American: Assurance For Fabricators
American: Assurance For Fabricators
American: Assurance For Fabricators
This document provides a basic outline for small to medium fabricators to
develop a new welding quality assurance system or to enhance an existing
Prepared by
AWS Fabricator RecognitionTask Group
Approved by
AWS Board of Directors
This document provides a basic outline for small to medium fabricators to
develop a new welding quality assurance system or to enhance a n existing
COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, User=, 06/08/2003
05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STDOAWS WQAG-ENGL 07842b5 OS34387 615 W
An appropriate quality system is the foundation of delivering a quality product or service.
When designed for the Fabricator‘s unique products and suitably committed to paper and
practice, the daily practices of the Fabricator are more consistent and traceable when
problems arise. I t is an increasing trend t h a t custumers want t o see t h a t a welding quality
a~surancesystem is documented and demonstrated. They are concerned with the
Fabricator’s, and the Fabricator’s subcontractors’ capability of producing products t h a t
meet specifications. Many customers look for a systematic quality improvement process.
The quality rianual will identify duties and responsibilities of management. supervisors and
craftspersons, and will provide the customer with better information about who is
responsible to ensure t h a t the product me&s specifications. Medium-sized and small
companies with a5 few a5 three employees can use this Guideline t o develop an effective
welding quality assurance system,
The intent of this Guideline i5 t o assist; fabricators in developing their first welding quality
a55urance system or refining an existing system. The Fabricator chooses a level of welding
quality as~urancet h a t i5 appropriate for the size r% the organization and the type ofwelded
products they produce. This Guideline can provide an opportunity to review existing
practices. Each section of this Guideline addresses a specific topic, yet not all the il;erns in
this Guideline will necessarily apply to all Fabricators’ scope of work. Appropriate selections
should be made based on the Fabricator’s size and the nature of the products made or
repaired a t the facility(ies). The guidelines presented here can be modified and applied t o
most any facility size.
The welding quality assurance system and the quality manual must actually reflect how
things are done. When there is a difference between what is written and what is done, one
must change. The Fabricator can discover differences during their own internal audit of the
system. The less favorable alternative may be a defect found by the Customer. The audit is
the checks and balance part of a quality system. The process of reviewing and writing the
Fabricatm’s quality documents can be a valuable opportunity to take a firm look a t the way
the company’s products are produced. Use this opportunity t o improve and eliminate
redundant pra~ücea.
This Guideline is the first step in creating a welding quality assurance system which can be
used t o satisfy some registration requlrernents. More detailed requirements for specific
industries may be found in such documents as: 150 3834,Quality Kequirerilentz for
Welding: C5A 47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel 5tmctures-
Welding; and the Ai5C Quality Certification Program.
COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, User=, 06/08/2003
05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STDOAWS WQAG-ENGL 07842b5 0514388 5 5 1
COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, User=, 06/08/2003
05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
a This Guideline is for the use of weldment fabricators to assist them in developing,
improving and maintaining a welding quality assurance system.
This Guideline is for the use of purchasers of weldrnents to aqsess the welding quality
assurance programs of their suppliers.
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American Welding Society's Wefding Quality Assurance Guidelinefor Fabrkaiors page 1
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05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
~ -
3.2. A statement in the welding quality assurance will specify to which codefs) or
standard(s) or governing specification the welding will conform.
3.3. A written welding quality a5surance manual’. that describes the Fabricator’s QA
system and includes a written policy describing the Fabricator’s commitment to
(weldment) quality. Also define...
3.3.1. ...who is responsible for the management and implementation of
weldment QNQC.
3.3.2. ...who is responsible for the prepmation and revision of the Quality
Assurance manual.
3.3.3. appropriate welding procedures are selected for fabrication
work, or how customers’ procedures are used and controlled.' ,’
3.3.4. the delegation of authority is carried out when persons listed
within the Quality Assurance manual arc unavailable.
3.4. A statement will indikate that responsible QNQC reprtsentative(s) have full
support of upper management, (an owner or officer of the company), and identify
the person responsible to resolve disputes between QAIQC and other department
heads. This statement should include the statement that Quality Control has the
authority to identify quality problems and initiate, recommend, or provide
solutions. QC may verify implementations of solutions and limit or control
further processing and delivery of nonconforming items, until proper
disposition has occurred. These decisions will involve the fabricator’s
engineering group, or the customer’s engineer when appropriate. It is preferable
that these limits be defined.
3.5. The QA Manual should include an organization chart showing the relationship
between management, purchasing, quality assurance, quality control, receiving.
production welding and shipping. If field work is within the scope of work, then
the addition of field construction, qualification and inspection may need to be
4.1. The Fabricator will maintain a description of their facility(ies) and a list of
esseatial equipment and resourus used for weldment fabrication. This list will
serve to describe the Fabricator’s capabilities to potential customers. Include
information applicable to the Fabricator’s unique product or service-suggested
items could include...
e number and level of qualified welders,
a welding process capability,
facility square footage,
e capacity of largest cranes,
e size of the largest fabrications possible in the workshop,
capacities of rolling, bending, cutting equipment,
O typicai items fabricated or customers previously served.
e number of engineers, designers, draftsmen,
e precision level attainable
4.2. The Fabricator should plan an appropriate equipment maintenance program that
ensures continuing process capability.
5.1, Notification will be given in writing and accepted by the customer before
services are subcontracted.
5.2. The Fabricator must address by written practice how the quality of subcontracted
services is assured. For sewices that the Fabricator would regularly supply, but
American Welding Society‘s Welding Qiuiliîy Assurance Guideline for Fabricators page 2
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05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STD.AWS WQAG-ENGL m 07842b5 05114393 O46 m
6.I. The Fabricator will establish and demonstrate a system of defining how their
work concerning weldments is performed. These documents will include, but are
not limited to the following:
Fabrication Drawings (supplied by the Fabricator)
Fabrication or Layout Drawings (provided by the customer)
o Specifications that define elements of the Fabricator's welding quality
control or quality assurance system
Work Instructions
WPSs (welding procedure specifications)
O Purchasing procedures for base material and welding consummables
6.2. Written documentation will show how the system assures that the lotest
applicable drawings, specifications and instructions required are used for
welding, inspection and testing. The documents are controlled by revision, and
are located where the work is performed, and accessible to personnel with
responsibility to perform work. The system will identify who is responsible for
issue and review, Obsolete documents will be removed or otherwise prevented
from inadvertent use. Changes are clearly identified.
6.3. Customer Documents include all forms of information (communications,
drawings, etc.) received from the customer. "hmwill be a clear system to track
changes that result from written or oral communication with the customer.
I- --
American Welding Society's Welding Quality Assurance Guidelinefor Fabricators Pa@ 3
COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, User=, 06/08/2003
05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STD.AWS WQAG-ENGL 07842b5 0514392 TB2 H
8.3. The system will include a description of how materials are. received. stored and
issued in purchasing procedures. Also include the title of the individual and their
responsibilities for the purchasing of material.
8.4. Procedures will define how materials or parts are identified and how identity is
maintained throughout fabrication. As appropriate for the Fabricator's product
or service, incoming materials will be checked for conformance with the
purchase order, material specifications andior drawings where applicable.
9.7. Welding procedures are most effective when they provide complete information
to the welder." WPSs must be revised when essential variables are changed and
should be revised when nonessential variables are changed and improved. New or
additional PQR(s) may be required.
1O. 1. Controls must be in place to assure that the proper filler material is used. The
welding quality assurance system should specify how welders obtain filler
material and who is responsible to assure that the proper filler material is used.
10.2. The Fabricator will purchase the welding consumable$ to appropriate AWS Filler
Metal Specifications whenever possible. AMs and/or MIL specifications may be
used if there are no equivalent AWS specifications. Proprietary filler material
names may be used in the absence of any applicable specification.
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COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, User=, 06/08/2003
05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STD=AWS WQAG-ENGL U 07842b5 053h393 939
10.3. Storage and reconditioning of low hydrogen electrodes will meet the
requirements of the electrode manufacturer" as a minimum. The welding quality
assurance system should document how this precaution is handled. The exposure
of low hydrogen'? filler materials and fluxes to ambient air and humidity must be
controlled. The welding quality assurance system must specify how this
exposure is controlled and limited.
10.4. Contaminated filler materials/flux must be kept from inadvertent use until it is
reconditioned or disposed.
10.5. For gas shielded processes, gases should be supplied in a safe and efficient
manner to eliminate contamination.
1 1. I . W e l d i w Coo rdinator
1 1 . l . 1. As a minimum, the Fabricator will appoint an employee who,
irrespective of other responsibilities, is charged with understanding
how the Fabricator's welding quality assurance system functions, and
must be available during all phases during which welding is performed.
The Welding Coordinator is responsible for implementation of the
Fabricator's welding quality assurance system. The Welding
Coordinator (or an individual in their department) should be an
ANSIIAWS Certified Welding Inspector" or other international
1 1.1.2. The Welding Coordinator may or may not have direct responsibility
for the design and revision of the welding quality assurance system.
1 1.1.3. The Welding Coordinator is responsible for assuring that only
qualified welders are used. Although this responsibility may be shared
by foremen, welding inspectors or other direct supervisors, the
appropriate for the- Coordinator must maintain responsibility for the system irrespective
of production schedules.
1 1.1.4. The Fabricator must have available an individual who possesses the
basic knowledge required to develop, qualify, and specify the
appropriate welding procedures for the fabrication work performed in
the Fabricator's shop Or under the Fabricator's control. This individual
may be the same individual who functions as the Welding Coordinator,
or may be contracted for the function.
1 1.2. Welding Inspecto rs The Fabricator should have at least one employee who
is an AWS Senior Certified Welding Inspector (SCWI), or AWS Certified
Welding Inspector (CWI), The welding inspector should be familiar with the
codes or specifications which apply to the fabrication work performed.
Alternatively, the Fabricator must designate a welding inspector who can
demonstrate their ability to inspect weldments to the requirements of the
applicable codes or specifications. This individual may be the Welding
1 i .2. I . Inspection may include receipt inspection of raw materiais (plate,
sheet, pipe, etc.) and/or welding consumables. (see 113.3)
i 1.3. Employees who perform non-destructive inspection operations, such as
magnetic particle testing (MT),dye penetrant testing (PT),ultrasonic testing
(UT), radiographic testing (RT), radiographic interpretation (RI), etc. should be
qualified using a program comparable to SNT-TC-1 A level II or A W S NDE
Certification Program or equivalent nationally recognized standard or one
required by the governing specification as a minimum.
Aincrican Welding Society's Welding Quality Assurance Guideline for Fabricators Page 5
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05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
12.1. The Fabricator must qualify all welders that will perform work on weldments for
which the Fabricator is responsible. The welding quality assurance system
should specify to what extent welders should be qualified and who is responsible
for signing certification documents.
12.2. The welding quality assurance system will detail how welders' activities are
monitored and documented and who is responsible. Performance Testing will be
supervised by the Welding Coordinator or their designee. Where possible. it is
preferable that the test supervisor is not the welder's supervisor.
12.3. It is recommended that the Fabricator use AWS QC7 or QC3" certified welders.
The Fabricator may accept qualifications done by subcontractors or other
agencies; however, acceptance does not absolve the Fabricator of the
responsibility to employ qualified welders who can provide acceptable
12.4. All welder performancdqualification records, will be reviewed and approved by
the Welding Coordinator before welders begin production welding operations.
12.5. Unless the governing specification requires specific forms, forms provided in
appropriate AWS codes may be used or may be designed by the Fabricator. If
non-standard forms are used, they will include the essential variables identified
in the appropriate code of construction or Fabricator's standard. Samples of the
forms used should be included the welding quality assurance manual.
12.6. The performance qualification of a welder or welding operator will remain valid
unless.. .
12.6.1. the welder has not welded in production with the qualified process
during a period of six months or more, (unless otherwise specified by
the governing specification) or,
12.6.2. there is specific reason to question the welder's ability to make welds
that meet the specifications. The qualifications which support the
welding heishe is doing will be revoked. All other qualifications not
questioned remain in effect.
12.7. The Fabricator should keep a log or roster of qualified welders and devise a
method to maintain their qualifications.
12.8. The welding quality assurance system should specify how certified welders or
welding operators are assigned to a job and who is responsible for assuring that
only qualified welders are used.
12.9. Some codes may require that tack welders be qualified and other codes may not
require qualification if the tack weld is removed prior to final welding. The
welding quality assurance system should specify the extent of tack welders'
qualifications. If unqualified tack welders inadvertently perform tack welds,
controls are in place to assure that the tack weld is removed before final welding.
American Welding Society's Welding Quality Assurance Guiùeline fur Fahricarors page 6
COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, User=, 06/08/2003
05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STDmAWS WQAG-ENGL 0784265 0514395 7 9 1
14.1. When the required weldment quality-as defined by 113.2 is not met, there is a
nonconformance. The Fabricator will have a system to identify nonconformities
to prevent the item's inadvertent use in the final product. A nonconformity could
occur, but IS -ed
. . to the follow k , when _..
O base material identification and inspection before welding is not
performed or,
0 preparation of the base material andor consumable control is not
followed before welding or.
the procedure is not followed during welding or,
final weldment acceptance criteria is not met.
14.2. Additionally. a nonconformance may be related to a nonconformity in the
normal procedures required for quality assurance and quality control. The
Fabricator's quality system must identify who has the responsibility to approve
the disposition of a nonconformance.
14.3. The Fabricator's quality assurance system will identify nonconformities and
assign a disposition of.,.
14.3. i . deviation-accept the part as is.
14.3.2. rework-correct the nonconformance to bring the part to full
compliance with the original specification.
14.3.3. repair- modify the part ta bring it back to acceptable quality which
may not be in full compliance with the original acceptance criteria.
14.3.4. scrap-discard the nonconforming part and remake.
14.4. The Fabricator's nonconformance. system will include a method to identify,
investigate and address the mot cause of the nonconformance.
15. I , The Fabricator should demonstrate that adequate resources. including equipment
and the assignment of trained personnel to manage, perform and inspect
weldments to the appropriate quality level, are available.
15.2. The Fabricator should demonstrate a suitable system of equipment maintenance
to ensure continuing process capability.
16.1. The Fabricator should identify a method of assurhg that welding procedure
parameters are maintained dunng welding.
American Welding Society 's Welding Quality Assurance Guideline for Fabricators Page 7
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05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
STD-AWS WQAG-ENGL 0784265 05243ïb b28
Reference D o c u m e n t s
nie elements of uli5 Guideline may satis@ in patt or whole. the welding quality
assurance system requirements of these documents...
e AWS Qc4
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section IX
e API 1104
e MIL Specification 248
e Earthmoving Equipment D14.3
e ANSYAWS D14.6 Rotating Equipment
e ANSVAWS D15. i Railroad
e I S 0 97 12
It is suggested that the Fabricator refer to this document for a more detailed
presentation of the qualification and certification of NDE personnel.
e I S 0 14731 Welding Coordination
It is suggested that the Fabricator refer to this document for a more detailed
presentation of the duties of a Welding Coordinator.
e IS0 3834
It is suggested that the Fabricator refer to this document for an alternate
presentation of a welding quality assurance system when a quality system
conforming to IS0 9001 or IS0 9002 is required.
e IS0 9001/9004-1994
It is suggested chat the Fabricator reference these documents for n detailed
description of the elements of document control, quality records and process
COPYRIGHT 2003; American Welding Society, Inc. Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, User=, 06/08/2003
05:07:11 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.