Chapter - 3 - Distillation - Ponchon Savarit Method
Chapter - 3 - Distillation - Ponchon Savarit Method
Chapter - 3 - Distillation - Ponchon Savarit Method
F=V+L (3)
Energy balance
The two terms on the right represent the
operating points and . The enthalpy
of point is and of
is . Hence, the three points ,
and must all lie on straight line with
in between and .
Reflux ratio (R)
H1=enthalpy of vapor at xD
hD=enthalpy of liquid at xD
Locate point D’ or H’ at (xD, H’)
Locate point V1 at (xD, H1)
Locate point L0 at (xD, hD)
Draw the line from D’ to intersect hF
(enthalpy of saturated liquid at xF) and the
vertical line of xW). The point of intersection
shows W’ or H’W.
From point V1, draw a line down to 45o line.
Then, draw a horizontal tie line to touch the
xy equilibrium curve. Draw a line up to the
liquid enthalpy curve. This point is L1.
Plot an operating line from L1 to D’,
intersecting the vapor enthalpy curve at V2.
From V2, draw a vertical line down to the
equilibrium curve. Draw yet another line, go
up to obtain L2; repeat the process until you
exceed xF.
When you exceed xF, draw an operating line
from W’ to L3 intersecting the vapor
enthalpy curve to obtain V4. Repeat the
process until you exceed xW.
Draw a tie line for L1 to V1, L2 to V2, L3 to V3
and so on.
Number of tie lines=number of stages.
Determine H’min from the graph.
-From point, (xF,hF), draw a line down to
equilibrium curve. Then, draw a horizontal
line to 45o line. Next, draw a line up to
saturated vapor line. Let say the point is V.
-Then, draw a line from point (xF,hF) to point V
till you reach the vertical line of xD.
-H’min is the point intersect between the line
from point (xF,hF) to point V and vertical line
of xD.