Sinusoidal Oscillator
Sinusoidal Oscillator
Sinusoidal Oscillator
Oscillators are circuits that produce periodic waveforms.
Only input requirement is of DC power supply.
Frequency of the generated waveforms may vary from a few
Hz to several KHz.
It may be used to generate AC waveforms such as sinusoidal,
rectangular or sawtooth depending upon the type of
oscillators used.
Communication Systems
Industrial controlled applications
Function or Signal generator
When an event is part of a chain of cause-and-effect that
forms a circuit or loop, then the event is said to "feedback"
into itself.
Types of feedback :
Positive Feedback
Negative Feedback
Block Diagram of Oscillators
Principle of Oscillator
Basic components required for an oscillator are :
1. Active device
2. Feedback circuit
Necessary conditions for an oscillator (aka ‘Barkhausen
1. The product of gain of amplifier 'A' and the gain of
feedback network 'B' has to be unity.
2. The phase shift around the loop is zero or an integer
multiple of 2π.
How Oscillations are initiated at First?
Thermal noise voltage.
Resistors used in feedback circuit acts as small ac voltage
This small ac voltage gets amplified and applied to feedback
circuit and output of feedback circuit is fed back to the
amplifier as an input.
This process is repeated and at one particular frequency, circuit
satisfies the necessary conditions to start oscillation.
Using proper feedback components, it is possible to select the
particular frequency.
Sinusoidal Oscillator
An oscillator which produces repeatedly a sine wave output is
a sinusoidal oscillator , also known as ‘Harmonic Oscillator’.
Types of oscillations
1. Damped
2. Undamped or Sustained
Practical Oscillators
To obtain the sustained oscillations , oscillator circuit must
satisfy following requirements:
1. Circuit must have positive feedback.
2. The overall circuit gain is given by,
RC LC Crystal
RC phase Wien
shift Bridge
Ajay Shukla
Rohin Bisht
S. Chandrika
P. Krishna Chaitanya
Thank You