Generation, Control and Regulation of EMI From AC Drives: G. Skibinski, J. Pankau, R. Sladky, J. Campbell

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Generation, Control and Regulation of EMI from AC Drives

G. Skibinski, J. Pankau, R. Sladky, J. Campbell

Rockwell Automation - Allen-Bradley Company

6400 W. Enterprise Drive
Mequon, WI 53092
(414) 242-7151 (414) 242-8300 Fax

Abstract: Adjustable Speed AC Drive (ASD) the noise impressed. Each aspect of the noise problem is
manufacturer’s recently migrated from Bipolar Junction covered in detail, starting with the effect of CM noise on
Transistor (BJT) semiconductors to Insulated Gate susceptible circuits.
Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) as the preferred output
switching device. The advantage of IGBTs is that device B. Susceptible Equipment, Circuits& Systems
rise / fall time switching capability is 5- 10 times faster,
resulting in lower device switching losses, a more efficient Fig. 1 shows potential CM noise problems increase with
and smaller drive package. However, faster output dv/dt susceptible equipment present, system input voltage, system
transitions and higher drive carrier frequencies increase drive quantity, and, length of motor leads. Other factors are
the magnitude of Common Mode (CM) electrical noise type of ground system and cabinet layout practice.
and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) problems. Susceptible equipment may be computer systems,
Experience suggests all PWM drives with steep fronted communication links, ultrasonic sensors, weighing and
output voltage waveforms have these problems. This temperature sensors, bar code/vision systems, and capacitive
paper provides a basic understanding of EMI generated proximity or photoelectric sensors. Control interfaces include
by these drives solutions to control EMI, as well as encoder feedback, O-10 Vdc, and 4-20 mA signals.
regulation standards on allowable conducted and radiated Higher system ac line voltages have higher dc bus
emissions to insure a successful drive system installation. voltages ( V~US).The higher output switching dv/dt increases
peak CM ground current (i = C~traY dv/dzj. Increasing drive
I. INTRODUCTION TO EMI NOISE quantity increases the sum total of transient CM noise current
to ground. Higher drive carrier Iiequency WC), increases the
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) noise is defined as number of switch transitions and sum total of CM noise
an unwanted electrical signal that produces undesirable current.
effects in a control system, such as communication errors, Motor cable lengths <20 ft exhibit low cable line to
degraded equipment performance and malfimction or non- ground capacitance and low CM noise risk ffom capacitive
operation. References on the general principles of EMI are ~edium R&
available [1-3], as well as methodologies on calculating
radiated emissions [4]. IEEE Std. 518 applied these principles
to slow switching SCR DC drives in 1982 [5]. All ac PWM
drives have the potential to cause EMI with adjacent sensitive
equipment, when large quantities of drives are assembled in a
concentrated area [6- 10]. However, faster switching speeds
of new converterlinverter topologies require an updated study
of new system EMI problems created.

A. What is Common Mode Noise?

Common Mode (CM) noise is a type of electrical noise

induced on signals with respect to a reference ground. CM
noise problems imply a source of noise, a means of coupling

noise by conduction or radiation and circuits / equipment

susceptible to the magnitude, frequency and repetition rate of Figure 1. Applications with potential problems

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dv/dt ground currents. As cable lengths increase, cable floors have exhibited 1,000-5,000 Q between rod and
capacitance increases and CM charging current to ground building steel, due to dry rocky soil under the building.
increases. At long cable lengths, the high frequency As shown in Fig. 2, often there are hidden CM ground
oscillations of reflected wave voltage transients (-2 V& ) also currents (lao) passing through a ground system from
appear on motor terminals, to create CM ground noise Potential #1 ( Vl) to TE structure steel Potential #2 (VJ. VI
current through the stator winding and cable capacitance [7]. will have a high noise voltage relative to TE, if the ground
EMI mitigation must involve a discussion of safety system impedance is high. A CM noise voltage VIZ is set up
equipment ground, signal grounding and the effect of between the two grounds. Drive logic common (tied to V])
grounding system type on CM noise.
and susceptible interface equipment common (tied to V2),
will have a CM noise voltage ( V12) to degrade the signal
C. EMI & System Safety PE Ground
interface. In real sites, finding the best ground point, with
drives located across a plant, is difficult. A good ground
Drive Power Equipment (PE) terminal in Fig. 2 serves as
system is essential for safety and noise free signal grounds.
equipment safety ground. Drive metal is bonded to PE, since
ungrounded metal accumulates electrical charge thru leakage
E. EMI & Ground Philosophy: Ungrounded High, Solid
current that may exceed 50 Vdc (a safe touch potential).
Cable conduits, armor or cable trays should be bonded to the
System grounding philosophy for multi-drive
cabinet, since it is shown later that these carry high frequency
applications is specified by users and based on concerns other
noise currents. Drive PE, mounting panels and cabinet are
than EMI. An advantage of grounded wye systems in Fig. 3
then bonded to system PE copper bus and connected (ground
is typical 20 dB attenuation of primary line to ground voltage
conductor sized per NEC code) to True Earth (TE) zero
transients. However, it is shown that a wye secondary with a
voltage ground such as building structure steel to insure safe
solid ground neutral detrimentally completes a transient CM
touch potential exist under ground fault conditions.
noise current return path from the drive output to the ground
Drive logic common may go to PE or a separate isolated
grid and back to drive by the ac input leads. CM current is
TE bus in the cabinet that is single point connected to TE
highest with grounded systems, but the noise loop is
ground along with the PE wire. This TE installation reduces
contained at the transformer neutral (Xo) and noise does not
effects of PE noise between multiple drives and maintains
progress into the primary PE grid.
drive logic and susceptible interface equipment commons
In Fig. 3, the high resistance ground system adds 150-
close to TE potential.
300 Q in the secondary Xo to ground circuit. Attenuation of
primary line to ground voltage transients is acceptable. This
D. EMI & System Signal TE Ground
resistor is now in series with the CM noise current return path
and significantly reduces peak CM current, so CM potential
Inside buildings, zero voltage or TE potential may be
differences across the ground grid become smaller.
obtained at structure steel, since steel girder grid connections
A disadvantage of ungrounded systems is that primary
provide multiple paths to ground. Ground resistance is
line to ground voltage transients are passed directly to the
affected by soil resistivity and dependent on moisture
secondary without attenuation. Safety concerns must also be
content. TE may be low impedance until summer when
addressed with this system. However, the return path of CM
ground water tables dry up. Multiple ground rods in low
noise current path back to the drive input is broken, so CM
resistivity soil may be an adequate low impedance for 60 Hz
and signal
instances of ground
for high frequency
rods driven
EMI noise
in plant %
=z$)--- Ungrounded System

Ill z

IOIIIm,m Mode Vdtw !’,.


CO,”mm ,1=.!. C.rrc.l l.O

G.m,d P*C”,!4 #l (hnmd Ptien,i81 #2

Figure 2. CM current and CM voltage in safety 1 PE

PE & signal TE grounds

Figure 3. Grounding philosophy affects system EMI

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

Unshielded Phase Conductor of Drive
-m I
Iao I
t- %g Critical Distance
send ~ Receive
I f-2 ~J
. ..--+ ----- ,----
I ● ++*+* ***m ● *+ m+m ● *T * ● *I ● **
1 is
I ao I t I i5
. . . 4.
. . . . . . . . . ...4... =.. . .. . . .
+:, ‘p-- ‘1? k’- * -.--~ ----a k--
I ~ I
Common Mode Vottage V m
I l=
v 1-2 I . . L----.-k-=+ , ‘E

k -------------- Common Mode Currmt Iao 2 *
Ground Potential #1 Ground Potential #2
Figure 5. CM current inducing CM voltage

noise current, so an instantaneous voltage difference ( P’Z2 -

Figure 4. Noise source: Drive induced CM current & voltage
known as common mode noise voltage) exists across the
noise current does not exist in the ground grid. ground grid.
A (Send/ Receive) susceptible interface circuit, with
II. AC DRIVE AS AN EMI NOISE GENERATOR source and return signal current is, is referenced to TE zero
voltage ground (via building structure steel) at V., while the
A. Drive CM Voltage Inducing Common Mode Current
Send end is referenced to noisy VI ground. Thus, CM noise

A PWM output voltage has abrupt transitions to and voltage impressed on both HI and LO signal lines, allows a
from the de bus, essentially controlled by semiconductor CM noise current ii-2 to appear in the same direction on both
switching time and which are inherent sources of radiated lines and circulate back through ground. The signal may
and conducted noise. Voltage transition time determines an develop a noise voltage due to ii-z. The interface equipment’s
equivalent noise coupling IGBT
fkequency fn = 0.318 / tri~e. ability to tlmction in the presence of high ffequency noise
risetimes (tri~e) are 0.05 -0.2 ps, while BJTs are 1 -2 ps, depends on it’s Common Mode noise Rejection Ratio
corresponding to fn of 6.4- 1.6 MHz and 320-160 kHz, (CMRR) threshold tested at noise fiequencyfm

respectively. Output dv/dt is now 20 to 40 times higher.

Most drive related EMI is due to conducted noise III. SYSTEM NOISE COUPLING PATHS
currents in Fig. 4. Line to ground capacitance Cl.g of cables
A. Critical Operational Distance vs. Ckl Current Risetime
and motors interact during positive or negative dv/dt
transitions to generate high frequency transient phase to
If both VI and V2 of Fig. 5 were maintained at TE
ground noise currents (Iao, Ibo, ICO) referred to as common
potential, then V1 =V2 = O and V12 = O, eliminating the signal
mode (CM), or zero sequence currents. Peak lao magnitude is
noise. Susceptible circuits may fimction with lao ground
approx. (Cl.g ) times ( V1.g/ tJ and may reach 20 Apk.
noise present, if both V] and V2 have the same magnitude and
CM noise current magnitude increases with faster tri~e
phase waveshape. In this case both VI and V2 are not= O, but
and higher bus voltage. Increasing drive carrier frequency
tic) increases EMI, since the CM current repetition rate is V12 -O, so the minimal noise present is rejected by the circuit

faster. Higher localized drive quantity increases CM ground CMRR. Thus, high peak l.O ground currents with slow
current at an application site. risetime noise may still have V12 -0, depending on distance
separation. Low peak ZaOwith fast 50 ns risetimes may have
B. Conducted CM Current Inducing CM Voltage in Ground large instantaneous voltage differences at either end, even for
short ground distance separation.
A transient high frequency CM current path exists in Fig. The term (U8) defines a maximum critical distance lC
5 from each drive output phase during switching, thru stray where magnitude and phase relationships are equal, such that
cable and motor CZ.g capacitance, into ground Potential #l VZ2 -0 between two separated single ended interface circuit
(Vl) and thru the ground grid to ground Potential #2 (Vz). grounds. Wavelength (1) in meters is calculated ash= c /fn,
Ground grids are high impedance to CM high frequency
where c = 3.108 m/s and fn is in Hz. Fig. 6 shows the lC chart

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

Unshielded Phase Conductor of IMve

700 Region Suseqttible Critical Distance

600 toCMNoise
““”l / E’!

I H!
--- q -.-,
“0.01 0.1 1 10“ 120 VAC U ‘-
Interface u.
Drive Output Voltage Risetiu CM Noise (uS)
Power Lads :.,. (. -....4

Figure 6. Interface distance vs. CM voltage risetime ommon Mode Voltage V

%. :*”= ,-’

for various PWM voltage risetimes.

Consider an IGBT drive with = 100 ns, logic
Ground Potential #1 ‘ Ground Potential #2
common to noisy PE, connected to a O-10 Vdc single ended
WO wire interface circuit of 200 ft length, and with receive Figure 8. CM current capacitively coupled to interface power
end referenced to a different TE ground. Fig. 6 shows there is coupling C1~ to each signal lead, (2) Shield signals so
a possibility for CM noise voltage interference with these electrostatic coupled noise currents flow on shield to ground
conditions of 2
after 40 ft. In contrast, a BJT drive with tri~e instead of signal leads, (3) Separate control ffom power wires
p has VIZ -0 and minimal CM noise up to 900 tl of in open air, conduit or cable trays, (4) Use shielded power
interface length. cables.
This chart applies to single ended systems and does not
imply equipment will not operate properly above lC if C. CA4 Current Capacitively Coupled to Interface Power

systems containing CM filters, galvonic or optically isolation

In Fig. 8, unshielded 120 Vac power leads in a conduit
or differential circuits are used.
or cable tray with unshielded drive power leads cause EMI
problems when dv/dts of 10,000 V/Vs or greater are present.
B. CM Current Capacitively Coupled to Signal Voltage
High dv/dt from drive leads capacitively couple to 120 Vac
High dv/dts from drive unshielded output leads in Fig. 7 power leads and through susceptible load power supply
will capacitively couple lao thru stray capacitance Cl~ onto capacitance, to impress noise voltage on W and LO signal
lines at TE.
both signal lines in close proximity and produce an error
voltage depending on load impedance balance. Worst case
D. Noisy Shield Ground
z~0 - (Cls ) (Vi-g I A %.,), where CI, is proportional to the
length of parallel power and signal leads and separation
Signal shields reduce external electrostatic coupling but
may introduce EMI, if the shield is connected to a noisy
Standard noise reduction solutions available are: (1)
ground potential. As discussed, drive dv/dt at “noisy” VI
Twist signal leads together to provide balanced capacitive
creates a transient CM ZaOpath to “quiet” V2 and induces a

Unshielded Phase Conductor of Drive

Unshielded Phase Conductor of Drive
9 -99-- -- —
ao [~ l~c Ton
I 1-s r ‘Cpg Critical Distance

. . . . .
L 4. ~.
. . . . . . . . . .* . . ..-
■. . .
. .
send ~ Receive

i ; 4 1
.... .<.. ... J%-.=.= J. &-_ . .... I
Lo b-y D- “- -
I ..-
[ ~,~
-------- J ---------
k .-

Ground Potential #l
~ro””d ,Own;i,
n!’ Ground


Common Mode Currwst ~


Figure 7. CM current capacitively coupled to signals Figure 9. Noise coupling: Noisy shield ground

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

VIZ CM noise voltage. Unshielded Phase Conductor of IWW

Shield connections to noisy VI potential in Fig. 9 cause a

CM current i12 path thru shield capacitance C~.H1 & C~-Lo
creating susceptible load noise. Current i12 continues thru
zero voltage ground V2 and back to VI. Load noise due to
shield induced noise is verified by removing the shield
Solutions include: (1) Galvonic or optical signal isolation
modules, (2) Inductance on power leads to reduce IaO
risetime to ground, so noisy VI is closer to quiet V2 potential ‘ao h h
Ground Potential #1 Ground Potential K!
and V12 -0, (3) CM choke on both signals and shield at
Figure 11. Conducted CM current creating radiated emissions
SEND end. CM choke inductance in the i12 ground path
up and down with identical noise voltage, so coupled noise
reduces the effect of V12 dv/dt reducing i12 coupling through
into differential signal leads is minimal.
C~-H1 & C.-LO , reducing susceptible load noise. CM cores
Disadvantages of multipoint ground schemes are VI to
do not affect line to line signal quality.
V2 ground loops may produce high shield current limited by
shield resistance and “quiet” zero voltage ground V2
E. Noisy Source Ground
becomes polluted with “noisy” VI ground voltage and affects

Signal shields reduce external electrostatic coupling but other sensitive equipment tied to V2.
still may introduce EM1, if the shield is connected to a noisy
ground potential to TE ground potential, while interface F. Conducted CM Current and Radiated Emissions
equipment source is referenced to Fig. 10 noisy ground. The
fast di/dt edges of CM l.O current set up a high dv/dt V12 Unshielded drive wires act as antennas for the electric
voltage as demonstrated before. The ilz paths due to non-zero fields set by the steep dvldt of the PWM output voltage.
V12 are shown in Fig. 10. Noisy VI end in Section III-D had Radiated emissions occur at llntri~e and its higher harmonics.

a metallic shield path to couple noise in the entire length of Unshielded drive input / output cables carrying CM ZaOmay
signal cable, while now noisy VI end must first get through act as loop antennas for radiated emissions, due to the current
the Send end power supply ground impedance, so that noise path in these wires returning via the ground grid in Fig. 11.

levels will be lower with this configuration. Drive CM output cores and conduit, armor or shielded cable

Previous solutions also apply in this case. Signal quality solutions substantially reduce radiated noise, but full
may be improved by grounding the shield at both ends in compliance to FCC / European CE regulations may require
cases of CM noise with fast rising edges or high frequency EMI filters.
ringing. Shield low impedance co-axial braid, parallels the
high ground impedance between V12, but forces VI - V., so G. Noise Coupling Paths in a Drive System

CM noise voltage VZ2 -0. However, interface grounds ride

Fig. 12 shows system CM noise current paths taken
Unshielded Phase Conductor of Drive
when poor wiring practice using three unshielded phase
output wires, randomly laid in cable tray, and a local motor
~ Frame
i l-g Critical Distance
I _S&oL!!~ ~~
A7 Common Mode Crrrnmt
Ground Potential #1
110 A“
Ground Potential #Z

Figure 10. Noise coupling: Noisy source ground Figure 12. Noise paths due to poor wiring practice

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

ground wire to the ground grid is used. Transient CM current A. Noisy Source Ground
IaO is sourced tiom the drive during an output voltage
transition, e.g., phase “A” IGBT turns on to (+) dc bus. ZaO In Fig. 13, the ASD Analog Out lCommon is connected
current couples through cable capacitance to the grounded with a 200 ft, twisted, shielded pair to a 2 kQ single ended

cable tray at Potential #2 and capacitively couples through load. Load Common is bonded to remote building structure
the motor stator winding capacitance into Potential #3 PE “quiet” TE potential. A Noisy Source Ground potential for

ground grid via the motor ground wire. Conducted CM drive logic common was created with a 600 tl drive PE
current continues through the ground grid bypassing drive PE Ground wire. This creates a high inductance ground to high
until returning at the feed transformer secondary grounded frequency CM transient current. Signal cable length exceeds
neutral XO, where a low impedance path back to the drive Fig. 6 (Critical Interface Distance for IGBT risetimes) so CM
source can occur on phase A, B or C. Inside the drive, the CM voltage V12 is impressed on single ended signal V~ = 10 Vdc.
current selects the bridge rectifier diode that is conducting Source ground Potential #l is noisy, while receive ground is
back to the (+) dc bus source. Building structure steel TE zero voltage Potential #2. Table’ I shows pk-pk noise
provides a True Earth (TE) ground for the solidly grounded voltage on signal VS for various shield terminations and
transformer neutral. configurations.
The ground grid is a high impedance to high frequency
ground noise current IaO , so that an instantaneous voltage Table I. Noise Voltage on Signal Voltage

difference, known as CM noise voltage, is created across the

Shield Noisy Source Noisy Shield Drive
ground grid Potential #1 through Potential #4. CM voltage is
Connection Ground Ground CM Core
impressed on susceptible interface equipment between drive
logic ground Potential #I (which is noisy compared to
structure steel) and interface ground Potential #4 (referenced
I Drive
at zero voltage TE potential). Common mode voltage is also Both 5 4 0.2
impressed between the encoder case at Potential #3 and drive Load 8 4 0
PE logic ground Potential #1. Successful encoder operation
depends on how much CM voltage is capacitively coupled Shield connection options as demonstrated in TABLE I,
from the noisy encoder case into encoder circuitry. The chart are not effective if interface distance is long and drive logic
of Fig. 6 may help determine probability of CM problems. PE source ground is noisy due to high inductance or high
Additional equipment users referencing to ground grid impedance PE ground. Bonding shield ends to both Send /
potentials VI, V2 and V3 may also experience CM voltage Receive commons through the low impedance shield brings
problems. Ability of interface equipment to fi.mction in the these potentials closer in instantaneous magnitude and phase.
presence of noise is ultimately determined by it’s CMRR CM voltage on V. is reduced ( VZTO), even though both
threshold tested at noise ~n. Poor wiring practice (shown in grounds are not at absolute zero potential. However, shield
Fig. 12) also exemplifies the radiated emissions problem. A currents may flow and TE ground is now polluted for other
system loop antenna is formed between both drive output / users.
input wires and return ground grid. Thus, a better wiring
practice is desired prior to drive installation. B. Noisy Shield Ground

IV. NOISE COUPLING DEMONSTRATION Section IV-A conditions were repeated with a 50 fl PE
ground to plant grid as in Fig. 14. Shield connection to noisy
This section shows the advantageous effect of insuring
solid PE panel grounds, using proper shield grounding
No Shield
techniques on signal interfaces, and using drive CM cores. o
Shield on
drive side
2k to both
o connected
to load side
10 V/Div. 500 P @iv.
TE Potential 2

Figure 13. Single ended interface circuit tested Figure 14. Noise demonstration: Noisy shield ground

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

Ov Shield Open

Ov to drive
Ov Shield connected
to both sides.

Shield connected
Ov to load side.

10 V/Div. 500ps/Div.

Figure 15. Noise demonstration: CM core solution Figure 16, Drive cabinet grounding

drive PE ground impresses CM voltage on V. as before. to the cabinet frame, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)
Shield connection to “quiet” load side TE ground vastly or other susceptible equipment. All metal is bonded to PE
reduces CM noise. ground bus for fault safety. Two choices exists for
instrumentation and drives with TE commons. TE & PE
C. Equalizing Grounds with CM Core Solution buses may be tied together at one point in the control cabinet
or brought back separately to the PE ground point. Motor
Section IV-B conditions were repeated with a CM core cable fourth green wire meets NEC requirements for
added on the drive output leads in Fig. 15. This reduces CM grounding motors. Some high hp motors with very long leads
ZaOrisetime to 2 ps. Using Fig. 6,2 MSrisetimes indicate CM sometimes are additionally bonded to nearest low inductance
noise is not an issue up to 600 ft of interface cable. CM Noise ground, since ground wire “inductance” and high motor Csg
is now significantly reduced for open shields or drive end winding capacitance may allow voltage buildup under PWM
shield connections. CM cores allow instantaneous PE & TE operation.
potentials to track each other ( VIZ-O). CM noise is eliminated
with load side shield connections, without disadvantages of (3) Drive Panel Layout & Susceptible Equ@ment: A PLC
multipoint shield bonding. chassis fi-ame is also it’s logic common. PE panel layouts that
route high fi-equency CM noise current, returning on both
V. SOLUTIONS TO CONTROL EMI conduit/armor and motor ground wire, are important factors
for reducing PLC backplane noise and preventing CM noise
There are four basic steps to the philosophy of noise interface problems with external equipment at other ground
mitigation and abatement that are discussed. potentials. Grouping input and output conduitiarmor to one
side of the cabinet and separating PLC and susceptible
(1) Proper grounding equipment to the opposite side will eliminate CM noise going
(2) Attenuate the noise source through the PLC fiarne as in Fig. 17. CM noise returning on
(3) Shield noise aw~fiom sensitive equipment output conduit or armor will flow into the cabinet bond and
(4) Capture and return noise to the source ( drive) exit through the adjacent input conduitJarmor bond near the
cabinet to find the transformer Xo neutral. Thus, proper panel
A. Proper Grounding Common Mode
Current on Armor

The importance of ground system selection, single point

grounding, and drive / equipment panel layout grounds as
related to CM noise are discussed.

(1) Ground System: Fig. 12 shows system CM noise fi-om

the drive output returning through the solid ground neutral of
the drive feed transformer. Thus, use of a floating secondary
will reduce the metallic conduction path and CM noise
magnitude. High resistance grounding leaves a conducting
noise path but greatly attenuates CM noise.

(2) Single Point Grounding /Panel Layout: Fig. 16 shows a
system single point ground scheme with drives in a cabinet, Steel if Required

recommended input / output conduit or armor cable bonded Figure 17. Cabinet layout with drives & controls

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE


-20 Apk


6 MHz
Current ~ - 5us + 1 PEAK
With i I
1 Y-1 Common /
/////////// W SPECTSUM
Mode I
A’ m Chokas ‘
GroundPotentiaI#l Ground Potentiat W
1/3 I ~mK
Figure 18. CMcoresolution forpower /signal leads

layout insures noise isawayfiom sensitive equipment. CM Figure 19. Effect of CM core of system Iao noise
current on the return ground wire tlom the motor will flow to available motor output torque.
the copper PE bus and backup the input PE ground wire, also Typical CM high fkequency line to ground current
away from sensitive equipment. If a cabinet PE ground wire magnitude in Fig. 19 is substantially reduced from 20 Apk to
to the closest building structure steel is necessary, then a right <5 Apk, as well as the rate of rise (di/dt) which is limited by
ide wire under the conduits and drives will shunt CM noise CMC inductance. Fig. 19 shows CMC peak ground current
away from the upper left PLC backplane of Fig. 17. now occurs at 5 ps at a di/dt rate of 1 Alps versus 100 ns at a
di/dt rate of 200 Alps without a CMC. The ground grid is a
B. Attenuate the Noise Source high impedance to the 100 ns high peak current creating large
instantaneous CM voltage differences. However, with a CMC
The best way to eliminate system noise is to attenuate it reduced ground current magnitude and low di/dt rate
at the drive source before it enters a system grid and takes maintain ground potential difference fluctuations close to
multiple high frequency “sneak” paths, which are difficult to zero voltage or TE ground. As a result, common mode
find in installations. CM chokes on drive output and CM voltages are reduced and error free operation of an ASD,
cores on interface equipment in Fig. 18 are highly effective in interface, and sensitive equipment is possible. A CMC
reducing CM noise and ensuring filly operational tripless inserted in Fig. 12, would reduce voltage differences between
systems in the medium to high risk installations of Fig. 1. drive Potential #1 and interface Potential #4 several hundred
feet away and thus reduce CM noise.
(1) CM Chokes on the Drive Output: Common Mode Chokes
(CMC) are inductors with phase A, B and C conductors (2) CMC on 120 Vac and Drive Signal Interjace: A CMC
wound in the same direction with one or more turns through a around drive HI-LO signal interface lead and shield in Fig. 18
ferrite or common magnetic core. Typically, one or more has been shown to be beneficial in reducing CM noise
toroid shape cores in a stack. Drive PWM output voltage voltage on signal level components. CMCS around the 120
transitions of 50-100 ns do not change when a CMC is added Vac power feeding susceptible interface equipment may also
to the output. However, the CMC provides a high inductance reduce EMI interference, if lead separation from unshielded
(high impedance) to the line to ground noise current drive output leads is not possible.
generated during PWM high dv/dt voltage transitions.
Magnitude and risetime of CM noise current is substantially C. Shield Noise Away from Sensitive Equipment
reduced below equipment noise thresholds. Voltage
waveform quality of line to line output is unaffected, while After high frequency CM noise is attenuated with CMCS,
ground based noise is “choked” off. CMCS are physically the third mitigation step is to control the noise path taken,
smaller than three phase line reactors. Line reactors reduce done by diwting the noise away from sensitive equipment
both line to ground and line to line capacitive coupled noise, referenced to ground. Spacing control and signal wires apart
but phase inductance reduces fimdamental motor voltage and from high dv/dt power wires is a good practice and will

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

reduce the capacitive coupling problem. Predictable noise accidental conduit contact.
control from power wires is best done using four conductors
in a conduit, or better yet a four conductor shielded / armor (2) Shielded Cable Controls Conducted Noise Current Path:
cable with an insulated PVC jacket.
Shielded / armor drive output power leads in Fig. 20 reduce
(1) Better Wiring Practice: Three Conductors plus ground in the amount of capacitive coupled CM IaO ground current
Conduit: Fig. 19 shows this condition with transient CM flowing in a ground grid system, where conducted EMI noise
current ZaOsourced from the drive as before. The conduit is problems can occur. Shielded or armor cables with insulated
bonded to the drive cabinet and motor junction box and the outer jackets, on both output and input sides, provide an
green ground PE wire is connected to the drive cabinet PE isolated predictable metallic CM noise current path to and
bus and the motor ground stud. Part of l.O flows through from the drive, so noise is not re-introduced back into the
cable capacitance to the grounded conduit wall and part ground grid by accidental contact.
through motor stator winding capacitance to frame ground. High ffequency CM line to ground currents (1=0, Zbo, l..)
The green wire and conduit absorb most of this capacitive sourced from the drive during PWM voltage transition have
current and return it back to the drive out of the ground grid, three return path options back to the drive, the 60 Hz green
thereby reducing “ ground noise” for the drive to motor run safety wire, the cable shield/armor or customer ground grid.
shown. However, conduits may accidentally contact the Predominant return path is the shield/armor, since it is the
ground grid structure due to straps, support, etc. AC lowest impedance to the high frequency noise. The
resistance characteristics of earth are generally variable. shiekl/armor is isolated horn accidental contact with grounds
Thus, it is unpredictable how noise current divides between by an insulating PVC outer coating so that the majority of
the wire, conduit wall or ground grid. Thus, inadvertent noise current flows in the controlled path of the cable and
conduit grounding at Potential #2 will induce CM voltages very little noise goes into the customer PE ground grid. Thus,
for users referencing this node in Fig. 19. Also, if drive PE ground potential differences are minimized between true
cabinet wire is grounded to building structure steel, then CM building structure earth ground and customers grounding at
currents returning back from the motor conduitignd will go Users #2 and User #N points.
into the ground grid at Potential #l, through feed transformer Noise current returning on the shield or safety ground
Xo and back to the drive through input phase conductors. wire is routed to drive PE terminal, to cabinet PE ground bus,
CM voltage problems may still exist for susceptible out the cabinet PE ground wire, to customer ground grid at
interface equipment referenced between Potential #l or User #1 and then to source transformer Xo grounded neutral.
Potential #2 (which are noisy compared to structure steel) Noise return path back to the drive dc bus source is via input
and interface TE zero voltage ground Potential #4, dependent phase A, B or C , depending on which bridge diode is
on Fig. 6, the drive risetime vs. critical interface distance conducting. If drive feed transformer is far away, then
chart. Thus, 3 wire plus gnd wire in a conduit from the feed ground grid pollution at User #1 exists and use of drive input
transformer source is recommended with conduit and green shielded power cables back to the main supply is desirable.
wire bonded to secondary Xo neutral and another wire from At short output cable lengths, 50% of return noise
Xo to the ground grid structure. This presents the CM noise current flows through the safety ground wire path and 50°/0
current a low impedance predictable metallic return path out thru the shieklhrmor. At long cable distances, the safety
of the ground grid. Locating the drive isolation transformer ground wire inductance looks like an open circuit to high
closer to drive cabinet will shorten ground noise current paths frequency noise and 95% of total noise current flows in the
and help contain noise. Using CMC in high risk applications shield and 5°/0 in the customer grid in Fig. 21. Zero sequence
eliminates concern over noise leakage to ground through Iao, Ibo, Ico source currents return in the opposite direction on

AR~M,R D .10 aRCE

lao-- 1 AC MOTOR


4 J #


Figure 20. Solution: Shield controls EMI noise path Figure 21. Shield controls conducted & radiated noise

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

the shield braid/armor to form a coaxial low inductance
structure. Continuous welded aluminum armor was found to
have lower zero sequence inductance than interlocked armor
cable. Thus, the shield is the predominant conducted high ,. G. . . .

fi-equency noise return path as compared to the customer Y,%*’”’

ground grid. Thus, the use of CMC to attenuate the noise
Figure 22. Filter controls EMI path& magnitude
combined with drive input and output shielded/armor cables
to control the noise path are effective noise reduction termination of control wire, use of shielded input/output

mitigation methods. power cables and CM cores on drive power and drive
interface leads fix the majority of drive EMI problems.

(3) Shielded Cable /Conduit Control Radiated Emissions: However, an additional EMI input filter may be required to
reduce EMI conducted and radiated emissions low enough
(a) Magnetic Field: Drives generate perfectly balanced phase for European CE Class A and Class B conformity standards
voltages so that fundamental frequency phase currents are or for drives installed in residential areas where potential AM
also a balanced set, e.g. la + zb + ZC= O. External magnetic radio and TV interference problems exist.
Previously, CM line to ground current Zao was shown to
field emissions radiated from a shielded cable are minimal
since fundamental frequency currents sum to zero and 95°/0 be transiently sourced from the drive output during inverter

of the high frequency zero sequence currents sourced by the semiconductor rise and fall times, with ZaOreturning via the

drive return in opposite direction on the shield. Thus loop ground grid to supply transformer X. connection and back to
antenna area between magnetic galvanized steel or aluminum the drive, via one or all of the three phase input lines. CM
armor selection is not critical, since cable currents are almost cores on the drive output reduced lao peak and slowed the
balanced. Magnetic field emission efficiency is also reduced effective di/dt risetime to ground. Shielded drive input cables
with shieldlconduit systems, since drive output CM current to transformer supply X. and shielded output motor leads
returns in a small loop area, either to the green wire or collected most of Iao and kept it out of the ground grid where
armor/conduit wall. CM voltages maybe developed.
An EMI filter plus output shielded cable of Fig. 22 work
(b) Radiated Field: Electric field emissions radiate on the same series path described. However, instead of a high
perpendicular from phase conductors and are completely impedance CM core to limit ground current at the drive
attenuated with continuous welded galvanized steel or output leads, the EMI filter contains a large CM core
aluminum armor type MC cable for frequencies ffom the inductance and individual phase inductors that are high
drive carrier frequency up to the 6 MHz noise current impedance “blockers” to limit the high frequency series
frequency Jn. Thus, the capacitive coupling noise to signal ground return current to extremely low values in the ac mains
and control interface is reduced. Braided shields and conduit supply. EMI filters also contain CM line to ground capacitors
wall systems are also effective in attenuating emitted electric which fimction as low impedance bypass capacitors to re-
field noise. route most of the high ti-equency ground noise current Iao ,
returning on the output shielded cable, back to drive ac input
D. Capture and Return Noise to the Source (drive) R,S,T terminals and out of ground grids.
Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)
The fourth mitigation step is to capture and return the equipment at the EMI filter input detects noise voltage ( Vn )
noise back to the drive source. Shielded cables or conduit
developed in the plant ac mains supply. LISNS measure CM
returns noise out of the ground grid and back to drive PE as
noise voltage, since CM is greater than normal mode noise
shown in Figs. 19 and 20. CM capacitors connected from
and is the predominant field problem.
drive PE to drive input lines or from PE to (+) and (-) dc bus
terminals act as high frequency noise bypass capacitors. They
B. Conducted& Radiated Emission Levels
short circuit the noise path from drive PE through the ground
grid and to transformer Xo connection. They are used in
Maximum allowable drive P’n conducted into power
extreme cases of CM noise problems.
lines, without interference to external line equipment, is
defined in dBV or dBp z due to large noise attenuation ratio’s
of Table H. A 100 pV noise level above 1 pV is expressed as
40 dBflVusing (1) with Vin = 1 ~V, Vout = 100 VV .
A. How Do EM1 Filters Work ?

Proper grounding and cabinet layout, proper shield V n (dB) z 20 Log10 (Vout / Vin) (1)

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

dB(uV) 100KHZ lMHZ IOMHZ 30MHZ Table III. Allowable CE Emission Levels
120 I I I

110 Conducted Emission Limits [ dBpV ] over 150 kHz -30 MHz
Class 150 kHz – I 0.5 – I 5–
500 kHz 5 MHz 30 MHz
A AV (66), AV (60), AV (60),
QP (79) QP (73) QP(73)
B AV (56-46), AV (46), AV(50),
QP (66-56) QP (56) QP(60)

Radiated Emission Limits [ dBpV /m] over 30MHz -1 GHz

Class 30MHz -230 MHz 230 MHz -1 GHz
30 I I Ill 1111
20 !Wrtlllllll lllllllr’ll\l J’nl A @30 Meters
B 6? 10 Meters
10 2 46810 2 46810 2 46810 2 3
CLASS A = EN 50081-2, CISPR 11, GROUP 1
Figure 23. Conducted emissions vs. frequency CLASS B = EN 50081-1 , CISPR 22, GROUP 2
(A) No filter (B) Std. Filter (C) Std. Filter/ shielded cable
(D) Special filter / shielded cable C. Frequency Characteristics of Noise Source

Table II. EMI Performance vs. Noise Level PWM output voltage, internal Switch Mode Power
Supplies (SMPSS), and drive semiconductor transients are the
Attenuation Attenuation EMI main EMI noise sources in the 150 kHz to 30 MHz range.
(dBV) (Voltage Ratio) Protection Output switching voltage of Fig. 4 and Fig. 19 induce
Oto 10 1:1-3:1 Poor CM currents to ground through stray capacitances that drive
loto30 3:1-30:1 Minimum input LISNS detect. Spectrum analysis of Fig. 4 indicates a
30 to 60 30:1-1000:1 Average
risetime ffequency component at fr = 0.321tri~e, decaying at -
> 6(I 1000:1 Good
40 dBldecade above fr. Thus, EMI components in 3.2 -6.4

LISNS measure V. and spectrum analyzers convert it to = 50-100

MHz range for IGBT trj~e ns are seen. Pulse width
dBp V units over the sanctioned conducted emission (~) changes over a cycle, from 400 ns to 200 us,
frequency band of 150 kHz to 30 MHz. Limits fi-om 10 kHz corresponding to f. components = 800 kHz to 1.6 kHz and
to 150 kHz are proposed but not required at this time. Quasi- which decay -20 dB/decade above fr Pulse width variance
peak (QP) detectors streamline EMI measurement time but cause spectrum “smearing’ over a wide frequency range. EMI
have higher QP dBp V limits than Average dBuV of Table III. components centered at drive fc (1 to 12 kHz) and harmonics
Fig. 23 shows allowable conducted emission limits in QP
of fc are also seen.
dBuVvs. frequency.
Other noise sources are semiconductor recovery voltage
Radiated electric field emissions are expressed in dB
spikes, creating noise in the 20 - 30 MHz range that exits
pV/m, rather than V/m, for EMI standard comparison. Thus, 1
both input and output power leads to ground. Logic board
m V/m using Vout = 1000 pV and Vin = 1 pVin (1) results in
SMPSS powered tiom drive dc bus power, also have PWM
60 dB p V/m. Radiated emission interference problems are
vokage waveforms similar to Fig. 4. Thus, fr, f, , and fc ( 10
noticeable on AM radio, TV and radio-controlled devices
kHz to 100 kHz) noise ffequency components may also exit
more so than for industrial instrumentation. Radiated troubles
drive input and output power leads to ground.
begin at 0.1 to 3 V/m [ 5 ].
European Union basic EMC standards applied to drives
D. Line Impedance Stabilization Network
are listed in EN550 11, while specifications that declare
emission limits are found in gene~ic EMC standards applied
LISNS in Fig. 22 stabilize line impedance at 50 Cl for Vn
to drives listed in EN50081 -1 and EN5008 1-2 [11]. Class B
limits for residential, commercial and light commercial sites
follow EN50081- 1 while Class A limits for heavy industry
sites follow EN50081 -2. Class B limits are mostly needed to
eliminate AM radio and TV interference problems.
Figure 24. Single phase schematic of LISN

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

Figure 25. Standard 3 phase EMI filter schematic

measured > 1 MHz. Variations in measured Vn due to

different user line impedances or EMI filter interactions are
thus eliminated. Fig. 24 shows a CISPR 16 single phase
schematic of a three phase LISN with Drive Under Test Frquency [Hz]

(DUT) and ac mains phase to ground connections. Figure 26. Typical radiated emissions with filters
Components change with current rating and frequency range. is reduced in amplitude by the Xjload bypass capacitors. CM
LI simulates typical line inductance of 50 PH. L2, C3, R.j, C2,
inductors insert minimal inductance line to line, so that phase
R3 form an ac mains filter preventing external noise ftom inductors and X2~ine capacitors attenuate line to line noise to
affecting 10 kHz to 150 kHz DUT Vn measurements. In the required dB,u V levels.
150 kHz to 30 MHz range, L2, C3, Rj are not used and R3 =
O. LISNS measure conducted drive noise via high frequency F. Measurement of Conducted Emissions
bypass capacitor Cl, which routes CM high frequency V. to
RI + R2 = R = 50 Cl measuring device. In the 2nd range, Fig. 23 shows measurements of conducted emissions for
various cases with /without filters and shielded cables:
LISN impedance is a parallel L1 inductor and resistor R = 50
Cl at frequencies >1 MHz.
(1) No Filter: Curve A shows the ASD exceeds Class A & B
margins. The wide band of noise frequency is due to PWM
E. Typical EMI Filter Schematic
pulse width changing over a given cycle. Noise frequency
spectrum related to drive output 50-100 ns Iao risetime, peaks
EMI filters are comprised of single stage L-C filters,
at 3-6 MHz and decays at an expected -40 dB/decade.
each with 40 dB/decade attenuation from resonant frequency
A= 1 / (27c(LC)05 ). Thus, if 40 dB attenuation at undesirable
(2) Standard Filter: Curve B shows the ASD still exceeds
noise ffequency fn is desired, then filter L and C are selected
Class A & B margins even with a standard EMI filter. The 5
for f, = J. / 10. EMI filter designs must minimize capacitor MHz noise frequency correlated to lao risetime is now more
Ileahge to ground for safety reasons and insure filter prevalent. A 12 MHz peak is due to semiconductor risetime
resonates with drive noise sources do not occur under any of the switchmode power supply.
operating condition to prevent underdamped oscillations.
In the multistage EMI filter of Fig. 25, load side yll~ad (3) Standard Filter & Shielded Cables: Curve C shows 20
capacitors are high frequency bypass capacitors to CM IaO to 30 dB,u V improvements by using shielded cable on ASD
noise generated during drive output switching. Line to input and output power leads. The IGBT risetime peak at 5
ground impedance (Zc = 1 /(2 n y. CY )) is lower here, than MHz is reduced 30 dBpV, as well as 20 dBp V attenuation of
a CM current path from transformer XO , to three phase ac the switchmode risetime peak at 12 MHz. This indicates that
the low impedance of the co-axial shielded armor takes
main lines and through the high impedance blockers of the
almost all CM ]aO current directly to the EMI filter CM caps
filter inductors (ZL = 2 n fn L ). yjload capacitor in series
and back to the drive input as expected, leaving little high
with XzlOad line to line capacitor also is a CM line to ground
ffequency noise current coupled into the ground grid and ac
bypass filter for IaO. Thus, L1’ line to ground noise voltage is
mains supply before the LISN. Continuous welded aluminum
very low and equal to Iao times ZC . Differential and CM armor Type Metal Clad cable has reduced “EMI emissions
inductors along with Ylline, Xjlfne, and Y21ineform a CM line over both conducted and radiated ffequency range. The co-
to ground filter that attenuates VLI ‘-ground noise volt% to axial nature reduces conducted emissions while the seamless
required dBp V levels. characteristic attenuates radiated electric fields due to noise
Line to line high frequency noise sourced from the drive by eddy current shielding.

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

H. Jelinek who worked through the CE and common mode
(4) Special Filter & Shielded Cables: Class B requirements noise issues.
are met using a special designed EMI filter matched to the
ASD, shielded armor cable on drive input and output power References
leads, solid wire bonding practices to metal of both drive and
EMI filter, and using a metal cover for the drive. [1] W. Ott, Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic
Systems, Wiley, 1976, ISBNO-O-471-65726-3
G. Measurement of Radiated Emissions
[2] H. Schlicke, Electromagnetic Compatibility (Applied
EMI filters meeting conducted emission limits are Principles of Cost Effective Control of Electromagnetic
essential to passing the specified 30 MHz to 1 GHz frequency Interference and Hazards) , Marcel Dekker, 1982
band radiated emission test requirements in Fig. 26.
However, logic board clock transitions, shielded logic cables [3] B. Kaiser, Princ@les of Electromagnetic Compatibility,
and PC board layout are a dominant influence at these ultra Artech, Massachusetts, 1983,79-12032
high frequencies.
[4] M. Mardiguian, Controlling Radiated Emission by
VII. CONCLUSION Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992

Generation of Common Mode (CM) EMI noise that is [5] IEEE guide for the installation of electrical equipment to
sourced from the ac PWM drive’s high dv/dt output voltage minimize electrical noise inputs to controllers from
waveform was discussed in this paper. CM current that is external sources , ANSI / IEEE Std 518-1982, IEEE
capacitively conducted into the system ground grid is a major Press, John Wiley
noise component. CM current induces CM voltages
throughout the plant ground grid, making instrumentation [6] D. Anderson, R. Kerkman, L. Saunders, D. Schlegel, and
reference to a “quiet” ground a difficult task. Conducted and G. Skibinski, “Modem Drives Application Issues and
radiated characteristics of the noise source were analyzed. Solutions Tutorial”, IEEE-IAS-Petroleum and Chemical
Noise coupling paths for the generated noise were Industry Conference (PCIC), Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 26,
discussed and demonstrated in detail for various industrial 1996.
control systems.
Solutions to control the EMI involved discussions on: (1) [7] Gary Skibinski, “Installation Issues for IGBT AC
Proper grounding of drives along with proper panel layout of Drives”, Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, Duke
drives and controls, (2) Attenuating the noise source with CM Power Seminar, May 8, 1996
cores on drive output leads and interface leads, (3) Shielding
the noise away from sensitive equipment by physically [8] G. Skibinski, “Installation Considerations for IGBT AC
separating drive power and signal control wires, using three Drives - A Summary Paper”, Association of Energy
wires plus ground in output/input conduit. Output power Engineers conference, Plant & Facility Expo, Atlanta,
leads using three wires plus ground in a shielded/armor cable GA, Nov. 7, 1996
with an insulating outer jacket to isolate ground noise current
provides the most predictable control over the noise path [9] G. Skibinski, J. Pankau, and W. Maslowski, “Installation
taken. These solutions are found to fix the majority of drive Considerations For IGBT AC Drives”, IEEE Annual
related EMI problems. Textile, Fiber, and Film Industry Technical Conference,
FCC and CE regulations constraining allowable May 5, 1997
conducted and radiated emission levels were defined and
typical EMI filter and shielded cable approaches to meet [1 O] Russel J. Kerkman, “Twenty Years of PWM AC Drives:
these more stringent EMI levels were demonstrated. When Secondary Issues become Primary Concerns”,
IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON),
Acknowledgments Taipei, Taiwan, August 5-9, 1996, pp. Ivii- lxiii.

Acknowledgment is given to Prof. Geza Joos of Concordia [11] EN55011: Limits and methods of measurements of
University, who encouraged me to write this summary article. electromagnetic disturbance characteristics of industrial,
Thanks also goes to the Allen Bradley internal EMI/CE team scientific and medical radio fi-equency equipment,
consisting of R. LaPerriere, J. Meier, B. Weber, J. Erdman, (Modified version of CISPR 11, equivalent to VDE 0875
Dr. R. Kerkman, J. Johnson, D. Jaszkowski, R. Nelson, D. Tll)
Anderson, D. Leggate, D. Schlegel, K. Pierce, D. Dahl, and

07803-4070-1/97/$10.00 (c) 1997 IEEE

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