Final Accounts of Company Format of Balance Sheet Particulars Sch. No. Rs. Rs
Final Accounts of Company Format of Balance Sheet Particulars Sch. No. Rs. Rs
Final Accounts of Company Format of Balance Sheet Particulars Sch. No. Rs. Rs
1) Manufacturing and Operational Expenditure B XXX
2) Depreciation XXX
3) Interest XXX
Profit Before Tax XXX
4) Income Tax (Provision) XXX
Profit After Tax XXX
Add: Last year balance of Profit & Loss account XXX
5) Profit Available for Distribution XXX
Less: Distribution XXX
Balance: Transfer to Balance Sheet XXX
Shc.:A Sales and other Income Sch.:B Manufacturing & Operational Exp.
Particulars Rs. Rs.
1. Sales of Goods XXX
2. Other Income XXX
3. Stock Adjustment
Closing Stock xxx
(-) Opening Stock xxx XXX
Total XXX
Particulars Rs. Rs.
1. Purchase of Goods XXX
2. Exp. for Employees XXX
3. Operational Exp. XXX
4. Director’s Fees XXX
5.Privisions (B.D.R.) XXX
Total XXX
Shc.:1 Capital Sch.:2 Reserves & Surplus
Particulars Rs. Rs.
Authoriesed Capital XXX
Issued, Subscribed &Paidup
Capital xxx
Less : Calls in-Arrears xxx
Add: Forfeited Share xxx XXX
Particulars Rs. Rs.
1. Capital Reserve XXX
2. Security Premium XXX
3. General Reserve XXX
4. Profit & Loss A/c XXX
5. Res. against Assets & liab. XXX
Total XXX
Shc.:8 Current Liability & Provisions Sch.:9 Misc. Exp/ Ficticious Assets (not written off)
Particulars Rs. Rs.
1. Current Liability XXX
2. Provisions XXX
Total XXX
Particulars Rs. Rs.
1. Purchase of Goods XXX
2. Exp. for Employees XXX
3. Operational Exp. XXX
4. Director’s Fees XXX
5.Privisions (B.D.R.) XXX
Total XXX