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Applying Schedules and Profiles in HAP: QB Tip 001

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HAP e-Help
HAP e-Help 008 V4.3 June 15, 2006
QB 008
e-Help 008001 V4.20a V4.20a May 25, 2006
May 25, 2006

Applying Schedules and Profiles in HAP

This HAP e-Help discusses the importance of properly applying schedules and profiles in HAP. We will also discuss potential
misapplications of these user inputs. First, we need to understand the differences between schedules and profiles and their effect
on design loads and energy simulation.

A “Schedule” is made up of one or more hourly “Profiles” and the associated day type “Assignments.” A fractional schedule is
used to describe how much and how often a building parameter like people, lights, and miscellaneous internal heat gains exist.
These schedules are then assigned to, and modify the internal loads defined in the space input forms.

Within a schedule, an hourly profile is used to describe

behavior for one 24-hour period. For example, a profile
for people would show the percentage of full occupancy
each hour for a 24-hour period. Schedules may contain
one or more profiles that together define the behavior for
the entire year. The example schedule shown in Figure 1
represents the “Lights” in a typical office application.
There are four profiles associated with this schedule: one
for the “Design Day”, one for “Weekdays”, one for
“Saturday-Sunday”, and one for “Holidays”. Together,
these profiles define the different behavior patterns for the
lights in the office.

Profiles can represent behavior for different days of the

week and different months of the year. In the example
above, additional profiles for summer weekdays,
fall/winter/spring weekdays, and weekends could be
added if desired. Users may describe up to eight
separate and distinct profiles depending on the usage
patterns of the building.

Figure 1 – Schedule Properties for Lights

Incorporating Four Profiles

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Software Systems Technical Support:

[email protected]
HAP e-Help
HAP e-Help 008 V4.3 June 15, 2006
QB 008
e-Help 008001 V4.20a V4.20a May 25, 2006
May 25, 2006

Applying Schedules and Profiles in HAP

Three Types of Schedules

There are three types of schedules in HAP: Fractional,

Fan/Thermostat, and Utility Rate Time-of-Day. Fractional
and fan/thermostat schedules are used in design load and
annual operating cost calculations. Utility rate time-of-day
schedules are used only in annual operating cost

Fractional schedules represent hourly percentage usage of

the internal heat gain value. Fractional schedules are most
often used to describe the hourly variation of internal heat
gains such as people, lights, and miscellaneous heat

In addition to lights, people, and miscellaneous heat

sources, the fractional schedule can be used for special
“scheduled” control options for ventilation air, and to define
hot water usage.

The fraction of 100% heat gain for each hour is described

by the hourly profile. For example, the fractional profile for Figure 2 – Fractional Schedule Choice
a lighting schedule would define the fraction of 100% light
load for each hour of the day.

The “Design Day” profile in Figure 3 represents lighting for

an office area. This schedule has been named “Lights
Office”. Notice this profile calls for 100% of the light level
between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and 10% of the
light level for the remaining hours. As an example, suppose
the light heat gain was entered as 2.5 watts/sq ft. The
lighting wattage at this level would exist from 7 a.m. to 7
p.m., and lighting at 0.25 watts/sq ft would exist for the
remaining hours.

For information on how heat gains are converted into

cooling loads, see HAP e-Help 004 discussing the Transfer
Function Methodology.

Figure 3 – Typical Lighting “Design Day” Profile for an Office

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HAP e-Help
HAP e-Help 008 V4.3 June 15, 2006
QB 008
e-Help 008001 V4.20a V4.20a May 25, 2006
May 25, 2006

Applying Schedules and Profiles in HAP

Fan/Thermostat Schedules

Fan/Thermostat schedules define the hours when the HVAC equipment is operating in the “occupied” or “unoccupied” period.
Hours of the day in these profiles are designated as "occupied" or "unoccupied" and not fractional as with lights and people.
During occupied hours, the occupied thermostat set points are used and the air system fan operates to ventilate and condition
the building. During unoccupied hours, the unoccupied thermostat set points are used and the fan systems cycle to condition the
building. This type of schedule is selected in the “Air System Properties” under the “Zone Components” tab and the
“Thermostats” input by clicking the “Thermostat Schedule” button.

Figure 4 – Fan and Thermostat Schedules

In the “Design Day” Fan/Thermostat profile shown in

Figure 5, the HVAC system is started at 6 a.m. and the
occupied thermostat set points for cooling and heating
take effect at that time. At 7 p.m., the fan/thermostat
enters the unoccupied period and the fan cycles to
maintain set points. The Fan/Thermostat profile operates
independently of when the people enter the building and
the lights are turned on. However, there should be a
relationship between these schedules and their profiles
for the same project. For instance, it is not uncommon to
start the fan/thermostat an hour or more before the people
arrive, and stop the system operation and occupied set
point an hour or so after people leave.

The bar for each hour indicates operation for the full hour.
For example, if you have a bar for hour 09, that covers the
time period 9:00:00 a.m. thru 9:59:59 a.m. And a bar for
hour 18 covers the time period 6:00:00 p.m. thru 6:59:59
p.m. So, the schedule shown to the right results in an
occupied period beginning at 6:00:00 a.m. and ending at
6:59:59 p.m. If this is not understood, it is easy to
schedule operation 1 hour longer than intended. Figure 5 – Typical Fan/Thermostat Profile for Office

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Software Systems Technical Support:

[email protected]
HAP e-Help
HAP e-Help 008 V4.3 June 15, 2006
QB 008
e-Help 008001 V4.20a V4.20a May 25, 2006
May 25, 2006

Applying Schedules and Profiles in HAP

The last type of schedule represents the Utility Rate

Time-of-Day. It is used to define on-peak and off-peak
pricing periods for the electric rate. Figure 6 shows a
sample profile for this type of schedule. Notice that it is
different from the fractional and the fan/thermostat
profiles. This profile allows the user to input each hour
into one or up to four categories; peak, mid, normal, and
off-peak. In this example, the utility charges a “peak” rate
starting at 8 am and extending for 10 hours per day.
There are mid-peak rates for 2 hours before and after the
peak times. The other hours are off-peak. The user then
defines the actual rate in $/kWh for the various levels in
the electric and fuel rate property input screens.


Now that we have described the three types of schedules

and their profiles, we will discuss the final input for
schedules: the assignment of the various profiles to the
days of the week and months of the year. Individual
profiles in a schedule can be assigned to different
months of the year or days of the week. This permits Figure 6 – Utility Rate Time-of-Day Profile
modeling of different internal load behavior patterns at
the different times of year or on different days of the
week. The “Assignments” tab in the Schedule Properties
input is used for this purpose.

For the example shown in Figure 7, we have assigned a

separate lighting profile for the “Design Day”,
“Weekdays”, “Weekends”, and “Holidays”. Profile 2,
“Weekdays” has been assigned to the Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday day types for each
month of the year.

Assignments for the “Design” row of the table are only

used for the design cooling calculations. Assignments
for the days of the week are only used for energy
simulation calculations. As a note, when operating HAP
in the System Design mode to calculate cooling and
heating loads, only the “Design” row in the table is
enabled. All other rows (weekdays, weekends, and
holidays) are removed from view.

Figure 7 – Assignments

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Software Systems Technical Support:

[email protected]
HAP e-Help
HAP e-Help 008 V4.3 June 15, 2006
QB 008
e-Help 008001 V4.20a V4.20a May 25, 2006
May 25, 2006

Applying Schedules and Profiles in HAP

Important! Always Use Representative Profiles When Creating Schedules

Some HAP users question the relevance of inputting actual fractional profiles. Some may think they are simply being
conservative by leaving the profile multipliers at 100% for the entire 24-hour period. But what is the consequence of doing this in
the HAP program?

First and foremost, the hourly variations in heat gain from

lights, people, and other internal sources should be used
for each project. Also, only real life internal heat gains that
exist during known hours should be used. Granted, using
100% for all hours in a profile is the easiest to input.
However, heat gain in one hour has an effect on the loads
in subsequent hours because of the thermal storage
effect modeled by the ASHRAE Transfer Function

A 100% internal gain in all hours will essentially result in a

situation where the internal gain = internal cooling load for
stage 1 Transfer Function calculations. Stage 1
calculations are used to calculate zone and space

In stage 2 calculations, HAP makes adjustments to the

stage 1 values, and then calculates the coil capacity
based on "actual" system operation. If the profiles for
internal gains are set at 100% for both the occupied and
unoccupied hours, enormous heat storage in the building
mass will occur during the unoccupied hours. This can
Figure 8 – 100% Values Not Recommended Unless
happen because the cooling setup temperature is higher
Applicable to Actual Building Usage
during the unoccupied times and/or the cooling equipment
is off at night.

The above described condition will result in a very large pull down load. This extremely large pull down load could result in the
peak coil load occurring in the morning instead of the late afternoon, which would have been the case with a more realistic
schedule. So, the actual time and magnitude of the peak cooling coil load has been skewed by the large pull down load. This
load would not exist if the internal gains were not present during the unoccupied periods.

Because of the large pull down load, the system will struggle to reduce the zone temperature to the cooling set point in a
reasonable time during the occupied period. This can result in unsatisfied and higher than expected zone temperatures. (See
HAP e-Help 007 for additional information on Zone T-Stat Check.) This struggle occurs because the airflow being used to pull
down the load at the onset of the occupied cycle has, in fact, been sized based on stage 1 calculations. These calculations do not
account for the unrealistic pull down requirements. However, the size of the cooling coil does take into account pull down if it
exists. So, a larger cooling coil load will be sized versus a scenario where less or no pull down is required.

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Software Systems Technical Support:

[email protected]
HAP e-Help
HAP e-Help 008 V4.3 June 15, 2006
QB 008
e-Help 008001 V4.20a V4.20a May 25, 2006
May 25, 2006

Applying Schedules and Profiles in HAP

So, why not use continuous internal heat gains at 100% and run the fan/thermostat schedule for 24 hours? This way, no pull
down loads exist, right?

This is not advisable. HAP may undersize the cooling coil since no pull down loads exist because the system does not have an
occupied period with a lower set point temperature. At that point, many engineers would attempt to apply a suitable safety factor
to account for the pull down load. However, the magnitude of the pull down load can be accurately calculated by HAP with
suitable attention to realistic profiles representing the internal loads.

What is the energy consumption and operating cost penalty if the internal loads are not correctly profiled?

The energy use and operating costs will be higher. In addition, the exaggerated heat gains can also offset heat losses in the
transition seasons and in winter, further skewing results. Hours of cooling operation will be larger than they should be. Hours of
heating operation will be less than they should be. In some cases, all hours of heating operation will disappear due to
overestimating the hours when heat gains occur. As a result, answers can not only be overstated, but seriously skewed (all
cooling operation, no heating operation, for example). Lastly, since alternative designs are often compared on the basis of %
savings, the % value will be unreliable because the totals are inflated. Demand charges could also be skewed.

Pre-Defined Schedules with the Building Wizard

The new Building Wizard feature in HAP version 4.3 provides a

quick method of entering space, schedule and construction data.
The Building Wizard is useful when developing schematic
designs, performing preliminary design work and creating
screening studies. Pre-defined schedules have been incorporated
into the Building Wizard and include occupancy, overhead
lighting, and electrical equipment in a ready-to-go quick select
format that is based on the type of building under consideration.
All of the pre-defined schedules in the Building Wizard can then
be customized by the user if desired.

The validity of the building model for load estimating and energy
simulation depends on representative inputs relative to internal
loads. Since a large part of the total load and operating cost in a
building involve internal loads like people and lights, Carrier Figure 9 – Building Wizard Pre-defined Occupancy
recommends utilizing realistic and representative profiles in order Schedules
to maintain accurate results.

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