Cone Cylinder Intersection Master

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Flat Development for a Cone-Cylinder Intersection


3 Step (1): Enter values of variables a, b, c, d, k, h, a and
no. of sections below:
d a= 1210.00
b= 1502.00
10 1
k 7 c= 754.00 Center to center
d= 3647.00
h k= 1451.020
h= 6501.00
6 5 a = 45.00
a No. of section = 72

2 4

Point 10 Other values

b step 5
x10 = -672.22 c/2sina 533.16
y10 = -139.06 ah/a-b -26939.08
2h/a-b -44.53
tana 1.00
Point 8
bh/a-b -33440.08
x8 = 642.69
y8 = 1175.85 sin a 0.71
cos a 0.71
c/2 377.00

Point 4 b-a/2h 0.02

x4 = 759.45 (y8-y4)2 13632.60

y4 = 1292.61 (x8-x4)2 13632.60

(y9-y4)2 576759.48
Point 9 (x9-x4)2 576759.48

x9 = 0.00 (y10-y9)2 451877.56

y9 = 533.16 (x10-x9)2 451877.56

tan(90-a-j) 0.96
j= 1.29
Po = 165.12 (distance from point 4 to 8) (c/2)/tan a 377.00
To = 1074.02 (distance from point 4 to 9)
sin j 0.02
sin (a-)j) 0.69
sin a(sin (a-)) 0.49

distance from point 9 to 10 950.66

tan j 0.02

Step (2): Extend or reduce the rows in the table below to fit 0 - 360 degrees

b P T delta D D (T-P)sin a D/2cosatanj D/2sin a d arcsin ((csinb)/d) delta x P + delta x

0.00 165.12 1074.02 0.00 1859.56 642.69 14.77 657.45 1314.57 0.00 0.00 165.12
5.00 166.49 1075.45 0.07 1859.69 642.73 14.77 657.50 1314.67 0.05 1.16 167.66
10.00 170.60 1079.75 0.26 1860.07 642.87 14.77 657.64 1314.94 0.10 4.62 175.22
15.00 177.40 1086.87 0.59 1860.71 643.09 14.77 657.86 1315.39 0.15 10.30 187.70
20.00 186.86 1096.76 1.04 1861.60 643.39 14.78 658.18 1316.02 0.20 18.05 204.90
25.00 198.89 1109.34 1.62 1862.73 643.79 14.79 658.58 1316.82 0.24 27.68 226.57
30.00 213.41 1124.53 2.32 1864.10 644.26 14.80 659.06 1317.78 0.29 38.96 252.37
35.00 230.31 1142.20 3.13 1865.69 644.81 14.81 659.62 1318.91 0.33 51.58 281.88
40.00 249.45 1162.22 4.05 1867.49 645.43 14.83 660.26 1320.18 0.38 65.20 314.65
45.00 270.69 1184.44 5.07 1869.48 646.12 14.84 660.96 1321.59 0.42 79.44 350.13
50.00 293.87 1208.69 6.19 1871.66 646.87 14.86 661.73 1323.13 0.45 93.88 387.75
55.00 318.82 1234.78 7.39 1874.01 647.68 14.88 662.56 1324.79 0.49 108.06 426.89
60.00 345.34 1262.52 8.66 1876.50 648.54 14.90 663.44 1326.55 0.51 121.54 466.88
65.00 373.23 1291.69 10.00 1879.12 649.45 14.92 664.37 1328.41 0.54 133.85 507.08
70.00 402.28 1322.08 11.40 1881.85 650.39 14.94 665.34 1330.34 0.56 144.55 546.84
75.00 432.27 1353.45 12.84 1884.67 651.37 14.96 666.33 1332.33 0.58 153.26 585.53
80.00 462.97 1385.55 14.31 1887.56 652.37 14.99 667.35 1334.37 0.59 159.63 622.60
85.00 494.15 1418.16 15.81 1890.49 653.38 15.01 668.39 1336.44 0.60 163.42 657.57
90.00 525.56 1451.02 17.32 1893.44 654.40 15.03 669.43 1338.53 0.60 164.49 690.05
95.00 556.97 1483.88 18.83 1896.40 655.42 15.06 670.48 1340.62 0.59 162.81 719.78
100.00 588.15 1516.49 20.33 1899.33 656.43 15.08 671.51 1342.69 0.59 158.44 746.59
105.00 618.85 1548.59 21.81 1902.21 657.43 15.10 672.53 1344.73 0.57 151.57 770.42
110.00 648.84 1579.96 23.25 1905.03 658.40 15.13 673.53 1346.72 0.55 142.48 791.32
115.00 677.89 1610.35 24.64 1907.76 659.35 15.15 674.50 1348.65 0.53 131.52 809.40
120.00 705.78 1639.52 25.98 1910.38 660.25 15.17 675.42 1350.51 0.50 119.08 824.86
125.00 732.30 1667.26 27.26 1912.88 661.12 15.19 676.30 1352.27 0.47 105.59 837.89
130.00 757.25 1693.35 28.46 1915.22 661.93 15.21 677.13 1353.93 0.44 91.51 848.76
135.00 780.43 1717.60 29.57 1917.40 662.68 15.22 677.90 1355.47 0.40 77.28 857.71
140.00 801.67 1739.82 30.59 1919.40 663.37 15.24 678.61 1356.88 0.37 63.31 864.98
145.00 820.81 1759.84 31.51 1921.20 663.99 15.25 679.25 1358.15 0.32 50.00 870.82
150.00 837.71 1777.51 32.32 1922.79 664.54 15.27 679.81 1359.27 0.28 37.72 875.43
155.00 852.23 1792.70 33.02 1924.15 665.01 15.28 680.29 1360.24 0.24 26.77 879.00
160.00 864.26 1805.28 33.60 1925.28 665.40 15.29 680.69 1361.04 0.19 17.44 881.70
165.00 873.72 1815.17 34.05 1926.17 665.71 15.29 681.00 1361.67 0.14 9.94 883.66
170.00 880.52 1822.29 34.38 1926.81 665.93 15.30 681.23 1362.12 0.10 4.46 884.98
175.00 884.63 1826.59 34.58 1927.20 666.06 15.30 681.37 1362.39 0.05 1.12 885.75
180.00 886.00 1828.02 34.64 1927.33 666.11 15.30 681.41 1362.48 0.00 0.00 886.00
Step (3): Extend or reduce the rows in the table below to fit all values from "Starting value" to "Ending value".

Graph of (P+delta x) versus (pc/No. of sections)

b Y-axis X- axis
P + delta x pc/No. of sections
0.00 165.12 0.00 Starting value = 0.00
5.00 167.66 32.90 Step = 32.90
10.00 175.22 65.80 Ending value = 2368.76
15.00 187.70 98.70
20.00 204.90 131.60
25.00 226.57 164.50
30.00 252.37 197.40
35.00 281.88 230.30
40.00 314.65 263.20
45.00 350.13 296.10
50.00 387.75 328.99
55.00 426.89 361.89
60.00 466.88 394.79
65.00 507.08 427.69
70.00 546.84 460.59
75.00 585.53 493.49
80.00 622.60 526.39
85.00 657.57 559.29
90.00 690.05 592.19
95.00 719.78 625.09
100.00 746.59 657.99
105.00 770.42 690.89
110.00 791.32 723.79
115.00 809.40 756.69
120.00 824.86 789.59
125.00 837.89 822.49
130.00 848.76 855.39
135.00 857.71 888.29
140.00 864.98 921.18
145.00 870.82 954.08
150.00 875.43 986.98
155.00 879.00 1019.88
160.00 881.70 1052.78
165.00 883.66 1085.68
170.00 884.98 1118.58
175.00 885.75 1151.48
180.00 886.00 1184.38
Chart of P + delta x versus (Pi * c)/No. of sections




(Pi * c)/No. of sections







0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 1000.00 1200.00 1400.00
P + delta x

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