Diagnosa Kerja
1. syok kardiogenik
Suatu keadaan dimana terjadi penurunan cardiac output (curah jantung) dan
perfusi secara sistemik dikarenakan disfungsi dari jantung dengan volume
intravascular yg adekuat, menyebabkan hipoksia jaringan.
2. Kriteria Diagnostik
-Tekanan darah sistolik < 90 mmHg persisten selama lebih dari 30 menit
-Hipoperfusi ke sistem organ-organ utama ditandai : oligouria, kulit dingin dan
lembab, terganggunya fungsi mental
-Indeks jantung < 2,2 L/menit/m2
-Tekanan pengisian ventrikel kiri > 15mmHg
3. Manisfestasi Klinis
-Nyeri dada hebat
-Nafas cepat
-Sesak nafas
-Kulit pucat, dingin
-Penurunan atau kehilangan kesadaran
-Nadi cepat tapi kuat angkat lemah
-Kebingungan, cemas, agitasi
-Penurunan fungsi mental : konsentrasi turun, kewaspadaan turun
-Penurunan produksi urin
4. Diagnosis Banding
1. Syok Kardiogenik et cause emboli paru
2. Syok Kardiogenik et cause Regurgitasi aorta
3. Syok Kardiogenik et cause shock septic
4. Syok Kardiogenik et cause hipovolemik
The most common initiating event in cardiogenic shock is AMI. Dead myocardium
does not contract, and classical teaching has been that when more than 40% of the
myocardium is irreversibly damaged (particularly, the anterior cardiac wall),
cardiogenic shock may result. On a mechanical level, a marked decrease in
contractility reduces the ejection fraction and cardiac output. These lead to increased
ventricular filling pressures, cardiac chamber dilatation, and ultimately univentricular
or biventricular failure that result in systemic hypotension and/or pulmonary edema.
The SHOCK trial, however, demonstrated that left ventricular ejection fraction is not
always depressed in the setting of cardiogenic shock. Additional surprising findings
included nonelevated systemic vascular resistance on vasopressors and that most
survivors have only New York Heart Association (NYHA) class I congestive heart
Right ventricular (RV) infarct, by itself, may lead to hypotension and shock because
of reduced preload to the left ventricle. The management of RV infarcts is discussed
elsewhere but should be considered in the setting of inferior wall MI.
Whenever patients who present in shock have been exposed to medications that may
cause hypotension, these drugs should be considered as possible culprits in the
disease. Calcium channel blockers may cause profound hypotension with a normal or
elevated heart rate. Beta-blocking agents may also cause hypotension. Hypotension
can be seen with or without bradycardia, or AV node block can be seen with either of
these types of medications. If these medications are the culprits, therapy directed at
these toxicities is beneficial. Nitroglycerin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,
opiate, and barbiturates can all cause a shock state and may be difficult to distinguish
from cardiogenic shock.
Initiating events other than AMI and ischemia include infection, drug toxicity, and
pulmonary embolus.
For children, the causes of cardiogenic shock are vastly different. The 3 primary
causes of cardiogenic shock in children and infants are viral myocarditis, congenital
heart disease, and toxic ingestions. For details, see eMedicine's Pediatric Critical Care
Medicine article on Shock.
United States
Cardiogenic shock is the leading cause of death in acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
The overall in-hospital mortality rate is 57%. For persons older than 75 years,
the mortality rate is 64.1%. For those younger than 75 years, the mortality rate
is 39.5%.
Outcomes significantly improve only when rapid revascularization can be
achieved. The SHOCK trial demonstrated that overall mortality when
revascularization occurs is 38%. When rapid revascularization is not
attempted, mortality rates approach 70%.
Rates vary depending on the procedure (eg, percutaneous transluminal
coronary angioplasty, stent placement, thrombolytic therapy), but they have
been reported to be as low as 30-50%.
Mortality rates have declined over time. In the National Registry of
Myocardial Infarction covering the period from 1995-2004, in-hospital
mortality declined from 60.3% to 47.9%.2 This improvement has been
attributed to the increasing frequency of the use percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) and other revascularization procedures. Mortality rates
attributable to cardiogenic shock are also thought to be due to the increased
frequency of use of PCI, antiplatelet therapies, and lipid-lowering agents in
patients with acute coronary syndromes. This has decreased the incidence of
cardiogenic shock developing in the hospital due to acute coronary syndromes.
The incidence of cardiogenic shock on arrival to the hospital has not changed
Women comprise 42% of all patients with cardiogenic shock.
Median age for cardiogenic shock mirrors the bimodal distribution of disease. For
adults, the median age ranges from 65-66 years. For children, cardiogenic shock
presents as a consequence of fulminant myocarditis or congenital heart disease.
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