Jes2 Commanly Used Command

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To start the initiators $S I or "$S I(ii-ii)"

To stop initiators $P I
To halt initiators $Z I
To display the status of the initiators $D I
To assign job classes to initiators $TI,classes
To display number of jobs and the % of spool disk usage $D Q,ALL
To cancel a JES2 job $C job name $C’xxxx’ (For multip
To purge a JES2 job $P jobname
To restart a JES2 job $E job name
To hold a JES2 job $H job name
To release a JES2 job $A job name
To list output information about a job $L job name
To change a jobs' execution class and priority $T job name,C=the new class,P=prior
To display the status of JES2 controlled devices $D U,ALL
To display all active jobs $D A,ALL
To display the spool volume usage $D SPL,ALL
To display the jobs that occupy more than 1 % of spool volume $D SPL,JOBS=1
To print a job using the JES2 command $TQ,jobnumber,ALL,Q=printer class
To display job queue $dq
To purge all the outputs in a particular class $PQ,Q=particular class name
To purge the outputs from a particular class that is five days old $PQ,Q=output class,A=number of da
To purge the held outputs that are some specified days old $OQ,Q=held output class,A=no of da
$TA,I=time in seconds,'$VS,''comm

To establish an automatic command To display all automatic commands : $

To cancel a particular automatic command $CA,task number
To purge all automatic commands $CA
To start all automatic commands $SA
To start a JES2 node $SN,A=jes2 node
drain initiator 'X' $PIX
change initiator 'X' to class 'Y' $TIX,Y
To cancel an executing job $cjxxxx or $c ‘jobname’
To display the current usage and the limit Of CMDS $JDDETAILS
To start a local printer $Sprinter name
To display a printer status $D printer name - $D U,PRT6
To halt a printer $Z printer name
To restart a printer $E printer name
To interrupt a printer $I printer name
To cancel a printer $C printer name
To repeat a printer $N printer name
To backspace a printer $B printer name,number of pages
To forward a printer $F printer name,number of pages
To start the JES2/VTAM interface $S LGN(*) or "$S LOGON(*)"
To stop the JES2/VTAM interface $P LGN(*) or "$P LOGON(*)"
To restart JES2/VTAM interface $E LGN(*) or "$E LOGON(*)"
To start the RJE lines $S LINE(*) or "$S LNE(*)"
To stop the RJE lines $P LINE(*) or "$P LNE(*)"
To restart the RJE lines $E LINE(*) or "$E LNE(*)"
To change the spool warning percentage $T SPOOLDEF,TGWARN=percentag
modify priority for job number NNNN, 'YY' is the new priority (0-15) $TJNNNN,P=YY
modify job number NNNN execution class to Y $TJNNNN,C=Y
display's lines & remotes $DU,LGN2
to activate origin node name $S LGN1
to activate the JES2 SNA line $S LNEnn
for destination $S N,LNEnn,A=destination-node-nam
to reset a line $E LNExx
Spool Commands in JES  
To Display Spool $DSPL
to check as to what jobs are occupying spool more than n percent $DJOBQ, SPOOL=(PERCENT>n)
To Purge n day's old job $POJQ,ALL,DAYS>n
To Purge the jobs for last 5 days $pojobq,ready,all,a>5
Shutting Down JES2
normal pausing of JES2 $PJES2
forcing JES2 to shutdown $PJES2,ABEND

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