History of Dentistry
History of Dentistry
History of Dentistry
Vulcanite Dentures 20
Amalgam 23
Fluoride 24
History of Anesthesia 24
History of X Ray 27
Creighton History 28
Creighton Dentistry 31
Dental Insigne 34
I. Pre-historic era.
A. At the beginning, life consisted of simple creatures of the sea, which consisted of masses of
protoplasmic cells.
B. By engulfing themselves around a desired morsel, they were able to absorb food. Later a slit
developed, the forerunner of the oral cavity and great gut.
C. Much later tentacles and feelers developed around this slit. The tentacles helped to carry the food
to the slit, oral cavity and great gut.
D. Then nature took the outer layer of skin and carried it inward to the oral cavity.
This skin contained tentacles which were the forerunners of our teeth. These tentacles, also called
shagreen, were calcified.
E. Some of these sea creatures developed lungs and became amphibians. Some began to spend time
on land. At first they crawled on their bellies, later they developed limbs and feet and arose from the
ground. Faced with a new environment including a mixed diet, the creatures
evolved into stronger animals made up of hard bone and tough muscle fiber. Originally three single
tentacles fused and became tri-conodonts. These later changed into teeth very similar to
the teeth of the Catarrine Apes (who inhabited the earth about 40,000,000 years ago in the middle of
the Tertiary Period). The descendants of these apes have the same dental formula as man. Somehow
fire and its benefits were discovered. Cooking made sea food more palatable. Fish and shell fish
became the staple diet as well as nuts, fruits, and the flesh of animals. Due to this food supply many
of the tribes of Egypt and China thrived in the river valleys. Later cultivated grains such as rice,
wheat and barley were added to the diet. If we set the beginning of history at 4000 B.C., toothaches
can be traced to the earliest records. In the Egyptian manuscripts known as Eber's Papyri, which
dates back to 3700 B.C., dental maladies such as toothaches and sore gums are mentioned. Also
about 3000 years ago, the Chinese were concerned about the condition of their teeth and gums. In
manuscripts of that period, at least nine dental ailments were listed and also prescriptions for their
treatment. Ancient petrified skulls showed the presence of decay. In the Giza Pyramids skulls were
found with evidence of tooth decay. Be it Asia, Africa or America among the Co-magnon (direct
ancestor of man) who painted walls of caves 20,000 B.C., we find all men suffered their share of
dental ills.
Magic played an important part in the treatment of dental ills, and people of early ages had odd
beliefs concerning teeth. The Egyptians believed that the mouse was under the direct protection of
the sun, therefore if one had a toothache the split body of a warm mouse was applied to the
affected side. In India the cuspid of Buddha was enshrined in a famous temple (at Kandi) and prayed
to in fertility rites. Prayers were offered up to saints for the relief of pain. St. Apollonia of
Alexandria, 249 A.D., was one such saint. She is now the Patron Saint of Dentistry.
II. Egyptians and Chinese
The first known dentist was an Egyptian named Hesi-Re (3000 B.C.). He was the chief toothist to
the Pharaohs. He was also a physician, indicating an association between medicine and dentistry. In
the 5th century B.C. Herodatus, a historian, described the medical art in Egypt: "The art of medicine
is distributed thus: Each physician is a physician of one disease and no more; and the whole country
is full of physicians, for some profess themselves to be physicians of the eyes, others of the head,
others of the teeth, others of affections of the stomach, and others of more obscure ailments".
Dentistry today is somewhat specialized. The eight specialities are as follows:
1. 1901 Orthodontics
2. 1918 Oral Surgery
3. 1918 Periodontics
4. 1918 Prosthodontics
5. 1927 Pedodontics
6. 1937 Public Health
7. 1946 Oral Pathology
8. 1963 Endodontics
The first evidence of a surgical operation was found in Egypt. A mandible with
two perforations just below the root of the first molar indicated the establishment
of drainage of an abscessed tooth. The approximate date is 2750 B.C.
The splinting of teeth also was practiced by Egyptians; evidence by a specimen
from Cizeh, 2500 B.C. It shows two molars fastened with heavy gold wire.
The Chinese were known to have treated dental ills with knife, cautery, and
acupuncture, a technique whereby they punctured different areas of the body
with a needle. There is no evidence of mechanical dentistry at that time, 2700
B.C., however. Marco Polo stated that the Chinese did cover teeth with thin gold
leafs only as decorations, 1280 A.D. The earliest practice of the prosthetic arts was among the
ancient Phoenicians circa 500 B.C. Hammarabi, ruler of all lower Meso-potamia (1760 B.C.),
established a state controlled economy in which fees charged by physicians were
set. His low code contained two paragraphs dealing with teeth:
"If a person knocks out the teeth of an equal, his teeth shall be knocked out."
"If he knocks out the tooth of a freed slave, he shall pay one third of a mine."
Teeth were knocked out as a form of punishment among these early people.
A. The Greeks
The contribution of the Greeks was mostly on the medical side. The ancient Greek physician,
Aesculapius - 1250 B.C. - gained great frame for medical knowledge and skill. In time he was
deified. Apollo was listed as his father. Aesculapius originated the art of bandaging and use of
purgatives. He also advocated cleaning of teeth and extractions.
Hippocrates (500 B.C.) was supposed to be a descendant of Aesculapius. Hippocrates became
famous both as practioner and writer on medical subjects. He did not believe in magic. He stressed
nature's role in healing. Hippocrates raised the art of medicine to a high level. Also in one of his texts
(Peri-Arthron) he devoted 32 paragraphs to the dentition. He appreciated the importance of teeth. He
accurately described the the technique for reducing a fracture of the jaw and also for replacing a
dislocated mandible. He was familiar with extraction forceps for this is mentioned in one of his
writings. Aristotle - 384 B.C. - who follows Hippocrates, accurately described extraction forceps
and in his book De Partibus Animal Culum devoted a complete chapter to the teeth. He also stated
figs and soft sweets produce decay. He called it a putrefactive process instead of fermentative.
B. The Etruscans
Etruscans (100 - 400 B.C.) in the hills of Central Italy made the greatest contribution in restorative
dentistry. In Italian museums there are numerous specimens of crowns and bridges which were the
equal of many made in Europe and America up until 1870 when the dental engine was invented. A
very unusual specimen is a bridge constructed about 2500 years ago. This consists of several gold
bands fastened to natural teeth and supporting three artificial teeth, two of which are made from a
calf's tooth grooved in the center to appear like two central incisors. Etruscan art, seen at its best in
Florence, reflects some oriental influence but essentially it is their own. Conquered in 309 B.C., they
were absorbed by the Roman Empire.
C. The Romans
Famous Roman physicians are named below:
1. Celsus (25 B.C. - 50 A.D.) like Hippocrates did not believe in magic. He believed that General
Physical deterioration caused dental diseases. For toothaches he prescribed:
a. Hot water fomentations
b. Narcotics
c. Mustard seed
d. Counter irritants
e. Use of the cautery
f. Alum for soft tissue disease
g. Extraction of badly broken down teeth. He recommended filling the cavity with lead prior
to extraction as a means of lessening the chance of fracturing the crown.
h. Gave the technique for reducing fractures
I. Gave first technique for tooth straightening or positioning.
3. Galen (200 A.D.) considered the greatest physician since Hippocrates, was
the first to recognize that a toothache could be:
a. Pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp)
b. Pericementitis (inflammation of radicular portion of the tooth)
He classified teeth into centrals, cuspids and molars.
The Romans were not especially gifted in their dental art. They borrowed their medicine from the
Greeks and restorative dentistry from the Etruscans.
IV. The Hebrews
As for the Hebrews, first evidence of dentistry among the Jews, relief of toothache and
artificial restorations may be found in a collection of books known as the Talmud (352 A.D. -
407). In this collection, mention is made that women were more particular about facial
appearance than were men. It stated that teeth were made of gold, silver and wood. The worm
was blamed for decay. Also stated that gum disease started in the mouth but ended in the gut. One
treatment for abscess was as follows:
Rx: Take earth near the outhouse, mix with honey then eat it.
As for extractions - all cultures expressed anxiety about removing a cuspid for fear of eye injury.
This superstition continues today. The Hebrews are known for ethics, morals and religion. Despite
numerous Hebrew writings that have survived, there is little written about dentistry.
B. Leonardo da Vinci (end of 15th Century) - he described the anatomy of the jaws, teeth and
maxillary sinus. These drawings are the first to accurately describe the maxillary sinus. However,
credit has been given to Dr. Nathaniel Highmore of England (1650).
C. Ambrose Pare (16th Century) - he was born in Paris. He was a Barber -Surgeon at 16 years of
age and became a member of the College of Surgeons at age 37. He was the first to describe Palatal
Obturators, and transplant techniques, etc. His instruments though crude could be used today. He
was not interested in restorative dentistry. He believed toothache was due to worms attacking the
D. Leeuwenhoek (17th Century) - invented the microscope. He described the
dental tubuli and was the first to see organisms of the mouth
E. Malpighi (17th Century) - great Italian anatomist.He was founder of histology and made great
use of the microscope for tissue studies. F. M. Bourdet (mid 18th Century) - described use of gold
for baseplates
G. Purman of Breslau (middle 17th Century) - known for wax impressions.
H. Charles Goodyear (1840) - discovered vulcanite rubber. It was used for denture bases. This
discovery led to false teeth for the millions. Dentures were called vulcanite dentures.
I. Philip Pfaff (18th Century) - German. He introduced plaster for pouring up models.
J. E.J. Dunning (1844) - plaster of Paris impressions, first shown in America.
K. John Greenwood (1789) - dentures for George Washington were made by him.
L. Pierre Fauchard (18th Century - 1728) - Father of Scientific Dentistry. Wrote a great text
"Surgeon Dentist". He also wrote a complete work on Odontology in two volumes, 843 pages. He
recognized the intimate relationship between oral conditions and general health. He advocated
the use of lead (plombagel) to fill cavities. He removed all decay and if the pulp was exposed, he
used the cautery. He prescribed oil of cloves and cinnamon for pulpitis. He described partial
dentures and full dentures in his text. He constructed dentures with springs and used human teeth.
Gold dowels were used in root canals filled with lead. He was also known as Father of Orthodontics.
He was married 3 times. Only three children grew to maturity, one Jean Baptiste
became a famous comedian. Fauchard died in 1768 at the age of 83.
These men on the continent and in England were not physicians or surgeons writing on the
teeth but dentists recording their observations. Their objective: to build this emerging branch
of the healing art into a scientific profession.
IV. Women in Dentistry
The first woman dentist in England was a widow of Dr. Povey - 1719. When he died she took
over his practice.
The first woman dentist in the United States was Emeline Rupert Jones of Connecticut. She
too, took over her husband's practice after he died. In 1854, soon after they were married, she
offered to assist him. He refused, stating that dentistry was no occupation for frail and clumsy
fingers. Secretly she filled several hundred extracted teeth and demonstrated her skill to her
husband. He then let her operate on a few of his patients. After his death, she took over and
practiced for a least 50 years. She was accepted in both the Connecticut State Dental Society
in 1893 and National Dental Association in 1914.
The honor of being the first woman graduate dentist goes to Dr. Lucy Hobbs, 1865. She
graduated from the Ohio Dental College.
460-370 B.C. Hippocrates, the founder of Medicine,
freed medicine from philosophic ideas and
superstition. First to recognize the teeth in
utero, Humoral pathology. Earliest recorded
information as to the teeth in his De Carnibus, use
of gold wire for fractures. Instruction on how to
handle instruments. Text peri-arthron. Technique
for dislocated jaw.
time. His Dechirurgia, one of the great
surgical treatises, contains
illustrations of both surgical and dental
instruments with detailed description of
the use of them. He describes a method of
transplanting teeth and the use of gold
wire to ligate loose ones.
Besides improving the type of extracting
forceps he devised many elevators and
scalers. One of the earliest to devise a
method to correct deformities in the
mouth and dental arches.
of teeth with gold wire. Described obturators.
1859 A.D. Organization of American Dental Association on a
represenative basis.
The first dentist on our shores was William Dinly in 1630. He was an import, brought over
by the Plymouth Colony. Rumor has it that Dinly was lost in a snow storm while making a
house call. Possibly there were tooth-drawers in our settlements. Maybe even the
blacksmiths engaged in a little tooth tugging. After all, didn’t they make the pinchers? No
mention is made of tooth extractors until 1734 when James Mills placed an advertisement in
the New York Journal, “teeth drawn and all broken stumps taken out, very safely, and with
much care, by James Mills, who was instructed by James Reading, deceased, so famous for
drawing teeth. He is to be spoken with at the shop of the deceased, near the old market
slip”. Very little is known about James Reading.
Later, about 1738, William Whitehead announced in a Philadelphia newspaper that he was
an “operator of the teeth”. Another was a French trained dentist, Sieur Roguet, who also
advertised in 1749. His specialty was curing “stinking breath” by extracting decayed teeth
and roots. He replaced them with dentures made of African ivory. Due to their cost and
poor performance however, dentures were rare and considered a luxury at that time
From the landing of the Pilgrims until 1765, nearly 150 years later, six tooth drawers came
to the United States.
Mention is made of Peter Hawkins, a black, who was both preacher and tooth puller. His
practice was so extensive that he made his rounds on a very raw-boned horse. Hawkins
was probably the first black specialist extractor on this continent, if not on any other
One of the early American dentists was Paul Revere, who practiced in Boston in 1768.
Another was John Baker in 1767. He, too, advertised how great a dentist he was and also
how good his dentures were. He trained Paul Revere in prosthetics. When Baker left, Paul
Revere placed the following ad in a local newspaper:
“All persons who had false teeth made by John Baker, and they became loose, may have
them fastened by Paul Revere who learned the methods from John Baker.”
When Dr. Joseph Warren fell at Bunker Hill, Paul Revere identified his body by two
artificial teeth he made for him. This was probably one of the first instances of forensic
identification by examination of the teeth. There is some dispute whether or not Paul Revere
treated George Washington. This could be true. One dentist bill of Washington’s came from
the office of John Baker. Afterwards George Washington employed the services of John
Greenwood in 1798. He is credited with making Washington’s dentures. George’s teeth
were always stained and Dr. Greenwood believed this was due to the President’s drinking
of port wine. Dr. Greenwood instructed George Washington on how to prevent and also
how to remove this stain. Perhaps George also soaked them in wine overnight. George’s
denture were of the reverse spring type. The lower was supported by a lone bicuspid which
later became abscessed and had to be removed.
Shortly after the War of 1812 nearly every community along the Atlantic coast had one or
more dentists. As for what set American dentistry apart, perhaps it was Yankee ingenuity or
ambition. In any case, American dentistry is generally thought of as being the foremost
dental system in the world. As with most other disciplines, however, the world continues to
shrink and dentistry continues becoming more uniform and universal all over the world.
Professional journalism appeared on the American dental scene. One such, “The American
Journal of Dental Science”, was published in 1839. Dr. Chapin Harris was one of its leading
contributors as was Dr. Hayden. Later Drs. Harris and Hayden founded the first separate
dental school, at Baltimore, Maryland in 1840. The course was 16 weeks. The class had 5
members and only 2 graduated. This school has recently been restored and is known as the
foremost center of dental history in the country.
The first publication of organized dentistry appeared in 1913 as “The Official Bulletin of the
National Dental Association”. The second volume was known as “The Journal of the
American Dental Association”, published by the American Dental Association which was
founded in 1859 in Niagara Falls, New York by 25 men representing eight dental groups. In
1869, the southern states formed the Southern Dental Association. In 1897, the Southern
Dental Association merged with the American Dental Association and the society was then
known as the National Dental Association. Then, in 1922 with an active membership of
33,000, the name once again changed to the American Dental Association. Two important
collateral groups are: The American Association of Dental Schools and the National
Association of Dental Examiners. It boasts of various councils, e.g. council on Dental
Education, and Council on Dental Therapeutics. The main purpose of the American Dental
Association is: to cultivate the science and art of Dentistry, and all collateral branches, to
elevate and sustain the professional character of Dentists, to promote among them mutual
improvements, social intercourse and good feeling, and to collectively represent and have
cognizance of the common interests of the dental profession in every part of the United
I. Restorative Materials.
A. Gold Foil
1. Giovanni di Arcoli, 15th Century described
filling of cavity with gold leaf.
2. Pierre Fauchard, 1728, used gold for
restorations, and denture bases.
3. In 1812, a manufacturer in Hartford,
Connecticut specialized in beaten gold leaf for
dental purposes.
4. In 1855, Dr. Arthur described a technique for
using cohesive gold foil. the passing of gold
foil through a flame would remove impurities and
cause it to adhere to each other. One important
condition for perfect cohesiveness was that the
cavity had to be free of saliva. This wasn't
overcome until Dr. Barnum invented the rubber dam
in 1864. The dam plus the dental engine helped
gold foil achieve a high degree of perfection. In the early
1900s a leading authority on gold foil was Dr. Charles
Woodbury who taught for many years at Creighton
B. Amalgam
First used as a silver paste by M. Taveau of Paris in
1826, amalgam at first had its drawbacks. Some
mixtures caused expansion resulting in fractured teeth.
G.V. Black experimented with silver amalgam and
developed a suitable formula which met all
requirements. He found in his research that if alloy
fillings are heated to a certain temperature they would
remain stable for a long period.
C. Gutta Percha
A rubber-like material which came into use in 1848. It
is used as a temporary filling and also extensively
used in Endodontics.
D. Zinc Oxyphosphate Cement
1. Came into use in 1880.
2. Used in cementing crowns, inlays, and as a
protective base over nearly exposed pulps.
E. Porcelain
1. Used since the 1800s for denture teeth
2. All porcelain crowns used since 1900, generally unacceptable
3. Porcelain fused to metal crowns developed in late 1950s
F. Gold Inlay
1. A new and accurate method of casting gold inlays
was announced by Dr. William H. Taggart in 1907.
2. This technique was called the disappearing wax
technique. He patented this technique but lost
his patents when it was discovered that Dr. Philbrook
of Denison, Iowa had written an article concerning
gold inlay castings 25 years earlier. A copy of this
article was found in the dental library of the
University of Iowa.
G. Composite
1. Acrylic Resin was used for anterior filling in the 1940s,
but was unacceptable because of leakage.
2. Bowen adds silica filler to produce first composite, 1962
combined with acid etch bonding technique
3. UV cured composites developed 1970s, Light cured composites
early 1980s.
II. Equipment
A. Chairs
1. The first dental chair by James Snell in 1832.
2. The first hydraulic chair by Wilkerson in 1877.
B. Dental drills
1. Hand operated gear-driven by John Lewis in 1838.
2. The first foot or threadle engine by Dr.
Morrison in 1872.
3. The first electric dental engine by Dr. Green
in 1874.
4. The air abrasive drill by Dr. Black in 1945.
5. The water-turbine handpiece by Dr. Nelson in 1954.
6. The air-turbine handpiece by Dr. Borden in 1957.
Chemical methods, abrasives and lasers have been advocated for tooth removal, but as yet
have not been sufficiently developed for widespread use.
Vulcanite Dentures
Before restorative dental care was popular (or possible), the only treatment for dental pain
was extraction of the teeth, resulting in partial or complete edentulism. Unfortunately in
those times there were no materials or techniques for the fabrication of satisfactory
dentures. The biggest problem was the lack of a durable and affordable denture base
material (porcelain denture teeth were fairly well developed). Unsatisfactory materials
included cast metal, swaged gold, and gutta percha. A good review of these early
prosthodontic problems can be found in the story of George Washington's dentures.
In any case, Nelson Goodyear (brother of Charles Goodyear) discovered how to make hard
rubber products in 1851. This hard rubber (as contrasted to flexible rubber), was named
Vulcanite. This product found wide use in the fabrication of denture bases, where it soon
replaced all previously used materials, being far superior in cost and function (the main
disadvantage of these denture bases is their dark red color). The fit of these bases allowed
self retaining dentures, making earlier spring type dentures obsolete. These Vulcanite
dentures were the first functional, durable and affordable dentures, marking a great advance
in dental treatment.
Through a number of legal maneuvers, the Goodyear company obtained a patent for
Vulcanite dentures in 1864. They proceeded to license dentists who used their material, and
charged a royalty for all dentures made. Dentists who would not comply were sued.
Although many dentists bought licenses, the dental profession as a whole opposed the
patent and licensure. A number of court cases followed, with the Goodyear company
generally prevailing.
The struggle reached a climax when Goodyear hired Josiah Bacon to prosecute non-
compliant dentists, which he did across the country with almost malicious vigor. One he
filed suit against was a well respected dentist named Samual Chalfant. This so distressed
Chalfant that he shot and killed Bacon in California in 1879. Chalfant served 10 years for
second degree murder and resumed his practice upon his release. The Goodyear patents
expired in 1881, and the company did not again seek to license dentists or dental products.
Vulcanite dentures were very popular until the 1940s, when acrylic (pink plastic) denture
bases replaced them. A few patients still have vulcanite dentures (we occasionally see one
in the clinic), and some prefer them to modern dentures despite their unflattering
appearance. The Goodyear-Vulcanite story raises ethical questions as to whether companies
or individuals should profit excessively from products which benefit the welfare of mankind.
A similar dental situation occurred in the early 1900s later when a Dr. Taggart patented the
procedure for making gold dental inlays, and attempted to license dentists and equipment.
This patent was invalidated when it was found that a Dr. Philbrook (Denison, Iowa) had
documented the procedure previously.
George Washington's Dentures
Due to his fame, a remarkably complete record remains of the dental problems of George
Washington. Washington had poor teeth, and began losing them by his early twenties.
Since there were no satisfactory filling materials or procedures at that time, decay usually
proceeded until the patient had a toothache, the only remedy being extraction (without
anesthesia). At the time of Washington's inaguaration in 1790, he had only a lower
premolar left, which was lost some time after. His diaries record many instances of
prolonged toothaches, and his dental problems did not end with the loss of his teeth. He had
a hair-trigger temper, which some attributed to his continual dental discomfort.
Although Washington employed the best dentists of his day ( John Greenwood was his
favorite), the many dentures made for him were unsatisfactory. Due to materials and
procedures, the dentures made at that time fit the gingiva poorly. Although plaster was
used to take impressions of the arches, the denture bases were carved or hammered to only
approximate fit. Contrary to popular myth, George's teeth were not made of wood.
Washington's last lower denture was carved from a single piece of hippopotamus tusk, the
upper was swaged from a sheet of gold with ivory teeth riveted to it. Since the upper fit so
poorly and had no retention, springs were attached to the upper and lower plates and
pushed them against the tissue. It is probable that there was little understanding of
occlusion, so the uppers did not fit the lowers well. This type of denture could not have
been comfortable.
Although these dentures were mainly cosmetic, Washington attempted to wear them for
official occasions and dinners, althought he did limit his speaking engagements. Even with
these dentures, his mouth was badly sunken and some painters padded his mouth with
cotton when producing his portraits (which show no teeth). The ivory used for the teeth
stained quickly, and when Washington complained about this, Greenwood advised him to
remove them when he drank Port (red) wine. These dentures are presently in the
Smithsonian Institute. Mrs. Washington had similar dental problems, although she did not
lose all of her teeth and wore partials. Common people of that time probably did not
attempt to have dentures fitted, and even with their fame and affluence the Washingtons did
not have a very satisfactory prosthodontic result.
Until the late 1800s, catalogs listed "masticators", which crushed food so that it could be
consumed by those without teeth. Naturally retained upper dentures seem to have been
discovered accidentally, one case documented by a Dr. Gardette of Philadelphia in 1800. It
was not until the middle 1800s when plaster investment was developed, that cast metal
bases could be made to fit well enough for retention on a routine basis. Gold was the the
preferred material for these bases, obviously at some cost. These were known as "suction
dentures" and preceded Vulcanite dentures, mentioned in another section.
Mercury-silver amalgam is one of the great success stories of modern dentistry, yet the
material has been controversial since its earliest days. Many metallic powders (most
commonly silver alloys), can be mixed with mercury to form amalgams, which are soft and
then harden to metallic solids. Early attempts to use amalgam as a dental restoration were
often failures, however. First, the ingredients and proportions were usually inconsistent,
leading to early breakdown of the filling or tooth fracture from excessive expansion. Silver
was obtained from many sources, often shaved from coins. The proportions and mixing
procedure with mercury were also variable. Practitoners usually made the materials
themselves. The second problem was that tooth preparation was usually haphazard, both
from poor instrumentation and inadequate dental training. Because of these failures, in the
middle to late 1800s silver amalgam was often associated with incompetent practitioners,
leading to many conflicts in the dental profession and the “amalgam wars”.
Although G.V. Black is known for many other accomplishments, perhaps his greatest
success was in the development of usable amalgams around 1900. After much research, he
determined the correct proportions of silver, zinc, copper and tin and the proper processing
of the powder. He also determined the right percentage of mercury and the proper mixing
procedure. Along with the material he developed a systematic and scientific approach to
cavity preparation, which was equally responsible for success. Concurrent development of
better drills and instruments aided these efforts. Interestingly, dentistry was also maturing at
that time, with formal training and licensure becoming more common.
With G.V.Black’s amalgam and tooth preparation system, for the first time it was possible
to successfully repair cavities quickly and inexpensively in the general population. While
other restorative materials such as gold foil and gold inlays were also in successful use
during that period, they were not as widely used because of the time required and the cost.
Throughout most of the 20th century, dental amalgam was the predominent material for the
general repair of carious teeth.
Although amalgam continues to develop and improve through the present time, it is not
without problems. Perhaps the greatest disadvantage is the silvery or dark appearance,
which is somewhat acceptable in posterior teeth but very un-esthetic in the anterior teeth.
The second problem concerns the mercury in amalgam. While some forms of mercury are
very toxic and harmful, there has been no scientific evidence that the mercury in dental
amalgams causes health problems in the general population. Nonetheless, many individuals
and groups ascribe a wide variety of ills to the presence or release of mercury from
amalgam restorations with the press often giving credence to these theories, so the
controversy continues.
Composite materials and adhesive systems continue to develop at a rapid pace. Although
presently more technique sensitive than amalgams, they can be bonded to tooth structure
and they are certainly more esthetic. Although composites continue to make gains, amalgam
is still widely used. In any case, amalgam’s place in history is secure as the first widely used
material to successfully and inexpensively repair routine cavities.
Fluorine is an extremely reactive gas and is never found in its pure state, but always
combined with other elements (fluorides). Before 1900, most water was consumed directly
from the source, and had very little treatment. In some western cities, it was noted that
people (especially children) who had grown up in these communities had teeth mottled with
white or brown spots. Anecdotally, in the late 1800s it was noted that many of these people
with mottled teeth had few cavities. Much later is was found that this mottling was caused
by an excess of natural fluoride in the water.
One such observer was Dr. Fredrick McKay, who practiced in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
He (and other observers) thought that this phenomenon might be due to something in the
water, but methods of chemical analysis were inadequate to confirm this theory. Dr. McKay
turned to Dr. G. V. Black, and in 1918 they published the first article about this
observation, and theorized that the cause may be fluoride in the water. McKay also advised
Oakley, Idaho to change from deep well water to shallow well water, and he observed that
the mottling ceased.
The relationship of fluoride in water and dental caries was strengthened by a study done in
the 1930s by the Public Health Service and Dr. H. T. Dean, who also developed the DMF
(decayed, missing, filled) index for use in these fluoride studies. Better methods of chemical
analysis also aided in these investigations. These studies found the optimal amount of
fluoride in water (usually around 1ppm). It was also found that dental enamel took up
fluoride and became much more resistant to decalcification by the acids produced by
The final confirmation was during the large controlled studies in Michigan (Grand Rapids)
and New York during the 1940s, in which children with fluoridated water were compared
with similar unfluoridated communities. As predicted, caries decreased by 50 to 63% when
water was fluoridated. Some cities have adequate natural fluoride in the water, and a few
have to remove excess fluoride to prevent mottling. (Omaha did not fluoridate water until
Despite the proven efficacy and safety of fluoridated water, controversy surrounded the
addition of fluoride to public water supplies, and many communities do not add fluoride or
have stopped adding fluoride to water, although overall fluoridation continues to increase.
(After 40 years of ballot and legal wrangling, Los Angeles began fluoridation in 1999).
Some groups ascribe a variety of vague ills to fluoridation, and others object to any
chemical added to water as an infringement of personal freedom. Other groups still
associate fluoridation with a vast conspiracy. Psuedoscience and misinformation are now
easily distributed on the internet.
Although fluoridation is generally well accepted, even communities not fluoridating water
have seen caries decrease, probably because of better overall dental hygiene and the
widespread use of fluoride in toothpastes. In any case, fluoridation of public water is one of
the great public health successes of the 20th century.
C.J. Vacanti, D.D.S.
Since prehistoric times, man has sought ways to lessen pain. With varying degrees of success he
has utilized: mandrake, opium and other poppy extracts, henpane, fermented and distilled beverages,
nerve compresses, cold, extreme fatigue from prohibiting sleep, bleeding to the point of fainting and
shock, and hypnosis.
New ideas for anesthesia stemmed from hilarious parties or demonstrations. These so-called
"ether frolics" or "laughing gas" demonstrations had long been a form of amusement among the
young people of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries here in America. As one of these parties
(ether frolics) in 1842, a young physician. Crawford W. Long of Georgia, conceived the idea of
administering to a patient sufficient ether to inhale so that an operation could be performed without
pain to the patient. After selecting his patient, Dr. Long removed a tumor from the neck while the
patient was under the influence of ether. In that year, 1842, Dr. Long claimed three administrations
of ether. Since that year, up to 1849, he had performed one or more surgical operations annually on
patients under the influence of ether. Inasmuch as Dr. Long failed to introduce the method into his
general practice, to write on the subject, to demonstrate, or to lecture on it, it was apparent that he
was not impressed with this great discovery.
On the other hand, a young conscientious dentist, Dr. Horace Wells of Hartford, Connecticut, was
more alert. Being a very sensitive individual, the suffering he caused during the extraction of teeth
troubled him greatly. These feelings prompted him to give considerable thought to the subject of pain
relief during extractions. In 1838, he wrote, "An Essay on Teeth, Comprising a Brief Description of
Their Formation, Diseases, and Proper Treatment". Horace Wells was a profound student.
Constantly enlarging his knowledge, he attended a lecture on chemical phenomena by Gardner Q.
Colton, a traveling chemist, on December 10, 1844. After manufacturing some nitrous oxide, known
as "laughing gas", Mr. Colton invited spectators to come forward and inhale the fumes. This was to
amuse the crowd. Horace Wells took note that no sign was exhibited when the volunteers, under the
influence of nitrous oxide, stumbled and scraped their shins on the heavy benches. Immediately,
Wells conceived the idea of Inhalation Anesthesia. Though history notes that Sir Humphrey Davy,
in 1799, published an account of his research and experiments with nitrous oxide, Horace Wells was
not aware of it. (Henry Hill Hickmann followed Davy in realizing the possibilities of gases as
clinical anesthetics. Because of failures of medical men of his time to utilize any anesthesia
successfully, in the 1820's he was rebuffed both in England and France, and died without being able
to put his ideas to effective use.) Following the lecture, Wells talked with Colton and asked him to
bring a bag of the gas to his office the next day. Wells had an aching tooth and felt that by inhaling
sufficient nitrous oxide, the tooth could be extracted painlessly. Colton at first had objected because
he was fearful that a large quantity of the gas might prove fatal. Wells had the courage of his
convictions and persuaded Colton to bring the gas. On December 11, 1844, Wells, sitting in his own
dental chair, inhaled the gas until he lost consciousness. Dr. Riggs, a friend and former pupil of Dr.
Wells stepped forward and extracted the arching third molar (wisdom tooth). On regaining
consciousness, Wells exclaimed, "A new era in tooth pulling". After several weeks of experimenting
with nitrous oxide, he went to Boston, the medical center of the New England States. There, through
a friend, a former partner, William T.G. Morton, he arranged to lecture and demonstrated nitrous
oxide before the medical students of John C. Warren. This demonstration failed because Wells, being
a little nervous, withdrew the bag too soon and the patient cried out when the tooth was extracted.
Later, the patient confessed that he felt no pain.
Returning to Hartford, Wells continued to use nitrous oxide and taught other dentists to use it.
When urged to patent this discovery, Wells said, "No! Let it be as free as the air we breathe."
William Thomas Green Morton received the idea of inhalation anesthesia from Well's
demonstration. After experimenting with ether, he continued to use it at the suggestion of Charles T.
Jackson, a Physician Chemist of Boston, in place of nitrous oxide. He extracted a tooth for a patient
under its influence. However, the ether was disguised. Morton saturated a handkerchief with it,
giving it to the patient, he remarked that it was something better than mesmerization. The patient
inhaled it and soon was unconscious. The tooth was removed painlessly. This took place on
September 20, 1846, two years after Wells first discovered surgical anesthesia.
Morton then demonstrated ether as a practical anesthetic to the Harvard medical class. The
surgeon in charge was Dr. John C. Warren. He is the man credited with giving both Morton and
Wells their big opportunity to demonstrate publicly their anesthetic agents. Morton's exhibition was
such a success that Dr. Warren turned to the class and said, "Gentlemen, this is no humbug." With
this, Morton's fame spread. Dr. Johnson became jealous of this fame and a terrific controversy arose
between Morton, Wells and Jackson. Morton patented the ether under the name of Letheon and
secretly promised to pay a percentage to Jackson. Morton, wealthiest of the three, gave up dentistry
and became the first specialist in anesthesia. Wells, deranged by self-experimentation with
chloroform, committed suicide in 1848. In 1864, the American Dental Association gave full credit to
Horace Wells for the discovery of practical anesthesia and its introduction to the United States of
Local anesthetics were first used in 1884. It was then that Koller, a young intern and house
surgeon, first announced the use of cocaine to anesthetize the eye. That same year, William S.
Halstead, surgeon at John Hopkins Hospital, demonstrated that the injection of a nerve trunk in any
part of its course is followed by local anesthesia in its entire peripheral distribution. The nerve he
first blocked was the mandibular branch of the trigeminal.
Novocain (procaine hydrochloride) was introduced into the practice of medicine by Professor
Braun in 1905. Novocaine is a comparatively weak anesthetic agent possessing a low degree of
toxicity. It is still potent enough to provide a safe, sure analgesia under practically all circumstances.
It is readily absorbed following injection into the tissues. It is detoxified in the liver and also rapidly
hydrolyzed in the plasma. When infiltrated around free nerve endings and fibers, onset of analgesia is
almost immediate. At most, the onset is from 3 to 5 minutes. A two percent solution of novocaine is
recommended for use in dental practice. This percentage will give approximately 12-15 minutes of
analgesia. The addition of epinephrine 1:100,000 per milliliter prolongs analgesis to 30-45 minutes.
A 1:50,000 per milliliter produces 60-90 minutes of analgesia. According to a report by the New
York Heart Association on the use of epinephrine, it is recommended for any one session that no
more than 10 mililiters of 1:50,000 epinephrine no more than 0.2 mg of epinephrine be used in any
form. Dental surgery performed under these conditions on a cardiac patient will present no special
Novocaine is now seldom used. It has been replaced by stronger anesthetics such as: Primacaine,
1.5% solution, which is four times more potent than novocaine and slightly more toxic. Tetracaine,
0.15% solution, which is relatively toxic and 10 times as potent as novocaine
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) diffuses readily through the tissues, and nerve sheath giving a rapid onset
of analgesia. It is detoxified in the liver and possesses slight vaso-constricting properties. Xylocaine
has an early cortical depressant effect and it, thereby, potentiates the hypnotic effect of barbiturates.
Therefore, in cases of pre-medication with barbiturates, the dosage should be decreased if Xylocaine
is used. Xylocaine has been used effectively and safely in dentistry and in various specialties of
medicine such as: Urology, Opthalmology, Otorhimolaryngology, Proctology, and Dermatology.
Xylocaine is rapidly replacing novocain. It has been widely accepted by obstetricians who have
become aware of its effectiveness and safety. The spread of Xylocaine has been phenomenal. It has
even replaced novocaine in the field of intravenous anesthesia, the advantages being many, such as:
a very low incidence of postoperative nausea, vomiting and chest complications.
The idea of using anesthetic solutions or drugs in cartridges was developed by Harvey Cook
during World War I. The idea was conceived from the cartridges used in rifles. Dr. Cook fashioned
his own syringes and cartridges. From this humble beginning, new agents and different types of
syringes have sprung. The local anesthetics we use today have made dentistry and medicine more
serviceable to the public. The medical and dental professions are thankful to men such as: Wells,
Warren and Cook for their great contributions.
1. Archer W. Harry, B.S., M.A., D.D.S., A Manual of Dental Anesthesia, Second Edition.
3. Monheim, Leonard M., B.S., M.S., D.D.S., Local Anesthesia and Pain Control in Dental
Practice, Second Edition.
William Conrad Roentgen was a German Professor and the Director of the
laboratory, University of Wurtzberg, Germany. In 1895, Professor Roentgen and two
associates were experimenting with the passage of high voltage electric current through
electrodes in a vacuum tube. During one experiment, Professor Roentgen was about to turn
off the current when he noticed a strange glow on a table a few feet away. Upon
examination, Roentgen found that the glow came from a few barium crystals on a piece of
paper. Since the room was dark and the vacuum tube was covered with a black screen, he
wondered where the light came from. He examined the tube and found it to be in good
condition. He turned the current off and the glow disappeared. He did this several times and
concluded that some kind of ray, a powerful ray, was penetrating the dark screen and was
causing the crystals to glow. For the next eight weeks he conducted experiments with many
materials, trying to block the rays emitted and concluded that lead and platinum could stop
the rays. He also discovered that the rays would expose film without light. Not knowing
what the rays were, he called them X-rays. Professor Roentgen was the first human to
observe what no other human had ever seen, a perfectly clear outline of the bones in his
hand clearly visible through the flesh. For this great discovery, he was given the honorary
title "Doctor of Medicine" and also awarded the Nobel Prize in 1901 for physics. Roentgen
refused to patent his discovery, saying it was free for the benefit of mankind.
Plans for X-ray generators were published in journals, and scientists around the
world soon had their own machines working (an early one was made here at Creighton).
The speed at which X-rays were accepted was remarkable. Five months after Roentgen’s
discovery, in the United States Dr. W. J. Morton demonstrated films from skulls.
Dr. C. Edmund Kells, a New Orleans dentist, demonstated the first films taken on a
live patient 3 months later in 1896. Kells was a prolific inventor and writer, in dentistry and
other fields.(He was one of the first to use electricity in a dental office). He often held the
film in the patient's mouth during the long exposures, or used his hand as the object while
adjusting the exposure, since these early machines had unpredictable emissions.
Unfortunately, he did not realize the dangers from his own continual X-ray exposure and
developed cancer in his right hand, which later progressed through his arm and shoulder.
After forty-two operations, the intense suffering caused him to take his own life in 1928, at
the age of 72.
Coolidge, who worked for General Electric in the US, was a leader in the development of
usable X-ray equipment. Nonetheless, despite wide acceptance in the medical field, X-ray
machines were not commonly seen in dental offices until the 1920s.
prepared by Roland J. Reichmuth
1876 Mary Lucretia Creighton, wife of Edward, dies Jan. 12, leaving $100,000 for
establishment of a free school for boys in honor of her husband.
1878 Classes begin with 120 students and a faculty of five Jesuits and two lay people,
Sept. 2.
1879 Creighton University incorporated under Nebraska law. Bishop James O’Connor
transfers his trust to the Jesuits.
1891 First Baccalaureate degrees granted to five graduates, June 24. Elementary classes
1892 Medical School opens with 36 students, June 1. Alumni Association formed.
1920 New Law School and new Dental School built on 26 and California St. Colleges
of Commerce, Finance and Journalism opened.
1925 Fifteen thousand seat stadium completed. Duchesne College affiliated with CU.
1930 Administration building enlarged and main entrance is located on the south rather
than the east.
1933 Journalism separates from the College of Commerce to become the School of
1945 School of Dentistry closed for short time. Intercollegiate football discontinued.
1956 Deglman Hall and Brandeis Student Center completed. Women allowed on Student
Board of Governors.
1960 Stadium and old auditorium razed to make room for the College of Business
Administration and the Reinert Alumni Memorial Library.
1965 Interstate Highway constructed on two sides of campus. Swanson Hall is completed.
1967 Department of Fine Arts established. Criss II and Rigge Science Buildings
1968 Board of Directors for the University is expanded to include 13 laymen and 8
1974 Ahmanson Law Center finished. Ground is broken for new St. Joseph Hospital.
1975 Wareham Hall is razed for construction of Kiewit Physical Fitness Center. Institute
for Latin American Concern (ILAC) begins sending students to Dominican Republic
to learn first hand about the problems of the Third World.
1977 New St. Joseph Hospital opens on west edge of campus. ILAC health teams begin
serving the poor of the Dominican Republic.
1984 American Medical International, Inc. (AMI) acquires ownership of St. Joseph
Hospital, which remains Creighton’s primary teaching hospital.
1985 Creighton launches five-year $70 million capital fund drive, the Campaign for
Creighton. Leroy L. Wade Computer Center in College of Business
Administration is opened.
1988 Creighton Athletic Complex dedicated. Campaign for Creighton exceeds goal.
The History of The
Creighton University School of Dentistry
Charles J. Vacanti, B.S., D.D.S.
The Omaha College of Dentistry operated in downtown Omaha and graduated their first class in
1898. In 1905 they closed, and their program was transferred to Creighton University. Some of the
previous students continued with Creighton. The first class was held on October 2, 1905 in the
Creighton Institute in downtown Omaha, which also housed the School of Law. A 1905 publication
reported the School as one of the finest available, “having all modern equipment, including facilities
for instruction in dental surgery unsurpassed by any college in the West”.
In addition to educating dentists, the Creighton School of Dentistry demonstrated unusual foresight
in offering two other courses in its first year of operation. One was Nebraska’s first dental assistant
course, a 30-week program offering “both didactic and practical instruction in operative and
prosthetic techniques, therapeutics, pathology and dental anatomy”. The other course was a
postgraduate course offered for the practicing dentist. During its first 12 years, the School of
Dentistry graduated students after three years of study in compliance with the rules of the National
Association of Dental Faculties. A four-year course was adopted in 1917 at the recommendation of
the Dental Education Council of America (because of this transition there were only two graduates in
the class of 1920).
From 1921 until 1973, the School of Dentistry occupied a building at 26th and California Streets on
the Creighton Campus. The three-story building had 33,000 square feet of space. The top story was
the clinic, which measured 60 feet by 143 feet and contained 53 dental chairs. Also housed in the
building was the research laboratory of Dr. J.S. Foote, the eminent histologist whose subject was
histo-pathology of the hard tissues of the mouth with special attention to the bone. Dr. Foote’s work
was financed by a grant from the National Dental Association. It was one of Nebraska’s earliest
dental research grants.
During World War II and the immediate postwar years, the School of Dentistry faced a crisis
brought about by lack of finances, faculty, and students. Confronted with this, the University
Administrators decided to close the School. Local dental alumni contacted the administrators and
offered their help. Because of their overwhelming generosity, the School survived. The Reverend
Henry W. Linn, Vice President for University Relations then contacted dental alumni all over the
country and asked for their help. They too, responded generously. After World War II, the G.I. Bill
enabled many veterans to commence or continue interrupted college studies. As a result, dental
school enrollment increased to forty per class. The faculty and staff also increased.
In the late 1940’s Creighton began experimenting with closed-circuit television for lectures and
demonstrations on dental subjects. Dr. Lawrence Donahoe performed the first televised dental
operation in the United States in the Summer of 1948. Approximately 450 educators from 12 states
watched the televised demonstration of treatment for periodontal disease. It was during this period
that the School of Dentistry started to move forward.
In the early fifties, a young graduate oral surgeon, Dr. Benjamin L. Lynch, was appointed Dean. Dr.
Lynch and his young faculty continued the progress. Dr. Lynch was awarded Clinical Professor
Emeritus of Oral Surgery in 1986.
Many new changes were wrought in the sixties and seventies. Under the leadership of Dean
Raymond Shaddy, Associate Dean John J. Butkus and Dean Robert V. Vining; and with special
grants from the Federal Government, the school of Dentistry was renovated with the most modern
It was thought at that time that there would soon be a much greater demand for Dentists. In order to
accomodate larger classes and newer instructional methods, an larger facility was needed. Aided by a
generous gift from Dr. Henry N. and Maude Boyne, construction of the third School of Dentistry at
Creighton University began in June, 1971 after five years of planning. Many dedicated people, some
of whom are not living today, contributed to the total effort of transferring yesterday’s needs to
today’s reality.
The Dr. Harry N. and Maude Boyne School of Dental Science Building was completed in 1973;
being named for two Council Bluffs, Iowa natives with a long history of dedication to Creighton
University. The building contains 150,00 square feet of space on three levels, in addition to
interstitial mechanical levels. It was constructed at a cost of 10.5 million and is located in close
proximity to Creighton’s other health sciences schools, the Bio-Information Center and Saint Joseph
Hospital. The Dr. Harry N. and Maude Boyne School of Dental Science Building is designed for
maximum flexibility to accommodate changes in oral health education concepts and oral health care
delivery systems.
The adult clinic consists of a large U-shaped general clinic containing 118 operatories surrounded by
support facilities such as clinical laboratories, dispensaries, consultation rooms, reception area and
clinical offices. Oral Surgery, Implants, Perio Surgery and Radiology also have separate Main Floor
The operatories in the General Clinic are contained within cubicles of a special interdigitated design.
This design provides ample area for the utilization of dental auxiliaries.
The Creighton dental education program emphasizes both depth and breadth of the clinical
experience. Students are directed toward clinical experience and proficiency, that is especially
required for the self-sufficient or “isolated” practitioner of dentistry. The demand for clinical
excellence, along with the ever expanding knowledge base in the biological sciences, is reflected by
maintenance of the four-year educational program. Over 50,000 patient visits are recorded each year
by the clinics. Patient care begins in the freshman year on a limited basis and accelerates throughout
the four year program. In addition, the Department of Community Dentistry annually conducts
regional public education and preventive dentistry programs that reach over 10,000 grade school
Dean Vining was instrumental in the formation of two new departments. In 1977, Endodontics was
granted departmental status and Dr. Charles J. Vacanti, who developed the Endodontic curriculum,
was named its Founding Chairman. Dr. Marvin O. Ludlow is the present Chairman. In 1982 Dean
Vining proposed that a new method of delivering patient care be instituted; thus the Department of
Comprehensive Dental Care was formed. Dr. Ralph R. Herrman was named first Chairman. This
program simulated general office practice; affording a better transition for students going into
private practice from dental school. This also gave senior students an opportunity to do more
dentistry than previously. This program has enjoyed the approval of faculty, staff, students, and
The middle eighties found the School in search of a new Dean. Dr. Gerald C. Brundo, a 1969
graduate of the Creighton University School of Dentistry and Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
at U.C.L.A., was selected. Under the leadership of this young man and a youthful administrative
staff, the School of Dentistry has continued to move forward, especially, in the field of dental
research. Dean Brundo’s interest in research led to the appointment of Dr. Wayne Barkmeier as
Assistant Dean for Research. Since his appointment on September 1, 1985, Dr. Barkmeier has
received several research grants and has stimulated faculty participation in his programs. In addition
to his research funding, Dr. Barkmeier also received National Institute of Health funding for
Advanced Educational Program in General Dentistry commencing July 1, 1987. In 1994 Dr.
Barkmeier was named Dean.
In 1982, a new program was initiated in which students from Idaho took their first year of intruction
in Idaho, and started their second year at Creighton. Utah followed with a similar program in 1983.
Both states subsidize the tuition of students accepted into this program.
Due to the increased cost of space, in 1994 the departments of Occupational Therapy and Physical
Therapy took most of the space on the first floor. Only the classrooms are used by the dental
program on the first floor. The freshman and sophomore preclinical laboratories were moved to the
third floor, and Pedodontics was moved into the space formerly occupied by the AEGD and faculty
practice. Faculty practice was moved into the former oral diagnosis suite.
Creighton Dental Deans:
1905-1906 Dr. C.O. Metzler
1906-1907 Rev. M.J. Ryan
1907-1908 Rev.W. J. Whelan
1908-1933 Dr. A.H. Hipple
1933-1945 Dr. F.J. Viner
1945-1950 Dr. H.E. King
1950-1954 Dr. J. H. Pence
1954-1955 Dr. B.J. Lynch
1955-1957 Dr. R.H. Schemel
1957-1961 Dr. B.J. Lynch
1961-1962 Dr. G.W. Quinn
1962-1971 Dr. R.W. Shaddy
1971-1983 Dr. R.V. Vining
1983-1984 Dr. R.W. Shaddy
1984-1994 Dr. G.C. Brundo
1994- Dr. Wayne Barkmeier
Acting Deans:
1950 Rev. E.J. Stumpf
1962 Dr. J. J. Butkus
Dental Insigne
Dental Insigne: In 1964 a design or insigne for dentistry was described and portrayed in the
report of the Bureau of Library and Indexing Service with a resolution that it be approved
as the official emblem for dentistry in the United States. The Reference Committee on
President’s Address and Administrative Matters referred the resolution back to the Bureau
for further study and report at the 1965 annual session. After further study it was suggested
that the earlier symbol of dentistry be reinstated officially because it had achieved
widespread use and acceptance since its first adoption in 1940 (Trans. 1940:320). It has
continued in use although this action was reinstated in 1949 when all actions approved prior
to 1945 were abrogated by the House (Trans 1949:234).
This design uses as its central figure a serpent entwined about an ancient Arabian cautery in
the manner of the single of Aesculapius, the Greek god of medicine, coiled about a rod. The
Greek Letter D (delta), for dentistry, and the Greek letter O (omicron), for odont (tooth)
form the periphery of the design. The word “Dentistry” appears on the lowest part of the
letter O. In the background are 32 leaves and 20 berries, representative of two dentitions.
Because colors are sometimes asked for, the following are suggested: the background in a
shade of lilac, the official academic color of dentistry (Descriptive Color Names Dictionary
of the Containers Cooperation of America, 1950, color chip 12 ge); the letter O in gold; the
letter A in black; the cautery in gold outlined in black; and the leaves and berries merely
outlined in black on the lilac background.
Long ago, in ancient Greece, when formal education was for the very rich or the very determined, a wise old
teacher was approached by a group of noblemen. “Our sons have completed their studies and it is time for
them to return to their homes and live in the style fitting their station. Tomorrow we will present them at a
great banquet. Be sure they are appropriately dressed in their finest robes and jewels.”
The following day, the banquet hall was filled with royalty and nobility dressed in dazzling finery. The
great moment came when the students entered with their beloved teacher. A cry arose from the crowd, for
there were their young men dressed, not in the garments of the noble. But in simple sackcloth robes, each
carrying a mortar board - the mark of a common workman.
“What is the meaning to this? Cried the noblemen. “Our sons were to be dressed in their finest garments!”
The wise teacher replied, “But they are! Your sons are dressed in the clothing of the mason, for their destiny
is to build. Some will build cities, some will build lives - but all will be builders on the solid foundation of
And to this day all graduates wear a cap and gown proudly, symbolizing the value of education, and the fact
that they are builders of their future and the future of our world.
Still further confusion arises because some of the British universities give the same hood for different
degrees. The Oxford hoods for D.C.L. and M.D. are identical-scarlet cloth with a crimson silk lining. A
blue silk hood trimmed with white fur is given for three degrees B.C.L., M.B. and Mus. B. The familiar
Cambridge hood of scarlet cloth lined with pink silk is by no means distinctive, for it may designate either
D.D., LL.D. or M.D. As so it goes, each British and Colonial institution of learning has its own
authoritative hood for each degree. Consequently at a gathering of university dignitaries in England, one
would have to be conversant with all the hoods in order to determine where a graduate received his degree
or which faculty it represented.
How simple and comprehensible the American system is by comparison, with the colors representing the
different faculties being the same for all schools, the design of the gowns and hoods representing the three
degrees also the same for all schools, and the school from which the degree is received clearly indicated by
the color or colors shown in the hood lining.
Following is a list of the colors established by the Intercollegiate Code to represent the different
department of learning:
HUMANICS Dark Crimson
LAW Purple
ORATORY Silver Gray
SCIENCE Gold Yellow