Guide To Writing A Business Plan
Guide To Writing A Business Plan
Guide To Writing A Business Plan
1. Use this template to write your own short business plan. If you’re
looking for a business plan template to assist in getting a bank loan
4. Keep your sentences short and concise. Use bulleted lists to highlight
key points.
7. To get information about how to write your business plan, visit the
Business Victoria website
<Business Name>
Business Plan
<Business Address>
Table of Contents
1. Business Overview
• where the business will be in two-to-five years and how this will be
achieved, e.g. your position financially and in the market place (you may
need to complete this after you’ve worked through the other sections)
Outline of services
Example Business is a complementary medicine business based in
Melbourne. The primary service is Kinesiology which promotes physical,
emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual health.
Example Business has been in operation since February 2009 and sits
within the Health Services and Complementary Medicine / Alternative
Health Therapies industry. Example Business has one owner/manager and
no staff are employed at this stage.
Point of difference
The business stands out from other complementary medicine businesses
• being a holistic therapy which treats the whole person (physical,
emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual)
• adopting a modality with a process that is natural, gentle, safe,
non-invasive and for people of any age and gender (including pets)
• encompassing an education program that teaches clients to self
heal (clients are often looking for more than just an hour
• focussing on a strong online marketing presence
• maintaining affordable services such as concessional rates and first
session specials
Service benefits
From my personalised Kinesiology process, clients will be treated as a
‘whole person’ with a better understanding of the inner workings of their
lives. Clients will be empowered with the knowledge and tools to heal and
be healthy. The business will be accessible to a wider range of clients
through: affordability, Kinesiology requires an average of only a few
sessions per issue, and close proximity to local transport.
2. Products/Services
• exactly what you are going to sell or provide and how it will be produced
• the price and how you have determined it (by considering production
costs, labour and other overheads)
A logo with the business name has been designed and implemented on all
marketing and advertising material to enable brand recognition and to
ensure a consistent image is maintained. This includes business cards,
flyers, posters, articles, online business listings and the business website.
The logo represents the idea of balance, a key aim of Kinesiology. The
colour yellow is the main colour due to its association with happiness and
Since completing the final level of training in Kinesiology, the price for a
session is based on timeframe and full rate or concessional:
1. $80/$65 for one hour (full rate/concession card holders)
2. $110/$90 for one and a half hours
At the end of each financial year the price will be reviewed based on
industry trends, business expenses and any further training attained.
In the future the business may expand to include product sales. At the
moment, suppliers for equipment and stock have been sourced and
registered with. The business is purchasing these at practitioner prices.
The structure of the business is Sole Trader. The benefits of this structure
include: low level of legal and tax formalities involved in setting up the
business, inexpensive to set-up as a sole trader, and the control and profit
remains entirely with the business owner.
The business has registered the name ‘Example Business’ in Victoria only.
As a sole trader, the business has no protection from a company to take
the name due to ATO laws.
4. Market Analysis
Research your market and industry. Consider the following sources: industry
profiles on IBISWorld (which can be viewed for free at any Victorian Business
Centre), trade magazines, government reports such as the Australian Bureau of
Statistics, consumer surveys, running focus groups, identifying your competitors,
online keyword analysis etc.
Briefly outline what market your product/service will serve and why. For example,
if you plan to publish a magazine, you need to know about publishing trends,
online competitors, other publications that cover your market (including their
circulation, advertising rates, reader profiles) and identify a viable gap to fill.
• the price range: based on your target market will it be high, low or in the
Target audience
Complementary medicine targets people of all ages from babies to the
elderly. Kinesiology can also be used with pets. Kinesiology targets any
problem from physical complaints such as pain and disease, emotional
problems such as depression, mental problems such as memory loss to
spiritual problems such as life goals.
The location of the business is currently Brunswick on the North side of
Melbourne. The council is Moreland City. The service requires clients to
travel to Brunswick. While the business has attracted clients from other
areas of Melbourne such as the Southern Metro region, the target is
mainly the inner and outer Northern suburbs.
Market trends
The enumerated population (those counted on census night in Moreland)
was 135,205. However, the estimated resident population count (an
estimate that accounts for people not counted in the census) was 144,015
(as at 30 June 2007).
Since the 2006 Census it is estimated that the Moreland community will
increase by 1 to 1.5% each year. There are currently 10,200 registered
Several reports indicate that over 50% of Australians are using alternative
therapies and this number is increasing significantly.
Despite the recent economic recession, the trend toward alternative
therapies is increasing. The ABS reports that "Complementary health
therapists are relatively small occupation groups but have been growing
fast, according to census data. Likewise, the number of people who
reported having consulted such a therapist in a two-week period increased
from around 500,000 in 1995 to almost 750,000 in 2004-05 (ABS 2008).
Price range
Given the average income in the Moreland City Council is in the middle
socio-economic bracket, the price will remain on the lower end of the
scale. This is coupled with a marketing approach that targets affordability.
5. Competition
Competitor’s profile
According to the census, 8,600 people were employed in Australia as
complementary health therapists in 2006. This was 80% higher than the
number in 1996. The leading occupations were naturopaths (2,980) and
chiropractors (2,490), up 56% and 45% respectively from 1996. The
fastest growing group was osteopaths, tripling in number between 1996
and 2006. Over the same period, the Australian population increased by
12% and the total number of health professionals rose by 31%.
Point of difference
Service edge
Example Business approaches complementary medicine in a holistic way
by treating the ‘whole person’ and giving clients a better understanding of
their lives. Clients will be empowered with the knowledge and tools to heal
and be healthy. Kinesiology promotes physical, mental, emotional,
energetic and spiritual health.
6. Marketing Strategy
Show how consumers will find out about your product/service including:
• where, how and when you will promote your product/service such as
shopping centre promotions, point of sale, viral marketing, billboards,
loyalty schemes, etc
• how you will measure the success of your marketing strategy and various
• ‘wishlist’ for further marketing in the future (ideas to look at further down
the track with more $ or more experience)
• To help you assess which marketing strategies will best reach your target
market, complete the Strategic SWOT Analysis Template, Appendix II
During the initial set-up phase and the first few years of business, the
budget for marketing is minimal. Whilst the majority of clientele seek out
new therapists by word of mouth, specific marketing tools have been
chosen for their cost effectiveness. The business logo and colours will be
consistent across all material to encourage brand recognition. The list of
current marketing tools is as follows:
• Small local newspaper ad (this was found to be ineffective)
• Low cost local exhibitions that target lifestyle, health and wellbeing
• Website/blog with online business listings (free and low cost)
• Small Google Adwords campaign
• Letterbox drop with flyers (also found to be ineffective)
• Flyers and business cards to be taken to local businesses
• Networking with other practitioners
Online presence
The business website and online listings is the focus for marketing at this
stage. Search Engine Optimisation has been a focus for content and
functionality. The ‘feature article’ section will allow for a diverse range of
topics to be explored. A ‘Subscription’ to email updates is an avenue for
further marketing and notifications of new articles and special service
prices. From this, Example Business hopes to gain an online community
following and increase the discoverability for new clients.
The cost for marketing is:
• Printing of business cards (500): $65
• Printing of flyers (200): $22
• Printing of banner for exhibitions: $16
• Website: $3,149.50
• Google Adwords: $1,200 (for one year)
• Local newspaper ad: $187.00
Launch Plan
The launch of marketing material will be rolled out in three phases:
Phase 1 (set-up): Local letter box drop, Natural Therapy Pages listing
and local newspaper advertisement
Phase 2 (expand): Website launch, Google campaign, further online
Phase 3 (maintain): Maintain website with new articles and Google
advertising (dependent on marketing budget) and exhibition stalls
Measuring success
Evaluation of the effectiveness of each marketing campaign will be carried
out every six months. New clients will be surveyed as to how they found
out about Example Business and website analytics will evaluate online
trends (both the business website, Google and Natural Therapy Pages
allow for analytical tracking). Newspaper ads and letterbox drops have
already proven to be ineffective.
Business profit will underpin the ability to extend the marketing campaign
beyond the current three phases.
7. Finances
• how you'll finance your business, e.g. business loan, personal funds,
investment capital
• financial projections including how much you will need to make to break
even, when you are likely to make a profit and growth expectations
Basic costing
Training: $19,000
Financial projections
It is estimated that within a five year time period the business will
be running full time and at a profit to support the owner/manager.
At the eighteen month mark (current), the business is attracting
new clients on a weekly basis and is running part time. The desired
growth is to reach and maintain twenty sessions per week (an
average of four sessions per working week day).
• (XLS 32Kb)
This shows your profit and loss for the first 12 months: this will include
sales revenue, product costs and expenses
• (XLS 51Kb)
Most small businesses use their cash flow to show net worth, however this
is useful for bigger businesses
• (XLS 29Kb)
Calculate how much cash you will need to keep your business running,
irrespective of expected profit, and where it will come from. This will help
you determine your overall overheads
• (PDF 123Kb)
This tells you how much money you need to make to run your business
and is useful to calculate your required cash flow
• Access other
8. Action Plan
Your action plan is the most important part of your business plan. It manages
how you’re going to achieve your business plan objectives, so review it regularly
and use it to control your activities. List the actions by key areas such as:
• establishment
• legal
• finance
• marketing
List the key tasks to be done, by whom and by when. Don’t make them too
detailed or they become unworkable. If you don’t achieve a task, reschedule it,
but if it’s still not done by the second date, ask why. Is it too large? Is it unclear
how it will help the business? Do we have the skills to do it? See example below.
Register business and CP 15 Dec
Research and purchase FB 15 Dec
Finalise premises - Rental agreement TS 1 Feb
- Redecorate
- Finalise office set up
Contracts Consult with lawyer FB 15 Dec
Finalise contracts FB 15 Jan
Sign TS/CP/TGJ/FB 1 Feb
Determine fixed - Get costings CP 15 Dec
overheads - Meet with accountant
Determine financial Identify amount to reduce FB 1 Jan
objectives loan
Finalise cash flow - Review P&L with managers CP/TS/ FB 1 Jan
plan - Complete cash flow plan
Finalise initial finance Review finance documents CP 1 March
Determine sales and Identify sales in each quarter FB 1 Jan
marketing objectives for first year
Determine launch Outline plan TS 1 Feb
Agreement and decision on TS/CP/TGJ/FB 1 March
Create a brochure Agree concept TGJ 15 March
Approval of copy TGJ/CP 30 April
Print TGJ 10 May
Distribute brochure TGJ 1 June
Use this table to list your competitors and how you compare against them. Think
about how your business can improve on what they are offering.
Use this table to describe your businesses strengths, weaknesses etc and develop
strategies that will help you eliminate or mitigate them. Lists ways you can
capitalise on your strengths and take advantages of opportunities.
Consider turning the strategies into actions using your Action Plan.
Strengths Weaknesses
Advantages the business can Areas of the business that need to
exploit, e.g. be acted on, e.g.
• good customer service • poor website
• innovative edge • not enough staff training
• unique products