Lecture #7: Intro To Synchronous Sequential State Machine Design
Lecture #7: Intro To Synchronous Sequential State Machine Design
Lecture #7: Intro To Synchronous Sequential State Machine Design
• Midterm #1 is next Tuesday (February 5th) in
– Will not include state machines.
• Lab 3 Design Post-Mortem
– Comments/Issues?
• Lab 4 handout
– Due next week as normal.
• HW3 handout
– Due Next Thursday February 7th
– Read it over and I’ll answer any questions on Thursday.
Two Types of Logic Circuits
• Combinational
– A circuit whose outputs depend only on its
current inputs
• Sequential
– A circuit whose outputs depend not only on its
current inputs, but also on the past sequence of
inputs, possibly arbitrarily far back in time.
• In DDPP, Chapter 7 Intro, 7.3 (not 7.3.5),
7.4 (not 7.4.5), 7.5, 7.7
• We’ll do 7.8 next time
States and State Variables
• “The state of a sequential circuit is a collection of
state variables whose values at any one time
contain all the information about the past
necessary to account for the circuit’s future
• The states are normally encoded as binary
numbers so for n state variables, there are 2n
possible states.
– Since there is a finite number of states, these circuits
are also called finite-state machines (FSM).
Simultaneous Input Changes
• Q: What if D and CLK change at the same time?
– A: Bad things so do not change the input near the clock
• Setup Time: the amount of time the synchronous
input (D) must be stable before the active edge of
the clock.
• Hold Time: the amount of time the synchronous
input (D) must be stable after the active edge of
the clock.
Mealy State Machine
• A Mealy state machine’s output depends on
both the state variables and the current
Mealy vs. Moore
• Moore machine guarantees the outputs are
steady for a full clock cycle.
• However, a change at the input takes at least
one clock cycle to affect the output.
• Moore machine might require more states
since not dependent on the input.
• Most of the time, I use a Moore machine.
1’s Counting Machine
• Design a clocked synchronous state
machine with two inputs, X and Y, and one
output, Z. The output should be 1 if the
number of 1 inputs on X and Y since reset
is a multiple of 4, and 0 otherwise.
– Section 7.4.6 in DDPP
Machine States
• S0 à Got zero 1s (modulo 4)
• S1 à Got one 1 (modulo 4)
• S2 à Got two 1s (modulo 4)
• S3 à Got three 1s (modulo 4)
Bubble Diagram
State Assignment
• Use Binary Encoding but in K-map order.
– Requires two state elements/DFFs.
– Semi-Arbitrary decision.
• S0 à 00
• S1 à 01
• S2 à 11
• S3 à 10
Transition/Excitation Table
• Since we will only use D-flip flops, the
transition and excitation tables are the same.
– For a DFF, Q* = D
Derive Next State Logic
• Use a K-Map for each state register input
Logic Equations
• AKA “Next-State” Logic
• D1 = Q2*X’*Y + Q1’*X*Y + Q1*X’*Y’ +
• D2 = Q1’*X’*Y + Q1’*X*Y’ + Q2*X’*Y’
+ Q2’*X*Y
• Z = Q1’*Q2’
One-Hot Encoding
• Alternative encoding of state variables.
• Use one state element for each state variable
• S0 à 0001
• S1 à 0010
• S2 à 0100
• S3 à 1000
Logic Equations
• D1 = Q1*X’*Y’ + Q2*X’*Y + Q2*X*Y’ +
• D2 = Q2*X’*Y’ + Q3*X’*Y + Q3*X*Y’ +
• D3 = Q3*X’*Y’ + Q4*X’*Y + Q4*X*Y’ +
• D4 = Q4*X’*Y’ + Q1*X’*Y + Q1*X*Y’ +
• Z = Q4
One-Hot Value?
• One-Hot decreases the decode depth
required for next state logic at the expense
of more DFFs and logic.
– Decode depth of next state logic largely
determines speed of state machine.
– Why didn’t this help on this example?
• Lab 4 will have a state machine that should
show the tradeoffs better.
Modified One-Hot
• In modified one-hot, the reset sequence is
all zeros which transitions to the first state
at the first clock edge.
• Needed for FPGAs whose FF’s powerup as