Fire Protection Design With FM 200
Fire Protection Design With FM 200
Fire Protection Design With FM 200
FM 200 is a halocarbon agent accepted as an alternative to halon for total flooding fire
suppression systems. After receiving the fire signal, FM 200 is discharged totally from
the cylinders within 10 seconds to fill up the space uniformly at the design
concentration to extinguish the fire. The agent is retained at its design concentration
in the space for a period-called 'Hold Time'-to extinguish the fire. After Hold time,
when the fire is extinguished, the agent is exhausted from the space by exhaust fans
before any inspection is performed.
For the design of the system, NFPA Code 2001, "Standard on Clean Agent Fire
Extinguishing Systems" is followed. The Code recommends that the system be
designed by a qualified clean agent extinguishing system designer. This sometimes
indirectly means the agent supplier's authorized system designer.
FM 200 design includes determination of the agent quantity, piping layout, pressure
drop through the piping and accessories, as well as fixing the location and quantities
of discharge nozzles for uniform distribution of the agent throughout the space. This
also includes determining the filling density in the agent cylinders to take care of the
pressure drop through the system, for determining the number of cylinders.
From above, the agent quantity required for total flooding of the space is determined
independently based on the design concentration of the agent necessary for the type
of fire to be extinguished, Hold Time for extinguishing the fire, additional quantity
required to take care of the leakage, etc.
Tentative pipe sizing and pipe routing with nozzle location are done by the owner or
the engineer in harmony with the other facilities in the space. This is, however,
finalized by the agent supplier's authorized system designer based on the pressure
drop software program for two-phase flow of the agent. To take care of the system
pressure drop and to establish the required pressure at the nozzles, the authorized
agent determines the agent fill density in the cylinder. They also finalize the number
of cylinders based on the fill density and their standard cylinder size.
Protected Areas
The areas to be protected are identified from the fire risk analysis of the plant and the
various codes (like NFPA, etc). The requirements are guided by the functional
criticality of the system protected, amount of loss involved, fire insurance premium,
Design Philosophy
A typical case of protecting a power station using the FM 200 total suppression
system is the basis for the following design information. Design Code: NFPA 2001,
"Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System," is the governing code for designing the
system, and NFPA 72, "National Fire Alarm Code," is followed for fixing the fire alarm
system, an important part of the clean agent total suppression system. Agent
Concentration: Since FM 200 is the most expensive item of the total system, a careful
analysis is required before fixing the required concentration and the total quantity of
the agent.
Regarding design concentration of the agent, there are various guidelines available,
such as:
To satisfy both FM and UL, it seems prudent to consider the design concentration as
7.44% by volume. The FM 200 supplier's authorized agent normally recommends 7%
as the design concentration, based on their experience with the type of fire
anticipated in the areas protected. Increase of the agent concentration from 7% to
7.44% has the repercussion on the cost of the agent. If possible, the
recommendation of the AHJ (Authority of Jurisdiction) should be solicited before
fixing the agent design concentration.
The maximum limit of the FM 200 concentration is restricted by NFPA 2001 due to the
safety considerations of the toxicological and physical effects on human life.
NFPA 2001 Clause a-1-5.1.2 recommends the following concentration level of FM 200
in the protected compartment:
Agent Quantity: The formula mentioned in Clause 3.5.1 of NFPA 2001 is used for
preliminary quantity calculation of the agent requirement. The formula is as follows:
k1 and k2 = constants specific to the clean agent being used (FM 200), the values of
which are to be taken from Table 3-5.1 (a) of NFPA 2001.
Hazard volume ("V") in the above formula is the volume of the room protected.
Sometimes the volume occupied by the hvac ducting inside the room up to the first
isolation damper is added to the room volume, when the room is provided with a
suspended ceiling and the duct is running in the space above the suspended ceiling.
Regarding the selection of the temperature inside the protected area, the NFPA
recommends the minimum anticipated temperature. The authorized system designer
normally takes into consideration the prevalent temperature inside the rooms, which
are air-conditioned. The agent quantity requirement increases with the lower
temperature of the protected volume. However, during an abnormal condition, such
as the plant being under maintenance, when the hvac system is not running, the
room's indoor temperature may attain the minimum outdoor temperature. It is
therefore prudent to consider the minimum outdoor temperature prevalent from the
climatological data and not the minimum design temperature specified for other
equipment selection as the minimum anticipated temperature for agent calculation.
Agent Leakage and Effect of Altitude: Leakage of the agent from the enclosure is an
important issue for maintaining the desired agent concentration inside the enclosure
during the Hold Time required for extinguishing the fire.
Total FM 200 flooding within a short period of 10 seconds will suddenly raise the
pressure inside the room due to the agent's expansion. The sudden rise in pressure
will, however, die down to normal room pressure within a short period at the
quiescent state. Therefore, there is the possibility of leakage at the time of discharge
and also during the quiescent state due to the heavier air-agent mixture in the room
compared to the air outside.
During the quiescent state, due to the difference in density between the FM 200 air
mixture inside the room and the air outside the room, the FM 200 and air mixture will
leak out of the room through the leakage area. Per NFPA recommendations, room
height is considered as the static head for the leakage.
To be more precise, the leakage rate is determined by the Door Fan Pressurization
Test, as recommended by NFPA 2001. Like during the design stage, such leakage
value cannot be arrived at by the Door Fan test; the leakage rate is estimated based
on the probable leakage areas, such as leakage through the door gaps, damper gaps,
tiles of the raised floor, etc.
Leakage Through Door Gaps: It is prudent to calculate the leakage rate through the
door gaps from the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-conditioning Engineers) formula, as follows:
rm = FM 200 and air mixture density, kg/m3. Refer to NFPA 2001 Clause B-
H0=Height of ceiling, m.
Leakage Through Raised Floor Tiles: The leakage by diffusion through the tiles of
the raised roof floor is considered only when the raised floor of the room in isolation
is protected by FM 200. When both the room and the raised floor are protected by FM
200, such leakage through the raised floor is not to be considered, as the agent is
discharged simultaneously to both the room and its raised floor from the fire signal
from either of the spaces.
Leakage Through Wall Penetration: Penetration for cable raceways and piping
through the firewall is sealed to achieve the most perfect leak tightness as possible
and restrict any leakage through the penetration sealing.
Leakage Through Damper Gaps: Dampers are placed in the hvac ducts, which are
routed near the ceiling of the enclosed volume. As such, during the quiescent state,
the static height responsible for leakage due to difference in density between the
air-agent mixture and the air outside should be the diameter for the round duct or
height for the rectangular duct. To simplify, for practical purposes, the same static
head, i.e. the height of the room, is considered for leakage quantity determination
through the damper. For estimation purposes, a crack width of 0.0016 mm (same as
door) can be considered around the perimeter of the duct to get the leakage area for
the damper. Leakage to Suspended Ceiling: It depends upon the type of fixtures
used on the suspended ceiling. Normally, the suspended ceiling is made from a
number of panels connected together by clips through which the leakage is not
expected. With the ceiling on the top, there is no static height of the air-agent
mixture for leakage at the quiescent state.
Agent Hold Time: This is the time required to hold the agent inside the enclosure at
its desired concentration until the fire is extinguished. The Hold Time, which is
contingent to the type of fire, items under fire, extent of fire, etc., is generally
dictated by the AHJ, probably based on the statistical data or experiments.
For practical purposes, such values are not usually available when the design of the
system is prepared. NFPA 2001 Clause B-2.7 for Retention Time can be followed to
estimate the Hold Time.
In Clause B-, NFPA 2001 gives a formula for calculating the time required to
maintain the descending interface level of air agent mixture at or above the height
required for minimum agent concentration in the room. The interface level of the air
agent mixture descends due to the leakage of the agent from the enclosure. Per
Clause B-2.7.2 of NFPA 200a, this time can be considered as the Hold Time when no
definite value of the same is available.
t = Time, sec. The enclosure is expected to maintain the descending interface above
H for the time t. This is the maximum Hold Time expected for the hazard.
rm = FM 200 and Air mixture density, kg/m3. Refer to NFPA 2001 Clause B-
H0 = Height of ceiling, m.
In any case, the Hold Time should not be less than ten (10) minutes, which is a
traditional generic value to extinguish the fire.