A2 Biology Homeostasis Assignment: by Samir Babaldin
A2 Biology Homeostasis Assignment: by Samir Babaldin
A2 Biology Homeostasis Assignment: by Samir Babaldin
Homeostasis Assignment
Homeostasis, from the Greek words
for "same" and "steady," refers
to any process that living things
use to actively maintain fairly
stable conditions necessary for
Sections of homeostasis
Control Systems
Sections of homeostasis
Feedback Systems in
1. Concentration of oxygen
and carbon dioxide
2. pH of the internal
3. Concentration of nutrients
and waste products
4. Concentration of salt and
other electrolytes
5. Volume and pressure of
extracellular fluid
Control Systems
Most homeostatic systems are extrinsic: they are controlled from outside the body.
Endocrine and nervous systems are the major control systems in higher animals.
The nervous system depends on sensors in the skin or sensory organs to receive stimuli
and transmit a message to the spinal cord or brain. Sensory input is processed and a
signal is sent to an effector system, such as muscles or glands, that effects the response to
the stimulus.
The endocrine system is the second type of extrinsic control, and involves a chemical
component to the reflex. Sensors detect a change within the body and send a message to
an endocrine effector (parathyroid), which makes PTH. PTH is released into the blood
when blood calcium levels are low. PTH causes bone to release calcium into the
bloodstream, raising the blood calcium levels and shutting down the production of PTH.
Some reflexes have a combination of nervous and endocrine response. The thyroid gland
secretes thyroxin (which controls the metabolic rate) into the bloodstream. Falling levels
of thyroxin stimulate receptors in the brain to signal the hypothalamus to release a
hormone that acts on the pituitary gland to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
into the blood. TSH acts on the thyroid, causing it to increase production of thyroxin.
Control Systems