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TOP 20 Archicad Tips and Tricks

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Top 20 ArchiCAD Tips & Shortcuts

There are many Keyboard shortcuts but we recommend you master these first. The entire list is available
under the ArchiCAD "Help" menu called "ArchiCAD Shortcuts."
Note: Control key = Command key on Macintosh; Alt key = Option key on Macintosh
Technique How To What It Does
Creating Lines and Walls from the Keyboard
1. To draw accurate single lines Press the Line or Wall Tool button. With Allows you to rapidly “dial-in” a
or walls Geometry Methods set for a single line or building.
wall, start drawing, then hold down the
Shift Key to constrain the line. Press the “r”
key, then release fingers from all keys and
type in the distance in the “r” field of the
Coordinate Palette; press Enter.
2. To draw linked walls or lines Press the Line or Wall Tool button. With Note: this and the above process
Geometry Methods set for linked lines or uses “polar” coordinates to
walls, start drawing, then hold down the establish lines; x or y
Shift Key to constrain the line. Press the “r” “Cartesian” coordinates can also
key, then release fingers from all keys and be used, but you need to think
type in the distance in the “r” field of the about typing in negative
Coordinate Palette; press Enter. Then repeat distances when you want to go in
the process for each new linked line. the negative x or y directions.
3. Quick selections With a creation tool active, hold down the To select 2D or 3D objects
shift key and click on the desired element. without going to the Arrow Tool
4. Multiple selections Hold down the Shift key and click on To select one thing after the
desired elements with the Arrow Tool. other
5. Multiple de-select With the Shift Key held down, click on the To de-select one item after
elements you want to de-select. another
6. Selecting a class of elements Choose the tool of the elements you wish to Picks all of a certain type of
select and press Control + A. elements
Creation Techniques
7. Transformations (auto-trace) Draw a 2D boundary with the Line, Arc, or Models complex flat or sloped
Curve Tool; choose the Wall, Slab, or Roof objects. You can auto-trace a
Tool, hold down the space bar and click wall system. The slab or roof
(Spacebar-click) on the 2D profile. This will “traces” the outside or inside line
allow the creation of a 3D complex object. of walls or the edge of slabs.
8. Automatically establish a roof Create a roof on one side of the building,
ridge create another on the opposite side. With the
Roof Tool active, shift + click on one roof
to select it; Control + click on the opposing
roof edge and ArchiCAD will reposition the
edge you just clicked on to where both
would meet at a common ridge. Then, drag
the other roof’s edge to meet that ridge.
9. Automatically extend/adjust Select the roof pitch you want to adjust to Great for creating dormers
one roof pitch to another and Control + click on the edge you want to
adjust. The edge you just clicked on will
extend to meet the other roof plane.
Editing Techniques
10. Editing the shape of a roof, Select the roof, slab, or pattern with the NOTE: it is very important to
slab, or fill pattern Arrow Tool (or shift + click), click on the master this procedure of
Digital Vision Automation, Inc. ArchiCAD Training ¥ 714/708-2391
tool that created the object to make it the editing polygon-shaped 3D
active tool, then click and hold on a node to objects as soon as possible!
edit a corner, or click and hold on an edge
to modify an edge.
11. Cut a rectangular or Select the slab or roof, choose the Slab or
polygonal holes in a slab or roof Roof Tool and draw inside the roof or slab
with the polygon or rectangle geometry
methods chosen,
12. Cut a circular or curvalinear Draw a poly-line or curved shape inside the
holes in a slab or roof bounds of the slab or roof. Select the slab or
roof, choose the Slab or Roof Tool and
Spacebar-click on the shape you want to
convert into a hole. The 2D shape will be
transformed into a hole.
13. Automatic trimming With the appropriate creation tool active, Removes “tail” of overlapping
Control + click on the unwanted overlap objects; works with walls, lines,
(cursor changes to scissors). arcs, circles, and spines
14. Automatic extending and With the tool active that you are adjusting, Automatic “T” connections
adjusting elements Shift + click (pick) on the element you want (works with multiple selections,
to extend and then Control + click on the too)
element you which to extend the element to.
Drawing Techniques
15. Measuring Option 1: to set the start point of a To quickly measure a distance;
measurement, press Alt + Shift, after sets a new user-definable
obtaining the Checkmark Cursor, then move (temporary) origin.
the cursor to the opposite end of what you
want to measure and read the “r” distance in
the Coordinate Palette. Option 2: click on
the “X” tool in the Coordinate Box, click on
a point where you want to measure from,
then move the cursor to the opposite end of
what you want to measure and read the “r”
distance in the Coordinate Palette
16. Repositioning project origin Double-click the “X” button on the Resets the origin to its “center-
Coordinate Palette. of-the-world” or default position
17. Quick-calculating square Double-click on the Fill Tool and make sure
footages the “Show Area Text” box is checked.
Trace the space with the Fill Tool and click
the location on your floor plan of the square
footage calculation.
18. Pick parameters off an Alt + click on the element and the settings Allows you to use existing
existing element for that tool will be the settings from the objects placed in your drawing
element clicked on (cursor changes to an as the basis for new ones.
eye dropper).
19. Transfer settings/parameters Alt + Control + click on an element to
from one object to another transfer its parameters to another existing
object (cursor changes to a syringe).
20. Suspend snap to grid With Snap to Grid on, hold down the Allows you to draw unrestricted
temporarily Escape Key while Escape Key is held down.

Digital Vision Automation, Inc. ArchiCAD Training ¥ 714/708-2391


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