1027468-000 - 61-HQ-1053 - Section 48 (725827)

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Reference 1s made to the attached me~randum of January 7, 1944, from Special Agent F. A. Fletcher to Mr.

Ladd advising tbat three recordings bT Judge Rutherford having to do nth the following messages

~tGovernment and Peacen,~eace Messengers" an~nPrince of Peace" have been received from the Mllitar,y Intelligence se~ce. Reportedly

MID found these recordings in their files without a very adequate ~

explanation of their origin, and having no use for them referred them

to the Bureau as 8 matter of possible interest. MID does not expect them to be returned.

Judge Rutherford was, of course, prior to his death the outstanding leader of the Jehovah's Witnesses' Sect and even at the present time his theories, pronouncements, messages are considered somewhat. "the gospel II to all Jehovah's Witnesses. In short bis st.atements are, truly representative of Jehovah's Witnesses' policies,

It is recommended that these 'recordings be sen~o the Files Section

~~. al?prQ,p~~~te~1ID!am@i In:edotEf !!_ts.!:E!!!~.EffiF~.-~ It is noteQ-~ although the Bureau has a great deal of literature put out 'I5y the Jehovah's Witnesses' Sect it does not, nth the exception of' these recordings, have any of the recordings of the Sect which are so characteristic of the Jehovah's Witnesses activities.

It is, therefore, believed that the retention of these recordings would round

out the Bureau's repertoi~~ of 1nfo~at1on on the Sect.

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_ ,~'--.~~, ~;FJlY Respectfully ~

_ 0' ,Q) ~~. N 0../1 a J ~ok~,~

v 0....<: .c V' - '\1 '11"' laP; ,(JI P. Hanratty

Attac~nt:i-\\\· yJ Iri ~";J.':J_loJ: iJJ~ I 0

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llnitcb 'itaies mepartment of Dustire masipingtnn, a, C!L

March 27, 1944


'lA KT,~Yj~1 .~ MEMORANDUM FOB l1li. B~-= U ( If,'




Mr. 'I'o l son _

Mr. E. A. Tamm_ Mr, Clegg_' __

Mr. Coffey _

Mr. Glavin _ _.;...

-Mr. Le.dd _


Mr. Roaen _

Mr. Tracy _

Mr, AcerD _

Mr. Carson_

Mr. Ha rbo _

Mr, Hendon __ Mr. Mum! ord __

Mr. Starke _

Mr, Quinn Tamm

1~Li:92 ttj I

:IF' B ][ 29 MAR 281944

. ..



I) ...

Mr. Tolson __

Mr. E. A. Tamm


Mr. Clegg __

Mr. Coffey_ . Mr. Glavin


Mr. Ladd __

. t

c· 287a

"iIltbtral mUtratt of .&.tt-t ... dirtttfilttt In{bit §tufts irpartmpnt af Bustitl Ibm"itt~tnn, it Qt. '

January 7) 1944

Mr. Rosen __ Mr. Tracy-.-._ Mr. Carson __ Mr. Harbo __ Mr. Hendon __ Mr. Mumford----r 1 Mr, Piper '

Mr. Starke


Mr. Qu i nn Tanllp~'




Attached hermrith are three records of Judge nutherford's speeches. Two records deal i1ith IlGovernment and Peace» Mr. Np~Ge __ in four parts and the other record concerns IIPeace hlessengersll, and "Prince of Peace",

Inquiry through Lieutenant Ja~es Irvine whose name appears on the outside of the package disclo~es that these were forwarded

through Captain J. L. Hinson who states that 'they were rec ei ved in the llar Department from the field and finding no one in HID \'/ho would have an

interest in them they were forwarded to the FBI for the Bureau I s information.

• , rI'

t , . .,.' _,

., It is suggested that th~y be forwarded to lire Callan's secy.<'~,

~elechve Service, for proper actinn, . .' . ,.//


, ./.

...--_..;,;"At...,tachrnents Res~r.-&fiilly,


. Office





~ . .


JULY ),1946

iT. TOlSOn.=,----_ :1. ~. A. (a.'W

!.T. Clegg --

l:.r. GlaV~n~~~

vr-, La~d

rr , N1oholS :..!r ~ Rosen xr • Tracy

rr-, car-son -. ===== rr-. E,;an=

:':1'. D:..;r:.~a

;.:r~ ::arbO~~=

LT. HendO~;

z r , Pennington

l.:r. Quinn Te.mm.-Te Ie , EtOOr:1 --

Filing Uni t tJidm?:~ ~~~

The attached bulky encl013ure hM been reviewed in the and its destruction is hereby sugges t.ed .

The reason on which the above recommendation is based is checked' as follows:

~~_Duplicate copies ~~_Outdated ~~~Not indexed _'----_Closed status ___ Non serialized ~~_Not translated ~~_Material available elsewhere

Bureau Library

Other serial or serials in file publications




It does not appear that this encloeur~ is of value to the


As this material is occupying valuable space in the Records Section,

it is requested that this file be reviewed by' Security Division for an

expression as to its disposition.

It is recommended that the material be destroyed here at the

£J ~--.\-.t-t-J-·~-'-'~~r' '," .


Seat of


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. ~ ~ I . 1 OfJ ~ I a y5 ~Dlttl

" ,\','~ tOt Honorable A4t1t A. Ber"', Ir. s.

~" A.,i,tct secl.tI11 o! state

hOlt J. idear HOOfer - UirtCtor, t'eu.eral btau or InVU,tigKtitl


Subjlotc \~.t.e T_ D1bJ,e ID4 tract Society. lnC.'allo knM at ~tbWlbt. '~ltn~ ••••• at1no d.e Jem.J Theodore ,lieSl S1.benll.i_ also _"

Ted a. iUkeaii ... ltuMa& ShblIlliat • Coata i1e& ' '-i~

As ofpo .. lbl. lntere.~ tl1~ is enclosod a _orandul he.1m !r01(1

I re.dable and =l1t11Ji\1&1 .Duro- concorniug Ute c1Vtioued .,.. '

, .

tnt.e data ila'ft Men udt av:.il.able to the hmbrican E~"I11n San JOIe,

'Costa Rica. " "


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John T.Plunket~~.·

TITLE: . ' .. __ . ;. ":

c{~~~TOilER '~jp~. ANl?_~'!'; SOClETY,:"INa·. aka. V J ehoy.eh.'.:a..~ii.tn es ses.i-'Reino d~.;re ov4.·:

OIttm'ODr'lOl:< U':;·.c .... _TC.·'OT"1IrT T~T ~~r..-,.d H· .. · f' ..•. :.l.nI:I ~""'" L~0 .... ~.~ • .:a~,l.l,i.i) , aza , J:e._ »». ":J~":·.

~ieb~nliet; HER1lE.N~;:-snBENLIST -.V .,

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.:. A:3 there appears tooe nothing about this group' to' justify active

investigation, this case is be in alos'ed. However eriodic checks' will'

be made of their aotivities. t4b2

in Sen JOB is confidential.?,·~' ',-:<

. 'b7D

Made Available to:' Copies: . J:l.;.,..

~" './ .. ) .7

~.'(;E) Embassy (CoD8ula.te) 1 Sf- . Burel?'

-:-(") M. A. ..':( - Mbico City. (Info}

~( ) N. A. . 1 - Military Attach~

~( ) Othey.............. . 1 - Nava.l A.ttach~

\ -. 2 - ~San J os ~

VJ-~~~ .~: __ ~_L __ ~~~~~~




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'Blh WATCH,TO'lER" BlBIE"ANI), mAar S09IETY~ . "t~;', ':.'

"',."" .~c.; :aka, Jehovah;.s Viitness~~', Reino <:. ..•..

, '';; c, de J eov{; TI-lZODORE'JiESS SIEBE}!LIS"r, . ,

'.,' aka, Ted ·H~ Siebenlist; HER.lJENA SIEBENLIST"

• .'" ""'-: ~'... • 4,_ ,

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T r>,

6~ J~d, Cost~ Rica

THEQDOP.EHE~S SIEBENLIST and his:Wife, m;ru;lENA SlEBSNLIST have .r.,«: .. " ,been in:·C.ostaRica for several months as~'~stonariea,·r(}rthe!JA'l'CH Ta118R:~~'

BIBIE AND. TRACT SOCIETY, INC., usually kno~as the· Je_hovaht,s·.'Jitnesses. c •

. ' _ .Froq lit' was:-,.l,earned thaf"~n about;,t~'e . first of: Me.l;'ch there :'-' ..

.:' arrived in c<?sta Rica,. 'for a s:i,.x day visit', ·~!A.THAN HO~ORR,Vlho is

. :':' understood to be the present head. oi" the' sect. and the >·sucoessor· t'o its founder, .Judge RUTBlllFORD .. , KNORR.Vlas accompanied by llILTON a::::CRru;...;.tlENSCHEL,

.. hi~ secretary. I ladv1s~d, that the .apparentpurpose .of this visit

was ·tc .inspect the ..,ork. done by 'the SIROOILISTS and to. make plansf'or

expansion' of· the Society' s activities in Costa.· Rica.' .'

. . .1 ..' 'I~dv'is~d that' 5IEBBHLIST"'registered', '~1;'-'~he klerican . '

. Consulate'. in San Jod on December 27, 1943 giving as his address IIC~sa 650,

C8.ne 5, San Jos6u•· . , .;.,,' ..

r-_.....;......:,Fr.:..::;olll=.&.I...,. __ ..... I'th9 f~llowing information was obtained under date

ot ... I ... 1

. The group holds its meetings in a' building which' has been rented for its headquarters and which is :'located on 9a street about one half block,. north of Central Avenue. The meetings are' held on Thursdays and Sundays . at 6130' F.li. SIEBENLIST appears .to be limiting himself to teachi~gs from

the Bible and has refrained from any political commentary to date.' This source reports that the majority 0'£ 'the persons who attend the meetings are negroes ~ '. It is. understood that the Costa Rican Government is interes·ted in the activity of the group and has had a secret service aEcnt join the

movement for the purpose of observing its. activities. .

. I Ih~'advised that SIEBE;nlST has received mail regarding

shipment of literature £ro~ the office of the Society at 117 Ada~B Street, Brooklyn, New York, the letters being signed by one C • .E. SILL.AlJAY.

From I lit ~~s also learned that on Febru~ry 18 Sli!E]·iUST

wrote a letter ,to 1ir. and !lrs. OLUV'iI-rSlEB.'Sm.IST, 30x 86, Nebraska City, llebraska •. App:.rently OWV'&. is a' brother of TII:D. ,The letter Tefers to the approaching visit of "brother KNORR" and states that there are about .three hundred "brethren" in Costa Rica, that a. "Kingdom Hallu has beeh esta.blished in, Sen Jod for the meet mgs , that the Itdailyreporl slips" are being used and that a contribution bo~ llaa-been··set up~

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. l'b1alarge Ill,'''' ~r; or_." ~ as a Pl"Oj.,t of the fl}8 cial

_~ _t ott.··~ f)(J $ectiM with tbt~eht in Jdnd that

tlErS*lCratadrai 1rcul4 bip • ..r aMietatae to thAt s.d1t1on and s.ltcti ... e. Setv!ae

De •• Md'-t, ..w1.~CltIi'llT. the _.or:~.would be IQ(tGbl~ tar cUatr:1buticn

wether:r~ .iapnc1 Tbe JltD.Or:mdpa baa bMr.~rull, ft'dGirOd by .

~h ol t,h& deGk8·p:Nt'1oaelt·· ~ andwltb your appl"01'll1t 1s fCl.~

t!at eop108.111 be tent 1;0 the C11.ld!1al Dt1fislon otthe DepLtrtment •. CIII.0-2,.

the Bcft'.'. J!fIJitWJ.mati,"" 111 ~ and the Detroit.. and· 11 .. !~-'nf)ld D1:nt1ona. m .and ~ in u-or U. O"Iel'turea t'lIda b)' too W1tl108S68 to. thai!" p«t8Qtnel, tlndDu'btedl7 ...... ~.,._te interest and in. un. .QCl'.II'l4Ctloo it i. noted. that. botho!" ~4If, ~ .. ·~ ... hvetotore fultliehedthe lQreau in!onmt.:.cn CO~DI the 1'iltn ..... wh1ch ·hat.·.~ to tbt$~r nttet1.~c.:., TbIlDrit18h at"G

allIO int.,." .. '1R. tbe'~l4IrlI rat"'~.tbe q;i ~ 1na_lcll as t-'· OI"'ga1izat..'l.m ls8CC",. ill "",tCQUltry .1nd as at":t.l.ttor of taot. the ~18

~tat~,... 1n kndca· hieNtotoro .l'eG\1Cstad jntonaation 00 thoor~lat1orl.

_1&1"1f! to t. ~ : eiOlot t.l1c~ntJ it ip noted ~1At al~

that- Di.vtad.OIl hu . ..,..~ ... _ prOlMcutiw aot1arv1,\ haa heretofore indioated an 1n~.!a.~ ~w1th IZl7 intomElticn eoncuni~r: the

ntne .. s, part1~1.:.t_··"'ta te:libc· to *",. that the- nat.ional leadttl"S or .... tho P01lP aft ~. to. ~ the wot\: o! tba 5elact.1.'Ye ~co Act. Jfft,h, of Ccur8f>., itM't 't7Pe·ot~ .. tent named in the Orlc1nol prawiaiona of the ::.ele;r~. ;3e:rri.CG Aot. it tho. ; •• 1iIJtrtt tiJlO, •• e If_ Tor' ?1cld D1v18ioo is ~ an ~YUticat31Z1 or t41~.1;'Ptfflnti"" to ~ 'k>v1ngtottand .... ral·~ot

the :ta~,1mal organ1M1m in :7. Lor':;, nt'~ tl:l. Detroit Field OLlie. ill ccnduet'ng. .. ltiIrllAr i~1!)" J'Q.\.~.t.1 ..... to oneC!lAyta 1all, a 1"'t'g1~ .t.ter atI.'etrnit.. 700

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1\»" is attAebed & _orandum su.m.urlaiDg the pertinent lntonnati ... cORtatned 1n tile JIU: ... U'S tiles concerning th4l "'orld.""W1dt1 _ott Y.\. tie •• , toM .oot )m0lll a. Jeho't'aht II '11 tne8se,,~ '1.h1. 8 •• enndllll .1 'be.a. prepared &8 .. .,..eject of the Spec1.&l

14e.ll1orandg. lint t .t 'bIJ~X.nte:rnal. StenritT 'ection in an etlort to "rrelate and ~p *,.n1ritnt.ta appear1.nc in the Bureat" files elIneomine this o-.r_t1en_'" i11. btllewd that it will be 01 aas1etanoe to the selective SeMi_an.SMitten •• XI. A dil9C1losion of the loctta aot1viti •• in tomi-an ccuu'iri. •• ,includ1.nc t.ho &01::1.= taken b,. Mwwl or the .. countri.'r

1n curbing the aeUdtie. of tM .it.MI.B. i ... t eut in Section nt ot tJ:ut .

m .. aranaa, and It i._to .... neW thAt certain part. of this •• ation dIal

nth the act1ntt"- et the, .. itae,e •• in S~th and C.ntroal Amenca. In vi ..

ot their plan. t.ilXfAn4 their "'Ml"Ih1p in the .. 8ountr!e •• it 1. 0.110 ... 4 that th1 •• ction eft-be ._Or:lll~\UIl -7 be ot 1nter.st to the SIS SeoUon.


Jehovah', _R .... are • group of eelt .... \71.d Clui.t1ana who, udal''' coftna.n1r 'Wi'" 'H, foel the,. are caapeUd. tQ 'Y1nd1cate Jehovahl• 0lIl. and pl'IMch 1M G.,pel ot the 'lMoeraOf or the ltngdOil or JlhClfth OM 1lftdIr Qui •• t to \be "'01'14 in order that JI&llk1nd JiiPt. find ntug. thenlin and & ... 014 total d •• tI\lftion at the impending battle 01' Al'IIApddon. 'ltw Mrlabtl'ebip toll_!~.17 the dopa and instzuctien.. 1.wed bT tbe1r ql.r11aal and ~o31l .... l", the prea1dant t):f t_ watch twe .. B1bl .... 'fNct Soe1.V eel a:ftU.~ .. te4 orca.n1l&t1ou. 'J}l.ya1.nt&1n 1hey an ne1tMp a Mot nor .. c:ul\1 r.llI;., to abldebl' law. not in aeeordanoe with God •• aw, .tubbomly retaH W' .. l .... ihe fb, or part1d.pate in politic ... denounce all reUel.IlI, pat •• ~.r17 the catholio taitl'l- .. and .,WlI' a podtlon .of, .trl.ot neutral!.t7 iIl1fOa~ ..,.:ra. ')hey are not affiliated witha,9',,','" P&d.fi.t er Pe&oe IINlP. and oeeatd.onall.f the Atuerle&l\ C1T11 L1be~' Um.Gl't p&l'ticd.p4t. .. inthc'.r,l.cal .ctLaa.. 'lb, .. et 1. an outpowth of thiBible ,wdent. Who were t ... r11 i-d..ntifie4 •• It_bere ot tM Interne1i1onal BiDla S_dent1i .A •• oci&t4.!8 wW.ob was OJCani.ed in the lattet" '_" of the 19th ,

cenbl17 __ lag , •• t.or 6I.1'1e. "H Ru,.ll. In 1931 the appellation of It M., .. h' • '11 tile..... ...." a.dopted.



tbq bl11 .... t1l&t the ~ooratic lCTf'erment will be th. eal1me&llS of _uag the world and. that any peace re8ult1~ in. the pre~·.orld war will be an &~ taillln in Yiew of the tact that the enaing peace centerence will be daIlD&ted by tbI a.an ~tbolic H1erarcb7. 'lhe sect'll po.bllcaU.on., wbidl are 't'o-..»OII" contain a d.et'eat1.t .ttl tude and pictnre

lit.tle bo,.ter the preeent._.>.".:tas. '!be publicatiou have been barred by DllMroa. comtrie. t:~' sorabip reasons.


'!be ..m.Q of the sect a~ BOt.pro-ec-um.st or pro-Nasi, and these ideolog1.a,.~ b1tterl.y attacted in tbe1rpubl1catto:na, 1Ihica alao charge tba t the .... catholic me1Uch7,18 explot tina the AXis nation. to gain world da.1naUcm.

SeoUe T or the "'orandua, beginn1Jag OIl page SO, deal. with the

.ed-T.lti •• ot the nct in J::I i: rI. It is- to be noted that at;t.bat -tiM

the Jlleaberlh1p unttol'lllT · ption &s conscientious object6H under

the Sel.cUTe Dratt let. of 191'~ ~ that JI8IJ7 _Mrs upon their iBduetion retu_ to cooper&:telll\ll the a1uta!7 autAor.l:tie.. ')be laH Jo.dge lUthertorcS, who dE_ted the Det trca October 31, 19'16, until his dAth on Jamta17 8, 19a, aM. 8.Ttm .8S0al&,.. •• ere conde .. d. ander the IsptoaaC. Act ot 1917

on Jtme 20, 1918. 1hq"ere nb_qu.atl;J'<released ina pr.!.8on in ll-reb,

1919, their ca .. being thereafter leTeraw'on appeal. "lb. Departaep:\ of Justice in 1917 and 1919 _ppreaaed the dtatr1btltion or a book entJ.tlecl

"1b.e 11ni Itt.ad .,..terr and &1" ~erta1n 18... of the lean.to eJrt.1 tl.ed

-nngdca lewa-, whick .. re both pt'bl1sbed by the seet.

S.etten 1I of tM aeaora.n4u deals with th. a.\intis. or the Witnesaea in World Wa~ II. It i. obsened that instlUotiona haft been tumi_heel the aftbera~p or the .ect by Jla1den Cool'8r Covington. the General Counsel

or the Soe1etl, wi tb ret.renee to the proeeclure to toU(IIf under the 5elecU.,.. Tra1n1Dg and Sanice A.ct It 19.t.G. 1he sect' 8 position in this present war

i8 one or strict DeUtral1 V. aDd. it 18 observed that their att1 tudle 1ri. th respec\ to _1' a. reneoted i1l thair publications prier to the passage of tbI seleetive T'rUJt1n& and Semce Act of 1940 al renectad in SUb_ction

? of Section 11' 6! the ... omndua. '!he.1 tnesHII tnlfo1'lll7 aa1ntah they , are entitled to ,",.a1n1.ter1al c1&15s1tieat1on at 4-D, mtua1ne to .ccept

the 4-1 claasill.t1 .... a couc1ent1oue objector or 1-4- or 1-.10, t.he telpective ~la.a1.t1cattD •• et registrants el.tg1ble tor C<Sbatant aDd nonca.batant ail1tal'f aary1ce. A.pproxiaateq 125:; Wi tiles •• baTe been convicted tor their del111quac1..lIuder Ul1s let a8 of JtlJ'l8, 1943.

it thepnt .. , t1IM an extensive inv6stigatiOB i8 being pUrsued b7 the Detro! t JIl.14 fI.'f1l1oaot Clayton Ball, the tJn1 t 5el"'ftllt of the Alnandr1ne. Unit in that c1t7, and Us associates in e_eetion with the ~.



. llaorandUII for )(r.. Ladd

cmnael1Da or reClatrants under the Selective TniD1ng anc1St1!i..ce .let. Kenneth B. WU.t1na .. ua1stant. United States Attotne7 1:. J)6~~ i. "f1tal~

interested in this ..... 61-105.3-907'

An extell81ve gened4',l.mu.gat1on 1. also beiJIi conducted b7 the ... Ton.: Field DI:ri.o1011 ot -yl' Co"dugtom. -.. COOnoel ot the .. ct, and Vice President. of th.\;· .,; !ORr Bible and __ sooiet7 and tile

"teton!" l!1ble and 'ft'act Socie' .... J . acozoperated, atul _Albert sa)'H, .. _.bar or the lepl .iat't,at the ~."th8 Dt,IU"taeiltt 1fh1eh add_

that the Sel.etl _ ..• S7atea 11&.~,. ..•. :,."+ord ~~_cbU. inftstigatlon •.

Sa,.. i. & Nc1'il"Ut of Local Boar~.~r2J Arl.Ucte. Virgin. and' .s appealedb1e elaaa1n ea. tion of 4-1: •• con.sc1entifiMlebjeetor, claWDI that he 18 .nt1tle4 wUle clasaitleatS.'fi at 4-D accoriM.a.ni8ters. Baydeli Cooper Car1n&~.,tu1'Jl1.bed an af'f1da'd ~ in support or .... tufa claia and,

aa prev1wsq i_cat.d, bas alsoCOllDSeled the ae.berab'1pof this sect 18

the procedure to ·f.u- tUldel" the SelectiT& 'lTdnina utlhnice Act. An ettort 1s beiDl· ..... tD tN- titl'OBlh ~s investig&tiGlliMt SRyse's cl.ai& as a .tnt.ter 1. tal., .s .. U,~ to shaw thatCcnlllteDt 8 affidadt is t&l.a and that he haeCUoCCJlUl8l:1ecl, • ._. and abett.ed. ftn7Se and others to en&.

their obUpUcal ululer the act. .. .

lb- in'ftst1,.\ion.of CoYington an. Sn)'u, BUrelL. tile 2s..1?ll2l, a.n4 the iUftStiPtJ.OR Ot the luden or the sect 1. Detro1t.ll1chlgaa,

Burea" A.le6l-10S3, aN .r. _ree, being coordinated and caretolly $uperftHd. It i. aotad _to to data there has been &pp&renUT onl¥ one connetioD tor counseling under" Selee:t1Ye Training and S.nice Ae1i inTol~ a &&e!ftber or this sect. GIl • .-her 2. 1942, John tleldn 1aXl.,. _s .a'lled under

an indietaent or cOWlHl1q: .nlion ot _nice 1n the arMd torce • ..:.~ rece1Tei a senten. of 1S _til .. ,. 'lid' case on appeal. was atfiraed Dr theCtrcu1 t

Co.lrt of Appeal, tor the fca.rth Circrl. t.

I.c .... o\1.on wi tb the area nwaber of Wi til ... who haw been con'Yicteci .aer •• $lltetift 't'l'a1n1ng and Senica A.ct tor their delinqo.enc1e., the Departa.Rt _.,.~!N.sed .. desire tor an appropriawin'f'estigatiOD to dewra1ne whether·,.· .. ber. )aYe been COI1Il.sel.d bJ the leaden of the .ct. ()l octolaer 1), 19,u., .tMDepartaent adrt.ad that the mje.t of each case 1nvoldng .. 4eliJlq:~.lehoTah1, Witne.:s shaIlld btl qQeBt1 ... 4 at length to ascttrt&1n .... wbeta...r .. aot 11141 tailure to cCIlp17 has NeD 1n.tluenced by' .ddee, counselor In.truc:U •• of attol"M11S, ofticenw other ll_bers of

,the Mct. Eve!7 ,tter' should be .. de to eBtablish netbtr the apparent

con~rt of actioaen the part or JebOT&h'1t 1f1 toea .. ., &NilMl'len1iain tdling to rl:poJ't, etc., 1. 1ih. l"I8Ult of oral or wr1 tten instruetiou e:aa.B8:ti.ng £l"OIl a central anthon t)' or IIOUrce.· By _onndnm dated _reb 3, 1943, the

-.3 -



DepartlD8nt 1'Mftil'Md this request and stated that the investigation of the Jehoftht s WitneIS.' ._ld not be cont1ned to the actiuti8s of the ind1ndual _.bars of the orgam.Ut,i.OIl but ehoold be extendtMl tor the pUrpose ot seek-

ing to deYelop .~dence' that 1Rle1a indl:t1duals' acti:vi ties bad baeD lntl:unced. adYised, or C.ulselad b7 t..M attorneyis, officers, or other llembel'S or the

sect. The n..eld was dir.ctecl to keep this in mind in condllct1ng investigations involdng delinquent rec1l\nats who are Jehovah1 s 1f1tnesses as reflected in Section H of Junau !\1l.let1n IfUIIII.JeIr 67 J 1st serle" 1942 dated NOTftber

U~ 1942. '!be Wi_8MS genera1l1 JU1at&1n that thei!' action under the seleet1Te Training and Samce Act was based onthe1r ownd8c1s1ons.

25-18073; 61-105)-905; 14-907-3; 25-171121

It is noted that in erder to obnate an extensiw conscientious objector in'V8.tigation of delinquent JehoTab's YlitneS.I, the Department

ha. authorized the obta1n1ng ofa e:1gned statement ira the rwgistIant to the ertect th&t' be 18 not. a con.cdentiQ1s objector and that in appealing trwa hie clasa1ticaUon '" bis Local Board the 11 tness de.iZ"lld a cla881!lcat10n of 4-D as a 111n1 •• and. that a classitication of 4-B or 1-AO wOllld.

not be acceptable. 1M •• 14ftu beenappropr:1.atel7 &dTileci to tollow the Department' a Sillest.i0a8 in this matter &8 ref'lected in Section E of Bureau BIlllet1n NIDlber 18" second serl.s, 19~J dated A.prl1 14, 1943 and 5eet.ion

r or Btl:reau Slllet1n. a&aber 40, Sec~ ,serio, 1943, dated .l.UgUst 18, 19J.3.


ttl dAte, the DepartMnt. bas not authorised &rr¥ prosecut!on of Jeboftb's Witnes"s under tn. Sed1 t10n statutes. Nuurous reports haTe been receind cbazoglDg t.ha.t the act1:v1 ties or the Wi tn. ... ". in their prose- 17t1ng acti Y1 ti •• uong negroes and.hi te persons aft tantaaount to a no1atiOl1 of the .. stat\l.tes. Copies or reports cowrlDg inveetigat10ns of these allegations ha .... been l'Wferred to the Departaent tor ita opinion •• ' to prosecution. A di.cues1on or the sect's reported acU:dtles &!!long negroel appears in 5ec\ion VIII of tn. lIftotandua.

A8 a rel!llllt or a Bore&u letter dated June n, 1943 to G-2 and 00, NqUest1.ng 1n!omat1on co'NZ'ing the acti:ri. ties of the .. et aaong enlisted persOlUl8l, lntoruUon is DCIW being receiTed wtdeh indicates that 110M of

the Wi tnesees h&q taud it difficult to partj_c1pate in the normal actiYities requirad of II_bel'S of the am.ed lorces. In a tn instances aembsrs of enlisted persOlUl.l haft beCCDtt undesirable soldiere or ea!.lors due to thair becc.dng iabud w1 th the bel1at. of the sectsubsequ._t to their enlistment. Other IIIeIlbere or the "ct~ upon their indnction into the &lIlT, haft refllaed to salute otfice1"ll, the flag, or to even don. a un1!'Olll and in a In case. 8c:atI or the .1 tna8le. baft denrtAld. several Wi tnesse8 bayO been pu.n18hecl in Courte-llart.ial. A di8clIunon of this phase of t.heir acti u ties appears



c.m:t RIGB'.IS

'lbe Bareau _I received. __ no: complA1ntl £lW. ~. et ' the

teet that their chi1 r1pts bave .... J1olate4 by local. la1r entorceaea' official. and var:t •• ·"tis ... in ""',etien with their pro_l7t1ng ac't1'dti •• '

ud aeetinea. '!b co.plaiats ba.~;~n reterr,d to t.he Detartaent, and' '

in scae instance' t. pt.r1MDt bas -i'equasted that an i:nftlttpt101l be CI)J)o-

dueWd. It 11 noW that at 1'.ke' pre.ent tta. ul:o.,..ttpt1Cft 1. being c0nducted of. reportali 1'1olati_ of tile civil rs.abt. at eerta1n Wi _pes who att.pted to hold a local. oonnmtd.on in 5kreftport.. I.oI1a1.&Da, in Aup.t, 194). An inftstiptl. h allO pending oonce."'1l1q &llept.1on8 ~'\ ~

local pollee or ~rt, ~.ana bad1nterteNd 111 tb. the rl~.t certAin WitMseel 1IhO _. at~:\t.DC te peddle: their pahlieat1.ons. An 10- wltigati.en b preseatq" be1ng «I.~_Jwncera1.na ~~.t.1 •• that the > police or Pitt.abllrg, lanus .retu-.d tOlilford tlw Wi _ ... , proper proteot1~

lre..ob act1 "rl.t d1eOl.m.on "the local pro~ involYiM the

.aUntie. or the and recent. SUPreM eourt dec:ll!d.()ns.lrti' eet out

in Section II and Sec\1oa X of the_oranduJl. 61-1053-1183

~ tollod.ng data •• Rot dhcussedin the- JleIIonndum, ~ tiIle to t1me rather ob~euonable ct .. la,re have been diet1'1batri and ad1ert1se_nts have appeared 1. -.all new ...... " in which an iuteNRfSe 1e aade frat the wording ot the .. ter1al that thd'aetiv1t1es of the l1tz1esele' have bHn approved by the ni~.r. .l typical euaple of melt an a4:lvti ... nt. 1Ib1eh appeared in the ¥&rch 6, 1943 bltl6< or tbe lok_o, Ind1MIat'l'ibtme is as toll,.,.

.,:500 JRlHD

If,l 1500.00 raarcl has bHa. ott eNd by AlUrtc:an Civil Libertt. ...

Union tor \h4t t1r.t person to -"111nfo1'tl&tion ln41ng to the arre.t, eoo:f1ct1a au 1mpr1 ....... t 01' aqone GO tatel ~ pazt in or acts ot uol.nC8 ap1Jtlt

\ \

- s-

II," I. BDGlR HoovER

• (!del of the 1eda~ !U.n_ of Inftstip ti_, in hi. repori to the ... ttoraeT General, ~~ll.hed tbat then 1. ao connection whatsoever be __ Getman .....:. and lehavaht e WitrJe ... s.

~t:;_ ..

• bu .at.. epecial c!l"Oll&r t.o .... 17 United S_," attomqia the COUDtI7 ttrcing \b_ to takeevel7 possible step at once top~WtDt in terterente w1 tb the ". .. dca of Jehovah's .i w..... .

-Pa1' ld.vert1.eemen\.·

'. \

It. 1. not.M \ba\ .. CtJP1 of fbi. adtwrttHUllt appeared.' in ~ .• ,flU»- 11&17 _orandu on the Met elated Jal.7 23, 1943. pNpam by 011. III addition the I1tne& •• haw bHn 1UmiJbed with cam dated. July 3, 1940 &DIi an &nDWDCflMIlt allO&"..rec1 "n thcrp.,bllcat1ou. to the .ttec' ,tbat .. Director bad reported. \0 the Attorn87PMral. that there _S 9 cormectiOll bemen Oeman ... 18 aDd JehoY&ht •• l tDe ....

It -. a1eo stated 1hat the Departaent. at luaU. had -~F1sthe Uni ted stateaj.UGl'!.'I81. to ,l'8'Qnt AIJT intel"terea. w1 th the tl'Mdca

or aMlab17 of labo$'s Witt ..... or their cbil r1pta. It 1. ob_rn4 that no SlldhftpOrt was aade by'" J)izwctor to the .1t~Q~ QeMral altb_p • eumarJ lIeIIoramt. .... tranmtW to the l)epar_nt OR JaM 12, 1940 1Ib1ch contatR. an excerPt. frat the .ect1 s publicationa attackilll the lui. tor

.their Bt or the W1tne.aal in Ge1"llal'J7. 62-59130; 62-58882; 61-1053-1146

It 1e noted. \hat 1n 19.40 . ~cipal Jadce I. D. Cook of texaricaaa, Arkansa., .. ust1c:aU7 ca..tad cOIlcemlng su~, _ eta.eDt OIl ~. part at the Dl,Notor. 1&. 1n.knee inToldng the ~ra~ c1rculan_ .. tton.

of sueb leatleta and _. and tbe p-reeence ,of ad:vertiae..nta of a s1ailar

ftin in nenpapers, haft been called to tbe _ttentt .. of tt1thN" the .lttorm7 General or the DepI.r1IIht. B7 aeaorandaa dated I.,. S, 191t2, ... a1atant Attornq oenezoal Wendell :Jk:rp ad'd.d with ~.nnce to a,ch a1.rculars, that it. •• ft17 lI1u.eading and tliat wMr. RoU- or the Chil R1pt. secttan 18 iIIIled1atol¥ contacting JUdge Conqton of the Rational f{ead.quarter. or the JehOTaht •

, .W1t.nesae. 1A anticipation ot ettectiag a pel'llanent d1.eoatinuanca of the UM '01 this t7J'8 or circular.· B7.ao~ dated 1(q19, 1942, ire Berge ad~'" tba\ ar. ~tca ba4 fumishetl him a COW of a letter that he 'bad wrl'ten te the Wl __ •• in and abalt Qd.l.cbress, 'J.'U'Aa, who bad been c1rcalar1Z1D,! IRlch le&tlata. It wal ltatad that this ·&pparentl1' 11111 ,.rtectiYelT bring about .. diaeont1DU1lC8 of a ~se of the ob3.ct1.eaable airoular to which. JW caJl~ the attention or the I. ttol'ne7 oeneral in )"OUl" __ randma or Kay

2, l~.·',\ 61-1053-762,750,913,912,909,894,927,931 ~~4" . ./ es= /. '7'~ 7'

\ ·6- /



\ \


In a letter dateet October 3, 19~J a copy ot which was tI1rni.hed the B\ll"tth. tna_"lda,.t Attomq General. We.ndell Berg. to an ind1rldual who had inquire. c_cem1.ng the contil:matioo of the intomation set lo.rtb 1.11 the_cards, the tollodng appeal'ed:

.'4le DI,..rtll..ntt I lnwstigations to date do not disclose arrr connection. between the Jebanb' 8 Witness Soc::1et,. and any subveraiw organi".\ion. Bowaftf', no c1rCllar Reb as that •• eribed. in 70ur enclo.'1"e bas been Mnt by this Departaent to the Urd ted States Attor:nq8, althClllgb eftl'1 ettort is being _de to protect the COIlat1tut1~"QU'e4 rights of the rel1glOlls 'II1norl.t1es.-


In addition,' in a lew instances circulars not •• nt1on1.tJg the Director' 8 nIH, ott_ring a 8500 reard to the, flrstpersCD. supplJing iDtomation lea.ding to tM arrest of the 1udiY1dllal or indh1d1l&l.I who haTe attacked Wit-nes._, haft also been issued b;y the Aaeriean Chil Liberties

UD1on. 61-190-228

It 1s to .. noted that on septeaber 10, 19_. 'ttomey Qeneral Fl"anc1. Biddle who _. the Solicitor QeftlraJ. ct the titer! State!!. in a speeCh delivered at. Pldlaclelpb1a, PennqlY&D1a •• ntlt.lfMl ·Chil Ubertie.

and the Wart', referred. to the long serles of uTIWatTanted attaek. that had. bun aade upon Jeharaht s Wi tnealSea in practicall¥ e..,.1'1 .tate et -\be wo.. ge

&leo partic1pated 1n t:h. filing of a brier as aD r.t._ in the ca ..

of Lovell Y. Grilli., dec1ded en lardl 28 .. 1938 bT O. S~ Supra., CCIlrt

303 V. S. 444, 18 ·1IIdtb the court atnraed the rlgh\ ot a Wi tDess to dl.tribute handbIlls em the streett at a munia1pal1V.

It 1. note4 that taTorabl. cc.aents ooncerniag the l.B.I. with reterence to the 'earl Barbor episode appaa.red in "Consolatiena Ntmber &:Y1 dated Decnber 2), 19~.

This artic~ alao pra1.aed lttomey oeneral liddle-. pesitton regarding Sed1 tion ud .. t forth a qaota tion i'rca ODe of hitt .. else. fr. which the tollCllda8 -.. extracted. -It makes little people teel biaer to decq a rel1g1Olsor rllG.&l group, to attack the ca •• 1108, or tbe"_a or the le«roes or Jebo,..h'. Wi tne •••• or eeae other !linon V.- It wa. indica ted in this article that. !ttonHl1" General Biddle had stat_ the Jederal GO'lel'Dment _. aU equipped. te deal with dgilanti_ and 1t .. , stated be aade rer.reoct to the Ci-.11 Il.ghta section of th.e nepa:rtae.t of Juetiee. 62-64131-44; 61-1J5J-910

500 m AlfEHI CA.

It is noted that the Watchtower Bible CoUep or Gilead at !1D.&dca .Farm Dear South LanAng, lew Ioz1[, bas beeD established tor t1le pu.rpo .. or

.. ,-


tra1n1111 Sped,aln--r Pabltlbere a.tld Picaeer Po.bl1 .... tor appUed lI1u1our'7 "I'll .. , f. au parts of the wo-rl.d. '!he ca~~,attack8 in.the Met1• pu.bU-U .. ap1nat the CatholicCnlrch ba,.. •• detcr1bed .8 . hipq ebJect10Dible to C&thol1C8, and &«t 1n.d1cate4:_ryq. 1" in t.tw maorandua, the -tUn ••• of the .. ct. in South A!Ilerlca,4d.though a local problea, haft btu: "scribed &0 a idtigating factor 'b blmlispher1c solidaa tr. ". .• 1 wa •• ~t.lJ plan to incre&sethe.ir proae1Jt1ng act! vi ties in . South and eeDtral~can COQIltl'18e tbrmgh the llEId1um ofprotessol"lJ aDd instl'tlctora. _ .. ce is ude in this re.ct·topage152 of the IIDoraDdaa, dealing with th.~1tt1.8 ot the sect in I.enco. It is noted that aBul'Mv. repruant&ttYltS ..... l •• bHn requeate:dtoascertain the extent or

their aeti.'v1t1.,·ii;-;!,pt countZ7. 64 ... :3003-7 .;.. . .-

IBLtllI .110110 ....

It is aot.l·.,t:qnOftht 8 1fltnes .. are subject to considerable 1n .... stigat1ve act1.v1tJ'1p:_ U4 04. In this connection extensive in.,. ... Uptioa8 of the ••• ,_ft t.Mten eonducte4 in tiesi.sippi, fl- orlearul and _pa rlor1da bJ: .. ·m' ....... ti .... o!a-2. Both int.ell1gence agencies ,juat.U1ab17 ba .... - •. b'erest 1ft tbII· Met w1threterence to their aaUnties .. oog the eDl1.tAiiI·..,..xmelof the armed torces.

Ine~.bt1llt.i9 .,ents at CIC ha-., iDvest1gat.d the acti'dU •• of JehO'fUt• ti .. : .... ~ oe-P7. c1:,Uian statas, haft been called to~~-~ ~tbe .. pproPr1.ta~1't"'Bt&tift. of 0-2 who baTe acned to tel'ldnate sob -P acti'¥1.t1.... ,..laten.to. of the UIlY aod Navy·lntell1gence agenciel in this act baa been··...:u..a _ the • ttention of the lleJW.rtaent.

66-8603-1-12-9; 91-"1953'-902; 61-105J-1021/K~S; q"", .

COI'f'II>L !'RQ( HElDQ!Jl.... ..

An ettaJ't .... bMa ... in the _orandBa to point out tlut dGda&at position or u.~ft ... &ttomqs or tbe seat Gwr ~ actint-1es et the .. berabip_ It1. to be noted tbatth. Soc1.\7 appoint. all of the local officials kJuJe as "nan" 1n \bt local organisations of the Het, as all u the Pionee3. .1. a4&i1 f.1_ t.hrolp the s_:...ammal iaspection. of the local orgu1 .. ~ .. _· \1arcu_ Senants cit tbeBrethren tna the Bl"ookqn headqaartorsand aUG.· .... laboraw r.porting l!F,VatAa, the bea&pl&rter. of the • ct are well W.raed CODCitrnin& 10he .. ott T.t. tie, and finances ot the local groo.P8.

In add111l.aiastzuctiQR. aretumished in tt. _ct' a p1bUcat1ons, special booklets, letter. and. .. confidential leatlet bOll1'1 aa the ·IDtoru.nt".

- 8-


......... fer .Jr •.. LM4

1b. prean.t orcanisaticm ot the .. ct 1. dascribed 111 Section III ot the u.or ....... As reOected on pL,. tnnt,r-t1w of the MIIOrandml,th. 1943 Yearbook ~ the Met COJltained. the foUowllll s1pif1CUl~ at.&taent, on pap 22~ rel.&t.i.ft to the COlltrol oftbe sect thrQlgh the preaiclenit of til. org&n1_ t1.C1U

"ill faithful senanta of tbe Lord bIlw recognised. that Ile. 1.beocl,'&.CJ. of which the WatchToftr B1ble and traet. Soc1etr 1. a Nnant, opera tea troa the ~p dam, and nottl'Cll the bo~tca up .

•• ,..n the ... orldl7 gOYarr.eatl, aM. ther.font. tba.t illstrnctions cmte

to toba LOrd • ., people on·Mrtb fl'(a trhe olftc. .t pr. t of the

... ~'#l.~. 81-le aM Tract. Soc1..ty, filled bf aao1ntM nchosen

<4 t..k::£o:tl.t.b hie organiutiOl1.· . .

1he actiOns and act! n. U •• of the Il_berebtp of the HCt, in both Hcnlap .and religious utters, an datini~ the I"HIJlt of In.tractions troa ta.lrl~ and attotneTl. ~ .... t.iOD Gf the. 1llcih1d11al .... ., De dUficul t 15 .-. of tbe. re11&1._ aspect at th8 Hct' 8 actt:d tie ••

'lbe 1Dft.ttpt.101l or the .. R and its 1 .. 1'11 and. &ttoraya is cemtinu1R1·to race1_ a,.tltl npem,017atwntion. CeIll1derati.on 1s being

&1 wn to. 41CJ1dning thancorcl. or the •• ct in Brooklltt. an York thrcn.gb. cODti_t1al "Feu or latoJ'U,l')tl and an etlon 1. alilo ·~ac aade toobta1n qopie. Of the cciit1dent1al pabl1cat.tOll of .. Het'.~ u the·lntoraant". IGIl will be,apprisedot &D7 <WftloJ:aentl ill' t14SC&M 1III1cb appear to be or lIlteN.t. toe Jou.

F. t. welch


H. 1ffJJYT L

Q ,~,_ LJ! : amm



.1. IJIWocm etion

B. IntematioaAl Ilble sw.dlnt. Assoc1a.t1on and aalat.ed Ol'l&Di .. t1ona

C. Kame Jehouh18 WltaesH.ldoptecf1931


1. Qeural

B. As.ociated 8iele stu_nts Cl.a:I.Il Witnesses JlodU'W ,.aching. of Pastor 818_11

Page. 1 1



III PliISDT CXtOO'I2A ft: o.

A. Corpora tions u4 otti cerl J. Pb711 cal Pl'OJ*.rt.1 ••

C. orpniu.t.1oul 3t1'llcmre

D. TypeS of lItJJlbeJtitip

I. Inst.ruct.i.OIl8 tr. RNdqaarterB

1. Quaral

2. LIp]. Dr.

3. !M Watehtenl' Bible College of Gilead

4. Hll.1.aa_, otllUbenhip on Direction. ira the

Be ••• rtere

f. Btporte to ~ten Q. r:lnarlee.

H. 1ruIlal CoIl'NDu... I .... ti ...

J. .tnt.line

I. .,tiaODT CH!ia

1. low to tlth&nh" .1 wa,

•• JI1.cell rat·ol.aa

If PUlL! Cl1iOlS

A. General

B. ftlpreaentat1.,...cerpta trca th5 PUblication.

1. l)efin1i1_ .• t·· Jehoftbt e Wi meeMa and '!be1" .ark

2. itta._. the .er1can OOTenaent and Big .11 ••• ,. A.tt1" ~ the na.a and taws

4. Attitude rWard l111pan and OlelV'



\\ .



4} 4


10 10 12 13 15 23 2) 2t 30

'1 32

33 35 37 38 40 41 41

44 44 47 47 53 56 sa



s. ltt.1ta48 ~ OIthol1c1., the t-athollc a.tu'"

aacl . tile • 'lbtali tar1&n ecab1ne- . 59

6. ltt.i..de tonr4 P_ce, tbI Leap. or 'JaUOIl. u.d

tba lni t.ed. .. t1oaeJ War Bttort ' 68

1. , t\1 tao OODet1:'ld..nc war '13


11111 tar;r Cenaer1pt1on,~ 80

1ta l1D1 .... _.te17 82

CUniotions of Ja.qe .tbertol"Ci and Snen .a.M1ata.

Under the Japlcmap .let of 191'1 83'


General. 86

Violations' of seleeU:ft 'ft'&iD1B1 and Sertiel Act of 1940 86

Pabl1 ca t1. one riled wi \b J,ooal Board. 88

Inltftcticma Begardiag P:rocMnzoa to ,ons in seleeti ft

~.n1ce .a~"rs troa lIa)"deli Oooper CoYlngtea, Qeneral

Counsel, ad 5)Jec1.!1c J;I;iIIIpl..s of Action 12lbn 97

-.rpta Ira Sta._n,ta of 'IitDessea sett1Bl h"th

1I&8OU t,v 'jlleir ~qn'Dc1.. 10'

IIporte4 oewtali:ag or' !"n8i.on 'Under ~ Select1. w

1r&iJd.nC u4 sen1ce let iIloDi I_bers of t.be sect lOS

Reported C(IU .. liq or Ins10n or Won-Enl!stMnt te Ion-

i_bera 'e£ tM seet ill

IBPOR'ISD lC!l'f!flES BOlO DlDRS OF tHE 1._» l'OR<Z5 U4

aeneral U4

Jehovah's W1taa .... Coataots1l'1tb A:'f81 Per80DUl 114

"ported A.ctoi Y.l.tiu of J.rq persortnel. WhO. are l~f.

.1 tiles... . 11S

Contac\.l b7 Jeho'n.ht• WU.neases with JlaYfPers~ 118

lIIportedAcUdU •• of JaV 181'801U1el Who are JellOTaht s

WitD.e... ' , 118



1ft aneftl 121

B. .port8dActtYl ties bJ' S t& tea 121

Ala... 121

llor1e1& 1.21

~~, W

~m~ W

Loui:d... l24

)(&rylaDd 124 '



B. / /




n.a1"s1,pi OiQo

"~ Clrolina ,... ..


, ••• t V1~.

. 'j'



.. t suPRid au Rt' r8ClSIOllS 1)1

IlISC8~S .. 136· .

Beported rre-Psi J.ct1d.~ of tM seet 1:14'

lllportetl (JIJiPWni.t Infiltration Into the s.C\ 115

lell.oDh' •• 1 messes •••• r Worie.rs and A tt1t.t1de 1ri tb

asspect w ;\lI,e fu,rehUI of .41" aO.Bds 136

per1can 'd. tts .. ntbip lot Deliftd bJ Alien •• _ra of

~~d ~

(la..st1<mofDeu.taral1sat1on Pl"Ot;eed:ing, Be1na rD.'Nkad

.Lpinst two Il& tarali'Hd d'ehoT8h' e Y1 ta... 139

A.ttellptEto 1)1.td.bI1w tJ.wra.ture ADlon& Japau ..

in .ar .1o.Uon QIIltel"l 140

Censorship 140

.lCl1YI'l'I15 CllTSlli: OF UlIftD STA'lIS l43 .

General. la'

.same of Aot$dt1 .. U SpeaUic ecnnt.1i,ea 1'46

1. Al.... 146

2. .._11 ui Phi.1ipp1M leland. . lIP

). ._andland and Iceland 147

4. ~ . 147

S. G1"f*t Jl"1ta1B.. l48

6. eonu_tal. Jarepa 150

7. CIlba &n4'. pUrto a\.co 151

8. -.x1co· 152

9. central AMnea lSI.

10. BrlUo ... at lAdieS ," 154

u. c.ltllbla. ,_sula and Dutch Cu1an& . 155

12.. Brasi'). 155

13. lrPn\bla, ~, Paflloi\1&7 and trf'U1P&7 156

14. S.u.e.t. hattie Area. 1$1

1;. India 159

16. Cb1- 159

1'1. Uri. 159


.: .




~' '; ..


~. .WUU .. Edw1n .",UhUqb

...... _ ....... _ --1' .............. - D. ..9IIII>J- --r- ~~-

I .• \~.·.~'c .. (krlea _.· .. ··ttl

....... Z'7 ..

'I. ,.tan BCMr atrr

p'. ·:,,.s\o1" dw.!'~ ... _..n

G. JOHph~D Iltbal'f'ord a. John. 'fllCM8 bll1nn

I. ClqtoD J ..... ottb


EDd.1t1\'lIdber 1



Eshtbtt .... ·,

Exbibi t ftIIbiP· s

bh1b1t r6

EXh1bi t r .,

bh1.bit _"r.


A. Individuals

B. Organizati.ons and ;,~iscellaneous Data


l61 l61' 161 162 '

162' 162 16~ 164 165


167 . '167 176 1'18 181 186 191 194 231'

247 248 253

In l884 Paa\OI' 82 ... 11 oqud. ... & corporatJ.cn Ant ·knoInl &1 ZlOll" 'lat.e Tc*V 1oc1..t7 .... Jat.er the QIIII _. cbid\gocl to t.t. W&t.ch ,.. .. r Dible .aDd 1"ftr.ct. So: 'Ill. eorper&t.iOll .. rOtD8Cl undot tbllaw. of Pemql...m.a

til er4er t.o tM lx,ult ... _t. ter. or the .~ ani pnftde .. p,tbu.eh1nc

OCIDoem tor t.bI wr1.U ... or P"li.or ~IHU. In 19CIB t.be ,.opla •• ~t A.oo- 4III.&t..l ... 1aoorporatAd. UI1ISar thI ,... of the S!..atA or ..., tos 11l order to

.w a ~ *rt4.1n t.u.t. at&t-a t.o bol4 ti~~l:~~r~rt.7. At "t>J..

~ ." ,

'~r 1 ' 'i ~ ,


time the headquarters of the organization were moved fraa Pennsylvania., to Brooklyn, NewTon. 1h. People' s Pulpit Association later became known as the .&1oootower Bible and Tract Society, Incorporated, a corporation formed under the l.a1ra ot the State ot New York. In 1914 a corporation was organized in London, England, under the nue of the International Bible students Asa&elation for the p"rpo" ot handling theseClllar aeU'Vi ties and directing the religious YOrk ot the Met in that coontry.

"ftle atatecl purpoN tor lthich these organisations were created was to preach the goapel of .fe.a Qlrist by the oral. message and by the pri.nted page. Branch offices were aaint&1ned in London, England; Oredro, SWeden; Copenha.gen, Denaark, Zurich, Switserl.and.; capetown, Sao.th Afr.1.eaJ Ilelbcnrae, Australia, and ot~er points. 'l!le WOK under these corporations _s directed .fran the Brooklyn headquarters, the eDCIltiy. office ot which was located at 124 Goluabia Heights, Brooklyn, )few Yorle, \he business ottlce being at first located at 13-17 Sicks Street in that cl. V.

'!'he Interna.\t.onal Bible students Association JRaintained .. maber of traveling p~.cher. on the road and had emreh organisations or .eelemas in praeticall.y all ot the large altiH in the United states and Canada and al80 in a large n:aaber ot the -.J.l tOlms and country COIDI!U1li ti... they are v181 ted bT the traveling preachers or Bible st.udents at regular intenals who delivered sermons and taught Bible classes. Bach church or ecel.llia had its own organisation and. elected Hplarly its elders and teacher:s tor the purposeo! giving Bible instntction.

ThaT 8llppl .. llted their proselyting act.i v.i.ties with a stu. ot religioo.s books, concordances, nrit.'llls translations .ot the Bible and partioolarly certain 1rl"i tings ot Pa.stor Rna.ll consisting of sewn volumes known as .Sbldies in the Scr1pblres - Helpl..nc Bands to Bible stud;yft. The S8"t1m volumes are &8 follows:

Voluae 1. '!he Dirl:ne Plan of the Ages. Voluae 2. ~e 'l1ae is at Hand.

Volue ,. 'l'hf"i (ingdoeCcae.

Yom.. 4. 1be Battle at .Alm&geddon. VolBM S. Aton_ent Bettreen God and .an. VoluQ 6. 'lbe In creation.

Voluu 7. 1be linished Mystery.

'!he first or 1ib.eM voluaea u.s published in l.S86. 'the last volume lIlUI not c(8pleted by Paster &18 .. 11 tut ris ccmpleted b;y George F1aher and" Clayton J. Woodworth of the Intema tional. Bible students AssoctiiU-onand pub-lished after Pa.tor !UsMllt s death on october 31,. 1916 at. the dire-Cti~n of Pastor fb.ssellt s sacC8nor, Judge Joseph F. Rutherford. '!he latter individual "WaS the dcainant leader ot the organiution fran 1916 until his death on January S J 1942. Addi tiona! iniomation regarding Pa.atQr Bussen and Judge


;~--'- -.'.

""\ :+"

~-. :

Rutherford will .. , ... 1.a Section nn of t.his lllEIIIOfta".

It •• ~ ira 1918 that. IIDre than "lnea aUliOl1 or these TOlwe.eS ..... cliatzo1...... In addition, the .~8I$Ocla\'1011 ,..11 .. ' a MIIlmonthly Joumal .... .. ItTbe wat.chtourn, a. pe.rio4ical lIMe u "'Tn.

131#le .stua.nt •• ~.. IIICi a ."pi&e papw entitled -n.acdoa Neu". n. .; AeBGciat10n aleo p6li1lae4 n".1"OU t.ract. and bookltR. 41\ Biblical s1:lbJect ••

C. 1iaIII~""" '. rfltnMU. Adopted. 1931 (00-63296; 61-105.3,-493; 00-202600-798-10)

At & OOIlnaU_ of the Ullben otthe Internatloaal bib~ .• "'AW A58OCiaUOll held. .. ael_ln18, Wo~ a "ulutlon 'flas ,..... at. .. lali •• ". aect.1.og on J.q .~. 1,'1 adoi51a& t.he II&M of Jeho"fab'1 UtA...... fit.

l's .. 1ut1_ 1atd1a&t;M ... , att. \he cltath or Pastol' :a .... U a d111sioe. had an.." bn. ..... tMn .. .,.iat.ed .1\b lU.a in his lIOrk wb1.b relUlt.K ill. a n~ ot iAdirla.h lti\lWraltiDc. froa t.he ?{atchtowr Bible ad !tv\ SoeiRY and. Ntus1Dc to ..,.. ... with tiM Sod.", and its WOft or to eonow ill the _\erial 1\ plbl1.... If. wa •• 'at. that. thus 1a41'f1duJ.a had to .... other

groupe kM_ as "l1ttl. S\udeat..", !If AI ia tad Bible St. k". "s,* ruteraft,

.... UU .. teuhllrl "mtll ... xpo , by Pastor U,."and o\Ul' .

1Ihicll - .. ....w.. 0'0IIf __ 1& tbtt ainu of Ut.. public aad_ ,lutref .

ihe 'V_om ' adop\M. 11# 1& t.,. AO'eel. t.Ilat .,.,..l1ea-

\,1;_8 of \be sec" do oM _pitaUl. the letter "lIa in the 'Word "w1tA .

161-1053-18; "The Kingdom the Hope of the World") -


-, JlfL





_ .

'4," _.

..... kj

A. GtMn1

!be .... , ....... of t.be cover page of JlThe \iatchto_ru published semi-mollthl1 01 """,ctt roww Bible at1d Tract Soc1..t" U1 A.dams Street, Breokl.rn.t Nft t ..... · .' .: ,.t,. ton" &. brief state1ltent enUilH -the .scriptures Clearly Teac1t". 1ial. eh' __ conta1ns the funr.lalJ8nbl '--\is of JehoTaht 8 ·,;:1.tneBsea and. il .. t.u.u:

"That. I H the onlT true God and is from everlasting

to .v.rla.ta.t .lakel" of be!:l.ven and earth ana ·tlleG1 ver ot

ill. to hie J that. the Log08 was the begiru'ang of hi.

creation, AJMt ·bU. _ive qent in the c:."Sation of all other-things, and 111 now ~ .... hAl cariat in glol'j' ,clothed with all pmlsr in h_ven ami ..nIL •• a. the Chief SDcutive Of'Iicer ot JehoTah;

"That. God tal the ... !'tb tor JUn. created perfect. man

tor the MrtJl plu.' Jlia upIIlltj that IIa!l 1Iillh.ll7 tl1s-

obe,.." 004" lAnI:_ ..uenced. to death; tbat .7 rea .. of

Adell' • ..., ut. all are Nm ainIler. and fiithout ~JM right

to lite;

"That ~ :r.p. wu ........ as the 1IIIln Jesua an4 3Utlered death ia or_ \G prodlIc.e \A. rueo. or "de~U .. prs.e. tor ooaQ1 .. OQN' fit _klAdJ that a.cll'a.1sed up JeSWI dime and. exalted. bia ......... e above .... ..., other creature &D4 abo," flnrT IlaIIe aod e1"'. Ida with aU power I.Ild. authorl\r.

nTha' J~ ••• rganisatlon i. a Theocracy called 210ft. and that. Carl.t. J ... 18 the Chief Officer thereof ad is the rightful I1q of \ .. wor14; that the anointod ad faithful followers of Chrtft. lesue are chUdNil of Zion, .-Mrs of JehOTM" organ1sal.iOll, and are his witnesses 'Mho .. duty and pri:nlege it is t. testi!7 to the aupresu.cl of ~, declare hie Pllrpo ... to'MM ,"ktad as u.pNased ill the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the K1Dgdo.lll before all who -will hear;

"That the .U ld enUd in A.D. 1114, and tM Litrd

Jene Chriet. ha placed. by Jehov4b upon his ~·hftae or

authoritTJ hu cuet-ed Satan trOll. havCll and i. pro ... ltjng to the utabli±." 01 the 'new earth' of the new WOrld}

"Tu\ \he ..u.t w blessings of the peoples of earth Call COb only by aM tROugh . .rehoyah '8 kingdOM. under Chri.t, .. bleh .has 00" btguDJ '\bat the Lord's next great uct 1. th. denruction of Satanta organizatiOlt and the complete estabU'-" ~ rigllt-

eouan •• e 111 the earth, :lnd that Wlder the r1ngdoa the 'peopl.~ of



good-will t.hat 11lrT.t va Armageddon ahall r::arry au. t the di nne mandate to tfill the earth' with a righteOlls race."

It is to be not.ed that paragraph five, above quoted, was previously worded in the following manner, as reflected in "The watcht~ dated 'f..~arch

15, 1942\ (61-1053-724)

tt'lha\ the world baa ended and the Lord JeSUI (bri.n. has

been pl.acacl by Jehovah upon hi s throne of authori t7, has costed Satan traaheaven, and is proceeding t.o the establlshllent of God's kingdcm on earth.·

It i8 alao to be noted that paragraph three in the above statement as reflected in prior issues of this magazin& contained the word -Jesus" in place of "The Logos", and instead of the term. DeveI'7 other creature" the phra.se was lIeTeJ:7 creaw.re". In addl tion, in paragraph six of the statement the word • complete" appearing before the word "establi sbaent- _s tOl'llerly omitted.

In explanation of the tore going statement of the tenets of this

sect, the following appears to be of interest fras an eDllination ot numerous publi cations of the Wa tell ;!owerr '1i ble and Tract Society, Incorporated and its aftilla ted corporations. 'th~ m.tness8S believe that frail an interpretation

of the Scriptures God could have brought His n:teocratic organiH.tion into existence iMediate17 upon the creation of this world and at that tae destroyed Satan. Inetea.d, l1od's pIlrpoee in pe1'llitting Satan to eldet was to gi .. man &1\l.. opportunity to choose whom he desired to sene - e1 tber the DeVil and destruction, or obey' Jehovah God and live. 1\11'0 reaeens are gi.vsn tor this deferment at

Satan's destruction, naaely. to mow God's supreme power and the making known

ot His name. They believe that in order to receive everlasting life one IItlst

be a Wi trtess or a companion ot the Wi tnesHs, a Jonadab, tor Jehovah God, and

that the chief' doctrine in the Bible 1s that conceming the vindication of JehOTahl8 name.

'l.'he end of the world to the members of this Ollt Ileans the end ot Satan's uninterrupted l"Q,le which occurred in the J9&r 1914, at lIhich time Christ DS enthroned by Jehovah. to rule His 'Iheocracy in accordance with Godl s promise that He 'Would establlsh a. righteous gOV8l'D1ent according to Isaiah 9: 6,7 and otberSeriptureao '!be Witnesses interpret the conditions incident to World War I as fultill.1.ng the prophecy of Jesus relative to the conditions that would erlat. in the world at 1Ihlch time He would return" citing llatthew 24;7,8; "lor nation .hall rise against nation and k1ngdfD. against kingdca; and there shall be faine, pestilences and e.art.h.qua.kes in di"lerse

places. All these are the beginning of sorrows". !hey believe that at




... sttREll.

the ts.... Chr1at 11&1 •• throned a. King in 1914 He ou.eted Satan tr_ BeaTen and oa.t him doWll to earth ... I.t forth in Chapter 12, Ter .. 12 altha Book ot Rewlat1cnl: -.0. to the inhabitors ot the earth~ and ot the eoa! For the den1 hal eo.. QWD 1IIlto TOu, having great wrath, because be knoweth that he haa but a lhort ta. t"

'they believe that the earthly minhtry ot Chrbt .... three and OD8- halt year. aDd that n. then aacended. into Heaven. '!hua~ three and.e-halt year. atter 1914, 81" in 1918, Christ appeared at the 'temple of God,llaThg returned to the earth ill spirit, and began to lurround HiMeli' with tllP •• uvoted to Ria and B1I 1:1a~401l. Theae ohosen persons are kDown by the Witnesl •• aa the ftl1ngdOll or Spirit Cl ... " or the "little flock- •• c!.ecribed in Luke 12,32: "Fear not little flook; for it 11 your Father's good pleasure to give you the Klngdoa.- ,he .. abere of this group, including Chri.t. con.titute Christ" InTisible (1.,doa which i8 al.o de8cribed a. Zion, the Bol, City, the Royal Houa. of God, the lInew heavens- or The Th8ocracy. 'the •• libel"!.ldp of thb group 18 limiteu 144.000 in addition to Christ a8 set torth in Renl.tiona 7:4; 14:1.

The publication. of the .ect reflect that tho .. who are believed to be serTing with Cbri.t in th1a apeoial group are certain laint. and Chri.tians who were resurrected wh.n Christ cu. to His Temple. U-mbers or the "little flock" on earth are the remnant, which 1s oomposed of devoted and conaecrated J.hoTah's ~itne.s ••• who upon their death are instantly changed into apiritual bodies to join Christ'. Invisible Kingdom. The member. of the remnea~ living

at the time of the battle of Armageddon, described herebatter .. will survive this holocaust and ~ll be allo 8.uociated with Christ in Hia Invisible Kingdom. Chrbt.. at the head ot 'the Theocracy hu been de8cribed aa the .King~ It the "Ruler~" the ·CAie! Exeoutiv. ot Jehovah's Capital Organl~ation.· and "Jehovah's Chief Official in The Theooracy.A

Since the "little tlock .. " which is also known &I the "Spirit or Kingdom class,· is limited to 144,000. provision is made for thOle who do not quality for membership in this aelect group to become on.. ot the ·other she8p~ IS who.e memberShip is Wll1-.ited. This iI ,tated in John IsIS, ..... and other sheep I haTe which are not of this told; them also I must bring. and they shall hear my voiee; and there .hall be one fold and one shepherd.- Ueabere ot thll group are known al Jona4.bl, people of good-will, or the companion. of Jehovah's Witneeees.

At the tiae Christ came to RiB Temple in 1918 ae coamia.1oned Hi. faithful followers to aake • te.timony to the nations concerning the Theocratic Government and to giT. aankind an opportunity to chooa. between allegiance to God' 8 Kingdom or to rely "on the feeble etf'orts or man and Satan' a JI&I1y organizations" and thereby sutter ultimate destruction with satan and hi. associate.


at w 1 ••• '51 .. M.\u. "t s: reia n.QC in _r_\lm'l1 16:le. ~

,ton. ~11M .... aDIlUM11' ~rd." Jo",\I ... rfl .. _"'*'_ to • .p~ ~.b. 'M'lfa .;1 t.no ~'U.. ~~, \l14 worJA 4J: n.w 1n JIat,\bew 24.14.

lt~a ~U4l*- of \M If alall be 'p~:n as:. t{.~ 'iforlj tor. w1_~.

unto. all _ilOM, abIll ..,. en4 COMo. " .

1'be1b1U.,. \t:iI.' \); ~u-n 'tl~ L"t 00CM0.Wt1 ........ lI1ll!etfi:.

IUd· ttl"B lUIIItr~ ~ w1tb 004 w ptMch t>~. ~o or ,,. !tIIeocrIOl, lIM,en .

~tJVH.l co QQctt. -1\1Up .,ric". 1tdfi woilc, acoottd1ac. to 'he publ~ ....

"Lons o~ ,,. , .-.t. oca~ WlUl tbit battlt Qt A~ ao\Uall.7 \a\:.

rJ.aiUf. ..a.y \l&'1S , thl. la't.le 1IUl. be ;!,~~ht bet.nen ewt.t'c ~Qplt

Md " .. tan aad hoi. lo the Witn:s$es',.Qd t.be ~~, not. Ji*l1;1~.~~t1nt in ...

aQ'~ ~t.na&al.. . .

n. .'1 ••••• Wi ... ~, ~ 11$ .t1Q ~ s.-rtIli'i1 'vt l-.n b.illilt.. n.,~.'" Jews ... br,)m. h~i btJJ1&, Mat tlqtJ~t roo. ,.-hO .... h.pt,iHd... beG..... ~p1.II'1 '-l. fo$'l ottod. QX' Cllo-""101r. .. .. 91"1-t1 IUr~I1J-" .. t.:'lt: aaUbllm}a1l11tt 01. • rlib\eowl 4P'u~ft\ in uJ;W t,Q Yindi~tA i!f_h<J, .. , ••

iIUItl ;lm;\\th.w\ t.1'attUniYel"H. :n_. ,..' "hit- t.~ of "b Tl"in~~. ~ • lJat.bPUo let. ot P1irs,&'t;t)rl &hd. to. COllOlt;;t4QU vt .. bill 9f wnlit_;~t.. coulctw1a& .11 tio ... pt. .. W' _\h. The1 bIl1 .... \bat, a. a rawl'.f J.Qq" i1a .....

k1al 1. atab~.w ~ bu_ .. wt __ a a:id. that Chr1"'. _th art t.M .......

.. orin. bt wId.d ... ,....8. pri __ • ~Jrl.ded 1!J7 ~ 'lc> hi- NltI ••

t~ 'hi ~ot _u. r.d.cl\ aU.MD 1nh4t...1.\ ~lftvah ... t4.1l1n. ftIWtMtl1lft

\.bI.~ 004'. .w.. _ E", "a. .tM ,M MG MlUplJ and t111 t1l4l _~h"

.. ~ " 1M1r WlI'1,tlUou_IS.; 110 ...... , acoonl~ .~Z"

iRWl"pnloa'tlGla of 5Orlp\u.rM, tW :'fJ!ilftAtIC. ltd. ...... w b1.

IOU &10r "hi fa. ~llO&1.io_ H:le4lt ~\ .1DM 1II1II ut_ \bI-

ni 1JlId;-. ex..- aDd. W AO ton« a.tt..r t.n. tl.uod t (;.1& tJuree Nl'ie pt>lor to ttae

tl.oad b .... , ...... ~J')- b~ (It tlW .m.tl ... ) \: ,. ~ ....

lid _ dot. _'L appl,f to \be .t~ or $~r1t C~ <,be "'11,\1. tlo.") "' oAlj \0 * ..... , -.l~'" 1Ibo 1d.U wmw ArIIa.&tCIdoA. 1e!..\ber!loU. ...

01 •• 01\1 .. ,. ablo t4 0II*t ~\ t14a ..,.t. ill tNt ,.... .. ,11106 M4 -' HIll pa14 bJ Chri.n ., ... , u. .n4ihvs thO,. d14 not. haft O~ i~.a \MJ"t.&h1 to 11: ..... rlu\1.J&.

7 .




!U\l\1t,~ 'IIlll,...n'nt" u-t. ftlUt 'lh1o bit.~l\l.·t:ijW~t ()t~ • • u pIWftll1 • ..nh_ 4Hc.r1Mi .. till *n.weu,rta'*.. ~. ttnct)IH3{,iI'Wf 'f111 be ~1IpOJIIIIl or ...... elble Wpf' .... t.t'YH Qr til. "r.~,. *1'«1'" ~1: Chrl.~·a Imll1ble nau;m ••. _ .dbl. l"Opt\tGoow,tJ..,eu.'WiU. .. .ta.s.\WUl. ~l\1l1.oQl

obll'letel"t IIa(I:\ .. .. lIMO. IACl ti4l'ri.d •. 'J-tf. &a01., _1 ... 1:.IJ. btl

n...,...w "1d.l1::.. I aU .. 01 ~~ vt IOftrt.iCft. - AlthCtuth \bq

Nu1 abt _I'n;' Oo4 .. nvAlG4 in ta· _,t.a.nl_ th •••

• bl101l thl4.~" to 1ioa,Y& \0 *o~ 4i! i~ ~_ .... t,1~ ~.rn:;1bl.

:n tbI1 1M prlo>r .. Cb1'l.". ~t.h Qw "h:" .~ tJw ran~:JlIt.

_ortfl an pa1cl •

., ~_UoaI of," ..c.1J'd1o;Jw that \lie IUftwn Gt the. .. t~

of ~, ..... .,_, \UM: w1U tincl \t.sz - pla.OI 18. • olNrtM 1lQ~l.d ....

will aonftl.te "11-' or oA eu1.t1 at.. PtdMt. -.n qma.utt.iu

~rt v\,lt, Qod.'J _tt." "to :Nl'W.ill aQ4 AU t~ ,",b1I~ 1ndl.d.~.

w11l be n .... ". 00II'. a1&tt' .. wiU tI'lJO"/ ~ 1all ~ of ,... .,......

... riA". DIIf.w. ~t1_ .. ~.ut •.... J.&.\lJta# 14"-'; tb1t rl.pt,

to 11ft OIl .$ 10 biT 4Inl4ftn. _U &110 'tat ,~"

I.a ldIti."-t aHv 1J» .'U. of 'J.""'''' 1Dd..n.r t.bt ta1\Jt.C1lo14

... u. n.....,.....,· WSll M • pnexsl. ~Ob of au tno .. 'I'l1O ._

die4 P~. 61 tM7 ..u,lAC'" abla to ~~ in \he D1'f1M ......

ate. l'bI¥ wU1 _ .. ct.ol.anMl rl~ Wltil atW • ~ 1M' •....

__ 1nc!, or "' \(&11,,,., ., 1Ib1th \1ae\hty Will ,..,. Ita op~rkrd.'Y to .. 01411 .. \0 ~ "., •• to Chri..I' or 6.t\iw "rial ~ """,UUIl. 1'111

... tfa ,~hl1oAS.on1'ltMtl."\e l.ba\ alw '_tan-$ _rut. at \be la'\~ 01 ' ........ Il he v111 bI ~ .... 111 • tab)' •• 4u.r1Jac ,. liil.n.1al perl. as dated 111

r~~dat1 .. a>". ", nol_OIl ot1'. rat&l1·WUl .. hlMJ1fJ4 ... 'I1tI.ob

ta. ;i~M .." ~ wUllan 6.tt 0f,Pit_LU" \0. !'ol.low Ma 01'

..... ,'UJe \.c -u. OIl'''' _. ~~r. H •• "".u ......

lQUow AlIa. wUi tvreM' 1Ilo.tlluma ..... U nnJ.\ lII·,ht CQ:3plau

tlNttutl1.on 01 dM.h OJ'Mll ... ~ .a.l obl1teftltoc .1 tIM: 1III'l~ r>t

..... '. tdJl.'

.. t \la _lIIa1on of t.a #iU_~l pcrtcd, t..bI rAY1 .. ~tw Will

1\I1ft ~. __ tid otAll1r", OJ' • .u.~ t,3t IU'tb \)}, \n. '(H&t

~tJ.~ ·'.ltatceraUo ftlA \N t6rth aU bI .. un. bJ 1. •• ~~

W t,a • _." -.ltt. ...... all- .. 1M. Will ...u. \op\tMl' 1n .... , and t'btl~ ~ill be DO ""J 1"1"''',,,,,, -tOf 1M l.ru.Vt win pI ... 1, .~ wodcial 'W¥.,_la 1Uli"~" ._. _, .. " ~114 \he UntW ~ 1IIIIIer t.h<r ~"hIo.t&t.ic

w1a 1. ~ 1Nrld." .

Tolson E.A.~ Clegg - COffeY.Glavln-

Ladd - .

Nichola !;

Rosen - <. .

'fTacy--· Acers-

-. carso-n -

Harbo -Hendon--


• ~'

.~ ,'"

,.~~~- c

'~.Ji.i. .• ''' .... :.' -'.

0:._",." ~

A. CorpO:Nticms ad ottiOSl"ll

'!be three princ1~ torporat.1.one &d. their otf1cen, ~h:roqh wbieh \be Qn of Jeho_' II Witnes-,,'thl'O'l1gh<»t,' the .. orld is presentl.1 directed,

aJ'& a. fdl .. , .. ,;~

1&_. tlftr Jible anel ~c,s~ett, 4 Pennqlftnta corporatioXl;

1Ia taaa Raer~, President, .

~." Cooper, ~~ant Vice Pree1dent

mI~ Edwin V~, Secreta", and

TI'i&au:rer iir,

ftt.chtoft.l'Blbl. andJ'n,ct Society, Incorporated, a leW to:rk corporation, to .. ~ k:ootm as ~ leopt,. Palp1 t ASSOciation, 'athaR_1" iJIorr ... P,~J1dnt

·.".,.,ea Co ... ~rig~·Uce PreAdent 1IUft- ~" y_ J.a~ Secreta17 aM.

rrea_rer . -:

: •. :"N' "

Intem&~. ":!.~::r'l!." p. A~8=~Oft (Great. Sri tain) J

.,. ... Henty, VI " r~dent '

~t Cb.arlee Chi ttf; Slcnta17

W'1lU- Idw1n Van "burp, jBs1.tan\

hcJ'8"r,r and TreaSllrer ...

62-62736-1534 .

OM or the arU:*l •• otlBcorpora.i.1,on at the :wa\ch Tower Bible ant

Tract Sot:letTrell.cte th.~ .. rpo_ of theSoclev to be as follow."

-1tIe pur,e.,.tOl" 1rh1 .... corporation 1. toraeq. 18, tbe dill~tien ot D1'le tra tile fji·,.arl.8\l8 l.angu.ag ... by .$an. of the publication at'tra •• , paapbleU) papel'll and other rtiigtcus d~ents, allCl b1 the la_of &ll. other la1Iful aeans Yh1cb 1 ts Board ot Directors, duq eonstl taied eau d .. upetient tor the f1ll"t9J'Uce o! tM pz1'po .. et&ted •• 1941 Yearbook, 61-1053

1\18 b~rter. or the.. COJYprationa l'ocat" in BrooklJn,

.... Iorkbave ........ crlbedas • '!he headquarters ot the L.rdJ• 'fi sible orgal\1.saUon.- 11\- 1f&tGh Tonr Bible and 'l'1"&et Soc1eV, ih. Penn171"fWI1.a CorporaU_,-, wh1cl!l tthrP'Slk it .. president, pronounces aadsupeniS811 the aplrl.tual. bellet.or tt. 1f1tnesStls, holds In amma.l a&\l\1n,g on the tirst



da7 of October ot every year at P1ttsbargh, pennsylT&nia. According ;:tij Intorati.eD r.nected. on a. PrcxJ fora tor the 1938 annual meeting, eTery three years an election ilS 'heW by the So~ev tor the Board ot DiNctors, ccaposed of spen lad1Y1aa1 •• aad traa the:.,~rd so elected, the President, Vice-President, and a Seeret&1"J'-tre&al.l'er, ate ch.oMn. Each person or CmIp&nJ" of' 111 tDes ... ,-banftC contrlbtlted. 110.00 or aore at one t1Jle to U. work: of the Soc1etT, is entitled to one. Tote tor each $10.00 coatrlbuted, pro'l'1d1ng the donor stillt, in baraony with Ute werk at the SOei.V.

one of' the articles of iRCorporation of the Watch 1tJIrer Bible and '}ftct Societ;r reportedly proYidtt.,

-Eaelt denaitoa of ten dolJailt... to the funds of said corporation Ihall entitle the t:ontr1butor, or b1 ••• e1gns, to oM non-tortet table, non-&eHssable, &ad non-diT1diIBd beam, ~bare, &nd to one vote

tor eTe'q such sh&re in Mid corporaticm .• "

1he follow1nc persons were directors of the watch Tower lSible aDd 'l'l"act Soc1etT in 1939. Joseph FraDklin 8ltherto~,C. It. 'lise, nlllam

Edwin Van AIlbargh, ~a. Bdl'J' :R1. .. r, 1.bamas John SulUvan,Will1u Pratt Heath Jr. and Grant Saiter. lbe oUicer. of the Sod.V in that ,..r .. re, Judge HIltherford., Pre.dlnt} c. i.. Wise, Viee-President and W. E .• van AIlbll$, Secreta". and Treasu. .. r. 61-1053- (1039 yearbook)

1. uerce at 1UlknOllll~~t)t',.o is associated with the sect, '. reported in Janua17 011942 tU1; the toll._1lI 1nd1ndual. were directore ot the Sod.etJ'f Jl&yden Ooeper Co'\'1.ngton, Fred'William TraU, 111m. Pratt Heath, Jr., Kathan H __ x- Knerr, HUgo f{en!'J'atem.er, John 1llcaas Sulliftll and Clayton I. Woodworth. 61-1053-674;61-1053-103 ; 25.!171121

tie ·oti'1eers and d1rect.ol'tl",Qt the $c)ciev Nne without pay'!he board ot directors acta as anad:Y1sol"1 beard to t.he president whOM pr1m.ary duV pertains te the issaanee ot ill8truCtiOD. and the direction

of the Spiritual ud. ear\~ attairs of the sect. It is to be noted that tor all praotical PlrPQses the three cerporations or the Het are identical. 'lb. corporations are to ... to fumieh legal entities tor the opel'&tion ot thenct's activities aDd. tbe 0l"1g1nal or doatnant corporatiOD 1. the Watch Tower Bible and 'l,'r&et Soc1aV.

In 1938 the "e~ also operated an organisation knO'llD. .e the Golden Age Publishing CoapuJ'~ Ineorporated, 117 Adamlt Street, B.roeklyn, Ifew

York, which was tha..eredi ted with the ptbUcat10n or til. s-.1-monthl7 periodical 19 Consout.len.. this upsine as fomerl,. mCMD as P 1h.

Golden Age- and .... orJ,p.B&llT published. by a partnenh:lp COltpoeed

of C. J. Woodworth, Id1torJ R..",t,~."JlU-:tMtj'Basbt.e.a n.n..c.r and w. F. Bldgins, Secretar,-TrNSlrer.· '!he otficer. or the Golden Age Publi8h1ng

~ - .


ClqtoD .1. w~. Pl'8t1dent

I&than Rcaer rn~ti •. President ftDbert.S .. Bury,. Seere...,. and. Tr'e&l\lrer.

III 1938 Qtarl.s ••• .a-r _8 Seereta17 and TreUurer ot thi, corporation, the ,..·ining ot~een:be1ng the sue then •• 1n 1933. It

1e to be Doted Usa\ the periodt.l ·Consolation- 1. preeent17 pub11lhed

b7 the watehtoRr Bible and ~"aod.et71 Incorporated, and that Cl&7ton .1. Woodworth 1. Ule Mitor of t· ·'pa.,blicat.lon. I&tbaa R .. r Iil~. pnor to hi. eleetion alprN1dent ot t ',tbnae col'p01'8Uona of the act, was tOl'll8rly listed in tld. pubUcat10n as the bus1nsls MMg.,r.

OG 381 77011~2-~rcll3~~r~i' encl.; 81-12-5279

As pre"dOlla!.J 1ndicat.d, the ,..fJIlt headq\1&rters tor all of the cerporaticms iDTolYH With the work or J~vaht811itneSse8 &1'8 located in DrooklJD.. lew Yort. ". watchtonr Bible and Tract Society ORB a _Tell .tol7 apartaent bail4bg knOllll as Betl1el Hau, lecated. at 124 Columbia Heights. !lrooJd)rn. I .. fork, and an eight sto17 printing plant and bns1nea ottlee l.oated at U' .dM. St •• t in that c1V. !he president at the soc1eV also recelT •• Mil, aDd. .. UllQltive ottlce 1. aainta1ned at RoaI 915, 415 Lulngton .l.,..., .. lew .._ Ci.1:i1. A l.&rge tam and & radio station, OBR,. are operated OR S-t4i!tl 18~ lew York. A tmp &I.U1on located at .4440 Brubllm Road. SAIl mago, calfhrni&, :t. owned by the Soc1.efiY and is kncnm a. Be\boo6ar1lh It 1. NPOrtedl7 werth $7S,OOO and wae tonaerlT OCC!l1_ed by .1Udge aJ.the:rtord, the tiUe at the property being held in tmst bT the Soe1.V tor t~~1t or Ab~, IA&C, DaRlel and other Bible pro,_ts tor the1r l1 .... p:DI:l tbI1r retum to this world. It is present17 used tor t.he headquarters tor the 'fitnes1S8s in t.hat city and a8 a Bible Ichoo1. In addition, the- oI'laaizat1on 0IIIl!: extena1.Ye properties in England, $Ir1tserland, DeuI&!k, SOdeR and other ceuntrlee tbTOl&hOut the world.

'!be prlatl.D& establisl'lQllt at 117 A.dame st.reet, Brookl1D, ,,York, 11 aodern, 1fe<~ e9l1pped and 1s reportedly capable at proc:mc1ng 20,000 bound books and 150,000 tJock:1..ts each 1roridng dIq.

'!he 1943 'I_nook of the sect refiected that 36,682,961 books and ugasines were pililiebeti 1n 1'41 -. caapared with 45,823,929 1B 19~. !be aieeel.l.&Jleoa. printlnc ill 1942 AS S9,480,244 i tas aa c_pared with

SS,090J __ ch 1 teaa in 19~. !be publications in 1942 ere printed in

15 dU't6l'ent lanpage. ad conm.eted ot 57 d1tterent books or booklets in ad41t1on to ~ _gasines. 1&ctories e».tside ot the United states reportedlJ aleo p:lbliah considerable 11 tera ture tor the sect.



UMdllJleaker .qa1 ..... .tth a turntable tor use in &U~'.J •. ~ aam1'actured at \lie JNoklp ~ and at one time & urd t repo~ sold

for tl4O.00. p~ Jhoai .... are also II&nufacbuwd qd ~;.w,ortedl7 sold tor $lO _til •. In 1942, 4, __ phono&rapbs _re aaaota.-tll:nl«<by the pl&nt &. coapared w1~,1,202 1D 1941.· -:'h 1943 tearbook rell..~ that the Wit..... 111 the a.ubad 191 UUd cara and. 3S~ phoftopapk. 1n1942 •

... '."\Topera tea a ta. Oll staten leland ... &180 a tara

•• t1aat.e4lto be oW!' 'iOO .cre. known as Kingdcs Para, locaW near South tans1Il1 ..... Yorie, tor the parpeM at suppl)'1ng toodlltlltta to the Betbtl

Rae. _. are w_ed _. the Witaess •• who reC$1Q 110 •• onth in

add.1 U_}"the1r ~ Uld Wer4. I1ng4oa Fam.. are .1 •• operated in eGun:t.1'l.r~\1tllide of •• UDi tM S.tatea. A colle,. mon •• the wat.ch-

toRr l'1ble College et &118&4,:.11 located on the Sam.,.. .• prea1_s

neal" SOI1th Lanai., •• _Yol'k, ... 1e operated •• _ aiftlOU17 train1rag

Ichool t.e train •• benat the ~ tor preac:h1ag their doct.rine. and . .: tel'lling loeal orpnisa\1\H1S in ~p fields. '!'he firat da •• of 84 ~t8 .. grada&ted. r,.. till. collep"sa Iwte, 1943, after ccapl.etinc two ..... tera

of ten ...... each. . ..

25-1436-11cf.l-~t1.i\il:st1i~litionn NO',617; 62-63146-2822

1h. or,Misat.icmal .truct.ure of the JehoYU' •• 1tD. .... s·, sect, according to WQ._~ ,rlnciJ!lltll.7 retl.cted in the eeat'ident1al ~~ uti tled .oraw-tion IBltructl.,.., plblilhed b7 the SOct..t7 and ettl"'"

October 1, 1942 1 .... toU.s, " c


'rca tlleu ..... :rteJ!f' . .t t. ... orga.n1l&tion l •• ted in ~, In

yort, lneva.eUODI al'4t 1s •• tU ott1ae of ~ prel1dent et ~

•• to ,..r Bible aDI fl'act Secl_·.&DIlatf1l1&ted QI',&n1satlODII tor the secal.ar an4 re11&1". _cU Y1 ti.. or' tbe "0:1'..


J.. Branch i. t,be DaM tor the headqllarters .,t the Organi.l&tiOl1 100& ted in a cOlBtrt altal ..• t the Imted states. au _rcereported that .. tn 7M" prior to tbehrld War II, there _1'9 ... reu. Il'UchH throughOQt the wor14 bat th&t aiac. ·the CllnRt war, the foreign Branche. in occap1ed tel'l"1- tert •• BaTe eneouteN4l ditt1alf.7 in operating aDd 1& ... instances had baeD

01._. 61-1053-"674


A De"" 1. tb tea .. sed to daseribe the otft .. 1a a foreign country 1Ihieh 1. tirectlTnperYieecl b7 the Brookl)'1l beachJlartera, and wbich 1s not

., lll_o.ouS in operation &8 _ Branch.


_pcnl aDi·1OM.

Pti..r to Oct.ober 1, 1942 • .ua.ble intomatJ.cu 1JMI1caW. tbat the Un1 ted lta\e. _4 .. terri tol"1.es or the variOus Brandle. of 1-be HC\ "w diri.ded into POC.p)d.cal \Ud.teot atgione and Zones tor a.tda\rat1~ pIll'pO.l. '!be llCions coast.ted ot large areas Which 1. tam",N .:rided. intosaaUer d:J:nll_, des1patec1 .a %oDes. In the 'JdUd Sta_''''''N

were report.ed.lT IU "POOII aDd. one hudred fitty-three Zmea. 'lbI'~OD

and ione 5.rrant. IUpen1atd the act.1 Y1 tie. at the .. u..r WI1 tIS of the oraam.u.tiGll bonaa OIapud •• and !nita through this a~t. Infor_tLOll 18 nG1F .Dllabl. tI1&t the Sociev supen:taes tbe.Ct1.Y1t18. of the

Met in the fi.ld tltrgggh .c:l.al "pnl1,entatiTesmon a. as-mnts to 11M Brethem- cancem.iq whoa .ddt ti_l into1'!lU1ti.0ll 'Will be fcamd lI.ndel" .. \1 U. n eapt1.on8d .".,.1 fit ... benbipll.

A ec.pu;, of Jehcrtaht• 11 tne... con!1lt. of a ROUP ot part-tiM pobl1abera. ac1lccaJa1S7 11 .Iai.gned a specific terr!toq in wb1 •. ~o engage 1a 1t1 11tn. ••• -It: ud 1. d1rected by. CaIpany Senut. other ~t.

an .. ppail\ted where the ais. or tl. CfSp&J'I3' arrant. _ell aet,1on. Th. 19J.3 yearbo. of the .. et I'9tlacted that in 1941 there wera 2,860 Ccapani.s and

in 19~, 3,421 Ccaptrd •• in the UDited. States. In 1922 tbeN were onl7 960 eo.pam.. in tlMI trD1 tat sta "' ••



1 U1l1t 1e a l1art.ber breakdown of a Caap&tl7, but is idell'\1cal to & ea..pan;, in operatl,oa. lftl_WI"" Q:lap&D7 or a Um. t "",nei. to .1aelJlde Ofti' ' 200 Pobl1ahers, the hcieV' .. bd1T.ldea tba without regani to laDtMl. or nationalitq and eatabliabe. add1ti.oMl tJn1ts, each Unit haYing & .parate territor1&l. area all1"" to it. Uldt. tunet.ion .. s -t.irel7 •• pa~te entitiet. ud repol"t directq ~CI·th. Soc1..V4 " 'T he 30C1et:r d1recu the UDi ts,as in the caN at the Cc8pM:l • ., appe1ntiDg the tTDi t Sernnt.. In.ou large c1 ti •• wheN there are HWre.l1Jm.ta, the Soc::1.~ "ppoints & ~ Sel"ftllt traa

one of the UDit S.rt'aJl" who JI&T be coat&oted b7 the _noaa Omta tor ..... aistance at AIJ7 tiHec !be Un1 te in a a1t)' are not authol"1led to ... t tog.the!" u.nl.as .'aoeiet)' diNc=ta _ch actiOll.

"!he 1atol'lUtiClill .. t tort.h benin concemiD.g the organisation and wort of .. a_pAnT 1 •• ,MllJ ."lieable to a Unit.

61-.l0'i1",:,674~ Rent 1941 Con p 55; 61-1053-739

toeal: lJ1ble A.aot:1atloa.

'}he aeet also aai.ntaine local. Biblical orpJdl&t1ona, an .aaple

of 1I'hieh is the l)e'tr6it. J.cd.u1a Bible St.udents !slce1at.1m, incorporated under the IDs of the State at l!1eh1gan on J&Dlar;r 17, 1931. It. _6 formed


a. a perpetaal corporation tor the pa.rpose ot aiding the ~.ple in obtailling • better u.dersta.uding or God' 8 po.rpose and tlleraeans to be apl0ye4 to br.l.ng thea the pn.1Htl bl •• IIinI. ot lif., liberty and happiness. !he charter reflected. that th. •• eabera are to be guided &ccordiDg to the d18c1pUna,

JUl. .. and usaces of' the lfa tchtOHr Bible and !fact Soc1eV. 'Jhe .annal 1"8* port ror 19.42 listed the addle.a .or this A'Z!oc1ation .8 SO ... est .ueDlld.r.1ne. l)etl'01t, lIieb1pn, and in add:i tion to the local olllC1n of the Aasoc1ation, If. B. Knorr, 117 Adalia Street, BrOo~, lIP York, _s listed as ccnnsellor.

61-10537906, p , 10

'lbes. BiDli AasoCi&t1orus are alao aupemHd and directed by the

headquarters of the .. ct.

E1ngdta Hall

.. I1ngdca Ball is the local. meeting place for a CcaparJ7 or a Un1 t. D. !Jpes or )(eaberebip

1Jl. dlt1n1 tim and act1 vi t1es of the nl"l0l18 .. ben of the sect, both at the h_dqu.rterl in BrookJ.Jn,. Hell' York, and in tbe field, "7 be explained by the following tera1nology. It is to be noted that the &lUes and obllgations of the 'Y&riOlus Senanta in a Unit, are i.ntieal to those 89Uu1ent sert'&llt. in • CoIp&!l1; hOileTer, reference will onl1' be _de to the 1'&rions CcaPbT S.nants, the lntonaatiOl'l :relati'f8 to thea being equal.ly applicable to their eClUlterpart in a Unit.

8etbel. 1ur1.!l

'!his relates to the group of workers of the 111 DSHa -p1oylJ4. hr at the he.adquartere ot the sect in Irootl:1n, }Ife1J York,. or at the headqaarten ot the .. 1"100.8 braaebta. In BrooklJn, the Bethel tas1l7t c<*},ris1ng ~ approx1llat8l7 200 1nd1'1'1du&l., residas at the Bethel Hou, located at 124 Colnab1a Reipts.. "bel'S or tb1s grm.p adhere to dat1n1 teNles and regula~ tionB, and one sou-roe indicated they 81.gn a life convact .. although this intorsatl.on baa not. been corroborated. '}hey are fllrnj.ahad, in addition to

food and hous.1.ni. a nl'Jl2nal salary ot f.].O a month. 1heyprepared &lWIr

watchtower Bible ill 1942. 25-13531

Braltch Senant

'1!11. iIldiTidilal is 1n charge of a Branch. or the ZI.ct locate4 in a countr,y Oltltaicle of the lDited states.

Jlepot Senant

tis ilJdJ:ddaal i8 in ch.arp at a Depot ot the Net located aatsid. ot the Um.. ted states.


Servants to the Bra1ihren

1be Senut. to the Brethren are 8pec1&l reprel8llta t1 Tes tl'Cllll tho Soc1et)" who visit the local organizations or the sect. HII1-ammal.l7 acco!'Cl1n8 to & schedule. their duti •• pert&in to the reuewing of the records of the. local organizations and the turniabingot advice to the servant. and bretbren in an ettort to assist _00 groap in ~'r "1fi tneas .. odt". 1heT aid the local. organizations in ap~ the 1n..t1'llctiOM of the Soct-v to local COnditiODS.

'lhese spedAl servants &l"e assigned to saall ceepa.meaof' two to fittee.n PUblishen tor one 4aYJ OIIpanieso!. sixteen to sisty Pabl1l!bers tor twoda)'s and tor thrM days to eaapanies of mo1'8 than UV· PablisheftJ. 1be Soc1et7 not.ifies the CompaD1.s a month in advance ot the ute when a servant of the Brethren will call. MOnday 18 the day assiped by the Soc1et7 for thea to prepare their reports to tbe Soc1ety.

'lbe ser.nt to the Brethren 1s furnished .. "Ccap&ny information

lorm- upon his arrival. a.t a Coapany. eacuted by till •. o.pan;y servant, the Assistant comparv Servant and the Back-Oall Senant, wbleh I'flUls stati.d.e&l and other information concerning the operat1onot tbe CrapanJ-. Ite is given access to all the Cospanl' 8 records, incladlng the Publ1 shel"8 record cards, the permanent back-call ·file, the terri tory aa8igmnent records and maps and the records of t.he Account's Servant.. The Soc1eV has a d8tail.ed pl'O~dure,

based on the sise or the CoIlpany, tor the servant to the Brethre to rollcnr when he uke. his i.nspection vis! t.~ which includes an addresa to the entire CCl!l~ on the Publisher' e responsibilities and pr1:v11ege.. '1he Servant to

the Brethren maintains an expense account tor au.baissiGn to the Soc:l.V and they are not pem tted to accept contributions. '!be bnttlrwm are urged • to house" the senant to the Brethnm dur1.q his "fis1ts in order to keep his expenses to a a1n1..traa.

Iilg10nal and Zone Senants

Prier to the cU.scontinuance at the Region and Zone geographical areas, the Society appointed certain indhidoals to aet as Regional and Zone Senante.'fbey tollolf8d the act1v.1.ti8S or the sect in the field, hm1ah1n1 .adYiee and &ssisUnCe,and inspeeted the ncords ot the Cc:apard..s. 1h.,.. _bmitted repom ot their work to tob& headquarters or the Soc1etJ'in Brookbn, 11'_ Yorle.


iftle ·OrganisatiOZl Instruotions" bocklet at the sect, eftectl'fe October 1, 1942, "tate., that on earth the Lord's organisation 1s cc::aposed ot Ria annointed lfltzw .... , aloDln th th&1r CClDpan10ns -Christian .en, WOllen and children - othenr1_ known as 'Publishers" J and that the greatest pri'VUege


-, :,."

. . .u,

.... r grsnted &D7 creature ii:tbat of ·plltlisb1ng'1tbe 1fOrd c4 Jeh01'&h. 2M . Wi WI._ clalMCi as -Publishers- are dtdded int.o thrw difterent tne. ba ... on the u011nt at tiIle they spend 1a,tW-r work and al •• on the ~nerat1C11 they r.cel.... '!'be three cl.aa •• .,rtfpes ot PnbllebH's are as tollou: special Pioneer Pabllshers, n ... .Publishers and ecmpaD7 Publ1aben.


Specbl. Pioneer Pu.bl1sb.era

Spec1al Ploneor PubUshers aN selected troa Pioneer Pabli_rt and aN reqaired to devote their entire t.iIae t.the wrk ot the Soc1e't7" deTOt1q .. 1I1ni!lla of 175 hoa.o a aonth .wi ...... and aUinl at l •• t SO back-can •• 1b17.cODduct stud1e.s4t * Soc1e~·Ipu.bl1eati0B8 .. ·w1tM ... .trea hoa .. to house and organi ..... c-pante.. '!bey are asld.pad a .p.u:lt1c terrltAJrt

bJ the Sociev 1ll.1Ih)..cb to cendu.ct their actiTiti •• and·aft also awsted 11- nanc1allT by it. Ia tld.. cODDection, the 19.0 Yearbook 1Dd1cated that there _1'8 1,S'18 Special JI1on .. r P\lblisbers in 1942 .ho re .. l,... the .. of IlS7,315.46 •• fl:u.Rd..J. •• s1atanoe.

'!be Speetal. Pieneer P\lblishera reee1Te their 1 •• ttact.1~.4inc"U7 tl"Olll tbe Soc1et.r. ,. er aoreet: ~ tUftlal.l.J' work the I8e I.sl1C*e1l~ tIlthcagh they are 1.~ that Ml..7 ODe ehruld oall at .. AGtlae in connect.1ou. nth their proae~. Ia._ 1atAnce. part or & territory •• npedto & CoapallT 1. JUsl1pe4 te eertain specl&l. Mon..er JIo.\)11.ban. In 11100 al) ennt, tat .a1p_t;et the area InTolTad to the Qal*17iS cancelled ,._> the terrtte!'J' is held 0:$11-17 bT tha Special Pioneer Pabliehera. 1 .. ' the. lnsUnce,., the ~ 5WY&nt. 1. required to tam ."'1" to the Spec1al PlODHr Pabll .. rs tM .1'1IM. of &n7 Ccap&n7 PnbUsu1'8 ua other 1ndi Y1dt\1l. interested 1n tJlelJlic,\, toptber with the territorial.,. and otber da1fa tor their •• a1st&nce 1. cc:apletin,g their assip,ent.

special Pi .... r Publiebll'l are required -to wit-De .. -. terr1tor,y dililentq at least ttIU tiM, ill their endKvor to orgaai .... COIpIC1 ••• It b eflorts of • Spec1a1 PiObeer Pn.bUeber gnup are nepU.,. in this respect.

and. it dem0p8 tha-t. a ~ ea:nnet. be orpnj.ud, tbe7 are directed. to write tht Societ, .. sett11lC t,rib tMir reoo.endat1.one .e to whether the area ahou.ld be. worked apia to ... or thl"ft U.s or it it appear. du1rable to .rea.nan the grcup to & DR "t'f'lter,r aDd. pest. the atea worked to wrea' tor a whil ...

P1ennr Publ1lh.r.

'!be Pi __ r ,.1I11"'n, e-onl7 known as Pi_ft, are tull-\1M Servants who spend • Ill ... ot 1$0 hour. in the n:ela, .. mce each aOl1tll. '!he,.- reee1 ... thei,. 1u.uuct1ea. direot troa the .he4d.,artel"l of the Sod..",_


";,;: ~l

. > oW itt ..

t.lbej have a. cbo1ce of t.lle a'A11.abltt~tories in wb1dl theydem.re toO ... rk, and receive their territorial a.~ts fran the Society. 'Ibeyare not . tinanci~ m.-_rlJ8d. b7 the ~d\. beyond. the speclal rat .. ibey obtain tor the Socie~l s pu.ltU.tiCll18. 'lb.ey also motive special COJlTel11i1on allowance •• 1b.e 1943 Yearbook reflected tb.a.t tobere wer., on the aRmee, 4,204 regular Pioneer Pnblisbers _p.ged in f1eld senice wolit in the Uldted states in 1942 •

• 81 are Qe.l1nna}ly direetedJrr the Soc1at7 to conduct thUr &ctiri.ti .. h i.laW area. in ._tim to tora new c.pani.... ..,. report in detaU COllctl1"ll1JJ1 _eb mattea_ the Society, and often l'IUin in an area atter a CompaDT is tomec1, to see ~ it. functions properlT. If a PionMr PIl.blisher desire. to w.,k in a terri t017 that bas bean •• signed to a Q:cII.pany, he receives & territor,- •• l1pent card. tlUl t.he Soc1et.J tor presentation t.o

the ~ senant ot ~b&t capaD7. UPOD presentation. of ti. &Isigment card, the 'DIrrlto17 SRnAt of the eo.piiJlT .,m.p a sectiou ot the ~. s territory to the PiOlifler hbllsher. When PiOA8e1" publi8hel"8 work u.nd4Ir the juri .... diction of a local. CcapllV, they report the progress ot their ac\1n~es to

tbe Calpany, •• i. tbe ca .. ot the ~ Publlahere instead of rapettng

their acUrl tie. direct to the Society_

1b.e rellolr1ng are RtractB troa. a speech by Prendent Nathan H.

Knorr, 'Who spoke at. the 19"- St. J,ou!8 Convention or the Jehovah's Witnesses on. the subject "Pioneer Requ1~ta.1

·Yca1llho b&v. accepted1!ll. prinlege of a pioaeer _rviae desire alW&7. to carry exlt otNlAtian instruct.ion. to the best of Tour abiUt.T_ toa.r being a pionMr is not a tact that discredits or caat. • retlect.1on ono"U1ere at JehoYah1 8 Wi taesses who are unUleto be pionur., but TG'l1" position as & piOl1Mr is a pr1 v.ll.p trca the Lord eonferred upon 10Il in mard tor· your seal and futh in reaponding to the call tor .fUll till. eemce. ,~heD 1'01 dec1decl t.o 10 into the pioneer eemce, YOll filled cut

an &pplicatiOli tor pion .. r .. nice, and there are certain questions on that appllc&tiOD which every pioneer must haft answei-ed. 'Yes', otherwi se b. _ftr would llaYe been accepted by the Lord' 8 organizatton to repreeet it in the pioneer work. One ef the qa.sttons 1s this. 'Are TOt! Ul.!'UIa'f'ftdl..J devoted to Jeho'fth, hl:dog Il8.de a consecration of TfIIlr life to B1a?' 'l'hat 18 the Whole bald. for

entering the pi r wort ••••

• 1be pi r wort: is open to anyone who is th01'cn&bl7

de,.o~d to the l.eri and 1Ib.o can make arrangements to deyote all bis time to the lawrests or the!ingdcn.. As to tho. in t.he

pioneer seniee, tM7 ehc.lld reaa1n there, and ce do 10 by' pu tUng in the tia. and locking well to the interests at the

(:u~~: I~' I'

.- t.:

~~l ~ ~

\ . :


las .PiOllMr is 1111Hd a letter by thoU- lolm SaUiftD, SUperintendent or 1ftR&e11st. ot the'Mct, 'Which reflects the appointaent to

that poJd. tica, inel..d1Dg the date the Pioneer .as bapUaed and tit. daw

of Us .mpent. to a IIJ»citic t8~tol'7. Intoru.tien 1. available tb.at

it a Piaonr latl. t.o work t.he ~red hours, he rece1 ..... a lIliMOC.ppu,d tora letter t~ tAt SOciety, t..m1nating bisltaflls aa a Pioneer ad.direct- 1ng hi. to straig\\tea out his acctmlts and turn 0 ... 1" thepu.bl1cat1ons

charged to h1a too .,4es1(DAte4 individual.

ihere 18 attached. as Emibi t NUber 1 ~f the Appendil:, photostatic

copies or the following t011l.8 or the Act:

Piora.r j.ppointaent Form dated Febl'l1aI7 10, 1938 i88\led bT the Watch ToRr Bible and tt'act Socia V • Pigoeel" Appointaent Fora dated Jal1' 1, 1942, 1 •• .0.

b7 the J'atehtower Blble and Tract Socieq IDcorporated. OertU1eati of a Pioneer dated september 7, 1942 PiQDMZ' "s"'e-ent Care. d& ted ~brua.r:r 10 J 1938 and July 1, 1942. .

. tetter daW April 9, 1942 fl'Cllt.beWatchtonr Bible aDd 'll"act Soci •• , Incorporated, reraoY1ng a Pioneer trea the •• rollaent li.,-

card dat4Mi jpril 8, 1942 relat1Jlg t.o the reaoftJ. or a PiOllMl'> tra the en.n"llaent 11.t.

~?~~~~~3455;121902, (encl.)---61-1053-?39---14-907-6 p.3

~ Pu.blieber. are the. _belS at the Met _0 are unable to devote their fUll u.e. to the 88m ce btl tare encwragH to .. tteD.pt to

wi t:Deaa at least 60 hCM ... a .oat.h. 'lb.eT are diNeted to endeavor to mak. tnlw back-ClJ.l. ..ell · •• th. 1bq aake d&1J.y reporta of tile1r -wi tIle.singe activitie. to \h. ~ and. ftCl!.,. instructions traa the Soc::i.etJ throush the CcapaDl'Senant. '!b.q are peI1l1tted to engage in l\Jll.-t.tu Hcu.l&r aplOJllent.. 1he 1'" Yearbook retlected tbattbe awra,.llD1lbel" or ~ PUbllshers in the lJnited state. for 1942 was S6,SS9 and thAt thrao.ghw.t. the world in 19~ there •• ,. o.,.r 106,000 Ooapany pUblishers.


All or tbe S.n&nta or the local Caapanies 1ncl.'H1Dg conductors at regular CampaOJ' stnd,y ... t1ngs, are appointed by tM So cl.etT •. Exhibit luaber 2 1n the A.ppendix, contains a photostatic copy at a letter dated November 27, 19.42, lrca the watchtonr Bible and Tract SocietT, IncorpOrated. to theN .. Ccapalll' or Jehawaht a Wi_sees at )(1l.an, lfieh1gan in which certain servants in th1. ClIlp1.D7 ed StftdT CoDductonwre appointed. lb. !ociev ute.

. 18

t •

... ~cit..·~.l

' __ taent ot thea. local Senanta and· S1nd7 COndact..rs 'tbrcRlgh the reccmaendat1. .. "_,, a eClllll1ittee of each local CcapaJl7 ecaposed or three brethren. rumelT thi.. servant.. the ".s1stant CQapa.ny 5el'ftllt and the Back-call 5ervant .. ; .... ' .. ~t.tMot three aeets a short. t1u prior to the scheduled un t or'·, .,,::.~ to the Brethren; ta paparea list ot the_ben of tha

~ ~"""'ble of tul1ng each ofticeot tbe~. '!be .first and second Cho1 • .,( •• beet persons q1lAl1tied to act, &8 CcapaDJt Servant is

indicated. '!be .••• ' " • ot field _meefor the .. a~ siX aontbs and

other intoraatlon or . . 1lOI i. set forth after _ell ... appeal"1ng on

this list.. one copY or the Pz.~red 11 st 1s ta.rn1shK b ltervant of the ·Brethren on his aemi~ nett to the QoDtpar.Q- and aH.plleate copy 1. re-.; . ~ned tor the Ccapanr slUes.

1be servant or the BretbnD renews these data ad t01'5rds the copJ gi-qu' b1a to the Sociev tor 1.\8 cons1derati01'l in .. lctng future appoint>aent. of local. servants and Study OOndactors. 1he Soe!.et118 DOt. btmld by then recQIalendation, and can.s1dara t.llJe onl.7 adri,orr. II the Soc1eq beU ••• it is adY1Able. it appoints _ch Servailts as appeal" warranted., no NCe1W not1tication ot their appo1ntMnt. 'lbe $erant_an4 StudT CondUctorl ftO are DOt being re_pl.aced continue to hold their pol1 ts.au.

Ccapanz servant,

ACoapaD7 servant 18 the ~ead 01 a. local Coapany of tb1s sect.Ble cOIUlterpart in the Un1 t~ is the lJDi ~.nant. In thi •.. re.pect be reeei w. instruction! rna theSQciety regardillg the work or the .. et and in tum, subId.ts the. instru.c:tlO1l. to ida •• s1stant.s. It iii Id_ -t7 to apprl .. the lleIlbera or the_JiI.n1 at ccal>&D7 .ntinga of the contents of caaunication. reeeiftd rna·t,a ..,ctetl' of tnt.rest to theCc:apa.!V"~ .... n ~s to fUrnish each Publ1.ber &Oepy et tile cCllfident1al pv.bl1cat1en ot the Sod. V .. knam

.. s the ·Intoraan.·~

A ~ Sernnt has no authorS. tr to depo. GReot hi. J,as1s_t Servants rna ett1 .. ,and in cnent _oh action appear. _Ge8_1'1. he is required

to diSClSS th 'ter with the c.nttee of three, preuou&l7 referred to,

which 1I1U trae aeoess&!7 rec~endatlons to the SQc1..V. As a ... tter Gt

expe«1.ency,. a is ,emitted to act as a CaIlpa117 Sel"f'Ut lUlUl BUcb t.1ae

.. a man, who 1s..-,able of holding th!. position, 1 •• _ilabl.e.

Assistant C~"r.at

Bach ~ot two or aore Publishers baa _ J.ss1.tant CC8p&n¥ SerftDt who is appoi._.,. the Society. Qeeasiona1.lr .. cc.au1eations freD the Soci.'- are directed ",ehi.. His chief dutlescolie1n ot asl1utlng the CoIlpan;r Servant and in cooperat1nc with h1a in all utters aftectiac the work of

the COWpaDl1. It i. al.o Jrl_a du11T to He that the "co"'_ et the CaapaIl7 and

of the indiY1d1tal Publ1.Mr. are pl'Operq ma1ntalned,to cooperate in coapillng reports and to pertora neil other .ork as u.y be required~ including the· checking of Rbsc1"1ptions to tbe Soc1..\r I }»riodicals and the aulalias10n of the

-- to the Sod..et1.·· 'f.\,~..". • 'to' '.

20 ~:' .' .. ~

. '

Badc-Qlll Ser¥U.t

... ~-eall Senant au_roses the actiYiUe.ot bis f.llow PublisM1"8 in aaldaa • __ can.. He is reflQired \0 a.n.t the Publlshers

wbeDeftr l7 inthe1r ...... oall actin tie. aad 1. responsible for the

uirl ce 01 .. IU., knowa .. the •• odiDg file-, conWJdna the DaaeS at

all per-IDa. lnuM'8t.cl in tU plblloati •• and '1'03 of the Met, who reside within the ~. territo17." ..... leras tor this ptltpo_, which are tum1shed b7 1M $odetT. !he~.u servant i. reqa1Nd to furnish a

n .. Pabl1aher u.. .... ~ ot intereded. lJiI"tfKlDS in bis MW17 assigned territoq. me might be colltacted ad. &180 siml&".w. to a PUblisher .. sstgned an ·open~rr1toI7 fticb 1. not .. signed to ••• cUte ind.1;ri.dul. Be also maintains

a du.plicate set .t nat •• iR .. p8naanOit .badt-ca.U allp til.- arranged according to terri tori... 'the 'baek-call £0l'U are c:haqed cat to each Publisher

who nows on each alip the ~81Il:uQt tds back-call. '!bie Intomai:.1.on is then posted ill the peranent back .. call~~ tile. ~ Bact-call senant also a.1nta1ns the recorda ot the ,-pdT with ret.renee to the atud1es held in the ec.paIl7 terrlto17, Qd, ut1l1s .... c1all'onns turDilhed by the Society 1n reporting this 1ntonaat1on to _,"Cl.~.

Accounts Servant

'!he ACcoll1i\a Servant has eha. of aU tile 1WId. or the Ccapaq. _intain1D8 a aWl .. "cord ot thea. He 11 not authorised to p&J aD7 'b1ll.t Ulllea. theT are appro_ by the ~ SerYant.. In the eftDt the Coap&ny ba. a but accOIUlt. eM •• drawn 011 the aCCOIUlt are s1ped • h1a and countersigned by the ~ servant. lao week, the 3_d!; Stlnant.net the J.d •• rthing Sernnt tam ernf' to the .~t 5enant the $OMT they haw receind

on the CcapaD)" II boot aCCf;laDt, tbe- ... asine aecaant, aDd the Ccapany'. operating tuM.. ~e AccOllBW senant also bas the duty of pronaq, & contr1b1t1ou box at alllll .. ti.ng pla •• and bas charge of the 1'w1da contribo.ted. b .. funds are used tor the oprtratiq .spens •• ot the ~.

Bach .onth, tA. aoney racelndu contr1batl .. tor th.Societl' s literatnre i. tltrnedoTer to the CC*p&DT Sanantin order that he Blight __ these fund. to the Society by' a poetalltOM7 order or a bell: dratt.

'lbe bookl of the ACcounts senant a.te audited eTeI'J three aonths , by the CcapaD1 serY&nt .r .a-me des1pted by' b1a and .~ the first .nice ' meettng ot each aOlltb._ i. requ1redto uk. a st..taant or the Calp&n7''' a.cc.mta to the .aMri!bip £-OO"c,'.tiWi.mj;nforma-tio;r ..

1dftJtis1ng Senaa\

~e J.dftrliieiJIC s.rnat has a ecaplete nteori of all the SOUDd e4I,U1pment, sound cars, t.r&tl,c,ription machines and records <MMd 'by the e<:apaD;1 and



~ .' ',~ ~J

", ',' " .

_ ladlY1.dM.l P&W.shel'8 f4 th.~. +t. i. biB <i1V t& lIM that. tht •

.. 1,..." 1 •• t.111Md •• _eA •• ~bl..lt b4t i. qul1tled: be- 1 ••• t.b.Eld. ... \CD .a ai_r l'e'pU.r-a _ ... of the ..,a1,..t.

Ia ~t1_ 111 tah1a .. ti •• h •• ~ t'or .. sine .tntet ~_ r5te ftm, awl .W~~re .... ai_.,4: ill. ce~tlet1_1dth tbe ~ ,.naa'. a. al.H ane •• for the asmpaent.ot "~l"r. to 'W.,.1Jtt;e~ .en1 .. or otM-r .t_t.c1e po!.:sat. in the ~ t4trrl'-'7. ~~" ...

... ~. ot the aciNrtiabte alid &DIU.)W'II,0fM8ntl; Wtiicb are c1rculaWd. hJ~ U. hae:fit of t.M ,..110. I. i. respou1ble t01:" the d1.tJ'1c.t.1_ o.r rtDe ~,,*w.JrI'f .a4 • CO'aHlatlona __ $1.'. 1'4 10hf '1a1".l-.. P\lbU~." .. 111 tM .. rep.l'd •• pU·U_1 ~r &C~w.lt 1.·~ t.u.t U1e '111\1)11 ... · •.

.., fbbw.1Ja eopt, •• o£ th ... ptbl1_~ .. _ DO,t ~ ....... 60 ~ erMl t ,.riec4. Upoa tM rt_pt or·~:r. *'_ ".,rl.shWlIbIu·. 01' thea .... - .1»_. it 1.};dB lhV to r_t ta. ... to u.. "'~\S $e.l"ftIlt.


• St- .. a..I"NlIlt baa· dllu. et ttl_ 0'IIIppli •• ,t_ aoh ~ wtd.laelaGtN lite;ra_ft, ..... pbeD(JgN"a J!'lM~_dot\l..:r .. tu:t..:l.. He ie _tawiMd to 1 .... _n aaouw fit l1te ... ~ t. t.H hbU_N .. 0.1"84'1\. 1d.t.la ~ ~r"ldiac tMt UfT_mV1bi11U. .. rM81. ...... b,y taD. tot' ~ .. ,*~_\i. .. will " ~ ... r to~. .. a_ •• the ~ ht"mlt 11111 )lNtIILl'!lD& l'8~\M.t. tM' lltctra_retrca the $old....HIt i. r.qai* to tlU"ll ... " "- .QQit7 he ft_.... to'Jr lit.4n"&w,re tna 1<. __ d._ hbl..1_... _ t_

...... tas.J:"WUlt. to .. _terfld eft ... p~_ .. ~.t. 'I>oOk. of Ut. c.,...". !trW. "~llta s-na.nt. hnd_. 'h1,a a Nce1,t. tor t.he.cme1 'rea1 tW.

''_'' tM r.cfipt ~ DR' .wet f',. ta. S.,ct.tr' bel. ~1'- t. .... tM fllr.rtMltl Md ea..:Ql tbeOOlll~t8 __ .. t. 1:be .. .:tel" _d the i .... ~ ,...MiYfad witb 1;;U. IId.Jial!tGt. ud it ti. cM.C 1IlaUl •• , '- to .. _lbw'. tM;.

1,~M ,.. IdaMlt, to U. e-panr S.rwat.._1. t1I"m .t11 •• it_th

tile A t.s .. 1'fti1'It.lfU: -tt7 1a .. aPPNfd •• &~t. 'hoC ••

_. 1. J1trId..r..d te: .s..t.&1a • ~J'M&1._ 111ftltWI7 of the at ••• MPci alii ........ oaat or tMin ...... torr or the ~ tn. a.·,..ar.Oa S·~be:S- ~ f4 .,..,...1' n.. 1. ~1J!M t..... . .. te •• 1.a ..... tGr.T tora h. .. f'o-

JI1 b7 ~ 8~ j whick Htl.ct. u.. _OlDt fJ 1.1 ta:rat1lnt on hdd.. t.M

___ fit ,caah oa bia4., an4 tbAl"ftolla •. .,rt_ 11 terauu .. hel.d OIl cre41 tllrT

toM PIlbl1 __ rs. 1b1. tON i.thal) BUt. to t.18 S~.t7.. ,~ U. llttoJ'_\il_ rettpot.e« erA tM "'110" •. t.tlze~w1tk fa ...... t· oC 1._:bt. ...... ~ .. c.,aDiT W ~ ~ .. , .w1labletot._ ~'V' .t ~ot Ute Mnl • ..... brp.


'!he .well. roc. ot lIhe ~ " containing the 11 t.el'lLiare of t.be not. 1. Sll.pervi_ ,. th1.SerVant. Wbo haa the responsUd.li trto •• " t.bat an adequate nppq 1. GIl band. He fumt ••• the Tari •• studt Coftductora with the lleces"!7 lit.era'tnre tor the1r ,..t1ngs. and eaell week 'each StudT Conducter repons to the Stoek sel'ft!l~J:ti. aaunt ot litera:tare placed, reoatt"tine to lrla "the •• Dies collected t~"the publtcat1.Oll8.

~rr:l\olI senant

!be .. rrl W17 Se.nan\ 18 NapOl1aible ter 111 •• u1pent of the ftri01lB PUbU ... l"8 to de81pated section. ntbiJl the area allotted a ~. once each thl'R IIOQtIl. he cbJIoke wi tb th •• PoW_" ad otemines whether or not. ea. Fuhli"r 1. aaking suftic1ent progI918111tld.D hi. terrttorr.

Be cooperates 1I1ta tbeElack-eall Serftnt in f1lrn1sh1q the Publl_rs ... 11;b the DaMS f4 intereste4 part.18. through the a.diu ot b&et-call alips. at

the tUae the PUbliaQr i. uaignecl bil!l specl.t1c terrlto17.

1be orpDiution In.tiuct1onfS ot the ·~et indicated that 1 t was expected tbat a titt"1"1tor.r wGllld' be ... orke~ thoroupJ,y at least. tour time. ewry II1.x acmthl.

In the eftlltadd1 ttonal territory 18 dee1re4 by a Cc:apa!Q' or.,' .~ ~sires \0 ua.don part. of it. terr1toIYt the ~ S.nant ..... the TerTltol'T 5enant. aalc:e the apprepriate 1'8CtD'11.eada1i1ons in t.bia lWsp.ct to tbe Sod.ev.

Stu¥ Coaactora

-,bne $erY&D.\. are appointed. bJ" tbeSoc1..V t.o lead sta4J ... t.ill8. in 11111 Ch t~'ltte'''' tdltoller- &lUi book. of the ~ct are painatak1:ag17aaal.JSed ud studied.


!bis tel1l refer. to one who bact been & .1 mass ter .... rme year" aDd 1. experienced in the worlr 01 tba _ct, 61-1052-1105

B. la.tractions tn» uead9larters

1. Geneml

Iutraet.ions t~ the headquarters of the ora&n1satlon eunata in UJV diYer. rona. iD. addition. to the COIlten.ts of the pablicatton. ot the Soc1etl' adft.Dd.11J \he dbct.r1nes of the eect. '!be toUQlliI18 pertinent excerpt. .. re extracted rna a speech .. t. the JehoTah'1I 111 •• 88. ConTention in. 1941.




i)t 'j

at St. Lcm.e by 1tl.ou. Jobn St1ll1w.n, SQper1ntendent of EvaDgel1ata, on 8Ilbject .Zone .4ssemhlT and I ta Purpose",. as contained in the So¢.tyt s report or this convent4.on, which to a degree -1 be co:QS1dered .~ instl'Uctions as far . as the 'Ii tnesHa are concern.til

• ••• t1r.t. ascertain 1tho 1s delegated by the Lord. to i8sue inatmctiona. Prove this' beyond &nJ' poasibl. dOllbt. 1hen Qbq au iDltluet10U c_ng tree that 8atLree, in spite of eft1'7thing. Pel\m t nothiJi,g. t. tl1m TOU asS-de Ire-. tMt. the Deri.l w1ll n. ewl'7 ponr at hil C<J".nd to beclOld the iSSIle and tara you aside and use you to t.u.m othan as1de !~ the Lordt 8 aeniCf;). Do not permit ti ••

• '.Il. n tal iIlportanoe of ot.yiag organtzat1on. lnstru.et1.ons cannot be OTenapll&siSlid. EYat'1 sone and regieaal !l8nant should be eontinu.U13 Oil the wrot. by word and deed t.o ~ all uaapleof proper obsel"QllC8 of orpaiBAtion 1nst:ro.ctlons; tor it 1110. appointed by the Lord to take owrSight of t.ae liagd. semea .at ~ 1apra.per .;uapl.., Gthen feel that they earl take 1ia1l.&r l1bertiea 1f1 th the Lam's iJlStlUctiO!lIJ .. •

He also stated,

"1he Scriptllres and the fa.cts clearly pro.,. that the Lord,

the great lIlq;., cue to His taple in 1918; tbat be tested His senant, and in 1922, he ulepted His"'t&1tbtul and wise Ber- " vantt to act tor Hill,. and tbat" ta1. tbtul and. wille senantl ill H1it... people orpn1&ed and known as the "atehtonr Bible and 'lnlct 5od..ty. Jeb.cnah' 8 111 _.ea.

• ••• tbe prea_t or t.he 1f&tchtcnrer Bible and Tract So •• , tI:lUetore, is tlle phJ's1cal aaa.tlIp1e. alto orpnisation andt!l. one appointri '" the lM'Cl to datem1u polier, 1 .... organisation 1natrucUGU, eto." he, at OOUIM, .. ct.ing tor the oraanisat1oa aa directed bT tbe Lord •

• Spee:1&l orpn!uti01l instractions cOTering the field seMice AJ'8 sent torlh. '!he. are based _pont-be Scnpt1l.J"88 and in run accord witli ~ orpnhat.ioll, established b1 tbe LoN at a1s tirst a.dTent.'lh ... iaatNctiou are b1nd2ng upon .vel"fOM in the organiu.ti.GIl. 'ib..,.. are not discretion&17. tnt entire17 a.Matol'1'. 10 reponal .. nan t, acme 8e1"Qllt or CtJIpalJ.1 servant has -tV right to alter or _ud. tbIIl.



Itu.-p ..... 1' -(Nt the inatl'uct1olSyPtthave received &$·f1"Oll the ~4. ~ \0 the ott.i~. accordi.Pg to organisation 1natNCo.: \lone 8" tb&~,"" amhr_t.,-r. who check your report can a~ 1frtlr npOd.. -ibtLll,. 4ODfiqan, 80 that they ;in turn JDiV' car17 CNt tJtetrpUt;;..- 1M '!bMCJ'&UC JUTa.Qgement.'s. It

Ttl. ~.' I t.lIl\as.t a. declRati~, QIl p&& •. 226_1$. wa.a

ottWe4_ ~ 'i;U 0111 ....• ~t-d1Jl& the- ..... 1 .. sting of the ,

lJakIt ,..,. ·~··.a1ru,\ ~s..t.T hd.d. iA Pittsburgh,. Penns:rlTan1a on Oet.ob.r1t1'U.u. cl«Qo'~ ~l.eied t~6 cba1Pant pos1tiJm ot the Sooi .. t,. and. 1t.,~fi;d_ lb.''''~ the altair. aa4pronolU1cbgthedDpa of the

"C~. ,",

Tb.e.. d.clanu- its. part. atat_:

-That ".Qed .. t4 ••• Cbrl.$ Jesu .... '. tIi. lM.d.~ and 1n-d.a.bl. ~ .. _ot u.. 1f&tell ,1'ow~ 1l1hl,e AD. he' ~i.tJ', and

that leu t. .... ll hi. toll pla.a tds ""ant.,1A tile earth.rlT part .r JUs qrA,.u.on as well 48 ia 'the !nda1b-h ~.ur part

thereof. &81t pt. .... bla, the ,nat Theocrat; . " '

"Tttat __ -.,re than s1xt,. 7ur • .Jebovatl has \1$" tut.hful.en.,

c. t ..... ll. ail4J. ,. Rut,A*X'tatd.,as his "l"fU\. _ till the ollice of pJ"M!Unt, 't. H1er 0KIlt.1 •• ' attie. of the. Ste1M7, to oyer ••• 1;be atrw. Qf the.' ~ltl.r part. or Jebo'ftb. 1 e, organ1M\ion lBldel" 1i1nct1oa lroJI. the :tori;.

"All ta1thNl ...... t. or the LoN baTe r.~&fdM. thAt The 'lbeocra.cT,. ot wbklLt. .. ktch Tower BUlle and ~n society 1. a servan'~ opaat., 11"JII the top ~ arui not t~ tile 'Nttaa up as in the wrldq gOY...-nt8~ met. th~rore:t tha" ~r:-\ion. ,_ to the Lerd t. peep. 8I'l earth. t'rGIl th of!lc. ot praid.nt of the Wawh 'fo.~ B1b1~ ' .... ~t.socl.t"j filled b7 '&IW3ia\.d .nehoaen or the lord. 1R n., .i'Pft1HU.a.

"We reeop1",.OtI .. the lord that BrOther J. K. I'no1'r is His ehoaa.....,.,.t. tm t.b. ott1c. 01 pl .. ndent .,aoated b.1 the pae.,... ing CIO. of arot"'J .P. Jbltbrfor. to a higher olfiee aad fUlt1 of seni.ce1a '~" org •• ".ti_; and. that wit.h· tM. dUUlC,.1.e.., penoDrael ,a\..t~&i th. ,,"pabati.' ha:l not c~" 0118 bit", but tha:t. it hM &W1aIM t.na~ witll greQ$r" .p~, and i,ttonase than ever ",ton ..... 1& the Mst.orr fit Codts eartb.q .organ1.satioa •• tit

The s.o.i..W •• seai .... nth1l publlcat1~na fIThelJ&teb.t .. r~' _d"~ sohltion" carl7 iDttru.ct1ou to those. tag.,ed in J@O~f. Wltneaa ,work in the tJ.eld. lor ,e.xup1e, 'CUl'nftt.q appeal'ia&.in eopies or "IGneolau..a" ba VB 'been

25 . bL·

4Y.'A., ~~


articl.ee4a:al11l& gtll .... c:b, yoice .odulation, argaa_taUOI1 and related _t~r tor ."Il.t.an_ \ot",i.hOYahts Witnesses in preseQ,tl.q their doct:r1n •• \0 •• )NBl,ep·!he, .. t*t...-r- II&pline anncmtee. ft!'lone -teat1soD;r

periods tor ldll,_ ,.gn iUtnt~ are f'Ilrn1sbe4. S1.. ,.bftaq 1, 1940

1_._ .r "1h1 Ja.\ .r- conta.1.rld 'the tollOlling inst.metiUlS with reterenee

to the JI1&1iDtA.r Tntiae1Q' Pencdwh1c1l .... calle4 -sal_t.i.tm*l

-All !beoeratic Pa"liehera -'tll otler to tAe)ilQblic acc.W.nat101l ot \ella boek 'saiftttont ad the beoklet 'Qovermen.t and Peace' on & coatrl.lMUon .t tweIIty-ofhe cen~.. Aa in the DailY.arch Arnmd Jericho, portablt!.lIbougraph. are not to be lett 1D idlene.s wt are t.o be u_ traa h .... toll .... to ran the latest recordings InB"".ctng the book t$alft\i~.. The tIDtGm,aat. ott.r. TOIl.ore det&1lM 1DtomaUon eonotl'Jl1:,.. tbf period.. Do yoar part dnrlng this testiaonr, reporting at

the ed or tbellODth •• caajlaicn bew .rfect1'9'8 :1C111T 1aten81:we acti-dtias

haft been. 61-1053-296

t1e Januar.r )" 19~ i81ll1 ot • 'Jhe Yatehtonrtt contained the tollOlJingc

.1f1d1dn .. 1'" tiel4 .... ",n test the integr1 V, and: the llnt ted teat1a0D7 period .. dill l8b1'U17 18 appropriatalT t.tm. DIUd. ti.

t tategd tT !W'B'~"" Period' wUl be the open1q a.fib of the 1942 tb.rft-tIonth W"t.iltttlftr ~gn. Bence the people or 1nteen V

to.ard God wtU.,.c1a11M in tak1ng eubscriptiou tor the _ganna

-me .tcbt.awt"iqnauac1ng .,ehOfthf s D.ngdca of ftleecrat1c Ooftl'n-

"Bt or Jesa.~at.- 61-105)-654;61-1053-910;94-54-502-5

'Dle watdl\e1ler Biltle aad TaCt SOQiev basi.neel a booklet entitled -Orpn1._tlon !utt'U.c"tion" wh1cb clMlaw1 th the genu&l. otpal ... t1on&l

_tup of JllhoYah'. 1'1 a .....

211- tJQoklet. ertectt,. OCtober I, 19A2, containH. the tollwiJII st&tnenta

• Us orcui .. t4oa _thad 1. prepared and publlshed bf the Sod.V cmlr as a CCII~U.u. CQQIUJI'ICAlIOW to the auao1.te4 and ''he ·other 8hup. of the t.,..o are f\l1l7 con.crated ".YO." to'. LOM.

7be eM16f ,is .1.,.. OIl the alert to atAJrtere wltla the Lordl-. unice, and 1t.,car _. to •• to 1t tat the oPPOl'tanit1.s 01' the eMIIJ to so interfere are redu_ to the a1.n1aua."

, i

-Do not pI..a bf KII' house 111 thou.t e1'11ng • w1tM •• _,- except those :rOll tn_ to be 'bIl!&ab1 wd b)' OPPOHrs of tile won: and wh. will do all lI8lUler or w1cDdM •• t. bam Tat and e1ance the 111 tness ••


:;.- '.;~~

'_ ._, .

..: '

.'~" .

• J;~S:,: :

", ~f·

It --, *1" .. t;~l:;~.~: ', , , ,. ,

• .,. •••• taltbt\tlly t.6:~e iut,1'l1otiolls .t.t herni th U. eonHcr&tetld!.!Jausot tu Lord wU1 be aNatly uded in e&l"l'11n1 GOt '

thfl.r ~.atM."; .• ' ... clwUl real1r;e a rich bh ••• - '

, fjDi£ 53-110 5 , , .

Ia ~h...rl .. t1d' .,' " eJ ltJ'rtfedQa of _0_1,-" pablished bJ t~

SOC1.t7 in 190., .... tmGlfbl_',.t&tad Wi til. l"eferaoe t. tollowing 1a- .

sm ctiOIUU ' :,



........ ~;.ll al.~'be properq equipped. '\e,.' e&r17 .' .. ~~ .. ch ., . usigDfld ell ttllJlUIIlClQ' 1J,i;th the So~t7'. lates'.JPn1l&tioa in.trIletien., joue.tdpc ld, er_..t1on ,ere,a.nt1ala (n-U7 t111ed in and 81!1*l) as .. ll as anethr pr8)lil't·.911;a.'.He will urehl.lTtol.lM all " in8tNcUoos &,'\h.. Soc1.V' e pu.bl1Catt~s· as te ~k. ,reper and current ~r ot Preae1\itic, 1M ,o.pel. An obeditm~ _~t wUl,never sob-.t1lu~ hl ..... ~ abow or different trat thatrec .. end,ed by theSed.V.-

, .l96-pap, ,"*UsreNlltly been publ1wa entitJAut. -.1 CdarM ill

"OOI'&\1.c JI1n1st.rJ!',,_.' COJl\l1M 1ne,truct.1on. cQI!lCVB1nJ'the select10n and o.-pD1u.t1on .r.J1bl.1W .':tHhl to!" ,...per oral ,n_tation to tlae pillJl1o. In additl.j,:,.1lbe' 6001_V in.tracts the .""1'8 of u.. ,~p tbrwgb a pu.bli ... ti.onlmana.:fM.lar~~ 1fh1ch carr1 •• RlP.tiona,and in-

.tractie,te recardbc '''~ .dftn .... \ of t.he 1FDrt ot.'oTah' IS .:t"'$8 ••• Ceapaniesot the' -o,.t 'the weetl7 _nice mee"t1.111 dI. •••• the contanta of

thi. cC1dea·t1.al l.ut.t.. 62-62736-2-69i 7 ;25-192342';62-62736-2-6917;

,', . 61-1053-1115' ," , ..

1hreugk co..u_u..xsQaroe. i tbae been l'.,.rtH tb& t froa time

to t.1ae tne praa1_f;etPth. SGcd..Vcorrespmd. 1dtb t.be rwr.tOl1. lere1&n !raaebas Qf the· orga,at_Uoa tunt.ah1DC: &d'ri.CI' and tu:tniet1ons. A 'ccmti_ntial aClU.J'C8 rape~.~.t 1 •• letter dated l"tblUrT lS, ~943. in. J.

B. ho1"1". ·124 COlublC' pts, Brookl1n. New YorJcto 1Ir. ~rttuenb7J

916b& liIl"s _ '~1tO*tllJ Atu:k~nd, lew %eal&Jl',deal1nI'Wit.h

e_ptJp ad pibl1c1t7_tt..ral» .·tatedt '



. 27



"1_ ,W , .. ',$\ the iIls\rutioaa ceneernina the new OlSa

isat1oB ••• 1«1'1918,1" Ierk brOUgh' various .single persona an4-

gaw tll_, prep.r,tr.'n1ag. t.., thea here a JIOllth tct.tud,r

caretull7 all u.. Ata11.ett._ -9l'8an1za.t1on instl'\lctions, their relat11NlStUp tot ... hUM ofru., .:k •••• thus each1a~rtNtol" or aer'V'8ftt I a. the,. iO .to the ...... __ -organiAtlons of ·the compaltil, woul4 b. wen trA~ and would 8,e .,.. to eye 011 ,he _t.ter ••• ·• 1 dDAt~ quite _de~ J'Ollr 1ut para&raph~ but 1 t.hi.ftk the po1at that ~ ..... a. far a. w1\D. ... 1ng 1s &\Ulcerull. anil'. talldaf t.. p.oplej_ \he1 slsuld rau4».1a a t.own and. talk there

a. long aB tl\q hueth. treecIoll t. ..... RoweTel' ,it that

b .... is tat .. &1Iq' trOll th_anci;*he, 'are ptl\ at. specW assigned lfOl'k, 'hue is no r •• on whI' thq should lAave it or

try t ••••• lt (Censorship, 62-62736-2-1.3324; 6t-1053-~37,9.38; 25-7.35".3)

2. IAs&! llnk

JehoTaht .... as .. an,.1.I:lVelye4 in consiclerablel1tigat1on throughout tbe wol"ld ud parilftlarJ.y ill •• UAi ted state., .. en they lia ... &JllMls ptad5.Dc in nUllOl'alS ,sIa\e eome. 'lIqden ceoper Co-vingtoa. is their General Coun .. l. ~. tol.l.oJdlrc~-.nt appMl'e4 Cut paae 0, .r the 1943 Yearbook

of the • .,t. and Mfa,,' __ east.,. wvk oftb1& tie.Jet

"Irtad4it_ '~baRll11~ alaost all of theM &-ppM.u to the high cOma ju.t~"',' t.he uaa! desk, tbretlgll correepoade&le. and b,. ~l.eph~ and- Plr80nal1llt.n1ews at Brookl1D, constamq ad.'Vi-eea th bretJuoe &8 to how etteetlYe!y to' reai.\. the enadAlit attqpt. toh1n.«W and atop t.he- wi_sa work. A' dai4 average or forty lett.t.l~ to the legal 4&.. During the pilat tlf81.,. months n wa • .ne ...... 17 to ad~ and direct the brrihr$ll in the deten •• of a.pproxbia1;el3 two t.btupadcllaee growing out or tu arrest or 1101'. than th.ree tho\lean.d publishers in the United states a.l.oM. Add1tloaallT. attention has been given to any and all cues in the lower CMIl"t. in I ... York City and. near-bT eemunities."

It b. to be _tU. that the Wltness.s have reeentlT lIOn sewra1. fapo.rtant. eases betor. tM Ua1icecl Su.tea Supr ... Court. A discussion of ao_ o! thee. cas.a appear. in SMtion X of this aemorandua.

Kia •• llaaHtl. puphlets aN p.tblishcd by the 50:i.t1' tor iutructional purpoaes •• .u -.44r..$.e, t ... I1Dcd- Puh-U"herslt edit.d Pl' the Legal Desk. '!h1B booklet eont.ainB a 6.wu8itm of the _ric of Jehovakt• Witness •• 19b.o 81'8 Publishtlrs Qd ot:.r. • ••• tio_ as to tn. conduct ot tb1. wort. Sug.stion.a

are made 1n thU b!u.ldK for the action to- take in ea .. of an assault and. in

the ..... nt. of an' amst, instructions are f\1rniahed tor handliag ~ case before the courts. With reference to fines, the tallmiing 1IaS .at tl)rth in the booklet:



. .


. '- ~ '-"~ ~ ..• ;~

·w. a<h4._ tba t the B~"·10 not. pay tines. It \lie eorirt aueese. & .tiM \ben preterablfo go to jail, eyen when th. n...l ' jI1dpent 111 entered. __ buthat ytn are aent tortl;l b7 ~"

tot. Us --"J .. milt' it 1. bie will, ~t· 100 go to prt~D a. hi. wi ••••• s1lll1 aflord an opportunity to bear te.tia0D7. "

1be Prophetii.., ipGst:laa Ukn1s. Rttered, and thq did Dot pal" t1llll •• •

'Ibis bookl.,~lurtbel" 1ndi aa tad that JehOfthI •• 1 taeases had __ furnished with a e"".' at th. dec181an in the United StatAla SUp~ Corlrt" cue of Loyall y. Cl't fit Gr1ttin, Illd it _s stated that. in the rutul'6tbey would. be f'IIrn1ebecl1l1tllturth.r dalcie10ns tbat might be of' pertinence. "1M statement .... aa. tB&t the S.,.ety wOllld be glad to hrlrlsh .a:r:v' adYice or aid to local &"u.... _. Nqw. •• ted. for thi fI re&HIl Tau. aboud ec.aunicat. with this otf1ce, "ll1ng .8 of the progN .. of &B7 case and aa1dng U1 further actdce , •• , re¢re.- 61-1053-739

, .l 31""'_~ltkla\ ent1. tJ..ed • lebo_h' I SenMt. Defended.", va.l1abecl in 1941 b7 the Yat ••• _ B1~1. aDd ~ct SocteV. lJM)Dl'pOrateci .,~a1ng & digest or :pertino'\ oaart-ft:d.a1ena invol:r1ng tine wort of the Witllhses 1. dlstrllGUJllllter*WN aad plq1na th.ir phmoerap" •• prepared for tbl boetit of the W11iDe_".. It •• stated 1ft this boOklet.tMt 1't •• eo.n.dential.lT 8I1-..1.t'hlCi "If at .. all tn 1nI1st1ng on the 4eincot ja.t1ee~~:t:

66-6200-25-430 ....' '.

1he Lttcal De._. reaentJ.7 ..... IIIPd .. vp. nt.1Ianr I1hle aDd Traot Soc1etT pabl1Ued. a 6J,-pace bockl.ete1i." aft'eedoa of Wonb1p11 tor till benefit of the • .oereol tbe .. e'. 'ltd. plblicat1oa1.' .nul4ered cOJatil- 4ent1.a1 and contdn ... t&1led in.U'u.Q\1ons concermDC:tk.· procedl1re.",,~ tollOnd in ttwib."ac" a. _11 as. tile _Masted ac\1on jiobJ taken ft_'"tbe eDDt a _bel" beetlllillJ1.YOlftd 1 .... 18..-1 proeeeting Nftl.1;1nc t-,. bi.

aoti n. ties •• a. ti _is. 2be' book1.~ cont&lns • aggelltad "\fII!Iut ·tbat.

the defendant a1aht ... belen ac-.l"t at the tiM he take. tht-.ttnu. stand., as wU •• nsp.tionl with rat.renee to the tiling or TU$.,. SOt,iOBS betore the CCIll"~. .l 41,..t of perUDI!llt emrt decd.a1fJ11S Hl&t1qh". the

acti:dq at the lfitllH l. _1. forth h order tbai. uaaJUduaOt la1r

JJight M prepare." it 1'7, to tile before ~ C01l1'4, a'" tba t1H the

detendaat (thIt Pl'OUGlte4 Wi as.) tile. a aot1Oh to dia1.n tlMJ 1ep1 act1oa.

,. loll.m:q st&t.aen fj ft. _1; forth OIl pap 3 of tb1a .. booklet;

•• \I' ..... 9Iot the .. 8Il&l8stions on fruda 01 worship i. to

pro'f'1de I •.. "a 1I1iM ... wit.h a elap1e: ouWM or the proper ccmdnct to h! ..... to bMrtds ewn burden .... '!he.. augaestions

do not COTel"eftq ecm.ceiTabl-. kind ot oppo.i tion. 'nla7 aN dlta1gntMi to ,1:n • lint ~4!te Jehouht s 1I1tnos •• in "rceneies. Ihtm


". ~

"ippolll.\t .. ~n. _ •••• t':'l't. ac ..... ". tHI'M: ~.'O ill. SoC1.V' 8 Le&:;,'~ . '.: thEm'S" .<\hll"

"HU ~ CW1 be t'urti1 .' 7f'.IC. when n.cesuq

:~,_~~~.4'-'__' .

CD page 620t tkt. beekl.t it _s' stated.

.•.••• the brc~!l .~ t •• p tale S~tT ,tboroqbly at'hiBed of the

:,I"Q1ft8.ot all ease _~ the' brethren an iDYeiWd and ap1n,t

wtu. cbar(,fJAaft been ,;,tt)!" wlltaiDing Ue1r ilMcr1v, .ad

t good beMuor 1. (2t.rlst.4.,:'.. . . .


•••• 1MB b •• to i. .... a.bb1'U1&.'.t&teaent ot. ~,p.t1ons to~, all ptlblt ... " ef the taeocrati,e GO'Y.n.ent to ,.. •• the proper,..' •• iutbe wi_. work. It. 1. ~~.f andlSbald not. be ~ !l'rIlhoa ........ or.tIe ta~»- .l1eq. Xu .... ca •• 1 t can be 1.......,. to aa.-l-l'IIe1 tor his .al1atanoe in dlfen .. of t.ba go.l. f,.t!n1aaa dli- to tbe tDftUalT lhouU be ignorei .• •


It ... ~rted tN.t em I.,. 28, 1943. 011~1. )(071e. t"rl1 on the lepletatt "··'t'hil Met, .... rUcl 130,000 ...... aga1u~ ·.itlle Watch . Tcftr.lt1e and. f r&~t· sect.. by • jtl17 1:n a 11 bel'l'I11 to 1n the .".. c.art. ill :tr-.oB,D"Jfn' Y... ".. 1111 t ... baaed on lta ... tacoaceril1Di.01l.e pa.bu,~~ 'b7 the SG"'V.-bMqHa~ to lde assoo1atiotL"dUl it. ."le. it 11 to '., .•• led, ft. dltdpated a. a .-.Der Qt thll -11'1l Serunt ,mu"'~

. 25-171121 ... 5 'v'J

_ ll~r' . ..,_ and . .lrthllra. OCIIX ara NJOrt1t4 to be &ssoc1& te4 "With ecm.gton .intal heal _rit of the ... t.. itcH. \1.-1 ,-nto,_t.ien repm- 1ng CO"f1act.oIli. ,.t .t'iIl SUbti\1e B in S.ct10D mx .r W. _.oranda •

.,..L4!p1 be. al" folloW. the 5ele,otl_ ,"me. prB" or the 1fl me ..... anti l.i1jiracttODa to thea in tals reapeat ha_ been famished b7 Ha7dea eoop,.r~. J.cld1t.10Da1 iaf'omat.1oa reprting th1 ... tter is .t GIlt 1n StbtlU •. Dot Section VI at this .. olWdua.

3. .We tchtc.r Blhle Coll.IIIe or au ...

111 ....... coar .. ill Theoeratic :a1nistrT i. attered .t a school 11\ the BetM11 .. 'tn Jnoklln, .... York.. In &<ldi t1_ toth1. scl1oo1, U. Soc1etT bas •• ta1tli_d lhe .atehw..;., B1ble~.er Gilead locate4 on 11nc&. ram DN.r lou tb :t&nebt&, leW'York to tN.1J1.. eel.cted Spee1al Pion .. r PttbUsbers and n .... J!' PIlWlheri for applied ilie.iOlUl17ftrv1oe. ..

Pioneers obOIe!t 10Tt 'tie tra1IdBC are ~1red to h at, ~_t ~ ,ears

aetnal field u:pe~. anti to be willt.nJ to accept as1gDM1lt &D)'IIbere

in the w-er14. !be Mar_ of ....... tel'S or tea _ch, ecapleted b7

84 wen and wmaen'er $he .. e. i. JiIM, 1943 ••• tiIt.viMd .a tell .. in

-ceuolation- JIfIIJlbu' ,62, _tad Bp.t 4. 194). '

, S'~'·""""T)'.;",

,',\' ",l,r..;_,L,',

.... ,~ . .;

.lIan1$& t~ 1.'1 ~ta CoU~. ~ftt they bad ab"~d1nt ..... t1_ tat ,. __ ~ .... d, O'Nr" two ,...1" CQrri. __ • ,_,.., ~

.1 ..... a. tblN"CMc1t .tu, fill t._ Bibl. ud 1t.. IN.d1.lI1& 4Htri.e; B1.bla .,.'akiq." ~ .. sad)".t 'ltlleMratlc .. pmt_tt_. a"ncUoal. work1mc taowl .... ot hw .. 1.t..~ti.eaal rela,t.t_.,

... S' •• '81i&17 w,..tOq .coU._ BogUe. pra.et.loalSpaat., ..

,art tllJM,t1 e. 11

'!ft. artlcl.a iDllt_ted tbat thoee •• reee1yed: this 'W'a:bI1,q .. ,. , al1"U.dT tteria1Ut4 111m. ate"..- aad that their ta* w0li114 " to ..,..k 1. e __ __ tot •• &r.IA tOft!,. OOttBtrie. Where -w1t:l ..... Ita_ M_r , .. t.t".11 1M7 )'eee1 ..... a.pl ... ~, .. __ tated \0 'be aa toU_sa

.":reb)" 1M it. bOWIl ,1ibat (tl!rie ..... t) aft orclallMJd dni.te.r or t.be , .. pel ••. S' ~.\M: the: &n owr .. of .~ .ad t._itd.ac

of t'b.ia eeU , Wi 1"1'-." 1. tMJWteft ~te4 a .• spec1all7

.-ut1.e4 t& b U-.l .-0*. ~t1na g~u. &ad

'_,' '~_" ',la," HMlt,' fIJt ,._t ,. •.• d the 1.- 114, Pte, rr.,Qt, ..... r , &ad ........ , -as all ~, •• lie 1 • .".c1t1ealq 1'8ce.M1I4ed.

tfft' ~_, a.1J a ~_1:at.1_ of ta4t f ..... n or 'thl. CC>l1 ... t» .. tcl!1t"r Jib16 a. Tl'<aetS'O ..... ; te ..ala" __ 1I1tb ~ 1. ~111C .. ~l 14' ~,....Jtt. ~. Id. .... b.r ~t .....

4 •• ltaMe.t .~5,-elG..u .. rr. tM'1i.~rtI~

~ or the mu.a_ pl.a._.,.~. Wa" ~ I1b1* &ad, 'l\t'act ~t;r &ad. .rt111a1;it .... ".1,. et.f1c1.al.e _ ttl. __ " or th .... t ..

u. worl.dlT .eM .... fw rellC1_. p1 __ .. allfl lu\n.et1 ....... t.ae t'ell..t. __ l"pt. fna __ rial ....... r1 .. 1.- .... tcIl~ a.t..t Pebnar.r 1. 19.40 a:ad. .". ... ~~,. _'" Jv.l:T 1,1''-. ,.1. _'W.lal ... pabl1ehH. a1 .. wi th otoM..- uta .t a RatlJlto __ •

... .... ill hll .ooo:nl lid. tb"''lUI ••• r4,t ,the Bible, aa4 lal.~_tt_ .1 t._ Bible .b1_ .. 1 ... N __ ~ t.o .,

thr~ M. -nal7' -... ... 1 • tU ..... IrMJzot ·aad ntali_ j. to 1. -.r dava8 hi. _CiIMIl .. l"'f'RJII:t,e te ft* ~_l" .bed.d.-r te

"'ldat- 1. P',..d.a •• ,-. ld.. ~ .......

... l"M-o.lft _ JAt ltMJdq ~""r .. 1 .. _tTyl,Jig CiIil t ~o_kt &I w1U. and 1dl1 ~ .. tMr 1$1 lSAit7 ~ \be cll.rec~ Ql' ~

••• eraqr. w1tlll 18ae ",.,. ... J\IlU ••• lbat. we aha11 haw

~11 aJlP"'Ml ' .... t.~ ....

(Jeff e l' son J 'IIi s ~~l1slfn5~~rf5p)d)

61-1053-431 end


.. ~ sr ~..... , ~1 ,.r.


.w. tl\e Janee~ll. eanpanJot Jehovahts·W1tnesaes. lilcensin Zone I, attended Bl"Otht!:r jiowlett' II. aeet1ng_at. Be101 t. 1I1101Jl'd;n~ and wiat .... tJi8t0ll0lr1ng tt.claratiOD and reao1nttOJl,

., •• declare that. we stand tial.7 on the side of dehoYall GGd and Christ Jesus, and for the 'ltIe.OCl"atic GoTeJUtent, "Which .e know, tna reve8led pl'OJbeq, 1. no. be1ae establilhed on the earth. V'.e reeognise "lhat .1be Watchtower- i.the llean. used .t.o hril'lC th ... tl'llt.hs to t.h." of ,ood -.111. 'Ie resolTe that •• shall obey all 1nstftct1en. receiftd frau the Watch Tenr knowing that web proceed trars tM higher powers, JehoTahGod and Christ lema. we resolTe to be eoapleteJ.r obedient

to the Soc1.tJr al thai n..lible part of the Great. 1heocl'&01.'·

1. leu.r fraa 1»'0 Witnes •• pu.bl1ehed in -'!be watchtower- datec1 July 1, 1940 stated 1. part:

"We nner li.ten to an &ccuaa.t1on against ~thel" 2lVlert'. or any taitbhl nrtant of God who· 11' pertoraing bil! giftD .nioe 1:n tba 2beocnatic 001'8muntJ tor to do eo would be disobedient and

dangel"ClUB \0 atlrselfts.· 61-1053-431 end

Ada1 tiOMl in!~tlon concerning the reliance and .ctt_ tabn b7 the _.bere of \be Met witb retere."lce to their following in~tft •• ,ns f~

the Sod..ty will H !oond in Seetion VI of th1e •• oraD4o:a eapt1"", 810ft tiOil or JehoTahl e 1f1_ .... 1ll Yorld War n.·

.,. Reporta \0 Beatquartere

'lbe hea~ten of the seet in BrocKlyh~ lfew Yort 18 well f')IW nth respect t.o 1;be IAtint7 of. the 1I1tDeSMS throughoc.\ the world. Page

29 or the 19.0 JearboGt lor tMorgQisatton contains tae tollmring .tateantr

"Blport, are rece1Ted regularly" £l'OlI. aU bJWlche., depots,

tuw.., tactor.te., and au 1Dstitutions under the direct .. ,.,...

1'la10ll ot the seel_V.·

'lb.- sodetT rece1ws nai-ammal report. C()!1C8:m1ng each loeal orpnisaUcm in catlD6etton with t.he inspection Visits by the senants to the . Brettuoen and 1. addit.ion _taU.ed Ilcmthq report.. are sut:.i tted by each ccapaIQ" aad OBi t. ft.. Sociev has direeted that the. IN!POrt. b8 u11ed not late!" thl.1l the th1r4 -7 ot the month follcnd.ng the aontb for 1rh1eh the "port 1.n.l.i:\ted. Ja- P\lW'-r in .. CoapaIIJ t1l.la out & report atter uch

dq ot seMi. or .ark AJld entaitB it to the ~ orJ..s1st&ntColtpallT Senant.


\rrX,,·A, .....

;-. '~~. . .

(' . , .

1,.. ; .-." .1 ... r •

" "i_"'~l.en ml Special .?ionear PU'bllUllan: rePbrt riont1>.ly

. to tbe Met.,.. 'tad iillela\ter group a1.80 fon-ard reporta .eni:rY~!" nee'as!lOl"f, coni;~.....,...,.Uoa. in t:Onneetion with ti"le1l" «lflHwo1"B to. organise

new C~ ••. ,ln~ ~~c .. ··'JIhtJre _ iionetl" ?ub'lieh.r1 .... ign.d It ter:r1.:tory 'Withill • c .. _,~. ~torI. be r~r\lt W t21e loealC0rJfay •

•... , ',- ,-' ",_ , --. ". .

The. .~~6i\he CompaDiM cOntBIn ()a ta ..-,uectillg . the number Qt Pioneo1'$ anti: ~ublutJ. ~l1uabeJ' of publloatioDB~buted~ the numher

of ne-il subser1pt.1ona·, , the ftttllber of. back-ca:u. _de, the averag.,

nwa'ber of hoaIra'1I'Qrited by t-.n.Pioneet"s and ~.uo th .. ,.bU..here and otlle1" .lDformstiDftof(rr_._ to iheSodety. Reports are- alaoftbmltte<i regaratIl[ ,the lnventoJt .Ct -.b11caUons, the numtH:r of phODOgn:phs.) .clUtd· and ether

equipwmt. (62-67736-2-13294; 65..,11734-2262; 1943 Yearbook)

1'h. Br.,... .. of the orgllhiZJ1tJ.on in countries 01ltst.je af the United states sul:cnit shdlar t'epOl'U eonc.mi~ t..i-:leir a.etirt.ties flnrl al.o an annual reportsuUIIArill1lg the WM'k.!.or the eurrcrt year. Ia addlt1on, "rranch Se:rovants eOl"ft'8p.oDd with the P1"Mid~t of the Soei~ itt lew- York concerning the work and their pl'9bleliS in their respective eountr1ett. In mlllY CO.,trlN 'lbere the e8tabl1.e&aent of • Branch ie no'!:: l'!'aeti¢a~e, the )ioneertl and Publishers in BUol1 countries report directly to theheadqllB.rt~r&. AU of the data sl1Dnd:tted be·the h .. d;uarten.are tabulated_d incorporated in the arL.'lual :reGl'book etts.' sect ..

The 1n .• true\1onsl booklE:ts er the Doc1EV" ·'SUch as "Freedom of WOl"ahtp" flhd "A""4ce tcl1Dgdoa PuOl.:leher9tt~ ,:eoevioual,7 d1.c1l8sed inStlbUU. E of th! •. Sect.i~.;.'oOnt.a1n inatru.ctions to the brethren to keep t.he Soeiev adv1:e~d at· all. · ..... ·~endng fJflylegel dit:ttcult1e .. tnq 6l1cout.'lter in ~ lIOrk. DI\aU:ed ,..,U are' a\iIO _bm1t~ to the SDe1:eV on ~aeh loeel eon-

'Yaltion or 1be 8eo\.1' .

'1'hE' SGe:!.eV h~ .uai.ted. the ol"~:..niutions o.t';,~e seet. in 1la1n- . t4illinb the variD'Ja nlu fd each C~ and:lp. wbaitt.1ng ~ to the Ccmpan1_ bf T~ )J.ne. ad allO 1n ail_ ttng ~ta11ed reportA by the , COOlpaniea to the 1 .. ~ of tile sect,' 'O;J furnu.biVC printed bl.aok fQl'U.

In tn6~nt no tOrJIS ~:u addld or old forms ere t11:a:ooI1't.1nued, theJliambU"s are ,sporiaeo {li' thia ~1oion UlroUi1l the cotlfident1~ leatl.et. 1o."le "inlormantlf• In aQdition, "tb..:·~tcn' ... ant." CORta:1ne .. tat1SUCIJ cono_i,ng the e:EIlar&1 prognu

of' th~lIOrk thl"OU&~'tha (tountp.y. (61-1053-1115 end)


Wo p"N.le. ttaanc1al Stataaefl\8 gEl- availabl4;! 1"01' tho 8eet6 '.Fhare are no dtles or •• .,..h1p te .. , al tboUih tor each $l.() corltri.b\l.\ed to i:lt. Soeiety, thedoll.GP 1s €!\UtJ.ed to one vote in the annu.al e1ectlon or the







j_ ~IJ ' 'j,

Watch _.r Bible an. Tract Soc1e~, 'bIIld;·aD Oct. bel' 1, ot each J'Mr at

Pi tta-rPjPe-.,.l_~ no. tt.. to legacies .. re lett to the ot'l&o1l&tieD.. 1be, 1JOe1.Vili· 1"3 .t1lised a oReee1pt and AgN_ent· fom wherew ODe could deaawalllllcf 11011'1' to the organisation. It the donor required ,'" or allot tais ."1 in the future tor bi s pe!'8ClD8l UM a written

nquttlt. could 'H.~ 19l"·the .... Upon the de&th.of t1ae donor the obligation on tbe part of tM,.a.t.7 to repay the fund $0 donated ceased.


_I ~--------~~----(?)

61-1053-892 .

10 Gttieer or .. nut reportedl7 re_Te. a salar,r orpeaud.al7 prof1 t a8 'Reb ot_r tban the .. bar of the Bethel FUI1l1 and Wi toe ... ., aplQTed on YU1 .. a preperUo • .r the Society who recei'fe a,lO.OO a aonth in addi ti.on to boaf\f.and l~nc. 'J\e Spec1al. PiOneel' Pu~Usbe" ud. Senanta

of t.he sreUiren are alaopaid & noa1nal sua and their upen_s bT the Socl.ety.

'!he 1943 Yearbook nnected that in 1942, P&7,31S.46 Was paid OI1t

or a. spec1al-'Gee4 .Iope" funder the Soe1.t,t I!l bad8et to tinanee the actin ti •• ~ the Spec1al P1o...r~'blleh&1'8 in 19.42 tor m1 •• 1ona17W'ork. 'Jb1. yearbook also indicated. th.,lhtpp1q co.ta tor the diatrlbl1t1on at the sect. e Plbl1- cations totallecl .1,7l2.S0.

one sou.rce toaerq elosel¥ aSloc1ated 1Iith 1be be&dqurtera of the sect and the law lQgeJoaeph F. BIltberford, it. temer pres1dat, reported that lalP 8l.U of toM Mct •• bmds weN ode &yul&bl:e to Jwip Rut.herford ~ tkruthis 'be1D& I'e9i-re-d to accomt tor his disposi tiOD ot t.lw JlOM:1. H. 18 said to DYe uplcd W tU Hct tor tinaneial gala and to haft certain faTGred .plop.s ft_ M raardecl 111 th addi t10nal CCIII,.. tlon.

(Source I Ifor sect; 25-171121-48)

'!be S048tq M111t&1nl Tarlou. &CCQWlta wi'Ut. Ncb CCJIlP&D7 an4 Pioneers who ate Mt.atu.ched to a Cca_paJt7 whereby it ram ... rea1ttancu tel' the publlCitti.l,recerdiAp and other Applies tvD1abed.

OR- & aoatb ,he .one,. 1"8<»1 Ted .1 contl"iblitlou tor the Soc1etr s 11 t.eratllre ana tll.e pre...u of the aale or otJ\er nppl1 •• are tnmed aTer b7 the ACCOWlts sanDt of ... chCaaPfUlT to the CaIlpaIl1' Sernnt who rem. t.e the

AM bT postal BOM1' odr or check.. to the _ tch ro..r Bible and 1'ract SOciaV'. U71dua street, ~, Jew fora. In torelp countri •• reaittance. are .bdlar17 ... de to the Iracheli howeTe!', no ru1ttaace.&l'e .. de to the nr10us lJepots or- tba .. et. $pec1al r.1ttuce toras.re rumisbe4 b1 tt..e Soci •• retlec\i1ng the PntPel" account. to be ered1 ted sueR a8 :tale Cmlpa1l1 bQok account. -cuiM accCllUlt &acl an "coUnt tor donations to the Uadqurters of the seot. The fiSCi.J.l yea!' 0: thA sec t is based an the :)9riod from Octob8r 1 to ('eptflrr.ber 30 - of the follorling year.


.. : •

'~~l\.i ~/ ';. ~, 11 \

-r c. '. ~

. I)M .A.ceaont. Senant turrd.shee & monthl7 tiune1al Nport at one

or the H1"I1ce ... tinpor each ~0I1p&n7, and everrtbree aontha hi. accCMDta are audite4\1Jrtl,lf Ccapa1l7 S.ra.nt. 1brough the eei..am:mA) inapec:rtion of each local erp:a! .. U., by •• SenanUl of the Brethren, the SOci'V' rueina _11 intOraM Wi \Jt. nspHt to tile financial standing et eaoll Ccapt.D7.

'lbe books at the Sec1 • ..,. sell tor tftntr-li- cen'. each aIul the paaphl.eto and peried1.u.1tI t.r tiTs centa each. !he aBJllUl .bacriptionto .'ftte .... tch .... r" aagui_.l. tl.OO aJUr in the United S\&u.· and Sl.SO in all, other ectm1iiri •• &AcfUae a.zumal _beori.pt1on to ·CoDHlat.ton· eap.1ne 1a

11.00 in the Unite« ItAM. and $1.25 1ft all otbar aormt.r1eI.

1M CcapuJ' PUblishu's reportedl7 pay tftntJ-cu.ta r.r a book an4 tJuw;e cents tor a traet or .. aiM while the PlODl.ra are- Mid. to obtain tbI boeks at a apecial _ ... .nt of fi ... cents each. 'the titr.1Wftt1al between

the pur ... and .elUDC ,ri_ of the ur10us publ1.ca\t.oo. s Connat. in a prof1t to the_ tndl:t1d1lu'8. Ibe j4Yert1s1ng Senant 18 pem1ttad to extend cred1t tor 60 da,.s .. the Pabll"t!t. aagai1ne.aCCOBDtI.

ORe- 8Ollrc....-ti.a,W i. 1940 that a ld.l.l1oa &JUan a ,..1' 1I&S collected.b7 the So .... on ita l1.taratUJ1t of which at laaat ()nt-fitth lfoul4 represeat & Jlrintert. prea~. the 1943 yearbook ptbl1ahed b;r the Hct" conr-

i:ng i t.a aott 'Wi ti •• f.r thf. ~ 19~ c_tained the tGlleId. tatementl

• ••• .-11.l1 .. of pi •• i or literature are g1..,. 7 tl'ile each

,u.r,. and 1A g~ tb.celJt or pro&loUon and. 4i.tl'i~t1.oR exonda the tOUl •• at " OOI1t.r1lx1t1ons accepted trmApernnl tak1ng the I1taratu.ra and._m.aa to co.tribute tow&l'dptbl18hiRc and c1r~lattn, .ere U .... re. Benee the .olk 1810 no ..,.ct cau.erc1al.. blt 1. ' •• 1-prt,a.eh1D1 ••••••

the opIraUoa el. thlloeal .rpm_tion ... eb a. c.pai .. &nil Units are fiMnced 1>7 1'e.lut.al'T contrlbli1.tiDil, .... tlle part or tho .. anoc1a ted. wi tJ1 .. eh local gral,. j, cQ11tl'1b1t1oa bo: ie ''Pronded at ea. aeet1q place with.in the terri torT·.r tIie local orpnil&t.1G11, bclud1Dg the local I1ngda &all.

AnDlI&l Conftnti •• or TheocNtic ABMllbliea an heW by ,he .at thnnghwt the fttiUebIlltaneoullf. 1tle7 &ra unall, two or th .... dq. in cklrat1.on and dllr.1ng tIM- CCI1'NDtton "'Ari •• oftia1al. of the organiAtion &ddre .. the. Wi_s ••• · _ their .em and probla.e. h~ncthei:r cGII'I.fttione a new beat 1. u8ll&llT ielea.d as &D. ·.zpaef!ad suprl ... to tho .. ill attend-





gel and largepfttit1.s or ,jIUe&t1ons are dt.tribllted •• cupa1gnot

"111 tn •• aing" is conducted. and nn mtI1bens are baptized., •.. '!he ker note address is made at these eon1'Mtions by the President of the Watch Tower Bible and Traot Society and tor the pAet In ;ru,1'1 arran,.n" haw been _de 1thet'eby- the keT note speech 1stel.&)'ed. . .,nre to the var'100.a convention

C1 tiel t~ t.he key conventloa c1t,.. ... tollmng 1. a list or t.bl key

e1tt •• inlFh1ch the conTentions .~J'ld WtM sect tor the pan t .. J8&."11

1938-London, J.Dgl.and ~~ .'

19)90-l)etl'o! t. Jl1*aan

l.94O-CollQlbus, otda·

1941-6t. Lallie •••• d.

1942-CleTtlla ... oblo'

1941~1!J, YinDe80ta .

. .1 repori' ... ~ '.om.ntion of the SOcieV' 1s .aUJ.lJ" iDcorporaW4 in a 'booklet 1rh1eh i. nld tOl' tift cent. a copJ. •• "port of tbe ~ ... Tention .t St. Lout.,. Ifl..acurl. in 19lJ. nfiected tha\ 115,600 perseas .,_1IIiH tM COImIIlUOil OD \H t1ul. dq •

.... " .... "rldW theocratic lss .. b~ tf'QJl Septeaber 18 t..-p septea1Der 2.0, lt42f:~.t c;:Le:Tel.aDd, Ohio .. _ &ddreUH ~ .than ~r Ifnon, presidaltt of tU watch 'lbftr81ble ami Tract Soc1ev .and affiUai&d organisations. His ~_. ent.itled -Peace-can It L&n7"It _8 rela,. b7 wire to SO .tbJr~ke.1D tba UJdW stat. •• In .. ~t1on. e1aI.lar ..... blT ... M14 111 all.ttbcOWltrlea in *1ch the Soc1et¥ eperated brancl\oa, aad 1Jlstm et!OIl .... retam1Ih.d. by' the soc1etr a. to the prQoelnft to be tollancl nth Z'83)Ntct "theM loeal (IOn'fttDtionS. It .. a reported 1Iaat 129,699 pel'- 10118 attend . tll •. ~DCIlrrellt cQIlTentions tbl-ooghou to \he un1 ted . sta tss on

Sep_her 20, 1942. (61-1053-830) (65-11734-2105)

m AuIR" 20-22, 1943 iDclutd.Te. a nat1~ -Tree Nat.1011'"

1tIaooraUc ll q was bel. in the Vn1ted Saws .. t.b.e key c:1.ty be1nl.

)linn_polis, J1DJa ta.. .concgrren\ eoaYentions 8re held at appl'1D1&a:~

100 other citi." Dich"re tied 1n b1' direct 1dretcrrtba opening aMn!s and alao tt. te11l$te .,..ch by Preai4ht Natball HeaarlntiT of the sect

•• t.1tl,ed. .Jrud.- in \be leW WorltP. It _. :reportedlty OM etIVeetbat. tlIe . .,.eob or prell ... t taerr _s _11 recelyed. b.r \lie .a'ftnU~ and. the 111_1"1 loadl)- ~l14M their lea4erle ruanr:a aD.earning at. tbe7 appeljlrecl

to N _tlre17 b.c~rd. 1 376 .. I. book entitled, -'lb. 'll'ih$kall ... yeO. tree", .. h1cll rel\at.8 ae-rall.T the doctrlnee of tM Wi tal.. .... tIle1r pl'ad_ or a ute,,_ ex1.tenee uder tbe ':theocratic Rill .. toUari. __ :tb. 1.-

pendiltl battl. or l.~ged4oa,_. raleaae4 at this oel'lftPtlon. . ..

(61 ... 1053)

IlJd1cat1- of the entluda_ &ttd detfll'lliatlon on the part at the

.. ltne.aee to parttcd..patAt ill tll ... mumal con'HIlU.tt 1. re.tl.ectIJ.4 ill a'aDited Preis Di8p&t.ch dated Augu8t 28. 1943, which lndic.ted that 19 youthful mem-



, ""_.

. .. - .·'.1

berl of Jehovah' a 11£ .... ' had been sentenced on tMt. _te in redetal. CGltif ',-' at. Fergus Falls, 1I~\a arter pleading guilt,. to oharpa ot illegall7 creasing the 1at.ema'1AiU.l border from canada 1n order 1;0 attend the 1943 cOI'lwnt1on or tba .... '"lll Ki:ane&poU •• Minnesota. It was atated that 17 or

the defendant. re.lt11, 60 day jail sentences and. the ,1'ICIa1n1n& two who were lAid to have had pre ..... erJ:a1nal. records, .. ere senten_ to. ffNZ .O\lthff in

.. Federal RetOl"llatolT~' Ill ... individuals were reP9rt~&ll trt»l • ..,pe(b OUIada. lfuaerolll otMr 11 tneS~8 .. ere arrested tor illepl.q enteriDg this eountI7 tna c....bl .rAlr to attend ,ihis conventlon.

61-1053-A, TimeaRerald 8/29/43 I. It" tt.nc.

!here a1'e t.., \JP88 ot aeetiq.,botb being u~aa b.O\lr~;* 4uratiOll, held bJr -..m •• , .... 17, the $UtdT clas ... and. _mct.aetLfg •• !be toraer cond..'t U,&, tJtad7 or the Plbl1cations of \lie 8eot &n4, ttl- latter pert~~ to t.he ",on", aecul.t.ractivit1es of the~. A 8-.,. of

.1hs ,1fahhtowe,. 1~, h, el4 each .. k under the direct.ion ot a Stuelt, '.".,', ;~.to~ who bas been appo1nlW. b7 the SoeietT. '!bere are allO book ._q,- , .• s

thrOughc:Mt tile Ccapen1 terr1'tory which arfl held at p:rl_te haas • in a tiftgd_ Rall. 'It:te Sen.v pabl1abes •• dy questi •• iIOeklet. for u. in' the_ .eating!!!. lor_pl., a 64 page booklet of ·.MdT que8t101l" is aft1hble tor t.be earra.t book or the Society- enti tlri liThe 'l'n1 fA ShaU ... tou Fl'eett.. 1"U .toet or 11 te1'&ture 1s charpd \0 the StudT Condne_

by tbe Stock $enaJlt tor 11" and po.sible sale .. t the ..... tinp. ' ,

~,~~ ..

ladl b)JUT 1. required to have a week~l.rYice .~ti.nc at its l1Dgdca Hall. 1M .. !leni ... et.1ncs are oovoud to the appUutlon of the capa1ps amlD1Lnced. by th_ S~e1.t11n the conf1dellttal l..n.et toM • Intoraan tIt and -1ft. WatektoftZ'" II&gUine and in'a4ditiOl'l, i .... truc\ions aft'dS.sCIlee_

th& t haft beenl, ... d to the ec.:.pa.n.y by t.he Soct.tT. '!he, .~_ tioD Inatl'Uction", a cOat~6tat.Ul. booklet relaUngto tM organiRt1.arr&ngfMllt Gf the. sect is oeeanonall7 re"liewed for elle benefit ef both old .00 .. w

Plablilhers. '

"lt1a ~ senant. or in the case of • Un t, the tJni t Set"'VP.t, pre- ' s1des at the. e.nice ... 'tinga. Interesting o;perHnoes are otten related. by the "b1"Otbers'l ud •• .tene 1n th. field for the tleDe.f1 t. of the oUler .. bera of the Coapan;y or "hi t. s,tadl.s are also CGtldItcteci. t. .. ~1'ica lIleGtinge of oerta1a instxV.,tLooalbookl..t. ot f.,Q 5001.V _ch a:$ ... dna. to ICbgdoll

hbU •• rsw, .. 1ft-- or Worthipll of It.l Cwne 1il, 'iheocra.i1c :lillistl'1" ,. 'l1lese plbllcat.1@8 are bJ'1e!q di.euue4 in SUbtitle B ottb1. S.ction.

one sou~ 1Itt.o .ttended Jeho'¥'&h'e1f1tnese .... tinga at _ t1.D.Fca Ball etated th&t the walls of' the ball were bare and that posten on'the walls relucted the aO!ltbl;r progreSll report of ~.' 1/o\al nuaber or Pa&-, Ulhere and tbe ctab!ned hours tb.ey had spent 1n ..... saint' • It "as sta~ that the .. eting. ct.voted to Sor1ptu.ral studT re~te4 t1le atmosphere ot a cla8aroO!a 1I1.th the Ccap&ny ~ervant presiding alld either be er a. study' Condacter leadiug A infOl"JNl disnuS!i'OD on a atud70t ;ert.ain sections or

the CI1rrent isad of • 1M ira tdl tower" and po.asace. frca '__ Bibl8 .. 61-1053-1021, enol. G-2,New drlean:;'l,

37 ' ,

'(i; '_::

d;.,p .

2d. consists otspread1ns tit, co.,.l or the th.ocrac;r by ftriOl' aesbere of the orpn1lationtilrGDlh tlle~.tribut.1cm of llterawft CIl

'the atreets, adftrtia1Dg the The~C1b}·ear!71ng appropriate alp,

.hCM. to hoUI. e&n1U.1ng, util1 _ _", ill phonograph, to P1&7. recerdinCs

or the .ct which are Prlnc1pallT.':, ot the late "de' aI\~.nt, tae tiM of pIbl1c address ._8 oD r-s-s- oaob1lu,:r&tU.e aroad.cuta.,:Qd

lomal. .1adJ ottbe Bible ud P'lblicatiOD8 of the "et.

I. W1 tne.a1ng

Dlta11ad 1'8co,., aN kept by A(:h CcapaDJ PaW_I" of M. actintie, which bela tuJ'll,.}')lPO.rta t.o his l~ CoapaD,r. lam lingd- Ball baa • arc. up di riding .,:". into ~Ji:" tor ca11 ... l1q purpe •• s.!he . hbl1abe:re are ._ ... teniteri •• ihllbich th.,. .are te Col'idact t.beir .tll •••

wertw 1>7 \be "ri1~~'hr"fD', ani &r* .caettu.hrni;sbeci tent te17 up carD ceD:t&:hdng &1I&P;.t~:jhdr speQtnc terrlto17. In additi_ thQ' aN turnilbH baek-c:&ll Qipa",,;'::j"'f ,aek-caU:~t. Each ali,eo.ta1na tb. nan and

•. dire,. or .• "~·b~.ted. 111::-11 .. ~t' s"'saceand the 1'8alta at each call i, iadlcaW4fm tbil.l1p. ._~IJt.,..tiOD Ira. tUM sl1p. at.r a. bactall.l: .,18 JIIAde,1.~ •• ,,.,.tM.11l aperliaDint _ck-iaall slip tile· ,or' the Cal~'" arraBIM ee.rdfDl to the territorial d1Y1s1oa" of the area .sligned. a'

ec.pan;r. (61-105~584; enc1; 61-l053-674; .749, enol; 65-45174) .

, . tabl1e.-t:.are pend. t~ to r.iah Ul.1r l1M1'ddual as51pent. in

.,' ~tc. ,~, .,~ ,l.lI!'tC .. tb.7 . ' , , thea .. d1UIft!, .', ~'.eA, ee each three

aontU 1he;:.rrt~ \Wr pNeN ..... ·n,ans their ul1gn-

.. :au 'ltt.ll8T •• sire* or, h. \Itft to'a 411ft. rent .. eti_ .t the

c..pa!lJ" •• nite!'J.

Itrort.a"are ~e.aade by P1cmeez!Pllbl1.~ -...4Spec1&l Pioneer Palll1eMn to Q:rp.n1 .... .., ela .... ,,"ruop nft" CcIIlpaiI1 •• in udeveloped

..... :.

... Soc1.V,..COIlNgea &naP ttw1 tDe.sS.nc- _ certain dqa in arMel otCcapud. •• 1ilW.t an"~ •• s1pe4 wa apeo1t1c Pabll_r. 1b1s gh .... oJtPOr\Un1tJ' tor DeW ",blithe" tp,jC.. in tbl act1'!1t7 •

..... a~ ... ,~h11._r. aN anthOnled te wel!k in croup. lnisolatd areas ia tb1 ••• t1Yl.~.It at_ If'Cr1cina & terriw.",to.r tiae., there i. 11ttl.e 1nt.u •• t~ •• t.cl by tbo18 eontaot.d ill toJJd.11I a n .. ~D¥, tbe Sped.al P1cmMl",...~ .... GIl Ha-_ te the Sod.eV that the area be "orbtil ,&Dother tta.. .• ,. two, or,..c_end tbat their eftert. be tUN-oW alse.ere and tA& i.-, &ttAapt be ..... to 4._10p lntenl' in the area in quaatiUL &, • later tata.,ePe'ci&l Pioueer PoW.era are alao .sed to adY&llce the

.. erk efth ... cs'::t..·tOre1.p coantr1. •••




. . !he Pabl1 •• n,in that' ,proMlyting act.1-f1ti •• , enda"'~ ftJ

1Iltez.s\ a. IIM7 .. poll1ble 1ntlf!l a.s&geconcem1nc the 1heQcraq. 1hq

ofter their ·.,..'i1a0ltT Cards" a~ P ot their ordtaatioa _8 a1n1sters aud.

whenewr poea1t.,.. plaT a l'8CQrding or'tlMt Somet7 OIl. portable phonOgraph to ass1st in eome11ac their .easage •. Contriwt.1ona .. re~accepted tor the .~ea.tion ••. '111 'Uk •• 'ftInt .. hsseholder is interested in the .. nage, .. ~call is .. de at an ea.rq date. P\lbllshers endeayor "" arrange studie. in 'Arlena _cae. 1 • .,.:r tbat ... Id.gbt reYi ... the val'iCaIl publications of the Sod..t7 in deta1r .. COl"telat.t the .tateaente therei. b;r ntference to tbe lib.. 'lhOIe httJ_.tAMl are 1irf1ted t.o &tttend tlte repl.&r CaIlpey sto.d;J' uet.\apat Ii. 11DCd* .11. Po.blll5her8 are urged to eondBet. book stadT •

.. et.J.n their terri wd41.. ".

1M SocLe\'1h&. pro'lided tIJIodelStlldiesW tor the assistance ot the Prlbliahera COD$1ctiDi ... of ton. .tudie. ine1dent to tlle1r -W,. tness1nc- wort. A .odel s tucJ;y 1~ .auall.J t,or a period or an hou.r a:nd .1. con4ueted oralq rna

a. prepared question &af1+r booklet baMd on d1tterut 5IRbllcations and .

NCOrdings or tba Soc1.V~'···ll8t.nmces are sat forth .rter each question to . the paragraph, tNLge and ... or '\be PlbUca.t1onI'.X\D.ta:1n1ng the u .. r to the question.

, baaples or ~ qu..8t1oo.s and. anawers in tllue -.odel St.u.dies- are "8 tOUCRrSI

~e8ttOJ 17 &ppearinc on page 27otu:o~ stlldT_her 2 relALt1n&

to the booklet ••. * F&ctstt is: . .

.1.nt ~hou.k •• wi tau .. " asoppoaed to 0JIIn.n1_ 4S to Fa.ci_?"

'lb- anner lli.

-Ie", the)" are aga1.ut &D7 lora of goWlDIIImt .. t up in oppoli ti= to God' IS klngdcD. cc-nni .. and )'II..c1_ are both OPPOaN to God'. ldqdcD. 91811&, It&l7 and QelUD7 are ill l'\1l.ed b7 arb1.\ral7 dietaton, and although their IOftJ"Ml8llta operate uad.er ditt ... t DUe •• the tora or rule 18 l"Mll7 the Rae. that is,, teyUt&riaa and thi. leotan shoo Rch antitheocrae;r, 'tet&li\q1.an mle is a hldeCl1s lIlonstros1V ••

~.st1.QI1 3S on 1*P 16 ot Kodel S1lld;r Nnmber 2 baaed on the reeord.1.ng .VietorT' is:

WJlv" do Jekwftltls .1 _sses baft DO eartbl7 pel1t1e.l. aspi. ration.'"



. ,.

'Ile an ... r to this 'Ileat.1.on. in the !1ode1S~d7 ,1at

-Becanee thq are subject. of Jeho'f&ht a tbeoctaUc ld.ngdc8 ,under Qlrist and knoll' thqcannot senet-.o .. "ten.·Pbillip1.n ,,20 A!Wi a.bt"ft'S Utllt-16; PsalIl US:8,9; Hebrtml ]'):14} JOM 18:36) .laMe 4:4; Jatthewa 6124.-

Qtest.1on 39 appearing on page 11 ot Modal. stu~ BWabe:1" 3 bAaed OIl tba recording -ot JUdge ibtbeifonlentiUed • _Upou" 115 as tollon,

Il'Ih7 1. the Aar.lcan Legion •• an org&ni .. Uon reall7 un-

.... enema,. ,

...... .., 1 t il controlled by CatboUcs 1Iho_ loJalty is fint .. a _l1s1CMB politieal tondgn pOII'er and who u_ patl"1oti_ a. a oloak in un-AlIWr.lcan act10n 'against. bal'llles. e1t1zens.·

61-1053-739, enclosure

!!be .twa •• occas1onal..l¥, as part of their "wi"'str work, ccmduct -lntorma:t!on Jla.rcheaw whicb cona1Dt of parading nt.b 81".. "&Btbe sidewalk.

ot a lII1m1e1pal:J:I;,y. their 1~tZ'Uct.i.on" are to para.ds abclit. tnnty teet apart with the eips &ttiad on either the front and real' or their bodies,. or en both sides. '!le signs otten hear l!I1eh statements a. ·Belicion is a Snare &Del & BacketJI J or announee the date and place of a fortbead.ng convention. '1b18 aeti'lity is directed'b7 the ..... t1s1JJg Servant of a ~. .

. (61-1053-739, encl; 61-1053-499

1M Yearbook for 1943 Of t.he 111 meSDell, retleate4 that in the

t1n1tad. stat.e., a grand total ot 18,2JJ).t 938 hours were devoted in 1942 to -w1tn •• s1nc". anti 4.52S,Sl!2 ba.clt-eall. weN ude. It ..... lnd1~W that 10.016,699 penOll' _rd'the recordings of the SocleV. 'Ib Yearbook further renected on pap 222 tbat, tbroaghOl.ltth ... orl.,. 28,0)0,049 boIlre nre deyoted. to .witne.lling'l and the total world wide back-calls _M

6,107,204. 61-10S3-1115

x. '_stimOl3J cam

those engaged in the wort or 111 mailing are fumi_d .b7 the CcapIlQ' SerRllts w1ih a te.ti.a.OII1 card addns_·'l\)"'" It K&T (»ncem". issued by the •• tch Tower B1b1. and Tract soeie1:¥ &Ild c.~ . printed signature of the president of tile Soe1et,'. 1be card b e1,gnedby tb person to whs it 1s 18.ed, and ptlrporw to be a certiticate to the .flect tbat the II1gnato17


(\~ ... ,;



'!.""~~' .

.. \."'fI ,j ..

, \1(' '"

. " r

. .,. ,,'i~ l.-

.- ¥ _. --...

to the e&fti· •• a ordalned adni.ter or JehOvahOodl! .In .A.pr11. 1943, it

... repor.d br·. _paIIJ Sel'ftDt that no te'stimOliT cards had. beea.1uud

by tbll'&tch Twnr 11tU.a &ad tract. Sool.V, signed ,by the' preNnt- preaideat., If&tbanR .. r:lDen. It ... _ 1M1cat.ecl that these later cards _re i_sud onl7 te tho ....... n.t tlw lroup who are recognised as lI1rd.sterl .."d eo bad. ..... _red a coftnln.w1th .Ja)lom.God. It •• indicated b1 tbis SOIlrce tAa' tM

canl s ~Pl7 B7 ..... .Ie-ph ,. Iltthedord"'re .... 17 eaq W ot.iain.

lp1\o~.i.l P1 or • W8~ card alg1l8d by the late," .JudpBltberto:rd,

the folM·rp.ai4.tln" ot tbIISGCl.W. and al80 a photostatic eoP7 of. & tasttaOllT can ~~. I&thaa !I.el" bOn', the present president of th1. organisation,.".... ,.~. btd't4t .... ber 3 or the Appe~x.

1..1. te ~:t~;a ~84;f?-34; 25-132131-2

0.,.,. 20) of the ptblicat1an -Children- the question or tlow one "1' _ccae • ".om.s ti tae8s 18 aunred 419 to11011'61 '

-loW MIl ODe take hi. stIDd OR. t.he stde of Jehovah and bis klIti- under'C'.tlr1.t Jams ad uk. thie tact known? By consecrating hiaself to Qo4 ad t.brl." that 1_. by .olewnl.T &greein& to do t.he w1U of GodJ· t,lIeB .". pertOl"ll1»g .. tar 1Iunens1on~ 1Ihlch is a,.bo11e

ot and cod!" •• aD outward tes~. that, one is ot aoed-wiU tGIIard ~ Lor:d u.d bad tIkeD his stand on the atde otOod. and

1118 t1D&dta. lben hellU81i faitbfallT ~ out his agreement to

do God' 5 w111 by leam1ng trca the ScrlptUresth. will e! ,God &D4 ta1tht\lllT .... ]inc lIbat he there leama. !he taitbfUJ. .en of old aamt.at.l7 co •• eftW --.1 ... 1 .. nto God b;y ageai. to do Hi.

11111 and tlle. ta1tbtullToarr1.ed OIlt that agre .. nt by "871ng Hl. -w1ll. 1bo88 or tt» '11\\1e fiock' who beeaa aabera of the l'1ngtia _at firat •• rc1 .. t.t 1h,. t\Uq couecrate tb._l_. to God &Del Olr1s'. ami tUn '- d1l1genl ~ earl'7 GIlt. their .. ,. .... t. '!bo_

ot thee,Nat BlUtud.et BIt do mAiae,. bec&UNfheN. 18 no aleb tbiwg .. '-pee, of ruth'. the rans_ u.crit1c:. i. tor tboae who belie.,., lind 1Ibe 'pa"l1~ .. their tat th 1n God-ad in Chri.e\ •.

P&1th ud .tiell~' a~ abeoluteq .SHDttaJ. to all who tirld. ute nerlaatlnc,1I1le\Ur in the ap1.r1.t..r on the earth.-

61-1053-739, encl

Dlfin! u. .... r JehoTak' s 111 tzle •••• Will '* t01mfl in SUb .. ctaon 1, Subtitle B of seeU. If of this .. oraudaa.

'lbe ton.:t.DI teraiaolOfa 1. uN eoneid.erablT in Va- prtbllcatt.on. at the •• ~tonr Bibl. aad tract SocietT. Incorporated anel affiliated ~

poratiClll81 .



uaqetlclon tis 1 ... great battle at. lfh1cb Jehovah's aDlela, led b7 .JeSI .

Olrist, Will au .. the force. at satan. In toMs ... tu. all ct the .....

posers "r tbe~q will be destra,yed. .

€!!;!5§ef!!lt~_ren" p. 254; "Salvation" 61-1053-296

1b1. __ •• i. coaposed of JehoYahts titDe,8U or l10nadabs who· . haft· prowd urilt.aful and no haft Y1olat8d their ccrmwat to do the e will of Oed. 'lbi rata tor such dereliction i. coaplete "stlUction.

. Ooat

"~ildren" ,p253

!bil 1. '\he group .r ·other .. ,.. who an 4est1ned to. atni_ the battlA1 of Anaaged.dlll ad to ftlfil Qod' 8 aattda.te 8to _ltipq and fill the ... t"th. when Ws 1Ioloc&ua-t. :ts OYer •


'lb." are tM e_panions of th. Wi tn.s._ 01" people of good wUl GQ &re Don as ·_at,r ••• tb:er Sl'.p" collat1 tutin& an DDUId t..d DlJI.beI' who will sum .... tlw .• tt.le Qt Antaieddon to bee... -the ,nat aultitude". 'Jhey. 40 not go '0 ll .... a. \hell' •• rl&.t4,na;lDberi wee J.. & cleaJl3e4 and pe,.... fatted eartJl, nor 40; not partak. b.tM¥80r1.al or tpm' 8 SUpper.

__ .. laf.etiJ.~65-1053-296;'lhe Watchtower, dated 2/1/40j61-1053-724;the

__ '*=:.=-;..;;,;;; =.-z--.."". Watchto1r9r dated 3/15/ 42;Salvation,p~275;61-1053-296

'!his ha. rde~ee in the po.bl1cat1on •• r tke Met to the AZ1.


liag of the S- th

'!his •• retera_ in the Plbl1eations of u. .. ct to tb.. Intteci Children p, 13.3

I1u!dca or Spi.l"1t Ga ••• 1' "I.1 tu. next-.


1 _ ... so otOa.s"lI -little tlocta in beaw. 01" a .. bill' of ~ "Nlmant. on earth. .. _tal ..... rab1p of this greup 1. l1a1 ted by Scripbins to 144,0Q0 1II,:atwitien to (2u1.st. fbey enj011aertal1ty- and are ..-: ben of the imie1bl.e 11nge. .t which dU"iat 1" the had.

(Health and Life p.19 - 61-1053-1.8 end. ;61-1053-1115



. '

, .


'!be amm¢ ee:nawT coramorat1ng the Lord" supper, bJ' the "r.nantll at the "Ut.tle tlodt·. Jcnadabs CUIlot particlpate in the It.or1al, but thq 'aay obs.ena it ••

nth.reh •• p

TIt .. are the un11a1t@f~ ~rwho will sumYe the batu. of

, Ama.geddonl':~ a. Jonadab., or tile ccapanioils of the lfitn •• _ •• or people ot good~'

Peopl. of 'OM Will

1b1. 18 another tem for the Jonadaba or tho .. who CORat.1 ..... the·other ibHp" to MeaN t.lw -great altitude- after tat battle or Araagaddoll.

Salvation 61-1053-296

'!he .. are Ute .. bers of the "11 ttle tloct- OIl earth _hoan con.-c:ated J.hoftbtA. lf1ta.a.,. '!bel &180 are reterred to .a. thft~~ttNi. In

the sect' 8 pabUcaUen. 61-1053-1115 end .


All 1Ni1:d~ 'Who ,is obedient to the Lord. 'ltds 1aeludes Jehovah" Witnee_s and t.ltdr .a.pameu known a8 Jonadabs or pertJQnS ot good will.

,..tia0lf' . peri 04

1he pe.r1.04:.rin& which a caapaian ot "111 ta.,8'1nC" is eeDducted.

Special otten or .. ~bl.nat1on of tubl1catlons of tlle soc1ety a" usu.al.l7 __ during the •• ,.~.


'Jds 11 t_tn,1dbl. imaraent created bT, God of wbicb .Teen. 1. tba !wad, t.epth.1' ws.iIl 144,000 a •• oc1at8s. ll1e vilible part of th1.

C .. r.ent OIl ea~ will lie' .at&bliehed att~ the battle of Ane.aaedd.on and 11111 be addn1.tereil by ancient ta1tbtul Biblical cBatactara a. princes or

Ce'N!'llOl"8io 61-1053-7.39; "Children" p.156j6t~1053-296, salvation p. 307

tbttocratie ANMb}f

A Con"teatlell,ot tlehO'fthl s Wi tDease ••

IR:.pdlUcatiou this refers to an alle«ed CM.~u. .. hetIreeD tile baA 'Cafll~~, •• ~rd9'.nd. the lZie natlou, wUnbJ' tM llerarebJ all.ged.q- ....... ed .... (I.ute the "01'14.



A. o.o~

'lb. -publications nDd 'pbonograph re40rdiDl8 or the ~~atch To ..... Su.:w and Traot. s .. 1et.,y aM thct _tab-town- Bib.a and Tract G9c1et7" lncorporai. • ., aJld the Interrt.ll.Uoa..l Bib~ St.wtet.. A .. ooiat.1.on .. MOb repre'ent pr1ar1q t..I:Mt wnUD •• ue .,... ••• t tM late Jw:l&- .1o .. pb. P. bthUtol'tl, an vo1u1aou.. !be .... r~oel q.u.anuty or the wit.1nc. 1. onl¥ ..... c1 b)" the nJ*tU.1-

of the I'll""''" _tt. wbloh ie ""''''e84 Jil'wr.1q &rOUIlO. the problaa ·aM -rk

ot J .... h·. wit ~.1"-t \0 the enabU.hMnt. or t.he ?he .. raUo ~.

MDt.. One v1t*l" em 4~t1na em thlt pNl1t1c wdt1n&. of Jude- ht.Mrt0r4

ea.11t; "llUthWt·ori 1. uaiq_. at. l t 1n.~ l"e.p"'t.. ae ..... to dtNel"'ft V.

pri_ tor hl. ab111tt,y t.oM7 ton. thing 1' and tn'ez' in hi. book. lit.

baxU,y ., ..... '*1 ~ ••. ~ ..u thea to t.M Qustaae ... doMM of U .••• '"

It. hQ ~Zl "JIIO:I'Wd that the piblloatlon. 1\ a~4 'in oye .. 7' 41tI .....

l&nguag .. aa4 ....... n diet .. !",," ill pl"t.o\1HllT ....... 7 cOWlt17 :1a th_ W01"14. A.. pHnoult ladiG4te4 4;;82),929 boob 8bCl booklet. _" print.d 1A 1941 ..

and )6.6Gt.fll bOeb an4 bOoklet. _r. printed. 1n 1'42. ThU iLlGlu4M. 12,12' D1qlett BJ.blM. and aU. ",420 ,.plAt" 1W>J... Inadd1tiOl1, '9,,4*>,244 auo.ll.anMU11 1t .. , iAelv.4l.nc 24,O,o,OCO GOp.fA •• t Itnqdoa It ... • wn pri.". 111 1942.. !'lw pubU ... t1 ... iA 191.2 &ppe.t.ft4 1a t1tt.Mn l.ansWl&"~ l1tt.,_ ........ 4itt..-nt lMMka Md 1>Mkl.\* _r. pl"iAtH bT tAe .Nt. Ln that year.

~·pibU.MU0D.8 and "'11'." ~. ar·. for th ... t pa1"\t Yi\raU. la ~ J!tN"net._t. at ...... OIl ..... u1 ..... l"CIllg1on, •• peoia.ll;r the

CatbeUil H1~~ .81.& Bua1M""1 TIM .AMI'1_ l.Alc1QQ" the League ot .t.t.1an.a .. hHl-. elll1l .,. &.DId all liorlJU..r ......... lat. 11,.. tlw latter..,.. "Sat ..

.. t...u .. • and a" in dil'eOt. ent1tblt.1I to IU\4 -))pO" the 'lbtlOOr&4t7 OJ' t.he J'1aht.ou ,oqra.nt of the lArd. •• pou .. d 1>7 JOOfth'. Wltne...... ......t pcbu..u.. ....... the _okl __ ~ t. J..1b4tri.T 011 tn. HOM 'r.&rt." ·P ...... Ga It Lu\7· _4 toM Wclc: "tu I __ 14" ... ~ the 1_ tMt thJ.e

,..1 14 ... will ... nlt 1%1 a ,... oo.tv. .... , dOJllnat.fId b7 .... a .. 1l

e -.lt • ......" "enlt1rtc in .. bT..u la1lwe, inau.ueb .e the acmn'ninc

aaU .. ." ,_ 14 .U •• "lud tM ~J'U7. aeoent ptblioaUon. haft

alA __ in 'h • .1r att.aoke ... '*' ..... 'nint.. and. pt"!:Jhibl tiCM pl.aMd

.. tIM .nl'ri..tlq fI!£ the W1tnesa .. by _I'!OWJ ooun't.rl •• out.1<1e of the Utd~ stat... .,.... u .. cle.t_t.Ut ehlil~terl.t1. to toa. paml1oatiOM p1otUl'Utc

11 .. u. .. ,. tor the pnMn10 _rld. .JIIlt .. of .,.1a.l,. econoaie and political .,. ...... t ........ for tM 1a41v14ual.a aubJ.et to the ... Y8teu. Acoordin,g \0 \b4t paba...u._ alliAAiYid_u ... cribe4 .. the Ifgoate" whQ lIQuld not ~ "eMp", an. •••• to taU~ a.nd uts..aW GN\l"QOUon at ttw 1JIptQ~ battlA of .u..a..tdoA. 'l'b.e ...... oCllllPO .. d QC tne c()llllpe.niona or Jehovah' 8 Wi tn ..... ,; ~_ &II l_d&ba. and .r 00111"" t.be ti1t"".8" tbaeelv .. 1d.U be .~ at tb1a bolo .... t.

0,. ... '10.

- .. Rolll.toloa !ka Barp of God

DellTena ••

Lt,pt (iD 2 boak.)

'ta41 .. tion (in ~ book.) p ..... ,"&UOll


....... 1"IrUIl\


I.boyah s.O{n.FTr

ileb.. .. yt~ .. ,., .'



n .... Ver1d

file 'nth Shall".

To. he.

All of the Po •• b.Ok •• e!'. vl"Uta bl the late luas, 1ta.tll..:rfOM except"fu lev World- pablhhac1 1a 1Na _4 '!he !nth Shall Malta TOll Jr •• - pablle.4 111 1943. tth __ •• 1p at tb ... l .. t\.1" ya)U,catloR. ;I- •• , 1D.41ca\ed.

1. p.a:rtla1 11., of til, tr&~a and p.-phl.et. pQblhke4 \y the eorperationa ot tile .eOt _4 whio. UCell' ~or A t_ pdl1cat1oa. dllce 1942. wen "rUt_ b7 Ide. h'brtoH 1, •• fon.w.:


UnlYeHal War ..... I .... rei! People hpr.&C7

lit. 'lII&_c. Aa:acel.

Iul th _4 Lit. Where Ar. ,h.. lead 'Uuo .. erel.

JaGl_ or '1' ..... KJt4 .t hi. Po •• I'.

r .... tile 'an. lic1lUa« tel" 1.111_",

oa the I!o •• :rna'

Bqoa4 ~. Gn.Y. fil. W.tk.

Vor14 Jeco· ... 17 Lilt.,._

D1't'ltUac U. People Wbo 1. G04'

• •• _d Iapp~",

he eritl. .

1ftlec.acto. J.,. h.Q,erford

Ua .... ua IU~ 001_ 004 ad th. State Peace - 0 .. It La.'?

7re •• 1A the lev Vor14

VIta, 1. Yn.t)a.l Cau •• of D.a\ll· lenaft."

0004 - ••

ft.. l'1Aal W!tl'

What 'IoulJeed :I.,. of 1 •• ?eD Pro\ecUaa

Oo .... raea\ aDd p .... Io~


Caa.,lracr Acatnst


,1 .. tnu.v (61-1053)

1, 1. '0 ,. aoted 'hat 0. baok •• bookl., .... d trach p\lblllll.d b7 th. "0\ n...,. 1938 ven ,u11_. "1 t;lle W .. 'oh ~ov.r .ibl. ad !het Soci.", aa4 'h. Iaten.aUoAal B1bl. StU .. ,. A.lOcla.\1o.. In. 1939 the enat bulk of * ••• pliDllca.Uoll. "eft alllO s1al1ar17 publish" al' •• Oll8 tract ·OO .... ftMIl, .. , p.ac.' _4 the b.ak "a1TaUoa' .... the 'booklet .... 'ra11"· p.bUsh,d 1& l!39. wer. pUlbke4 b7 tlt.. Watch.v" Bible ad tract $o.el.v .. InOoQel'ate4 _4 .. IateraaUoul1Jlbl. sw ....... .,olatloll. B~ la lHO .. 4 to dal. *_ book_. bookle' ... 4 \raft. of the sect .e ben pabUahed b7 tlae Watcb.tavar ),ilIl. ad !rac\ .01"7. Iacor]lOrde4 ad ~ laten.aU.Jlal Bible S\1I4eat.

A .. 001a1.10 ...

!h. Wa'. ""II' )1\1 ... 11 !not 50018\7 pUU*e,·'!b.e Watchtovel'ff • • • _ ..... nthl7 l'eriodlcal \nn,laUon. of "b,lch F ••• ttl' .wear In In_ llllPlCti. .d. CIO ••• ~1ac wMeb. the .tated purpose et til, pUl1caUoJl a. retholed oa the reT.r •• ald. ot the 00 •• 1' p~e h a. tollo".:


. . ~'; f.',~, '~'"

. .; ,ft:; J' (_.c._),-~.<,I:'

• .,4" ••... , ',rilf

ant. 3 ........ i. pQbl1Ud for the ~~ of · 11q .. . '

peqle to taow l __ ya!t 0.4 ... d Ii. purpOe. fl. upre ta ••

• 1ble,. It FlbUiIa •• :BUlle taatncUoa tpecitlcall,. a.a1p .. t \0 df;tf_TaIlf• Ilt_.us ... all , .. pl. 01&004-.111. It arrac •• • _aU. -I». .t.q toJ' U. reders adld U ••• 1e\7 _»It..

o\)er lU •• hr. Mald 1Jl ... at.die.. It pabl1 au1, ... :t.

-hrf..t. for 'f&d1. \1"O.ua.UD& ad tOl" ·o\her 1 publt.e

ta.\ruoUoa 1a 'he Iol'1pftN •• · .

-It aaher' •• "rtctqw thl Jibl .... au\horl17 t.r 1 ,.

llU.I"_., ••... It 1. eDUHq tl'81 ad "pHat. troaall rellclaA, pftU •• __ Nt. 01" .\'ik." _1'1417 or&aJdlaUoa.. 1\ 1. "bol17 and vlUltuu; r ... "a\loa fer' til. k1a.cdo. of JW'Yd h4 lIM. Okd..t

btl ,e.loTed It1lC. It 1 ... t depatlc, but tart '-a ...... fti .-4 ertUcal aul.Uo. of 1h ooahate 1J1 ._ Up&. .f the Scnp'llH •• It .... · at lat.:tp t .... tro ... rq. aad U. col __ an IID\ e,. '0 ,.r •• allU. ••• •

!It. V .. UllWlfel' va. f1rst paJll1lhed ill JulJ. 1." -.4 i.. _14 tor 11 ... cal •• COPT. I. '1M VaUed State. tbe aaaual ebtoJ'1ptloa price 11 '1.00 ... 4 ill .all .t_1' ,,-_'rie. $1.50. be 1943 teaNeot afthl .. et Nfl.ct.A tha' 9~'fS2.127 .. ,tel of thS.. IlaCBs1D. weN olrftla'" t. 1941. !!le .Mokl1Jl. a." toik . plat: 1Jl _Utlo.. \0 prla\lac tW:.qcas1.. 1. . " 1q11.h. aaCOrMJl& t. at.leubook. allO pulllh •• U. ,1 .. the follovh.:"· laflpapl: Qreek. hul... Polhh. .. •• 1aa. Slo~-.k1... lpu1ah eAd utnl.1ao

-'!'he Gol •• .lee- aapsl •• vat tOl'lle1'17 PG\U •• , b, .. pana.rlh1p

at Cl~1l J. Yoolwr\h, 1l. J. Marta _4 w • .,. 1fWIcla.~ ead 'b.:rut'~r \17 the ~ld~n1A~ l'U111b1: .. CoapaD1. which Vas .Isocla\ed v1\h *. bcorporate4 ore_i_thaI pert.1nlac .0 Jehe~ah·. W1alun. h w" ft,erlecltd b, the _.iIIoa\lll7 pa)U,caUe. _tltle4. 1l00 • .,1.\108ft JaoV pablbh .. b7 ~ Wahhtower B1)le ad !raet Sed_V. lacor)Ol"ated. !h1. _l1O&Uo. 1 ..... orlb.d ..... J_vaal .1 faot. ... .... &0111'8&.- ~ .a COJlta1a.. mielel dMUD& with ov-

ft.' e'Y.'" rea.' .1U't .I.cl.bn. of1a\.r •• , to l*",ah'. "n .

ut.rial ,.rta1a1ac '- u.. von ·of ·wUIl ••• iq· tad .nt.l •• of a al.aellan.ou a.tvI. -c •• l.Ue.· .. ll. for flTe Cellt. a c'W •• 4 __ n1lal nbaertpU •• to 'U ,..11 ... Uo. 1. $1.00 a ,ear ill \h. VaUed. St.at •• and .1.25 ill .t,ur CII\1Iltf'1 •• ~ !M 1M3 t •• ".ok of the ... , Uti •• hd. t1tat '.UI. __ Pl ••• f *.,uUC.UOD •• ,.. phteel 1. 11"3. It t..prla", at the pr ••• t \*'u.1Ii&11" 01"", Jlon~"t Bl!a1sh _4 Vltra1nlaa.

'~,Jlr 'I Q;)l. . ' '. I

._ -- J_ - J L' '

confidential _.e of the aeabe:rUlp. - It _"a1n. coattdptlal h.tn.ots.. ... 1 _4. ()\hel' data relating to the .. otJ eho'Yu·. IU....... An anal , • .,: bOG~ 18 publtahed COTenac \u.wr::lit"'Vlde actl'f1U ••• 1 the seet toZ' th.,,' Tear ad •• Ulq forth ,c~r'ex'. tor each 4a7 ta til. CVl'8Il' 7.U~"

hbib1\ ... _ 4. tn til. App.ul1x of 'hl •• "1'.4_ eoa\a1a1 a plu:tto.'atlo cOPT ot .. IIIlncdoa Bev,' dated October, 1919 and « ]lhotaltatlc copJ ot both .1d •• of \lie coY.r pce ot "'the Watchtower- dated J..,.., 1. 1943. A pbotona.Uc CoPT ot , ... COTe!' pac. of •• Oon801aUo" "Ul \. 'Q_..ta Ixhlblt Jlj-umb.r ? of ihe Al'Pend1x. 'M.la'U.l' .ulbU also con,+ the

ltoakl., 1'.\rall0' wtcb h r.,r.'iiIl;, •• tTeot tla. vrUlac. ot _. sect •

.'- .

Incl1ea't •• of til. glelU1lelilp r.tlecte4 1. tbe pab11o&\1oll. of thi. Soclet7. hl_ tollovi., excerpt tro. P8«e 60 .t "!he IDd't pabllthed 10. 1940t &'\1'.-'1 ..... tuned lit the \r&e\ ·Oon.ap1r&Cf .&ednct J)ellQcra.cy', which ubort. lltil Wit •••••• ~o o...,rt OD in .~1te ot oppo.Uloll _d pel'8ecu-

t1Qn:' ,

"'!'he Lera. lIa. C!'.01011.17 proTlded Mother b.\ruent f~ hi. people ta hl. :tad caapdgna He ~ .ade it clear io thoHvhe loTS !till '~4_h. _d Ohri.tiaU, iare .xuU.,. oppoaU! one to tbe· .\b.,.. If" dIllOn 1'.1111on tr oceed. fft. 'll. 1)p11 i . Chd.t1anUy bT an4 thl'Owch Ohrl.t J.aul. 1I11U •••• t people ,f good-vill .V 08. tb ea1'\b. de"" to leam of tilt, 41fferac. 8114 to take tll.r1Cl' cov... ne c. book en.tUled· .. Uc1011· oont.a1 •• ' the full brt.JII&t1o.. Clb'aln 10U coPT and read it tucklT. thea ee' 1\ to v~ber. fl1&1ckl7 that theT 1l87. l~ &4d'. pl'OTlw10Jlf tor their wTaU .... 4 the salTaUoll of -all who 10 •• to •• n, h ... •

•• a.]'W ••• taU •• lbcerp'. fron the PublicatiODs

,~.ta1 ".cr1,UT. s.m\Ul •• appear _4.r \bi. Sab·'lectl0Jl ...... 1lIc _..,h t_ .&1'10" paltUo.ttoa. of tbe co.,. .. h .. t..,,.l ••• O! ... > •.•...... :_ '!IUA...... fhe ••• Hupt. an 1& eo •• an. 811 mel •• b •• t tile aYa11 .' .

... 'e1'1al , .. t v111 •• n, •• a ,ellen! la41ca.tlonot the .. tare of the' .-

110atlo ••• 'hell' .at .. h. ad tile .tUtado of the \llt nth respeCt. to

the '_.1ech 1aUeabd.. hahowld b. oot.d the, the book. and _~rach .rut .. bT Juq. l<llth.rto1'4an prelen'17 lIelag dl.tr1bllted b7 'be W1to..... dd are .... &11 ... 15 al th ....... l.us ~1acdo. Xall ••

1. Den.IU ••• t .IehoTut• VUDe .. ee and !heir Work -

!b.e _k1"t "CUOlba' pultU.h.d lJi 1936. co.tab. eo tract entltled IlSeparat1B& thl -aU •• ,It .. Oil page tea It va, statad:

tlJeIloTaIl. I Witaesse. do aotparticlpat. in the ]t011Uc. of this vorl'. 'Jie7 an whol17 deToted '0 leho"fah u4 Cllr1.t Me 'be. !heir 801. pupe .. 11 t& iafolW the people ot God·. Wo1'4-. sad do that with ... '

out lIOn.,. 01' lIQ. of urtlll7 rward. !h. 'l'ldh .1ell 'tleT pabl1sb upoN. tho .... n .ad. .alt •• taoe the gooue .. of o.a aad Ouh' lesu.


... for tid ........ ...,. _ ha\04 b7 """~ Ilertl; ... abl. _-,~.~ ( .... laUon 12:1?) !h. 1..,11 ut •• wz.~a1Jl.' 'MIl b __ •• \-7 s.,..

God aad bee.... tbe, bU., ... t_ ~ • ..n.lIIOq of lell1Ul Cllrl. at. SptU1ac te.

hi. t.llovft ••• t.o what Utq ".'1 expect at Ul. '1M. de h. 1, .up&I'a'1a& _ •• &U •••• Jen..·9t at 1lark 13:it • ... !Ilq thall

4eUTer ,... 1W: te the IOU'., al· 78 ,hall b. b_'... ea4 " eha11

b. bro.\. lJ.,. .. ftllH fer IQ'D. ..... _.e,and tor a \en1'aoJa7

.... " thea- .. !U. proJileq ot Ie •• 1. DO" 4a1l¥ 11lltUled.'


Oa pac. ab, of t1le '_*1" .. titled ·:rac. Qe "aots- \1 ludCe

latla.J'foJ'd and ,..11 .... 1& 1938·. tolloWtag va •• e' t.r\ht .

. "aal:a • .ad ..,..U1 .. 01 qu1.0U7 followed \h.' World War. ..~14 dl.,':re •• 1. lUI. ll)NJJl all __ Dation •• sua. tear hal .eU'" _1, UPOA all ot ,~. .. n" 11 h: fultlllaeDt ot the Pl'Ophect • (".til.., 24*a-1at 11 .. 12:;0...21)' fte •• are th_ lndhpu'.-ble pb;r.lnl 1&0-" *14 JaaT. co.. to pan p!Ortac tbat Sa.\aZlt. World btl co •• to .. -ad, aad _1_ f .. h e ... , be lpored. 1fha, t.hea 1. to b. exp""41 !h. Scdptue ...... r; Gel'. "l.'aDp work. 'ha$ 1,. }de "UUI.

WQ!ki Q1l1ckl¥ ~.reat'.r to b. 10110._4 "I' hi. "nac. act. vhtcJa 1. Aruced4ou. the ).U18 of the great daI' of Ood AlIItcllV. tllo· . _r.t tr1bul.&U •• Ula' ".1" Cd. upon 'h$vorlcl. _4 wtch thall.it.

\_ last. (MaUll." 2. :14. a1. 23) .

-'Il. U •• 11111' t.. up. Ooa'. klDBdO. 1. h.re ... d " ...... ddoa t. lIIp .. ul1ac. II&D: thl.. tM, I eboTah utd ,hat J'Il" l'ncetiac AIUCe4c1.oJl h.. _lUt e •••• lit. I 11M. to be t.,titled 1a all theMrth. '''al 9il.) "r that "'.17 PlI1JO" God b. , .... at 11'0. -Dti-' \heaatlo •• I a 1' .. :.10 for hi .... t. (Ac'. 15114) AU of tho ••

l •• bkeD 0.' ••• , b. vU...... to the na. of lelloTah God, b .... •••• la. til) .... larad and h. had ,toroth .. that _ •• (ltabb

U*9 ... 1;; AU:) "4 1. 110" ua~ 'bo .. vttD ..... \0 OarJ7 o. hi.

• IttMC. ,,~uk' t dlch lIOn: condit. of these wi u ..... 191ag about 8Gucn .\k. ,..,1 • .ad ,.ilhe tho. 'ho t·ratlt. of aA QOnema.bc

.I •• p., P'4U'PI" •• 4 ot hi, k1qdoa. and parUealar17 po1IlUac .

• -' \0'. ,bat r.llClo.ta OPPOled to Ooa'. k1acdOa and 1. tho ..... til. ».,.11 1lU. to ~eb. the people and \1U'Jl ... avq troJl G04 and 1 •. _ "h_ lata. 4e8lftCUoll~ .lapp8an to •• a ".77 .ttdP tt.a.4 .f waitt t. aU of \ho •• who an not Chrl.Uaill. beea ... 'laeT baT. ban led to bell..,. that 1'81lg1oa ... 4 Cbrt.t1an1 tT an th ........ d t,bt boUlproceed fro. Ood. !h. LoN llef1ll1'.17 pol.'. Jut Qat dCJI, ·.tr .... wort' of wlm ... l., _d b. 40 •• 'b ... fore the flaal .. c4' •• it h vrlUeD:'Ifbl. IOqel of til, klacd.O 0 •. ahall b. pr.aeW to all .&U ... a. A vUa ...... d tbeD Ihall··""

. ad 08 •• '. (lieU .. ,a.t.n4) s.t.ah .Uae .. vom 11 ae. iaJl'QCl'.'. _4. nl\ b. :!1A1lhe4 before .lftaceddon.· (61-1063-96)

'!he b •• k:l.' 17&..01_ or 7r •• do.- b7.1'u4&' ""Mrtol'4w ·pdbll .. c1 t.. 1939. deacJ1.b.d Jeho'Yah', nt.u' .... on Pa&8 4, 5.an4 25 •• follow.: '


-' ....... _

"_'Y&b's .. _u.s are:...r. ot peace and rigilt.$01..i:~ess~ They-not hat .... and are not.·t1ghting against MIl. As wit-

ness .. for -tn. Lori. t,keir 80le msslon is to inf'ona the people

and aid \M.to. I .. 1I1I&t 1s tor their best intereat. They do

hate wicke ..... and. lUcked ...... 1Ihich brins uPft ~he people oppreu1on aDd IOJ'l'Olr and 1III,$.cb defam. God' s name.

".I.hOTaR'. w1lDlase. are t~ Christians, that 18, tollowers of Chri.t ., .... , DIll God's comand to an such true Christiana io that, theT aut Wll the tnlth, that the poople of pod wUl U7 learn the .-.y ton,htecua.ss am life. (John 18:3')

""_ouh'. _ ..... are not a sect and are .DOt. rel1g1oa1st. •• th.l' are Ohri.t1.... !be, are _de up of those ... haYe CCJMtrGIi Cathol1e., Prot .... ta, Jus, and those outside of alll"eligioU8 4rgwl&t1ons. !lilt are _a .and wOJI8n whe lOT. rJ.ghteouane .. &JUl. tratJl lAd bate wick...... 'lIl.,. are not pol1t1ciua. they arellot ldJrsd- builder., b .... u. God bullds His ldngdoa. A8 John the BaJ:tid _8, 10 aft I_yah'a wit.nessH, a voice in th. wildern •• s c!'yUg out to t. people and warrdDg. them tbat their ~ means ot .aca~, sat.t.,. aU .alu.tlO1l 1s by plaeirtg theasel.,.. unci .. .lebam'. ling, Cbri.t J....... (61-1053-95 Fascism & Freedom; 61-1053-830)

!he book tlS&1n.t.1.on·, writtlll. b1Jlldg. Butbertord and. publ1.hed in 1939 contaiDed tlw t.Uwing atat..ut on page 55 1I1tb reference to the chief doctrine of the Bf.b:LIt

"The ehie: "'r1ne .et. torth in the Bible is that cone~ the T1nd1caU-. of JehoTahfa DUe. The kingdOli of God. under Christ is tbe 1nstl.'\J:JleDtJebovah usee to accomplish the TiDd.ication ot his

narae; hence the bportance of the kingdom.ft ~/-/d'>s-oz_'1.

'rh. booklet -nUt.led IlGovenua.ent and Peaee1t, contained th. speech of Judge Rutherford _U:yered 011 July 25, 1939 to .. "world oonventlGn" of Jebofth's Td.tnese •• in Which he discussed the bleak outlook tor present world gOTeru.D.tS &IIi a .,.14 puce. He concluded that the only lasting pN.c.. w1U b~ en.1Gye4 lUlder the 'l'!u~oerat1c GovsrrLlTlent. The toll<1lfing •• stated on page foUl":

"The TheoCNq' is 8. govemJlln:t of the. people. Df earth adB11.tU.B\ered. b1 t.b. iJa8d1a.t. directloQ ot AJ.'gbt;r GcMi. Nece.8a.ril¥ such a gow1"hMftt.l. pertect and righteou$. ¥an is the creature of God, and man was ...... t.ed tar the earth, and the earth created tor man. (Isaiah 45:12,11) )(en of wtadoa look to the Creator tor guidance in the right _y. It as the ?b.eoeracy 1Ihich de.urr announced, and for 'Whioh he ta.ucht his followers to pray-to God: Till' kirlgdo. eo •• l tbJ 11'111 be ea., on earth. as in heaven. For n1net;een centuries


" ..

, .

OIl pap t. of tail. t~ it trai} ctatedr

• ••• 'ftleR oal.1 •• 'rh.ocratlC' Go~, an4 ~ '. ,"" .

Jellwall Qod.~ ' 4 bT Qr1a\ .I .... th. u.c. "'" .\t~.ftl ..

t.be. . ..u .. bJ' •• w •• 1' by st)1alle4 ~'J, and in _ell the heed of ._)~.orgu1satiQQoc¢upiea tho poaltioa of

8UJ1" •• , awa.t .. to NPJI'Uen\ Alai.try God, 1&& -~rla1t, 18 tala., allel ~ ... tnwl ud .. aaare into -left "" P'Ople are

.... 1\1. lIla.tt.a'. 'Ie aucb. ftIIl&n.\ \laI1 eYe!' Viag pea .. t.o t.b.

"'14. "'1'..., 1 Mye tor.ud.lIbat i. callHtthe wdoe

or ciluftJl _ •. ~ a. .. _ .... , t1llAta fit tel.1giOD ..

atat..t,. r~ Ute reU«1OQ .hod aa the .up .. i~ Olle; U1l t.1\f' ol.&1a tau "- .... &alat ... rel1glows, pol1t4Al &OTe~t Cill .

aAd will br1ac ._ 1c1 pMQ. 'llw lact.a .• ,.. toe the Oollt.t'at7 .... 1f

~ loll "' tvth Oft N" 2, .. 3Q a4 31 ~f tb1. Nokle\;

"hi' a.tt.ea u.n.. eq,Gi&ed religion u.ui 1"Il1gicni.$",_.,.

~ __ .. 1 .. dIl1anc. at tb4l Th.ocraU. Co~~. 'Wow

tu Iq .. ant ......... CUi .. r ta. tbwcratJ.o GD. __ • .bas t.a.kwA hi. ,..., ... ~_"" n..- tile OfPH1Uonbu PHh.d. the h1Shes\ d4tptee. of "fl.... "" ce.u4 1. tbat. tJJe pMfJ.. or .... w111_\ b. 1.tora&. \0 "'" .. that WI MT 11.&. Won \Dc Gp1<.JicJD.t 81a "b upon u. ... 14. .. J.ori 8J' tbit .... 1& .. ptheriJII .... ht..elt hi •. ._._ •• ,t (Joha lOt16h \bl.t .. ill tora th.'gre8\ _lUtdl' ( .... ldIa 7J,...17). aJ.&b. w11l wrnft .t_p4clon and. :popalaw tM tu"tIl 111.~ a 1'1Iht.......... 1w'~. W.ftIIIlUon t.U ~ s1Uo •. td .r .... '. _t .. 1OM ... t be __ cl ...... · ~~ I S11ba1t tM.' t.u .. lua,

(I) All ,...._ who are 1Iholl.J' 4eTo'" ~. " ..... and

hI.a u.s. Cbrl.at oJ ..... aft Chrbt.iaU aod. n.n

. __ ......... fl_ .. '. wltDe.sea'. (1Ui.t.b: 43,

10-12) ,... 'Wi ..... of Jeho ... Ji ... ao\ I'ItUg;lGll18t'f ..,. an .. N4a, the, •• not. C 13 .i.w, tn.,. are ....

• NlJ&lou ~\i.,. aor a , ... II. talt. 'the1

... dap.l,J Cbr1tltiiaa. They ba l'1Ild. with ~

'b ...... tJt M\i..u\1. l'ucor cfteiIL


. ~ SO


't.: , . ." ~

'.\ .: t

,,\Jr "

J1.\t. "

,~ ~~:~. J ~

;, ~

obej e'fery law .t the naUon in which \beT". dotdeU«l,' . "

if such lay is :not direct violation of tbe law of Jehovah Cod, whoa thq acknow1tdge assuprellllt. It obedience to a .... law ot the stau or lIS. tion lIOuld compel the. to the .... bT Tioll.\e a.d.t• law, they 'Will obey God H.tn81' \ban ann.Act. 5«2'.

(3) !he,. retue to bow dmtn to; or hall Ul1 san or man-tJruie powlr. thveb1' a.ttributiDI to such huan power protection . _4 _lut1on, beoa.ue:,·1iJe.;y acknowledge Jaho'1ab God and etu':lIt as the lI1gh.''_''l" •• (Rollan. isu). For that

rt&MI1 alone therNttue to sahte. the flag or NV' QAtion

01" aan 8111' an. To salute 0. flag or hail a ,II&D 'Would._ \ka breake. 01' the l,ar.r Ala1ghtr God and H8ult1n their .etruction forever. (E:lDdus 2013"5). It the nate or

.. \100 inflict. punj.ehUnt upon' thea and their cltU4r _

_ aute ther obqGod'a la., then th.e,. will tol101l'toM,

_.. coarae at • ..,. br the three faitbtul Heb:rn..trelJ1nl npea Jehonh 001, .hOll tltey serve, to deliver the!!..

Daaiel ,:1(,...18)

WAs Chriat1au .. are tor Jeao .... God and me klDgdoa. I· appeal t.o tbe pe.,1. Ot geo( w1U in 8l'err pan of the ,eartb to tUetileir atand t.f.ral.T bel • ..,abq on the side of the !beocratlc Govern.nt

b:v Christ Je.us. 1'hfte 1& no other place Qf eatn1 and no otUr 1Ii7

or .. lTatibn'- Ute. It is h1I &onnwent ot peac., ·andt _yo • Strlptur .. (PaalJl29rlO,U)J !be Lord s1t.teth Kiag ftlN"r. !he IQrd wUlg1ve me .. _ un\o his people; the lOrd 1fill blo" b1s people with

peac •• • (61-1053-453 Government and Peace)

In a trea.\i.. "The End" contained in the booklet "ConsPiracy Against D~rac1" written bTJudae Rutherford and published in 1940 .. it was stated em P88845:

"! witness 1. oae 'Who bears testimony. Jehovah's witnesse8 are . those persona •• irel1 devoted to Jehovah God and hil Xing .. and 1I'ho

g! Ye te.tiJI>ll3" ,.l.Uq to the kingdom. of the Most High. Por this Nason the,. eould.._ be a religious eset or eu1t .. aa ~hey are wrongtullT dub'bed. Cbri.t Jeaus 1- the ohlef' witness or Jehovah, and one of bis t1tle& is The ,.1thtul and True Witness. (Revelation 1:5; ;;14)

All of his 1"ai\btul and. anointed followers are liken" witnesses" aad totb_ Jehovah .,.., Ye are Jq 1dtness~fI ... that laa God. (Iaaiah 43: 10~12) sueh w1taeasee ot Jehovah testify ~ot of themselves or ~ wcrldl;y organi~at.iOft, but of The Theocratic Go"V'erll!Jlent and its King, Christ Jesus. Th.,. aft therefore Chr1stie.n, and not in any mrme!' religionist •• •


,)< ...

. ,

~ ... " _" . "

.. ~, • r

, ,

"lot. ... ·.tJehon.b'. t$1thtu11d.t.eses will oeco_ weak ud.ta1nt beca.u .. or taewtcbcl oppeeltion. :l ... ,...j aaainst thea. It th.pl'en&t. di8t.r8_.opPed.t1en ... d p8raecut1.·"bad not cOBe' __ uldha.,e ~luded

that _ have b4IeIl_4iP'oper~ rea.din« the prophecle. daring the ~"."Jl ;year.. .. know tiIG "Jd<iTaJa bt lfia Pl"OPheta toH\o14 \be 'ftry th1ng. 1tl.icb. I_mi. w1\.a.II8 •• _4 their· coapanions are now exptriencing ..

You lIOulA have beoa .lI"fttl,y d1sappo1ntecl had the pHHIlt-dq .Tents been

othfirwi ... " . ,

On page 59 of this tract it .u .n.tetb'

. -Be not at all a.tmad or dia:aayM. by Oppoa1UOD and per.eoution.

Doaot ptndt 1Mr equilibria t.o be 1Ibalten. lou'~ in the .~ aDli t._I'ef'orelh1l.*. ef\h. 4a7. See to it that ;you are l~rcDg 1a raU.h u4 -117 dIIYlMtetl. ... .-l.tiaJl "nice.r the ·nne. Hold fa.\ t. the kDovlMg. you.hBn.ad. let 'TOur hope or aal:vaUoa be etron,! ••


On page 22' of ttle book "Children" pUblished ill 1'41 the toll.o1r1ng

wu sta"tiJ .

-Qt. who b .. _. a t.rue and faithful "",,At. o! God. and. Christ,

and *0 .. r.c.1111d the qirlt at the 1ol'd, is oriail1ed or co_.sian" to preacht.he &Hi ._ of the Ii.ngdoia and to aagnitfJehovah t e nau, and .bene. 18 sa orU.iaed a1.a¥t ... of the goapel. .

"lot only are nth perlOA' appe1nted and c~.1ontd bt th. Lori to JrAch the g • .,.t.r the Iin&dQII, but such are _pbaticalq ....,..d that tht1 JI\la' pr"'ll.tM golpt,l of this kingdoa. (1l&tth_24~ 14) lIlen Chr.t.sL Jeane a~'" at. the t..aple and put bis conaec.ra"edf'oUonr& to the ten, H ._\fGl'ta the. apprOTed ones to otter Wltq the Lord an offering in rigAt ...... (lIalAchi 3:3) Such mea.n. that thq.llUe\ 8Blpl.CJT their liP. u4ftVT ether tacult,y pOssessed to be&l" -tone .. to the \rutb of J.)tO'llh'. DJU _el his ldDgdoa. (Hebrew 13:15) Each one

ot auch 18 appeJ;atiM Alld co.dsaloned to pi"Mch the,m news ~ t.l.l.1.ng the peoph of tJl.D»c4Ci1; or mOCRA!lC GOVERIWB8'r. ftd.s po.iti y.

co ... d \b.. lJt'rd. ~ ... &iT". to 1d.t: And this goap&l or t.he kiDgdoa shall be poeaeb"ta all the. world tor a ldtness unto aU .nations; and ,

then Ihall. the ....... -Mat.th .. 24: 14 . ," "

-All such au .. followers of Christ Jesus KlO obey thie CGJIIIIIft4-'

ant are Jebovah" .w1~nelfa.8, bear11l6 teat.ir!lony to hb · and to b1,a:

Kingdoa. No Mrt)tlf' pner haa IU\Y' a.uthorit)' to int.rt lIith their'

pl"tlachiag tnt. , • .,.1, becau.. they are the vdtn,e8Se. of the Moat Hi&h, or Al.II1gbt.7 GH.. act.ing l,lIlde,. his camandilent.1t

52 'I-""(~_

nf("~' •

, ,'.' \10 ~ 1 '";or i,

'. ,

. . ., fl' 1 .

.. J ,....1 ,·ci.u,

. ....., --

III an article aapt.1oned "End of totalitarian Rule#" by Judge Rutherford, appe&J'J.Jta 1a "Consolation" dated Jauuar1 8, 1941, be sta.t.dwith reterence to the work of leho~'. Wltnesse.;

"!JuJr ~ au pend,aiOIl .( .• ldlT authoriti •• to Pl"OclaiA

the •• O&e ot e.tl t. kiBglloa, 1fh1e1Ptiqdoa shan ".,Voy all t.otalitarian 1'\11., ~c~ the ."fIl. power rests in Jeho'nJl and I. has COIlanded t.ba\ . .".' wt\ne.ses~· preclabt this _..ag., aM JiG ereature ..

bas a", authority to grant a.~t to do the work t.hat God Ctl..ads aut be do_, ,J"'o'Ahts 1d.~ kilo-. that. theT 1Ii~ sutter.ucla oppoe1t.1on and peracutlOD at f.~ hand. of religionists and oth.rs of the total1tariallaonsNa1\1 because th87 tell the truth, but nth tun conti_c. and rejo1ciag tlley go on tb1rtg the 'WOrt wb1eh the Lord bas qaaaa".(\ thea v ... ~ !hili' t1M;y do b8Ol.ulle the, are ca-ancWd by H1a

to do the work, u4 tllro1l8b 11. 'ford. theT know aact17 lIbat will be the Nault. Tbe, knew that tor atiIM they must sutt.r "the handa of thllr ~raec'Q.tor., and tb.q alao know that in •• t1ae Jehaull 11111 coapl.etel1 delber \ll_ and shcwer u.poIl thea Hie .... rlasting blessings."

, (61~1053-517; Consolation, pg. 16) \-\. '

Wlt.b ret'erellce to the tate of ... 1Iilo bee ... a Jehovah'a·fit.ness ... tand.aat.s hi. aftiliation ldth the "tne" •• to bee .. a aeaber of the "E'ril ServantClaa,iI the t.ll.ow1a& •• ,",. forth in an articl. awearing ill

"'the Watclltower· d.t.d JlIlJr lS, 1942, ~ was eaUtled. "Deteat of Pere ... tionR:

"When ... qatts the •• nice as a witness ia order to escape the wicked actio .. ,.: ta. 0ppoHra of !J1e Theocracy, tie is fle.tiag lib Ur1.1ah· 40ft tol&Jpt., that 18. Satan. t S lforld;tor there are onlT t,., orpn1u.ti ... ,If a.qy are .ahaaed \Q confess the Loret'. Theocratic organisation, and, \hu1l1a. ,any 1 t, t.hen the.y cannot ha,'fe the ,.retection or the Grut 1heocrat and hi. !beecratic ling, but are seeld.ng 'pro'ec'iOJl tro. the world, which lIOrl.~'llithhold iajurT italij"OD.. line. up with. it. and. Db81'S it instead Of God. !hi. hu been deIlon.trat.d h land. where ~. totalitarian dictators bave takenCOll\rol ~d outla1red. the witnee .,l'k •. !bose who in tear baTe quit witneSSing and HDounc.d The !beocrac1'. protection have ba.n punished b;y the totalitarian authol'1t1 •• or haT. earned th.ir conteapt •. otlwr. trust in Jeho .. !lhts prot.etion and .... 1u.e witAessing w1th discret.ion" alertness" pat1ence, and courage, "dth. Lord protects and uses th_ ill reaching the other

aheepJI(61-1053) .

2. Attack. eft the .. iean Govel"llatilt and ms: Buines.

In the book tllt.ttled ttGcnernaent.", published in 1928 and written by Judge Rutherford., it ..... tated: oa pegea 13 and 14:


wIt b said that the GoTemllll'ilnt of tile UJdted stat.s at AJlerlo. comes neareet ot any on .azth to 'beiag an ideal gOYer_at. No hone.si man. unclerAaad1ftc the conditftm8 in the United Stat .. cm clai& that it ia a sati.tu\cl'T loverDll8llt. • •• the three primary b1"anebe. et t.he goyern.at or i.tw Ua1:ted. S\a\eaare the legislati1'e, the cueutlYeand. the j1ld1c1&l. n 1s .. U _m that bmId and COl"l'Uption are rupIZlt. in eyerT one 01 tile" bl'8.I1Chu .. " (61-l053-271)

It 1a to b. aoted that the tirst two se.utenc .. &bOTe quo'''.ppeU'_ in an article entitle' 1tCouIlH1Jl by Juc1ge RUtherford. 1D CoMolaU011 BUIIber 539, dated JIa.r 15, 1940. (44-361-6 (end) )

fll. J1IB. 26, 1'32, 4Wc. Buth.rtord .appear.cl 1D WUhington,. D. C., and delivered. a .,..._l\lecl, -ea th. All8riean GoY~t Endure" lrh1ch was published 1D "!IIe.~ 4.ft claW lul1' 20, 1,)2. In the oouree of b1a rea&ru be ellaqed t; .. , ~ Bua1n.a.1'I in it ... nome eoa\:rol. of uu. 00ua\1'1 aet11il17· _, BatH. th, ~J1t. He atated that Sataa .. the" au..- ucl organber 01 the ."..1, .ppoeu1 .... t .. lmo1m a8 B1c BuiD. ••• , 1Ihl~h rule4 the _rld and co.upiJ'ft 1I:1.th pollU8i1.bs ud.rel.1g1on1at.. to gaia control of the hUll\ raee.

Aeeor4.ia& \0 .... '54 .f tbi. publication he -de the r.l.low1.Dc .tat ... .. which aa. appM", GIS pac. )8: 8f t.bo tract. ItSupreJlaC7":

·the _rinD. go.,..,..t has been nighed 111 tile balance and folWl W&I'1UDg. It euaot ft... teget.her with .u. ot.h&raaU.s, it 80 •• ..u I.U. SUit tall1l1ll be 1Aap!t4t Qf eT8~ fi, Buln.aa, pollt1c1&b. aDi .t...,...# tl:aO aU1tU7 and the tstraq-ua aqaad', and the De'V11 .. all of ll1e ho.t_ caa d. to hold together the oppressi .... rule .. 1\ IIUIt aa.d wUl tall bM:UH JeboYallQod' B ldng_ i. here. Hu\en to take Ihel\er __ r lehOYah " Jdacc1oa. It

In an art1w 1a "The Golden Ag.", dated .ful¥ 20, 1932, entitled rlJehovahG04 u.4 the A81rieAll 00-"1 .nt Jt, tM c1rCl1llll\uC .. incident to the d.elift17 or t.he abo" _U .. 4 speech of Judge Rutherfor«._ u8Crlbe4 as to-Un.:

lilt .... d U. $be irwIgural ~3$ of the ... Goftl'Dllmlt, the .. ~t1Ds u1_ ot \he old and. the proclaDia.tion ot tJle new. It _8 del1"feft1ll ..... cucruutanc:ea befitting the d1&n1\T of earth's

n .. I1ng. FOl't1' ~ed tacUo stations troa Ua1ne to !Qas caJ'1"l.d the .measag. to .un ....

It .. &1 ... stated t.hat headquarters liGre opeud at 1603 lfaaacnUlettl5 A .... I1ll." North .... t" lIuhinctou, D. C. in. the beart .of the _us1 district, and that ltGpaclal. eourtea1 •• are shown to the PreBid.nt. of the Unito~ stat., the

_oors of h1a oa.b1aK, UJdted state. Senator_ and &e-v.~r







incu.btat. of .ttic. 1I1U be: lA'f1ng shortly' # the least OIl. -c&Jl 40 is to be courteou. t.o tt... Qd kind. ....ll.. aee1$iOilel' need not. b. Nd •• " .'

It was ~ mbd tbs.t aU the gover.u_ts ot .a:rtb lIlW1t go ..

t.beu 101ae was ", Wt.M1r tate 1IU .wJ.ecl. (61-1053-37 end)·. .

In a traM _iUbll ilAaeriU." End" contained. in the booklet.

'. usaprellllCyt'.. writtea Q' .Juice Rutherford and published ill 19.34 it ..

stated on PIle Jl.c .

" ...... rica M. taken t.be lead 1n warltigoTei'RuDu. ~Uf. nth Br.LW., tn... t_ naUoD.t tor. the two great p1l.lara ot the . seventh "World "_1'. l'h. A&tW{i). resourc.es ot Aaer1ca u.k. her the rlchea nation __ the $UD:#atii at the SQ.e tiM ten .UUoa or _1'8 of her ~le are w1taou:t eaplo,_nt, e1.\t£ering di8tre. Aft. perplexitl, "W. Wle gonl'nl.ng fore .. continue to b_p burdeQ upon the .... a... 'the .-stion is no. Of~i propounded by people lIbo th1nk, can the _r1M1lgovenuunt endwe? 'lbe CarAct. answer b, . it cannot., but tOOA'I111 -d.."

On page. 32 &.ad 3.3 ot We tract it was atat..t:

n'th. aN7' ~ the DATf _d war .qg1:&aeftt are k.", and. a1nt.ained, not. tor the JIUl'PO" of Hpglein& a tOI'.1gn foe, but fIR the protecUOIl of &elfish cCMllnial. interest ••

" ••• Bi.! Sain.s8 baa ... troy" real anhood in Mtr1ea. In 1911

Bi& Bu.s~a .. s put the aerieaa .natiOil into the World war and $&ustt4 1t. propt.galltf,a: theets and its cleru-n to sound. the sleg_ throughout the land, te wit: I The -.rwUl Mit. the world 62d'e for d .. crac7.' EftrTbod1 lcno1fetbattba.i .leg_ wu· and ie tal .. · and that deaoeraq bal

peri she' fro. Uta earth. lUl1hNl8 01 Y01Ulg En _nt inti> that war, and ure thaa 100,000 of tbt. todqal .. p btcLeath the sod .r Frane •• 1lult1t.ude. of tlth.J". ;NtWmeci w:l.th broltea bodies and 1d.thout JIlUDS 01' 8tlpport. 111 a t_ et V ... t. d.prenioft ;Ud real nNCl both tor ttl __

$01"8 aDd for their caUrlrtn the n-eolAierl!l seAd the1r repreS.abtiT .. t.o Washingwn to .. the gonmaent fa: b..lp. 'l'h1. he~ is denied anel t.h.,. Rot oa.lJ re~.1T. a rebut! tJ'Oa the goyerw.nt but are d1'i wn out

froa tbe capital ~T tM 1l1l1tll7 pour at. the behest. of the highest 0!!101al in the 1a.ad. the, .. ked for ~re&4 and receive4 a .taM; they &eked rot' •• t. tor th ... lv •• ao:i tbul"tald.l1es and the rMpOD.se 11

cold ~_teel and l1andng .b&ota. Although the AIl.rican goverDUllt .spent m111ionaot dol.lara in "cent "ear. to help the people of for.ign natioll8, to-day littltl iad ... tor her om INfterbg c1t1sene.- (61 .. 7559-2-1440)





3. Attitude Toward the Flag and Laws

In the traot entitled "God and the stat." publ1.hed in 1941. and written by Jud&e Rutherford. he described the attitude Dr Jehovah', Witneoa8S tOllal'ds the laws of :mundane governments and the ir poai tioR with reference to saluting the flag. 0.. page 28 it was stated that both parent. and children who are Jehovah'. Witn ••••• will willingly make and subsoribe to the 10110.-· ing pledge to the tlag in lieu of the usual pledges

"I have pledgedmy unqualified allegiance and d.votion to Jehovah., the Almighty God, and to Ria Kingdom, for whioh Jesus commanda all Christiana to pray.

"1 respeotthe flag of the United Sta.tes and acknowledge it a8 a ~ol ot freedom and juatice to all.

-I pledge allegiance and obedience to all the laww of the United States that are consistent with God's law, as Bet forth in the Bible."

In the booklet "Loyalty", published in 1935, and written by Judge Rutherford, tba following statement i8 made with reference to the flag of the Un.ited States:

"The £lag ot the United States is not the flag of Jehovah God and Chrllt Jeau.. It is the emblem of the power that rule, the nation; and no ono oan truthfully say that God and Christ Jesus rule a government where crime is rampant." (61-7559-2-889)

The book "Salvation" written by Judge Rutherford and published in 1939 set forth the tollowing on page 257 with reference to a Chrl.tiants behavior toward the lawu of a government and his attitude toward & country's flag:

"Should a Chrbtian obey the la ... of the land where h. liv.s?

Yesl unless the law of the land is directly opposed to the 1 •• ot God. As an example. taxes are required to be paid for the le&ittmate expen.e ot the Itate. Je8UB aaidJ Render therefore unto Caesar (Cae.ar aymbolically at~ding for the state) the things which are

C •• aar'e, and unto God the things that are God's, (Matthew 22118-22). Following th.trule announced by the Lord, the Christian should obey eTory lay or the state that is not in conflict 1fi th the law of God; but when ob.diettoe to any law or the state would operate as forCing

the Christian to violate God's law. then the law of God takos precedence o'-or the la .. of the state and the law of God must be obeyed rather than the law ot man or that of the l'rtate.


.... ' ....


· . . . . ~}'"f!"~ "r;~f

-,. st&wor &OTema,ent :In 1IIb1eh all the a.ct1rttlea Qf U. t.;l~'1JJ _ Ii

people a.re1l1ibia .the control or a, dictator, that ruling po-r, .

coae\l\llt •••• tota11\ariaD st&tre or governMn\'. Under such'

the people an. ~t.ed or tormed into 01as888, 8J\d all thebr indiT1dual prlvn... ... are fixed by the state, if they have 8l1T

at all. G.,......·1.· fteh a e;avel'l\ll.9rit under the rule of a die.-

tater. Ia tllat ·~d all the people are required to elve a

speci!ie u.lut.eulto exclaia Heil Hitler, which .an., salvat1~

and prot..ct~_ eo .. fro. Hitler. A person who 18 in • e01'um to-

do the wU1 or J1III;pt.;r God could not obey. that· 1& ... or the Serun

.tate, which d~n4a b1a to giTe a specific ealut. and repeat the

lI(X'ds aboTe_nti ... , for the reason that ee do 80 is a tlauant violatien ot Go4'e Ilpeci!l~ CQ-.and, as reeorde4 at ExDdu20:2 .... 5. SalTat1 .. beloJtafJth unto Jeho_h, and not to ID7 aBn# and. a

Chr.lsthn who deDtu this and obey_ tbat state rather thanG04

takes the cour_ 1 ... d.in8 to certain destJ;'Uctlon.·

On pag. 260 of this book the tollotd.ng us Aawc1:

"But 1. the aalut1ng of the '-rican tltg hI" a C~ist1an· or one in ... e ....... ' to • God'. will • violation or Godts 1&111 ... t e..phat1eal.l1 ,ee, for the reason that protection and .alvat101l~. thereb, at.t.rIbuted. to the nat.1on, mereas the protection and. salvation to the Cbrist.1an COIle fro. the Lord. In th.tlag, itself there 1. no- iJ,anl. 1~ standa, howeTer,· for th .. l'UliDg peal" of the gOVC'llIlent, all of .whH. are I.g&1nst lehovah God eel hie 1dngdos ttnder Christ. Iota single officer in the Ameriean gOTen.1lMllt 1 •. for God'. klngdom under Chri.t Jens."

In tb8 ~ entitled .Conapiraq Aga:inSt n.lIDeracp; pUJ.1*ed ill 1940,Rnd wrlttea bl J~& RuthertoH, the following statements W&Hade on

pagee 19, 20 and 211 .

·COIIpUl.OI7 tlag-aalut1Dg and the heiUng of Hitler we" intrad.uead in GelWJl7 b7 religionist. to compel subaisslonof the people to rel.:1g1ou dictators and to reproach God.

"the tn. followers of Christ Jesus, whoar. Jehovah '6. Wi tneasea, do not salute .. creature or thing, tor the reuon that they conseientious~ belleyo that by 80 doing they would nolat.e their covenant .1tb. Ala.1&1l\)" God and therefore lIOuld sufr~r da.~uetion. . Jehanh's 1dta, •• Hre.peet the _dean nag andobe;r eft17 law tor which that flas .. t&nda; and they do flO because it is right. To indulge in a HllgiAus c.rtUlOAT h 'dolation of their conacienee and.' their cov.1Wlt with God., the, deel1ae to do. They render unto the st.tte that whick lsdu.e the stat_" and 'lintoGod 'What the,. owe to GOd.


""-t- 1. uat\.q lIIbat JeRe Chriet cCIIIWlded and what he al.wq.doea. -Luke 20:2~.

ttJehouh t., w1t.aeae ••• -1 all tile law. ()f the laBd that are not

contrary to Jehovah's law .. '- (61-1053-476 Conspiracy A&ainst Democracy pg. 21

4. Attitude Tolilrd Rellglon and Clergr .

The booklet "Coaqiraey Against n •• cracy" pablished in 1940 con .... tdaed the rollowing on page 5;

"1lellgiOll MU8 the deiDg of mqt,ldng that. i. cont.rary to tM

will ot Ala18ht7 Getl. .

"Chriartlant t.r .. a.ana joJh.llT &ling that which is in full barMDT with the w1ll ot Ua;lght.T God Iwhose 1'1" alone is Jehovah·.

"Sa.tan. the t)8'Yi1, intro4~.4 religion to JI&D. Christ Jesus i.

the founder aDd Ma4 o! Christianity." . .

. Paae., or this booklet contained the following statement:

"Kan;r Chriat:iana haTe been alsoo1a.ted With religious organizations because th.,. did ~ot DOW that religion is a anare. When.tbeae bon"t and sincere OMS learn the truth, they flee fl"Oll religion nei flee to

God and Chri.t.1t .

On ptge 12 of this booklet, it was statedc

Itlfhe, 1nd1eputable proof is tha.t religion finds no support in the Bible" but find.. its sUPfOrt in tradition and is in defiance .r the Bible. That b~. ti'U.e, wat can be .aid in support of reUg1on. as a remeq tor tba •• plonble lIorld conditions? All the evid.nce shoft that religiOA hu .wr saTed 81V nation, but hq been t.he do_all

thus tar of all nations that haTe tallen." (61-1053-476 conspiracy Against

. Democracy)

"The watcht~p· dat.d April 15. 1940 contained th~ following state_nt on page 119:

"Rel.1g1.on hae been and 18 the chle.f thing employed by the deJlOna" led by satan, in detaaiEIg the name of AlJDighty God."

!be book nctd.ldr.n" p,tblUbed in 1941 conta.i.Md the tollcnd.ag stat.ant on page 236~

nTb.ere are. IIaDJ' reli,gious organisations in the earth toda1, not one of which advocates and supports THE THEOCRACY. All of th_ teach



\:"., ~"'. .

»a .

.. ~ ·• .. '·,1·· ' .• '

- . ~.. -.


!land tol.low tile tradition. of' lIBIl, l'lhich is ~,ainst the !;erc, and all ~I'e an .btMd~.t.1on in God'$ sight.1f (61-1053)

In .. tract entitled "7"hat IaTl'uth111 pabli:she4 14 19.32, the iollow1.ng sta,"-n\ _8 mate 'nth reference to the cle'Z'&1 on page ~I

N~dq ~ is· III S&1ll eompan,y a_:: tW'tl and wamtm vho are .... ;lOou.t frOll!. pl.acMt to pla.ce- with Bible" flnfj. booberplajpSng the -Bible !!:'1d 'Which oontaill. t.ne Mesa.gn or God1a purposes. These boo~ the:

Gxhibit to the J*)ple, and tell theta about Cod's pnrd .• ioD tor tile rel1et 3.nd ble.ina of mankind. !'he elerg Ylolcatly 0ppos. tUti Uttlecoapal17 of lti.tneeees. beeaaae they are tel.l1ag the t~t;,b. tJ.t

and conc0rni.ol G~t8 purpo_e. satan the Devil is the chief oppon.nt of Christ and his t.n.O'IIIers and he U.8 the cltrU ot the. orcaalsatlou of tM llOrld , .. UK Ca\hollc and h1rt.eet.ant chUl'Che. t.oP'lra .. ut.. tho •• Wlo arc: hu!llbl1 .iDeGod'e w1n~p (61-1053-18, pg. 26)

Page, 18 of the booklet efttit1ed "Fighting 'or IJ.berty OD. .~ ~

Front" PQbll8hed in 194'. C01\ta1ned the to1.lowlDg par ... ".u . .

"Satan is t"l'ather of li~, ami hence the tathft' Or rsligion. (JohA S,"} Ge..s.. '.4,5) Abq. by .-au* of relig1on11t. he itu toupt and harlqe4lehonh'. 'ld.tlles8's" trora rigb.teoUl Abel and da_ to Jesua Chri.t ... hit apoetlflS and Of\1ll'3.rd till now. It 1s theretore fl.~t rq,arkable .t..,t ·organi!.ed. rellg1on~ of I!Chl'isten~.o.ll e ... &~he" deerie. Jeh"*" ecwenaat peoplt and U$8~ the ~ ars. of 1o. pollti~l po_rl' .. SUppl'ltSS th_ and pr$vtnt their .Kingdo. pnacilil.tc .. EverywM,N pol1t~ea1" coaae:tC1al. judicial lmd pol1c. powers JS,.lA w the pH'sure hi« ... gaJds" r.l!&lu." and vi.late thetr peru dut,. .and. their 01111. law 0l1nt.rfer1ng -with Je,nO'fi,hts witnesses and illlprisoning and pmtab1ng ~ So da1ng, they are 1etZldilli the.alvei 8f;l tool? to ">at. in his lIiOl4fight aga1at Cod." . (.61-1053-end)

5. ,"ltudtt Toward: C:a\ho11elet, ''lh~ Catholic l.p..~~rw~h)J ~Jld t...\ot9 ~ta1!.tar1anCwabin.·

1ft the , enU\led. ·SGpIl6t1."Jg th~ ~latlOftslr collta1ned in the 'book-

let HChQo.1ngtf INIlU 1n 19,6,t and wr1tten l1y JUdge Rutherford, it 1(&*'


fiThe P.i~ of Roar.e inbel:d!Jl.£,; ~VCl';! effort v,) seize and. con\xvl rll;t.:lr:f.ca. Ii

1'..rter reterr_ to tho t"st&bllsluMn* of di,l_t.ic relations oatWeen

the Uni ~d !tat.. ttlId· \11. P apa.07 h. po1nte'd wt on. plgtl :36: .

"TM rec=entl,- iDaugurated religiou& forzaaUsa fit ,.apnalearr tag-sal~ 18 a pan of the ach_ to ~ tMse *0 ..neQod


'to ._ _ the w-imtlJlg conm.l of the H1_~ oud to ~'.~ • .J viol.a.teitb.ir agn..-nt _ th Jehovah, God. Let. the people of

AMrica, con)iAll,W Mr. ItCtGIJ8velt, 01" setae othQl" tool of the

Bierareb,y i4 .ttle., and to inorease bispower, and it 1411 be

but a short tile until Ro.a rules America, and then treea.m ~

speech \'Ii11 be at an end" even as it is now in German.v." (61"':7559-2-183)

'., The booklet entitled "Face the Factsffpublleked.in 1938 an4 vit.ten by Judge B.uthertord. conta.in.ed the following stateaen'te on pages 16

and 17; .,

"BetweeJl 1;21 and 1531 eDt' the break of the rnsrman states and Grea.t Britain with the Papacy. Now Gem.anjr is in alliance with the Papact and Great Britain is rap1dq lIDYing in that direction. The United State. ot Ailerica, once the bulwark ot democracy 18 all set to beceJu A put of the totalitarian rula; Krist of the Aaerican psople are tot-aUT ignorant of the tact that' Congress has tecently enacted a 1& .. b,. which the president can beeOJle a dictator in on. hour and can abso-lute11' control eYe17 part of the nation" even as

Germany is now .misruled. '

uThue' the indiepl1table tacts are" .that there is no1'l in the earth sataa's dictatQl"1al mtmstrosity, which de!!",,, and opposes Jehovah' 8 ld.ngd~ UIld~r Chriet, and that such totalitarian, arhitrary rule is ttUlrsupported by the Hierarchy, which admittedly is the leading rellg~o1l8 organization in existence. These facts the people aust. tacG,w learn the meaning trlereofJ in ord.er to safeguard th1rl.r own intere.ta. Jehov~ and Christ JeSU8 are the real Mends of the p!IIO,la, and. thetollollers of Christ Jesus, who are Jehovah' 8 .. ltn ••• ,.are the onl1' ones who visit' the people to co .... fort tho~ in diatre.8, anA this t.hey do in obedience to God'$: conmandments."

on page Zl of this tublication the following was. stated:

ttThe totallt.al"1att. colD1:>:1nc is going to get control or Enalaud and A.lner1ca. Iou -CaMot ~ftnt it. Do not 'b'1. Your safety i. on the Lord's aide, but,there really lUll b. but a. shot't tiae that the com-bine will holdS1la¥, because it is written in the Lordls Word, at 1 Thessalonians 3:3, that wen tlli cl'Owdaays, 'tfe are now at peace and satety' J. th.Lord sends sudden destruction upon thea, and thei are at their 1d. t8',Ad. and they shall find no way ot escape.

"If the nau o! JehoTah. God 11 'dndicated b1a.nd t.hrough hie k1ngdOllJ tbe tota.li~r1an combine and all rule under Satan muet perish. The ia.uethall be settled SOOB at Armageddon. that issue 18 not. bet-...n Cath.Ucs and ProteBtants .. Je1'!'S ,or Gentiles, the


Ifissue 10 BOt 1;I.et-.n FaitC1_, the HierG-l'Chy snd ComamtdSl'K, baCau.o6 L'~i ot thea Ufi" on t.he eall8 side. 'rite great issue is Jeho.~.Jl God and Ids ld.egd0ll1ll'Jd« Ch.rist,. t.he world's rlf;!~ttu1 Ruler, ag8in.~L. the rtU.6 of fatan. by and ttll"ugh his r>oliticu-relieious tob.Utui;m c·ol!iliiM. Let Sell take 'llQ'Qingl EverT huJIan ereatu.1'a on ee.rlh IlUSt. decide whoa be nll M1'W. Those lIho rmd.n under the rule ot Satan 16 makeshift shall die. 1'bNe..mo take their stand t1na.t on the aide ot Jehovah and. his ldnadOll. under Christ, end wb aiDcertll1 tlld dlliger.tl,y SC'W that Idttgdo., 8hall live.?f (61-1053-96 end)

In a traot .titled 1fWarn1ng1f publlGhad in 19)8, and 1er1tt.n by Judge Rutherf01'd._ thl toll_tnt; waa atatod on page 31:

... it known to all ~ that _ JehoVah'. 1d.tneo3es and ..... rAOions bA .. -iWIa iA co.oa 1dth and &8 'theMt ... entirelf out of a.JIIFath,J' wi\b Coann1_, Baas. Faac1_ and religions, bei:8.us. all end! are a repl'"oaeh to the ne.e ot Jehovah, the Sllpr8llt'

&at u.igh\,. God, and are against his ldngdom uttd4r- Chr1-n." (61-1053-489)

In the booklet ""aBO-ism or PreedO!ll'" 'F-l'hlishcd in 1939 it ~.ss

atated "n page 111

".ect_, lIa'llea and C-lsII aU ~ the ,lilt thirtg. beCo.'lse all are tor tota:1UarllUl :rule and all aee a.g'ain8t ,'}od and Cbn.-t his 1::iD& and all pereeou.te the h1.thf'u fo:Uo1'.e.l'6 of tbe !..ori J ... Christ.""

It 1. t. __ noMcl t.bat Judge lathertorti tilpbaei$ed the t .. in thi. booklet that Jehoft.bt• W1taeltMS bad. bet" excludM froll t.ht F.:u!ci$t. r.>t.!;ltes of l~" Gel'IIM.1, Japan and. tile Cowauni.&t state, r}l.3c1t.. H~ 'llef) cllurged that Hitler lid 1apriaoned ~houn.nM or I.tlOTau'. ',~t.uesMs.


Tu(\ !ol1oun.: Q;.(.eerpts M!re taken. rro.~ f<j.ges 27, 2/ ~ 30 at tbis

"Per cC1turies it hslS been tb€ desiN of the ho::..o. of the

CathqUc Bi ..... tv' W 1"'Ule tU 1fOr14 as & spiritual. 0","1.-1"4..

1.'b.a\ \UlI&UaliH .m,t.ion fu;...c. ~ d the V!io.tica.u to stoop t.o tM

worst kindo! politics ttJ accQ.rupllsh their l<'l'ong:f'ul li.:lO bla ... pbMOUs pur,....." "'11. _.Jl C81btcd.ne.less~, while et.rry1ng

Oh. their n.tuiAtu 'lrt, bJponitieall7 ela1Ia to be tbe repnS811tlilti TeS of ,J.hova.n God. ~ Cht'bt) ·~h.e'y are p1lty of the t£raate.t bla.~a.gai{\st GQd'Ei !\M8 ~llat has ever been uttered -Jlldex the sun. Honest C.thoUce wUl 11OH' Give heed to [,cdt• l1!:.rn~, flee i'Nt& that. rel.igiou5 malceahift" ane find 1'8St, ~arty and

llf~ untler Christ the ~ing." (61-1053-95)',

. 81



"Let the Fascist-Catholic Hierarchy know that this is the land o~ ~r1ca6 not Rome; that they may freely practioe their religion h&re among.t those who like it) but that they cannot u,e their religious institution AS a poli tica.l me.ehine to turn ~er to the fanatioal dictators the American governmantend take away all the liberties ot the peopl~. The Catholic ptess persist in lying about me and saying that I am engaged in a cl!Ullp&lgnof hate. But, together with other of Jehovah'. witnssses6 we are fighting tor the prinoiples ot righteousness whioh are loved by all honest people regardless ot previou. faith. What Jehovah God has oonnnanded us to do, that we will do regardlese ot opposition. We are certain that the ... 111 ot God is that a hypocritical. religioua organi:ation ahall not destroy freedom of worShip and treedom of speech." (44-361-6 end)

In the booklet entitled "Judge Rutherford Uncover. Fifth Columnn published in 1940, Judge Ruth~rtord charged that. "The real fifth column in AlDerloa i8 organized and carried on by 'Catholic Action'· and that by this term he did not ref'erto the pe·ople who practiced Catholic religion conlcientiously; but. the "ambitiou., devilish representatives in the Hierarchy orgemiutlon that are aiain:g to rule the earth contrary to the will of God and again.t the interests ot men.~

On page 6 of this publication it was stated:

UThe Ro.an Catholic Hierarchy, operated from Vatican City, Rome, have permeated every part of every nation under the aun , Their objective is to ~.tabliBh again the old 'Holy Roman Empire.' The Nazi., Fasoists and Communi~ts are all tor a corporate state and all determined to destroy the republics. The 'Hierarchy of Authority' of the Catholic system are working with these totalitarians to rule the earth."

On page 1 of thie publloationl he statedr

UMalioiouely ~b. Hierarchy has charged JehoTah's witnesses with being of the fifth column. well knowing that they are lying and they are doing it tor the further pl~po8e of camouflaging their own wiok.dnos. in their attempt to deoeive the peopl.~ while they further the 'Catholic Acti6n' in America. When the time cOJDOa. and that seem. to be in the near future, it will be found that there are at least

ten million 'tifth columnists' in America, and that ninety per cent . of them are under the absolute control of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.-

On page 20 ot thil publ1cation it was stated:


-!)ae. n.rarchy haT. builded tremendous and .%pen.l T •

• truoturM .hroughout the United State-.. Theyar. a 11111- tU7 orlullat1on. In their cellars or c%'JPt. are .tored

a gre.t llllab.r or ,t.IU and ammUlli tion ready t • ..,t againlt all opponent. being eluted ., tho •• who publ1 •• the truth about thea~ and alao all who stand for ir"d. in AlDarioa.-


The periodical IICon.olation" dated April 3, l~O, carried an articl. captioned "Rooa ... ltt• Amb ... ador to the Pope" in which

... Itated: .

"!he moat .. tounding pl~8 at buain ••• tau tar perp.trated by an elected .. rn.nt ot the .AaericD people 11 RooleveltYa preluaption in .ending a perla.! .. b ..... • ador to the Pop •• "

It '1rU .. 110 .tated,

"lfhat om be the Pr.duutt• objectiy. in .ppointing .. perleael ub .... dor to the Vatican, -.kine the .... adol' out 01' .• t.~r uad or tlw .te.l trust, &Ad. dr~g1ng the .poku_ or the Prote.tant and Jna into the ,che .. ,

". •. • .Quite po .. ibly the Pope mou that Adolt !1tl.r ~'Uob4 and want. to lwtlp hill tllld • way out, bat • mucl aoro likely thin~ 18 that J;1a Farley and

Koo • .,..U want the o_1ned influence or Big Church, Big )Ua1ne,. and Big Politic. to •• 7 that it i8 quit. all right tor: "1'10& to take ordera hereaft.r Ir_ the Popel

Yhlch !M ~ in essence an4. in fact. the stopping ot the

procl t1 .. or the •••• ,. of God'a k1ngdoa. it that

ean De uo..,11.bed.-

In t.bookl.t entitled ·Con.piracy Aga1ut D~ract' vi tten by JucSse 1\l1;:Mrtord and publi.hed in 1940, the fol101r~ atatement •• p,eared on pag •• 13 aDd 14J (94-3-4-502-3)

"!he apostle. of .T •• a. Chrllt were taltbtul to their cmnaat to dQ God'& nU, and tor that r .... on .utfered "rKt pW'.'1atlon at the banda ot r.ligious lead.r.. !ber..rter tho aighty ',Item of relitloD tal"17 label •• 'Cbr1atlan reUgion' grew. Vader that


1'aI8., title tdlliona of .incere persoIls ban b..n deceived. That organisation i.ruled by the 'Hierarchy o~ Authority,' the .eat 01' which is at Vatioan City, Ital,.. For &ore than lixteen centuri.. that rel1giou. 1natitutlon hal carried en th& lIOlt wicked persecution

ot human oreature. that haaeT.r blackened tin. pag ••

ot h1atory. The inquisition of Spain. Mexico, and

other natiana, conquered under a talae olea}: or the

so-e .. 11.d Chr1.tian religion, 18 a record tela horrible

to t1nd. coapl.te description in human wor9" That

record i, conclusiveproot that the Papal .y.t_ Is

not Chri.tianity, but 1, oarried on in d.tifmoe 01'

Ged, hence religious.


1t. • • The Hierarchy act. in tull baraol11 and conjunction with the cruel d1ctator.~ including Stalin, Hitler, .... olinl, and others 01' like political ambitioa. the h.ad, ot that V.at religiou8 organiz"Ufon i. the adTis.r and 010 •• ally ot Hitler, who hal threatened to overrun all the dell.ecraoie. ot the world. bUglon hal de.t~o,.d the rree40a or nation. 1nEurope and now ~ turned it, rioious ola ... upon the republica ot the We.tern world.-

It wa. further Itated on page 44 ot til.i. booklet in the tract anti tl.4 • '!'he End-:

"s., .. the Denl, lolowing that his tb. b .bort

un.tll the tinal .howdown. prooeeds no .. to In up a totalitarian rule in the ...riou. nation. ot t;he earth. and th1a in defianae ot the k1ngdOll of God. Tbe I\aU 'Satan' _anI &dYeraary or God, and hi. name 'SerpClUt t .. -.u. dec.iTer. Hta chier _au ot dec.bing the I •• opl. 11 the Papal r.UslOllI .yet •• , and through thl. rtll1gioua: .yet.1Il he attop_ to turn aU the people U) ,upp()rt1nc diotators. ETery 4iotator on earth 1, the r.pr'16ntati~ ot Sat... and they tOl.thar With the Papal ayat.mare te'~ri.hly worklDC

to gain Gntrol oC ..... 17 n&tion of earth. Theretore.. Stalin, Hi·tl.r _d ".olini ar. all working for one purpose. All

of thea are in opPolition to the T~oQratlc GoT.rnmant~ and all are therefore bitterly oppoled to .T.ry creature that _gniti •• tu nue 01" JehoTah and Chr1at Jnua and tells of' the Theocru7. that ia the reason wby Jehovah'.

w1t:n ••••• ue hated by the rul1ng power.. To hu

raithtlll tollowen and supporters of Hie Kingdoa


\ ,



"J .... ..,.. ttl oIIall b. _"'" ot all nat1Dn. t .... ~ n_' •... .J.tf1ftFJ'·;,·, (.'th .. 24." fl. phnlou t.at. ~ prove til. tult11l .. , ot' III i then JtIl'1IIf"(61-105J-476 end)

.. 0 .. 801.'4_· .... 556, stt4 1$1Uftl7 8, 1941, eOl1\a.lat4 tbt following Mt.e.at 1a .. artiole entit.le" "hlttmo~ Aga1ast Ttl_".

"It thu ."... t.hat it 18 bftaue God' ..... il in ... l ... 4 ' \1)&' Jehovah- ......... are o~d.a4 to expte. the 10llU Ca.\hollc lf1ao-UOhT.8 'QIIri,a'lndoa' •• lead.iDe pet"Vert.~ oJ.' th. t1"Utb. It JilU8t b. bo!'nl ia -..4 that th1a 'rick"c1 organbat.jAA cla1lls to awve the 1m4 •• Qd \MPo,. bah the titl. 'Vleal" of Cbr1~t. Mabf ' un been 4 .. i,. b7 thi8 elaJ.a. If it wen 1.ff\ \UlCballengeo th. people _ult M:Ye' e.tri4ul.tl in evtll" 1_tn1n& Of Go4', pro"f1a1on for

Pln.tioR 01' _ t. through Kis king", the t~. file ..

,.... ahodd tow 1leno. tlW ahUCft tJl&t thfJ .iw.e .. "1'1')" on

a. Gaapdga of ~... Jeh018.h'. 1d,.tn ... ea wUl nO'N1 eel untt1 ~

r atl"l.Dg' ._1 1. ooapln • .., coQt.1JI.l. to eqo •• ''-he R .. Oa~l1o-

orpn1sat181l.' .twillel' and baaph .. r." (61-1053-517 Conso~tion 556) \A... ,

"Th. Wa'~" dated. Jul115, 1942 contldQ8d an artie!t; •• ntttl'" 'fDef'ea:t of P • .88C1It1 .. N in \¥bloh the l'oUcrd.ng was at,llte4 on Jage 216c

nou 01 tbe darb.t pea •• 1D Arlerican M.tory _8 .. .itkn in

1'401 __ the ~ Cathol1c H1erarch7 1n _dca, on ~"ct1ona tNlllatlolJl ~i\.T' ..t out to grab th. AtMrioan goverrul8nt So. tAa.\

rU:'. and to· .... , chaage or 'blot. ou.t the Utd\M, State. Cone\1_s,on. Cratt111 th. "'4 1t. that, -.ben the Rad ... ,.... ,,'p1ng oW!' Con\irlental ~"tb lightning war against rc.publJu and dluiGeratia COW'ltr1e., till 1f1en.zrcbJ" launched t!wir mat Y1cJ1ou. perHcutlOD ot Je.boft)t t. ld. u. ... who .. re exposing the JQint. lfu:L--Hlel"arc.hy plot

tf)'r Tu.rld <foId, .. u." Ia forty-tour etat.. out of f'ort,-e1ght of

tb.. Union. 'b~ lIDb n.olenoe bl the ott.prin& _4, duplls or that reUgiou. 0I' ... ~t1olt 1'.,.4. tocal and nat10nGLl po1,1..::. po_r a.ppeared.

helpJ.Q~ .. 1mi1tt ~ .... turtul. or organlled. J~l1gioue PO_l' back ot

the wl'1'iba t1 •• ~\t.~ aga1n8t lehoTlLbt. w.1tneasQ" Thes.,

howtrer, held. t«1\Jltlll to the 'l"heocoratic Gowrzu.at and. to the1%' ~ ... lII1aeloa to ~ .. t it. !leo for the Vat10anl 'fh. bUt_ie, ot her lla.s1 OOIlool'.....,.pann.r r .. U.d to taD BritaUt.J,.lan4 OJ" stOrM, and the tt1el"*1'l''''' •• plau to SJUcbron1 •• their oapt'lU"II of the American ci1i&del of "frfAl11itb the NasS.-P'&lIo1s.L"Q,'8 OOliqUe.t of all Europe and. of Prot .... U .. t B stronghold or 5l'-lta1n FOftd preutuZ'. and. lltiJeal'l"ied. tf

It wa.· ala", stated,




.. 'X

> I

"God's Word •• te 1. t d01lD. as truth that thepereer.ut! on of !rl:~':'- > J i witne •• ea will not o •• ae until the religiouB organisation and its

.de:aon .. b .. ckere 81". deatroyed. Reno81 thoUGh the Vatican's plans tor

world eonqlle.t in 1940 cot the .hock of en unex:pected .. tb.ok t~t

"lOry year~ the 1ntl1etion of pain, cruelty, 1011; of Uberty and

right. and property-, and other tm-Chrifttian injustices upon J.hovah'. inotten.1Te .ervants continue.. the state of »i.si •• ipp1 Itaa4 •• 1

a. tlagrlUlt .%Upl. of a political organizat'ion heing maneuvered by re1igiou •• ,ent. of Vatican City into a cour.e ,lbich bonest-hearted

lOYer. or ••• oaracT in 'that .tate do not appro~, headquarters at

Vatican C1tr." (61-1053-932)

·Coaaol.tionft Nuaber 601, dAted Dec~b.r 2a, 1942, oontained an article ftn.lic!ou. Quilt- in whioh it was oharged thAt Bitler waa a Catholio. the following ..... t.ted. t

-It 1I'i11 'be .. n .. htion t.o ob.ern bow' the Roaan Ca\h.oUc Hierarchy' baa to .. nted tu pr ... nt bloody contl1ct and licht. on

the aide ot the lasl-' .. clat-Paarl Rarbor-St&bl>er. combine.·(61-1053-910)

"''the Iew.arld.· .. 18a page book publilh.d in 1942. pOinta out that the only .at1.tkctoq Ufe will be UDder the fheocr:ae1. Implicating the lloldll Catholio Hi.rarchy with the Ani, de.oribed at "'the k1Jlg ot the north." it WIL, atated on pl." 251.

"!be reUsloul-total1taritln 'king ot the north' crowd. continue to tr_nfll the landmark,- by inTading the eOlmtriee withollt warning and auault1n.g the lon, ..... tabli8h.d inst1tutlcIlls of human free-dou. Tn.y dr1. ve ou.t .UUons of people and make the'* refugoea n.nd.ring UJU"ed, ill-clothed. unhoused. and gra.b up all the product. ot their hard labor to , .. t1aty totaU tarian greed and OOT.,towmess. .And the great religious head at Va.tican City, who ela:Lm. to atand on earth 10 the plac. ot God, refut8S to prot9st and ~lyeth not fol11 to the... Clnst •• d, the totalitarian-spirited Hierarchy act a. a 'fif'th coluant.} They .end mob. and other dupe. and klli •• to in~ade the rights.. libertie. and peaoeful aaJI.embli.. of J.ho?e.h I B wi tne.sea

1I'bQ e%poseto-\dit&rian rule. They try to drive them out publioly lit. brute bealt. and to snatch away the fTuit. of their bard labors in spread1ng the light of tlut Kingdom eo,pel.·

the following was at.ted on page 328 ot this book.

·,he y-1C'i:Dl'iOUS nation. or the World WaJ~. elat;od with aucean and tilled with their own sehe ... to rule tho 1fOrld, ignored the end ot tt. Gentile riaes in 1914 and that Cbriat Je.ue hl.4 then been en ..

thron4Jd a.nd Rightful lb.tler.. Rejecting h:la t1ncd.os, they Bet up

the League ot tion., ~eh in America the :~ed.ratlon of Churoh ••


. "»(

. . .

, .

"calh<I 't!w pelittoal _..01"" ~f the ld.Qgdom or God on ea\"t:~.i", .. t ~ Th!it League ... the.tetore abOJainable to Cor1 and i.a, the fir., mrurl.feat.at1oDO! the 'I.boaination that. I\lU!:et;l desolate!. 'MtI,·:0.rs

of 1 the k1n~ of the nbrth' algO 'tHl.l'e iskon 1oto that i,eape. !M

pope triad to elillb on top ()C it .. but ';:'ll~;t c~o~,t~(i. or tbeastt

ctstru~ted the popetiJ lIOtivea and bucked. :'Sfl off o!'.to the gl'OQbd. e .

USo the uu •• :t.ed. r.lif~iou$ pote..~~te sche14ed the rSlitoriition of tn. old Holy Roman EIIp.\re '7 aeau or. the .~ ldng or ·the· ~b t.

dictatore.w .

"But. the trnt.h ha. broken throU&h to tb.t, Ught, and all lover. ot right and or tN. a.crat10pr1nc1ples aN .r1isgueUd witb :relizton and 8M in t.he Hi.rarchT and her totaUtar1a.n oqan!zation the pnnoipal foe on earth. Qf trutll, human freedom, aftd' w>rahip to C.od 1n 3p1rl.t aad. truth. TM 1.''tl1g101u).·tot.alitari8A SlIOW, flam., capti rtty t and. epAU will Jet !ncrta.... . They ld,ll end on1¥ 'When J'..rmagedd.on endIJt.b •• "

"Con.olatt .. - r 623 dat.a Ausuat I.:; 19JU 14 an. artic~ en-

titled "SepulchrM Wbit hecllf oollt.a1n.4 the follo1d.1lI CItl page ·1'.

)·studT or til. HUrarch¥ tl1l1s reveals ~ ~., ot OO$tuu. radar $he _. \be ,arb or tperaecuttKlt victim. o£ Nat! at'l'Oc.lt1 ••• This .... i. ablbit.ed onl,y in "r1~t because it. ElJI'Ope :1M u.... man4e or her _jet'- lull collaboration Id;t,h tile dictators. Failure to understand that hligiOA i. a S!lClr$ keeps mnJ deceived by hat tl'iok.. soaeu.oout the extraftgant ol4iaa of the . Harartbt , but r." teal.h. thai ~. wAole 1natitut.1oa. 1. llOught but 8 _untldn 01' 118a.-laaialt 28.· (61-lO53 end)

In the 376 ,... .. lION: "!he !Nth Shall flak, You. Fr .. ., publ1shed in 1943 am releas. at tbl'ltIJ' .. ,.... NutOftf,ft Th.octatl. AaHllblT of the Wit-ne ..... , conta1ninc a Pm .. or Biblical hiator.Y u 1aurprf\ed by the witne$,e" " ~ .f \btl HlolllaUon of various worlel ..... at. baae4 on B:Lbllcal eta .... ; a ro .... , __ 01l thebeU.t. otthb • .ct 4Illd & n'Yi.cl deDor1pt.ion or the Utopian paft.41 .. 'Which 11111 b. en.11)164 b1 tb. Joaad&ba

(the COiS1po.nion& of ~ lila ..... or tbe "great multltl¥l.,,) follOld,ng \he 1Mpendtng batt.le ot ~)1t. \'faa stated. on. page 320 with "terence \0 .. __ ligiorH

"SlA'l 1911 1;M r-llg1oua 'tifth coluan I baa 1ntUt.ratecl it .... "1£ _Qi: aU ...... tic IUld 11 ....... 1 aations .%¥ita .neak1l1 illtJouding u.pon the right." privilege. and immu.nities 01 1oY8r8 01' ~!'acy.. It. ultimate aiM is to 4m.8lave the people and crush

the t:ruth of God's k:1rle~d.oJll .~Hsa6e.!f (61 ... 1053 end)


. .,:,.

I. .f,Ultu.. '.vud J- ... c •• ... U ••• • War If ton

1. ,he be.1:1., publ1dH. t. 1942. enUtl.d .p •••• - Cau It La.t'-

(th. Q"oh .. U ..... "T PHel4 ... ' •• tb. Be •• r bon 0& SOt_b,r 20 •• 1942 to

the ODllW COllT.,l ••• 1 JeboTab', lIlt •••• e.' it va • .ta". ·.n pII«e 1,2:


'!he Gd1.""t.ble fact • .,.at lou4l.7 to. sere. ,,,,he crast obdul. to wor14 to ..... Uo. " tla deJlOcre.Uo V87 of ute 11 the totalitarian qet. lIUJt.U. headtJ.U&rters at faUed CatT.·

!h. tolle1d,ac ,t.t ••• , ••• ' -ada Oil page at:'

ft'fh' l\\porbMa d_Oll, are ., lead1Dc the naUoa.. ,. pQ.Ce. lI1lt to W. all! , • .t"...U.... With 4_0.8 ea"lop! .. the cou.e of ,he .. th ••• tlaen ca. .... 1" be • ,.,....t pee.ce .. '

Oa pace as of tilt .. pobl1catt •• ,. follovta.c v ••• ,.ted:

"Puce - C_ 1\ -.sU .ad 001.1, 'dial' ... aver 1. IO! Man _!Ide peace 1Dl4er reUClo.'. 'lIlt.tiBe' .111 be "tJ7 .bert Uv.4~ and 'po1i,Ucal t:1.,. -' nl,H viU .80\ 1oD& u,Jq U.·

til ~hl.'ra.c' J'r.ald.' &ol'!' chucad that &B .lU,~ca en.ted 1tew, .. \hI I.tied _4. '._., 1 ..... vh.,.e'b7 the 'a\lea ..... ....,.rtq t •

• "'1'01 the world. .. oWUd 'hi \» .all l ... tiJl& peace e.G_' ... Io_d tadel' !l. f~c~a'le lul.. (61-1053-932)

In. • .., Vodllt a "ook pabl1th" 18l942. 1& ville. reterenc. 1. lIad. to tl1e kd •• a ~llt -kbc of tla. _til' and to th. l1at ted latte •• a. Ule 'ltlq .t \ha .,lltJ. .looa'a1Jae4 tu follovtD.l stat .... ' Oil :peee 20$:

"!hi. 1l1.dra.tel 'he tao, tlat nl1cloll 1. the b1ad1ac u. bl _.h ptllUcl an4 .... nial trafficker. end the ol.rg plan and

work: t.,eO.r 1. attardoe ot ODe aao\her. !Jl1. 1. due to

\. ebo~ 'Q parUC14.a'tq at the coat.., peace eoBfe,.uc. \.'..., .. n tts. pover. 4f 'the ktatof tlae .. "tla' ad of '\b. kln, of tll. IOUth' ..

!'he Bl.!'Ily.~ UI ~ dd con\1aul17 d.alar1nc !D. t1l. d.-ocraUc lad. tha\ 'he pope is tlle a..q )4trlOll aD. aal'\h coQ.t., to pre.ta .• at that peace ce.r.r_c. ad: to dic'atie the peace ·tan.. WhatleY,r fll.

"ten. &ad_. thtV will 'D • .,.,u.t tl1e !.'heoC!'aCI'.· (61-1053 end)

In the booklet aUtl.A "lchtl.a.a tot" Llbert7 oa ,~ !lo •• 1'l'Ollt" pOlloea. in.. 1M3. th, tollold., va. 1\.\e4 oa llaces 12 anA 13:

-the ktacda •• ttot 111 hi. Cb.r1.t ta the onl7 ca"e!'llll_t that

11111 e.tabl1sh P'-"-\!7 ia tlle cta1'th the tour treedo •• 1n the .

lulled .en.e. -.c. the X1A«do.t• proclaIJation thoulcl be v.leo .. a

\;;\' S8 s.t

' ..


Jlparl.iclll.arly in aU the I'init6d Natlonub beca, "0 they ~1'C' OQJiil..d.ttcd to those freed.CIII.. ?ut .:t!l it actw.;ll.Jr ti'~? ~lo ••••. "

tiThe 611Pl".lng ot tit€' Kintdor'l·nc.~:c., l\:;m hence t.h.e ou.tl:'agoou.s _aaul\a upon t.!Ut 'Hedoa of II)MOh an::!. n:eli~. ofw.Ol'!'hip, .;titrta, not td.t.h hdath~, .But ld th $~.led 'Cbriet8r\doa'. !J.l t4e nat1Cill' oftChris" ..... f)re rAn'cad up' *l:l1nst it .• ·\i:leth.r t.iley .DO :, ... 1, ,F8$O;i.ft or CO...s.t, utJ.oneJ 01" b. """_Ntic ~{'ioDe. l'he United. . liatw.,. bound t~.r tot' a vIot.ory Mr the totnlltaPSan monst.ro .. it,,- .. *r. llQ\lf "'leo.ttng aga1nat. the ~e;, 'The 1.,1.n3 ... t hen_

is at hancil• tJ.'he~ they are tak:l,u,; t~ll) 5£l.l'l8 side as i.;,EJi:p,.tillt.uial1 0PPQlleI\t., who lire a.hQ againat t.he h~avalll,f hl.ngUQDl CUlU Us proclaBat.1 .. , '1';10 artlttl hand of t..b. deadly en~ 0:. th~ ilia'18.,.,na..rne~', :;1li,uQ tiM . rJen.l., is baOK of thl. international cous .. uracy- against the' truth. IJp aMful at proving" bl· ... lIlng. :tlle Joi wd j·;£..tions org&ni,at..ion, ~ eucA ." oourse, p!"'Ove~ ~. Hir\t'ol"GOd pOwtlr i'o,!, !UlI't tIJ tr.$ people. ;tt ·UtlCOlleW'.' i.o:~1'1 obetac1e in tbe' path ot tile people tliiit lfW.da to God IS Kingd..f/I lite, l1b .. t, and .... par.nt ot happ.1n6lss,; ~ lest it. b4lOO .. ,;_ 1nstru.ent .r S~ tor the oppresfl.int; (.if' ell toile. people, keeping th_

in z tl0rane' .t the most V'1tsl lnt'ormatio9-J and puttiras; thea in tn. ;rea,tel3t _n'\,the ..... t of the til"Uth th£;,tmlea .th .. tree a.nd. '1.4&

th .. to God aod W. ".rnll.. It

r·1hUs th. tJl1.ral"ODy of ,·,utj.o;rit.lt ai;~ to i'Ule th. ent;1.l'£t sartI) ill the .tead -ampule. of Chriat JeStU:I ""n;i his heav~n1.y church, .. nd hence is an\1-Cbr1~. It 00" thereby conf:.l5e..:.l Lill1.ous of people as to ·iihat is the kingdaa of Chriat, and has bt"ought gNat reproaeb upon tile na,. of Chr.lat Jeeu. and. ide R1ght.oua Go~t. It,... the .. oat tot.alitarian 8lldoppl'ltsive or Bn:J organization e~er on earth, cd hfJnce it !s in ~1 1rith totdltariatt ntlent. fI

Aftar p01n\~ &Ut tht. e~::t.ent of bl'Utal treatment recei .... \)1 wittlG$l;le$! in. ':ds countriee it ,«;;.8 3t,atad on ~)3.2.e 2; 01' thie booklet:

"The gon~y $t:4ir15t those liho st.rulc1101" God' .. Theoe:C'atia ('o'terlll!lftl' WU .otoonf1ned to Ge.rm.a1V elo.tlE:1. It- was 1A oparatioti in aU the ree\ of the ltOrld; inCluding the United stat.s and the British Comm~th of Ha:t.it)Usll Th. eC,!",,"jp1ratoracould put tn_e 'ldtnGfbeS otf the st-ags or action onljr b~ Llle ernsl"-.ing of d6u(Jar~cl

Dmi nUlWUl. llhfttU. 1Q. aU part. of the e~.!'th.fl




, Ant,,·~ ~hat t.he Hi.rarav t.atteapt.Ug t.o abrogatt treedoa

of speech to Ua , the foUowlltg 'appeared on x:aga 28 or this tract~

ft'lb_ J."ll1tloal .....,.w.Ul net stopllith swaUo-aing up the .

"._ of J...,. •• ld. Stl. is t.ot-.l.1\~1an .,. fanat1eallv

beu.tH her --1aJ hoJa", u to rule tne .rld, 1Dolud1ng all

~a."·· ,

It ..... 1\IttJJ. ... tueG on page 30.

"14'. 0_ -Meet ... d. '10\017 of the Utdtri h.t1bD.s in the wtal .. wUl nn • the 1iotoJ7t.r •• lib,", or awti..ng Jebovah

GOd tdA ld.11edoll. &od Al.Id.gb.t.711t,tb ap1r1t, or 1rreltiat1bl. PO'"

will tblt vic....., tor bU ~~'>'Dd rill .. tu. ~ hb 'at~ •

... k '.11 don.. a... '" t1&h' tor Uberty will oontinu. after th. end ottb1s IlAkl ..... fte,...nwv ·creatur., 01" fbeast t, 'liU UC$ld

out ot·"t,h. bo\iOlll.1S pit, .... 'great -whol't' of tOl'lan1zei re11s1on.f will aM .. ~ that !I1~\j· •• ;trrp.lliIa.tion and. will ride it .• Coab1.cl1Dc f.ra ... tba tbeht' 1A4~_ 1whOM' Will .sc. at- aga1net tTh.· l1Dg tt k!Jw. Nld. ':"4 .of lor .... wh1ch .. ana war 41ainat tho$f) on ai. d., 't_ called" the aha"., anti ta1tbtul.t. (Revelation 17&1-5,9-18)-

lD the book ft.", Truth ShalllaU Iou free" publ1l" in 1943 it

... 1Ad1~ the., .. z..p. ot. N.t1oQ4 It.en propltftioal.l¥ described 1n

tH took 01 R ... la~ It the :albl. a ..,-en headed tJbean" 01" the

nabol4ft~or 4~., .. The leaaue .. 9scr1b.4 as beiag anU..chdet and. oJpftizatlallddAbllDdH _n to the truth, keeping tbell in bondage

'UIlIllltroa Jehoylk )d.e Jr:1ngdoa, baing CNAted prillU'i17 for thl' prestI'-

'Vat.ion of the ,.aM ..mt;r of the worl1l 1n order that Satan might

. dom:lnate it.. It ••. nated. on Page 337 al follows •

• ~ \hI ,.,al Vatican could not get ast.ride this LeAgUe 'beast·, whUIr .. 4om.aa.ted by Proteat.ant~ Britain, tho papacy proJtOtett tota11tubA aoYe~ in order to forge .... ...call.d faward of the ellvob. .... to remU:' t.he Ltagut and alt.r it. tora to suit papal a.1CU tti7' WOl"14 dotdnaUoo.

I1In ~ With 1ts aail1tiou8 ,chime the VaUcan.ttabl1she4 it •• lf u .. J*liUal .tata ia 1929, lQ'lQWJl ae tVatloaA Cit,,'. :tt , signed OO_rla\.1d.th the wtal1ta.r1an d1.ctators, ADd it. •• 1ooJUd t.o the pe.pil .. 'Crt tM Hpr-.8Q.t,aU .... of all. COW\vl.... inclucl1nt Ja!Sn,; tha.t tuJell4 t.oMlltArian a.ttv the Nazi4aaciat. p.~m.

"AI. r.nliWtaUtulab. aggre.8ion began, Ilitb.O\lt any l"8pNot fit' condfWlatJ._·bM the Vatican. In september, 19:;', tGtal war broke out. 'I'll.reafttn"' jllOre than thirt,y me.c6'X's (tb.e majority) of the League




"0£ ~ ..niftly iDruYld in the struule bet1ntSn totlld._l r. ' ~ :.',

tari .. GiIMl Uc P.OllticaJ. POW81'S, ,yraubUse4 1A Daldel 11.40-4' a. :

_1' M\wfaa ,h ·ocint:rolled. 'ld.og Of thu north· ud ,..., ld.ngor the

south' under ~ic.n control.. rlleZOeblthe ... ential hMUo1Ul or

the IAague .t 11.\1., and ita rermo.ne;nt. 'CQurt of. arb1'ratioA .tota.d .

to SU8ptta4 .,.,.Uons, SJld t.h ... vtn--headed 'iJeasit t~k eo fall into

the bott~ •• p1t or abyse, but dot to stas down.

"'ftle "......, _. that the international toonecti,.. ilecurity.t beaat tdll ta.eead .. CIt' .. lib-I.'. and. lahall be pr .... t. (RevelAtion 17:8, ~!N. ...... t ooae at the cloae of tBe .total war and. at

. .. ·..1 effort t.blll to rutot'G pea~ aacl a.euri_T' liftn

durStc tht:.1atk hoUl"' of the t.otltl war the r.rtvel Qf such a ...aam._ ofint-eraa\1oaU _perat1on •• ld~lT anu tlOberlf cliscusaed, .... peciall.7 -OW; the Uait.d Na.UOflS, and Ql1 intuna\1ou.l pollce forct

l'ltls proposed to .ateguard. the peace and ~nf'ora. the _Net of: 't.he '*be"st' • u.o. the beast 1I.\ll8t, bav. hor1l3,and the ~e"'l.a tioD prophecy shOll. it hal .... '. llh1ch is a OOIIplet8 all.-fJlb .... 1aI earthly n_ •• Tbia polic .. foro. 1dJ.l eneOilpan the .azoth, but l*rt1oolarly 'Cbr1st41a-:clom', as tOl'Mhau..d by tmta1thtul Jenl5nle&l, 'Who rejected Chri.t

Jesi,UI a. lI.n& and.hose house -D lett unto her 4eaGlat... During tbl global _1" the IU'th M' moompa8 •• 4 witt~ errde •• · . lt1ras dee... . rwceelul wo to continue thus enootl1pa1!lF.ling the glebe ,,1 til armie. permanttnt17 after ~ total.at' as a protect.1v. <tev1ee against. ...

gNMi;l2'S _4 d1d~. ofman-JI8de peace. The eo 18 punod

u.nder the e lI' geod pret.ext of !ll"1illtain1ng the " Fne~J

but. ~ , ~h8 propbGCJ' show. tb.at. g~t ,olitJ.o.l ......

sur. aud :re~tlon ldll be appli.c1 to the people to makeal!~ support the polit10al-ftllg1011s '.tte1lf 'l9orld GI'der. n

The .t'.~ .. stated on pflg8: 339:

UTh1s beast. ..... learned quite: a rew totalltar1an tricks during tho total war; ad it will not unlearn theJl or d1":rd thMl in tb. postwar 'fl. orde1"',;

"The 'peace ancl laOurity' beast nseeu.ds 'Otl\ of the abyss,. bUt

not. to f'ree&Jm., t a blood-drunk '1fOflllnt 80te on _ the beast '8 back

aad ride. 1t aDd. OTU it as mistress."

On psg. 3U1t stat,tit


. ....?f

"In. the ~'wr 'new or4er' JeNtal.' ••• m coun.te:tper\, .

'Chriet~~.t, .. td.ll •• r0uD4 htr.elf with armie. of an 1ntemaUtul pollee force tor •• cont1l\U8d. world doJa1nation. Tb. RaIWm 0.'_110 H1etarehf 1d.ll.~~ \0 act. as the lp1ritual poll,. fore. ot ,. entire ea$. tOl!ftltt,cd.cat will thc teel &he O. CrT tpeaee .. 4

eatet1'''" this iat. ticmll polle. lore_, or the Rattoning of

order-"....~ aoc<Ii'd1D& to the atual .... .u.n.c11tIe bt-

t .. n allln _1;1 will be for the _1ntenano. of the tabOlltnat1on

ot d'80~t1_' 111 the '.b.917 ptUet. Heel'. that ..s..a uU CG reallJ .maintained ala1JaI!t OOd and b1e JdnadQa.. And \fib .. TiN ... this, ea1.d J8BUS, tben,.. ., be certd.n t.bat tOhriatendoa'I' a.tounditls tdeaoli1t1onl i. n1&t1. Ral1g1c)n wtil not aav. her.

"or,lA1led:,.UgioA wm 1 .. 4 all nations diFect.lT into tal fi!lal .W&!' with a.. &ad. hi. Ano1n\-" King. . It wtu. theftbT bl'1nc deaolatlOD 8JIII ...,at1on upon aU A&t1ona."

The t.U _a .It tonh on 'pig. :344,

aThtret tODriate.ndoa' will u.e htr poat_r 'n_ ordel"' and

her _COJIpua1oa ..... (.r.n1tie as well a. military) tor the 8uppre.a1aD qr ill. ICJ.ncdD- •• aqa. Sh.e idllol4la it 1e t".lOnab~

and dhturld.AI UIl uaaar. to the ponwr rule. " ho...,.r,

:wiU not pelW1\W •• t.r._.. workt bi' his w1tne to .top untu it

is t1n.1eh" and all hi. 'other UN,. are gathered out trOll thj.e

WOE" ~4 and a", .. te :tn the lone told. t • Then be. w111 pera1 t the '1IolIan t and t.he b ... tt "' • .,11' totr1aph as if having .topped. the work. (.rebft 191U) OQ1r at tha\ .tag. of &tvelopmeuts will 'Christendo.1 a,trio. h..- ~at.lI'-..s.naU.OD 017 out thatl· at last in the fIlll.at

, e bat p'" and. .. curtt,. Mtat uut, JehoYali'. tllithtlll

lIitne kilo. wtia\ the to .xpect: 'For yo~&.lTe' kntw p4Jrreotly

that the day ott. r...-4 80 couth U 8. thief ill the night. FOl' wb:.nth87 1h&11 .. .,.. :Peace and met,-; then' sudden 4UtrucUon coJllltb



::'~-;~,t.~~~ :;. ~t s:l::'~:~~t ~,~ .:~i~t).<'.

o".nat. 7'" .. * "1.t . t (1 'Ih •• lI&lonlana 5:1-4) 'Chri.,en40.t.' r.l1g1ou .... h1a.q ~J' ,.. .. &11'- peace "ill fail U ... hou.lT.

B.r PI'O~C7 coac .... blc U ..... '"., will pro •• tal •• ~·

A "hill 4'.0I'IpU •• v •• ,_ 8.' forth 1a t.hi. beok of the 1apead1ac b.ttle of Araqe4toawld.oh U va •• tated would oCcur at , •• dq sad hov cho •• b7 OO'd. to' be follo".li .,. \u"" "01'14' _d.1' the !h .. eraUo M ••• predicted by ,be Wl~...... (61-1053 end)

Ia the bo*let: "1"' •• in til ...... World' pUU"d i. 1M3 "hleh b

a 1'.pmt of 'he sp." deU",.1'II" lJT lathllll Bo.'1' Inn,.. P"81d.' of the .

Soei.v de11Tere4. oa , 22, 1941 at 'be ·he •• aU.D.'. !he<>cn.Uc A ••• bl,.

tll. 'ba ,&d._oed: ' tile Yheocrau'c ao".l'IlIlea\a •• ,,1110.84 '1 tile

Wlt.e y.a toll. onl7 _i1lUOll ,. t .. pr ••• ' world troule. ad O. N' 10

ot th1. bookl., vUh I'efenll" '0 a po .. 1b18 JUlY vorlel eft.,. ariel' the C1U'J"en' war it was at-a'ei:

...... ""'I1a4e fa .. _r1d orde!':' with 1t_ aUurlag pRat ••• ot hwua17 lUa1"aJl'.edtr •••• w111 ,ro,.. to be a deception.·

On. pac. 15 ot thl. tract. it. va •• ,.\e4:

" .. 11&1 •• _d her .. l1Ueal mel ona'2'ol&1 alll •• wUl &ttellPt to mend. Indef1nU.q ttl.lr doa1nat1o.tr' 01 the earth, t ... deflanc. of \la, I .. World ot r1c1l"ou .... wb1ch 1\ 1. J eboTall 0-04'. appo1ahd \111. 8 •• '.bUp. "\hUe .1 •• awalt. the peopll. who 'N.' in

the Dew order , .. _ " be bfOup\ lllto '".teJ'·bon~ to the 'go4

of 'hi. world' and , •• u. "'M oppo.1tlOD to JehGTah God.

!b ftJIect.d fr •• 4aa. v1l1 act 1) 11,s.4 DOl' ·e11d.ur •• betav." that

abo.1nabl. 1Iak.lll1tl ler 004'. k1JiCdoa '7 Ohrl.., will aot baTe

J .boTah Godl, bl •• daC.· (61-1053) .

,. .1"lh.d. Concerning Wer

1. the 'rae' "rlU" bJ" J1Id,p Buth'rford eautl ....... d 'he GraT.' published 1. 1934 1& • treatl •• otUled ""uttU·ytac War" l' vu atated OIl . faCe 55:

'M,. urI j •• Ufled 111 eh.adtna h11IIaIl blood ia var .nl7 "hen acUaa a. 004', ']['''''OI1.H, otbervl .. auch act. aft l.B .tolation of the «,art.I'tac 0.,. .... , ••

tilth r.te~. to 'he Co t. 'thou Shal'Wo, 1111' it va •

. . Rated 111 tbh tract ,W'll. co ..... aaea\ mean. that. -1UD·.I\ not oa ht •

•• ilIUi.U·n p4 'l'ol'_Uoa hke ~ Ute. !he eo ... ulilent de •• not .q ,hat. it i. V1'Olli fo!' Got \0 kill'.



fM following wu 15.1; I.,,, ott ~1[\:;~ 51:, of t.td,. tract:' "En17 ...,. lIIIbkb ... teho'RA a11thori .. , and -appnT.d ~~s eD-rl'ied

on 1'01" the JIbI"P". of .xeoutin,g hi. jU,dg .. nt 6.ba1nst T;ori:QI'$, a! \Ylek$dne... A.raIa.odoll will be hi.'~ batt.lo t!;:,cr:A..IW':. nctoll r s

ent;t:re organi:ll\1on. .1esW$ gave 00 to bio lO'U01.'le1"J tlw.tnon&

0.1' them ehOllld ~.d huun blood$ In· ire£!.t ~)&tLlt) of:,n:a:[:;::cU.ioa

:.he t'ol.lo.vtl of Christ on $&.rth vd..ll~'" 110 parl i,l the $layiw.,;. ~heir ltOrk is to •• n. notice upoa the rulers and pevplc ~1J. to sing tne pl"ai._ or lctbovah God. Cbri.t. ld th h1a host .r heavenl;,; a113ele 1dll do the de.tl'O)'ing. If (61-1053-522)

In the treat.ist eati"" tl~ying:t contained. ia t.he tract l'Gupremacl" pJ.blilJhed s.n. 19'1~ and Wl"itttn by 4¥&. RutherfQrd Ul lthien be e~:poundect on the

f.lupl".ac., 'of t·he lalf eI,Ood, be eta ... on page 49 ~ltb .. t.reuc. to war: '

"In ~ _t1 .. of eerth m1Ut&J7 .eM .. 1. ocrapulsory and

in tiae of 'Hl''' Are co .. ru!«t arid. atlsapelied by law of th, natloXll to kill their telll. an, Oft the eontl'UT, JellOVah God'. lall eq., f7'bou. ,llSlt Mt Jdll'. • whorlolat .. God's law i. a. DJUrdorer and cannot inherit the kinglOba 5f God, a. "ated in bis ltOrd.. Jehovah 00Q, col.and. t.hat .. en and. aatlona shall sorve bjJl~" (61-7559-2-l440)

In an article captioned tfCoWlleltl by Ju.dge Rutherford. apPMr1ng 1n nConaolat1cmH r~"2) dated F.bru.ar1 7, 1940, h .... ted. that. X.ra.l. ...

t,he onl;;"nat!on ... _"h .asigr:utd If. territory bY' God.and tluthori, .. to talc. possession or it bl' lor... tie po1ated out that none of the eo~ Christian n·9,tioruf toda1 haw poe .... ien of land by Godta vd.ll a. the 1&ld \'W.s obt.ained by

either di.eQQ.vel1' fH con.quest. Ke than stnted2 .

ftH.nc. \be WU'S. between the natiou5 or the nrtb, even defensive ,itt'S, ri.nd no I\\PJtOl"t OJ" ,1uetltlcation in the war. tha.\ I.raal engaged :..n. The Iloat powtrlul :religious organization on _rth IlOw.&ttupte to justify wur .. tha.t 18, liar no. raging between the IIltione and hence the f:otaan CatholJ.o IdMraran, ot authority urges rellg1ord.ta ot tile va2'ious ru.tiona to t.Ilc •• ide .ad go to war .... tt (61-1053-296

The book. Jft1U •• UenM pabllehed 1n 1939 by the SOCl.ty and writttn by Judg. Rut.h.rr ...... ""ta1ned. t.he tol.low1ng Btntalaeut on p*ge 78 anc1 79 w.. th .reia4'dtJ.C. to 'Wtr an4 pM_.

tlHUlllan lite cannot ~ tak~n at l'Iill of' any p,rs;;m. but oan be

taken only in accorianc. 111 til God t e 1_. 'rhe o. who UlIU!Ie. .

authoritr to ld.ll. another 1115 a murderer. llodl~ i,werlaeting CM.rumt, tb.1ch he at.llted tAt ~8b, ~'Phl!si~ed thPl sanotity' of ure. (Genaeia



. . S~H

"9.1-6) 1b. prma.. 18 fllaftlflt \be execution or ~s undw certUn oo&lcl1t1orll; and no ant',. take life .. ith ilIpua1ty when tho 5&118 "44"'. '-l'UJ to Godl..... In ttu.s &iJ, u ttt. t .. cts. aon:clulwlr 8bow,. aU tM nation. afurtb 'have broken that ".rlaning ccmmct bT watoalT and _Uc1olaeq ~nld.ng tb9 death of ... huan creaturw,. !lila hU bftQ done by the nationa' enaaaln& 1a

wars of conqu •• ' br ot_ .&tle ol oppH$sion anel kl1Ung, 1&

which ntanT h_ w •• have been 1I1ltulll ala1n. S.lt1lh

political and· rieal _A have to.nt..d and carr!e4 on WIU'"

am tnt clew.t .. r.llglouB qrpal.t1ons haw ... titled $l¢h -n .. 4 "..tend .. W bless thoae ... lndule' In the killing of athQl'. PartlGUlarll in tIw World WU, 6V.1.7 "alMA' had 1te clerQll8ll WlO, wbi. thq .. N IOb.1"" att ... to bl •• s mtJl ..

t.hq .,.nt to ba,tJa. Tbe relJ&loua eyateae l1kfti .. appro.. ... when it 'MU popul» to do·... !be lWU" or Italy ap1n.t Ab,...a.n1a and the 1RU' in Bpaia tatTled .. b1 rebela &g.a1nlt the gOTer.nMr.t\ had the run apprna1, _operation .. aupport of the ROII8tl Cathol1o

Hler.rIAJ rel1g1o.. arcan1sat1on. .

"It. nquiN' M proot, boC8.uae the inf'ol'_tioa 1. geM'"-t t.b.at the la ..... of tM NlJa10ua ol'ganizat1_ apprOT ... 8upIJort ...,. 00- oJlR.''' 1n bloo4r war., "",ltin! in killing of .. huaan oreat- ..... , and taut tho .. r.u,toua ~aclera ai"' partie, of the e!'iM o£breUlnc the tWerlaet1D1 CMR'.-.ant."

The toUo1l1.rrg ... et..t44 on. page eo of th10 booJu

"em the 0\_ baa.d thlre are llIa1V .en who haw been toreld into the .re ...... have bMD aiwd by the I'Il1&lou 1e ........ lnf'oraSng ifhu tnatil 18 their God11'ND w.lf,y to 1d.U. These youfJg 8ft, bIinI dNft .. and pulhed into the flaJ' by the rulina po.wN# and haTing .. knowl". of God's 1_ and his provio1on tor ealvaUonj h.,. 1adul&.cl1n were and killings -.ithout knowing all the ~'b1Ut1i and th •• 11BY, b3 the ~rac. of God, have the ~n.n' or the ant1-t;rp1cal oity of retup. Tn ••• men therMiter l.al'llinc 1Ib&t Q:Jd require., and ~o then bello" in God and Christ J.eu. J who •• ek torgi 'NneS$ through the uritof his blood:. and ,*0 tl.. to (104'. organization under Chrl.t j may tmt retug. and protection until Armaged.don is pm.

On page 11 taa, t.llotI1ng wall etat8th

"Darin€ t.lw _U war _01 young JIIHl lYel'e coltpel.led to join

the arsw and tich1i. 1Ilq IU' daily the religious clAroaen

tnblggering abOlltj ... U ... 80~ and . .,..ta.ea not. The700S,"ed til~ duplio1\7 .t t.hoee clergymen, "'no a.l1«\1e D1.ngled 1I1th the aoldius,



-in 14eJ"Ql'i aAd. __ -ute aJ'. ended, ao. of those- JIl1m who retln-ned l.e&rAM \bat. "l1cJ.oa. i.s a ~ of tM hTil and that God'. Word is tru.ta, and til_ • ., ~atood what .,·hAd aeen the reUgion1.ts cio duriQg the .w.r. !ilOu lOU118 -1l .. fd5" \.1fill and kind heart wanted to know aad to .. _to .. t.beri&A~ t .'" ·..and Il1O ... the,. qaae 111 con-

tac\ with toile '"'" .... to torUla"s publicat.1OU, the)"began sHking t.U.~rd. that. t. •• T ai.&tat ~ h1a and learn h13 proTis1on tor protect-i.oa aJldsalftt1oA. su..h persons; are fIf good w1ll. tOilard the Lord. n

On pII. 276 of '\hie boek it was stated:

"10 .-n •• give l1t~ ud therefore no IBn caA take lite except he act atrtetl11n a.ceotdl,..,.. nth the law of God concerning the SlUt •• !he co*Ud gift. to indiTia..u .,. Almighty God ls, lTb<m shalt not kill'" (J;todva 20,13).,

!h. tolloWilc ... .t.ated on page, 219 and 280· or this book:

Itfwo .. ..,. to f'1gb\ a dul, .. 1.1 1n do1n& 80 one of thea i. ldl.lecI. ID.oat .... ries the law ot *. land Delara. that the .man who Jd.lbcl h1a III tae;oa:bt ill the drM\ 18 .. JW.U'dorer. \'/hen two nations Qec~ wa.r .ainst. -.cit other, Ol" ..... war· without a declaration, &JlIl the c1\1HU o! ..u nation l'e8paet1~ are r.qu.iJ'ea t.o go Oii th. \)attl.tieJd a.l\d till, tJltr. i. in lact no dittuwac. between such and the tao men !1gbUac a. Old.. In bo~h ibstaac .. the ' .... erlastilag covenant' i. Ti.laW4. .. • .a. oaUon pr..'oqtos a war of e.n~eat agalns\ another people .1:B .~ to .cain more t.J"!'itory or other thing8 of

. material Ya.lu., -ell i.e a violation or the everlast10g coven.ant, If. people are at.tad1rt4 V 1nw.4ft'. and tnose. vilo are attacked delend ii.h __ ati.'fes and tbe~ taitUies, dlI!'1JIg Which defense 60_· are killed, such ia Dot a violatiOll .t tit. eTtrlaat1ng COvenatlt.,\?ecause the Wl"ODidoel' is

the a.g&Hsae .. ( 22;1) "rlhf)D a natio~~a \0 _1' tOl" COtBerc1al

rea .... -' _ ftlillt to go and tight, and do so, and ldll, such i.

a "fiol-9.tlon ~t ...... erlAatDi covenant, because it .is the t.aking of life withou.t. aut_J\7 !roa JehO'YAh. Because a Christ.ian bas agreed

to do the 1IIill of' God a Christian I>roperl¥ refuse. to kill vQluntar~, lK'!eauae the __ 1a a Y1oJ.at.1Q1l or the ewrlast1ng covenant. For thi" rea.sClO thoae ... llt .... t.d t.o Cod and his kingdCla refua., to, go to _r aga1ast. t.tt..1y f.u..&l'eat'll'e., "C&'U8 ttl4¥ pr.r.r to ob.,. God and stifter at the hu4I of men 01' earthlT government. rather t.han to dieobey God and. ntter.~l.t,e de.tl"llctioD..· It shoul4· be kept .in IIind that the law of Alai&htr God i8 lIupreae and far abeTe the laws that

ar, ;1111(;1. or can be .. bl &n1' eart.~ govsmmants."

In a. tract .. ptioaed "B..tugslen published in 1940 and. written by Judge Hutnerfor<l, •• pa1D.te<l out t.hat tlle QtU.y haven Qf secu.r1.t.y :in t.nia


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