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Nergy Anagement: in Your Hotel

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Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Canada: Toronto India: New Delhi Russian Federation: Moscow United Kingdom: London ENERGY IS LIFE
United States: Albany, NY • Arlington, VA • Baton Rough, LA • Charleston, SC • Dallas, TX • Dayton, OH • Fairfax, VA
• Houston, TX • Lexington, MA • Los Angeles, CA • Middle Town, PA • Ogden, UT • Oklahoma City, OK • Orange County, CA
• Research Triangle Park, NC • Rockville, MD • San Francisco, CA • Seattle, WA • Washington, DC C NSERVE IT
British High Commission
www.icfi.com New Delhi
Table Of Contents

Foreword 3

Acknowledgements 4

Why Manage Energy Use 5

Initiating an Energy Management Program 6

Determining Efficiency Targets 7

Where is Energy Being Used 7

Conducting Energy Assessments 9

Performing a Walk-Through Assessment 9
Walk Through Assessment Checklist 11

Identifying Energy Savings Opportunities 15

Integrating Energy Management Into Hotel’s Culture 15
Lighting 16
Building Envelope 23
Hot Water 24
Food Preparation 25
Hotel Laundry 28
Front Office & Lobby 29

Implementing an Energy Management System 30

Calculating Costs and Payback 32

Glossary 34
The current electricity consumption in commercial buildings in India is about
8% of the total electricity supplied by utilities. The electricity demand in commercial
buildings is growing annually by 11-12% which is more than the growth rate of
electricity production in the country.
2. The hospitality sector accounts for a large proportion of energy use in commercial
buildings. In any operational hotel building, electricity accounts for more than 50% of
total energy utilization and is used for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC),
lighting system etc. Studies have indicated that there is an enormous potential of saving
of electricity by implementing energy efficiency in this sector.
3. Review of international experience and several energy audit studies conducted
in India indicate that hotels can effectively reduce 20-30% of energy use without
compromising the quality of hospitality services. In the process, the lesser energy use
will entail cost saving for the hotels. This ‘Guidebook for Managing Energy Use in Your
Hotel’ developed with the help of funding support from SPF Low Carbon High Growth
Program managed by the British High Commission is a useful documentation of best
practices in hotel industry. It will serve not only as a guide for hotels intending to take up
energy conservation activities but also as a demonstration for others who are uncertain
of the benefits of the activities. This guidebook aims to highlight opportunities for energy
management within a hotel, and provides detailed steps to identify energy opportunities,
evaluate cost and paybacks, and develop and implement an energy management plan.
4. I am sure that the hotel owners and managers would find this document very
useful, and that it would facilitate the process for achieving improved energy
performances in hotel buildings.

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 3


The ‘Guidebook for Managing Energy Use in Your Hotel’ has been prepared by ICF International
with financial support from Strategic Programme Fund, Low Carbon High Growth Programme of
British High Commission in India. ICF International would like to acknowledge the contributions

Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency for providing his guidance in
developing this guidebook.

Mr. Saurabh Kumar, Secretary, Bureau of Energy Efficiency for providing his guidance and
encouraging us to develop a guidebook for hotels.

Mr. Sanjay Seth, Energy Economist, Bureau of Energy Efficiency for providing technical inputs to
the guidebook.

Mr. Anurag Mishra, Senior Program Officer, British High Commission for his valuable support in
developing this guidebook.

Mr. Saba Kalam, Program Officer, British High Commission for his valuable support in developing
this guidebook.

Most importantly ICF International would like to express its sincere thanks to British High
Commission, India for financial support, which made this guidebook possible.

4 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

Why Manage
Energy Use
Hotels are large consumers of energy and fossil fuels to provide high quality services to guests. India’s current
growth potential for hotel construction will continue to result in an increasing energy consumption trend.
There is also a misconception that correlates increased energy use with improved quality of services.
Hotels can effectively reduce energy use without compromising the high quality of services for guests and
in the process benefit from cost savings. Managing energy use in your hotel is the first step towards this.
Energy management helps improve your bottom line and holds down operating costs. Controlling costs is
a key to profitability in the hotel industry allowing your hotel to route resultant savings toward fulfilling other
requirements including purchasing additional amenities, staff salary increases, etc.
There are numerous ways by which energy can be managed within your hotel. This guidebook aims to
highlight several opportunities to create and implement an energy management plan within your hotel.
Topics include what steps are required to develop and implement a management plan, how to identify
energy opportunities and how to evaluate costs and paybacks.


• Initiate an Energy Management Program

• Determine Efficiency Targets
• Conduct Energy Assessments
• Identify Energy Savings Opportunities
• Calculating Costs and Paybacks
• Implement Measures
• Monitor Performance

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 5

Initiating An Energy
Management Program
Before any energy management program goals and objectives helps staff including housekeeping, front
program can be developed a establish a standard of comparison desk, and maintenance. Ensure
dedicated staff team is required for success and also lays the path that it is easy to understand and
to ensure that accurate objectives toward achieving desired results. everyone shares the common
are set and the right people will For example, if you want to save goals and objectives of the
implement the plan. 25% over the next 1-3 years you program. Regular updates on
Identify a core team. This should consider the following – program and visual tools to share
is the first step in initiating an progress are effective ways of
• Have you defined the 25%
energy management team. building momentum within staff
as reduced consumption of
Identifying key staff members members.
energy or as reduced cost?
who will be involved in energy Implement measures and
management activities and those • What is the base you will
monitor performance.
responsible for overseeing measure against?
Implementing measures identified
the program is imperative for • How and when will the and monitoring of measures and
success. An effective team should measurement be made? associated results is imperative
include members from owner for the program. Without regular
or management, the hotel staff, Receive input from your team
monitoring of program it will be
facility operations, engineering and plan workable goals and
difficult to evaluate any savings.
and someone who understands objectives to establish a baseline
Follow up is also required to
finance. A key group to have for your efforts. Use this phase to
ensure that measures have been
represented among the hotel staff also identify related budget factors
implemented properly.
is housekeeping. Commitment to achieve goals.
from top-level management Motivate staff members. The
Develop a plan. Create an action
and their involvement is vital key to keeping people onboard
plan to define the implementation
to providing focus to energy with your energy management
of the pre-determined energy
management operations. The plan is having a reward and
management goals and objectives.
General Manager’s attitude celebrating successes. Don’t
This plan will outline steps toward
toward energy savings sets the wait until the end of a two year
achieving desired results, delegate
pace for increased efficiency. program to announce results.
responsibilities, identify budget
Also, designate a mid level or Have regular milestones and
limitations and set targets for
upper level employee as “Energy incentives to meet them. Make
energy saving opportunities.
Manager” to monitor energy people feel part of the program’s
saving activities and projects daily. Communicate plan. Once the success and it will take on a life of
plan is established the success of its own. Create an environment
Once the team is selected, plan where people work together to
the energy management program
organize a introductory session get things done and enjoy the
depends on the effectiveness of
to start laying the groundwork for rewards of achieving success on
communicating it to the involved
the program. a regular basis. (Adapted from
staff members and other individuals
Identify and set specific including guests etc. Use the plan “Managing Energy in Your Hotel”)
objectives. Identifying the to delegate responsibilities to key

6 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

Efficiency Targets
There are numerous variables appropriate variables. Operating Operating expenses are largely
that need to be considered while expenses is one of the significant influenced by actions you can
setting efficiency targets including “constant” variables to be take and on average, the cost of
occupancy rate, operating considered while determining energy accounts for 3% to 5%
expenses, etc. The profitability savings objectives. Others like of the total operating expense1.
of running a hotel must also be occupancy rate, cost of materials Through this guide, your hotel
considered while identifying the and supplies will fluctuate based can aim to reduce energy costs
on external factors. by up to 20%.


(Source of Internal Funds) OPERATING EXPENSES
Deferred Charges
(Before Interest
Cost of Energy/Materials/Supplies
Advertising & Communications


Figure 1 – Factors involved in establishing profitability for hotel

Source: “Managing Energy in Your Hotel”


The first step in determining efficiency targets is to study where energy is being utilized within your hotel.
Identifying areas of high and low energy use will help you target key areas for improvement and also areas
that will provide maximum returns. Figure 2 below highlights a typical hotel energy end use graph.

Managing Energy in Your Hotel

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 7

Office Equipment
4% Refrigeration
Natural Gas and 5%
Other Fuels
39% Cooking
Other Heating
9% 31%


Cooling Water Heating
15% 17%

Figure 2 – Typical energy end use in a hotel

Source - http://epa.gov/cleanenergy/documents/sector-meeting/4bii_hotelenergy.pdf


Estimated Annual Savings for reductions:

If Annual
Facility Type Water heating
Energy Costs… Lighting by 20% HVAC by 20%
by 20%
50,000 sq. ft. INR 3,525,000 INR 375,000 INR 164,500 INR 164,500

100,000 sq. ft. INR 7,050,000 INR 750,000 INR 329,000 INR 329,000

150,000 sq. ft. INR 10,575,000 INR 1,125,000 INR 488,800 INR 470,000

Assumes facility uses electricity and natural gas and each are about 50% of the total energy consumption, and hotel includes on-site
food service, laundry, and pool.

Managing Energy in Your Hotel

8 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

Energy Assessments
An energy assessment is an Hotels can conduct either a This guide focuses on the walk-
essential component of a basic walk-through energy through energy assessment
successful energy management assessment or a more detailed process as a means for hotels
program. This will help you energy analysis audit. Hotels to delve immediately into saving
identify the present energy use also have the option of carrying energy and improving their
situation within the hotel and out the assessment as a first step bottom line through less
flag energy costs. Energy saving to identify existing energy saving capital intensive measures.
opportunities can be identified opportunities and implement Hotels are encouraged if they
based on the assessment report. the results followed by a more desire to follow implementation
The assessment will also help detailed analysis audit to derive of these measures with a more
you develop a baseline for more detailed measures for detailed audit to garner additional
future comparisons of program savings including capital intensive savings.
success by comparing energy use energy saving opportunities.
before program implementation
and after.


Often 25% of a commercial energy use in your hotel. Since to assist in this process. Provided
building’s energy consumption people have a major affect on in the following pages are–
is wasted due to specific how energy is used, this audit
1) Energy Planning Ledger –
management practices3. Simple pays particular attention to
assist you with highlighting
adjustments to management and identifying habits and procedures
required information to
operation practices can result that can be adopted to use energy
initiate the assessment
in savings for your hotel. For more efficiently. Basic information
example, adjusting the Building about the systems in your hotel 2) Walk-Through Assessment
Automation Systems (BAS) to is also collected. (Adapted from Checklist – assist you with
more effectively control your “Managing Energy in Your Hotel”) identification of energy saving
lighting can result in significant improvements that can be
The first step in this assessment
savings. easily implemented.
is to examine energy use and
A walk-through assessment is the associated costs across systems Use both these sheets while
easiest and least expensive means within your hotel. Utilize your walking through your hotel and
of identifying and evaluating operations and maintenance staff recording information on energy

eeBuildings’ Low-Cost and No-Cost Improvements Yield High Returns

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 9

Energy Planning Ledger4

Hotel Building Statistics

Cooled Sq. Ft. Heated Sq. Ft. Number of Floors: Building Age:

Energy Use and Cost

Last Year’s
Current Prices
Use Cost
Electricity - Consumption kWh INR INR   per kWh

Demand kW INR INR   per kW/month

Natural Gas units* INR INR   per unit

Heating Oil gallons INR INR   per gallon

Other units INR INR   per unit

*units may be “therms” (100,000 Btu/therm) or “ccf” (hundred cubic feet) or “mcf” (thousand cubic feet)

Energy Source

Electricity: ________________________________% of total cost

Gas: ________________________________ % of total cost

Hot Water Uses: ____________________________________________________

Predominant Type of Lighting: ____________________________________________________

Occupancy Data:

Time Period: ________________________________

Max Number of People: ________________________________

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Adapted from “Managing Energy in Your Hotels”

10 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

Adapted from “Managing Energy in Your Hotels”


Check temperature
and humidity levels
in various areas: - Monitor outside air use
- Avoid heating and cooling at the same time
- Use modular, localized heating/cooling units where possible
- Guest rooms
- Control system by time-of-use when possible for public
- Meeting rooms
- Dining rooms
- Use ceiling fans to increase comfort
- Corridors
- Shut off chiller during winter if possible.
- Lobby

Check ductwork MAINTENANCE

and airflow
- Seal ductwork leaks- Clean filters and allow free air-flow to
- Seal unused building openings
Check condition - Install vinyl curtains in loading areas
of windows and - Weather-strip doors and windows, caulk cracks
doors - Insulate: doors, pipes, ductwork
- Cover and lock thermostats and ventilation controls in public
areas to prevent unauthorized adjustments
Check refrigerant - Clean boilers, chillers and condenser coils regularly,
levels. straighten fans.

Check thermostat - Do not heat/cool in low traffic areas, hallways or unoccupied
readings rooms/floors
- Adjust building temperature by season: lower in winter /
higher in summer
- Advise employees to dress appropriately for seasonally
maintained building temperature
- Utilize available passive solar heat during cooler months by
Check availability of
opening blinds and drapes
passive solar
- Close doors to outside and unheated or un-cooled areas
- Use ventilation only when required

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 11

- Establish routine maintenance procedures
- Plan occupancy so guests are assigned in same area of hotel
- Have housekeeping close draperies and adjust thermostat to
acceptable level in unoccupied area or rooms.


- Use automated lighting Controls
o Photocells
• All-night outdoor lighting
o Timers
• Parking lots
Check when lights • Restricted-access areas
are being used. o Motion sensors
Check lighting • Low-traffic areas
levels. o Dimmers
• Auditoriums
• Meeting rooms
- De-energize fixtures/ballasts not in use
- Reduce lighting to minimum acceptable level for safety/
o Parking areas
o Storage areas
o Corridors

- Clean lamps for maximum illumination
Check cleanliness - Repair broken fixtures
and condition of - Replace non-working lamps/bulbs
lamps and fixtures - Install lowest acceptable wattage bulb
Check accessibility - Install energy-efficient ballasts
of switches - Add reflectors to existing lighting
- Label panels and switches so lighting can be monitored and
controls can be accessed

Check how lights
are being used - Turn off lights not being used
- Use task lighting in place of area lighting where possible

12 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL


- Use timers on bathroom heat lamps
- Connect bathroom exhaust fans to light switches
- Automate pool/spa heaters
Check equipment - Close outdoor pool/spa during cooler months
operating times - Set swimming pool heater to 72˚F
Check temperature - Limit operation of food warmers/equipment
settings. - Preheat ovens, grills, broilers only when needed
- Reduce temp on fryer/grill during slow hours
- Direct cooling fans towards workers
- Stagger turn-on times for equipment
- Reduce domestic hot water temperature
- Set water thermostat to minimum acceptable sanitation level

- Clean and polish heat reflectors
Check equipment - Clean burners and check regularly
condition and - Recalibrate broiler thermostats
cleanliness - Insulate water heaters and pipes
- Install flow restrictors
- Clean pool skimmer, strainer, basket, filter
- Keep pool area clean; trim back foliage

- Instruct housekeeping to turn-off TVs/radios and close drapes
in unoccupied rooms
- Wash and dry laundry during off peak hours
- Close door to keep conditioned air out of laundry
- Cook during off-peak periods when possible
Check how - Cook food in large volumes, close together
equipment is being - Minimize use of range tops, griddles and broilers by using
used ovens, steamers, fryers and microwave
- Load and unload ovens quickly to avoid heat loss
- Use properly-sized flat-bottom pots with tight lids
- Shut off exhaust hoods when leaving
- Launder full loads; use cold water when possible
- Run dishwasher with full loads: use chemical rinse instead of
hot water for sanitation

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 13


Check equipment OPERATION

operating times. - Locate refrigerator away from cooking equipment
and location - Use booster heater in dishwashers to achieve hot rinse
Check equipment temperature required for sanitation
settings. - Avoid refrigerator temperature settings lower than necessary
Check motor - Locate refrigerator condenser coils in cooler place
operation for - Use timers or other devices for elevator motor start/stop
efficiency and use - Use automatic temporary elevator shut-off for low-use
patterns. periods

Check equipment
condition and - Clean refrigerator coils, replace worn seals, defrost regularly
cleanliness. - Maintain proper refrigerant charge in refrigerator systems and
ice machines

Check how - Refrigerate items only when necessary: do not overload units
equipment is being - Label items so they are easy to find in refrigerator or cooler
used. - Cool hot items on counter before refrigerating
- Thaw frozen items in refrigerator.

14 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

Identifying Energy
Saving Opportunities
This chapter has been taken from the “Managing Energy Use in Your Hotel” guide as it highlights all the
salient points that go into identifying opportunities for energy savings within your hotel.


New employee energy identified and resolved when like using a dedicated whiteboard
management training: At employees are tracking weekly/ to track daily energy data could
all departments in the hotel, monthly use. The engineering be useful. A whiteboard that is
employees receive thorough department at the hotel is already centrally located can be used
training in department norms and tracking the energy-use data for to record energy data and any
expectations, safety procedures, all departments but still there is a factors that may influence energy
and office etiquette. Developing need to identifying best and worse use, as well as strategies to reduce
an energy management training performers so that best-practices energy consumption. Engineering
and integrating it into new can be recognized and shared. staff and department heads can
employee orientation will help Creating a culture of conduct daily briefings to discuss
instill energy management as continuous improvement: the data and energy management
a department-wide value and Make energy efficiency an strategies.
teach employees how to use integral part of employee culture. c. Incentives – The recognition
energy more efficiently in their Encouraging leadership and of employee commitment to
work areas. Reinforcing this visibility, tracking energy use energy efficiency can have a
orientation training with regular and offering incentives will help. strong impact on participation.
energy management seminars, These aspects are described in The recognition can be formal or
brochures, or other visibility will more detail below. informal, ranging from something
ensure that the initial training stays as simple as offering employees
with employees throughout their a. Tracking – All efficiency efforts
at the employee level should be free CFL lights as a reward for
tenure at the hotel. reducing energy consumption by
recorded, tracked over time,
Tracking and reporting and evaluated. This process will a certain percentage, to rewarding
energy consumption to help department heads evaluate cash bonuses for identifying major
all employees: While most their energy performance energy savings and process
department heads receive some training, incentive programs, and improvements.
energy and water use data on visibility level of the program. A d. Recognition – Employees who
a weekly/monthly basis, very transparent data-driven program take leadership positions in energy
little of this information is shared will allow the employees to see management initiatives should be
with the rest of the employees. their individual and collective recognized for their efforts—from
Energy consumption at each impact on energy performance turning off the lights at work each
department can serve as a tool and encourage them to actively night to developing ways to make
for reinforcing the importance participate in charting the impact sure that equipments are switched
of energy management, since of their activities. off when not in use.
consumption spikes in energy and
water use can be more quickly b. Visibility – A simple method

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 15


The lighting system is the most Identifying savings lighting levels, but all too often are
visible energy user in the building. opportunities within your lit to the same high levels.
And while it’s usually a hotel’s lighting systems Do a walk-through of the facility
largest energy consumer, lighting
Begin your lighting improvement looking at the existing lighting in
may well be the first place to
project by determining how each area and the area’s lighting
look for energy savings. Some
much light is really needed in the needs. It’s a good idea to use a
hotels report finding 20 to 50
various areas of the hotel and its light meter (lighting suppliers
percent savings in their lighting
surroundings. Areas where people often lend them). You can then
systems. These savings are some
are walking as opposed to seated compare your present lighting
of the most rewarding to achieve
or working require very different levels to recommended levels for
because most are easy to make
the tasks being performed.
and cost little or nothing.


Hotel Area Average Foot candles Hotel Area Average Foot candles
Hallways 10.0 Guest Rooms 20.0
Lobby 15.0 Front Desk 75.0
Dining/Function Rooms 15.0 Kitchen 75.0

As you walk through the hotel, also First, Do Things That are priority, lighting levels often are
note the type of lighting present. Free higher than necessary. But be
One of the keys to improved careful. If you remove lamps near
lighting efficiency is using the most Remove unnecessary lamps. windows, make sure there will
efficient light source to produce Because a number of hotels were still be enough light on overcast
light. Incandescent bulbs are least designed and built in an era when days or at night.
efficient and have the shortest energy efficiency was not a high
lives, but have the advantage of
low first cost, good color rendition
and easy installation. Fluorescents
are popular in general because
they are 4 to 5 times more
efficient and have 10 times the life
expectancy of incandescent.
High Intensity Discharge (HID)
lamps, which were once used
almost exclusively outdoors
because of their poor color
rendition, are more and more
being brought indoors in color-
corrected versions due to their
extremely high efficiency and long
16 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL
Make sure lights are turned off lamps at once rather than as they A. Retrofitting exit signs
when an area is unoccupied. For burn out. Light output from lamps is one of the quickest payback
the most part in hotels, that means decreases as they age, so replacing projects in many hotels. The
getting employees on-board with them in a group assures you get idea of replacing conventional
the program. full light output, and the practice exit signs with energy-efficient
can reduce the maintenance costs compact fluorescent ones has
Use switch plate covers
associated with lamp replacement been widely promoted over the
reminding people to turn lights
by half. past ten years. Instead of two
off when leaving an area. In public
incandescent light bulbs that last a
places, guests and employees are
hesitant to turn lights off without
Low -Cost and Low - few months, compact fluorescent
“permission,” so signage is
Investment Projects exit signs require only about 12
watts and generally last two years
important. Wind-up timers, time After doing the no-cost projects, in continuous use.
clocks and occupancy sensors can consider modifying the lighting
help get lights off when they are system. Many projects require Converting to LED exit signs has
not needed. only a small investment. Before become more popular. The light
investing, calculate the payback emitting diode, or LED meets
Keep the fixtures clean to be
period and, for large expense electrical code requirements in
sure you are getting all the
projects, consider life cycle costs most applications, uses minimal
light for which you are paying.
to see if the project will be a amounts of electricity and lasts up
Cleaning fixtures and reflectors
good investment. And, try an to 50 years. LED’s are winners
can compensate for reduced light
improvement in a small area for cost savings and avoiding
levels from de-lamping.
before committing to major the inconvenience of replacing
Consider group re-lamping, changes. lamps.
which means changing all the

S. N. Cost Description LED Lights Incandescent Bulbs

1. Lifespan 60,000 Hr. 800 Hr.

2. Number of bulbs used in 60,000 hours 1 75

3. Cost INR 1000.0 INR 10.0

4. Power dissipation 4 Watt 20 Watt

5. Power savings per year* 140.0 kWh -

6. Lifetime power savings 960.0 kWh -

7. Cost saving per year INR 490.0 -

8. Lifetime cost saving INR 3360.0 -

9. Payback period 2-years -

* With one bulb in use for 24 hours and 365 days in a year. The power cost is INR 3.50/kWh.

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 17

B. Retrofitting Corridor will last 10 times as long and will primary options –
Fixtures are also a quick payback deliver about the same amount of
1. Install lower wattage
project in hotels. Attractive fixtures light for one quarter the energy.
or more efficient lamps
that house compact fluorescent Compact fluorescents are more
- When selecting new,
lamps with color rendition similar expensive than incandescent,
more efficient fluorescent
to that of an incandescent are but they will more than pay
lamps, make sure they are
available. In most cases, no one for themselves with savings in
compatible with the existing
will notice the difference. electricity, lamp replacement and
ballasts, although it may be
labor costs. Payback is quickest
C. Installation of more cost-effective to replace the
when they are installed in fixtures
Efficient Lamps is one of the ballast as well. While some
that are used for many hours each
most effective ways to make of the replacement lamps
lighting more energy efficient is may yield slightly less light,
to use the most efficient lamp Compact fluorescents are this may be acceptable since
possible. Here are some of the available in a wide variety of styles in many areas you may have
best examples: to suit most lighting needs, with more light than you need.
reflectors and extenders that can Furthermore, when clean
Replace Incandescent make them fit and work well in new lamps are installed, and
Lights with Compact many fixture types. the diffuser and reflecting
Fluorescents They come either as one-piece
surfaces of the fixture are
cleaned, there may be an
The standard incandescent light screwing units that include the
increase in light output even
bulb may seem inexpensive, but ballast or as modular units where
with lower wattage.
it is not a bargain. Not only is it the tube can be separated from
extremely inefficient, it also has the ballast when the lamp burns 2. Replace the ballasts -
a very short life, which means out. The compact fluorescent Replacing existing magnetic
it must be replaced frequently. tubes have lifetimes of 10,000 ballasts is often one of the
One of the great advances in hours, while the ballasts last 4 or most cost effective energy
lighting technology is the compact 5 times that long. improvements. For instance,
fluorescent lamp. Developed as installing electronic ballast
Compact fluorescents can be
a replacement for the common can reduce the energy
used outdoors when they are
incandescent light bulb, the consumption of a fixture with
protected by an enclosure.
super energy efficient compact two 34-watt lamps from
However, they have some cold
fluorescent is a spiral or miniature about 74 watts to about 59
limitations. For instance, they are
U-shaped fluorescent tube and watts, a 20% drop, with no
dimmer for a short time when
ballast. Screw-in or pin holder reduction in light output.
they start, until they get up to
compact fluorescents fit many of
their operating temperature and 3. Replace the fixtures - Fixture
the fixtures where you previously
may not start at all when it is retrofits can involve changing
used incandescent light bulbs.
very cold. Using an enclosed light out the ballast, replacing
This makes it possible to replace fixture helps. Ask your supplier yellowed or hazy lenses,
an incandescent (15 lumens/ which would be the best option diffusers, and globes with
watt, 800 hours life) with a for your outside needs. new ones that will remain
more efficient and long lasting brighter and transmit more
fluorescent lamp (70 lumens/ Fluorescent Ceiling Lights light, and installing reflectors
watt, 6000 hours life). that “bounce” more light
Since some lighting systems in out of the fixtures. New
Consider that you can replace a hotels are fluorescent, let’s look lenses and reflectors may
60-watt incandescent with a 15 at what can be done to improve enable you to use fewer or
watt compact fluorescent that their efficiency. There are four

18 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

lower wattage lamps and still Only one bed side light and one or stockroom. A sensor can be
achieve acceptable lighting bathroom light should be left mounted on the wall where a light
levels. on after they finish the evening switch would normally go or can
service. This will minimize the be installed in the ceiling or high
4. Rewiring or installing more
wastages on lights during the day. on a wall. Occupancy sensors
efficient controls can be an
Most guests do not bother to are activated when they detect
effective investment, with a
open the curtains and switch off motion, heat or both. Energy
fast return.
the lights. savings from sensors is greater
D. Train Cleaning and the more hours the lights are off
E. Some Other Tips
Security Staff and the more watts controlled
Control Outdoor Lighting. Most by the sensor. Savings from 20%
Twenty four hours of operation to 40% are possible and even
hotels have lights that are left on
and varied occupancy schedules greater savings are possible when
all the time for code compliance
can result in lights and office spaces are infrequently used.
or to meet safety and security
equipments being left on in areas Consider installing occupancy
needs. While meeting code
(offices, restaurants, kitchens, etc) sensors in the following: senior
requirements, use only lighting
where occupants are no longer executive offices, conference
necessary to do the job. It is
in the building. Invariably, there rooms, employee locker rooms,
recommended that the outside
will also be lights, computers, restrooms, stockrooms, and
lighting should also be fitted with
and other electronic equipment storage areas. While providing the
timers. Different timing should
left on by employees who forget sensors in toilets it is important to
be set for summer and winter
to shut down their workspace. note that WC areas should be
months. The alternative lights
Both security and cleaning staff kept out of the circuit to avoid
can be switched off after 11.30
can play an integral role in energy inconvenience to the guests.
pm. It is also recommended to
management by assisting in overall
create zones of every third lamp,
savings. Use Task Lighting. Install desk
and have each zone turn on 30
lamps for close work at office
In most hotels, the house keeping minutes apart, and turn off 30
desks and reception desks. This
staff provides two services to minutes apart, instead of all at
type of task lighting puts light
the guest rooms and they are once.
where it is needed, when it is
responsible for getting the room needed, and may permit ceiling
Rewiring. If your present switches
cleaned and checked between lighting levels to be lowered.
don’t give you enough control
the check out and check in. Most
to turn off unneeded lights, you
hotels have key cards for rooms, Use Day Lighting. Day lighting
should consider rewiring and
which is good to minimize is the practice of using free light
installing additional switches or
wastages when guest is not in the from the sun during the day to
room. supplement or even eliminate
Occupancy Sensors. In public purchased light. Taking advantage
It is recommended that to reduce of day lighting may require
areas where employees forget
the wastages, the house keeping installation of blinds or shades
to turn lights off, an occupancy
staff should be trained to switch to control heat gain and glare.
sensor may be the answer.
off all the lights and leave the Combining this with rewiring and
These easy-to-install motion
curtains open after the morning installation of switches will enable
detecting devices turn lights on
service and close them at the you to save money by turning off
and off automatically in a space
time of providing evening service. lights when they are not needed.
such as a restroom, storage area

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 19

Use the HVAC checklists provided B. Use Ceiling Fans. Ceiling
HVAC in this guidebook during your fans can save you energy costs by
The hotel’s heating, ventilating, walk-through of the facility. In making guests feel comfortable
and cooling systems are what addition, here are some ideas to at higher temperatures in the
create comfortable conditions consider. summer. The fans create an
inside the hotel. HVAC systems evaporative cooling effect as they
A. Keep System Off During
are large consumers of a hotel’s pull air over the skin. In winter,
Unoccupied Times. The
energy. That means HVAC is ceiling fans redistribute the warm
best time to save money in
an area likely to produce good air that collects near the ceiling to
an area of the hotel is when
returns on energy efficiency the lower part of the space for
no one is there. All too often
improvements. Finding savings people’s comfort. This can mean
energy is being wasted heating
of 20% or higher are quite often that heating thermostats need not
or cooling the air when nobody
possible through more efficient be set as high.
is there. Making matters more
operation and maintenance of complicated, your occupancy C. Put Locking Covers on
the HVAC system. Much of the hours are different for the various Thermostats. Employees
savings will come from simple parts of the hotel building, like should not be given free reign
things you can do yourself like when there is a banquet in the on spending your energy
keeping the system off when it is ballroom or a convention in money. Determine a reasonable
not needed, or operating it less only one wing. Temperature can
by changing temperature settings. only be controlled for individual
The remainder of the potential areas when there are separate
savings comes from making the heating or cooling units, zones, or
system more efficient. thermostats.

setting and cover programmed

thermostats in public areas with
tamper-proof covers or look into
replacing them altogether with
ones that hold a fixed setting.
Make sure to also check the
accuracy of thermostats. At a time
when your heating or cooling
system has the hotel at a stable
temperature, walk through with
an accurate thermometer and see
if the thermostats are accurately
recording the temperature. If the
thermostat says it is 70˚F and the
actual temperature in the space is
66˚F, the cooling system may be
running more than necessary.
D. Inspect and Repair Duct
Leaks. In air distribution systems,

20 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

take a look at the duct system as buildings. It is very common to not be feasible compared to
part of your energy check-up. observe dirty filters and coils even brushing, vacuuming, and forcing
Over the years, these systems when maintenance staff reports compressed air through the coils.
deteriorate and can even get an aggressive approach. Often, The goal is to look at current
stepped on and damaged by teams will rely on pressure drop conditions and practices and come
contractors and technicians alarms in the BAS system to signal up with a reasonable definition
working in the area. Fix broken the need for filter cleaning. Our of an aggressive, sustainable
joints and other leaks, and be experience in the field indicates approach.
sure they are insulated if they run that this is not a proactive approach
The estimated savings for this
through unconditioned space. associated with capturing available
measure are difficult to calculate
low-cost savings.
E. Replace/Clean Filters & but with past experience it has
Coils. It’s one of the simplest of The hotels do have regular been observed that this practice
the conservation measures, and maintenance schedules for their can save between 10-20 %
it’s often overlooked. Take time HVAC systems and for cleaning of electricity use every year as
to check that there are filters in of coils and filters. But still it is very clean coils and filters are
place and see that coils and filters recommended that the coils and a fundamental part of excellent
are cleaned and changed regularly. filters be cleaned very aggressively HVAC performance and should
Filters and coils are the two most and on schedule (preferably every not be treated as an option to be
critical elements in HVAC system. month). Close inspection of coils weighed against others.
and filters on a periodic basis will be
the best initial indication as more F. Chiller Coil Temperature
aggressive schedules are set. The Reset. In hotels, chiller coils
amount of dirt on the coils and are operated at the temperature
filters can easily be determined established during the design
by wiping the surface with a finger process to ensure adequate
or clean cloth. As this measure cooling during peak cooling
is less popular with maintenance conditions. They are designed to
staff, motivation and oversight produce supply air temperature
are required, which might result to meet set point temperatures
in a checklist that appoints a under the most extreme loads
responsible staff person to ensure anticipated the local climate
on time completion. Replaceable and weather. This design coil
filters can be cleaned in batches temperature is lower than that
to reduce labor associated with required to meet building cooling
this measure, and pre-filters loads under more typical, less
can be considered depending extreme conditions. It is possible
on local condition. Where coils to slightly increase the cooling
They are where the mechanical
and filters are difficult to access, coil temperatures when cooling
system interacts most directly
it is important to document the loads are not at peak, saving
with the environment it is trying
process, appoint specific staff chiller energy. The EMS should
to impact. It does not take much
who can learn to do the job be used to increase or decrease
dirt and dust to degrade thermal
efficiently, and evolve cleaning the coil temperatures in response
transfer across the coils, and as
techniques that are appropriate to outdoor air temperatures.
filters get dirtier, air delivery to
to the challenge. For example, Even without using EMS, it is also
spaces and fan energy required
if coils and filters are in terminal possible to vary coil temperatures
to deliver air will suffer. Very
units above high end conference manually, and this can be done daily,
aggressive cleaning schedules for
space, frequent cleaning with weekly, monthly, or seasonally,
coils and filters are always a part
a liquid chemical solution may depending on how motivated
of the maintenance regime for
Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 21
the building engineering team estimated savings from decreasing Check with your local utility or
is. More frequent adjustments the condenser temperature HVAC Service Company for what
produce greater savings. can exceed 10% of annual is recommended for your area.
chiller energy and the payback is
The load decreases by increasing K. Heat Exchangers. Consider
immediate if controls or manual
the chiller coil temperature by installing heat exchangers to move
approaches can be implemented
even 1oC. This decreases the fresh air in and stale air out of
without outside assistance.
electricity consumption of the your hotel while exchanging 50%
chillers by 10%. H. Adjust Temperature Set to 70% of the energy between
Points. Different sections of the the two air streams. In humid
G. Condenser Water
hotel have different expectations climates, heat exchangers with
Temperature Reset. This
for interior temperatures desiccant capability can control
initiative increases the efficiency
associated with seasonal climatic the humidity in the hotel. This is a
of the chiller by reducing the
temperature conditions. About good application where ventilation
condenser water temperature
1°C reduction in interior requirements are high, such as
supplied from the cooling
temperature settings during lounges, fitness rooms, smoking
towers. Instead of a standard
the winter months (October to areas and cafeterias or where
fixed condenser water supply
February) can save as much as waste heat is being exhausted,
temperature, water as cool
5% in energy costs during these for instance, by a kitchen hood.
as possible is supplied to the
months. By carefully selecting In some cases, chiller condenser
condenser side of the chiller
seasonal set points that meet waste heat can be used. Look
based on manufacturer’s
but do not exceed comfort into Cool Storage. When chilled
recommendations and the
expectations, considerable energy water is used as the cooling
continued ability to meet interior
can be saved and guest satisfaction medium, installing a cool storage
temperature set points. It is
can be maximized. system allows you to save on your
assumed that the cooling towers
electric bills by paying lower, night
can produce a minimum condenser I. Plan Ahead. People rarely
time, off-peak electricity rates
supply water temperature equal plan for an equipment failure,
to create and store the cooling
to 88oF above the outside air wet and when one occurs you will be
you will need for the next day.
bulb temperature. This can be under pressure to get it up and
A cool storage system can save a
applied to the condenser water running right away. This makes
lot of money, but you will need
loop with temperature set points it difficult to shop and plan for
professional advice to evaluate
as low as 75oF. energy efficient replacements.
your situation.
It is recommended that the hotel So, prepare in advance for likely
should determine how much units that may fail, particularly in L. Consider Heat Pumps.
decrease in condenser water guestrooms, and check on the Heat pumps are electrical devices
temperature is possible, while price and availability of efficient that move heat from one place to
still meeting manufacturer’s units. HVAC systems last a long another. A heat pump can provide
recommendations and interior time, so your hotel will live with both heating and cooling. Most
set point temperatures. Vary the replacement for many years heat pumps are air-to-air systems.
condenser water temperatures to come. In the cooling mode, the heat
depending on the outdoor pump operates like a window air
J. Buy Energy Efficient
conditions either by programming conditioner, removing heat from
Equipment. There are laws in
the EMS to automatically adjust inside air and moving it to the
place that require manufacturers
temperature or by training staff to outside air. In the heating mode,
of HVAC equipment and
adjust the temperature manually it operates like an air conditioner
appliances to meet minimum
based on outdoor air conditions. in reverse that moves heat from
efficiency levels and to label each
More frequent adjustments result the outside air and pumps it into
product with its efficiency rating.
in more energy savings. The the building. Water source heat

22 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

pumps take heat from or reject first cost, lower maintenance, by other sources of heat, either
it to a water pipe or connecting and space savings compared to electric resistance or fuel-fired
loop. Heat is rejected from the two separate heating and cooling system. Most heat pumps
loop to a cooling tower or is systems. However, air-to-air have electric resistance heating
provided to the loop by a boiler if heat pumps are not designed for elements for backup, but there
the loop temperature falls. severe cold. If the temperature are also dual fuel heat pumps that
drops too low, its heating effort use gas for heating below a certain
In addition to being highly efficient,
may need to be supplemented temperature.
heat pumps often have lower


While it consumes no energy and gains. While there are some building components. It is one of
itself, the hotel building envelope easy improvements, like fixing the easiest losses to locate and
has a large influence on a major broken windows or leaky doors, fix.
energy consumer, the HVAC many building envelope projects
Poor insulation lets heat leak into
system. The envelope consists require large investments and
or out of the building, primarily
of the buildings outside walls, its become difficult to justify on a
through the walls and roof.
roof, windows, doors, and floors. return on investment basis.
It is the barrier or filter between Single pane windows have
The roof and walls, windows and
the inside conditioned space and extremely low resistance to heat
doors are the most obvious places
the outdoors. loss or gain.
to look for energy losses. The five
When it operates effectively, your critical areas for building envelope Lack of shading increases solar
buildings will require less energy. energy improvements are: loads in the summer and increases
From an energy perspective, its air conditioning costs.
Infiltration is air leaking through
purpose is to minimize heat loss openings or cracks around The HVAC equipment allows
losses through piping, ductwork,
stacks, dampers and rooftop
Here are the most important
things you can do to improve the
building envelope:
A. Infiltration. Find and seal
leaks. This is most easily done
on a day when there is a large
difference between inside and
outside temperature. This can
also be done by using fans/HVAC
to create a pressure differential
between the indoor and outdoor
areas. You should be able to
walk around the facility and look
for cracks and feel for drafts. Ask
Figure 1: The building envelope systems: Left, the 4 systems; Right, a portion
employees where they feel drafts.
of the envelope showing some of the other systems that integrates with the
envelope5 The worst culprits are around
windows and door frames, and
Building envelopes Design Guide, National Institute of Building Sciences, USA

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 23

any area where dissimilar building may be able to create a low-cost comparison to even a wall, this is
materials meet, like where a version by adding another set of not much of a heat flow barrier.
metal door frame meets mortar doors inside the external doors. Often the best you can do with
around brick. Start fixing the windows is covering them with
B. Poor insulation. Add
largest and easiest to fix leaks. Use shades or curtains that increase
insulation to reduce heat flow
high quality caulk to fill small gaps, their resistance to heat flow.
through the building components.
and use materials like glass fiber
The place to begin is assessing D. Shading. Reducing heat gain
insulation to fill larger openings.
what is there now. If there is through windows can reduce
Tighten window and door frames none, the most cost-effective cooling costs, but can also increase
and install weather-stripping place to begin is probably the occupant comfort. Particularly
to reduce air leaks. Replace roof, then the walls and floors. in warm climates, protecting
broken windows, and adjust any Because these measures often windows from the sun can have
automatic door openers/closers require a large investment, you a big impact. The first principle of
to ensure they close quickly and may want to consult with an shading is begin as far from the
completely. If your facility has energy specialist to run a building building as practical and move in.
window air conditioners, cover simulation and estimate savings. That means planting deciduous
them in the off-season and make shade trees or building trellises
C. Single glazing. While they
sure they are sealed tightly in the for vines to create summer
are beautiful to look at, windows
window frames. shade. Deciduous vegetation is
are virtually thermal holes in the
best because it drops its leaves in
In some instances, a vestibule, building envelope. Consider that
winter when the extra solar gain
where two sets of doors create a wall might have a resistance
is appreciated. Awnings are also
an air lock, can dramatically to heat flow, or R-value, of 19.
an option.
reduce air flows related to people A single pane window has an
entering and leaving the hotel. R-value of less than 1, almost 20 E. HVAC equipment losses.
They are especially beneficial times less resistance to heat flow! In unconditioned space look for
when there are lots of door uninsulated pipes carrying hot
Double panes (R-2) and triple
openings, particularly in windy or cold water or air ducts and
panes (R-3) do improve the
locations. Adding a vestibule consider getting them insulated.
situation, they double or triple
can be cost prohibitive, but you
the window’s R-value, but by


Water heating in hotels is needed A. Lower Water Temperature

for guestrooms, laundry, public Settings. All too often water
restrooms, janitorial work, heater settings are much higher
kitchens, locker room showers, than they need to be, and turning
and occasionally swimming them down is one of the easiest
pools. Water heating can be a ways to reduce energy waste.
relatively large energy user in Before you do this, make sure
hotels, particularly when laundry the tank and piping have adequate
is done on-site. There are some insulation, and then measure the
inexpensive and easy measures temperature of the water at some
that can reduce your water points of use. The recommended
heating costs. water temperature for hand

24 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

washing and showering is 105˚F. shower to a normal flow rate and installed above sinks to control
With gas units, simply turn the dial timing how long it takes to fill a water flow.
to adjust the temperature. You gallon bucket. Install self-closing
E. Reduce the Amount of
might want to mark its current faucets in public restrooms.
Time the System Operates.
position so you have a reference
C. Reduce Heat Loss. If the It may pay to turn the water
point as you start making
tank is warm to the touch, it heaters off during times the facility
adjustments. On electric units,
is losing valuable heat to the is closed, or during peak electric
there are often two thermostats,
surroundings 24 hours a day and demand hours. Time clocks
each located under metal plates,
needs a tank wrap or blanket. are available for this purpose.
which must be removed to
Blankets are inexpensive and easy Circulating pumps can be turned
change the setting. Be sure to
to install, and are readily available off in unoccupied wings of the
turn off electricity to the unit first,
at hardware stores. Also insulate hotel when hot water is not
or leave the job to an electrician.
the exposed hot water piping, necessary instantaneously.
B. Reduce Hot Water Use. and repair or replace any existing F. Maintain the System. Fix
Install flow restrictors and aerators insulation. hot water leaks. Check and adjust
in sink faucets. Don’t install them the fuel-fired systems to be sure
D. Label Faucets. Remind
in areas like janitor’s closets where they are burning properly. Have
people of your conservation effort
they are used for filling buckets a service technician check it out
by posting labels asking them
where filling speed is important. and clean it once a year. Drain any
to “Please turn off the water.” If
Install low-flow showerheads to sediment from the bottom of tank
continuously running water is a
reduce hot water usage. Some water heaters by letting a little
problem, install self-closing faucets
showerheads, particularly older water out until it runs clear. When
where you push down on a lever
ones, have flow rates of more left to accumulate, the sediment
for 10 to 15 seconds of water
than 5 gallons per minute, while forms a layer of insulation at the
flow. Also, occupancy sensing
low-flow models are half that bottom of the tank, where with
controls typically consisting of a
amount. Check the flow rates in fuel-fired systems; heat transfer is
photo cell and solenoids can be
the showers by turning on the trying to take place.


Food preparation in hotel

restaurants is a factor in the
energy budget, with cooking using
about 6% and refrigeration (not
including guest icemakers) using
about 2% of the total energy
consumed in the hotel. In seeking
energy savings, consider these

• Turn individual pieces of
cooking equipment off or
down to an idling temperature
during slack production times
or when not needed.
Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 25
• Operate at the proper the cooking surface between two of the most significant factors
temperature, (e.g., fryers at production intervals. Cleaning in oven design. Some inexpensive
325˚F to 350˚F.) Excessive some types of griddle surfaces ovens have little-to no insulation
temperature wastes requires special tools - use them. in the oven door. In addition,
energy and often results in Inspect each griddle section ovens consume considerable
improperly cooked food. periodically for hot or cold spots. amounts of energy when they
Don’t increase temperature are left on, even when no food
C. Broilers. Preheating a broiler
during rush hours to increase is being cooked. If your kitchen
for an extended period of time or
production. Excessive production requirement does not
at an excessively high temperature
temperature could destroy call for a full-sized oven, consider
wastes energy and could alter the
the quality of the product a half-size oven; it will operate at
food quality and taste. Load the
and energy consumption will much better economies.
broiler to maximum capacity to
gain maximum efficiency. Clean E. Steamers. Steamer ovens are
• On gas units, make sure grates frequently - carbonized well insulated to reduce heat loss
each gas flame burns blue grease hinders heat transfer, to the kitchen. They are quick to
and adjust the gas to-air ratio lowers cooking efficiency, and preheat because of the high heat
when necessary. Keep burner mars food quality. Adjust broiler transfer characteristics of steam.
parts clean. Poorly adjusted section power; for example, Therefore, they require less
flames waste gas and may use one section to full heat for energy to stay up to temperature
also deposit soot and carbon rare meats, and lower another during slow times. Keep the
on the food. section for well-done meats, to unit fully loaded when possible
save energy while also improving as a steamer operates at peak
• Do not load the units
cooking consistency. Consider efficiency and productivity at full
beyond the manufacturer’s
infrared broilers whenever capacity. Control the water quality
recommended capacity.
possible as they may be turned off to the steamer. If the water in your
Overloading results in poor
when not in use and then quickly area is hard or contains chemicals
food quality.
reheated when needed. at any significant levels, these can
• Keep all units clean and coat and corrode the steaming
properly maintained. D. Ovens. Energy efficiency of
components. This scale and
ovens depends upon how well
• Establish and implement a possible chemical carryover can
they are constructed and used.
regular schedule of preventive deteriorate steamer performance,
Insulation levels and quality are
maintenance tasks.
Specific measures for energy
intensive equipment include –
A. Fryers. Drain and strain the
oil and check fat levels frequently.
This saves oil and preserves food
quality. Low fat levels can cause
premature oil breakdown.
B. Griddles. Pre-heat only until
the griddle surface has achieved
the correct cooking temperature
required to cook the food, and
heat only the sections necessary.
Clean the griddle frequently
and always re-season. Scrape

26 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

food quality, and almost always • Check all the door gaskets insulated so that the defrost
results in premature steamer every fortnightly on all condensate has some place
component failures. Check with refrigerators and replace to go. Improper defrosting
a professional water treatment any gaskets that are torn, can waste a lot of electricity
company about proper water cracked, worn out, or just and compromise safe freezer
softening. plain missing. (Always use temperatures.
the manufacturer’s specified
• Use only Compact
Energy Conservation in replacement). A refrigerator
fluorescent lamps (CFL) in
Kitchen Refrigeration door must seal completely to
cold storages. A regular CFL
be effective. Remember, that
Refrigeration is a vital tool for will work fine in the cold
the proper sealing of doors is
almost every food service storage but for freezer a low
not for keeping the cold air in
operator but refrigeration systems temperature rated CFL or
– it is to keep hot and humid
have two strikes against them – LED light is required. LED’s
kitchen air out.
they are “On” all the time and they would be the ideal solutions
consume electricity. The hotel • Airflow is an important part of for both applications.
has a number of deep freezers refrigeration. When the coils
and cold storage rooms. This are clogged and dirty, the Energy Conservation in
means that even small amounts compressor works harder Kitchen Ventilation
of energy wasted by poorly and will fail sooner. Thus it is
recommended to clean the An unbalanced or poorly designed
maintained refrigeration will add
evaporator coil (the cold one kitchen exhaust system can spell
up to substantial costs over time.
inside the refrigerator) and trouble both for restaurant’s air
Here are some practical condenser coil (the hot one quality and for utility bills.
recommendations to keep outside the refrigerator or on • Catch all that is possible
refrigeration systems running the roof) at least quarterly. If – Cut down on spillage by
efficiently: the aluminum fins are frozen adding inexpensive side
• Use strip curtains or plastic or bent/damaged then call a panels to hoods that are
swing doors on cold stores. qualified service person for failing to capture, and push
These “infiltration barriers” the cleaning. Remember – each appliance as far back
block warm moist air from never use a caustic cleaner against the wall as possible to
getting into the boxes while on these coils. maximize hood overhang and
the door is open. Strip curtains • Find the time clocks that close the air gap between the
used in busy kitchens can control the freezer defrost appliance and the wall.
reduce compressor runtime and set them properly. Time • Rebalance the act – If an
significantly and that saves lot clocks might be located on air balance has not been
of energy. Remember, strip top of or underneath the performed recently, it’s time
curtains have to cover the freezers, on the wall, or on to do so. Time, maintenance,
entire door opening. the roof. There is a clock for broken belts, and poor
• Make sure that the doors of each freezer. With the help commissioning all lead to
the cold stores are shut all of these clocks, the number kitchen exhaust systems that
the time. Repair or replace of daily defrost cycles can be are out of balance, potentially
broken auto-closers on the reduced from four to three moving too much or too little
doors, lubricate door hinges, and sometimes even two. air, spilling and costing money.
and realign sagging doors. Each cycle should be about This also applies to dining
Also, don’t allow employees 15 minutes long. Also, make room heating, ventilation,
to prop open walk-in doors. sure that the evaporator and air conditioning (HVAC)
drain line is heated and system; outside doors that

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 27

are hard to open because of rush—but neither is quite controls typically reduce the
suction or that blow open by right for the afternoon lull, cost to operate an exhaust
themselves are a sure sign the post-dinner wind down, system by anywhere from 30
that it’s time to order an air or any other situation when to 50 % and can be installed
balance. the kitchen isn’t operating at on either new installations or
full capacity. Variable-speed, retrofitted to existing hoods.
• Use variable-speed exhaust
demand-based exhaust
– Typically, kitchen exhaust • Maximize hood size
controls get around this
hoods have two settings: – A 4-foot deep hood
problem by using sensors
“off” and “on”. Naturally, is somewhat typical for
to monitor the cooking and
“off” is ideal for when restaurant exhaust, but more
varying the exhaust fan speed
the kitchen is empty, and smoke and heat can be
to match the ventilation
“on” may be great for the captured if a 5 or 6 foot deep
needs. Demand ventilation
frenzied lunch and dinner hood is used.


One of the large consumers

of water and heat in the hotel,
laundry is an outlet that can
significantly reduce energy
consumption with no effect on
guest comfort or satisfaction.
Some of the important points to
achieve desired results are listed
below: reduce energy consumption. • Air line should be checked
• Shift the lights - different for leaks.
• Reduce hot water
switches operating for temperature to 48oC. • Periodically clean exhaust
different corners of the duct and blower of lint and
laundry. This will help in • Repair or replace all hot
switching off the lights when water piping insulation.
not required. • Keep steam pressure at
• All steam line values should lowest possible level.
• Clean lamps and lights fixtures be checked for leaks. That
every month to maintain the is, you should be able to shut • Shut off steam valve
lighting levels. off steam to any machine not whenever machine is not
in use keeping steam supply being utilized.
• Clean and wash walls, floors main open.
and ceiling to allow better • Keep radiator coils and fins
reflection of lights. • If possible use final rinse water free from dirt all the times.
for 1st wash while washing • Ensure all steam traps in
• Check and record the water uniforms and hotel cloths. perfect working order.
consumption. Compare
water consumption daily to • Reduce time between loads • Keep an eye on the preventive
find wastages, if any. to prevent tumblers from maintenance schedule of
cooling down. all laundry equipments by
• Consider using cold water
Engineering Department to
detergents. It will greatly
ensure timely compliance.

28 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

• Ensure that drying tumblers • Ensure that extractors are • Inform boiler room when hot
and washing machines are working properly. Incomplete water is not required so that
kept clean and free from extraction increases load on boilers can be shut down to
scale at all times. dryer and consumes more save fuel.
energy for drying.
• Switch off laundry exhaust
fans when laundry is closed.


Front office can play an important

role in energy conservation.
When occupancy is not high,
front office should rent the rooms
by virtue of their location. In
summer, rooms on the east or
north sides of the building will
be cooler. Also, corner rooms
with two outside exposures will
be warmer. Rooms close to heat
source should also be avoided
if possible. This would certainly
help reduce air conditioning load
and result in energy savings.
• During low occupancy period
try to block a complete floor.
If this is not practical, attempt
should be made to block as Turn off all lights in offices will result in ingress of heat
far as possible total wings of when these are closed. from outside and adversely
individual floors. effect air conditioning.
• If possible, instruct
• Front office should make shopkeepers to reduce the • Lobby Managers, in course
sure that air-conditioning is amount of shop and display of their duty, do take rounds
switched off in the rooms lighting. Although, in most of the property. On their
which are not to be rented cases, shopkeepers do pay for rounds they should ensure
out during lean periods. If any their electric consumption, that no unnecessary lights
one of these is to be rented the lighting load still affects or water taps are left ON by
out, the air conditioning can hotels cooling systems. careless staff.
be started 30 minutes before
• Lobby, managers should • During day light hours reduce
the guest moves in.
ensure that Lobby Main electric lighting load in Lobby
• Lower all lighting levels during Entrance doors are not unduly etc. to minimum to make full
late night and day light hours. kept open. A door opening use of natural light.

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 29

Implementing An Energy
Management System
An energy management system
electric bills6. An EMS in your SELECTING AN EMS
hotel can enhance your existing • Do not select an over complicated EMS. There are many types
operations by allowing you to available in the market so first understand your system needs
control various aspects of your before selecting the EMS model
energy use including lighting,
and HVAC from a central point, • You might already have an EMS in place. If so, appraise the
reducing error intensity caused effectiveness of the current system and analyze how well the
by manual operation of these existing energy systems will integrate into a new EMS.
services. It has been noted the • Will your employees be able to operate the system effectively?
EMS’ have been proven to deliver
2 to 5 year paybacks.
EMS’ are categorized primarily into Level – II EMC Systems: analyzes remote data logging
equipment. These systems are
3 levels (adapted from “Managing These systems generally provide usually appropriate only when the
Energy in Your Hotel”) – remote control and perform hotel comprises many buildings
more than one function typified or floors in a high-rise with a
Level – I EMC Systems: by duty-cycling and optimized central plant and several remote
start-stop. Some of the better mechanical equipment rooms.
These systems are essentially
applications include: Typical optimizing functions
electronic time clocks that
perform a single function and • Demand controllers (to include, but are not limited to:
are usually located on or in close reduce peak electrical • Economizer cycle,
proximity to the equipment being demand),
controlled. The control functions • Hot/cold deck temperature
include: • Multi-load system reset,
programmers (to schedule
• On and off time, multiple chillers on and off • Discharge air temperature
line), reset,
• Automatic temperature
set-back/set-up, • Multifunction programmable • Chilled water reset,
controllers. • Outside air schedule reset,
• Dry bulb economizer,
• Enthalpy controllers, Level III EMC Systems: • Start/stop optimization,
• Single and multi-zone These are the central building • Air distribution optimization,
systems, control systems with the fancy • Chiller plant optimization and
control screen graphics. The demand control,
• Chiller energy management
central console monitors and
• Boiler plant optimization.


30 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

After determining the type of EMS Energy Management using drive energy use and when the
required for your hotel, consider EMS peaks and valleys occur. If done
the following recommendations seasonally—that is, summer,
for purchasing the system: Energy bills can form the basis winter, and swing seasons—these
for monthly reminders to day plots can reveal important
• Request bids from several department heads and other differences caused by climate and
vendors. staff of the importance of energy weather.
• Obtain a detailed list of management. Achievements
can be tracked and unexplained It is recommended that day plots
the services and hardware
changes can be surfaced for early be developed using the EMS, or,
investigation and intervention. if necessary, using sub-metering
• Determine what training More advanced tracking of equipment or manual readings off
your employees will need. performance may include 24 the utility meter. If this approach
hour plots of hourly energy use. can be automated within the EMS,
• Insure that service and daily viewing will reveal shifts in
These “day plots”, developed
operational support will be patterns that inform operations. If
with the help of EMS, show the
readily available. effort is required to generate day
pattern associated with system
• Talk with someone from start up, parasitic power (when plots, weekly, monthly, or seasonal
another facility similar to the building is less occupied), and plots are recommended. The
yours who has installed the peaks associated with heating and more frequently these day plots
system. cooling loads. This view of how are reviewed to assess change
dynamic energy use is over the over time, the more value they
course of a day allows engineers have as a diagnostic and strategic
to understand the events that tool for continuous performance

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 31

C alculating Costs
And Payback
Evaluation and calculating costs cycle cost or monthly flow payback by dividing the cost of
and payback period form the calculations. the improvement by the annual
lifeline for an energy management energy savings. The result is the
There are many ways associated
program. Cost savings are a number of years to payback the
with calculating costs and payback
driving factor behind the longevity investment from the energy
period. This guidebook focuses
and success of the program. savings.
on the “simple payback”
Associated savings can be used
method, which is one of the least This method comprises of a basic
to improve the program or
complicated ways to evaluate the calculation and is utilized primarily
re-invested within the hotel for
value. for low investment measures.
enhancing other services. For
It doesn’t take into account the
example, cost savings are invested
in additional bonus money for Simple Payback Method time value of money, energy cost
changes, tax effects if any, nor the
hotel staff. Understanding the The following calculation method expected life of the equipment.
payback period also helps hotel and calculator has been adapted Please note that to make the ratio
management assess the viability of from the energy management as accurate as possible, remember
the measures to be implemented. guide “Managing Energy in Your to subtract any rebates from the
Please note that the payback Hotel”. The calculator can be initial cost of the measure and
option is primarily used as a basic modified to include variables deduct any required operating
calculation for each measure specific to your hotel. costs from the annual energy
implemented. Determining cost
The simple payback method savings.
effectiveness of large investments
over time would require a life involves calculating the simple

Cost of Measure (minus any rebates)

Simple Payback =
Annual Energy Savings (minus any operating expenses)

Example: If installing a time clock costs INR 2,000 and saves INR 4,000 annually on energy costs, it has a
0.5 years or 6 months payback.

INR 2,000 1
Payback = = years
INR 4,000/year 2

32 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL


Cost For Implementing Measures

Cost of Materials INR ______________________ ,
Cost of Labor INR ______________________ ,
Cost of Training INR ______________________ ,
Total Cost of Energy Saving Measures INR ______________________ (A)

Electric Usage Savings

Complete the following calculations for each measure determine your total Rupee savings and compute
your payback.

Details Old New

(B) Watts

(C) Hours/day

(D) Watt-Hours/day (Multiply B & C)

(E) Days/year

(F) Watt-Hours/year (Multiply D & E)

(G) Total Kilo-watt-hour (kWh)/year (F/1000)

(H) Annual kWh Savings [(G – Old) – (G – New)]

Annual Electricity Cost Savings

Annual kWh Savings INR ______________________ (H)
Times Electricity Cost/kWh x INR ______________________
Total Energy Savings INR ______________________ (I)
Less any incremental O & M Costs INR ______________________ (J)
Total Savings INR ______________________ (K)

Simple Payback In Years

Total Cost of Energy Saving Measure
Simple Payback =
Total Savings

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 33


Air Handling Unit (AHU): Coefficient Of Utilization: Energy Audit:

Equipment that distributes The ratio of lumens on a work Any survey of a building, business
conditioned air. plane to lumens emitted by or complex that reviews energy-
lamps. using equipment or behavior.
Ambient Temperature:
Comfort Zone: Energy Conservation
Outside air temperature.
Measure (ECM):
Average: The range of effective
Ballast: temperatures over which the A permanent change made
majority (50 percent or more) to a conditioned building after
A device used with fluorescent of adults feel comfortable. completion of operation and
and other types of gaseous Extreme: The range of effective maintenance measures which will
discharge lamps to aid starting temperatures over which one or result in energy savings.
and limit current flow and to more adults feel comfortable.
provide voltage control at proper
Energy Efficiency Ratio
design levels. Can be magnetic or
Conversion Factors: (EER):
1 Watt = 3.413 Btu/hr The ratio of net cooling capacity
British Thermal Unit 1 kW = 3,413 Btu/hr in Btu/hr to total rate of electric
(BTU): 746 Watts = 1 HP (Motor)
input in watts under designated
operating conditions.
Equal to the amount of heat 1 Gal. Oil = 140,000 Btu
energy necessary to raise the
1 Lb. Coal = 12,500 Btu Foot Candles (FC):
temperature of one pound of
water one degree Fahrenheit. 1 Therm of Natural Gas = 100,000 Btu Energy of light at a distance of 1
One Btu is about equal to the 1 Cu. ft. of Natural Gas = 1,000 Btu ft. from a standard (sperm oil)
amount of heat given off by a 1 Cu. ft. of Propane Gas = 2,500 Btu candle.
wooden match.
1 Lb. of Propane Gas = 21,500 Btu
Building Envelope: 1 Ton refrigeration = 12,000 Btu/1 hr
Another term for glass in
The elements of a building which Degree Day: windows.
enclose conditioned spaces
through which thermal energy The degree day value for any Horsepower (HP):
may be transferred to or from the given day is the difference
exterior. between 65˚F and the mean British unit of power, 1 HP = 746
daily temperature. Example: for a W or 42.408 Btu per minute.
Caulking: mean daily temperature of 50˚F,
the degree days are 65 minus 50 Insulation:
A flexible material used to seal up or 15 degree days.
cracks or spaces in a structure. A material used to minimize heat
losses from a given space.

34 • Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL

Kilowatt Hour (kWh): Pneumatic: annual energy cost savings in Rs/
A unit of energy equal to that Operated by air pressure.
expended by one kilowatt in Single Zone System:
one hour = 3,414 site Btus and Power:
11,600 source Btus. An HVAC system that supplies
Power is the time rate of doing one level of heating or cooling to
work. In connection with the
Infiltration: a zone or area controlled by one
transmission of energy of all types, thermostat. The system may be
The process by which outdoor installed within or remote from
power refers to the rate at which
air leaks into a building by natural the space it serves, either with or
forces through cracks around energy is transmitted. In customary without air distribution ductwork.
doors and windows, etc. (usually units it is measured in watts (W),
undesirable). Usually caused by Thermal Barrier:
the pressure effects of wind and/ British Thermal Units per hour
or the effect of differences in the (Btu/hr), or Horsepower (HP). A strip of nonconducting material,
indoor and outdoor air density. such as wood, vinyl, or foam
Refrigeration, Ton Of: rubber, separating the inside
Lumen: Equivalent to the removal of heat and outside surfaces to stop
at a rate of 200 Btu per minute, conduction of heat or cold to the
Unit of light energy or output outside.
(luminous flux). 12,000 Btu/hour, or 288,000
Makeup Air:
Resistance (R-Value): The process of supplying or
Outdoor air that is brought into removing air, by natural or
a building to compensate for air Term used to measure insulation
material resistance to the flow of mechanical means to or from any
removed by exhaust fans or other place. Such air may or may not
methods. heat in units of square feet per
hour. have been conditioned.

Multizone System: Weatherstripping:

An HVAC system that heats and Metal, plastic or felt strips designed
cools several zones each with The improvement of existing
buildings to make them more to seal between windows and
different load requirements from door frames to prevent air
a single, central unit. A thermostat energy efficient.
in each zone controls dampers
at the unit that mix the hot and Setback:
cold air to meet the varying Reducing the level of heat
load requirements of the zone required from the conditioning A space or group of spaces within
involved. system to the lowest practical a building with heating and/or
point especially during periods cooling requirements sufficiently
Photo Cell: where the room activities or similar so that comfort conditions
occupation allows. can be maintained throughout by
A device sensitive to light which a single controlling device.
is now commonly used to turn
on and off the lights at dusk and Simple Payback (SPB): * Note – Glossary adapted from
dawn. Time required for an investment “Managing Energy in Your Hotel”
to pay for itself. The cost of the
retrofit measure divided by the

Energy Management IN YOUR HOTEL • 35



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