PLUMBING Engineering Services Design Guide 2nd edi tion. Foreword by cf Plulnbing parliamentary under secretary, DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Plumbing services have a long history as a respected craft.
PLUMBING Engineering Services Design Guide 2nd edi tion. Foreword by cf Plulnbing parliamentary under secretary, DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Plumbing services have a long history as a respected craft.
PLUMBING Engineering Services Design Guide 2nd edi tion. Foreword by cf Plulnbing parliamentary under secretary, DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Plumbing services have a long history as a respected craft.
PLUMBING Engineering Services Design Guide 2nd edi tion. Foreword by cf Plulnbing parliamentary under secretary, DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Plumbing services have a long history as a respected craft.
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The Institute of Plumbing
64 Station Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 6NB. ‘Telephone: 04024 72791. Fax: 04024 48987
ISBN 0950167, 86cold aed cell
by Colin Moynihan
Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department o! the Environment
or-212 3434
28 March 1968
iam particularly pleased to have been esked to contribute the foreword to this edition
of the Plunbing Engineering Services Design Guide.
Sance the Guide was Launched in 1977, it has proved to be en indispensable reference
Source for designers, engineers and craftsmen. It has now been completely revised end
There has been a constant flow Of requests for the first, edition, both from home and
ad. The market for it formation of this kind is clearly there, Given the essential
carnmgenn’ Growing volune end complextty of plumbing services, that should cone as no
pumbing services have @ long history as a respected craft, end the Institute of
Flunbing 4s dedicated to pronoting plunbing as a skilled ene professional service which
delivers the highest standards of vorknanship.
ihe Second edition of the Design Guide provides a key contribution to the echievement of
the Institute's objectives, I conmend it to te plumbing industry.
cE bee Flop.
Section A Hot and Cold Water
Supplies | 1-49
Pipe sizing: hot watar storage; sizing ol primary and secondary
Circulations; pumped het water eystems; waler quality, outward
thrust in pipelines due to internal pressure; acoustic end vibration
Control water hammer; Inspection and testing of water mains and
wale: supply systems; prevention of certaminaion of water by
backsiphonage or cross connection; backflow prevention devices:
Protection of draw-ot taps, hose connections, bidels, cithes and
dishwashing machines and cisterns; unvented hot water systems;
Corrosion causes, effects and preventatve measures; efecis of
fottosive environments; prevention of corrcsion; welding,
brazing, solt soldering and achesive banding: references; Brtch
Standards and Codes of Practice.
SectionB Domestic Central Heating 50-77
Design considerations; heating conitols; systems of control,
Glectric coniral heating'stcrage boilers; domostc clesiie water
heating; relerences; British Standards and Codes of Practice,
Section C Sanitary Plumbing
and Drainage 78-136
Design of sanitary pipework systems; Kichen and laboratony
drainage: materials or above ground. eisinage ‘ayer,
inspection and tesing of dscharge pipes varuum elon:
methods waste collcion; satay accommodation. he Casing
of drainage systorns; sdvage pumitng systems, Beian seed
tain renovation; metiods of pse renovator, evtaar goer
solid was rolusodisposst ferences; Brish Sanda ed
Coces of Practice
SectionD Pumps and Pumping 137-142
Delnitons and. descripfons; pump types: sysiame! pump
selection; ncise; pump instalation; Bish Standsrds
Section Piped Gas Services 146-169
Nelural gas; liqueied petroleum gas installations: Compressed
\ait;yacuum; modical gases; references: British Standards and
Codes of Practice
Section F Fire Protection Services 170-188
Frincipal causes of fres in buildings; classifcaion of fie risks,
sprinkler installations; automatic ‘sprinklers, risk categorios:
Classes of system; watar supplies; grading systems; pressure ant
flow requirements; proving water supplies, fe brigade intots,
siting of sprinkler Heads; area covered by sprinklers: muttiple
Controls other installations using water; systoms using steam,
hose reel installations;
carbon i
ms, he
ride systems; tote! Nooding sys
| pelle bya
id Codes cf Ps
dry tsers; water rsers; foam systems:”
IW at
SectionG Steam Supplies 189-200
Steam; condensate; steam traps and separators; British
Standards and Codes of Practic.
Section H_ Pipework Expansion 201-207
Considerations for design and installation; cold draw; anchor
Gesign; pipework sysiems working under test conditions: pipe
Guldes and supports; expansion bellows; plastic soll and waste
dipes; British Standards and Codes ef Pracive,
Section! Designing for
the Disabled 208-216
Approaches to buildings; inside buildings; WC compartments in
public buildings; access through Ieobies: WC facilities for
wheelchair disabled; WC facies for ambulant disabled: faciitios
{or private use and nursing homes; advanced WC cubicie design
for wheetchair disabled; central heating; references: British
Standards and Codes of Practice.
Section J Legionnaires Disease 217-220
Engineering imptcations; outbreak contrat, cold water storage:
cisterns and tanks; continuous chlorination plant; testing outiete,
Water softening and hot water storage systems; stagnant water
Postions; domestic hot water calories; cooling towers,
hhumidiiers; ferences.
ee EES
Section K Fountain and Water
Display Techniques 221-224
Design considerations; types of fountainandwaler splay; the ant
ot wator dioplay, construction and maintenance, cascades
Section L_ Airflow in Ducts _ 225-231
Duct sizing: duct titings resistance; ideal eystem:; fans; Bultish
Standards and Codes of Practice
Section M_ Electrical Earthing and
Bonding in Water Installations 282-235
Protective multiple earthing; bonding: problems with plastics
supplementary bonding; drainage systems; new regulatigns!
plumber's responsibilty; Brilsh Standards,
Section N Conversion Factors and
Miscelianeous Data 236-259
Canversion tector; identification ct pipelines; building drawings:
symbois; maximum spacirg of pipe suppers, spacing of pipes,
head and pressure of water; hydrostatic tablos: relation to services
to each cther; approximate weight of lead required for caulkod
joints; eorosion cf metzis: coetfcienls of linear oxpersion:
efinition of plumbing terms: use'ul 2c