Rome Unit Test Study Guide

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Friday, Feb. 4, 2011

Essential question: How did the Romans manage diversity as the empire expanded?

Format: multiple choice, short answer, free response, essay

You are responsible for your notes, maps and handouts.

Material from this unit can be found in:

Chapter 6, Sections 1-4 (ancient Rome)
Chapter 11, Section 1 (Byzantine Empire)
Chapter 3, Section 4 (Judaism).

major terms and names:

Palestine Canaan Torah Abraham
monotheism covenant Moses Israel
Judah tribute gladiator Jesus
apostle Peter Paul bishop
pope heresy inflation mercenary
republic patricians plebeians tribune
consul senate Punic Wars Hannibal
Scipio Struggle of the Orders Twelve Tables legion
Julius Caesar triumvirate absolute ruler Augustus
Diaspora Constantine Edict of Milan persecution
Council at Nicaea Nicene Creed Pax Romana Diocletian
East/West Empire Constantinople icon iconoclast
Justinian Justinian Code Hagia Sophia Attila
excommunication schism Cyrillic alphabet

In addition to above terms and names:

• Comparison between Roman and U.S. republican governments (p. 143)
• You should know the basic information about each religion. See your religion chart.
• Roman Catholic versus Eastern Orthodox
• Comparison between the Roman Empire and the Han dynasty in China (p.187). Look
over your notes on Han dynasty.

Questions to consider:
• How did the use of power within the Roman Empire impact Judaism and Christianity?
• What factors led to the collapse of the republic?
• What are the factors that led to the “fall” of the Western Roman Empire? (p. 160)
• What are some different perspectives on the “fall” of the Roman Empire?

Also consider our FOUR BIG QUESTIONS for the course:

• In what ways do leaders positively and negatively affect society?
• How do trade networks allow goods, ideas and people to spread?
• What sparks technological and intellectual innovations, and what changes because of
• How do religious and philosophical ideas influence government, art and society?

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