Technical Analysis: 1 2 A Note On Terminology

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Technical Analysis

Martin Sewell
Department of Computer Science
University College London

April 2007 (revised August 2008)

An introduction to technical analysis. For more information, see Sewell

1 Introduction
2 A Note on Terminology
The noun chartist and related verb charting are also used, sometimes referring
to a subset of technical analysis. Also, technical analysts are often referred to
as ‘noise traders’ in the academic literature (‘noise’ being anything other than

3 Definition
p = price
d = data generated by the process of trading
t = time

Technical analysis is the art of inferring E(pt:t>0 |dt:t−n...0 ).

4 Assumptions
Technical analysts rely on the assumption that markets discount everything ex-
cept information generated by market action, ergo, all you need is data generated
by market action.

5 Why is Technical Analysis so Popular?
If the weak (and therefore the semi-strong and strong) form of the efficient
market hypothesis holds, then technical analysis has no value. Also, if a market
price follows a Markov process then technical analysis has no value. Why, then,
is technical analysis so popular? People often predict future uncertain events
by taking a short history of data and asking what broader picture this history is
representative of (independent of other information about its actual likelihood).
This is a heuristic known as representativeness (Tversky and Kahneman 1974).
Technical analysis is representativeness. Below are some more psychological
explanations of why a large number of people have a strong belief in technical

Communal Reinforcement Communal reinforcement is a social construction

in which a strong belief is formed when a claim is repeatedly asserted by
members of a community, rather than due to the existence of empirical
evidence for the validity of the claim.
Selective Thinking Selective thinking is the process by which one focuses
on favourable evidence in order to justify a belief, ignoring unfavourable
Confirmation Bias Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias whereby one tends to
notice and look for information that confirms one’s existing beliefs, whilst
ignoring anything that contradicts those beliefs. It is a type of selective
Self-deception Self-deception is the process of misleading ourselves to accept
as true or valid what we believe to be false or invalid by ignoring evidence
of the contrary position.

6 Literature Review
Brown and Jennings (1989) showed that technical analysis has value in a model
in which prices are not fully revealing and traders have rational conjectures
about the relation between prices and signals.
Frankel and Froot (1990) showed evidence for the rising importance of chartists.
Neftci (1991) showed that a few of the rules used in technical analysis gen-
erate well-defined techniques of forecasting, but even well-defined rules were
shown to be useless in prediction if the economic time series is Gaussian. How-
ever, if the processes under consideration are non-linear, then the rules might
capture some information. Tests showed that this may indeed be the case for
the moving average rule.
Taylor and Allen (1992) report the results of a survey among chief foreign
exchange dealers based in London in November 1988 and found that at least
90 per cent of respondents placed some weight on technical analysis, and that

there was a skew towards using technical, rather than fundamental, analysis at
shorter time horizons.
In a comprehensive and influential study Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron
(1992) analysed 26 technical trading rules using 90 years of daily stock prices
from the Dow Jones Industrial Average up to 1987 and found that they all
outperformed the market.
Blume, Easley and O’Hara (1994) show that volume provides information
on information quality that cannot be deduced from the price. They also show
that traders who use information contained in market statistics do better than
traders who do not.
Neely (1997) explains and reviews technical analysis in the foreign exchange
Neely, Weller and Dittmar (1997) use genetic programming to find technical
trading rules in foreign exchange markets. The rules generated economically
significant out-of-sample excess returns for each of six exchange rates, over the
period 1981–1995.
Lui and Mole (1998) report the results of a questionnaire survey conducted
in February 1995 on the use by foreign exchange dealers in Hong Kong of fun-
damental and technical analyses. They found that over 85% of respondents rely
on both methods and, again, technical analysis was more popular at shorter
time horizons.
Neely (1998) reconciles the fact that using technical trading rules to trade
against US intervention in foreign exchange markets can be profitable, yet, long-
term, the intervention tends to be profitable.
LeBaron (1999) shows that, when using technical analysis in the foreign
exchange market, after removing periods in which the Federal Reserve is active,
exchange rate predictability is dramatically reduced.
Lo, Mamaysky and Wang (2000) examines the effectiveness of technical anal-
ysis on US stocks from 1962 to 1996 and finds that over the 31-year sample pe-
riod, several technical indicators do provide incremental information and may
have some practical value.
Fernández-Rodrı́guez, González-Martel and Sosvilla-Rivero (2000) apply an
artificial neural network to the Madrid Stock Market and find that, in the
absence of trading costs, the technical trading rule is always superior to a buy-
and-hold strategy for both ‘bear’ market and ‘stable’ market episodes, but not
in a ‘bull’ market. One criticism I have is that beating the market in the absence
of costs seems of little significance unless one is interested in finding a signal
which will later be incorporated into a full system. Secondly, it is perhaps naive
to work on the premise that ‘bull’ and ‘bear’ markets exist.
Lee and Swaminathan (2000) demonstrate the importance of past trading
Neely and Weller (2001) use genetic programming to show that technical
trading rules can be profitable during US foreign exchange intervention.
Cesari and Cremonini (2003) make an extensive simulation comparison of
popular dynamic strategies of asset allocation and find that technical analysis
only performs well in Pacific markets.

Cheol-Ho Park and Scott H. Irwin wrote ‘The profitability of technical anal-
ysis: A review’ Park and Irwin (2004), an excellent review paper on technical
Kavajecz and Odders-White (2004) show that support and resistance levels
coincide with peaks in depth on the limit order book 1 and moving average
forecasts reveal information about the relative position of depth on the book.
They also show that these relationships stem from technical rules locating depth
already in place on the limit order book.

7 Is Technical Analysis Self-Fulfilling?

Is technical analysis self-fulfilling or self-destructive? A priori, I hypothesize
that if one conditions on price, then technical analysis is self-fulfilling; and if
one conditions on time, then technical analysis is self-destructive. The evidence
for the former includes the success of support and resistance, and the evidence
for the latter includes the documented erosion of calendar effects.

8 In Which Markets Does Technical Analysis

For reasons of market efficiency, a priori, one would assume that there is no priv-
ileged market. Due to risk aversion, investors require a small positive expected
return in risky markets. In long-only markets—like a stock market—this im-
plies a positive upward drift. In symmetric markets which traders are as likely
to be long as they are short, like futures and foreign exchange markets, the
implication is that one would expect the price to be predictable to some degree.
Furthermore, government intervention in foreign exchange markets may make
them more predictable still. So, for theoretical reasons, one may expect that
foreign exchange markets should be the most predictable, futures markets inter-
mediate and stock markets the least predictable. The empirical evidence found
in Park and Irwin (2004) and James (2006) confirms this theory. However, a
buy-and-hold strategy in the stock market should make money because stock
markets are a positive sum games, whilst the same can not be said for futures
or FX markets. Costs in futures and FX markets are tiny; FX is the best with
$1m of notional costing $3 to trade, whilst futures costs are considerably less
than one tick. Costs are dominated by the spread.

9 Conclusions
Publication bias should not adversely affect the relative performance of techni-
cal analysis, such as comparing different techniques, or different markets. The
1 A limit order is an order to a broker to buy(sell) a security at or below(above) a specific

price; whilst a limit order book is a record of unexecuted limit orders maintained by the

excellent review paper by Park and Irwin (2004) does precisely that. The lit-
erature review undertaken here together with Park and Irwin’s results give rise
to the following conclusions:

• There is evidence in support of the usefulness of moving averages, mo-

mentum, support and resistance and some patterns; but no convincing
evidence in support of Gann Theory or Elliott Wave Theory 2 .
• Technical analysis works best on currency markets, intermediate on futures
markets, and worst on stock markets3 .
• Chart patterns work better on stock markets than currency markets.
• Non-linear methods work best overall. This is not at all surprising in
light of the non-linearities found in markets (Hsieh 1989; Scheinkman and
LeBaron 1989; Frank and Stengos 1989; Brock, Hsieh and LeBaron 1991;
Abhyankar, Copeland and Wong 1995; Brooks 1996; Abhyankar, Copeland
and Wong 1997; Barkoulas and Travlos 1998; Ammermanna and Patterson
• Technical analysis doesn’t work as well as it used to. As transaction costs
decrease, available computing power increases and the number of market
participants increases, one would expect markets to become increasingly
efficient and thus it is not surprising that the efficacy of technical analysis
should diminish.

2 For details of traditional technical analysis, see Murphy (1999), Achelis (2000), Pring

(2002) and Edwards, Magee and Bassetti (2007). There is money to be made selling books
on technical analysis. Caveat emptor! The eminently more sensible Aronson (2006) offers a
glimmer of hope.
3 This is explained in Section 8 (page 4).

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