for the discussion of the Periodic Table and of the elements as constituents of
molecules. As self-evident that these concepts may be, a wide-range of research suggests that students do not
easily make this connection.

Materials Needed for Activity:

1. Each participant needs a hand lens.

2. Each group of 2 or 4 needs access to a standard optical laboratory microscope.

3. Rulers should be available to each participant.

4. Copy of handout for journal entries for each participant (located in participants handouts binder).

Items to Study:

Allow the participants to find their own items, but you might supply some standard examples. These may
include common items such as newspaper with color photos, institutional brown paper towels, thread, yarn,

Session 9 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

leaves, pine cones, sea shells, sand, salt, sugar, pepper, and flour. You can also use the small objects from the
Imaging activity in session 7.


Magnifying Glass Activity

24 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

What is the smallest thing

you can see?
 What is the smallest length scale that you can
measure with the magnifying glass?
 What is the smallest length scale that you can
measure with the optical microscope?
 What are your comments on the absolute limit of
the spatial resolution of these devices?
 How would this limit be overcome so even
smaller sizes might be explored?


Time: 15 Minutes for completing journal entries and discussion

PD Provider Notes:

Discuss journal entries with participants. Lead discussion to the following:

We are trying to prepare for the discussion of the Periodic Table and of the elements as constituents of
molecules. As self-evident that these concepts may be, a wide-range of research suggests that students do not
easily make this connection. These points are succinctly stated in Ref. [1]:

“Middle-school and high-school students are deeply committed to a theory of continuous matter (Nussbaum,
1985b). Although some students may think that substances can be divided up into small particles, they do
not recognize the particles as building blocks, but as formed of basically continuous substances under certain
conditions (Pfundt, 1981).

Students of all ages show a wide range of beliefs about the nature and behavior of particles. They lack an
appreciation of the very small size of particles; attribute macroscopic properties to particles; believe there
must be something in the space between particles; have difficulty in appreciating the intrinsic motion of
particles in solids, liquids, and gasses; and have problems in conceptualizing forces between particles
(Children’s Learning in Science, 1987).”


Atlas of Science Literacy, Project 2061, Vol.1, Co-published by the American Association for the Advancement
of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC, (2001), p. 54.

Session 9 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Although an explicit discussion of the misconceptions is only available in the hardcopy of Ref. [1], they are
implicitly addressed in the “benchmarks”, which are available online. Specifically, see Chapter 4 “The
Physical Setting”, Section D “The Structure of Matter”, see:

Brief and enlightening reading! Complemented by Chapter 4 “The Physical Setting”, Subsection “Structure of
Matter”, in Science for All Americans, by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
1989,1990, see: - 18

Atlas of Science Literacy, Project 2061, Vol.1 (2001). Retrieved from the American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Teachers Association:

Benchmarks Online. (n.d.). Retrieved from American Association for the Advancement of Science:

26 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

Morning Break


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 13

What is the smallest thing

you can see?


Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Recall this image from Day 4.

Remind participants of what spectroscopic data means.

The purpose of this slide is to emphasize that both hand lens and microscopes are optical devices working in
the human visible range which sets the limit for the resolution of the smallest thing that we can see.


Electromagnetic Spectrum. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

28 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Periodic Table of Elements


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

Slides provide information on the content and organization of the periodic table.


The Periodic Table is a reference for all matter. A hardcopy should be given on DAY 1, with the instructions
to the providers and the audience to refer to it when appropriate, but the detailed discussion about it will be
on DAY 5. IF the hardcopy of the periodic table was not distributed on day 1, hand it out now.

Periodic table (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 9 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Time for a musical treat…

The Periodic Table of the

with Lyrics by Tom Lehrer


Time: 30 minutes, slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

Song about elements on periodic table.


Link goes to a song at

Stanfill, M. (2010). Tom Lehrer’s “The Elements”. Retrieved from

30 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

 Science has come a long
way since Aristotle’s
theory of Air, Water,
Fire, and Earth.
 Scientists have Fire Air
identified 90 naturally
occurring elements and
created about 28 others.
Earth Water


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

Slides provide information on the content and organization of the periodic table.


The Periodic Table is a reference for all matter. A hardcopy should be given on DAY 1, with the instructions
to the providers and the audience to refer to it when appropriate, but the detailed discussion about it will be
on DAY 5.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (n.d.). Periodic Tables of
Elements [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Session 9 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 17

The most abundant element in the

earth’s crust is oxygen.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


32 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

 In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeléev
created the first accepted version of
the periodic table.
 He grouped elements according to
their atomic mass, and as he did, he
found that the families had similar
chemical properties. “I began to look about and write down
the elements with their atomic weights
and typical properties, analogous
 Blank spaces were left open to add the elements and like atomic weights on
separate cards, and this soon convinced
new elements he predicted would be me that the properties of elements are
in periodic dependence upon their
discovered later. atomic weights.”
--Mendeleev, Principles of Chemistry,
1905, Vol. II


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes: Biographical information provided for Instructors to choose interesting personal
information about Mendeléev to share with participants as desired.

Dmitri Mendeléev (1834-1907) was born in Siberia as the last of at least 14 children. The number of children
in his family differs according to different sources. After his father went blind and could no longer support the
family, Mendeléev’s mother started a glass factory to help make ends meet. When Mendeléev was finishing
high school at age 13, his father died and the glass factory burned down. Mendeléev’s mother took him to St.
Petersburg where she worked tirelessly and successfully to get him into college. When Mendeléev became a
professor of general chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg, he was unable to find an appropriate
textbook and began writing his own. That textbook, The Principles of Chemistry, written between 1868 and
1870, provides a framework for modern chemical and physical theory. In the late 1860s, Mendeléev began
working on his great achievement: the periodic table of the elements. By arranging all of the 63 elements then
known by their atomic weights, he organized them into groups possessing similar properties. Where a gap
existed in the table, he predicted a new element would one day be found and predicted its properties.
Although many scientists greeted Mendeléev's first table with skepticism, its predictive value soon became
clear. Three of those elements were found during his lifetime—gallium in 1875, scandium in 1879, and
germanium in 1886. The discovery of these elements supported the idea underlying Mendeléev's table. Each
of the new elements displayed properties that Mendeléev had predicted, based on his realization that
elements in the same column have similar chemical properties. They provided the strongest support for his
periodic table, a cornerstone both in chemistry and in our understanding of how the universe is put together.
The three new elements were respectively discovered by a French, a Scandinavian, and a German scientist,
each of whom named the element in honor of his country or region. (Gallia is Latin for France.) Discovery of a
new element had become a matter of national pride--the rare kind of science that people could read about in
newspapers, and that even politicians would mention. In 1893, Mendeléev was appointed Director of the
Bureau of Weights and Measures. It was in this role that he was directed to formulate new state standards for

Session 9 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

the production of vodka. As a result of his work, in 1894 new standards for vodka were introduced into
Russian law and all vodka had to be produced at 40% alcohol by volume. Mendeléev also investigated the
composition of oil fields, and helped to found the first oil refinery in Russia. He concluded that hydrocarbons
are abiogenic and form deep within the earth. He wrote in 1877: "The capital fact to note is that petroleum
was born in the depths of the earth, and it is only there that we must seek its origin."

Mendeléev died at the age of 72 in Saint Petersburg from influenza. The crater Mendeléev on the Moon, as
well as element number 101, the radioactive mendelevium, are named after him. Mendeléev revolutionized
our understanding of the properties of atoms and created a table that probably adorns every chemistry
classroom in the world.


Dimitry Mendeleev (n.d.). Retrieved from

Dimitry Mendeleev. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

The Periodic Tables of Elements. (n.d.). Retrieved from American Institute of Physics:

Quote on slide from:

34 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 19

Periodic Table
 The periodic table organizes the elements in a
particular way. A great deal of information about an
element can be gathered from its position in the
period table.
 For example, you can predict with reasonably good
accuracy the physical and chemical properties of the
element. You can also predict what other elements a
particular element will react with chemically.
 Understanding the organization and plan of the
periodic table will help you obtain basic information
about each of the 118 known elements.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 20

Key to the Periodic Table

 Elements are organized on the
table according to their atomic
number, usually found near the
top of the square.
◦ The atomic number refers to
how many protons an atom of
that element has.
◦ For instance, hydrogen has 1
proton, so it’s atomic number
is 1.
◦ The atomic number is unique
to that element. No two
elements have the same
atomic number.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


36 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21

What’s in a square?
 Different periodic tables
can include various bits
of information, but
◦ atomic number
◦ symbol
◦ atomic mass
◦ number of valence
◦ state of matter at
room temperature.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 22

Atomic Number
 This refers to how
many protons an
atom of that element
 No two elements
have the same
Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom number of protons.

Wave Model


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


38 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 23

Atomic Mass and Isotopes

 While most atoms have the
same number of protons
and neutrons, some don’t.
 Some atoms have more or
less neutrons than
protons. These are called
 An atomic mass number
with a decimal is the total
of the number of protons
plus the average number
of neutrons.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 24

Atomic Mass Unit (AMU)

 There are
6 X 1023 or
00,000,000 amus in one
 (Remember that
electrons are 2000
times smaller than one


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


40 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 25

The Periodic Table: Symbols

 All elements have

C Carbon 
their own unique
It can consist of a
single capital letter,
or a capital letter
Cu and one or two
lower case letters.

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

Slides provide information on the content and organization of the periodic table. Some symbols reference the
Latin names for elements – for example, Cu (copper) is from cuprum, and Ag (silver) comes from argentum.
Some symbols are more straightforward – C for carbon and O for oxygen.


Session 9 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 26

Common Elements and Symbols


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


42 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 27


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

Slides provide information on the content and organization of the periodic table. Metals are elements which
are good conductors of both heat and electricity; they form cations and ionic bonds with nonmetals.
Nonmetals are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity, form acidic oxides, and generally have lower
densities than metals. Metalloids, or semi-metals, are elements with properties intermediate between metals
and nonmetals. See upcoming slides for more details.


Session 9 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 28

Properties of Metals
 Metals are good conductors of
heat and electricity.
 Metals are shiny.
 Metals are ductile (can be
stretched into thin wires).
 Metals are malleable (can be
pounded into thin sheets).
 A chemical property of metal
is its reaction with water
which results in corrosion.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


44 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 29

Properties of Non-Metals
 Non-metals are poor
conductors of heat and
 Non-metals are not
ductile or malleable.
 Solid non-metals are
brittle and break easily.
 They are dull.
 Many non-metals are

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 30

Properties of Metalloids
 Metalloids (metal-like)
have properties of both
metals and non-metals.
 They are solids that can be
shiny or dull.
 They conduct heat and
electricity better than non-
metals but not as well as
 They are ductile and

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


46 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 31


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

Slides provide information on the content and organization of the periodic table.

Columns of elements are called groups or families.

Elements in each family have similar but not identical properties.

For example, lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and other members of family IA are all soft, white,
shiny metals.

All elements in a family have the same number of valence electrons.


Session 9 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 32


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

Slides provide information on the content and organization of the periodic table.

Each horizontal row of elements is called a period.

The elements in a period are not alike in properties.

In fact, the properties change greatly across each given row.

The first element in a period is always an extremely active solid. The last element in a period, is always an
inactive gas.


48 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 33


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

“The periodic table of the chemical elements (also periodic table of the elements or just the periodic table) is a
tabular display of the chemical elements. Although precursors to this table exist, its invention is generally
credited to Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, who intended the table to illustrate recurring
("periodic") trends in the properties of the elements. The layout of the table has been refined and extended
over time, as new elements have been discovered, and new theoretical models have been developed to
explain chemical behavior.[1]

The periodic table is now ubiquitous within the academic discipline of chemistry, providing a useful
framework to classify, systematize, and compare all of the many different forms of chemical behavior. The
table has found many applications in chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering, especially chemical
engineering. The current standard table contains 118 elements to date. (elements 1–118).

The layout of the periodic table demonstrates recurring ("periodic") chemical properties. Elements are listed
in order of increasing atomic number (i.e., the number of protons in the atomic nucleus). Rows are arranged
so that elements with similar properties fall into the same columns (groups or families). According to
quantum mechanical theories of electron configuration within atoms, each row (period) in the table
corresponded to the filling of a quantum shell of electrons. There are progressively longer periods further
down the table, grouping the elements into s-, p-, d- and f-blocks to reflect their electron configuration.”


Quote from:

Session 9 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 34


 The hydrogen square sits atop Family A1,

but it is not a member of that family.
Hydrogen is in a class of its own.
 It is a gas at room temperature.
 It has one proton and one electron in its
one and only energy level.
 Hydrogen only needs 2 electrons to fill up
its valence shell.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:

“A hydrogen atom is an atom of the chemical element hydrogen. The electrically neutral atom contains a
single positively-charged proton and a single negatively-charged electron bound to the nucleus by the
Coulomb force. The most abundant isotope, hydrogen-1, protium, or light hydrogen, contains no neutrons;
other isotopes contain one or more neutrons.

The hydrogen atom has special significance in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory as a simple two-
body problem physical system which has yielded many simple analytical solutions in closed-form.

In 1914, Niels Bohr obtained the spectral frequencies of the hydrogen atom after making a number of
simplifying assumptions. These assumptions, the cornerstones of the Bohr model, were not fully correct but
did yield the correct energy answers. Bohr's results for the frequencies and underlying energy values were
confirmed by the full quantum-mechanical analysis which uses the Schrödinger equation, as was shown in
1925-1926. The solution to the Schrödinger equation for hydrogen is analytical. From this, the hydrogen
energy levels and thus the frequencies of the hydrogen spectral lines can be calculated. The solution of the
Schrödinger equation goes much further than the Bohr model however, because it also yields the shape of the
electron's wave function ("orbital") for the various possible quantum-mechanical states, thus explaining the
anisotropic character of atomic bonds.”


Quote from:

Hydrogen atom. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

50 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 35

Alkali Metals
 The alkali family is found in the
first column of the periodic
 Atoms of the alkali metals have
a single electron in their
outermost level, in other
words, 1 valence electron.
 They are shiny, have the
consistency of clay, and are
easily cut with a knife.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 36

Alkali Metals
 They are the most
reactive metals.
 They react violently with
 Alkali metals are never
found as free elements in
nature. They are always
bonded with another


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


52 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 37

Alkaline Earth Metals

 They are never found uncombined in nature.
 They have two valence electrons.
 Alkaline earth metals include magnesium and
calcium, among others.
◦ Magnesium burns with a brilliant white light and is
used in pyrotechnics.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 38

Transition Metals
 Transition Elements include those
elements in the B families.
 These are the metals you are
probably most familiar: copper,
tin, zinc, iron, nickel, gold, and
◦ Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin
used for tools and weapons
◦ Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc
used for doorknobs, locks, and musical
 These metals are good conductors
of heat and electricity.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


54 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 39

Boron Family
 The Boron Family is named
after the first element in the
 Atoms in this family have 3
valence electrons.
 This family includes a
metalloid (boron), and the
rest are metals.
 This family includes the
most abundant metal in the
earth’s crust (aluminum).


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 40

Carbon Family
 Atoms of this family have 4 valence electrons.
 This family includes a non-metal (carbon),
metalloids, and metals.
 The element carbon is called the “basis of life.”
There is an entire branch of chemistry devoted to
carbon compounds called organic chemistry.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


56 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 41

Nitrogen Family
 The nitrogen family is named after the element that makes up
78% of our atmosphere.
 This family includes non-metals, metalloids, and metals.
 Atoms in the nitrogen family have 5 valence electrons. They tend
to share electrons when they bond.
 Other elements in this family are phosphorus, arsenic, antimony,
and bismuth.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 42

Oxygen Family
 Atoms of this family have 6
valence electrons.
 Most elements in this family
share electrons when forming
 Oxygen is the most abundant
element in the earth’s crust. It is
extremely active and combines
with almost all elements.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


58 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 43

Halogen Family
 The elements in this
family are fluorine,
chlorine, bromine, iodine,
and astatine.
 Halogens have 7 valence
electrons, which explains
why they are the most
active non-metals. They Halogen atoms only need to gain 1
electron to fill their outermost energy
are never found free in level.
nature. They react with alkali metals to form


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 44

Noble Gases

 Noble Gases are colorless gases that are extremely un-reactive.

 One important property of the noble gases is their inactivity. They are
inactive because their outermost energy level is full.
 Because they do not readily combine with other elements to form
compounds, the noble gases are called inert.
 The family of noble gases includes helium, neon (shown above), argon,
krypton, xenon, and radon.
 All the noble gases are found in small amounts in the earth's atmosphere.


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


60 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 45

Rare Earth Elements

 The thirty rare earth

elements are composed of
the lanthanide and
actinide series.
 One element of the
lanthanide series and most
of the elements in the
actinide series are called
trans-uranium, which
means synthetic or man-


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 14-45

PD Provider Notes:


Session 9 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 46

Time to Play a Game to Review

the Periodic Table of Elements


Time: 28 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

See attached Periodic Table Game Matter Day 5 (PowerPoint presentation of Jeopardy-style game) to review
the periodic table.

Participants will need their copies of the periodic table and their notes as references.

Recommended rules for Jeopardy: Play with teams of 4 participants. The instructor reads the question, and
teams have 30 seconds to respond. They write their answer on a piece of paper (or small whiteboard) and
hold it up at the end of the 30 seconds. All teams who have the correct answer get points awarded for that
question. One of the instructors can keep score. Have a silly prize for the winning team (ex: candy bars or silly


PowerPoint presentation of Periodic Table Game Matter Day 5. This PowerPoint file is included on the CD.

Image source:

Periodic Table web resource:

62 Presentation Guide Session 9

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 47

Lunch Break


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Content about the Law of Conservation of Matter will continue after lunch.


Session 9 Presentation Guide 63

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity 2 60

Journal Entries and Discussion of Measure of a Common Molecule 3-4 15

Activity (continued)

Presentation on the Standard Model of Particle Physics 5-7 15

Break 8

Discussion of Conservation of Energy vs. Conserving Energy 9 15

What Does a Scientist Do? Presentation by faculty scientist (informal) 10 45

with time for discussion and questions

Time to discuss the high/low points of the first week 11 13

Overview of Day 6 12 2

Exit Tickets for Day 5 13 15

Total instructional time: 180

Session 10 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity

Slides 2-4



Organize materials listed below for groups of 2-4.

Preamble: This activity combines several topics that are discussed in the presentations, but the key
concept is the conservation of matter. Specifically, the drop of soap is visible at the start of the
exercise, but then it “disappears” when placed on the surface of the water. In fact, with a simple
detection mechanism, we can “see” that the drop spreads along the surface of the water.

How do we know that the soap does not dissolve immediately into the water bath? We know by
considering its molecular formula, which is designed to possess the properties that we want in a
good soap. In other words, we are not working in a vacuum, but we are using our experiences to help
guide us down to the atomic constituents, and their arrangements, in soap.

Exploiting the Law of the Conservation of Matter, the soap molecules in the volume of the initial drop
arrange themselves as a monolayer of molecules that cover a surface area that can be measured.


1. Arrange the basin on a flat table and add water so you have a continuous pool that is a
few millimeters deep.
2. Take one of the small pipets, and draw some liquid soap into it.
3. Practice making the smallest possible drops fall from the pipet, and estimate the
diameter of the drop with a ruler. You will need to estimate the fraction of millimeters.
With some practice, you should be able to convince yourself that the drops are quite
uniform. Record this information.
4. Sprinkle a light patina of pepper on the surface of the water, making certain that you try
to uniformly cover the center of the basin.
5. Make a prediction of what will happen when you allow one drop of soap to fall in the
center of the pepper. NOTE: Do not allow the tip of the pipet to touch the water or
pepper AND do not allow the drop to fall over a long distance. You want to work close to
the surface of the water, but do not touch it.
6. Record your observations. If possible, measure the area that the soap covered as
detected by the displaced pepper grains.

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

7. If your soap displaced the pepper to (or close to) the boundary of the basin, then the
soap might not have been able to spread to a single molecular monolayer. In this case,
you will need to repeat the exercise with a diluted solution. Based on your results, you
may want to try a 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4 or 1/5 or 1/10 dilution. In fact, as time permits, you
might do as many of these dilutions as possible. This process is known as “serial
dilutions,” and common examples are 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 et cetera or 1/10 to 1/100 to
1/1000 et cetera.
NOTE: you will probably have time to make only 2 (maybe 3) measurements. Different
groups should work with different kinds of soap.
8. In each measurement, you will need to clear the basin by using the sponge and paper
towels. The bowl, if large enough, can serve as a temporary storage device so you can
reduce the number of trips to the sink. It is not crucial that you eliminate all of the
pepper, but you should remove most of it.
9. With each run, remember to record your results.

Note: If participants are having trouble measuring the diameter of a drop of soap, then you can
devise alternative methods for determining the volume of the soap drop. You could count how many
drops are required to fill a graduated cylinder to a specific volume (i.e. 2 mL or 5 mL). You can also
use the estimate that one drop is approximately 50 microliters, which means that 20 drops will be
approximately 1 mL.


Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity


Liquid soaps (liquid hand soap, liquid dish detergent such as Dawn, or liquid laundry detergent; do
not use SoftSoap)
Pepper (recommended); chalk dust is a possible substitute
Disposable plastic dropper pipets, smallest possible is best: pack of 100 costs about $6.00, so each
group of two should get 2, for example see: (suitable substitutes
are possible, but drops of diameters of 3mm or less are important)
2 to 3 plastic cups (smallest size possible)
1 large plastic cup (approx. 16 oz.)
Access to water and basin, but having one at the station is not necessary
Disposable bowl to be temporary holder of used water-soap-pepper solution
Couple of toothpicks for mixing solution
Paper towels that really absorb, not inexpensive ones that move water around
A large cookie sheet or similar basin, one per team of two. If not available, then these basins can
easily be constructed from heavy duty aluminum foil, but use the wide version (18 in wide), which is
important. Aluminum foil oven liners also work very well.


Although this type of exercise is extensively discussed and has many variants, the original idea for
suggesting this activity came from reading “Tiger Chemistry Class: The Internet Science Room, 21st

Session 10 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

Century Education,” Tom Jaskew, Facilitator, see: [This link inactive
as of August 2010.]

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute


Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity Handout—Use with Slides 2-4

Session 10 Handouts 5
Provider Guide

6 Handouts Session 10
Matter & Energy Institute

Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity Handout

Materials for each team of two:

1. Liquid soap (liquid hand soap, liquid dish detergent such as Dawn, or liquid laundry detergent; do
not use SoftSoap)
2. Pepper
3. Ruler
4. 2 pipets
5. Sponge
6. 2 to 3 small plastic cups
7. 1 large plastic cup
8. Disposable bowl or dishpan to be temporary holder of used water-soap-pepper solution
9. Toothpicks for mixing solution
10. Paper towels
11. Large cookie sheet, oven liner, or similar basin


1. Arrange the basin on a flat table and add water so you have a continuous pool that is a few millimeters

2. Take one of the small pipets, and draw some liquid soap into it.

3. Practice making the smallest possible drops fall from the pipet, and estimate the diameter of the drop
with a ruler. You will need to estimate the fraction of millimeters. With some practice, you should be
able to convince yourself that the drops are quite uniform. Record this information about the diameter
of the drops in your journal.

4. Sprinkle a light patina of pepper on the surface of the water, making certain that you try to uniformly
cover the center of the basin.

5. Make a prediction of what will happen when you allow one drop to fall in the center of the pepper.
Record your prediction in your journal. NOTE: Do not allow the tip of the pipet to touch the water or
pepper AND do not allow the drop to fall over a long distance. You want to work close to the surface of
the water without touching it with the tip of the pipet.

6. Record your observations after dropping soap into the water. If possible, measure the area that the
soap covered as detected by the displaced pepper grains. Record your measurements.

7. If your soap displaced the pepper to (or close to) the boundary of the basin, then the soap might not
have been able to spread to a single molecular monolayer. In this case, you will need to repeat the
exercise with a diluted solution. Based on your results, you may want to try a 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4 or 1/5
or 1/10 dilution. In fact, as time permits, you might do as many of these dilutions as possible. This
process is known as “serial dilutions” and common examples are 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 et cetera or 1/10 to
1/100 to 1/1000 et cetera.

Session 10 Handouts 7
Provider Guide

NOTE: you will probably have time to make only 2 (maybe 3) measurements.

8. In each measurement, you will need to clear the basin by using the sponge and paper towels. The bowl,
if large enough, can serve as a temporary storage device so you can reduce the number of trips to the
sink. It is not crucial that you eliminate all of the pepper, but you should get most of it.

9. With each run, remember to record your results.

Data Analysis:

You may want to recall the area (A) of a rectangle and a circle and the volume (V) of a sphere. These
equations are:

1. If your initial drop consisted of 100% soap molecules and if they arranged themselves as a monolayer
on water, then the volume of the drop needs to equal the volume occupied on the surface of the water.
The volume on the water is the Area x (length of one molecule). In other words, the length of one
molecule is given by:

You will want to watch your units. You may want to work in mm (millimeters), and you know that 10
mm = 1 cm. Once you have a result in mm, it may be easier to express it in units of nm (nanometers).
You know that 1 nm = 1 x 10-9 m, and 1 mm = 1 x 10-3 m.

2. Now, the first time I tried the measurement, I got an answer close to 100 nm. This number perplexed
me at first. For example, I know that typical soap molecules have about 12-15 carbon (C) chains that
dominate the length of the molecule. This part is the hydrophobic “tail”, and the hydrophilic “head”
group is usually a small part of the molecule. Furthermore, I know the typical carbon-carbon length in
these type of configurations is about 1.5 Å, where Å respresents Ångstroms and 10 Å = 1 nm. So, my
impression is that a typical length of a soap molecule should be 1.5 Å x 15 = 22.5 Å ~ 2 nm. At this
point, another scientist laughed and told me to think of soap in a bar and soap in a liquid. Liquid soap is
diluted by a solvent, which is typically water! Although the concentration is not given on the bottles, it
is commonly known to be about 1%. So, my result of 100 nm becomes 1 nm, and I am within a factor of
2 of what I conjectured.

3. What could cause the values to vary?

A. If the soap drop was so big and so concentrated, it might push the pepper to the walls of the basin.
In this case, the soap molecules would feel a force that might prevent them from spreading as a uniform
monolayer on the water. In other words, they might be stacked on top of each other. So, the area
measurement is flawed. The solution (cheap pun?) is to dilute your soap with water! If you cut it by

8 Handouts Session 10
Matter & Energy Institute

1/2, then it should cover half the area. You might even need to dilute it to 1/10, so as to avoid
interactions with the walls. In fact, if you proceed systematically to smaller and smaller concentrations,
then you are performing “serial dilutions”, which is a technique that is extensively used in chemistry
and related fields.

B. Your measurement of the diameter of the initial drop is crucial. So, you could be in error by a few
tenths of a millimeter, and this variation would have a significant impact on the results.

C. There are some other obvious points that might play a role. Please consider what they might be and
enter them into your journal. Do not just punt and say “operator error”. Take some time to reflect on
what might cause your results to vary.

4. Now recall the resolution of your magnifying glass, and see if you can observe the thickness of the
monolayer on the surface of the water. Is this result consistent or inconsistent with your preceding

Questions for Journal Entries:

1. Have you previously thought about soap in this way?

2. Did this activity provide you with insight into what the Law of Conservation of Matter means?

3. How could your measurement of the length of a soap molecule be improved?

Session 10 Handouts 9
Provider Guide

10 Handouts Session 10
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 10

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 10 Presentation Guide 11

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Activity: Measuring the Length

of a Common Molecule

 What happens to a drop of soap when we place it in

 Can we measure the length of a molecule of soap?
 You will need:
◦ Activity handout
◦ Materials listed for your group
◦ Journal for recording predictions, measurements, and

Time: 60 minutes

PD Provider Notes:


This activity combines several topics that are discussed in the presentations, but the key concept is the
conservation of matter. Specifically, the drop of soap is visible at the start of the exercise, but then it
“disappears” when placed on the surface of the water. In fact, with a simple detection mechanism, we can
“see” that the drop spreads along the surface of the water.

How do we know that the soap does not dissolve immediately into the water bath? We know by considering
its molecular formula, which is designed to possess the properties that we want in a good soap. In other
words, we are not working in a vacuum, but we are using our experiences to help guide us down to the atomic
constituents, and their arrangements, in soap.

Exploiting the Law of the Conservation of Matter, then the soap molecules in the volume of the initial drop
arrange themselves as monolayer of molecules that cover a surface area that can be measured.

Notes about Soap:

•You may want to combine this activity with some kind of “chalk talk” about the structure of soap (either
before or after participants do the activity, depending on the needs of your group).
•Avoid using soap that is too viscous. I tried “Softsoap” brand, and it was tough to get it into and out of the
pipet. Dawn dishwashing soap worked fine. Other options exist, but resist the fancy stuff. You might ask the
participants to check the soap bottles at home, and I think they will be surprised about how little information
is given about the contents of the soap and its concentration. You might want to discuss the move in laundry
detergents to have 2X or 3X increases in concentration, thereby saving the cost of shipping and packaging
solvent (water!).

12 Presentation Guide Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

•Have different groups work with different kinds of soap. Compare results.
•Don’t release the soap drop from too high above the surface of the water – waves/disturbances can cause
the pepper to stick to the sides of the basin.


Measure the Length of a Common Molecule Activity

Although this type of exercise is extensively discussed and has many variants, the original idea for suggesting
this activity came from reading “Tiger Chemistry Class: The Internet Science Room, 21st Century Education,”
Tom Jaskew, Facilitator, see: [This link inactive as of

August 2010.]

Session 10 Presentation Guide 13

Provider Guide

Slide 3

Journal Entries and Discussion of

Measuring the Length of a Common
Molecule (continued)
 Have you previously thought about soap in this way?
 Did this activity provide you with insight into what
the Law of Conservation of Matter means (matter
can be neither created nor destroyed)?

Time: 15 minutes for slides 3-4

PD Provider Notes:

Review journal entries from Measure the Length of a Common Molecule activity in large group discussion.

You will probably need to continue the discussion of observations and data collected before lunch to make
clear connections to the Law of Conservation of Matter.


14 Presentation Guide Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 4

head Water-avoiding
(hydrophobic) tail

Soap molecule


Time: 15 minutes for slides 3-4

PD Provider Notes: This slide provides background for the previous activity. This cartoon shows the
structure of soap molecules. A soap molecule is composed of a hydrophilic (water-loving) “head” and a
hydrophobic (water-avoiding) “tail.” The “tail” end is made of nonpolar hydrocarbons (carbon and hydrogen
atoms). When soap comes into contact with water, the “head” ends line up along the surface of the water, and
the “tail” ends are “sticking up” on top of the water (diagram at bottom of slide). Soaps are useful for cleaning
because the “head” end dissolves in water, while the “tail” end is able to dissolve grease and other nonpolar
molecules. Soap molecules can form a “skin” around grease particles and allow them to be dissolved in water.
When soap is applied to a dirty surface, soapy water effectively holds particles of grease in suspension so they
can be rinsed off with clean water.


Soap. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 10 Presentation Guide 15

Provider Guide

Slide 5

Structure within the Atom

 What is the Higgs
 Is there more to the
Standard Model?
 Do we know

Time: 15 minutes for Slides 5-7

PD Provider Notes:


16 Presentation Guide Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

The Standard Model

 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
describes the interactions between all
experimentally observed particles.
 These particles make up all visible
matter in the universe.
 Many experiments carried out since
the mid-20th century have yielded
findings consistent with the Standard
Model, which provides a “periodic
table” of subatomic “building blocks”
and “glue”.
 The Particle Adventure

Time: 15 minutes for Slides 5-7

PD Provider Notes:

Brief presentation on the STANDARD MODEL.

Choose from one of the sources listed below to support presentation of content.


The Particle Adventure. (2009). Retrieved from Particle Data Group:

cassiopeiaproject. (2008, December 12). Standard Model. [Video File]. Retrieved from

Standard Model. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Contemporary Physics Education Project (n.d.). Fundemental Participles and Interactions. Retrieved from

Image source:

Session 10 Presentation Guide 17

Provider Guide

Slide 7

Contemporary Physics Education Project


Time: 15 minutes for Slides 5-7

PD Provider Notes:


Contemporary Physics Education Project

Fundamental Particles and Interactions

18 Presentation Guide Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Afternoon Break

Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Session 10 Presentation Guide 19

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Conservation of Energy vs.

Conserving Energy?
 Sustainable energy resources (solar, wind, biomass,
tidal, geothermal, etc.)
 Law of Conservation of Energy
◦ the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains
◦ energy in an isolated system can change form, for example,
kinetic energy can become thermal energy
◦ conservation of energy also implies the conservation of
mass in isolated systems

Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

What is the difference between Conservation of Energy vs. Conserving Energy? Conserving energy means
using less energy during a particular task. For example, turning off the lights when you leave a room or
setting thermostat for a higher temperature when no one is home in the summer prevents waste of energy.
Conserving energy is a good idea because electricity costs money to generate, and most methods of electricity
generation have some kind of negative environmental impact. Generating less electricity is good for the
health of the planet Earth, and using less electricity will lower your monthly electric bill.

The principle of Conservation of Energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, although it
can be changed from one form to another. Within any closed system, the total energy stays constant. The total
energy can be made up of many different kinds of energy: mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal, chemical,
nuclear, etc. In the example of a ball falling from a height, the potential energy the ball has before the drop is
converted to kinetic energy as the ball drops.

for example: (Law of Conservation of Energy) (sustainable energy resources)


Conservation of Energy. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

20 Presentation Guide Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

Energy Conservation. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 10 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 10

What Does a Scientist Do?

 What do I do at the university?
 What has my career path looked like?
 What are my goals for the future?
 Who were my role models?
 What are some of my former students
doing now?


Time: 45 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

What a Scientist does: one view! (given by a faculty scientist)

What they do, career path, who were their role models, what are their previous students now doing? (25 min.
MAX for the presentation, which should not be too formal, and leave another 20 min. for discussion and


22 Presentation Guide Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

Reflections on Week 1
Consider these questions and
record your thoughts in your journal.

 What has gone well for you this week?

 What has been challenging for you this
 What have you learned about
yourself as a learner?
 What would make next week a better
learning experience for you?


Time: 13 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Need time to discuss the high/low points of the first week! Guiding questions to lead a constructive
discussion—this is not designed to be a complaint session. Participants and facilitators need to share
reactions to the first week of the institute.


Session 10 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 12

Coming Attractions…

 Topics for Day 6 will include:

◦ Physical Properties
◦ Chemical Properties
◦ Elements and Compounds
◦ Pure Substances and Mixtures
◦ Physical and Chemical Changes
 Bring a small towel or 2 oven mitts to protect your hands from the
cold during Session 12!

 Have a wonderful weekend!


Time: 2 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give overview of content (and activities) for Day 6.

Remind participants to bring a small towel or 2 oven mitts to protect their hands from the cold during Session


24 Presentation Guide Session 10

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

Exit Tickets

Please leave your exit ticket in the box

by the door.
What did you learn on Day 5?
Was anything confusing or
surprising to you?
What are your new questions?

Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give out index cards for participants to use as exit tickets. Each participant should respond to the bulleted
questions on the slide and leave their exit tickets in a designated area.

Exit tickets should be read by the PD providers at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by
common themes to be addressed during follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to
answer questions and address misconceptions before starting the day’s topics. It will also provide an
opportunity to connect the content between sessions.


Session 10 Presentation Guide 25


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Review of yesterday’s content 2 10

Activity: The Dens-O-Meter 3-4 55

Review of Physical Properties of Matter 5 10

Classification of Matter – Pure Substances and Mixtures; solutions, 6-19 20

suspensions, and colloids

Break 20

Activity: Underwater Fireworks 21-22 20

Game: Pure or Not Pure? 23 15

Activity: Separation Sensation – What are You Really Eating for 24 25


Session wrap-up 25 10

Game/Worksheet: Classifying Pure Substance or Mixture 26-28 15

Optional Worksheet: Classification of Matter Reflection Questions 29 optional

Optional Activity: Separating Mixtures optional

Total instructional time: 180

Session 11 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



The Dens-O-Meter Activity


In this activity the students will be working in groups of four to create a suspension using products
that they could find around their own homes, and they will be making observations throughout the

The PD provider should read through the questions and instructions prior to the day of instruction,
in order to familiarize themselves with the material.

If time permits, instructors might consider allowing participants to measure the density of each
liquid prior to making the “Dens-O-Meter.”

The PD provider should check to ensure that they have all of the necessary materials.

The PD provider might also want to try the activity prior to the day of instruction.

Keep all liquids in glass containers, not paper cups.


Suspension Lab


Graduated cylinder (at least 50mL)

Graduated cylinder (at least 10 mL)
Small bathroom cups
Dark corn syrup
Light corn syrup
Rubbing alcohol (91%)
Dawn dishwashing liquid – blue
Lamp Oil
Vegetable Oil
Food coloring of various colors

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute



Graduated cylinder (50 mL or larger) Food coloring

Graduated cylinder (10 mL or larger) Dark Karo syrup
Small plastic bathroom cups Vegetable oil
Water Rubbing alcohol (91%)
Dawn dishwashing liquid (blue) Light Karo syrup
Lamp Oil Scale

1. Using the materials from the list above, develop a procedure that may be used to
observe the “relative” density of each of the liquids. Remember to control the
process as carefully as possible and observe. Note: If you pour the liquids on top of
each other, it is very important to pour the liquids slowly into the center of the
container. Make sure the liquids do not touch the sides of the container while you
are pouring. Keep all liquids in glass containers, not paper cups.
2. Outline your procedure in the space below.
3. Carry out your procedure and in the box below, illustrate your results.
Dens-O-Meter Results
Notes to Instructors:
The same volume of different liquids will have different densities. The liquids that have a
higher density will sink below the liquids that have a lower density. To control the
procedure, participants should want to set up a scale to measure each of the liquids before
pouring them into the column.
A sample procedure might look like this:

1. Measure 10 ml of light Karo syrup into the 10ml graduated cylinder.

2. Gradually pour the 10ml of light Karo syrup into the beaker.
3. Rinse 10ml cylinder and pour 10ml of dark Karo Syrup into it.
4. Slowly and carefully pour the karo syrup into the center of the beaker. As you pour
it, DO NOT let it touch the sides.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with each of the remaining liquids, in the order they are listed
above. When you are finished you should have a nice neat 7 column visual
representation of how densities of a liquid affect its ability to “mix” with other

EXTENSION: If time permits, participants may be allowed to determine the mass of a

volume of each liquid in order to calculate density. In that case, the density column may be

Session 11 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

used to “verify “the math.

Here are the densities of the liquids used in the column as well as other common liquids
(measured in g/cm3):
NOTE: Vegetable and lamp oils are immiscible in water.

Liquid Density (g/cm3)

Dark Karo Syrup 1.37
Water 1.00
Vegetable Oil 0.91
Dawn (blue) 1.03 or .93 info varies
Rubbing Alcohol 0.79
Lamp Oil 0.80
Light Karo Syrup 1.33

Common errors:
Pouring the liquids too rapidly
Allowing the liquids to touch the sides of the cylinder
Using a cylinder with a diameter that is too small

Note: Participants can choose whether or not to control the amounts of liquid added and
whether or not they choose to add food coloring to color the various liquids.
Note: If the liquids mix a little as participants are pouring, that is ok, as the layers will
always even themselves out because of the varying densities. Just let them even out before
adding the next layer.

Expected Results Top to Bottom:

Lamp Oil, Rubbing Alcohol, Vegetable Oil, Water, Dawn dish soap, light Karo Syrup, dark
Karo syrup

In your own words, explain your observations.

Look at the Dens-O-Meter devised by several other groups. How do their results compare
to yours?

Evaluate your group’s procedure. Did it work well? Is revision necessary? Why or why not?

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Predict what will happen if liquids that are immiscible (won’t mix or blend) in each other
are mixed together, shaken and then, allowed to stand for several minutes.

(See electronic file for color photo.)


Arbor Scientific (2004). Coolstuff Newsletter, Volume 16. Retrieved from

What is the density of light Karo syrup?(n.d.). Retrieved from the Wikianswers:

Session 11 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

McBrayer, J. (n.d.). Layering Liquids: Explore Density Science. Retrieved


Dawn Dish Soap. (n.d.). Retrieved from the

Elert, G. (n.d.). Density of Cooking Oil. Retrieved from

What is the density of lamp oil?(n.d.). Retrieved from the Wikianswers:

What is the density difference between rubbing alcohol and water?(n.d.). Retrieved from the Wikianswers:

Density Rainbow. (n.d.). Retrieved from the Wikieduucator:

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute


Underwater Fireworks: Identifying Solutes/Solvents

Slides 21-22



Participants will drop food coloring into oil and observe the behavior of the solution.

The PD provider should read through the questions and instructions prior to the day of
instruction, in order to familiarize themselves with the material.

The PD provider should check to ensure that they have all of the necessary materials.

The PD provider should also make sure that they know what solutes and solvents are, as well
as some common solutions that a person could find around their own home.

The PD provider might also want to try the activity prior to the day of instruction.

Students make a mixture of oil and food coloring and observe the properties of food coloring in oil;
then observations are made as that mixture is introduced to water and a solution is made.

Note: The brand of food coloring used will affect the resuilts. Glycerin-based food coloring (ex:
McCormick) will work better than water-based food coloring.


Underwater Fireworks


Per group of 2 students:

Two clear plastic cups

One teaspoon
Two teaspoons of vegetable oil
Food coloring of various colors


Session 11 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide


Game: Pure or Not Pure?


Use PowerPoint slide 23 to guide a game where participants can identify substances as being pure or
not pure. Have participants work in teams of 2 or 4. They should write “Pure” or “Not pure” in large
letters on a sheet of paper. The instructor will call out each substance in turn “water, compound, salt,
styrofoam” etc. Each team will confer amongst themselves and hold up the paper indicating their
answer. Another instructor or scorekeeper can record which teams had the correct answer. A small
prize can be awarded to the winning team. After the game is complete, go over the answers. The
correct answers are listed in the notes for slide 23.




8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute


Separation Sensation: What Are You Really Eating for Breakfast?


Participants will crush iron-fortified breakfast cereal and use a strong magnet to remove iron filings.
Placing the magnet inside a zip-lock plastic bag will make it easier to clean up after the experiment.


What Are You Really Eating for Breakfast?


Bar Magnet
Ziploc bag – quart
Iron-enriched cereal, such as Total or Cheerios
Rolling pin – optional
Paper plate


Session 11 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide


Game: Pure Substance or Mixture?


This activity is used with slide 27. This activity can be done as a game or as a worksheet. If done as a
game, have each group of 2-4 participants write the words Pure Substance, Mixture, Element,
Compound, Homogeneous, and Heterogeneous on a 5x8 card. Each group will have 6 cards total. The
instructor will call each item on the worksheet (cement, limestone, etc) and allow 10 seconds for
each group to hold up the card showing their answer. The instructor will call out the acceptable
answer(s), and the scorekeeper will award points to all teams which chose the correct answer. After
the game ends, the instructor congratulates the winning team(s) and briefly goes over each item in
the list to explain why it was classified the way it was. The answer key is given on the following page.


Pure Substance or Mixture?



10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

ANSWER KEY: Pure Substance or Mixture

Fill in the chart below. In the center, state whether the material is a pure substance or a mixture. If it is a
pure substance, further classify it as either an element or compound in the right column. Similarly, if the
material is a mixture, further classify it as homogeneous or heterogeneous in the right column.

Element/ Compound,
Pure Substance
Material OR
OR Mixture
Homogeneous/ Heterogeneous
cement mixture homogeneous

sugar + pure water

mixture homogeneous
(C12H22O11 + H2O)

iron filings (Fe) pure substance element

limestone (CaCO3) pure substance compound

orange juice (w/pulp) mixture homogeneous

Atlantic Ocean mixture Homogeneous

helium inside a balloon pure substance element

aluminum (Al) pure substance element

magnesium (Mg) pure substance element

acetylene (C2H2) pure substance compound

tap water in a glass pure substance compound

soil mixture Heterogeneous

pure water (H2O) pure substance compound

chromium (Cr) pure substance element

Chex mix mixture heterogeneous

salt + pure water

mixture homogeneous
(NaCl + H2O)

benzene (C6H6) pure substance compound

swamp water mixture heterogeneous

pure substance compound
(Cu mixed with Zn)
baking soda (NaHCO3) pure substance compound

Session 11 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide


Optional activity – Separating Mixtures


In this activity the students will be working in groups to try to separate the different elements of a
mixture by means of physical processes. Doing this will help them better understand mixtures and
how they are made.

The PD provider should read through the questions and instructions prior to the day of instruction,
in order to familiarize themselves with the material.

The PD provider should check to ensure that they have all of the necessary materials.

The PD provider might also want to try the activity prior to the day of instruction.

Answers to Conclusion Questions of Participant Handout:

3. At any point during this activity, did a reaction take place that formed a substance with a new set of
properties? No.

5. What are some possible sources of error? Errors during weighing/measuring salt and/or sugar,
volume of water not precisely measured, sand not heated enough to completely evaporate all water
(sand remained moist during final weighing).

6. How can this experiment be changed to improve recovery rates? Use a more accurate scale to
weigh salt/sand/sugar. Allow sand to dry completely overnight. Do replicates to improve the skills of
the participants carrying out this procedure.


Separating Mixtures


Per group of 4 students

400mL Beaker
Plastic cup
Paper towels
Rubber band
Candle or other heating element

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute


The Dens-O-Meter (slides 3-4)

Underwater Fireworks (slides 21-22)

Separation Sensation (slide 24)

Pure Substance or Mixture (slides 26-28)

Reflection Questions: Classifying Matter (slide 29)

Separating Mixtures Activity (optional)

Session 11 Handouts 13
Provider Guide

14 Handouts Session 11
Matter & Energy Institute

The DENS-O-METER Activity


Graduated cylinder (50 mL or larger) Food coloring

Graduated cylinder (10 mL or larger) Dark Karo Syrup
Small plastic bathroom cups Vegetable oil
Water Rubbing alcohol (91%)
Dawn dishwashing liquid (blue) Light Karo Syrup
Lamp Oil Pipette


1. Using the materials from the list above, develop a procedure that may be used to
observe the “relative” density of each of the liquids. Remember to control the
process as carefully as possible and observe. Note: If you pour the liquids on top of
each other, it is very important to pour the liquids slowly into the center of the
container. Make sure the liquids do not touch the sides of the container while you
are pouring. Keep all liquids in glass containers, not paper cups.
2. Outline your procedure in the space below.

3. Carry out your procedure and in the box below, illustrate your results.

Dens-O-Meter Results

Session 11 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

In your own words, interpret your observations.

Look at the Dens-O-Meter devised by several other groups. How do their results compare
to yours?

Evaluate your group’s procedure. Did it work well? Is revision necessary? Why or why not?

Predict what will happen if liquids that are immiscible (won’t mix or blend) in each other
are mixed together, shaken and then, allowed to stand for several minutes.

16 Handouts Session 11
Matter & Energy Institute

Underwater Fireworks

Pre-lab questions

1. What is a solute?

2. What is a solvent?

3. List 3 common solutions found in the kitchen. Identify the solute and solvent of
each solution.

Keeping the above information in mind, perform the following activity and make as many
observations as possible. After the reaction has been completed and a solution formed,
identify the solute, the solvent, and the type of solution that was made.

Instructions for UNDERWATER FIREWORKS (groups of 2)

Purpose: To give students a visual representation of how solutions are made as well as an
opportunity to witness how the properties of a particular item (in this case food coloring)
differ with respect to their dissolving properties and what they are placed in.


What do you think will happen when you put the food coloring in the oil?

Session 11 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

What do you think will happen when you stir the food coloring into the oil?

What do you think will happen when you put pour the food coloring and oil mixture into
the water?


2 clear plastic cups

1 teaspoon

2 teaspoons of vegetable oil


Food Coloring (variety of colors)


1. Fill up one of the clear plastic cups 2/3 full with water.

2. In the other plastic cup, put 5 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

3. To the cup with vegetable oil, add three drops of each food coloring.

4. After adding all the colors, stir and make observations,

5. Slowly add 1 teaspoon of the oil/food coloring mixture into the water. Pour it
gradually over the center of the water approximately 3-4 inches from the surface of

6. Wait a few minutes and make observations.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 three times.


Appearance of oil/food coloring mixture BEFORE stirring:

18 Handouts Session 11
Matter & Energy Institute

Appearance of oil/food coloring mixture AFTER stirring:


After doing the experiment, what type of solution was made?

What was the solute?

What was the solvent?

Session 11 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

Separation Sensation Activity

What Are You Really Eating for Breakfast?
Separating Mixtures

Water Bar Magnet
Total Cereal Ziploc Bag - quart
Paper Plate Rolling pin - optional


1. Open your sample of Total cereal and put a small pile of flakes onto a paper plate.
Crush the flakes to form a single layer of crumbs.
2. Now, bring the magnet as close to the layer of crumbs as possible without actually
touching the crumbs. Can you get any of the pieces to move?
3. Press the magnet directly onto the crumbs, but don’t move it. Then, lift it up and
look underneath to see if anything is clinging to the magnet. What do you observe?
4. Pour enough water into the plate to float a few flakes. Again, hold the magnet close
to (but not touching) a flake, and see if the flake migrates toward the magnet. Can
you make the flakes spin?
5. Measure one cup of Total into a quart-sized zipper-locked plastic storage bag. Using
your hands and then, a rolling pin, completely crush the cereal.
6. Pour enough water into the bag to completely wet the cereal and make a soupy
mixture, referred to as slurry. Mix the cereal and water by kneading until the
contents are brown and the mixture is very soupy. Allow the mixture to stand for
several minutes.
7. Put the magnet on a table and gently swish the contents of the bag around on top of
the magnet for 60 seconds, being careful not to separate the plastic of the bag from
the magnet.
8. Flip the bag and magnet over, still making sure not to pull the magnet from the
9. Gently lift the magnet at an angle. You may see iron filings clustered at one end. The
filings may be moved around by slowly moving the magnet.

20 Handouts Session 11
Matter & Energy Institute

This is What We Observed

Session 11 Handouts 21
Provider Guide

Pure Substance or Mixture

Fill in the chart below. In the center, state whether the material is a pure substance or a mixture. If it is a
pure substance, further classify it as either an element or compound in the right column. Similarly, if the
material is a mixture, further classify it as homogeneous or heterogeneous in the right column.

Element/ Compound,
Pure Substance
Material OR
OR Mixture
Homogeneous/ Heterogeneous

sugar + pure water

(C12H22O11 + H2O)

iron filings (Fe)

limestone (CaCO3)

orange juice (w/pulp)

Atlantic Ocean

helium inside a balloon

aluminum (Al)

magnesium (Mg)

acetylene (C2H2)

tap water in a glass

pure water (H2O)

chromium (Cr)

Chex mix

salt + pure water

(NaCl + H2O)

benzene (C6H6)

swamp water
(Cu mixed with Zn)
baking soda (NaHCO3)

22 Handouts Session 11
Matter & Energy Institute

Reflection Questions: Classifying Matter

1. Why do we classify things?

2. What are the four groups based on the makeup of matter?

3. List the properties of mixtures.

4. What are the two main kinds of mixtures?

5. What is a solution?

6. What are the two parts of a solution called?

7. Are all solutions liquids? Provide examples.

8. What are the two main traits of solutions?

Session 11 Handouts 23
Provider Guide

Separating Mixtures Activity

PURPOSE: To provide students with a visual representation on how some mixtures can be separated
using physical means.


400 ml beaker
Plastic cup
Paper towels
Rubber band
Candle (or other heating element)


1. Measure out 3 teaspoons of sand and weigh it.

2. Measure out 3 teaspoons of salt and weigh it.
3. Combine the sand and salt in the beaker. Stir - creating an equally distributed mixture of salt and
5. Weigh the mixture (only…not the beaker).
6. Add 300ml of water (room temperature) to the beaker.
7. Stir so that all salt dissolves.
8. Place the paper towel over the beaker and secure it on top with the rubber band.
9. Slowly invert the beaker so that the paper towel acts as a filter and the salt water solution is filtered,
leaving the sand behind in the beaker. Be sure to not tip the beaker over in the direction of the spout.
10. Once all the salt water solution is filtered through, slowly turn the beaker upright and carefully
scrape the sand onto a dry paper towel allowing it to absorb any excess water. (Spreading the sand
out helps drain trapped water.)
11. Weigh the sand.
12 Clean out the beaker and pour the salt water solution into the beaker.
13. Heat it over a candle, swirling the beaker until the water evaporates.
14. Weigh the amount of salt recovered.

24 Handouts Session 11
Matter & Energy Institute

Initial After separation

Weight of sand = Weight of sand =

Weight of salt = Weight of salt =


(Weight of Sand recovered/Weight of Sand – Initial) x 100 _____________%

(Weight of Salt recovered/Weigh of Salt – Initial) x 100 _____________%


What ingredients did you start out with before mixing them?

What ingredients did you end up with after separation?

At any point during this activity, did a reaction take place that formed a substance with a new set of

What percentage of sand did you recover? Salt?

What are some possible sources of error?

How can this experiment be changed to improve recovery rates?

Session 11 Handouts 25
Provider Guide

26 Handouts Session 11
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 11

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 11 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Review from last week

 Anyquestions about material from
previous days?

Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Review any questions from STEW board or day 5 exit tickets.


28 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

The Dens-O-Meter
In this activity you are going
to be creating a
“Dens-O-Meter,” using
materials that you can
probably find in
your kitchen.

Time: 45 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Follow the directions in the resource guide. This is intended to be an open-ended activity. After the small
groups get started on the lab, circulate through the room answering any questions and helping out with any
problems that might arise during the lab.

Common errors:

Pouring the liquids too rapidly.

Allowing the liquids to touch the sides of the cylinder.

Using a cylinder with a diameter that is too small.

Note: Participants can choose whether or not to control the amounts of liquid added and whether or not they
choose to add food coloring to color the various liquids.

Note: If the liquids mix a little as participants are pouring, that is ok, as the layers will always even
themselves out because of the varying densities. Just let them even out before adding the next layer.


Session 11 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Debriefing the Dens-O-Meter

 Let’stake some
time now to
discuss the
activity that we
just completed.

Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Go over the questions from the lab worksheet with the large group and address any problems that may have


30 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

Physical Properties of Matter

 From early last week, recall the
list of the physical properties of
matter that was developed.
 Can you think of any additional
properties to add to the list?

Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor should write the list below on the whiteboard or chart paper (or repost the list from session

Some properties the list may include: (list continues on next page)








Interacts with light

Color/absorption spectrum

Tensile strength

Session 11 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Specific gravity




Chemical composition

Boiling point

Melting point



32 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

Brainstorm - Pure Substances

 What is a pure substance?

 What are some
characteristics of pure

Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

Ask for answers, before going to the next slide.

If desired, the instructor can record responses on the whiteboard or chart paper.


Session 11 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 7

Pure Substances
…have only 1 type of particle present. Particles of a
pure substance are alike no matter where they are
found. For example, the particles of water are the
same whether in a lake or in an ice cube.

Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

Ask for examples.

The examples should include elements & compounds.


34 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

What do we call substances that are

NOT pure?
Special types of mixtures include:




Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

Definitions of these terms and some more examples are listed on the following slides, but here are a few to
start with.

Name State dissolved in State Common examples

Foam gas in liquid soap suds, whipped cream

solid foam gas in solid pumice, marshmallow

liquid aerosol liquid in gas mist, fog

emulsion liquid in liquid cream, mayonnaise, milk

solid emulsion liquid in solid butter, cheese

Smoke solid in gas dust, soot

Sol solid in liquid paint

Solid sol solid in solid alloys, pearls, opals


Make:Online. (n.d.). Laboratory 18.0: Colloids and Suspensions-Introduction. Retrieved from

Session 11 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 9

 A combination of 2 or more
substances that are NOT
chemically combined.
 The individual substances
are still pure and can be
separated from each other
by physical means.

Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:


36 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

Everyday Examples of Mixtures

Salad Fog

Cereal Salt Water


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

Ask for examples.


A bowl of salad [Photograph] by Anushruti RK. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from: Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

fog over Istanbul skyscrapers [Photograph] by WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong?. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Day 16 - Cap'n Crunch Berries Cereal [Photograph] by Barb Watson. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

The ocean of colours - Das Farbenmeer [Photograph] by allesschlumpf. Retrieved May 19, 2009 Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Anushruti, R. K. (2008). Retrieved from:

j.o.h.n. walker (2008). fog over Istanbul skyscrapers. Retrieved from

Session 11 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Ohdearbarb. (2008). Cap'n Crunch Berries Cereal. Retrieved from

Alles-schlumpf. (2009). The ocean of colours - Das Farbenmeer. Retrieved from

38 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

More background information on

 Mixtures can contain different
amounts of the substances they
are made of.
 Not all mixtures are made of
 Most materials found in nature
are mixtures.


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

At this time you will want to make sure that the group understands the facts that substances do not always
occur in the same amount in all mixtures (for example salt water does not always have the same salinity), not
all mixtures are solids (again you can discuss salt water or sugar water), and most materials found in nature
are mixtures (sedimentary rocks are a great example).


Session 11 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 12

Mixtures are Either… or…

Heterogeneous Homogeneous
Mixtures where you can Mixtures where you
see the different particles CANNOT see the
difference between

With your table group, list as many of

each as you can in three minutes.


Time: 20 minutes Slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

Allow each table group to list as many as possible in three minutes. Then have each table share while the PD
provider lists examples on white board or chart paper. If there are any that are questionable, allow the group
to share their rationale.

Examples include:

Heterogeneous: Pizza, spaghetti, polluted air

Homogeneous: Hi-C, stainless steel, air


Ophardt, C. E. (2003). Mixture: What are mixtures and solutions? Retrieved from

40 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

 A solution is a mixture in which different kinds of
matter are mixed completely with each other.
◦ They are mixed to the point where you cannot tell the
difference between the different ingredients that make
up the solution.
 Solutions can be a variety of combinations of
solids, liquids, and/or gases.
◦ When a solid forms a solution with a liquid, the solid
dissolves in the liquid.


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

During this part of the presentation you will be helping the group understand what a solution is, and you can
do this by discussing the definition of a solution and also giving the group examples of solutions (some simple
examples are salt water, Kool-Aid, and air).


Session 11 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 14

Important Terms Related to

 A solute is a substance that is dissolved in another
 A solvent is a substance in which another
substance is dissolved, forming a solution.
 Solubility (a physical property) is a measure of
how much of one material will dissolve in another.
◦ For example 204 grams of sugar will dissolve in 100
milliliters of water at room temperature. This means that
sugar has a solubility of 204.


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

During this part of the presentation you are going to continue to expand the group’s knowledge of solutions
by briefly discussing the terms: solute, solvent, and solubility.


42 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 15

A suspension is a mixture in which the ingredients are
not spread out evenly.
◦ The particles of one ingredient are suspended, or floating,
in another ingredient and separate upon standing.

oil & vinegar fog


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

During this part of the presentation you will be discussing suspensions and giving the group some common
examples of suspensions (such as oil/vinegar salad dressing after it has been sitting and fog).


Olive oil with balsamic vinegar [Photograph] by star5112. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from: Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

fog over Istanbul skyscrapers [Photograph] by WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong?. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

star5112. (2009). Olive oil with balsamic vinegar. Retrieved from

j.o.h.n. walker (2008). fog over Istanbul skyscrapers.Retrieved from

Session 11 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 16

 A colloid is a type of mixture in
which one substance is dispersed mayonnaise
evenly throughout the other.
 The particles of the dispersed
substance are only suspended,
not dissolved (as in a solution).
 Although the particles in a milk

suspension will settle; the

particles in a colloid will not.



Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

“A colloid is a type of chemical mixture in which one substance is dispersed evenly throughout another. The
particles of the dispersed substance are only suspended in the mixture, unlike in a solution, in which they are
completely dissolved. This occurs because the particles in a colloid are larger than in a solution - small
enough to be dispersed evenly and maintain a homogeneous appearance, but large enough to scatter light and
not dissolve. Because of this dispersal, some colloids have the appearance of solutions. A colloidal system
consists of two separate phases: a dispersed phase (or internal phase) and a continuous phase (or dispersion
medium). A colloidal system may be solid, liquid, or gaseous.”

Examples of colloids include hair spray, milk, mayonnaise, blood, clouds, and gelatin.


Quote from:

Image source (left): Photograph “Mayonnaise” by Andre Elau. Retrieved December 10, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Image source (center): Photograph “cute little milk” by striatic. Retrieved December 10, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

44 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Image source (right): Photograph “Cumulus clouds panorama.jpg” by Fir0002. Retrieved December 10, 2009
from This image is available under a GNU
Free Documentation License.

Colloid. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Quote from:

are you gonna eat that. (2007). Mayonnaise. Retrieved from

striatic. (2006). cute little milk. Retrieved from

File:Cumulus clouds panorama. (2006). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 11 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 17

How can we separate mixtures?

Distillation - Boiling

Centrifuge - Density

Evaporation - Saltwater

Magnetism - Certain Metals

Filtration - Dirty Water


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

Ask for participants to explain what these terms mean.

Distillation – purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors.

Centrifugation – separating substances of different densities.

Evaporation – the conversion of a liquid to a gas by the addition of heat.

Magnetism – deals with the presence of a magnetic field.

Filtration – the passage of a liquid through a membrane or sieve that prevents the passage of certain particles.


46 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

Back to Pure Substances:

Elements and Compounds

Why are compounds pure

even though they have
two or more atoms?


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes:

Answer: pure substances contain only one type of particles, and one molecule (ex: NaCl) is considered a
particle, even though there are two atoms in the molecule.


Session 11 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 19

Identification of Pure Substances

Why is it important
pure substances?

Turn to your elbow partner and brainstorm

for two minutes!


Time: 20 minutes for slides 6-19

PD Provider Notes: Solicit answers:

It is the basis of research. If we have an impure substance, we don’t know what caused a chemical reaction.
Is it a combination of the two or is just one involved? This just like having two variables in a science
experiment. How do you know which one caused the results?

Examining purity of substances is important in industries, such as the pharmaceutical industry.


48 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20



Time: 15 minutes

Session 11 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Activity – Underwater Fireworks

 Divide up into groups of 2 people.

 Answer the “Pre-Activity”
 Follow the instructions for the
Underwater Fireworks activity


Time: 20 minutes for slides 21-22

PD Provider Notes:


50 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

Underwater Fireworks - Let’s

 What observations were

initially expected?
 What observations were

actually made?
 What conclusions were


Time: 20 minutes for slides 21-22

PD Provider Notes:

This is a simple lab which allows the student to visualize how solutions are made. It was intentionally chosen
because it could very easily be used by teachers at all levels. This experiment has been done in the
elementary, middle school, and high school setting and is always extremely successful.


Session 11 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Game: Pure or Not Pure?

In your journal, categorize each
of the following substances as
either Pure or Not Pure:
Water, Compound, Salt,
Styrofoam, Pepsi, Plastic,
Solution, Milk, Colloid, Wood,
Jell-O, Suspension, Copper Wire,
Helium, Element, Paper, Rubber,
Oil, Rubbing Alcohol, Advil, Steel,
Carbon Dioxide, Chalk,
Liquid crystal, Air


Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Participants are to make the organizer in their journal. Have them work with a partner and place each of the
listed items in the box.

Participants are to discuss this with the instructor.


Pure: water, compound, salt, solution, copper wire, element, oil, carbon dioxide, chalk, liquid crystal, helium,
Styrofoam, rubber (polymer)

Not Pure: Pepsi, wood, suspension, paper, milk, Jello, solution, rubbing alcohol (70%), air, steel, Advil, colloid


52 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

Separation Sensation Activity: What are

You Really Eating for Breakfast?
 How may iron be removed from a
 Is your suggestion a physical or
chemical change?
 If you suspect your cereal contains
iron, what steps might you take to
verify your suspicions?
 Discuss this with your team mates.


Time: 25 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Before allowing participants to do the lab activity. Ask them to establish a method. Time permitting, the
activity may be very open-ended, or if time is critical, the handout, more a verification procedure, is available
for use.

This activity works well when it is scheduled with a before-lunch and after-lunch component. Have
participants crush the cereal before lunch. Leave the setup alone during lunch, and use the magnet to
separate the filings after lunch. Debrief the experiment after lunch.


Session 11 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 25

Classification Wrap-Up

Mixtures Pure Substances

Heterogeneous Homogeneous Compounds Elements


Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This classification scheme provides a framework for organizing the content presented in this session.


54 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 26

Classifying Pure vs. Mixture Activity

Pure substance vs. Mixture

 Complete this, working in
groups of 2.
 Afterwards, working in
groups of 4, we will discuss
the answers.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 26-28

PD Provider Notes:

There is no reference sheet for this activity as it is basically just a worksheet that is quite self explanatory.
Give pairs of participants about 10 minutes to complete the sheet and then break them up into groups of four
and have them compare their answers. Have them come to a consensus, and tell them that differences will be
discussed afterwards. Allow about 5 minutes for group comparisons.

This activity may also be done as a team activity in which the first team to turn in the worksheet and with the
greatest number of correct responses wins!


Session 11 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 27

Classifying Pure vs. Mixture Activity

Concrete Sugar + pure water Tap water in a glass

Acetylene (C2H2) Soil Iron filings (Fe)

Use your worksheet
to classify the (C12H22O11 + Pure water (H2O) Limestone (CaCO3)
following materials H2O)
based on whether or
Chromium (Cr) Orange juice Chex mix
not they are a pure
substance or a
mixture. Pacific Ocean (NaCl + H2O) Salt + pure water

Air inside a Aluminum (Al) Benzene (C6H6)

Baking Soda Magnesium (Mg) Muddy water

Brass (Cu mixed with Zn)


Time: 15 minutes for slides 26-28

PD Provider Notes:

This slide has a handout titled “Pure Substance or Mixture.” This worksheet is designed to help participants
apply what they have learned about mixtures, specifically heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures. The
worksheet can be done by individuals, by groups, or as a game. See Resources Guide for details. The answer
key is found in the Resources Guide.


56 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 28

Classifying Pure vs. Mixture

 Let’s go over the answers.
 Which, if any, of the correct
responses were surprising
to you?
 What questions do you


Time: 15 minutes for slides 26-28

PD Provider Notes:

Go from group to group and ask each group to report out their answers for the worksheets. IF there is a
discrepancy or if someone does not agree, have the students that do not agree provide an explanation as to
why they disagree. Have the original group state why they chose the answers they chose and then have a
discussion as to who’s explanation has a flaw and clear up any misconception that might be present. Notate
that misconception and reiterate that clarifying misconceptions makes us better teachers because our
students will more than likely have that same misconception, and now a logical explanation can be provided
to the students as to why that misconception exists as well as why it is wrong.


Session 11 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 29

Classifying Matter Questions

Consider the following questions.
1. Why do we classify things?
2. What are the four groups based on the makeup of
3. List the properties of mixtures.
4. What are the two main kinds of mixtures?
5. What is a solution?
6. What are the two parts of a solution called?
7. Are all solutions liquids? Provide examples.
8. What are the two main traits of solutions?


This activity is optional.

Time: 25 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

At this point you will be walking around and helping anyone that might need it and answering any questions
that the group may have.

Answers to questions:

Answer 1. Organization, determine common characteristics, predictability, etc

Answer 2. Solid, liquid, gas, plasma

Answer 3. Mixtures are a heterogeneous combination of two of more ingredients. Properties include variable
composition; components retain their characteristic properties and components are easily separated.

Answer 4. The two main kinds of mixtures are solutions and suspensions.

Answer 5. A solution is a mixture in which different kinds of matter are mixed completely with each other.

Answer 6. The two parts of a solution are called the solvent and the solute.

Answer 7. No, not all solutions are liquids. The atmosphere is a good example of a solution in which a gaseous
solvent (nitrogen) dissolves other gases (such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and neon).
Solutions of solids in solids are another example, and these are encountered most often among the
various metal alloys.

58 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute

Answer 8. The two main traits of solutions are that they look the same throughout and have uniform


Session 11 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 30

Lunch Break


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Provide information about surrounding restaurants as well as the location where participants may eat if they
chose to stay on-site during the lunch break.


60 Presentation Guide Session 11

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Physical and Chemical Changes Stations 2 90

Break 3

Stations Debriefing 4-14 30

Physical Changes Revisited 15-24 15

Chemical Changes 25-34 15

Chemical Properties 35-36 5

Journal Reflections 37 15

Exit Ticket 38 10

Optional Activity: Salt Lab optional

Optional Worksheet: Mixtures on the Nanoscale optional

Total instructional time: 180

Session 12 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Physical and chemical changes stations


Participants will rotate through 11 stations to explore physical and chemical changes. Debriefing of
each station follows. Each station is described in the handouts section.

Equipment and supplies for 10 rotations will need to be available at each station along with an
instruction card (laminated or inserted in a plastic page protector) describing the procedure for the
exploration at the station. You will also need to provide a container for waste and paper towels for
cleaning up at each station area. If containers or other equipment need to be rinsed between uses, you
will need to provide access to water at those stations.

The instructions for each station are found in the handouts section.


Physical and Chemical Changes Stations


See following pages.


Stations for Citric Acid + Baking Soda + Water and Crackers & Iodine based on activities in Integrated
Physics and Chemistry available at

IPC Goes to the Movies. (2005). Retrieved from

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Materials Needed for Day 6—Session 12—Physical/Chemical Change Centers

Center Consumable Materials Non-consumable Physical or

Materials Chemical?

Foldable Books 6 sheets of copy paper Pair of scissors for each P

per participant (240 participant
sheets for 40

1. Conservation of Small paper cup Safety goggles C

Matter-Open System
40g baking soda 250mL beaker

100 mL vinegar (acetic Triple beam balance


2. Conservation of One 20 oz. plastic bottle Safety goggles C

Matter-Closed with cap
System Digital scale (accurate
One antacid tablet to the nearest .01g)

35 mL of water Graduated cylinder

Pitcher for water

3. All Shook Up 5 g small paperclips Safety goggles P

5 g dried pinto beans Pie tin

5 g uncooked rice Balance

5 g dried peas

Quart-size zip-top plastic



4 small paper cups (5

ounce size)

4. Oobleck 1 box of cornstarch Safety goggles P

1 plastic bowl 1 set of measuring

spoons (tablespoon)
1 craft stick
Graduated cylinder
Pitcher for water
paper towels (for

Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

Center Consumable Materials Non-consumable Physical or

Materials Chemical?

5. In the Bag 60 mL vinegar Safety goggles C

15 mL (1 Tablespoon) Measuring spoons

baking soda
Graduated cylinder
3 ounce size bathroom
cups Thermometer

Paper towels

Quart-sized zip-top
plastic freezer bag

Water-based black Safety goggles

6. Chromotography P
marker (Sharpie Flip- Scissors
Chart marker or Vis-à-Vis
Wet Erase marker work Clothespin
best) Ruler
Colored pencils Pitcher for water
Coffee filter
Clear plastic 16-ounce
cup (or beaker)
Paper towels

7. Yeast Feats 15 mL quick-rising dry Safety goggles C

2 thermometers
60 mL hydrogen peroxide
Graduated cylinder
Masking tape
Measuring spoons
Plastic spoon 100 mL beaker

5 mL baking soda Safety goggles

8. Citric Acid + Baking C
Soda + Water 5 mL citric acid (Fruit Measuring spoons
Graduated cylinder

Film canister (without lid)

Quart-sized zip-top freezer

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Center Consumable Materials Non-consumable Physical or

Materials Chemical?


9. Milk Flubber 125 mL whole milk (at Safety goggles C

room temperature)
2 graduated cylinders
30 mL vinegar
Pitcher for water
Craft stick

Clear plastic cup or


10. Crackers & Iodine Unsalted cracker Safety goggles C

Iodine Dropper or pipette

(iodine bottle may have
Paper towels dropper)

11. Ice Cream ½ cup (118 mL) whole Safety goggles P&C
Ice chest
1 tablespoon (15 mL)
sugar Cup to scoop ice

¼ teaspoon (1 mL) Measuring cup

Measuring spoons
2 quart-sized resealable (tablespoon and ¼
bags (one for milk teaspoon)
mixture; one for ice and
Dish towel or oven mitts
rock salt)
to protect hands from
Rock salt the cold—ask
participants to bring
Ice these to class!

Spoon Container for rock salt

and ice waste—this
Paper towels should NOT go in sinks!

Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

Stations Consumable Materials Required for Group of 40 Participants


240 sheets of copy paper for foldable books

1. 10 small paper cups

1 box baking soda (at least 8 ounces)

1 bottle vinegar (at least 1 liter)

2. 10 20-oz. plastic bottles with caps (ask participants to save water or soda bottles)

1 box antacid tablets

3. 1 box small paperclips

1 bag dried pinto beans

1 bag uncooked rice

1 bag dried peas

10 quart-size zip-top plastic bags

1 box toothpicks

40 5-ounce paper cups

4. 2 boxes cornstarch

10 plastic bowls

10 craft sticks

1 roll paper towels (for cleanup)

5. 1 bottle vinegar (at least 1 liter)

1 box baking soda (at least 8 ounces)

30 3 or 5-ounce size bathroom cups

1 roll paper towels

10 resealable quart-sized plastic freezer bags

6. 5 Water-based black markers (Sharpie Flip-Chart marker

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute
or Vis-à-Vis Wet Erase marker
Id=EXPOPA000039&currentType=EXPOPAT100003 work best)
1 box colored pencils
10 coffee filters
10 clear plastic 16-ounce cup (or beakers)
1 roll paper towels

7. 150 mL quick-rising dry yeast (2 jars)

600 mL hydrogen peroxide (2 16-ounce bottles)
1 roll masking tape

10 Plastic spoons

8. 1 box baking soda

1 jar citric acid (Fruit Fresh)

10 film canisters (without lids)

10 quart-sized zip-top freezer bag

9. ½ gallon whole milk (at room temperature)

1 bottle vinegar (at least 1 liter)

10 craft sticks

10 clear plastic cups or beakers

10. 1 small box unsalted crackers

1 bottle iodine

1 roll paper towels

11. 1.5 gallons whole milk

2 pounds sugar

1 16-ounce bottle vanilla

80 quart-sized resealable freezer bags (one for milk mixture; one for ice and rock salt)

Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide

10 pounds rock salt (ice cream salt)

At least 20 pounds ice

40 plastic spoons

4 rolls paper towels

Dish towels and/or oven mitts that participants have brought from home

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute


Optional activity - Salt Lab


Participants will make a salt water solution and witness the effect that temperature has on solubility
rates. Furthermore the scientific method and the importance of reproducibility is addressed. If the
instructor decides to do this activity, they should photocopy enough handouts so that each
participant has one.

The PD provider should read through the questions and instructions prior to the day of instruction,
in order to familiarize themselves with the material. The PD provider should check to ensure that
they have all of the necessary materials. The PD provider should make sure that they have a
thermometer and means of warming and cooling the water.

Normally a microwave works well for heating if no heating element is available.

Icing down previously refrigerated water works well.

When you reach slide 16, draw a table like this on the chalkboard/whiteboard/chart paper and fill in
as groups divulge information.

Measuring the Saturation Point (when the water got cloudy)

Group # Cold Water Room Temperature Water Hot Water Saturation

Saturation Point Saturation Point Point


Salt Lab


Per group of 4 students

400mL Glass Beaker

Water (at three different temps…10°C, 60°C, room temperature)



Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

Salt Lab (Work in groups of 4)

PURPOSE: To provide students with a hands-on opportunity to make a solution and determine its
saturation point, as well as determine if the temperature of the solvent plays a role in saturation. This also
provides an opportunity to demonstrate the importance of reproducibility and accuracy in science


a. How many teaspoons of salt do you think you will be able to dissolve in 200ml of cold (10°C) water?

b. How many teaspoons of salt do you think you will be able to dissolve in 200 ml of room
temperature water?

c. How many teaspoons of salt do you think you will be able to dissolve in 200 ml of hot (60°C) water?


400 ml glass beaker


Water (at three different temps…10°C, 60°C, room temperature)




1. Put 200 ml of cold water into the beaker.

2. Add 1 level teaspoon of salt to the beaker and stir.

3. Make observations as to the ease in which it dissolves

4. If it all dissolves, repeat steps 2-3 until the salt no longer dissolves.

5. Record how many teaspoons were able to dissolve in the water.

6. Repeat experiment 2 more times, thoroughly cleaning the beaker in between trials.

7. Put 200ml of room temperature water into the beaker.

8. Add 1 level teaspoon of salt to the beaker and stir.

9. Make observations as to the ease in which it dissolves.

10. If it all dissolves, repeat steps 2-3 until the salt no longer dissolves.

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

11. Record how many teaspoons were able to dissolve in the water.

12. Repeat experiment 2 more times, thoroughly cleaning the beaker in between trials.

13. Put 200ml of hot water into the beaker.

14. Add 1 level teaspoon of salt to the beaker and stir.

15. Make observations as to the ease in which it dissolves.

16. If it all dissolves, repeat steps 2-3 until the salt no longer dissolves.

17. Record how many teaspoons were able to dissolve in the water.

18. Repeat experiment 2 more times, thoroughly cleaning the beaker in between trials.

Teaspoon # Observation


Teaspoon # Observation

Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide


Teaspoon # Observation

OBSERVATIONS w/ Room Temperature water (TRIAL 1)

Teaspoon # Observation

OBSERVATIONS w/Room Temperature water (TRIAL 2)

Teaspoon # Observation

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

OBSERVATIONS w/Room Temperature water (TRIAL 3)

Teaspoon # Observation

OBSERVATIONS w/ HOT (60°C) water (TRIAL 1)

Teaspoon # Observation

OBSERVATION w/HOT (60°C) water (TRIAL 2)

Teaspoon # Observation

Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 13

Provider Guide

OBSERVATION w/HOT (60°C) water (TRIAL 3)

Teaspoon # Observation



Temp of Water Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average

10°C – cold

Room Temp

60°C - hot


What was the solute? Solvent?

What was the purpose of repeating the experiment three times?

What was the saturation point for each solution?

14 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

What explanation can you provide for the various saturation points?

What are some possible sources of error?

How can the accuracy of this experiment be improved?

Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 15

Provider Guide


Optional activity – Mixtures on the Nanoscale Worksheet


This optional worksheet will allow participants further practice with the concept of mixtures at the
nanoscale perspective. If the instructor wishes to use this worksheet, they should make sufficient
copies for the number of participants in the institute.


Activity 3.3: Mixtures on the Nanoscale Worksheet



March, J., Caswell, K., and Lewis, J. (2007). Introductory Chemistry Modules: A Guided Inquiry
Approach. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks Cole Publishers. ISBN: 978-0618854783. Used with permission.

16 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Used with permission.

Session 12 PD Provider Resources & Materials 17

Provider Guide

Used with permission.

18 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute


Centers for Physical and Chemical Change Activity Handouts

1. Conservation of Matter-Open System

2. Conservation of Matter-Closed System
3. All Shook Up
4. Oobleck
5. In the Bag
6. Chromotography
7. Yeast Feats
8. Citric Acid + Baking Soda + Water
9. Milk Flubber
10. Crackers & Iodine
11. Ice Cream

Session 12 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

20 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute

Centers for Physical and Chemical Changes


Participants will rotate through eleven centers to explore physical and chemical changes.


Create a rectangular “bound book” from Dinah Zike’s Big Book of Science for Elementary K-6, page 16.
Teachers can use this book to record predictions, observations, and conclusions from station


Take 3 pieces of copy paper and fold them in half the hamburger way (fold along the short axis of the
paper). Take scissors and make a cut on each end the fold that is one inch long and ¼ inch wide.
(When you open this part, it will look like a letter “H” with wide sides and a narrow center bar.)

Next, take the other 3 pieces of paper and fold them in half the hamburger way (fold along the short
axis of the paper). At the fold about an inch from the edge, make a cut that is ¼ inch wide. Stop an
inch before the bottom edge of the paper. (When you open this part, it will look like a letter “O” with
wide sides and a very narrow center.)
Now take the first 3 pieces of paper (with the ends cut), open them flat, and roll them into a tube the
hot dog way (roll along the long axis of the paper). Slide this tube through the center cut of the other
pieces of paper until the folds are aligned. Open the tubed pages. The 2 sections should fit together to
make a book with no glue or tape needed.

Materials for each participant:

Pair of scissors
6 pieces of copy paper


Zike, D. (2004). Dinah Zike’s Big Book of Science - Elementary K-6. San Antonio, TX: Dinah-Might
Adventures, LP. ISBN# 978-1882796236.

Session 12 Handouts 21
Provider Guide

1. Conservation of Matter: Open System


Safety goggles
250mL beaker
Small paper cup (3- or 5-ounce size)
40g baking soda
100 mL vinegar (acetic acid)
Triple beam balance


Measure out 100mL of vinegar in the beaker.

Measure out 40g of baking soda in the small paper cup.

Place both containers on the scale and determine a total mass of the containers and contents. Record this data in your

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

Make a prediction about what you think will happen when the baking soda is combined with the vinegar.

Will the balance pointer move? If so, in which direction?


Gently dump the baking soda into the vinegar, taking care to not splash anything out.

Place the small paper cup gently back in its original spot next to the vinegar beaker.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the baking soda and vinegar.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

Which way did the balance pointer move as the interaction took place?

Describe what happened to the total mass quantitatively and qualitatively.

Does what you observed make sense with your understanding of the Law of Conservation of Matter?

22 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute

2. Conservation of Matter: Closed System


Safety goggles
One 20 oz. plastic bottle with cap
One antacid tablet
35 mL water
Digital balance (accurate to the nearest .01g)
Triple beam balance
Graduated cylinder


Measure out 35 mL of water in the bottle.

Break the antacid tablet in half.

Place the halves in the bottle cap.

Mass the bottle containing water, the antacid tablet, and the bottle cap.

Record these data in your journal.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

Make a prediction about what you think will happen when the antacid tablet is dumped into the water with
the bottle cap screwed on tightly.

Will the balance pointer move? If so, in which direction?


Lay the soda bottle on its side without spilling any water.

Make sure the bottle opening stays completely dry.

Place both antacid tablet halves in the dry bottle cap.

Screw the cap on quickly until tight.

Mass the entire system.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the antacid tablet and water.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

Which way did the balance pointer move as the interaction took place?

Describe what happened to the total mass quantitatively and qualitatively.

Session 12 Handouts 23
Provider Guide

Consider how this reaction demonstrates the Law of Conservation of Matter.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

Predict what you think will happen to the mass when the cap is loosened.


Unscrew the cap so that it is barely secured.

Place the bottle with loose cap back on the balance and determine mass of the system.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Which way did the balance point line move after loosening the cap?

Describe what happened to the total mass quantitatively and qualitatively.

Does what you observed make sense with your understanding of the Law of Conservation of Matter?

24 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute

3. All Shook Up

Safety goggles
5 g small paperclips
5 g dried pinto beans
5 g uncooked rice
5 g dried peas
Quart-size zip-top plastic bag
Pie tin
4 small paper cups (5-ounce size)


Measure out 5 g of each item (paperclips, pinto beans, rice, and peas) and place it in a separate paper cup.

Observe the contents of each cup. Write a description of each item in your journal.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

What will happen when you combine the contents of the cups in the plastic bag?

How will the contents be the same as they were before you mixed them?

How will they be different?


Pour the contents of each cup into the plastic bag.

Seal the bag tightly and shake it vigorously.

Observe the contents of the bag. Write a description of the contents of the bag in your journal.

Now pour the contents into the pie tin.

Separate the items back into groups of like items. Record your observations.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the materials in the bag.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

Session 12 Handouts 25
Provider Guide

4. Oobleck

Safety goggles
1 plastic bowl
1 set of measuring spoons (tablespoon)
Graduated cylinder
1 box of cornstarch
1 craft stick
Paper towels (for cleanup)

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

What will happen when you combine the cornstarch and water?

How will the contents be the same as they were before you mixed them?

How will they be different?


Place the bowl in front of you.

Put 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of cornstarch in the bowl.

Add 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of water to the bowl.

Mix the cornstarch and water using the craft stick. Make sure to get all of the cornstarch wet. Your oobleck
should not be runny or powdery.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the cornstarch and water.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

What happens if you poke the oobleck fast and hard? What does it feel like? What happens if you just place
your finger on top?

When does the oobleck act like a solid? When does it act like a liquid?

26 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute

5. In the Bag

Safety goggles
60 mL of vinegar
15 mL (1 Tablespoon) baking soda
Measuring spoons
Graduated cylinder
3-ounce size bathroom cup
Paper towels
Quart-sized zip-top plastic freezer bag


Place the thermometer in a quart size plastic freezer bag so that it can be easily read.

Pour the baking soda into one corner of the bag. Record the temperature of the baking soda.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

Do you think that the temperature of the baking soda will change when you add the vinegar?

If so, do you think the temperature will increase or decrease?


With the help of a partner, pour in the vinegar and quickly seal the bag.

Feel the bottom of the bag. Record your observations.

Observe the thermometer and record the temperature.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the baking soda and vinegar.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

What happened to the temperature inside the bag as the interaction took place?

Session 12 Handouts 27
Provider Guide

6. Chromatography

Safety goggles
Water-based black marker (Sharpie Flip-Chart marker or Vis-à-Vis Wet Erase marker work best)
Colored pencils
Coffee filter
Clear plastic 16-ounce cup (or beaker)
Paper towels


Open and flatten the coffee filter. Cut a 5 cm wide strip across the center of the coffee filter.

Measure 8 cm from the end of the filter strip. Use the black marker to draw a horizontal line across the strip.
Go over the line 3 times, letting the ink dry each time.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

What do you think will happen when you put the end of the filter strip in the water?

Draw a picture to show what you think you will see.


Put water in the cup to a height of 2 cm. Be sure you dry the rim and sides of the cup after you add the water!

Put the bottom of the filter strip in the water. Use the clothespin to clip the filter to the rim of the cup.

Record observations as the water travels up the filter strip.

When the water reaches the top of the cup, remove the filter strip and lay it on a paper towel to dry.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the marker ink and water.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

28 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute

7. Yeast Feats

Safety goggles
15 mL quick-rising dry yeast
60 mL hydrogen peroxide
100 mL beaker
Graduated cylinder
Measuring spoons
2 thermometers
Masking tape
Plastic spoon

Place one thermometer on the next table next to, but not touching, the beaker. Record the room temperature.

Put the second thermometer inside the beaker so that the bulb of the thermometer will touch the liquid. Use
masking tape to secure this thermometer to the side of the beaker.

Pour the hydrogen peroxide in the beaker.

Record the temperature.

Compare the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide to the room temperature.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

Do you think that the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide will change when you add the yeast?

If so, do you think the temperature will increase or decrease?


Pour the yeast in and stir the solution.

Feel the sides of the beaker. Observe and record the temperature on both of the thermometers.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the yeast and hydrogen peroxide.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

What happened to the temperature as the interaction took place?

Session 12 Handouts 29
Provider Guide

8. Citric Acid + Baking Soda + Water


Safety goggles
5 mL baking soda
5 mL citric acid (Fruit Fresh)
Measuring spoons
Graduated cylinder
Film canister (without lid)
Quart-sized zip-top freezer bag

Place the baking soda and citric acid in the freezer bag.

Record your observations of these dry, solid materials.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

What do you think will happen when you allow the water to mix with the baking soda and citric acid?


Put 10 mL of water in the film canister. Be sure to keep the outside of the film canister dry!
Carefully place the container of water in the bag with the baking soda and citric acid. Do not allow the water
to mix with the dry materials yet!
With the help of a partner, seal the bag while trying to remove as much of the air as possible.
Record your observations before dumping the water into the dry materials.
Turn the bag to the side to dump the water. You may need to hold the bag with your fingers and press
together to mix the water and the solids. Do NOT open the bag!
Observe the mixture by watching and feeling the outside of the bag.
Record your observations.
Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the citric acid, baking soda, and water.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

What happened to the temperature as the interaction took place?

30 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute

9. Milk Flubber

Safety goggles
125 mL whole milk (at room temperature)
30 mL vinegar
2 graduated cylinders (one to measure vinegar; one to measure milk)
Craft stick
Clear plastic cup or beaker


Put 125 mL of whole milk in one graduated cylinder.

Put 30 mL of vinegar in the other graduated cylinder.

Make and record observations of the milk and the vinegar before they are combined.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

What do you think will happen when you mix the milk and the vinegar?


Pour the milk and the vinegar into the plastic cup or beaker.

Stir with the craft stick.

Observe and record your observations.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the vinegar and the milk.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

Session 12 Handouts 31
Provider Guide

10. Crackers & Iodine


Safety goggles
Unsalted cracker
Dropper or pipette
Paper towels


Put one cracker on a paper towel.

Make and record observations of the cracker and the iodine before they are combined.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

What do you think will happen when you put drops of iodine on the cracker?


Place 2 drops of iodine on the cracker.

Observe and record your observations.

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the iodine and the cracker.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

32 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute

11. Ice Cream


Safety goggles
½ cup (118 mL) whole milk
1 tablespoon (15 mL) sugar
¼ teaspoon (1 mL) vanilla
Measuring cup
Measuring spoons (tablespoon and ¼ teaspoon)
2 quart-sized resealable freezer bags (one for milk mixture; one for ice and rock salt)
Rock salt
Cup to scoop ice
Ice chest
Paper towels
Dish towel or oven mitts to protect hands!
Container to dispose of ice and rock salt waste—Don’t pour this in the sinks!


Make and record observations of milk, vanilla, sugar, rock salt, and ice before you combine any of the
materials. Be sure to include the state of matter for each material.

Predictions (Write your answers in your journal):

What do you think will happen when you combine the milk, sugar, and vanilla in a bag? Is this a physical or
chemical change?

What do you think will happen when you combine the rock salt and ice in a bag? Is this a physical or chemical

What do you think will happen when you put the bag with the milk mixture inside the bag of rock salt and ice?
Is this a physical or chemical change?

Session 12 Handouts 33
Provider Guide


Mix the milk, vanilla and sugar together in one bag. Seal the bag tightly, allowing as little air to remain in this
bag as possible. Too much air left inside may cause the bag of liquid to open during shaking.

Combine about 2 cups of ice and 4 tablespoons of rock salt in the other bag.

Put the bag of liquid inside the bag of ice and rock salt. Remove as much air as possible and seal the bag.

Wrap the bag in the towel or put your oven mitts on. Shake and massage the bag, making sure the ice
surrounds the milk mixture.

When the milk mixture feels hard, you have made ice cream! Five to eight minutes is enough time for the milk
mixture to freeze into ice cream.

Remove the milk mixture bag from the bag of rock salt and ice. Put the rock salt and ice waste in the
designated container, but not in the sink!

Carefully wipe the salt water from the seal of your ice cream bag. Grab a spoon and enjoy a frozen treat!

Observations (Write your answers in your journal):

Describe the interaction between the milk, sugar, and vanilla.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

Describe the interaction between the rock salt and ice.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

Describe the interaction between the bag containing the milk mixture and the rock salt and ice.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

34 Handouts Session 12
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 12

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 12 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Stations - Physical & Chemical Changes

 Work with a group.
 Follow the instructions printed at each station.
 Record your predictions and observations at each
 There are materials at each station for every group
to use.
 Put your waste materials in the designated
container at each station.
 Leave the station ready for the group that will follow
your group.

Time: 90 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

See resource guide for details about how to set up stations. Participants will separate into groups of 4 and
rotate through the various stations. Have one of the instructors call a 3-minute warning when time is almost
up, and tell participants when it is time to rotate to the next station. If participants go through all 11 stations,
allow approximately 8 minutes per station.


36 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3


Time: 15 minutes

Provider Notes:


Session 12 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Stations debriefing – Open

System Conservation of Matter
 Describe the interaction between the baking soda and
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took place?
What evidence do you have to support your thinking?
 Which way did the balance pointer move as the
interaction took place?
 Describe what happened to the total mass
quantitatively and qualitatively.
 Does what you observed make sense with your
understanding of the Law of Conservation of Matter?

Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

Open System Conservation of Matter—Chemical

Mixing baking soda and vinegar produces a chemical reaction in which a new substance is formed. This new
substance is a carbon dioxide gas. It is evident by the bubbles that are formed. Because the system is open, the
gas will escape.

Baking soda + vinegar  gas + liquid

NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) + CH3COOH (acetic acid)  CO2 (carbon dioxide) + H2O (water)

H2CO3 (carbonic acid)  CO2 (carbon dioxide) + H2O (water)

Answers to questions:

Describe the interaction between the baking soda and vinegar. See description above.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? Chemical. What evidence do you have to support your
thinking? A new substance was formed.

Which way did the balance pointer move as the interaction took place? The balance pointer showed a lower
mass because CO2 gas was being released.

Describe what happened to the total mass quantitatively and qualitatively. The solid + liquid mass decreased;
the total mass of solid + liquid + gas stayed constant. The open system allowed the gas to escape.

38 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Does what you observed make sense with your understanding of the Law of Conservation of Matter? It


Session 12 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 5

Stations debriefing – Closed

System Conservation of Matter
 Describe the interaction between the antacid tablet and
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took place?
What evidence do you have to support your thinking?
 Which way did the balance pointer move as the
interaction took place?
 Describe what happened to the total mass
quantitatively and qualitatively.
 Consider how this reaction demonstrates the Law of
Conservation of Matter.

Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

Closed System Conservation of Matter—Chemical

Mixing baking soda and vinegar produces a chemical reaction in which a new substance is formed. This new
substance is a carbon dioxide gas. It is evident by the bubbles that are formed. Because the system is closed,
the gas will remain inside and take the shape of the container.

Answers to questions:

Describe the interaction between the antacid tablet and water. The antacid tablet dissolved in the water.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? Chemical. What evidence do you have to support your
thinking? A new substance (gas) was formed.

Which way did the balance pointer move as the interaction took place? Because the system was closed, the
balance pointer should have not moved.

Describe what happened to the total mass quantitatively and qualitatively. As in the previous station, a
reaction formed gas bubbles. In this station, because the system was closed, the gas was not allowed to
escape. The total mass on the balance should have stayed constant.

Consider how this reaction demonstrates the Law of Conservation of Matter. Answers will vary.


40 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

Stations debriefing – All Shook Up

 Describe the interaction between the materials in
the bag.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took
place? What evidence do you have to support your

Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

All Shook Up—Physical

This is an example of a physical change. The mixture was made by physically combining the substances. The
items are easily separated back to separate groups.


Images from:

Common Bean. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Rice. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

peas and paperclips from clip art

Session 12 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 7

Stations debriefing – Oobleck

journal questions
 Describe the interaction between the cornstarch and
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took
place? What evidence do you have to support your
 What happens if you poke the oobleck fast and
hard? What does it feel like? What happens if you
just place your finger on top?
 When does the oobleck act like a solid? When does
it act like a liquid?

Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:


This is an example of a physical change. The mixture was made by physically combining the substances.
Cornstarch (amylose) and water can be considered a colloidal suspension. A colloidal suspension is a two-
phase system in which the starch and water are not dissolved but simply mixed into a permanent suspension
that will not settle on standing. If you allow the water to evaporate, the dry cornstarch will remain. Other
examples of colloids are blood, fog, whipped cream, foams, Jell-O®, and styling gel.

Answers to questions:

Describe the interaction between the cornstarch and water. Answers will vary. Participants will likely point
out the the cornstarch dissolved in the water.

Do you think a physical or chemical change took place? A physical change. What evidence do you have to
support your thinking? A new substance was formed.

What happens if you poke the oobleck fast and hard? What does it feel like? The oobleck feels like a solid.
What happens if you just place your finger on top? It feels like a liquid.

When does the oobleck act like a solid? When does it act like a liquid? Oobleck is non-Newtonian fluid which
does not have a single constant value of viscosity. Oobleck reacts to stress with increased viscosity.


42 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Stations debriefing – In the Bag

 Describe the interaction between the
baking soda and vinegar.
 Do you think a physical or chemical
change took place? What evidence do
you have to support your thinking?
 What happened to the temperature
inside the bag as the interaction took

Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

In the Bag—Chemical

Mixing baking soda and vinegar produces a chemical reaction in which a new substance is formed. This new
substance is a carbon dioxide gas. It is evident by the bubbles that are formed. In addition, the gas being
produced continues to build, filling the shape of the container. The drop in temperature is also evidence of a
chemical change occurring.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Stations debriefing - Chromatography

 Describe the interaction between the marker ink
and water.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took
place? What evidence do you have to support your

Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:


Chromatography is a physical change. Physical changes are reversible. Chromotography is a method of

separation for pigments or dyes. Any of the separated colors could simply be re-mixed in water.

When the filter strip is dipped in water, some of the water sticks to the paper and gets it wet. There's a force
between the water molecules and the molecules in the paper. That's called adhesion. The water also sticks to
itself. That's called cohesion. Both of these “sticky” forces - adhesion and cohesion - cause the water to travel
up the paper, moving against gravity. When the water reaches the black ink, it dissolves some of the dyes in
the ink, and the dyes travel up the paper with the water. That's how you can see all the different colors that
make up the black ink.


Paper Towel Chromatography. (n.d.). Retrieved from ZOOM. Activities. sci:

44 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

Stations debriefing – Yeast Feats

 Describe the interaction between the yeast and
hydrogen peroxide.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took
place? What evidence do you have to support your
 What happened to the temperature as the
interaction took place?


Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

Yeast Feats—Chemical

When yeast and hydrogen peroxide combine, a chemical reaction takes place. The evidence of this reaction is
the bubbles that are formed and the change in temperature.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposes into water and oxygen gas, but normally the reaction is so slow as to
be imperceptible.

2H2O2 --> 2H2O + O2(g)

What happens when you pour hydrogen peroxide onto a cut? It bubbles. That's because there is something in
your bodily fluids that catalyzes the decomposition. A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a reaction,
without being consumed itself.

This reaction is catalyzed by the yeast. The yeast changes the mechanism, or pathway, by which the reaction
occurs. The rapid production of bubbles of oxygen gas creates foam and causes an increase in temperature.


Yeast. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

The Composition of Hydrogen Peroxide. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cool Science:

Session 12 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Stations debriefing – Citric acid +

baking soda + water
 Describe the interaction between the citric acid,
baking soda, and water.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took
place? What evidence do you have to support your
 What happened to the temperature as the
interaction took place?


Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

Citric acid + baking soda + water—Chemical

When citric acid, baking soda, and water are combined, a chemical reaction takes place. The evidence of this
reaction is the bubbles that are formed and the decrease in temperature.

Citric acid is a weak organic acid. At room temperature, citric acid is a white crystalline powder. It is a natural
preservative. Citric acid is used to add an acidic, or sour, taste to foods and soft drinks. Citric acid is also one
of several acids that is used by home brewers to modify brewing water for making beer.

The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid
that is crystalline, but often appears as a fine powder. Since it has long been known and is widely used, baking
soda has many related names such as bread soda, cooking soda, and bicarbonate of soda. Sodium bicarbonate
has a slight alkaline taste. Baking soda may be mixed with water and used as an antacid to treat acid
indigestion and heartburn.

C3H5O(COOH)3 (citric acid) + NaHCO3 (baking soda) + H2O  H3C6H5O7 (aq) + 3NaHCO3 (s; baking soda) 
3CO2 (g) + 3H2O (l) + Na3C6H5O7 (aq; sodium citrate)


Citric acid. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

46 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Sodium Bicarbonate. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 12 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 12

Stations debriefing – Milk Flubber

 Describe the interaction between the vinegar and
the milk.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took
place? What evidence do you have to support your



Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

Milk Flubber—Chemical

When vinegar is stirred into the warm whole milk, it begins to thicken. This chemical reaction forms a
precipitate. The new substance no longer resembles the original whole milk or the vinegar.

In recipes, 1 cup of cultured buttermilk, a soured milk produced by bacterial fermentation, can be substituted
with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar plus enough milk to make 1 cup. The chemically soured milk can
be used after standing for 5 minutes.


Soured milk (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

48 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

Stations debriefing – Crackers &

 Describe the interaction between the iodine and the
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took
place? What evidence do you have to support your


Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

Crackers & Iodine—Chemical

The color change is a physical change which indicates a chemical change as the iodine reacts with the starch
in the cracker.

Iodine solutions are also used in counterfeit banknote detection pens; the premise being that counterfeit
banknotes made using commercially available paper contain starch.

During colposcopy, Lugol's iodine is applied to the vagina and cervix. Normal vaginal tissue stains brown due
to its high glycogen content (a color-reaction similar to that with starch), while abnormal tissue suspicious for
cancer does not stain, and thus appears pale compared to the surrounding tissue. Biopsy of suspicious tissue
can then be performed. This is called a Schiller’s Test.


Iodine. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 12 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 14

Stations debriefing – Ice Cream

 Describe the interaction between the milk, sugar,
and vanilla.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took place?
What evidence do you have to support your thinking?
 Describe the interaction between the rock salt and ice.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took place?
What evidence do you have to support your thinking?
 Describe the interaction between the bag containing the
milk mixture and the rock salt and ice.
 Do you think a physical or chemical change took place?
What evidence do you have to support your thinking?


Time: 30 minutes for slides 4-14

Provider Notes:

Ice Cream—Physical and Chemical

Combining the milk, vanilla, and sugar causes a chemical change. If you just mixed the milk and sugar, you
could physically separate the components. Adding the vanilla, which contains alcohol, makes this a chemical
change because you cannot now physically separate the ingredients. Freezing the combined ingredients
causes a change of state—a physical change. Using the salt to lower the freezing point of the ice is a physical
change because the salt and water could be separated.

Why do we use the rock salt? Just like salt is used on icy roads in the winter, salt mixed with ice in the bags
causes the ice to melt. When salt comes into contact with ice, the freezing point of the ice is lowered. Water
will normally freeze at 32⁰F. A 10% salt solution freezes at 20⁰F, and a 20% solution freezes at 2⁰F. By
lowering the temperature at which ice is frozen, we are able to create an environment in which the milk
mixture can freeze at a temperature below 32⁰F into ice cream.
Who invented ice cream? Legend has it that the Roman emperor, Nero, enjoyed ice cream. Runners brought
snow from the mountains and it was combined with fruit to make a frozen dessert. The first U.S. patent for
the hand-cranked ice cream churn was #3254 issued to Nancy Johnson on September 9, 1843 and ice cream
surged in popularity. Many inventors patented improvements on Johnson's design.


Ice cream. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Plastic Bag Ice cream. (n.d.). Retrieved from

50 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Session 12 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Physical Changes
 Recall the paper-cutting activity from Session 9.
 Would crumpling the paper be a physical change?
 Would tearing the paper be a physical change?
 Would burning the paper be a physical change?


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

Answers to questions:

Would crumpling the paper be a physical change? yes

Would tearing the paper be a physical change? yes

Would burning the paper be a physical change? no


52 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Observing Changes
 A key part of science is making
 We witness changes all the time.
 Some of the changes that we
witness are physical and some are
 Determining which type of change
is taking place helps us understand
what is causing the change.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide and add that understanding “why” things are happening as they do is a key role of science.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Physical Changes

A physical change is a change

that does not result in a new


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

At this point you want to make sure that everyone understands what a physical change is, so that they can
compare it to the definition of a chemical change when you get to that point later on.


54 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

Examples of Physical
 Changes of State
 Shredding, Cutting, & Carving
 Dissolving & Evaporating


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

During this part of the power point you will be providing the group with some basic examples of types of
physical changes. In the next couple of slides you will be providing them with more detailed definitions and
examples of these examples of physical changes.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 19

Changes of State
 A change of state is a physical change
because it is just changing the matter from
one form to another, a new substance is not
◦ For example when ice changes to water and
water changes to water vapor, it is still water,
just in a different form.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

During this part of the presentation you will be making sure that everyone in the group understands what a
change of state is, and you will be talking about the changes of state that water goes through. You could also
talk about other changes of state during this time, such as iron melting or dry ice evaporating, to help
illustrate the point.


56 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20

Shredding, Cutting, &

 Shredding, cutting, and carving are all physical
changes because no matter how many times you
do any of them to an object it will not create a new


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

While this slide is up you will be talking about how shredding, cutting, and carving are all examples of
physical changes because they do not result in the creation of a new substance. While you are doing this you
should give examples of shredding (putting paper in a paper shredder or wood in a wood chipper), cutting
(cutting a piece of paper, cutting a ribbon, or cutting a branch off of a tree), and carving (carving a piece of
wood or carving a sculpture).


Session 12 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Dissolving & Evaporating

are physical changes!
 Dissolving may at first appear to be a
chemical change, especially to your
students, but you can use evaporation to
demonstrate that a new substance has not
been formed.
◦ For example when you mix sugar and water some students
may think that the sugar has disappeared, but if you heat
the water and make the water evaporate the sugar will be
left behind.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

Evaporating and especially dissolving are physical changes that are very often misunderstood by many
students and teachers so it is very important to make sure that the group understands that both dissolving
and evaporating are types of physical changes. Using the example of boiling away the water in a sugar water
or salt water solution and having only the sugar or salt left over at the end, is a good example of a way that
you could help the group understand that dissolving and evaporating are physical changes. You could also
recommend that the group could use that example as an activity in their classrooms to illustrate the concept
to their students.


58 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

Physical Changes
 MACROSCOPIC DEFINITION Examples of physical
The matter that you end up changes:
with is the same as what you 1. Aluminum foil cut in
started with. In essence, the
original matter can be
recovered. 2. Water evaporating
from the surface of the
The particles of the substance
are simply rearranged. 3. Clay molded into a
new shape


Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

Reiterate that aluminum foil cut in half, each half has the same properties as the whole.

Water evaporating from the surface of the ocean gets returned to the earth via rain.

Clay, although it can be formed into different shapes, still has the same properties.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Physical Changes
 Can be caused with
forces such as:





Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

Motion can cause a physical change…hammer hitting a nail. Nail gets embedded in wood, but nevertheless
you still have a nail and a piece of wood. IF you were to remove the nail, you would have exactly what you
started with.

Temperature can cause a physical change as it can cause melting or freezing. For instance…water…if it is too
cold it freezes to ice – but it is still water. Take the ice out of the freezer and it melts back to what you started

Pressure can cause a physical change as it does in a trash compacter. You put trash in the compactor, it
applies a tremendous amount of pressure, causing a physical change…as nothing new has been made…simply


60 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

Classic Examples of
Physical Changes
Water boiling out of a kettle
Water condensing on a cold glass
An aluminum pot on a burner gets hot
Gold melts or solidifies
Sand is mixed in with salt
A piece of chalk is ground to dust
Glass breaks
An iron rod gets magnetized
A lump of sugar dissolves in water
A balloon gets “charged”

Time: 15 minutes for slides 15-24

PD Provider Notes:

Read the slide and ask if there are any questions as to why any of these are classic examples. Also ask if
participants can think of any other examples to add to this list.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 25

Chemical Changes
A chemical change is a change that
results in one or more new
◦ A chemical change can also be called a
chemical reaction.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

At this point in the presentation you want to make sure that everyone understands what a chemical change is,
so that they can compare it to the definition of a physical change that you addressed earlier in the
presentation. Also you want to make sure that they know that a chemical change can also be called a chemical


62 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 26

Examples of Chemical
 Hydrogen and oxygen combining to
form water (H2O)
 Iron rusting
 Wood burning
 Eggs rotting


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

During this part of the presentation you will be providing the group with a couple of fairly simple examples of
chemical changes to simply help get the idea across of what a chemical change is.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 63

Provider Guide

Slide 27

Clues that a chemical

change has occurred
 A change in color
◦ Example: silver reacts with sulfur to form tarnish
 Smell
◦ Example: eggs rotting
 A new physical property
◦ Example: iron rusting, it changes from being
hard and silvery to brittle and reddish brown


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

During this slide and the one that follows you will be discussing some of the common clues that present
themselves when a chemical change has occurred. On this slide you will be mentioning a change in color
(such as tarnish from silver interacting with sulfur or when something burns), smell (such as the smell of
rotting eggs or the smell of something burning), and a new physical property (such as when iron rusts or
when wood burns). As you can see wood burning is very easy to use as an example when discussing clues that
a chemical change has occurred.


64 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 28

Clues that a chemical

change has occurred
 New substance formed
◦ Example: when wood burns smoke is given off
 Heat given off
◦ Example: when the chemicals in a heat pack or hand
warmer react with each other they release heat, or when
wood burns the fire gives off heat


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

Just as with the last slide you will be discussing some clues that are present when a chemical change has
occurred. While you are discussing this slide you will talk to the group about a new substance being given off
(such as smoke being given off when wood burns) and heat being given off (such as when the chemicals in a
heat pack interact with one another to release heat or when something burns and heat is given off).


Session 12 Presentation Guide 65

Provider Guide

Slide 29

Clues that a chemical change

has occurred continued
 You need to remember that none of these
clues that a chemical reaction has taken
place are true one hundred percent of the
◦ For instance when water freezes, it becomes a solid (a
new physical property), but as we all know freezing is a
physical change not a chemical change.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

During this part of the presentation you will be addressing the fact that the clues that a chemical change has
occurred are just that clues and not rules that are correct 100% of the time, there are exceptions to the clues
such as when water freezes.


66 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 30

Chemical Changes
 A chemical change
occurs if you end up
with a different
substance than what
you started with.

 It is NOT reversible.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 67

Provider Guide

Slide 31

Physical changes are all about

states of matter


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

Changing the state of something is a physical change.


68 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 32

Chemical Changes
 If a chemical change
occurs, reactants
disappear as a new
product appears.

 The new product

has a new set of


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

For example when you burn a piece of wood – you end up with ash. A product that has a whole new set of
properties, therefore indicating that a chemical change has taken place.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 69

Provider Guide

Slide 33

Classic Examples of
Chemical Changes
Cake mix becomes cake
Paper becomes ash
Steel becomes rust
Explosion of fireworks
Leaves changing colors
Half eaten apple turned brown
Antacid in water
Raw egg to cooked egg


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide and ask if there are any questions as to why these are classic examples of chemical changes. Also
ask if anyone can think of other examples to add to this list.


70 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 34

Did a chemical change just occur?

 Look for changes in:
color change
gas production


Time: 15 minutes for slides 25-34

PD Provider Notes:

Note that these are signs that a chemical change “PROBABLY” took place.


Session 12 Presentation Guide 71

Provider Guide

Slide 35

Chemical Properties
 A chemical property is any of a material’s properties
that becomes evident during a chemical reaction.
 Chemical properties cannot be determined by just
viewing or touching the substance; the substance’s
internal structure must be affected for its chemical
properties to be investigated.


Time: 5 minutes for slides 35-36

PD Provider Notes:

“A chemical property is any of a material's properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction; that
is, any quality that can be established only by changing a substance's chemical identity. Simply speaking,
chemical properties cannot be determined just by viewing or touching the substance; the substance's internal
structure must be affected for its chemical properties to be investigated.

Chemical properties can be contrasted with physical properties, which can be discerned without changing the
substance's structure. However, for many properties within the scope of physical chemistry, and other
disciplines at the border of chemistry and physics, the distinction may be a matter of researcher's
perspective. Material properties, both physical and chemical, can be viewed as supervenient; i.e., secondary to
the underlying reality. Several layers of superveniency are possible.

Chemical properties can be used for building chemical classifications.”


Chemical property. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

72 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 36

Examples of Chemical Properties

 Reactivity against other chemical substances
 Heat of combustion
 Enthalpy of formation
 Toxicity
 Chemical stability in a given environment
 Flammability
 Preferred oxidation state(s)
 Coordination number
 Capability to undergo a certain set of transformations e.g.
molecular dissociation, chemical combination, redox reactions
under certain physical conditions in the presence of another
chemical substance
 Preferred types of bonds to form, e.g. metallic, ionic, covalent


Time: 5 minutes for slides 35-36

Provider Notes:


Session 12 Presentation Guide 73

Provider Guide

Slide 37

 Make a T-chart for physical versus chemical changes
 Conclude your T-chart with a one-sentence


Time: 15 minutes

Provider Notes:

For optional review of content either before or after participants make T-charts and write one-sentence

Image is a hyperlink to video clip from IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry), a high school science course,
from a grant awarded to the University of Houston- College of Education available at

This clip shows physical and chemical changes used in producing special effects for movies. It lasts about 3


74 Presentation Guide Session 12

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 38

Exit Ticket

 What are some things that you learned

during this session?
 Is there anything that is unclear?


Time: 10 minutes

Provider Notes:


Session 12 Presentation Guide 75


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Review of day 6 content 2 10

Brief review of chemical properties 3 5

Hindenburg demonstration 4-9 20

Representing Molecules Activity: Chemical reactions and chemical 10-17 60


Break 18

Indicators of chemical reactions brainstorm 19 10

Types of chemical bonds 20-30 20

Polar covalent activity 31-32 15

Game: Identifying chemical and physical reactions 33-36 40

Total instructional time: 180

Session 13 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Hindenburg Demo


This is an optional demonstration. You may wish to do this demonstration outside. You will be
collecting the hydrogen gas from the Zinc + HCl reaction in a balloon and igniting it. The instructor
should assemble materials (must buy Muriatic Pool Acid.) For some reason HCl from a scientific
supply company will not work, but Muratic-Pool acid works every time-KEEP RECEIPTS.

You need a 100 mL graduated cylinder, 5-7 Zn pieces, a balloon that will fit on the graduated cylinder,
2 meter sticks, tape, a book of matches (not a lighter) and Muriatic Pool acid (I know that Muriatic is
HCl, but for some reason the HCl I order never works…feel free to figure this one out on your own).

Place about 25 mL of muriatic acid in the cylinder. Place 5-7 Zn pieces in the balloon. CAREFULLY
stretch the balloon over the top of the cylinder to avoid dropping the Zn into the acid too soon. When
the balloon is secured, shake the Zn out of the balloon and into the acid.

The balloon will start to expand as the H2 is generated. When it is about 15-20cm diameter (or it
stops enlarging), twist the balloon while still on the cylinder to prevent the H2 from escaping. Pull off
the balloon and tie it off.

Tape the balloon to the end of a meter stick. Also, tape 2-3 matches to the end of another meter stick.
Turn the lights off. Light the matches taped to the meter stick. Holding both out as far as possible put
the burning matches under the balloon.

It will explode in a burst of flames, leaving the torn but unburned balloon behind (there may be some
burn marks where the matches burned through the rubber) Repeat if time permits.

Optional extension: repeat the experiment with a balloon inflated by one of the participants with
their breath.



2 meter sticks
1 pack of matches (you need matches-not a lighter)
1 balloon (2 if they want you to do it again)
100 mL graduated cylinder

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Zinc pieces (about 5-7 per attempt)

Muriatic Pool Acid (25 mL)
(for some reason HCl from a scientific supply company will not work, but Muratic-Pool acid works
every time. I know that Muriatic is HCl, but for some reason the HCl I order never works…feel free to
figure this one out on your own)



Session 13 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

Hindenburg Demo
This picture illustrates how to collect the hydrogen gas.

Add the zinc pieces to the muriatic acid in the graduated cylinder. Immediately afterwards, stretch the mouth
of the balloon over the top of the graduated cylinder. After the balloon has reached 15-20cm diameter (or it
stops enlarging), twist the balloon while still on the cylinder to prevent the H2 from escaping. Pull off the
balloon and tie it off.

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Mini-Hindenburg Explosion Demonstration Picture

Tape several matches to the end of one meter stick. Tape the balloon to the other meter stick. Have someone
light the taped matches and turn out the light. Hold the burning matches under the balloon until it blows up.
It will make a loud boom, but the rubber will not be burned. This corroborates some of the theories about
what happened to the Hindenburg.

Session 13 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide


Representing Molecules Activity: Chemical reactions and chemical change –Zinc & HCl


Participants will be using the poker trays to model the reaction

Zn + HCl  ZnCl2 + H2

For suggested answers see Cookie Sheet Key - also see notes in PowerPoint

Participants will use the poker chips to model and burn Methane




The following are the parts for 1 “Cookie Tray Kit”

One 8” x 13” Non-Stick Metal Cookie tray(also known as a Jelly Roll Pan)
at least 75cm of 1cm wide adhesive magnetic strip(to be cut)
6 red, 21 white, 21 blue poker chips and 21 clear bingo chips



6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Answer Key:

Chemical Reaction –Zinc & HCl

Zinc and HCl Zinc and HCl Products

Session 13 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide


Representing Molecules Activity: Chemical reactions and chemical change - Burning Methane


Participants will be using the poker trays.

For suggested answers see Cookie Sheet Key - also see notes in PowerPoint

Participants will use the poker chips to model and burn methane (CH4). Optional extension:
participants can model the reaction for burning propane (C 3H8).




The following are the parts for 1 “Cookie Tray Kit”

One 8” x 13” Non-Stick Metal Cookie tray(also known as a Jelly Roll Pan)
at least 75cm of 1cm wide adhesive magnetic strip(to be cut)
6 red, 21 white, 21 blue poker chips and 21 clear bingo chips



8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Answer Key:

Chemical Reaction-Burning Methane

Reactants for Burning Methane Products of Burning Methane

Propane Molecule Propane Products

Session 13 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide


Polar Covalent Demo


See illustration in Handouts section.

Cut the bottom off a 2L bottle. See set up in handouts section. Straighten a paperclip and heat the end
with a match. When hot, use the paper clip to melt a small hole through bottle cap. Fill with water.
You may need to weigh down the ring stand when full of water to prevent from tipping.

You will need to rub the balloon on someone’s hair. Long straight hair works best!

Hold the balloon near the stream of water as it squirts out of the small opening.

Optional: Adding food coloring to the water may make it easier to see the stream of water. You can
also place a sheet of white paper behind the stream of water.




Ring stand
2 Liter bottle cut in ½ with cap
Paper clip (straightened)
Match or other heat source
Food coloring
White paper
Volunteer with long straight hair



10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute


Game: Identifying Chemical and Physical Reactions


In the activity the students will be working in pairs or teams of 4 to decide if the reaction that is being
described is a physical or chemical reaction, and they will be doing this to practice what they have
learned about physical and chemical reactions. After allowing the teams a few minutes to work on
the list of changes, have them write “chemical” and “physical” in large letters on a sheet of paper. The
instructor will then read the reactions one at a time. Teams will hold up their card for whether they
think it is a chemical or physical change, without looking at the answers of other teams. The
instructor will keep score and identify which team got the most answers correct. Go over the answers
(see later slide). If desired, the instructors can award small prizes.

The PD provider should read through the questions and instructions prior to the day of instruction,
in order to familiarize themselves with the material.

The PD provider should also go through the material themselves to try to answer the questions; this
will help them recognize the problems that their students might run into. See answer key on next


Identifying Chemical and Physical Reactions





Session 13 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide


1. chemical
2. chemical
3. chemical
4. chemical
5. chemical
6. physical
7. physical
8. physical
9. chemical
10. physical
11. physical
12. chemical
13. chemical
14. physical
15. chemical
16. physical
17. chemical
18. physical
19. physical
20. chemical

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute


Polar Covalent Molecule Demo

Identifying Physical and Chemical Reactions

Session 13 Handouts 13
Provider Guide

14 Handouts Session 13
Matter & Energy Institute

Polar Covalent Demo

Use a straightened paperclip and heat it up to melt a small hole through the cap of the 2L bottle. Fill the bottle
up with water. Rub a balloon on a person’s hair to “steal electrons.” The balloon will be charged. Hold it near
the water. The stream of water will bend towards the balloon. This may not work as well on “muggy” days.
You may use food coloring. Coloring the water may make it easier to see the bend. You can also place a sheet
of white paper behind the stream of water to make it easier to see.

Session 13 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

Identifying Chemical and Physical Reactions

1) While cleaning her grandmother’s house, Mary finds a tarnished silver spoon. She knows that silver reacts
with sulfur in the air to make silver sulfide, the black material we call tarnish. The formation of the tarnish is
due to a



2) While walking on the beach, Joe finds a piece of iron with beautiful barnacles on them. After carefully
examining it, he notices that the parts of the iron bar that were not covered by barnacles are covered with a
beautiful bright orange material that he determines is rust. He knows that iron reacts with oxygen in the air
to make rust. The rust is the result of a:



3) David is in his chemistry lab doing an experiment with burning methane. He observes that when methane
combines with the oxygen in the air, the result is carbon dioxide and water vapor. This is an indication of
what kind of change?



4) Tony, an Oklahoma fan, has issues with heartburn. While watching the Gators play Oklahoma for the
National Championship, he indulged in consuming incredible amounts of “nuclear” hot wings and chased it
down with cheap beer. At the end of the game, Tony started experiencing some serious heartburn. Not sure if
it was due to the Oklahoma loss or perhaps the fine cuisine he just ingested, he takes an antacid. It is known
that antacids (calcium hydroxide) neutralize stomach acid (hydrochloric acid). As a result his heartburn
starts to subside. Taking the antacid caused what kind of change in his esophagus:



5) Bill wants to make his own beer and champagne. He does a little research and learns that glucose (simple
sugar) ferments to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. The sugar in grapes or from grain ferments with yeast to
make the alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is the gas that bubbles out of beer or champagne.
The carbon dioxide is a result of a:



16 Handouts Session 13
Matter & Energy Institute

6) Jon-Paul, a two year old toddler is outside playing with some chalk. Being curious and observant, he starts
rubbing the chalk against the concrete in a forward and backward motion. As he does this, he sees that the
chalk is getting smaller and a pile of chalk dust is increasingly getting larger. He continues to do this until
there is almost no chalk left. The formation of chalk dust is an example of a:



7) Kelly’s great grandma gave her two gold wedding rings: one that belonged to her mother and one that
belonged to her father. She wanted to somehow unite the two rings. Therefore, she took the two rings to a
jeweler. She had him melt down the gold. While it was liquid, they poured it into a heart form. When it
cooled and solidified, the two rings had been forever joined into a beautiful heart pendant. The formation of
this pendant is an example of a:



8) Christina bought an expensive pair of jeans. Her mom, trying to do her daughter a favor, washed the jeans
and then proceeded to put them in the dryer. When Christina put them on, they fit more like a pair of capris
than a pair of jeans. The formation of the capris is an example of:



9) Bob is going to put on a fireworks show for his family. He ignites this tube that is approximately 10 inches
long and about 2 inches wide. Within a few seconds of doing so, bursts of sparkles start erupting and put on a
beautiful display of color. These bursts of sparkles indicate that what kind of change has taken place:



10) Alfredo decides he wants to make some pasta for dinner. He takes some water and brings it to a boil.
Upon it boiling, he adds the pasta and covers the pot. A few minutes later, he lifts the lid to check if the pasta
is cooked. When he lifts the lid, he notices that a blast of steam arises and that the quantity of water has gone
down. The steam is a result of what kind of change?



Session 13 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

11) Linda buys a box of freeze pops at the store. When she first puts them in her freezer, they are in liquid
form, and the colors appear to be quite deep. A few hours later, they are in solid form, and the colors look
somewhat faded compared to what they did originally. These freeze pops have undergone what kind of



12) Rod decided to go fishing. He baits up his hook with a nice juicy worm. Almost instantaneously, as soon
as the bait hits the water, he gets an incredibly good hit. He fights the fish, and after about 15 minutes of
fighting the fish, he finally brings it in. He keeps it in his live well with the hopes that he might catch a bigger
fish. After not getting any more bites for a while, he decides to call it quits. He cleans his prize winning fish
and notices that the worm is no longer in the fish’s stomach. He assumes it was digested. Digestion is an
example of:



13) Debbie is going to bake a cake. She mixes all the necessary ingredients and puts the cake batter in the
oven. Approximately 30 minutes later, she smells the cake and decides to check it. The cake is done.
Formation of the cake is an example of a:



14) In order to conserve space, most junkyards crush cars into a solid cube so that they are just a fraction of
their original size. This cube is an example of a:



15) Bleu cheese is formed by the growth of a particular form of mold. This mold forming on cheese is an
example of a:



16) In an attempt to make the perfect spitball, Bobby takes a piece of paper, cuts it into strips and then tiny
pieces. He soaks the paper in a bowl for a while until it becomes a bowl of mush. He then takes the mush
(extremely saturated paper) and forms multiple little balls just small enough to clear the edges of the straw.
He squeezes the water out and is left with the perfect spitball. The formation of this spitball is a result of a:



18 Handouts Session 13
Matter & Energy Institute

17) Puberty is triggered by the production and presence of particular hormones. When a young person
enters puberty, very often it triggers several physical changes. The onset of puberty is a result of a:



18) A leak in the ceiling created quite a mess. In order to minimize damage, Tom soaks up the water with a
towel. Before putting it on the floor, the towel weighed about 10 ounces. After soaking up the water the
towel weighed 64 ounces. The wet towel underwent a:



19) In an attempt to determine which cereal contained more iron, Robert took two cereals and crushed them
in individual bowls. He then passed a magnet over them, causing the iron to be pulled out of the cereal.
Separating the iron from the cereal was an example of a:



20) Suzie is in her chemistry lab class. The instructor gives her two test tubes with unknown substances in
them. She is instructed to pour test tube A into test tube B. As she does so, she does not notice a color change,
however she does notice that the test tube is gradually starting to warm up. Within a few seconds, some
bubbles start to form. After the reaction is finished, there is this white film on the edge of the test tube, and
the remaining liquid is still clear. This experiment underwent a:



Session 13 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

20 Handouts Session 13
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 13

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 13 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Review from yesterday

 Any questions about material from previous
◦ Pure Substances
◦ Mixtures
◦ Solutions, Suspensions, and Colloids
◦ Physical & Chemical Changes
◦ Physical & Chemical Properties

Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:


22 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Chemical properties, revisited

 A chemical property is any of a material’s properties
that becomes evident during a chemical reaction.
 Chemical properties cannot be determined by just
viewing or touching the substance; the substance’s
internal structure must be affected for its chemical
properties to be investigated.

Time: 5 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

“A chemical property is any of a material's properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction; that
is, any quality that can be established only by changing a substance's chemical identity. Simply speaking,
chemical properties cannot be determined just by viewing or touching the substance; the substance's internal
structure must be affected for its chemical properties to be investigated.

Chemical properties can be contrasted with physical properties, which can be discerned without changing the
substance's structure. However, for many properties within the scope of physical chemistry, and other
disciplines at the border of chemistry and physics, the distinction may be a matter of researcher's
perspective. Material properties, both physical and chemical, can be viewed as supervenient; i.e., secondary to
the underlying reality. Several layers of superveniency are possible.

Chemical properties can be used for building chemical classifications.”


Source of quotation:

Chemical property. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 13 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Chemical reaction demonstration

 What happens when you mix zinc (a metal) and
hydrogen chloride (an acid)?
 Hydrogen gas (H2) is formed!

Time: 20 minutes for slides 4-9

PD Provider Notes:

This session begins with a chemical reaction demonstration. Zinc plus hydrogen chloride reacts to make
hydrogen gas and zinc chloride salt. If you wish to start the session with a bang, you can capture the hydrogen
gas in a balloon and model the Hindenburg explosion by igniting the gas (see Resource Guide and notes
below). Alternatively, you can have participants react the zinc and hydrogen chloride in a test tube. Have
them note the gas bubbles.

We will write out the chemical reaction in a future slide. In the picture on the right, hydrogen gas is shown as

Hindenburg demo:

This is an optional demo. See Resources Guide & Handout Appendix for set up and pictures.

You need a 100 mL graduated Cylinder, 5-7 Zn pieces, a balloon that will fit on the graduated cylinder, 2
meter sticks, tape, a book of matches (not a lighter), and muriatic pool acid. (I know that muriatic is HCl, but
for some reason the HCl I order never works…feel free to figure this one out on your own).

Place about 25 mL of muriatic acid in the cylinder. Place 5-7 Zn pieces in the balloon. CAREFULLY stretch the
balloon over the top of the cylinder to avoid dropping the Zn into the acid too soon. When the balloon is
secured, shake the Zn out of the balloon and into the acid.

The balloon will start to expand as the H2 is generated. When it is about 15-20 cm diameter (or it stops
enlarging), twist the balloon while still on the cylinder to prevent the H 2 from escaping. Pull off the balloon
and tie it off.

24 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Tape the balloon to the end of a meter stick. Also, tape 2-3 matches to the end of another meter stick.

Turn the lights off.

Light the matches taped to the meter stick.

Holding both out as far as possible, put the burning matches under the balloon.

It will explode in a burst of flames leaving the torn but UNBURNED balloon behind (there may be some burn
marks where the matches burned through the rubber).

Repeat if time permits.


Photo credit (left): Photograph “Zinc-sample.jpg” by Ben Mills. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

Photo credit (right): Photograph “Get busy wit fizzy!” by Aislinn Ritchie. Retrieved December 11, 2009 This image available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

File:Zinc-sample.jpg. (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Aislinn Ritchie. (2007). “Get busy wit fizzy!”. Retrieved from

Session 13 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 5

What happens when the H2 gas is ignited?

Time: 20 minutes for slides 4-9

PD Provider Notes:


Photo credit (left): Photograph “DSC_0178” by Nikita Guvanov. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Photo credit (center left): Photograph “DSC_0164” by Nikita Guvanov. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Photo credit (center right): Photograph “DSC_0225” by Nikita Guvanov. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Photo credit (right): Photograph “DSC_0178” by Nikita Guvanov. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

nikitagubanov. (2008). DSC_0178. Retrieved from

26 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

nikitagubanov. (2008). DSC_0164. Retrieved from

nikitagubanov. (2008). DSC_0225. Retrieved from

Session 13 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 6

The Hindenburg
 The largest flying machine ever built
 A passenger craft, flew during the 1930s
 Was destroyed by fire May 6, 1937

Time: 20 minutes for slides 4-9

PD Provider Notes:

“At the time it was build, the LZ 129 Hindenburg (Deutsches Luftschiff Zeppelin #129; Registration: D-LZ
129) was a large German commercial passenger-carrying rigid airship, the lead ship of the Hindenburg class,
the largest flying machines of any kind (by dimension) ever built. The airship flew from March 1936 until
destroyed by fire 14 months later on May 6, 1937, at the end of the first North American transatlantic journey
of its second season of service. Thirty-six people died in the accident, which occurred while landing at
Lakehurst Naval Air Station in Manchester Township, New Jersey.”

Why was hydrogen used as the lifting gas?

“Helium was initially selected for the lifting gas because it was the safest to use in airships, as it is not
flammable. At the time it was extremely expensive, and was available from natural gas reserves in the United
States. Hydrogen, by comparison, could be cheaply produced by any industrialized nation and had slightly
more lift. The American rigid airships using helium were forced to conserve the gas at all costs and this
hampered their operation. While a hydrogen-filled ship could routinely valve gas as necessary, a helium-filled
ship had to resort to dynamic force if it was too light to descend, a measure which took a toll on its structure.
Despite a ban the U.S. had imposed on helium exports, the Germans nonetheless designed the ship to use the
gas in the belief that the ban would be lifted; however, the designers learned as they were working to
complete the project that the ban was to remain in place, forcing them to re-engineer the Hindenburg to use
hydrogen for lift. Although the danger of using flammable hydrogen was obvious, there were no alternative
gases that could be produced in sufficient quantities that would provide sufficient lift. One beneficial side
effect of employing hydrogen was that more passenger cabins could be added. The Germans' long history of
flying hydrogen-filled passenger airships without a single injury or fatality engendered a widely-held belief
that they had mastered the safe use of hydrogen. While the decision to fly with hydrogen may appear

28 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

incredibly dangerous today, it can be seen as quite reasonable at the time. The Hindenburg's first season
performance appeared to demonstrate this.”


Quotes above taken from:

Photo credit (left): Photograph “Hindenburg at lakehurst.jpg”. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

Photo credit (right): Photograph “Hindenburg burning.jpg”. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

LZ 129 Hindenburg. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Hindenburg at Lakehurst.jpg. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Hindenburg burning.jpg. (2006). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 13 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 7

The Hindenburg
There is much discussion as to why the
Hindenburg burned the way it did in 1937. H2 gas
burns without damaging its container. Data
indicates the Mg based paint made the outer hull
flammable causing it to burn completely in 32-37
Click here for a short Clip

What is the simplest form of the Zn + HCl

reaction where all atoms participate in the

Time: 20 minutes for slides 4-9

PD Provider Notes:


Video from YouTube

funkyvice. (2006, April 18). Hindenburg disaster [Video file]. Retrieved from

30 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

The Hindenburg reaction

This is how a chemist would represent the

 Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2

In words, this could be stated that zinc

plus hydrogen chloride reacts to yield
zinc chloride and hydrogen gas

Time: 20 minutes for slides 4-9

PD Provider Notes:


Session 13 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Hindenburg Wrap Up
What indicators were there that a new
substance might have formed in either

What is the only way to know whether a

chemical reaction took place?

Time: 20 minutes for slides 4-9

PD Provider Notes:

We will cover indicators later in this session; the question is asked here to get participants thinking about this

Also ask participants to define what a chemical reaction is.


32 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

Chemical Reactions
Write your own definition

…a change at the
molecular level where a
new substance is

Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:

Solicit responses. Discuss what the different definitions have in common before agreeing and showing the
final answer in the fly in. You could also define a chemical reaction as “a process that leads to the
transformation of one set of chemical substances to another.”


Definition of chemical reaction from: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. "chemical reaction".
Compendium of Chemical Terminology Internet edition.

Session 13 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Chemical Reactions
•Balancing chemical equations
•Conservation of matter (zinc)
Use the blue poker chips to represent six
zinc atoms (Zn) and white poker chips
and blue bingo markers to represent six
hydrochloric acid (HCl) molecules.


Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:

We will be using poker chips to model chemical reactions. The cookie trays provide a magnetic surface to
attach the poker chips to. Tell participants to represent 6 zinc atoms on their poker chip trays (blue poker
chips) – and six HCl molecules (1 white poker chip and 1 blue bingo marker).


34 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

Chemical Reactions
•Balancing chemical equations
•Conservation of matter (zinc)
•Now, run the reaction
•Represent the products:
•ZnCl2 and H2
•You may not add or take
anything away from your tray
during the reaction

Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:

Emphasize that all atoms present on the reactants side of the equation must be present on the products side
as well. No atoms can be removed.


Session 13 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 13

Chemists’ Representation
 Represent zinc and acid reaction based on
your poker chip tray

 6Zn + 6HCl 3ZnCl2 + 3H2 + 3Zn

 Did every atom participate in this reaction?
 How can we fix this to only show atoms that
participate in the reaction?
 3Zn + 6HCl 3ZnCl2 + 3H2


Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:

Emphasize that the conservation of matter holds here – no atoms can be gained or removed during the
reaction. There must be equal numbers of each kind of atom on the reactants and products sides of the

Draw participants’ attention to the periodic table, and show how the location of an atom in the periodic table
can give clues to indicate how the atom will behave in a chemical reaction.


36 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Chemical Reactions
•Balancing chemical equations
•Conservation of matter (methane)
Use the poker chips to
represent three methane
molecules (CH4) and six
oxygen molecules (O2)

Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:.

Now we are moving to another reaction, the combustion of methane. Combustion means that something is
burned (oxidized). The products of combustion reactions are water and carbon dioxide.

Tell participants to represent 3 methane molecules on their poker chip trays (1 red poker chip & 4 blue bingo
markers) – burn them with oxygen – 6 oxygens (single white poker chips). Represent the chemical reaction.
How many water molecules and carbon dioxide molecules can you make?


Session 13 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Chemical Reactions
•Balancing chemical equations
•Conservation of matter (methane)
•Now, run the reaction
•Represent the products with
your poker chips
•You may not add or take
anything away from your tray
during the reaction

Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:.

Tell participants to represent 3 Methane molecules on their poker chip trays (1 red poker chip & 4 blue bingo
markers) – burn them with Oxygen – 6 oxygens (single white poker chips) / Represent the chemical reaction.
How many water molecules and carbon dioxide molecules can you make?


38 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Chemists’ Representation
 Represent the burning methane reaction
based on your poker chip tray

 3CH4 + 6O2 3CO2 + 6H2O

 Would this have worked with fewer


 CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O


Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:

Explain what burning is. Include phase letters in equations if desired. Emphasize that some atoms are
changing phase during the reaction.

Point out that we divided all of the numbers in front of the atoms in the top reaction by 3 to get the bottom

Optional extension: participants can model the reaction for burning propane (C 3H8). See resources guide for
answer key.


Session 13 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Chemical changes revisited

 We talked about chemical changes
yesterday afternoon. What is a chemical
 What are clues that a chemical reaction
has occurred?
 What are examples of chemical changes?
 What change was seen in the Hindenburg


Time: 60 minutes for slides 10-17

PD Provider Notes:

Ask participants to answer the questions.

Answer1: A chemical change is a reaction that results in one or more new substances being formed. Chemical
changes are NOT reversible.

Answer2: Clues include: change in color, smell, a new physical property, new substance formed, or heat given
off. This will be discussed further after the break.

Answer3: Examples of chemical changes include: eggs rotting, iron rusting, and wood burning. Also see the
list on session 12, slide 33.

Answer4: A chemical change happened – hydrogen gas was formed and combusted.


40 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18



Time: 15 minutes

Session 13 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 19

Reaction Indicators
What are some indicators that a
chemical reaction has taken place?

As a class, brainstorm a list.


Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Lead a whole-class brainstorm about reaction indicators, writing the answers on a whiteboard or chart paper.
Have participants copy the list into their journals. The list below was put into the notes section instead of the
slide to encourage participants to think.

The list may include:

1) Change in temperature, boiling point, or freezing point

2) Formation of precipitate (solid)
3) Formation of gas (bubbles)
4) Change in color
5) Formation of odor
6) Formation of heat or light

Also, the fact that the products are not easily returned to the reactants is generally a sign that a chemical
reaction has occurred.


42 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20

Let’s Bond…
•Within your group discuss and write
down everything you know about
chemical bonding. Record the ideas you
and your partners share in your journal
under the heading:
Bonding Brainstorm


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

Instructor will ask for participants to share with the entire group something they learned from one of their


Session 13 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Bonding Broken Down

•In the simplest definition, why does
chemical bonding happen?
•Chemicals bond because opposite
charges attract


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

Solicit answers from participants.

Guide them towards the answer:

Chemicals bond because opposite charges attract


44 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

Simple Attraction

- is attracted to +
+ repels +
- repels -

Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

Instructor reviews how chemists denote like and unlike charges:

•+ means positive
•- means negative

Session 13 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Opposites Attract
•Coulomb’s Law
k  q1  q2
•q1= charge of particle 1
•q2 = charge of particle 2
•d = distance between particles

 •F = force between the two charges

•k = Coulomb’s constant =8.988 x 109(N•m2/C2)


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

Instructor goes over Coulomb’s law of opposite charge attraction and how the strength of charge and distance
are the factors influencing bonding.

Relate it to a magnet. If the distance is too great they will not attract, but a stronger magnet (charge) can
create an attraction or repulsion from a greater distance.


46 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

Basic Bond Types

Bond type Happens between Description
Ionic Metal & non-metal Oppositely charged ions
Covalent Non-metals Atoms share electrons
Metallic Metals Pooled

There are general characteristics of each type of bonding:

Ionic: High melting points, most dissolve in water, conduct electricity
when dissolved in water, brittle
Covalent: Low melting points, most do not dissolve in water, do not
conduct electricity when dissolved in water
Metallic: Soft, conduct heat and electricity, do not dissolve in water
Bonding mainly involves electrons!


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

Instructor should share this slide and explain that the following slides will go more in depth for each bonding
type listed.

Make sure to stress that it is the interaction of the electrons of different atoms that result in bonding, and that
is the ELECTRONEGATIVITY of the nucleus that determines the way the electrons will behave!
Electronegativity is a chemical property that describes the ability of an atom to attract electrons towards


Session 13 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 25

Covalent Bonds
•In a covalent bond, electrons are shared
between two atoms. The electrons are in
a molecular orbital that encompasses
both atoms.


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

When discussing this slide, indicate that in a covalent bond the electrons are attracted to all nuclei of nearby
atoms. This is just an explanation slide (definitions). The next slide contains an animation with a journal
exercise to check for understanding.


48 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 26

Covalent Bond Animation

•Electron Motion in a Covalent Bond (Model)

•In your journal, describe the way the electrons

move in this animation


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor may need to show the animation more than once.

Participants should see that electrons are not stuck on 1 atom but move around from atom to atom.

Solicit answers from participants.

They should also conclude that the electrons seem to be pulled toward each nuclei with equal attraction.


Excellent animation of electrons being shared between 2 nuclei

IslandSchoolHongKong. (2007, June 20). covalent bond animation [Video file]. Retrieved from

Session 13 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 27

Ionic Bonds
•Electrons are transferred from one atom
to another
•Results in the formation of ions
(charged particles)
• + and - charges arrange in space to
maximize attraction and minimize


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor needs to stress that in an ionic bond, electrons are transferred from one atom to another to
create a charged particle called an ion. This is different than a covalent bond. The bonds are distinguished by
the difference between how the electrons interact. (If participants ask about polar molecules and hydrogen
bonding, this will be addressed a little bit later.)


50 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 28

Metallic Bonds
•“Free” electrons are shared among a
lattice of positively-charged atoms.
How is this different than the
behavior electrons in covalent and
ionic bonds?


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

Electrons are able to flow around the positive nuclei. This is why metals are good conductors. When you
push a new electron and the electrons repel each other, (remembering Newton’s 1 st law: an object will
accelerate in the direction of the force applied) the electrons will repel each other away from the originally
pushed electron. This doesn’t work with ionic nor covalent because the electrons aren’t “pooled.” Instead,
the attraction of the e-’s to the surrounding nuclei does not allow them to flow as easily.


Session 13 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 29

Polar Covalent Molecules &

Hydrogen Bonding
•The nucleus of one atom has a bigger
attraction for electrons than the other
•but electrons are still shared


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

Make sure to stress that the bonding between atom’s of the molecule is still covalent, but due to the atom’s
electronegativity and the resulting shape, one side is more negative than another. This results in a polar
molecule. Water is an example.

The next activity will give you some observations that will lend credibility to the charged polarity of water. If
you have time, you can discuss hydrogen bonding, which is usually found between polar molecules (like

Hydrogen bonds

Polar molecules can be attracted to each other, much as oppositely charged ions are. The attraction will,
however, be much weaker since polarity results in only a partial charge. The weak attraction between the
slightly positive hydrogen region of one polar covalent bond (usually the hydrogen is bonded to oxygen or
nitrogen) and the negative region of another polar covalently bonded molecule is called a hydrogen bond.
Water molecules have such polarity. The diagram shows how water molecules are linked together by
hydrogen bonds. You can think of water molecules as tiny magnets with opposite poles, much like the poles of
a magnet. Opposite poles attract each other. Water molecules are stuck to each other by this attracting force.

Hydrogen bonds are weaker than ionic bonds and much weaker than covalent bonds. Nevertheless, they are
essential in biological systems. Many weak bonds working together can result in a very strong connection.
The situation is similar to a strip of Velcro where many tiny and weak links form a remarkably stable
attachment. Many of the characteristics of proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are due to hydrogen
bonding, as are very important properties of water.

52 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute


Session 13 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 30

bonds in


Time: 20 minutes for slides 20-30

PD Provider Notes:

This image shows water molecules. The oxygen atom is red, and the hydrogen atoms are white. The oxygen
atom is the “net negative end” of the water molecule, while the hydrogen atoms are the “net positive end.”
The negative and positive ends are attracted to each other. This interaction is called a hydrogen bond.


Image credit: “3D model hydrogen bonds in water.jpg” Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a
GNU Free Documentation License.

File:3D model hydrogen bonds in water.jpg (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

54 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 31

Polar Covalent
•Ring stand
•2 liter bottle cut in ½ with
•Someone with long straight


Time: 15 minutes for slides 31-32

PD Provider Notes:

This demonstration is explained in the Resource Guide. It can be done by participants working in groups of 4.
There is a handout in the participants’ binders.

Also stress the water will only behave in this manner when the charge is strong enough and close enough.
Putting food coloring in the water and holding a sheet of white chart paper behind the stream will help
visualize the results.


Session 13 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 32

Polar Covalent Wrap Up

•In your journal, make a diagram showing the
water flow before and after the balloon was
placed near it. Then describe how the
behavior of the water stream supports the


Time: 15 minutes for slides 31-32

PD Provider Notes:

Give participants a few minutes and then ask for participants to share.

The first diagram should show water going straight down, and then the 2nd diagram should show the water
stream bending toward the balloon.

Participants should be able to describe that the charge on the balloon was strong enough to pull the stream
toward it because one area of a water molecule has a stronger positive charge than another region. The
balloon has a negative charge from the electrons it “stole” while being rubbed on the volunteer’s hair.

Also mention that it is the ACTUAL observation we see that creates diagrams, not the other way around.


56 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 33

Chemical Reaction Indicator Myths

Is dissolution a chemical


Time: 40 minutes for slides 33-36

PD Provider Notes:

Begin indicator content with the whole group discussion of the question.

Solicit responses. Most will say it is a physical reaction because the atomic number is the same. But by adding
or losing electrons, it now is a charged particle and behaves differently. Dissolution is a chemical reaction
which is fairly easy to reverse. The answer you settle upon will depend upon the compound being considered
and your definitions of chemical change, physical change, and reversibility.

We will explore this topic further in session 14.


Session 13 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 34

Identifying Chemical and Physical

Changes Game
 Right now you are going to work in small groups to
try to identify what type of change is taking place in
the scenario that is being described to you.


Time: 40 minutes for slides 33-36

PD Provider Notes:

During this activity you will be having the group work in pairs or teams of 4 to determine whether or not the
change that is being described is a chemical or physical change. After allowing the teams a few minutes to
work on the list of changes, have them write “chemical” and “physical” in large letters on a sheet of paper. The
instructor will then read the reactions one at a time. Teams will hold up their card for whether they think it is
a chemical or physical change, without looking at the answers of other teams. The instructor will keep score
and identify which team got the most answers correct. Go over the answers (see later slide). If desired, the
instructors can award small prizes (perhaps candy bars).


58 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 35

Game debriefing
So All In All, Remember…
 The starting and ending materials of a physical
change are the same, even though they may look

 The starting and ending materials of a chemical

change are different and not reversible.


Time: 40 minutes for slides 33-36

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide.


Session 13 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 36

Discussion of Identifying Chemical and

Physical Reactions Activity

Now we are going to go over each of these situations.

IF you have a differing opinion than the answer that
was provided, speak up.
By speaking up you might be helping us clarify
common misconceptions.


Time: 40 minutes for slides 33-36

PD Provider Notes:

Have one group offer an answer and ask if there are any groups that have a different opinion. Listen to the
logic of both sides and then restate the common misconception. Write down any misconceptions on the


60 Presentation Guide Session 13

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 37

Lunch Break


Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Provide information about surrounding restaurants as well as the location where participants may eat if they
chose to stay on-site during the lunch break.


Session 13 Presentation Guide 61

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Activity: Hot & cold glow sticks 2 15

Activity: Dissolving myths 3-4 20

Content: Energy & thermodynamics 5-17 15

Activity: Vinegar and baking soda reaction rate 18-19 30

Break 20

Debriefing: Vinegar reaction rate 21 10

Discussion: Reaction rates 22-23 15

Activity: Solubility Lab 24-25 65

Exit ticket 26 10

Optional game: Endothermic/exothermic 24-31 optional

Total instructional time: 180

Session 14 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Hot & cold glow sticks


This activity will lead in to the discussion of chemical reaction rates. Unlit glow sticks are immersed
in a hot or cold water bath and their temperature is allowed to equilibrate. The equilibration should
be complete within 15-30 minutes, so you might want to start the equilibration at the beginning of
the session. Activate the light sticks, and observe how much quicker and brighter the hot glow stick
glows than the cold glow stick.

This could be done as a demonstration, or participants could do this themselves in groups of 4. If

possible, give each participant their own hot and cold glow stick.



Two (or more) glow sticks

Hot water bath
Heat source (hot plate or microwave)
Cold water bath


2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute


Dissolving Myth Activity


The instructors will need to have a station set up where participants can access the 2 chemicals.

Participants place equal amounts of each ionic compound in different test tubes. They will place the
stopper on it and shake vigorously for 10 seconds then observe the temperature change. They
should find that the CaCl2 became warm (exothermic reaction) when dissolving and the NH4Cl
became cold (endothermic reaction). This kind of goes against the indicator info. Most people
consider dissolving a physical reaction instead of a chemical one. This is a non-exemplar. What they
should take away from this is: The only true indicator of a chemical reaction is a NEW SUBSTANCE


Dissolving Myth Activity


two #4 , 2 hole stoppers

two 150mL test tubes
150mL of water, 75mL in each test tube
1 large spoonful of CaCl2
1 large spoonful of NH4Cl


Session 14 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide


Vinegar and Baking Soda Reaction Activity


Each group will develop a procedure to test how temperature and concentration of vinegar impact
reaction rate, when baking soda is added to vinegar of different temperatures and concentrations.

If the time works out this way, you might overlap the time spent on the Vinegar and Baking Soda
Reaction Activity and the Solubility Lab.


Vinegar Reaction Activity


Three 250 mL beakers

Hot plate or microwave
Six small paper cups (more may be obtained is necessary)
Plastic spoons
50 mL water
150 g baking soda (estimate, because groups will determine how much to use)
250 mL of vinegar (estimate, because groups will determine how much to use)


4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute


Solubility Lab


Participants will work in groups of 4 to measure the solubility of different quantities of potassium
nitrate or ammonium chloride at various temperatures. The start of crystallization will indicate that
the solution has become saturated at the particular temperature. Participants will also combine their
data to construct a solubility curve for potassium nitrate in water.

An answer key for the questions in the participant handout follows this page.

If the time works out this way, you might overlap the time spent on the Vinegar and Baking Soda
Reaction Activity and the Solubility Lab.


Solubility Lab


Hot Plate
Test tubes(4 per group)
Test tube rack
Two 400 ml beakers
Potassium nitrate, KN03 (20 g/group)
10 ml graduated cylinder
Stirring rod
Marking pencil
Ammonium Chloride, NH4Cl (20 g/group)
Test tube holder/clamp
Distilled water
Graph paper


Solubility Curve of Potassium Nitrate in Water. (n.d.). Retrieved from University of Manitoba

Session 14 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

Solubility Lab - Answer Key

Provider Notes
This activity will take about 1-¼ hours.

Pre-lab questions: 10 minutes

Data collection, graphing, and conclusions: 35 minutes

Data analysis and debriefing: 30 minutes

Have participants work in groups of 4. Half the groups will work with ammonium chloride, while the other
half will work with potassium nitrate. When you give each group their salt amount it is important to also give
them the proper amounts to use in their test tubes. Sample data tables could look like this:

Test tube # grams of KNO3 ml of distilled H2O

1 2g 5
2 4g 5
3 6g 5
4 8g 5

Test tube # grams of NH4Cl ml of distilled H2O

1 2g 5
2 4g 5
3 6g 5
4 8g 5

Materials List

 Balance  Thermometer
 Hot Plate  10 ml graduated cylinder
 Spatula  Stirring rod
 Test tubes(4 per group)  Marking pencil
 Potassium nitrate, KN03  Ammonium Chloride, NH4Cl
 (20 g/group) (20 g/group)
 Two 400 ml beakers  Test tube holder/clamp
 Test tube rack  Distilled water
 Ice  Graph paper

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Pre-Lab Questions
1. Why does an oil and vinegar salad dressing have two separate layers?
 They will not dissolve into one another.

2. When making hot chocolate, how does stirring affect the rate of dissolving?
 Stirring increases the rate of dissolution.

3. How is the solubility of sugar in water affected by increasing the temperature?

 Solubility of sugar increases as the temperature of the water

4. What does the phrase “like dissolves like” mean?

 "like dissolves like" is an expression used by chemists to

remember how some solvents work. It refers to "polar" and
"nonpolar" solvents and solutes. Basic example: Water is
polar. Oil is nonpolar. Water will not dissolve oil. Water is
polar. Salt (NaCl) is polar. Like dissolves like, so polar
dissolves polar, so water dissolves salt.

5. How is solubility expressed?

 solubility = grams of solute/100 grams of solvent

6. What is the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated solution?

 A saturated solution is one in which no more of the solute will

dissolve at a specific temperature.
An unsaturated solution is one in which more of the solute
could dissolve at the same temperature.
A supersaturated solution is when a solution which contains
more solute than would normally dissolve at a certain

1. Your group will be given either NH4Cl or KNO3 as a test sample with instructions as
to how much to use for each trial.
2. Divide the lab up so that one lab partner completes steps 2-3, while the other
partner begins on step 4.
3. Using a marking pencil, number four test tubes and place them into a test tube rack.

Session 14 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide

4. Using a balance to measure the NH4Cl or KNO3 , prepare the test tubes as indicated

Test tube # grams of NH4Cl or KNO3 ml of distilled H2O

1 _____________ 5

2 _____________ 5

3 _____________ 5

4 _____________ 5

5. Fill a 400 ml beaker about ½ full of tap water. Then add ice until it is almost full.
Check the temperature of the water bath to ensure it is at or below 10 ºC. Add ice or
remove water until the required temperature is reached. Check periodically to
maintain it. This will be used as the cold water bath.
6. Fill the other 400 ml beaker about ¾ full of tap water. This will be used as a hot
water bath. Place the water bath and test tube #1 on the hot plate or in the
microwave. Heat the water to ~ 90 ºC, but do not let it boil. If the water gets too hot,
remove it from the hot plate.
7. Stir the NH4Cl or KNO3 -water mixture with a glass stirring rod until the salt is
completely dissolved. Remove the tube when completely dissolved.
8. One lab partner repeats step 5 for test tube #2. The other lab partner holds a warm
thermometer into the solution in the test tube # 1. Hold the test tube up to the light
and wait for the first signs of crystallization to occur in the solution. Record the
temperature immediately as crystallization begins in the data table.
9. If there is no crystallization, in a specific tube you will need to place the test tube in
the cold water bath until you observe crystals forming.
10. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all four test tubes. One partner should do step 5 and the
other step 6. Record all temperatures in the data table.

Data Table

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Test tube # grams of _______ + ml of H2O Crystallization temp. (ºC)

1 ____g/5ml

2 ____g/5ml

3 ____g/5ml

4 ____g/5ml

1. Convert mass/5.0 ml ratios to mass/100 ml ratios.

2. Plot your data. Note: Plot the mass of solute per 100 ml of water on the y-axis and
the temperature of crystallization on the x-axis.

3. Construct a solubility curve by connecting the plotted points on your graph.

Conclusion and Questions

1. According to your graph, how does the solubility of KNO3 change as the temperature

The solubility increased as temperature increased.

Session 14 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide

2. According to your graph, how does the solubility of NH4Cl change as the
temperature rises?

The solubility increased as temperature increased.

3. What differences did you observe between these 2 salts?

The solubility of the KNO3 increased more drastically than the NH4Cl.

4. Explain at the molecular level why the relationship between temperature and
solubility for these 2 salts exists.

No wrong answer…but see conclusions later.

5. Using your graph, how many grams of KNO3 can be dissolved in 100 ml of water at
the following temperatures:

Answers will vary.

11 ºC 45 ºC 100 ºC

6. On your solubility curve, what is the change in KNO3 solubility from 30ºC to 60ºC?

Participants should observe that the solubility increases a bunch but the ranges
they give will vary ~ 38g to 112g.

7. Using your graph, how much KNO3 must be added to make a saturated solution at
55 ºC?

The answer should be about 100g, but participants’ graphs may vary.

8. Define the terms saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated. Use the diagram below
to explain the terms.

10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Imagine a solvent like water made of tiny dots, molecules. Heat is basically the vibration of
molecules. Solutes (things that dissolve) like salt dissolve by spreading their molecules
through the solvent until you can't see the salt anymore. The faster the dots of the solvent
(water) vibrate, the faster the solute (salt) is broken apart because the solvent (water)
touches the solute (salt) more.

Saturation is when something has dissolved in a solution and no more of it will dissolve under
normal circumstances (room temperature, normal pressure). It has reached equilibrium.
Unsaturated is just points before this equilibrium is reached, so you can keep dissolving the
substance into the solution. Supersaturated is when you change the conditions so that you
can dissolve more of the substance into the solution than it would allow under normal
conditions. If the solution is brought back under normal conditions, it will spit back out the
substance. (Coca-cola is an example of a super saturated solution of CO2, when a bottle is
opened it will attempt to reach equilibrium again by bubbling and fizzing. When it does reach
equilibrium, it becomes flat.)

Use the solubility curve provided on the right to determine the answers to the following

9. How many grams of solute are required to

saturate 100 g of water in each of the following
a) KCl at 80ºC ~53g
b) KClO3 at 90ºC ~51g
c) SO2 at 20 ºC ~11g

10. What is each of the solutions below: saturated,

unsaturated or supersaturated? All of the

Session 14 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide

solutes are mixed with 100 g of water.

a. 30 g of NH3 at 30ºC ~unsaturated
b. 70 g of HCl at 20ºC ~saturated
c. 80 g of NH4Cl at 80ºC ~supersaturated

11. How many grams of KNO3 per 100 g of water would be crystallized from a saturated
solution as the temperature drops from:
a. 70ºC to 20ºC ~105g

12. How many additional grams of NaNO3 are required to keep each of the following
NaNO3 solutions saturated during the temperature changes indicated?
a. 100 g of water with a temp change of 40ºC to 70ºC ~30g
b. 1000g of water with a temp change of 40ºC to 70ºC ~300g
c. 1 L of water with a temp change of 40ºC to 80ºC this one requires extrapolation
~ 55g

13. At what temperature are the following solutes equally soluble in 100 g of water?
a. NaNO3 and HCl ~8 ºC
b. NH4Cl and KNO3 ~23 ºC

14. Which solute is least affected by the temperature changes?


15. Which three solutes show a decrease in solubility with increasing temperature?

NH3,HCl, SO2

16. How does the solubility of all “ionic solids” change with an increase in temperature?

They all increase. Imagine a solvent like water made of tiny dots, molecules. Heat
is basically the vibration of molecules. Solutes (things that dissolve) like salt dissolve by
spreading its molecules through the solvent until you can't see it anymore. The faster
the dots of the solvent (water) vibrate, the faster the solute (salt) is broken apart
because the solvent (water) touches the solute (salt) more.

Both water and salts are polar molecules. Ionic solids (or salts) contain positive
and negative ions, which are held together by the strong force of attraction between
particles with opposite charges. When one of these solids dissolves in water, the ions

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

that form the solid are released into solution, where they become associated with the
polar solvent molecules, in this case water because they are more attracted to the
water than to the ion that they were bonded to as a solid.

17. How does the solubility of all “gases” (NH3, SO2 and HCl) change with increased
temperatures? Explain at the particle level the cause of the change in solubility.

Henry's Law
-The solubility of a gas in a liquid depends on temperature, the partial pressure of the
gas over the liquid, the nature of the solvent and the nature of the gas. The most
common solvent is water.
Gas solubility is always limited by the equilibrium between the gas and a saturated
solution of the gas. The dissolved gas will always follow Henry's law.
-The concentration of dissolved gas depends on the partial pressure of the gas. The
partial pressure controls the number of gas molecule collisions with the surface of the
solution. If the partial pressure is doubled the number of collisions with the surface will
double. The increased number of collisions produces more dissolved gas.

-The partial pressure of the gas decreases as temperature increases because the
molecules are moving around so fast. Then, as there is less gas being pushed down on
the liquid, less dissolves.

-At higher temperatures the gas molecules move much faster than they do at lower
temperatures. So as a general rule gases are less soluble in hot liquids than in cool
-That is why in the summer time there are a lot of fish kills in some estuaries due to the
water being warmer and less oxygen available for the fish.

-For gases the reverse is true, as the space between two molecules increases - it can not
hold the molecule of gas in that space and gases become less soluble as the
temperature increases. Also at higher temperatures, entropy of the gas molecule
increases, and it becomes more mobile in the space available in the surrounding

Solubility Curve of Potassium Nitrate in Water. (n.d.). Retrieved from University of Manitoba CRYSTAL:

Session 14 PD Provider Resources & Materials 13

Provider Guide


Optional Game: Endothermic or Exothermic


In the activity the participants will work in groups to apply what they have learned about
endothermic and exothermic reactions by identifying whether the reaction listed is exothermic or
endothermic. After allowing the teams a few minutes to work on the list of changes, have them write
“exothermic” and “endothermic” in large letters on a sheet of paper. The instructor will then read the
reactions one at a time. Teams will hold up their exothermic or endothermic card, without looking at
the answers of other teams. The instructor will keep score and identify which team got the most
answers correct. Go over the answers (see later slide). During the debriefing, clear up any
misconceptions. If desired, the instructors can award small prizes.

The PD provider should read through and answer the questions and instructions prior to the day of
instruction, in order to familiarize themselves with the material. See answer key below.





14 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Endothermic or Exothermic
Identify each reaction as either a ENDOTHERMIC or EXOTHERMIC reaction:
Reaction Circle one
1 Melting ice cubes Endothermic or Exothermic
2 Freezing water Endothermic or Exothermic
3 Evaporating water Endothermic or Exothermic
4 Batter to cake Endothermic or Exothermic
5 Frying an egg Endothermic or Exothermic
6 Baking bread Endothermic or Exothermic
7 Photosynthesis Endothermic or Exothermic
8 Rusting iron Endothermic or Exothermic
9 Formation of snow clouds Endothermic or Exothermic
10 Candle flame Endothermic or Exothermic
11 Nuclear fission Endothermic or Exothermic
12 Melting of wax Endothermic or Exothermic
13 Adding ice to a drink Endothermic or Exothermic
14 Cooking via microwave Endothermic or Exothermic
15 Turning the oven on Endothermic or Exothermic
16 Using the freezer Endothermic or Exothermic
17 Motor running Endothermic or Exothermic
18 Wood burning stove Endothermic or Exothermic
19 Instant foot warmers Endothermic or Exothermic
20 Using an ice pack Endothermic or Exothermic
21 Perspiring after workout Endothermic or Exothermic
22 Wood Burning Tool Endothermic or Exothermic
23 Making of popcorn Endothermic or Exothermic
24 Melting of ice using salt Endothermic or Exothermic
25 Shooting fireworks Endothermic or Exothermic
26 Rising of hot air balloon Endothermic or Exothermic
27 Making a cup of tea Endothermic or Exothermic
28 Combustion reaction Endothermic or Exothermic
29 Formation of Jello Endothermic or Exothermic
30 Milk souring Endothermic or Exothermic

Session 14 PD Provider Resources & Materials 15

Provider Guide

16 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Dissolving myth activity (slides 2-3)
Vinegar reaction activity (slides 18-19)
Solubility Lab (slides 24-25)
Optional: Endothermic or Exothermic (slides 27-31)

Session 14 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

18 Handouts Session 14
Matter & Energy Institute

Dissolving Myth Activity

In this activity you will qualitatively measure a change in temperature during
dissolution. You will design your own experiment.


Two #4, 2 hole stoppers

Two 150mL test tubes
150mL of water, 75mL in each test tube
1 large spoonful of CaCl2 (calcium chloride)
1 large spoonful of NH4Cl (ammonium chloride)

-Fill 2 different test tubes with approximately 25 mL of water in each tube

-Place the stopper on each test tube

Observations(Write your answers in your Journal):

-Describe the temperature of the water in each test tube.

-What do you think will happen when each substance is added?

-Place a heaping spoonful of each substance in each test tube.

-Stopper each and with your thumb on top shake each tube for 5-10 seconds.

Observations(Write your answers in your journal):

-Describe what happened in each tube.

-What conclusions can you draw from this data?

-Did a chemical change take place?

-What can you take away from this activity about chemical reactions?

Session 14 Handouts 19
Provider Guide


In this activity you will predict, and then observe how temperature and concentration
affect reaction rate when vinegar is mixed with baking soda.
three 250 mL beakers water
six small paper cups (more may be obtained vinegar, 250 mL (estimate, depends
if necessary) on procedure)
150 g baking soda (an estimate, depends on plastic spoons
six test tubes


In your journal, respond to the following questions.
What differences do you think will be observed when baking soda is mixed with vinegar at
a variety of temperatures?

What differences do you think will be observed when baking soda is mixed with different
concentrations of vinegar? At different temperatures?

Design simple experiments, using materials from the materials list, to measure the
differences that are expected. Don’t forget to control the procedure as much as possible!
Write a short summary of each one.

20 Handouts Session 14
Matter & Energy Institute

Now, conduct your experiments. In the space provided below, develop a table to
record data and graph the results.

Describe the reactions that took place.

What differences were observed among the systems, containing vinegar at different

What differences were observed, among the systems, when the concentration of vinegar
was varied?

Why do you think they behaved in this manner?

What prior knowledge do you have that helps to explain these observations?

Session 14 Handouts 21
Provider Guide

Solubility Lab
This activity will take about 1-¼ hours.
Pre-lab questions: 10 minutes
Data collection, graphing, and conclusions: 35 minutes
Data analysis and debriefing: 30 minutes


In this experiment, you will be:

o measuring the solubility of different quantities of KNO3 or NH4Cl at various

temperatures of crystallization. The start of crystallization indicates that the
solution has become saturated at this temperature.
o constructing a solubility curve for KNO3 in water.
o able to identify and understand the key terms: solubility, solute, solvent, solvation,
saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated solutions.
o able to use the solubility curve graph to solve various problems and determine
trends in the curve.
Work in groups of 4. Half the groups will work with ammonium chloride, while the other
half will work with potassium nitrate.

Materials List
 Balance  Thermometer
 Hot Plate  10 ml graduated cylinder
 Spatula  Stirring rod
 Test tubes (4 per group)  Marking pencil
 Potassium nitrate, KN03  Ammonium Chloride, NH4Cl
 Two 400 ml beakers  Test tube holder/clamp
 Test tube rack  Distilled water
 Ice

Pre-Lab Questions
1. Why does an oil and vinegar salad dressing have two separate layers?

2. When making hot chocolate, how does stirring affect the rate of dissolving?

22 Handouts Session 14
Matter & Energy Institute

3. How is the solubility of sugar in water affected by increasing the temperature?

4. What does the phrase “like dissolves like” mean?

5. How is solubility expressed?

6. What is the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated solution?

1. Your group will be given either NH4Cl or KNO3 as a test sample with instructions as
to how much to use for each trial.
2. Divide the lab up so that one lab partner completes steps 3-4, while the other
partner begins on step 5.
3. Using a marking pencil, number four test tubes and place them into a test tube rack.
4. Using a balance to measure the NH4Cl or KNO3 , prepare the test tubes as indicated

Test tube # grams of NH4Cl or KNO3 ml of distilled H2O

1 _______2______ 5

2 _______4______ 5

3 _______6______ 5

4 _______8______ 5

Session 14 Handouts 23
Provider Guide

5. Fill a 400 ml beaker about ½ full of tap water. Then add ice until it is almost full.
Check the temperature of the water bath to ensure it is at or below 10 ºC. Add ice or
remove water until the required temperature is reached. Check periodically to
maintain it. This will be used as the cold water bath.
6. Fill the other 400 ml beaker about ¾ full of tap water. This will be used as a hot
water bath. Place the water bath and test tube #1 on the hot plate or in the
microwave. Heat the water to ~ 90 ºC, but do not let it boil. If the water gets too hot,
remove it from the hot plate.
7. Stir the NH4Cl or KNO3 -water mixture with a glass stirring rod until the salt is
completely dissolved. Remove the tube when completely dissolved.
8. One lab partner repeats step 7 for test tube #2. The other lab partner holds a warm
thermometer into the solution in the test tube # 1. Hold the test tube up to the light
and wait for the first signs of crystallization to occur in the solution. Record the
temperature immediately as crystallization begins in the data table.
9. If there is no crystallization, in a specific tube you will need to place the test tube in
the cold water bath until you observe crystals forming.
10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for all four test tubes. One partner should do step 7 and the
other step 8. Record all temperatures in the data table.

Data Table

Test tube # grams of _______ + ml of H2O Crystallization temp. (ºC)

1 ____g/5ml

2 ____g/5ml

3 ____g/5ml

4 ____g/5ml

4. Convert mass/5.0 ml ratios to mass/100 ml ratios.

24 Handouts Session 14
Matter & Energy Institute

5. Plot your data. Note: Plot the mass of solute per 100 ml of water on the y-axis and
the temperature of crystallization on the x-axis.

6. Construct a solubility curve by connecting the plotted points on your graph.

Conclusion and Questions

1. According to your graph, how does the solubility of KNO3 change as the temperature

2. According to your graph, how does the solubility of NH4Cl change as the
temperature rises?

3. What differences did you observe between these 2 salts?

4. Explain at the molecular level why the relationship between temperature and
solubility for these 2 salts exists.

Session 14 Handouts 25
Provider Guide

5. Using your graph, how many grams of KNO3 can be dissolved in 100 ml of water at
the following temperatures:

11 ºC 45 ºC 100 ºC

6. On your solubility curve, what is the change in KNO3 solubility from 30ºC to 60ºC?

7. Using your graph, how much KNO3 must be added to make a saturated solution at
55 ºC.

8. Define the terms saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated. Use the diagram below
to explain the terms.

26 Handouts Session 14
Matter & Energy Institute

Use the solubility curve provided on the right to determine the answers to the following

9. How many grams of solute are required to

saturate 100 g of water in each of the following

a) KCl at 80ºC

b) KClO3 at 90ºC

c) SO2 at 20 ºC

10. What is each of the solutions below:

saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated? All of
the solutes are mixed with 100 g of water.

a. 30 g of NH3 at 30ºC

b. 70 g of HCl at 20ºC

c. 80 g of NH4Cl at 80ºC

11. How many grams of KNO3 per 100 g of water would be crystallized from a saturated
solution as the temperature drops from:

70ºC to 20ºC

12. How many additional grams of NaNO3 are required to keep each of the following
NaNO3 solutions saturated during the temperature changes indicated?

a. 100 g of water with a temp change of 40ºC to 70ºC

b. 1000g of water with a temp change of 40ºC to 70ºC

c. 1 L of water with a temp change of 40ºC to 80ºC

Session 14 Handouts 27
Provider Guide

13. At what temperature are the following solutes equally soluble in 100 g of water?

a. NaNO3 and HCl

b. NH4Cl and KNO3

14. Which solute is least affected by the temperature changes?

15. Which three solutes show a decrease in solubility with increasing temperature?

16. How does the solubility of all “ionic solids” change with an increase in temperature?

17. How does the solubility of all “gases” (NH3, SO2 and HCl) change with increased
temperatures? Explain at the particle level the cause of the change in solubility.


28 Handouts Session 14
Matter & Energy Institute

Endothermic or Exothermic
Identify each reaction as either a ENDOTHERMIC or EXOTHERMIC reaction:
Reaction Circle one
1 Melting ice cubes Endothermic or Exothermic
2 Freezing water Endothermic or Exothermic
3 Evaporating water Endothermic or Exothermic
4 Batter to cake Endothermic or Exothermic
5 Frying an egg Endothermic or Exothermic
6 Baking bread Endothermic or Exothermic
7 Photosynthesis Endothermic or Exothermic
8 Rusting iron Endothermic or Exothermic
9 Formation of snow clouds Endothermic or Exothermic
10 Candle flame Endothermic or Exothermic
11 Nuclear fission Endothermic or Exothermic
12 Melting of wax Endothermic or Exothermic
13 Adding ice to a drink Endothermic or Exothermic
14 Cooking via microwave Endothermic or Exothermic
15 Turning the oven on Endothermic or Exothermic
16 Using the freezer Endothermic or Exothermic
17 Motor running Endothermic or Exothermic
18 Wood burning stove Endothermic or Exothermic
19 Instant foot warmers Endothermic or Exothermic
20 Using an ice pack Endothermic or Exothermic
21 Perspiring after workout Endothermic or Exothermic
22 Wood Burning Tool Endothermic or Exothermic
23 Making of popcorn Endothermic or Exothermic
24 Melting of ice using salt Endothermic or Exothermic
25 Shooting fireworks Endothermic or Exothermic
26 Rising of hot air balloon Endothermic or Exothermic
27 Making a cup of tea Endothermic or Exothermic
28 Combustion reaction Endothermic or Exothermic
29 Formation of Jello Endothermic or Exothermic
30 Milk souring Endothermic or Exothermic

Session 14 Handouts 29
Provider Guide

30 Handouts Session 14
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 14

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 14 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Hot and cold glow stick


Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This activity/demonstration will lead in to the discussion of chemical reaction rates. Unlit glow sticks are
immersed in a hot or cold water bath and their temperature is allowed to equilibrate. The equilibration
should be complete within 15-30 minutes, so you might want to start the equilibration at the beginning of the
session. Activate the light sticks, and observe how much quicker and brighter the hot glow stick glows than
the cold glow stick. This could be done as a demonstration, or participants could do this themselves in groups
of 4.

“How a glow stick works:

1. Plastic casing covers the inner fluid.
2. Glass capsule covers the solution.
3. Phenyl Oxalate and fluorescent dye solution.
4. Hydrogen Peroxide solution.
5. After the glass capsule is broken and the solutions mix, the glowstick glows.”


Quote above from:

Image credit (left): Image “Glowstick.svg” by Pbroks13. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

32 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Image credit (right): Photograph “light box test, glow stick” by mtsofan. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Glow stick (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Glowstick.svg. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

mtsofan. (2008). light box test, glow stick. Retrieved from

Session 14 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 3

Dissolving Myth Activity

two #4 , 2 hole stoppers
two 150mL test tubes
150mL of water, 75mL in each test tube
1 large spoonful of CaCl2 (calcium chloride)
1 large spoonful of NH4Cl (ammonium chloride)

Place equal amounts of each substance in water and


Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Solicit responses.

Instructors will need to have a station set up where participants can access the two chemicals. They should
find that the CaCl2 got warm when dissolving and the NH4Cl got cold. This kind of goes against the indicator
info. Most people consider dissolving a physical reaction instead of a chemical one. The answer you settle
upon will depend upon the compound being considered and your definitions of chemical change, physical
change, and reversibility.


34 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 4

Indicator Myth Wrap-up

What observations did you make
that would have led you to believe a
chemical reaction had taken place?

What do we mean when we say

“indicators” of a reaction?

Time: 5 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Solicit responses.

If they do not hit the below ideas, guide them to the fact that normally we say a reaction took place if
something got hot on its own. Like the CaCl2. But all dissolving will cause a temperature change. Normally
we just cannot detect it. Same thing with a gas being produced, or giving off light, or changing color (you can
dissolve solid purple iodine in alcohol to make a brown starch indicator, but when introduced to a starch the
Iodine ion will come out of solution and become purple.) So was dissolving in this case a chemical change or a
physical change?

Indicators are just hints that a chemical reaction “might” have taken place. Often they are good indicators, but
there are always exceptions. The only true indicator that a chemical reaction took place is if a new substance
was formed! This tells us that chemical molecular bonds were broken.


Session 14 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 5

How Energy Affects

Reactions – Endothermic &
Energy in chemical reactions
-why do chemical reactions occur?

Time: ½ minute

PD Provider Notes:

In this presentation we will discuss energy, its effect on chemical reactions, the origin of energy exchanges in
chemical transformations and we will define some common terms used to classify chemical reactions based
on how energy is exchanged.


36 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

Types of Energy
Energy – defined as the ability to do work or supply
Two types of energy: kinetic and potential energy
Energy takes different forms:
1. Electrical energy
2. Mechanical energy
3. Radiant Energy

Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

This slide presents a definition of energy and a classification of energy forms.


Image credit: Photograph “Lightning over Oradea Romania zoom.jpg” by Mircea Madau. Retrieved December
19, 2009 from This image is in
the public domain.

File:Lightning over Oradea Romania zoom.jpg. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 14 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 7

Energy conversions and chemical

 Energy can change from one form to
 During all transformations, energy is
 Energy transformations accompany
chemical reactions.

Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide.


38 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

 The study of energy transfers and transformations

 Study of how much energy is flowing where

 Terms to use:
◦ System: whatever we want to describe and
study by itself., in our case the chemicals
(reactants and products)

◦ Surroundings: everything else but the system

Time: 1 ½ minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Focus on the two terms defined here (system and surroundings) as they are important in the upcoming
definition of energy exchanges in chemical reactions.


Session 14 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Heat transfer into and out of a system

-q transfer +q

q = heat
+q = system gains heat
-q = system loses heat


Time: 1 ½ minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The heat (q) signs are defined based on the system: When the system gains heat the sign is positive, and when
the system loses heat the sign is negative.


40 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

Energy Changes in Chemical


 Bond breakage requires energy and bond formation

releases energy

 Review previous chart to confirm


Time: 1 ½ minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Relate energy changes to chemical bonds.


Session 14 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Heat (q)

 Thermal energy that is exchanged with its

surroundings is referred to as heat (q).

 It is measured in units of joules (J).


Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

Read slide. q is an abbreviation for heat.


42 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

Bond Energies
 Bond energy (BE) – energy required to break a
bond, always positive

 Usually expressed in kJ/mol

H2 (g)  H (g) + H (g) DEbond breaking = BE = +435 kJ/mol

And the reverse process:

H (g) + H (g)  H2 (g) DEbond making = - BE = -435 kJ/mol


Time: 1 ½ minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Example of bond making and bond breaking in the case of hydrogen and signs (+, -) used to indicate if bonds
are formed (-) or broken (+). Point out that when a chemical reaction is reversed, the energy sign is also


Session 14 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 13

Energy of chemical reactions

 We can use Bond energies (BE) to estimate the energy
change that occurs during a chemical reaction

DErxn   BE (bonds broken) -  BE (bonds formed)


Time: 1 ½ minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The general formula we can use in any chemical reaction to relate the overall energy change during a reaction
(Erxn) to the sum (symbol sigma) of the bond energies of the bonds broken in the reactant side minus the
sum of the bond energies of the bonds formed on the product end of the chemical reaction.


44 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Products Reactants

Reactants Products

Energy flow Energy flow

from surroundings from system
to system to surroundings


Time: 1 ½ minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The red box is the chemical system, and anything outside it is termed surroundings. If heat flows from the
surroundings into the chemical system, the overall ΔE is positive (system gains heat) that is shown on the left
part of the scheme. The opposite is happening on the right side. The greek letter delta (looks like a triangle)
means change.


Session 14 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Endothermic vs. Exothermic

 When the system loses energy to the surroundings
the reaction is termed Exothermic

 When the system gains energy to the surroundings

the reaction is Endothermic


Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

Definition of the terms EXOTHERMIC and ENDOTHERMIC. It is recommend to go back to the previous slide
and ask the audience to label each heat exchange shown on that scheme as EXOTHERMIC or ENDOTHERMIC.


46 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Products Reactants

Reactants Chemicals Products

Energy flow Energy flow

from surroundings from system
to system to surroundings



Time: ½ minute

PD Provider Notes:

This slide provides the answer to the challenge on slide 15. Participants can check their answers on slide 14
to see if they correctly assigned the endothermic and exothermic labels.


Session 14 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Practical considerations
 Estimating the energy changes during a chemical
reaction can help us determine the conditions
required for a chemical reaction to occur

 For example, we can estimate the amount of energy

required for a reaction or how much energy will be


Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

Discussion about the importance of knowing the energy exchanged during chemical reactions.


48 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

Vinegar and baking soda reaction

rate activity
 Questions to think about:
◦ How does temperature affect
◦ What other factors affect
◦ How might you design an
experiment to investigate the
relationship between temperature
and solubility?


Time: 30 minutes for slides 18-19

PD Provider Notes: You may have participants discuss these questions in small groups before beginning the


Session 14 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 19

Vinegar Reactions
In this activity you will observe how temperature affects
reaction rate.
*Three 250 mL beakers
*Hot plate or microwave
*3 small cups
*50 mL water
*75g baking soda (25 g per beaker)
*250 mL of vinegar (100 mL in two beakers -
50mL in the third)
*Plastic spoons

Time: 30 minutes for slides 18-19

PD Provider Notes: Follow the handout.


50 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20



Time: 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Session 14 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Vinegar Reaction
Wrap Up

What pattern did you observe

during the activity?

How does this activity relate

to the Kinetic Theory of Matter?


Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Solicit answers. Participants should observe that the hot vinegar reacts much faster.

Participants should reason that the hot vinegar had more kinetic energy and therefore was moving more,
causing more particles of vinegar and baking soda to collide. The more the two reactants come into contact,
the faster they react.


52 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

Reaction rate
 Reaction rate is the speed at which a chemical
reaction occurs.

Fast – wood burning

Slow – iron rusting


Time: 15 minutes for slides 22-23

PD Provider Notes:


Image credit (left): Photograph “Rust 03102006.jpg” by David Corby. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a GNU Free
Documentation License.

Image credit (right): Photograph “Large bonfire.jpg” by Fir0002. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a GNU Free
Documentation License.

Session 14 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Reaction Rates
In your journal list as many ways as you can
think of to speed up the rate of a reaction.

With each listing explain what you think is

happening to cause this in change in
reaction rate.


Time: 15 minutes for slides 22-23

PD Provider Notes:

Ways to speed up a reaction:

•Increase temperature - particles move faster making them collide more

•Increase surface area - particles have more access and can collide with more particles

•Add a catalyst - A catalyst works by providing a convenient surface for the reaction to occur. The reacting
particles gather on the catalyst surface and reduce the activation energy to start the reaction. (Activation
energy can be a match or as simple as causing the particles to come in contact)

•Shake or stir - particles are forced to collide more

•Increase concentration – When more particles are present in the same volume, more particles can collide
and be part of the reaction.

Another way to approach this concept is to list the factors influencing the rate of a reaction. They can

“ * The nature of the reaction: Some reactions are naturally faster than others. The number of reacting
species, their physical state (the particles that form solids move much more slowly than those of gases or
those in solution), the complexity of the reaction and other factors can influence greatly the rate of a reaction.

* Concentration: Reaction rate increases with concentration, as described by the rate law and explained by
collision theory. As reactant concentration increases, the frequency of collision increases.

54 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

* Pressure: The rate of gaseous reactions increases with pressure, which is, in fact, equivalent to an increase
in concentration of the gas. For condensed-phase reactions, the pressure dependence is weak.

* Order: The order of the reaction controls how the reactant concentration (or pressure) affects reaction rate.

* Temperature: Usually conducting a reaction at a higher temperature delivers more energy into the system
and increases the reaction rate by causing more collisions between particles, as explained by collision theory.
However, the main reason that temperature increases the rate of reaction is that more of the colliding
particles will have the necessary activation energy resulting in more successful collisions (when bonds are
formed between reactants). The influence of temperature is described by the Arrhenius equation. As a rule of
thumb, reaction rates for many reactions double for every 10 degrees Celsius increase in temperature,[2]
though the effect of temperature may be very much larger or smaller than this. For example, coal burns in a
fireplace in the presence of oxygen but it doesn't when it is stored at room temperature. The reaction is
spontaneous at low and high temperatures but at room temperature its rate is so slow that it is negligible.
The increase in temperature, as created by a match, allows the reaction to start and then it heats itself,
because it is exothermic. That is valid for many other fuels, such as methane, butane, hydrogen… Reaction
rates can be independent of temperature (no-Arrhenius) or decrease with increasing temperature (anti-
Arrhenius). Reactions without an activation barrier (e.g. some radical reactions), tend to have anti Arrhenius
temperature dependence: the rate constantly decreases with increasing temperature.

* Solvent: Many reactions take place in solution and the properties of the solvent affect the reaction rate. The
ionic strength also has an effect on reaction rate.

* Electromagnetic radiation and intensity of light: Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy. As such, it
may speed up the rate or even make a reaction spontaneous as it provides the particles of the reactants with
more energy. This energy is in one way or another stored in the reacting particles (it may break bonds,
promote molecules to electronically or vibrationally excited states...) creating intermediate species that react
easily. As the intensity of light increases, the particles absorb more energy and hence the rate of reaction
increases. For example when methane reacts with chlorine in the dark, the reaction rate is very slow. It can be
sped up when the mixture is put under diffused light. In bright sunlight, the reaction is explosive.

* A catalyst: The presence of a catalyst increases the reaction rate (in both the forward and reverse reactions)
by providing an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy. For example, platinum catalyzes the
combustion of hydrogen with oxygen at room temperature.

* Isotopes: The kinetic isotope effect consists in a different reaction rate for the same molecule if it has
different isotopes, usually hydrogen isotopes, because of the mass difference between hydrogen and

* Surface Area: In reactions on surfaces, which take place for example during heterogeneous catalysis, the
rate of reaction increases as the surface area does. That is due to the fact that more particles of the solid are
exposed and can be hit by reactant molecules.

* Stirring: Stirring can have a strong effect on the rate of reaction for heterogeneous reactions.“


The quote above is taken from:

Reaction rate. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 14 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 24

Activity: Solubility Lab

 Follow instructions on handout.


Time: 65 minutes for slides 24-25

PD Provider Notes:


56 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 25

Solubility Lab debriefing

 What did you observe during the
 How do your observations relate to
the content we have covered today?
 How could this experiment be


Time: 65 minutes for slides 24-25

PD Provider Notes:

Lead a class discussion addressing the questions listed on the slide. Clear up any misconceptions the
participants may have.

Possible answers to questions:

What did you observe during the activity? Solubility generally increases as temperature increases, but each
chemical has an inherent solubility. Some chemicals are more soluble than others. Some dissolution reactions
are endothermic (potassium nitrate; the solution gets warm as dissolution occurs), and some dissolution
reactions are exothermic (ammonium chloride; the solution gets cold as dissolution occurs).

How do your observations relate to the content we have covered today? Answers will vary.

How could this experiment be improved? More replicates – duplicate or triplicate measurements at each
concentration/temperature, measure additional concentrations and additional temperatures.


Session 14 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 26

Session 14
 Exit Tickets
◦ Write down 3 new things you
learned today.
◦ Write down 1 (or more)
questions you still have about
what we learned today.


Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes: Give out index cards for participants to use as exit tickets. Each participant should
respond to the bulleted questions on the slide and leave their exit tickets in a designated area. Exit tickets
should be read by the PD providers at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by common
themes to be addressed during follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to answer
questions and address misconceptions before starting the next day’s topics. It will also provide an
opportunity to connect the content between sessions.


58 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 27

Is it Endothermic or Exothermic?
Classifying Reactions Game

 Now we will do a worksheet.

 You will be given about 15-20 minutes to complete
the worksheet.
 Be ready to provide the reasoning behind your
answer in the event it is questioned by someone
else. If you are not sure of an answer, reason through
it and pick the answer you feel makes the most


Time: OPTIONAL 20 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Ask the students if there are any questions before allowing them to work on their own. Ask if clarifying any
concepts are necessary before working on their own.

In the activity the participants will work in groups to apply what they have learned about endothermic and
exothermic reactions by identifying whether the reaction listed is exothermic or endothermic. After allowing
the teams a few minutes to work on the list of changes, have them write “exothermic” and “endothermic” in
large letters on a sheet of paper. The instructor will then read the reactions one at a time. Teams will hold up
their exothermic or endothermic card, without looking at the answers of other teams. The instructor will
keep score and identify which team got the most answers correct. Go over the answers (see later slide).
During the debriefing, clear up any misconceptions. If desired, the instructors can award small prizes
(perhaps candy bars or silly certificates).


Session 14 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 28

Is it Endothermic or Exothermic?
Classifying Reactions
Discussing Our Results In Small Groups

 Lets take some time now in small groups to discuss

the activity that we have just completed.


Time: OPTIONAL 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give students about 10-15 minute to discuss their results and make sure that each group is in agreement of
the answers they are going to provide. If groups can’t come to a consensus ask the reasoning behind each
persons perspective as this too might help clarify common misconceptions. Write down any misconceptions
that might come up on the board for later reflection/exit ticket.


60 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 29

Is it Endothermic or Exothermic?
Classifying Reactions
Discussing Our Results In The Large Group

 Lets take some time now to discuss the activity that

we have just completed.


Time: OPTIONAL 15 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Ask each group to contribute an answer to the worksheet. Make sure that everyone has the correct answer.
Discuss any discrepancies that might come up.


Session 14 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 30

Endothermic & Exothermic Movie Clip

 For those of us that are visually oriented, we will
watch a small video clip demonstrating the
difference between Endothermic and Exothermic

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions


Time: OPTIONAL 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Ask students to take notes on any new information they learn from the video. Ask them to write down in
their journal at least 3 things that they learned from the video.


Solutions: Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions:

camip91. (2009, January 29). Solutions: Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions: [Video file]. Retrieved from

62 Presentation Guide Session 14

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 31

Endothermic & Exothermic Movie


 What new things did you learn from the

movie? Record your answers in your
 Share what new things you learned from
the movie.


Time: OPTIONAL 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Have students share what they wrote down…

Did they get that not all solutions are liquids?

Did they get the characteristics of solutions?



Session 14 Presentation Guide 63


Matter & Energy Institute

Topic and brief description Slides Time
Exit Ticket Review 2 20
Activity - Mass, Volume, and Heat 3-6 40
Participants will observe and record temperature changes of hot water, ice water with no ice,
and ice water with ice cubes, over time. They will also investigate the time it takes like masses
of ice to melt in different masses of water. Graphing principles will also be reviewed, and the
data will then be used to generate conclusions and as a basis for explanations.
Concept Mapping 7-8 5
Content Instruction 9-11 15
Participants will begin an exploration of the differences between heat and temperature and
learn about energy that is “stored” in matter.
The Temp-O-Meter Activity: Making a Thermometer 12 20
Participants will make a thermometer and use it to determine the “temperature” of room
temperature, hot, and cold water.
Content Instruction 13-19 25
Discuss/debrief thermometer activity, what the scale is, and how to connect it to various
objects for temperature measurements. Additionally, participants will make connections with
Concept Mapping observations, discussing the basics of heat flow, why some objects felt cool
and others didn’t, and common misconceptions regarding heat flow. Energy changes taking
place, when heating a substance through a series of phase changes, will also be described.
Break 20
Ice Melting Block Instructor Demonstration 21 5
Energy Flow - Part A 22 15
Participants will investigate the ability of three assorted items to transfer heat. If desired, you
can omit Energy Flow Part A and substitute Energy Flow Part B instead.
Heat Transfer Vocabulary Activity: Freyer Model 23-24 5
Introduction to this note-taking tool, which will be used in conjunction with the instruction
that follows.
Content Instruction 25 5
Mass, Volume, & Heat activity revisited 26 15

Lunch 27
Optional Activity: Energy Flow Part B -Heat Conductometer 28-29 optional
Demonstration - Participants will observe this demonstration and record values in the table,
provided for this purpose, on Energy Flow Part B.
Optional Content Instruction and Bi-Metal Bar Demonstration optional
Discussion topics for this segment include heat transfer and factors that affect transfer, bimetal 30-36
bars (a quick demo) and their practical uses, and how heat capacity differs from specific heat.
Optional Activity: Design Challenge 37 optional
Total instructional time: 180

Session 15 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Mass, Volume, and Heat


Divide participants into two groups, Group one will conduct Part A of the investigation and group
two will conduct Part B. Participants involved in Part A may need to continue the activity into the
next section of content instruction. There is time at the end of this session for wrap-up for this

Part A

Participants will pour 100 mL of hot water, 100 mL of cold water (no ice), and 100 mL of cold water
(with ice) into three different beakers.

They will insert a thermometer into each one and record the temperature as soon as it stabilizes.
This will be the initial temperature.

Next, they will record the temperature of the water in each beaker, every five minutes for the next 30
minutes, in the table provided.

Part B

This is an investigation in which participants will investigate how quickly different masses of water,
both at the same temperature, will melt an ice cube.

First, they will prepare two Ziploc bags, one with 500 mL of water and the other with 100 mL of

They will then put one identical (same-sized) ice cube into each bag and record how long it takes for
the ice cube in each bag to melt completely.

Participants will also move a Ziploc bag of ice above and below their hand and insert their hand into
an empty Ziploc bag to explore the temperature differences. A graph of the temperature changes in
the hot water, cold water without ice, and cold water with ice will be constructed. The final activity is
“Conclude and Explain.”

Hint: Prepare ahead of time, pitchers or large beakers, filled with water: (one of cold water with ice,
one of cold water without ice, and one of hot water) NOTE: For workshops with 20 groups, it may be
necessary to prepare six large beakers, two of each kind of water.

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute


Mass, Volume, and Heat


Cold water with and without ice

Hot water
3 Beakers, 100 mL
Ice cubes of similar size
4 Plastic Ziploc/storage bags
100 mL graduated cylinder
3 Thermometers
Colored pencils and pens
Graph paper



Session 15 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide


Concept Mapping


Participants will obtain one piece of chart paper per group and a pad of sticky notes to develop a
concept map, focused on heat energy.

They will include as many terms as possible from the term box, provided on their handout and any
other appropriate terms they wish to include.

Participants will use pens, pencils, and/or markers to write terms on the sticky notes to construct
their concept map on the chart paper.

They will have ten minutes to collaborate with each other to complete this assignment.

Finally, they will place their group’s concept map on the wall. Later on, they will have the opportunity
to revise the concept map.


Concept Mapping


Chart paper
Tape for hanging chart paper on wall
Sticky note pads



4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute


The Temp-O-Meter: Making a Thermometer


Participants will make a simple homemade thermometer and then, construct a scale drawing of their

Next, they will use the homemade thermometer and a standard lab “spirit-filled” thermometer to
determine the temperature of room temperature, hot, and cold water. Results for the homemade
thermometer will be recorded as the water level in the straw (cm) and for the lab thermometer, in

Participants will then complete “Thinking about Thermometers.” This may also be used as a
journaling activity.


The Temp-O-Meter: Making a Thermometer


Clear plastic or glass bottle with narrow opening, such as a 16 or 20 oz. soft drink container
Clear plastic straw
Modeling clayor Play-doh
Food coloring – red or blue
Graduated cylinder
Water at various temperatures, room temperature, hot and cold
Rubbing alcohol (at least 91% works best)



Session 15 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide


Ice Melting Block Demonstration


Instructor will ask a teacher volunteer to come to the front of the room for the demonstration.

He/She will touch the identical looking blocks, one will feel cold to the touch and one will feel warm.

Identical cubes of ice will be placed on the blocks and one ice cube will melt rapidly. Surprisingly, it
will be the “cold” block that melts the ice cube faster than the “warm block”. The “cold” block is a heat
conductor and the “warm” block is an insulator.

Have ice melting blocks from materials inventory on hand to complete the demonstration.




Ice melting blocks




6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute


Part A: Energy Flow

Optional Part B: Heat Conductometer demonstration


Part B is listed as optional in the pacing guide, but since an activity similar to this is commonly done
in classrooms, you could omit Part A and do part B instead.

Part A

An electric hot plate, microwave, or kettle for heating water and a glass or metal container in which
to heat water for the activity.

The following will need to be prepared for each group: three, 12-16 oz. Styrofoam cups of hot water,
assortment of items such as metal kitchen knife, plastic knife, thick copper wire, clothes hanger,
chopsticks, paper towels, and safety glasses.

Participants will submerge one end of the item being tested in the hot water, determine and record
how long it takes the opposite end to warm up.

Part B

The instructor will need a conductometer (for whole group demonstration) and several cold bits of
butter or like-sized pieces of candle wax. A birthday candle, cut into small, like-sized pieces will work
well. Letter-shaped candles also work well – they are more visible than wax dots. You need more
than one alphabet set to get enough candles that will hang on the conductometer (P, R, D, A, B, etc).
Possible sources of letter-shaped candles include
2_263622 or

The instructor will do a whole group activity with a conductometer. He/She will place butter or
candle wax at the end of the spokes of the conductometer. Each spoke is composed of a different
metal and when heat is applied to the center the spokes heat up.

Participants will record the results.

Participants will then complete the “Claims and Evidence” chart.


Energy Flow (2 pages)


Three, 12-16 oz. Styrofoam cups

Session 15 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide

Assortment of items, such as metal kitchen knife, plastic knife, thick copper wire, clothes hanger, and
Safety glasses
Paper towels
For Instructor Only:
Small bits of butter or like-sized pieces of candle wax
Electric hot plate, microwave, or kettle for heating water
Glass or metal container to heat water in for the activity
Candle or other source of heat


Klentschy, M. (2008). Using science notebooks in elementary classrooms. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute


Heat Transfer Vocabulary Activity: Modified Frayer Model


Participants will use the provided handouts to record and characterize key vocabulary terms. They
may also use their journals.


Heat Transfer Vocabulary: Modified Frayer Model




Barton, M.L. & Jordan, D.L. (2001). Teaching reading in science: A supplement to teaching reading in
the content areas teacher’s manual. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Session 15 PD Provider Resources & Materials 9

Provider Guide


Optional Demonstration of Bi-metal bar


Instructor will heat bimetal bar while participants observe changes that occur.

Ensure availability of bimetal bar.


Energy Flow PART B


One bimetal bar

Heat source



10 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute


Optional Design Challenge


This describes an activity that teachers may use to challenge their students to design and construct
(using available materials) a simple device to prevent melting of an ice cube. Students must not only
design a cooler, they must also determine a way to measure the longevity of the ice cube.


Design Challenge”


Ziplock bags

Styrofoam cups


Insulating materials – fiberfill, Styrofoam packaging, foam, sawdust, cotton fabric, wool fabric


Aluminum foil





Session 15 PD Provider Resources & Materials 11

Provider Guide

12 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute


Mass, Volume, and Heat Activity

Concept Mapping Activity

The Temp-O-Meter Activity: Making a Thermometer

Heat Transfer Vocabulary Activity: Modified Frayer Model

Energy Flow Activity – Parts A and B

Design Challenge - Optional

Session 15 Handouts 13
Provider Guide

14 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute

Mass, Volume and Heat Activity

Cold Water with and without ice 4 Plastic Ziploc/Storage bags
Hot Water 100 mL graduated cylinder
3 Beakers, 100 mL 3 Thermometers
Ice cubes of similar size Colored pens, pencils
Graph paper Timer or stopwatch


Part A – Half the group will conduct this investigation.

1. Pour 100 mL of hot water, 100 mL of ice water (no ice), and 100 mL of ice water (with 2 cubes of ice)
into three different beakers. Insert a thermometer into each one and record the temperature as soon as
it stabilizes. This will be the initial temperature.
2. Measure the temperature of the water in each beaker, every five minutes for the next 30 minutes.
Record temperature data in the table provided below. Be prepared to continue measurements during
the first part of the next “content” instruction cycle.

Water Temperature over Time

Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC

Water 0 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 20 min 25 min 30 min

Hot Water

Ice Water – No

Ice Water – With


Part B- Half the group will conduct this investigation.

Session 15 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

1. Prepare two Ziploc plastic bags, one with 500 mL of warm water and another with 100 mL of warm
water. Put one identical cube into each bag. Record how long it takes for the ice cube in each bag to melt
completely. Observe carefully!
2. Now, fill a Ziploc bag with ice. Make sure you are in an area where there is no wind. Hold the bag above
(about five inches) someone’s hand, or a thermometer, and “sense” the temperature. Next, move the bag
below (about 5 inches) the hand, or a thermometer, and again, “sense” the temperature. Is there a
difference? Why or why not?
3. Place your hand into an empty Ziploc bag and describe what you feel. Can you explain this?

Time it takes for Ice to Melt in Different Amounts of Water

Amount of Water Time (minutes)

100 mL of warm Water

500 mL of warm Water

16 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute


Participants from both groups should share data with each other.

1. Graph the data from Table Water Temperature over Time. Use different colors to plot changes in
temperature of hot water, ice water with no ice and ice water with ice, over time.
2. When constructing the graph, the independent variable (variable that is manipulated) should be
plotted on the X-axis and the dependent variable (what is measured), plotted on the Y-axis. Don’t
forget to label each axis and indicate the appropriate units! Because you are constructing three different
plots, be sure to also include a legend, indicating the color used to depict the temperature change, for
each sample.
3. You may chart your data on the axes on the following page or on graph paper.

Session 15 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

Temperature change of water over time

18 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute


4. Examine the data in the Table, Time it takes for Ice to Melt in Different Amounts of Water. Based on this
data, what is/are your conclusion/s?

5. Explain your conclusion(s).

6. Carefully examine the graph you constructed. In three sentences, or less, what conclusion/s may be
drawn from this data?

7. Apply what you have learned about heat to explain your results in the space below.

8. Develop a summary for another variation of this experiment, and predict what will happen.

Session 15 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

Concept Mapping - Heat

1. Obtain one piece of chart paper, markers and a pack of sticky notes for your group.
2. Write each of the terms, from the vocabulary box below, on a sticky note.
3. By placing the sticky notes, on which you have written the terms, on the chart paper; develop a concept
map that focuses on heat energy. Include as many terms, from the box below, as possible. If you think of
other appropriate terms, include them, as well.
Note: If you are unsure about constructing a concept map, review page two of this handout.

4. You will have ten minutes to collaborate with your teammates to complete this assignment.

5. Place your group’s concept map on the wall. You will have the opportunity to revise the concept map
later today.

Vocabulary Terms Specific Heat Heat Capacity

Heat Temperature Kinetic Energy

Thermometer Celsius Fahrenheit

Mass Flow Calorimeter

Phase Change Density Conduction

Radiation Convection Insulator

Volume Friction Work


20 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute

Constructing a Concept Map

1. Brainstorm – Think about ways in which the terms are related.
2. Organize – Create groups and sub-groups of related terms. Think about hierarchies as you create
groups and consider arrangements of the terms. Feel free to rearrange items and even add terms that
may not be on the list.
3. Layout – On the chart paper, arrange the terms in a way that best represents your group’s collective
understanding of the interrelationships and connections among groupings. Your group’s layout may
not be like that of another group. There is not a single correct way to complete this assignment.
4. Link – Use lines with arrows to connect and show the relationship between connected items. Write a
word or short phrase by each arrow to specify the relationships. Several arrows may originate or end
on the most important concepts. Initially, put the arrows and words on sticky notes.
5. Revise and finalize – After content instruction, revise your concept map, based on new
understandings. Be prepared to share the rationale of your arrangement.

Session 15 Handouts 21
Provider Guide

The Temp-O-Meter: Making a Thermometer

Clear plastic or glass bottle with narrow Water at various temperatures – room
opening, such as a 16 or 20 oz. soft drink temperature, hot, cold (icewater)
Clear plastic straw Food coloring – red or blue
Modeling clay or Play-Doh Graduated cylinder
Thermometer Rubbing alcohol (should be at least


Make the Thermometer

1. Put about 50 mL rubbing alcohol into the clear bottle. The depth should be approximately 5 cm.
2. Add a few drops of red or blue food coloring to the rubbing alcohol and mix.
3. Insert the straw into the bottle so it is about 1 cm from the bottom of the bottle.
4. Put clay around the straw at the opening of the bottle. The clay should hold the straw in position AND
form a tight seal between the straw and the rim of the bottle. Note: the straw should NOT be pinched.
The top of the straw should be open.
5. In your journal or the box on the following page, use a ruler to make a scale drawing of your

22 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute

Scale Drawing of Thermometer

Water Temperature ºC Liquid Level in Straw (cm)

Room Temperature



Session 15 Handouts 23
Provider Guide

Use the Thermometer

1. Put your thermometer into a container of room temperature water (room temperature water bath).
Measure the temperature of the water with a lab thermometer and record the results.
2. On the drawing of your thermometer, illustrate/indicate what the homemade thermometer “reads”
for room temperature water. Make sure the illustration corresponds to the scale.
3. Now place your thermometer into a container of hot water (hot water bath). Measure the
temperature of the water with a lab thermometer, and record the results.
4. On the drawing of your thermometer, illustrate the “reading” of the homemade thermometer for hot
water. Make sure the illustration corresponds to the scale.
5. Finally, place your thermometer into a container of cold water (cold water bath). Measure the
temperature of the water with a lab thermometer and record the results. Again, illustrate what your
homemade thermometer “reads” for cold water. Make sure the illustration corresponds to the scale.


Thinking about Thermometers

What is the difference in degrees C between the cold and hot water?

What is the difference in distance (cm) on the homemade thermometer and the lab thermometer
between the cold and hot water?

24 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute

How accurate is the homemade thermometer, as compared to the lab thermometer? Explain
your response.

How did the two thermometers compare in terms of response time? Why?

What would happen, in terms of accuracy and response time, if you used a straw with a larger
diameter? A smaller diameter?

What could you do to make your thermometer more accurate?

How would an increase in air pressure affect your system?

Session 15 Handouts 25
Provider Guide

Energy Flow Activity Parts A & B

Very Hot Water Paper towels
3, 12-16 oz. Styrofoam cups, per group Safety glasses
Electric hot plate, kettle, or microwave Conductometer
for preparing hot water
Assortment of items, such as metal Cold bits of butter, or like-sized pieces of
kitchen knife, plastic knife, thick candle wax (birthday candles or letter
copper wire, clothes hanger, chopsticks candles)

1. Get three Styrofoam cups and add the same amount (as close as possible) of VERY hot water to each. You
will also need to obtain at least three assorted items to test. A cup of hot water will be needed for each
“test” item. Make certain that at least one item is not a metal.
2. Submerge one end of the item being tested in the hot water, determine and record how long it takes the
opposite end of the item to warm up.
Note: If it takes longer than five minutes for heat to travel to the opposite end of an item, discontinue the
test and indicate that it took longer than five minutes.
3. Record your results in Table Time for Heat Transfer.

Time for Heat Transfer

Item Time (minutes)

26 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute


4. Your instructor will now do a “whole group” activity with a conductometer. He/she will place tiny pieces
of butter or candle wax at the ends of the spokes of the conductometer. Each “spoke” is composed of a
different metal. What happens when heat is applied to the center, or hub, of the conductometer?
Record your observations:


Examine the evidence, or data your group has been collecting. In the T-chart below, record your conclusions
as claims. By each claim, list evidence supporting the claim.

Claims and Evidence

I claim that: The evidence that supports my claim/s


Adapted from: Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms (2008, p. 61.)

Klentschy, M. (2008). Using science notebooks in elementary classrooms. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

Session 15 Handouts 27
Provider Guide

Heat Transfer Vocabulary Activity

Modified Frayer Model

Definition Essential Characteristic(s)


Examples Drawing

28 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute

Definition Essential Characteristics


Examples Drawing

Session 15 Handouts 29
Provider Guide

Definition Essential Characteristics

Examples Drawing

30 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute

Definition Essential Characteristics

Examples Drawing

Barton, M.L. & Jordan, D.L. (2001). Teaching reading in science: A supplement to teaching reading in the content area
teacher’s manual. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Session 15 Handouts 31
Provider Guide

Matter and Energy

Design Challenge
Zip-Lock bags Ice
Water Aluminum foil
Styrofoam cups Thermometers
Tape Insulating materials as
Styrofoam packaging materials,
Fiberfill, Foam, sawdust, wool
and cotton fabric, etc



1. Design and construct a simple device, using available materials, to make an ice
cube last as long as possible.

2. Determine a way to measure the longevity of the ice cube.

1. Each team will have 30 minutes to design and construct their team’s device. Measurements may be
taken over the course of the day.
2. Record your work plans in the planning chart.
3. At the end of the “measurement” period the winning design teams will be announced!

32 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute

Planning Chart

Planning Step Operational Plan – Specific Steps

1. What should be kept the same, or

controlled, among groups?

2. What should be changed?

Describe your design.

3. How will changes be measured?

Adapted from: Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms.

Session 15 Handouts 33
Provider Guide

Title of Data Table_____________________________________________________


34 Handouts Session 15
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 15

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 15 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Exit Ticket Review

 Review of topics
from day 7.
◦ Chemical change
◦ Chemical reactions
◦ Reaction rates

Time: 20 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Review exit tickets, STEW board, and any outstanding questions from previous sessions. This time is intended
to provide continuity between the days and topics of this institute.


36 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Matter and Energy - Activity

Mass, Volume and Heat
Energy can be stored in matter – the
more matter, the more energy.

The ability of an object to store energy is

called “heat capacity”.

But, if a hot object is placed in a cool

environment, the energy will “leak out,”
that is, heat will flow.

Time: 40 Minutes, Slides 3-6

PD Provider Notes:

Heat is a very general term that covers a vast range of phenomena in matter. We will start this session with an
activity, and we will introduce vocabulary later on.

When doing the activity, make sure the hot water is really hot, and the cold water is really cold. That way, the
changes in temperature will be relatively large over 30 minutes. Also, too much ice in the ice water will keep
it at zero deg. Centigrade for too long!

•Ask participants to set up different parts of this activity.
•For the activity that involves recording temperature for 30 minutes, those who are recording measurements
will continue this activity during the next section of content instruction. Review the data they collect later on
in the session.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Activity: Mass, Volume and Heat

Let’s monitor how long it takes for heat to flow.
Heat flows out of the hot water into the classroom environment
Heat flows into the cold water from the classroom environment

The classroom temperature

is about 22˚ C.

90˚ C

Time: 40 Minutes, Slides 3-6

PD Provider Notes:

Some groups will continue collecting data during the upcoming content presentation. We will have time for
wrap-up of this activity at the end of the session (slide 34). The discussion of heat capacity, specific heat, and
other vocabulary will come later.


Classroom [Photograph] by Thomas Favre-Bulle. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial 2.0 Generic license.

Thomas Favre-Bulle. (2005). Classroom. Retrieved from

38 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

Who Has A Timer?

Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC Temp. ºC
Water 0 min 5 min 10 min 15 min 20 min 25 min 30 min

Hot Water

Ice Water – No Ice

Ice Water – With


Time: 40 Minutes, Slides 3-6

PD Provider Notes:

If it hasn’t already been discussed and reiterated during prior days, you will need to talk about how this data
would be graphed – really need to emphasize the difference between dependent and independent variables.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Turning Tables Into Pictures -

Let’s Graph The Data.
Annual rainfall
Dependent variable

Labels that
Rainfall (inches)

2.5 important
points and
1 events
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Month Independent variable

Action: What is the range of your data?
If you have two separate measurements with different
ranges, how can you put them on the same graph?

Time: 40 Minutes, Slides 3-6

PD Provider Notes:

After reviewing the content on this slide; allow 12 minutes for participants to complete their graphs, and
generate conclusions and explanations for the Mass, Heat, & Volume activity. If time permits, ask selected
participants to share their graphs. You may also wish to wait for group discussion until the end of this
session; there is time allotted on slide 34.


What is the range of your data? The data in this graph ranges from 0 to 4.5 inches/month.

If you have two separate measurements with different ranges, how can you put them on the same graph? You
can place the scale for one variable on the side of the graph and the other variable on the right side of the


40 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Concept Mapping Activity:

Vocabulary Terms
Heat Temperature Work
Thermometer Celsius Fahrenheit
Mass Flow Kinetic Energy
Phase Change Density
Radiation Convection Conduction
Friction Insulator
Endothermic Exothermic

Action: Arrange the words into sub-groups

with common themes, and then relate
the sub-groups in some reasonable
scheme with connection lines and arrows.

Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Leave this slide up for the duration of the activity.

Instructions for Constructing a Concept Map

Brainstorm – Think about ways in which the terms are related.

Organize – Create groups and sub-groups of related terms. Think about hierarchies as you create groups and
consider arrangements of the terms. Feel free to rearrange items and even add terms that may not be on the

Layout – On the chart paper, arrange the terms in a way that best represents your group’s collective
understanding of the interrelationships and connections among groupings. Your group’s layout may not be
like that of another group. There is not a single correct way to complete this assignment.

Link – Use lines with arrows to connect and show the relationship between connected items. Write a word or
short phrase by each arrow to specify the relationships. Several arrows may originate or end on the most
important concepts. Initially, put the arrows and words on sticky notes.

Revise and finalize – After content instruction, revise your concept map, based on new understandings. Be
prepared to share the rationale of your arrangement.

See the “Mass, Volume, and Heat” handout for details. There are many ways this can be laid out. This map will
be updated and modified as the morning session proceeds, and it will be a subject of discussion at the
beginning of session 16.

Session 15 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide


42 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Before We Finish, Let’s Step Back and

Assess What We Have Mapped.

Are there major groupings that have emerged?

Have different teams developed different

visions of the heat concept?

Action: Summarize the main points about

heat, how it is perceived, and how it might
best be presented in the classroom.

Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Did any misconceptions arise in the development of the maps?

The teams should discuss the similarities and differences between the various maps.

Some common misconceptions about heat are listed below:

•Heat makes things rise.
•Cold is the opposite of heat.
•Heat acts as a fluid. It accumulates in one spot until that spot is full. Then that spot “bursts” and heat
overflows to other parts of a substance.
•Heat and cold are associated with air.
•Everything contains air bubbles, and some bubbles contain cold air and others hot air.
•Soft things melt more easily than hard things.
•The temperature of a body is related to its size and mass.
•Heat is a material substance like air or steam. It is made up fumes that can transfer into or out of an object.

Stepans, J. I., (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model.
Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood.

Session 15 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 9

What is Heat and What is

The individual gas particles are
going at different speeds.

The faster the average speed, the

more heat the gas has.

A thermometer measures the

temperature of the gas, which is
related to the average speed of the
gas particles.
Molecular Movement Animation (Harcourt)

In liquids, the particles still move around,

but in solids the particles can only vibrate.

Time: 5 minutes

PD Provider Notes:
•Heat in a substance is manifested as the kinetic motion of its atoms or molecules (we ignore here rotation,
etc.) as shown for the gas.
•The velocity of any one particle can be small or large, but there is an average velocity, and therefore an
average kinetic energy (let’s not get into statistical physics!).
•When we put the thermometer in the gas, it measures the average temperature, which is directly related to
the average particle velocity.

Misconception Discussion:

Fill bathtub half full of hot water and measure the temperature. Now continue to fill the bathtub with hot
water until its full.

Is the temperature higher than before? Answer: No. Why? Temperature is a property which is independent
of the mass/volume of water being measured). Which would melt more ice? The tub half full of hot water or
the tub all the way filled? Answer: the completely filled tub will melt more ice.


Animation retrieved from

States of Matter. (n.d.). Retrieved from

44 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

How Does Energy Hide in Solid Matter?

atoms and A protein
Sodium chloride (salt)
and they
can vibrate.
energy. Protein


Time: 5 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Discuss how most matter can be thought of as balls (atoms, molecules) attached with springs (bonds, etc.)
and these can vibrate. Extending the discussion to liquids and gases is more involved, but still involves
motion and kinetic energy.


Space-filling structure model of 1HRY protein [Figure] by dullhunk. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

dullhunk. (2007). Space-filling structure model of 1HRY protein. Retrieved from

Session 15 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Energy in Matter

How is kinetic
manifested in the
solid, liquid, and
gas phases of

Time: 5 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The kinetic energy of a solid is low, because the particles are tightly packed (high bond strength) and
therefore vibrate slowly. Kinetic energy possessed by particles in motion is related to mass and velocity: KE =
(1/2)•mass•velocity2. The particles in a liquid are held together by weaker bonds, and hence liquids have a
kinetic energy intermediate between that of solids (lowest KE) and gases (highest KE).


46 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

Matter and Energy


The Temp-O-Meter
Making a Thermometer


Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Remain on this slide for the duration of The Temp-O-Meter Activity. Instructors circulate as teachers carry
out the exploration and generate conclusions.

Further content instruction and debriefing will take place after the activity.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 13

Tables Tell Good Stories!

Water Temperature ºC Water Level in Straw (cm)

Room Temperature


Time: 7 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
•Instruct the group to tabulate their results.
•Pause and allow teachers to make connections between the content of the previous slides and their own
•Ask them to elaborate about any observed differences between the “homemade thermometer” and the “lab
thermometer” If the observations were different, ask them to explain why.
•How would the water level in the straw change if a straw with a different diameter was used? (Answer:
thicker straw will have a lower water level, narrower straw will have a higher water level) Which kind of
straw would yield a more precise thermometer? (Answer: the narrower straw)
•Remind participants of the importance of debriefing after an activity/experiment like this. Encourage them
to use debriefing in their own classrooms.


48 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Thermometers – How Do They Work?

 Most materials expand
when they are heated.
Which expands
 For a liquid, the trick is to more, the liquid,
have most of it in a or the solid?
reservoir, but connected
to a very narrow channel.

 So when the liquid

expands even a little, the
level in the channel
changes a lot.

Mercury expands.
So does alcohol (dyed red).


Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
•Engage in dialogue: What would happen if the glass of the thermometer and the liquid had the same rate of
expansion? There would be no change in the level of liquid in the straw.
•Generally, solids expand less than liquids, and liquids expand less than gasses. The atoms of molecules in a
solid are tightly bound and can only vibrate. The atoms or molecules in a liquid are less tightly bound, and can
move around. In the gas, the gas particles are free to move without being bound.
•The transition between water and ice is strange, since upon freezing, ice will expand. As a matter of fact,
water has its greatest density at 4˚C.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Your Body is a Heat Source

Heat flows from hot
to cold objects. Why does a
On average, room
temperature is metal object feel
colder than a
72˚ F or 22.2 ˚ C
wooden object?
98.6 ˚ F is 37 ˚ C.
So when you touch something in the room, it
can feel cooler since heat is being transferred
from your hand to the object.
Why is your body a heat source?

Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The question, “Why does a metal object feel colder than a wooden object?” will set up the content for the slide
that follows.

Question: Why is your body a heat source? Answer: During metabolism of food, heat is released.


Hands Open [Photograph] by Amrit. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic license.

Amrit. (2007). Hands Open. Retrieved from

50 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Feeling Cold or Not?

I am an insulator.
I am a metal. Since I don’t conduct
I can “take the heat.” heat very well, this heat is
Bring it on! not passing through me!

Action: What is different between

a metal and Styrofoam?

Time: 2 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Talk about the insulation used in houses, and other examples, such as why you don’t want to pick up a hot pan
with a wet cloth, etc. You can also compare the effectiveness of trying to air-condition a glass sunroom versus
a concrete block house.

Question: What is different between a metal and styrofoam? A metal is a conductor of heat (and electricity),
and styrofoam is an insulator.


Hands Open [Photograph] by Amrit. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic license.

Mr. Angry Cup [Photograph] by The Eggplant. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Amrit. (2007). Hands Open. Retrieved from

The Eggplant (2006). Mr. Angry Cup. Retrieved from

Session 15 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Are the Ice



Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Discuss this Misconception regarding heat flow.

Ask: In which direction would heat flow in this scenario? Answer: assuming the ice cubes are in an
environment warmer than 0˚C, heat will flow away from the ice cubes into the surrounding environment.


Ice Cubes [Photograph] by Darren Hester. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial 2.0 Generic license.

52 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 18

Energy in Matter
When ice melts, its
temperature does
not change, even
though heat energy
is going into it.
The same is true
when water boils. When does the
temperature change when
ice is turned into steam?

Why does evaporating rubbing

alcohol feel cold on your hand?

Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This slide actually sets up the content for the slide that follows.

Question: Why does evaporating rubbing alcohol feel cold on your hand? Answer: When something is
evaporating from your skin, it is the more energetic molecules that are escaping. This results in the average
energy of the molecules left behind dropping. Temperature is a measure of the average energy of a group of
molecules. The bonds holding rubbing alcohol molecules together are not as strong as the bonds holding
water molecules together, so the rubbing alcohol molecules can escape more often than the water molecules
do. This increases the cooling effect.


Ice and Water [Photograph] by Andrew Mason. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

Boiling Water [Photograph] by Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

Andrew Mason (2005). Ice and Water. Retrieved from (2008). Boiling Water. Retrieved from

Session 15 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 19

Water boiling
100o C

Ice melting

0o C
Really cold ice
- 196o C

How does the temperature of very cold ice
change as heat is continually added?
This graph shows what will happen at sea
level at 25˚C.

Time: 6 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
•Liquid nitrogen can cool ice to – 196 centigrade, so ice can be much colder than 0 centigrade!
•Please ensure that participants understand that matter has heat until the temp reaches absolute zero (-
273.15 C).


Boiling Water [Photograph] by Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

Steam Engine [Photograph] by lyle58. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial 2.0 Generic license.

All other photos are created by this group of presenters. (2008). Boiling Water. Retrieved from

lyle58 (busy, in and out). (2007). Steam Engine. Retrieved from

54 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 20




Time: 15 Minutes

Session 15 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 21

Activity – Ice Melting Block





Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
•The melting blocks will be ordered.
•There are two of them, one is an insulator (that may feel warm to the touch) and the other is a heat
conductor (and will feel cool to the touch).
•Both are black in color so participants won’t know there is a difference except how each feels when touched.
•The ice cube on the one that feels “cold” will melt faster than the ice cube on the one that feels “hot”.
•Use a document camera so that all participants can see what is happening as the ice melts. Keep the blocks
out in the classroom throughout the day and repeat the ice melting experiment so that all participants have a
chance to observe up close.


Ice Cube [Photograph] by djking. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

djking. (2006). Ice Cube. Retrieved from

56 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 22

Energy Flow Activity, Part A

The Department of Energy worries
Different a lot about this!
materials can
conduct heat at
different rates.

There are also

many different
ways heat can


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Remain on this slide for duration of PART A of the Energy Flow activity.

Participants will submerge one end of the item being tested into hot water, determine, and record how long it
takes the opposite end to warm up.

As debrief, discuss the results obtained. Have the participants consider how the size and thickness of the
object will affect the item’s ability to conduct heat. If desired, you can introduce the concept of thermal mass
(see slide 35 for more information).


Insulation Roll [Photograph] by chimothy27. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

construction - 20050901 - wrong insulation was installed - 100-0007 [Photograph] by Hiiiiii MY NAME IS
BRAAAAAAAAAAAK. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from
Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

chimothy27. (2008). Insulation Roll. Retrieved from

Rev.Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL). (2006). construction - 20050901 - wrong insulation was
installed - 100-0007. Retrieved from

Session 15 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 23

Heat Transfer Vocabulary

The (Modified) Frayer Model

This is where we sum up the

session, and we try to put things in


Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Ask participants to take out the handout titled “Heat Transfer Vocabulary Activity: Frayer Model.”


The Frayer Model will be used as a NOTE-TAKING Tool, as we talk about heat transfer.

As the different methods of heat transfer are discussed, participants will complete the squares for each term.


Barton, M.L. & Jordan, D.L. (2001). Teaching reading in science: A supplement to teaching reading in the
content areas teacher’s manual. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

58 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 24

So, What Does Frayer

Have to Say?


Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

As the handout (Frayer Model Instructions) is used as a note-taking tool, participants should ensure that, for
each term, they have a working definition of the term, key or essential characteristics, practical examples, and
an illustration.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 25

Heat Flow Is A Transfer of Energy

 It can move through a
vacuum or air as light.
 Radiation
 It can move through a material.
 Heat conduction
 It can be carried along
in a hot gas or liquid. Heat flow
 Convection Cold


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
•This is a good place to talk about the weather, radiation cooling on clear nights even in Florida! Hurricanes
and how they work, etc., and why you don’t pick up a hot pan with a wet oven mitt.
•Talk about the details of each of these – why are some materials better conductors than others – how do
convection and radiation work and offer practical examples of each.
•Radiation is the transfer of energy by light. Light can move in a vacuum. Even if there is no wind or fan, your
face can feel the heat coming from the campfire. This is infrared light radiation. Radiation cooling occurs
when the warm earth radiates its heat into the sky. If there are no clouds, the radiation is not reflected back,
since the “cloud blanket” is not there, and the ground cools down.
•Heat conduction involves the flow of heat through materials that do not move. The heat travels by exciting
the atoms, molecules, and even electrons in materials and it is this kinetic energy can then move through the
material from the hot end to the cold end.
•Heat can move by convection, where the material does move, as in liquids (water boiling in a pan) or in
gases (hot air rising and cold air falling). Insulation can stop air from moving, and this can reduce the heat
transfer by convection between a warm inner wall and a cold outer wall.


Thunderstorm [Diagram] courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration. Retrieved May 19,
2009 from

multicell.jpg. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Weather Service: 2009 from

60 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 26

Mass, Volume, & Heat Activity Revisited

 Now we will finish the Mass,
Volume, & Heat activity that we
started at the beginning of this

 Share data with other groups, plot,

and draw your conclusions.


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

If you have not done so already, now is the time for the wrap-up for the Mass, Volume, & Heat activity that
was started on slide 2. Lead a discussion of the findings, and clear up any misconceptions. Have some groups
share their graphs with the class. We will revisit the concept maps at the beginning of session 16.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 27



Time: 60 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

Following this slide is the OPTIONAL content related to this session.


62 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 28

Heat Conductometer
Demonstration, Part B
What is a Heat Conductometer?
A Heat Conductometer is used for comparing the thermal
conductivity of five metals: aluminum, brass, steel, nickel, and
The 5 spokes radiate from a brass hub. Each rod is marked on
the rods. There are notches in each rod to hold the wax.

Action: Determine how long it takes

for heat to flow through different

Time: Optional, 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

We will focus on heat flow through solid materials.

Have participants complete the Energy Flow handout.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 63

Provider Guide

Slide 29

How Long Does It Take For The

Wax To Melt?
This example will take some skill!
Item Time (minutes)

Action: What about other items like a pencil,

plastic spoon, etc.?


Time: Optional, 9 Minutes

Provider Notes:

Remain on this slide until participants have completed “Conclude and Explain.” This activity corresponds with
PART B of the “Energy Flow” handout. As the demonstration is conducted, ask participants to record data in
the space provided in PART B of the handout and then, complete the “Conclude and Explain” portion of the
handout. Special Notes: For this demonstration, a Bunsen burner works great to heat the center tab, or even a
candle. The heat transfer can take a very short time, a minute or so, depending on how hot the tab is. It can
be re-done quickly by putting the “fly swatter” in water, drying it off, and starting again.


64 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 30

More Than You Wanted To Know!

The next set of slides has more background

content related to the subjects discussed during the Day 8
Morning Session, and may give you some additional ideas
about filling out the
Frayer Model Chart.

Also, what about those concept maps?

Have they changed?


Time: Optional, 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

This is a transition slide.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 65

Provider Guide

Slide 31

Temperature Indicates Energy

Something with a lot of energy (hot, high temperature)
to something with a smaller energy (cold, lower temperature).
This is called heat conduction, and normally proceeds
from hot to cold objects.

What device in your Thot Tcold Objects isolated
house can actually move
heat from a
cold place to a
warm place, and
how does it do it?
Objects connected
Energy flow (Heat)


Time: Optional, 4 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

A great discussion is how the refrigerator works. It actually takes heat from the COLD region and transfers it
to the HOT region. This is a great example of how something that is cold actually still has heat in it, which can
be removed. The Kelvin scale is the absolute temperature scale. If T = 0 Kelvin, it means there is no energy in
the material. As T increases, so does the energy in the material. Water freezes at 273 Kelvin, and boils at 373
Kelvin. The Celsius scale has the same spacing in degrees as Kelvin, but is offset by 273 Kelvin (so water
freezes at 0 degrees Celsius, and boils at 100 degrees Celsius.) Explore: There is the whole concept of work
that is probably too much to tackle. The refrigerator does work and can remove heat from a cold place and
transfer it into a hotter place.


66 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 32

Another Really Hot & Cool

Imagine two metals, one that expands or contracts
more with temperature than the other.
Concept Cold Normal


Time: Optional, 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Concept: Thermal expansion and contraction

•The warmer a solid is, due to the kinetic energy and motion of the atoms, the farther apart they are – this
will make the solid expand in size.
•Different materials will expand by different amounts due to the type of atoms that make up the solid.
•We often describe objects as contracting when cold. Actually, this is a relative term since a cold object is just
less expanded than a hot object.


Session 15 Presentation Guide 67

Provider Guide

Slide 33

Another Really Hot & Cool Thermometer

Now let’s glue them together when they are at normal temperatures, and
then heat them up or cool them down.
Cold Normal Hot

Discuss why this happens.


Time: Optional, 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Demonstration: Heat the bimetal bar to demonstrate this concept. After cooling the bar, pass it around so
teachers may visualize the two metals that have been “glued” together. Practical Applications: The images
shown above are al bi-metallic strips. The “device” is widely used in things like thermostats and in older cars,
the blinker lights. When current flows through the strip, it heats it up, and it expands and bends away from
the contact (light goes out). But when it is not in contact, there is no current, so it cools off, contracts, and
bends back and makes contact again (light goes on). It goes on and off until the current is switched off in the


Thermostat [Photograph] by midnightcomm. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

68 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 34

Why Does A Metal Object Feel Colder

Than A Wooden Object?
How well can heat flow conductor each have two
through an object? meanings:
Heat moves more easily in Conductor:
metals than it does in wood A material can be a good
and other insulating conductor of heat and/or it
materials. can be a good conductor of
How much heat can an electricity.
object take in? Insulator:
Materials like liquids and A material can be a poor
metals can hold more heat conductor of heat and/or it
than light, insulating can be a poor conductor of
materials. electricity.
The terms insulator and

Time: Optional, 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Session 15 Presentation Guide 69

Provider Guide

Slide 35

Heat Capacity Is The Ability Of an

Object To Hold Heat Energy
 Dense materials – liquids, Heat and Temperature
and metals can have a Are NOT the Same
large heat capacity.
A small, light, object can be
 Conductors have a large
heat capacity. very hot like the glowing tip of
 Light materials and a hot pin, but it cannot melt
insulators usually have a an ice cube.
small heat capacity. A large object can be at room
The larger the object is, the
temperature, like a glass of
larger its heat capacity will be.
water, and it can easily melt
an ice cube.


Time: Optional, 6 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

There is an important difference between the terms heat capacity and specific heat. Specific heat (lower case
“c”) refers to how much heat a “specific” material can gain (per gram, per unit volume, per mole, etc.) for a
change in temperature.

Heat capacity (upper case “C”) refers to how much heat an object made of a specific material can gain for a
change in temperature.

Specific heat of water at 0° C:

c = 1 calorie/gram °C

Heat capacity of one kilogram of water at 0° C: C = 1000 calories/ °C


70 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 36

A Good Electrical Conductor Is Also

A Good Heat Conductor
Why are metals so special?
• In an Insulator, heat is the energy of
vibration of the atoms and molecules in a
solid. The electrons cannot move very
• But in a Metal, not only can the atoms
and molecules vibrate, but the electrons
can also be in motion.
• So in a metal, there are more ways to
store heat, and also to conduct heat.


Time: Optional, 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Aluminum bar – picture made by this team

Huge Building made of wooden building blocks, by Ukoonto [Photograph] by Hans and Carolyn. Retrieved May
19, 2009 from Available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license..

Session 15 Presentation Guide 71

Provider Guide

Slide 37

Optional Activity: Design Challenge

 Working in groups, construct a device to prevent the
melting of an ice cube. Determine a way to measure
the longevity of the ice cube.


Time: Optional

PD Provider Notes:

See Resources Guide.


72 Presentation Guide Session 15

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Revise, Finalize, and Debrief Concept Map: from Session 15 “Heat” Presentation. Share 2 25
final concept map with other groups and summarize the major points.

Write-Pair-Share Activity: Each participant will list all the kinds of waves he/she can 3 5
think of on an index card and then, work with a neighbor to jointly develop a more
comprehensive list.

Content Instruction and Slinky Wave Demonstration: Types of waves and 4-10 25
characteristics common to waves will be discussed. A slinky will be used to demonstrate
longitudinal waves and a short video clip of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse will be

Crowd Wave Activity: (Instructor Led Whole Group Activity):The group will stand in a 11 20
circle around the perimeter of the room and complete 3 transverse waves and 3
longitudinal waves each at a different speed.

Content Instruction and Doppler Effect Demonstration: Terminology, such as velocity, 12-13 15
wavelength, frequency and Doppler effect, will be explored. A computer animation will be
used to demonstrate the Doppler effect..

Break 14

Activity: Making a Sound-O-Meter: Participants will use a pre-assembled device to 15-17 35

investigate various types of sounds.

Content Instruction: Misconceptions, identified in the previous activity, will be addressed 18 20

and groups will be allowed to share their cartoons.

Content Instruction: Areas of focus include why things vibrate, resonance, and the 19-24 25
specifics of Helmholtz resonators.

Exit Tickets 25 10

Optional Musical Bottles Activity: Participants will work individually to investigate 26 optional
“pitch” and “ping” of a bottle and then, groups will work collaboratively to make “music”
with bottle, as they explore pitch and resonance.

Optional Musical Bottles Activity Debrief: Scientific explanations for Musical Bottles 27-28 optional
activity; observations will be constructed and recorded.

Total instructional time: 180

Session 16 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Write-Pair-Share Activity


Ask each teacher to take two minutes to list all the kinds of waves he/she can think of on an index
card or other sheet of paper.

Instruct teachers to turn to a neighbor, preferably not a teammate, and collaborate for three minutes
to share their ideas and jointly develop a more comprehensive list.

Call on someone from each of several groups to share their collective list.

You may wish to collect the final list from each group.

Have index cards ready to be distributed to the participants.




Index cards for each participant



2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute


Slinky Wave Demonstration


Using a slinky, the instructor will launch compression waves and ask participants to note the
compressions and expansions.




One Slinky for demonstration purposes


See this website for an illustration of compression waves using a slinky:

Beautiful Illustration of a Slinky Compression Wave. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Session 16 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide


Doppler Effect Demonstration


Using the “Example of Doppler Effect” Hyperlink, the instructor will demonstrate, discuss the
observations and explain the rationale.






LCD projector


Russell, D. A. (n.d.). The Doppler Effect and Sonic Booms. Retrieved from

Doppler Physlet. (n.d.). Retrieved from Physlet:

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute


Crowd Wave Activity


The entire group will stand in a circle around the perimeter of the room.

One person will be assigned to be a time keeper.

The group will do 3 transverse waves (move arms up and down) like a crowd wave at ballgames,
each at a different speed (slow, medium and rapid).

Then the group will do 3 longitudinal crowd waves (bodies moving back and forth) at different

The timekeeper will be responsible for tracking and recording the amount of time it takes for each
wave to move from initial person through final person.




A stopwatch or wristwatch with second hand will be helpful



Session 16 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide


Making a Sound-O-Meter


Prepare a setup where the boom box, can, laser, mirror, etc. are stable on a table, so that no one has
to aim the laser.

A rubber band may be used to keep the laser in the on position, and modeling clay can be used to
ensure the laser is firmly affixed to the table and aimed at the mirror.

The group should observe the reflected light on the wall, discuss/explain, and illustrate observations
from various parts of the experiment.

Group members will then, carefully examine the drawings and record conclusions in the spaces

As a culminating activity, each group will get a sheet of chart paper and diagram, in cartoon fashion,
the sound waves and vibrations. The series of energy transformations and transfers observed will
also be denoted.


Making a “Sound-O-Meter”


Empty vegetable can (14 ½ oz) with bottom and top cut off or cardboard tube
Package of Large Rubber bands
Small Flat Mirror or reflective silver squares
All purpose – fast drying glue
Laser pointer
Boom Box with various music compositions and/or voices
Musical instruments
Masking tape
Modeling clay
Chart paper and markers



6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute


Musical Bottles


Participants will arrange empty bottles on a table.

One participant will be the musician.

After cleaning the opening with an alcohol wipe, the “musician” will blow across the narrow opening
of the glass bottle and the group will record their observations.

Then the group will strike the glass bottle with a pencil, describe and record the group’s

Predictions will be made as to what will happen if different amounts of water are added to the

Increasing amounts of water will be added, and observations will be made and recorded. After
reaching the maximum water level, the bottles will be “tuned” to see if groups can produce the
musical notes do, re, mi, fa.
Groups may have to work together to accomplish the entire scale.

Finally, the participants will hang a fishing weight on a rubber band attached to a firm support. They
will pull down on the weight, release, and observe its oscillation.

Comparisons will be made between the “bottle effects” and the “rubber band” effects.

Participants will then summarize and attempt to explain their observations.

After content instruction, participants will revise and finalize explanations.


Musical Bottles


Four large glass wine bottles with labels removed or other glass bottles with narrow necks (per
group of 4-6 participants)
Pitcher or large beaker of water
Alcohol wipes (or paper towel damped with rubbing alcohol)
Fishing weights
Rubber bands
Ring stand or other support
Pencil or other hard object



Session 16 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide


Pass to Class


Participants will locate their “Pass to Class” at the end of class today in their handouts binder. It will
be due at the beginning of the day tomorrow.


Pass to Class





8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Making a Sound-O-Meter
Musical Bottles
Pass to Class

Session 16 Handouts 9
Provider Guide

10 Handouts Session 16
Matter & Energy Institute

Making a “Sound-O-Meter”

Scissors and masking tape Package of large rubber balloons

Small, flat mirror; silver, aluminized Mylar Laser pointer

All purpose – fast drying glue Modeling clay

Rubber bands Boom box

Chart Paper and Markers Empty 14 – ½ oz. vegetable can with top and
bottom cut off, and cut ends covered with
masking tape; one per participant
Music – high pitched as soprano, thumping
deep bass, various instruments, etc

Note: A “Sound-O-Meter” should be provided for each participant.

1. Ensure vegetable cans have smooth edges on top and bottom. To do this, cover the exposed ends with
masking tape.
2. Cut the neck off a balloon and stretch the wide part over one end of the can. Pull the excess rubber up
the side wall of the can. Make certain the dimple at the bottom of the balloon isn’t along this end surface.
The rubber on the bottom should be flat, but not pulled so tight it won’t oscillate.
3. Apply glue to the back of a small mirror, or aluminized Mylar square, and place the mirror or mylar on
the outside center of the rubber piece that is stretched over one end of the can. Set it aside and allow
4. Test the device before using. The rubber should vibrate with sound, causing the mirror to move and
thus, the reflected laser beam to wiggle.

Session 16 Handouts 11
Provider Guide

1. Position the “device,” on a table. The device should be positioned with the mirror/Mylar square pointing
toward a wall or screen.
2. Using modeling clay, build a support for the laser. The laser beam should be aimed to hit the center of
the mirror. A rubber band may be used to keep the laser switch in the “on” position. CAUTION: DO NOT
shine the beam of the laser toward the face or eyes of anyone!
3. Place the open end of one can near each of the speakers of the boom box. After dimming the lights in the
room, turn the laser on and use the boom box to play deep, bass, thumping music. Play the music softly,
at first, and then loudly.
4. Ask participants to observe and draw the patterns produced, on the wall, by the reflected laser beam.
5. Repeat the process, using soothing music and then, a shrill, high-pitched sound. Each time, play the
music softly, at first, and then loudly.

12 Handouts Session 16
Matter & Energy Institute

Label each type of sound and illustrate what you observed with each one. It is possible that you won’t have
data to put into each circle.

Session 16 Handouts 13
Provider Guide

Carefully examine your drawings. Based on the patterns that emerged, what conclusions may be drawn?

In Conclusion…



1. Get one sheet of chart paper per team.

2. During this activity, a series of energy transformations and transfers were observed. Beginning with
the boom box, diagram the sound waves and vibrations with graphical symbols, as in cartoons or schematics.

3. Label each energy transfer and each energy transformation.

4. Be prepared to share your diagram.

14 Handouts Session 16
Matter & Energy Institute

Musical Bottles

Four large glass wine bottles (with labels removed) or Pitcher, or other container of
other glass bottles with a narrow neck, per group of 4-6 water for each group
Funnel Alcohol wipes or paper towels
dampened with rubbing alcohol
Fishing weights Rubber bands

Ring stand or other support Pencil or other hard object

1. Arrange four empty bottles on a table. Assign one student per bottle as the “musician.”
2. Musician task – Create a sound by blowing across the narrow opening of the glass bottle. Note: Clean
the opening of the glass bottle with an alcohol wipe before blowing. For our purposes, this sound will
be referred to as the “pitch.”
3. Listen carefully to the pitch of the sound. Describe and record your observation in the Table 9.8.
4. Strike the glass bottle with a pencil. For our purposes, this sound will be referred to as the “ping.”
Again, describe and record your observation in the table.
5. Predict what might happen to the sounds, if different amounts of water are added to the bottle.

Session 16 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

My question is…

I predict…

6. Add water to the bottle, increasing the amount, a little at a time. Each time after adding water, blow
across the top and then, strike the bottle with the pencil. What happens? Record these observations
in Table 9.8.
7. After reaching the maximum water level, “tune” a group of bottles, by adding and removing water, to
produce the musical notes do, re, mi, fa. Work with another group to produce the sounds of the entire
scale. NOTE: The groups should be divided into halves, with some groups producing the scale by
blowing on the bottles and the others producing the scale by “pinging” the bottles.
8. Try to play a simple song.
9. Clean the top of each bottle with an alcohol wipe.
10. Hang a fishing weight on a rubber band that is attached to a firm support. Pull down on the weight;
release and observe its oscillation. How are the “bottle effects” related to the “rubber band” effects?

16 Handouts Session 16
Matter & Energy Institute

Table 9.8

Effect of Varying Amounts of Water on Pitch and Ping

Amount of Water Pitch Description Ping Description

Use an illustration to depict the
amount of water.

Session 16 Handouts 17
Provider Guide


I observed…

Write a summary of your observations.

What can be concluded based on your observations?

I think my observations are due to…

Attempt to explain the observations.

To Be Completed After Content Instruction

I know my observations are a result of…

Revise the explanation above, based on deeper understanding of science concepts, related to the activity.

What additional questions do I have?

Consider additional questions that could be investigated.

18 Handouts Session 16
Matter & Energy Institute

Pass to Class

Respond to these questions:

What was the most confusing idea

we learned today? Why?

Pass to Class

Respond to these questions:

What was the most confusing idea we

learned today? Why?

Session 16 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

20 Handouts Session 16
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 16

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 16 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Heat Concept Maps Revisited

 Revise your concept maps – are there any changes
which you would like to make? Any new terms to
 Share your concept map with other groups.

Vocabulary Terms
Heat Temperature Kinetic Energy
Thermometer Celsius Fahrenheit
Mass Flow Calorimeter
Phase Change Density Conduction
Radiation Convection Insulator
Volume Friction Work

Time: 25 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Allow participants 10 minutes to revise their content maps and 10 minutes to share with other groups. Clear
up any misconceptions which linger.


22 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Write-Pair-Share Activity
 Take two minutes and list all the kinds of waves you
can think of.

 After two minutes, turn to a neighbor, share ideas,

and jointly develop a more comprehensive list.

Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

In this brief activity, we are activating prior knowledge. Instruct participants to keep their binders closed
during this exercise.


Session 16 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Sound: A Mechanical Wave

“Wave” means sound has a wave
length and travels through materials.
“Mechanical” means that the sound
wave is made up of matter connected
by some elastic force.
It cannot travel through a vacuum.
It needs some substance (gas, liquid,
solid) through which to travel.

Sound Wave Traveling Through a Solid

Interactive Animation
Sound Wave Traveling Through a Gas
Interactive Animation
Pulse of Sound Traveling in a Solid Interactive

Time: 6 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Some of the misconceptions are:

• Sound can travel through a vacuum? – No it can’t!
• Sound cannot travel through solids and liquids? - Yes it can!
• Sound can be produced without using any materials.
The animation, depicting a longitudinal or compression wave is from the Institute of Sound and Vibration
Research, University of Southampton.

The interactive animations are available from: teaching resources at:


Acoustical Longitudinal Wave. [Animation]. Retrieved March 11, 2009, from:

Stepans, J. I.. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model.
Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood.

Wave [Diagram]. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under
a GNU Free Documentation License.

24 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Animations of Acoustic Waves. (n.d.). Institution of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR). Retrieved from

File:Wave.png. (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 16 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 5

To The Help Desk!

Dear Help Desk,
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a
What do you think?


Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

Answer appears on the next slide.


26 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

From the Help Desk!

Dear Edna,

If you define sound as a sensation that involves a sound wave hitting

your ear drum, then NO!

However, if you define sound as the mechanical wave traveling through

a material or materials, then YES!

Time: 2 Minute

PD Provider Notes:


Session 16 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 7

 Vibrating objects can produce sound waves in air.
 Humans hear sound waves with a frequency of
between 10 cycles per second to 20,000 cycles per
 Traveling sound waves carry energy.
 In resonant systems, the sound and energy remain
“local,” but alas, the energy eventually “leaks out.”

Let's Take a Look at Another

Sound Wave Animation

Time: 5 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Some of the misconceptions are:

• Sound can travel through a vacuum? – No it can’t!
• Sound cannot travel through solids and liquids? - Yes it can!
The “Let’s Take a Look at a Sound Wave Model” hyperlink will take you to a model showing vibration of a
string and the resultant sound wave. The source of this model is the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Website, “Illuminations: Resources for Teaching Math.”


Stepans, J. I.. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model.
Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). (n.d.). Illuminations: Sound Wave. Retrieved from

28 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 8

Sound Waves From Earthquakes Tell Us What

The Earth’s Cores Are Like.
Transverse waves,
shown here as S waves, are
due to the twisting of the
Earth’s mantle.
S waves cannot travel
through a liquid!

Pressure waves, shown

here as P waves,
can travel
through liquids and

Action Item: What can you say

about the outer core of the Earth?

Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

There are two general classifications of waves, transverse waves and compression waves. Discuss the figure
that shows that s waves cannot propagate through a liquid outer core, but p waves can. P-wave behavior is
however complicated by the fact that the inner core is solid, giving additional information about the size and
state (liquid, solid) of the outer and inner cores.


Earthquake wave paths [Diagram]. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free Documentation

File:Earthquake wave paths.gif. (2005). [Diagram]. Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 16 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 9

Slinky Wave Demonstration

We need some masses.

Let’s add some springs.

Let’s give it a thwack and watch a sound wave travel down the

Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Notes: Ask the class to note details about the bottom picture. They should observe - stretched springs,
compressed springs, density, force, etc.

Let’s do a simple slinky demonstration to help participants visualize this concept.

The instructor will stretch the slinky and “launch” a compression wave. This makes it easy to visualize the
compression and expansion of the spring. Ask participants to discuss what was observed.


See this website for an illustration of a compression wave:

Beautiful Illustration of a Slinky Compression Wave. (n.d.). Retrieved from

30 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

In General, Solids Will Be Comprised of

Masses (atoms or molecules)
And Springs (electronic bonds).

Tacoma Narrows:
Even cement is flexible!
Click for video.


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Even cement is a spring system. Run Tacoma Narrows video link. For example:


Tacoma Narrows Bridge Falling [Photograph] by Qutezuce. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free
Documentation License.

Alternative video clip

File:Tacoma Narrows Bridge Falling.png. (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Tacoma Narrows Bridge destruction.ogg. (2005). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 16 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Crowd Activity
 Everyone stand in a group around the perimeter of the
room. Assign one person to be a time keeper.
 Do 3 transverse waves (arms move up and down) crowd
waves, like those done at ballgames.
◦ Estimate the speed of the wave, and the wave length.
 Now, do 3 compression crowd waves (arms moving
horizontally towards and away from body).
 Timekeeper will need to track and record the amount of
time it takes the wave to travel from the initial person
through final person.


Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

One could use the wave equation velocity = wavelength X frequency to estimate the frequency of the wave.
Units should be meters. How long is the chain of people, and how long does it take the wave to go from
beginning to end? The ratio will be the speed. What is the distance between two “arms up” positions? That
will be the wave length. There will have to be some astute observers to make these measurements. If the
group makes a circle, then the wave can go around many times, and the measurements will be more accurate.
This exercise actually tests the speed of human response, since a person cannot start a wave until the person
before them in the circle has started moving.


32 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

Wavelength and
Waves in materials can be either
longitudinal (compression) or

Waves have a wave length (l), and

also a frequency (f) .

Their speed (v) depends on the

material they are traveling through.

These are beautifully related by the

“wave equation” v = l•f.


Time: 7 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

There are a lot of things that can be discussed for waves, including what amplitude means for the two types of
motion in the Slinky - longitudinal (compression-expansion along velocity direction) and transverse
(extension perpendicular to velocity direction). There are also traveling waves and stationary waves.
Frequency is also “pitch” for sound waves, and can be in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz).

animation (link only) for longitudinal waves

animation (link only) for transverse waves


Wave [Diagram]. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under
a GNU Free Documentation License.

File:Wave.png.(2007) . Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 16 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 13

The Doppler Effect Demonstration -

Squeezing and Stretching
Speed of sound = lf = constant. Example of
If l gets shorter, f gets bigger. Doppler Effect
If l gets longer, f gets shorter.


Time: 8 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

To experience the “sound,” related to the Doppler Effect, click on the hyperlink, “Example of Doppler Effect.”
This is from the URL below. When you click on “Dial 911,” participants will see a police car move across the
screen and participants will hear the resultant rise and fall in pitch of the siren.

Animations depicting Doppler Effect in various cases may be accessed at the URL below:

A sound source moving towards you will compress the wavelengths of the sound wave (and make the
frequency – pitch – higher). As the source moves away, the wavelengths will be stretched out, and the pitch
will be lower.


Doppler-effect-two-police-cars-diagram [Diagram] by Jeremykemp. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free
Documentation License.

For more information on the Doppler effect, visit

34 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

File:Doppler-effect-two-police-cars-diagram.png. (2005). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Doppler effect, (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 16 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 14

Let’s Take a Break!


Time: 15 Minutes

36 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 15

Activity: Making A “Sound-O-Meter”

Sound in air is produced by vibration.
 A rubber balloon diaphragm at one end of an
open can is a “resonant” system.
 Sound energy in the air can be transferred again
to vibrational energy in the diaphragm.
 The motion of the diaphragm can be detected by
the clever use of a laser pointer!
 Information about the sound is projected by the


Time: 2 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Use this slide to introduce – Making a “Sound-O-Meter.”


Session 16 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 16

The “Sound-0-Meter”
Wall or
Balloon stretched tightly over
end of can

Mylar mirror

Can with both ends removed

Laser Pointer Speaker

Voiceprint Recognition


Time: 1 Minute- Leave this slide on screen for approximately 15 minutes total.

PD Provider Notes:

Tips for Activity:

A loud Boom box with good variation of low and high frequencies is best.

Stretch the balloon off-center so the center does not leave a dimple.

Laser, can, and boom box should be fixed so that only the sound source is varied.

The mirror should be as light as possible, so that the response of the diaphragm is in the audio range.

Aluminized Mylar, such as that found in packages of foil confetti, works well. Glass or metal mirrors are too

This is a basis for speech recognition systems. To learn more about how speech recognition systems work,
click on the hyperlink at the bottom of this slide or go to “How Biometrics Works,” an article by Tracy V.
Wilson at How Stuff Works.


Wilson, T. W. (n.d.). How stuff works: Voiceprints. Retrieved from

38 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 17

Diagram of Sound and Energy

What happened?

Draw a cartoon story depicting how energy

and information move from the boom box to
the laser beam on the wall.


Time: 32 minutes

PD Provider Notes:
• This slide should be used to set-up the final activity (cartoon depiction) described on the Sound-o-Meter
• The key points should include the sound in the air produced by the speaker, sound traveling to the tin can
resonator, the vibration of the rubber diaphragm, and how the laser light is deflected for two different
vibrating positions of the rubber diaphragm.
• Then the class should discuss the different diagrams that are drawn.

Session 16 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 18

How Do Cartoonists Depict Sound

Waves and Vibration?



Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This is provided to suggest one way to do the diagram in the handout.


40 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 19

When Things Vibrate!

 When things vibrate, there are always a “spring” of some
form and a “mass” of some form involved.

 When you excite the mass, it vibrates at some frequency

(or pitch if you can hear it).

The stronger the spring, the higher the pitch, the bigger
the mass, the lower the pitch.


Time: 4 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

“Vibration refers to mechanical oscillations about an equilibrium point. The oscillations may be periodic such
as the motion of a pendulum or random such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road. Vibration is
occasionally "desirable". For example the motion of a tuning fork, the reed in a woodwind instrument or
harmonica, or the cone of a loudspeaker is desirable vibration, necessary for the correct functioning of the
various devices. More often, vibration is undesirable, wasting energy and creating unwanted sound – noise.
For example, the vibrational motions of engines, electric motors, or any mechanical device in operation are
typically unwanted. Such vibrations can be caused by imbalances in the rotating parts, uneven friction, the
meshing of gear teeth, etc. Careful designs usually minimize unwanted vibrations. The study of sound and
vibration are closely related. Sound, or "pressure waves", are generated by vibrating structures (e.g. vocal
cords); these pressure waves can also induce the vibration of structures (e.g. ear drum). Hence, when trying
to reduce noise it is often a problem in trying to reduce vibration.”


Quote above from:

Vibration. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 16 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 20

Simple Resonators

Spring Rubber band

Mass Weight


Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Discussion: Discuss the fact that the stronger (tighter) the spring, the faster the vibration, and the larger the
mass, the slower the vibration. You could make models of the rubber band + weight setup illustrated on the
right side of the slide. Use weights of various sizes. Pass around to allow participants to explore these.


42 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21


Pop Quiz!
What would happen to
Pavarotti's voice if he
inhaled helium gas?


Time: 4 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Make connection between bottle and human anatomy. The lungs are related to the belly of the bottle, and the
throat and mouth are related to the neck of the bottle. The vocal cords vibrate to excite the sound. The pitch
and quality of the sound the singer makes is more complex and involves many details, but the basic bottle
geometry is an essential feature that contributes to the sound produced.

Answer to question: See this website:



Short audio clips of Pavarotti singing may be accessed at:


Pavarotti’s Greatest Hits. (n.d.). Retrieved from Barnes & Noble:

Session 16 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 22

Toot! We Will Call The Frequency of The

Sound The “Pitch.”
Air is blown
across the mouth
of the bottle.
Where does that low-
pitched sound come from?

If the sound comes from

vibration, where is the
spring, and where is the

Time: 4 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The purpose of these slides is to further explore the nature of vibration (frequency describes vibration) and
how vibration leads to sound (pitch describes sound).

The bottles produce a sound because the air vibrates inside the bottle when you blow across it. The more air
that is in the bottle, the lower the sound of the bottle is. The bottles with more water produce a higher sound
because there is less air vibrating inside the bottle. The water affects how much air is inside each bottle.

The waves in woodwind and string instruments are standing waves. The media (air or strings) move back
and forth in a wavelike manner, but they don't go anywhere. Effectively, they just bounce back and forth
between the ends of the instruments in a synchronous manner such that there are nodes (where no
displacement occurs) and anti-nodes (where the most displacement occurs). They are "resonant", vibrating
systems. And as we know, such vibrating systems can produce sound waves in the room that do indeed travel,
and these are traveling waves. The wine bottle is a great demonstration of this: The standing wave is in the
bottle: it excites the traveling wave that you hear! There are too many websites to list, but a search for
anything like the "physics of music or acoustics" etc. will bring you to many very interesting sites. One
example, a booklet, The Physics of Music and Musical Instruments, is available at Tufts University.
ook_acrobat_7.pdf Another resource, “Sound Waves and Music,” is a chapter from The Physics Classroom. It is
available at:


44 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 23

Ping! How Does This Pitch Compare

With That of The “Toot”?

No water, no
blowing air.

Where does that

high pitched sound
come from?


Time: 4 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

In the activity, the glass bottle should be struck on the side. A metal fork, knife, or any reasonably hard object
will make a nice clear sound.


Session 16 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 24

Where are the spring and mass in the

bottle resonator for the toot??

Neck Air Neck Air Neck Air

Moves Moves
down up

Belly Air Belly Air Belly Air

Compressed Expanded


Time: 5 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The bottle resonator is a Helmholtz resonator where one can think of the air in the belly as the spring, and the
air in the neck as the mass. To access photographs of early metal Helmholtz resonators, go the URL below:


Helmholtz Resonator (n.d.). Retrieved from Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sceiences:

46 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 25

Exit Tickets
 Write down 3 new things you learned today.
 Write down 1 (or more) questions you still have
about what we learned today.


Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Give out index cards for participants to use as exit tickets. Each participant should respond to the bulleted
questions on the slide and leave their exit tickets in a designated area. Exit tickets should be read by the PD
providers at the end of each day. The exit tickets should be sorted by common themes to be addressed during
follow-up time the next morning. This will allow PD providers to answer questions and address
misconceptions before starting the next day’s topics. It will also provide an opportunity to connect the
content between sessions.


Session 16 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 26

Music Bottles Activity: LET’S MAKE MUSIC!

Tune the bottles’ pitch and ping with water.




More About Standing Waves 26

Time: Optional, 25 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

In this exercise, either one bottle is filled with water a little at a time, or a set of similar bottles are filled to
different levels with water.

There is a distinct difference in the pitch of the air (toot) sound and the bottle (ping) sound with different
levels of water. So, Do, Re, and Mi will be a different sequence for the toot and the ping. Encourage some
students to make the music scale with the toot, and others to do the scale with the ping. As the water in the
bottle rises, the amount of Belly air is reduced, and the total compressibility goes down. This causes the
restoring force to increase, and therefore the resonant frequency goes up. Equally, the distance between the
node (water surface) and antinode (neck region) is decreasing, and this will cause the frequency to go up.


A helpful resource demonstrating standing waves is:

Kooten, R. V. (n.d.). Standing Sound Waves. Retrieved from:

48 Presentation Guide Session 16

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 27

How About Some Data?

“SOUNDS” Good to Me!
Amount of Toot Pitch Ping Pitch


Time: Optional, 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

For the water level, the first one should be empty, then ¼ filled, ½ filled, ¾ filled, etc. The participants will
have to make some kind of descriptive scale for the pitch (high, medium, low, bass, etc.), since we will not
have a frequency counter.


Session 16 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 28

How About A Rough Descriptive


Use symbols like these:



Empty Water Level Full


Time: Optional, 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor can describe the usefulness of the graph as a tool to understand data, even when the data is
qualitative instead of quantitative.


50 Presentation Guide Session 16


Matter & Energy Institute

Topic and brief description Slides Time

Exit Ticket Review 2 10

Anticipation Guide: Teachers will complete an anticipation guide concerning 3 5

Electricity and Circuits.

Electricity – Explore and Learn about Electricity: Teachers will conduct the 4 15
Balloons – All Charged Up! portion of this exploration and then stop for content

Whole Group Discussion and Content Instruction: Specific content that will be 5-12 10
addressed include, principles of static electricity and resultant charges.

Explore and Learn About Electricity Continued: Participants will continue to 12 20

explore electricity by completing Lighting a Bulb and the Circuit Design
Challenge. Leave slide 12 on screen. Spend a few minutes debriefing this activity.

Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow - Part A: The Conduct-O-Meter 13 20

Activity Participants will develop a conductivity tester, the Conduct -O- Meter, to
test materials for electrical conductivity, and construct a robust circuit. Stop after
the Conduct-O-Meter is completed.

Content Instruction - Electricity and Conductivity: Participants will be 14-19 10

introduced to the concepts of circuits, and explore terms, such as voltage, current,
superconductors, and resistance. Good and poor electrical conductors will be
identified, and the anatomy of a light bulb reviewed.

Break 20

Complete How Well Do Conductors Conduct? portion of Conductors, 21-23 25

Insulators, and Electron Flow Activity handout. Spend 15 minutes working on
the activity and 10 minutes debriefing.

Content Instruction- Electric circuits will be examined in this segment. 24-26 15

Review and revise the anticipation guide and circuit sheet. 27 10

Content Instruction- Participants will be introduced to the basic principles of 28-32 15

magnetism, and some of the most common misconceptions will be targeted.

Permanent Magnets Activity Participants will experiment with ring and bar 33-34 15
magnets. Spend 5 minutes debriefing this activity.

Content Instruction - Discussion of principles of electromagnetism 35-36 10

Total instructional time:

Session 17 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Anticipation Guide - Electricity


Ask participants to complete the anticipation guide. Instructions are on the handout and
collaboration is encouraged.

An important part of this activity is the review and revision process that will take place after
activities and content instruction have been completed.


Electricity Anticipation Guide




Stepans, J. I. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change
model. Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood Publications.

Barton, M.L., & Jordan, D.L. (2001). Teaching reading in science: A supplement to teaching reading in
the content areas teacher’s manual. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute


Electricity – Explore and Learn about Electricity


In the Balloons – All Charged Up! portion of the activity, the participants will blow up two balloons
per person and tie off the ends.

They will then rub the balloons vigorously on the wool fabric or fur.

Participants will then determine if the balloons will attract feathers, tiny particles of confetti, bits of
Styrofoam or rice.

Then, participants will attach thread to each of the balloons, and rub both balloons with the same

Next, they will hang both balloons near each other to see what happens.

Finally, they will devise a procedure to make the balloons attract each other.

In the Lighting a Bulb portion of the activity, participants will take one light bulb, one battery, and
one piece of wire and arrange the materials so the light bulb “lights” up.

Participants will sketch a design and label the path the electrons take from beginning to end.
Participants will use a magnifying glass to look at what is inside the bulb and diagram what they see.

In the Circuit Design Challenge, group members will work together to further experiment with the
materials. They will be making a single bulb burn more brightly and cause one battery to light two


Explore and Learn About Electricity


Balloons (2 per person)

Lamp with connectors (1 per person)
Feathers or tiny particles such as confetti, bits of Styrofoam, and rice
Wool fabric (sock), hair, or fur
Thread (piece approximately 2 feet long)
D-cell battery (1 per person)
Magnifying glass
15 cm length of insulated wire with stripped ends (1 per person)



Session 17 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide


Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow: Conduct-O-Meter Activity


Participants will design their own conductivity tester; the Conduct - O - Meter, to test the
conductivity of items listed in Table Electrical Conductivity of Common Materials on the handout, and
record their findings.

Participants will summarize and explain what they have learned.


Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow


Lamp with connectors (1 per person)

Shiny new pennies
Wax or birthday candle
Paper clip
Cotton Cloth, cut into small squares
15 cm long insulated wires with stripped ends (1 per person)
#2 lead pencil
Aluminum foil cut into small squares
Rubbing alcohol
D-cell battery (1 per person)
Distilled water



4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute


Permanent Magnets


Participants will arrange the ring magnets on a pencil in two ways:

1. So the magnets do not touch each other.

2. So they are all touching each other.

A compass will be brought just close enough to a “test” magnet for the compass to read either North or
South. Participants will then label the poles on the ring magnet. Participants will carry out a few more
experimentations with the ring magnets and then move on to experiment with the bar magnets and iron

The iron filings will be sprinkled on white paper that is laid across two thin books. The bar magnet will
be used to orient the iron filings and the pattern will be illustrated. The participants will add another bar
magnet with poles facing each other and draw the pattern made by the filings.

Finally, they will repeat the process, with like poles of the magnets facing each other.

Participants will use a Venn diagram to summarize the relationship between the “attractive” and
“repulsive” cases.

This activity would work well with four per group if materials are not available for two per group.


Permanent Magnets


6 ring magnets per group

Marker pen
2 thin books
2 bar magnets
Masking tape
Square sheet of cardboard
1 gallon zip lock bag to hold iron filings
Iron filings
Compass - magnetic
Sheets of white paper



Session 17 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute


Revised Extended Anticipation Guide - Electricity

Explore and Learn about Electricity

Conductors, Insulators and Electron Flow

Part A: The Conduct-O-Meter

Part B

Permanent Magnets Activity

Session 17 Handouts 7
Provider Guide

8 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute

Matter and Energy

Revised, Extended
Anticipation Guide - Electricity
Revised Extended Anticipation Guide


Before beginning the activities and content instruction, related to electricity, take a few minutes to read each
of the statements below and collaborate with others in your group. If you think a statement is true, place a
check in the True column. If you believe a statement is false, place a check in the False column.

Part 1 – What I Think I Know

True False Statement

1. A battery stores current, which is consumed by whatever is connected

to it.

2. Current is “used up” as it flows through a circuit.

3. If you string up holiday lights that are wired in parallel, all bulbs won’t
go out, if one of the bulbs burns out. Instead, only those bulbs,
following the one that has burned out, will not work.

4. Voltage flows through a circuit.

5. For a substance to be an electrical conductor, it must offer no electrical


6. A current will flow through any loop, even one that isn’t closed.

7. Static charges are always negative.

Session 17 Handouts 9
Provider Guide

Making Predictions – In which cases will the bulb light?

Put a check beside each situation in which the bulb WILL light.

1+ 2+ + 4
_ _

7+ +
5 8
- _- -
Adapted from:
Stepans, J. (2008). Targeting Students' Physical Science Misconceptions: Using the Conceptual Change Model
(3rd ed., pp. 256). Saint Cloud: Saiwood Publications. Retrieved from

10 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute

Part 2 – What I Know - Review and Revise

Once the electricity-related activities and content instruction are completed, review your responses
and make revisions, if necessary.

If what you’ve learned supports your initial response, put a check in the Yes column, however, if it doesn’t, put
a check in the No column. For any No responses, write what you learned that makes your initial response

Yes No What I Learned








Adapted from: Teaching Reading in Science (2001, p. 74).

Now, review your predictions above, regarding which bulb will light. Do you have any that you would
like to change? Which ones? Why?

Barton, M.L., & Jordan, D.L. (2001). Teaching reading in science: A supplement to teaching reading in the
content areas teacher’s manual. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Stepans, J. I. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model.
Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood Publications

Session 17 Handouts 11
Provider Guide

Explore and Learn About Electricity

Balloons (2 per person) Thread (approx. 60 cm long)
Lamp with connectors, 1 per person D- Cell battery (1 per person)
Wool fabric (sock), hair, or fur Magnifying glass
Feathers or tiny particles such as Wire – 15 cm long – insulated
confetti, bits of Styrofoam, rice with ends stripped, one per
Light bulbs person



1. Blow up two balloons per person and tie off the ends.
2. Rub the balloons vigorously on the wool fabric or fur. Note: This should also work if you rub the balloons
on your clothing or hair.
3. Will the balloons stick to objects in the room, such as the wall?
4. Will they attract feathers, tiny particles of confetti, Styrofoam, or rice? Can you explain why?
5. Attach each end of a piece of thread, approximately two feet long, to a balloon.
6. Rub both balloons on the same garment.
7. Hang both balloons near each other. What happens?
8. Devise a simple procedure to make the balloons attract each other.

My observations are
Balloons will attract each other if I …..


12 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute

1. Take ONE light bulb, ONE battery, and ONE piece of wire.
2. Arrange the items so the bulb lights.
3. Once you are successful, sketch a picture of your design concept, and label the path the electrons take
from beginning to end.


The battery pushes electrons out into the wire at one end and pulls them back out of the wire at
the other end.

The electrons must go through the little wire inside the bulb before they return to the battery!

Diagram of Successful Design Concept

Session 17 Handouts 13
Provider Guide


1. Take a magnifying glass and look at what is inside the light bulb. Draw a diagram of what you see. Label
each part of the diagram as “metal” or “non-metal.”

Anatomy of a Light Bulb


1. Work with other members of your team and combine materials.
2. Using the combined materials, attempt each of the following and sketch your group’s successful design
for each:
a. Make a single bulb burn more brightly
b. Make two bulbs light up with one battery
c. Your own experimental idea

Single Bulb, Burning More Two Bulbs Glowing with One Experimental Idea
Brightly Battery

14 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute


Summarize what you’ve learned so far!

Session 17 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow

Lamp with connectors, 1 per person #2 Lead Pencil Nail
Shiny, new pennies Paper Glass
Wax or birthday candle Aluminum foil (cut into small Plastic
Paper clip Wood Rubber
Square of cotton cloth Salt Distilled Water
Sugar Rubbing alcohol
Wire – 15 cm long – insulated with D- Cell battery, 1 per person
ends stripped, one per person



Designing Your Own Conductivity Tester

The Conduct - O - Meter

Construct a circuit with one or more batteries, a light bulb, and two wires
connected. The design should be developed in a way so that, when the ends of
the two wires are touched to a conductor, the light bulb will glow.


Illustration of the Successful Design

16 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute

1. Now that you have a conductivity tester, let’s use it to test the conductivity of the items listed in the table
2. Touch the wire ends to the different materials to determine which will allow the light to glow.
3. Indicate whether an item or substance conducts well, not so well, or not at all!

Electrical Conductivity of Common Materials

Material Conductivity Results





Aluminum foil



Paper clip




# 2 Pencil lead (carbon)

Distilled water


Distilled water + salt


Distilled water + sugar

Rubbing alcohol

Session 17 Handouts 17
Provider Guide


Summarize AND explain what you’ve learned so far!

Were there any surprises, and if so, what were they? Why?



1. Now, try putting materials, which you have identified as conductors, in series between the two wires and
observe the brightness of the bulb. For example, start stacking pennies with one wire on the top and the
other on the bottom. What happens?
2. Now, place pennies side-by-side (touching each other) on a flat surface. What happens?

18 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute

Observations and Conclusions

Stack of Pennies

Tell how many pennies were used and describe your observations.

What can you conclude from this?

Side-by-Side Pennies

Describe what you did and what you observed.

3. Now, develop your own question to investigate and predict what will happen. Use the space on the page
that follows to outline your investigation. Carry out this simple investigation.

What can you conclude from this?

Session 17 Handouts 19
Provider Guide

Develop and Investigate a Question

My question is…..

I predict…….

I observed……

In conclusion…..

20 Handouts Session 17

This happened because………

Matter & Energy Institute

Permanent Magnets


6 Ring magnets, per group Pencil Iron filings

Marker pen Masking tape Compass - magnetic
2 Thin books Square sheet of cardboard Sheets of white paper
2 bar magnets Large Ziploc bag to hold iron Scissors



1. Your group will need 6 ring magnets and a long pencil.
2. Arrange the magnets on the pencil (held vertically) in two ways:
a. So the magnets DO NOT touch each other
b. So they are all stacked touching each other
3. Now, select one of the ring magnets. This will be your “TEST” magnet.
4. Bring a compass just close enough to the “TEST” magnet for the compass to read either North or South.
5. Rotate the magnet in various directions. Using a tape label, mark on each side of the “TEST” magnet what
you believe to be the North and South poles.
6. Using your “TEST” magnet, compare the labels of the “TEST” magnets of the other teams – without using
a compass. What do you observe?

Session 17 Handouts 21
Provider Guide



I think the observations are a result of…

7. Try to hold 4 to 5 of the magnets close together on the table with the same pole pointing up (North OR
South). Now try to “levitate” the extra magnet on top.
8. Try to stabilize the magnets, if possible.



The observations may be explained by…

22 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute


1. Place two thin books on a table. Leave a space of about 6 inches between them. Now, place a piece of
cardboard across the books and lay a piece of white paper on top of the cardboard.
2. Insert a bar magnet under the cardboard and into the space between the two books.
3. Sprinkle iron filings evenly over the white paper and tap the cardboard a little, allowing the iron filings to
move and orient.
4. Observe and draw the pattern the iron filings make.

Iron Filings Pattern – One Magnet

5. Crease the paper and pour the iron filings back into the container.
6. Place a new piece of paper on top.
7. Now, place both bar magnets under the cardboard, with opposite poles facing each other, AND with a
space of an inch or so between them. Note: You may need tape to ensure that they don’t move together.
8. Pour iron filings onto the surface of the paper, observe, and draw the pattern made by the filings.

Iron Filings Pattern – Two Magnets

Opposite Poles Facing Each Other

Session 17 Handouts 23
Provider Guide

9. Repeat the process, but now, have like poles of the magnets facing each other.

Iron Filings Pattern – Two Magnets

Like Poles Facing Each Other

10. Using the Venn diagram below, summarize the relationship between the “attractive” (opposite poles
facing each other) and the “repulsive” (like poles facing each other) cases.

24 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute


1. Repeat the iron filing experiments with the ring magnets – single and in pairs.
2. However, before beginning, predict what your findings will be and draw illustrations of both situations.

Iron Filings Pattern Prediction – Ring Magnets

One Magnet Two Magnets

Iron Filings Pattern Observations – Ring Magnets

One Magnet Two Magnets

Session 17 Handouts 25
Provider Guide

26 Handouts Session 17
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 17
Electricity and Magnetism

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 17 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Exit Ticket Review

 What questions do you have about
yesterday’s content?
◦ Heat, temperature
◦ Sound

Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Review exit tickets, STEW board, and any outstanding questions from previous sessions. This time is intended
to provide continuity between the days and topics of this institute.


28 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Matter and Energy

-Anticipation Guide –
 Take a few minutes to read each of the statements on
your handout.
 Collaborate with others in your group to:
◦ Decide whether or not you believe the
statements to be True or False.
◦ Select the situations in which the bulb will light.

Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Be sure to address common misconceptions about electricity such as:

• Batteries store a certain amount of current. This current is consumed by any appliances or lights connected
to it.
• Current leaves the battery from one terminal, but since some is “used up” less returns to the other terminal.
• If current passes through a number of identical resistors in a series, each successive one will receive a
smaller share.
• In a series circuit, current is shared among resistors.
• Current, energy, voltage, and power are all the same.
• “Negative current” goes back to the battery. “Positive current” comes from the battery.
• The positive pole of the battery makes current go to the light bulb, where the current is made negative.
• If wires are connected to a battery and bulb, no matter where, a complete circuit is made.
• A given battery releases the same amount of current to every circuit.
• If a bulb is farther away from the battery, it will be dimmer.

Stepans, J. I. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model. St.
Paul, MN: Saiwood.

Session 17 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Matter and Energy

 Explore and Learn about Electricity-
◦ Balloons – All Charged Up!

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Instruct participants to complete only the Balloons – All Charged Up handout. After that, the group will come
back together to debrief that part of the activity and engage in content dialogue.


30 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5


 The electric force

is formidable.
 Let’s see how we
can demonstrate
this with some
simple examples.

Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

Ask participants to suggest ways to demonstrate static electricity. Some possible examples:

Rubbing a balloon on your hair can cause hair to stick to the balloon.

After brushing long hair, the hair will sometimes stick to skin.

Rubbing a plastic pen or comb on a sweater can cause small pieces of paper to stick to the plastic.

Note: The humid air of a Florida summer may interfere with attempts to demonstrate static electricity! These
demonstrations might work better during the winter, when the air is drier. There is also a demonstration on
slide 6.


Session 17 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Electricity and Atoms

Electrons surround the
nucleus. There is one
electron (negative charge) for
every proton (positive
charge). By rubbing one
material against another, fone
object, leaving them on the
Looking More Closely at the
Electron Cloud

Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

The hyperlink takes you to Windows to the Universe, at at the University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), University of Michigan. It gives a fairly good animation of an
atom and the electron cloud. The purpose of this animation is to demonstrate the electrons aren’t “tightly”
bound and can be “scraped” off.


Image generated by content developer.

The URL for the hyperlink is:

Russell, R. (2008). Elektron. Retrieved from

32 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Charge the Wall!

What happens when you rub an inflated balloon, or even a
Styrofoam cup, against your hair, shirt, or a wool sock, and
place it on a wall?
Three Things Are Happening

You have either removed or placed extra electrons on the

balloon. (It depends on what is rubbed on what.)

The wall and the balloon are insulators. So the electrons

cannot move anywhere.

If the balloon has more negative charge than the wall, the
extra electrons are attracted to the more positive wall

Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This slide is animated:

• The Heading, “Three Things Are Happening” will appear.
• The explanations appear one at a time.

Session 17 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 8

A Solid Material Will Be Composed of

Negative Electrons and Positive Nuclei.

- AND +

= The Neutral Material

Some of the electrons can be

“rubbed off” or “rubbed on”.

Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

The next 4 slides offer a cartoon version of how static electricity works. The electrons are designated by the
solid yellow square and the positive nuclei by the square filled with blue diamonds. When the two are
combined they are neutral as shown by the yellow square with the “green diamonds.”


34 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9



+ -

Positive (electrons rubbed off) Negative (electrons deposited on)

Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:

The sign of the static charge, positive or negative, will depend on what is being rubbed on what. Glass rubbed
on silk will become positive (silk will take electrons), wool and hair will donate electrons to other objects like
rubber (balloons), etc.


Session 17 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 10

A Balloon with a Patch of Negative Charge

The Wall -

- The extra balloon
electrons repel the
electrons in the
The wall is slightly wall, and are
“polarized”. attracted to the
positive charges in
the nuclei.


Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The explanation is animated and will appear on the right side of this slide when the mouse is clicked.


36 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

What will happen when two balloons are

rubbed on the same material?

Situation # 1
Turned one way - -

Situation # 2
Turned the other way -


Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes

After the discussion of the content below is completed, instruct participants to carry out parts B-D on
Electricity Handout.

Thread can be used to support the balloons or cups after they are charged, and when dangled on the thread,
the interactions between the different objects (attraction or repulsion) can be easily observed. When the
students try this demo, they will find that sometimes the two objects repel, and sometimes attract, even
though the charges are both negative (or positive). The reason is, the static charge cannot move on the
balloon (or Styrofoam cup), and in the second case (#2), the negative charge on the left balloon will polarize
the neutral charge on the right balloon, and they will attract.

If you would like to provide participants a dramatic representation of repulsion, go to this URL at the Thomas
Jefferson Lab National Accelerator Facility. This clip, entitled Van de Graaff Confetti Explosion, only takes a
couple of minutes and illustrates the repulsion that occurs when electrons build up on small pieces of confetti.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (2010). Frostbite Theater.

Session 17 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 12

A Word About Insulators

 The electrons don’t move very
much, because the balloon is
an insulator.
 The balloon electrons are
 Static electricity can “build up”
on insulators.
 This is “static electricity.”
 Paint, rubber, drywall,
Styrofoam, etc. are all


Time: 1 minute

PD Provider Notes:

Leave this slide on the screen while participants complete the Lighting a Bulb and Circuit Design Challenge
portions of the Explore and Learn About Electricity Handout.


Balloons [Photograph] by Crystl. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution
2.0 Generic license.

Crystl. (2006). Balloons. Retrieved from

38 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

Matter and Energy

-Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow-

We will design
and use a conductivity tester; the


Time: 20 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Participants will develop a conductivity tester, the Conduct-O-Meter, to test materials for electrical
conductivity and construct a robust circuit. Stop when the Conduct-O-Meter part of the Conductors,
Insulators, and Electron Flow Handout is completed.


Session 17 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Slide 14

Electricity and Conduction

 In this section, we’ve

investigated how electrons
can move through materials.
 Now, let’s develop some
simple concepts of circuits.
 We will apply our knowledge
to determining the
conductive properties of
different materials.


Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes


Copper Wire [Photograph] by Sam Catchesides. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Sam Catchesides (2009). Copper Wire. Retrieved from

40 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 15

What About Electrons In A

 Electrons can move in a
 If you connect a copper wire
across a battery, the battery
will put electrons into the wire
at the negative terminal, and
take them back at the positive
 The more “Voltage” the battery
has, the faster it can do this.


Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
•Discuss how a battery operates in a way analogous to the picture above where “electrons” are lifted from a
low energy state to a high energy state, and then let flow back down through a waterfall or water wheel. The
higher the waterfall, the higher the potential energy, that is the voltage.
•Discuss how the current is defined as going from positive to negative, but it is really the negative electrons
that are going from negative to positive.


Giambattista, A., Richardson, B., and Richardson, R. (2008). Physics (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

DSC-2183 [Photograph] by cyeobite. Retrieved on May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommerical-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

cyeobite. (2008). DSC-2183. Retrieved from

Session 17 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 16

What About The Current and

Where It Can Go?
 The flowing electrons are called
the “Current” in the wire.
 Unless the wire is a
“Superconductor,” it will resist
the motion of the electrons.
This is called the “Resistance”.

If one end of the wire is not ?

connected, current will not
flow through the wire. Why?


Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
• The wire is always neutral, and current requires that if electrons are put in to the wire at one end, they must
be removed at the same rate at the other end.
• If there is no connection at the end, then the electrons cannot be removed, and so no more can be added.
The current stops.


Image created by content developer.

42 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 17

What Common Materials Are Good

Electrical Conductors?
 Copper
 Aluminum
 Graphite in a pencil
 Steel
 Tin
 Lead, etc.


Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:


Copper Wire [Photograph] by Sam Catchesides. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Sam Catchesides (2009). Copper Wire. Retrieved from

Session 17 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 18

What Common Materials Are Poor Electrical

 Water
 Humid air
 The Earth

What Common Materials Are Very Poor

Electrical Conductors or Insulators?
 Glass
 Paper
 Rubber
 Plastic, etc.


Time: 1 Minute

PD Provider Notes:
• In a poor conductor, there may be fewer electrons available to move, and it may be harder for them to move
from one place to another.
• In a very poor conductor, the electrons that normally might move stay fixed, and it takes a certain amount
of energy (heat, voltage) to pull them loose so they can move. These materials include semiconductors like
silicon and germanium.
• For insulators, it is even harder to make the electrons move.

IKEA – hung up [Photograph] by evelynishere. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

EvelynGiggles. (2009). IKEA – hung up. Retrieved from

44 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 19

The Anatomy of a Light Bulb

Tungsten (high
Vacuum Tungsten-Copper weld

Copper (low
Glass bulb
connecting wires
Insulating glass and
Solder (Tin+Lead) connection
ceramic vacuum seals

Brass (low
resistance) screw

Solder (Tin+Lead) connection

Electric current must flow through

something to make it function.
Where does the current flow?

Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
• This is a great demonstration of how different materials are used in technology.
• Glass is clear and allows light to transmit, and it also can hold a vacuum.
• Vacuum is needed to keep the filament from burning out due to the oxygen in the air.
• The ceramic can seal the glass into the brass socket screw, and is an insulator that does not short out the
electrical current.
• The copper wire is low resistance, and the tungsten filament is high resistance.
• When current flows, very little electrical energy is dissipated in the copper, and most of it is dissipated in
the filament. So the filament gets very hot (in fact, the yellow color tells us it is similar in temperature to that
of the surface of the sun (almost 6000 degrees Kelvin).
• The solder, when hot and molten, adheres to copper and brass, and makes good electrical contacts between
them when the solder solidifies.
• The technology of the incandescent light bulb is over 100 years old, and yet it is still widely used world


Session 17 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 20




Time: 15 Minutes

46 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21

Conductors, Insulators, and Electron Flow

Activity – How Well Do Conductors Conduct?
Use a battery and a wire to light a light bulb and consider
the following questions:
 Where must the current go to make a light bulb shine?
 What are the roles of the various material in the light
bulb design:
◦ Why a vacuum?
◦ Why the insulators?
◦ Why the high resistance metal?
◦ Why the low resistance metal?
◦ Why glass (obvious!)
◦ Why a weld and not solder?

Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Have participants complete the How Well Do Conductors Conduct? portion of the Conductors, Insulators, and
Electron Flow handout.


Light Bulb No. 2 [Photograph] by Caveman 92223. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available
under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Chuck “Caveman” Coker. (2009).Light Bulb No. 2. Retrieved from

Session 17 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 22

Optimizing the Light Bulb’s Light

 What parameters improve
the performance of the light
 What design makes the
circuit stable and reliable?


Time: 10 minutes for slides 22-23

PD Provider Notes:


Light Bulb No. 2 [Photograph] by Caveman 92223. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available
under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Chuck “Caveman” Coker. (2009).Light Bulb No. 2. Retrieved from

48 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 23

Your Conductivity Tester

 The Light Bulb was your conductivity tester.
 The object to be tested was in the working light
bulb circuit.
 You used your tester to gauge the conductivity
of different materials.
◦ A bright bulb meant?
◦ A dim bulb meant?
◦ No light at all meant?


Time: 10 minutes for slides 22-23

PD Provider Notes:


Session 17 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 24

Series and Parallel Circuits


Time: 4 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Here are the two circuits, the upper one in parallel, and the lower one in series. One can discuss how the
current flows through the circuits in the two different cases. “A circuit composed solely of components
connected in series is known as a series circuit; likewise, one connected completely in parallel is known as a
parallel circuit. In a series circuit, the current through each of the components is the same, and the voltage
across the components is the sum of the voltages across each component. In a parallel circuit, the voltage
across each of the components is the same, and the total current is the sum of the currents through each
component. In a series circuit, every device must function for the circuit to be complete. One bulb burning out
in a series circuit breaks the circuit. In parallel circuits, each light has its own circuit, so all but one light could
be burned out, and the last one will still function.”


Quote above from:

Series and Parallel Circuits. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

50 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 25

The Real Thing

OFF Series and Parallel

Who can
survive a
broken ON


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

The upper left picture shows a parallel (upper circuit) and series (lower circuit) light bulb circuit
arrangement with the power turned off. The lower picture shows both circuits powered with 120 V ac. The
parallel circuit is bright since each bulb has 120 V. The series circuit is dim since only 1/3 of the voltage (40
V) appears across each bulb. The filament is visible glowing in the middle series bulb. To create a Series and
Parallel Circuit demonstration setup yourself, you could use the following items:

•6 units of Cooper Wiring Devices, Medium base, weather proof, pigtail socket, Lowes Item No. 71105, Model
No. S145-SP-L, listed at $3.27 each

•2 units of the cheapest extension cord possible, about $1.99 each or less

•1 or 2 packs of wire connectors ("wire nuts"), appropriate size for the aforementioned wire, pack should
include about 12 to 20 wire nuts, price should be about $4.00 per pack

•1 universal wire cutter/stripper, about $7.00

•10 light bulbs, clear so you can see the filament (vanity style works) either 40 Watt or 60 Watt, but all bulbs
need to be the same.


Photographs provided by content developer.

Session 17 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 26

The filament

out for

Time: 6 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

One of the bulbs in each circuit was broken, but the filaments were left in tack (right figure). When the power
was turned on, the filaments burned out in a few seconds due to the atmosphere. However, in the series
circuit the filament is still conducting electricity as it burns (upper left figure), and the series bulbs are still
lighted! After the filaments are burned out, only the parallel circuit remains lighted.


Images provided by content developer.

52 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 27

Review and Revise Anticipation

 Collaborate with team members.
 Are there any statements on your
anticipation guide that you
thought were true, but now know
to be false, or vice versa?
 What about the light bulb
 Take one more look at those and
mark any changes.


Time: 10 minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Revisit true and false questions and diagrams.


Session 17 Presentation Guide 53

Provider Guide

Slide 28

MAGNETISM: Permanent Magnets

 The magnetism in permanent magnets can be

traced to the magnetism of the electrons in the
material. Each electron can be thought of as a
“little magnet,” and if they “conspire” to point
in the same direction, then the material will
show magnetism.

 In industry, the permanent magnet, while very

hot, is polarized with another big magnet, and
then cooled, “freezing in” the magnetic field


Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Common Misconceptions Related to Magnetism:

• All metals are attracted to magnets.
• Magnetic fields emerge from a single point.
Note: If a permanent magnet is then reheated, or hit very hard, it can lose its polarization, and its magnetism
can decrease.


bar magnets - like poles facing [Photograph] by daynoir. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Stepans, J. I. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model. St.
Paul, MN: Saiwood.

daynoir. (2007). bar magnets - like poles facing. Retrieved from

54 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 29

Your Ring Magnets Are Made This


Ring magnets and bar magnets both have North and
South poles. Which way the magnetic field points, will
depend on the way the magnetism was “frozen in”
when they were manufactured.


Time: 2 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Session 17 Presentation Guide 55

Provider Guide

Slide 30

The Influence of The Magnet Is Due To Its

Magnetic Field, Which Has A Very Unique
 If the magnetic field exits the
magnet at the north pole, it will
go around and return at the south

 This is called a dipolar field, since

it has a north and south pole.



Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


A device that can show the 3-dimensional nature of magnetic fields: The unit consists of a small alnico
bar magnet that is gimbal-mounted. This permits movement similar to a gyroscope, allowing the magnet to
freely rotate and chart x, y and z coordinates as the probe is moved around a magnetic source. Therefore, the
Pole Searcher is also a great way to demonstrate the three dimensional nature of magnetic fields.

Magnetic Pole Searcher-Finder. (n.d.). Retrieved from Emovendo Magnets & Elements:

56 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 31

To the Help Desk!

Dear Help Desk,

The current trend in refrigerators is stainless steel front

covers with black body design. When deciding whether to
purchase stainless steel vs. brushed (?) refrigerator doors, I
was told the stainless was not magnetic but the brushed
stainless was. Now, you can purchase the stainless steel and
it IS magnetic. Why is this? Is some other metal added to the
stainless to make it magnetic?



Time: 4 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Be sure to address these common misconceptions about magnetism.

•The size of a magnet determines its strength.
• All metals are attracted to magnets.
• All silver-colored items are attracted to a magnet.
• While magnetism may be able to pass through paper, it cannot pass through wood, a notebook, a table or
other thicker materials.
• Only magnets can produce magnetic fields.
• A magnetic field is a two-dimensional pattern of lines surrounding a magnet, not a three dimensional field
or force.
• Magnetic field lines exist only outside the magnet.

Stepans, J.I., (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model.
Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood.

Session 17 Presentation Guide 57

Provider Guide

Slide 32

From the Help Desk!

Dear Edna,

Stainless steel is a non-magnetic alloy of iron. However… if

stainless steel is bent, brushed, hammered, or heated, the
damaged part can revert to iron, and become magnetic.

Stainless steel is expensive, so some cheap manufacturers will

put a very thin coating of stainless steel on top of regular, thicker
magnetic steel for strength, and it is certainly magnetic.



Time: 3 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


58 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 33

Permanent Magnets Activity

The Dipolar Field
Follow the instructions on the
Permanent Magnets Activity
handout and make pictures of
the magnetic field lines with
iron filings.
Geophysicists have used
computer simulations to model
the dipolar magnetic field lines
of the Earth.

Time: 10 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

See Permanent Magnets Handout. Complete the Exploring Ring Magnets and Exploring Magnets and Iron
Filings portions.


Iron filings tracing the magnetic field of a bar magnet [Photograph] by daynoir. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

daynoir. (2007). Iron filings tracing the magnetic field of a bar magnet. Retrieved from

Session 17 Presentation Guide 59

Provider Guide

Slide 34

Note How Tricky The Dipolar

Nature of The Magnets Is!

 Why do you need a pencil to stabilize the

magnets when they repel?

 Can you arrange a platform of all north up

facing magnets that can “levitate” another
north down - facing magnet?


Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Debrief the Permanent Magnets Activity.


60 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 35



Time: 10 minutes, slides 35-36

PD Provider Notes:

This is the FSU Mag Lab Hybrid Magnet. It has a huge superconducting electromagnet that surrounds a large
copper resistive magnet. When the magnet is energized with current, everything in its vicinity can be


Photographs provided by content developer.

Session 17 Presentation Guide 61

Provider Guide

Slide 36

Summary of
All metals are not magnetic. Also….

The magnetic field of a magnet does not extend

very far from its north and south poles.


Time: 10 minutes, slides 35-36

PD Provider Notes:

We will continue working with electromagnets after lunch.


62 Presentation Guide Session 17

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 37



Session 17 Presentation Guide 63

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Electromagnets Content, Electromagnets Activity, and Team 2-5 30

Challenge Activity. Spend 5-10 minutes debriefing the activies on slide

Learning About Light Activity- Participants will assemble a light- 6 35

reflecting device and investigate the behavior of reflected light.

Content Instruction- Light as an electromagnetic wave, as well as other 7-11 30

properties of light, will be addressed.

Break 12

More About Light Activity- Participants will use a refraction dish, 13 50

double convex lens, double concave lens and prism to investigate
refraction of light. If participants complete the investigative and data
collection portions of this activity early, they will collaborate to “make
sense” of their observations, develop an explanation and record their
explanations on the Making Connections handout.

Making Connections – Note taking tool: Participants will make 14-23 35

connections concerning activities detailed in the More About Light
activity by collaborating with team members. As content instruction is
provided, participants will revise their explanations, if necessary.

Carousel Brainstorming Activity- Participant teams will rotate among 24 optional

5 pieces of chart paper, on which light-related topics have been written,
brainstorm about each topic, and add their group’s comments.

Total instructional time: 180

Session 18 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide




Participants will take a long wire, hook it up to a battery, and bring a compass nearby to determine if
there is a magnetic field.

They will then make a coil around a pencil and use the same battery to repeat the compass test.

After first trying to pick up a paper clip with the magnet, participants will place an iron nail inside the
coil and repeat the tests with the compass and paper clip.

Groups will bring their electromagnet near other groups’ to see what happens.

Participants will also experiment with switching the polarity of the magnet and discuss how this
concept might be used to design an electric motor




2 D cell batteries
2 C cell batteries
Box of paper clips
Iron nails
Masking tape
Compass - magnetic
Wires of different lengths and thickness



2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute


Electromagnet Team Challenge


Participants will use materials from the prior activity to apply what was learned in that activity as
they compete to construct the strongest electromagnet. Each team must provide “quantitative”
evidence. If any groups suggest counting the items, ask them to think about their approach. If a
variety of items are used, masses of the items would be expected to vary. Do not show PPT slide 37
until the competition is over.


Electromagnet Team Challenge


2 D cell batteries
2 C cell batteries
Box of paper clips
Iron nails
Masking tape
Compass - magnetic
Wires of different lengths and thickness



Session 18 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide


Learning About Light


Participants will place an unlined sheet of white paper on their work area.

Then, they will tape a plane mirror to a block or box, so the bottom edge of the mirror will rest on the
surface of the table, and place the apparatus on the table.

Using a pencil, participants will draw a line on the white paper, perpendicular to the surface of the
mirror, and label the line the “normal line”.

Then, an object (pawn or golf tee) will be placed on the table in front of the mirror (not
perpendicular to the mirror). Participants will sight along the object into the mirror.

The participants will move a second object until its reflection can be seen at the same point as the
first object.

Using a pencil, participants will make a point on the paper, marking the position of each object.

The participants will make more notations and measurements concerning the positions of the objects
as seen, according to the handout instructions.

Participants will use a T-chart to state conclusions and relate those conclusions to evidence.


Learning About Light


Large sheets of whiteunlined paper

Box or block
Masking tape
Plane mirror
Chess pawns or golf tees


Klentschy, M. (2008). Using science notebooks in elementary classrooms. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute


More About Light


Caution participants not to shine the beam of the laser toward the face (eyes) of anyone.

You might not have time to work through each of the five parts in this activity. Allowing time for
participant reflection and processing is more important than working through every item. You can
eliminate some items or have the participants only complete some of the items and have them
describe their results to other groups.

In Exploring Refraction with Dishes, Lenses, and Prisms, participants will fill the refraction dish
with water and use a laser pointer to pass the beam of light through the water near one of the
corners. The participants will trace the path of light, as it passes through the refraction dish, to a
point on the white paper. Then, participants will pass the beam of light through the center of the
refraction dish and again, trace the light path. This step will be repeated through two additional
points along the refraction dish. Next, participants will hold up a sheet of white paper or poster board
and shine the light beam through a double concave lens, double convex lens, and prism, and observe
and record the results of each.

In Exploring Refraction with a Glass of Water and a Laser, the participants will fill a glass to the
very brim with water and shine the laser beam through various points along the glass. Results will be
compared to those of the refraction dish investigations. Participants will continue to experiment with
shining the beams at different angles to observe the results.

In Exploring Light with a Glass of Water and a Flashight, participants will attempt to make the
water surface into a mirror and then, after adding milk to the glass of water, will make further
observations using the Mini-Maglite flashlight. NOTE: The light beam of the flashlight is adjustable
from “spot” to “flood.” You will want to ensure the beam is sharply-focused!

Finally, in More Refraction with Pennies and Pencils, participants will observe a penny in the
bottom of the clear mug (no water yet) and change positions until they reach a point where the
penny can’t be seen.

While continuing to look at the same spot in the mug, water will be added slowly and participants
will note the water level at which the penny first becomes visible.

A pencil will also be placed into the water, and observations will be made about the appearance of
the pencil from different viewpoints.

Participants will illustrate and summarize their findings.

If the penny isn’t glued ahead of time, its position shifts as water is added.


More About Light

Session 18 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide


Clear water glasses

Laser pointer
Mini-Maglite pencil flashlight
Double convex lens
Double concave lens
Glass prism
Long pencil
Refraction dish
Large, wide-mouth glass jar with penny glued onto bottom
Superglue to glue pennies to bottom of jars


Klentschy, M. (2008). Using science notebooks in elementary classrooms. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute


Note-Taking Tool: More about Light – Making Connections


Participants will collaborate with group members about the activity handout and “make sense” of the
observations made during the activity. Explanations will be recorded, in the space provided, on the

As the instructor provides content instruction, he/she will facilitate “connection making” between
the participants’ observations and the scientific principles behind those observations, and the
participants will record important terms and revise their explanations, if necessary, on the activity


More About Light – Making Connections





Session 18 PD Provider Resources & Materials 7

Provider Guide


Carousel Brainstorming, optional activity


Divide participants into groups. Each group will need to designate a recorder, and the recorder for
each group will need a different colored marker. Make sure participants understand the instructions
before beginning. When time is called, each group will move quickly to stand in front of a chart. They
will discuss the topic and brainstorm collaboratively. Each group will record their ideas, related to
the topic, on the chart paper.

Allow one and a half minutes at each chart. Groups do not move until time is called.

When time is called, participants will move to the next chart along the pre-established route. They
will read ideas already posted, then brainstorm and add new ideas in the color of their marker.

The activity will continue in this manner until each group has visited each chart paper and recorded
their ideas.

Hang sets of 5 chart papers (with sticky back adhesive) on the walls around the room. The number of
sets will depend on the number of workshop participants and groups. Write one of the following
terms or expressions at the top of each sheet in a “set” of papers: “Properties of Light,” “Reflection,”
“Refraction,” “Dual Nature of Light,” “Lens vs. Mirror”

The PD provider will need to ensure availability of different colored markers for each group of
participants to use.


Carousel Brainstorming


5 sheets of chart paper per set

Markers of different colors (1 for each group of participants).


Daniels, H., Zemelman, S., Steineke, N. (2007). Content area writing: Every teacher’s guide.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

8 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Electromagnets Team Challenge
Learning About Light
More About Light
More About Light – Making Connections: Note-Taking Tool
Carousel Brainstorming – Light, optional activity

Session 18 Handouts 9
Provider Guide

10 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute



2 D cell batteries 2 C cell batteries Box of paper clips

Iron nails Masking tape Compass - magnetic
Wires of different lengths and Pencil


1. Take a long wire and hook it up to a battery.

2. Bring a compass nearby to see if there is a magnetic field. This will be referred to as the “compass test.”
3. Make a coil of the wire around a pencil and use the same battery, what do you think will happen when
you repeat the compass test? Record your prediction in the chart on the following page and repeat the
compass test.
4. Will the magnet pick up a paper clip? This will be referred to as the “paper clip test.” Predict what you
think will happen and record the prediction. Now, try to pick up a paper clip.
5. Predict results for both compass and paper clip pick-up tests if an iron nail is placed into the coil. After
recording your predictions, repeat both tests.
6. What do you think will happen when your electromagnet is brought near another group’s electromagnet?
Record your prediction. Check it out!
7. After the electromagnetic is on for a while, does it (and/or the battery) feel warm?
8. Take a few minutes and discuss the observations with your team mates. What are your explanations?

Session 18 Handouts 11
Provider Guide




9. See what materials in the classroom are attracted to the magnetic field. Aluminum? Copper? Carbon?
They are electrical conductors, but are they attracted to the magnetic field? Record your results in the
table below.

What Classroom Materials Are Attracted to the Magnetic Field?

Material Attracted or Not




12 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute

10. Use the compass to determine the North and South Poles of the electromagnetic. Now reverse the + and –
connections to the battery. What happens to the North and South poles? This is referred to as “switching
the polarity.”
11. By switching the polarity multiple times in succession, try to make a second magnet swing back and forth.
Discuss within your group how an electric motor might be designed based on this concept.

Making Connections – Electric Motor Design

Session 18 Handouts 13
Provider Guide

Electromagnets – Team Challenge

Using materials already available, each team is challenged to

construct the “strongest” electromagnet. You must devise a way to
quantitatively prove your team’s design is “strongest.”
Illustrate your team’s design:

We can prove our electromagnet is strongest by:

What have you learned about factors that impact an electromagnet’s strength?

14 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute

Learning About Light

Large sheets of unlined white paper Plane mirror
Box or block Pencil
Masking tape Chess pawns or golf tees
Ruler Protractor



What relationship exists between a beam of incoming light and the beam of
light that bounces off a mirror?

1. Place a piece of unlined white paper on your work area.

2. Tape a plane mirror to a block or box, so the bottom edge of the mirror will rest along the table, and
place the apparatus on the table
3. Using a pencil, draw a line on the white paper, perpendicular (at a 90 º angle) to the surface of the
4. Label this line the normal line.

Normal Line

Surface of Mirror

5. Place an object (pawn or golf tee) on the table in front of the mirror (not perpendicular to the mirror)
and sight along this object into the mirror.
6. Move a second, like object, until its reflection can be seen at the same point as that of the first object.

Session 18 Handouts 15
Provider Guide

7. Using a pencil, make a point on the paper, marking the position of each object – the “position point,” and
draw a line that connects the two position points.
8. Measure the length of this line. This measurement will be recorded as distance.
9. Using a pencil, mark on the paper at the base of the mirror, the point where the reflection is seen – the
“reflection point.”
10. Now, draw lines that connect each object’s “position point” to the point at the base of the mirror where
the reflection was seen. You should have an angle.

11. Measure the angle between each line and the normal line. Record your results in the table below.
12. Move the objects closer together, and repeating the initial process, draw the lines and measure the
13. Repeat this step three more times, varying the distances with each trial.
14. Remove one of the objects, change the position of the other object, and then predict where to place the
second object, so it can be seen from the position of the first object. Was your prediction accurate?

Effect of Object Distance on Angle Size

Object Distance Angle Size

16 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute


In the T-chart below, state your conclusions, regarding how light is reflected from a mirror, and describe the
evidence that supports them.

Conclusions and Evidence

My conclusions are: The evidence supporting my conclusions is:

Adapted from: Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms (2008, p. 61).

Klentschy, M. (2008). Using science notebooks in elementary classrooms. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

Session 18 Handouts 17
Provider Guide

More About Light

Clear water glasses Water
Laser pointer Milk
Double convex lens Long pencil
Double concave lens
Glass prism Refraction Dish
Mini-Maglite pencil flashlight (no substitutions) Large wide-mouth glass jar with penny glued
onto bottom
Superglue for gluing pennies to bottom of jar



1. Fill the refraction dish with water.
2. Using the laser pointer, pass a beam of light through the water near one of the corners.

Caution: Do not shine the beam of the laser light toward the face (eyes) of anyone.

3. Trace the path of the light, as it passes through the refraction dish, to a point on the white paper.
4. Pass the light through the center of the refraction dish and again, trace the light path.
5. Pass the light through two additional points along the refraction dish, each time tracing the light path.
6. Hold up a sheet of white paper or a small square of poster board. Shine the light beam through a double
concave lens. What happens to the light beam?
7. Repeat the process, now shining the light beam through a double convex lens. What happens to the light
beam? Try the prism. What happens?
8. Now, shine the beam of the Mini-Maglite flashlight through each of the lenses and the prism. What did
you observe?

18 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute

Conclusions and Evidence

My conclusions are: Evidence supporting conclusions:

Adapted from: Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms (2008, p. 61).

Klentschy, M. (2008). Using science notebooks in elementary classrooms. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.


1. Fill a clear water glass to the very brim with water.
2. Take the laser pointer and shine it through various parts of the glass.
3. Compare the results with the earlier experiments using the refraction dish.
4. Now, shine the laser pointer down on the top surface of the water so it shines on the bottom of the glass
(90 degrees). While observing, change the angle of the beam to less than 90 degrees, through the top
surface. What happens to the position of the beam hitting the side of the glass?
5. Continue to reduce the angle of the beam until it grazes the water surface and observe the result.
6. Try the same experiment by shining the beam through the side of the glass up towards the water surface.
Can you see the beam come through onto the ceiling?
7. When (at what angle) does the beam no longer appear on the ceiling?
8. In the box, write a short summary of your findings.

Summary of Observations

Session 18 Handouts 19
Provider Guide


1. Try looking at the water surface from above and below at different angles. Can you make the water
surface turn into a “mirror?”
2. Adjust the beam of the Mini Maglite flashlight, so it is sharply focused. Shine the light from the Mini
Maglite flashlight through the glass of water. What do you observe?
3. Next, put a little milk into the water and stir. What color does the water now appear to be?
4. How does the white light look when viewed through the milky water? How does the laser light look when
the beam is passed through the water?

Summary of Observations


1. If not already done, use SuperGlue to glue a penny to the bottom of a clear wide-mouth jar. Set the jar on
a desk or table top. Look downwards into the jar (no water yet!). Move back until a point is reached at
which you can no longer see the penny.
2. Hold this position and continue to look at the same spot in the mug. Slowly and gently, pour water into
the jar. Does the penny become visible? If so, note the water level where this occurred. Illustrate what
you see.
3. Place a long pencil into the mug of water. Observe the appearance of the pencil from different angles of
view and pencil position. Try to draw the path of light from the pencil tip to your eye for different

20 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute

Illustrations and Summaries

Penny in the Mug Pencil in the Mug

Summarize your findings in 20 words or Summarize your findings in 20 words or

less. less.

1. Can you squeeze light? Look at a distant object through a gap in your thumb and forefinger (index finger).
Bring your thumb and forefinger closer together and observe the changes in the pattern of the object.
2. Repeat the process by “pinching” the light from a laser pointer beam and watch the pattern on the wall

Summary of Observations

Session 18 Handouts 21
Provider Guide

Note Taking Tool

More About Light - Making Connections


Take a few minutes to collaborate with your group members. In the chart below, explain your observations
for the activities you conducted, as described on Handout 10.8 – More About Light. As the instructor reviews
each activity and facilitates “connection making” between observations and the scientific principles behind
those observations, record important terms and revise your explanations, if necessary.


Explanation Key Terms and Meanings Revised Explanation


Explanation Key Terms and Meanings Revised Explanation


22 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute

Explanation Key Terms and Meanings Revised Explanation


Explanation Key Terms and Meanings Revised Explanation


Explanation Key Terms and Meanings Revised Explanation

Session 18 Handouts 23
Provider Guide

Carousel Brainstorming - Light


1. Before class begins, write a term, statement, quote, paragraph, etc. at the top of a sheet of chart paper.
You may also use pictures, graphs, data tables, etc. The number of pieces of chart paper, and what you put
at the top will vary with your purpose and number of students.
2. Hang the pieces of chart paper around the room.
3. Divide students into groups.
4. Instruct each group of students to designate a recorder.
5. Provide each recorder with a different colored marker.
6. Read these instructions to students.
A. When time is called, your entire group should quickly move to stand in front of a piece of chart paper.
B. Discuss the topic and brainstorm collaboratively.
C. Write all of your group’s responses or ideas on the chart.
E. You will have a given number of minutes at each chart. The time will vary according to the
F. When time is called, move to the chart on your group’s right. If you are at the end of the “chart line,”
move around to the first chart in the line.
G. Read ideas posted by the first group. Then, brainstorm and add new ideas.
H. You MAY NOT repeat what another group has written.
I. Your group’s color should appear on every chart visited by your group!
7. Continue movements from chart-to-chart until all groups have responded on every chart. You may wish
to increase the amount of time, at each subsequent chart, by thirty or more seconds to allow adequate
time for each group to read all prior responses, brainstorm and record new ideas.

24 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute


There are a number of variations of this activity, one of which involves giving each group of students
a sheet of paper with an idea, etc. written at the top. Each student group is provided a marker of a different
color and asked to write down all terms or ideas they can think of, associated with the topic.

Without leaving seats, students pass the papers to another group when time is called. It is important
to establish the manner in which papers will be passed ahead of time to avoid confusion. When papers reach
the originating groups, students may be asked to then review what other groups have written and identify
two or three points they consider to be most important.


Adapted from: Content Area Writing: Every Teacher’s Guide (2007, pp. 81-82).

Daniels, H., Zemelman, S., Steineke, N. (2007). Content area writing: Every teacher’s guide. Portsmouth, NH:

Session 18 Handouts 25
Provider Guide

26 Handouts Session 18
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 18

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 18 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Magnetism: Electromagnets
 Another way
electrons can make
a magnetic field is
by moving through a
conductor! Current out

 An electromagnet is
a coil of wire with
an electric current
running through it.
Current in

Time: 30 minutes, slides 2-5

PD Provider Notes:

The magnetic field a coil (solenoid) can produce is proportional to the number of turns of wire in the coil and
the amount of current.


Nail Electromagnet [Photograph] by Steve Wilhelm. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Steve Wilhelm. (2005). Nail Electromagnet. Retrieved from

28 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Activity and Team

Magnet and Electromagnet

Resources for Teachers from
Thomas Jefferson Lab National
Accelerator Facility

Time: 30 minutes, slides 2-5

PD Provider Notes:

The Electromagnets handout has instructions for completing this activity. After completing the basic
electromagnet activities, teams should move on to the electromagnet “strength” competition. Please remind
participants they must “quantitatively” prove the strength of their magnet. Facilitators are encouraged to
verify and confidentially record the strength of each group’s electromagnet. At the end of the allotted time,
announce the winner. The Thomas Jefferson Lab National Accelerator Facility offers a very nice resource
packet for use by teachers who conduct explorations with electromagnets in the classroom. The hyperlink
will take you to the pdf file of the resource packet. The packet, Magnets and Electromagnets, is available at this


The packet, Magnets and Electromagnets, is available at this URL:

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education. (n.d.). Magnets and

Session 18 Presentation Guide 29

Provider Guide

Slide 4

Optimizing your Electromagnet

 In the exercise we will do, there are several

important things to remember:

1) the more electric current, the bigger the

magnetic field.
2) the more turns of wire in your magnet, the
bigger the magnetic field.
3) a ferromagnet (nail) in the center of your
electromagnet will make a stronger magnetic field.

Time: 30 minutes, slides 2-5

PD Provider Notes:


30 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5

Electromagnets Activity debrief

 Which team had the strongest
 What strategies made the strongest
 What additional materials could you use to
make an even stronger electromagnet?
 Is this an activity that could work in your
classroom? If so, what modifications would
you make?

Time: 30 minutes, slides 2-5

PD Provider Notes:

Spend 5-10 minutes debriefing the electromagnets activity and content.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 31

Provider Guide

Slide 6

Learning About Light Activity

 You will assemble a light reflecting
device to investigate the behavior of

Time: 35 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This is the laser and mirror activity. Have participants work through the Learning About Light Activity


32 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 7

Light is an electromagnetic wave.
“Wave” means that light has a
wavelength and travels though space.
“Electromagnetic” means that the light
wave is made up of oscillating electric
and magnetic fields.
Only a small portion of “light” can be
seen – the visible spectrum.
Radio waves and x-rays are also light,
but cannot be seen with the human eye.

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 7-11

PD Provider Notes:

Be sure to address common misconceptions about light and color:

• A light source and its effects are not separate.
• White light is colorless and pure.
• A color filter adds color to a white beam.
• While light is reflected by mirrors; it remains on other objects.
• The eye is the active agent in gathering light, rather than being just a receiver of reflected light.
• Light helps us see simply by illuminating objects and making them visible.
• Shadows are independent of the object causing them.
• Magnifying glasses make the light bigger; i.e., there is more light on the side of the lens opposite to the


Sunrise Paddling on the North Canadian River [Photograph] by FreeWine. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

Stepans, J.I. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model.
Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood.

FreeWine. (2007). Sunrise Paddling on the North Canadian [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Session 18 Presentation Guide 33

Provider Guide

Slide 8

Light From Some Source Can

Be Thought of As A “Ray”
When you “see” light,
your eye is receiving
a light ray from a
particular place.

Light does not come

from your eye and
travel towards an

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 7-11

PD Provider Notes:


Sun Rays [Photograph] by John-Morgan. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

John-Morgan. (2008). Sun Rays [Photograph]. Retrieved from

34 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9

What Happens When A Light Ray

Interacts With An Object?
It can be transmitted.

It can be absorbed.

It can be reflected.

It can refract.

OR…a little of all effects.

Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 7-11

PD Provider Notes:
• Transmission means there is little or no interaction of the light with the material. The light passes through
the material.
• Absorption means that the light energy is absorbed by the material.
• Reflection means the light bounces back, preserving the angle of incidence, but its origin is more subtle –
the material can actually absorb and re-emit the light. Metals are good reflectors, non-metals are not as good.
• Refraction has to do with the slower effective speed of light in a material with index n: v = c/n where c is
the velocity of light and n is the index of refraction. For glass, let’s say n = 1.5, then the speed of light is 2/3
slower in the glass.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 35

Provider Guide

Slide 10

Discovery: What Rules Do

Reflected Light Obey?

Object Angle Size



Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 7-11

PD Provider Notes:

Reflection occurs when a light ray strikes a reflective surface such as a mirror. The light ray changes direction
when it is reflected. By convention, a normal line is drawn perpendicular to the surface of the mirror. The
angle of incidence is the angle between the normal line and the incident ray, while the angle of reflection is
the angle between the normal line and the reflected ray. The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection –
this is the Law of Reflection.


Laser Pointer [Photograph] by Paulnasca. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free Documentation License.

File:Laser Pointer.jpg (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

See a nice animation at

36 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 11

Where should an object be placed so that
it can be seen in the mirror?


Time: 30 Minutes, Slides 7-11

PD Provider Notes:

This slide is leading up to the More About Light activity that is coming up after the break.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 37

Provider Guide

Slide 12

Let’s Take a Break!


Time: 15 Minutes

38 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 13

More About Light Activity

Let’s Reflect and

How many ways can
light be reflected and ?
refracted in a full glass
of water?


Time: 50 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:
• This is the activity associated with the More About Light handout. You might not have time to work
through each of the five parts in this activity. Allowing time for participant reflection and processing is more
important than working through every item. You can eliminate some items or have the participants only
complete some of the items and have them describe their results to other groups.
• Caution participants not to point the beam of the laser pointer toward anyone’s face (especially the eyes).
• Exploring Refraction with Dishes, Lenses, and Prisms is general refracted and reflected light through the
refraction dish, lenses, and a prism.
• Exploring Refraction with a Glass of Water and a Laser. Explores the way a light beam interacts with a
water surface and the sides of the glass holding the water. There are a number of phenomena that involve
total internal reflection, and also multiple reflection and refraction conditions that can occur.
• Exploring Light with a Glass of Water and a Flashlight. This is the “Why is the Sky Blue” experiment. In
cloudy water, the blue light will be scattered from the water, and the red light will tend to go through it.
• NOTE: The beam of the Mini-Maglite flashlight is adjustable and should be sharply focused!
• More Refraction with Pennies and Pencils. This demonstrates again refraction where an object under
water appears at a different position than it really is. Note that the object should be glued to the bottom of the
container, or otherwise fixed so that it doesn’t move when the water is added. Also, a tall mug is better than a
short one, so the effect is larger.


Laser Pointer [Photograph] by Paulnasca. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free Documentation License.

Session 18 Presentation Guide 39

Provider Guide

Glass-Water-Light-Shadow [Photograph] by tim.perdue. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

File:Laser Pointer.jpg (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

tim.perdue. (2007). Glass-Water-Light-Shadow [Photograph]. Retrieved from

40 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Making Connections: Note-Taking Tool

 Take a few minutes to collaborate with your

team members.
 Using the provided chart, explain your
observations for the activities you conducted.
 As the instructor reviews each activity, record
important terms and revise your explanations,
if necessary.


Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

More About Light – Making Connections is used for team members to explain their findings. They will use
this during content instruction to make corrections.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 41

Provider Guide

Slide 15

Internal Reflection

What happens to the light coming out

the other side, if we make the angle
close to 90 degrees?

This angle is about 20 degrees.

Snell's Law Interactive

Another Snell's Law

Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

This is really about Snell’s law, and how if the incident angle is too large, the refracted beam will not go
through the second glass-air interface, but will be reflected back into the glass. This is total internal reflection.


For More Information about Snell’s Law from the Optical Society of America:

An interactive animation demonstrating Snell’s Law is available at:

Total Internal Reflection. (n.d.). Retrieved from The Optical Society of America:

Refraction and Reflection. (n.d.). Retrieved from

42 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 16

Exploratory: Refraction Dish

Shine light at various
angles into this
semicircular dish of
water and record
where the
light goes
while inside and after
exiting the lens.
What did you observe
when you did this?

Develop an overview of the

optical properties of this “lens.”

Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

This slide will motivate a discussion about the activity associated with the refraction dish.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 43

Provider Guide

Slide 17

Total Internal Reflection

 If the angle of incidence of a
light ray is too large, as it
travels from a dense material
to a less dense material, the
light cannot pass through.

This is the concept behind

optical fibers.


Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

Discuss practical applications of total internal reflection. Some applications include:

* Optical fibers, which are used in endoscopes and telecommunications.

* Rain sensors to control automatic windscreen/windshield wipers.

* Another interesting application of total internal reflection is the spatial filtering of light.

* Prismatic binoculars use the principal of Total internal reflections to get a very clear image

* Multi-touch screens use frustrated total internal reflection in combination with a camera and appropriate
software to pick up multiple targets.

* Gonioscopy to view the anatomical angle formed between the eye's cornea and iris.

* Gait analysis instrument, CatWalk, uses frustrated total internal reflection in combination with a high
speed camera to capture and analyze footprints of laboratory rodents.

* Fingerprinting devices, which use frustrated total internal reflection in order to record an image of a
person's fingerprint without the use of ink.


List above from:

44 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

TIR in PMMA [Photograph] by Sai2020. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free Documentation License.

Fiber Optic Candle [Photograph] by Chris Tengi. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Total Internal Reflection. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:TIR in PMMA.jpg.(2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Chris Tengi (2007). Fiber Optic Candle [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Session 18 Presentation Guide 45

Provider Guide

Slide 18

Behavior of Red Light and Blue Light

Light of different wavelengths
has a different index of
Blue (shorter wavelength)
light will bend more as it
passes through a prism than
does red (longer wavelength).

Blue light is also scattered more by

the atmosphere than red light, so the
sky will appear blue due to scattered
light and the sunrise and sunset will
appear red since only the red light can
make it through the thicker amount of

Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

The interaction of light with matter is a complicated topic. Here we just try to point out some of the easily
seen differences due to wave length in the visible spectrum. Blue light is around 500 nm, and red light is
around 600 nm.


Prism rainbow schema [Diagram] . Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free
Documentation License.

Cayman palm sunset [Photograph] by slack12. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Prism rainbow schema.png [Diagram] . (2005). Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons:

slack12. (2007). Cayman palm sunset [Photograph]. Retrieved from

46 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 19

Lenses – How Do They Work?

The purpose of a
 Imagine two prisms: convex lens is to
bring light rays
together from some
distant image. A
prism can bend light
by refraction, so that
is a good place to
Can we do better than


Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

The prism “lens” converges the light rays, but not to the same point. Such a lens cannot focus an image.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 47

Provider Guide

Slide 20

Yes! Make the prisms into a smoother shape, so

that the light beams from the middle and the
center all bend to the same point.


Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

Unlike the prism, the lens is designed to allow the light rays to all converge at the same point. This is called
the focal point. The light rays will produce an image that is in focus.


An article about optics that teachers might find useful is available from the Optical Society of America.

Lenses and Geometrical Optics. (n.d.). Retrieved from Optical Society of America: Exploring the Science of

48 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 21

Following (up) The Light Rays!

 Action items: How does a concave lens behave?
Where do the light rays go?


Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:

The rays come in parallel from the left. The center one just goes straight through. The upper one first bends at
the front surface, and then again at the second surface. The lower one does the reverse. So the concave lens
causes the light rays to “diverge”.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 49

Provider Guide

Slide 22

To The Help Desk!

Dear Help Desk,

When I turn off the lights and the room is completely dark, do
the objects in the room still have color?



Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:


50 Presentation Guide Session 18

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 23

From the Help Desk!

Dear Edna,
Thank you for this important question. If you define color as the
detection of different wavelengths of light by the eye, then NO!
However, if you define color as the ability of an object to transmit
or reflect different wavelengths of light, then YES!



Time: 35 minutes, slides 14-23

PD Provider Notes:
• The color of the objects which we see is largely due to the way those objects interact with light and
ultimately reflect or transmit it to our eyes. The color of an object is not actually within the object itself.
• Rather, the color is in the light which shines upon it and is ultimately reflected or transmitted to our eyes.
• We know that the visible light spectrum consists of a range of frequencies, each of which corresponds to a
specific color. When visible light strikes an object and a specific frequency is absorbed, that frequency of light
doesn’t make it to our eyes.
• Any visible light which strikes the object and becomes reflected or transmitted to our eyes will contribute to
the color appearance of that object. So the color is not in the object itself, but in the light which strikes the
object and ultimately reaches our eye. The only role that the object plays is that it might contain atoms
capable of selectively absorbing one or more frequencies of the visible light which shine upon it.


Session 18 Presentation Guide 51

Provider Guide

Slide 24

Carousel Brainstorming

 Your group will visit each of five chart papers hung in your
area of the room.
 Assign someone in your group to be the recorder.
 You will only have 90 seconds to work collaboratively to
add your ideas to each chart paper. Rotate through all 5
pieces of chart paper.


Time: 20 minutes, optional

PD Provider Notes:

When teachers conduct this activity with their own students, they should allow more time at each chart, and
increase the amount of time with each successive chart to allow each group time to read what prior groups
have added.


Daniels, H., Zemelman, S., Steineke, N. (2007). Content area writing: Every teachers’ guide. Portsmouth, NH:

52 Presentation Guide Session 18


Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Session overview 2 5

Review 3-10 85
Break 11
Review 12-19 90
Total instructional time:

Session 19 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Review of Summer Institute Content


Slide 2 gives an overview of the topics that will be covered in the review. It is intended that the
instructor(s) will spend approximately 10 minutes on each topic. The slides are intended as prompts
for the instructor to begin with; expand upon the topics as time allows. Refer back to slides in
previous sessions as needed, and clear up any remaining misconceptions. Also address any questions
raised on the STEW board.







2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute


Session 19 Handouts 3
Provider Guide

4 Handouts Session 19
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 19

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 19 Presentation Guide 5

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Topics Included In Review:

 Properties of Matter (Shape, Texture, Mass, Weight,
Size/Volume, Density, Buoyancy) (sessions 1-4)
 Mass versus weight (2)
 States of Matter – Solid, Liquid, Gas (5)
 Molecules and Atoms (5)
 Phase Changes of Matter (5, 6)
 Atomic Theory, History of Atomic Theory (7)
 Methods of Investigating the Atom (7-8)
 Periodic Table (9)
 Classification of Matter (11)
 Chemical and Physical Changes (12)
 Chemical Reactions and Bonding (13)
 Energy and Chemical Reactions (14)
 Heat (15)
 Sound (16)
 Electricity and Magnetism (17)
 Light (18)

Time: 5 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

This slide gives an overview of the topics that will be covered in the review. It is intended that the
instructor(s) will spend approximately 10 minutes on each topic. The slides are intended as prompts for the
instructor to begin with; expand upon the topics as time allows. Refer back to slides in previous sessions as
needed, and clear up any remaining misconceptions. Also address any questions raised on the STEW board.
The numbers in parentheses refer to the sessions in which the topic(s) were addressed.


6 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Properties of Matter
 Shape
 Texture
 Mass
 Weight
 Size/Volume
 Density
 Buoyancy

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:


Session 19 Presentation Guide 7

Provider Guide

Slide 4

States of Matter
 Solid
 Liquid
 Gas

Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:

Particle arrangement

Particle movement



(See Matter Graphic Organizer from session 6, slide 3.)


Image credit (top): “Glass 1.jpg” by Logger9. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

Image credit (left): “Water Ripples 1.jpg” by Ron Pieket. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Image credit (bottom): “Great pershing balloon derby 2005 09 04.jpg” by Joe DeShon. Retrieved October 5,
2009 from
Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

8 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

File:Glass 1.jpg.(2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Water Ripples 1.jpg. (2009). Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons:

File:Great pershing balloon derby 2005 09 04.jpg. (2005). Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons:

Session 19 Presentation Guide 9

Provider Guide

Slide 5

Molecules and Atoms

 A molecule contains two or
more atoms.
 A molecule can consist of a
single element, such as O2,
or different elements, such
as water (H2O).

Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:

The instructor can ask students to identify the two molecules shown here. The top molecule is water, which
most participants will recognize. The bottom molecule is theobromine, one of the compounds found in
chocolate. Theobromine is closely related to caffeine – the NH group in theobromine is an N-CH3 group in


Image Credit: “H2O (water molecule).jpg” by Solkoll. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from This image is in the public

Image Credit: “Theobromine.svg” by Harbin. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

File:H2O (water molecule).jpg. (2005). Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons:

File:Theobromine.svg. (2008). Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons:

10 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 6

Phase Changes

Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:


Image Credit: “Phase change – en.svg” by Kevin J. Duke. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

File:Phase change – en.svg. (2008). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 19 Presentation Guide 11

Provider Guide

Slide 7

History of the Atomic Theory

Plum pudding model Bohr model, 1913

Planetary model Wave model,
1904, JJ Thompson
1911, Rutherford current

Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:

“The plum pudding model of the atom by J. J. Thomson, who discovered the electron in 1897, was proposed in
1904 before the discovery of the atomic nucleus. In this model, the atom is composed of electrons (which
Thomson still called "corpuscles", though G. J. Stoney had proposed that atoms of electricity be called
electrons in 1894[1]) surrounded by a soup of positive charge to balance the electron's negative charge, like
negatively-charged "plums" surrounded by positively-charged "pudding". The electrons (as we know them
today) were thought to be positioned throughout the atom, but with many structures possible for positioning
multiple electrons, particularly rotating rings of electrons (see below). Instead of a soup, the atom was also
sometimes said to have had a cloud of positive charge.”

Quote from

“The Rutherford model or planetary model is a model of the atom devised by Ernest Rutherford. Rutherford
directed the famous Geiger-Marsden experiment in 1909, which suggested to Rutherford's analysis (1911)
that the Plum pudding model of J. J. Thomson of the atom was incorrect. Rutherford's new model for the atom,
based on the experimental results, had a number of essential modern features, including a relatively high
central charge concentrated into a very small volume in comparison to the rest of the atom and containing the
bulk of the atomic mass (the nucleus of the atom), and a number of tiny electrons circling around the nucleus
like planets around the sun.”

Quote from

“In atomic physics, the Bohr model, devised by Niels Bohr, depicts the atom as a small, positively charged
nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus—similar in structure to the
solar system, but with electrostatic forces providing attraction, rather than gravity. This was an improvement

12 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

on the earlier cubic model (1902), the plum-pudding model (1904), the Saturnian model (1904), and the
Rutherford model (1911). Since the Bohr model is a quantum physics-based modification of the Rutherford
model, many sources combine the two, referring to the Rutherford–Bohr model.”


Quote from

Image credit (left): “Plum pudding atom.svg” by Fastfission. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

Image credit (center): “Stylised Lithium Atom.svg” by Halfdan. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free Documentation

Image credit (right): “Bohr-atom-PAR.svg” by JabberWok. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from Available under a GNU Free Documentation License.

Bohr model. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Plum pudding atom.svg. (2005). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Stylised Lithium Atom.svg. (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Bohr-atom-PAR.svg. (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 19 Presentation Guide 13

Provider Guide

Slide 8

Methods of Investigating The Atom

 Imaging exercise

 Indirect measurement

 Spectroscopy

Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:


Image source: “Gold foil experiment conclusions.svg” by Kurzon. Retrieved October 8, 2009 from This image is in the public domain.

File:Gold foil experiment conclusions.svg. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

14 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 9

Periodic Table

Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:

“The periodic table of the chemical elements (also Mendeleev's table, periodic table of the elements or just
periodic table) is a tabular display of the chemical elements. Although precursors to this table exist, its
invention is generally credited to Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, who intended the table to
illustrate recurring ("periodic") trends in the properties of the elements. The layout of the table has been
refined and extended over time, as new elements have been discovered, and new theoretical models have
been developed to explain chemical behavior.[1]

The periodic table is now ubiquitous within the academic discipline of chemistry, providing an extremely
useful framework to classify, systematize, and compare all of the many different forms of chemical behavior.
The table has found wide application in chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering, especially chemical
engineering. The current standard table contains 117 elements as of July 2009 (elements 1–116 and element

“The layout of the periodic table demonstrates recurring ("periodic") chemical properties. Elements are listed
in order of increasing atomic number (i.e., the number of protons in the atomic nucleus). Rows are arranged
so that elements with similar properties fall into the same columns (groups or families). According to
quantum mechanical theories of electron configuration within atoms, each row (period) in the table
corresponded to the filling of a quantum shell of electrons. There are progressively longer periods further
down the table, grouping the elements into s-, p-, d- and f-blocks to reflect their electron configuration.

In printed tables, each element is usually listed with its element symbol and atomic number; many versions of
the table also list the element's atomic mass and other information, such as its abbreviated electron
configuration, electronegativity and most common valence numbers.

Session 19 Presentation Guide 15

Provider Guide

As of 2006, the table contains 117 chemical elements whose discoveries have been confirmed. Ninety-four are
found naturally on Earth, and the rest are synthetic elements that have been produced artificially in particle
accelerators. Elements 43 (technetium), 61 (promethium) and all elements greater than 83 (bismuth),
beginning with 84 (polonium) have no stable isotopes. The atomic mass of each of these element's isotope
having the longest half-life is typically reported on periodic tables with parentheses.[3] Isotopes of elements
43, 61, 93 (neptunium) and 94 (plutonium), first discovered synthetically, have since been discovered in trace
amounts on Earth as products of natural radioactive decay processes.

The primary determinant of an element's chemical properties is its electron configuration, particularly the
valence shell electrons. For instance, any atoms with four valence electrons occupying p orbitals will exhibit
some similarity. The type of orbital in which the atom's outermost electrons reside determines the "block" to
which it belongs. The number of valence shell electrons determines the family, or group, to which the element


Quote from:

Image credit: “Periodic Table Armtuk3.svg” by Armtuk. Retrieved October 8, 2009 from This image is available under a GNU
Free Documentation License.

Periodic table. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

File:Periodic Table Armtuk3.svg. (2010). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

16 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 10

Classification of Matter

Mixtures Pure Substances

Heterogeneous Homogeneous Compounds Elements


Time: 85 Minutes, Slides 3-10

PD Provider Notes:

Suggested topics to touch on:

Pure substances





Suspension Lab (session 11)

Underwater Fireworks Activity (session 11)


Session 19 Presentation Guide 17

Provider Guide

Slide 11

Let’s Take a Break!


Time: 15 Minutes

18 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 12

Chemical & Physical Changes


Time: 90 Minutes, Slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Changes of state (session 12)

Clues a chemical change has occurred

Chemical changes as indicators a chemical reaction has occurred

Chemical properties


Session 19 Presentation Guide 19

Provider Guide

Slide 13

Chemical Reactions and Bonding

 Products reactants
 3Zn + 6HCl 3ZnCl2 + 3H2

Time: 90 minutes for slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Hindenburg demonstration (session 13)

Zinc and hydrogen chloride chemical reaction

Combustion of methane

Poker chip models of chemical reactions

Reaction indicators

Chemical bonding, polar molecule demonstration

Types of chemical bonds: ionic, covalent, metallic


Photo credit (left): Photograph “DSC_0164” by Nikita Guvanov. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Nikitagubanov. (2008). DSC_0164. Retrieved from

20 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 14

Energy and Chemical Reactions

-q transfer +q




Time: 90 Minutes, Slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Dissolving myth activity (ammonium chloride and calcium chloride)

Endothermic and exothermic reactions (session 14)

Thermodynamics and heat transfer

Glow stick activity

Vinegar reaction rate activity


Image credit: Image “Glowstick.svg” by Pbroks13. Retrieved December 11, 2009 from This image is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

File:Glowstick.svg. (2009). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Session 19 Presentation Guide 21

Provider Guide

Slide 15



Time: 90 Minutes, Slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Mass, volume, and heat (session 15)

The difference between heat and temperature

How thermometers work

Ice melting block demonstration

Phase changes

Heat conductometer activity


Ice and Water [Photograph] by Andrew Mason. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

Boiling Water [Photograph] by Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

22 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Andrew Mason. (2005). Ice and Water [Photograph]. Retrieved from (2008). Boiling Water [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Session 19 Presentation Guide 23

Provider Guide

Slide 16






Time: 90 Minutes, Slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Sound as a mechanical wave (session 16)

How sounds are transmitted

Sound-o-Meter activity


Musical bottles activity


Wave [Diagram]. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under
a GNU Free Documentation License.

File:Wave.png [Diagram]. (2007). Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

24 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 17

Electricity & Magnetism




Time: 90 Minutes, Slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Static electricity (session 17)



Anatomy of a light bulb



Light Bulb No. 2 [Photograph] by Caveman 92223. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available
under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic license.

Chuck “Caveman”Coker. (2009).Light Bulb No. 2 [Photograph] . Retrieved from

Session 19 Presentation Guide 25

Provider Guide

Slide 18

Light is an electromagnetic wave.

“Wave” means that light has a wave

length and travels though space.
“Electromagnetic” means that the light
wave is made up of oscillating electric
and magnetic fields.
Only a small portion of “light” can be
seen – the visible spectrum.
Radio waves and x-rays are also light, but
cannot be seen with the human eye.


Time: 90 Minutes, Slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Be sure to address common misconceptions about light and color:

•A light source and its effects are not separate.
•White light is colorless and pure.
•A color filter adds color to a white beam.
•While light is reflected by mirrors; it remains on other objects.
•The eye is the active agent in gathering light, rather than being just a receiver of reflected light.
•Light helps us see simply by illuminating objects and making them visible.
•Shadows are independent of the object causing them.
•Magnifying glasses make the light bigger; i.e., there is more light on the side of the lens opposite to the


Sunrise Paddling on the North Canadian River [Photograph] by FreeWine. Retrieved May 19, 2009 from Available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Generic license.

Stepans, J.I. (2008). Targeting students’ physical science misconceptions using the conceptual change model.
Saint Cloud, MN: Saiwood.

FreeWine. (2007). Sunrise Paddling on the North Canadian River [Photograph]. Retrieved from

26 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 19

Light It can be
It can be
It can be

It can

OR…a little of all



Time: 90 Minutes, Slides 12-19

PD Provider Notes:

Light is an electromagnetic wave (session 18)

What happens when a light wave interacts with an object?

Difference between reflection and refraction



Session 19 Presentation Guide 27

Provider Guide

Slide 20



28 Presentation Guide Session 19

Matter & Energy Institute


Topic and brief description Slides Time

Review game 2 60

Small group discussion: How will you apply the information learned 3 30
during this institute to your classroom?

Break 4

Post-test and paperwork 5 90

Total instructional time: 180

Session 20 Pacing Guide 1

Provider Guide



Review Game


Use the Jeopardy-style powerpoint presentation and answer key (see next page) to guide
participants through a review of institute content. Alternatively, you could draw the Jeopardy grid on
a whiteboard. The powerpoint presentation is included on the CD containing the institute electronic
files. It is recommended to have participants play in teams of 4. Small prizes (i.e. candy bars, silly
certificates) can be distributed to the winning team.

If desired, a liquid nitrogen demonstration has been found to work well as an insitute finale. Save this
demonstration for after the post-test.







2 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 20

Matter & Energy Institute

Matter & Energy Jeopardy review game answer key

Category: Properties of Matter

Point Value Answer Question

10 Points State of matter having a definite volume, but not a definite What is a liquid?

20 Points Intensive property, measure of how tightly packed together What is density?
particles of matter are.

30 Points Measure of force the Earth (or another large body) exerts on What is weight?
an object.

40 Points State of matter in which the kinetic energy of the particles is What is a solid?

50 Points Measure of amount of matter in an object – doesn’t change, What is mass?

even if the location or position of the object changes.

Category: Molecules and Atoms

Point Value Answer Question

10 Points Elements in Periodic Table having similar properties. What are groups or families?

20 Points Particles of atom that contribute significantly to atom’s What are protons and neutrons?
mass. (Must have both)

30 Points Charge of an atom that has 20 electrons, 22 neutrons and 22 What is positive two?

40 Points Findings of Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment What is (i) the positively charged
center of the atom (dense, tiny,
positively charged nucleus) and (ii)
the atom is mostly empty space?

Session 20 PD Provider Resources & Materials 3

Provider Guide

50 Points Elements having properties similar to those of chlorine. What are fluorine, bromine, iodine,
and astatine?

Category: Pure Substances and Mixtures

Point Value Answer Question

10 Points Atoms and Molecules What are pure substances?

20 Points Two characteristics of pure substances What do these properties describe

(any two of these): always the same,
always composed of the same kind
of particles, homogeneous, has same
composition throughout?

30 Points Is a mixture: What is (a) lipstick?

(a) Lipstick

(b) Hydrogen peroxide

(c) C6H12O6

40 Points Formed when sugar dissolves in water. What is a solution?

50 Points Mixture’s particles are large enough to be visible, settle on What is a suspension?
standing and may be filtered out.

Category: Changes in Matter

Point Value Answer Question

10 Points Three common indicators of a chemical change. What are (any 3 of these) gas or
bubbles given off, heat given off or
absorbed, change in color, heat,
light, production of a solid

4 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 20

Matter & Energy Institute

20 Points Subatomic particle involved in chemical changes. What is the electron?

30 Points Energy change observed when water changes into ice. What is exothermic?

40 Points Physical changes used to separate components of mixtures ( What are magnetism, filtration,
4 examples). distillation, centrifugation,
chromatography, solubility,
sublimation, by hand, etc.?

50 Points A compound has the formula XY3, and element X has three What is one?
outer energy level electrons. Each atom of element Y
donates this number of electrons during the chemical

Category: Heat, Light, and Sound

Point Value Answer Question

10 Points Any of these may happen when light strikes a surface. What is absorption, reflection or

20 Points Waves described as longitudinal or compressional. What are sound waves?

30 Points Direction of heat transfer. What is from an area/object at a

higher temperature toward an
area/object at a lower temperature?

40 Points Causes a pencil in a glass of water appear to be bent. What is refraction?

50 Points A jar of HOT red water is placed into an aquarium full of What is convection?
COLD water. The HOT red water begins to rise out of the
jar to the top of the aquarium, spread, out and fall back
down. Name the type of heat transfer.

Category: Electricity and Magnetism

Point Value Answer Question

Session 20 PD Provider Resources & Materials 5

Provider Guide

10 Points Electrons tend to build up on substances known as__. What are insulators?

20 Points Silver, copper, gold and other substances that allow What are conductors?
electrons to flow readily.

30 Points Lights are wired so that if one burns out, the others remain What is a parallel circuit?

40 Points An action that increases the magnetic force of an What is adding more turns of wire
electromagnet. OR rewinding the coil with larger
wire, OR increasing the current?

50 Points Direction of electron flow in a circuit. What is negative to positive or from

electron excess to electron deficit?

Category: Final Jeopardy

Team Wager Density of a block that when placed in water floats with ¾ What is .75 g/cm3? (need to give
of its volume under water. correct units)

6 PD Provider Resources & Materials Session 20

Matter & Energy Institute

End of institute paperwork
K-12 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Science

Session 20 Handouts 7
Provider Guide

8 Handouts Session 20
Matter & Energy Institute


Slide 1

Matter and Energy

Session 20

A grant funded by the USDOE and awarded by the FLDOE Mathematics and Science
Partnership Initiative. Presentation developed by Florida PROMiSE
Partnership to Rejuvenate and Optimize Mathematics and Science Education 1

Session 20 Presentation Guide 9

Provider Guide

Slide 2

Jeopardy-Style Review Game

Time: 60 Minutes

PD Provider Notes: Use the PowerPoint file (included on CD with institute electronic files) and the answer
key in the resources guide to lead a review game. Answer questions about content as they arise or at the end
of the game. Have participants play as teams of 4.


10 Presentation Guide Session 20

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 3

Small-Group Discussion
 How will you apply the
information learned
during this Institute to
your classroom?

Time: 30 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:

Allow the participants to discuss the question in small groups.

This image is in the public domain.

Session 20 Presentation Guide 11

Provider Guide

Slide 4


Time: 15 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Image source: Image from book “The Science-History of the Universe” by Francis Rolt-Wheeler, published
1910. Retrieved January 19, 2010 from
images-from-science-history-of-the-universe/. This image is in the public domain.

12 Presentation Guide Session 20

Matter & Energy Institute

Slide 5


Time: 90 Minutes

PD Provider Notes:


Image source: Image from book “The Science-History of the Universe” by Francis Rolt-Wheeler, published
1910. Retrieved January 19, 2010 from
images-from-science-history-of-the-universe/. This image is in the public domain.

Session 20 Presentation Guide 13

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