Punjab Courts Act
Punjab Courts Act
Punjab Courts Act
Act 6 of 1918
The Punjab Court Act 1914
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1918 :Pb. Act 61 comt's
2. Repeal.
3. Definitions.
4-17. Repealed.
18. Classes of Courfs.
19. Civil districts.
20. District Judges.
2 1 . Additional District Judges.
2 1-A. Assignment of functions of District Judge.
22. Subordinate Judges
23. Repealed.
24. District Court to be principal Civil Court of Original
25. Original jurisdiction o f District Judges in suits.
26. Pecuniary limits of jurisdiction of Subordinate Judges.
27. Local limits o f jurisdiction.
28. Special Judges and Benches.
29. Power to invest Subordinate judge with Small Cause
Court ju t-isdiction
30. Exe~.ciseby Subi~~dinntc o f Ilistrict
Judgt. of jut-isdic~ior~
Cou~*tin eel-tain prt~ceedings.
31. I'lacc of sitting nf ('OLIII.
) 1918 : Pb. : k t b
32. Repealed.
3 C'ontrol c~i
34 Power to distribute business.
35. Repealed.
36. Power to fine ministerial officers.
37. Delegation of District Judge's Powers.
38. Appeals eom District Judges or Additional Judges.
39. Appeals from Subordinate Judges.
40. Power to transfer to a Subordinate Judge appeals from
other Subordinate Judges.
4 1 . Second appeals.
42. Second appeal on no other grounds.
No second appeal in certain cases.
43. Repealed.
44. Revision.
44-A. Period of limitation.
For Statement ofobjects and Reasons, see Pwrjub GmHe, 1918, Part V,page
326, for Report ofthe Sclcct Committee, see ibid 19 18, Part V, pages 349-358,
fmProceedings in Corn cil, see ibid 191 8, Part V, pages 376377,435,44647,
.. ,
md49G93. . ,
1 2 3 4
Amcaded by H w Ad 51 of 1971'
AmeDdEd by Act 20 of 1977'
Armuid by -Act 24 o f 197R7
Amndedby Haryam Ad l l of 1980'
horndcd by Haqma Acl B of 1980'
AmendDd by LIaryapl h t 16 of 1995"
AmFndorl hy E[Prryxan &I 9 ~ T 2 0 0 4 ~
An Act to ~aliiateail things done under the Punjab Courts Act, 1914
as a m d e d by Punjab Act W o f 1914, to repeal the said Acts or
so mucj of them as may he valid o t ~ dto enact a law relati~tgto
I[Cours in Hayalt a] which ispeefrom f he defect described in
the prem ble.
WHERE^ it appears that the Punjab CourtsAct, 1914, as assmted
to by the Liatenant-Governor on the 15th January, 1914, and by the
Governor-Gaeralon 27thApril, 1914, and as published in the punjab
Gazette on ;2nd May, 19 14, included a clause namely, clause (b) of
sub-section(1) of section 39 which had not been passed by the
L.e&lat& 2ouncil of the Lieutenant-Governor, and whereas doubts
have arisa as t o the validity of things done under the said Act, and
the amding Act, Punjab Act IV of 1914 :
And wherem it is expedient to validate a l l things done under
the said Acts, to repeal tbe said Acts or so m c h of them as may be
valid, a d to enat a law relating to Courts in 2 [ H ~ a n a ] which
, is
fiee fromfbe &fst a b v e described, it is hereby enacted as follows :-
1. (I) This Act may be cdled the Punjab Courts Act, 1918. Short title and
(2) It &nds to 2 ~ a q a a ] .
2[18. Besides the Courts Small Causes established Class= of
under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887, and the Courts.
Courts established under any enactments for the time being in
force, there shall be the following classes of Civil Courts,
namely :-
, ( I ) n~ Court of District Judge;
(2) he Court of Additional District Judge;
. (3). The Court of Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre)
at intefmediary level. :-
(0 Senior Civil Judge;
(ii) Upper Senior Judge;
(3 Superior Senior Judge, and
(4) The Court of Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre)
at -entrylevel :-
(9 Civil Judge;
Civil Judge, Grade 11;
(iio Civil Judge, Grade I .]
1. Repealed by Punjab Act 4 of 1919?section 2 (1).
2. Substituted by Haryana Act 16 of 1995 and furlher substituted by i-Iayna Act
9 of 2004. ,
406 COURTS [I918 :Pb. Act 6
Civil Disuicts 19. (1) For the purposes of this Part the '[State] Government
shall divide the territories under its administration into civil districts.
(2) The '[State] Government may alter the limits or the
number of these districts.
Disuict Judges. '[ZO. The State Government shall, after consultation with the
High Court, appoint as many persons as it thinks aecessay to be
Districtjudges, and thc High Court s b d post one such pmon to each
district as District Judge of that district :
Provided that the same person may, if the High Court thinks fit
be appointed to be District Judge of t w o or more districts.]
Additional 2[21. 3(1) The State Government may, after co~sultationwith
DklrictJudga- the High Court, also appoint as many pasons as it thinks necessary to
be Additional Dislrict Judges, and the High Court may post' an
AdditionalDistrict Judge to exercisejurisdiction in one or more courts
of the IXsb-ict Judges.]
(2) Additional District Judges shall have jurisdiction to deal
with and dispose of such cases only as the High Court, by general or
speciaI order, may direct them to deal with and dispose of or as the
District Judge of the Ikhict may make over to tbem for king dealt
with and disposed of :
Providd that the cases pending with the Additional District
Judges irmnediateIy before the 28th day of June, 1963, shall be deemed
to be c a w so di~ectedto be dealt with or disposed of by the High
Court or so made over to them by fbe District Judge of the District as
the case may be.
(3) WhiIe dealing with and disposing of the cases referred to I
0) Senior C h i Judge;
(io.Upper Senior Judge;
I. The words ‘bar Mansif" were rqealed by Punjab Act 9 of t 922, section 6 (2).
2. Thewords "in the w e af a Subordinate Judgc" were repealed by ibid, s d o n
6 (2).
29. The '[High Court] may, by notihation in the Official Power to invest
'[Civil Judge
local limits as it tbinks fit upon
Gazette, confer, within such
any 4[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary c h ) at
level :- iotcrmedinry
lovcl :-
(4 Senior Civil Judge ; (ij Senior civil
W Upper Senior Judge ; fig
Judge ;
Upper Smior
(iid Superior Senior Judge and Judge ;
fiii) Superior
C i d Judge (Junior ~ivisionCadre) at entry level :- senior Judge
(0 C i d Judge ; and
Civil Judge (Junior
(ig CiviI Judge, Grade II ; Division Cadre) at
(iii) Civil Judge, Grade TJ mlry level :-
(i) Civil Judge ;
**Z**,thejurisdictionofaludgeofaCourtofSmallCauses (4 CidJudge,
10 of
under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887, for the fii.a.,Jullge,
,887. trial of suits, cogruzable by such Courts, up to such vdue not Glade 9
exceeding I[two thousand rupees] * * * * * * as it thinks fit, Smd
Court jurisdiction.
and may withdraw any jurisdiction so conferred.
30. (1)T h e SiHighCourt1may by general or specid order Exercise by
authorise any 4[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at '[Civil Judge
(Senior Division
intermediary level :- Cadre) at
) Senior Civil Judge ; intermedinry
(4 Upper Senior Judge ; leve I :--
(i) Seuior Civil
, (iii) Superior Senior Judge and fudge ;
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :- (id Upper Semior
Judge ;
(0 Civil Judge ; (iii) Superior
Senior Judge
(i(l C i d Judge, Grade II ; and
(iig Civil Judge, Grade I] Civil Judgc (Junior
to take cognizance of, or any District Judge, to transfer to a Division Cadre) at
enby level :-
4[Civil Judge (Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary level :- (0 C i d Judge ;
I Senior CiviI Judge ; (ii) Civil: Judge,
(ig Upper Senior Judge ; (iii) Civil Judgr,
I . Substituted fm the words " h a 1 Government" Act 9 of 1922, sedion 9. Graae q of
2. The words "or a Munsif ', and '511 the case of a Subordinate judge or two jurisdiction
hundred and fiffvrupm in thc casc of a Munsiff' omitted by ibid. ofDistrict
3. Substituted for the wmds "jive hmdred rnpm" by Punjab Act 35 or 1963, court in
section 4. cmaiu
4., Substituted by Haryima Act 16 of 1995 and W e r substitutd by Haryana Act proceedings.
9 of 2004.
5. Substituted for the words "ChicTCourt" by Punjab Act 4 of 1919.
COURTS 11918 :Pb.Act6
empower any Court to exercise any powers or deal with any business
beyond the libits of its jurisdiction.
I. Substituted for the words " h c a l Government" by Punjab Act 9 of 1922,
secdoa 10.
2. S ~ 32Mwas omitted by ihc Govenunent o f India (Ad;!ptation of IndianLaws),
Order, 1937.
414 COURTS [I91 8 :Pb. Act 6
Power ro h e 36. (1) A District Court or any Court under the control
ministerial of District Court may h e , in an amount not exceeding one
officers. month's salary, any ministerial officer o f the Court for
misconduct or neglect in the performance of his duties.
(2) The District Court may, on appeal or otherwise,
reverse or modify any order made under sub-section ( I ) by
m y Court under its control, and may of its own motion fine up
to the amount of one month's salary any rrrinistrial officer of
any Court under its control.
Delegation of 37. A Dishct Court may, with the previous sanction
Dimiflrudge's of the ?[High Court] delegate to any 4[Civil Judge (Senior
Division Cadre) at intermedjary level :-
(i) Senior Civil Judge;
(ig Upper Senior Judge;
(iii) Superior Senior Judge and ,
0) CiviI Judge;
(ii) Civil Judge, Grade II;
(iii) Civil Jdge, Grade 11
in any specified portion ofthe districts, subject to the control of the
District Court.
38. (1) Save as otherwise provided by any enactment for the Appeals fiom
t h e being in force, an appeal from a decree or order of a District DishdJudgesor
Jtdge or '[Additional District Judge] exercising original jurisdiction Additional
slall lie to the '[High Court.]
(2) An appeal shall not lie t o the 2[HighCourt] born a decree
or order ofan '[Additional District Judge] in any case in which, if the
decree or order had been m d e by the District Judge, an apped would
not lie to that Court. , .
39. (1) Save as aforesaid, an appeal from a decree or order of Appeals from
a 3[Civd ~ u & e(Senior Division Cadre) at intermediary level :- 3 p v i ~~ u d g e ~
(Senior Division
(i) Senior C i d Judge ; cadre) at
(ir;) U p Senior Judge ; level :-
ti) Bnior Civil
(iii) Superior Senior Ju'dge and Judw ;
Civil Judge (Junior Division Cadre) at entry level :- (ii) Upper Senior
Judges ;
(i) Civil Judge ; (iii) Superior
Senior Judges
(iQ Cwd Judge, Grade 11 ; and
(jig Civil Judge, Gnde l-J; ,
Civil J u d p (Junior
Division Cadre) at
shall lie to the District Judge, irrespective of the value of the ori@ e o t q level :-
0) Civil Judges ;
suit. (ii) Civil Judges,
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) an appeal to FMdr: I1 ;
(iii) Civil Judges,
the Court of District Judge shall be heard by the District Judge or by
G-Xk IJ.
an Additional Disttict Judge.
1. Substituted for the words 'Additional Judge" by Punjab Act 35 of 1963,
s d o n 4.
2. Sublituled for the words "Chief Court" by Punjab Act 4 of 1919,section 2(5).
3. Sabstilutcd by HaryanaAct 1 6 of 1995 and firth? substituled by Harydua Act
9 of2004.
416 comn (1918 :Pb.Act-6
8 .
- , ,,
passed in appeal by any Court subordinate to the High Court on any
. , - of the following grounds, namely :- !
.. . . ., ! . ,
44. The 3[High Court] m y call for the record of any case Rcvisiun-
which has been decided by any Court subordinate to it and in which
no appeal Zies thereto, and if such subordinate Court appears-
3. Substituted fbr the words 'Thief Court" by Punjab Act 4 of 1919,section 2(5).
4. Sae now theIndian Limitation Act. 1963.
COURTS 11918 :Pb. Act 6
Control of Iist d 47. ' [ ( I ) Subject to such general ord& as may be made by the
holidays. 4[State] Government the High Cowt shall prepare a list of days ta be
observed in each year as holidays. in
the Civil Courts subordinate
1. Substituted lor the words "Chief Couri" by Punjab Act IV of 1919, section
2. Added by $id, scction 219).
3. AddedbyPunjabAci4of1919,smtion2{8).
4. Repealed by ibid, s d o n 2(4).
422 COWS [I 918 :Pb. Act 6
at Lahore [until the fifteenth day of August, 19471, '[from that date
and before the commencement of the Constitution, as referring to the
High Court of East Punjab, and after the commencement of the
Constitution as referring to the High Court of Punjab.] 3[untilthe thrrty-
first day of October, 1966 and thereafter as referring to the Higb Court
of Punjab and Haryana.]
(See Sectiotl2 of this Par0
I 2 3 4
Ycar NO. Subject or sbabon tillc h t m l af -1