In everyday life, gravitation is most familiar as the agent that gives weight to objects with mass
and causes them to fall to the ground when dropped. Gravitation causes dispersed matter to
coalesce, thus accounting for the existence of the Earth, the Sun, and most of the macroscopic
objects in the universe. Gravitation is responsible for keeping the Earth and the other planets in
their orbits around the Sun; for keeping the Moon in its orbit around the Earth; for the formation
of tides; for natural convection, by which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a density
gradient and gravity; for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to very high
temperatures; and for various other phenomena observed on Earth.
Gravitation is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature, along with the strong force,
electromagnetism and the weak force. Modern physics describes gravitation using the general
theory of relativity, in which gravitation is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime which
governs the motion of inertial objects. The simpler Newton's law of universal gravitation
provides an accurate approximation for most calculations.