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As part of our Outdoor Education Programme at Balmacewen Intermediate, the year 7 classes will be taking part
in a two night camp at Waihola.
The aim of our camp is not only to provide opportunities for enjoyment, adventure and challenge in the outdoors,
but also to develop class sprit, co- operation and respect and to provide opportunities for students and teachers
to get to know each other outside the classroom.
Our class will be heading to camp on Wednesday 23rd February and will be returning on Friday 25th
February . .
This camp will only go ahead with the support of camp helpers. If you can help out for the whole camp or even
for part of the time your help and support is greatly appreciated. Please fill in the form below if you can assist. As
an added bonus helpers don’t have to sleep in tents like the rest of us.
In order for us to keep costs down and to make it easier to transport students to the Millennium track and back
we are relying on parent transport, as well as using the school van, to get students to and from camp. Also
indicate on the slip below if you can help out in this area and the number of students you can transport.
Cost – Payment is set at $65.00. This is to cover the cost of using the camp facilities, food, resources and yacht
hire. This can be paid directly to the office or to your classroom teacher.
We know it has been an expensive start to the year, please speak to the office if you have concerns regarding
payment options.
Charlotte Cooper
I am help able to help with the camp for the entire time.
Wednesday day
Wednesday overnight
Thursday day
Thursday overnight
Friday day