I. Answer The Following Questions: 5

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Marks: 25 Annual Examinations - 2009-

2009-10 Class: I
Part - A Subject: Computers
Name of the student: …………………………………………………..

I. Answer the following questions: × 2 = 10 M

1. Name the three types of storage devices.




2. Write the uses of a mouse.




3. Write the different parts of the keyboard.




4. What is a computer?




5. Write two uses of a computer.



II. Fill in the blanks: 5×½=2½M

1. PC means _____________________

2. A computer can be used to send or receive _____________________

3. The _____________________ is the brain of the computer.

4. _____________________ and _________________ are the two memories of the computer.

5. The _____________________ is used to take a copy of the letters.

III. State whether True or False: 5×½=2½M

1. A hard disk is very heavy in weight. [ ]

2. A Calculator is not a type of computer. [ ]

3. Computer is an electronic machine. [ ]

4. The mouse pointer looks like an arrow at all times. [ ]

5. You can draw pictures using a computer. [ ]

IV. Oral and Practical - 10 M

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