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IEEE Guide For Testing Turn-to-Turn Insulation On Form-Wound Stator Coils For Alternating-Current Rotating Electric Machines

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Recognized as an IEEE Std 522-1992

American National Standard (ANSI) (Revision of IEEE Std 522-1977)

IEEE Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn

Insulation on Form-Wound Stator Coils for
Alternating-Current Rotating Electric
Electric Machinery Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved June 18, 1992

IEEE Standards Board
Approved January 4, 1993
American National Standards Institute

Abstract: Suggestions are made for testing the dielectric strength of the insulation separat-
ing the various turns from each other within multiturn form-wound coils to determine their
acceptability. Typical ratings of machines employing such coils normally lie within the range
of 200 kW to 100 MW. The test voltage levels described do not evaluate the ability of the turn
insulation to withstand abnormal voltage surges, as contrasted to surges associated with nor-
mal operation. The suggestions apply to: (1) individual stator coils after manufacture; (2) coils
in completely wound stators of original manufacture; (3) coils and windings for rewinds of
used machinery; and (4) windings of machines in service to determine their suitability for fur-
ther service (preventive-maintenance testing). Coil service conditions, test devices, and test
sequence are discussed. High-frequency test levels for new coils during winding, and for
applying surge tests to complete windings, are given.
Keywords: ac machines, power system transients, rotating-machine insulation testing

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA

Copyright © 1992 by the

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 1992
Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 1-55937-252-4

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(This foreword is not a part of IEEE Std 522-1992, IEEE Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn Insulation on Form-
Wound Stator Coils for Alternating-Current Rotating Electric Machines.)

This revision of IEEE Std 522-1977 was initiated by the Insulation Subcommittee (now
Materials Subcommittee) of the Rotating Machinery Committee of the IEEE Power Engineer-
ing Society. At the time that this standard was completed, the working group had the follow-
ing membership:

Bal K. Gupta, Chair

D. Arndt T. Kluk E. L. Owen

N.K. Ghai A. Koutsoukos R. Rehder
C. Heising S. Lindholm D. E. Schump
K. Henry T. J. Lorenz R. L. Shultz
T. A. Higgins F. Lotte, Jr. G. C. Stone
D. W. Jackson J. de Marco T. R. Waite
L. F. Klataske P. Mlynar C. A. Wilson
N. E. Nilsson

At the time that it balloted and approved this standard for submission to the IEEE Stan-
dards Board, the Materials Subcommittee had the following membership:

E. J. Adolpson F. H. Grooms G. H. Miller

P. E. Alexander B. K. Gupta O. M. Nassar
D. Arndt R. A. Huber R. H. Rehder
R. L. Balke A. M. Iversen C. M. Rowe
W. H. Bentley T. B. Jenkins D. E. Schump
E. A. Boulter L. F. Klataske R. F. Sharrow
L. E. Braswell, III T. M. Kluk R. L. Schultz
L. W. Buchanan S. Lindholm W. G. Stiffler
A. W. W. Cameron T. J. Lorenz G. C. Stone
J. L. Cohon C. Y. Lu J. E. Timperly
J.L. Emery B. Mayschak R. F. Weddleton
R. J. Flaherty R. J. McGrath C. A. Wilson
N. K. Ghai M. Zgraggen

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on June 18, 1992, it had the fol-
lowing membership:

Marco W. Migliaro, Chair Donald C. Loughry, Vice Chair

Andrew G. Salem, Secretary

Dennis Bodson Donald N. Heirman T. Don Michael*

Paul L. Borrill Ben C. Johnson John L. Rankine
Clyde Camp Walter J. Karplus Wallace S. Read
Donald C. Fleckenstein Ivor N. Knight Ronald H. Reimer
Jay Forster* Joseph Koepfinger* Gary S. Robinson
David F. Franklin Irving Kolodny Martin Schneider
Ramiro Garcia D. N. “Jim” Logothetis Terrance R. Whittemore
Thomas L. Hannan Lawrence V. McCall Donald W. Zipse

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:

Satish K. Aggarwal
James Beall
Richard B. Engelman
David E. Soffrin
Stanley Warshaw

Theresa Argiropoulos
IEEE Standards Project Editor

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1

2. Scope and Reference ............................................................................................................... 1

3. Service Conditions................................................................................................................... 2

4. Suggested Test Devices........................................................................................................... 2

5. Test Sequence.......................................................................................................................... 3

6. High-Frequency Test Levels for New Coils ........................................................................... 3

7. Maintenance Tests or Tests After Installation of Machines................................................. 4

8. Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 5

Fig 1 Coil Electrical Impulse Voltage Withstand Envelope.................................................. 3

Fig 2 Alternative Coil Impulse Voltage Withstand Envelope............................................... 4

Appendix A Test Procedures and Methods ............................................................................... 9

Appendix B Sample Test Form ................................................................................................ 14


Fig A1 Surge-Inducing Coil ............................................................................................. 10

Fig A2 Suggested Arrangement of Test Equipment ...................................................... 10
Fig A3 Voltage Waveform for Short-Circuited and Normal Coils Using Induced-
Voltage Test Method ............................................................................................ 12
Fig A4 Waveforms of Short-Circuited and Normal Coils Tested Directly
Connected, in the Iron.......................................................................................... 12
Fig A5 Schematic Circuit for Marx Generator ............................................................... 13
IEEE Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn
Insulation on Form-Wound Stator Coils for
Alternating-Current Rotating Electric

1. Introduction

1.1 Many alternating-current rotating electric machines are designed to have multiturn form-
wound stator coils. In these cases, the winding has two separate but interrelated insulating

(1) between the various turns (turn insulation)

(2) between the turns and ground (ground insulation)

Failure of either of these barriers will prematurely terminate the service life of the machine. A
test level, twice rated voltage plus 1 kV, for the ground insulation has been in existence for
many years. This guide suggests methods and test levels for the turn insulation.

1.2 Experience has shown that turn-insulation failures can be precipitated by abnormal steep-
front surges caused by factors such as lightning strokes, faulty breaker closures, or the mal-
function of various types of switching devices. However, turn-insulation failures can also be
caused by surges during normal breaker operations when the circuit conditions are such that
the rise time of the surge at the machine terminals is less than a few microseconds. A measure
of protection from such surges may be provided by installation of devices such as wave-sloping
capacitors at the machine terminals and surge arrestors, or by increasing turn-to-turn insula-
tion. When used for this purpose, capacitor ratings are usually chosen to extend the rise time
of voltage surges to 5 µs or longer.

1.3 References are given for determining surge environment and strength of electric machines
in the Bibliography (Section 8).

2. Scope and Reference

2.1 Scope. The purpose of this guide is to make suggestions on testing the dielectric strength
of the insulation separating the various turns from each other within multiturn form-wound
coils to determine the acceptability of the coils. Typical ratings of machines employing such
coils normally lie within the range of 200 kW to 100 MW. Test voltage levels described herein
do not evaluate the ability of the turn insulation to withstand abnormal voltage surges, as
contrasted to surges associated with normal operation. These suggestions apply to:

(1) Individual stator coils after manufacture

(2) Coils in completely wound stators of original manufacture
(3) Coils and windings for rewinds of used machinery
(4) Windings of machines in service to determine their suitability for further service (pre-
ventive-maintenance testing)


2.2 Reference. This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following publication:

[1] IEEE Std 43-1974 (1991), IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance
of Rotating Machinery (ANSI).1

3. Service Conditions

3.1. The maximum operating (line frequency) voltage difference between turns in a coil
depends upon the voltage between coil terminals and the internal construction of the coil.

3.2. A second and less predictable voltage difference between turns can be caused by tran-
sients. Additional information on the nature of such transients and the associated turn volt-
age distribution may be found in a number of articles cited in the Bibliography. Steep-front
waves due to arcing in the associated circuit can be damaging to turn insulation since a sub-
stantial portion of the wave can appear across the turn insulation of the coils near the line ter-
The voltage difference that turn insulation must withstand, therefore, covers a broad range
from less than 100 V in normal operation to as much as several thousand volts under tran-
sient conditions. At the one end of this range, all that is needed is physical separation;
whereas at the other, insulation having considerable dielectric strength is desirable.

4. Suggested Test Devices

4.1. Individual form-wound multiturn coils have a low series impedance at power frequencies,
particularly so prior to insertion in the stator core. Because of this, connection across the leads
of any power-frequency test source of adequate voltage to test the insulation will result in
high current. This, of course, will also be the case with dc and very-low frequency sources.
Therefore, to apply a voltage of reasonable magnitude across the coil leads without excessive
current, a test voltage having an equivalent frequency several orders of magnitude above
power frequency would be desirable (examples are given in Appendix A, A1.2).

4.2. A suitable testing device should provide voltage control, accurate indication of voltage
level, and a means of detecting turn-to-turn insulation failure. A single-stage “Marx” genera-
tor with a storage oscilloscope is an example of such a device. A schematic diagram of the gen-
erator is given in the Appendix. Both conduction- and induction-type testing devices have
been developed and applied satisfactorily. In either type, a steep-front voltage wave is applied
to the test coil. In each cycle, a capacitor is charged to an appropriate voltage, then discharged
by means of a suitable switch (such as a spark gap, thyratron, or a solid-state device) into a
circuit that includes the test coil. Voltage and current then oscillate at the natural frequency
of the circuit.

4.2.1. In conduction-type devices, the test voltage is applied directly to the coil leads. Failure
detection is by visual inspection of either test voltage or current on a cathode-ray oscilloscope.
Coils may be tested singly, or two nominally similar coils may be tested simultaneously,
thereby facilitating comparison of the wave shape. In testing a single coil, the wave shape at a
sufficiently low voltage should be recorded and used to compare with wave shapes at high
voltages. A significant difference, approximately 10% or more, in magnitude or frequency of
the waves indicates probable insulation failure.

1IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Service Center, 445
Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.


4.2.2. In induction-type devices, the test voltage is induced in the coil under test, which con-
stitutes the secondary of the transformer, the primary of which is excited by a steep-front
wave from the capacitor. Failure is indicated by dissymmetry of either current in the test coil
or voltage at its terminals. See Fig A3 in Appendix A.

5. Test Sequence

5.1. Coils can be tested at one or more of the following steps of manufacture:

(1) Prior to insertion into the stator core. This is appropriate when the coils are to be
installed at a location remote from the coil-manufacturing plant. If the coils have too
low an impedance in air, they may be assembled into a simulated core for testing pur-
poses. Each coil should be tested.
(2) After assembly into the stator core, after wedging and bracing of the end turns, but
before insulating the series connections and before connecting between phase groups.
Again, each coil should be tested.
(3) After connecting into phase groups, but before insulating the series connections and
before connecting between phase groups.
(4) After all connections are made and the insulation is applied. All maintenance tests are
normally made under such conditions. If the test voltage is applied at the machine ter-
minals, the electrical impulse voltage level should be selected so as to avoid overstress-
ing ground insulation. In this case, the test may disclose only existing short circuits
and not incipient weaknesses of the turn insulation. Otherwise, the test voltage can be
induced into the stator coils by means of a surge-inducing coil. The test method given
in Appendix A will stress incipient weaknesses and may cause them to fail.
(5) Extra coils (if specified in agreement between the manufacturer and the user) that are
not used in winding the machine can be tested to destruction to determine the turn-to-
turn capability of the electrical insulation system design.

5.2. The ambient conditions should be acceptable for insulation testing. Prior to turn-to-turn
testing, the insulation resistance should be tested in accordance with IEEE Std 43-1974 [1].2
The insulation surface should be clean and dry. The coil temperature should be at least a few
degrees above the dew point, as a minimum, to avoid condensation of moisture on the coil
insulation. The turn-to-turn testing should not proceed until the insulation resistance tests
have been conducted successfully.

6. High-Frequency Test Levels for New Coils

6.1. The minimum turn-to-turn test voltage should be no less than 350 V peak, which is the
minimum sparking voltage for a uniform field in air (Paschen’s Law) (see [B7]). Beyond this,
no generally accepted approach to the selection of turn-to-turn test voltage has evolved. Man-
ufacturers have used coil and machine design parameters, such as size and weight of coil,
length of turn, arrangement of turns within the coil, operating volts per turn or per coil, sys-
tem voltage, inter-turn and turn-to-ground capacitance, and others, to determine turn-voltage
test levels for their products. These procedures have not been described explicitly in the liter-
ature, and it is not feasible to describe them here. Agreement should be reached between the
manufacturer and the user as to what testing technique and level should be applied to the
machine coils and at what stage of manufacture the tests should be run.

2The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the references in 2.2. When preceded by the letter B, they corre-
spond to those of the Bibliography in Section 8.


6.2. Whatever test technique is used, it is suggested that for testing the turn insulation,
impulses with fast rise time 0.1 µs (with a tolerance of –0.0 µs and +0.1 µs) should be used. In
general the coils should have sufficient groundwall and turn insulation to withstand an elec-
trical impulse voltage within the envelope defined in Fig 1.

V 1 = ( 2 / 3 ) V L = 1 per unit (pu) at front rise time 0.0 µ s (Eq 1)

V 2 = 3.5 pu at front rise time 0.1 µ s (Eq 2)

V 3 = 5 pu at front rise time ≥ 1.2 µ s (Eq 3)


Vn (n = 1, 2, 3) = Momentary peak electrical impulse capability across the coil.

VL = Rated rms line-to-line voltage in kV.

6.3. The rise time of applied impulses should be between 0.1 and 0.2 µs.

V3 5

V1 = ( 2 / 3 ) VL at 0.0 µs
V2 = 3.5 V1 at 0.1 µs
2 V3 = 5 V1 at ≥ 1.2 µs

V1 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig 1
Coil Electrical Impulse Withstand Envelope

6.4. In the event that the machine is likely to be subjected to voltage surges during its service
life and protective devices are not used as mentioned in 1.2, turn insulation having higher-
than-normal electric strength may be used in the coils. In this case, the turn-to-turn test volt-
age may be appropriately adjusted upwards.

6.5. If agreed between the manufacturer and the user, the impulse withstand envelope given
in Fig 2 (from [B20]) may be used for testing coils designed for machines that are not likely to
see high-magnitude fast-fronted surges.

6.6. For unimpregnated or green coils, the test voltage may be 60–80% of the value specified in
6.2. or 6.5., as agreed between the manufacturer and the user.





V1 = ( 2 / 3 ) VL, 1 pu at 0.0 µs
V2 = 2 V1 at 0.2 µs
V2 2 V3 = 1.25 √2 (2VL + 1) at ≥ 5 µs

V1 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig 2
Alternative Coil Impulse Voltage Withstand Envelope

7. Maintenance Tests or Tests After Installation of Machines

7.1. Turn-to-turn voltage for tests made in the field is suggested to be approximately 75% of Vn
as defined in Section 6. It is good practice to obtain approval from the manufacturer of the
coils on any test program.

7.2. In many cases, particularly in maintenance testing, it is desirable to make the test with a
minimum of disassembly of the machine (for example, with the rotor in place). In the case of
salient-pole synchronous machines, this can sometimes be done by removing a single pole and
field-coil assembly and rotating the rotor and testing fixtures. For nonsalient pole machines,
the rotor may have to be removed.

7.3. The test may be performed using a surge-inducing coil ( Appendix A) to apply the test
voltage to the coil under test. The degree of coupling that can be achieved by this method var-
ies rather widely, and in some cases it may not be possible to reach the 75% voltage level in
the coils being tested. Therefore, the 75% figure should be considered a general guideline.

7.4. Other methods of detecting turn-insulation failures and means of minimizing damage
due to faults are included in the Bibliography ([B4], [B16], [B27], [B30], [B44], [B46], [B49],
and [B51]).


8. Bibliography

[B1] Acosta, J. and Cornick, K. J., “Field investigations into the factors governing the severity
of prestriking transients,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-2, no. 4, pp. 638–645,
Dec. 1987.

[B2] Bacvarov, D. C. and Sharma, D. K., “Risk of winding insulation breakdown in large ac
motors caused by steep switching surges, part I: computed switching surges, and part II: prob-
abilistic risk assessment,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-1, pp. 130–152, Mar.

[B3] Baltensperger, P. and Meyer, H., “Overvoltages resulting from the disconnection of high
voltage motors,” Brown Boveri Review, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 342–350, 1953.

[B4] Chowdhuri, P., “Fault detection in three-phase rotating machines,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-91, pp. 160–167, Jan./Feb. 1972.

[B5] Christiansen, K. A. and Pedersen, A., “An experimental study of impulse voltage phenom-
ena in a large ac motor,” IEEE Publication 68C6-E1-87, pp. 148–150, 1968.

[B6] Cornick, K. J. and Thompson, T. R., “Steep-fronted switching voltage transients and their
distribution in motor windings, part I: system measurements of steep-fronted switching volt-
age transients, part II: distribution of steep-fronted switching voltage transients in motor
windings,” Proceedings of the IEE, part B, pp. 45–63, Mar. 1982.

[B7] Dakin, T. W. and Berg, D., “Progress in dielectrics,” Theory of Gas Breakdowns, vol. 4,
Academic Press, pp. 167–168, 1962.

[B8] Dick, E. P., Gupta, B. K., Pillai, P., Narang, A., and Sharma, D. K., “Equivalent circuits
for simulating switching surges at motor terminals,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conver-
sion, EC-3, no. 3, pp. 696–704, Sept. 1988.

[B9] Dick, E. P., Gupta, B. K., Pillai, P., Narang, A., and Sharma, D. K., “Practical calculations
of switching surges at motor terminals,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-3, no.
4, pp. 864–872, Dec. 1988.

[B10] Dick, E. P, Gupta, B. K., Pillai, P., Narang, A., Lauber, T. S., and Sharma, D. K., “Pre-
striking voltages associated with motor breaker closing,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Con-
version, EC-3, no. 4, pp. 855–863, Dec. 1988.

[B11] Electricity Supply Industry, “Testing the insulation systems of stator coils for rotating
electrical machines,” ESI Std 44-5, Issue 3, Sept. 1982.

[B12] Foust, C. M. and Rohats, N., “Insulation testing of electrical windings,” Transactions of
the AIEE, vol. 62, pp. 203–206, 1943.

[B13] Greenwood, A. and Glinkowski, M., “Voltage escalation in vacuum switching opera-
tions,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, PWRD vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1698–1706, Oct. 1988.

[B14] Gupta, B. K., Lloyd, B. A., Dick, E. P., Narang, A., Greenwood, A. N., and Sharma, D. K.,
“Switching surges at large ac motors,” Paper 11-07, 1988 Session of CIGRE, International
Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems, Paris, France.


[B15] Gupta, B .K., Lloyd, B. A., Stone, G. C., Campbell, S. R., Sharma, D. K., and Nilsson,
N. E., “Turn insulation capability of large ac motors, part 1-surge monitoring,” IEEE Transac-
tions on Energy Conversion, EC-2, no.4, pp. 658–665, Dec. 1987.

[B16] Gupta, B. K., Lloyd, B. A., Stone, G. C., Sharma, D. K., and Fitzgerald, J. P., “Turn insu-
lation capability of large ac motors, part 2—impulse strength,” IEEE Transsctions on Energy
Conversion, EC-2, No. 4, pp. 666–673, Dec. 1987.

[B17] Gupta, B. K., Lloyd, B. A., Stone, G. C., Sharma, D. K., Nilsson, N. E., and Fitzgerald,
J. P., “Turn insulation capability of large ac motors, part 3—insulation coordination,” IEEE
Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-2, no.4, pp. 674–679, Dec. 1987.

[B18] Heller, B. and Veverka, A., “Surge phenomena in electrical machines,” London, England:
Iliffe Books, Ltd., 1968.

[B19] “Impulse testing of rotating a-c machines,” AIEE Committee Report, AIEE Transactions,
vol. 79, part III, pp. 182–188, 1960.

[B20] “Impulse voltage strength of ac rotating machines,” IEEE Working Group Report, IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-100, pp. 4041–4053, 1981.

[B21] International Electrotechnical Commission, Document 2 (Secretariat) 658, Dec. 1984.

[B22] Jackson, D. W., “Surge protection of rotating machines,” Chapter 8 of IEEE Course on
Surges, IEEE Publication No. 79E0144-6-PWR, 1978.

[B23] Jackson, D. W., “Survey of failures of surge protective capacitors and arresters on ac
rotating machines,” Report by Working Group 3.4.9 of Surge Protective Devices Committee,
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, PWRD vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 1725–1730, July 1989.

[B24] Kaufmann, R. H., “Recommendations for surge voltage protection of motors in indus-
trial power systems,” Industrial Power Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 4–6, June 1966.

[B25] Koutsoukas, A., “A re-evaluation of motor insulation surge withstand capability,” Pre-
sented at Edison Electric Institute, ESE Committee, San Diego, CA, Feb. 15, 1983.

[B26] Koutsoukos, A. and Hadad, S. Z., “Vacuum circuit breaker and motor insulation surge
withstand,” Presented at American Power Conference, April 24–26, 1984.

[B27] Krankel, D. and Schuler, R. A., “Method for checking the turn insulation of form wound
coil windings for high-voltage rotating machines,” Brown Boveri Review, vol. 57, no. 4, pp.
191–196, 1970.

[B28] Laforte, J. T., McCoy, R. M. and Sharma, D. K., “Impulse voltage capability of rotating
machine insulation as determined from model specimens,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Con-
version, EC-3, no. 1, pp. 149–157, Mar. 1988.

[B29] McLaren, P. G. and Abdel-Rahman, M. H., “Steep-fronted surges applied to large ac

motors—effect of surge capacitor value and lead length,” IEEE Transactions on Power Deliv-
ery, PWRD-3, pp. 990–997, July 1988.

[B30] Moses, G. L, and Harter, E. F., “Winding-fault detection and location by surge compari-
son testing,” Transactions of the AIEE, vol. 64, pp. 499–503, 1945.


[B31] Musil, R. J., Wenger, S., and Scherer, K., “Practical considerations concerning impulse
voltage testing of formwound coils for rotating machines,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Con-
version, EC-3, pp. 111–115, Mar. 1988.

[B32] Narang, A., Gupta, B. K., Dick, E. P., and Sharma, D. K., “Measurement and analysis of
surge distribution in motor stator windings,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-4,
no. 1, pp. 126–134, Mar. 1989.

[B33] Nassar, O. M., “Effect of surge wave reflection inside a motor on voltage distribution
across stator windings,” IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-104, no. 4,
pp. 882–889, April 1985.

[B34] Nassar, O. M., “Effects of system parameters and circuit breaker characteristics on large
synchronous motors,” IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, EC-3, no. 1, pp. 95–101, Mar.

[B35] Nassar, O. M., “Motor insulation degradation due to switching surges and surge protec-
tion requirements,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-1, no. 3, pp. 182–189, Sept.

[B36] Nassar, O. M., “The use of partial discharge testing in the evaluation of interturn insu-
lation failure of large motors,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-2, no. 4, pp. 615–
621, Dec. 1987.

[B37] Oil Companies Materials Association (OCMA), Specification No. Elec. 1, “Three-phase
induction Motors,” July 1981.

[B38] Oliver, J. A., Woodson, H. H., and Johnson, J. S., “A turn insulation test for stator coils,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-87, no. 3, pp. 669–678, 1968.

[B39] Petrov, G. N. and Abramov, A. I., “Impulse voltages between turns in the windings of
electric machines under surge conditions,” Elektrichestvo, no. 7, pp. 24–31, 1954.

[B40] Reckleff, J. G., Nelson, J. K., Musil, R. J., and Wenger, S., “Characterization of fast rise-
time transients when energizing large 13.2 kV motors,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
PWRD-3, pp. 627–636, April 1988.

[B41] Rhudy, R. G., Owen, E. L., and Sharma, D. K., “Voltage distribution among the coils and
turns of a form wound ac rotating machine exposed to impulse voltage,” IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion, EC-1, pp. 50–60. June 1986.

[B42] Rudge, W. J. Jr., Hunter, E. M., and Wieseman, R. W., “Protection of rotating ac
machines against travelling wave voltages,” General Electric Review, Feb./Mar. 1938.

[B43] Rudge, W. J., Jr., Wieseman, R. W., and Lewis, W. W., “Protection of rotating ac machines
against travelling wave voltages due to lightning,” Transactions of the AIEE, 1938.

[B44] Rylander, J. L., “High frequency voltage test for insulation of rotating electrical appara-
tus,” Transactions of the AIEE, vol. 45, pp. 459–465, 1962.

[B45] Sexton, R. M., “A survey of turn insulation on large ac motors,” Proc. 1967 Seventh Elec-
trical Insulation Conference, IEEE Publication 32C79, pp. 71–73.


[B46] Sexton, R. M. and Alke, R. J., “Detection of turn-to-turn faults in large high-voltage tur-
bine generators,” Transactions of the AIEE, vol. 70, pt 1, pp. 270–274, 1951.

[B47] Shankle, D. F., Edwards, R. F., and Moses, G. L., “Surge protection for pipeline motors,”
IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications, IGA-4, no. 2, pp. 171–176, 1968.

[B48] Sills, H. R. and McKeever, J. L., “Characteristics of split-phase currents as a source of

generator protection,” AIEE Transactions (Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 72, pp. 1005–
1014, Oct. 1953.

[B49] Simmons, E., “Turn testing of rotating machinery,” Double Client Conference, Jan. 1964.

[B50] Tempelaar, H. G., “Determination of transient overvoltages caused by switching of high

voltage motors,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, EC-3, no. 4, pp. 806–814, Dec.

[B51] “Turn insulation capability of large ac motors,” EPRI Project RP 2307-1, Final Report,
EPRI EL-5862, vol. 1 and 2, July 1988.

[B52] Wellaner, M. A., “New arrangement for testing the insulation of the turns of machine
coils,” Bulletin Oerlikon, vol. 251, pp. 1624–1626, 1944.

[B53] Wright, M. T., Yang, S. J., and McLeay, K., “General theory of fast-fronted interturn volt-
age distribution in electrical machine windings,” Proceedings of the IEE, vol. 130, pt. B., no. 4,
pp. 245–256, July 1983.

[B54] Wright, M. T., Yang, S. J., and McLeay, K., “The influence of coil and surge parameters
on transient interturn voltage distribution in stator windings,” Proceedings of the IEE, vol.
130, pt. B, no. 4, pp. 257–264, July 1983.



(These appendixes are not part of IEEE Std 522-1992, IEEE Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn Insulation on Form-
Wound Stator Coils for Alternating-Current Rotating Electric Machines, but are included for information only.)

Appendix A
Test Procedures and Methods

A1. Method for Applying Surge Tests to Complete Windings

A1.1 General.The arrangement of the surge-inducing coil and laminated-iron sections in the
bore of the machine is shown in Fig A1. The voltage waveform is measured with a one-turn
search coil placed in the laminated-iron sections. The search-coil voltage is observed on an
oscilloscope through a resistive voltage divider. A consistent pattern for both short-circuited
and normal coils is obtained regardless of the electrical position of the coil in the winding
since the search coil is affected only to the extent of the reduction of flux resulting from a
short-circuited coil. A short-circuited coil generally shows a reduction of the peak amplitude of
the wave in the order of 20% when compared to the normal coil. There is also a very slight
increase in frequency of the short-circuited-coil waveform, but this is not always sufficiently
great to use as a test criterion. It is necessary to utilize wire with multiple, fine, insulated
strands in the surge-inducing coil to obtain minimum impedance. One hundred strands of
enameled wire, 0.010 in (0.25 mm) diameter, have proven satisfactory for this purpose. It is
suggested that the surge-inducing and search coils be insulated to ground for the maximum
voltage to appear in each coil. It will be necessary to remove the machine rotor, or for salient-
pole machines a pole on the rotor, to provide space for the coils and laminated-iron sections in
the bore area. To assure consistent results, it is good practice to fit the laminated iron sections
against the bore with uniform tightness.

A1.2. The test circuit (Fig A2) used consists principally of concentrated inductance (L) (the
surge-inducing coil) and capacitance (C), with minimum resistance (R). The frequency of oscil-
lation of the surge voltage can, therefore, be calculated from the formula:

1 1 R
f = ------ -------- – ---------2 (Eq A1)
2π LC 4L

which, when the second term under the radical is small compared to the first, reduces to:

f o = -------------------- (Eq A2)
2π LC

For example:

(1) A 200 hp motor tested with a 2-turn surge-inducing coil of 20 µH inductance and a 16
µF capacitor will have an oscillation frequency of 8900 Hz.
(2) A 69 500 kVA hydrogenerator tested with a 2-turn surge-inducing coil of 130 µH induc-
tance and a 2 µF capacitor will have an oscillation frequency of 9800 Hz.


Fig A1
Surge-Inducing Coil

Fig A2
Suggested Arrangement of Test Equipment


A2. A Suggested Test Procedure for Wound Machines

Arrange test equipment as shown in Fig A2, being certain to connect all grounds including
the frame of the machine being tested. Do not ground the windings to be tested; consider them
as being energized during all testing.
Expose the leads of one stator coil in the winding by removing the insulation at the connec-
tion for calibration of the voltage wave (a line coil may be used and then it will be necessary to
expose only the other lead of that coil). Place the laminated-iron sections, including the surge-
inducing and search coils, in the bore to line up with the slots of the stator coil selected for cal-
ibration. The laminated-iron sections should be insulated from the core of the machine being
tested with a thin insulating material, such as 0.010 in (0.25 mm) thick adhesive tape, and
should be tightly fitted against the machine core. Connect the voltage-divider leads to the sta-
tor coil being used for calibration. Apply a small voltage (1000 V) to the surge-inducing coil
and observe the voltage wave induced in a stator coil (this should be approximately 75% of the
volts-per-turn applied to the surge-inducing coil). When a suitable waveform is established
(refer to Fig A3 for the expected pattern of the voltage wave), increase the applied voltage to
obtain first-peak-amplitude equivalent to the voltage desired for test. This should be based on
a minimum of 350 volts-per-turn peak with maximum voltage of 75% of the coil test voltage
specified in Section 6.
To determine the effect of a short-circuited turn, apply a deliberate short circuit across the
exposed leads of the stator coil and apply the same voltage level used to obtain the desired
volts- per-turn stress. This will establish the criteria for the test of the remaining coils in the
winding and the waveforms of the short-circuited and normal coils should be generally pro-
portional to those shown in Fig A3. Proceed to test the winding by moving the laminated-iron
sections sequentially so they are positioned over each of the coils in the machine. Record the
oscilloscope settings, the voltage level applied to the surge-inducing coil, and the amplitude of
the first full peak of the voltage wave observed on the oscilloscope, identifying the top-slot
number of each coil as it is tested. Since the waveform observed on an oscilloscope screen for
any set of conditions can generally be determined more accurately by repetitive sweeps, per-
form at least three capacitor discharges to establish the form. The accuracy of this test in
determining a short-circuited coil can be ascertained by exposing the leads of a stator coil
found to be short-circuited, and retesting it with a deliberate short circuit applied across the
leads. There should be no significant change from the waveform obtained during the previous

A3. A Suggested Test Procedure for Coils During Winding

This test can be applied to a set of new coils, completely assembled in the slots and with slot
wedges in place, by applying the surge directly to the stator coil before insulating the connec-
tions. In this arrangement, the voltage-divider leads are connected in parallel with the surge-
generator leads to the stator coil. The effect of a short-circuited turn under this test condition
will be as indicated in Fig A4. Calibration of the voltage waveform is performed as previously
described and the peak voltage is recorded by top-coil-slot number with the voltages applied
steps of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 of the peak test voltage. Three impulses should be applied at
each level. With the directly applied test technique, a short-circuited stator coil will provide a
flat response (Fig A4) to the applied voltage and, therefore, the step voltages are of value in
approximating the voltage level at which a short circuit may develop in the stator coil.


Fig A3
Voltage Waveform for Short-Circuited and Normal Coils
Using Induced-Voltage Test Method

Fig A4
Waveforms of Short-Circuited and Normal Coils
Tested Directly Connected, in the Iron


A4. Further Details

For further details concerning this method, such as the design of laminated-iron sections,
see [B38].

A5. Marx Generator Circuit


Rc 20 Ω
100 kV DC
Cg Cf
40 nF 0.6 nF
50 Ω


Fig A5
Schematic Circuit for Marx Generator


Appendix B
Sample Test Form
Name _______________ Machine S/N _______________ Test No. _______________
Date ________________ Manufacturer ______________ Time __________________

Insulation Resistance Test

1 min ____________ 10 min __________ P.I. _______ Passed: Yes ___ No ___
1 min (40 °C) _______ 10 min (40 °C) _____ Temp. _____ Rel. Hum. ___________
Test Equipment: ____ S/N: ___________ Cal./ Date: _____ Cal. Due: ____________

Electrical Voltage Impulse Test

Impedance/ Impulse Test Impedance/ Impulse Test Impedance/ Impulse Test

Coil Coil Coil
Resistance Passed Failed Resistance Passed Failed Resistance Passed Failed

Test Equipment: ________ S/N: ________ Cal. Date: _______ Cal. Due: ________
Test Equipment: ________ S/N: __________ Cal. Date: _______ Cal. Due: ________
Total No. of Coils: _________ Coils Passed: __________ Coils Failed: __________

Extra Coil Destructive Test

1. Test Level (kV): _________ Test Level (PU*): ________ Failure Location: _________
2. Test Level (kV): _________ Test Level (PU*): ________ Failure Location: _________
3. Test Level (kV): _________ Test Level (PU*): ________ Failure Location: _________
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________
*per unit


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