Name of Patient: - Date: - Drug Study
Name of Patient: - Date: - Drug Study
Name of Patient: - Date: - Drug Study
Drug Study
Name of Classifica Dosage Indicati Contraindica Mechanism of Action Adverse Nursing Responsibilities
Drug tion on tion Reactions/
( Brand
Celecoxib NSAID 200 mg Acute or Hypersensiti Celecoxib is a nonsteroidal Abdominal Assesment:
1 tab vty including antiinflammatory pain, diarrhea,
PO OD those in drug(NSAID) that is used to nausea, Assess patient’s range of motion,
Celebrex use in whom oedema, degree of swelling, and pain in
the treat arthritis,
attacks of dizziness, affected joints before and
angioedema, pain, menstrual cramps,
treatmen headache, periodically throughout therapy.
rhinitis and and colonic polyps.
t of the insomnia,
urticaria Prostaglandins are upper Planning:
have been chemicals that are respiratory
and precipitated important contributors to tract Assess patient for allergy to
symptom by aspirin, infections;
the inflammation of sulfonamides, aspirin, or NSAIDS.
s of NSAIDs or rash.
arthritis that causes Patients with these allergies
sulfonamides Potentially
osteoart . Severe pain, fever, swelling and should not receive celecoxib.
Fatal: Serious
hritis and hepatic tenderness. Celecoxib
skin reactions Implementation:
RA. impairment; blocks the enzyme that such as
Manage severe heart makes prostaglandins exfoliative
ment failure; May be administered without
(cyclooxygenase 2), dermatitis,
and inflammatory Stevens- regard to meals.
resulting in lower
treatmen bowel Johnson Evaluation:
concentrations of
t of post- disease; syndrome, and
peptic ulcer; prostaglandins. As a Patient should discontinue
surgical toxic
renal consequence, celecoxib and notify health care
or dental epidermal
impairment inflammation and its necrolysis. professional if signs and
pain, (CrCl <30 accompanying pain, fever, symptoms of hepatotoxicity
acute ml/min); swelling and tenderness (nausea, fatigue, lethargy,
pain are reduced. Celecoxib pruritus, jaundice, upper right
differs from other NSAIDs quadrant tenderness, flu-like
in that it causes less symptoms) occur.
inflammation and
ulceration of the stomach
and intestine (at least with
short-term use) and does
not interfere with the
clotting of blood