PA Form
PA Form
PA Form
(Deemed University) (for official use only)
Manesar, Gurgaon-122 050, HARYANA.
Application form for Project Assistant
1. Name ______________________________________________
9. Category SC* / ST* / OBC* / PH*/ General __ (*attach attested copy of the certificate)
12. Educational Qualifications (Please attach detailed curriculum vitae along with attested copies in support of the
educational qualifications)
18) Declaration: I understand that in the event of any information provided above being found
incorrect or misleading, my candidature shall be liable to cancellation by the NBRC at any time and I
shall not be entitled to refund of any fee paid by me to the NBRC.
Place: ___________
Date: ____________ Signature of the Candidate
1. Application form should be filled in candidate’s own handwriting using blue/black ballpoint pen.
2. Item no. 1-4 should be filled in BLOCK letters.
3. Checklist of documents needs to be attached with the application form.
a. Demand draft [(Rs.100/- (non-refundable); no fee for SC/ST candidates)] drawn in favour
of Director, National Brain Research Centre, payable at Gurgaon / Manesar. Please
ensure that you have written your name and address on the backside of the demand
b. Attested copies of certificates in support of your educational qualifications.
c. Category certificate for SC/ST/physically challenged candidates.
d. Addresses of 3 References along with reference letters
4. Incomplete applications would be summarily rejected without giving any reason to the
candidate or entertaining any correspondence with him.
Completely filled in application form along with the requisite documents should be sent to “The
Registrar, National Brain Research Centre, NH-8, Manesar– 122050, Dist-Gurgaon, Haryana”.
The envelope containing the application form should be marked “Application Form for Project