Calm Morrison Hoke
For those that don't know it was a woman, not a man who wrote the book called Refining precious metal waste by CM HOKE.
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Comrade Calm Morrison Hoke—The fallacy
of that stupid old saying that “Woman's place
is in the home” is most_emphatically proven
in the career of Miss Calm Morrison Hoke
of Palisade, N. J. First, last and all the time
Miss Hoke is a’ socialist, and it is doubtful if
there is a person of her age:(she is twenty-
five) who is so well informed on the subject
of socialism.
Miss Hoke, in addition to b c
contributor to socialist publications, occupies
an enviable position in the industrial and sci-
entific world. As consulting chemist of the
Jewelers’ Technical Advice Co. of New York,
she has won considerable distinction among
some of the biggest and most famous jewelers
‘of the United States. To them she is known
only as C. M. Hoke, A.B, B.S. A.M. and
the probabilities are that they would be’ con-
siderably surprised to learn that the expert
whose words of wisdom they value so highly
is a girlish young woman who devotes her
spare time to the cause of socialism,
Likes Biology—"The biological articles in
the Review are great—more thrilling than a
dozen novels. I am studying biology now,
thanks to the Review—also Karl Marx. The
ing a frequent
Review has been a great help to me."—C. C.,
‘Winnsboro, Texas—The Texas comrades
hold an encampment at Winnsboro from Aug.
2 to 6 and expect a good sized attendance.
Some of our friends write that they expect to
handle a lot of good socialist literature and
we hope our friends in the neighborhood will
all attend and get acquainted. Why can’t the
other states do as well as Texas?
‘An Appreciation—"I_ wish to call your at-
tention to the value of the articles now run-
ning in the Review under:the title of “SAVAGE,
text book for the Socialist Sunday School, We
have very few good books for this work. Cannot
these articles be published in cheap pamphlet
form so each individual scholar might possess
a copy in our Sunday Schools for study and
reference? Am offering the above as a sug-
gestion. Yours for Socialist Sunday Schools,
W. S. Hutchins.”
We take pleasure in announcing that. the
Publishing House will publish these articles
in book form about the first of October at a
ice within the reach of all Review readers
t Sunday School scholars.
A Socialist Dynamo—Comrade L. T. Rush
of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is certainly a “live
ire.” Although’ working eight hours a day
at his trade as a boilermaker, he finds time
every evening to hammer home a socialist ar-
gument or two into the heads of his fellow
workers in Cedar Rapids. He has so far or-
dered three bundles of June Reviews number-
ing 175 copies. More power to Comrade Rush.
From Local 64, I. W. W., Minneapolis—
“Please forward us forty’ more June Reviews.
Our first bundle of seventy went like hot cakes.
It certainly is a great issue. Keep the good
work up.”—Anderson, Sec’y.
Reply by Professor Moore—Comrade Cole
of Detroit asks: “Why is it that a good many,
animals, including man, have ‘teats’ on the
males as well as females, only not so well de-
veloped in the male generally? Are they ves-
tigial organs?” And Comrade Moore has sent
in the following reply: “The cause of these
‘organs is not known certainly. Some autho:
ties speak of them as vestigial organs surviv-
ing from a time when mammary glands were
functional in both sexes of human beings.
But I do not myself see any evidence for this,
view. Such organs are found in the males of
other species besides the human. They prob-
ably represent some entangling of the sex
characters not yet well understood.”—J. H.,M.