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2a ie EE: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Durations Vhwee Hours Maxenuon Masks: 100 Head the following instructions earcfully. 1}. This question paper contains 24 pages including blank pages for rough work. Please check all pages and seport discrepancy. if any. Write your registration number. your name and name of the examination centre at the specified locations on the sight half of the Optical Response Sheet (ORS) 3. Using HB pencil. darken the appropriate bubble under each digit of your registration number and the lotters comesponding to your paper code. 4, All questions in this paper are of cbjective type. 5. Questions must be answered on the ORS by darkening the appropriate bubble (marked A, B,C, D) using FB peneil against the question number on the le(t hand side of the ORS. For each question darken the bubble of the correct answer. In case you wish te change an answer. erase the old answer completely. Mote than one answer bubbled against a question will be treated 4s an incorrect response. 6. There are a tozal of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. 7. Questions Q.1 - Q.25 will carry I-mark each, and questions Q.26 - Q.55 will carry 2-marks each. 8. Questions @.48 — Q.51 (2 pairs) are comtmon data questions and question pairs (Q.52, Q.33} and (Q34, Q55) ure linked answer questions, The answer to the second question of the Hinked answer ‘questions depends on the answer (o the first question of the pair, Ifthe first question in the linked pa is wrongly answered or is un-attempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated, a wa wn 9. Questions Q.56 ~ Q65 belong io General Aptitude (GA). Questions Q56 — Q.60 will carry I-mark each, and questions Q.61 — Q.65 will camry 2-marks each, The GA questions will begin on « fresh axe starting [rom page 18, 10, Un-attempted questions will carry 2ero marks, 1, Wrong answers will camry NEGATIVE marks. For Q.1 - Q.25 and Q.56 — Q.60, % mark will be deducted far each wrang answer. For Q>6 = Q.51 and Q61 - Q.65, % mark will be deducted for each wrong answer, The question pairs (Q.52, Q53), and (Q.54, Q.55) are questions with linked answers, ‘There will be negative marks only for wrong aaswer to the First question of the linked answer question pair iv. for Q.52 and Q.54. 3 mark will be deducted for exch wrong answer. There is no negative marking for Q.53 and Q.55. 12. Calculator sithout data connectivity) is allowed in the examinstion tall. 13. Charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall 14, Rough work can be done on the question paper itself. Additionally, blank pages are provided at the tend of the question paper for rough work, tr Tae 2019 EE Q.1 - Q.25 carry one mark each Qu Q2 a a4 Qs Q6 Q7 cy “The value of the quantity P, where P= f xed. is equal to KAO @)1 We DO Ve Divergence of the three-dimensional radial vector field 7 is ADS ®B) Yr wiejrk Dy 30 + }+k) ‘The period of the signal st0)~8in(0 sas2 i {A)O.4n5 (BG8r Ss (Cy 1.258 (D) 2.58 ‘The system represented by the input-output relationship y(t) = J xtidr, 1>0 is (A) Lineur and causal (B) Linear but not causal (C) Causal but not finesr (D) Neither linear nor causal ‘The switch in the circuit bas been closed for a long time. It is opened at r= U. At 1=0", the current through the 1 AF capacitor is svq (AOA Bia (©) 1254 ) 5A ‘The second harmonic component of the periodic waveform given in che figure has an amplitude of +t o Ta T 4 TT (0 «BL (C) 2x @) V5 ‘AS shown in the figure, a 1Q resistance is connected across a source that has a load line ¥+£=100. The current through the cesistance is i -—= + Source 19 a fA) 254 B) SOA tC) 1A D) 200A 2016 EE Q8 A wattmeter is connected as shown in the figure. The watimeter reads Current coil + erential coit_ [+ Zz, Wautmeter © 2, (A) Zero always (B) Tosal power consumed by Z, and Z, (C) Power consumed by Zr (D) Pawer consumed by Z: Q9 An ammeter has a current range of 0 ~ 5 A, and its internal resistance i¢ 0.2 ®. In oner to change the range to 0 ~ 25 A, we need to add a resistance of (A) 0.8 Q in series with the meter (B) 1.0.9 im series with the meier. (C) 0.04 Q in parallel with the meter. (D) 0.05 @ in parallel with the meter. QUO As shown in the figure, a negative feedback sysiem has en emplifier of gain 100 with £10% tolerance in the forward path, and an altenuator of value 9/100 in the feodback path, The ‘overall system gain is approximately: “ | 100:+10% > Xo |-— (Ay L041% (B) 042% (C) 1045% @) 10410% QUI Fee the system = the approximate time taken fora step response to reach 98% of its Final (s+) value is Is B)2s (4s () 8s Ea wa 2010 _ ee O12 (2) Coupled tank (bj Electrical equivalent (ADA. B are resistances and C, D capacitances {B) A. C are resistances and B, D capacitances (C) A. Ib are capacitances and C, D resistances {D) A, C are capacitances and B, D resistances Q.13 A single-phase transformer has a tums ratio of 1:2, and is connected 10 purely resistive load as shown in the figure. The magnetizing current druwn is 1 A. and the secondary current is 1A. [feore losses and leakage reactances are neglected, the primary current is ne el A) LATA 2A (224A Dy 3A Q14 Power is transfered from sysiem A te system B by an HVDC tink as shown in the figure. TT the ollages Vy, and Vop are as indicated in the figure. and £ > 0. thea emer Few 7 A ¢ _ Ac 1 [AG ode] % [P= wf tine 4 3 Rectifier Inverter ADV, ON, OK go Key 1B) Vig >On > OV < Ven, VV DOK 2 OM Kin ADV yy FOV en <0 F ~ — Tas so _ ee QU5 A balanced three-phase voltage is applied tea stae-connected induction motor, the phase 10 neutral voltage being V. The stator resistance, rotor resistance referred te the stator. stator leakage reactance, roler leakage reactance referred to the stator, and the magnetizing reactance wre denoted by 4.5.5, - x, and X,,. wexpectively. The magnitude of the starting current of the motor is given by ¥ ¥ 4——$— @) += , Me tey etxy erurk yv v © ————_—_ ) aoe fr, #0 +h, 48 rary Q16 Consider a step voltage wave of magnitude {pu travelling along a losskess transmission line thet terminates in a reactor. The vollage magnitude across the reactor at the instant the travelling wave reaches the reactor is > A Reactor (A)-1 pu «B) I pu (C) 2 pe (Dy 3pu Q.17 Consider wo buses connected by an impedance of (O+j5) 2. The bus I vohiage is 100 230° ¥. and bus 2 voltage is 100.0" V. The real and reactive power supplied by bus 1, respectively. are (A) 1000 W, 268 Var (8) 1000 W, =I Var (©) 2769 W. 56.7 Var (D)-276.9 W, 56.7 VAr QUIS A three-phase. 33 KV oil circuit breaker is rated 1200-4, 2000 MVA. 3 s, The symmetrical breaking ‘current is (A) 1200 A By 3600 A CC) 35kA (D) 1048 kA QD Consider a stator winding of an ahernator with an internal high-resistance geound fault. The currents under the fault condition ure ag shown in the figure, The winding 1s protected using. a differential current scheme with current transformers of ratio 400/5 A as shown. The current through the operating coil is CT ratio 4006 CT ratio 4005 (220 + j0) A 250 + j0) A ‘Operating coil (A) 0.1875 A BOA (C0375 A (D) kA cs — _ wa 2010 FE Q.20 The zera-sequence circuit of the three phase transformer shown in the figure is R t b ‘ As en 8 y w @} Raw ROW er oO o Q.21 Given that the op-amp (ay av (By OV ) 73 (D) 1212 Q.22 Assuming thar the diodes in the given circuit are ideal, the voltage Vs is 98 { wv Yo 18v wiv (B) SV © 75V Mm 22V ca waa 2010 € Q.24 ‘The power electronic converter shown in Une figure has a single-pole double-throw switch, The pote P of the switch is connected alternately to throws A and B. The converter shown is a Ap L + Vr B Your (A) step-down chopper (buck converter) (BY half-wave rectifier (C} step-up chopper (boost converter) {D)} full-wave rectifier Q.24 Figure shows a composite switch consisting of 2 power transistor (BJT) in series with a diode. ‘Assuming that the transisior switch and the diode are ideal, the I-V characteristic of the composite switch is v Tate w p i. v (c) B) 1 of v © 1 1 ot. v fe v Q25. The fully controlled thyristor converter in the figure is fed from a single-phase soures. When the firing angle is 0°, the de ouput voltage of the converter is 300 V. What will be the output voltage fora firing angle of 60°, assuming cortinuous conduction? KB nw (A) 150¥ (B)210V, Cy 20 (D) 1608 ¥ te ae 210 Q.26 - 2.26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30 Q3L 2.55 carry two marks each AUL= 9, the function £(7) = 2 has 7 {Aya minimum (B)a discontinuity «Ca point of inflection (D) a maximum A box contains 4 white balls and 3 red balls, In succession, two balls are randomly selected and removed from the box. Given that the first removed ball is white. the probability that the second removed ball is red is . tA) 3 (B) 37 (C) 12 (D) 477 110 Ancigonvector of P=] 0 2 2] is 00 3 (ANGELA! @U2zy ey 1-2)" @) (21-" For the differential equation 624.81 =Owith initia conditions 1(0)=1a0d 24 at a te solution is (Ay xt) = 2" -e™ «B) a0) = 26? -e* Ch xa £20 D) x(n) +2 For the sct of equations 2, + Oxy tage An Bx, +6x, +3x, +122, =6 the following statement is ue: (A) Only the teivial solution x, = «B) There are no solutions, {C} A unique non-trivial soluion exists, {D) Mulsiple non-trivial solutions exist. =x, = 0 oxisis x(£)is a positive rectangular pulse from s=-1 to = +1 with unit height as shown in the figure. The value of fx (e[' de> johere X (w) is the Fouricr transform of (7) is a(t) (2 (B) 2n 4 (34x ca 00 te Q.32 Given the finite length input x{n] and the corresponding finite length output y[nj of an LTT system as shown below. the impulse response tin] ofthe systern is inl xin} = (1, 1) t (A) A{n} = {1, , 0, 1} (B) t © npyst.3y > nine + Q.33 If the 12 @ resistor draws a currem of 1 A as shown in the figure, the value of resistance R is 12 R 2acf) 122 ev (A)4Q (B)6Q (C7 8Q @) 182 Q34 The two-port network P shows in the figure has ports | and 2, denoted by terminals (a, b) and (c,d), respectively. It has an impedance mateix Z with parameters denoted by ¢,.A 122 resistor is connected in series with the network at port | as shown in the figure. The impedaace mateix of the rmadified ewo-port network (shown as a dashed box) is pth 4,41 (A) 4 ~ ta By tL at atl a ath g © (att & Zn oan, ty tl zy # on 2010 ce Q35 Q36 Q37 Q38 “The Maxwell's bridge shown in the figure is at balanes, The parameters of the inductive coil are Re Jeol, Ry @ (A) RERR/R, L=CRR, (B) L= RR IR, R= CARR, (C) R= RRR, L=Y(CRR) (D) L=R/RR, R=Y(CRR) ‘The frequency response of Gs) = I/[s¢s > 1)(s+2)] plotted in the complex G( j) plane (for Acces a o ‘m i wa : Fe \ it Pa oo The system 4 = Ant Bu with A | is (A) stable and controllable (B) stable but uncontrollable (Ci unstable but controllable (D) unstable and uncontrollable ‘The characteristic equation of a closed-loop systemis s(t 1Y(0+3) +4(s+2) = 0, & > 0. Which of the following statements is true? (A) lis roots are always real (B} It cannot have a breakaway point in the range 1 < Refs] <0. {C} Two of its roots tend to infinity along the asymprotes Re[s] = AD} It may have complex roois in the right half plane. i fy Q.39 Qa gal 'A.50 He synchronous generator is inisially connected to a long lossless transmission line which is open circuited at the receiving ead. With the field voltage held constant, the generator is disconnected frorn the transmission line, Which of the following may be said about the steady state terminal voltage and field current of the generator” 4 Aomoansste | secon end (A) The magnitude of terminal voltage decreases, and the field current does not change. {B) The magnitude of terminal voltage increases, and the field current does not change. (€) The magnitude of terminal voltage increases, and the field current increases. (D) The mageitude of terminal voltage does not change, and the field current decreases. A separately excited de machine is coupled wo 2 50 Hz, three-phase. 4-pole induction machine as shown in the figure. The de machine is energized first and the machines rotale at 1600 rpm. Subsequently the induction machine is also connected to a 50 Hz, three-phase source. the phase sequence being consistent with the direction of rotation. In steady state, DG mci (ecketion machioe 4 pe, $0 He 501, belaroed “4 three-phase supoty (A) both machines act as generators: (B) the de machine acts as 2 generator. and the induction machine acts as a mo\or {C) the de machine wets us ¢ motor. and the induction machine acts as a generalor {D} both machines act 2s motors A balanced star-connected and purely resistive toad is connected at the secondary of a starcdelta ‘ransformer as shown in the Figure. The line-ie-line voltage rating of the transformer is 110 V £220 V. Neglecting the non-idealities of the transformer. the impedance ‘Z’ of the equivalent star connected load, referred to the primary side of the transformer, is: 110/220 R an 40 8 WG+j OQ (3) OROH- JO. (CVG,8664j051Q2 (D) 1+jH2 iva ane # QAz_ Consider a three-phase, 50 Hz, I kV distribution system, Each of the conductors is sucpended by an insulator string having two identical porcelain insulators, The self capacitance of the insulator is 3 times tne shunt capacitance between the link and Ihe grouad, as shown in the figure. The voituge across the to insulatesss are 5C ¥£ 5C et oe + conductor GLKY Biel = 346 KV. 2 = 2.801V (Clel = 6.0k¥. 02 =4.23 kV {Dyed =5.5kV,e2=5.5kV Consider a three-core. three-phase, 50 Hz, 1 KV cable whose conductors are denoted as R. Y and B in the figure. The imter-phase capacitance (C1) between each pair of conductors is 0.2 x and the ‘capacitance between each Fine conductor and the sheath is 0-4 FP, The per-phase charging current is ee, ‘Guter Sheath (A)2OA (B)24A, (C) 272A (D) 353A te ise Qt fe in Uhe figure below. the specifications of the components are the For the power system shown following: G1 25 KY, 100 MYA, X=9% 52: 25 KY. LOU MYA, X: 1 2S KV/220 kV, OO MVA, 12: 220K #25 KV, 90 MVA, Line: 220 KY, X=150 ohms ty i Line + a Ge Bus 1 Bus Choose 28 KV as the bse vollage al the generulor G1. and 200 MVA us the MVA base. The impedance diagram is jo j0.a2 027 0.19) 0.18 w a 2 027 jooz 027 jog; 0.18 B) a 2 jaz? jor 0.21 0.21 © 6 }G2 jo. jo.s2 jos joe 10.24 m) ar Ge ro 200 ce Q45 The transistor circuit shown uses a silicon transistor with Vex = 0.7 Vs 7, and a de current gain of 100. The value of Vy is HOV 10ka 02 Vo 1002 (A) 4.65 (SV (C) 63v @) 723V Q.46 The TTL circuit shown in the figure is fed with the waveform X (also shown). All gates have equal propagation delay of 10 ns. The ouput ¥ of the circuit is 1 - LopP , 1 ———— y et of 1_______, ‘ ye ©! ol . ca mrar) 2010 i Q47 When a “CALL Addr” instruction is executed. the CPU carries out the following sequential ‘operations imtemally: Now: AR). mens content of register R ARH means conten of meners location pointed ia byR PC means Program Counter SP means Stack Comer (A) (SP) incremented (PC) & Addr (SP) — (PC) B) (PC) Addr GSP (PC) (SP) incremented () (PC) Addr (SP) incremented (SP) — (PC) DM) (SPN {PC} (SP) incremented (PC) — Addr ‘Common Data Questions ‘Common Data for Questions 48 and 49: A separately excited DC motor cuns at 1500 rpm under no-load with 200 V applied to the armature. The field volage is maintained at its rated value. The speed of the motor, wher it delivers a torque of 5 Nm. is 1400 epm as shown in the figure. The rotational losses and armature reaction are neglected. saad (rpm) 1500 1400 0 3 ‘torque (Nem) Q.48 The armature resistance of the motor is. ag (B)34Q 4a Q (D) 779 Q.49__ For the motor to deliver a torque of 2.5 Nat L4(K) cpm. the armature voltage to be applied is (A) 125.5. {B) 193.3V (200 (Dy 241.7 ‘Common Data for Questions $0 and 51 Q.50 githcan be expressed as iA) git}= £ (21-3) B) aoes[t-3] 3 13 © w= (2 3 my worst 3) QSL The Laplace wransformof gtr)is tA) fet -e"] () A(e"-") e Met ae o> ) 0) <(¢ ¢ Linked Answer Questions ‘Staiement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53: ‘The following Kamaugh map represents a function F F vz yole]1}o Q52__A minimized form of the function @B) F = X¥ 472 (D) F = XV + YZ ta 2019 7 re 53 Which of the following circuits isa realization of the above function F tA) wi me 4 © OD, » 2L >t ’ 7H Statement for Linked Answer Questions $4 and 55: ‘The L-C citcuit shown in the figure has an inductance L = | mHand a capacitance C = 10 uF. ct 10 tof + Q.54 The initial curent through the inductor is ze‘o. while the initial capacitor voltage is LUO V. The switch is closed at r= 0, The current i through the circuit is: (A) Scos{Sx10'1) A, {Bi Ssin(LO"NA (C) Wcosi5x10'NA 0) 10sin(LO“rA, 0.55 The LC circuit of Q54 is used to commutate a thytister. which is initially carrying a current of 5 A as shown in the figure below, The values and initial conditions of Land € are the same as in Q54, ‘The switch is closed at 1= 0, Ifthe forward drop is negligible. the ime taken for the device totum oftis L prs - == 100V bl of be + 100 Ve a 202 (A) 82 gs (BY 156 ps () lps (Dj 26s te one 2016 BE General Aptitude (GA) Questions Q.56 — Q.60 carry one mark each. Q56 25 persons are in a room. 15 of them play hockey, 17 of chem play football and 10 of them play ‘both hockey and football. Thea the number of persons playing neither hockey nor football is: Qs? 58 Qsy Q0 we By? (0) 13 )3 Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following If we manage to our children, (A) uphold (B) restrain (© cherish (D) conserve ‘our natural resources, we would leave a better planet for The question below consists of a patr of related wards followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses the relation in the original pair ‘Unemployed : Worker (A) fallow : land (B) unaware : sleeper (© wit: jester (D} renovated : house. Which of the following options is the closest in meaning so the word below: Cireuitous (Ay eyelic (B) indirect {© confusing (b) crooked Choase the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence: His rather casual remarks on politics (A) masked {B) belied {©) betrayed {D) suppressed his Ick of seriousness about the subject. Q.61 - 0.65 carry two marks each. QoL Hari (H), Gita (G), Irfan () and Saira (S) are siblings (i.e. brothers and sisters). All were born on 1" January. The age difference between any two successive siblings (that is born one. afier another) is less than 3 years, Given the following facts: iti Hlari's age + Gita's age > irfan's age + Saira’s age. The age difference between Gita and Saira is 1 year. However, Gita is not the oldest and Saira is not the youngest. There are no twins. In what order were they born (oldest first)? (A) HSIG (8) SGHI (©) IGSH (D) TaSG Tae row Qo2 263 Qea Q65 bs 5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20 days; 8 semi-skilled workers can buikl a walt in 25 daysi 10 unskilled workers can build a wall in 30 days. If a team has 2 skilled, 6 semi-skilled and S unskilled workers, how long will it take io build the wall? (A) 20 days (B) 18 days (C) 16 days (D) 15 days Modern warfare hus changed from large scale clashes of armies to suppression of civilian populations. Chemical agents that do their werk silently appear to be suited to such warfare; ‘and regretfully, there exist people in military establishments who think that chemical agents ‘are useful tools for their cause. Which of he following statements best sums up the meaning of the above passage: (A) Modern warfare has resulted in civil strife (8) Chemical agents are wseful in toadem warfare (C) Use of chemical agents in warfare would be undesirable. (D) People in military establishments like to use chemical agents in war. Given digits 2. 2, 3,3, 3,4, 4,4, 4 bow many distinct 4 digit numbers greater than 3000 can be, formed? (ayso @)si ©) 52 (Dy 54 If 137 + 276 = 435 how much is 731 +672? (ay 54 (By 1403, (©) 623 «D) 1513 END OF THE QUESTION PAPER tE Twat ot) Space for Rough "Work nae zo Space for Rough Work a 200 Space for Rough Work EE te 2010 5 Space for Rough Work = ae Space for Rough Work EE re wt

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