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UGC Notification on Revision of Pay Scales, minimum Qualification for Appointments of Teachers in Universities, Colleges & Other measures for the Maintenance of Standards, 1998 Y UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI - 110 002 Website : www.ugc.ac.in He O wi + ieterngnivin — @ af agar = 5 att Dr. G.D. SHARMA - fet 11000: = ‘SECRETARY UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG- NEWDELHI-110002 NoF.3-1/94 (PS) To, 24 December, 1998 ‘The Vice-Chancellors of ail the Universities Education Secretaries of all the States/Union Territories. Sub: Minimum qualifications for the appointment of teachers im uaiversities and colleges, and measures for the maintenance of standards. ‘Sir/Madam, Kindly find enclosed a copy of the UGC Notification, 1998, on the revision of pay scales, minimum. qualifications for the appointment of teachers in the universities and colleges, and other measures for the maintenance of standards. These will be notified as Regulations shortly. 10 2.0 3.0 31 3.2, ‘These shall apply to every University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act, every institution including a constituent or an affiliated college recognized by the Commission, in consultation with the concerned University under Clause (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, and every institution Deemed to be a University under Section 3 of the said Act. Qualifications and other service conditions : ‘No person shall be appointed to a teaching post in the university or in any institution including constituent or affiliated college recognized under Clause (P) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or in an institution Deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act; in a subject if he/she does not fulfil the mi qualifications and other conditions of service as indicated in the notification. Provided that any relaxation in the prescribed qualifications can only be made by a University in regard to the posts under it, or any of the institutions iti constituent or affiliated colleges recognized under Clause (f) of Section 2 of the aforesaid Act, or by 4n institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act, with the prior- approval of the University Grants Commission. Contd... 40 3.0 60 70 Consequences of failure of the Universities to comply with the recommendations of the Commission, 2s per provision of Section 14 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956: i If any University grants affiliation in respect of any course of study to any college refgtred to in sub-section (5) of Section 12-A in contravention of the provisions of that sub-section, or fails within a reasonable time to comply with any recommendations made by the Comission under Section 12 or Section 13, or contravenes the r-cyisions of any cule made under clause (4) of sub-section (2) of Section 25 or of any regulations made under clause (e) or clause (f) or clause (g) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 26, the Commission after taking into consideration the cause, if any, shown by the University for such failure or contravention, may withhold from the university the grants proposed to be made out of the fund of the Commission. The University Grants Commission expects that the entire scheme of revision of pay scales, together with all the conditions attached to it, would be implemented by the State Governments as a composite scheme|without any modifications, except the date of impleme ation and the scales of pay as indicated in Government of India notification No F.1-20/97-U. dated 27.7.98, 22.9.98 and 6.11.98 It shall be necessary for the Universities and the management of Colleges to make the necessary changes in their statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, etc. to incorporate the provisions of this scheme. The UGC has sent the following schcmes to the Ministry of Human Resource Development for consideration 1) Scheme for providing incentives to lecturers for professional development, 2) Creation of posts of Professors in colleges 3) Scheme for rewarding meritorious teachers. a Super Timé Scale to Professors. b. Meritorious teachers who do not have M. Phil / Ph. D. ‘As -s00n as the required approval is received the schemes would be formally notified. The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged. ‘Yours faithfully, GSKB (GD. SHARMA ) UGC. NOTIFICATION ON REVISION OF PAY: SCALES, MINIMUM. QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS IN UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES AND OTHER MEASURES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS, 1998. ‘The scheme of revision of pay scales, minimum qualifications for appointment, other service conditions. of University and College Teachers, Librarians, Directors of Physical Education and Registrars of Universities as a measure for the maintenance of standards in higher education. 1.0.0 110 2.0.0 21.0 22.0 3.0.0 3.1.0 COVERAGE The scheme applies to University and College Teachers, Librarians, Directors of Physical Education and Registrars of Universities (excluding Agricultural Universities), and Colleges (exchiding Agricultural, Medical, and Veterinary Science Colleges) admitted to the privileges of the Universities unless they specifically exercise an option in writing to remain out of this scheme. However, the scheme will apply to the Teachers in the Faculty of Agriculture, Medicine and Veterinary Science in the Central Universities. RAY SCALES ‘The revised scales of pay, as decided by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (Deptt. of Education) may be seen at Appendix-I. Pay scales for academic staff of the Departments of Adult and Continuing Education, Women’s Studies, Academic Staff Colleges and University Science Instrumentation ‘Centre should be equivalent to those of the Teachers of the corresponding levels and they should have same designation and channel of promotion provided that they have equivalent qualifications RECRUITMENT. AND QUALIFICATIONS, ‘The disect recruitment to the post of Lecturers, Readers and Professors in the Universities and Colleges shall be on the basis of merit through all India advertisement and selections by the duly constituted Selection Committees to be set up under the Statutes/Ordinances of the concerned university, Such Committees should have a minimum of three experts, the head of the concemed Department and the Principal of the concerted College (in case of selection of college teachers). 2.0 The minimum qualifications required for the post of Lecturers, Readers, Professors, Principals, Assistant Directors of Physical Education, Deputy Directors of Physical Education, Directors of Physical Education, Assistant Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Librarians, Assistant Registrars, Deputy Registrars and Registrars, will be those as prescribed by the University Grants Commission from time to time. 3.0 The minimum requirements of a good academic record, 55% of the marks at the master’s level and qualifying in the National Eligibility Test, or an accredited test, shail reavia for the appointment of Lecturers. I would be optional for the University to exempt PhD. holders from NET or to require NET, in their case, either as 1 desirable or essential qualification for appointment as Lecturers in the University Departments and Colleges. The mininum requirement of $5% should not be insisted upon for Professors, Readers, Registrars, Deputy Registrars, Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Directors of Physical Education, Deputy Directors of Physical Education for the existing incumbéents who are already in the University system. However, these marks should be insisted upon for those entering the system from outside and those at the entry point of Lecturers, Assistant Registrars, Assistant Librarians, Assistant Director of Physical Education 3.4.0 A relaxation of 5% may be provided, froin 55% to 50% of the marks, at the master’s level for the SC/ST category. 3.5.0 Arelaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their Master’s degree prior to 19" Sept., 1991 3.6.0 BB in the 7 point scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F shall be regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed. 3.7.0 The PhD. should continue to be a compulsory requirement for the-designation of Reader. However, for other categories, like those of Registrars, Librarians and Physical Education Directors, the Ph.D. should be a desirable and not an essential qualification. 4.00 DIRECT RECRUITMENT 4.1.0 PROFESSOR ‘An eminent scholar with published work of high quality, actively engaged in research, with 10 years of experience in postgraduate teaching, and/or experience in research at the University/National Level institutions, including ‘experience of guiding research at doctoral level, OR An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made significant contribution to knowledge, In exceptional cases, the teachers with 15 years of UG teaching/research experience could also be considered. 42.1 PRINCIPAL (Professor's Grade} 2. ‘A Master's Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A,B, C,D,E & F. Ph. D. or equivalent qualification. Total experience of 15 years of teaching/Research in Universities/Colleges and other institutions of higher education. 4.2.2 PRINCIPAL (Reader's Grade) A Master’s Degree with at Jeast 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A,B, C,D, E & F. Ph.D. or equivalent qualification. ‘Total experience of 10 years of teaching/Research in Universities/Colleges sind, ‘other institutions of higher education. 43.0 44.0 44d 442 READER Good academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. In addition to these, candidates who join from outside the university system, shall also possess at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's degree level. Five years of experience of teaching and/or research excluding the period spent for obtaining the research degrees and has made some mark in the areas of scholarship es evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricnla. LECTURER Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Commerce, Education, Physical Education, Foreign Languages and Law. Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks or, an equivalent grade of B iin the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's degree level, in the relevant subject from an Indian University, or, an equivalent degree from a foreign University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the eligibility test (NET) for lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC. Journalism and Mass Communication ‘Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks, or, an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master’s degree level in communication/miss communication, journalism, from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from a foresgn University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the eligibility test (NET) for lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar test ‘scoredited by the UGC. 443 OR At least 55% of the marks, or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C.D, E & F at the Master's degree level in the Humanities, Social Sciences/Sciences/ with at least a second class Bachelor’s Degree, or Post-graduate Diploma in communication/mass communication or journalism, from n recognized Indian University/National Institute. Besides fulfilling the above qualification, candidates should have cleared the cligibility test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar tests accredited by the UGC. Music ‘Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks, or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's depsee level, in the relevant subject or an equivalent degree from an Indian/Foreign University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar test accredited by the UGC. SEVEN POINT SCALE GRADE GRADE POINT | PERCENTAGE EQUIVALENT *O"= Gutstanding 5:50-6:00 75-100 “A= Very Good 4505.49 65-74 "B= Good 3504 55-64 °C? = Average 2.50-3.49 45-54 “= Below Average 130-249 35-48 PS Boor 050-149 25-34 F = Fail L.. 0-0.49 0-04 | OR ‘A traditional or a professional artist with a highly commendable professional ‘achievement in the concemed subject. For professional subjects like education, social work and performing arts efc., a separate detailed regulation on qualifications would be issued. Till then, the Regulations, hitherto in force for direct recruitment to the post of Lecturer, Reader and Professor, will continue, The minimum qualifications for the post of Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Assistant Librarians may be seen at Appendix-II The minimum qualifications for the post of Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar may be seen at Appendix-I11 The minimum qualifications for the post of Director, Physical Education, Deputy Director, Physical Education and Assistant Director, Physical Education may be seen at Appendix-IV. 5.0.0 SELECTION COMMITTEES 6.0.0 6.1.0 6.20 University Grants Commission has separate guidelines on constitution of Selection Committees which may be referred to by Universities/Colleges (copy enclosed as Appendix-V).- A representative of the SC/ST, women and physically handicapped persons, should be in the Selection Committee whenever a candidate from any of these categories appears for the interview. It is optional for the University or College 10 utilise the Seminar or Colloquium as a method for the selection of Lecturer, Reader or Professor. INCENTIVES FOR Ph.D/M,Phil, Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and M.Phil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates. with D.Litw/D Se. should be given benefit on par with Ph.D. and M.Litt on par with M.Phil. ‘One inerement will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D. within ‘two years of recruitment, 63.0 640 7.0.0 Wa TAD 713 TA 71S 12.0 A Lecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments when she/he moves: into Selection Grade/Reader. ‘A teacher will be eligible for two advance increments as and when she/he scquires 4 PhD. degree in her/his service career. AREER ADVANCEMENT Minimum length of secvice for eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (Senior Scate) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with M.Phil, and six years for others at the level. of Lecturer, and for eligibility to move into the Grade of Lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader, the minimum length of service as Lecturer (Senior Scale) shall be uniformly five years. For movement into grades of Reader and above, the minimum eligibility criterion would be Ph.D. Those without Ph.D. can go up to the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade). ‘A Reader with a minimum of eight years of service in that grade will be eligible to be ‘considered for appointment as a Professor. ‘The Selection Committees for Career Advancement shall be the same as those for Direct Recruitment for each category, ‘The existing scheme of Career Advancement for non academic staff namely, Assistant Director of Physical Education, Assistant, Registrar, Assistant. Librarian would continue. LECTURER (SENIOR SCALE) A Lecturer will be eligible for placement in a senior scale through a procedure of selection, if she/he has : (Completed 6 years of service after regular appointment with relaxation of one year and two years, respectively, for those with M.Phil, and Ph.D. (i) Participated in one orientation course and one refresher course of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriats continuing educstion programmes of comparable quality’as may be specified or approved by the University Grants Commission. (Those’ with Ph.D. degree would be exempted from one refresher course). (ii) Consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports 73.0 14.0 TAL Tad LECTURER _(SELECTION-GRADE) Lecturers in the Senior Scale who do not have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work, and who do not meet the scholarship and research standards, but fulfil the other criteria given above for the post of Reader, and have a good record in teaching. and, preferably, have contributed in various ways such as to the corporate life of the institution, examination work, or through extension activities, will be placed in the Selection Grade, subject to the recommendations of the Selection Committee which is the same as for promotion to the post of Reader. They will be designated as Lecturers inthe Selection Grade. They could offer themselves for fresh assessment after obtaining Ph.D. and/or fulfilling other requirements for promotion as Reader and, if found suitable, could be given the designation of Reader, READER (PROMOTION) A Lecturer in the Senior Scale will be eligible for promotion to the post of Reader if shefhe has: @ Completed 5 years of service in the Senior Seale; (i) Obtained a PhD, degree or has equivalent published work, (iv) Made some mark in the areas of scholarship and research as evidenced e.g. by self-assessment, reports of referees, quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula and extension (¥) After placement in the Senior Scale participated in two refresher courses/summer institutes of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing ‘education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the University Grants Commission, and (vi) Possesses consistently good performance appraisal reports. Promotion to the Post of Reader will be through process of selection by a Selection Committee to be set up under the Statutes/Ordinances of the concemed University or ‘other simnilar Committees set up by the appointing authorities. 15.0 76.0 7110 ROKESSOR (Promotion) In addition to the sanctioned position of Professors, which must be filled in through direct recruitment through all India advertisements, promotions may be made fom the post of Reader to that of Professor after. 8 years of service as Reader. ‘The Selection Committee for promotion to the post of Professor should be the same as tat for direct recruitment. For the promotion from Reader to Professor, the following " method of promotion may be followed. The candidate should present herself/himself before the Selection Committee with ‘some of the following : a) Self-appraisal reports (required). b) Research contribution/books/articles published. ©) Any other academic contributions. The best three written contributions-of the teacher (as defined by her/him) may be sent in advance to the Experts to review before coming for the selection. The candidate should be asked to submit these in 3 sets with the application, 4) Seminars/Conferences attended 2) Contribution to teaching/academic environmenVinstitutional corporate life. p Extension and field outreach activities. ‘The requirement of participation in orientation/refresher courses/summer institutes, each of at least 3 to 4 weeks duration, and consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports, shall be the mandatory requirement for Career Advancement from Lecturer to Lecturer (Senior Scale) and from Lecturer (Senior Seale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade). Wherever the requirement. of orientation/refresher courses has remained incomplete, the promotions would not be held up but chese must be completed by the year 2000, The requirement for completing these courses would be as follows : i) For Lecturer to Lecturer (Senior Scale) , one orientation course would be compulsory for University and Coltege teachers. Those without Ph.D. -would be required to do one refresher course in addition. ii) Two refresher courses for Lecturer (Senior Scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade). 9 8.0.0 810 820 83.0 84.0 8.5.0 8.6.0 iil) The senior teachers like Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) and Professors may opt to attend two Seminars/Conferences in their subject area and present papers bs cone aspect of their promotion/selection to higher level or attend refresher courses tobe offered by ASCs for this level. If the number of years required in a feeder cadre are less than those stipulated in this notification, thus entailing hardship to those who have completed more than the total number of years in their entire service for eligibility in the cadre, may be placed in the next higher cadre after adjusting the total number of years. This situation is likely to arise as, in the earlier scheme, the number of years required in a feeder cadre were much more than those envisaged under this notification. COUNTING OF PAST SERVICE Previous service, without any break as a Lecturer or equivalent, in a university, college, national laboratory, or other scientific organisations, e.g CSIR, ICAR, DRDO, UGC, ICSSR, ICHR and as ¢ UGC Research Scientist, should be counted for placement of lecturer in Senior Scale/Selection Grade provided that : ‘The post was in an equivalent grade/scale of pay as the post of a Lecturer, ‘The qualifications for the post were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the UGC for the post of Lecturer; ‘The candidates who apply for direct recruitment should apply through proper channels; The concemed Lecturers possessed the minimum qualifications prescribed by the UGC for appointment as Lecturers; ‘The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection progedure as Inid down by the University/State Government/ Central Government/Institution’s regulations; ‘The appointment was not ad-hoc or in a leave vacancy of less than one year duration. Ad hoc service of more than one year duration can be counted provided ~ (a) the ad hoc service was of more than one year duration; (b) the incumbent was appointed on the recommendation of duly constiusted Selection Committed; and (©) the incumbent was selected to the permanent post in continuation to the ad hoc service, without any break. 10 9.0.0 MERIT PROMOTION Merit Promotion Scheme of 1983 which was terminated in 1987 for those who did not opt for it, stands abolished. However, Professors who were govemed by the old-merit promotion scheme of 1987 would be eligible for full scale of Professor w.ef. 01.01.1996 The University can discuss in its academie body and decide inter-se-seniority between the merit promotees and direct recruits, based on the date of selection, and as per the cexisting/amended Acts and Statutes of the University. 10.00 REWARDING MERIT 10.1.0 A supertime scale of Rs.22000-500-24500 will be given to such Professors of Eminence ‘who will be directly recruited and have completed 28 years of service in accordance with the scheme to be approved by the Government of India: 10.2.0’ Meritorious teachers, who may not have M.Phil. or Ph.D. but who have made outstanding contributions, would be rewarded and recognized as per the scheme to be approved by the Govertiment of India 11.0.0 PERIOD OF PROBATION AND CONFIRMATION 11.1.0 Keeping in view the practice in some of the Universities, the minimum period of probation may continue to be | year, extendable by a maximum period of 1 mofe year in case of unsatisfactory performance. However, the Universities which are already having probation period of 2 years may contiime to do so. 11.20 It is optional for the universities to introduce the provision that 2 teacher may offer hervellfhimself for assessment at any point of time for confirmation, within the period of ‘two years, but the University may consider a minimum period after which such cases would be considered. At senior positions, itis optional for the university to decide on confirmation at any time from the time of appointment to the end of the statutory period of probation, 11.3.0 The confirmation should not be linked to the completion of orientation course, but efforts should be made to send the teacher either before joining, or immediately thereafter, but, in any case, the orientation course should be completed within a period of the first two years 11.40 Since the time required for Career Advancement has now been reduced, an extensioti may be provided till 31.12.2000 to all candidates for completing refresher courses. uw 11.5.0 The University may devise a mechanism for.ensuring that the Head of the University Department/College Principal sponsors the teacher for the required orientation and refresher course, and such opportunity is not denied to the teachef, except on sufficient ‘grounds to be specified in writing to the university. The university should also bring to the attention of the UGC any complaints received from university or college teachers that they did mot get admission to the courses for which they applied with details (name of teacher, uame of institution where employed, course applied for, ASC or Department where applied, dates of course and reasons given for refusal). 12.0.0 PART-TIME TEACHERS The minimum qualifications for appointment ‘of part-time teachers should be the same as that of regular teachers and selected by regularly constituxed Selection Committees. The parttime teachers should be appointed only in exceptional circumstances when it is appropriate to the requirements of the institution in terms of subjects to be taught or workload. They can be appointed on a contract appointment if only for a short period or ‘as permanent haif-time/proportionate time employees against half/proportionate salary of the soale (and should include proportionate increments, deamess allowance and any other permissible benefits). Such permanent part-time teachers will also be entitled to the scheme of Career Advancement from Lecturer to Senior Scale Lecturer, Selection Grade Lecturer / Reader, and Professor. However, they will be entitled to half/proportionate ‘OOamount of the basic of the scale and proportionate increments, dearness allowance and any other permissible benefits. 13.0.0. CREATION OF POST 13.1.0 UGC ~ recognized autonomous colleges may create posts of Professor on the basis of felt needs. in general, 1 post of Professor mal be oreated if there are already at least 4 Readers and 12 Lecturers and it is felt that creation of a post of Professor is academically necessary. The procedure of selection of Professor will be through direct recruitment as in the university. Other colleges of similar standard will be identified by the UGC as per the scheme to be approved by the Government of India. 12 14.0.0, TEACHING DAYS ‘The Universities/Colleges must observe at least 180 actual teaching days, .ie., there should be a minimum of 30 weeks of actual teaching in a 6-day week. Of the remaining period, 12 weeks may be devoted to admission gnd examination activities, and non- instructional days (e.g. for sports, college day, etc.), 8 weeks for vacation and 2 weeks may be’ attributed to various public holidays. If the University adopts a 5 day week pattern, then the number of weeks should be increased correspondingly to ensure ‘equivalent of 30 weeks wth a 6 day week. The above is summarised as follows : - No, of weeks University Collcze Teaching 30 (180 days) 30 (180 days) Admissions/Examinations 12 10 preparation for Examinations. ‘Vacation 8 10 Public Holidays 2 2 (to inorease & adjust teaching days accordingly) Total 52 ‘st In lieu of curtailment of vacation by 2 weeks, the university teachers may be credited with 1/3" of the period of Eamed Leave. However, the colleges may have an ‘option of a total vacation of 10 wecks in a year and no Earned Leave except wher asked to work during the vacations for which, as in the case of University teachers, 1/3 of the petiod will be credited as Eamed Leave. 15.0.0 WORK LOAD ‘The workload of the teacher in full employment should not be tess than 40 hours a week for 30 working weeks (180 teaching days) in an academic year. It should be necessary for the teacher to be available for at least 5 hours daily in the University/College for which necessary space and. infrastructure should be provided by the University/College. ‘The direct teaching hours should be as follows : Lecturer/Se.Lecturer/Lecturer(Sel.Grade) 16 hours Readers & Professors 14 hours 13 However, a relaxation of two hours in the workload may be given to the Professors who afe actively involved in Research, Extension and Administration. 16.0.0 SUPERANNUATION AND RE-EMPLOYMENT OF TEACHERS 16.1.0 Teachers will retire at the age of 62, However, it is open toa University or a college to re-employ superannuated teacher according to the existing guidelines framed by the UGC up to the age of 65 years. 16.2.0 Age of retirement of Registrars, Librarians, Physical Education personnel, Controllers of Examinations, Finance Officers and such other university employees who are being treated at par with the teachers and whose age of superannuation was 60 years, would be 62 years. No re-employment facility is recommended for the Registrars, Librarians and Directors of Physicat Education 170.0 SUPERANNUATION BENEFITS 17.1.0 The benefit in service, up to a maximum of 3 years, should be provided for the teachers who have acquired Ph.D. degree at the time of entry, so that, almost all teachers get full retirement benefits which are available after 33 years of service, subject to the overall age of Superannuation, 17.2.0 Other conditions with respect to Superannuation Benefits may be given as per Cemtral/State Government Rules. 18.0.0 LEAVE RULES The leave rules, as laid down by the University Grants Commission, may be followed for the University and College teachers (See Appendix-V1). 19.0.0 SERVICE AGREEMENT At the-time of recruitment in Universities and Colleges, service agreement should be signed between the University/College and the Teacher which should be lodged with the Registrar/Principal with a copy to the concemed teacher. The self-appraisal of performance should be a part of the service agreement 4 20.0.00 CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Each University should evolve its own professional ethics after full discussion in the scademic bodies and associations and should incorporate it in its Act, Stetutes end Ordinances and it should be applicable to all teaching and non-teaching staff including ni 21.0.0 ACCOUNTABILITY ‘The self-appraisal of performance should be adopted as « mandatory part of the Carver Advancement scheme and should be implemented with the new pay scales within the time-frame of I year, if not already implemented. it would be optional for the institution to consider introducing student evaluation as a method of assessment of the teacher, particularly in small institutions, post-graduate departments, professional colleges and autonomous colleges. 22.0.0 ANOMALIES Anomalies, if any, may be brought to the notice of the UGC who’ would consider them with the help of a Committee constituted by University Grants Commission. 15 Appendte-1 Consolidated statement based on letters No.F.1-22/97- ULI. issued on 27" July, 1998, (Annexure I), 22™ September, 1998 (Annexure IT) and 6 November, 1998 (Annexure III) by Ministry of Human _ Resource Development. Subject: Revision of pay scales of teachers in universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission. 1G) Pay Scales di) A statement showing the existing and revised scales of pay is attached. ‘The revised scales of Demonstrators/Tutors is for the existing incumbents only. No fresh recruitment shall be made to the cadre of Demonstrators/Tutors.(Annexure I) Incentives for Ph.D./M. Phil r (a) Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and MPhil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. (>) One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D. within two years of recruitment, (©) ALLecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments when he moves into Selection grade as Reader @) teacher will be eligible for two advance increments as and when he acquires a Ph.D. degree in his service career. ancement, (@) Minimum length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (Senior Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with M.Phil, and six years for others as a Lecturer, and for eligibility to move into the Grade of Lecturer (Selection Grade/Reader, the minimum length of service as Lecturer (Senior Scale) shall be uniformly five years. (b) For movement into grades of Reader and above, the minimuri eligibility eriterion would be Ph.D. Those teachers without Ph.D. can go up to the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade). (©) A Reader with a minimum of eight years of service will be eligible for consideration for appointment as a Professor. 16 @) ”) @ For every upward movement, a selection process would be evolved, for which appropriate guidelines would be laid down by the UGC in consultation with the Government. Rewardin . D @ (b) ® © @® © © @) ‘A supertime scale of Rs.22000-500-24500 will be given to such Professors of Eminence who are directly recruited and have completed 28 years of service. The eligibility criteria and the selection process will be determined by the UGC. ‘University Grants Commission would prepare a specific scheme in consultation with Government to reward and recognise meritorious teachers who may not have MPhil of PhD. but who have made outstanding contributions in teaching and The revised scale of pay as contained in the Annexure will be effective from 1.1.1996,(Annexcure 1,101) ‘The fixation of pay of Lecturers (Selection GradeReaders in the pre-revised scale of Rs.3700-125-4950-150-5700/- who were selected strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations framed by the UGC and who were in position as Lecturers (Selection GradeVReaders as on 1.1.1996, will be made in a manner that they get their pay fixed at the minimum of Rs,14940/- in the revised scale of Rs.12000-420-18300 as and when they complete five years in the grade. (Annexure III) ‘The pay of Readers and Professors who were in the pre-revised scales of Rs.3000- 5000): and Rs.4500-5700/- will be fixed at the appropriate stage of the revised scales of Rs, 10000-325-15200 and Rs,16400-450-20900-500-22400/- respectively. a on 11.1996. (Annexure If) Pay with fect fom 11.1996 nthe revised scale of pay wil be Bixed ete sivng the benefit of one increment for every three increments eared in the pre-revised sealsas slated in Rule 7 of Cental Gi Services (Revised pay) Rules, 1997, and governed by other relevant provisions of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, as applicable. Pay in the Revised scales of pay as at Annexure of this letter shall be fixed at the same stage with reference to the stage admissible vide para (c) above. In cases, where the same stage is not available, the pay may be fixed at the ‘stage next above the pay admissible vide para (c) above. ‘The payment of arrears will be made in one instalment. ‘Teachers in Central Universities will be entitled to Deamness Allowance,. House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, City Allowance and other allowances at the same rates and dates as to the Central Government employees. Ww wi) (ii) (vii) Gx) Age of Superannuation (Annexure T) The age of superannuation of university and college teachers, Registrars, Librarians, Physical Education personnel, Controller of examinations, Finance Officers and such other university employees who are being treated at par with the teachers and ‘whose age of superannuation was 60 years, would be 62 years and thereafter no extension in service should be given. However, it will be open to a university or college to te- ‘employ a superannuated teacher according to the existing guidelines framed by the UGC up to the age of 65 years. (Annexure I & III) Professors for colleges (Annexure I) Posts of Professor will be created in UGC recognized Autonomous Colleges in the ratio of 1:4:12 for Professors, Readers and Lecturers. The procedure of selection of Professor will be the same as that in the university. Other cotleges of similar standard will be subsequently identified by the UGC as per the norms developed by the ‘Commission in consultation with the Government. Scheme for professional develooment incentives to L ‘The UGC will formulate a Scheme, in consultation with the Government, for giving professional development incentives in the form of cash allowances or assistance in kind or both to those Lecturers who register for M.Phil/Ph.D and whose pursuit of research is considered satisfactory by their guides.(Annexure III) Other terms and conditions of service of teachers shall be notified by the UGC by ‘way of Regulations incorporating the approved pay scales and other related conditions on the line of existing scheme(s) with the approval of Govemment. 18 Category Existing scales of pay Revised scales of pay No: ind College Teachers 1,_| Lecturer -200-75-2800-100-4000 [800.275.1350 2. | Lecturer (Sr Seale) }000-100-3500-125-8000 | |10000-325-15200 3._| Lecturer (S1,Grade/Reader }700-125-4950-150-5700 | [12000-420-18300 4__| Professor {500-150-5700-200-7300 | [16400-450-20900-500-23 400] 3. | Principals of Colleges ‘@ 8700-125-4950-150-5700 | (i) }12000-420-18300 (Minimum to be fixed at 2840) Git) 4500-150-5700-200-7300 | (ii)}16400-450-20900-500-22400] (Minimum to be fixed at '7300) 6_| Pro-Vice Chancellor 900-200-7300 118400-500-22400- a 7._| Vice Chancellor 1600 (fixed 5000 (fixed) For Universities 8. | Registrar/Librarian/Director of }4500-150-5700-200-7300 16400-450-20900-500-224000 Physical Education/Controller of Examinations/Finance Officer 9. | Dy Registrar/Dy.Librarian’ 7700-125-4950-150-5700 | f12000-420-18300 Dy Director of Physical Education/ Dy.Controller of Examination! Dy Finance ificer 10. |Asstt.Librarian/Asstt Documentation | 000-100-3500-125-5000 | _|iN0@0 325-15200 icer(St.Scale)/ Asstt. Director of icat Education(Sr Scale) Ti. | Asstt Registrar/Asstt Librarian/Assal 2200-75-2800-100-4000 (000-275-13500 Documentation Officer/Asstt. Director of Physical Education! Asstt, Controller of Examination! Asstt, Finance Officer For Colleges 12. | College Librarian (S1-Gradey” .700-125-4950-150-5700 | {12000-420-18300, Director of Physical Education (Si. |__| Grade 15. | College Librarian (SrSealey/ {000-100-3500-125-3000 | ~~ |10000-325-15200 Director of Physical Education (Sr. Scale) 14 | College Librarian/Director of bss 780-4000 2775-13500 Physical Education 15. | Demonstrator/Tutors [1740-60-2700-EB-75-300d [550-175-9000 19 ONoF.1-22/57-U1 Government of India Ministry of Human Resource \eation) shaseeeesees ‘New Deihi, the 27" July, 1998. To, ‘The Education Secretaries of all States/Union Tersitaries. Subject: _ Revision of pay scales of teachers in Universities and Colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission. Shnesesensns Madam/Sir, I am directed to say that -in fulfillment of the constitutional responsibility for coordination, determination and maintenance of standards in higher education, the Central Government and the University Grants Commission (UGC) have taken, from time to time, several measures. As a part of these efforts, the Central Government has revised the pay scales, of teachers in Central Universities and Colleges thereunder in order to attract and retain talent in the teaching profession. A copy of the letter addressed to the UGC giving details of the revised scales of pay and other provisions of the Scheme of revision of pay scales is enclosed. 2. In discharging its constitutional responsibility, the Central Government has decided to continue to provide Financial assistance to the State Govermments who wish to adopt and implement the Scheme of revision of pay scales subject to the following terms and conditions :~ (2) The Central Government will provide financial assistance to the State Governments which have opted for these revised pay scales to the extent of 80% of the additional expenditure involved in the implementation of the revision: (b) The State Governments will meet the remaining 20% of the expenditure from their own sources. (@ The financial assistance, indicated above, would be provided for the period from 1.1,1996 to 313.2000. (©) The entire liability on account of revision of pay scales, etc., of university and college teachers would be taken over by the State Governments w.e.£ 1.4.2000. (The Central assistance would be restricted to revision of pay scales in respect of only those posts which were in existence and filled up on 11.1996 3 The State Governments, after taking local conditions int consideration, may also decide in their discretion, to introduce scales of pay different from those mentioned in the Scheme, end may give effect to the revised scales of pay from Jamary 1, 1996, or a later date. In such cases, the details of the modifications proposed either to the scales of pay or the date from which the Scheme is to be implemented, should be furnished to the Government of India for its approval and, subject to the approval being accorded to the modifications, Central assistance on the same terms and conditions as indicated shove will be available to the State Governments for implementation of the Scheme with such modifications, provided that the modified scales of pay are not higher than those approved under the Scheme. 4, ‘The payment of Central assistance for implementation of the Scheme is also subject to the condition that the entire Scheme of revision of pay scales, together with all the conditions-to be laid down in this regard by the UGC by way of Regulations, is implemented by the State Governments as a composite scheme without any modification except to the date of implementation and seales of pay as indicated above, 5. It shall be. necessary for the Universities and Managements of Colleges to make necessary changes’ in their statutes, ordinances, nules, regulations, etc., to incorporate the provisions of this Scheme. 6. The detailed proposal for implementation of the Scheme on the lines indicated above, may kindly be formulated immediately and sent to the Department of Education in the Ministry of Human Resource Development for examination so that Central assistance to the extent indicated above can be sanctioned for the implementation of revised scales of pay 7. Anomalies, if any, in the implementation of the Scheme may be brought to the notice of the Department of Education in the Ministry of Human Resource Development for clarification 8. The Scheme applies to teachers in all Universities (including Agricultural Universities)" and colleges (excluding Agricultural, Medical and Veterinary Science Colleges) admitted to the privileges of the Universities. ‘Yours faithfully, Sal [LALMALSAWMA ] Director Copy to: 1. Secretary, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. 2. Registrars of all Universities. 3. Secretary, Indian Council for Agriculbaral Research, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi sa- [ LALMALSAWMA ] Director 21 No¥.1-22/97-U5. Government of India Ministry of Human Resource of Education) sesennneneaees New Delhi, the 27° July, 1998. To, ‘The Secretary University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, ‘New Delhi Subject: Revision of pay scales of teachers in universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission. Sir, 1 agn directed to say that the Government of India have, after taking into consideration the recommendations made by the University Grants Commission, decided to revise the pay scales of teachers in the Central Universities. The revision of pay scales of teachers will be subject to various provisions of the Scheme of revision of pay scales as contained in this letter, and the Regulations to be framed by the UGC in this behalf. The revised pay scales and other provisions of the Scheme are as under 1G) PayScales A statement showing the existing and revised scales of pay is attached as Annexure. * The revised scales of Demonstrators/Tutors is for the existing incumbents only. No fresh recruitment shall be made to the cadre of Demonstrators/Tutors. Gi) Incentives for Ph.D/M phil. @ Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and MPhil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. {b) One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire PhD. within two years of recruitment, (©) A Lecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments when he moves into Selection grade as Reader. (d) A teacher witl be eligible for two advance increments as and when he acquires a Ph.D. degree in his service career. 22 (cy dv) c @ ) © @ \dvancement Minimum, length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (Senior Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with M.Phil, and six years for others as a Lecturer, and for eligibility to move into the Grade of Lecturer (Selection GradeV/Reader, the minimum length of service as Lecturer (Senior Scale) shall be uniformly five years. For movement into grades of Reader and above, the minimum eligibility criterion would be Ph.D. Those teachers without Ph.D. can go up to the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade), ‘A Reader with a minimum of eight’ years of service will be eligible for consideration for appointment as a Professor. For every upward movement, a selection process would be evolved, for which appropriate guidelines would be laid down by the UGC in consultation with the Governmnent. Rewarding the Merit @ ) All @ (b) &) @ ‘A supertime scale of Rs.22000-500-24500 will be given to such Professors of Eminence who are directly recruited and have completed 28 years of service. ‘The eligibility criteria and the selection process will be determined by the UGC. University Grants Commission would prepare a specific scheme in consultation with Government to reward and recognise meritorious teachers who may not have MPbil or Ph.D. but who have made outstanding contributions in teaching and research fin ‘The revised scale of pay as contained in the Annexure-I will be given prospective effect from the date of issue of this letter For the period from 1.1.96 to the day on which these decisions take effect, pay will be fixed in the replacement scales recommended by the UGC appointed Pay Review Committee as per Annexure-II (withdrawn later vide letter dated 6 November, 1998 of Ministry of Human Resource Development). Pay with effect from 1.1.96 in the revised scale of pay will be fixed after giving the benefit of one increment for every three increments earned in the pre-revised scales as stipulated in Rule 7 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, and governed by other relevant provisions of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997 as applicable. Pay in the revised scales of pay as at Annexure-I of this létter shall be fixed at the same stage with reference to the stage admissible vide para (c) above. In cases ‘where the same stage is not available, the pay may be fixed at the stage next above the pay admissible vide para (c) above. 23 (©) The payment of arrears will be made in one instalment. (© Teachers in Central Universities will be entitled to Deamness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance and other allowances at the same rates and dates as applicable to the Central Government employees. @i) Age-of Superannuation The age of superannuation of university and college teachers would be 62 years and thereafter no extension in service should be given. However, it will be open to a university or college to re-employ a superannuated teacher according to the existing guidelines framed by the UGC up to the age of 65 years. (vii) Professors for colleges Posts of Professor will be created in UGC recognized Autonomous Colleges in the ratio of 1:4:12 for Professors, Readers and Lecturers. The procedure of selection of Professor will be the same as that in the university. Other colleges of similar standard vill be subsequently identified by the UGC as per the norms developed by the ‘Commission in consultation with the Government. (viii) t litions of service of teachers. Other terms and conditions of service of teachers shall be notified by the UGC by ‘way of Regulations incorporating the approved pay scales and other related conditions on the line of existing scheme(s) with the approval of Government. 2. In the meantime, the revised scales of pay including arrears of salary may be given to teachers pending issue of the Regulations by the UGC. 3. The above scheme will be applicable to the teachers in all the Central Universities and Colleges thereunder and the Deemed to be Universities whose maintenance expenditure is met by the UGC. The implementation of the revised scales will be subject to the acceptance of all the conditions mentioned in this letter as well as the Regulations to be framed by the UGC in this behalf. The Universities may be advised to amend their statutes and ordinances in line with the ‘Regulations within three months from the date of issue of this letter. 4. These orders are subject to the conditions <3 contained in para 4 of Ministry of Finance OM. No.7(34YEII-A/97 dated 212.1997 on pay revision of employees of quasi- Government/astonomous organisations, statutory bodies, etc., set up and funded by the Central Government. 5. This requested that necessary action may please be taken to revise the pay scales of teachers in the Central Universities and other institutions as per the conditions laid down in the instant letter and the Regulations to be framed by the UGC. 24 6. Anomalies, if any, in the implementation of the scheme may be brought to the notice of the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development for clarification. 7. The receipt of this letter may kindly acknowledged. pee Yours faithfully, Sal. [ LALMALSAWMA ] Director Vice-Chancellors of ali Central Universities. ‘Member-Sectetary, AICTE. Secretary, Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Sd [.LALMALSAWMA ] Director 25, ANNEXURE ‘SCALE OF PAY OF TEACHERS AND OTHER ACADEMIC STAFF IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES, S| Category Brxisting scales of pay Revised scales of pay No. ‘University and College Teachers L_{ Lecturer 1200-75-2800-100-4000_ B000-275-13500 3. | Lectarer (GrScale) }000-100-3500-125-§000 | |10000-325-15200 3._| Lecturer (Si.Grade)/Reader "700-125-4950-150-5700 120-420-1300 4_ | Professor {500-150-5700-200-7300 | _|t6400-450-20900-500-23400] 5. | Principals of Colleges @ P700-125-4950-150-5700 | G) |12000-420-18300 {Minimum to be fixed at 2840) ii) 4500-150-5700-200-7300 16400-450-20900-500-22400] {Minimum to be fixed at 7300) 6. | Pro-Vice Chancellor 900-200-7300. [8400-500-22400 7__| Vice Chancellor 1600 (fixed) (25000 (fixed) For Universi 8. | Registrar/Librarian/Director of }4500-150-5700-200-7300 1L6400-450-20900-500-224 Physical Education. ‘9._| Dy.Registrar/Dy.Librarian/ '700-125-4950-150-5700 | |12000-420-18300 Dy.Director of Physical Edueation 10, Librarian/Asstt. Documentation }000- 100-3500-125-5000 10000-325-15200 (Sr Scale)/ Assit. Director of ical Education(Sr Scale) 11. | Asstt Registrar/Asstt Librarian/Asst] 2200-75-2800-100-4000 | 800-275-1350 Documentation Officer/Asstt. Director of Physical Education Fer Colleges 12. | College Librarian (SI.Gradey :700-125-4950-150-5700 {12000-420-18300 Director of Physical Education (SI. Grade) 13. | College Librarian (Sr.Scaley }000-100-3500-125-5000 }10000-325-15200 Director of Physical Education (Sr. ‘Scate) 14] College Librarian/Director of 2200-75-2800-100-4000 | 000-275-1350 Physical Education 15, | Demonstrator/Tutors (740-60-2700-EB- 75-31 500-175-9000 26 ‘Subject: Sir, Annexure-IT No.F.1-22/97-U.1 Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development of Education) sterresanee ‘New Delhi, the 22 Sept., 1998 ‘The Secretary ‘University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi ~ 110.002, Revision of pay scales of teachers in Central Universities following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission. 1 am directed to invite attention to our letter of even number dated 274 July, 1998, on the above subject and to state that certain clarification in connection with the fixation of pay of certain categories of teachers have been sought from some quarters. It is hereby clarified that fixation of pay of such categories of teachers may be done in the following manner ~ Vice Chancellor The revised pay scale of Vice-Chancelior will be Rs.25,000/- (fixed) wef. 1.1.1996. ‘Pro-Vice-Chancellor’. The replacement scale for the pay scale of Pro-Vice-Chancellor will be Rs_18,400-500-22,400 with effect from 1.1.1996. Principal ‘Those Principals in the pre-revised scale of Rs4500-7360_will be given the replacement scale of Rs.14300-450-22400 w.ef 1.1.1996 and the minimum basic pay will be fixed at Rs.15,200/- from that date. With effect from 27,7.98, the pay will be fixed in the pay scale of Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400 starting with a basic pay of Rs.17,300/-, In the case of other Principals, the revised scale of Rs.12000-375-18000 will be given w.e£ 1.1.96 and the minimum basic pay will be fixed at Rs.12,750/- from the date, With effect from 27.7.98, the pay will be fixed in the scale of Rs.12000-420- 18300 starting with the basic pay of Rs.12,840/-. 27 AYR . . The pay of a Professor under the Merit Promotion Scheme in the existing scale of Rs,4500-150-5700 will be fixed in the revised scale of Rs.14300-400-18300 w.e.f. 1.1,1996. The Commission may take a decision whether the Merit Promotion Scheme as it exists should continue of not after 27.7.1998. Mer of Examinations/Fin: r ‘The Controllers of Examinations and the Finance Officers in the Universities will be given the same pay scale as applicable to the Registrars. 6. Payment of arrears in, respect. of allowances other than Dearness Allowance contemplated tinder Paragraph 1.(v) (f) of the letter under reference will be admissible wef, 18.1997, Payment of Deamness Allowance from 1.1,1996 will be from the dates and at the rates as applicable to Central Government employees. The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged. Yours faithfully, Sd (LALMALSAWMA ) ‘DIRECTOR Copy to:- ‘The Education Secretaries of all States, . Vice-Chancellor of all Central Universities Member-Secretary, AICTE. Secretary, Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, Sdl- (LALMALSAWMA ) DIRECTOR To Subject: Sir, No.F.1-22/97-UL Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Education) seeeasenees ‘New Delhi, the 6" November, 1998 ‘The Secretary University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, ‘New Delhi — 110 002, Revision of pay scales of teachers in Central Universities following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission. steeneene In continuation of this Ministry's letter of even number dated 27.7.1998 and in supersession of the letter dated 22.9.1998 on the subject mentioned above, I am directed to say that the matter relating to revision of pay scales of University and College teachers was further considered by the Government and it has been decided to make certain modifications in the Scheme already notified by the Government vide our letter dated 27.7.1998. ‘The modifications made in the existing Scheme are as under :~ 1 i) ii) Pay Scales The revised scales mentioned in Annexure-I of our letter dated 27.7.1998 shall be effective from 1.1.1996. Accordingly, the Annexure-Il enclosed with the letter referred to may be treated as withdrawn, The fixation of pay of Lecturers (Selection Grade)/Readers in the pre-revised scale of Rs.3700-125-4950-150-5700/. who were selected strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations framed by the UGC and who were in position as Lecturers (Selection Grade)Reéders as on 1.1.1996, will be made in a manner that they get their pay fixed at the minimum of Rs, 14940/ in the revised scale of Rs.12000-420-18300 as and wher they complete five years in the grade. Readers & Professors The pay of Readers and Professors who were in the pre-revised scales of Rs 3000- 5000/- and Rs.4500-5700/- will be fixed at the appropriate stage of the revised scales of Rs,10000-325-15200 and Rs. 16400-450-20900-500-22400/- respectively as on t.1.1996. scales of Controllers of Examinat inane ‘The Controllers of Examinations and the Finance Officers in the Universities will be given the same pay scale as applicable to the Registrars, 29 4. Age of Superannuation ‘The age of superannuation of 62 years indicated in para | (vi) of our letter unde, reference shall also be applicable to Registrars, Librarians, Physical Education Personnel, Controllers of Examinations, Finance Officers and such other university employees who are being treated at par with the teachers and whose age of superannuation was 60 years. 5. Scheme for professio lopment incentives to The UGC will formulate a Scheme, in consultation with the Government, for giving professional development incentives in the form of cash allowances or assistance in kind or both to those Lecturers who register for M.Phil/Ph.D and whose pursuit of research is considered satisfactory by their guides 6 terms & condi ‘The other terms and conditions mentioned in our letter dated 27.7.1998, except as modified above, will remain the same. 7. The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged. Yours faithfully, Sd/- [ LALMALSAWMA ] DIRECTOR Copy to:- 1 Education Secretary of all State Governments. 2 ‘Vice-Chancellors of all Central Universities 3. Member-Secretary, AICTE, IP Estate, New Delhi. 4 Secretary, ICAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi Sd/- ULALMALSAWMA ] DIRECTOR 30 wo Appendix- I Minimum Qualifications for direct recruitment to the posts of Librarian, Dy. Librarian and Asstt. Librarian Librarian (University) i. Master's degres in library science/information science/documentation with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC ‘seven point scale and consistently good academic record; li, At least thirteen years as a Deputy Librarian in a university library or eighteen years’ experience as a College Librarian. Evidence of innovative library service and organisation of published work. Desirable M.Phil/Ph.D. degree in library science/information science/ documenta- tion/archives and manuscript-keeping. Deputy Librarian i. Master's degree in library science/information science/documentation with at least 55% of the marks or its equivaient grade of B in the UGC seven point scale and a consistently good academic record; ii. Five years’ experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian, Evidence of innovative library services, published work and protessional commitment, computerisation of library, Desirable M.PhiL/Ph.D. degree in library sdience/information science/ documenta- tion/archives and manuscript-keeping, computerisation of library. 31 (ii) For the posts of Assistant University Librarian/Coltege Librarian/Documentation Officer Minimum Qualifications i. Qualifying in the national-level test conducted for the purpose by the UGC or any other agency approved by the UGC. i, Master's degree in library science/information sciénce/documentation or an equivalent professional degree with at least §5% of the marks or its equivalent grade of 8 in the UGC seven point scale plus a consistently good academic record, computerisation of library. 32 Appendix-iit Minimum qualifications for the direct recruitment to the posts of Registrar, Dy. Registrar and Assistant Registrar () Registrar and equivalent posts 1. A Master's degree with ‘at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale . » 2. At least 15 years of experience as Lecturer(Sr. Scale)/Lecturer with eight years in Reader's grade along with experience in educational administra- tion, or Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institu- tions of higher. education or 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post. - () Deputy Registrar and equivalent posts: 1. AMaster’s degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale. 2. Five years’ of experience as a Lecturer in a collage or.a university with experience in educational administration. or ‘Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institu- tions of higher education. or Five years’ of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent post. fii) Assistant Registrar and Equivalent Posts 1. Good academic record plus Master's degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale. @ @) AppendixtV Minimum Qualifications for the posts of Director Physical Education, Dy. Director Physical Education and Assistant Director Physical Education University: Assistant Director of Physical Education and Sports/ Col- lege DPEs (Lecturer-scale) {) Master’s degree in Physical Education (two years course) or Master's degree in Sports or an equivalent degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 point scale plus a consistently good academic record. (i) Record of having represented the university/college at the inter-univer- sity/inter-colagiate competitions or the State in national championships. {il) Passed the physical fitness test. (jv) Qualifying in the national test conducted for the purpase by the UGC or any other agency approved by the UGG. University: Assistant DPEs/College DPEs (Senior-scale) () Should have completed six years of service as University Assistant DPEs/College bPEs with a benefit of two years for Ph.D. and one year for M.Phil. Degree holders. (ii) Passed the physical fitness test. (iii) Consistently good appraisal reports. (v) Should have attended at least one orientation and one refresher course of about three to four weeks’ duration each with proper and well-defined ‘evaluation proceduré (exemption from one refresher course is granted to Ph.D. degree holders). © @) University: Assistant DPEs/College DPEs (Selection-grad ( Completed five years of service as University Assistant DPEs/college DPEs in the senior-scale. (ii) Has attended at least two refresher courses of about three-four weeks" {duration with proper and well-defined evaluation procedure after place- ment in the scale of Rs.3000-5000. (ij Shown evidence of having produced good teams/athletes and of having organised and conducted coaching camps of at least two weeks" dura- tion. (iv) Passed the physical fitness test. {v) Consistently good appraisal reports. University Deputy DPEs/College DPEs (Reader's scale) (@ Ph.D. in physical education. Candidates from outside the university system, in addition, shall also possess at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 point scale at the Master's Degree level. i) Five years’ experience as University Assistant DPEu/College DPE, with a benefit of two years and one year for Ph.D. and M.Phil. Degree holders. (ii) Evidence of organising competitions and conducting coaching camps of at least two weeks’ duration. (h) Evidence of having produced good performance teams/athietes for competitions like state/national/inter-university/combined university, etc. (¥) Passed the physical fitness test. () Consistently good appraisal reports. (©) University DPEs () Ph.D. in physical education. w Experience of at least ten years as University Deputy or fifteen University Assistant DPEs/College DPEs (selection grace) years as Gli) Participation in at least two nationalinternational seminars/conferences, (tv) Consistently good appraisal reports. () Evidence of organising competitions and conducting coaching camps at least two weeks’ duration. 3 o (“i)Evidence of having produced good performance teams/athietes for ‘competitions like state/national/inter-university/ combined universitv. et [ NORMS FOR MEN 12 MINUTES RUN/ WALK TEST Upto 30 years Up to 40 years. «Upto 4S years Up io 50 years 1200 Mrs. 800 Mrs, 1800 Mirs. 1500 Mtrs.__ NORMS FOR WOMEN @ MINUTES RUN / WALK TEST Upto 40 years Upto4S years. Up to 50 years Up to 30 years 400 Mrs. _1000Mirs. 800 Mrs. 600 Mtrs. However, before taking the test, a candidate shall produce a medical certificate, certifying that he/she is medically fit itwas also decided that the above minimum quatifications be notified as regulations as per powers vested in UGC under Section 26 of UGC Act. a7 Apnendix:V Selection Committees Recommended by the uGe Lecturer in @ Private College 1, Chairperson of the Governing Body of the college or his/her nominee to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. 2, The Principal of the concerned College. 3. One senior teacher/Head of the Department (of the concerned subject) preferably having not less than 10 years of services as a teacher. . Two nominees of the Vice Chancellor of the affiliating university of whom one should be @ subject expert. - 5. Two subject-experts not connected with the college tobe nominated by the Chairperson .of the governing body out of a panel of names approved by the Vice Chancellor. For Government colleges, the State Public Service Commissions must invite three subject experts for which the State PSC will involve the University in the selection. The Principal and Head of the Department should be neces- sarily included in the Selection Committee. ‘The quorum for the meeting should be five of which at least two must be from out of the three subject-experts. For the Post of University Lecturer. Atthe University level, all selections must be done within the system with the VC as the head of the Selection Committee. 1. The Vice Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. 38 2. Three experts in the concerned subject, to be invited on the basis of the list recommended by the Vice Chancellor and approved by the Executive Council/Syndicate. 3. Dean of the concerned Facutty/Head/Chairperson of the Department. 4. An academician nominated by the Visitor/Chancellor. The quorum should be four out of which at least two outside subject-experts: must be present. For the Post of Reader The process of selection should involve inviting the biodata and reprints of three major publications of the candidate before interview and getting them assessed by the same three external experts, who are to be invited to interview the candidate. The Selection Committee should have the following ‘composition: 1. Vice Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. 2. An academician who is the nominee of the Visitor/Chancetior. 3, Throe experts in the concerned subjectffield, out of the list recommended by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by the Executive Council/Syndi- cate. 4. Dean of the Faculty. 5. Head/Chairperson of the Department. At least four members, including two outside experts, must constitute the quorum. For the Post of Professor The process of selection should involve inviting the biodata and reprints of three major publications of which one could be a book or research report, before tha interview, and getting them assessed by the same three external experts who are to be invited for the interview, The assessment report must 39 be placed before the Selection Committee. The camposition of the Selection Committee for the post of a Professor will be the same as proposed for the post of a Reader. tt may be ensured that the process of selection in every case is transparent and credible. In'the case of posts of Readers and Professors in Colleges, besides the Chairperson Governing Body, the Principal of the College, and the Head ot the Department, there will be two University representatives, one of whom will be the Dean of College or equivalent position in the University, who will substitute the visitor's Nominee and the VC should be substituted by the VG's Nominee. Selection Committees for the posts of Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors of Physical Education, Registrars, Deputy Registrars, Assistant Registrars, Librarians,. Deputy Librarians and Assistant Librarians shall be the same as that of Professor, Reader and Lecturer respectively, except that the concerned expert in Physical Education or Administration or Library Science, as the case may be, shall be essociated with the Selection Com- mittee. For the Post of Principal 1. Chairperson of the Governing Board as Chairperson, 2. One member of the Governing Board to be nominated by the Chairper- son. e ‘Two Vice Chancellor's nominees, out of whom one should be an expert. 4. Three experts consisting of the Principal of a collage, a Professor and an accomplished educationist not below the rank of a Professor (to be nominated by the Governing Board) out of a panel of experts approved by the Vice Chancellor. At least four members, including two experts, should constitute the quorum. The process of selection should involve the folowing : a) Assessment of aptitude for teaching and research. b) Ability to communicate clearly and effectively. ¢) Ability to analyse and discuss. d) Optional: Abilty to communicate may be assessed by requiring the candidate to participate in a group discussion or by exposure to a class room situation/lecture, wherever it is possible. 41 Appendix:-VI Leave Rules Recommended by the UGC for Teachers of the Universities/Colleges 1. Leave admissible to permanent teachers: ‘The following kinds of leave would be admissible to permanent teachers () Leave treated as duty, viz.; Casual leave; Special casual leave; and Duty leave (i) Leave earned by duty, viz.; Earned leave; Half Pay leave; and Commuted leave (ii)Leave not eamed by duty, viz. Extraordinary leave; and Leave not due (iv) Leave not debited to leave account - (@) Leave for academic pursuits, viz.; Study leave; and Sabbatical leave/Academic leave (b) Leave on grounds of health, viz.; Matemity leave Quarantine leave The Executive Council/Syndicate may, in exceptional cases, grant for the reasons to be recorded, other kinds of leave, subject to such terms and conditions as it may deem fit to impose. 42 2. Casual Leave (i) Total casual leave granted to a teacher shall not exceed eight days in an academic year, (i) Casual leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave except special casual leave. ft may be combined with holidays including Sundays. Holidays or Sundays falling within the petiod of casual leave shall not be counted as casual leave. 3. Special Casual Leave (i) Special casual leave, not exceeding ten days in an academic year, may be granted to a teacher: (a) To conduct examination of a university/Public Service Commis- sion/board of examination or other similar bodies/institutions; and (b) To inspect academic institutions attached to a statutory board, etc. NOTE: () In computing the ten days’ leave admissible, the days of actual journey, ifany, to and from the places where activities specified above, take place, wilt bs excluded. (ii) In addition, special casual leave to the extent mentioned below may also be grantéd; (@) to undergo sterlzation operation (vasectomy or salpingectomy) under family welfare programme. Leave in this case wil be restricted to six working days; and (b) to a female teacher who undergoes non-puerperal sterlization. Leave in this case will be restricted to fourteen days. (i) Special casual leave cannot be accumulated, nor.can it be combined with any other kind of leave except casual leave. It may be granted in combination with holidays or vacation. 4. Duty Leave (i) Duty leave may be granted for : {@) Attending conferences, congresses, symposia and seminars on behalf of the university or with the permission of the university: (b) delivering lectures in institutions and universities at the invitation of such institutions or universities received by the university, and accepted by the Vice Chancellor; (©) working in another Incian or foreign university, any other agency, institution or organisation, when so depued by the university; (2) participating in a delegation or working ona committee appointed by the Government of India, State Government, the University Grants Commission, a sister university or any other academic body, and (©) for performing any other duty for the university. (ii) The duration of leave should be such as may be considered neces- ‘sary by the sanctioning authority on each occasion; {ii) The leave may be granted on full pay.’ Provided that if the teacher receives a fellowship or honorarium or any other financial assistance beyond the amount needed for normal expenses, he/she may be sanctioned duty leave on reduced pay and allowances; and (iv) Duty leave may be combined with earned leave, half pay leave or extraordinary leave. 44 5. Earned Leave () Eamed leave admissible to a teacher shall be : (@) 1/S0th of actuel service including vacation; plus (0) 1/Sr¢ of the period, if any, during which he/she is required to perform duty during vacation, NOTE: For purposes of computation of period of actual service, all periods of leave except casual, special casual and duty leave shall be excluded. (ii) Eamed leave at the credit of a teacher shall not accumulate beyond 300 days. The maximum eared leave that may be sanctioned at a time shall not exceed 60 days. Eamed leave exceeding 60 days may, however, be sanctioned in the case of higher study, or training, or leave with medical certificate, or when the entire leave, or @ portion thereof, is spent outside india. Note - 1. When a teacher combines vacation with eared teave, the period of vacation shall be reckoned as leave in calculating the maximum amount of leave on average pay which may be included in the particular period of leave. Note - 2. In case where only a portion of the feave is spent outside India, the grant of leave in excess of 120 days shall be subject to the condition that the portion of the leave spent in India shalt not in the aggregate exceed 120 days. 45 Note - 3. Encashment of eared leave shal be allowed to non- vadation members of the teaching staff as applicable to the employees of Central/State Governments. 2 . Half-pay Leave Halt-pay leave admissible to a permanent teacher shall be 20 days for each completed year of service. Such ieave may be granted on the basis of medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner, for private affairs or for academic purposes. NOTE: ‘A “completed year of service" means continuous service of specified uration under the university and includes periods of absence from duty 8 well as leave including extraordinary leave. 7. Commuted Leave Commuted leave, not exceeding half the amount of haif pay leave due, may be granted on the basis of medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner to a permanent teacher subject to the following conditions: () Commuted teave during the entire service shall be limited to maximum of 240 days; (i) When commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the hal-pay leave-due; and (ii) The total duration of earned leave and commuted leave taken in conjunction shall not exceed 240 days at a time. Provided that no 46 commuted leave shall be granted under these rules unless the authority competent to sanction leave has reason to believe that the teacher will return to duty on its expiry. 8. Extraordinary Leave () A permanent teacher may be granted extraorainary leave when: (a) No other leave is admissible; or (b) No other leave is admissible and the teacher applies in writing for the grant of extraordinary leave. (ji) Extraordinary leave shall always be without pay and allowances. Extraordinary leave shall not count for increment except in the follow- ing cases: (@) Leave taken on the basis of medical certificates; (©) Cases where the Vice Chancelor/Principal is satisfied that the leave was taken due to causes beyond the.control of the teacher, such as inability to join or rejoin duty due to clvil commotion or-a natural calamity, provided the teacher has no other kind of leave to his credit; (c) Leave taken for pursuing higher studies; and (d) Leave granted to accept an invitation to a teaching post or fellowship or research-cum- teaching post or on assignment for technical or academic work of importance. (ii) Extraordinary.leave may be combined with any other leave except casual leave and special casual leave, provided that the total period of continuous absence from duty on leave (including periods of vacation when such Vacation is taken in conjunction with leave) shall not exceed three years except in cases where leave is taken on 47 medical certificate. The total period of absence from duty shall inno case exceed five years in the full working life of the individual. (iv) The authority empowered to grant leave may commute retrospactive- ly periods of absence without leave into extraordinary leave. 9, Leave Not Due () Leave not dus, may, at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor/Principal, be granted to a permanent teacher for a period not exceeding 360 days during the entire period of service, out of which not more than 90 days.atatimé and 180 days in all may be otherwise than on medical certificate. Such leave shall be debited against the halt-pay leave earned by him/her subsequently. (i) ‘Leave not dus’ shall not be granted unless the Vice Chancellor/Prin- cipal is satisfied that as far as can reasonably be foreseen, the teacher will return to duty on the expiry of the tzave and earn the leave granted. (li) A teacher to whom ‘leave not due’ is granted shall not be permitted to tender his/her resignation from service so lang as the depit balance in his/her leave account is not wiped off by active service, or he/she refunds the amount paid to him/her as pay and allowances for the period not so earned. In a case where retirement is unavoidable on account of reason of ill health, incapacitating the teacher for further service, refund of leave salary for the period of leave still to be eamed may be waived by the Executive Council Provided further that the Executive Council may, in any other excep- tional case waive, for‘reasons to be recorded, the refund of leave salary for the period of leave still to be earned. 10. Study Leave () Study leave may be granted after a minimum of 3 years of continuous service, to pursue a special line of study or research directly related to his/her work in the university or to make @ special study of the various aspects of university organisation and methods of education ‘The paid period of study leave should be for 3 years, but 2 years may be given in the first instance, extendable by one mora years, if tnere is adequate progress as reported by the Research Guide. Care should be taken that the number of teachers given study leave, does not exceed the stipulated percentage of teachers in any department. Provided thatthe Executive Council/Syndicate may, in the special circumstances of a case, waive the condition of three years service ‘being continuous. Explanation: In computing the length of service, the time during which 2 person was on probation or engaged as a research assistant may be reckoned provided - (@) the person is a teacher on the date of the application; and (b) there is no break in servige. (i) Study leave shall be granted by the Executive Council/Syndicate on the recommendation of the concerned Head of the Department. The leave shall not be granted for more than three years in one spell, save in very exceptional cases in which the Executive Council/Syndicate is satisfied that such extension is unavoidable on academic grounds. and necessary in the interest of the university. Gi) Study leave shall not be granted to a teacher whois due to retire within five years of the date on which he/she is expected to return to duty after the expiry of study leave, (v) Study leave may be granted not more than twice during one’s career. However, the maximum of study leave admissible during the entire service should not exceed five years. (W) No teacher who has been granted study leave shall be permitted to alter substantially the course of study or the programme of research without the permission of the Executive CouncilSyndicate. When the course of study falls short of study leave sanctioned, the teacher shall resume duty on the conclusion of the course of study unless the 49 previous approval of the Executive Council/Syndicate to treat the period of shortfall as ordinary leave has been obtained. (vi) (a) Subjectto the provisions of sub-clauses (vil) and (vii) below, study leave may be granted on full pay up to two years extendable by one year at the discretion of the university, (viyThe amount of scholarship, fellowship or other financial assistance that a teacher, granted study leave, has been awardéd will not preclude his/her being granted study leave with pay and allowances but the scholarship, etc., so received shall be taken into account in determining the pay and allawance on which the study leave may be granted. The Foreign scholership/ellowship would be offset against pay only if the fellowship is above @ specified amount, which is to be determined from time to time, based on the cost of living for a family in the country in which the study is to be undertaken. In the case of an Indian fellowship, which exceeds the salary of the teacher, the salary would be forfeited. (viiBubject to the maximum period of absence from duty on leave not exceeding three years, study leave may be combined with earned leave, half-pay leave, extraordinary leave or vacation, provided that the earned leave at the credit of the teacher shall be availed of at the discreation of the teacher. A teacher who is selected to a higher post during study leave, will be placed in that position and get the higher scale only after joining the post (@)A teacher granted study leave shall on his/her retum and re-joining the service of the university may be eligible to the benefit of the annual increment(s) which he/she would have earned in the course of time if he/she had not proceeded on study leave. No teacher shall however, be eligible to receive arrears of increments. (%) Study leave shall count as service for pension/contributory provident fund, provided the teacher joins the university on the expiry of his/her study leave, 50 0d) Study leave granted to a teacher shail be deemed to be cancelled in case it is not availed of within 12 months of its sanction. Provided that where study leave granted has been so cancelled; the teacher may apply again for such leave. (xi)A teacher availing himself/herself of study leave shall undertake that he/she shail serve the university for a continuous period of at least three years to be calculated from the date of his/her. resuming duty after expiry of the study leave. (sill)After the leave has been sanctioned, the teacher shall, before availing himself/herself of the leave, execute a bond in favour of the university, binding himself/herself for the due fulfilment of the conditions laid down in sub-clause (xiil) and (xiv) above and give security of immov- able property to the satisfaction of the Finance Officer/Treasurer or a fidelity bond of an insurance company or a guarantee by a scheduled bank or furnish security of two permanent teachers for the arnount which might become refundable to the university in accordance with ‘sub-clause (xiv) above. (xiv) The teacher shall submit to the Registrar, six monthly reports of progress in his/her studies from his/her supervisor or the Head of the Jnstitution. This report shall reach the Registrar within one month of the expiry of every six months of the study leave. If the report does not reach the Registrar within the specified time, the payment of leave salary may be deferred til the receint of such report. 11. Sabbatical Leave/Academic Leave () Permanent, whole-time teachers of the university who have com- pleted seven years of service as Lecturer Selection Grade/Reader or Professor, may be granted sabbatical leave to undertake study or research or other academic pursuit solely for the object of increasing their proficiency and usefulness to the university and higher education system. BL (i) The duration of leave shall not excesd one year at a time and two years in the entire career of teacher. (ill) A teacher who has availed himself/herself of study leave; would not be entitled to the sabbatical leave. . Provided further that sabbatical leave shall not be granted until after the expiry of five years from the date of the teacher's retum from previous study leave or any other kind of training programme. (VA teacher shall, during the period of sabbatical leave, be paid full pay and allowances (subject to the prescribed coriditions being futfiled) atthe rates applicable to him/her immediately prior to his/her proceed- ing on sabbatical leave. {¥) A teacher on sabbatical leave shall not take up during the period of that leave, any regular appointment under another organisation in India or abroad. He/she may, however, be allowed to accept a fellowship or a research scholarship or ad hoc teaching and research assignment with honorarium or any other form of assistance, other than regular employment in an institution of advanced studies, provided that in such cases the Executive Council/Syndicate may, it it s0 desires, sanction sabbatical leave on reduced pay and allowan- ces. (vi) During the period of sabbatical leave, the teacher shall be allowed to ‘raw the increment on the due date. The period of leave shall also count as service for purposes of pension/contributory provident fund, provided that the teacher rejoins the university on the expiry of his/her leave. ‘The programme to be followed during sabbatical leave s Submited tothe univers for approval long with the application for grant NOTE: Il: On return from leave, the teacher shall report to the university the nature of studies, research or other work undertaken during the period of leave. 52 12. Maternity Leave (). Maternity lave on full pay may be granted to a woman teacher for a period not exceeding 135 days, to be availed of twice in the entire career. Maternity feave may also be granted in case of miscarriage including abortion, subject to the condition that the total leave granted in respect of this to a woman teacher in her career is not more than 45 days, and the application for leave is supported by a medical certificate. (i) Matemity leave may be combined with eared leave, half pay leave or extraordinary leave but any leave applied for in continuation of maternity leave may be granted if the request is supported by a medical certificate. : Paternity Leave Paternity leave of 15 days may be granted to male teachers during the confinement of their wives, provided, the limit is up to two children. Adoption leave ‘Adoption leave may be provided as per the rules af the Central Government. Duty leave Duty leave should be given also for attending meetings in the UGC,DST etc. Where a teacher invited to share expertise with academic bodies, govern- ment or NGO. 9196 NT: s92488, 5200465, 3281692 amt: Rae: sL-sso18 Phone: 3234116, 3232317, 3230895 ¢ GRAMS ; UNIGRANTS Telex : 31-65913, 3232701, 3231291, 3285743 Fax : 8232783, 3239200 faeerarera eget act ‘All communicaton should be addressed to ARIE HT AT fhe Secretary by desgnation and not by nar vg Rrsf10 002 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG. NEW DELHI-110 002 ¥en No. F-2-9/97 (PS) Date: 17 April, 1999 The Registrar Sub: Revision of honorarium to be paid to Guest/Part Time Teachers in the Universities and Colleges ~ regarding. Sir/Madam, In continuation to the UGC Circular No. F.15-7/88 (CPP) dated 14.3.98 on the above subject. 1am to inform you that the Commission decided that the honorarium may be paid @ Rs.150/- per lecture to the Guest/Teacher in the Universities and Colleges instead of payment of henoratium per month. However, itis clarified that this will not apply to part-time teachers who are appointed on terms & conditions as provided for in the Para 12.0.0 of the Notification issued by University Grants Commission on 24% December 1998, ‘Yours faithfully Sa (Dr. (Mrs.) Pankaj Mittal) Deputy Secretary 84 9/98 ‘GOTT : 3232485, 9252455, 5251692 ea am: aftarge ae : 91-45918 Phone: 3234116, 9282317, 8230805 GRAMS : UNIGRANTS Telex:31-65919 3232701, 3231291, 3235743 Fax : 3232783, 3239200 Ravaferaer seer sari 7 covmanen sade ade 6 Sennen ets mi, TERE FE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG. NEW DELHI-110 002 ion ‘No. F-2-9/97 (PS) Date : 3 June, 1999 ‘The Registrar Sub: Revision of honorarium to be paid to Guest/Part Time Teachers in the Universities and Colleges — Regarding. Sir/Madam, Please refer to this office circular No.F.2-9/97(PS) dated 17.4.99 wherein a reference of UGC's letter No.F.15-7/88(CPP) dated 14.3.98 was made. The date 14.3.98 mentioned above was a typo- ‘graphical error, which may be read as 14.3.88. ‘Yours faithfully sd (Dr: (Mrs) Pankaj Mittal) Deputy Seoretary 55 C4 am: GRAMS : UNIGAANTS: Faerie sige mh gare ar =r n€ Reeei-110 002 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-1 10.002 ter ‘No. F-2-9/97 (PS) Date : 21 March, 1999 The Registrar Sub: Appointment of Guest Faculty in Place of Part - Time Teachers. Sir, In continuation to the UGC's circular of even number dated 17.4,99 and 3.6.99 on the subject cited above, Lam to inform you that the Commission considered that draft guidelines in its meeting held on 278 January, 2000 and resolved that it was not in favour of a separate cadre of part-time teachers. The Commission decided that no new part-time teachers be appointed and wherever required Guest Faculty could be appointed on per lecture basis, The Commission further decided to enhance the amount of honorarium from Rs.150/- to Rs.250/- per lecture for Guest Teachers. Yours faithtully Sd/- (Dr. (Mrs.) Pankaj Mittal) Depuny Secretary Y University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi-110 002 No. F-2-9/97 (PS) Date : 27 March, 2001 ‘The Registrar (All Universities) The Education Secretaries. (All States.) The Joint Secretaries (All Regional Offices of UGC) Sub: Appointment of Guest Faculty in place of Part - Time Teachers — payment on per lecture basis. Sir/Madam, In continuation to the UGC’s circular of even number dated 17.4.9 and 3.6.99 and 21.3.2000 on the subject cited above, Iam to inform you that Commission considered the draft guidelines in its meeting held on 27" January, 2000 and resolve that it was not in favour of a separate cadre of par time teachers, The Commission decided that no new part time teachers be appointed and wherever required Guest Faculty could be appointed on per lecture basis. The Commission further decided to enbance the amount of honorarium from Rs.150/- to Rs.250/- per lecture for Guest Lecturer with a ceiting of Rs 3000/- per month. ‘Yours faithfully Sal. (Dr. (Mrs.) Pankaj Mittal) Depurty Secretary Y University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi-110 002 No. F-7-1/2001 (PS) Date : 5 August, 2001 ‘The Registrar All Universities) ‘The Education Secretaries (AI States) As per list enclosed The Joint Secretaries (All Regional Offices of UGC) Sub: Henorarium for Guest Faculty, Sir/Madam, In continuation to the UGC's circular No.F.2-9/97(PS) dated 17.4.99, 3.6.99, 21.3.2000 and 27.3.2001 on the subject cited above, I am to inform you that the Commission has decided to enhance the amount of honorarium from Rs.150/- to Rs.250/- per lecture for Guest Lecturers with aceiling of Rs.5000/- (Five thousand only) per month in place of earlier Rs.3000/- per month. ‘Yours faithfully Sd- (Dr. (Mrs.) Pankaj Mittal) Joint Secretary 58 9196 eae sanzess,sasn4ss, 9251602 rs a: aftr i: sves018 Phone: 3234116, 3232317, 3230695. GRAMS : UNIGRANTS Telex ;31-65913 3232701, 9231291, 3235743 Fax :3232783, 3239200 egaRaeraer agar ameter es UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION [BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 - No, F-3-1/94 (PS)-6 Date : 5 October, 2000 ‘The Registear ‘Sir/Madam, ‘The Commission in its meeting held on 16* August, 2000 discussed the matter regarding UGC Regulations relating to promotion from Reader to the post of Professor and decided as under :- "The Commission decided that 8 years service as Reader in the scale of Rs. 3700-5700 (revised Rs. 12,000-18,300) must remain the minimum eligibility for consideration of promotion from Reader to the post of Professor under Career Advancement Scheme." This is for your information & necessary action. ‘Yours faithfully si (Dr. (Mrs.) Pankaj Mittal) Deputy Secretary PHONE eax OFF : 23232055 . zor ‘Ble (strech) wat Frat GRAMS : UNIGRANTS Telex :31-85913 Dr. (Mrs,) Pankaj Mittal fret Fax : 23219716 E-mail: [email protected] fm aftr SINT SECRETARY Preafrenat start SRT merges BRT ATE ag Piret-110 002 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSUAU ZABAR MARG NEW DELIT-110002 D.O. No. F-3-3/2000 (PS) 21 February, 2002 Dear Sir/Madam, ‘The Commission at its meeting held on 18.1.2002 considered the modification in the procedure for promotion of Reader to Professor under the Career Advancement Scheme in University Departments. The Commission RESOLVED that the following criteria and terms must be adhered to in selecting a candidate for promotion from Reader to Professor under Career Advancement Scheme in University departments :- © that a minimum of 8 years experience as a Reader be an eligibility. © that the professor already appointed under direct recruitment be not eligible ¢ that self-appraisal report for the period including five years before the date of eligibility be submitted; * _ that minimum of five research publications out of which two could be the books be submitted for evaluation/ assessment before the interviews. * that the assessment of the research publications, including books, be done by three eminent experts in the subject which shall be different than those called for interview to be conducted later on. * that all the recommendations be positive from the three experts. In case the recommendation of one out of the three is negative the research publications be sent to the fourth expert for evaluation and assessment in ali, there has to be a minimum of three positive recommendations out of the total of four experts, in case the fourth expert has participated in the exercise due to one negative report out of the initially three experts involved in evaluation. +» that there be a separate column in the evaluation report of the expert saying whether the research publications and books are recommended or not recommended. 60 that the University be permitted to hold the interview for promotion under CAS cnly for those candidates who have cleared by obtaining minimum of three positive recommendations from the experts on their research publications/books; that then after the interview be conducted inviting three experts of the concerned subject making sure that these experts be different than those who had assessed and evaluated the research publications; thal repeat process of promotion/interview for the rejected candidates can be conducted only after a minimum period of one year from the date of promotion process/interview in which the candidate was rejected; that the promotion from Reader to Professor under CAS being a personal position and not against a sanctioned post, the teaching workload of the Reader be carried forward with hinvher and be undertaken by the promotee even in the capacity of the CAS Professor, that the aforesaid communication be communicated to all the Universities for immediate compliance with effect from March 1, 2002. This is for your information & necessasy action Yours faithfully Sa- (Dr. (Mrs) Pankaj Mittal) 61 ‘yng PHONE are OFF : 23232055 ate (aterh) carn rere GRAMS: UNIGRANTS Telex :31-65913 Dr. (Mrs.) Panka] Mittal ‘eae Fax : 29219716 ager afer E-mail : pmittal @uge.ac.in JOINT SECRETARY Prafrerea agent rae aegane Gt ag acef-110 002 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAHZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 D.O. No. F-3-3/2000 (PS) ‘8% July, 2003 Dear Sir/Madam, 1 am directed to inform you that the research publications to be assessed by the experts for promotion of Readers to Professors shall pertain to the period between his/her appointment as Reader and the date he/she becomes eligible for promotion as Professor. If on the date of eligibility the candidate did not have required number of publications, his/her date of eligibility be shifted to the date he/she becomes eligible after fulfiling all requirement. Yours faithfully Sdl- (Pankaj Mittal) Vice Chancellors of all Universities and All State Education Secretaries 62 Y University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Dethi-110 002 F-3-1/2000 (PS)P/H. Date : October 17, 2002 The Registrar (All Universities/State Education Secretaries/ Secretary, M/HRD, Delhi/Regional Offices. Sir/Madam, In continuation to this office letters D.O.No.F.3-1/2000(PS) dated 4.4.2000 and No.F.1-1/ 2002(PS)/Exemp dated 31,7.2002 vide which the UGC Regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment and Career Advancement o Teachers in Universities and Colleges were issued, itis further to inform you that the Commission has decided to grant relaxation of 5% (from 55% to 50%) of marks at the Master's level to the Physically and visually handicapped persons in appointments as Lecturer in the Universities and Colleges. This may also be brought to the notice of the Institutions/Colleges afliliated to your University. ‘Yours faithfully sa (Dr. KP. Singh} Deputy Secretary 63

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