P&MP Act 1962

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PETROLEUM ‘AND MINERALS PIPELINE ACT 1962 (P&MP ACT 1962) ‘THE PETROLEUM MINERAL PIPELINES (ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF USER IN LAND )ACT, 1962 Act No, $0 of 1962 { 7 December, 1962] ‘An Act to provide for the acquisition of right of user in land for laying pipelines for the \ transport of petroleum and minerals and for matters connected therewith. Be it enacted by Parliament in the Thirteenth Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. SHORT TITLE, EXTENT AND APPLICATIONS (@) This Act may be called the Petroleum & Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962. (2) Trextends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Be (3) It applics in the first instanco to tho whole of the States of West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradeth and Gujarat and the Union Teritory of Delhi, and the Central Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare that this Act aball also appty'to uch other State or Union Territory and ‘with effect from such dato as may be specified in that notification and there upon the provisions of this Act shall apply to that State or Union ‘Territory accordingly. S 2. . DEEINITIONS: In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires ~ (@) “Competent Authority” means any person or authority authorized by the Central Government, by notification the Official Gazette, to perform the functions of the Competent Authority under this Act and different persons or authorities may be authorized to perform all or any of the functions of the Competent Authority under this Act in the same area or different area specified in the notification. (b) “comporation” means any body corporate established under any Central Provincial of State Act, and includes ~ : @ ‘a company formed and registered under the Companies Act, 1956; and GG) a company formed and registered under any law relating to companies formerly in force in any part of India, (3) “minerals” have the meaning astigned to them in the Mines Act, 1952, and inctude mineral oils and stowing sand but do not include petroteums; ewevveseyvurus 2 ee @) @ ‘“Spetroteum” has the same meaning as in the Petroleum Act, 1934 and inchides natural gas and refinery gas; “prescribed” means preacribed by rules made under this Act. 3. PUBLICATION OF NOTIFICATIONS FOR ACOUJSITION: Q) @ Whenever it appears to the Central Government that is necessary in the public interest that for the transport of petroleum or any mineral from one {ocality to another locality pipelines may be laid by that Government or by any State Goverment or a corporation and that for the purpose of laying such pipelines it is necessary to acquire the right of user in any land under which such pipelines may be laid, it may, by notification in the Official Gazelte, declare its intention to acquire the right of user therein. Every notification -ander sub section (1) shall give a brief description of the Land. (3) The competent authority shall cause the substance of the notificaticn to be ‘published at such places and in such mannet as may be presctibed. 4... POWER TO ENTER, SURVEY ETC. 1) On the iasue of a notification under sub-section (1) of section 3, it shall be lawful for any person authorized by the Central Government or by the ‘State Government or the corporation which proposes to lay pipelines-for ‘transporting petroleum or any mineral, and his servants and workmen (2) to enter upon and survey and take levels of any land specified in the notification; (b) to dig or bore into the sub-soit; (©) to set out the intended line of work, (@) to mark such levels, boundaries and line by placing marks and cutting trenches; (©) where otherwise survey cannot be completed and levels taken and the boundaries and fine marked, to cut down and clear away any part of any standing crop, fence or jungle, and (©) to do al other acts necessary to ascertain whether pipelines can be laid under the land; Provided that while exercising any power under this section, stich person or any servant or ‘workman of such person shall cause as litle damage or injury as possible to such land, 5. HEARING OF OBJECTIONS, = | q@ @) 3) ‘6 @ @ * 3) GA) ‘Any person interested" in the land may, within twenty-one days from the date of the notification under sub-section (1) of section 3, object to the laying of the pipelines under the land. Every objection under sub-section (1) shall be made to the competent authority in and shall set out the grounds thereof and the competent authority shall give the objector and opportunity of being heard either in person or by a legal practitioner and may, after hearing all such objections and after making auch further inquiry, if any, as that authority thinks necessary, by order whether allow or disallow the objections, ‘Any order made by the competent authority under sub-section (2) shall be final, DECLARATION OF ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF USER. ‘Where no objedtions under sub-section (1) of section $ have been made to the competent authority within the petiod specified therein or where the ‘competent authority has disallowed the objections under sub-section (2) of that section, that authority shall, as soon as may be, either make a report in respect of the land described in the notification under sub-section (1) of section 3, or make different reports in respect of different parcels of such. land, to the Central Govemment containing his recommendations on the. objections, together with the record of the proceedings held by him, for the dion of that Govemeneat snd wponresipt of mich report the Centra Government shall, if satisfied that such land foe ee pipeline for the transport of petroleum or Tetieaton in the Offical Cazete, Gat the right of user inthe land for laying the pipelines should de acquired and difrerent deciarations may be made from time to time in respect of different parcels of the land described in the notification issued under sub-section (1) of section 3, irrespective of whether one report or different reports have been made by the competent authority under this section. ‘On the publication of the declaration under sub-section (1), the right of user in the land specified therein shall -vest absolutely in the Central Government free from al encumbrances. Where in respect of any land, a notification has been issued under sub- section (1) of section 3 no declaration in respect of any parcel of land coverai by that notification has been published under this section within a petiod of one year from the date of notifcation, that notification shall case to have effect on the expiration of that period. No declaration in respect of any tand covered by a notification issued under sub-section (1) of section 3, published after the commencement of the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land)” Amendment Act, 1977, shall be made after the expiry of three years from the date of such publication. near Wwe (4) Notwiifistanding anything contained in sub-section (2), the Ceritral Government may, on such terms and conditions as it rity think fit to impoae, direct by order in writing, that the right of user in the land for tying pipelines shall, instcad of vesting in the Central Government vest, cither on the date of publication of the declaration or, on such other date as may be specified in the direction, in the State Government or the proposing to lay the pipelines and thereupon the right of such user in the land shall, subject to the terms and conditions so imposed, vest in that State Government or corporation, as the case may be, free from all ‘encumbrances. 2 EI RAI AT, VI IPF} (1) Where the right of user in any lati has vested in the Central Government or in any Stale Government or Corporation under section 6 - \ @ it shall be lawful’ for any person authorized by the Central ‘Government or such State Government or corporation, as the case may be, and his servants and workmen to enter upon the land and Izy pipelines or to do any other act necessary for the laying of pipelines: ‘Provided that no pipeline shall be laid under @ @) © @ (a) @ any land which, immediately before the date ‘of the notification under sub-section (1) of section 3, was used for residential ‘Purposes; any land on which there stands any permanent structure which ‘was in existence immediately before the said date; any land which is appurtenant to a dwelling house; or any land at a depth which is leas than one metre from the surface; for laying pipelines for the transport of petrolcum, it shall be lawful for any person authorized by the Central Govemment of corporation to use such land for laying pipelince for transporting any mineral and where the right of user in any land has so vested for laying pipelines for transporting any mineral, which shall be lawful for such person to use such land for laying pipelines for transporting petroleum of any other mineral; and such land shall be used onfy for laying the pipelines and for maintaining, examining, repealing, altering or removing any such pipelines or for doing any other act necessary for any of the aforesaid purposes or for the utilization of such pipelines 2) If any dixpute arises with regard to any matter referred 10 in paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of the proviso to cause (i) of sub- section (1), the dispute shall be referred to the competent authority whose decision thereon shall be. final. & WER TO ENTER 0) ON, ET: For maintaining, examining, repairing, altering ot removing any pipeline, or for doing any other act necessary for the utilization of the pipelines or for the making of any inspection oF measurement for any of the aforesaid purposes, any person authorized in this behalf by the Central Government, the State Government or the corporation, as the case may be, may, after ‘giving reasonable notice to the occupier of the'land under which the pipeline has been laid, center therein with such workmen and assistants as may be necessary: Provided that, where such person is satisfied that an emergency exists, no such notice shall be necessary: : Provided further that, while exercising any powers under this section, such person or any workman or assistant of such person, shall cause as little damage or injury as possible to such 2) The owner or occupier of the land with respect to which a declaration has ‘been made under sub-section (1) of section.6 shall be entitled to use the and for the purpose for which such land was put to use immediately before the date of the notification under sub-section (1) of section 3. Provided that, such owner or occupier shall not after the declaration under sub-section (1) of section 6- @ construct any building or any other structure; i) construct or excavate any tank, well, reservoir or dam: or (i) plant any tree, on that land, (2) The owner or occupier of the land under which any pipeline has been laid not do any act or permit any act to be done which will or is likely to cause any damage in any manner whatsoever tothe pipeline, (3) Where the owner or occupier of the land with respect to which a declaration has been made under sub-section (1) of section 6- (@) constructs any building or any other structure, or (©) constructs or excavate any well, thank, reservoir or dam, or (©) plants any tree, : ° con that land, the Court of the District Judgo within the local limits or whose jurisdiction such land is situate may, on an application mado to it by the competent authority and after holding such inquiry as it may-deem-fit, cause the buiking, structure, reservoir, dam or tree to be removed of the well or tank to be filled up, and the costs of such removal or filing up shall be recoverable from such owner or occupier in the same manner as if the order for the recovery of euch corts were a decree made by that Court. 10. COMPENSATION qa ‘Where in the exercise of the powers conferred by section 4, section Zor section 8 by any pereon, any damage, loss or injury is ‘sustained by any ‘person interested in the land under which the pipeline is proposed to be, or is being, or has been laid, the Central Government, the State Goverment of the corporation, a8 tho case may be, shall be liable to pay compensation to such person for such damage, loss or injury, the amount of which shall be determined by the competent authority in the first instance, (2) If the amount of compensation determined by: the competent authority under sub-section (1) is not acceptable to either of the parties, the amount of compensation shall, on application by either of the parties to the Distract Judge within the Emits of whose jurisdiction the land or any part < thereof is situated, be determined by the Distract Judge. (3) The competent authority or the Distict Judge while determining the ‘compensation under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), as the case may be,” shall have due regard to the damage or loss sustained by any person interested inthe land by reason of- @ the reimoval of trees or standing crops, if any, on the land while exercising the powera under section 4, section 7 or section 8; @ the temporary severance of the land under which the pipeline has ‘been laid from other lands belonging to, or in the occupation of, such person; or Gi) say injury to any other property, whether movable or immovable, or the earnings of such persons caused in any other manner: Provided that in determining the compensation no account shall be taken of any structure or other improvement made in the land after the date of the notification under sub-section (1) of section 3. (4) Where the right of user of any land has vested in the Central Government, the State Govemment or the Corporation, the Central Government, the State Government or the Corporation, as the casc may be, shall, in addition to the compensation, if any, payable under sub-section (1), be fiable to pay to the owner and to any other person whose right of ‘enjoyment in that land has been affected in any manner whatsoever by reason of such vesting, compensation calculated dat ten per cent of the _market value of that land on the date of the notification under sub-section () if section 3. Ne oO: o a) Q w 6) 2, ‘The market value of the land on the'said date shall be determined. by ‘the ‘competent authority and if the value 80 determined by that authority is not acceptable to cither of the partis, it shall, on application by cither of the parties to the District Judge referred to in sub-acction (2), be determined ‘by that District Judge. ‘The decision of the District Judge under sub-section (2) or sub-section (5) shall be final. OFC ‘The amount of compensation determined under section 10 shall be deposited by the Central Government, the State Goverment or the ‘corporation, as the caso may be, with the competent authority within such time andin such manner ax may be prescribed. If the amount of compensation is not deposited within the time prescribed under sub-tection (I), the Central Government, the State Government or the corporation, as the case may be, shall be liable to pay interest thereon at the rate of ix per cent per annum from the date of on which the compensation had to be deposited til the date of the actual deposit. ‘As s00n a1 may bo after the compensation has been deposited under ab~ section (1) the competent authority shall, on behalf of the Central Goverment, the Stats Government or the corporation, as the case may be, pay the compensation to the persons entitled thereto, Where several persons claim to be interested in the amount of compensstion deposited under sub-section (1), the competent authority. shall determine the persons who in its opinion are entitled to receive the compensation and the amonnt payable to each of them. If any dispute arisea as to the apportionment of the compensation or any. part thereof or as to the persons to whom the same or any patt thercof is payable, the competent authority shall refer the dispute to the decision of the District Judge within the limits of whose jurisdiction the land or any ‘part thereof is situated and the decision of the District Judge thereon shall be final. COMPETENT AUTHORITY TO HAVE CERTAIN POWERS OF CIVIL COURTS. The competent authority shall have, for the purposes of this Act, all the powers of a civil court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in reapet of the following matters, namety:= (@) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath; “(b) requiring the discovery and production of any document; * (©) _ reception of evidence on affidavits; (4) requisitioning any public record from any court or office; (e) issuing commission for examination of witnesses. 3. OTECTI FAS D Fy (1) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall tic against any person for anything which is in good faith done or in tended to be done in pursuance of this Act or any rule or notification made or issued thereunder. (2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall fie against the Central Government, the competent authority or any State Government, or corporation for any damage, loss or injury caused or Hkely to be caused by anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act or any rule of notification made or issued thereunder. 14, BAR OF JURISDICTION OF CIVIL COURTS. Save as otherwise expresely provided in this Act, n0 civil court ahall have jurisdiction in respect of any matter which the competent authority is empowered by or under this Act to determine and no injunction shall be granted by any court or other authority in respect of any action taken or proposed to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act 18. PENALTY (1) Whoever wilfully obstructs any person in doing any of the acts muthorized bby section 4 of section 7 or section 8 or willfully fills up, destroys, damage or displaces any trench or mark made under section 4 of willfully does any act prohibited under section 9, shall be punishable with imprisonment ‘which may extend to six months or with fine or with both. 2) Whoever wilfully removes, displaces, damages or destroys any pipeline laid under section 7, shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a ‘term which shall not be less than one year, but which may extend to three ‘years and shall also be liable to fine. 16. CERTAIN OFFENCE TO BE COGNIZABLE, ‘Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, an. offence falling under sub-section (2) of section 15 shall be deemed to be cognizable within the meaning of the Code. 47. a) @ @) POWER TO MAKE RULES, 8 ‘The Central Government may, by notification in Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the provisions this Act. In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, naraely:- (a) the places at which and the manner in which the substances of the notification may be published under sub-section (3) of section 3: a (b) the time within which and the manner in which the amount of compensation may be deposited under sub-section (1) of section LL. Every rule made under this Act shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made before each House of Pariament while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if before the expiry of- the session immediately following the seasion or the successive’ sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not'be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect ‘only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be, 30 however that any such modificaéon or annulment shall be without Prejudice to the validity of anything previousty done under that rule. APPLICATION OF OTHER LAWS NOT BARRED. ‘The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other law for the time being in force relating to acquisition of land. RULES 1963 UYU LU PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA PART II - SECTION 3, SUB-SECTION (}) dated the 13” April, 1963. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Mines and Fuel ‘New Delhi, the S™ April, 1963 NOTIFICATI 0) IN G.S.R.No. 626: Ir-exercise of, the powers conferred by section 17 of the Petroleum AND minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namety:- L 28 Short title: These rules may be called the Petroleum and: Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Rules, 1963. Definitions: In these rules:- (a) “AGt” means the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962; (2) “Section” means a section of the Act, bi Hon 3: () Every notification under sub-section (1) of section 3 shall -contain a description of the land sufficient to identify the same specifying, wherever possible, the numbers ina settlement of record or survey of such land. (2) The substance of the notification referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be published {a) by beat of drum in the neighbourhood of the land the right of user in Which is to be acquired; and (b) by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place in the locality in which such land is situated. 3) A copy of such notification shall be served in the manner laid down in rule 8 ‘on every person Who has been shown in the relevant revenue records as the owner of the land on the date of publication of the notification under sub-rule (2) ot Who, in the opinion of the Competent Authority is the owner of or interested, in, such land, 4. . Elllingof claims for compensation: (1) Any Person interested in any land may file before the Competent Authority a claim for compensation (a) for damages by that person by reason of the exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 - (in case the right of user in the land has not been acquired. within sicty days from the date on which the notification under sub-section (1) of the section 3 ceased to have effect, or : (ii) in case the right of user in the land has been acquired, within sixty days from the date of publication of the declaration under sub-section (1) of section-6;, (®) for damages sustained by Lut person by reason of the exercise of the powers conferred by section 7, within sixty days from the date of termination of the ‘operations referred to in clause (i) of sub-section (1) of that section; (c) for damages sustained by that person by reason of the exercise of the powers conferred by section 8, within sity days from the date of termination of the operation referred to in that section, (@) under sub-section (4) of section 10, within sixty days from the date of publication of the declaration under sub-section (1) of section 6: Provided that the competent authority may admit any claim within thity days after the expiry of the period specified in this sub-rule, if he is satisfied that the applicant had “wufficient cause for not making the application within such specified periods. Explanation 1: The expression “the date of termination of operation with reference to any area” means- (a) for the purposes of clause (b), the date of completion of works connected with the laying of pipelines in that area; {b) for the purposes of clause (¢), the date of completion of all, or any of, the works referred to in section 8 in relation to the pipelines laid in that area; Which the Competent Authority may notify in the official Gazette and by-beat of drum in the iocality, in consultation with the party in whom the right of user in the land in that area has vested ownership of the pipeline: laid in that area vests, as the case may be, Explanation 2: For the purpose of this sub rule the expression “sufficient cause” shall means, (i) where the delay in filing the application for claim within the specified period is beyond the control of the applicant (iy where’ the delay in filing the application for claims within the stipulated pefiod is on account of.any force majeure reasons such as riots, floods. civil war, foreign aggression, earthquake, of fire ete.; (iii) where applicant was prevented by any reasons which is bey from making the claims within the specitied period. nd his control (2) The claim for compensation shall be made in such Form specified in the Schedule anneved (0 these rules, Fhe Competent Authority shall, on reveipt of the claim tor compensation, make such, inguin as provided iy rule 4\ and fix the Sompensation and thereatter inform the gelerred to in sub-section (2) and (3) of section 10 of the amount of 4A. While conducting enquigy and for granting comp. isation under subsrule (3) of rule 4 the Competent Authority shall follow the following procedure, name! (1) tor compensation of land due to the deprivation in right of enjoyment.to any person interested in the land the Competent ‘Authority may enquire the rate of land prevailing in that locality on the date of publication of the notification under sub-section (12) of 1, Seetion of the et from the following sources, namety:- (a) local registration authority such as.the Registrar. Sub-Registrar or any Officer ‘of authority for the time being authorized to register the documents under the Indian Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908): ro) ic) Officer or authority of the Goverment who fixes the reserve price of the land for any’ purpose unde any law for the time being in force: Provided that any rate taken for consideration shall not be less than the reserve price fixed by such officer or authority (2) For compensation for other damages or loss while exercising the powers conferred under the Act or rules made thereunder the competent authority shall, (a) obtain the Panchanama prepared by 2 team appointed by him duly signed preferably by the person interested in the land or by two independent and respectable inhabitants of the locality and the representative of work execution agency. The said Panchanama shall contain the details of damages or losses caused while exercising the powers conferred by section 4, 7 oF 8 of the Act; wou Ft bo PPG (b) —anquire the yield of crops, tess, and fruits, etoym from the Government agency such as horticulture or agriculture department of the Central Government of State Govemment or as per the statistics of the Central Government and/or State Government or from any local Government body; (c) make requisition of the market value of the crops, timber, wood fruit, et, from the agriculture department or any other concerned Government agency or semi Govemment agency such as the Agricultural Marketing Board, Krishi Upaj Mandi, or any other agency authorized under any law to asses the market value of crops, wood. fruits, ef; (a) get the other losses, if any, assessed from the Government agency or from any qualified engineer or through any valuer registered under section 34AB of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 (27 of 1957); and (©) incase of Presuriptive Crop Compensation, .e., compensation for the profits - Which the cultivator would have received for crop normally cultivated on the land during the season or period, to which the compensation relates, but for being prevented from cultivating the land, the competent authority may deduct twenty per cent of net value as saving in seeds, fertilizers, labour, etc. cn Heat 2. judge t= Any party aggrieved by the determination of the amount of compensation may prefer an application to the District Judge within the limits of whose jurisdiction the land or any part thereof is situated, not later than sincty days of the receipt of the intimation from the ‘competent authority under rule 4 (3). 6. Deposit of compensation under section 11 :- ‘The Central Government, the State Goverment or the Corporation, as the case may be, shall, within twenty-one days of the receipt of the intimation under rule 4 deposit the ‘compensation amount in such treasury and under such head of account as may be specified therein that behalf. 2 e to cla 0. ft 1) Where persons claim to be interested in the amount of compensation ited under sub-section (1) of Section 11 and the competent authority has under sub-section (4) of that section, the persons who in its ‘opinion dre entitled to receive the compensation and the amount to be paid to cach of them, it shall send intimation thereof to all the persons who have preferred|claims for compensation, ad (2)... IPany of the person reféired to in sub-rule (I) does not:accept the decision of the competent authority, he shali within a period of thirty days of th: receipt of such intimation inform the competent authority in writing to thes effect. (3) ‘If on reccipt of intimation under sub-rule (2) or otherwise. the competent authority is of the opinion that a dispute regarding the payment of the ‘compensation amount exists, it shall refer the dispute to the District Judge under sub-section (5) of section 11. Mode of service of notice, ete: (4) Any notice or letter issued or any order passed may be served by delivering oF tendering a copy of such notice, letter or order. as the case may be, to the person for whom it is intended or to any adult member of his family or by sending it by registered post acknowledgement due addressed to that person at his usual or last khown place of residence or business. (2) Where the serving officer delivers or tenders the copy of the, notice, letter under sub-rule (1), he ahall require the signature of the person to whom the copy is 20 defivered or tendered to an acknowledgment of service endorsed on the original. (G) "Where the person or the adult member of the family of such person refuses to sign the acknowledgment of where the serving officer, after using all due and reasonable diligence, cannot find such person and there is no adult member of the family of such person, the serving officer shall affix a copy of the notice, letter or order on the outer door or some other conspicuous part of the ordinary residence or usual place of business of such person and then shall ‘etm the original to the competent authotity-who issued the notice, letter or order, 2s the case may be, with a report endorsed thereon or annexed thereto stating that he has to affixed a copy, the circumstances under which he did so and the name and address of the person, if any, by whom the usual or last known place of residence or business, 2s the case may be, was identified and ‘in whose presence the copy was affixed. (4) Where the person to be served with the notice, letter or ofder is a minor or a person of unsound mind the notice, letter or order shall be served in the aforesaid mannet, on the guardian of such minor or person of unsound mind, as the case may be. (No. 31/26/62-ONG) B, Subha Rao, Under Scey. _ INSTRUCTIONS 1963 ay Q) RIGHT OF T'STR TN LAND ACT, 1962 NO. 50 OF 1962 7” December, 1962) ‘THE PETROLEUM PIPELINES (ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF USER IN LAND) RULES, 1963 (Published in the Gazette of India, dated 13% April, 1963) INSTRUCTIONS “These instructions have no statutory force and should not be quoted in any correspondence with outside authorities. ‘The competent authority should send draft notification under section 3(1) of the Acct tthe General Manager pens) for submisdon tothe Cental Government. The notification may be in the Form 1. Every notification under section 3(1) of the Act must contain the details mentioned in mile 3(1). Care should be taken to exchude, Lands'mentioned in (a), (b) and (c) of provision to section 7(1) (i) of the Act, ‘Lands belonging to the Central or any State Government or to any Municipality or other local authority. For convenience sake, it would be. beat to issue a separate notification in respect of each Tehsil/Thane of cach district, It is necessary that a land/plan should be - published with each notification but it would be advisable to make a land plan available for inspection in the office of the competent authority. The substance of the notification must be published in the manner mentioned in rule 3(2Ma) and (b), that is to szy both by beat of drum and affixing a copy in a ‘conspicuous place in the locality. There should also be evidence in writing to show that the notification has been so published, ‘As soon as he draft notification is sent, lists of the persons referred to in rule 3(3) should be prepared and copy of the notification should be served on each of them in Form 2 and in the manner laid down in rule 8, Where the person concemed resides in same village in which the land in question fines, personal service of the notice may be effected. In all other cases except where the notice is proposed to be served in the manner laid down in rule 8(3), it may be sent to the person intended by registered post acknowledgment duc. a Baie aae “The period within which objections may be made to the laying of the pipeline is 21 days from the date of notiScation under section 3(1) or rule 3(2) or even the service of the notice under rule 3(3). Afler order on the objections received are passed under section 5(2), the report ‘mentioned in scction 6(1) should be sent along with a draft declaration (in Form 3) under section 691) of the Act to the Central Government (Ministry of Mines and Fuel), copy of this should also be sent to the General manager (Pipelines). AMENDMENT ACT 1977 -eforedt od, wage -33004/95, REGD. No D.433004/95 2 ART BT TTT The Gazette of India arora Extraordinary wrt Lares 3 ~ severe (i) PART I1- Section 3 - Sub-section (i) safrwre & eerie PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 79] of Beef, quae, un 1, 1995/10, 1916 No. 78] NEW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1995/PHALGUNA 10, 1916 ) aif Harert ait vg fireett, Tere, 1995 aan fa) 100 (31> tafe sit fra creer (qf AT avatt & afta a aris), aifafrem, 1962 (1962 a 50) at are 17 wre wee wnat ar wilt at AU, Aik War UIE ifr ak aha cere (af A aaatt & after aT ania) srfafien, 1963 Ff dst at & fare Prafetiad Prem sari &, ata, (ae fern Seifert afar sreveret (afr ave Br arfee ar ha) seer fran, 1995 a omer 2. we werd To 8 an were at Rife Sega att (eear 11022/1/77 - niwerr] dian. dean, daw afer from ot 8872 RRC eeu ye vy wWevee se vuwswwtuwuvbwow. THE PETROLEUM PIPELINE (ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF ‘USER ” IN LAND) AMENDMENT ACT, 1977 NO. 13 OF 1977 {18 April, 197) ‘An Act to amend the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962. Be it enacted by Parliament in the Twenty-eightly Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. Short title and a (1) This Act may be called the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Amendment Act, 1977. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 3% day of February, 1977. -, Amendment of tong title Jn the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (hereinafter referred to a8 the principal Act), in the long title, for the words “for laying petroleum pipelines”, the words “for laying pipelines for the transport of << petroleum and minerals” shall be substituted. 3. Amendment of Section 1 In section 1 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), for the words “Petroleum Pipefines” the words “Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines” shall be substituted, 4. Amendment of section 2 In section 2 of the principal Act:- (@__Inclause (a), the following words shall be inserted at the end, namely:~ and different persons of“anithoritics may be authorized to perform all or any of the functions of the competent authority under this Act in the same area or different areas specified in the notification”; (i) after clause (b), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:- > LUE PUT UW owe Oe Be Pe BIE PVE UYUYUY ‘@ «e) In section 3 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), after the words “transport of petroleum”, the words” or any mineral” shall be inserted. Amendment of section 4 In section 4 of the principal Act, after the words “for transporting petroleum”, the ‘words “or any mineral” shall be inserted, Amendment of section & In section 6 of the principal Act:- ‘him, for the decision of that Goveriunient” shall be substituted; @) after the words “the Central Government shall”, the words “if satisfied that such land is required for Ieying-any pipeline for the transport of petroleum or any mineral", shall be inserted; (©) the words, brackets and figures “and different declarations may be Irrespective of whether report or different reports have been made by the competent authority under this section” shall be inserted at the end; in sub-section (2), for the words “in the land", the words “in the land specified therein” shall be substituted; in sub-section (3), for the words “no declaration under this section has been published”, the words “no declaration in respect of any parcel of land covered by that nolfication has been published under this section ——-—— Beye Yew © Oe YUH HEY DES Fw HE @)__ after sub-section (3), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:~ “(3A) No declaration in respect of any land covered by a notification issued under sub- section (1) of section 3, published after the commencement of the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Amendment Act, 1977, shall be made after the expiry of three years from the date of such publication”. 8 Ame 1 In section 7 of the principal Act, ion sub-section (1) -* w in clause (i), the word “and” at the end shall be omitted; (ii) -after clause (i), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:~ (ia) for laying pipelines for the transport of petroleum, it shall be lawful for any person authorized by the Central Goverment or such State Government or sorporation to use such land for laying pipelines for transporting any mineral and where the right of user in any land has so vested for laying pipelines for ‘ transporting any mineral, it shall be Lzwful for such person to use such land for laying pipelines for transporting petroleum or any other mineral; and”. Amendment of Section 9 In section 9 of the principal Act, after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namety:- “a hese ec 0 Seeger ea a ee ee made under sub-section (1) of section 6.- (2) constructs any building or any other structure, or (b) constructs or excavates any wel, tank, reservoir or dam, or (©) plants any tree, ‘on the land, the Court of the District Judge within the local limits of whose jurisdiction such, land is situate may, on an application made to it by the competent authority and after holding such inquiry as it may deem fit, cause the building, structure, reservoir, dam or tree to be removed or the well of tank to be filled up and the costs of such removal or filling up shall be recoverable from such owner or occupier in the same mannet as if the order for the recovery of such costs were decree made by the Court”. OR OSTOH STS POOP UIV EIS ULI 10. Amendment of section 17, In section 17 of the principal Act- . @ in sub-section (1) for the word “purposes” the word “provisions” shall be substituted; Gi) in sub-section (--) for the words “before the expiry of the session in which it is 30 laid for the successive sessions aforesaid”, the words “before the expiry of the session immediately following the season or the suocestive sessions aforessid™ shall be substituted Ree OeUVEEUSHCE EH BOK EE BE YE UE YUL Ye YB: sustained by any person interested in the land under which the pipeline is proposed to be, or is being, or has been laid; the Central Government the Stafe Government or the Cotporation, ‘as the case may be, shall bo liable to pay compensation to such person for such damage, loss of injury, the amount of which shall be detecmined by the competent authority in the first instance, Q) @ or iii) If the amount of compensation determined by the competent authority under sub- section (1) is not acceptable to either of the parties, the amount of compensation shall, con application by either of the parties to the District Judge within the limits of whose jurisdiction the land or any part thereof is situated, be determined by that District Judge, “The competent authority, or the District Judge while determining the compensation under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) as the case may be, shall have due regard to the damage or lm nstaed by any person intersted in he land by reason of = the removal of trees or standing crops, if any, on the land while exercising the powers under Section 4, Section 7 or Section 8; the temporary severance of the land under which the pipeline has been laid from other Jands belonging 10, or in the oceupation of, such person; any injury to any other property, whether movable or immovable or the earings of such persons caused in any other manner: Prdvided that in determining the compensation no account shall be taken of any structure or other improvement made in the lind after the date of the notification under sub-section (1) of Section 3. @ 6) Where the right of user of any land has vested in the Central Government, the State Government or the Corporation, as the case may be, shall, in addition to the compensation; if any, payable under sub-section (1), be liable to pay to the owner and to any other person whose right of enjoyment in that land has been affected in any manner whatsoever by reason of such vesting, compensation calculated at ten per cent of the market-value of that land on the date of the notification under sub-section (1) of Section 3. oe ‘The market value of the land on the said date shall be determined by the competent authority and if the value eo determined by that authority is not acceptable to either of ‘the partes, it shall, on application by either of the parties to the District Judge referred to in sub-section (2), be determined by that District Judge. Re ew SE TESOHSWUYSBYUUYWYE UY STR © ‘The decision of the Distict Judge under sub-cction (2) of sub-section (4) shal be final. . Petroleum and Minerals Pipeline (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 ~ Section 10 (1) and 2 (a) and (b) ~ The scheme of the Act shows that a competent authority has to discharge verious and diverse duties under the Act, He has to attend to the survey of the land required for pipeline, verification of land revenue records of the surveyed area, drawing up of panchnama for land, crop, plantation, trea or any other agricultural or non-agricultural activity carried on in the surveyed land or the pipeline, issue of notification under section 3(1) of the Act, reccipt of clainvobjections for assessment of damages, disputes ct. eof eearec to the concerned ol company nd dcing al the depute tsng on of the authorized persons, power to enter notified lands and various other duties.. officer ofthe Corporation cannot be appointed as a ‘competent authority’ becatse he may be biased in favour of the corporation by reason of his employment. 11, Deposit and payment of compensation—(1) The amount of compensation determined under section 10 shall be deposited by the Central Goverment, the State ‘Government or the Corporation, as che case may be, with the competent authority within such time and in such manner as may be prescribed. QI the amount of compensation is not deporited within the time prescribed under sub- scotion (1), the Central Government, the State Goverment or the Corporation, 3s the ‘case may be, shall be fable to pay interest thereon atthe rate of six percent per annum from the date on which the compensation had to be deposited till the date of actual deposit. "@) As soon as may be after the compensation has been deposited under sub-section (1), the competent authority shall, on: behalf of the Central Government, the State Gavernment or the Corporation, as the case muy: be, pay the compensation to the . ‘persons entitled thereto. (4) Where several persons claim to be interested in the amount of compensation . deposited under sub-section (1), the competent authority shall determine the persons ‘who in its opinion are entitled to receive the compensation and the amount payable to each of them, (5) If any dispute arises as to the apportionment of the compensation or any part thereof co as to the persons to whom the same or any part thereaf is payable, the competent azuthority shall refer the dispute to the decision of the District Judge within the limits ‘of whose jurisdiction the land or any part thereof is situated and the decision of the District Judge thereon shall be final, SBSseeouorrGZgeIddouRTdOVYVIGYUsgUSOYYUYY @ &) ©) @ oF Competent Authority to have certain powers of Clvit Court — The competent authority shall have, for the purposes of this Act, al the powers of a Civil Court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in respect of the following ‘matters, namely: summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath; requiring the discovery and production of any document; reception of evidence on affidavits, requisitioning any public record from any court or office; aired #. WA(HYTE _ REGISTERED NoD.@y72 ~ RT BT MATA : The Gazette of India : acenareet Extraordinary wt Tas 3 = seers (i) 2 a PART Il - Section 3 - Sub-section (1) 4 rafiner tren . PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY auecenenewcnteennenncnneennnnnnennnnnnenytentn eam 5 1, 132] of Fed inert anh 26, 1977bear 6 1899 No, 132] NEW DELHI, TURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1977/VAISAKHA 6, 1899 ‘Teer fir pe oar deat ert fie ay acer aero ee Tat on ‘Separate paging ls given to this Part in order that it may be filed asa separate compilation 7 MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM. NOTIFICATION : New Delt the 26th April, 1977 GSR. 194 (E) - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 17 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipeliifes (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962) the Central Government hereby makes the following rules to amend the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Rule, ! 1963 namely:- 1, These Rules may be called the Petroleuin Pipelines (Acquistion of Right of User in Lend) Amendment Rules, 1977; In the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right o0f User in Land) Rules, 1963 in the preamble in rile 1 and in clause (a) of rule2 for the words "Petroleum Pipelines” the words, “Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines" shall be substituted. : @No. 11022/1/77-Prod.) CR. VAIDYANATHAN, It. Secy. RSA ST SBHSHESOHBMOHDBEsIVUIWIIVY J if ow ww EDF IPAM IIUUVITIII GIFU SG IVY IY afiget ag Fereth,26 arte, 1977 aur, 194 (a1) aaiferas otk airs cece (ft a sratt a sifttesre ar orsts), srfufram, 1962 (1962 a7 50) at arr 17 gt wen wnat ar welt ot gy, ashe Bea Tare giferas revered (yf a saat & sftrere ar arts) satisfy, 1963 F dais wel & fore Prevferfan Prem wat &, oral, it 3 fra Sear crete (ogfh 8 wea By tren ser oH) ether Fv, 1977 ee att 2, Seferamt rere (eft sve & saree et ata) Premera Prot Yak fem 2 & we (@) 4 “tale geen” wet Sea wy "agi he afar oer” wet at atten fea aT ce [eear 11022/1/77 - seer] tre, desert, gw afer Fer mares, ured Aree YT, fret vy, aE Pree eT safe wen Preiser sree Perey, Pree meet fine 1977 PRINTED BY ‘THE GENERAL MANAGER, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS, MINTO ROAD, NEW DELHI AND PUBLISHED BY THE CONTROLLER OF PUBLICATION, DELHI 1977. Pre PS AAPP MAMET DITISIIDIIIO PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, PAR II, SECTION 3, SUB- SECTION (ii) Government of India * Ministry of Mines and Fuel New Delhi, the 12 June, 1963 NOTIFICATION No, 1063: In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Goverment hereby deglares that the said Act shall apply to the States of Assam, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mysore and Rajasthan with effect from the 12 June, 1963, (No. 31/6/63 - ONG) sd’. (B, Subha Rao) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India To ‘The Manager, Government of India Press ‘New Delhi. BD A PIII AT ~ PPPOE a ee b&w OEY [ae & cetas, wT 2, ave 3, ares (LH eter] act BET wat wearer [agiftrns fre] ag fresft, ware, 1983 te ire afte ater oameres (xf ea oftsere a ome) HR, 1962 (1962 ar 50) St ent 1 st sauna (3) grr vee afat a war ed EU Sate GER Tay ‘ant ae chao eect & fas eee, 1983 aay atten Bga oer wt ay tr [H. 0-11011/3/83 - sere] ‘ FRM [ers fee] Prere aa 3, wae, NT AST, TRUITT, arent 3, ceiaa oa, a8 facet safe After: - CL airitn 25 afta, der atte arp re ard (sere Pram] det ce, Bea 2. sft aergerend, wae [Pre], stc.si.ce., der va, teagT 3. afaa, Bq aver, sereer! 4, ages wie) wea/- [arts fee] Pree Lge J DU et Sw WO TIUYGTIIY (10 BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, PAR I, SECTION 3) SUB-SECTION Government of India Ministry of Energy Deptt. of Petroleum + New Detht. the 18" November, 1983 NOTIFICATION : : S.O. No. 4348: In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hercby declares that the said Act shall apply t0 the States of ‘Tripura with effect from the I" December, 1983. \ (No. 0-11011:3/83-Prod.) Sar ~ «Rajendra Singh) Director To ‘The Manager, Government of India Press Mayapuri Press, Industrial Area, New Delhi. Copy to: 1. Secretary to the Commission, ONGC (Production Division) Te! Bhavan, Dehradun, 2. Shri V. Ramanujachari, Member (Finance), ONGC, Tel Bhavan, Dehradun, 3. Sectary to the government of Tripura, Agartala, 4. Notification file. (Rajendra singh) Director eww we ot HI be DF PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, PAR II, SECTION 3, SUB- SECTION (ii) . Government of India Ministry of Petroleum and Chemicals New Delhi, the 10 March, 1964 NOTIFICATION No. 987: In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares that the said Act shall apply to the States of Orissa, Andhea Pradesh and Madras with effect from the 15* March, 1964. (No. 34-663 - ONG) US (SR) \ To ‘The Manager, Government of India Press ‘New Delhi SO wij SPIOOURSHSCeSOSPMGSEUDIIOWDIIIDIVGIIWI [ane & TT, ATT, wus 3, STEVE (it) A HET [sraraUT] weer BEET agiftran ate apie tte sister aé fereh, frate 16th wre, 1993 aire wrote 108 (an aga sie am serene (GPT sei sie a sifieaem saftey, 1962 (1962 wr $0) ah eurer 1 Bt saan (3) ere we fa aT WaT A ET pate TEER wag ETT ae Stor ay & fos [saad 1993 a ag safPran sea Ge TET we sf ary eet : ‘Wem FH-12017/2/92 - seated Fens (rea ere) Gye afta, urea aH wir 5. 386 935 FH, IROTTT, ART RAR, Frag stein a3, Fen de, a8 Revath wnferfafte Bfteen “1, ner ser [es] ‘tha aR site dear fates, 78 reat 2. afgEAT eet Pw UU HOD OOO GEV FIV UH TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, (EXTRA ORDINARY) PAR II, SECTION 3 SUB-SECTION (ii) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA * MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM & NATURAL New Dethi, i the 16 Feb., 1993, OTIRICATION $.0. No. 108(E): In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipglines (Acquisition of Right of User in [.and) Act. 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby’ specify the Ist day of January, 1993, as the date on wilich the provisions of the said Act shall apply to the Union territory of Pondicherry. No.: 012017 292-0NG.D-4 Sd- (NARESH DAYAl) JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVT. OF INDIA. Tel. No. 386935 To ‘The Manager. Government of India Press Mayapuri Press. Industrial Area, ‘New Delhi. CC: General Manager (E&P) GAIL, New Delhi Notification File, SCHEDULE FORM [See Rule 4(2)} (To be submitted in duplicate) Claim regarding land specified in the Gazette.notification dated the under section 3(1) of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962) PART-A Particulars of the claimant 1, Name of Claimant ren ayaene 10. M. BB. Father’ s/Husband’s Name (*) ‘Age/Date of bisth (*) (Occupation Permanent address ‘Address for communication’ service of notice, etc. Date of submission of claim yevoo rt eos esd wOwVVUUVUtUIYY PART-B Particulars of Land through which the pipelines are proposed to be Iaidiaid (*) 8 Location of the Land a District/Taluk/Mandal 10. Survey No. of the Land POO Ow HH eet 11. Deseription’Extent of the Land (Wet or dry shall Also be specified) Nanure‘ExtenDescription of the damages caused to the Land Propeny/Crop/Trees, etc. (*) (2) under section 4 (viz. Power fo enter, survey. etc.) Gi) under seefion 7 (viz. for laying of pipelines. ete.) ii) under section & (viz. Power to enter land for inspection. etc.) 13. Amount of compensation claimed (*) (i) under section 4 (viz. Power to enter, survey, ete.) Gi) unde: section 7 (viz. for laying of pipelines, ete.) (iii) under section 8 (viz. Power to enter land for inspection. ete.) 14. Basis of claim (*) (i) under section 4 (viz. Power to enter, survey, etc.) (i) under section 7 (viz. tor laying of pipelines. etc.) Gil) under seetion & (viz. Power to enter land for inspe. Kon, ete.) Note: In respect of trees. information on type of tree, number of trees, age of the tree, yearly Id of each tree, expected life of the tree for each type of tree shall be giv Similar information for each type of crop, viz. Nature of crop. state of maturity expected yield. amount of damages, etc. shall be given, ure of claimant__ Date we 1, *) Delete whichever is not applicable. ‘One copy of form to be returned to the claimant after affixing signature by the competent authority or any person authorized by him to receive the form. =< Sdi- Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, Foot Note The Principal rufes were pub an subsequently amended vide.~ id vide No. G.S.R. 626, dated 13.3.1963 i) No. GSR 194(F), dated 26.4.1 (ii) No. GSR 100(E), dated 1.3.1995 Gil) No. GSR 174(E), dated 26.3.1997

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