of an American
Ninja Master
Glenn J. Morris, Ph.D.,
D.Sc., Oshihan
Shidoshi in Togakure Ryu Bujinkan Ninpo
Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x
Introduction to Enlightenment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Chapter One: A Brief History of Ninjutsu,
Ancient and Modern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter Two: Chi Kung and Kundalini:
The Real Secret of the Masters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter Three: The Kundalini Experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9
Chapter Four: Traditional Relationships and Teaching in
Esoteric Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
terms of what young human beings can accomplish when their
minds are set free. The new generation free from Hillsdale Col-
lege's PC conservalism-Dr. Kobert Simpson, Todd Smith, Bill
Kesterson, Michael Cornelius, Bill Killgallon, Tom Van Auken,
Chris Cornelius, Mark Rubinson, and Bret Talbot-are every bit
as interesting to observe and much easier to teach as they find
their piece of the path.
As to whether I have any writing skills, 1'11 allow the reader to
make that judgment. I've a background i n poetry which has
allowed me to earn extra income as a designer of psychometric
instruments and simulation games for heuristic purposes. My edi-
tors at North Atlantic Books, Kathy Glass and Sal G lynn, have
been very helpful in correcting my failings and excesses. This is my
first attempt at a complete work in easily readable prose. I have co-
authored some textbooks, so my style leaves much to be desired.
I am particularly indebted to Ms. Glass, who shows remarkable
depth, humor, and insight.
As usual I had three different translators work on Hatsumi's letter.
I wanted to be certain I approximated his meanings as each trans-
lator's version was slightly different. I perceive Masaaki Hatsumi to
be one of the great human beings in the world and his written
and spoken words are to be studied carefully. All the translators
complained about the difficulty of getting exact meaning from
his use of archaic and tricky language. All agreed that what is
above is close to the Japanese. I left in the Japanese term where I
knew of no English equivalent or the translators varied widely in
their interpretation. Once again I am indebted to Aikiko Tsao of
Hillsdale College, Jeff Bristow of Jackson Community College and
his living dictionary, an unnamed Japanese manager at CAMI
products in Parma, Michigan.
Introduction to Enlightenment
Introduction to Enlightenment
Introduction to Enlightenment
Introduction to Enlightenment
the way of self -development. You may notice that none of the
godan and above in ninjutsu have the physical presence of an
Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jean-Claude Van Damme (famous
actors). If you are going to be a spy or gatherer of intelligence, an
outstanding build is too easily identified.
Internal exercises drawn from Chinese medicine to develop
healing energy are becoming better known in the West. Esoteric
yogas that teach the practitioner how to use the sacrum and skull
as pumps, the intestines as storage coils, and the blood, bones,
and meridians as conduits are more effective for developing real
power than lifting weights and have the additional benefit of acti-
vating the hormonal systems, which greatly slows the aging
process, hence the more reasonable claims for longevity or immor-
tality. This rejuvenation is best accomplished through active con-
trol of the breath. I've noticed that since going through the
kundalini I only take about four breaths a minute.
In the course of this book I will have to discuss religion, psy-
chology, meditation, physical practice, psychic phenomena, chan-
neling, teaching and learning theory and relate those to the martial
arts in general and to the study of ninpo in particular. People tell
me my viewpoint is not shared by many. There will be times when
what I discuss will contradict traditional practice, and some of
what I talk about can only be understood through experience. I
strongly recommend trying out the exercises from an attitude of no
expectations and then carefully monitor your progress with a
May I also state very clearly my goal was never to become a
ninja but to advance myself as a human being. Ninjutsu is one
of my hobbies, what I measure myself and my students against,
and it is probably the only surviving combat-oriented Mystery
School whose traditions have not been warped or lost because it's
still operating and transforming the dangerous into the beauti-
ful. Masaaki Hatsumi is a living buddha, gentleman, scholar, artist,
doctor, actor, enduring fighter, good friend, and a lot of fun. This
book is not about how to become a ninja, or a martial artist, but it
is about mastery of subtle differences, inner adventuring, and
OGAKURE R YU NINJUTSU was founded by Daisuke Togakure
after winding up on the losing side of a revolt against the
oppressive Heike regime in Japan some 800 years ago.
Daisuke Togakure was a noble with responsibilities to his people.
He could be considered a country samurai. He barely escaped with
his life. In Japan, the losers in a war against the state are supposed
to commit seppuku (ritual suicide). He didn't do that. He ran like a
woman back up the mountain into the forests to warn and hide his
children. He took what he learned from the awful experience of
watching most of his friends hunted down and slashed to pieces
and began a school that teaches how to survive against over-
whelming odds when every hand is turned against you and those
in positions of authority consider you to be cowardly, of the wrong
religion, and an impostor. The Japanese treat history with a revi-
sionist eye now and did in the past, too. The ninja ryus remained
underground for nearly a thousand years.
Hiding in the sewers can lead to associations with the rat, spider,
and night moves. In that time much knowledge was gained and
lost. The Koga ryus, which emphasized combatic training only,
had no spiritual component beyond Zen but were able to create
many interesting systems of defense and penetration and estab-
happy for a very long time. There are some slight differences from
teacher to teacher as to what is considered a base of knowledge
worthy of reaching the next kyu or dan rank. The fundamentals
vary from year to year as your experience grows and in relation to
what point in the teaching cycle you entered the system. The
Israeli ranking system used throughout Canada is slightly different
from the Kasumi-An ranks used by Stephen Hayes's Nine Gates
or Shadows of Iga methods. Detroit Bujinkan-where I play most
often-draws its ranking system from tenth dan Daron Navon
(Israeli) as well as Greg Kowalski (seventh dan) and Larry Turner
(sixth dan) and is supervised by Shidoshi-ho Otto Cardew, a very
knowledgeable sandan (third-degree black belt).
With few exceptions ninjas wear traditional black dogi (can-
vas pajamas) and tabi (spit-toed, cloth boots with a thin, corru-
gated, flexible sole) while training. The hooded night suits
popularized by the theatre and media are usually not worn. Those
are actually the suits worn by prop managers in Japanese theatre
productions which convention renders invisible when they walk
onstage to move a prop. The belt system for adults consists of
white, nine kyus (pre-black belt ranks) of green, and ten dan
(degrees) of black. Fifth-degree black belt and above (master level
rank and a special certification for teaching, shidoshi) can only be
awarded by t h e Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi in Bujinkan,
Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu. Grades of black belt are distinguished by
the chest patch, not belt stripes or color change. A master's patch
is red, with the kanji and perimeter surrounded by a white border.
A shihan's patch includes yellow and green to represent the open-
ing of the heart and solar plexus chakras.
All dan ranking diplomas i n Bujinkan are hand-brushed in
Japanese and have red seals stamped o n them identifying Hatsu-
mi as well as the particular ryus. The cover of this book is from
my godan license. As there are less than a hundred Americans
who have attained master ranking in Bujinkan Ninpo at this time,
most of the thousands of people who purport to teach tradition-
al ninjutsu are frauds of various stripe. You may take this book
along when you go shopping for a teacher.
a student of ninpo for many years and works often with Masaaki
Hatsumi as a translator. The esoteric titles are: The School of the
Hidden Door (or Mysterious Portal) ; School of the Jeweled Tiger;
The Immovable School Passed Down from the Gods; The Enlight-
ening School Wrested from the Nine Demon Gods; Tiger Felling
Dragon School; The School of the Hidden Cloud; The School of the
Jeweled Heart; Water and Mountain Spirit Rules; and The Takagi
Tree Felling School. Bujinkan can be translated as "The School of
the Divine Warriors," as well as "War Spirit Building." Shidoshi
can be translated as "Knight of the Four Ways," or 'Teacher of
the Ways of Life and Death." (As you may guess from the names,
this is not the equivalent of a Harvard MBA even for a Japanese.)
My translation of Mark's translation goes this way:
The Way of the Hidden Door. You have to go through the door
that is concealed to learn anything. That which conceals the door
is something we don't want t o look at. In Taoism the corre-
sponding school is called Mysterious Portal, and one of its mean-
ings is to use your rectum as an energy pump when you're moving
sexual energy up your spine. The Hindu correspondent has to do
with using chitta (living energy which can be directed by the
mind) to hide yourself or build a n energy tunnel toward your
goal with the a j n a (third eye/forehead chakra). The third eye is
considered a doorway to enlightenment. You can't see it until
you have it. Sometimes as it opens one experiences an interest-
ing form of tunnel vision that is like looking into a doorway into
another dimension, which it may be.
The Way of the Jeweled Tiger. Tiger refers to goddess or yin ener-
gy, which flows up the front of the body. When a person knows
how to see energy, the acupuncture or shiatsu points glow, as well
as the chakras, on a harmonized, powerful person and look like lit-
tle Christmas tree lights or jewels as the energy flows through,
sometimes also creating a striped effect along the meridians. There
is a method for striping your aura that works as camouflage at
The Immovable School Passed Down from the Gods. This has to
do with the stilling of the mind. Once you have "killed your ego"
A Brief History of Ninjutsu, Ancient and Modern
if they were visiting V.1.P.s. Only ninja kindness kept them from
suffering for their foolishness. In the next chapter I discuss chi
kung from a martial arts perspective and relate that to t h e
Chapter Two
ogy and LSD, who has modernized some of the ancient techniques
for transcendence into what he refers to as "holographic breath
training." Their Spiritual Emergence Network provides a very real ser-
vice for those who are battling their inner demons.
I mention these two as well known examples of contempo-
rary people who have experienced the inner awakening without
benefit of martial arts training. This can happen to anyone who
meditates in an upright position regardless of gender if they're
beyond puberty. In the martial arts the training of the breath
energy is referred to as chi kung and the awakening of the kun-
dalini as the greater kan and li (Chinese) or entering the void (Japan-
ese). Transmission of the secrets of generation was usually from
father to son, mother to daughter in family systems, or to a cho-
sen disciple when bloodlines were not essential as in the Togakure
Ryu. The secrets of generation and transmission were closely held,
as the benefits of success-greater creativity, endurance, longevi-
ty, compassion and psychic advantages-greatly benefited the
family or training group. The person who can best absorb the
grandmaster's energy and accept the Bujin without going crazy
is considered a lineage heir. In Bujinkan Ninpo the role of grand-
master skips a generation so the successor has time to learn his
or her role and be trained by the best of the previous generation.
As spiritual development and the generation of healing inter-
nal energy are usually regarded as the property of the religions
and viewed as the heroic and never mythological characteristics of
the saints and founders, not ordinary people-a little secrecy was
probably in order. In the West we had the human alchemists and
Masonic lodges. In modern times, Taliesen as founded by the
Wrights and adherence to the Gurdjieff model would parallel the
ryus and kwoons of Asia as training halls for the artistic spirit, or
warrior heart. I consider the Hoshinroshiryu (my school, the school
that masters the weapon heart) a modern equivalent of the ancient
path, and the Japanese and Chinese authorities that regulate such
matters agree with me.
Assuming "the position" and going within to confront or search
for the true self from the viewpoint of a psychologist requires
we started. Little change may be visible, but you will feel the
It is on the basis of such a narrative that people seek therapy
because those of us who have lived it or guided others through
it know the value of inner peace and being in touch with the true
animal nature, which is fundamentally benevolent and caring.
This can be accomplished through years of analysis or more quick-
ly with the guidance of a skilled therapist. You can do it yourself
through Zen meditation in three to eight years of sesshins (ritual-
ized meditations sitting under the supervision of a Zen roshi or
meditation master).
Let us suppose that by going into this primal self we find skills
and connections not required by life in the polis. Let us suppose
that when we are truly relaxed and have removed the masks and
barriers to our being what we are rather than what we supposed we
were, we find connections beyond the ground of self that force
us to reevaluate reality as we once perceived it. With a little study
we may find that others have penetrated these inner and outer
terrains and based on their honest and diligent exploration have
left maps but in a strange language-discussions of endless bliss,
energy beings, chakras, lights as a thousand stars, merging with
gods, etcetera ad infinitum
One who has experienced love will not find much sympathy
when explaining his or her viewpoint to those whose only joy
comes from revenge and who find strength in their ability to hate.
Thus it is often hard to translate the directions and warnings giv-
en by the ancients, as the meanings of the descriptions may have
more distance than mere age. You have to go yourself. Sometimes
the self-adventurer discovers the truly rare and extraordinary. One
who claims to know the way but has not made the journey is nei-
ther a good guide nor a complete human being.
Sometimes, as in the case of Aleister Crowley or others who
have taken this route in order to achieve dominance or power
over others, they find themselves immersed in an overwhelming
sadness which is their true self's recognition of their longing for the
universal and simultaneous'awareness of being alone. The alone-
of living energy and hormones. If you don't know what you are
doing, it is more like what is described by Gopi Krishna or Christi-
na Grof--eight to twenty years of hell until you give up your fear
and grow up.
Most religious traditions have lost the power to the frauds,
and most martial arts have been oversold by the ignorant and the
sports buffs, but the Way is the same as it always has been for the
intelligent who wish to transcend their socially learned self. It is a
simple step-by-step process of continuing practice that accumulates
like step functions in mathematics. The results of the process can
be seen, felt, and tasted. The following are not drawn from the
historical record but are empirical descriptions drawn from my
own experience, the observations of my students, and verifica-
tions by others who have had similar experience of living energy.
Physical characteristics of a true kundalini survivor, tatsujin,
or complete human being which cannot be faked include:
1. An inch or more of glowing corona around the body that
is particularly evident and bright radiating around the head. The
completed product is white. No other color need apply. This can be
seen against plain backgrounds and most easily in subdued light.
For the wearer of a halo, it feels like wearing a cap. Before the
energy reaches the head and while it primarily rests in other loca-
tions, the corona will be the color usually associated with the
organs in Chinese medicine or chakras in the Indian nomenclature
for the endocrine system. Each color has distinct personality char-
acteristics or survival mechanisms which can be considered bio-
logical. Color also identifies where the energy is held, which could
be considered a sign of progress or an indicator of where the ener-
gy is blocked. Each chakra is associated with two or more inner
deities in the Taoist, Mikkyo Buddhist, and Tibetan systems.
2. The breath is slow, usually four breaths a minute unless one
smokes which may up it to six. A nonsmoker from a smog-free
area might have a cycle of one or two breaths per minute. The
highly skilled can fake death. Both chi kung and the kundalini
lead to extremely efficient metabolisms. I've seen this discussed as
"the meditator uses less air." It is more accurate to say the medi-
with use. The more I do, the stronger I get, the better I feel. This
also seems true of every practitioner of chi kung that I know. This
higher energy accelerates healing of self and others. Cuts and
scratches heal in days. Most diseases that are not virus-linked no
longer affect one, and flu symptoms, are minimized.
7. Body movement is very controlled, as the integration of
mind, body and spirit results in an ability to move with great
speed out of complete stillness. There is no thinking involved,
just action in response to action. This is not a result of program-
ming but is creative response. To the observer it is very fluid and
graceful, not robotic or mechanical. The whole body is involved,
not just an arm or a leg. It is hard to describe, but once seen is
never forgotten. A policeman I train with occasionally described
me as going from completely relaxed, to completely on, to com-
pletely relaxed in the same second, which he felt was very
"spooky." Personally, I find uptight, perfectionist, hard-bodied
people much more spooky.
8. There is surprising strength regardless of size, which usually
takes a while to master. One has a tendency to break things until
one learns to lighten up. I went through a period of breaking keys
off in locks, ripped the handle off a car door one icy morning,
and sent many of my students screaming to the floor until I
learned to slow down and back off. Some of the ninjas I play with
call me Dr. Death. Even affectionate squeezes and hugs are not
appreciated, and love-making can be filled with minor perils if
the object of your affection does not share your rare affliction or
athleticism. One of my shodan, Bret Talbot, ran up a consider-
able lab bill in broken beakers while working on chemistry projects.
He claims he was only holding them gently in his hands when
they imploded. He still thinks he is gentle when he is dangerous as
a bear. You have to be careful with this strange strength. The feel-
ing is invincibility, but the reality still won't stop bullets.
9. The tatsujin or complete human being is calm and balanced
under most conditions. Physical balance is one-pointed in that
the center flows to the grounded point. The center is mobile,
which makes for a strange three-dimensionality of movement,
fox's skull, and then a smile or half moon tilted to the side as is
usually shown on the forehead of Diana the huntress or the god-
dess Athena or Egypt's Nepthys. One should not expect ovarian
energy to have exactly the same symbolism for the brain as tes-
ticular. Her father asked her if she were on drugs when he saw
her eyes a couple of days later. She went through a brief period
of feeling very superior as her psychic abilities manifested, and
like Gurdjieff noticed practically everyone she knew seemed half
asleep or were simply rats in a maze having no control over their
lives or desires. She went through a brief period of testing her
fearlessness by trying out dangerous practices. Then like most of us
who have done this, she reacquired humility and got on with cre-
ating her life and career.
We followed Mantak Chia's instructions concerning not allow-
ing hot energy to enter the skull until the way is prepared includ-
ing the practice of keeping the tongue up. The female experience
is similar to the male's but with the usual differences rooted in
our biological nature. Some of the ancient Taoists wrote that
women were incapable of chi generation. The Roman Catholic
Church forbids the ordination of priestesses. A fox skull has the
same outline as the two ovaries and vessels leading to the uterus
and vagina, as does the arc of the browed moon or the raised tail
of the scorpion-all symbolic of bringing female sexual energy
to the forehead up the spine. Suzanne is the only woman I've
been privileged to observe go through the kundalini. We were
able to discuss what was happening when she came down, and
it was great fun. We had to run out to the West End and buy a
copy of Cooper's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols to
keep abreast.
Kammy, a female friend of Mike Cornelius reported a blind-
ingly bright yellow banana shape appearing as her solar plexus
opened. She is running very hot energy now when she used to
run cold. I know two other young women who developed all the
energy characteristics of the lesser kan and li but have not had the
experience of ovary-to-brain connection via the spinal column.
Blake Poindexter has specialized in training women. We are both
of the opinion that women are easier to teach and develop more
power than men. It is probably the reason some of the ancients for-
bade the teaching of women. It's terribly embarrassing to be
thrown about physically and mentally by a woman, even when
you love her. It's easier to maintain a master/slave relationship.
Very few of the ancients seemed to follow the example of the Yel-
low Emperor, who kept and learned from his female companions.
The martial artist who becomes involved in physical transfor-
mation that results in transpersonal growth tends not to lose his
or her sense of humor. We also realize that once the typical seek-
er sees our path, they look for something less risky. We know that
most not only won't but can't get IT. We tend to let our stu-
dent/victim/client/friends struggle through the belt system at
their own speed or drive them away if they can't develop higher
expectations. It is a tragedy from my viewpoint that our institu-
tions burdened with the role of leading us to enlightenment are
failing us due to fear and ignorance. It is sad indeed when martial
artists can demonstrate greater effect than ministers and priests.
Study on this.
Chapter Three
EING A COLLEGE PROFESSOR means you have the summer off to
indulge in little self-improvement projects. When the school
year ended in 1985 I decided to follow the prescriptions
given in my chi kung correspondence course from the Chinese
National Chi Kung Institute in Moulton, Alabama, to arouse the
bubbling springs or bring the inner fire to the brain. This is known
as 'Tien Tao Chi Kung or Heaven's Way and corresponds to the
Indian Kundalini. I'd been able to run the microcosmic orbit con-
necting the meridians and chakras to the spine both front and
back with a single breath for about three years and was able to
bend a candle flame to my bidding, so I thought I'd go for the
big time. Ninety days of meditating as much as possible.
I set up a pad in the back porch and moved in a stereo tape
player so I could meditate to ragas, Kitaro, or subliminals (which
I recommend if you're nutso enough to try this method). My sec-
ond wife Linda and her children would occasionally look out from
the kitchen to see what I was doing. Since watching someone
meditate ranks in spectator sports right down there with spider
kissing, they failed to get involved. The back porch was my king-
dom for the summer as long as I occasionally got up to eat, take
them to the lake, and performed as a parent and husband. Other-
entry points) at the base of my skull and return to a normal sex life
but the damage to my marriage was irredeemable. It wasn't until
after Linda divorced me and finally developed her own chi through
transmission that she was able to swallow that whopper.
At this point there was nothing to do but press on. I continued
my practice even though it was painful. Some part of me knew I
had to continue or lose all that I felt 1 had gained. The spectral
clitoral vagina still floated before me. I realized the cause of my
problem probably also contained the cure. When I wasn't medi-
tating I became an avid researcher i n esoteric literature and
transpersonal psychology. About forty days in, my body began to
shake as soon as I hit the position that is often referred to as the
half-lotus or sage seat. I have never been able to sit in full lotus
with any comfort, and at this time my ankles were not stretched
enough to hold in seiza for the required time periods. Once the
shaking started, things really began to get strange. This was the
beginning of bliss.
Now, I wasn't keeping a record of these events, as 1 didn't real-
ize the importance of what I was doing. To me it was just a way to
improve my martial art. I'd attended two of Stephen Hayes' Go
Dai (five centers) seminars and been impressed by what I'd seen
and done with the ninjas. It had also struck me as funny that
most of the people I knew studied Eastern philosophy but did not
practice what they were studying. Theirs was an intellectual, not
a physical involvement. And to be quite frank, becoming a guru or
Hare Krishna or cult member struck me as the ultimate in silli-
ness. 1 had stayed away from the religious aspects as 1 was quite
content being a failed Methodist and still feel that way except for
occasional excursions into goddess worship. My concerns were
purely technical and my expectations were to gain control over my
body's electrical system. I can't give an exact chronology of the
following events as they seemed not to be consecutive but con-
current. Anyway, what happened was totally unexpected.
About the middle of July, close to my birthday, the floating
vagina turned into a tiny dancer of Balinese extraction and zoomed
up to me on one foot and hovered in the air in front of me. I was
The Kundalini Experieryce
rock concerts with trusted friends. Music and crowds just amplify
chi. I have a wonderful time.
I can affect others' energy fields at will. Anyone who gets with-
in thirty feet of me can be affected with ease. My curiosity con-
cerning the human predicament is boundless, but my interest in
technology is medieval. Learning to use a Mac was a struggle, but
I love computers now. Immediately after going through the kun-
dalini experience I found it very difficult to read. A page or two a
day was exhausting. I now read a book a week, but I used to read
a book a day and once even taught speed reading when I was in
graduate school. The spirit is nonverbal! Everyone I know who
practices chi kung goes through a period of reading difficulty. If
you like to read the skill comes back. Your taste in literature may
I no longer work for anyone I do not like, and I base that on
feeling. (Goodbye to wealth.) Most of the religious writings with
the exception of Patanjali strike me as poppycock. They describe
the life, but not the practice that resulted in the life. Religious
writers tend to gloss over the schizophrenia or epilepsy or other fun
characteristics of being "touched by God" and not being able to
bear the voltage. Only Gopi Krishna and Krishnamurti's descrip-
tions seem to parallel my own, and I find it interesting that an
agnostic Westerner following Chinese medical practice would
have Hindu experiences. It is obviously biological and has nothing
to do with culture, religion, or racial grouping. The only enlight-
ened people I've met (and I can count them on my fingers) have
been martial artists, a young Zen monk, healers, and the Dalai
Lama. If you take offense at this, I will thank you to note my
father was a Methodist minister on the World Council of Evan-
gelism and I've a wide acquaintance of Christians of various stripe.
My standards are primarily bioelectrical. Your standards are yours.
I am not inclined to worship. 1 enjoy working out and beating
up young people.
I continue to practice and teach the martial arts, as it is a non-
religious and relatively easy way of passing o n this knowledge.
You have to do it! Reading about it is just looking at the map, or
pointing at the moon. Good works may or may not teach you
compassion. Sit zazen and learn to breathe using chi kung method-
ology, get into yoga to stretch out your spine and learn balance, go
dancing and fall in love, and do something really scary for focus
and hormones-real combatic martial arts, mountain climbing,
performing arts, open sea scuba diving, hunting beasties with
primitive weapons or humans, or hardest of all, make a new friend.
All tend to focus one's creative potential and desire to live.
Arousal is critical to growth, change, and love. Most impor-
tant, keep your tongue up. When you've finally got IT or merged
with your nature, the commonest phosphorescent holographs on
your eyelids will look like the Rose Window in Notre Dame, as
well as other shapes alluded to in mystical records, such as the
lotus rooted in the mud and floating o n the water. It does not
seem reasonable to me that the old mystical saw concerning "as
the inside, so the outside" can be reversed by staring at mandalas,
but the iconic similarities are probably meant as guides. One of the
things that always annoyed me about the Rajneesh and others of
his ilk was they had the order of the colors wrong.
The kundalini has legendary counterparts in Gothic, Greek,
American Indian, Celtic, Chinese, Hindu, Japanese, African, Hawai-
ian, and other mythologies. This cross-cultural commonality
strongly indicates it is a universal human experience. References to
the snake wisdom or kundalini are usually designated as demon-
ic or evil in Christian mythology referencing the Garden of Eden.
It must be recognized, however, that the gift of the serpent was
knowledge. It is knowledge that leads us to the life of adventure.
Just as the spider has the dual meaning of creator of the universe
as well as the web of illusion, the coiled serpent signifies the cycles
of manifestation as well as latent power. Coiled around a tree or
any axial symbol, the serpent represents the dynamic force or
genius of all growing things. Genius means genii or spirit or kami
(Japanese spirit of a particular place) and may also represent a
skill. Associated with the tree of knowledge it is identified as evil
by Christians, yet when associated with the tree of life the same
serpent is regarded as beneficial. The horned serpent or dragon
T h e Kundalini Experience
HE PREFERRED, BUT seldom achieved, teaching relationship
is one of mutual trust and consulting. I know things you
don't know. You know things I don't know. We both benefit
from sharing. There is always a hierarchy in experience but with
respect it doesn't have to be formalized to any great extent. Dis-
tancing creates many problems in communication. All science
appears as magic to the ignorant. Ignorance is not stupidity but not
learning. In Christian nomenclature, ignorance is missing the
mark or "sinning." My father informs me that the word sin is a
Greek archers' term used when the archer misses the target. The
fool killer Kali, the spider goddess, as well as Shiva, balance o n
the corpse of ignorance. Dr. Norman R.F. Maier (my industrial
psychology mentor) said, "The easiest way to identify smart peo-
ple is to look for who's asking questions."
In the traditional master-student relationship, a master parcels
out information and experience according to his or her percep-
tion of the student's readiness to receive. Master Sherm Harrill
spent years on the karate basics in Okinawa. Shimabuku gave him
scrolls when he left for the States. The master had rewarded and
recognized his sincerity. It took Sherm years to figure out what
he'd been given. It helps to have a translator when you're dealing
going. Keep playing." In other words, "Never quit. Have fun. This
is your life. Enjoy it."
Ninjo (endurance under the stick? beating emotions into place?)
is the concept of human feelings being vastly more important
than what is logical and profitable. For the time and effort a sen-
sei invests i n a student h e hopes the student will realize tsukiai
(the social debt incurred by the student toward the teacher). Tsuki-
ai in ancient times would manifest itself by the student taking
care of the teacher's family, shelter, or whatever he or she needed
to be more comfortable. Giri, the obligations or debts the student
owes to a real shihan, are considered gimu (endless), and no mat-
ter what is given, it will never be enough for the gift of enlightened
life or spirit. Giri to one's associates, however, is repaid according
to the significance of the obligation or gift received, and it must be
repaid promptly.
The titles of teachers have meaning beyond teacher. Shihan
means knight/scholar and head of a particular school. Shi, referring
to four and death, is also Japanese for chi as manifested by spirit.
Shihan then has a hidden meaning as one who can give chi. Shichi-
dan or seventh degree has three obvious meanings that are con-
cealed from t h e outsider by using t h e number designation
nanaedan. Oshihan is a self-made master in reference to chi, holds
no obligations to a teacher, and is able to pass on his skills. It is also
a term used to refer to someone who has thousands of followers as
head of a particular school. The title is interchangeable in terms of
quality or quantity resulting in knowledge lost to popularity. Big
organizations often lose their hearts to size.
Amae (unconditional affection) is the core concept of Japan-
ese culture and the foundation of their psyche. For lack of a better
definition it could be described as indulgent love. Francis L.K.
Hsu wrote an excellent ethnography of Japanese concepts and
behavior that I read some twenty years ago and can't remember the
title. In Rogerian psychology amae would be total acceptance of the
Regardless of physical skills, the person with the most experi-
ence is regarded as sempai (senior) and the person with less expe-
through the ranks, following their desire. Some learn the meaning
of giri and amae. Some find their dream can be a nightmare. The
ninja develops his or her endurance through external or internal
energy. The end result is the same but the collection of experi-
ence can be very different. Ten can also be zero. People do very
strange things and consider themselves martial artists.
I once read a martial arts book by some poor silly bastard who
went around attacking martial art masters to see if they were real-
ly that tough. He got slugged by quite a few and could describe
their techniques when surprised. He finally jumped some old Chi-
nese doctor and herbalist who had an international but low-key
reputation for chi kung and martial expertise. The boob woke up
in a hospital dying of severe bioelectrical malfunctions that West-
ern medicine couldn't explain or adjust. He had to hire the Chi-
nese doctor he had assaulted to consult on his case. The old
gentleman kindly saved his life. This young thug retired igno-
miniously from his stupid hobby after experiencing the real thing.
He's lucky the Chinese like gamblers and consider fools touched by
God. I would have handed him his first book and said "Save
In most traditional systems, visiting with the grandmaster (the
absolute head/founder/lineal successor of the founder) is equiva-
lent to addressing the Pope or the Dalai Lama. Talking to Hatsumi
is sometimes like hanging out with your eccentric neighbor. We
had a couple of minutes to talk at the 1989 New Jersey Tai Kai
(annual training party with the grandmaster) and Hatsumi asked
what I was picking up. I told him that I was having a good time
watching and learning from him, as it was a pleasure to know he
was still alive. He laughed and put his arm around me and said, "I
like to watch and learn from you, too." I don't think he was admir-
ing my sloppy taijutsu. I haven't the faintest. I was beating the
snot out of some great looking girl who had trained in Isshinryu
and liked to wrestle. The girl and I were having a hilarious time.
She thought she was dangerous. He said, "The next time I see
you. You'll take the sword test." Then he said to my horror, "When
the godan demonstrate, I'd like you to do something." I was a
Traditional Relationships and Teaching in Esoteric Martial Arts
Meditations for
Becoming Enlightened
OST PEOPLE WHO purport to teach meditation don't real-
ize the importance of some aspects of the practice and
how it affects the brain. Meditation is the key to becom-
ing a complete spirit, an integrated person, a whole human being,
enlightened. The biological process of enlightenment involves
encouraging the endocrine system to awaken the hypothalamus
and cerebellum. These are the oldest parts of the brain and could
be said to represent our deepest nature. They are concerned with
movement, balance, protection, and music. They would also seem
to be the seat of problem-solving, vision, and creativity if the cor-
tex is primarily memory storage and word processing.
In recent years a great deal of research has been done on the
effects of meditation. If you are interested in listening to a group
of Western psychologists and scientists report to their colleagues,
Insight Recordings has a six-tape collection of presentations from
the Inner Science Conference for a very reasonable price. Write
them at P.O. Box 546, San Jacinto, C A 92383. One of the points
these researchers make time and time again is that meditation is
hard work. The techniques I share here are empirically researched
and provide useful shortcuts to avoiding entrapment by some of
the darker emotional states or levels of awareness that can be use-
ful for survival but aren't terribly helpful when you are taking
care of everyday business.
If you have not mastered the simple techniques of basic med-
itation, you haven't a prayer of attaining your goal of becoming a
complete human being or tatsujin. Tat refers to the void and sujin
could be a water spirit. It does not matter what your religious
background is, or for that matter whether you are religious at all,
as the practice of meditation can deepen beliefs or eradicate them
depending on the individual. Hatsumi recommends Americans
attend the church of their choice. Religion is concerned with wor-
ship; this process is concerned with becoming. They are very dif-
ferent. What is important is learning how to discipline your mind
and body so that energy may flow through you in the most ben-
eficially natural as well as efficient manner. Meditation or mind-
fulness should become so natural to you that you don't have to
close your eyes but can drive your car, walk about, make love, or
win a fight without breaking your concentration or composure.
Eventually you'll attain mushin (divine emptiness/innocence/
absorption by the void) if you make this walk your everyday walk.
I will now present for you a method based on the ancient Tien
Tao Chi Kung practices that are hidden within Bujinkan Taijut-
su. All of this works and it all works together. You leave out any
part, then shame on you. I'll emphasize the important secrets
that are usually left out (or only passed on through oral tradi-
tion). There are worse penalties than boredom for doing this
wrong, so read this over and approach the subject with caution and
pure intention. If you're careful and maintain the right attitude by
using the Secret Smile, you can have a lot of fun. Practice is more
important than intensity or sincerity.
The essential aspect of meditation is relaxation. Medical
researchers refer to this as the relaxation response. In the first
phase the relaxation response is elicited to open the door for
change; the second phase is used to reprogram or rewire the mind
with fresh information along desired lines; the third phase is
exploring the subconscious, group consciousness, and the process
of melting away dualism. Let us remember there is no mind-body
Meditations for Becoming Enlightened
Sit in a chair so that your knees are beneath your hips. Pull
your shoulders back and then down so they are centered below
your ears and your ribs are forward. Tuck your chin in slightly as
you tilt up the back of your neck and head as if you were being lift-
ed by your ears or imitating an elf. Close your eyes and pay atten-
tion to the back of your eyelids. Raise your tongue so it presses
lightly against the roof of your mouth, the touching point above
your upper two front teeth. (If you wear dental apparatus that
keeps this from happening, forget vanity and get rid of it while you
meditate.) This seal of the mouth is critical and one of the secrets
passed in oral tradition. If you don't do this you risk severe dam-
age to your brain stem and exquisite pain. Let your hands drop
together in your lap in whatever manner they fall comfortably.
Notice how this naturally straightens your spine and is not par-
ticularly uncomfortable if you have any strength in your lower
back at all. If your lower back is weak, you may have to lean
against a wall or tree and use pillows until you get it right. Edgar
Cayce, the famous sleeping seer, was fond of pine trees. When
you do get it right, you'll know because you'll be able to hold the
posture for a long time without strain.
It's balance not muscle that allows the skilled meditator to
hold a posture for long periods of time. In fact, some research
indicates that meditation does not contribute to relaxation as
much as balance and internal harmony. You may find the atten-
tions of a chiropractor or massage therapist of some value in the
beginning stages, and if you're a martial artist you'll enjoy their
skills for more mundane reasons. Meditation that is done lying
down is worthless for achieving the kundalini but can be useful for
practice in deepening relaxation, visualization, and healing. (Dr.
Rammamurti S. Mishras, T h e Textbook of Yoga Psychology. New
York: The Julian Press, 1963.)
Energy moves through tight muscles slowly, so trying to med-
itate through strain is largely a waste of time. Sitting in a chair
works; it was fine for Egyptian gods and Chinese faeries who val-
Meditations for Becoming Enlightened
ued stillness over contortion. For many Westerners the very stable
lotus position which provides a seat will probably be too painful to
derive its mystical benefits. A simpler seat used by the Japanese
in both common and meditative practice is called seiza (sitting
on one's heels, knees together to the front, ankles raised or lowered
or held to the outside of the hips depending upon foot flexibility),
with everything concerning the spine still applying. Another pre-
ferred seat of the mystic is called fudosa (the sage seat/the seat of
powerful compassion/wind way meditation posture), and I've
seen most ninjas alternating between it and seiza for meditation
and simpIe observation. Some martial artists belittle the sage seat
as they are not flexible enough to move out of it with ease, but
with a little practice you'll be surprised to find that it's no imped-
iment to fast action. The samurai (military ruling class that served
the tyrant shoguns until corrupted by mercantilism) liked it a lot.
The sage seat is best accomplished by crossing the legs like the
proverbial red Indian chief while seated on a zafu (small, round,
pillow or hard pad that raises the hips above the knees). One heel
is tucked under to press against the perineum while the other foot
is turned to rest against the tucked Ieg's shin. The perineum press
is important, particularly when working on your sitting smile.
Once you have mastered sitting in an erect and still position
with your bones balanced so your muscles can just hang relaxed,
you can begin working with the breath. Being still allows you to
feel subtle differences in your body as you experiment with devel-
oping your ability to efficiently process oxygen to ignite the blood.
Chi kung breathing uses a simpler formula than many of the yog-
ic techniques but the end result is the same. Your breathing should
be slow, silent, and seamless.
Seamless means there is no catch; the transition from inhale
to exhale is so smooth that an observer cannot tell if you are
breathing in or out when watching your shoulders or upper chest.
As you breathe in through the nose, you allow your sinuses to fill
as you press outward and downward with your stomach and groin
muscles in a relaxed manner, allowing your lungs to completely fill
with air. This is going two steps below diaphragmatic breathing
the Soul). My Puerto Rican neighbor who was working on his mas-
ter's in business administration or some related subject at U of M,
and who had put me onto Gurdjieff and Ouspensky wanders by
and shows me Dr. Herbert Benson's little masterpiece on meditative
research-his first book, called T h e Relaxation Response (Avon.
1967). (He has written better stuff since: Yotir M a x i m u m Mind,
Times Books, 1987.) In the first book there are perfectly clear
descriptions of how to meditate from a medical and psychological
perspective without having to misinterpret an archaic language
or solve some madman's enigmatic riddle. What a gift. A guide-
book on how to quiet and empty the mind for beginners. No
samadhi or samantabhadra (total absorption in the object of med-
itation/pure intention), just silence. This I could handle. I knew
how to shut up. This was science and I know the rules in that club.
The following is my interpretation of all you need to know
concerning emptying the mind, with some extra challenges for
the truly flexible yet exacting practitioner. In some circles this is
called Dr. Death's Humbling Bad-Ass Brain Scrub. You should
attempt to do this for at least twenty minutes every day, morn-
ing or night, until the condition of no mind chatter is normal
and preferred. This is a phase one relaxation exercise. Phase Ones
are to prepare the meditator's hardware. Everybody loves the Secret
Smile (the most respected esoteric tool for transformation across
cultures) as a Phase Two moving meditation. Most of the Phase
Two exercises I'm using in my next book, or you can take the
course or join the ryu (a stream/an integrated, codified, aware con-
sciousness associated with winning under any circumstances/
fraternal-sororal-familial discipline that encourages risk and pain
as a process for self-growth and development of leadership quali-
ties for emergencies).
Start the brain scrub by simply counting to ten, one number as
you inhale, one as you exhale. You are only allowed to think the
numbers. Any extraneous thought such as my feet hurt or this is
a stupid exercise sends you back to the beginning because all you
are allowed to do is count your breath. Most people last about six
seconds if they're honest, when they can't believe that second
ation and hold onto that feeling of wild laughter and breathe that
through your body, starting at your feet and ending in your belly,
Mix it with the first two and breathe all three through the cycle.
Now, remember a time when you were in love and felt loving.
Take out the loved one and the situation and hold onto that won-
derful feeling. Take that down to your feet and bring it up through
your body over your head, to swallow it down and mix with the
other feelings. Then combine the four to breathe through your
body following the identical procedure. The next segment is rated
R and those under 18 must have the permission of their parents or
guardians to continue.
If you're sexually active, remember the best orgasm you ever
had, and if male, hold onto the moment just before ejaculation
and breathe that feeling through your body (as you probably don't
want to stain your trousers and the male orgasm is often too short
for this exercise). If female, let it rip as you breathe that through
your body from the tip of your toes to the top of your head, down
behind the eyes, through the tongue, and back to the belly of the
beast. This is the power behind the Secret Smile and one of those
important little tantric items usually regarded as oral tradition.
Once you've succeeded in combining all these feelings and mov-
ing them from your feet to your head and back to below your
stomach, memorize the process. Make it part of your daily practice
until it is so easy that it just becomes background sensation for
any other exercise or a warm-up that sticks with you.
The Secret Smile is a process for truly internalizing feelings.
The feelings you have just internalized are also referred to as
relaxed calm, confidence in your abilities, happiness, love, and
ecstasy. You could say you're just making yourself cool, confident,
happy, and sexy. I like to think of it as Homo sapiens' (Latin for
what you is) natural state. With the distractions and turmoil of
modern living it's difficult to remember that you once were and
with a little effort still are in this state of youthful bliss. Zen prac-
titioners call this remembering your Self. As your practice deepens,
so will that concept.
Energy moves best through a happy camper and everybody
Meditations for Becoming Enlightened
worry. It's all processed in the brain eventually. I'm told that us
lower-IQ types have greater problems visualizing.) Just treat it like
a story except that you are the main character and get to fill in
the details as you want them to be. This exercise is definitely part
of the oral tradition and similar to shamanistic journeying.
Hit the position of choice, do the PG-rated version of the Secret
Smile, and then once you are relaxed and happy, picture yourself
emerging from the water o n a beach and then walking across a
plain toward a mountain. As you walk along it seems as if your
feet draw energy from the ground and every step makes you feel
strong and confident. As you begin to climb the mountain you
see ahead a n old abandoned temple and graveyard, which you
skirt but notice that there are bathing pools that still hold water
within the ruined interior. You continue to climb and it is get-
ting tougher. As you begin to tire and lean against the rocks and
trees, you find that you can draw strength with your hands as
well as your feet, and that gives you more energy to continue
your climb. Ahead of you o n a slightly different trail you see a
cave with an inviting entrance. You go toward it and a guardian
wearing a cloak that masks identity gestures to you to enter and
bows so you feel accepted and a bit like a well-loved king or queen.
You enter the cave and find a long, downward-descending tun-
nel with phosphorescent walls that glow with enough light to
see. This descending ramp opens into a large subterranean room.
In the back at quite a distance there is a bed of glowing lava. On
your left is a tall podium supporting a large leather-bound tome
which has written across it in words of flaming gold, "All Knowl-
edge Is Power. Seeking Truth, First Look Ye Here!" Behind this
large book's podium is a room containing a massive communi-
cation and computer set-up, looking somewhat like the bridge of
the Starship Enterprise You can see three seats in there. One is
yours. There is a young woman and a young man working in the
room. They don't see you yet.
To the right is a great stairway with five steps. Each step is a
different-colored wide slab with a doorway opening off of it. The
first step is red and its door is heavy and barred but you can see
that it opens into a rugged and ancient desert, and in the dis-
tance you can make out a city built from stone. The next step is
orange and its doorway is a Dutch door looking out o n a bab-
bling stream that flows down through a forest t o a vast lake or
ocean. There is a ship approaching. The next step up is bright yel-
low and its door is intricately carved and looks out o n a city that
is both modern and ancient and seems to be sheltering many dif-
ferent kinds of people. Some even look like elves. As you focus
your attention there, you hear faint laughter and music and the
clink of glassware. The next step up is green and seems to be open-
ing into the sky. You can see a bird floating. It's like looking up to
a n upstairs window. The sky is cloudless and light blue. The last
step is tilted and spirals off into the distance in various shades of
blue and violet fading into white. It almost seems to penetrate
the dark rock of the cave in the distance. It is rather strange.
In the center, before you, is a series of rooms that are your liv-
ing quarters. There is your bath, sleeping quarters, garden, library,
laboratory, personal dojo and instructor, machine shop, stables,
and kitchen. You explore t o make certain all is as you want it.
You are surprised to find an animal in a back room that regards you
as its master. In one of the rooms you find a secret panel and in
another there is a hidden trapdoor under a rug. You do not enter
these at this time as they are dark. When you have familiarized
yourself with the contents of your cave and feel certain you can
return whenever you wish to improve it, for instruction or to play,
allow your eyes to open.
My cave was initially rather austere. For a long time my bed
was rock and I kept warm with the skins and blankets made from
what I could capture. One day I asked one of my Hillsdale Col-
lege students what her cave was like and she said, "I love my
waterbed and masseuse. It's so nice to walk out into the desert
with music blaring from the outside speakers when I want to be by
myself." Angie Damm got me thinking that the cave might be
wildly different from person to person depending on their interests
and creativity. Da Mo's Cave has a lot of possibility.
Blake Poindexter's empire of the South would make Donald
Meditations for Becoming Enlightened
Trump green with envy, and Mark Robinson's has cartoons liv-
ing in his. What you may find out the doors, behind the panels,
and down the traps is part of our oral tradition, but keep in mind
Togakure means "hidden door" and one of the Taoist schools is
"mysterious portal." Be careful as you explore the surrounding
domains, and don't jump out the green door. It's a long way to the
bottom of the abyss. There's climbing gear in the war room or
you might try to ride the bird.
You should explore Da Mo's cave as an exercise in imagina-
tion. How real and yet how crazy can you get? Because the mythos
of the cave is based on cross-cultural archetypes, as your chi builds
your cave will change and you may find some very interesting
connections to exterior reality as you also discover interior deities.
Kevin Brown would write the answers to probable test questions in
his cave's study and keep notes in the memory tome. If some-
thing slipped his mind during a test, he'd close his eyes, run into
the cave, and get the answer. He carried a four-point average in
Physics. Medical students may want to use the lab and visioning
screens behind the book to explore their meridians or direct ener-
gy and other biological functions. Experiment-it's your cave and
everything in it is also you. It gives you a fantasy arena to work out
your psychosis. It's full of surprises.
My son once sat in on a session of my college class. As I was
describing the stairs to my students, he decided to look in his
tome. He told me the pages looked like Swiss cheese and then
pointed out that I'd informed him once there were major holes in
his knowledge that he should start repairing. He was a great kid
and has become a remarkably good man and world-class chemist,
of all things.
A variation of Da Mo's Cave taught to potential POWs by Air
Force psychologists was building their dream houses in exact
detail. The reports of prisoners in Vietnam claim this technique was
extremely helpful in terms of enduring boredom, deprivation,
and torture. It is recommended in this process that one even
attempt to involve the senses of taste, touch, and smell while
working on the inner vision.
Meditations for The Senses
Hit the position of choice. Empty your mind. Close your eyes and
keep them closed. Pay attention to the tip of your nose, the rim of
your nostrils. Breathe in gently and focus o n the quality of the
air. What do you feel and what d o the feelings tell you? Lift your
arms and take a whiff. Drop them and see if you can still pick up
your aroma. What does it tell you, aside from your deodorant
brand? Sift through your own body odors and breathe in deeply.
What else can you smell in the room? Who else is with you? How
far away are they and in what direction? Does their presence affect
the air temperature as it passes your nostrils? Can you separate
them out by sex? Is there a difference between cologne and per-
fume? Keeping your eyes shut, crawl around until you find a part-
ner or one finds you. Do not speak. Do not touch. Sniff them out.
See if you can remember who this is by their scent. Take a peek.
Right or wrong? Wander around a n d try again. Analyze your
Human beings don't depend too much o n the sense of smell for
information, as that particular nerve bundle is about the size of a
needle. A dog's is about as big around as m y finger and so dis-
criminating canines can identify one drop of urine in a thousand
gallons of water. When I was younger and hadn't hardened my
nostrils by smoking for twenty years I could always tell if a lady was
in heat and at quite a distance. Takamatsu is said t o have joked
about knowing the washerwomen were o n his mountain when
they were miles away. Since I was a preacher's kid and didn't know
beans about sex, when I first noticed this I thought something
was wrong with the women, and as they seemed t o take their
changing odor in stride then it was probably something wrong
with me. I do recall I had the sense not to ask about it. I t wasn't
until I was out of the army that I realized the value of smell infor-
mation. Because I was achievement-oriented, smoking kept away
one very potent distraction. It's hard to get through school when
you can fall in lust by simply following your nose. The nerves for
the nose and the genitals grow from and connect with the same
area of the brain. The nose knows. In experiments with women
coeds, researchers found they could entrain a dorm of girls to go
into menstruation at the same time using scent triggers. (It is dis-
cussed in most introductory psychology courses and certainly
physical anthropology.)
You may want to experiment with various types of incense
when you meditate. Some are supposed to be triggers to higher
states of awareness, but most strike me as a way to cover the smell
of a dirty room or a corpse putrefying. Smoke from a cooking fire
carries for miles, and a cigarette can be smelled for hundreds of
yards in three-tiered jungle. Wool smells different from cotton or
synthetic textiles. Different locations have distinctive odors which
are intensified if you're blindfolded. Scents get attached to mem-
ories at a very deep level and you should be aware of their asso-
ciations. There is more going o n with smell than meets the eye.
Stuff your ears with cotton. Suck on a eucalyptus cough drop or
some other stinky product to block your sense of smell. Take off
your shoes and socks. Close your eyes, or if you're really confident
tie on a blindfold. Clear your mind. Feel what the air feels like
around you. Notice how the air that is inside your clothing is
warmer than the air outside your clothing. Move your hand away
from your body and see if you can discriminate differences in air
temperature from the floor to above your head. Feel your way over
to a wall. Try to feel the difference a wall creates in the air before
you walk against it. Put your hands out in front of you and try to
find a friend. How close do you have to get before you feel them?
Try not to touch, as you're searching for essence. Find them, back
off, try again. What do your hands feel like as you do this?
Put your hands behind your back. Stick them in your obi (belt),
or pockets. Lean forward and pay attention to how the air feels
on your face. Close your eyes. Use your hands' memory and go
find a wall. Go slowly and carefully, as you are leading with that
which greets others. Attempt to find a friend. Try to identify them
by using your face. Take a guess. Wander around, try again. Feel
any improvement.
Pay attention to your feet. Sink your consciousness down to
the soles or Bubbling Springs and see what you can pick up from
the floor or ground. We tend not to pay enough attention to mes-
sages of our feet, yet they have the longest nerves in the body
connecting reflexology, shiatsu, and acupuncture sites that affect
every major organ. What are the old hoofers telling you? Reach out
and touch someone. Getting any messages? Aside from blatant
erogenous zones, these are the most sensitive nerves in your body.
What are they telling you? Walk around some more. Walking is the
most important skill in the martial arts, the best form of exercise,
and one of the easiest ways to stay in touch with your environ-
ment. It is associated with genius, and many great people have
enjoyed the benefits of walking. I have seldom seen a ninja run.
Learn to pick up stuff with your toes. Go barefoot as much as pos-
sible. Do some taijutsu. Try not to kill yourself.
Close your eyes and boogie around your own house and prop-
erty at every chance. It's great for training balance and sensitivity
as well as memory. If you have a lover it opens all sorts of possi-
bilities for training as well as laughs.
Turn off the lights. Train in dim light. (Bars are usually dark. Peo-
ple attack you at night.) Walk around after dark. Get your night
vision back. Eat more blueberries. Sit around in the dark and bull-
shit with your buddies. Make the night your friend. Guerrilla
troops always own the night. Read in dim light. Palm your eyes for
a minute or so whenever you think of it. Massage around your
eyes at least twice a day. If your eyes are weak, try ginseng and
see if they improve. Wear contacts rather than glasses. If you need
glasses, try to wear them only for tasks that require them as they
become a crutch. You don't have to be in 20/20 all the time. Our
eyes are binocular and the corneas are supposed to be adjustable
Meditations for Becoming Enlightened
Put some music on the stereo. Hit the position. Close your eyes.
Empty your mind. Pay attention to the back of your eyelids. Try to
feel what the rhythm does inside your skull. What area of your
brain responds? How does it affect the phosphorous behind the
eyes? Try a different piece of music. Put on some baroque quartets.
Try a little New Age. Break out the Beethoven; see what Mozart
does. Try a Gregorian chant or plain song. Sample the Damn Yan-
kees. Whitney Houston. Ravi Shankar. INXS. Enigma. What real-
ly lights you up? Run the Secret Smile to music. Try a subliminal
tape. (It's useful to know when they're being used even if you
can't do much about it. Keeps down the shoplifting. Increases the
confession rate. Increases your chances of getting lucky. Builds
your self-esteem. Speeds healing. Reduces vice.) Observe the dif-
ferences. Figure out the benefits. You have to listen with your feel-
ings as well as your ears.
According to legend, Pythagoras, the inventor of geometry and
probability, spent years studying the occult effect of music and
sound on the nervous systems of his students and friends. The
results of his years at this work were mostly lost when the library
Taste is a little difficult to work into a meditation unless you've
developed the skills to move around in your relaxed altered state.
As preparation for this exercise, attempt to hold onto the feelings
from the other exercises as long as possible after each training
session. Go to a really good restaurant that serves a wide and inter-
esting menu, preferably of food you have never sampled. Ask the
waiter's opinion in selection if you've no idea what is being offered.
Make your order. Relax. Empty your mind of all expectations and
concentrate your energies o n your saliva, sense of smell, and
tongue. Roll your tongue around your mouth and between your
lips and teeth. If you are having a wine to cleanse your palate,
inhale its bouquet, swish it around in your mouth, and pull a lit-
Meditations for Becoming Enlightened
mouth. As you exhale let the energy fall down the front of your
body back to a point below your navel. Repeat with each cycle
of breath for as long as you are able to sustain your sitting pos-
ture and state of no mind. If you cannot feel energy moving, just
pretend that you can and imagine the process as I've described
it. Do this every day, morning and night, for at least twenty min-
utes until you can feel the energy moving. Always begin your
practice by running the Secret Smile. You want your body to be
very happy; that way your hormonal system will cooperate and
you will avoid paranoia.
Once you can feel the energy moving, picture balls of energy at
the soles of your feet. As you inhale, draw that energy up to mix
with the first ball at the base of your spine and draw it over your
head. Your hands should lie together in your lap if you are sit-
ting, or if standing, hold them in front of you as if you were hug-
ging a tree with your elbows below your hands. As you exhale
run the energy down to your fingers and feet. Experiment with
moving the energy around and inside your body. Roll your eyes as
you breathe and pay attention to what happens. Observe the col-
ors behind the eyes. Whenever you get light shades of yellow,
green, violet, blue, or white, attempt to increase their brightness.
Do not attempt to bring through an archetype, god, or spirit by
imagining yourself to be on a particular wavelength or way of
thinking and feeling. Sustain no-mind or what is referred to as
mushin or Holy Emptiness, n o expectations. Be certain your seat
is very stable and comfortable. Pad your knees. You will go through
long periods of stillness. After a period of days you may find that
you sweat profusely. This means the body is purifying itself and
removing toxins. When the sexual energy is drawn from the gen-
itals, which may happen spontaneously, you may begin to shake
as the orgasm mechanism is reversed and feeds energy into the
body rather than out. In my opinion this is the oft-reported
ecstasy/bliss and is strengthened and harmonized by the Secret
Smile. Without the Secret Smile exercise it is more like thrashing
and can be the precursor t o t h e kundalini (serpent power/
N MOST MARTIAL art systems the black belt does not represent
mastery but acceptance. Earning it means you have learned
the basic physical skills necessary to be accepted as a peer or
advanced student. It might be considered the equivalent of a high-
school degree in mayhem. The second degree or dan usually means
you can teach the basics; the third means you are a licensed teacher
with some special skills; fourth is often concerned with dojo man-
agement as well as weapon esoterica, and in some systems it is
considered the rank at which you are a fully certified teacher or
supervised teacher directly under a master instructor.
The fifth degree means you are a master of the basic physical,
mental, and spiritual fundamentals with your own contributions
to make to the system. You have demonstrated mastery as well
as contributed something unique to the system. In other words,
you are not just imitating your teacher but have your own view-
point. You have become a n artist of the darker side of human
nature in a socially acceptable context. It might be said you have
awakened and tamed your shadow self. It must also be said that
some masters' basics far exceed the norm in subtlety, effective-
ness, and teaching skill.
time. When Hatsumi gave the test at Tai Kai '92 in Atlanta the
"strike-out count" was down to two. Two, you're out.
Out means go home and study for another year, as you are
still a brick. Supposedly, in the old days with a live sword, when
the Bujin rejected your test, you were just executed. Eight hun-
dred years of civil war results in some novel tests of fidelity. Treat
it like the real thing and you will get more out of it. Think of it as
pass or die.
A blind roll out of a sitting position when you are meditating
is not an easy thing to do if you have not lowered your center. It
is especially difficult if you have hardened your muscles and made
rigid and unbending your mind. It is easier if you are really relaxed
and your body is flexible enough to follow your head. If Hatsumi
invites you to take the test, he uses a shinai. If you ask him, he uses
a bokken (hard oak practice sword). I preferred not to be concussed
or reduced to taking it with a helmet to protect my wounds. Some
of the failure stories are awful. I had waited three years for his
invitation, and passing was second in significance only to going
through the kundalini. It is both a great honor as well as a cul-
mination of many years of preparation. But as they say o n the
boob box, "Don't try this at home!" It could be hazardous to your
health. The test has nothing to do with hearing, and as far as that
goes I tend to be a bit deaf like most middle-agers with a taste for
rock and roll and automatic weapons in their youth. Some stu-
dents attempt to pass by listening for the bamboo to creak since
Hatsumi squeezes the shinai as he begins his strike. This coun-
terfeit is easy to catch and embarrassing to see.
Now someone may ask what does dodging a sword out of med-
itation have to do with real-world fighting? The answer is speed,
timing, and luck. We feel before we think. Feeling is the seat of
the creative response, not the drilled response. Taijutsu will get
you out of the way of the sword. Your spirit or chi will tell you
when to use those abilities. If you're ever attacked by someone
who seriously wants to kill you without harm to themselves, it
won't be a face-to-face confrontation. These days he or she will
hire some sort of filth willing to do that for money.
his Japanese shihan never know what or who will move through
him. A little paranoia is in order; some of the Bujin are malig-
nant spirits appropriate to the horror of war. I have noticed the
Japanese shihan both love and fear their soke. Study on this.
Chapter Seven
a martial artist, Master? How d o I recognize a
teacher of quality and goodness in these times of greed and
false idols?"
The mission of the artist, regardless of the medium of expres-
sion, is to elevate his or her perceptions through study, practice,
and intelligent insight to the highest attainable level within their
capability and then communicate that knowledge or expression to
their peers, and if teachers, to the wannabees. I believe there is a
tenuous genetic component to art associated with intelligence.
The problem that confronts all in the pursuit of original expression
of creativity is the easy slide into mediocrity as a result of popular
acceptance when one settles for the least common denominator.
In academics this can be seen in the ABD who enjoys the teach-
ing but never finishes his or her dissertation and ends up in the
junior ranks of professors, or is not granted tenure after four or
five years of excellent teaching. In religion this is the con man
who claims the calling and fakes the healing and establishes sys-
tems for adulation and worship rather than giving guidance from
his own experience of becoming. In the martial arts this is repre-
sented by the shodan who teaches as if he or she were a master
because in the eye of the public a black belt represents mastery, but
exchange kicks and blows in a fight. Has he taught you that real
human beings use weapons when they fight and treachery to win?
That when you kick above the knee you will almost assuredly lose
your genitals to a skilled opponent, and that most real fighters
like a sneak attack and enjoy assaulting others from the rear, par-
ticularly when they are blinded by their own blood? Has he shown
you some methods for dealing with multiple opponents, as many
people only fight in groups, sport? No? Dumn.
Has he spent many hours teaching you how to be polite and fit
into the company of strangers? How to safely avoid broken bottles,
ashtrays, tire irons, chairs and other fun instruments of homicide
available in most social situations? How about the avoidance and
use of firearms and edged weapons? Has he shown you how to
climb and move on various surfaces in free and cluttered condi-
tions? No? Boring. You're spending most of your life on flat,
smooth surfaces?
Does he somehow confuse the ruled elegance of sport with
the brutal ugliness and chaos of battle when you carry no weapons
and are far from home? Does he emphasize perfect repetition over
practical utility? Does he enforce a lot of ritual that has no mean-
ing to you? Can he explain down to minute detail how to exe-
cute the perfect fist, punch or kick? Are the movements powerful-
and jerky? Are you paying this person to teach you how to save
your life? Study on this!
A martial artist so thoroughly understands the basics of his
tradition that he or she can depart from the expected and respond
both creatively and effectively to the actual situation with the
appropriate strategy that ensures winning. The enlightened mar-
tial artist has the further obligation to preserve life or release it
as a sacrifice. His or her sensitivity should be so great that they
can pull down the eyelids of their opponent as they lay their
hands upon his face at full speed from a totally relaxed posture
as a response to the opponent's chosen attack. Staged kata sel-
dom seem to account for how bodies react when they're being
torn apart, or for that matter, what the performer would really be
doing if on the receiving end of serious aggression.
Portrait of the Artist as a Grandmaster
I've never seen a real fight last longer than seconds when one
of the opponents was properly trained t o accept and create a
changing reality. A master or martial artist is not limited to one
decisive strike but can escalate and control the situation by flow-
ing with it and judiciously modifying their opponent's behavior
through pain a n d imbalance. Such skill requires a deep under-
standing of all aspects of human behavior. Hostility and aggression
prevent flow and slow learning. Humor and joy at being present-
ed with an opportunity to teach o n many levels is a characteristic
of a mature martial artist. (I have seen the great practitioners break
into laughter when giving a lesson i n surprise tactics.) Fear para-
lyzes. A martial artist cannot fear his subject matter, however
debased, or he will lose many opportunities for growth and prac-
tice. Study o n this.
An artist studies form and beauty through his own experience
of the world. A master artist is recognized by his own school as
a teacher. A grandmaster is recognized by other schools as being
able to teach their art. Hatsumi has been passed the shihan or
head of school scrolls of at least nine famous Japanese schools to
preserve. This is a ferocious undertaking. Within each of those
schools are probably nine more traditions if the Buddhist liking for
the number nine and esoteric numerology holds true, making
Hatsumi the head of eighty-one disciplines. I understand he has
taken some other scrolls out of kindness just to ensure the learn-
ing won't die. It is the equivalent of attaining nine earned Ph.D.s
and a smattering of honoraries from extremely physical and cyn-
ical men. Inside of that he's a bone doctor, calligrapher, painter,
actor, writer, fair vocal musician, magician, and only God knows
what else. According to people I've talked to in Japan, he is con-
sidered in the top levels in each of these fields of endeavor outside
ninpo, a Japanese Renaissance man. I know he astounds me.
Most good schools of the martial arts have their own etiquette,
codes, belt knots, favored weapons, history, kihon (formal basics),
breathing techniques, emergency medical techniques, and mental
disciplines. In addition to the open techniques that are taught
the public, there will be hidden techniques that are only shown the
him shelter in fear of the retribution and blood guilt they would
be sheltering in their homes. He spent much of his teens living in
the woods and sleeping in caves. He was observant, he learned
from the animals. When he was thirteen he killed a teacher of
the sword. In Buddhism it's a sin to harm a teacher. In his late
teens he killed damn near a whole school when they demanded a
group duel. Them against him in a big park near Kyoto. The samu-
rai code allowed them to do this; they were all insulted. Musashi
went early and hid above their line of sight in a tree on the high-
est ground. They being strategists also sought the high ground
but felt safe in their numbers. He waited till night, then surprise
attacked. Leaping down from the tree, he cut down the heads of
the Yoshioka family school, one of whom was a mere child. He
escaped in a running retreat through the darkening woods back to
the city to supposedly end that bloodline and this particular feud.
He was an active, athletic man and stayed that way. He walked
a lot. The duelist lifestyle leads to hasty travel. Musashi states in
code that he was a student of Taoist breath techniques and had
developed the third eye. He strongly recommended hiding combat
skills in natural movement. One of the stories about him has him
killing a tengu, which means he trained with ninjas. In his recent-
ly published fictional (but much loved in Japan) biography, the
author has Musashi stating in middle age that he was fortunate
to have never met an enlightened swordsman in his youth. For
most of his life he didn't own much more than a sword. He raised
a stepson, who may have died a hero, in a very haphazard manner.
He never married though he did have a lover, whom he could not
marry due to his miserable existence. The saddest part of his life was
that he was a greater artist and strategist than swordsman. He was
a fine sculptor of wood. His brush paintings are considered nation-
al treasures, and I've seen his cast sword guards in museum col-
lections. He was an artist of enduring excellence and worthy of
study. He died of old age around sixty after writing in one night a
book on swordsmanship containing all he knew about it.
Most of The Book Of Five Rings is in code or very old language.
Musashi exhorts his readers to consider the book as a spiritual
guide, but most readers don't know how to read that way, as they
are martial and military students. He did not get his skills
overnight. He retired from accepting duels at fifty-five. Most peo-
ple remember him as a duelist, but he was a great artist and friends
with priests, geishas, and poets, particularly Takuan Soho. I don't
think he cared a rip about what is commonly thought of as swords-
manship. After he was thirty-five he fought most of his duels with
wooden training swords (bokken) or what was available when he
was attacked. He killed the Emperor's sword teacher with a boat oar
after spending the night at a geisha house. He called his way of
fighting "two swords" as he had a secret one that came from the
left. He was an upright man. He lived in a very bad time and had
to educate himself with what was at hand. I like his book a lot. It
is generally misunderstood by most readers as a text on winning
swordsmanship rather than endurance, chi, and survival when
you are the preferred target of many. It is full of traps for the
unwary swordsman, as Musashi knew his enemy well.
A long time ago when we didn't have such professional means
to distance us from who we were killing, being able to win a duel
without incurring blood guilt was considered part of being a gen-
tleman, but a master could completely change the attacker's mind,
It takes a lot of time learning to flow under extreme stress if you
haven't the heart or flexibility for it. You hate to give up clarity
because some dirtball wants to fight. You are allowed to adminis-
ter rude and abrupt lessons to the overly assertive if they attack or
actually threaten you, as that is part of the way. Teaching the eso-
teric side of a martial art seldom pays well, as you're supposed to
drive your students away, particularly if they seem inclined to
abuse their power, or you can see that their heart is not in it and
they would be better served elsewhere. This can be a creative
process and a lot of fun. People usually will not pay to be abused
if they are not learning. If they're smart you probably don't have
to go full force more than once a night to illustrate a point. (You
would like them to leave as friends if you've come to respect and
love them, but you still must send them away. Sometimes it can be
extremely painful to both parties, particularly if you have promised
Portrait of the Artist as a Grandmaster
something you cannot deliver as they won't do the work to get it.
Learning is two-way.)
If you're a ninja grandmaster you teach people different styles
and disciplines within the styles, so they have to get to know each
other if they want the hidden. You're supposed to lay false trails
and ambushes for the unwary and yet keep their friendship. It
can be like being trapped in a shaggy dog story. Rumors and pol-
itics abound in Togakure Ryu ninjutsu, but everyone is usually
treated fairly or as they deserve, from my observations of Hatsumi.
As we say in the sheltering mountains of Pennsylvania, "You give
a fool enough rope and he will hang himself." A master of the
dual mandala exhibits both sides at once. Many of the higher-
level instructors have their own political agendas but cannot slip
it to you in four ways.
An artist likes to personalize his lessons so that they will be
fixed in the witness's very soul. The lessons become messengers to
all those who would wish to see reality, which to an artist is cre-
ativity. The strategically creative consciousness state translated
from Mikkyo Buddhism as the "mind and eye of god" never stops,
it continually evolves. You're allowed to rest and make mistakes,
but you have to keep going. Keep playing. It is not just the dif-
ference between the professional and the layman, but the lover
and the slave, or the living and the dead. In tarot the hanged
man is dancing. Hong Kong Phooey, the cartoon character for
children, stereotypes with humor the life of a martial artist in
America. It can become serious business at the drop of a hat but
most of the time it can be your hobby. (Just your way of stretching
and getting a first-rate, three-level workout. Things you don't use,
you lose. A real martial art has utility in every aspect of your life.
The United States needs more teachers of the heart.) Strategy has
many faces.
A teacher of the art of enlightenment has the additional problem
of being known by his or her students as well as his or her own
actions, words, and deeds. Art requires human beings. Martial
artistry is the stuff of legends. The students and their achieved lev-
els are a reflection of one's skill as a teacher as well as the tradition
NE'S AU R A IS the subtle field of energy surrounding and
generated by the human being, of which the thickest and
heaviest part is called the body. I've researched quite a
few different books on the aura and must point out that there is
some of diversity in what people claim to be able to see. The aura
as seen by a skilled healer who is guided by a spirit differs from that
which is usually seen by the martial artist. The part which is eas-
iest to see is light and denser than the air in which the body is
immersed. It extends out from the body's surface approximately
one-quarter to one-half inch on most people and is referred to as
the functional or etheric body in the literature of Western mystics.
On a powerful individual it may radiate up to ten times the norm.
The next layer out which can be easily seen if you stay relaxed
is somewhat egg-shaped, colored by the fluxions of the hormone
system, extends out a yard or so on intense people, and is called
the emotional body or nin (spirit) in Japanese. It is said to have
great healing and protective powers if dominated by the next two
layers. It is a presence easily read and felt with practice. The fields
at the edge of perception are called the mental body (socialized
thought or learned self), the energy field (soul, avatar, or bridge
power), and the circumference of the personality (realm of the arche-
pine board you can miss by a little, and if you can break a patio
block, you can miss by a lot.
When I was a college professor, I had psychometric data on
all the managers who went through our Self-Analysis for Leader-
ship course. I took a sample of one hundred volunteer managers
and showed them how to "see" auras. Most were able to distin-
guish colors in the heat envelope or electrical fields surrounding
the body within twenty minutes. The fourteen conventional per-
fectionists who weren't ever able to distinguish the differences or
see anything going on at all were fun to observe as they, of course,
thought everyone else was bonkers or hypnotized. This little
evening exercise usually created some very interesting discussion.
I usually finished this session with the following statement and
question, "This has been around you all your life, but because it's
subtle, it's very easy to miss or forget. What else have you been
missing because you didn't know what to ask or chose not to
I consider statistics as proof of relationships, as do most sci-
entists. Colors positively correlate with the Go Dai or chakra sys-
tem and related scores on appropriate psychological inventories.
It's not all significant but it's strong enough to be interesting. Peo-
ple normally don't have very bright auras. (This is also true in
England, France, Germany, Spain, Brazil, South Africa and Japan.)
Brightness seems to relate to energy. The colors shift a lot. Peo-
ple who meditate and people who do tai chi, chi kung, or taijutsu
usually have bigger, brighter auras with easier-to-discern colors.
Many entertainers have large bright auras. A blues singer puts out
like a torch. It seems to relate to what we call charisma, but the
media can't seem to define.
People who can't control their blink rate, who are color blind,
who are significantly (<.05) more conventional, perfectionist, and
rigid in their psychological make-up, or who try real hard won't see
auras. That piece of information from a three-year study I couldn't
get anyone to publish. Auras and retinal retention are completely
different phenomena. See if you can get your retinal retention to
change and move with the thoughts of the person you are observ-
ing. People who can go into relaxation response with their eyes
open, who are (<.05) significantly more flexible, less convention-
al, and perfectionist, usually will see auric phenomena once shown
how. It's really just a matter of using your binocular vision to shift
your focus to one of greater dilation to take in more light. Amer-
ican Indian traditional healers refer t o it as using "soft eyes."
Here's the method I usually use to show someone how to see
auras for the first time:
1. Sit facing a friend or subject placed against a white, grey, or
light violet background in a room with dimmable lights. You may
have to experiment with the lighting. I prefer the lights to be
dim, but not dark.
2. Have the subject hold a finger approximately six inches in
front of their face. Go into relaxation response and focus on the
finger, so that it is sharp and clear and their face is slightly out
of focus or blurred.
3. Once your eyes get used to being slightly out of focus, look
above their forehead and between their ears and shoulders. You'll
probably get a thin corona of misty lighter color or white. Let
your eyes shift out to about three inches above the head and then
down around the shoulders. You'll probably get color. If you don't,
have the subject close their eyes, breathe deeply, and think about
something they really enjoy and like. Observe the shifts, particu-
larly around the head. Ask the subject to pause, take a deep breath,
and begin thinking about something they really dislike. Observe.
4. Memorize how you feel as you are doing this, not what you
are doing. Play with it. Practice under different conditions. Practice
makes it easier. Being in a relaxed or meditative state is also helpful.
This phenomenon is complex and varied. Body temperature,
electro-chemical-biologicalfields, traits and intention, nutrition,
and being able to see into the ultraviolet spectrum are all involved.
Mystics and healers use the aura as a diagnostic device. Real mar-
tial artists have it as an ace up their sleeve regardless of their phys-
ical skills. Being able t o see the aura and how energy moves
through a person can be an enormous aid to the selection of fight-
ing or teaching strategies as the descriptions given in Mikkyo and
Seeing and Feeling the Aura
Kayne was able to see this also. Folies a deux (French expression for
contagious craziness) confirmed.
I wrote a paper o n the Go Dai, psychometrics, and archetypes
that was greeted with such excitement by the journals that n o
one would publish it. Each one said the subject matter could be
handled better by some other journal, which said, "It's not quite
what we do. Send it to ." I would occasionally show this
paper to a friend. After collecting some more data and running
the appropriate statistical tests I used it to obtain a Sc.D. from
Eurotechnical Research University. I'm probably the world author-
ity on the subject now.
One of the things that impressed me about Stephen Hayes in
those early years was that as he moved through each stage of a
technique, his aura flashed to the appropriate color corresponding
to the body movement. He had definitely trained his intent. Some-
times he would shoot little rainbows out of the limbic regions of
his head as he explained something. He'd trained as a n actor and
writer in college but fell in love with the machismo of the martial
arts as he perceived them until he ran into Hatsumi. Acting, as
well as dance, are two of the traditional Western paths to enlight-
enment as well as a ninja specialty necessary for information gath-
ering i n hostile or ambiguous situations. A spy may have t o
maintain a role for years, and his or her death can be the reward of
a bad performance. Hayes already understood how to get into a
part so the direction and shaping of intention was easy for him to
understand, internalize, and teach in a dramatic and easily grasped
manner. He's a brilliant teacher. He's got a great sense of humor
when he's not being frustrated by Hatsumi or his own sense of
righteousness. If you want to learn taijutsu of the spirit, Hayes is
one of the round-eyes that can teach you. Particularly if you enjoy
a more systematic, heroic, and formal approach to learning this
ancient and chaotic tradition.
Many of the other high-level shidoshi teach more from the
perspective of the kihon hoppo or basic moves. I prefer the Go Dai
but then my perspective is more inclined to the esoteric and psy-
chological. I am not interested in holding myself up as an exem-
the sensation. Move it back in. Switch hands. Notice the differ-
ence in sensitivity and handedness. The Chinese refer t o this
polarity as yin and yang. There are pictures of Rumiko doing this
exercise in Stephen Hayes' Ohara books on ninjutsu.
Find someone else to play this with. Run your palms over their
body at an inch or so distance. Move away. See what you feel.
Come closer. See what you get. Start paying attention to what
other people feel like in various situations. Pay attention to what
you feel when you are around them. Practice distancing. Learn
what you can from it. Don't rationalize the feelings, just build
your catalog. Ninjas have interesting exercises like dodging fists and
swords and shuriken blindfolded. (You start slow with padded
weapons and work up to speed.) In the Hoshinroshiryu we observe
our leaders and lovers. Healers identify blocked meridians, dam-
aged chakras, and other potentials for disease. Each requires a
great deal of sensitivity to rather subtle sensations. Remember
blind Master Po of the glowing cataracts in the sixties television ser-
ial "Kung Fu."
Seeing the aura requires relaxed concentration. I have run into
a few people who do it with considerable effort and the occa-
sional "psychic" of genetic luck. I think it's easier if you learn
how to relax into it. The just-try-harder types don't seem to have
much of a success rate. When you can "see" other people's auras or
spirits and have practiced "feeling" until you can trust your cata-
log, you will find that your sense of humor as well as compassion
will have to expand if you want to maintain all of your acquain-
tances. This exercise provides a gateway to greater intuition skills
such as empathy and telepathy and is considered a great boon by
the healers who have mastered the process. If your lifestyle requires
quickly identifying people who seem to be too good to be true, I
throw in this little bone-a consistently grey aura is often indica-
tive of a bullshitter in the thinner spread of the material world.
Check it out.
Chapter Nine
EDICAL PRACTITIONERS ARE not so secretive about chi kung,
as they tend not to be interested in the darker side of
its application. As power is derived from the shadow
intuition or id, they usually aren't very good with it. Most of their
training is with the intellect and memory, so they must resort to
the knife for surgery or the acupuncture needle for generation.
Practitioners of preventative medicine like chiropractors tend to
have more skill, particularly after a few years of practice. It's all
written down, has been for centuries. Many of the great karate
masters have stated that to attain real greatness as a practitioner of
karate you must become a healer. Most people don't have the clit
or balls to go for it. Besides, it's dangerous.
If you don't know your meridians you're going to have one
hell of a time figuring out how to effectively use chi. At the shi-
doshi training that Hatsumi held in Ishizuka's dojo during the
celebration of his thirtieth year as grandmaster of the Togakure
Ryu, he informed everyone there that if they really wanted to
become accomplished at ninjutsu they must learn to think and
study like medical doctors. There are many good books around
now on acupuncture, shiatsu, and if you must, dim mak (Butoku-
den, Dim Mak, Bernola and Morris, 1993). Knowledge of anatomy
N 1981 I took an administrative position at Hillsdale College in
southern Michigan. It was a new experience for me as the col-
lege was small, private, and conservative. I was used to teach-
ing at large, public, and liberal colleges. My job was an instructor
in social psychology for the Dow Leadership Development Center,
which meant working with managers from all over the world
every other week to do psychological assessments and teach team-
work, problem-solving, and people skills in a workshop setting.
After a year had passed and the responsibilities became routine, I
also took over the Speech Department, as the administration of the
college had decided to eliminate the program. This struck me as
fatuous for a liberal arts college so I volunteered to teach all the
courses required for a communication minor on a rotating basis.
It wasn't part of my job description but I'd taught speech at Penn
State, Wayne State, and the University of Windsor. Since the
administration wasn't willing to pay me for the class but was will-
ing to charge the students, I taught the courses as if they were
graduate seminars. I liked the students and it was fun.
treat us like we matter. You've got to get that loving what you are
and doing into the course."
I was stunned. He went on. "Everybody wants to meet a real
master and study with them. When I tell my friends what I've been
doing the last year they're so envious. You've got to put the hid-
den meanings and all the psychological stuff in the course. We'll use
that; most of us will never have to be in a physical fight once we get
out of school. We have to learn strategy! It's so much fun!"
After being chased around by a smart, dangerous, twenty-two-
year-old for a year, his request had more than ordinary appeal.
The trick would be how to get the right stuff into a package accept-
able to modern Americans while still making them able to defend
themselves physically as well as mentally in ways appropriate to
their environment. I may have seemed masterful to Camper, but
why not expose young students to the ancient masters, real mas-
ters, and professionals, not just a hobbyist like myself. The syl-
labus in my head got a lot more interesting. Things that I'd seen
over the years and wanted to experience myself combined with a
basic core of exercises and techniques associated with transfor-
mation of consciousness. Modern hoshinjutsu was born out of
that discussion.
Replication is the heart of science. Camper had a young Alaskan
friend who wanted t o study with me. His n a m e was Steve
Noonkesser. He was a history major and very analytical, good
with computers, and loved playing Dungeons and Dragons. His
joining our little circle made the next semester very interesting.
Teaching should also be learning, and Steve, having grown up in
Alaska with Eskimos, had some very interesting perspectives con-
cerning man's place in nature. We began to integrate some of the
techniques he'd learned from his Indian friends into the course. I
began to study and practice chi kung and Iyengar yoga, which
amplified the Zen practice I'd been doing o n and off for years. I
learned how to dungeon-master and we added role playing to our
strategy sessions as mental exercises.
Camper and I had boiled down hundreds of techniques to
what we thought were the most effective requiring the least
body else described well enough for us to take on. I paid for
instructors in ninjutsu, karate, and kung fu to come and give guest
lectures and demonstrations. We would troop off to take semi-
nars by instructors in other arts who were invariably surprised to
get a gaggle of outsiders attending their demos. Such are the dan-
gers of offering public training. We did all the things a bunch of
bright smart people are going to try if given the opportunity. We
had a ball.
Of the three hundred, only four were malignant enough that I
quit teaching them and finally drove them away. We treated all the
siddhi (will discuss the siddhi more in the chapter "Magic, Crystals,
Talismans and Swords") as benefits rather than goals and worked
on our art and energy. Most of my students applied their new
understandings to their professions as opposed to their new hob-
by of scientific mugging. Some were even horrified that they
couldn't get out of the class without passing the physical mea-
sures at a standardized level of expectation of being able to quick-
ly end a fight by winning.
After I left Hillsdale College to consult with the Engine Division
of General Motors, a number of students enrolled specifically to get
hoshin, not bad for a one-credit gym course. I'm teaching it again
now that I've accomplished my primary goals in ninpo. I needed
to make some high-level friends. I didn't seem to find any in busi-
ness, academia, or church. I felt it was necessary to achieve a mas-
ter's license in a different art from hoshin as it struck me as hubris
and self-promotion to take that title on without proof from a
legitimate lineage. I was able to do that by relying on what we
had researched and developed at Hillsdale College. I consider
hoshinjutsu to be a close but honed-down approximation of the
ancient ryus as well as a modern introductory course that enables
students to enter the world of the true or combatic martial artist
without fear, and to have the confidence to follow their hearts
far beyond the techniques represented by sport, the color of their
obis, or the limitations of their instructors. Hoshin provides a
vehicle for attaining the advantages of flow or enlightened move-
ment without the risk of surviving endless battles with others.
Teaching Esoteric Strategy at the College Level
Exchanges with
Interesting People
HIS CHAPTER IS a little parody of Gurdjieff's conversations
with great men, with vignettes or descriptions of people
who've impressed or inspired me in the martial arts and
related arenas.
First I'll describe two conversations with Masaaki Hatsumi and
their after-effects. I was walking across the big quad at the Girl
Scout camp near Kettering, Ohio, where Steve used to hold the
Ninja Festival when I felt Hatsumi behind me. I turned around
and he was coming out of the dinner hall with Nagato, Kan (I
think), and Jack Hoban. I waited until they crossed the seventy
yards or so to see what the grandmaster wanted of lowly white-belt
me. This was 1987 and I'd been wearing glasses since the late sev-
enties. The usual middle-age astigmatism. Hatsumi grabbed my
hands, looked into my eyes, and asked me what I thought about
ninjutsu. I told him I was enjoying the training enormously and
felt that what he was demonstrating was of great value. He would
ask me a question and Jack Hoban and Nagato would translate
back and forth. He did not let go of my hands.
I noticed he was drawing energy from me and I started to laugh
and draw energy from him. He was startled, grinned at me, and
began to pull harder. I reciprocated and we began to run a circle of
energy through each other's arms. Jack and the shihans did not
notice what Hatsumi and I were doing. We were both giggling
like schoolboys playing a prank and trying to maintain the con-
versation as if nothing esoteric were happening. We finished our
exchange. He released my hands a n d walked off with his
entourage. I turned toward my bunkhouse and noticed that I
could see every leaf in the trees with clarity. My eyes were healed.
I didn't need my glasses anymore. This lasted for over five years.
They've weakened a little since 1987 but not enough for me to
elect for glasses. (I take ginseng, and work on my breath, and
palm when I remember.) When I saw him again at the Los Ange-
les Tai Kai (annual gathering of the Bujinkan) the next year, I
thanked him for my better vision; he laughed and said, "I have
very young energy."
Kevin Millis and I were in Noda City, Japan, for advance train-
ing. "The Boss" had invited us over to his house for some sake
(rice wine) and conversation on a cold winter's night. Hatsumi
had warmed up some sake on his little burner and we were bun-
dled up among his collection of books and medical equipment.
There was a jug of clear liquid with a snake dissolving in it on a
shelf over my head, alongside the autographed poster of 1960s
German sex symbol/movie star Elke Sommers. One of Hatsurni's
dogs was trying to get to know me. The atmosphere was relaxed
and comfortable. Hatsumi poured sake and when he handed me
mine there was a tuft of dog hair pressed to the lip of the cup.
(He'd reached over at some point and pulled a little off the beast,
then neatly arranged it.) I thanked him for his gracious offer,
turned the little cup and drank, swiped off the hair unobtrusively
with a finger, and extended the cup for more. (He was testing my
ability to deal with the unexpected, as well as checking my
We talked about various things, and then I decided to have
some fun with him and see what he knew about yidam. Yidam
are Tibetan warrior vampires, according to Chogyam Trungpa.
Their particular task in life is the protection of the righteous. I
asked Kevin to translate very carefully for me. He said he'd try.
Exclznrzges with Intemting People
I then said, "In the West, we have some very old customs con-
cerning how to treat people who can work with energy. These tra-
ditions were designed specifically for those who could draw energy.
We used to hunt them down, drive a wooden stake through their
hearts, cut off their heads, and bury their remains at a crossroad.
We call them vampires and they were much feared as you can
imagine from the treatment. Yet I notice in Buddhism that people
with many of the same characteristics of the legendary vampire are
regarded as enlightened saints. Could you explain that to me?"
Kevin struggled with it. Hatsumi looked at me with a perplexed
expression, suddenly stood up, walked over to a book stack on
our right, and pulled out a beautiful collection of woodcuts. He
said, "Here are some very nice thirteenth-century prints. Would
you like to look at them?" The topic was closed. The prints weren't
about vampires. It's not nice to joke about vampires around "the
Boss." About a year later one of Nagato's students, a rather naive
young sandan, informs me that Stephen Hayes is teaching vampire
arts. Sorry, Steve, it's probably my fault. Hatsumi and I are the
only real vampires I've noticed. There are a lot of politics in nin-
jutsu, but if you follow your heart everything that is said about the
ultimate warriors can be found in the Togakure Ryu.
was sitting next to me putting on his tabi and said, "These karate
guys are really old. Look at that old white belt in the crew cut
having a cigarette. Do you think they really have something to
show us?"
After Sherm finished his smoke, he came in, formally started the
class, and began to demonstrate some of the most punishing tech-
niques I'd ever seen on his assistant instructor, who spent the
next hour or so flying through the air and landing on his butt or
whatever got to the ground first. It was a great display of relaxed
power. I was happy that we spent a lot of time on falling and
rolling. Watching Andy handle his cognitive dissonance was fun.
Sherm talked a lot about energy use and keeping soft through the
techniques. The karate people were having trouble grasping the
concepts, but my students jumped right on those bones of wis-
dom. They could see by his aura that he knew what he was doing
when it came to moving chi around.
Sherm had gone through the kundalini on his own with no
idea as to what was happening to him. He thought he was going
crazy but knew in his heart that whatever was happening was for
the best and he'd just have to ride it out. (Ex-Marines are tough.)
He was still getting severe headaches after demos. He ran mostly
yang energy, so we went outside and I showed him some of the chi
kung techniques for bleeding off excess energy to the head. I sent
him some articles from the Chinese National Chi Kung Institute on
how to run the orbits. He sent me back a nice letter praising my
students. Since he has only promoted two black belts in twenty
years of teaching, that was high praise indeed.
Sherm spent many years on the makiwara (wrapped posts or
wall hangers used for striking practice) and has the gnarly hands
and feet to prove it. I watched him use soft sand palm techniques
to break three patio blocks that were not separated. He then used
soft techniques to break the middle block of five without breaking
the two above or the two below. We then got to break a patio
block using the same method. He showed a girl of eleven how to
do it and she did it effortlessly. The hard breakers had a hell of a
time. I did my patio block blindfolded. It was an eye-opener.
Exchanges with Interesting People
Sherm pointed out that once you learned the soft-hand tech-
niques, all hard breaking was good for was reminding you about
your arthritis on cold mornings. As a farmer in Iowa, he has a
deep understanding of cold mornings. He's not a mystic, he's just
real good at what he does.
Shihan Kevin Millis and I are good friends and often share our
thinking and reactions to things and events around us. I think
of myself as a fairly down-to-earth, middle-aged, middle-class col-
lege professor with Midwest values. I was visiting with Kevin and
his parents near Malibu and asked him one afternoon what being
around me was like. He said, "Being around you is like being
around a Martian. You are a Midwest Mork with n o Mindy in
sight." I was saddened to hear that, as I thought I was learning
to fit into the California Lifestyle. I was even beginning to like
the Lakers and contemplating learning to rollerblade in Venice.
energy down her heart meridian. The look o n her face was classic.
Her name was Lisa Graves and she said, "Wow, what the hell are
you doing?"
"I'm just feeding you. Take it and do what you know how to do.
I use this stuff for breaking bricks. I can generate for hours. Go
for it." She returned to her work and I continued to breathe ener-
gy into her while she directed it into the lady from Puerto Rico.
That woman snapped to attention, her eyes rolled back i n her
head, a n d she went i n t o orgasm. Meg a n d Barb came over to
watch us at play while our victim vibrated. Blue light was run-
ning in little streams all up her body and over her face. It was like
she was being electrocuted with microwatts.
Finally Lisa says, "I got it." I moved around the falling woman,
guided her over to a massage table, and lifted her o n to it. I ran my
hands through her fields and she seemed to be burning very clean
to me. I asked Lisa to check her out. Meg came over and did a
pass, as did Barb. Barb adjusted the woman's hip. We all felt very
pleased with ourselves. Lisa told me that she'd never worked with
anyone that way before. I didn't tell her it was a first for me; I
responded like old and knowing. Lisa and I became friends. I wan-
dered off to talk with Barbara Allen and watch how she worked.
She does a great wise woman and has a nice sense of humor.
When the seminar was over I was at the door talking with Sue
from Chicago and the Australian-trained girl. Meg came over and
said, "Dr. Morris, I have to apologize to you." I said, "For what?"
She replied, "For what I said to you." I said, "Your response came
from the heart and was absolutely correct for what and who you
are. Think about it. No apology is necessary. I had a lovely time in
your seminar." And I left with Lisa to see what kind of techniques
she was willing to turn loose.
I bought Lisa dinner as she was dirt-poor, having scraped
together every cent she had for this particular seminar. We went to
my room and I had a beer. She being a healer told me she didn't
drink. I showed her how to see energy in the mirror and breathe
properly to generate more power. I took some of her healing ener-
gy and ran it through me using the internal witness to observe.
It was nice and pink and lit up all the meridians and organs. She
knew her stuff. I showed her how to do a non-sexual exchange. She
said, "When you do that, I see what looks like a demon in flames
surrounding you, but it doesn't scare me. Why's that?"
"There's nothing to be afraid of," I replied. "It's tame now."
She took off for home, but as she was going out the door Lisa
turned and said, "You weren't kidding about being there to play,
were you?" It seemed a heartfelt compliment. I have her work on
my legs when I'm down that way. She lives in Charlestown, Indi-
ana, and works in a health spa in Lexington. She is real good with
ripped muscles and other mundane consequences of over-enthu-
siastic training. Someday I'd love to do a full split and lay my
chest on the ground without screaming. It will take considerable
stretching and bodywork to achieve that goal at my age, with my
The next day of the convention was Rubenfeld Synergy with
Ilana Rubenfeld. She combines energy use with bodywork and
psychotherapy and has her own school in New York City. She's
world-class and a former Association for Humanistic Psychology
president. I definitely wanted to observe her at work. Her day-
long workshop was entitled "Healing the Mind-Body-Spirit Con-
nection." It was attended by approximately 120 women and 30
men. She led us through some Feldenkrais-type exercises and
eventually asked for a volunteer to get on her table. The session
was being recorded.
A woman leaped from the crowd and Ilana started talking to her
as she massaged her feet. I could see she was using intent but
couldn't tell anything as her energy use was very subtle, with
everything going into the woman o n the table. Suddenly the
woman began to babble the most horrific stories of sexual abuse
and rape as a small child, beatings as a wife, divorce, remarriage,
more abuse, harassment, on and on, one terrible event after anoth-
er. If I had a client like her I would have been paralyzed. Ilana
took each event and derived a lesson from it that led to the next
event she might make a joke from. She subtly rebuilt this woman
in one of the most virtuoso performances of the art of therapy
Exchanges with Interesting People
ing around his store. He loves cars and has built one national
championship hot rod. He is meticulous in running his store and
raising his children. There is always some soup or wild game cook-
ing on the gas grill in the back room for favored visitors. He keeps
track of the gossip and politics of the neighborhood and the foibles
of his neighbors. He knows everything worth knowing about all his
customers. When they're down and out he provides credit and
chow, and sends them on their way smiling. He's in his late thir-
ties and looks twenty-three. His memory is phenomenal. He loved
his mother and deeply grieved when she died; he visited with his
father every week until the old man died, too. His father was from
Iraq and made a place for his family in the wilds of Detroit. The old
man had been very depressed since the death of his wife. He
wouldn't leave the house. He was in mourning for over a year.
The old man liked to fish but had never been lake fishing. Johnny
and I rented a charter boat and took him out on Lake Michigan
after salmon. We had a ball and the old man began to enjoy life
again, but soon followed his beloved wife into the void.
I like to sit behind Johnny's deli counter and chew the fat
while he supervises the teenagers who work for him. Occasion-
ally I'll go to his house and we'll work out in his basement gym.
After he gets done terrorizing me we'll take a sweat in his sauna.
Usually we end the evening watching his hundreds of multi-col-
oredwild fish from Lake Tanganyika in Africa swim around in
their tanks. There's a big white male he calls Hatsumi because it
hides so well and refuses to eat from his hand. John's a real human
being. He's a martial arts friend. When one of my students wants
to improve in boxing skills, I send them to Master Yono.
Leo Sebregst is head of the South African National Wu Shu
Association. His dojo is a multi-storied building across from the
police headquarters in Johannesburg. He has a farm in the Trans-
vaal where some of the wildest kung fu training in the world is
commonplace. He trains people of all races. As you walk up a hill
in the high bush you see rising before you on the crest a Chinese-
style wall. Leo and his students have built a temple fortress on
top of a mountain. It's complete with a huge dragon's head
old and doesn't know how to act. I have to take him everywhere
but don't speak his language. It's a burden I have to bear. What
would you do?"
"I don't know, Monsieur. I have never seen or heard of such
a thing before." She isn't alone there.
Screwing Up. . .
Higher Sexual Practice
N 1986 I was asked to be an expert witness at the trial of a
poor bastard accused of murdering another man by his for-
mer student/girlfriend/mistress who claimed she was his "nin-
ja sex slave." You can imagine the uproar in Port Huron, Michigan.
He wasri't a ninja and he didn't have a chance, although there
seemed to my mind plenty of evidence of his innocence. He was
just a not-too-bright tae kwan do teacher taking advantage of the
ninja boom and couldn't keep his peanuts in his pants. He went to
jail for a long time on hearsay and very sketchy evidence from a
teenage girl and a flamboyant attorney waving Original Ninja mag-
azine at the jury. His teenage wife was pregnant. His teenage sex-
slave mistress was into drugs. During foggy walks in the riverside
park, he told her about the yakuza (Japanese crime families) smug-
gling boatloads of dope in from Canada. The "ninja" had wit-
nesses he was hundreds of miles away when the very public
shotgun killing took place. The girl sex slave and a friend saw
him speeding away from the scene in a car. The DA was up for
re-election on a get-tough-with-criminals ticket.
The police sent five patrol cars, a SWAT team, and a helicopter
to arrest the defendant. Ninjas with sex slaves are dangerous. He
had shinai (bamboo training swords) in the trunk of his car and a
drawing one's testicles up into the body. Fear will do that for me,
and faster. I know how to use my adrenal glands.
Penetration is not necessary to exchange energy nor is gender
necessarily relevant. Knowing how to "work" your energy or chi or
aura is. Two people can have a lot of fun trying to make it work,
trying to make their microcosmic orbits link up. The exchange
benefits both participants, if both give freely and with respect, as
both are strengthened as well as harmonized. Yin to yang, yang to
yin. The yab yum position (couple sits facing in meditation) in
Tantric Tibetan lore is probably the most efficacious for this
exchange. The tongue and the genitals might be considered the
equivalents of male and female plugs for the connecting of the
current. The spirit is bioelectrical in nature. This position works
best cross-sex when you are relaxed but focused. Back to back is
valid same-sex. Nurses trained in therapeutic touch make energy
exchanges over considerable distances, as do tai chi and chi kung
masters and some very high-level ninjas. It's all similar.
Respect, play, and healing are important parts of the formula.
A woman should learn the positions known as the secrets of the
plain girl (sexual healing techniques) and master the big draw (life
force manipulation). A man at the very least should master nine lit-
tle heaven (prolonged orgasm techniques) and the million dollar
spot (sperm flow retention point) described by Stephen Chang.
These are discussed in Sexual Secrets and The Tao of Sexology. Recent-
ly published research in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy indi-
cates strongly that women who climax before or with their partners
are happier than those who climax after their partners. Today
men and women of college age and intelligence want a sexual
partner with some experience. What they prefer is that their dates
be potential mates and that there is emotional attachment with the
involvement. Sexual relationships are preferred when there is
more depth than simple mutual masturbation and more to share
than simple belly rubbing. Passion far exceeds competence.
When chi is involved, the lover merges with the beloved as
intent or feelings penetrate with both physical touch and tasting
flowing together in their energy fields. In the beginning it is the
Screwing Up . . . Higher Sexual Practice
soft feather touch of movement in the air above the beloved, and
in the end it is stroking wafts of energy massaging the cellular
structure of the pleasure centers of your beloved's brain, which
can be reached by going down the meridians. The practitioners
of non-contact therapeutic touch and tantric yoga and the eso-
teric martial artist have similar energy. The difference is in power,
not perception. A lover of a physical art is n o less a lover than a
poet or a scientist and may have some surprising sensitivities not
often explored by most people. I n o longer can count the people
who have been surprised by this knowledge, but were quickly able
to take advantage of the benefits.
still looking for light in all the wrong places. Even Merton went
If your spirit is weak or untrained, you are a sitting duck for
anyone with a stronger spirit who has designs on you and even a
rudimentary skill at energy manipulation. Or worse yet, someone
who drains your energy and is incapable of generating their own.
They're usually unaware that their negative mindset affects their
energy and affects those with whom they interact. They're not
vampires, they're just lost. I once had this verified by a woman I
worked with who taught me a lot through sharing her experience
and doing things to me that she'd think up.
In casual conversation about her neurotic boyfriend, she once
laughed, "I used the Big Draw on him and really drained him. He
nearly passed out. He didn't like it one bit!'' She could lay two
fingers on your hand with a gentle swirling movement and you
could feel her move energy anywhere in your body. She could
make you smile or laugh at twenty feet. (He didn't catch on and he
didn't improve. They didn't get married.)
The major meridian of the heart which also connects into the
brain and the genitals gets involved with sex. There is a story
about William James under the influence of an anodyne asking
the spirit of the drug the reason for psychological suffering. In
the morning he found he had written:
"Higamous, hogamous
Woman is Monogamous
Hogamous, Higamous
Man is Polygamous."
Sex is still sex regardless of the intent, and all that wonderful cre-
ative energy is expressed in its most fundamental and biological
power. Those skilled in chi kung simply draw off the energy at its
rawest source and-use it for transcendence rather than reproduction.
N MAGICAL, RELIGIOUS, and occult practice, cryptic references
are often made to mirrors. Folklore, superstition, and myths
from many cultures mention the use of mirrors and not just for
scrying. Lao's mirror reflected the mind and its thoughts. Mer-
lin's mirror informed him of treason, secret plots, and other dan-
gers to Arthur's kingdom. Vulcan's mirror showed the past, present,
and future. Tezcatlipoca spoke to his Aztec supplicants as the Lord
of the Smoking Mirror, and his mirror had the property of con-
tinually bringing faces to its dark surface as if seen through smoke.
Practitioners of Zen refer to "polishing the mirror" as their actions
are a reflection of the state of their souls. Ninjas do kyojutsu (weird
air combat skills to subdue the demons).
Vampires and yidam cast no reflection and their shadows are
thinner and lighter. (No self?) Many so-called primitive societies
believe reflections, like shadows, are projections of the soul and
avoid gazing into water or having their photographs taken as it
may endanger their spirit. American Indian shamans often practice
"face-dancing" in a mirror to demonstrate their degree of enlight-
enment. St. Paul looks "through a glass, darkly," and Aleister Crow-
ley gives specific mirror-building directions to catch all the subtle
nuances of the experience of reflection. There is more going on
The ninjas have techniques for the active use of dreams, and
some have the ability to communicate in and with dreams across
great distances. I have had both Hatsumi and Stephen Hayes con-
vey messages to me in dreams. In both cases it was something I
already knew how to do, so I incurred n o giri. Dreamwork for the
purpose of combat is a little different. It can be quite fun to send
a nightmare to a n enemy, depending on your skill in under-
standing his or her fears. Of course, you must study to be able to
do this. It requires endurance on the part of your friends if they
accidentally share your attempts to master Dreamtime.
On the next few pages, I'll lay out some basic ideas, convey
some cautionary tales as warnings, and then leave it up to you.
Dreamwork and creative meditation tap into similar areas of the
brain. As even animals dream, which any dog or cat owner can
observe, the area is obviously not the higher cortex. Dreaming
can be considered a primitive function. Most psychologically
healthy people do not remember their dreams as they are not
warnings but simply entertainment for the mind while the body
is sleeping. Dream content normally flows out of the four Fs of
survival: feeding, fleeing, fighting, and sex. If a dream becomes a
repeater, that is usually a sign that the spirit or body would like to
get the social self's attention. Once the social self recognizes the
problem, the dream goes away.
Before my first wife divorced me I used to have a recurring
dream of wandering around a large, empty house with rotting
floors. My companion in the house was a small, black, yappy
bitch dog that attacked me every time I'd start to crash through
one of the rotting spots. Disconcerting to say the least. Consid-
ering that she divorced me in the midst of the struggle to get the
Ph.D., the dream content seems obvious. Hindsight is like that.
At the time I made the mistake of describing the dream to her.
She saw the implications where I did not. She was pissed. She was
a psychological anthropologist and had read a lot of Freud. Freud
felt that one of the major functions of dreams was to adaptively
connect emotions to events. Dreams of this sort usually don't
require a great deal of introspection if you're in touch with your
Dreams and Dreamers
screen of the social self when wide awake. This is not entertain-
ment like a drug reaction; it's more like a nightmare in intensity
but can be positive and even fun. This can be brought on empath-
ically when sharing something exciting with awakened compan-
ions. I've had that happen with Veronica Moran while partying,
and Kevin Millis while swimming. Veronique (nickname) and I
were standing in a hallway when suddenly a tunnel formed
between us and we both stepped inside and were no longer at the
party. Kevin and I were snorkeling in southern California when we
both started to have what Maslow would call a peak experience.
We were both seeing on the same spectrum and could describe
to each other what we were experiencing.
I've talked with married couples who sometimes share each
other's minds. It's not that uncommon. The Russians supposedly
have done a lot of research in this area. Now that the Iron Curtain
has collapsed, we may get to examine what they've done with
telemetry, telepathy, clairvoyance, and so forth. I used to be pret-
ty skeptical of this whole area of investigation. Now I'm skepti-
cally curious.
Waking visions also seem to be part of the meditative experi-
ence, as I described in the chapters concerning the kundalini.
There may also be a link with past-life experience, spirits, and/or
genetic memory, which I tend to discount even given my per-
sonal experiences (I prefer not to wade in those waters, though I
seem to get splashed from time to time). Dr. Rich Grant once
found himself immersed in a cavalry charge in France of a few
centuries back. Suzanne Carlson dreamed of herself as her father
as a young man in World War II London during the bombings.
I've been on a high platform watching troops in strange uniforms
pass in review (this was not a pleasant vision), as well as been a
trader with bronze spearheads poling a log canoe with a leather
sail. The feeling is you are wide awake, but what you are watching
is a dream that is, was, or can be part of you.
Dreamwork can also be a spontaneous response to receiving
higher energy from a master of chi kung or someone who has
gone through the kundalini and figured out what to do with them-
Dreams andDreamers
selves besides head for a rubber room. I'm thinking of the exam-
ple of Arlene Hill, a theatre student. Blake Poindexter (hoshin
sandan) and I wired her up with meridian massage at a party
when she was dating Mark Robinson, one of our blue belts. We
both dumped a lot of energy into her as we were working out her
Arlene codified a phenomenon that I hadn't really thought
much about. She was completely on her own, as she and Mark
broke up soon after and she wasn't training with us, so she had no
idea what to expect or what we had done to her. One thing she
definitely didn't expect was the vivid increase in the intensity of
her dreams as her body began the process of rewiring to handle the
higher energy we had dumped in her. She personally blamed me
and particularly resented being chased from her loft in a dream by
a shape-changer which caused her to fall and break her foot. As
Arlene's energy escalated she was also presented with the prob-
lem of how to deal with her suddenly much greater attraction to
men as well as a quantum jump in her performance skills. She
was also confused by the admiring approach of satanists, as well as
meditators and yogis who had never shown any interest in her
before. Her broken foot kept her from blowing off the excess ener-
gy through dance, and she was not interested in the men she was
drawing to her flame, so her elevation was not without some inter-
nal pain from overloaded biocircuitry. There is something to the
power of virgins.
When I was working for General Motors and living on a little
lake, my neighbor across the way was a nurse. I asked her if she
meditated or knew therapeutic touch. She didn't and wanted to
learn. One week while her husband was attending a conference so
she didn't have to devote her evenings to him, 1 taught her how to
meditate and give meridian massage as well as read auras and use
therapeutic touch. (This can only be done by energy exchange.)
About a week later, she told me she had the following dream. Her
husband and she were at a restaurant when a group of Japanese
dressed as businessmen struck him down and kidnapped her. They
hid her away in a large stone castle and she was feeling very lost
lessons, and probably rip off a few of our students as rank hath
its privilege. He showed up late in the afternoon of the second
day after I'd spent the first day teaching the participants how to see
and feel energy. He had only met me once before at a Tai Kai and
had no idea what my skills and interests were. (It must be remem-
bered that in Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu some of the masters are much
more physically talented than mentally. Some have never shown
any interest in the soft side of the art; some who are thick as bricks
refute their own experience and say it doesn't exist; and there are
a few whose level of enlightenment allows them to attempt to
fake it. Genjutsu, or faking skills for professional reasons, is not
denigrated by the system but can be a necessary survival skill for
duping the naive.)
Anyway, this boob starts telling the students to watch how his
energy moves up the chakras as he performs some techniques. I
had to warn the class to remember Hatsumi's dictum concerning
trusting your own senses and primary sources. When the day was
finished I summarized the learnings and invited those who weren't
exhausted after two twelve-hour days to come party with Kevin
and me in Malibu. The visiting master got to sleep alone in his
truck in the parking lot. He told Kevin he had terrible nightmares
and could hardly sleep at all that night. 1 have noticed over the
years that his taijutsu has improved enormously, but since he is not
a friend I'm not aware of the state of his ego. I've not spoken to
him in years.
You can usually tell when a dream is not yours, as the sym-
bols and feelings will be wildly different from your own. Now,
intruding into someone else's dream requires that you know how
to get on that person's or group's wavelength, or you have shared
energy and are "in" that person so you can go visit your energy
baby. Rather like some of the experiences that twins report. Most
people regard the penetration of their dream in about the same
way a victim regards rape. It is scary to realize that someone else
can share your dream. This is very different from dreaming about
someone. This is being visited by an alien presence in your most
inner and sacred being.
HE FOCUS OF intention is the basis of all magic. There is "one
thing that allows you to learn the 10,000 things" continu-
ally referred to but seldom explained in Eastern esoteric lit-
erature; that is meditation. The type of meditation required to
truly focus intent, however, is a step beyond focusing on a mantra
or going into relaxation response. It is going into your self to
awaken your true Self, which connects to the Universal. Internal
practice is necessary to affecting the external reality.
The Chinese practitioners of chi kung, the swamis of India,
the Zen roshi, and the ninja are prominent examples of those
who pursue enlightenment or awakening. Awakening is simply
waking up your id, shadow, or true self. Enlightenment is the bio-
logical process of rejuvenating your hormone system. The side
effects of obtaining enlightenment are called in Sanskrit "siddhi."
In the context of Buddhist yoga or Vajrayana (perfect mastery over
the body and forces of nature) there are eight ordinary siddhis:
1. the sword that renders unconquerable; 2. the elixir for the eyes
that makes gods visible; 3. fleetness in running; 4. invisibility; 5.
the life essence that preserves youth; 6. the ability to fly, levitate,
and/or project onto the astral plane; 7. the ability to make cer-
tain medicines; 8. power over the world of spirits and demons.
has a subtle electrical field around it, so that if you wear one over
your thyroid it stimulates the gland. The kings and queens of yore
wore crystals not gems in their crowns t o stimulate the occult
powers. Thrones usually had a giant stone hidden in the seat to
stimulate the genitals. (The throne of England had a huge red car-
buncle that is now kept in the Tower of London.) Gems came
along when money started to get confused with power.
Lovers in the Renaissance gave each other crystal rings to wear
o n the water meridian (kidney, ancient seat of the emotions) or
third finger of the left hand after they had charged them with
their feelings for the other person. A nice way to reinforce affection.
The ring wearer would tend to think of the giver more often. You
can see how easily sentiment can be perverted by price.
Wearing a crystal helps to harmonize your energy fields, but
the clarity, size, or color are of little consequence. Where you
hang it is more important, as you want proximity to the govern-
ing meridians or organs you wish to stimulate. A cheapie held on
by a piece of leather can do the job as well as the "occultly perfect
stone" in a jeweler's setting. What is important is whether you
feel energy in the stone. Many people will disagree with my expe-
rience, but we follow our own placebos.
Once the target gland is functioning properly, you will proba-
bly find wearing the crystal n o longer has any effect. Reactivat-
ed hormonal or endocrine glands seem to want to keep working if
given a little gentle encouragement from breath and crystal. The
body enjoys being healthy. Subtle energy techniques like this can
take a little more time but also seem to outlast a kick start. Clear
the crystal when you n o longer need it and give it to a friend.
Once you have developed chi you can easily pass some of your
charge into wood. The favorite hanbo (walking stick) becomes
charged with the intention of the handler. I've noticed consider-
able difference in the feel of bokken (hardwood practice swords) and
hanbo of students and teachers when I chanced to pick them up.
It's a fun exercise in sensitivity. Can you tell whose stick is whose?
(It is also considered extremely rude to handle or step over anoth-
er's weapons or practice weapons without permission. You should
Magic, Crystals, Talismans, and Swords
dealer for $75 as it was pretty beat up and the bloodstains in the
officer handle wrappings weren't particularly attractive. Its owner
probably didn't make it home. Every time I tried to sharpen it or
clean it up, I'd get cut-once to the bone on my left thumb knuck-
le. I read a biography of Tesshu (one of the last great samurai
swordsmen to achieve enlightenment) and decided to try run-
ning energy into the blade as well as meditating with it in my
lap. One night as I was meditating the sword became very cold
and a woman's voice spoke to me saying, "You keep that ninja to
(short straight-bladed sword favored by boat warriors) beside your
bed instead of me. How can you be such a fool? Don't you know
I deserve better treatment than this?!''
I got up, moved the to out of the bedroom, and put her beside
my bed. She has been light and easy to handle ever since. I haven't
been cut since. I had her scabbard and handle decorated by my
mystical jeweler friend for a whopping fee. I had her nose redone
even though it dropped her value as a bushido collector's item
by ten thousand dollars. The sword sometimes seems to move
about me on her own when I do sword drills as a form of com-
passionate compensation. I don't have the faintest idea how a
swordmaker trapped a female spirit in a sword three hundred
years ago. Given some of the cutting drills used by the samurai
to test swords, such as hacking up prisoners, I don't think I want
to know. I'm just happy to own such an interesting artifact. I call
her Lydia, after Kenneth Robert's wonderful book Lydia Bailey. My
cynical Crowley-following friend says she's probably some old
whore who tried to short-sheet a samurai.
The swords and hanbo are but two examples. Chi can be passed
on to other objects if you want to work real hard, I suppose. Heal-
ers will often charge water for their clients to drink. The clients
sometime report it makes them feel as if they had drunk a little
wine. Who knows what charging up your Macintosh might accom-
plish if you're a writer. But it's probably more beneficial to work on
your typing skills than the creation of esoteric bugs. The tele-
phone is more reliable than the telepath. It is probably not wise to
encourage the ghosts in machines.
Chapter Sixteen
long the codes were followed, not the hidden meaning. However,
we did get chemistry and astronomy.
Western materialism is pretty hard to compete with, as it is a lot
more fun and delivers faster feedback than working o n taking
conscious control of your body's electrical system (or mastering the
secrets of Holy Water). I've found all the techniques in chi kung
described in European alchemical texts, and the symbols for trans-
formation are almost universal. All you need to know is in the
Grail quests. What was that Green Knight all about? Islam has
Khezr and Sufis.
We've all heard of the strength of the insane, of manic or mani-
acal strength. There is a great little horror movie called Eyes of
Fire about a n Irish faerie in North America around 1750. The sto-
ry is told from the viewpoint of the observing children and occa-
sionally shifts to what the mad girl or faerie sees. I found the
movie quite remarkable because I have seen through her eyes.
Whoever was responsible for that script did excellent research.
Everyone who has ever watched it was mesmerized by the story.
Thomas Szazz, the famous psychologist, has written that much
of what passes as insanity is only extremes of behavior and inter-
pretation. Anyway, when the hormonal systems supercharge for
fight or flight, the brain gets a load of chemicals that can wildly
alter your perception of the world as you knew it. If you are fear-
ful, your focus is narrowed t o all that can go wrong a n d you
plunge into paranoia. Your imagination fills in the gaps of your per-
ception and you hallucinate all that frightens you. If you cannot
discriminate between the real and the imagined, you may act o n
your "feelings." You have discovered Hell and no one else seems to
share it.
If your viewpoint is positive and you are loving, the percep-
tual world that emerges is much different. Dr. Abraham Maslow
described it as "peak experience" and practically everyone has
one from time to time. Your world is beautiful and so are all your
acquaintances. You move with grace and power, as there are n o
fears or barriers to your accomplishment. Your hallucinations may
take o n a Walt Disney flavor. If you start having too much fun
and see yourself as God, even though your vision is benevolent and
harmless, you too can be given the rubber room. Yin and yang.
Moderation in all things seems t o be the Way. (I recommend
attempting associative preference for a demigod at first.) As you
gain control of your hormonal system through proper exercise of
the breath and posture, the changes will affect your total persona,
and until you learn to relax into it, delusions of grandeur is the
price you pay for lack of humility. You get it (the Self) under con-
trol or it gets you. You're still you, just more amplified, with some
additional talents and viewpoints that very few people you know
share unless you're an adept or an esoteric martial artist of high lev-
el. You are playing in the fields of dreams and the stuff of legends.
As one of the early changes, you become more nocturnal and
see farther into the infrared spectrum, allowing you not only to
see the heat envelope around others but also where their energy
fields are strongest. This is a considerable advantage when applying
shiatsu or using therapeutic touch. After you have learned to "see"
energy as a side effect of controlling binocular vision and enhanc-
ing your hormonal or chakra system through relaxed breathing
techniques, the energy around people's bodies will be readily appar-
ent even in bright light as long as the background is relatively flat.
Fortunately most people don't have much energy or the faintest
idea how to use it, so you're probably further ahead to keep your
extra bit of info to yourself, as most others don't see it. This is well
described in the healing literature concerning alternative medicine.
I recall once being described by a ninja acquaintance as "some-
one who sees what others can't." No, that's too nice. What she
actually said was, "Oh, you're him, you're Dr. Morris. I've heard of
you. You can see things that other people don't and there are
rumors you're into green belt sacrifices. No thank you, I'll find
another training partner." Such is life in the big city and the rel-
atively small world of martial artists.
People who have strong energy project their id into their aura
and it can be seen. If you can't see it, you can certainly feel it.
Hayes describes a time when Tanemura dropped him with an
Spirits . . . Things that go bump in the night
does not wash out the effect. The Tibetans refer to this as "creating
tulpus," and supposedly a master can create an illusion so real
that you can engage it in conversation. I've never seen that, but I
read a research paper paid for by the C.I.A. back in the seventies
that discussed the possibilities. What I have seen is similar but
not so grandiose, and o n one level resembles channeling and on
another is probably a side effect of energy transfer.
A powerful person's aura has a bright corona that extends out
from the head and shoulders approximately six inches to a foot. If
they usually think in a particular pattern this will be revealed by
color shades in the field. A normal person's corona is approxi-
mately a quarter-inch to an inch thick and diffuses quickly as it
extends from the body. A person who has been working with their
energy or spiritual development does not diffuse so quickly but
is surrounded by a fairly coherent field that extends outward from
three to thirty feet. It looks like a cloud of mist. It usually appears
as a halo or glow about the individual. Usually the close-to-the-
body corona is all you'll see without practice or optimal condi-
tions. It will occasionally be picked up by television cameras if
the angles are right.
Esotericists have names for these fields, such as the "soul body"
and so forth. They believe this field is what survives after death
and in reality is your true self and the basis of most religions. Heal-
ers perceive it as living energy and use it to stimulate the damaged
cells of their clients to return to healthy growth. It is a gift of the
spirit that heals. A teacher exchanges energy with his or her student,
transferring the feeling of a particular action. What is transferred
depends on the skill of the teacher and the receptive skills of the
student. Teachers in the esoteric martial arts are revered by their stu-
dents, because the student recognizes that without the gift of ener-
gy or spirit they would never have been able to develop on their
own. At some point the teacher has to cut the students loose so
they can develop their own talents free from dependency, Those
that are self-taught often think they have succeeded from lack of
peer feedback and must guard against paranoia with humility.
I attended a Pak Kua (internal organ strengthening techniques)
Spirits . . . Things that go bump in the night
with mask, long white hair, splendid costume, and whirling nag-
inata moving with some of the wildest taijutsu I've ever seen.
Every time this entity moved through Kevin to do something
totally beyond my ability to predict or respond, it would rear back
in a victory dance, imitating a rock and roll guitarist doing a heavy
metal riff (Kevin was once a rock and roll guitarist and still plays
professionally) rather like MTV from hell. Then it would come
after me again, flipping me out by wielding a long, giant stone
penis and attempting to crush me with it. The first three of the five
hellish crimes in Buddhism are matricide, patricide, and the mur-
der of an enlightened teacher. I was giving him my best shot. He
didn't seem t o be holding anything back. I have seldom been
more frightened and yet had more fun. If you think you're a good
martial artist, this kind of a lesson is horrorshow dark horse indeed!
Hatsumi says the spirits of the tradition flow through the grand-
master, and this little vignette concerning Kevin's boogie man
might illustrate what that means. I later asked Kevin if he knew
what a Noh dancer was or had ever attended classical Noh the-
ater. He said he didn't have any idea what I was talking about.
Seeing the spirit do air guitar maneuvers with the naginata con-
vinced me i t was having a good time, even if I wasn't. The
exchange between Kevin and the Noh dancer was impressive.
(Some Noh dancers were considered to be shamans. Actors and
dancers were two of the traditional disguises of the ninja involved
in intelligence gathering.)
This is yojutsu or mental projection as performed with a spirit
guide and probably a little gift from Hatsumi or just the luck of the
Taoist draw while wandering around in Japan. According to the
ancient Taoists, spirits are attracted by the enlightened and align
themselves appropriately-a spiritual illustration of "The Law of
Attraction." Healers get healers, scholars get scholars, and war-
riors get warriors. The more powerful you are, the more spirits
you attract. My hypothesis is that the guiding spirit achieved
enlightenment in its life and now gets to play, but I've no idea
as to how to test it other than check out of this existence, and
I'm having too much fun for that. I do know that yojutsu is real
Spirits . . . Things that go bump in the night
and most people who have chi can project feelings and faces
before them that can be seen in the dark. Probably explains the
boogie men reported by children.
When Hillsdale College informed me my job was being elimi-
nated, my second wife informed she wanted a divorce, as she
knew there was n o way I could stay in Jonesville and make a
decent living. She wanted to stay there because the kids were hap-
py in their schools. I was filled with this incredible grief because I'd
truly loved this particular job and felt I had learned how to be a
very good father and loving husband. I thought my family would
go with me. I was used to moving and starting over. Preachers'
kids move every five years. At that time my student Suzanne Carl-
son told me she could feel my sorrow palpably across a distance of
more than fifty feet. She said it was hard to do anything when I
was feeling so sad. Bad vibes, passive yojutsu.
When I was traveling with Hayes on one of his ninja tours of
old Japan we visited many interesting sites and temples impor-
tant to the historical ninja. One of the experiences that had a
powerful effect on me was a visit to a particular temple in which
the energy was the color and feeling appropriate to what the tem-
ple was dedicated to. Supposedly this is a skill of the Shinto priests
in site energy selection. It is an art and service for charge among
certain Chinese sects and Shinto priests that previous to this jaunt
I'd thought of as charlatans. Temples for strength had red energy;
one for water/female was orange. Togakushi was green and blue
and white. It certainly surprised me. I've been in a lot of old build-
ings in Europe and Africa and never picked up a thing. Of course
at that time in my life I wasn't capable of looking, so maybe I
shouldn't be that impressed, but I've checked out a few Ameri-
can institutions since and was disappointed with the exception
of the Lincoln Memorial. The only other source of wild energy
like that which I've experienced was at Joshua Tree National Mon-
ument, climbing with Kevin Millis, or where there is a lot of quartz
crystal in the ground.
One of the interesting places we visited in Japan was Koya-
san, home of Kobo Daishi, founder of Shingon Buddhism. There
time I was more gracious and curious and spent the night in joint
study. After all, a loved one should not be abandoned regardless
of where they've been or what they've been put up to. We all are
capable of change even when we fall far short of expectations or the
gentleness necessary to loving interchange at a higher level.
both her hands free she dragged my 220 pounds as she walked
duck-like, taking away my knife. Her spirited action convinced
me that ninjutsu was an art of true self-protection that surpassed
any physical training I had ever encountered. Her skills might be
described as chiropractic. She pulled off this feat without even
breathing hard and I took no damage while she knocked me about.
She always refers to Hatsumi as Hatsumi-sensei. Many Americans
think that she is Hatsumi's daughter. She's not but it seems a good
idea to see her that way.
It was a treat to see her at the Ninja Mind seminar. Her skin
was glowing with health, and I finally got to meet the daughter I
may have frightened all those years ago. Both daughters were bright
and cheerful, scrubbed and happy to see all their crazy uncles. One
was joking about getting A's i n recess to bolster her average. I
showed Rumi the diploma Hatsumi had sent me. Her first words
were "Ah. Hatsumi-sensei has sent you a shidoshi's license." T h e n
she translated it for me. That took care of the idea that it would be
fun to send me an official pass to a Tokyo brothel which started
off "If you read Japanese don't laugh because he thinks.. . ."
I hear a high-level American instructor is engaged to a Mara-
matsu clan girl. She was over as a translator for Hatsumi at the
New Jersey Tai Kai. Pretty girl, funny sense of humor, and smart to
handle the translation, which requires the ability to think eso-
terically in two languages as well as martial art codes. It's fun to
hear how Hatsumi describes something in baby talk. English was
not part of his studies. According to modern biolinguists, lan-
guages are learned best young as the brain is most flexible and
there is a biological proclivity to acquire language that seems to
kick in about two and may pretty well dry up by adolescence if
not exercised.
People always sound foolish in a new language, particularly if
they like to joke. I was never exposed to foreign languages until I
was in high school. My French professor in college told me I was
clever but hopeless, too late to learn a tonal artistic language like
La Belle Langue Française. When I first saw the Dalai Lama in the
early seventies, I made the mistake of not paying as much atten-
T h e Spider Prince
tion t o his baby talk and listened more to his translator, who
spoke my language with exceptional clarity. The message was
essentially the same but the Dalai Lama exhibited a greater sense
of humor. The other guy was showing off his language skills.
Hatsumi uses many illustrations drawn from the observation of
nature. He has a lot of pets and walks them every night. The pets
are gifts from students who don't realize that space is limited in
Japan. I only have the faintest idea how he maintains the cardio-
vascular systems of his owl and turkey. Ben Franklin studied turkeys
and thought they better represented Americans than eagles, now
a threatened species. Merlin, the legendary advisor to King Arthur
had a fondness for owls. Many of the observers of ninjutsu regard
this as eccentricity. It looks like higher wisdom to me.
Sun Tzu's Art of War (which is also translated as The Art of Strat-
egy) could also be translated as an "Art of Chi," particularly the
sections dealing with adventure and intelligence gathering. R. L.
Wing has done the best job of translating to date; if he were famil-
iar with chi kung and the Go Dai he could have revealed another
level hidden in code. It is my hope that his translation becomes the
standard work. His feel for what is written is excellent. He's Chi-
nese, bilingual, and an excellent writer of clarity. His subtitle for the
work, "The World's Most Widely Read Manual of Skillful Negoti-
ations and Lasting Influence," lets the astute reader realize he isn't
referring to the Americans fighting their way into the bookstores
so they can have this on their bookshelf right next to Kitty Kelley.
He refers to the section associated with the spider prince as The
Divine Web. He understands baby talk.
The story of Samson and Delilah is a classical example drawn
from the Old Testament of the development of chi and fits nicely
into our discussion of Spider Princes. His story is in the Book of
Judges. Samson was a Judge of his people (a title having more to do
with connection to God or exhibiting extremely violent creativi-
ty if you kick back and read the King James Version again), a rich
kid a n d a great warrior w h o wore n o armor a n d carried n o
weapons as the Philistines had captured and overrun Israel. (A
similar situation to the Okinawans and ninja when overrun by
age of Budweiser Light and Dry and
unprecedented variety in ales, I occasionally have a student
ask something like "But what does beer do? Why do people
like something that tastes so bad?" Makes you just die to offer
them a neat malt scotch like Lophraig or some twenty-year-old
brandy. Talk about offended taste buds! You have to learn to look
knowing and mutter, "It's an acquired taste. Took me years to dis-
criminate. Wonderful bouquet. Slips right by the gag reflex.
Smoooooth." My kids stayed away from the hard stuff as I never
use mixers in the home. Let them find out about the sweet drinks
after they've grown wary. It will be around. They are curious.
Human beings have been using alcohol for at least 25,000
years, primarily beer or similar beverages. The archaeological
record is quite clear that almost all primitive societies used mind-
altering substances. Even Neanderthals buried their dead with
flowers and herbs, which strongly suggests a religious pharma-
copoeia. Primatologists have told me that chimps will wait until
the bananas are in a state of rotting fermentation, stake out and
defend a tree, eat the bananas, get rip-roaring drunk, and often-
times injure themselves seriously falling out of trees. As chimp
doctors are rare on the ground, these drunks are often fatal, as the
side effects of clogging the lungs with smoke. Cancer of the mouth,
throat, and lungs is significantly correlated. The urine of heavy
smokers is mutagenic; eventually that could result in cancers of the
urinary and genital tracts. These are long-term side effects to be
avoided. Meditating is a more beneficial means to obtain clarity of
thought and calm, and the effects are permanent. However, ratio-
nality seldom subjugates desire. An Ethiopian wise man told me
one time that smoking was a good way to train the breath. "If
you can do it and still smoke. . . ." Often heavy smokers are not
happy with their lives so they enjoy the tranquillity offered by
tobacco and rationalize the dangers of addiction. Some of the
people who come to me to quit smoking fall into that category.
Most started when they were young, against the advice of their
elders. Tobacco is more addictive than most synthetic drugs.
you're going to kick in the more intuitive side of your brain, which
also processes feelings, you must remember that we feel before
we think. Since most of us, particularly men, have had a lot of
training i n ignoring our emotions, finding them in charge can
have interesting consequences. Particularly if your mind isn't too
well disciplined and your memory not well trained. Short-term
memory centers of the brain are not fully formed until after ado-
lescence. If you are young and not too bright, just say no. A 1991
poll of high-level spiritual practitioners reported ninety-four per-
cent using marijuana at some point in their quest for enlighten-
ment. (Charles T. Tart, "Influences of previous psychedelic drug
experiences o n students of Tibetan Buddhism: a preliminary explo-
ration," The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 23, No. 2.)
Coca, the favored drug of those who live high above sea level,
attaches to the brain and heart. It is primarily a stimulant to the
heart, as well as a pain killer t o the body and mild euphoric to
the segments of the brain that reinforce reward-seeking behavior.
A useful herb for an environment where even breathing is difficult.
Its side effects are reinforcement of superego and delusions of
grandeur. That's why it is the favored drug of those who are lost in
the material world. Delusions of grandeur help you to like yourself
when your existence is meaningless and your viewpoint negative.
Of course, you're a winner because you can afford this substance
and the other poor boobs are losers because they cannot. Users
of cocaine, if they are not destroyed by their drug- induced vio-
lence and greed, often check out with heart attacks. One of the
effects of cocaine allergy is severe vasoconstriction usually result-
ing in death. We seem to have forgotten that motto of the hippies
as we moved to yuppies-Speed Kills. It's hard to work with the
breath when your nose bleeds.
w E ARE MOVING into a new age. I think that after the Age
of Reason, the Industrial Revolution, the Atomic Age,
and the Information Revolution which resulted in the
Electronic Village and world markets, we are ready for an Age of
Creativity that will be and is already becoming an age of techno-
magic. The break-up of the Soviet Union lowers the danger of
world war and may be the beginning of a Pax Capitalista that will
result in the sharing of ideas and periods of growth that will indeed
create a new world order. If nothing else it indicates the real pauci-
ty of thought from political scientists or the prediction capability
of political economists.
Times are changing. A universal shift of consciousness is in
progress. A global mind change will also be shadowed by a fevered
retrenching of ultra-conservatives, but it must be remembered
that change through action or atrophy, growth or dissolution, is
the natural arena of the creative artist and leader. One does not
lead to the past.
In The Book of Five Rings, Musashi gives nine basic rules or
strategies for living well in war-torn medieval Japan that still work
today. If you haven't read the I Ching or Book of Changes, you
should. I have a friend who made a considerable fortune as a
N "THE KUNDALINI EXPERIENCE" I describe what the great awak-
ening feels like, and in "the Godan Test" what the lesser awak-
ening feels like in terms of sensitivity. In chi kung as well as
Taoist esoteric yoga, these are referred to as the greater and lesser kan
and li. In religious traditions enlightenment is associated with
sainthood, or being in tune with (called by) God. In military tra-
ditions it's associated with invincibility in warfare and the use of
superior strategy, as in Joan of Arc or Sun Tzu. In art and science it
manifests as creativity. In yoga an enlightened master manifests the
will of God through self-development. In common parlance
enlightenment is referred to as being intuitive and usually thought
of as an on-again, off-again experience related to luck. In chi kung
it is considered a biological enhancement of natural proclivities and
is permanent if the practitioner is careful and knowledgeable. His-
torically enlightenment is considered quite rare.
The technology for awakening intuition has been with us for
centuries, but few seem to be willing to take on the challenge of
integrating the mind, body, and spirit, as it requires concentra-
tion and very few seem capable of hanging in for longer than
twenty minutes regardless of the importance of the topic. It does
require an adventurer's heart, and the voyage is made alone regard-
handed way.) Most of the time the mind is silent and observes
with no commentary. The immune system seems to be strength-
ened as healing time is shortened, colds become rare and of short
duration, and the lower blood pressure and anal squeezing elimi-
nate annoyances like hemorrhoids. Cuts heal quickly. What the
long-term benefits of this change in a modern, free-enterprise
society can be, I've no real idea. We seem to reward a blinder
We like to have goals. We like to know where we are going.
The enlightened have no personal spiritual goals beyond deep-
ening their experience, as enlightenment is the end product of
the spiritual path. Some seem to attract the attention of the Web
of Life and become guardians of the environment, reaping cos-
mic rewards. A few teach, and those who attempt to follow their
guidance and fail find religions for their solace. The enlightened
can tolerate no falsehood in themselves. In others, it's their prob-
lem to solve. From a religious viewpoint the behavior is usually
regarded as saintly, and some rather odd people have been des-
ignated saints from a psychological perspective. From the church-
es' perspective, extreme examples are still examples of possibility
and should be shown compassion. Some of Catholicism's choices
are perverse and funny riddles. Protestants don't recognize saints
but seem easily distracted by and willing to pay for uninformed
hypocritical entertainment, as TV ministries like Roberts, Gra-
ham, Falwell, Tilton, and the Bakkers indicate.
In business, the enlightened owner provides challenging work
so that continuous repetition does not dull the minds of his work-
force. He or she encourages problem solving and creativity so that
the organization can react to the marketplace. He studies the
trends and tries to be ready for the future. He expects his people to
educate themselves and provides time and opportunity so that
they can improve their position in life through material reward or
personal growth. He attempts to maintain a balance or a mix of
rewards and products. He protects the econiche, which continually
is endangered. He cherishes autonomy and creativity. He main-
tains excellent relations with his consumers and suppliers. He
the person is not true to his nature. Crows perceive man as dan-
gerous to their species and give us a wide berth except at harvest
time or when we appear to be unarmed. When you hunt you sel-
dom get more than one crow unless you have a silent weapon or
exceptional skill. Songbirds eat grain and insects. As do the bush-
men. Carrion birds will show you death.
Mostly the bird people served as advisors or peace chiefs. Chief
Joseph kept over five divisions of U.S. Cavalry including Buffalo
Soldiers continually in the field with hit-and-run raids using less
than twenty men while escorting his people's attempted escape
to Canada. Tengu are birds. The tops of totem poles are often
Teachings by tengu to samurai were preserved as scrolls even
though few seemed to understand them. Even mastering one of
the tengu's techniques was usually enough to protect you from
the average attack. The message seems the same. "You're not
meant for this. Only good people should be training with swords.
Get out of it. I even have to beat you up to show you this simple
stuff. You don't know how to think or act. You're not a pimple
on the butt of a real swordsman, but these techniques will probably
save your life considering the opposition." The tengu emphasized
a morality for the use of the sword and discussed it as a weapon of
defense. Tengu were not proud of their skill at arms and discussed
swordmanship as a last resort, a necessary consequence of dealing
with men. I suspect the legendary tengu of being teachers of the
soft budo of Osaka and Kyoto. There is a direct mythological con-
nection to the ninja. They were overrun, but never defeated, rather
like the Seminole Indians of Florida.
Even today we demonize our enemies. When the law is break-
ing down and the people and politicians are exhibiting a mean
spirit, those that exercise their freedom to learn self-protection
seem the more survival-oriented to me. We still can learn from
the birds. Survival can be pretty comfortable if you're intelligent
about it. The great mother can tame demons and get them going
in productive directions-protection of home and Momma and
cleaning up the neighborhood-in subtle but effective ways requir-
What Good Is Enlightenment?
ing the aid of the residents. I prefer making the attractive dan-
gerous. Life has given me the other training. Endurance is a path
to enlightenment.
There is a ninja scroll o n how you can tell the time by how
the cat's eye normally dilates. I wonder what else it says about
them. (The hand claws are pretty interesting. Ichimunji is a better
cat stance.) I've seen this cat's eye chart reproduced in a number of
books and I always thought it was a joke. If scrolls were kept by
masters on many topics, a family of masters going back eight hun-
dred years and more like the Togakure Ryu would probably be
worth studying and learning new languages or very old ones.
Takamatsu left pretty broad hints it extends back a lot farther.
Sun Tzu says the learning doesn't really start until you're a thou-
sand miles from home and you have to rely on your basic princi-
ples. Feelings are pretty basic.
If my conjectures are o n target, the ninjas are correcting the
way martial arts are taught and discussed and have every right
to. Hatsumi has said o n more than one occasion that ninjutsu
owes the Chinese. He dressed u p in Chinese robes and showed
weapon techniques. Some of the male figures in the old ninja
scroll drawings are wearing Chinese costumes in the Quest videos.
He chose to show that for a reason. If this is the old snake brain
functioning, it seems able to discern the light from the dark on a
multitude of levels. Anthropomorphizing is considered to be bad
science but my feeling is it can be intelligently applied to reality.
In real science as well as combatic martial arts we practice skepti-
cism and humility. In psychology, which gets off track from time
t o time, we say, "The rat is always right." Enlightenment seems
to be recognition that all things are connected through love and
intelligence. The shaman's viewpoint is reflected in the Book of Job.
Chapter thirteen offers, "But ask now the beasts, and they shall
teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or
speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee; and the fishes of the sea
shall declare unto thee." Keep going. Keep playing.
Annotated Bibliography
for the Inner Adventurer
Internal Energy
Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming. The Root of Chinese Chi Kung: The Secrets of
Chi Kung Training. Jamaica Plain, Mass.: Yang Martial Arts Assn.,
1989. Excellent text for explaining many of the consequences
and side effects of learning to breathe and exercise internal
energy or chi. Scientifically and experientially based, and only
refers to the ancients for additional descriptions. Does show
some energy applications for the martial artist that comple-
ment the healing art.
Mantak Chia. Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao. Aurora Press,
1983. Written as clear, logical, and practical medical descriptions
that encompass the physiological and spiritual practices for
awakening and circulating chi. This is the basic book and con-
tains practically all you'll ever need to know. Mantak Chia also
has a valuable series of books relating to various other aspects
of Taoist esoteric yoga, sexual practice, and nei kung published
through Healing Tao, 2 Creskill Place, Huntington, New York
Ajit Mookerjee. Kundalini: The Arousal of the Inner Energy. Rochester,
Vermont: Destiny Books, 1986. Describes the core experience of
Tantra and relates it to the opening of chakras; provides both
modern illustrations and ancient commentaries. An excellent
overview and worth comparing to the Taoist cosmology.
Gopi Krishna. Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man. Boston and
London: Shambhala, 19 71. Describes the effects and personal
experiences of an Indian gentleman who went through the kun-
dalini with no real prior training or expectations beyond curios-
ity and rudimentary meditative practice. It nearly killed him
and is a great cautionary tale as well as an accurate description.
It should be read by anyone who wants to follow in the steps
of their ancestors. Hillman's Jungian analysis of the experience
widely misses the reality of being touched by the goddess.
Sexual Practice
Mantak Chia and Maneewan Chia. Healing Love Through the Tao:
Cultivating Female Sexual Energy. Huntington, New York: Heal-
ing Tao Books, 1986. Absolutely the best book for women. Nev-
er give this to any female with whom you are intimate if you
haven't finished your own work. You'll never catch up if she
catches on. The ladies learn this stuff more quickly and easily
than men because of the structure of the corpus colossum.
They've one for male sexual practice called Taoist Secrets of
Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy. New York: Aurora Press,
1986. You should read both.
Annotated Bibliography for the Inner Adventurer
Dr. Stephen T. Chang. The Tao of Sexology: The Book of Infinite Wis-
dom. San Francisco: Tao Publishing, 1988. Combines Chinese
medicine and sex therapy i n unexpected but beneficial ways.
Easy to read and experiment with. Discussion of "million dol-
lar point" is invaluable. However, his discussion of strength-
ening the immune system to cancel out virus-related infections
is not supported by my experience nor observation of others.
Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger. Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecsta-
sy. New York: Destiny Books, 1979. A wonderful book. Pro-
vides cross-cultural tantric practice as well as tips for getting
into the attitudes of the gods. Must be read-though looking at
the pictures will provide for hours of experimentation. Referred
to in code by those in the know as The Big Red Book. The most
practical and useful discussion of higher tantric practice I've
ever found and I read a lot. No home library is complete with-
out it if you are trying to understand Eastern religion, sexuali-
ty,and culture. Margo Anand's The Art of Sexual Ecstasy (Tarcher,
1990) provides modern application of these ancient principles
for the beginning Westerner.
Dr. Alan P. Brauer and Donna Brauer. E.S.O., The New Promise o'f
Pleasure for Couples in Love: Extended Sexual Orgasm (an illus-
trated guide). New York: Warner Books, 1983. It's fun to see
what a bright young couple can figure out to d o with sexual
organs a n d a Western medical background. Go scientific
Gregory J. P. Godek. 1001 Ways To Be Romantic. Weymouth, Mass.:
Casablanca Press, 1991. This is my major failing in life. A little
bit of this goes a long way. If you want to preserve a relation-
ship or create one, let Godek be your guide. It's never too late.
This book is a heartbreaker if you haven't a clue. My ex gave it
to me in hopes I would reform. It's a frightening mirror. I've
seen women burst into tears when reading it. The marriage
you save may be your own.