Punjab Courts Act

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The Punjab Courts Act, 1918

Act 6 of 1918

The Punjab Court Act 1914

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1918 :Pb. Act 61 comt's


Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title and extent.
2. Definitions.
3. Enactment ofprovisions relating to Courts in the Punjab
Validation of Acts done Proviso.

2. Repeal.
3. Definitions.
4-17. Repealed.
18. Classes of Courfs.
19. Civil districts.
20. District Judges.
2 1 . Additional District Judges.
2 1-A. Assignment of functions of District Judge.
22. Subordinate Judges
23. Repealed.
24. District Court to be principal Civil Court of Original
25. Original jurisdiction o f District Judges in suits.
26. Pecuniary limits of jurisdiction of Subordinate Judges.
27. Local limits o f jurisdiction.
28. Special Judges and Benches.
29. Power to invest Subordinate judge with Small Cause
Court ju t-isdiction
30. Exe~.ciseby Subi~~dinntc o f Ilistrict
Judgt. of jut-isdic~ior~
Cou~*tin eel-tain prt~ceedings.
31. I'lacc of sitting nf ('OLIII.
) 1918 : Pb. : k t b

32. Repealed.
3 C'ontrol c~i
34 Power to distribute business.
35. Repealed.
36. Power to fine ministerial officers.
37. Delegation of District Judge's Powers.
38. Appeals eom District Judges or Additional Judges.
39. Appeals from Subordinate Judges.
40. Power to transfer to a Subordinate Judge appeals from
other Subordinate Judges.
4 1 . Second appeals.
42. Second appeal on no other grounds.
No second appeal in certain cases.
43. Repealed.
44. Revision.
44-A. Period of limitation.

45. Mode of conferring powers.

46. Continuance of powers of officers.
46-A-Provisionsregarding petition-writers.
47. Control of list of holidays.
47-A. Provision regarding pending proceedings.
48. Repealed.
49. Amendment of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, Punjab
Tenancy Act and the Indian Court Fees Act.
50. Amendment of definition of District Judge in the Punjab
General Clauses Act, I 898.
5 1. Reference in existing enactments of Chief Court.
1918 :Pb. Act 6 ) COWS


Am 6 OF I918
[Received the assent of th e Lierrtenatrt-Governor of the Punjab
0th Max 1918, and that of the Goventor-General on the 12th
OJI ihe 3
June, 191 8, and warfirsrpublished in the Punjab Gazett2 of the 12th
Jlrly, 1918.].

I I. 1 Punjab Act 9 of 1922' ,

I (Adqtution of Indian Laws) Ordcr, 1937

A m d d b y P u n j a b Ad 6 of 194lJ.

Extmded to Lhe tndtorie~*hi&

knncdhtnly b e h h e 1si Nownkr, 1956,

For Statement ofobjects and Reasons, see Pwrjub GmHe, 1918, Part V,page
326, for Report ofthe Sclcct Committee, see ibid 19 18, Part V, pages 349-358,
fmProceedings in Corn cil, see ibid 191 8, Part V, pages 376377,435,44647,
.. ,
md49G93. . ,

Part V, pages 495-503.

For Statcmmt ofobjects and Reasons, see Punjab GozeHe, I919, Part V, pages
16-17, and for P r d g s 'in Council, see ibid, Part V, pages 66-71. It came
into force an 21s March, 1929.
For Stament ofobjects and Reasons, see Punjab Gazerte. 1922, Part V, pages
205-206, for Reports of the Select Co-tlee, see ibid, 1922, Part V,pages
21P13 and for Rocecdingin Council, see Funjab Legislative CwncilDebates,
Volume IV, pages 517-18,649,709-15, and 729-34. ThisAct cameinto force
on 5th January, 1923.
For Statement of Objects aqd REWI~S, see Punjab Gazette, 1940, page 936,
for RocWinp in Assembly, see Panjab LegislativeAssmbTy, Debates VoIume
XV, Pages 8687. This Act was made applicable to all pending cases (vide
section 3), with thc following words :-
'Notwillstanding anything to the conuary in the Punjab Genmal Clauses Act.
1898 or any o t h a Iaw for tbe time being in force, theprovisionsoftbis Act shall
appIyto dl cats which may be p d i n g at i~ commencemcur".
402 COURTS [I918 : Pb. Act 6

1 2 3 4

were cnmpriscd in tbc Statc oiPatiala

and E!icsl Punjab .Sam Union. by
the ecr 3A of 1957'
Anrpadcd by W a b Act 35 o f 1963'
A m d d by Punjab Act 25 o f 1964'
AmmleJ by Haryllna Adapktion oFLaws
[Stam and Concumt S u b j d ) Order, 1968'.

Amcaded by H w Ad 51 of 1971'
AmeDdEd by Act 20 of 1977'
Armuid by -Act 24 o f 197R7
Amndedby Haryam Ad l l of 1980'
horndcd by Haqma Acl B of 1980'
AmendDd by LIaryapl h t 16 of 1995"
AmFndorl hy E[Prryxan &I 9 ~ T 2 0 0 4 ~

1. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Prrnjab Government Gazelie

(E.xtraordinmy), 1957, .page 1675. First published in Punjab Go~~ernmeal
Gazette @xlraordinc~y),m daetdthe 1 4 8 November, 1957.
2. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Punjub Government Gazette
fitraordinaly). 1963, page 1162. First pnblishd in the Punjab Government
Gazette {Extrmrdinmy~,kgislative Supplement of 18th October, 1964.
3. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Punjab Government Gazetie
(Ex~rnuidina~), 19W,pages 935-37. It came into force on the 2nd October,
1964, seePulljob Government, ~ o m (Judicial)e Depment, Nofificatim No.
GSR 2 1 WPA. 251MfS.1/64, dated the 1st October, 1964.
4. For Staimcnt of Objects and h n s , see Haryana Government Gmene
(Extraordinary).datcd h e 29th October, f 968.
5. For statement of objecls and reasons, see Haqma G~veramentGazette
(Extraordinary) dated the ...................... Page.
6. For statement of objects and reasons, see Haryana Governmcnt Gazctte
(Exkaoxdinary) dated the page.
7. For statement of objects and reasons, sce Haryana Government Gazctte
(Exhaordinary) dated the 26-8-1978,pagc 1794.
8. For statement of objects and rcasons, sce Haryana Government Gamtte
(Exbaordiaary) d a t d the 11-3-1 980, pagc 458.
9. For statement of objects and rmns,' scc H q i a Governmeat Gazette
(Exkaordinary) dated the 8-7-1 980, page 1324.
10. For statement of objects and reasons-see Harydna Govsnmcnt Gazette
(Extraordinary) dated the .......................Page.
11- For statement o f objects and reasons; see Haryana Governmcnt Gazsette
(Extraordinary) dated the 4-2-20Mpage 295.
1918 :Pb. Act 61 COURTS 403

An Act to ~aliiateail things done under the Punjab Courts Act, 1914
as a m d e d by Punjab Act W o f 1914, to repeal the said Acts or
so mucj of them as may he valid o t ~ dto enact a law relati~tgto
I[Cours in Hayalt a] which ispeefrom f he defect described in
the prem ble.
WHERE^ it appears that the Punjab CourtsAct, 1914, as assmted
to by the Liatenant-Governor on the 15th January, 1914, and by the
Governor-Gaeralon 27thApril, 1914, and as published in the punjab
Gazette on ;2nd May, 19 14, included a clause namely, clause (b) of
sub-section(1) of section 39 which had not been passed by the
L.e&lat& 2ouncil of the Lieutenant-Governor, and whereas doubts
have arisa as t o the validity of things done under the said Act, and
the amding Act, Punjab Act IV of 1914 :
And wherem it is expedient to validate a l l things done under
the said Acts, to repeal tbe said Acts or so m c h of them as may be
valid, a d to enat a law relating to Courts in 2 [ H ~ a n a ] which
, is
fiee fromfbe &fst a b v e described, it is hereby enacted as follows :-
1. (I) This Act may be cdled the Punjab Courts Act, 1918. Short title and
(2) It &nds to 2 ~ a q a a ] .

the expresiion "thePunjab Courts Act, 1914," I&&what was

published as the Punjab Courts Act, 1 9 14, in Part V of the
Punj~bGazette, dated 22nd May, 1914; and
the expression "Punjab Act IV of 1914" means what was
published as Punjab k t IV of 1914, in Part V of the finjab
Gazette, dated 20th November, 19 14.
3. (1) (a) The provisions contained in Part II of this Act are Enacmetit of
hereby enacted, and shall be deemed to have had effect on and horn provisions
the fim dayofAupst, 19143[in theprincipal territories andon and
+ io t h e Punjab.
60m the 14th November, 1957 in the transferred tenitones.].
J. Su~tutedforIhewrdTo~inPrmjab"bytheHaryanaA&pt&on~fLaws
(State. and Conment Subjects) Order, 1968.
2 Substituted forthe word'Yburts in fimjab"byihe H a y m a Adaptation o f L m
(State and h c u n e n t Subjects) Order, 1968.
3. Added by ihid
404 COURTS 11938 :Pb.Att 6

(bj ThePunjabCourtsAcf, 1914,andhjabAct1~of1414,

or so much of them as may be valid, are repealedon and fiom the ht
day ofAugust, 1914.
Validation of acts (2) All things done under the Punjab Courts 'Act, 19 1 4, as
done. aroended by Punjab Act IV of 1 9 14, shall be deemed'to be in every
way as valid as if the Punjab Cor~rtsAct, 1 9 t 4,as amended by Punjab
Act IV of 1914, had been of MI force and efkct on and f?om the first
day of August, 19 14:
provi~os. Provided, M l y that any appeal which rnay have ken decided
by the Chief Court in the exercise of jurisdiction purporting to be
exercised under section 39(l)(b)ofthe Punjab CourtsAct, 1914, shall
be deemed to have been validly decided and shall not be chlled in
question by reason of anything coataiaed in this Act;
And, secondly,that any appeal which before the cornmen-t
of this Act has been p e a t d to the Chief Court under seaion 39(X)(b)
of the Punjab Courts Act, 191 4, and which shodd.aothave been so
presented if the said subsection had ran as set out m section 39 of
Part Il of tbis Act shall ifit has not bceo decided be transfmed by the
said Court for disposal to the District Court having jurisdiction;
And thirdly, that my appeal which would have lab to the Chief
Court under section 39 ( 1 ) (b) of the Punjab Courts Act, 1914, but
, . . which lies to the District Court under the provisions of tbis Act and
whicb if presented to the,Chief Court at the cormnen-t of this
Act would be within-timi, shall be deemed to be presented within
time if to the District Court witbin sixty days from the
commencement of this Act.
I* * * * * * * *
Repeal- 2. The enactments specified in the Schedule are herehy
repealed to the extent mentioned in the fourth c d l m thwof
Wtians. 3. In this part, unless there is sornethbg repugnant in the
subject or context,-
(I) "Small cause" means a suit of the nature cognitable by a
1918 :Pb. Act 61 COURTS 405

Court ofsmall Causes under the Provincial Small Cause Courts

1887. Ad, 1887 ;
(2 "Land-suit" means a suit relating to land as defmed
I6 of in section 4(1) of the Punjab TenancyAct, 1887, or to any right
1887 or interest in such land,

(3) "UncIassed suit" m e m a suit which is neither a

small cause nor a land suit; and
'Value" used with reference to a suit means the
amount or value of the subject-matter ofthe suit.
4to17. I[******* I

2[18. Besides the Courts Small Causes established Class= of
under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887, and the Courts.
Courts established under any enactments for the time being in
force, there shall be the following classes of Civil Courts,
namely :-
, ( I ) n~ Court of District Judge;
(2) he Court of Additional District Judge;
. (3). The Court of Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre)
at intefmediary level. :-
(0 Senior Civil Judge;
(ii) Upper Senior Judge;
(3 Superior Senior Judge, and
(4) The Court of Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre)
at -entrylevel :-
(9 Civil Judge;
Civil Judge, Grade 11;
(iio Civil Judge, Grade I .]
1. Repealed by Punjab Act 4 of 1919?section 2 (1).
2. Substituted by Haryana Act 16 of 1995 and furlher substituted by i-Iayna Act
9 of 2004. ,
406 COURTS [I918 :Pb. Act 6

Civil Disuicts 19. (1) For the purposes of this Part the '[State] Government
shall divide the territories under its administration into civil districts.
(2) The '[State] Government may alter the limits or the
number of these districts.
Disuict Judges. '[ZO. The State Government shall, after consultation with the
High Court, appoint as many persons as it thinks aecessay to be
Districtjudges, and thc High Court s b d post one such pmon to each
district as District Judge of that district :
Provided that the same person may, if the High Court thinks fit
be appointed to be District Judge of t w o or more districts.]
Additional 2[21. 3(1) The State Government may, after co~sultationwith
DklrictJudga- the High Court, also appoint as many pasons as it thinks necessary to
be Additional Dislrict Judges, and the High Court may post' an
AdditionalDistrict Judge to exercisejurisdiction in one or more courts
of the IXsb-ict Judges.]
(2) Additional District Judges shall have jurisdiction to deal
with and dispose of such cases only as the High Court, by general or
speciaI order, may direct them to deal with and dispose of or as the
District Judge of the Ikhict may make over to tbem for king dealt
with and disposed of :
Providd that the cases pending with the Additional District
Judges irmnediateIy before the 28th day of June, 1963, shall be deemed
to be c a w so di~ectedto be dealt with or disposed of by the High
Court or so made over to them by fbe District Judge of the District as
the case may be.
(3) WhiIe dealing with and disposing of the cases referred to I

in subsection (21,;m additional District Judge shall be deemed to be

the Court ofthe District Judge,].
Assigmu~mtof '[21-A. The High Court or the District Judge may assigt to an
functions of Additional District Judge any of the functions of the District Judge,
Disuic"u*c. including the functions of receiving and registeriog cases and appeals, !
which but br such assignment of functions could be instituted in the

1. Substituted for thewords Trovinciat"bythe~dapta&nofhwsOrder, 1950.

2. Substitutal by Punjab Act 35 of 1963, section 4.
3. Substituted by Haryana Act I 1 of 1980.
4. hsertdbyHaryanaActslof1971.
1918 :Pb. Act 61 corns
m ,-

Court of t h e District Judge, and in the discharge of those h a i o n s

the AdditimaI District Judge shall, notwithstanding anything
contained ir the Act, exercise the same powers as the District Judge.
722. (1) The '[State] Government may after consultation with '[Civil Judges
the High Court fix the number of '[Civil Judges (Senior Division (Senior Division
Cadre) a(
Cadre) st inremediary level :- intermediary level
(0 Senior Civil Judges ; -

l'io Upper Senior Judges .; (i) Senior Civil

iiii) Superior Senior Judges and Judges ;
(id Upper h i o r
Civil J~dges(Junior Division Cadre) at entry leveI :- Judgw ;
(i) Civil Judges ; (ii;) Superior '
Senior Judges
(ig Civil Judges, Grade I1 ; a d
(iii Civil Judges; Grade I] to be appointed 3[* * * *1. Civil J u d ~ (Junior
4[(Z) T b High Court may confer~anany Judicial Magistrate Division Cadre) at
entry IcwI :-
the powers rf such class of 5[Civil Judges (Senior hio on Cadre) at f l Civil Judges ;
intermediaq level :- (ii, Civil Jod@q
$1 Senior Civil Judges ; Oraden;
(iii) Civil Judgcs,
(;i) .UpperSenior Judges ; Grade I].
(ii) Superior Senior Judges and
Civil Jntges (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
(9 CivilJudges ;
(igCivil Judges, Grade II ;
(ii] Civil Judges, Grade 1
as it &ay dean fit to be exercised by the Judicial Magistrate within
such local arta as the High Court m y defme.] ..
1. Snbstitnlcd by Punjab Act 9 of,1922, %tion 4. Fur ml6 mder sub-section
(2), see n d c a t i o n No.24019, dated 16th October, 1923, Punjab Gazette,
1923, Part I, page 794,No. 7460, dated 11th March, 1924, Punjnb G m t f e ,
1924, Part I, page233, andNo. 6158,dated 9th March, 1925, Punjab Gazette,
1925, Part I, page 152.
2. Substituted for the word 'Trovincial"by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.
3. 'Thewords "and when there is a vacancy in that nnmbec may, mbject to thc
- rules, ifany, madeundcr sub-scctiou (2) appoint soch pason as i s nominated
by the Righ Court to the said vacancy" werc omitted by the Government of
h d i a (Adaptation of lndian Laws) Order, 1937.
4. .Added by Punjab Act 25 of 1964, s d o n 2 and the Schcdnle. Tbe original
sub-section (2) which ran as fo1loow ; "The Local Ciovmnment may, after
cordtation with the High Caurt, makcrules as to the qualificationsofpersons
to be appointed SubordinateJndges" was omitted by the Governmat ofIndia
Adaptation of Indian Laws)Order, 1937.
5. Substituted by Haryana Act 16 of 1995and furth&, slibstituted by h y a n a
Act, 9 of 200Q.
40 8 COURTS [I918 :Pb. Act 6

23. [Repealed by section 5 of PwIjab Act IX of 1922.1

Bskict Court lo be 24. The Court of the District Judge shall be deemed to be the
principal Civil
Court of original
District Court or principal Civil Cowt of original jurisdiction in the
jurisdiction. district.
- Original 25. Except as atherwise provided by any enactment for the
jtlrisdictiun of time being in force, the Court of the District Judge shall have
Disbict Judges in
suits. jurisdiction in original c i d suits without limit as regards the value.
Pecuniary limits of 26. The jurisdiction to be exercised in original civil suits as
jurisdition o f
?Civil Judges
regards the value by any person appointedt o be a SICivilJudge (Senior
(Senior Division Division Cadre) at intermediary level :-
Cadre) at
ioterrncriiary 6) Senior Civil Judge;
level :-
0) Senior C i d Upper'Seriior judge;
Judges ; (iid: Superior Senior Judge ind
(ig Upper Senior
3uQes ; Civii Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
(iii) S w r
Senior Judges (zJ Civil Judge;
Civil J u d p (Juniar (ii) Civil Judge, Grade LI;
Division Cadre) at
entry lewl :- (ii4 Civil Judge, Grade 13
fi) Civil J u d p ;
(ii) Civil Judges. *I * shall * * be determined * * by the 4[Higb Court] either by
&den; including him in a 5Class * * or otherwise as it thinks fit.
fie) Civil Judges,
Lad limits of 27.(1)The local limits ofthejurisdiction ofyCiviIhdge (Senior
. . .
thejurisdiction. Division Cadre) & intermediary level :- . .

0) Senior C h i Judge;
(io.Upper Senior Judge;

I. The words ‘bar Mansif" were rqealed by Punjab Act 9 of t 922, section 6 (2).
2. Thewords "in the w e af a Subordinate Judgc" were repealed by ibid, s d o n
6 (2).

3. Thewords ' % y k a lGovernment and, in the casc ofa Mansif' wererepealed

by ibid, section 6 (2).
4. Subnitutcd for thcwrrrds'~icfCoU"byPunjabAct 4 of 1919,~section2 (5).
5. See notification Nos. 4 and 10, dated 3rd January, 1923, Punjab Gatcne
Extraordinary, 1926.
6. The words "or grade" w a e repded by Punjab Act 9 of 1922, section 6@).
7 Sub-section (2) and the proviso thereto were repealed by ibid, section 613).
8. SubstitutedbyW a n a Act 16 of 1995 i d furthermbstitntedby m a Act
9 of 2004.
1918 :Pb. Act 61 COURTS

(iii) Superior Senior Judge and

Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
) Civil Judge;
(ig Civil Judge, Grade LI;
(iig Civil Judge, Grade I]
shall be such as the '[High Court] may defme.

(2) When the '[High Court] posts a 5[Civil Judge (Senior

Division Cadre) at intermediary level :-
(i) Senior Civil Judge;
00 Upper Senior Judge;
(iiQ Superior Senior Judge and
civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
( Civil Judge;
(ii) Civil Judge, Grade ZI;
t (iio Civil Judge, Grade I]
* * * * to a district the local limits of the disbict shall, in the
absence of any direction to the contrary,'be deemed to be the local
lirrrits o f his jurisdiction.
28. 3[(Z) The 4[State] Government may &er consultation with Special Judges
the Kigh Court appoint any person to be an Honorruy 5[Civil Judge and Benchan
(Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary level :-
(i) Senior Civil Judge;
(ii) Upper Senior Judge;
(iii) Superior Senior Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
i CiviI Judge;
(ii) Civil Judge, Grade fl;
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade I.]
, , and the High Court may confer on such Judge all or any ofthe powers
I. Substituted for lhc words 'local Government" by Punjab Act 9 of 1922,
section 7.
2. Sub-section(2) omittcd and sub-section(3) renumbmod as sub-section (2) and
the words "or ~ h High
c Caw posts a Munsif' were ornittoil by ibid section
7(2) and 3.
3. Substituted by ibid, section 8.
4. Substitoted for the word "Provincial"by the Adaptation ofLaws Order, 1950.
5. Substituf'edby Haryand Act 16 of 1995 and further substituted by Haryana Act
9 of 2004.
410 COURTS [I918: Pb. Act 6

confaable under this Act on a 4[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre)

at intermediary level :-
(i) Senior CiviI Judge;
(ii) Upper Senior Judge;
(iii) Superior Senior Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
( i Civil Judge;
(ii) Cid Judge, Grade LI;
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade I].
with respect to particular classes of suits or ~ t respect h to suits
generally in any local area.].
(2) The '[State] Government may direct any uneven n m h r of
persons invested with powers of the same description and exercisable
within the same local area under this section to sit together as a h c h ;
those powers shall, while the direction remains in force, be exercised
by the bench so constituted, and not otherwise.
(3) The decision of the majority of the members of a bench
constituted under this section shall be deemed to be the decision of
the bench. .
(4) Persons on whom powers are conferred under this section
and the benches constituted under this section shall be deemed, for - j
the purposes of this Part, to be 2[CivilJudges (Senior Division Cadre)
at intermediary level :-
(0 Senior Civil Judges ;
(io Upper Senior Judges ;
(iii) Superior Senior Judges and
Civil Judges (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
(0 Civil Judges ; >,

(il;) Civil Judges, Grade LI;

(iii) Civil Judges, Grade T.]
*+**3*** i!
1. Substitutcdforthewords'Prov~cial"bytheAdapta~ionof~wsOrder,1950.
2. SubstitutcdbyHaryanaAct 16of1995andfurtbersubstitatdIryHaryaoaAct
9 of 2004.
3. The words "or a Monsif', as the k a l Govcmunent may direct" were omitted
by Punjab Act 9 of 1922,section 8[2).
4. Substituted by Haryana Act 9 of 2004.
1918 :Pb. Act 61 corns 41 1

29. The '[High Court] may, by notihation in the Official Power to invest
'[Civil Judge
local limits as it tbinks fit upon
Gazette, confer, within such
any 4[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary c h ) at
level :- iotcrmedinry
lovcl :-
(4 Senior Civil Judge ; (ij Senior civil
W Upper Senior Judge ; fig
Judge ;
Upper Smior
(iid Superior Senior Judge and Judge ;
fiii) Superior
C i d Judge (Junior ~ivisionCadre) at entry level :- senior Judge
(0 C i d Judge ; and
Civil Judge (Junior
(ig CiviI Judge, Grade II ; Division Cadre) at
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade TJ mlry level :-
(i) Civil Judge ;
**Z**,thejurisdictionofaludgeofaCourtofSmallCauses (4 CidJudge,
10 of
under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887, for the fii.a.,Jullge,
,887. trial of suits, cogruzable by such Courts, up to such vdue not Glade 9
exceeding I[two thousand rupees] * * * * * * as it thinks fit, Smd
Court jurisdiction.
and may withdraw any jurisdiction so conferred.
30. (1)T h e SiHighCourt1may by general or specid order Exercise by
authorise any 4[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at '[Civil Judge
(Senior Division
intermediary level :- Cadre) at
) Senior Civil Judge ; intermedinry
(4 Upper Senior Judge ; leve I :--
(i) Seuior Civil
, (iii) Superior Senior Judge and fudge ;
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :- (id Upper Semior
Judge ;
(0 Civil Judge ; (iii) Superior
Senior Judge
(i(l C i d Judge, Grade II ; and
(iig Civil Judge, Grade I] Civil Judgc (Junior
to take cognizance of, or any District Judge, to transfer to a Division Cadre) at
enby level :-
4[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary level :- (0 C i d Judge ;
I Senior CiviI Judge ; (ii) Civil: Judge,
(ig Upper Senior Judge ; (iii) Civil Judgr,
I . Substituted fm the words " h a 1 Government" Act 9 of 1922, sedion 9. Graae q of
2. The words "or a Munsif ', and '511 the case of a Subordinate judge or two jurisdiction
hundred and fiffvrupm in thc casc of a Munsiff' omitted by ibid. ofDistrict
3. Substituted for the wmds "jive hmdred rnpm" by Punjab Act 35 or 1963, court in
section 4. cmaiu
4., Substituted by Haryima Act 16 of 1995 and W e r substitutd by Haryana Act proceedings.
9 of 2004.
5. Substituted for the words "ChicTCourt" by Punjab Act 4 of 1919.
COURTS 11918 :Pb.Act6

(iii) SupeTior Senior Judge and

Civil Judge (Junior bivision Cadre) at entry level :-
(9 Civil Judge ;
(ig Civil Judge, Grade I1 ;
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade 11
under his control, any of the proceedings next hereinafter
mentioned or any class of those proceedings spe&ed in such
(2) The proceedings referred to in sub-section ( I ) are
the following, namely :-
(a) Proceedings under the Tndian SuccessionAct, I 865' loof
and the frobate and Administration Act, 188 1 1
which cannot be disposed of by the District Judge. of
(h) * * * * * 2 * * * * * * 1881.

('3) The District Judge may withdraw any such proceedings

takw cognimce of by or transkred to a 3[CivilJudge (Senior
Division Cadre) at intermedrary level :-
(i) Senior Civil Judge;
(ii) Upper Senior Judge;
(iii) Superior Senior Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
0) Civil Judge;
(ii) Civil Judge, Grade 11;
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade I]
and m y either himself dispose of them or transfer them to a
Court under his control competent to dispose of them

( 4 ) Proceedings taken cognizance of by or ttasferred to a

3[Ci,viIJudge (Senior Division Cadre) at i n t e r m e w level :-
1. SeenowtheIndianSuwessionAct,1925 (39of 1925).
2. Clause @) was repaled by -jab Act 4 of 1926, section 7.
3. Substitufed by 'Haryana Act 16 of 1995 and fUrthcr substitated by ~~a Act
9 of 2004.
1918 :Pb.Act 61 COURTS

) Senior Civil Judge;

00 Upper Senior Judge;
(iiQ Superior Senior Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
6) CiviI Judge;
(ii) Civil Judge, Grade E,
(iig C i d Judge, Grade T]
as the case may be under this section shall k disposed of by him,
subject to the rules applicable to like proceedings when disposed of
by the District judge.
31. ( I ) The '[High Court] may fix the place or places at which Placeof sitting of
any Court under this Part is to be held. Cwrt.

( 2 ) The place or places so fixed may be beyond the local Iimits

ofthe jurisdiction of the Court.
(3) Except as may be otherwise provided by any order under
this section, a Court under this Part may be held at any place within
the local limits of its jurisdiction.

33. Subject to the general superintendence and control ofthe but101 of

[High Courts], the District Judge shall have control over all the Civil Courts.
Courts under this Part within the local limits of his jurisdiction.
34. Notniths t anding anything contained in the Code of Civil Powcr to
Procedure, every District Judge may by written order direct that any di5tfibute
civil business cognizable by his Co,urtand the Courts under his control busmess.
shall be dimiuted among such Courts in such manner as he thinks
fit :
Provided that no direction issued under this section shall +

empower any Court to exercise any powers or deal with any business
beyond the libits of its jurisdiction.
I. Substituted for the words " h c a l Government" by Punjab Act 9 of 1922,
secdoa 10.
2. S ~ 32Mwas omitted by ihc Govenunent o f India (Ad;!ptation of IndianLaws),
Order, 1937.
414 COURTS [I91 8 :Pb. Act 6

Power ro h e 36. (1) A District Court or any Court under the control
ministerial of District Court may h e , in an amount not exceeding one
officers. month's salary, any ministerial officer o f the Court for
misconduct or neglect in the performance of his duties.
(2) The District Court may, on appeal or otherwise,
reverse or modify any order made under sub-section ( I ) by
m y Court under its control, and may of its own motion fine up
to the amount of one month's salary any rrrinistrial officer of
any Court under its control.
Delegation of 37. A Dishct Court may, with the previous sanction
Dimiflrudge's of the ?[High Court] delegate to any 4[Civil Judge (Senior
Division Cadre) at intermedjary level :-
(i) Senior Civil Judge;
(ig Upper Senior Judge;
(iii) Superior Senior Judge and ,

Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-

(i) Civil Judge;
(io Civil Judge, Grade II;
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade I]
in the district the power conferred on a District Court by
5 of
sections 33, 3[and 341, of this Part and section 24 of the Code
of Civil Procedure, to be exercised by the 4[CivilJudge (Senior
Division Cadre) at intermediary level :-
{ Senior Civil Judge;
(ii) Uppa Senior Judge; !
(iiq Superior Senior Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior fivision Cabe) at entry level :-
1. Section 35 was omitted by the Goverment orIndia (adaptationofInIndiaqLaws), !
Order, 1937.
2. Substituted for Ibe words 'WalGovemrncnt" by Punjab Aa 9pf 1922, scclion !
3. Subsrituted for the figuru and word "34 and 35" by the Government of India
(Adapration bf Indian Laws) Order 1937.
4. Substitutedby Haryana Act I6 of 1995 and iiu-thersuhstitnted by Haryana Act
9 of 2004.
' I
2918 :Pb..Act 61 cow71-s

0) CiviI Judge;
(ii) Civil Judge, Grade II;
(iii) Civil Jdge, Grade 11
in any specified portion ofthe districts, subject to the control of the
District Court.

38. (1) Save as otherwise provided by any enactment for the Appeals fiom
t h e being in force, an appeal from a decree or order of a District DishdJudgesor
Jtdge or '[Additional District Judge] exercising original jurisdiction Additional
slall lie to the '[High Court.]
(2) An appeal shall not lie t o the 2[HighCourt] born a decree
or order ofan '[Additional District Judge] in any case in which, if the
decree or order had been m d e by the District Judge, an apped would
not lie to that Court. , .

39. (1) Save as aforesaid, an appeal from a decree or order of Appeals from
a 3[Civd ~ u & e(Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary level :- 3 p v i ~~ u d g e ~
(Senior Division
(i) Senior C i d Judge ; cadre) at
(ir;) U p Senior Judge ; level :-
ti) Bnior Civil
(iii) Superior Senior Ju'dge and Judw ;
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :- (ii) Upper Senior
Judges ;
(i) Civil Judge ; (iii) Superior
Senior Judges
(iQ Cwd Judge, Grade 11 ; and
(jig Civil Judge, Gnde l-J; ,
Civil J u d p (Junior
Division Cadre) at
shall lie to the District Judge, irrespective of the value of the ori@ e o t q level :-
0) Civil Judges ;
suit. (ii) Civil Judges,
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) an appeal to FMdr: I1 ;
(iii) Civil Judges,
the Court of District Judge shall be heard by the District Judge or by
G-Xk IJ.
an Additional Disttict Judge.
1. Substituted for the words 'Additional Judge" by Punjab Act 35 of 1963,
s d o n 4.
2. Sublituled for the words "Chief Court" by Punjab Act 4 of 1919,section 2(5).
3. Sabstilutcd by HaryanaAct 1 6 of 1995 and firth? substituled by Harydua Act
9 of2004.
416 comn (1918 :Pb.Act-6

(3) An Additional District Judge shall hear only such appeals

as the Mgh Court may, by general or special order direct, or as the
District Judge of the District may make over to him
(4) All appeals fiom a decree or order of a '[Civil Judge
(Senior Division Cadre) at intmedirtry level :-
(0 Senior Civil Judge ;
(io Upper Senior Judge ;
(iii) Superior Senior Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
( Civil Judge ;
(ig Civil Judge, Grade U;
(iii) Civil Judge, &ade I]
pending in the High Court, irrespective of the v&e of the original
suit, shall stand transfmad to the Disbict Judge exercising ordinary
territorial jurisdiction.
(5) The High Court may, by notification, direct that appeals ly- ,'
ing to the District Judge fiom all or any ofthe decrees or orders passed
in any original suit by any '[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at
intermediary level :-
(0 Senior Civil Judge ;
(iq Upper Senior Judge ;
fiii) Superior Senior 'Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
0) Civil Judge ;
i Civil Judge, Grade XI;
(iio CiviI Judge, Grade I]
shall be preferred to such other '[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre)
at intermediary level :-
Senior Civil Judge ;
(ii) Upper Senior Judge ;
(iii) Superior Senior Judge and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry Ievel :-
(i) Civil Judge ;
(izj Civil Judge, Grade IX;
(iiq Civil-Judge, Grade I]
1. Substituted by Haryana Act 16 of 1995 and W u inbstituted byHaryana-Act
9 of2004.
1918 : Pb. Act 6l cams 4 17

as may be mentioned in the notification, and t h e appeals shdl there-

upon be preferred accordingly and the Court of such other '[Civil
Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary level :-
- ( Senior Civil Judge ;
(ii) Upper Senior Judge ;
(iii) Superior Senior ~ ; d ~and
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-
(i) Civil Judge ;
(4 Civil Judge, Grade II;
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade,I]
shall be deemed to be a District Court for the purpose ofall appeals
so preferred.
40. ( 1 ) A District Judge may transfer any appeals pending before Powtr to ha3dm to I
IICid Judge (SEaior
him from the decrees or orders of '[Civil Judges (Senior Division E i G o n Cadre) at
Cadre) at intermediary level :- 2iary 1-1 :-
(i) Senior Cia1
( Senior Civil Judges ; (id Uppq Senior
Judge ;
(io Upper Senior Judges ;_ .
' - . ..
Qii) SupcTim Senior
Judge and - '
Civil Judge .{Junior
(iill) Superior'Senior Judges a d . .., .. . . .
Division Cadm) at
enhy levcl I
Civil Judge (Junior Division cadre) at eniry level :- f l Cinl Judge;
(ig Cimi Jndgc,
.+,'', '
(i) Civil Judges ; '
Pii) Civil Jndgc.
(ii) Civil Judges, Grade 11 ; a p p c ~ l sfrom otbcr
'[Civil J+u (Senior
Division Cadre) at
(iii)' Civil Judges, Grade 13 inb-mdiary 1evcI:-
Q) Scm'or Civil
to any 2[otherj f [Cid,Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary Judgu ;
(ii) Uppa Scnior
level :-- Judges;
(iig Superior S e a i ~
(i) ' Senior Civil Judge ; Judgcs and
Civil JuQes (Junior
Division Cadre) at
(ii) Uppa Senior Judge ; cuhy Itwl :-
6) Civil Judgcs ;
(iid Superior Senior Judge and (i;) Cinl J+cs,
Gradt TI ;
1. Substitutedby Haryana .4ct 16 of 1995 and furtbcr substituted by Haryana Act fiii) Civil Judgrs
Gmac I.]
9 of 2004.
2. Inserted by ibid. >
CO~TS 11918 : Pb.Act 6

Civil Judges (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :-

(i) Civil Judge ;

(iii) Civil Judge, Grade 11

under his administrative control competent to dispose of them

(2) The District Judge may withdraw any appeal so

transferred, and either hear and dispose of it himself or transfer it to a
Court under his administrative control competent to dspose of it.

(3) Appeals transferred undei this kection shall be disposed

of subject tp the rules applicable to like appeals when disposed of by
the District Judge.

(4) The powers conferred by this:section shall be exercised

subject to such general or special orders as may fiom time to time be
issued in t b behalf by the '[High Court].
Smnd 'appeal. 2[41. (I) An appeal shall lie to the High Court 'fiomevery decree
.. .. - b.

8 .
- , ,,
passed in appeal by any Court subordinate to the High Court on any
. , - of the following grounds, namely :- !
.. . . ., ! . ,

(a) the decision bemg contrary to law or to some custom or

usage having the force of law ;
.-. .,.
'. 1

(b) the decision having failed to determine some material

issue ofIaw or custom or -usagehaving the force of Iaw ;

(c) a substan& error oi 'defect in the procedure provided by

the Codc of Civil Procedure, 1908, or by any other law
for the time being in force which may possibly have
produced error or defect in the decision of the case upon
the merits. , -

Explanatiorr. -A question relating to the existence or validity.

1. Insmed by Punjab Act 9 of 1922.
2. Substilutd by Haryaua Act 24 or1 978 and further substitutedby H a p a Acl
23 of 1980.
191%:Pb. Act 61 cows 4 19

of a custom or usage shall be deemed to be a question of law within

the meaning of this section.

(2) An appeal ,may lie under this section from an appellate

decree passed exparte.]
42, (1) N a second appeal shall lie except on the grounds S*nda~~don
mentioned in section 4 1. no other gsounds.

'[(Z)No second appeal shall lie in any suit of the nature No

cognizable by Courts of Small Causes, when the amount or value of appeal in certain
the subject matter of the origitrd suit does not exceed three thousand

44. The 3[High Court] m y call for the record of any case Rcvisiun-
which has been decided by any Court subordinate to it and in which
no appeal Zies thereto, and if such subordinate Court appears-

(a) to have exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by

law ;or

@) to have failed to exercise a jufisdiction so vested;

1 .
or ..-

(G) to have acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction

illegally or with material irregularity ;
the '[High court] may make such order in the case as it thinks fit.
44-A.(l) Theperiodoflimitationforanappealundersection Periodof
4 1 of this Part shall Ix ninety days from the M e ofthe decree appeded

(2) In computing this period 'and ig all respects not herein

specified the lirrtitation of an appeal under the said section shall be
deemed to be governed by the provisions of the Indian L;imitation
Act, 1 90a4.

1. Substituted by Haryana Act 24 of 1978.

2. Rqealed by Punjab Act 4 of 191 9, scction 2(4). - , ,

3. Substituted fbr the words 'Thief Court" by Punjab Act 4 of 1919,section 2(5).
4. Sae now theIndian Limitation Act. 1963.
COURTS 11918 :Pb. Act 6


Mcde of '[45. Except as othewise provided by this part, any powers

cderring that may be conferred by the High Court on any person under this
powers. part may be confared pn such pmon either by name or by virtue of ,
, .


Continuance of 46. Whenever any person holding an office in the service of

pcrwers of Govwnment who has been invested with. any powers under this Part
officers. throughout any local area is transferred or posted at my subsequent
time to an equal or higher officeof the s&e nature d i n a like local
area, he shall, unless the 2[High Court], otherwise directs or has
otherwise directed, exercise the same powers in the local area to which
he is so transferred OT posted.
Provision '[46-A. The High Court may from time to time make rules
reg-g cons&nt with this Act and any other enactment for the time being in
petition writers.
force :--
(a) declaring what persons shall be permitted to act as
..petition-writersin the Courts subo'dinate thereto;
(b) regulating the issue oflicenses to such persons, the
" conduct of business.by them,and the scale of fees
to be charged by them; and •

(c) detemining the authority by which breaches ofsuch

rules shall be investigated and the penalties which
may be imposed.] . .

Control of Iist d 47. ' [ ( I ) Subject to such general ord& as may be made by the
holidays. 4[State] Government the High Cowt shall prepare a list of days ta be
observed in each year as holidays. in
the Civil Courts subordinate


2) Every such list shall be published in the Oficial Gazette.

1. Substituted by Punjab Act 9 of 1922, section 16.

2. Substituted by ibid, section 17, for "Local Govcmment". .
3. Added by Punjab Act 4 of 1919, soction 2 (6).
4. Substituted for the word "Provincial"bythe Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.
1918 : Pb. Act 61 COIIRTS 42 1

3[47-A. All suits, appeals, revisions, applications, reviews, Provisions

executions and other proceedings whatsoever whether Civil or regwdng
Criminal pending in the Chief Court of the Punjab s h d be continued R~~~~
and concluded in the High Court of Judicature at Lahore as if the
same had been had in such High Court, and the High C o u ~ to f
Judicature at Lahore shall have the same jurisdiction in relation to all
such suits; appeals, revisions, reviews, executions, applications and
other proceedings as if the same had been commenced and continued
in such High Court.]

49. In section 117(2) of the Punjab LandRevenue Act,

(~r) ~~~dmentof
1887, in clause (c), "(Subordinatate Judge)" shall be substituted for 'hcmj* jabLand
Rcvmue Act,
"District Judge" and in clause (d) and (e) "District Court" shall be plmjjab
substituted for "Divisional Court". Act and the
Indian Court-fees
(b) Insection99(1)ofthePunjabTenancyAct, 1887"Disbict !
. Judge" shall be substituted for "Divisional Judge."
(c) Insection7(v)~$ofthehdianCourl-feesAct,1870,for
the word "five" shall be substituted the word Yen".

50. For the defmition of "District Judge", in section 2(15) of hmdmmtof

the Punjab Genral Clauses Act, 1898, the following shall be deibitionof
substituted :- District Judge in
Funjab Grmeral
Clausa Act,
"Distict Judge" shall mean the ludge of a civil court lggg
of original jurisdiction, but shall not include the '[High
Court] in the exercise of its ordmary or extraordinary
original civil jurisdiction.
?[Sf. In every enactment now in force, and in every Rcicrenccin
appointment, order, rule, bye-law, notification or formmade or issued existing
thereunder all references to the Chief Court o f the Punjab shall be c"actmcn:n'to
construed when necessay as referring to the High Court of Judicature.

1. Substituted lor the words "Chief Couri" by Punjab Act IV of 1919, section
2. Added by $id, scction 219).
3. AddedbyPunjabAci4of1919,smtion2{8).
4. Repealed by ibid, s d o n 2(4).
422 COWS [I 918 :Pb. Act 6

at Lahore [until the fifteenth day of August, 19471, '[from that date
and before the commencement of the Constitution, as referring to the
High Court of East Punjab, and after the commencement of the
Constitution as referring to the High Court of Punjab.] 3[untilthe thrrty-
first day of October, 1966 and thereafter as referring to the Higb Court
of Punjab and Haryana.]
(See Sectiotl2 of this Par0
I 2 3 4
Ycar NO. Subject or sbabon tillc h t m l af -1


1844 XWII Thc b j a b Couits A& The wholc
IRRR Xm nitto Do
1895 XIX Djtto Do
1899 XXV DiUo Do
1909 I Punjab C u m Amdment Act Thc W~OIF
1912 I Ditto Do
1913 VI Ditlo Do

1. Inserted Lrythe Indian Independacc (Adaptation) ofBengal and Punjab Acts, 1

Order, 1,948 (GGO.40).
2. Substituted for the words "aud thacaficr, as referring t o d c High Court of East
Plmjab" (vide the Indian Independa~ce(Adaptation or Bmgd and Punjab k t s )
Order, 19481, by the Adaptation of Laws (Third Amendment) Order, 195 1.
3. Addd by Haryana Adaptation ofLaws (Stale and Concnrrml Subjects) Ordea,

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