700r4 Checkball Locations

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TCI® 376021
Turbo 700R4 1982-1986
(1) Valve Body (1) Filter Seal Ring TCI®’s Constant Pressure Valve Body eliminates an improperly
(1) Valve Body Separator Plate (1) Pressure Regulator adjusted throttle valve cable from lowering the line pressure of the
(1) .500” Boost Valve Retaining Ring
transmission and causing premature failure. Only the shifts points
(2) Valve Body Gaskets (2) Allen Head Plug
are controlled by the throttle cable adjustment. However, TV throttle
(marked VB & C) (2) Wiring Harness Connectors
(1) Transmission Pan Gasket (1) Wiring Harness settings for up shifts still need to be properly adjusted. Stacked
(2) Accumulator Spacers: (6) 1/4” Chrome Check Balls shifts or low shift points can cause transmission damage.
Black(thin) & Thick(silver) (1) TCI® 376003 HD Servo Kit
NOTE: The boost valves and reverse boost sleeve can easily be in-
(2) Springs:
stalled incorrectly. Incorrect assembly will cause the transmission to
(1) Orange 1-2 Accumulator & (1) Purple Pressure Regulator
function improperly. BE SURE these parts are installed in the correct
YEAR MODEL IDENTIFICATION: Before you start with modification order, facing the right direction.
to valve body you must know year model of your transmission. If you
are unsure of year, you can identify easily. On right hand side of trans-
HEAVY DUTY: Install the thick spacer supplied (silver) into the accu-
mission pan rail you will see a serial number. The first digit of that
mulator piston with some grease to hold it into place. Install the 3-4
number will give you the year the transmission was in production.
piston pin into the case. Install the accumulator piston/ spacer assem-
This information may also be located on the right side transmission-
bly into the case. Install the stock spring against the spacer.
to-engine mounting flange.
STREET: Install the thin spacer supplied (black) into the accumulator
NOTE: If you have not removed the transmission from the vehicle
piston with some grease to hold in place. Install the 3-4 piston pin into
when removing the valve body, some of the internal parts will fall out.
the case. Install the accumulator piston/spacer assembly into the case.
It may be easier for you to remove the transmission from the vehicle
Install the stock spring against the spacer.
to install this kit. This kit will allow you to modify your 700R4 trans-
STREET PLUS: Install the allen head plug into the hole located in the
mission for your particular driving requirements.
case of the transmission in the 3-4 accumulator piston bore. (See
HEAVY DUTY: This type of modification is used for towing, campers,
Photo 11.) Using the 1/4" x 20 allen head plug, screw the self tapping
motor homes, police, taxi and other vehicles that put a lot of stress on
plug into the accumulator housing located in case. Install 3-4 piston
the transmission. The shift is firm but not harsh.
pin into the case. Install the accumulator piston and spring without the
STREET: This type of modification is a step above the stock trans-
(black) spacer.
mission performance and shift feel.
STREET PLUS: This type of modification is what TCI® uses when STEP 8. All Applications: Put the new gaskets in position on the sepa-
building a Street Fighter transmission. The shift feel is very positive rator plate by using a little grease to hold them on the plate. The gas-
and sharp. ket with the "C" goes on the separator plate that fits to the case. The
NOTE: This kit is not intended for installation in a transmission in poor gen- gasket with the "V or VB" goes on the separator plate that fits next to
eral condition. It will not correct a malfunctioning or slipping transmission. the valve body.
STEP 1 Drain oil pan, using pan to catch fluid. Remove transmission STEP 9. All Applications: CHECK BALL LOCATIONS
oil pan bolts. When removing bolts, remove so pan will not drop com- CASE: Install two check balls in the case as indicated. (See Photo 9)
pletely off but will be held into place so that one side will allow the Use petroleum jelly to hold the check balls in the case.
fluid to be drained. After the fluid has drained, remove the rest of the VALVE BODY: Install three check balls in the valve body as indicated.
bolts and pour out the remaining fluid. Remove gasket and discard. If (See Photo 6)
gasket material sticks to transmission pan or case, remove all mate-
STEP 10. INSTALL VALVE BODY: Be sure to engage manual valve
rial completely. Turbo 700R4 transmissions do not have a drain plug.
with linkage properly. Do not force the valve or bend the linkage dur-
You may want to install a TCI® 805800 universal drain plug kit into
ing assembly. Install one valve body bolt to hold the valve body into
your pan now that you have the pan off.
place. Do not tighten bolt.
STEP 2. Carefully remove the oil filter by pulling it straight down. Re-
STEP 11. Install the throttle pressure mechanism. Attach the cable
move the pickup tube seal ring from the pump if it does not come out
linkage to the large lever. Holding the large lever down and the small
with the filter. Discard seal ring. Inspect the oil filter. Replace the filter
lever up, slip the mechanism over the roll pin on the valve body and
if it is dirty or has not been changed in over 25,000 miles. TCI® part
install the two bolts. (See Photo 4)
number is 378500.
STEP 3. Remove the 1-2 accumulator by removing the three bolts
HEAVY DUTY: Install the thin spacer (black) into the accumulator pis-
holding the piston housing. Keep these bolts separated from the valve
ton. Install the piston into the housing. Install the large orange spring
body bolts. Remove the 1-2 accumulator assembly. This assembly
supplied with this kit.
has three parts: the accumulator piston housing, accumulator piston,
STREET: Install the accumulator piston into the housing. Install the
and accumulator spring. (See Photo 2) You will be reinstalling the
large orange spring supplied with this kit.
accumulator assembly later.
STREET PLUS: Install a 1/4” x 20 allen head screw into apply hole.
NOTE: Located under the separator plate is the 3-4 assembly. It will
(See Photo 10.) If hole needs to be drilled, use a #7 drill bit. Clean
be removed after the valve body has been removed. (See Step 5)
and de-burr before installing into transmission. Install the piston into
STEP 4. Remove the support plate. (See Photo 3) Disengage the the housing with the large orange spring. If the shift is too firm,
wire cable linkage while removing the mechanism. (See Photo 4) remove the 1/4” allen head set screw.
Remove the bolt holding the detent roller spring assembly.
Now you are ready to reinstall accumulator housing assembly. Install
STEP 5. Remove the remaining valve body bolts except for one near using the housing bolts that were kept separated. Tighten the bolts to
the center of the valve body. Holding the valve body securely, remove 8 foot pounds.
the last bolt and lower the valve body, separator plate and gaskets.
STEP 13. Install all the remaining valve body bolts, the detent roller
Remove the 3-4 accumulator spring, 3-4 accumulator piston and 3-4
spring, wire clips and support plate. Tighten the valve body bolts, throttle
accumulator piston pin. (See Photo 5) Some of the accumulator as-
pressure mechanism bolts and support plate bolts to 8 foot pounds.
sembly parts will drop out of the valve body as it is lowered. There are
Tighten detent roller spring bolt to 10 foot pounds. Do Not Over Tighten.
several check balls above the separator plate and in the valve body.
You will be reinstating four of these later. TCI® includes six check balls STEP 14. Strip 1/4”- 1/2” insulation from the new wiring harness and
just in case some are lost during disassembly. attach the two wire connectors to these ends. Insert the plug end of
the new wiring harness into the connector in the case. Cut the two
wires coming from your TCC solenoid to a length of 3 inches. Strip
STEP 6. All Applications: Remove the pressure regulator assembly
1/4”- 1/2” insulation from the wires. Install the TCC solenoid into the
from the transmission pump. (See Photo 7) Push up on the TV boost
pump, install the two hold down bots and torque to 8 foot pounds.
valve sleeve while removing the retaining ring. Be careful, as there is
Connect the two wires with the spade connectors onto the two prong
heavy spring tension behind it. Slowly lower the sleeve to relieve spring
switch. Connect the ground (-) wire from your solenoid to the new
tension. Remove the TV boost valve sleeve and valve, the reverse
harness wire which has two wires joined together. Connect the single
boost sleeve and valve, and the pressure regulator spring. The pres-
wire from the new harness to the positive (+) wire
sure regulator valve may also drop out. If it does not, do not remove.
from the TCC solenoid. The TCC solenoid is
Replace the pressure regulator spring with the Purple spring sup-
marked (+) and (-).
plied. Reinstall the pressure regulator assembly with the new spring
and .500” boost valve as shown. (See Photo 8) Install the new retain- STEP 15. Install the Filter Seal Ring supplied onto
ing ring supplied with this kit. the filler tube. Lubricate the seal with transmis-
sion fluid and install the filter into the pump. TCI® recommends using other end, making sure that the Linkage hook and Cable hook fits
a new filter. Check pan fit by installing filter and without using a pan under the Throttle Cable housing. Now push the end of the cable
gasket. If pan does not fit flush with pan rails, make certain the filter is housing into the Throttle Valve Cable opening and install the cable.
installed completely into the pump. TCI® offers a deep aluminum pan (See Illustration 1)
(TCI® 378000) for this transmission.
STEP 22. Now reconnect TV Cable to carburetor or injection lever.
STEP 16. Clean all old gasket material from oil pan and the case.
STEP 23. Locate the adjust tab. (See Illustration 2) Depress tab
Wash pan in solvent and install with new pan gasket supplied. Do not
and move slider through the fitting away from the lever assembly.
use any gasket sealer. Make sure the servo exhaust hole is not plugged
When the slider stops against the fitting, release the adjust tab.
or stopped up. When cleaning gasket material, some can accidentally
get into this opening. Install pan bolt and tighten to 10 foot pounds. STEP 24. By hand, open the throttle lever to full or wide open
throttle stop position. This will automatically adjust cable. Release
STEP 17. Locate servo and remove the servo cover retaining ring.
the throttle lever and check the cable to see that it is not binding or
Pry the servo housing seal O-ring out and cut ring. Pull seal out and
remove servo assembly from case. (See Photo 12)
STEP 18. Disassemble the servo assembly. (See Photo 12) Clean all AT THE CARBURETOR. Failure to readjust the TV cable will
parts thoroughly before reassembly. result in improper shifts and/or transmission failure!
STEP 19. Discard OE parts and replace with TCI® part supplied with STEP 25. Pour 5 quarts of automatic transmission fluid into the trans-
kit. (See Photo 12 for detail) mission. Start engine and check transmission fluid level. Add additional
fluid until fluid reaches full level. Do Not Over Fill Transmission.
STEP 20. Assemble and reinstall into transmission. Note that the two
supplied O-rings have specific locations. The blue O-ring is to be placed STEP 26. With the adjustment complete, road test. With moderate
on the outer servo cover and the red O-ring is for the second apply acceleration your transmission should shift:
piston. Placing them in the wrong location may cause the servo to 1st to 2nd ............. 15-20MPH
leak. Make sure the servo cover retaining ring is installed correctly. 2nd to 3rd ............. 25-30MPH
STEP 21. Adjustment is made with engine not running. Discon- 3rd to 4th .............. 40-45MPH
nect the Throttle Valve Cable at the Carburetor so the cable can be If the throttle Valve Cable is not adjusted properly, the transmis-
moved. You should be able to see a hook in the TV opening in the sion will shift into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd within seconds of acceleration.
case. With needle nose pliers pull the TV Link hook out about half an DO NOT CONTINUE TO DRIVE VEHICLE IF THIS HAPPENS.
inch. Next, take the end of the TV cable and hook the TV Linkage Readjust cable. If you continue to have problems, please contact
hook into the hole at the end of the cable. Now pull the cable at the TCI®’s tech department for assistance.



Two ‘82-
86 Non-Auxillary V.B.
‘82-‘86 V.B. Units only,
Prong install check ball at
Switch this location also
Photo shows 700R4 with wire in place. All
Draw your own diagram of wiring, Models
PHOTO 1 terminal and connection locations. Install
Check Install 1/4” x 20
Balls Allenhead Screw
into this hole
NOTE: Use Spacer Supplied PHOTO 11
with TCI Kit. (Step 17)



Piston Accumulator
Housing Piston



‘82-’86 Models do not use the
auxiliary valve body. Support TV CABLE
Plate installs here. TRANSMISSION




Install two check A D J U S T TA B

balls on all models CABLE

Servo Exhaust Hole


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