S. No Name of College Name of Principal Telephone No. Date of Birth
S. No Name of College Name of Principal Telephone No. Date of Birth
S. No Name of College Name of Principal Telephone No. Date of Birth
gurukul [email protected]
CT COLLEGE [email protected]
District Patiala
1. Aryan College of Education, 8054520028
Nepra, Rajpura, Patiala
2. Asian Educational Instite Dr. Kum Kum 8146411128
Sirhand Road, Patiala Bajaj
Contract Basis
3. Chitkara College of Dr. (Mrs.) Madhu 01762-507084-86 16H2H1956
Education for Women, Chitkara 0172-2780086(R)
Village Fatehpur Garhi, Teh. 98780-08602(M)
Rajpura, Distt Patiala.
4. College of Management and 0175-2285416 info@chitkar
Technology, Shanti Nagar, a.edu.in
Near Urban Estate Phase –II,
5. General Shivdev Singh Dr.Dharminder 0175-2215835(O) 7-6-1968
Diwan Gurbachan Singh Singh Ubha 98557-11380 (M)
Khalsa College, Patiala
6. Government Bikram College Smt.Nilamjit 2220493(O) Gbcpatiala@
of Commerce, Patiala (Officiate) yahoo.co.in
7. Government College for Dr. Sukhwinder 0175 – 2213228 (O)
Girls, Patiala Kaur 2222189(F)
8. Government Mohindra Dr. Sudip Kaur 0175-2321695 (O) 4-1-1954
College, Patiala Bhangu 0175-2321516(F)
9. Govt. Kirti College, Nial Sh. Sikandar Singh 01764-242052(O)
Patran (Officiate) 98140-05891
10. Govt. Ripudaman College, Sh. Tarsem 01765-222914(O) 7.3.1955
Nabha Dhaliwal 01765-222914(F)
11. Gurmat College, Patiala 0175-2201131 (O)
12. Guru Hargobind Sahib 0175-2648201
Khalsa gilrs College, Karhali 9855968641
Sahib, Patiala
13. Jasdev Singh Sandhu Dr. Rajinder Pal 0175-2663122
College of Education, Kaur Sidhu 0175-2663244
Rajpura Road, Kauli, Patiala (Contract)
36. Bibi Bhani Panchayati Girls Dr. Santosh Kumari 98152- 11-4-1947
College, Khan-Manpur , Contract 98647
Fatehgarh Sahib
37. Continantal College of Higher Sh. Gurpreet Singh info@grota
Studies, Jalvehra, Fatehgarh Sahib Officiate l.com
38. Cordia College, Sangol, Dr. Kulvir Singh 01628- 30-3-1952
Fatehgarh Sahib Regular 299376
39. Cordia Institute of Business Dr. R.K.Sharma 01628- 25-4-1947
Management, Sangol, Contract [email protected] 299376
Fatehgarh Sahib
40. Desh Bhagat College of [email protected] 01765-
Education, Mandi 520550
Gobindgarh, Fatehgarh Sahib 01765-
. 520551
41. Desh Bhagat Institute of Dr. Joginder Singh 01765- ^
Management & Computer 520521)
Sciences, Mandi Gobindgarh,
Fatehgarh Sahib
42. Dolhpin (PG) College of Life Dr. Parduman Singh Bhatti 0172- 14.4.1947
Sciences, Chuni, Fatehgarh Sahib (Contract) 2613469
43. Guru Hargobind Singh Khalsa Dr. Karamjit Kaur 01763- -
College for Women, Hansali Khera 237023(O)
Fatehgarh Sahib
44. Jawahar Lal Nehru Mmt. Sushma Juneja 01765- 23-12-1952
Government College for 251499(O)
Women, Tooran, Mandi
Gobindgarh, Fatehgarh Sahib
45. Lincoln College of Sh. Nirmal Singh 01763- -
Education, Sirhind, Distt. Officiating 227702
Fatehgarh Sahib
46. Lincoln College of Law, 01763-
Sirhind, Fatehgarh Sahib Smt. Ritu Kashual 324322
Officiating 325322
47. Maghi Memorial College for Smt. Darshana Sharma (Contract) 01765- 24H6H1945
Women, Amloh, Fatehgarh 231246(O)
Sahib 0172
48. Mata Gujri College, Dr. Jatinder Singh Sidhu 01763- 13-11-1958
Fatehgarh Sahib [email protected] 232247(O)
49. Pine Grove College of Education, Dr.Vishal 01763- 15-4-1953
Bassi Pathana, Distt. Fatehgarh
Sahib Regular 325394
50. Punjab College of Education, Smt. Beantjit Kaur (Contract) 01763- 16.12.1948
Sarkapra, Fatehgarh Sahib 248862
51. RIMT College of Education, Dr. Rajwant Kaur (Contract) 01765- 13^1^1946
Sirhind Side, Mandi [email protected] 242683
Gobindgarh 250041
Fatehgarh Sahib 98155-
52. Sant Namdev Kanya 01763-
Mahavidylaya, Bassi 250308
Pathana, Fatehgarh Sahib
53. Smt. Jawala Devi College of Dr. Hem Raj Vohra 01628- 12-5-1948
Education, Sanghol, (Contract) 8255925
Fatehgarh Sahib
Distt. Sangrur
54. Akal College of Education Suman Mittal 01672-246145
for Women, Village Officiate 244323
Fatehgarh Chhanna, Distt. Akal.degree@yaho 94174-84252
Sangrur o.com
55. Akal College of Education, Smt. Sukhdeep 01672-289203 15-7-1975
Mastuana Sahib, Sangrur Kaur 99155-56580
56. Akal College of Physical Dr. Amarjeet 94171-14950 8-5-1959
Education, Mastuana, Singh Sidhu
57. Akal Degree College for 01672-234323(O)
Women, Sangrur 01624-275306(R)
58. Akal Degree College, Sh. Shushil Chand 01672-289272(O) ^
Mastuana, Sangrur Mathur 01624-275306(R)
59. Aasra Institute of Advance Asracollege27@g 98147-96327
Studies, Rajpura, mail.com 98144-01107
Bhawanigarh, Sangrur
60. Aasra College of Education,
Rajpura, Bhawanigarh,
61. Bhai Gurdas College of Law, Dr. Mukesh 01672-251208 15.2.1945
Sangrur Kumar 01672-278529 Fax
62. Barkat Girls College of Dr. Anjali Monga 01679-228027
Education, Tallewal, Sangrur 2009-2010 98157-07650
63. Colonel College of Dr. Satbir Singh 01676-234006(O) 27-6-1959
Education, Chural Kalan, Sehravat 2010-11 9316680866 (M)
Distt. Sangrur
64. Colonel Degree College for
Women, Chural Kalan, Distt.
65. Desh Bhagat College of Dr. Shailza 01675-265027 2.8.1967
Education, Bardwal Dhuri, Gautam
Sangrur Regular
66. Desh Bhagat College, Dr. Hardip Singh 01675-265027(O) -
Bardwal Dhuri, Sangrur 01675-265248(F)
Govt. College Gurne Khurd - 01679-2221192 fJ; ;kb fJ; ;oekoh ekbi ftu dkyb/
67. Bjha j'J/.
68. Govt. College of Education, 01675-253016
Malerkotla , Sangrur
69. Govt. College, Malerkotla, Sh . A.S. Naizi 01675-253016(O) 8-9-1951
Sangrur 99154-06099
72. Guru Harkrishan Girls Dr. Saroj Rani 01675-645822 (O) 26-81963
College, Phalewal, Ludhiana, Sharma 98140-82022
Sangrur-Road., Sangrur Regular
[email protected]
73. Guru Teg Bahadur College Dr.Shashi Kiran 01676-248540 3.7.1951
of Education, Village Lehal Singhal
Khurd, Lehragagga, Sangrur
74. Guru Teg Bahadur College
for Women , Village Lehal mskg_college@ya
Khurd, Lehragagga, Sangrur hoo.com
75. Guru Nanak College of
for girls,Lehal Khurad,
76. Guru Tegh Bahadur College, Prof. Jagdev Singh 01672- 272088(O) -
Bhawanigarh, Sangrur Sohi (Officiating)
District Barnala
District Bathinda
108.Aklia College of Education, 0164- -
Village Akliakalan, P.O. 2211170(R)
Goniana Mandi, Distt 94637-18422
109.Aklia Degree College, Jaitu Dr. Ranjit Kaur aklia_institute@ 1H9H1949
Road, Goniana Mandi, Regular yahoo.co.in,
110.Baba Farid College of Dr. Parbhjot Kaur 0164-3091349 11-2-1973
Education, V&P.O. Deon, Regular 0164-2240616
Muktsar Road, Bathinda
111.Baba Farid College, Deon, Dr. Walait Singh Brar
0164-3291349 -
Bathinda 0164-2786000
112.Baba Farid Management &
Technology, Deon, Bathinda [email protected]
119.D.A.V. College, Bathinda Dr. Jernail Singh 0164- 15.1.1955
[email protected] Anand 2214555(O)
120.G.G.S. College of Education, Dr. A.K. Kansal 01655-324777 -
Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda 9872902222
121.Govt. Rajindra College, Dr. Sukhchain Rai 0164- 29-7-1953
Bathinda Garg 2211983(O)
[email protected] 0164-
[email protected]
122.Guru Kashi College of Sikh - 01655-220341 -
Studies, Damdama Sahib,
Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda
123.Guru Kashi College, Dr. Mohinder Singh 01655-220253
Damdama Sahib Sidhu (O)
Quest colg : 01655-220253
[email protected] (F)
[email protected] 98153-49967
124.Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa Smt. Devinder Kaur 0164- 11.10.1950
Girls College, Bathinda Maan 2255229(O)
125.Gurukul College, Dera Tupp, 0164-2271545
Bathinda 5091104-
126.Maharaja Aggarsain College Smt.Dr.Shehnaz 9780020700 5.5.1976
of Education, Jai Singh Sidhu 9417236303
Wala, Bathinda Regular
127.Mata Maisar Khana College Dr.Geeta Verma 01655-5090035 10.2.1964
of Education for girls, Regular 98159-71421
Maisar Khana, Bathinda
128.Mata Sahib Kaur Girls Smt.Inderjit Kaur 01655-320523 1.10.1960
College, Damdama Sahib, 221748(F)
Bathinda 98155-29022
[email protected]
129.Mata Sita Ji Degree College 0164-2216121
(for girls), Bathinda
130.Mata Sundri girls college, 9878150797
Dhade, Bathinda 01651-321900
131.Malwa College of Education, Dr. Rajinder Kumar 94170-65166
Deon, Bathinda 99156-85111
132.Malwa College of Physical Sh. Gurdev Singh 0164-2212943
Education, Goniana Road, (Contract) 3090203,
Bathinda 3090204
133.Malwa College, Bathinda 0164- -
malwabti@rediffmai 2270611(O)
l.com 0164-2270615
134.Mastermind College of Mrs. Vinod Devgan 98887-85255 26^8^1953
Education, Bathinda Regular
135.Sant Kabir College of 0164-2742676
Management Arts & 0164-6450620
Computer Science for Girls,
Bhucho Kurad, Bathinda
136.SSD Girls College of Smt. Anu Gupta 0164-5090035 -
Education, Bhokra,Bathinda officiate
137.SSD Girls College, Bathinda Dr. Parminder Kaur 0164-2255104 4.2.1962
Regular (O)
[email protected] 0164-2211777
138.SSD Women's Institute of 0164-
Technology, Bathinda 2253254(O)
139.Swami Dayanand College of Dr. Barjesh Kumar 0164-3091192 25-10-1974
Education, Lehra Bega, Sharma 94173-91321,
Bathinda 98159-50094
140.Tapacharya Hem Kunwar Dr. Harjinder Singh 01655-2426764 22-11-1948
Rasik Lal Dhariwal Jain Contract 94639-35566
Girls College, Raman,
College for Girls, Bhikhi, 01652-275942
Distt. Faridkot
162.Akal Sahaye College of Dr. Meena Sharma
Education Kotkapura, 98888562424
163.Baba Farid Law College, Dr. B.S. Nirwan
Faridkot 94173-87816
164.Bhai Bhagtu girls college,
Ramgarh, Bhagtuana,
165.Govt. Barjindra College, Dr. Kulwant Kaur 01639-250753 (O) 3-12-1952
Faridkot 94177-67243
Distt. Ropar
174.Baba Zoravar Singh Fateh Dr. Baljit Kaur 0160-2630095(O)
Singh Khalsa Girls College, Regular 2217143 (R)
Morinda, Ropar 94174-56799
175.Government College, Smt. Paramjit 01602-222263(O) -
Roopnagar Kaur Pasricha 98726-69856
176.Government Shivalik Sh. Chander 01881-220643 (O) -
College, Naya Nangal Bhusan 01881-220643 (F)
177.Maharaj Braham Sagar - 01887-245400(O) -
Brahmanand Bhuriwale 98554-63512
College, Tibba Nangal, Distt.
District Patiala
1. Aryans College of Education B.Ed (100 Seats)
Village Nepra, Chandigarh-
Patiala Highway,
Near Banur, Teh. Rajpura,
Distt Patiala
2. Asian Educational Institute, (B.Com-I (2 units), B.Com (Professional)-I (2 units),
Sirhind Road, Patiala M.Com-I, BCA-I (3 units), PGDCA (2 units), M.Sc (IT) –I
(2 units), M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry), B.Sc (Computer
Science)-I, Diploma in Computer Hardware &
Maintenance, PG Diploma in Internet & Web Designing,
BBA-I, B.Sc (Economics)-I, B.Sc (Math/Stat/Computers)-
I, M.Sc (Maths)–I, B.Sc (Biotechnology)-I, B.Sc
(Industrial Microbiology)-I,M.Sc (Biotechnology)) I (2
units), M.Sc (Microbiology)-I, M.Sc (Microbial
Biotechnology)-I, M.Sc (Microbial and Food Technology)-
I, M.Sc (Medical Biotechnology)-I
3. Chitkara College of B.Ed (100 Seats)
Education for Women,
Village Fatehpur Garhi, Teh.
Rajpura, Distt Patiala.
4. College of Management and MBA Course (90 Seats)
Technology, Shanti Nagar, BCA (2 unit 80 seats)
Back side Urban Estate BBA (2 unit 100 seats)
Phase -II, Patiala PGDCA (60 seats)
5. General Shivdev Singh BA (Eng., Pbi (Compuslsory), Defence & Strategic
Diwan Gurbachan Singh Studies, Psychology, Gurmat Sangeet)
Khalsa College, Patiala BBA (50 seats)
B.Com (Professional) (60 seats)
B.Com (Honours)
Bachelor of Accounting & Finance (3 Year Course)
PGDCA (3 Unit 90 seats)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
B.Sc (Biotech.) (1 Unit 40 seats)
M.Sc (Math) (1 Unit 30 seats), (Evening 30 seats)
B.Sc (Computer Application)
PG Diploma in Internet & Web Desigining (30 seats)
P.G Diploma Course in Business Journalism (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral entry) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Fashion Technology) (30 seats)
Diploma in B.P.O (1 year 30 seats)
Diploma Course in Computer Hardware & Networking (1
year 30 seats)
Intensive Diploma in French (1 year 30 seats)
6. Government Bikram College B.Com (240 seats)
of Commerce, Patiala M.Com (20 seats)
PGDCA (2 Unit 60 seats)
BCA (40 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
7. Government College
for BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi (L), Hindi (L), Sanskrit
Girls, Patiala (L), English (L), History, Math, Psychology, Music Vocal,
Philosophy, Pol Science, Geography, Stat, Home Science,
Dance, Functional English, Economics., Fine Arts,
Music (Instrumental), Physical Education, Folk Arts,
Sociology, Computer Application,
M.A (Fine Arts, Music Vocal, & Dance)
B.Sc (Biotech.) (1 Unit 40 seats)
B.Sc (Non-Medical)
B.Sc (Home Science)
B.Sc (Physics/Math & Computer Application)
M.Sc (Food & Nutriutions)
PG Diploma in Dietetics (1 Unit 30 seats)
8. Government Mohindra BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Hindi (L), Pbi (L), Eng (L),
College, Patiala Sanskrit (L), Math, Psy, Public Admn, Philosophy, Phy
Edu., Pol Science, Music I, Music V, Eco. Fine Arts,
Sociology, Defence Studies, Computer Application,
MA (Eng, Pbi, Hindi, Eco, History, Pol Science)
B.Sc (Biotechnology) (2 Unit 80 seats)
PGDCA (2 Unit 60 seats)
M.Sc (Geography) (1 Unit 30 seats)
BA Honours in English, Eco., Pol Sceince, History
B.Sc Honours in School of Economics
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
BBA (1 Unit 50 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
9. Govt. Kirti College, Nial BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi (L), Eng (L), Hindi, Eco,
Patran History, Geograpohy, Pol Science, Math, Environment.
Phy Edu, Computer Application)
BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral entry) (30 seats)
10. Govt. Ripudaman College, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), History, Math, Philosophy,
Nabha Econonmics, Home Science, Phy Education, Music
Instrument, Pub. Admn, Pol. Science, Pbi (L), Eng (L),
Hindi (L) Sanskrit (L)
MA (Engish, Economics, Political Science)
B.Com (60 seats)
B.Sc (Medical & Non-Medical)
PGDCA (60 seats)
BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
11. Gurmat College, Patiala MA (Religious Studies)
12. Guru Hargobind Sahib BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eng., Pbi, Hindi (Elective),
Khalsa Girls College, History, Politicial Science, Sociology, Religion, Economics,
Karhali Sahib, Patiala Physical Education ,Fine arts, Music Vocal, Functional English,
Computer Science, Math, Home Science, Geography)
B.Com (60 seats)
BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
13. Jasdev Singh Sandhu B.Ed Course (200 seats)
College of Education,
Rajpura Road, Kauli, Patiala
14. Kay Jay College of Education, B.Ed Course (100 seats)
Village Rasulpur, P.O. Chapper
Seal Road, Patiala.
15. Lal Bahadur Memorial BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eco., Pol Science, Public
Mahila College, Nabha Admn, History, Home Science, Music Instrument, Pbi (L),
Eng (L), Hindi (L),
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
16. Mata Sahib Kaur Khalsa B.Ed Course (100 seats)
College of Education,
Dhamo Majra, Patiala
17. Multani Mal Modi College, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi (L),
Patiala Eco, Defence Studies, History, Math, Phy Education,
Psychology, Pub Admn, Geography, Music V, Music I,
Computer Application, Pol Science, Fashion Designing,
Tour & Travel Management)
B.Com (180 seats)
B.Com (Professional) (60 seats)
BBA (1 unit 50 seats)
PGDCA (4 Unit 120 seats)
B.Sc (Biotech.) (1 Unit 40 seats)
B.Sc (Bio. Informatics) (1 Unit 40 seats)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
B.Sc (Medidcal & Non-Medical)
B.Sc (Computer Science)
P.G Diploma in Dress Designing & Tailoring (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (I.T) (1 Unit)
M.Sc (I.T) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Chemistry) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Fashion Technology) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Biotech) (30 seats)
18. N.I.S., Patiala Master Course in Sports Coaching
19. Nancy College of Education, B.Ed Course (100 seats)
Samana, Patiala
20. National College of Physical B.P Ed (1 year) Course (50 seats)
Education, Village Chupki, B.P.E (3 years) Course (50 seats)
Patiala C.PEd (2 years) Course (50 seats)
M.PEd (40 seats)
21. Patel Memorial National BA (Eng, Pbi (Compulsory), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi (L),
College, Rajpura, Patiala Eco., Computer Application, Sociology, Sanskrit, Math,
Music Vocal, Music Instrument)
B.Com (3 Unit 180 seats)
B.Sc (Medical & Non-Medical) in Computer
PGDCA (2 Unit 60 seats)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
BBA (1 Unit 50 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
MCA (45 seats)
Bachelor in Journalism & Mass Communication
P.G. Diploma in Insurance Business (30 seats)
22. Prof. Gursewak Singh B.PEd (1 year) Course (60 seats)
Government College of M.PEd (2 years) Course (30 seats)
Physical Education, Patiala B.P.E (3 years) Course (60 seats)
C.PEd (2 years) Course (50 seats)
24. Patiala College for Women, BA(Eng., Pbi (Compulsory & Elective), Hindi (Elective),
Village Hardaspur, Opp. History, Political Science, Math, Psycology, Economics)
PDA-Omex City, Sirhind B.Com (60 seats)
Road, Patiala BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
25. Public College, Samana, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eco, Math, Computer
Patiala Application, Pol Science, Home Science, History,
Psychology, Pub Admn, Religion, Geography, Phy
Education, Music Vocal)
Tax Processor & Practice (Vocational subject)
Principal & Practice of Insurance (Vocational Subject)
MA (Pbi)
B.Com (60 seats)
BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
PGDCA (2 Unit 60 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
26. Public College of Education, B.Ed Course (100 seats)
Samana, Patiala
27. Punjab College of Education, B.Ed Course (200 seats)
Raipur, Bahadurgarh, Distt.
28. Punjab Institute of Oriental Gyani, Vidvani, Budhimani, Bhushan, Shashtri,
& Indian Languages, Parbhakr,Vishard, Prajna.
38. Cordia College, Sangol, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Pol
Fatehgarh Sahib Science, History, Eco, Math, Sociology, Phy Edu,
Computer Application)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
M.Sc.(IT) (30 seats)
BBA (1 Unit 50 seats)
39. Cordia Institute of Business MBA (1 units 60 seats)
Management, Sanghol,
Fatehgarh Sahib.
40. Desh Bhagat College of B.Ed (200 seats)
Education, Mandi M.Ed. (25 seats)
Gobindgarh, Fatehgarh Sahib
41. Desh Bhagat Institute of BBA (50 seats)
Management & Computer BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
Sciences, Mandi PGDCA
Gobindgarh, Fatehgarh Sahib MCA (2 Unit 120 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
MBA (2 Unit 120 seats)
42. Dolhpin (PG) College of Life BCA (40 seats)
Sciences, Chuni, Fatehgarh B.Sc.(Biotech.) (1 Unit 40 seats )
Sahib B.Sc.(Industrial Microbiology) (1 Unit 40 seats)
B.Sc. (Bio- Informatics) (1 Unit 40 seats)
M.Sc (Biotechnology) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc.(Microbiology) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Bioinformatics) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Microbial & Food Technology) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Microbial Biotechnology) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Medical Biotechnology) (30 seats)
43. Guru Hargobind Sahib B.A (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi (L). Economics,
Khalsa College for Women, Sociology, Poltical Science, History, Physical Education)
Hansali Khera Fatehgarh
44. Jawahar Lal Nehru BA B.A (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi
Government College for (L), Eco, Pol Science, History, Phy Edu Sociology, Musi I,
Women, Tooran, Mandi Music V)
Gobindgarh, Fatehgarh Sahib
45. Lincoln College of Education, B.Ed (100 seats)
Sirhind, Distt. Fatehgarh Sahib
46. Lincoln College of Law, L.L.B (3 years) (80 seats)
Sirhind, Fatehgarh Sahib L.L.B (5 years) (80 seats)
47. Maghi Memorial College for BA ( Eng, Pbi (Com), Pol Science, Eco, Home Science,
Women, Amloh, Fatehgarh History (L), Pbi (L))
Sahib BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
48. Mata Gujri College, BA (Eng, Pbi (Compulsory), Eco., Fine Arts, Phy
Fatehgarh Sahib Education, Religion, Pol Science, History, Math,
Functional English, Sociology, Geography, Music Vocal,
Computer Seience. Pbi (L), Hindi (L), Eng (L)
B.Com (Professional0
B.Sc (Medical & Non-Medical)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
B.Sc (Biotech.) (1 Unit 40 seats)
PGDCA (3 Unit 90 seats)
MCA (1 Unit 60 seats)
MBA (1 Unit 60 seats)
MA (Economics, English, Punjabi, History)
PG. Diploma In Insurance & Business (1 Unit 30 seats)
PG. Diploma In Agricultural Marketing (30 seats)
Master Degree in Journalism
M.Sc (Chemistry) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Biotech) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Bioinformatics) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Mathematics) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Math) (30 seats)
B.Lib (30 seats)
M.Sc (Microbiology) (30 seats)
B.Sc (Computer Maintence) (40 seats)
PG Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking (30
Bachelor in Accouting & Finacne
Bachelor in Travel & Tourism
Distt. Sangrur
69. Govt. College, Malerkotla, BA (Eng, Pbi, Environment (Compulsory), English (L) Pbi
Sangrur (L), Hindi (L) Sanskrit (L), Urdu (L) Pol. Science, Eco.,
Math, History, Geography, Music Vocal, Psychology,
Office Management & Secretarial Practice, Phy Edu,
Advertising (Vocational Course),
BA (Honours in Englishi, Pbi, Hindi, Pol Science, Eco,
Math, Urdu)
MA (Pbi, Poltical Science, Economics, Urdu)
B.Com (60 seats)
BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
B.Sc (Medical & Non-Medical)
70. Govt. College, Munak, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi (L), Eng (L), History, Pol
Sangrur Science, Eco., Phy Education)
71. Govt. Ranbir College, BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Eco, History, Math, Philosophy, Pol
Sangrur Science, Sociology, Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi, Sanskrit, Home
Science, Phy Education, Music I, Computer Application)
BA (Honours in Eng, Pbi, Eco, Pol Science, Hindi, History)
MA (Pol Science, History, Pbi)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
B.Sc (Madical & Non-Medical)
72. Guru Harkrishan Girls College, BA (Eng, Pbi (Com), Eco, Sociology, Pol Science, Phy
Phalewal, Ludhiana, Sangrur- Education, Environment, History, Math, Pbi (L), Eng (L), Hindi
Road., Sangrur (L), Computer Application)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
MBA (60 seats)
73. Guru Teg Bahadur College of B.Ed (200 seats)
Education, Village Lehal
Khurd, Lehragagga, Sangrur
74. Guru Teg Bahadur College for BA (Eng, Pbi (Com), History, Eco, Math, Hindi (L), Pbi (L),
Women , Village Lehal Khurd, Eng (L), Phy Education, Sociology, Pol Science)
Lehragagga, Sangrur BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
101. L.B.S. Arya Mahila College, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pol Science, Eco, Sanskrity,
Barnala Hindi, Fine Arts, History, Music V, Computer Applicatio,
Philosophy, Home Management, Office Management &
Secretarial Practice, Math, Phy Edu, Pub Adm, Psy, Home
P.G Diploma in Dress Designing & Tailoring (1 Unit 30
PGDCA (2 Unit 60 seats)
BBA (1 Unit 50 seats)
P.G Diploma in Cosmetology (1 Unit 30 seats)
BCA (40 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (Fashion Technology) (1 Unit 30 seats)
102. Mata Sahib Kaur Girls BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi (L), Eco, History, Pol
College, Village Gaihal, Science, Phy Edu, Religion, Math, Sociology)
Barnala B.Com (1 Unit 60 seats)
BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
103. Miri Piri Khalsa College, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eco, History, Pol Science,
Bhadour, Barnala Math, Phy Edu, Religion, Computer)
BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
104. S.D. College, Barnala BA (Eng, Pb (Com), Eco, History, Math, Pol Science,
Tabla, Pbi (L), Hindi (L), Eng (L) Music (I), Pub Admn,
Phy Education, Journalism & Mass Communication
Computer Application, Psycholoogy)
B.Com (60 seats)
B.Sc (Biotech) (1 Unit 40 seats)
B.Sc (Medical & Non-Medical)
BCA (3 Unit 120 seats)
BBA (2 Unit 100 seats)
B.Lib (20 seats)
PGDCA (4 Unit 120 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (60 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
105. S.D.College of Education, B.Ed (100 seats)
Barnala M.Ed (35 seats)
106. Sant Ram .S.D. College, BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi (L), Eco,Math,
Barnala Histoty, Pol Science, Phy Education, Public Admn)
PGDCA (30 seats)
107. Sacred Heart International B.Ed (200 seats)
College of Education,
District Bathinda
108. Aklia College of Education, B.Ed (200 seats)
Village Akliakalan, P.O.
Goniana Mandi, Distt
109. Aklia Degree College, Jaitu BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Pol Science, Pbi (L), Eng (L), Math,
Road, Goniana Mandi, Eco, Computer, Phy Education. Sociology, Hindi,
Bathinda Religion)
BCA (40 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
110. Baba Farid College of B.Ed (100 seats)
Education, V&P.O. Deon,
Muktsar Road, Bathinda
111. Baba Farid College, Deon, BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Math, Eco, History, Pol
Bathinda Science, Computer Application, Geography, Public Admn, Phy
B.Sc (Agriculture) (2 Unit 80 seats)
B.Sc (Biotech.) (2 Unit 80 seats)
BCA (8 Unit 320 seats)
BBA (3 Unit 150 seats)
PGDCA (3 Unit 90 seats)
MA (Economics)
M.Sc (Math) (2 Unit 60 seats)
M.Sc (Chemistry) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Physics) (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
PG Diploma in Journalisn & Mass Communication (30 seats)
B.Sc (Airlines, Tourism & Hospitality Management) (30 seats)
Post Graduate Diploma in Insurance & Banking (30 seats)
M.Sc (Airlines, Tourism & Hospitality Management) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Service Industury Management) (30seats)
112. Baba Farid College of MBA (60 seats)
Management & Technology,
Mukatsar Road, Deon, Bathinda
123. Guru Kashi College, BA (Eng, Pbi (Compulsory), Eco, Hindi, Psy, Pol Science,
Damdama Sahib Geo, Phy Edu, Principla & Practice Management)
P.G. Diploma in Computer Management & Net Working
P.G. Diploma Agriculture Management & Marketing
124. Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa BA (Eng, Pbi (Compulsory), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi,
Girls College, Bathinda History, Math, Pol Science, Religion, Math, Fine Arts,
Fashion Designing, Home Sciecne, Phy Edu, Computer
Application, Eco)
BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
P.G. Diploma in Dress Desigining & Tailoring (1 Unit 30
PGDCA (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
M.Sc (Fashion Technology) (30 seats)
125. Gurukul College, Dera Tupp, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pol Science, History, Phy
Bathinda Education, Sociology, Pub Admn, Pbi (L), Eng (L),
Computer Application, Economics)
BBA (50 seats)
BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
BCA Evening sift (40 seats)
PGDCA Evening sift (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
126. Maharaja Aggarsain College B.Ed (100 seats)
of Education, Jai Singh
Wala, Bathinda
127. Mata Maisar Khana College B.Ed (100 seats)
of Education for girls,
Maisar Khana, Bathinda
128. Mata Sahib Kaur Girls BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Pol Science, Eco,
College, Damdama Sahib, Home Science, Math, Religion, History, Sociology, Phy
Bathinda Education)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
MA (Pbi, History)
PGDCA (2 Unit 60 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
PG Diploma in Dress Designing & Tailoring
129. Mata Sita Ji Degree College BA (Pbi., Eng (Compulsory), Environment, Hindi, Math,
(For Girls), Bathinda Eco., History), B.Com (60 seats), BCA (40 seats), BBA (50
seats), PGDCA (30 seats)
130. Mata Sundri Girls College, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi, Eng., Hindi (Elective),
Dhade, Bathinda Math, Economics, Political Science, Computer
Application, Physical Education (80 seats), Gernalism,
Psycology, Sociology, Public Adm)
BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
B.Sc Honours School (40 seats)
131. Malwa College of Education, B.Ed (100 seats)
Deon, Bathinda
132. Malwa College of Physical B.P.E (3 years 50 seats)
Education, Goniana Road, B.PEd (1 year 50 seats)
Bathinda C.PEd (2 years)
133. Malwa College, Bathinda BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eco, Sociology, History, Pol
Science, Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi (L), Pub Admn, Phy Edu,
Computer, Math)
MA (Pbi)
BBA (2 Unit 100 seats)
BCA (3 Unit 120 seats)
MCA (1 Unit 60 seats)
PGDCA (4 Unit 120 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (2 Unit 60 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (lateral Entry) (2 Unit 60 seats)
P.G. Diploma In Journalism (30 seats)
MBA (60 seats)
135. Sant Kabir College of BA (Eng, Pbi (Compulsory), Eng (L), Pbi (L), History,
Management Arts & Math, Religion, Sociology, Phy Edu, Computer
Computer Science for Girls, Application)
Bhucho Kurad, Bathinda BCA (40 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
136. SSD Girls College of B.Ed (100 seats)
Education, Bhokra,Bathinda
137. SSD Girls College, Bathinda BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi (L), Hindi (L0, Eng (L),
Sanskrit (L), History, Pol Science, Eco, Math, Music V,
Phy Edu, Home Science, Home Management, Office
Management, Computer Application)
MA (Pbi, Hindi)
B.Com (120 seats)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.SC (IT) (Lateral Entry) (60 seats)
138. SSD Women's Institute of BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
Technology, Bathinda BBA (1 Unit 50 seats)
MCA (60 seats)
PGDCA (3 Unit 90 seats)
MBA (60 seats)
159. S.S. College for Girls, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Hindi., Pbi. Sociology, Eco,
Bhikhi, Mansa psychology, Pub Admn, Philosophy, Phy Education, Math,
Fine Arts, Computer Application, Religion, Sanskrit, Pol
Science, GEography, History)
B.Com (60 seats)
B.Sc (Home Science)
B.Sc (Meidcal & Non-Medical)
BCA (40 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
P.G. Diploma in Dress Designing (30 seats)
P.G. Diploma in Costemetalogy (30 seats)
160. Sh. Balraj Singh Bhundarh BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Physical Education, Sociology,
Memorial Govt. college, Pol Science, Eco., Math, History)
Sardoolgarh., Mansa B.Com (60 seats)
BCA (40 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
161. Vidya Sagar College, BCA (40 seats)
Sardoolgarh , Mansa BBA (50 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
Distt. Faridkot
162. Akal Sahaye College of B.Ed (100 seats)
Education Kotkapura,
163. Baba Farid Law College, L.L.B (3 yeas 160 seats)
Faridkot L.L.B (5 years 160 seats)
164. Bhai Bhagtu girls college, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Eng (L), Pbi (L), Hindi (L), Pub
Ramgarh, Bhagtuana, Admn, History, Pol Science, Eco., Math, Religion)
Faridkot MA (Pbi, History)
BBA (1 Unit 50 seats)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
165. Govt. Barjindra College, BA
Faridkot MA( Pbi, Eco)
B.Sc (Medical & Non-Medical)
B.Sc (Agriculture)
166. Gurukul College For BA (Eng., pbi (Compulsory), History, Political Science,
Women, Kothe, Kotkapura Sociology, Fashion Designing, Economics, Physical
Education (80 seats), Computer Application, Math, Pbi.,
Eng (Elective),
BBA (50 seats)
BCA (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (Lateral Entry) (30 seats)
PG Diploma In Dress Designing & Tailoring (30 seats)
167. Hans Raj Memorial College B.Ed (100 seats)
of Education, Baja Khana,
Kotkapura, Faridkot.
168. Pandit Chetan Dev Govt. B.Ed (140 seats)
College of Education, M.Ed
169. SBRS College for Women, BA (Eng., Pbi (Compulsory), Pbi (L), Eng (L), Hindi (L),
Sadik, Faridkot Pol Science, Phy Education, Music V, Music I, Computer
Application, Math, Economics, Sanskrit, Fashion
Designing, Home Science)
MA (Pbi)
BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
170. Shahid Bhagat Singh BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Eng (L) Pbi (L), Hindi (L), Public
Government College, Admn, Home Science, Music V, Music I, Geography,
Kotkapura History, Eco, Phy Education, Math, Computer Application,
171. Umang Red Cross Institute B.Ed Special Education (Mental Retiredation) (20 seats)
of Special Education,
Distt. Ropar
172. Amar Shahid Baba Ajit BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Pol Science, Math, Hisotory, Eco,
Singh Jujhar Singh Memorial Rural Development, Pbi (L)
College, Bela , Ropar B.Sc in Computer subject
B.Sc (Non-Medidcal) in Computer Maintance
BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
BBA (50 seats)
B.Sc (Biotech.) (40 seats)
PGDCA (30 seats)
PG Diploma in Mass Communication & Journalism (30
M.Sc (IT) (30 seats)
173. Ambika College of B.Ed (100 seats)
Education, Opp. Village
Badali, Badala road, Kharar,
174. Baba Zoravar Singh Fateh BA (Eng., Pbi (Com), Hisoty, Pol Science, Sociology,
Singh Khalsa Girls College, Computer, Math, Eco, Music V, Pbi (L), Hindi (L),
Morinda, Ropar Eng (L)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
M.Sc (IT)
175. Government College, BA (Eng, Pbi (Com), Hindi, Sanskrit, Pol Science, Math,
Rupnagar/Ropar Geography, History, Eco, Music I, Music V, Physical
Education, Home Science, Philosophy, Pub Admn,
B.Com (120 seats)
BA Honours in (Hindi, Geography, Sanskrit)
MA (Eng. Pbi, Pol Science)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
B.Sc (Medical & Non-Medical)
176. Government Shivalik BA (Eng, Pbi (Com), Pol Science, Eco, Sociology, Pub Admn,
College, Naya Nangal Phy Edu, History, Math, Geography, Computer Application, Pbi
(L), Hindi (L), Environment)
MA (Pol Science, Eco)
PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
177. Maharaj Braham Sagar BA (Eng, Pbi (Compulsory), Public Admn., Phy Education,
Brahmanand Bhuriwale Computer Application, Hindi (L), Pbi (L), Economics, History,
College, Tibba Nangal, Distt. Political Science)
Ropar PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)
178. Mehar Chand College of B.Ed (200 seats)
Education, Bhanopli, Distt.
179. Ropar Institute of BCA (2 Unit 80 seats)
Management & Technology, BBA (1 Unit 50 seats)
Village Shekhpura, Ropar-
Bela Road, Ropar
180. Sant Baba Sewa Singh BA (Eng, Pbi (Com), Pbi (L), Hindi (L), History, Pol Science,
Memorial Khalsa College Eco, Math, Religion, Sociology)
(Girls), Guru Ka Khuh, BCA (1 Unit 40 seats)
Mune, Nurpur Bedi, Ropar PGDCA (1 Unit 30 seats)