ASME Y14.5-2009, Geometric Boundaries 2

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The key takeaways are that this book provides a practical guide for interpreting and applying geometric dimensioning and tolerancing concepts based on various ASME and ISO standards.

This book is written for design, drafting, engineering and manufacturing professionals to comprehensively cover geometric dimensioning and tolerancing concepts and applications that are most relevant in industry today and in the future.

The acknowledgments section references several ASME, ISO, ANSI and other standards used as reference material including ASME Y14.5-2009, ISO 1101, ANSI B89, ANSI B92 and others.

Geometric Boundaries II

Interpretation and Application

of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
(Using the Inch and Metric Units)
Based on ASME Y14.5-2009 (R2004)

Written and Illustrated by

Kelly L. Bramble

Published by:
Engineers Edge, LLC
510 N. Crosslane Road
Monroe, Georgia 30656

Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Datum Axis (Z)


Datum Origin Point (0,0,0)

90v 90v

Datum Axis (Y)
Datum Axis (X)
Datum Planes Origin of
Geometric Specification

This book is written for those individuals within the design, drafting, engineering and
manufacturing fields that desire a practical guide for the interpretation and application
of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.

I have deliberately directed my efforts for technical professionals applying geometric

dimensioning and tolerancing and attempted to comprehensively cover the concepts
and applications that are, and will be the most relevant within industry today and the
future. The choice of examples are those which represent typical applications and
may be combined as applicable to create products.

Much of the text material has been organized so that the topics appear and build the
necessary knowledge required to proceed to the next subject matter.

Kelly L. Bramble

Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publisher.

Revision H


The following documents have been used as reference material (cited and not cited).

Engineers Edge 2000 - 2009, Solutions by Design –

Design for Manufacturing 2006 - 2009, Kelly Bramble
Geometric Boundaries Based on ASME Y14.5M-1994
Geometrical Boundaries Based on ISO 1101(E) 2004, Kelly Bramble
ANSI/ASME B94.6-1984 (R2003), Knurling
ANSI B4.2-1978 (R2004), Preferred Metric Limits and Fits
ASME Y14.5-2009, Dimensioning and Tolerancing.
ASME Y14.5.M-1994, Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ANSI Y14.5M-1982, Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ANSI Y14.5M-1973, Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ANSI Y14.5M-1966, Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ISO/R1101 (E)-2004, & Associated Documents
ANSI B4.2-1978, Preferred Metric Limits and Fits
ANSI B5.10-1981, Machine tapers – Self Holding and Steep Taper Series
ANSI/ASME B46.1-1985, Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay)
ANSI B89.3.1-1972, Measurement of Out-of-Roundness
ANSI/ASME B89.6.2-1973 (R2003), Temperature and Humidity Environment for
Dimensional Measurement
ANSI B92.1-1970, Involute Splines and Inspection, Inch Version
ANSI B92.2M-1980, Metric Module, Involute Splines
ANSI/ASME B94.6-1984, Knurling
ANSI B94.11M-1979, Twist Drills
ANSI Y14.1-1980, Drawing Sheet Size and Format
ASME Y14.1M-2005, Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format
ASME Y14.2M-1992, Line Conventions and Lettering
ASME Y14.2-2008, Line Conventions and Lettering
ASME Y14.5.1M-1994, Mathematical Definition of Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ANSI Y14.6aM-1981 (R1998), Screw Thread - Representation (Metric Supplement)
ANSI Y14.6.1-1978, Screw Thread Representation
ANSI Y14.6.2-1981, Screw Thread Representation (Metric Supplement)
ANSI Y14.7.1-1971, Gear Drawing Standards – Part 1: For Spur, Helical, Double Helical,
and Rack
ANSI Y14.7.2-1978, Gear and Spline Drawing Standard – Part 2: Bevel and Hypoid Gears
ASME Y14.8M-1989, Castings and Forgings
ANSI Y14.36-1978, Surface Texture Symbols

Acknowledgments Continued

The following documents have been used as reference material (cited and not cited).

ANSI/IEEE 268-1992, Metric Practice

ANSI/ASME B1.2-1983, Gauges and Gauging for Unified Inch Screw Threads
ANSI B4.4M-1981 (R1987), Inspection of Workpieces
ASME B5.10-1994, Machine Tapers — Self Holding and Steep Taper Series
ASME Y1.1-1989, Abbreviations
ASME Y14.3M-1994, Multiview and Sectional View Drawings
ASME Y14.41-2003 (R2008), Digital Product Definition Data Practices
ASME Y14.43-2003 (R2008), Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles for Gages and
IEEE/ASTM SI 10-2002 ERRATA 2005, Standard for Use of the International System of
Units (SI) — The Modern Metric System

Table of Contents

1.2 Preface 2.15 Rectangular Coordinate Dimensions

1.3 Acknowledgments in Tabular Form, Polar Dimensioning
2.16 Repetitive Features
1.4 Table of Contents 2.17 Flat Taper
1.10 Introduction 2.18 Conical Taper
1.11 Standards Based on ISO or ASME 2.19 Statistical Tolerancing
Standards 2.20 Dimension Origin
1.13 Corporate Standards 2.21 Screw Threads Tolerance
1.14 How the Geometric Dimensioning Application, Gears and Splines
and Tolerancing System Works 2.22 Angular Surface Defined by Limit
and Angle Dimension
1.15 Tolerances, Features and 2.23 Radius Tolerance
Characteristics Overview 2.24 Controlled Radius Tolerance
1.16 Tolerance Hierarchy 2.25 Knurling, Rods and Tubing
1.17 Feature Control Frame Specification, Surface Roughness or
1.18 Position and Limit Tolerance General Texture
Overview and Contrast 2.26 Features With and Without Size
1.19 Common Symbols 2.27 Material Condition, MMC, MMB
1.20 Dimensioning and Tolerancing 2.28 Rule #1, Envelope Principle
General Rules 2.29 Exceptions to Rule #1, Independency
2.1 Limit Tolerancing 2.32 Rule #2 Material Condition
2.2 General – Dimensioning System Requirements
Limit Tolerancing 2.33 Continuous Feature
2.3 Limit tolerancing, Square Tolerance, 2.35 Limitation of the Limits of Size
Zone and Overview
2.4 Tolerance Application and Method, 3.1 Datums
Basic Dimensions
2.5 Implied 90 Degree Angle, 3.2 Datum Reference Frame, DRF -
Dimensional Expression General
2.6 Dimension and Tolerance Expression 3.3 Immobilization of component and
– Millimeter Tolerances and measurement
Dimensions 3.4 Datum identification General
2.8 Inch Tolerances and Dimensions 3.5 Datum symbols and identification
2.10 Angular Dimensioning and Datum identification features without
Tolerancing size
2.11 Slotted holes, Arcs, Countersink hole 3.6 Datum identification features with
2.12 Counter bored Holes, Countersink on size
curved surface
2.13 Internal External Chamfers, Keyseats 3.7 Datum Identification Features with
2.14 Rectangular Coordinate Size Alternative and Special
Dimensioning Applications

Table of Contents

3.8 Datum associated with feature 4.1 Datum Targets

control frame 4.2 General
3.9 Datum feature, simulated datum, and 4.3 Datum Target Point Symbol,
theoretical datum plane Application
3.10 Primary External Datum Diameter 4.4 Datum Target Area
3.11 Primary internal Datum Diameter 4.5 Datum Target Line
3.12 Primary External Datum Width 4.6 Dimensioning Datum Targets
3.13 Primary Internal Datum Width 4.7 Primary Datum Plane Established by
3.14 Primary Datum Features Reference Three Datum Target Areas
3.15 Setup and Inspection of Datum’s, 4.8 Primary Datum Plane Established by
Datum and Dimensional Two Datum Target Points and One
Measurement equipment Datum Target Line.
3.17 Sequence of Datum Features 4.9 Step Datum Feature
3.18 Sequence of Datum Features Relates 4.10 Datum Target Lines and Areas
Part to Datum Reference Frame 4.11 Primary Datum Axis Established by
3.19 Parts with Angular Orientation Datum Target points on a Single
3.20 Cylindrical Datum Feature Cylindrical Feature
3.22 Orientation of Two Datum Planes 4.12 Equalizing Datum
Through Hole Features 4.14 Secondary Datum Axis
3.24 Datum reference Frame With 4.15 Spherical Movable Datum Target
Translation Modifier
3.26 Partial Datum Surface(s) as Datum 5.1 Form
Features 5.2 General
5.3 Flatness
3.27 Partial Contoured Datum Surface
5.4 Flatness Applied on a Unit Basis
3.28 Multiple Datum Features, Single
Datum 5.5 Flatness Applied on Unit Basis With
Overall Control
3.29 Planar Multiple Datum Features
Offset 5.6 Flatness Applied to Derived Median
Plane at RFS
3.30 Contoured Datum Feature
Constraining a Rotational Degree of 5.7 Flatness Applied to Derived Median
Freedom, Contoured Datum Feature Plane at MMC
at MMB 5.8 Straightness
3.31 Planar Datum Feature Constraining 5.9 Straightness Per Unit Basis
Rotational Degree of Freedom 5.10 Straightness Applied in Two Directions
3.32 Conical Datum Feature Constraining 5.11 Straightness of a Surface (Cylindrical)
a Rotational Degree of Freedom 5.12 Straightness of a Feature of Size
3.33 Conical Datum Feature Constraining @ RFS
Rotational Degree of Freedom With
5.13 Straightness of a Feature of Size
secondary Datum Constraint
3.34 Inclined Datum Features

Table of Contents

5.14 Straightness Per Unit Length With

7.7 Maximum Material Condition and
Specified Total Straightness
5.15 Cylindricity
7.8 Least Material Condition and
5.16 Circularity (Roundness)
5.17 Circularity of Cone
5.15 Circularity of Sphere 7.9 External Feature of Size Position
5.16 Circularity or Cylindricity Applied Tolerance Boundaries with
with Average Diameter Maximum Material Condition MMC
Specification and Datum’s at RMB
6.1 Tolerance of Orientation 7.10 Internal Feature of Size Position
6.2 General - Overview Tolerance Boundaries with
6.3 Perpendicularity - Surface Maximum Material Condition MMC
6.4 Perpendicularity – Surface Two Specification and Datum’s at RMB
Datum's 7.11 External Feature of Size Position
6.5 Perpendicularity – Center plane Tolerance Boundaries with Least
6.6 Perpendicularity at MMC Internal Material Condition LMC
Feature – Center Plane Specification and Datum’s at RMB
6.7 Perpendicularity – External Feature 7.12 Internal Feature of Size Position
of Size Axis Tolerance with Least Material
6.8 Perpendicularity – Internal Feature of Condition LMC Specification and
Size Axis Datum’s at RMB
6.9 Perpendicularity –Threaded Hole or 7.13 Zero Positional Tolerance at MMC,
Inserts Projected Tolerance Zone Datum’s at RMB
6.10 Parallelism 7.14 Position Tolerance at RFS and
6.11 Parallelism Control of Two Hole Datum’s at RFB
Features 7.15 Positional Tolerance at MMC
6.12 Parallelism Hole Relative to Plane Surface and Axis Interpretation of a
6.13 Angularity Overview and Surface to Hole Feature
Surface 7.16 Positional Tolerance Axis and
6.14 Angularity Surface to Surface with Surface Interpretation – Surface
Location Control Datum’s
6.15 Angularity Hole to Planar Datum 7.17 Positional Tolerance Axis
6.16 Secondary Datum Application Interpretation - Surface Datum’s
7.18 Positional Tolerance Surface
Interpretation - Surface Datum’s
7.1 Tolerances of Location
7.19 Positional Tolerance Axis and
7.3 General Surface Interpretation - Thru Hole
7.4 Fundamental Explanation of Datum’s
Positional Tolerancing 7.20 Positional Tolerance Axis
7.5 Differences Between Position Interpretation – Thru Hole Datum’s
Tolerancing and Limit Tolerancing 7.21 Positional Tolerance Surface
7.6 Modifiers Interpretation – Thru Hole Datum’s
7.22 Rectangular Coordinate Method

Table of Contents

7.23 Positional Tolerance at MMC 7.45 Concentricity

Relative to Hole and Slot Datum 7.47 Concentricity Application
Feature 7.48 Symmetry
7.24 Bi-Directional Positional
Tolerancing, 8.1 Profile
Polar Coordinate Method 8.2 General
7.25 Different Positional Tolerance at 8.3 Profile Surface Definition
Each Surface 8.4 Profile of surface, Bilateral tolerance
7.26 Circular pattern of holes 8.5 Profile of Surface, Bilateral
7.27 Positional Tolerance at MMC Tolerance Rectangular Coordinate
Relative to Datum Feature Center Dimensioning Without Dimension
Planes Lines
7.28 Positional Tolerance at RFS of Slots 8.6 Profile of Surface, Unilateral
Relative to Surface Datum Features (INSIDE) Tolerance
7.29 Coaxial (Concentric) Control of 8.7 Profile of Surface, Unilateral
Cylinders (OUTSIDE) Tolerance
7.30 Coaxial (Concentric) Control of 8.8 Profile of Surface, Bilateral Unequal
Multiple Hole-Counterbore Holes Tolerance
7.31 Coaxial Control of Cylinders 8.9 Profile of Surface, All Around
7.32 Hole Pattern Located Perpendicular
to Cylindrical Datum 8.10 Profile of Surface, All Over
7.33 Holes Not Normal to DRF 8.11 Profile of Surface, Independent Form
7.34 Hole Pattern Located at Angle to Control
Datum Reference Frame 8.12 Profile of Surface, Boundary
7.35 Positional Tolerance at MMC of Principle
Spherical Feature 8.13 Profile Tolerance for Coplanar
7.36 Positional Tolerance of Coaxial Surfaces
Holes of Same Size 8.14 Profile of Line
7.37 Least Material Condition Application 8.15 Profile of Line Tapered Shape
– Cylinder Wall Thickness 8.16 Profile of Line Unilateral Inside
7.38 Positional Tolerance for Coaxiality 8.17 Profile of Line and Size Control
With Datum Feature referenced at 8.18 Composite Profile Tolerances
MMB 8.20 Non-Uniform Zone
7.39 Positional Tolerance for Coaxially 8.21 Non-Uniform Zone Application
With Feature Referenced at Zero 8.22 Profile of Surface With Datum at
MMC Relative to Datum Feature at MMC
7.40 Positional Tolerance - Thru Hole 9.1 Runout
Datum’s at MMC 9.2 General
7.41 Positional Tolerance - Thru Hole 9.3 Circular Runout
Datum Verification 9.6 Total Runout
7.42 Composite Positional Tolerancing 9.9 Run-Out With Plane as Datum

Table of Contents

9.10 Run-Out Relative to Datum Surface 13.1 Definitions and Terminology

and a Diameter (Glossary)
9.11 Run-Out With Two Datum Diameters
9.12 Multiple Cylinders Related to Each 14.1 Symbol Comparison
Other Runout Application 14.2 Comparison of ASME and ISO
9.13 Runout Relating Separate Features to Symbols (Geometric Characteristics)
Each Other with Common Datum 14.3 Comparison of ASME and ISO
Symbols (General)
10.1 Coaxial Tolerance Comparison
Appendix A
11.1 Tolerance Analysis Principal Changes and Revisions
11.2 Series Stack within ASME Y14.5-2009
11.3 Floating Fastener Condition
11.4 Fixed Fastener Condition
11.5 Tolerance Compensation for
Projected Tolerance Zone – Fixed
Fastener condition
11.7 Two Mating Coaxial/Coplanar
Features at MMC
11.8 Tolerance Compensation for
Projected Tolerance Zone
Fixed Fastener Condition
11.10 Three Mating Coaxial/Coplanar
Features at MMC
11.11 Position Tolerance calculation and
Hole Pattern Analysis
11.12 Position Tolerance Verification
11.13 Position Coordinate to Location
Conversion Chart

12.1 Critical Feature Drawing

(Reduced Dimension Drawing)
12.2 General
12.3 Implementation Considerations
Applicable Documents, Overview
12.4 Design Drawing Requirements
Digital Model and Database
12.5 Quality and Inspection
12.6 Change Notice Procedure


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