This document provides details of the design of a concrete footing and column. It outlines 4 steps: 1) determining the size of the footing, 2) design constants and limiting depth, 3) checking the effective depth from a bending perspective, and 4) checking for shear. It provides calculations for the required area, depths, reinforcement, shear capacity and more. The output includes adopted dimensions for the footing and column as well as reinforcement areas.
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This document provides details of the design of a concrete footing and column. It outlines 4 steps: 1) determining the size of the footing, 2) design constants and limiting depth, 3) checking the effective depth from a bending perspective, and 4) checking for shear. It provides calculations for the required area, depths, reinforcement, shear capacity and more. The output includes adopted dimensions for the footing and column as well as reinforcement areas.
This document provides details of the design of a concrete footing and column. It outlines 4 steps: 1) determining the size of the footing, 2) design constants and limiting depth, 3) checking the effective depth from a bending perspective, and 4) checking for shear. It provides calculations for the required area, depths, reinforcement, shear capacity and more. The output includes adopted dimensions for the footing and column as well as reinforcement areas.
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This document provides details of the design of a concrete footing and column. It outlines 4 steps: 1) determining the size of the footing, 2) design constants and limiting depth, 3) checking the effective depth from a bending perspective, and 4) checking for shear. It provides calculations for the required area, depths, reinforcement, shear capacity and more. The output includes adopted dimensions for the footing and column as well as reinforcement areas.
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STEP 1: Size of footing
Factored Load On th eFooting 1800
Bearing Capacity 120 KN/m2 W 1200 KN Area of Footing 11 m2 Length(Lf) 3.4 m Width(Wf) 3.4 m Length of column (Lc) 0.5 m Width of column(Wf) 0.5 m Area of Footing(provided) 11.56 m2 Actual upward pressure(Pou) 155.709343 KN/m2
STEP 2: Design Constants and Limiting Depth
Fy 250 N/mm2 Fck 15 N/mm2 xumax/d 0.53 Ru 2.23098624 STEP3: Effective from bending point of view MuL 556544118 N-mm MuW 556544118 N-mm equivalent rect of length 862.5 mm equivalent rect of width 862.5 mm d(l) 537.801242 mm d(w) 537.801242 mm adopted d(l) 600 mm adopted d(w) 600 mm eff depth at ends(l) 120 mm eff depth at ends(w) 120 mm STEP4: Check for Shear (a) for beam shear Vu 450 Pu 1285 KN Mux 2.8 KNm Muy 4.85 KNm qa 130 KN/m2 qu 125.48828125 KN/m2 qumax,X 126.000976563 qumin,X 124.975585938 qumax,Y 126.376342773 qumin,Y 124.600219727 ex 1.89477245813 mm ey 3.28201657926 mm Lx>= 11.3686347488 mm Ly>= 19.6920994756 mm Area required 9.88461538462 m2 area provided 10.24 m2 Lx 3200 mm Ly 3200 mm cx 230 mm cy 450 mm assumed pt 0.25 fck 20 N/mm2 fy 415 N/mm2 tc 0.357 Mpa dx 386.227199495 dy 357.61777731 ks1 2.45652173913 ks2 1.01111111111 ksx 1 ksy 1 ks 1 A B C tc 1.11803398875 12988.04 -1520.526 1285000 d1 Err:502 d2 Err:502 d 386.227199495 Err:502 d 386.227199495 bar dia 16 D 469.227199495 D 470 dx 387 dy 371 qmax,gross 188.232421875 cantilever X 1485 Mux 590357109.375 ptx 0.36953058976 AstX 1430.08338236 cantilever Y 1375 MuY 506136067.708 ptY 0.34265906549 AstY 1271.26513295 Pu 188.5 KN Mux 0 KNm Muy 0 KNm qa 130 KN/m2 qu 51.222826086957 KN/m2 qumax,X 51.222826086957 qumin,X 51.222826086957 qumax,Y 51.222826086957 qumin,Y 51.222826086957 ex 0 mm ey 0 mm Lx>= 0 mm Ly>= 0 mm Area requi 1.45 m2 area provi 3.68 m2 Lx 1600 mm Ly 2300 mm cx 230 mm cy 450 mm assumed p 0.25 fck 20 N/mm2 fy 415 N/mm2 tc 0.357 Mpa dx 85.952165404125 dy 116.066792699 ks1 2.4565217391304 ks2 1.0111111111111 ksx 1 ksy 1 ks 1 A B C tcz 1.1180339887499 5301.563 -1520.526 188500 d1 Err:502 d2 Err:502 d 116.066792699 Err:502 d 116.066792699 bar dia 16 D 199.066792699 D 200 dx 117 dy 101 qmax,gross76.834239130435 cantilever 1370 Mux 147414854.16667 ptx Err:502 AstX Err:502 cantilever 925 MuY 46749365.942029 ptY 1.0014820232099 AstY 1011.496843442
db 25 mm A 490.8739 I 19174.76 E 200000 q 150 1471.5 N/m² sx 1000 mm sy 600 mm P 882.9 N x 300 mm h 2000 mm δmax 0.129501 mm < 4mm (OK) mm² mm⁴ N/mm² kg/m² sy P