7thsea Alchemy

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7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

The Alchemist’s Guild

The Vendel League, Book I

Introduction Organisation and Goals

Founded in 1639, the Alchemist’s Guild of the Vendel The Guild is a very loose affiliation of scholars and does not
League remains as controversial today as it did when it was pretend to be as comprehensive in its membership as other
grudgingly accepted by the Chairs of the League. It was in Vendel organisations. While many scholars with an interest
fact only through intense politicking and the personal in alchemy have seen the advantages of joining the group,
charisma of its founder, the enigmatic Teodorus von Hafen, there exist small enclaves of experimenters throughout
that it even came into being. An eclectic scholar and writer, Théah who have never heard of the Guild or have little
von Hafen is known to have published at least thirty-five interest in joining. In total the full membership of the Guild
treatises on subjects ranging from the alchemical properties numbers a little over two dozen scholars, mostly located in
of mercury to the effectiveness of ancient Avalon druidic Vendel itself.
healing salves. The exact circumstances of his death have
also been a subject of some debate, while most accept that When Theodorus founded the Alchemists’ Guild, the stated
he died in a freak accident during aims was furthering studies of
an experiment, some have esoteric knowledge he and his
attributed the explosion to a associates were conducting, and
jealous rival scholar. perhaps also to give more
credence to a craft that was
The study of alchemy has starting to lose its place to the
fascinated Théan scholars for new sciences of the College. A
centuries, ever since the craft was number of long-time associates
brought back from the Crescent gathered together in Kirk, and
Empire during the early Crusades. used their wealth to establish
The modern rational practice of chemistry, promoted several well-equipped laboratories in the city, even to the
strongly by the Invisible College among others, developed extent of importing high-quality glass apparatus from
out of this knowledge. The name itself derives from the Vodacce, much to the annoyance of certain merchants.
Crescent word al-Kemia and supposedly relates to a now Since that time, however, membership has fluctuated and
extinct civilisation in which scholars first experimented with very few younger scholars have entered the Guild. The
the nature of substances. Some have even speculated that usual practice of apprenticeship is starting to break down,
this may be a currently unknown Syrneth civilisation from with experienced scholars now having to employ paid
the deep deserts. While the Crescent scholars themselves assistants instead of relying on the work of junior members.
wrote extensive texts on all areas of natural philosophy and In the past, an initiate could spend up to ten years working
human anatomy, it was the minority area of transmutation in one of the Guild facilities before seeking funding to
of materials that so inspired western adepts and became establish his own laboratory and start his own research. A
synonymous with the term alchemy. The pinnacle of this few new members still join each year, but some mutter that
was the ability to change a base metal into gold, which is they are more looking for the quick Guilder than actually
regarded as the purest of all metals. Although many have dedicated to the art of alchemy.
made fortunes on such claims, no one has to date reliably
demonstrated a means to do this and more than a few have
paid for false claims with their lives.

7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

Theory of Alchemy Locations

Théan alchemy is based on an ancient philosophy of The Guild has small laboratories throughout Kirk and
four prime elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water. in a few other Théan cities, most notably Charouse
These were originally suggested by the Numan scholar and Luthon. Each is usually the personal property of a
Basilides and later expanded on by Crescent single Guild member, although a few belong to small
alchemists. A substance was said to contain certain confederations of alchemists who have combined
amounts of each prime element. For instance, a piece research and resources. The headquarters of the
of wood was mainly Earth as it had weight, but Guild is a small set of rooms above the
if you burned it you could see the Fire it ‘Shining Guilder’, a fairly up-scale and
contained. Smoke was the Air escaping well-respected tavern in central Kirk. The
and you could also see Water had formed facilities are maintained by a small staff but
on the surface. The four prime elements are rarely used by the senior members,
were then further associated with four prime excepting the occasional conference. Most
states - Hot, Cold, Dry and Wet. The eight in total recently, the main room has been used for a number of
reflected the classical number of Numan deities and the meetings with members of the Usury Guild to secure
spheres that were said to hold the planets in place. additional financial support. The Guild pays a small
Unbeknownst to Théan scientists until fairly recently, this peppercorn rent in gold nuggets to the owner of the tavern,
theory of the elements had been developed centuries before per a very favourable agreement signed by Theodorus
in Cathay and was the foundation of that culture’s faith and himself when the group was first established. Some
science. Specific substances were associated with each of members have suggested renting out the rooms to other
the eight, for instance sulphur is the prime example of Hot small Guilds due to their favourable location near the major
as it was associated with volcanic activity and the League offices. However, the senior members are unwilling
alchemist’s favourite element, mercury, is quite obviously to risk upsetting the current owner and jeopardise the
the signature metal for the elemental Water. Early standing agreements.
alchemists believed that each substance was defined by its
specific properties, so by combining materials to give those Patrons
properties you could create that substance. Thus, gold could While most rational scientists dismiss the alchemists as
be defined as being soft enough to bend, yellow in colour outdated crackpots, the allure of gold and immortality
and would sink in water. If you combined the right means that the Guild has enjoyed a history of strong
combination of other substances with some of these patronage from rich nobles seeking to enhance their status
properties you could make gold. and fortune. Some have been rendered destitute in the
Early experiments developed a higher level of sophistication process, but the fact that the answer may come from the
as techniques to purify and extract new substances were very next experiment keeps a steady stream of, some would
developed. The distill became the crucial piece of say, gullible financiers. Many of these nobles were
equipment for any respected scholar, by which he could Montaigne gentry who regarded themselves as scientists and
achieve the very essence of a substance through carefully philosophers, but were sadly amateurs in the extreme. The
controlled applications of temperature and water. By revolution in that nation has seen this previously almost
varying the amount of Hot, Cold, Dry and Wet in this way limitless source of funding dry up with astonishing speed.
the alchemist transmuted the substance with the ultimate The Guild has yet to reveal to the League that instead of
goal always being the creation of the universal solvent that being one of the wealthier of the minor Guilds, it is now
could dissolve all other materials or the creation of gold heavily in debt to a number of lenders including some of the
from other base metals. Usury Guild’s senior members.

7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

Guild still functions to this day. However, in recent years

Important Members the strain has begun to show and his public appearances
have decreased. Those who have met with him comment in
Jans Ulkopf ~ Guild Master
hushed tones that his behaviour seems to be getting even
The current head of the Alchemist’s Guild is a very
more erratic. Usually a calm and rational man one minute,
eccentric Vendel born and raised in Kirk. The ageing
he has begun to explode into a tirade of politics and
scholar was once apprentice to Theodorus von Hafen and
opinions that most never thought they would hear.
has continued much of that research, although he has yet to
outstrip his mentor in sheer volume of writings. While a
The truth behind Jans’ increasingly bizarre behaviour lies in
dogged researcher, Ulkopf has also impressed many with his
his primary research. He has continued to experiment with
organisational skills which is one of the reasons that the
mercury compounds, which Theodorus believed held the
Jans Ulkopf, Hero ( 7th Sea™ ) secret to the universal solvent which would in turn unlock
Brawn 2, Finesse 2, Wits 4, Resolve 3, Panache 2 the full potential of transmutation. A lifetime of exposure to
Advantages: Alchemist, Connections: Numerous, Emergent Person- such chemicals has had a profound effect on the old scholar,
ality, Membership : Alchemist Guild, Patron (Numerous), Published, who in modern terms would be termed as suffering from
University, Language: Castillian (R/W), Montaigne (R/W), Vendel
multiple personality disorder. A number of close friends are
(R/W), Theah (R/W)
becoming aware of the problem, but they are uncertain what
Background: Debt
to make of the mood swings, sudden changes in attitude, and
Reputation: 30
Courtier: Dancing 2, Etiquette 3 Fashion 2, Oratory 4, Diplomacy
Jans Ulkopf, Villain ( 7th Sea™ )
3, Gossip 3, Mooch 3, Politics 3, Scheming 3, Sincerity 3
Brawn 2, Finesse 2, Wits 4, Resolve 3, Panache 2
Doctor: Diagnosis 3, First Aid 3, Examiner 1, Surgery 1, Quack 2
Advantages: Emergent Personality, Language: Castillian (R/W),
Knife: Attack (Knife) 3, Parry (Knife) 2, Throw (Knife) 2
Montaigne (R/W), Vendel (R/W)
Merchant: Accounting 2, Alchemist 4, Haggling 2
Reputation: 0
Performer: Acting 1, Cold Read 3, Dancing 2, Oratory 4, Singing 1
Ambrogia: Exploit Weakness (Ambrogia) 2, Feint (Fencing) 3,
Professor: Law 2, Mooch 3, Natural Philosophy 4, Oratory 4, Poli-
Pommel Strike (Fencing) 2, Riposte (Fencing) 3
tics 3, Research 4, Tinker 3, Writing 4
Courtier: Dancing 1, Etiquette 3 Fashion 2, Oratory 4, Diplomacy
Scholar: History 1, Mathematics 3, Philosophy 1, Research 4, Law
2, Gossip 4, Mooch 2, Politics 2, Scheming 4, Sincerity 4 Dirty
2, Natural Philosophy 4
Fighting: Attack (Dirty Fighting) 4, Eye-Gouge 4, Throat Strike 4
Doctor: Diagnosis 3, First Aid 2, Examiner 1, Surgery 1, Quack 3
Jans Ulkopf, Guild Master ( d20™ ) Fencing: Attack (Fencing) 2, Parry (Fencing) 2
Vendel Alchemist 5/Courtier 3 : CR 8; SZ M (humanoid); HD Knife: Attack (Knife) 4, Parry (Knife) 4, Throw (Knife)
5d6+3d6+8; hp 37; Init+1; Spd 30 ft; AC 11; Atks: Knife +3 melee Performer: Acting1, Dancing1, Oratory 4, Singing 1, Cold Read 4
(1d4), pistol +4 ranged (1d10); SA Craft Elixirs (cure minor
wounds, feather fall, jump, purify food and drink, resistance, virtue,
Jans Ulkopf, Evil Mastermind ( d20™ )
endure elements, goodberry, bull's strength), Brew Potion (4th level
Vendel Assassin 8 : CR 8; SZ M (humanoid); HD 8d6+8; hp 37;
spells), Wealth, Talent, Style and Grace, Iron Will, Gossip; SV
Init+1; Spd 30 ft; AC 16; Atks: Knife +6/+1 melee (1d4), pistol
Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+11; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 15,
+7/+2 ranged (1d10); SA Poison Use, Sneak Attack+4d8, Death
Cha 13; AL LN; Skills: Alchemy+16, Bluff+6, Craft (potions and
Attack, Inconspicuous, Ambush Attack+2, Conceal the Evidence,
elixirs)+13, Concentration+10, Decipher Script+10, Diplomacy+8,
Uncanny Dodge; SV Fort+3, Ref+6, Will+4; Str 10, Dex 13, Con
Gather Information+7, Heal+10, Innuendo+4, Knowledge
13, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 13; AL NE; Skills: Bluff+12, Diplo-
(bureaucracy)+11, Knowledge (chemicals)+10, Knowledge (natural
macy+7, Gather Information+10, Heal+8, Hide+9, Listen+7, Move
philosophy)+10, Perform (oratory, writing)+3, Profession
Silently+9, Open Lock+6, Pick Pocket+6, Search+5, Sense Mo-
(Alchemist)+11, Search+5, Sense Motive+7, Speak Languages
tive+8, Speak Languages (Vendel, Castillian, Montaigne, Thean),
(Castillian, Montaigne, Vendel, Thean), Spot+4; Feats: Member
Spot+6, Use Rope+3; Feats: Assassin's Hand, Gifted Liar, Unar-
(Alchemist's Guild) , Emergent Personality, Skill Focus (Alchemy),
mored Defense Proficiency (Beginner), Improved Sneak Attack

7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

even tone of voice. The pragmatic researcher they knew

Matthew Ferryman, Hero ( 7th Sea™ )
appears to be losing ground to a number of other emerging Brawn 2, Finesse 3, Wits 5, Resolve 3, Panache 3
identities, one of which is the volatile and opinionated Advantages: Alchemist, Brilliant, Connections: Hans Bjork and Fe-
persona that has caused concern in social gatherings. Jans’ lix du Martise, Membership : Alchemist Guild, Patron: Vincent Ulf-
friends would be even more worried if they were son, Published, Spark of Genius (Alchemy), University, Language:

completely aware of how much of a problem this Avalon (R/W), Vendel, Theah (R/W)

personality represents, since it is borderline megalomaniac Reputation: 10

Courtier: Dancing 1, Diplomacy 1, Etiquette 1, Fashion 1, Gossip 1,
and trying to use the research carried out by the rational
Mooch 1, Oratory 2, Sincerity 1
persona to further its goals. One lab assistant inadvertently
Doctor: Diagnosis 3, First Aid 3, Examiner 3, Quack 2, Surgery 2
overheard Jans arguing with himself about a new form of
Knife: Attack (Knife) 3, Parry (Knife) 2, Throw (Knife) 2
explosive that he is developing. That researcher died a few
Merchant: Accounting 1, Alchemist 4, Haggling 1
days later when a distillation column somehow overheated Professor: Law 2, Mooch 1, Natural Philosophy 5, Oratory 2, Re-
and set fire to one of the smaller rooms in which he was search 4, Tinker 4, Writing 3
working. Scholar: History 1, Law 2, Mathematics 3, Natural Philosophy 5,
Philosophy 1, Research 4,

Matthew Ferryman ~ Golden Boy

One of the most celebrated of the Guild’s researchers is the Matthew Ferryman, Golden Boy ( d20™ )
Avalon Alchemist 7 : CR 7; SZ M (humanoid); HD 7d6+7; hp 35;
flamboyant Avalon scholar who appears to be the closer to
Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 12; Atks: Knife +4 melee (1d4+1), pistol +5
the creation of gold than anyone has achieved thus far.
ranged (1d10); SA Craft Elixirs (cure minor wounds, enlarge, feather
While working with Jans Ulkopf on his research in solvents
fall, purify food and drink, resistance, virtue, bull's strength, darkvi-
that can alter mercury, Matthew discovered a combination sion, endure elements, goodberry, obscuring mist, delay poison),
of mineral acids that could dissolve gold. He called his new Brew Potion (4th level), Modify Metal; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7;
solvent agua regia, or ‘royal water’, due to the high status Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12; AL LG ; Skills:
that gold holds to the alchemists. While there did not seem Alchemy +16, Bluff +4, Craft (potions and elixirs) +14, Concentra-

to be any practical use for this new material at the time, his tion +9, Decipher Script +6, Diplomacy +2, Gather Information +2,
Heal +12, Knowledge (chemicals) +14, Knowledge (natural philoso-
later research into the power of lightning to change metals
phy) +18, Perform (oratory, writing) +3, Profession (Alchemist) +8,
led to an unusual discovery. He found that a metal strip
Speak Languages (Avalon, Vendel, Thean), Spot +3 ; Feats: Member
running up a stone tower near his laboratory would attract
(Alchemist's Guild), Skill Focus (Alchemy), Spark of Genius
lightning in a storm, which he could then channel into vats
(Knowledge : Natural Philosophy)
of the liquid formed by application of his agua regia.
Through trial and error he found an arrangement whereby result to the rest of the Guild, thereby providing a solution
another metallic object placed in the vat took on a slightly to their financial worries in one act.
golden appearance. He hoped that by changing the amounts The biggest problem for Matthew so far has been the
of various substances he would be able to completely unpredictability of storms. Even though the Norvik Isles are
change the metal object to appear as gold and present the known for their harsh weather, there are often long periods
between thunderstorms and he is worried that other
Historical Note
researchers will work out his methods and beat him to the
The process that Matthew has accidentally discovered is electroplat-
prize. Being based in Kirk, a solution that has occurred to
ing. This was developed in our world by Brugnatelli in 1805, so the
Theans have something of a lead in this field. However, as noted in Matthew is to acquire the services of a Laerdom mage who
the text, the scholars are unaware of the true importance of the dis- could summon lightning on demand. A number of such
covery and it may be a long time until it has any other applications mages have been responsible for attacks on League shipping
beyond this minor miracle. Matthew has also invented the first ligthn- near Kirk in the last few months and Matthew has been
ing rod as part of these experiments, but if his demonstration proves trying to work out the best way to approach the
to be fraudulent, both important discoveries could be dismissed.
Vestenmannavnjar raiders to present his idea.

7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

him. However, two months ago Dmitri received a shipment

Dmitri Kuloi Malenkov, Scoundrel ( 7th Sea™ )
Brawn 3, Finesse 2, Wits 3, Resolve 4, Panache 2
of exotic herbs from the town of Breslau which were

Advantages: Able Drinker, Alchemist, Membership : Alchemist reported to have been smuggled out of Cathay. Having paid
Guild, Patron (Several), Tough, Language: Ussuran (R/W), Vendel a hefty sum for such a rare treasure, Dmitri halted all other
(R/W), Theah (R/W) research to catalogue these latest additions. He does not
Reputation: 20 remember much after this point. In fact, he remembers
Doctor: Diagnosis 3, Examiner 1, First Aid 3 nothing of the two weeks following his initial experiments,
Knife: Attack (Knife) 3, Parry (Knife) 3, Throw (Knife) 3
only that his notebook states that he had started to test the
Merchant: Alchemist 3
first of the plants. There are a few entries after this point in
Professor: Mooch 1, Natural Philosophy 3, Oratory 3, Research 3,
Dmitri’s own handwriting, but they do not appear to make
Tinker 2, Writing 2
that much sense. Since that time, he has had a few other
Scholar: History 1, Mathematics 2, Natural Philosophy 3,
Philosophy 2, Research 3,
occurrences during which cannot remember what he did for
the last few hours. The bouts of amnesia seem to be fading

Dmitri Kuloi Malenkov, Unorthodox Naturist ( d20™ ) now, but small clues of what happened during some of these
Ussuran Alchemist 4/Fighter 1 : CR 5; SZ M (humanoid); HD periods continue to emerge and each raises more questions
4d6+1d10+20; hp 42; Init+0; Spd 30 ft; AC 10; Atks: Knife +5 than they answer.
melee (1d4+2), pistol +3 ranged (1d10); SA Craft Elixirs (cure minor
wounds, enlarge, jump, purify food and drink, resistance, virtue,
endure elements, bull's strength), Brew Potions; SV Fort+12, Ref+1,
Story Hooks
Will+4; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12; AL NG;
Skills: Alchemy+3, Craft (potions and elixirs)+8, Concentration+12, 1. The evil personality of Jan Upkopf does not believe that

Heal+8, Knowledge (chemicals)+11, Knowledge (natural his research is proceeding as fast as it could, so he has
philosophy)+11, Profession (Alchemist)+10, Speak Languages decided to give himself a little extra incentive. He wants to
(Ussuran, Vendel, Thean), Spot+5; Feats: Member (Alchemist's hire a small group of mercenaries to threaten himself into
Guild), Able Drinker, Great Fortitude speeding up his work. The players could either be hired
anonymously to put the pressure on the elderly scientist, or
the scholar personality could hire them in order to protect
Dmitri Kuloi Malenkov ~ Unorthodox Naturalist him from these threats while completely unaware that he is
The elderly experimenter is one of the most prominent in fact asking them to protect him from himself.
members of the Guild to express public disinterest in the
transmutation field. Instead, the natural philosopher from 2. The near success of Matthew Ferryman has come to the
the forests of central Ussura is devoted to testing and attention of League member Peter Vel, otherwise known as
cataloguing all known substances. However, his idea of the Living Rune of Velstand. The greed-obsessed Vel has
testing involves eating a small amount of every chemical as arranged for a Laerdom mage to assist in the research and as
part of a series of experiments. One of his notebooks soon as it is successful a group of mercenaries will attack
contains detailed notes of his impressions of the taste of and steal the work. The blame will easily be placed on
substances from throughout Théah, alongside a Vestenmannavnjar raiders, especially with the dead body of
comprehensive study of specific densities, their reactivity, a Laerdom mage as proof. This will only heighten tensions
as well as other more traditional observations. between the groups, while Vel’s presence continues to
corrupt the League from the inside. ( For more information
Over the last few years a number of substances he has on Peter Vel, see the Vendel-Vesten™ sourcebook )
sampled have caused serious problems, often requiring
periods of convalescence or in the most extreme cases
urgent medical attention. The local doctors tolerate this only
because they are Vendel and he pays well for them to treat

7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

7th Sea™ Mechanics

Dues and Responsibilities Members who are known to be Alchemists receive a free
raise on Socialise skill checks while in one of the courts of
All full members of the Guild are expected to pay an annual
Théah (excluding Castille) or among other esoteric scholars.
retainer of 50 Guilders. Some younger members have
argued that the more established Alchemists have always
Training Benefit
had greater prestige and therefore earning potential so they
Since apprentices in the Guild are usually given the
should pay more, but understandably the senior members
mundane tasks of crafting apparatus and carrying out simple
fail to see the logic of this argument.
experiments, by the time they graduate they have built
up a base of practical skills that they then
Each member is also expected to
pass on to their apprentices.
send a bound copy of their
findings for that year to the
d20™ Mechanics
main branch in Kirk, where Members receive their Wisdom
the information is placed modifier in extra skill points
in the Guild library. when they gain a level in the
However, it is generally Alchemist class which can only

known that most members be spent on Craft or

Knowledge based skills that
only share partial results,
relate to their profession.
usually information that is
not too important or likely
7th Sea™ Mechanics
to lead to profit. Influential Advanced knacks in the
patrons also have been Servant and Scholar skills cost
known to receive an 1 point less to purchase at
annual copy of findings character creation.

from the members they

sponsor, which means that new ideas may be mentioned in
casual conversation for a few weeks. Even if the noble has New Rules
no idea what he is talking about, such discussions can lead Emergent Personality
to a variety of outcomes, some of which could lead to more
( d20 Feat / d10 1-point Advantage )
funding and some of which could lead to dead bodies in
Perhaps through exposure to mercury or other dangerous
dark alleys.
chemicals, or from birth for some other reason, the person
has demonstrated a strange mental condition that they
Social Benefit appear to be more than one person in the same body.
Although the Guild is looked down upon by most of the rest
of the League it remains popular amongst many wealthy Mechanics : Create another player character at the same
Vendel, as well as the undercurrent of esoteric thinkers level of experience and with the same base attributes as the
throughout Théah. main character. Assign a number between 1 and 10 to this
character sheet. At the start of every session roll 1d10 and if
d20™ Mechanics
the number of the character is chosen, replace the normal
Members who are known to be Alchemists receive a +2
character with the alternate character until the end of that
circumstance bonus to Charisma and Wisdom based checks
session. This feat can be taken after character creation and
when in one of the courts of Théah (excluding Castille) or
among other esoteric scholars. may also be chosen up to five times, each time assigning a
different number to the new persona.

7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

Mercury Poisoning
The metal known as ‘quicksilver’ has always held a
fascination for alchemists, especially when red mercuric
compounds can be turned into the silver liquid as if by Writing and Layout
magic. However, there is growing evidence among scholars Mark Stanton Woodward and Martin Hall
that prolonged exposure has a serious effect on the mental
state of the experimenter. Editing
Nancy Berman
d20™ Mechanics
Mercury acts as a poison with a Contact DC of 25. Those that
fail the roll suffer a permanent 1 point loss to Wisdom. At the System Mechanics
end of each hour still in its prescience, may a new roll Dana DeVries
subtracting 2 from the DC for every success to date.

Line Development
7th Sea Mechanics
Mark Stanton Woodward
-1k0 to all Wits checks / 1 hour / 1 month

7th Sea System Creation

About this Series John Wick, Jennifer Wick and Kevin Wilson

The Alchemists’ Guild is the first is a series of eBooks 7th Sea™ and Swashbuckling Adventures™ are properties of
exploring the Vendel League and its many Guilds. Using Alderac Entertainment © 2004. All rights reserved.
the Social and Training benefit structure from the Legend of
the Five Rings roleplaying game, each will detail the
operations and advantages of professionals joining one of
these diverse groups.

7th Sea™ / Swashbuckling Adventures™ eBook

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Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 7th Sea logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Swash-
buckling Adventures product and product line names including but not lim-
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that con- ited to Theah, Swashbuckling Adventures, and the Swashbuckling Adventures
tains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and 7th Sea logos; any elements of the Swashbuckling Adventures or Theah
and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game setting, including but not limited to capitalised names, Nations names, class
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this Li- names, names of artifacts, names of spells, names of magic and magician
cense except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions types (including but not limited to pure El Fuego Ardentro, Fate Witches,
may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Glamour, Lærdom, Porté, Pyeryem, Scrying and Zerstõrung), characters,
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate countries and empires, creatures, races, spirits, Theus, geographic locations,
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. cultural information, historic events, magic items, Syrneth artifacts, the Repu-
tation system, secret societies, guilds, and organisations; and any and all ma-
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Li-
terial adapted from Swashbuckling Adventures, except material noted in that
cense, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-
work as Open Game Content; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic
exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game
elements, documents within the game world, quotes from characters or docu-
ments, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustra-
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing origi- tions, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, nation or faction sigils, logos,
nal material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that alrady appear in the
are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights d20 System Reference Document and are already OGL by virtue of appearing
conveyed by this License. there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NO- DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity
TICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT designation above, the following portions of this eBook are designated as
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distribut- Open Game Content. All character statistics, new classes, new skills, new
ing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s feats, new equipment, and new prestige classes.
name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you
expressed intent of Alderac Entertainment Group to add all classes, skills,
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, in- feats, equipment, prestige classes, spell effects, magic item effects, and mon-
cluding as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in ster and NPC statistics contained in this volume to the canon of Open Game
another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Prod- Content for free use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open
uct Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or coadaptability with Game publishers. Some of the aforementioned items, however, contain Prod-
any Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content uct Identity, as designated above, and that designation remains. A limited
except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the license allows use of content designated as PI for these items only.
owner of such Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game
Some of the portions of this book which are delineated OGC originate from
Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Iden-
the System Reference Document and are © 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast,
tity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall re-
Inc. The remainder of these OGC portions of this book are hereby added to
tain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE:
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly in- “Vendel League : Alchemist’s Guild Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment
dicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Group.”
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish up- challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
dated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of
License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License ver-
distributed under any version of this License.
sion 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com.
10.Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with Swashbuckling Adventures, Theah and 7th Sea are trademarks of Alderac En-
every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. tertainment Group, Inc.
11.Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open All contents of this book, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year
Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written 2003 by Alderac Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction or
permission from the Contributor to do so. use without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden,
12.Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the except for the purposes of review or use consistent with the limited license

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