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TY BSC IT Question Papers Mumbai University

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v rL [ ]: \'/ t ><f,n yrJ

C# 2 60f f

(3 Hours)
[Total Marks : 100
N . B . : ( t ) QuestionNo. I is compulsory. \ ...4
*; /- ,
ic - i'd J
(2) Solveany four from euestionNos. 2 to Z.
(3) All quqstionscarry cqual 6arks.
\t/ ,l J

Q l ) W r i t e short notes on the following (any five) :

a) hnmutableString 20
b) .DifferencebetweenInterface& Abstract Class
c) Data typesin c#
d ) Eight differencesbetweenJava& c#
e) .NET Framework
0 Exeptionhandlingin C#
c) Operationpolymorphism
Q2) a) Explainfourtypesof method.parameters. r
b) Writca programlhatprintsthcfollowing,format
#l+ ,'r'.,i,
' ! i

' c ) Explaintf,e functiJn of break,continue

and goto usingexamples.
Q3) a) write a programto c-onvertthetemperaturein Fahrenheit(rtartin.l
from 9g.5to
102in stcpsof 0.I) to cclsiususingtheformurac = (F - 32)| l.g anddisplaythe
valucsin a tabularform :
b) ExplainMethodoverriding.showa programthatimplern;.nrthisconcepr. 6
c) Drawtheflow chartandexplaintheactivitiesof cLR for.executing a program- 6
Q4) a) Whatis a4 Array List. Write a programusingarraylist. , , ,
b) ExplainMutablestringsin brief. 8
c) write a programto show the creation& imprementationofderegate, 6

Q5)' a) Writea programto print the followingFloyd'striangle

456 |

?9 .... . . . .9 l
b) What.isa property.How do.we declareand useit(show a program).
c) Explainthc l'unction
ofgc foilowing 6
L CompareToQ
. 2. Concat0
3. LastlndexOf$ ,
4. Rcmovc0
5. Trim0
6. Substringf

Q6) a) civen a list of marksrangingtiom 0 io,to0,writea programto computeandprint

thenumber of studentswhohaveobtained marks,
(a) in therange8l to 100
(b) in therange6l to 80
(c) in therange4l to 60,and
(d) in therange0 to 40
b) i) Whatarcstaticmcthods? Whendowc uscit 3
ii) Whatis a readonly member? Whenandwhyit is used 3
c) what areinterfaces? write a programto showthe irnplementation
of multiple 6

Q7) a) What is opcratorovcrloading.Writc a programto slrow the implcrncntationof

unaryoperator. .j
b) .,- ,how.
Show to irnplement
in a class. 6
c) Explain 6
I ) abstractmethods& classes

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