Patina Proces
Patina Proces
Patina Proces
Below are discussed basic equipment and procedures that can help lead to a
successful patina project.
Metal Preparation
Clean the metal surface - All traces of oils and oxidation should be removed
before applying patina chemicals. The most common oils are oils from your
hands. Use rubber gloves during washing and subsequent handling. Surfaces
can be cleaned by bead-blasting immediately before patina application. A
soaking in 10% sulfuric acid for 5 to 6 hours also serves to remove any traces
of surface dirt or oil. Other methods include a good detergent wash and rinse
in water followed by wiping with a solvent like methyl alcohol. Rubbing with
Scotchbrite pads or steel wool during washing improves the surface for patina
by removing oxidation. Dry with compressed air, clean towels or a hair dryer.
Patina within 1/2 hour.
* Method of application:
Once a patina has been created on a metal surface it can be left to continue
weathering naturally. Weathering can be arrested at the desired point by
applying a suitable oil, e.g. raw linseed oil or lemon oil. Colored finishes can
be protected with a nonporous lacquer or a wax coating to improve their
resistance to scratching, flaking and tarnishing. Apply wax while the work is
still warm to seal the patina. Re-wax when completely cool and buff.