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Dresser Water Steel Products

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Other DRESSER Piping Products for Water, Wastewater

and Industrial Piping Systems

Style 360® Repair Clamps
Style 360 Repair Clamps offer simplicity and ease of installation for the repair of holes,
splits and cracks for permanent repair of A-C, PVC, cast/ductile iron or steel pipe. You can use it
where pipe ends are separated, or where ends are deflected up to 4 degrees or 1/8 inch. Clamp
features include a tapered gasket with a gridded design and the spanner molded into the gasket
to prevent “hang up.” The “360” has a stainless band, lugs of rugged epoxy-coated ductile iron,
special one-inch long nuts for use with a standard deep socket wrench, and bolts of corrosion-
resistant Dresserloy (stainless steel optional).

Style 91 Service Saddles

Style 91 Service Saddles are made with high grade ductile iron bodies with either zinc-
Steel Products
plated steel stirrups or stainless steel straps. Style 91 saddles are designed to shape themselves
for Water, Wastewater
to the pipe during installation for maximum support, and to eliminate loading stresses. This allows and Industrial Piping Systems
the saddle to accommodate an exceptionally wide range of pipe materials and sizes. Style 91
saddles are available in single or double strap configurations and are furnished with 1/2” thru 2”
NPT tapped bodies.

Custom Fabrication
DRESSER offers custom fabrication and engineering expertise
making Dresser Piping Specialties your ideal solutions provider for unique
piping requirements. Shown at right is an offset reducing coupling custom
designed to join a 56” O.D. pipeline to a 57-5/8” O.D. pipeline with a 14-3/8”
parallel offset. This Dresser coupling eliminated the need to excavate and • Couplings
realign two water tanks and connecting pipelines, saving a major New York
State water utility customer hours of down time and thousands of dollars in
• Flange Adapters
construction costs. • Expansion Joints
You got a problem? Dresser Has Solutions! • Dismantling Joints
• Joint Harnesses
• Custom Fabrication

Piping Specialties
Dresser, Inc.
41 Fisher Avenue, Bradford, PA 16701
Phone: (814) 362-9200
Fax: (814) 362-9333
Email: [email protected] www.dresser.com www.dresser.com
© 2009 Dresser, Inc. FORM CPLG/9-02
REV. 4.09/R2.5M
Piping Specialties DRESSER® Life-time Gaskets
Bradford, PA Dresser Compounded Rubber Gaskets Butyl -Max. Temp. 250°F
Pipe joints must be able to absorb pipe stress caused by Butyl gaskets are resistant to hot air service, steam, hot water
natural forces and natural expansion, contraction, vibration and miscellaneous aqueous solutions. They are also suitable
and deflection while the line is in service. The sealing capabili- for vegetable oils, organic chemicals, oxidizing acids and
ties and the extreme flexibility of a Dresser coupled joint is alkalies.
How to Specify/Order....................... Page 2-3 AL-CLAD™ Coating offered as standard made possible by the resilience of the rubber-compounded
Coupling Deflection Specifications..........Page 4 gaskets. Resiliency is the property that enables the gaskets
EPDM - Max. Temp. 300°F
Dresser AL-CLAD fusion-bonded epoxy coating is EPDM gaskets provide excellent resistant to aging factors
to maintain pressure against the followers that confine it and,
offered as standard on the most common Dresser such as ozone, oxygen and elevated temperatures. This
at the same time, allow for flexibility not found in rigid piping
Dresser water market products you’ll find pipe joining products in the most popular sizes connections. Without it, a flexible joint is not possible!
includes service in hot water, steam and dry heat. They are
in this catalog... featured in this catalog.* Simply put, the absorption of pipeline stress permits each
also suitable for handling popular chemicals such as ketones,
alcohols, phosphate ester hydraulic fluids, glycols, dilute acids
Regular Couplings................................Page 5-8 Tough, corrosion-resistant, factory-applied Dresser section of the pipeline to “float” in the joint ensuring a
and alkalies.
flexible piping system while avoiding leakage, line breaks,
AL-CLAD coating has been developed through years
Insulating Couplings............................... Page 9 costly repairs and service interruptions. High Temperature - Max. Temp. 1200°F
of exhaustive testing and field application.
These braided flexible gaskets are designed specifically
Long Body Couplings..........................Page 10-11 AL-CLAD epoxy coating is a fusion-bonded coating Armored® Gaskets for the high temperature and abrasive atmospheres
Reducing Couplings...........................Page 12-13 applied under rigidly controlled factory conditions Armored gaskets can be used to great advantage where low associated with services such as fly ash handling systems.
and offers smoother flow in wetted waterways and electrical-resistant joints are desired. The armor “bites” into the As a replacement for asbestos, these gaskets are
Line Caps...........................................Page 14 pipe providing metal to metal contact allowing easy passage of manufactured of a pure homogenous graphite bonded to
provides protection against corrosive or aggressive current where cathodic protection is a necessity. a fiberglass carrier for strength and thermal durability.
Lock Couplings.....................................Page 15 conditions. The armor–an elastic, practically indestructible brass coil or The braid over braid construction is die-formed and cut
Flange Adapters....................................Page 16 helix–is molded into the gasket tip becoming an integral part of to length to fit proper coupling configurations resulting in
*Excludes Style 63 Expansion Joints where AL-CLAD coating is the gasket. When used with the proper grade/compound rubber, a uniform tolerance which has proven itself as a reliable
Expansion Joints...................................Page 17 optional. Please consult factory for other products and sizes the armor shields the gasket material from the line content asbestos replacement.
where AL-CLAD coating may be optional. without interfering with the sealing efficiency of the gasket.
Dismantling Joints.................................Page 18
Note: The non-resilient characteristic of this particular gasket
Buna N (Grade 42 - Nitrile) Max. Temp. 150°F*
Joint Harnesses....................................Page 19 material may result in a non leak-proof seal. This should be
Buna N (Grade 42) gaskets are resistant to oil, most
taken into consideration for this application.
Modular Cast Couplings..........................Page 20 aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, natural gas fogging oil,
condensates and gasolines.
Dresser Gaskets........................Inside Back Cover
Buna S (Grade 27) Max. Temp. 212°F* WARNING NOTE: Temperature recommendations are
The compound most generally used for plain gaskets is Buna S for reference purposes only. Please consult Dresser
(Grade 27). This gasket has wide applications and is accepted Engineering for specific recommendations, product style,
as standard for most pipeline use. It is recommended for use line content, working pressure and temperature ranges.
on lines transporting both fresh water and salt water, natural
and other gases, air, most acids, alkaline and sugar solutions
and some refrigerants. For SEVERE Service Conditions, see Dresser
Fluorocarbon - Max. Temp. 350°F Gasket Brochure for complete listing of corrosive
Fluorocarbon gaskets are resistant to hydrocarbons, aromatic content and gasket recommendations.
hydrocarbons, alcohols, organic acids, nitrogen-containing
compounds, vegetable oils and greases.

Customer Service: 800-458-2398

Sales Fax: 800-362-9363
email: [email protected]
*For Dresser Styles 65 & 88 Fittings, the maximum temperature is 150°F
Steel Products for Water and Industrial Piping Systems
Why are DRESSER® couplings used more than
any other coupling? Style 38,
• Dresser offers the broadest line of couplings, including long body, 38 Stainless
insulating, reducing and transition types.
& 138 Couplings
• Products feature Dresser AL-CLAD™ coating as standard in the most Page 5-8
popular sizes. Our epoxy coating offers optimum protection against
highly corrosive soil or aggressive water conditions and for handling Style 39
brine, brackish water, most acids, alkalies, oil, chemical particulates Insulating
and gases. Couplings
• Sizes range from 3/8” through 405” to cover every application Page 9
including high temperature and abrasion.
• Dresser couplings are fast and easy to install with any size pipe or Style 40
tubing. Long Couplings
• Wide temperature range from -20°F to +1200°F, with pressure ratings Page 10-11
to 1500 psi.
• Available in rugged welded steel construction, stainless or carbon
Style 62 Reducing
steel, titanium, monel or other alloys for special applications.
& Transition
• Use a Dresser coupling and your pipeline joint is non-rigid, accepting Couplings
expansion, contraction, vibration and line deflection.
Page 12-13
• Special elastomer formulations are provided custom-matched to specific
fluid process or application requirements.
Style 31
Line Caps
Page 14

Style 167
Lock Coupling
Page 15

Style 128-W
Flange Adapter
Page 16
Cutaway view shows components of a basic Dresser Style 38 Coupling

Style 63
The Basic Working Principle of Dresser Couplings... Expansion
The Dresser coupling consists of one cylindrical middle ring, two Joints
follower rings, two resilient gaskets of special Dresser compound, Page 17
and a set of steel trackhead bolts. The middle ring has a conical flare
at each end to receive the wedge portion of the gaskets. The follower
Style 131
rings confine the outer ends of the gaskets. As the nuts are tightened,
the bolts draw the follower rings toward each other, compressing the Dismantling
gaskets in the spaces formed by follower rings, middle ring flares and Joint
pipe surface thus producing a flexible, leak-proof seal on the pipe joint. Page 18

Style 440 Joint Harness - Pg.19

Style 253 Cast Coupling - Pg.20
How to Specify Dresser Products
For those who may wish to draw up specifications of a The coupling bolts shall be of the elliptic-neck, track-head
general nature covering Dresser Style 38 couplings, this design with rolled threads. The manufacturer shall supply
suggested form is offered: information as to the recommended torque to which the bolts
shall be tightened. All bolt holes in the followers shall be oval
1.) The pipe coupling shall be of a gasketed, sleeve-type de-
for greater strength.
sign with diameter to properly fit the pipe. Each coupling shall
The coupling gaskets shall be composed of a crude or
consist of one (1) steel middle ring, of thickness and length
synthetic rubber base compounded with other products to
specified, two (2) steel followers, two (2) rubber-compounded
produce a material that will not deteriorate from age, heat, or
wedge section gaskets and sufficient track-head steel bolts to
exposure to air under normal storage conditions. It shall also
properly compress the gaskets.
possess the quality of resilience and ability to resist cold flow
The middle ring and followers of the coupling shall be true
of the material so that the joint will remain sealed and tight
circular sections free from irregularities, flat spots or surface
indefinitely when subjected to shock, vibration, pulsation and
defects. They shall be formed from mill sections with the fol-
temperature or other adjustments of the pipeline.
lower-ring section of such design as to provide confinement of
the gasket. After welding, they shall be tested by cold expand- 2.) The couplings shall be assembled on the job in a man-
ing a minimum of 1% beyond the yield point. The middle ring, ner to ensure permanently tight joints under all reasonable
inside and out, and followers shall be coated with AL-CLAD™ conditions of expansion, contraction, shifting and settlement,
thermosetting, fusion-bonded epoxy coating material that unavoidable variations in trench gradient, etc. The coupling
provides disbondment resistance in cathodically-protected shall be Dresser Style 38, as manufactured by Dresser Piping
systems and resistance to soil stresses and fungi. All con- Specialties, Bradford, PA, and the necessary quantity shall be
stituents of the cured film are FDA and NSF-61 approved for furnished.
exposure to fluids for human consumption and potable water.

When Ordering Dresser Expansion Joints

Inquiries or orders for Dresser Style 63 Expansion Joints The proper type of expansion joint to use and the method
should contain the following information: of anchoring and connecting it into a line depend upon the
(1) Quantity conditions of service and type of installation, as well as
(2) Type of pipe: ductile iron, steel, etc. other joints in the line. The most effective use of Style 63
(3) Style number and type expansion joints usually requires an engineering recom-
(4) Service: Water, Industrial, etc. mendation. For that reason, a complete description of the
(5) Maximum working pressure installation should be submitted, with sketches or working
drawings, if possible. Special joints may also be made
(6) Amount of movement to be taken care of by each joint
for unusual conditions.
(7) Temperature limitations and ranges
(8) Frequency of cycling;
(9) End preparation of slip or tail pipe—beveled for
welding, flanged, other
(10) Remarks, unusual installations, and list support
methods of line and joint

Expansion Joints

How to Specify Pipe Ends for Dresser Couplings
How to Specify Ends* on Steel Pipe How to Specify Ends on Cast/Ductile Iron Pipe
On orders and in specifications, the ends on steel pipe to be On orders and in specifications, the ends on cast or ductile iron
used with Dresser couplings may be specified briefly as pipe to be used with Dresser couplings may be specified briefly
follows: as follows:
• The pipe shall be furnished with plain ends for Dresser • The pipe shall be furnished with plain ends for Dresser
couplings in accordance with A.W.W.A. (American Water couplings in accordance with A.W.W.A. (American Water
Works Association) specifications on tolerances;
Works Association) Steel Water Pipe Specifications;
• The pipe shall be furnished with plain ends for Dresser
• The pipe shall be furnished with plain ends for Dresser
couplings in accordance with A.G.A. (American Gas
couplings in accordance with A.P.I. (American Petroleum
Association) specifications on tolerances.
Institute) Line Pipe Specifications. If further specifications are desired, the following may be
If specifications are to be detailed, the following • The pipe shall be smooth and round for a distance of 8”
may be used: from each end. The maximum plus or minus variation from
For Pipe Above 5” OD to 10-3/4” OD inclusive: nominal outside diameters for each size shall not exceed
• The pipe shall be sufficiently free from indentations, dimensions as shown in chart shown below.
projections or roll marks for a distance of 8” from the end of • The maximum outside pipe diameter shall be such as to
permit the passing of a ring gauge having an internal bore not
the pipe to make a tight joint with the rubber-gasket type of
greater than .01” larger than the maximum allowable outside
coupling. The outside diameter of the pipe shall not be more
diameter of the pipe. This ring gauge shall go over the end of
than 1/64” smaller than the nominal outside diameter for a the pipe for a distance of 8” for all sizes up to and including
distance of 8” from the end of the pipe and shall permit the 24” and for a distance of 12” on sizes above 24”.
passing for a distance of 8” of a ring gauge which has a bore • The minimum outside diameter shall be determined by
1/16” larger than the nominal outside diameter of the pipe. use of a steel tape circumferentially applied to prevent the
The minimum outside pipe diameter shall be determined by shipment of undersized, out-of-round pipe which, if measured
the use of a steel tape circumferentially applied to prevent the diametrically through the maximum diameter or checked with a
shipment of undersize, out-of-round pipe which, if measured No-Go ring gauge, might appear within the specified tolerance.
diametrically through the maximum diameter or checked with a
No-Go ring gauge, might appear within the specified tolerance.
Size Variation
For Pipe Larger than 10-3/4” OD: 3” - 16” .06”
• The pipe shall be sufficiently free from indentations, 18”- 24” .08”
projections or roll marks for a distance of 8” from the end of 30”- 42” .10”
the pipe to make a tight joint with the rubber-gasket type of 48” .12”
coupling. The outside diameter of the pipe shall not be more 54”- 60” .15”
than 1/32” smaller than the nominal outside diameter for a
distance of 8” from the end of the pipe and shall permit the
passing for a distance of 8” of a ring gauge which has a bore
3/32” larger than the nominal outside diameter of the pipe.
The minimum outside pipe diameter shall be determined by
the use of a steel tape circumferentially applied to prevent the
shipment of undersize, out-of-round pipe which, if measured
diametrically through the maximum diameter or checked with a
No-Go ring gauge, might appear within the specified tolerance.

*While Dresser couplings require only plain-end pipe, other kinds of

pipe ends (such as threaded, beveled or grooved) can be used if such
pipe is already on hand.

Coupling Deflection, Movement, Expansion and Contraction
Laying out curves with standard Dresser RADIUS OF CURVE AND DEFLECTION OF PIPE IN FEET
couplings and straight sections of pipe Length Radius of Curve (Feet) Deflection of Pipe (Feet/Inches)
of Pipe Varying degrees deflection in each coupling Varying degrees deflection in each coupling
Presented in tabular form in the table at right entitled
(feet) 1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6°
“Radius of Curve and Deflection of Pipe in Feet”,
this chart indicates (1) radius of circle for any given 6 344 172 115 84 66 57 1/4” 2-1/2” 3-3/4” 5” 6-1/4” 7-1/2”
12 687 344 229 172 138 114 2-1/2 5 7-1/2 10 1’ 5/8 1’ 3
degrees of deflection and pipe length, (2) length 16 916 458 306 229 183 153 3-3/8 6-3/4 10 1’ 1-1/2 1’ 4-3/4 1’ 8
of pipe for any given radius and deflection or (3) 18 1031 516 344 258 206 172 3-3/8 7-1/2 1’1-1/4 1’ 3-1/8 1’ 6-7/8 1’10-1/2
degrees deflection necessary for any given pipe 20 1145 573 382 286 229 191 4-1/4 8-3/8 1’ 5/8 1’ 4-3/4 1’ 8-7/8 2’ 1
length and radius. This information is worked out for 30 1718 860 573 430 344 286 6-1/4 1’ 5/8 1’ 6-7/8 2’ 1 2’ 7-7/8 3’ 1-5/8
the more commonly used pipe lengths and degrees 40 2291 1146 764 573 458 382 8-3/8 1’ 4-3/4 2’ 1 2’ 9-1/2 3’ 5-7/8 4’ 2-1/8

Maximum Recommended Laying Deflection
Dresser Style 38 Couplings
Expansion & Contraction From 3/8” ID to 2” ID Inclusive.................... 6°
Each coupling 10” ID and larger will safely From 2” ID to 14” OD Inclusive....................4°
accommodate up to 3/8” longitudinal pipe move- With Middle Ring Lengths: 5” 7” 10”
ment. This is equivalent to the amount of movement 14” OD - 20” OD Inclusive 2-1/2° 4° 4°
20” OD - 30” OD Inclusive 2° 4° 4°
resulting from a 120° temperature variation in a 30” OD - 37” OD Inclusive 1-1/2° 3° 3-1/2°
40-foot length of steel pipe. If pipe is not buried, 37” OD - 42” OD Inclusive 2-1/2° 3-1/2°
42” OD - 49” OD Inclusive 2° 3°
anchorage should be provided to prevent excessive 49” OD - 54” OD Inclusive 2° 3°
54” OD - 66” OD Inclusive 2° 2-1/2°
accumulation of movement. For repeated move- 66” OD - 78” OD Inclusive 2°
ments such as on a bridge or above ground, or if 78” OD - 90” OD Inclusive 1-1/2°
expansion exceeds 3/8” per joint, a Dresser Style 63
expansion joint should be used.

Methods of Supporting Coupled Lines

Shown below are three options for supporting pipeline con- This method is suitable for pressures up to 25 lb. maximum
nections when using Dresser couplings. Figure A shows with pipe fully anchored to supports.
the offset method near the pipe joint for diameters 6” and Figure C shows the “Two & One” method for all sizes and
smaller with pipe lengths up to 20 feet. Suitable for any any length of pipe up to 40 feet. Suitable for any pressure
pressure providing pipe is anchored to support for high providing pipe is adequately anchored. When utilizing this
pressure. Figure B indicates the center-type support for method each length of pipe must be anchored to one (and
diameters from 6” to 16” and lengths not over 20 feet. ONLY one) support.

Fig. A

Fig. B
Center Type

Fig. C
Two & One

Style 38 Bolted Couplings for Steel Pipe
Proven by years of service on all kinds
of pipe, Dresser Style 38 couplings BOLT

provide flexible, leakproof connections

that last the life of the pipe. No costly
threading, beveling, exact pipe fitting
or alignment is required. The resilient O.D.

Dresser gaskets absorb vibration and

pipe movement and permit curves to be
laid with straight pipe lengths. Installa-
tion is safe and sure. There’s no hazard
to workmen or delays due to weather. Typical single-piece follower construction
4” Light Pattern Style 38
Dresser Style 38 couplings are available
from 1/2” ID to over 400” OD. Materials of Construction
NOTE: Commonly used sizes are listed Followers: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36 (Ductile Iron
in the tables, but couplings can be fur- or Malleable Iron for 1/2” thru 1-1/2”)
nished for practically any size or special Middle Ring: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or
condition. Penstock coupling brochure ASME SA675 GR60
2” Light Pattern Style 38 available on-line: www.dresser.com.
Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy
Style 38 Couplings
Sizes and Specifications for Steel Pipe

Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts2 Overall Dimensions Working Max. Test Approx.
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure5 Pressure Weight
Size Diameter & Length x Length Diam. Length4 Lbs. per Lbs. per Each
(In) (OD) (A&B)1 (D&E) (H) (L) Sq.In. Sq.In. (Lbs.)
1/2 .840 .156 x 3-1/2 2–1/2 x 6 3-1/2 8 1500 2250 2
3/4 1.050 .156 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 3-13/16 8-1/2 1500 2250 3
1 1.315 .148 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 4-1/16 8-1/2 1500 2250 4
1-1/4 1.660 .154 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 4-7/16 8-1/2 1500 2250 4
1-1/2 1.900 .165 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 4-3/4 8-1/2 1500 2250 5
2 *2.375 .156 x 4 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 5 -3/8 8-1/2 - - 4.5
2 2.375 .156 x 5 2–5/8 x 8-1/4 6 9-1/2 1500 2250 7
2 2.375 .156 x 5 3–5/8 x 8-1/4 6-1/4 9-1/2 1500 2250 10
2 2.375 .156 x 7 3–5/8 x 10-3/4 6-1/4 11-1/2 1326 1989 13
2-1/2 2.875 .180 x 5 3–5/8 x 8-1/4 7 9-1/2 1326 1989 13
3 *3.000 .180 x 4 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 6 8-1/2 - - 6.5
3 *3.500 .156 x 4 3–1/2 x 6 6-1/2 8 - - 7
3 3.500 .156 x 5 4–5/8 x 6 8 8 982 1473 13.5
3 3.500 .156 x 7 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 8 9-1/2 982 1473 17.5
3-1/2 *4.000 .134 x 4 3–1/2 x 6 7 8 - - 7.5
3-1/2 4.000 .188 x 5 4–5/8 x 6 8-5/8 8 1034 1561 17
4 *4.500 .188 x 4 3–1/2 x 6 7-1/2 8 - - 8
4 4.500 .188 x 5 4–5/8 x 6 9 8 931 1396 16.5
4 4.500 .188 x 7 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 9 9-1/2 931 1396 23.5
5 *5.500 .188 x 4 4–1/2 x 6 8-1/2 8 - - 10
5 5.500 1/4 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 9-5/8 9-1/2 1205 1808 23.5
5 *5.563 3/16 x 4 4–1/2 x 6 8-1/2 8 - - 20
5 5.563 1/4 x 5 4–5/8 x 6 10-3/8 8 1205 1808 23.5
5 5.563 1/4 x 7 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 10-3/8 9-1/2 1205 1808 25
6 *6.000 .188 x 4 4–1/2 x 6 10-5/8 8 - - 11
6 6.000 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 6 10-5/8 8 1126 1689 26.5
6 *6.625 .188 x 4 4–1/2 x 6 9-5/8 8 - - 22.5
6 6.625 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 6 11-1/4 8 1029 1544 25.5
6 6.625 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 11-1/4 9-1/2 1029 1544 31
* Light Pattern Couplings - Standard pressure rating of 150 psi.

Style 38 Coupling Sizes and Specifications for Steel Pipe (cont’d)

Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts2 Overall Dimensions Working Max. Test Approx.
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure5 Pressure Weight
Size Diameter & Length x Length Diam. Length4 Lbs. per Lbs. per Each
(In) (OD) (A&B)1 (D&E) (H) (L) Sq.In. Sq.In. (Lbs.)
8 *8.000 .188 x 4 5–1/2 x 6 11 8 - - 15
8 8.000 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 11-7/8 9-1/2 866 1299 31
8 *8.625 .188 x 4 6–1/2 x 6 11-5/8 8 - - 16
8 8.625 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 6 13-1/4 8 807 1211 32
8 8.625 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 13-1/4 9-1/2 807 1211 38
10 10.000 1/4 x 5 8–5/8 x 8-1/4 13-7/8 9-1/2 703 1055 39
10 10.750 1/4 x 5 8–5/8 x 6 14-5/8 8 657 986 40
10 10.750 1/4 x 7 8–5/8 x 8-1/4 14-5/8 9-1/2 657 986 49
10 10.750 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 8-1/4 14-5/8 9-1/2 813 1200 53
12 12.000 1/4 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 16 11-7/8 591 887 53
12 12.750 1/4 x 5 8–5/8 x 6 16-3/4 6-7/8 558 837 45
12 12.750 1/4 x 7 8–5/8 x 8-1/4 16-3/4 9-1/2 558 837 56
12 12.750 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 8-1/4 16-3/4 9-1/2 823 1236 65
14 14.000 1/4 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 18 11-7/8 510 765 60
14.000 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 18 11-7/8 754 1131 72
16 16.000 1/4 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 20 11-7/8 449 673 70
16.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 20 11-7/8 667 997 82
18 18.000 1/4 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 22 11-7/8 401 602 75
18.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 22 11-7/8 595 892 88
20 20.000 1/4 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 24-1/16 11-7/8 362 543 86
20.000 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 24-1/16 11-7/8 538 807 90
22 22.000 1/4 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 26 11-7/8 330 495 98
22.000 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 26 11-7/8 491 736 108
24 24.000 1/4 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 28 11-7/8 304 456 105
24.000 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 28 11-7/8 451 676   120
30 30.000 1/4 x 7 16–5 /8 x 10-3/4 34 11-7/8 243 364 120
30.000 3/8 x 7 16–5/8 x 10-3/4 34 11-7/8 303 454 153
30.500 1/4 x 7 16–5/8 x 10-3/4 34-1/2 11-7/8 240 360 125
30.750 3/8 x 7 16–5/8 x 10-3/4 34-3/4 11-7/8 295 442 158
36 36.000 3/8 x 7 18–5/8 x 10-3/4 40 11-7/8 253 379 181
36.750 3/8 x 7 18–5/8 x 10-3/4 41-3/4 11-7/8 298 447 227
42 42.000 1/2 x 10 20–5/8 x 15 47 16-1/2 346 519 351
48 48.750 1/2 x 10 22–5/8 x 15 53 16-1/2 304 456 399
* Light Pattern Couplings - Standard pressure rating of 150 psi.
NOTE: Only couplings for most commonly used steel pipe sizes are shown. Couplings are supplied for ALL SIZES of steel pipe and are regularly
available in any special size. Details and prices will be furnished on request for any size of pipe or for any special conditions. Please consult factory.

1- Middle Rings - Thicker or longer than those listed can be furnished. 4- Dimension “L” - Overall length taken with fasteners drawn up finger tight.
Please specify if pipe stop is required. 5- Working Pressure - Pressure ratings are determined on the basis of
2- Bolts - Furnished E-Coated steel as standard. Barlow’s formula using a working stress equal to one half the minimum yield
3- Gasket - Information appears on Page 20. of the middle ring material.

For severe service

Style 38 Stainless Couplings conditions!
When you need a coupling for highly corrosive conditions - too corrosive for ordinary carbon steel
couplings - Dresser offers its proven Style 38 coupling in an all-stainless steel design. The coupling
is available in either Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel. Followers are available in Type 316 only.
You can also specify the middle ring only in stainless or the nuts and bolts only in stainless.
Dresser Style 38 stainless steel couplings are furnished with gaskets to match the particular
For Style 38 service. Available compounds include Buna S (Grade 27) and Buna N (Grade 42), fluorocarbon
Stainless Coupling (Viton ®)*, butyl and EPDM. There’s also a high temperature gasket for applications up to 1200° F.
sizes and specifications, See gasket recommendation chart on inside back cover.
please refer to standard
Dresser stainless steel couplings provide flexible, bottle-tight connections with no need for costly
Style 38 coupling charts
threading, beveling, exact pipe fittings or alignment. Installation is so easy, ordinary workmen can
on pages 5-6
make tight joints every time, only tool needed is a wrench.
6 *Viton is a Registered trademark of Dupont Corporation
Style 38 and 138 Couplings for CIP/DIP
Dresser Style 38 Couplings are also available for cast and ductile iron pipe sizes 2” through
24”. These couplings have long been used for joining plain end cast-iron pipe, combining the
advantages of absolutely tight joints and easier, faster pipe joining. Style 38 couplings also permit
the salvage and use of random lengths of cast-iron pipe from which bell-ends or cracked sections
have been removed.

Dresser Style 138 Couplings for CIP
Now you can stock one coupling in BOLT

each nominal size, 2” through 16”, and

be sure of a fit, whether the cast-iron
pipe was made in 1890 or from your
latest shipment. The unique feature of Pipe

this product is one middle ring can be O.D.

used with up to six different gaskets and

three followers to cover a wide range of

Materials of Construction
Followers: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36 (Ductile Iron
or Malleable Iron for 1/2” thru 1-1/2”)
Middle Ring: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or ASME SA675 GR60
Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
Gaskets: Grade 27 BUNA S
Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy

Style 38 Coupling Sizes and Specifications for Plain-End Cast-Iron Pipe

Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts Overall Dimensions Working Approx.
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure Weight
Size Diameter & Length x Length Diam. Length Lbs. per Each
(In) (OD) (A&B) (D&E) (H) (L) Sq.In. (Lbs.)
2 2.500 .180 x 5 3–5/8 x 8-1/4 6-1/2 9-1/2 1500 10
2-1/4 2.750 .203 x 5 3–5/8 x 8-1/4 7 9-1/2 1326 13
4 4.800 .188 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 9 9-1/2 1100 15
6 6.90 - 7.16 5/8 x 5 5–5/8 x 8-1/4 11 9-1/2 992 21
8 9.05 - 9.36 5/8 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 13-1/16 9-1/2 772 31
10 11.10 - 11.46 3/8 x 7 7–5/8 x 10-3/4 16 11-7/8 936 47
12 13.20 - 13.56 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 18-1/16 11-7/8 794 54
14 15.300 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 19-5/16 11-7/8 575 74
14 15.650 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 20-5/8 11-7/8 563 102
16 17.400 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 19-3/8 11-7/8 509 88
16 17.800 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 22-13/16 11-7/8 498 111
18 19.500 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 23-1/2 11-7/8 450 105
18 19.920 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 24-15/16 9-5/8 448 124
20 21.600 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 25-5/8 9-5/8 411 114
20 22.060 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 27-1/16 9-3/4 406 141
24 25.800 3/8 x 7 15–5/8 x 10-3/4 29-3/16 9-1/2 349 134
24 26.320 3/8 x 7 15–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 9-1/2 343 163

NOTE: See Pages 8 for Sizes and Specifications Charts for Style 138 Couplings

Style 138 Couplings Specifications for Plain-End Cast-Iron Pipe
Middle Ring Bolts Overall Dimensions Max. Work. Approx.
Pipe O. D. Range (In)
Nom. Thickness Number/Diameter Pressure Weight
Size & Length & Length Diam. Length Lbs. per Each
(CIP) END 1 END 2 (A&B) (D&E) (H) (L) Sq. In. (Lbs.)
2 2.34 - 2.63 2.34 - 2.63 .188 x 5 2–5/8 x 8-1/4 6 9-1/2 250 7
2-1/2 2.65 - 2.88 2.65 - 2.88 .180 x 5 2–5/8 x 8-1/4 6-1/2 9-1/2 250 8.5
3 3.50 3.50 3/8 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 7-3/4 9-1/2 250 12.5
3.80 - 3.96 3.80 - 3.96
3.97 - 4.14 3.97 - 4.14

4 4.46 - 4.86 4.46 - 4.86 3/8 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 8-13/16 9-1/2 250 15
4.80 - 5.10 4.46 - 4.86
5.11 - 5.45 4.80 - 5.10

6 6.56 - 6.96 6.56 - 6.96 3/8 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 11-3/16 9.5/11/5 250 23.5
6.90 - 7.22 6.90 - 7.22

8 8.00 - 8.16 8.00 - 8.16 3/8 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 13-5/16 9.5/11/5 250 32
8.54 - 9.11 8.54 - 9.11
9.05 - 9.45 8.54 - 9.11
9.05 - 9.45 9.46 - 9.85

10 10.50 - 10.75 10.50 - 10.75 3/8 x 7 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 15-3/4 11.5 250 52
11.10 - 11.60 11.10 - 11.60
11.10 - 11.60 10.50 - 10.75

12 13.20 - 13.50 13.20 - 13.50 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 17-15/16 11.5 250 55
13.20 - 13.50 12.50 - 12.75
13.90 - 14.20 13.20 - 13.50

16 17.40 - 17.80 17.40 - 17.80 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 22-13/16 11.5/15 250 80

Style 39 Insulating Couplings
Dresser Style 39 Insulating
Couplings are widely used on gas
service lines, but are ideal for
water and industrial applications
for water lines, tank hook-ups,
intake and discharge lines, pump-
ing stations, at river crossings and
One end insulating, on bridge lines where electrical
one end conductive for isolation is required. Dresser
electrical isolation on insulating couplings are effective
pipeline segments for insulating hot water heaters as
well as other installations.
The Style 39 coupling follows the
same basic design as the Style Typical two-piece follower construction
38 coupling, but has insulating
Materials of Construction
NOTE: Followers: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36 (Ductile Iron or
Style 39-62 Insulating/Reducing Malleable Iron for 1/2” thru 1-1/2”)
couplings are also available from Middle Ring: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or ASME SA675
2” thru 14” sizes for joining pipes GR60
of different O.D.’s and dissimilar Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
metals such as cast-iron x steel Pipe End Separator & Insulator: Dresser Spec 100 Plastic
connections. Consult factory for Gaskets: Grade 27 Buna S (Armored Pin); Grade 41 On
your particular requirements. Insulating End
Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy

Style 39 Insulating Couplings

Specifications for Steel Pipe sizes 2” thru 24”

Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts Overall Dimensions Working Approx.
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure Weight
Size Diameter & Length x Length Diam. Length Lbs. per Each
(In) (OD) (A&B) (D&E) (H) (L) Sq.In. (Lbs.)

3/4 1.050 .156 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 3-13/16 8-1/2 150 3

1 1.315 .148 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 4-1/16 8-1/2 150 4
1-1/4 1.660 .154 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 4-7/16 8-1/2 150 4
1-1/2 1.900 .165 x 5 2–1/2 x 7-1/4 4-3/4 8-1/2 150 5

2 2.375 .156 x 7 3–5/8 x 10-3/4 6-1/4 11-7/8 150 13
3 3.500 .156 x 7 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 8 9-1/2 350 17.5
4 4.500 .188 x 7 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 9 9-1/2 350 23.5
6 6.625 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 11-1/4 9-1/2 900 31
8 8.625 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 13-1/4 9-1/2 750 38
10 10.750 1/4 x 7 8–5/8 x 8-1/4 14-5/8 9-1/2 600 49
12 12.750 1/4 x 7 8–5/8 x 8-1/4 16-3/4 9-1/2 550 53
14 14.000 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 18 11-7/8 500 72
16 16.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 20 11-7/8 450 82
18 18.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 22 11-7/8 400 88
20 20.000 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 24-1/16 11-7/8 300 90
24 24.000 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 28 11-7/8 300 120

Consult factory for other size requirements and insulating/reducing coupling designs
NOTE: Gaskets utilized for insulating pipe end are Grade 41. Consult factory for further information and exact size specifications.
Style 40 Long Body Couplings
Dresser Style 40 Long Body
Couplings provide a simple and
effective method of joining pipe
when gaps in pipe ends are wider
than ordinary. Style 40 couplings
are similar in construction to Style
For widely separated 38 couplings except that middle
pipe ends rings are longer and have a larger
belly diameter. Though longer, they
absorb the same amount of expan-
sion and contraction as the Style 38
coupling, up to 3/8” per joint.

Materials of Construction
Followers: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36 (Ductile Iron or Malleable Iron
for 1/2” thru 1-1/2”)

Middle Ring: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or ASME SA675 GR60

Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
Gaskets: Grade 27 BUNA S PRESSURE RATINGS NOTE: Consult factory for
pressure ratings that represent your particular
Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy
product requirements

Style 40 Long Couplings

Specifications for Cast-Iron Pipe Sizes 2” thru 24”

Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts2 Overall Dimensions Working Max. Test Approx.
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure Pressure Shipping
Size Diameter & Length1 x Length Diam. Length3 Lbs. per Lbs. per Weight
(In) (OD) (A&B) (D&E) (H) (L) Sq.In. Sq.In. (Lbs.)
2 2.500 .180 x 12 3–5/8 x 15 6-1/2 17 1302 1953 17
2 2.625 .180 x 12 2–5/8 x 15 6-1/4 17-3/8 1302 1953 18
2 2.750 .180 x 12 3–5/8 x 15 7 17 1302 1953 20
3 3.74 - 4.02 .188 x 12 4–5/8 x 15 7-3/4 17 939 1408 24
4 4.74 - 5.06 .229 x 12 4–5/8 x 15 9 17 250 375 29
6 6.84 - 7.16 1/4 x 16 6–5/8 x 19-1/2 11 21 945 1417 63
8 8.99 - 9.36 1/4 x 16 6–5/8 x 19-1/2 13-1/16 21 743 1114 80
10 11.04 - 11.76 3/8 x 16 8–5/8 x 19-1/2 15-13/16 21-3/4 908 1362 112
12 13.14 - 13.56 3/8 x 16 8–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 776 1164 135
14 15.300 3/8 x 16 10–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 675 1012 155
14 15.650 3/8 x 16 10–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 661 991 164
16 17.400 3/8 x 16 10–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 600 900 167
16 17.800 3/8 x 16 10–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 587 880 173
18 19.500 3/8 x 16 12–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 539 808 203
18 19.920 3/8 x 16 12–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 529 793 204
18 19.920 3/8 x 24 12–5/8 x 28 18-1/16 29 529 703 269
20 21.600 3/8 x 16 12–5/8 x 19-1/2 18-1/16 21-3/4 490 735 226
20 22.060 3/8 x 16 14–5/8 x 20 18-1/16 22-3/4 480 720 227
24 25.800 3/8 x 16 15–5/8 x 20 18-1/16 22-3/4 414 621 258
24 26.320 3/8 x 24 15–5/8 x 20 18-1/16 22-3/4 406 609 265

1- Middle Rings - Thicker or longer than those listed can be furnished.

2- Bolts - Furnished E-coated steel as standard.
3- Dimension “L” - Overall length taken with fasteners drawn up finger tight.
NOTE: Special and larger sizes are available and special length bodies can be supplied.
Style 40 Long Couplings
Specifications for Steel Pipe Sizes 1/2” thru 24”

Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts2 Overall Dimensions Working Max. Test Approx.
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure5 Pressure Shipping
Size Diameter & Length1 x Length Diam. Length4 Lbs. per Lbs. per Weight
(In) (OD) (A&B) (D&E) (H) (L) Sq.In. Sq.In. (Lbs.)
1/2 .840 .156 x 12 2–1/2 x 14 3-1/2 15-5/8 1500 2250 4-1/2
3/4 1.050 .156 x 12 2–1/2 x 14 3-13/16 15-5/8 1500 2250 5
1 1.315 .148 x 12 2–1/2 x 14 4-1/16 15-5/8 1500 2250 6
1-1/4 1.660 .154 x 12 2–1/2 x 14 4-7/16 15-5/8 1500 2250 6-1/2
1-1/2 1.900 .165 x 12 2–1/2 x 14 4-3/4 15-5/8 1500 2250 7-1/2
2 2.375 .156 x 12 3–1/2 x 15 6-1/4 17 1500 2250 15
2 2.375 .156 x 24 3–1/2 x 28 6-1/4 29 1500 2250 33
2-1/2 2.875 .180 x 12 3–5/8 x 15 7 17 1500 2250 12
2-1/2 2.875 .180 x 24 3–5/8 x 28 7 29 1500 2250 20-/12
3 3.500 .156 x 12 4–5/8 x 12-3/4 8 15 1500 2250 23
3 3.500 .156 x 24 4–5/8 x 28 8 29 1500 2250 40
3-1/2 4.000 .188 x 12 4–5/8 x 12-3/4 8-5/8 15 1175 1763 25
4 4.500 .188 x 12 4–5/8 x 12-3/4 9 15 1063 1595 28
4 4.500 .188 x 24 4–5/8 x 28 9 29 1063 1595 44
4-1/2 5.000 .229 x 12 4–5/8 x 12-3/4 9 15 930 1395 30
5 5.500 .280 x 16 4–5/8 x 19-1/2 9 21 1162 1743 41
5 5.563 .280 x 16 4–5/8 x 19-1/2 10-3/8 21 1162 1743 51
5-5/8 6.000 .280 x 16 6–5/8 x 19-1/2 10-3/8 21 935 1403 66
6 6.625 1/4 x 16 6–5/8 x 19-1/2 11-1/4 21 968 1452 54
6 6.625 1/4 x 24 6–5/8 x 28 11-1/4 29 968 1452 60
6-5/8 7.000 1/4 x 16 6–5/8 x 19-1/2 11-3/4 21 923 1385 54
7-5/8 8.000 1/4 x 16 6–5/8 x 19-1/2 13-1/4 21 822 1233 60
8 8.625 1/4 x 16 6–5/8 x 19-1/2 13-1/4 21 769 1154 63
8 8.625 1/4 x 24 6–5/8 x 28 13-7/8 29 769 1154 85
9-5/8 10.000 1/4 x 16 8–5/8 x 19-1/2 13-7/8 21 674 1011 75
10 10.750 1/4 x 24 8–5/8 x 28 14-5/8 29 632 948 81
10 10.750 1/4 x 16 8–5/8 x 19-1/2 14-5/8 21 632 948 109
11-5/8 12.000 1/4 x 16 8–5/8 x 19-1/2 16 21 571 857 87
12 12.750 1/4 x 16 8–5/8 x 19-1/2 16-3/4 21-3/4 520 780 119
12 12.750 3/8 x 24 8–5/8 x 28 17-1/8 29-3/4 796 1194 165
14 14.000 1/4 x 16 8–5/8 x 19-1/2 18 21-3/4 732 1098 130
16 16.000 1/4 x 16 10–5/8 x 19-1/2 21 21-3/4 647 971 148
16.000 3/8 x 24 10–5/8 x 28 21 29-3/4 647 971 200
18 18.000 1/4 x 16 10–5/8 x 19-1/2 22 21-3/4 581 872 175
18.000 3/8 x 24 10–5/8 x 28 23 29-3/4 581 872 235
20 20.000 1/4 x 16 12–5/8 x 19-1/2 24 21-3/4 526 789 201
20.000 3/8 x 24 12–5/8 x 28 25 29-3/4 526 789 269
22 22.000 1/4 x 16 14–5/8 x 19-1/2 26 22-3/4 481 722 224
22.000 3/8 x 24 14–5/8 x 28 27 30-3/4 481 722 299
24 24.000 1/4 x 16 14–5/8 x 19-1/2 28 22-3/4 443 665 240
24.000 3/8 x 24 14–5/8 x 28 29 30-3/4 443 665 325

1- Middle Rings - Thicker or longer than those listed can be furnished.

2- Bolts - Furnished E-coated steel as standard.
3- Gasket - Information appears on inside back cover.
4- Dimension “L” - Overall length taken with fasteners drawn up finger tight.
5- Working Pressure - Pressure ratings are determined on the basis of Barlow’s formula using a working stress equal to
one half the minimum yield of the middle ring material.

PRESSURE RATINGS NOTE: Consult factory for pressure ratings that represent your particular product requirements
Style 62 Reducing/Transition Couplings
Dresser Style 62 Reducing Couplings
are ideal for (1) when making actual reduc-
tions in pipe size; (2) when changing the
class of pipe; and (3) when joining steel
and cast iron pipe. They can be supplied
for connections between any two kinds or
sizes of pipe.
Type I Reducing Couplings are for
For connecting different
reductions where the differences in pipe
sizes and types of pipe
diameters is small, as from standard cast
iron to steel of the same nominal size. See Style 62 Coupling Dimensions
Standard Style 38 parts are used except on Page 13
the middle ring is swaged on one end.
Type II Reducing Couplings are for larger and special reductions outside the range
of Type I. They are made from Style 38 parts with anchor rings welded to the middle
ring. Two sets of bolts are supplied.

NOTE: Style 39-62 Insulating-Reducing couplings are also

Materials of Construction available for joining pipes of different O.D.’s and dissimilar
Followers: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36 metals such as cast-iron x steel connections.
Middle Ring: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or ASME SA675
Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
Gaskets: Grade 27 BUNA S
Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy

Transition Couplings Available...For joining pipe of different diameters

Dresser Transition Couplings permits you to connect
two different kinds of pipe or sizes of pipe. You simply
select the correct coupling for the different pipe
diameters being joined. The drawings at left illustrate
how gaskets of different cross-sections adjust the
coupling to suit your requirements. Further adjustment
is accomplished with reducing middle-ring couplings.
Please consult factory for size specifications for your
particular requirements.

SIZES & SPECIFICATIONS: See Style 62 Size Specification Charts on Page 13

Style 62 Reducing Couplings
Type 1 Sizes and Specifications for Steel and Cast Iron Pipe

Outside Outside Overall Dimensions Approx.
Nominal Diameter Diameter Middle Ring Bolts1 Shipping
Size Cast-Iron Steel Thickness No./Diam. Diam. Length Weight
Inches (Inches) (Inches) & Length & Length (H) (L) (Lbs.)
3 3.74 - 4.02 3.500 .188 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 7-3/4 9-1/2 16
4 4.74 - 5.06 4.000 .229 x 7 4–5/8 x 10-3/4 9 11-7/8 23
4 4.74 - 5.06 4.500 .229 x 7 4–5/8 x 10-3/4 9 11-7/8 25
6 6.84 - 7.16 6.000 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 11-3/4 11-7/8 27
6 6.84 - 7.16 6.625 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 11-3/4 11-7/8 27
8 8.99 - 9.36 8.000 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 13-1/4 11-7/8 34
8 8.99 - 9.36 8.625 1/4 x 7 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 13-1/4 11-7/8 36
10 11.04 - 11.46 10.750 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 15-9/16 11-7/8 58
12 13.14 - 13.56 12.750 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 17-3/4 11-7/8 83
14 15.300 14.000 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 19-5/16 11-7/8 85
16 17.400 16.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 21-3/8 11-7/8 89
16 17.800 16.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 22-13/16 11-7/8 103
18 19.500 18.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 23-1/2 11-7/8 117
20 21.600 20.000 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 25-5/8 11-7/8 127
20 22.060 20.000 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 27-1/16 11-7/8 131
24 25.800 24.000 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 29-13/16 11-7/8 162
24 26.320 24.000 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 168

1- Bolts - Furnished E-coated steel as standard.

Gasket - Information appears on Inside Back Cover

Transition Couplings - Sizes and Specifications for Steel and CIP

Overall Dimensions Approx.
Nominal Middle Ring Bolts1 Shipping
Size Outside Diameter Range Thickness No./Diam. Diam. Length Weight
Inches (Inches) & Length & Length (H) (L) (Lbs.)
4 4.74 - 5.06 x 4.46 - 4.54 .229 x 5 4–5/8 x 10-3/4 9 11-7/8 16
5.06 - 5.42 x 4.46 - 4.54 .229 x 5 4–5/8 x 10-3/4 9 11-7/8 16
6 6.84 - 7.16 x 6.84 - 7.16 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 11-3/4 11-7/8 21
7.15 - 7.45 x 7.15 - 7.45 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 11-3/4 11-7/8 21
7.15 - 7.45 x 6.84 - 7.16 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 13-1/4 11-7/8 21
6.84 - 7.16 x 6.61 - 6.69 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 10-3/4 13-1/4 11-7/8 21
7.15 - 7.45 x 6.61 - 6.69 1/4 x 5 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 15-9/16 11-7/8 21
8 8.99 - 9.22 x 8.99 - 9.22 3/8 x 5 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 17-3/4 11-7/8 29
9.24 - 9.52 x 9.24 - 9.52 3/8 x 5 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 19-5/16 11-7/8 29
9.45 - 9.70 x 9.45 - 9.70 3/8 x 5 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 21-3/8 11-7/8 29
9.24 - 9.52 x 8.99 - 9.22 3/8 x 5 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 22-13/16 11-7/8 29
9.45 - 9.70 x 8.99 - 9.22 3/8 x 5 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 23-1/2 11-7/8 29
9.45 - 9.70 x 9.24 - 9.52 3/8 x 5 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 25-5/8 11-7/8 29
8.99 - 9.22 x 8.61 - 8.69 3/8 x 5 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 27-1/16 11-7/8 30
9.24 - 9.52 x 8.61 - 8.69 3/8 x 5 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 29-13/16 11-7/8 30
9.24 - 9.70 x 8.61 - 8.69 3/8 x 5 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 30
10 11.34 - 11.73 x 11.04 - 11.46 3/8 x 5 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 32
11.34 - 11.73 x 11.34 - 11.73 3/8 x 5 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 32
11.87 - 12.24 x 11.04 - 11.46 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 50
11.87 - 12.24 x 10.73 - 10.81 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 50
12 14.13 - 14.51 x 12.72 - 12.84 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 58
14.13 - 14.51 x 13.14 - 13.56 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 31-5/16 11-7/8 58

1- Bolts - Furnished E-coated steel as standard.
Gasket - Information appears on Inside Back Cover

Style 31 Line Cap
Dresser Style 31 Line Caps are used to close off sections of a pipeline during construction
and testing, and to cap off dead-ends in the line for future branch connections. Style 31 Line
Caps are made from Style 38 Dresser coupling parts with a convex steel dished head welded
into one end of the middle ring. One follower ring is welded to the cap itself, and only one
gasket is required.
The Style 31 is regularly supplied with a 1” NPT vent and plug off-center. When ordering,
For close-off, testing please specify whether vent is to be provided. The Dresser Style 31 Line Cap is also available in
and capping “dead-ends” an insulating design with insulating gasket, insulating sleeve and and pipe-end separator.
for future branch extensions
WARNING: Style 31 Line Caps must NOT be used under pressure WITHOUT ANCHORAGE OR
BLOCKING sufficient to withstand the entire longitudinal thrust due to internal pressure.

Style 31 Line Caps

Sizes and Specifications for Steel Pipe
Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts Working* Approx.
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure Weight
Size Diameter & Length x Length Lbs. per Each
(ID) (OD) (A&B) (D&E) Sq.In. (Lbs.)
2 2.375 .187 x 5 3–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 12
3 3.500 .203 x 2-1/2 4–5/8 x 6 150 16
4 4.500 .5/16 x 3-1/2 4–5/8 x 6 150 19
6 6.625 .5/16 x 3-1/2 6–5/8 x 6 150 28
8 8.625 3/8 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 37
10 10.750 3/8 x 5 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 50
12 12.750 3/8 x 5 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 58
Style 31 Line Cap
14 14.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 73
(Vent Optional)
16 16.000 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 86
18 18.000 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 98
20 20.000 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 113
24 24.000 3/8 x 7 15–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 187

Materials of Construction
Sizes and Specifications for Cast-Iron Pipe Followers: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36
Pipe Outside Middle Ring Bolts Working* Approx. (Ductile Iron or Malleable Iron for 1/2” thru 1-1/2”)
Nominal Pipe Thickness No./Diam. Pressure Weight Middle Ring: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or ASME
Size Diameter & Length x Length Lbs. per Each SA675 GR60
(ID) (OD) (A&B) (D&E) Sq.In. (Lbs.)
Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
2 2.500 .187 x 5 3–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 12 Gasket: Grade 27 BUNA S (Armored)
3 3.800 .188 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 13
Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy
3 3.960 .203 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 18
4 4.800 .229 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 17

4 5.000
.229 x 5 4–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 17
NOTE: Style 31 Line Caps are supplied with 1” IPS
6 6.900 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 27
vents in center of head as standard for 2” and 3”
6 7.100 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 27
sizes. 4” and larger are furnished with 1” IPS vent
8 9.050 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 42
off-center (see photo above). Caps with no vents
8 9.300 1/4 x 5 6–5/8 x 8-1/4 150 45
and caps with lock pins are available upon request.
10 11.100 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 71
Consult factory for your particular requirements.
10 11.400 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 72
12 13.200 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 100 *Higher pressures available per application.
12 13.500 3/8 x 7 8–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 106
14 15.300 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 120
14 15.650 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 124
16 17.400 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 136
16 17.800 3/8 x 7 10–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 147
18 19.500 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 163
18 19.920 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 167
20 21.600 3/8 x 7 12–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 183
20 22.060 3/8 x 7 14–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 192
24 25.800 3/8 x 7 15–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 230
24 26.320 3/8 x 7 15–5/8 x 10-3/4 150 235

Style 167 Lock Couplings
Provides additional holding strength under unusual service
Dresser Style 167 Lock Couplings actually “lock” the pipe and the coupling together to pro-
tect the line from pipe separation due to unusual movement. These couplings are for excep-
tional conditions such as ash handling and coal transmission lines, or unanchored
high-pressure surface lines where added holding strength is desired.
Style 167 lock couplings utilize standard Style 38 parts with the addition of leak-proof
For drilled-end pipe locking pins. The locking arrangement consists of threaded steel locking plugs at each end
which extend through the middle ring into corresponding holes drilled in the pipe ends. This
construction permits a “universal joint” action of the pipe in the coupling, yet prevents the pipe
from pulling out under excessive longitudinal stresses.

Style 167 Lock Couplings

Specifications for Sizes 3” thru 12”
Nominal Pipe O.D. Middle Ring Shipping
Size (In.) (In.) Length (In.) Weight (lbs.)
3 3.500 10 17
3-1/2 4.000 10 19
4 4.500 10 21
4-1/2 5.000 10 22
5 5.562 10 25
6.000 10 30
6 6.625 10 31
6 7.000 10 33
6 8.000 10 37
8 8.625 10 38
10.000 10 46 Style 167 Pipe-Drilling Table
10 10.750 10 51
12 12.750 10 58 Locking Pin Drilling Dimensions
STYLE 167 FOR DRILLED-END CIP Nominal Lock Pin from End of Drill Size
Nominal Pipe O.D. Middle Ring Shipping Size Diameter (C) Pipe (A) (B)
Size (In.) (In.) Length (In.) Weight (lbs.) 1/2” 11/16” 15/16” 13/16”
3 3.800 10 19 3/4” 29/32” 1-1/4” 1-1/16”
3 3.960 10 19 1” 1-1/8” 1-7/16” 1-1/4”
4 4.800 10 24
4 5.000 10 24
Materials of Construction
6 6.900 10 31
Followers: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36
6 7.100 10 33
Middle Ring: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or ASME SA675 GR60
8 9.050 10 39
Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
8 9.300 10 42
Gaskets: Grade 27 BUNA S
10 11.100 10 64 Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Powder; Optional Shopcoat
10 11.400 10 65
12 13.200 10 88
12 13.500 10 90

Style 128-W Flange Adapter
Fabricated to order from high-strength
steel, Dresser Style 128-W Flange
Adapters afford the engineer a complete
size range up to 24” diameter in steel,
cast-iron and A-C pipe sizes. Flanges can
be supplied to AWWA specification C-207
as well as other U.S. and international
The compression end of the adapter has
a Dresser coupling type design utilizing a
wedge gasket for an efficent, leak-proof
seal. Insulating designs can also be fur-
nished. The Style 128-W is also available
Materials of Construction
with lock pins to provide anchorage to Follower: AISI C1012 or ASME SA36
the pipe. Larger sizes are available upon Body & Flange: ASTM A513, ASTM A635 or ASME
SA675 GR60
Bolts & Nuts: Alloy to AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
Gasket: Grade 27 BUNA S

Style 128-W Flange Adapter Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy

Sizes and Specifications for Steel Pipe

Follower Overall Bolt No. of Overall Approx.
Nominal Outside End Bolts Flange Circle Bolt Holes Follower Overall Shipping
Size Diameter Body Number Diameter Diameter x Diameter Diameter Length Weight
(Steel) (Inches) Thickness Diam. & Length (A) (B) (C) (D) (L) (Lbs)
2 2-3/8 .156 3–5/8 x 4 6 4-3/4 4 x 3/4” 6-1/4 8-5/8 14
3 3-1/2 .156 4–5/8 x 4 7-1/2 6 4 x 3/4” 7-3/8 8-13/16 19
4 4-1/2 .188 4–5/8 x 4 9 7-1/2 8 x 3/4” 8-3/4 8-13/16 25
5 5-9/16 1/4 4–5/8 x 4 10 8-1/2 8 x 7/8” 9-5/8 9-9/16 30
6 6-5/8 1/4 6–5/8 x 4 11 9-1/2 8 x 7/8” 10-1/2 9-1/16 38
8 8-5/8 1/4 6–5/8 x 4 13-1/2 11-3/4 8 x 7/8” 12-7/16 9-1/16 52
10 10-3/4 1/4 8–5/8 x 4 16 14-1/4 12 x 1” 14-5/8 9-3/16 58
12 12-3/4 1/4 8–5/8 x 4 19 17 12 x 1” 16-3/4 9-11/16 79
14 1/4 8–5/8 x 4 21 18-3/4 12 x 1-1/8” 18 9-3/4 89
16 3/8 10–5/8 x 4 23-1/2 21-1/4 16 x 1-1/8” 20 9-3/4 103
18 1/4 10–5/8 x 4-1/2 25 22-3/4 16 x 1-1/4” 22 9-3/4 112
20 3/8 12–5/8 x 4-1/2 27-1/2 25 20 x 1-1/4” 24 9-3/4 127
24 3/8 14–5/8 x 4-1/2 32 29-1/2 20 x 1-3/8” 28 10 184

Sizes and Specifications for Cast-Iron Pipe

Follower Overall Bolt No. of Overall Approx.
Nominal Outside End Bolts Flange Circle Bolt Holes Follower Overall Shipping
Size Diameter Body Number Diameter Diameter x Diameter Diameter Length Weight
(CIP) (Inches) Thickness Diam. & Length (A) (B) (C) (D) (L) (Lbs)
3 3.74 - 4.02 .188 4–5/8 x 4 7-1/2 6 4 x 3/4” 7-3/4 8-11/16 25
4 4.74 - 5.06 .229 4–5/8 x 4 9 7-1/2 8 x 3/4” 9 9-7/16 30
6 6.84 - 7.16 1/4 4–5/8 x 4 11 9-1/2 8 x 7/8” 11-3/16 9-1/16 36
8 8.99 - 9.36 1/4 6–5/8 x 4 13-1/2 11-3/4 8 x 7/8” 13-1/2 9-1/16 50
10 11.04 - 11.46 3/8 8–5/8 x 4 16 14-1/4 12 x 1” 15-9/16 9-3/16 69
12 13.14 - 13.56 3/8 8–5/8 x 4-1/2 19 17 12 x 1” 17-13/16 9-11/16 95
14 15.30 3/8 10–5/8 x 4-1/2 21 18-3/4 12 x 1-1/8” 19-3/8 9-3/4 112
16 17.40 3/8 10–5/8 x 4-1/2 23-1/2 21-1/4 16 x 1-1/8” 21-7/16 9-3/4 132
16 17.80 3/8 10–5/8 x 4-1/2 23-1/2 21-1/4 16 x 1-1/8” 21-13/16 9-3/4 140
18 19.50 3/8 12–5/8 x 4-1/2 25 22-3/4 16 x 1-1/4” 23-1/2 9-3/4 151
20 21.60 3/8 12–5/8 x 4-1/2 27-1/2 25 20 x 1-1/4” 25-5/8 9-3/4 168
24 25.80 3/8 15–5/8 x 4-1/2 32 29-1/2 20 x 1-3/8” 29-13/16 10 230


Style 63 Expansion Joints
Dresser offers the broadest line of Style 63 Expansion Joints including single-end (Type 1 and
Type 3 shown below), and double-end (Type 2 & 4), limited-movement types, flanged, lock coupled,
or weld ends. Aggressive wear and pipe wall failure caused by fatigue of the convoluted surfaces
present in rubber accordion or metal bellows types is eliminated with Dresser expansion joints. There
is no need for expensive pipe loop systems.
Dresser expansion joints are built to order and are available up to 120” in diameter. Provided with
rugged welded steel construction, the Style 63 is available in stainless or carbon steel, monel or other
alloys for special applications. Single-end expansion joints permit up to 10” of concentrated pipe
movement. Larger amounts of movement
Materials of Construction are available per application.
Body: AISI C1006, C1010, C1015, C1025 or ASTM A513 Special packing and lubrication
Carbon Steel
requirements are custom-matched to
specific fluid processes or application
Follower: AISI C1012, C1021, ASTM A20 or A36 Carbon
requirements. Temperature ratings to
Steel 800°F and pressure ratings to 1200 psi.
Slip Pipe: Chrome plated Available with Dresser AL-CLAD™
For absorbing Tail Pipe: AISI C1006, C1010, C1015, C1025 or ASTM A513 coating for optimum protection against
concentrated pipe Carbon Steel aggressive water conditions and for
movement Bolts & Nuts: ANSI/AWWA C111/ANSI A21.11 handling brine, brackish water, coke oven
NOTE: Packing: Standard packing is alternate rings of Buna-S and gas, petroleum and other line content.
See Page 2 for Style 63 lubricating split jute
ordering information

Style 63 Type 1 Sizes and Specifications Style 63 Type 3 Sizes and Specifications

Pipe Bolts
Overall Dimensions Weight Pipe Bolts
Overall Dimensions Weight
Nominal Outside No./Diam. Per Nominal Outside No./Diam. Per
Size Diameter x Length Diam. Length Joint Size Diameter x Length Diam. Length Joint
(In) (OD) (A&B) (C) (D) ( E) (Lbs) (In) (OD) (A&B) (C) (D) ( E) (Lbs)
3 3.500 4–5/8 x 11 8-1/2 36 46 65 3 3.500 4–5/8 x 24 8-1/2 36 46 80
4 4.500 4–5/8 x 11 9-1/2 36 46 75 4 4.500 4–5/8 x 24 9-1/2 36 46 90



5 5.563 4–5/8 x 11 10-5/8 36 46 110 5 5.563 4–5/8 x 24 10-5/8 36 46 125

6 6.625 6–5/8 x 11 11-3/4 36 46 130 6 6.625 6–5/8 x 24 11-3/4 36 46 155
8 8.625 6–5/8 x 11 13-3/4 36 46 180 8 8.625 6–5/8 x 24 13-3/4 36 46 205
10 10.750 8–5/8 x 11 15-7/8 36 46 250 10 10.750 8–5/8 x 24 15-7/8 36 46 285
12 12.750 8–5/8 x 11 17-7/8 36 46 315 12 12.750 8–5/8 x 24 17-7/8 36 46 350
14.000 8–5/8 x 11 19-1/2 36 46 340 14.000 8–5/8 x 24 19-1/2 36 46 385
16.000 10–5/8 x 11 21-1/2 36 46 380 16.000 10–5/8 x 24 21-1/2 36 46 430
18.000 10–5/8 x 11 23-1/2 36 46 415 18.000 10–5/8 x 24 23-1/2 36 46 470
20.000 12–5/8 x 11 25-1/2 36 46 470 20.000 12–5/8 x 24 25-1/2 36 46 530
22.000 14–5/8 x 11 27-1/2 36 46 525 22.000 14–5/8 x 24 27-1/2 36 46 590
24.000 14–5/8 x 11 29-1/2 36 46 565 24.000 14–5/8 x 24 29-1/2 36 46 635

Type 1 is a single-end expansion joint permitting up to 10” of concen- Type 3 is a single-end expansion joint equipped with a limited move-
trated pipe movement. Standard packing consists of alternate layers ment feature to limit the maximum amount of pipe withdrawal. Slip
of split resilient sealing rings and jute lubricating rings. Other packing pipes are regularly furnished for Type 3 expansion joints.
for special conditions can be supplied.
Style 131 Dismantling Joint
The Dresser Style 131 Dismantling Joint is a double-ended flanged adapter that
allows for longitudinal adjustment in piping systems where flanged end pipe is the
standard. This product will provide the maximum in flexibility when installing and
maintaining flanged end pipe interfaces with check valves, gate valves, ball valves,
pumps, blowers, meters, engines, compressors, various fittings and appurtenances.
A typical dismantling joint would be used anywhere that a flanged end piping
accessory, such as a valve or pump, requires quick installation or removal. The
product eliminates the need to drop an inlet or discharge pipe leg normally associated
with flanged end pipe. It also allows for up to 2 degrees of misalignment, and can be
Dresser Dismantling Joints designed to provide from 2” to 20” of longitudinal adjustment to the pipe ends.
are available in a variety of coatings This longitudinal adjustment, provided by a telescoping flanged spool piece,
to suit operating and environmental can be limited with the addition of tie rods, which are integral with the joint. As a
conditions, and gasket compounds consequence of this flexibility, center to center dimensions become less critical to the
are selected for compatibility with installer and installation time is reduced considerably.
line content, with the standard gasket
Dresser Dismantling Joints are available in diameters ranging from 4” through 24”
available in Grade 27 Buna S.
in standard designs, and through 96” in diameter for custom-engineered designs.
Fabricated in either carbon steel or stainless steel, standard design features flanges
supplied to AWWA specification C-207 with a maximum working pressure of 150
PSI. Flanges manufactured to other U.S. and international standards and higher
pressure ratings available upon request.

Materials of Construction
Spool Piece: Steel - AISI C1010-C1015
Flange Adapter: Steel - AISI C1010-C1015
Tie Rods (2) (Optional): Steel - ASTM A193 Grade
Nuts: ASTM A194 Grade 2H
Gasket: Grade 27 BUNA S
Coatings: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy. Optional Dresser

Style 131 Dismantling Joint - Dimension Specifications 4” through 24”

Nominal Closed Length Tie
Rod (Optional) Min. Flange Flange N
ominal Closed Length Tie
Rod (Optional) Min. Flange Flange
Size (A) Diam. Length Thickness (C) O.D. (B) Size (A) Diam. Length Thickness (C) O.D. (B)

4” 12-3/8” 5/8” 22” 5/8” 9” 14” 14” 1” 26” 15/16” 21”

5” 12-3/8” 5/8” 22” 5/8” 10” 16” 14-1/8” 1” 26” 1” 23-1/2”
6” 12-3/4” 3/4” 24” 11/16” 11” 18” 14-1/2” 1-1/8” 26” 1-1/16” 25”
8” 12-3/4” 3/4” 24” 11/16” 13-1/2” 20” 14-5/8” 1-1/8” 26” 1-1/18” 27-1/2”
10” 13-1/4” 7/8” 24” 11/16” 16” 24” 15-1/8” 1-1/4” 28” 1-1/4” 32”
12” 13-3/8” 7/8” 24” 13/16” 19”

NOTE 1: Tie rods are designed for 150 PSI Maximum Working Pressure. (Tie rods are optional by request)
NOTE 2: Other types and larger sizes available on request. (e.g. ANSI 150# and 300#)

Style 440 Joint Harnesses
Dresser Style 440 Joint Harnesses are steel tie-bolts, diametrically opposite, which
extend across a coupled joint from lugs welded to the pipe on either side of the joint.
Joint harnesses are particularly effective on unanchored bends subject to pulsating
pressures of sharp intensity.
Available as conductive or insulating, Dresser Joint Harnesses have been designed
to meet D.O.T. Regulation Part II, Section 192.273 and meet all safety requirements
of modern gas distribution system practices. Lugs are made of rugged construction
for optimum strength. Insulators are of high-quality thermoplastic resin compound
Provides additional
reinforcement providing minimum insulating rating of 5 megohms at 100V, and will not short out. A
deflection ring placed behind one lug deflects to absorb contraction in connected pipes
of coupled joints
occurring after installation eliminating harmful stresses. Individual harnesses may be
installed in the field as either insulated or conductive by simply interchanging parts.
Each Dresser Style 440 Joint Harness consists of two lugs, one deflection ring, one
stud bolt and two nuts. Harnesses are furnished with either 5/8” or 3/4” stud bolts
in lengths of 26” for 5” middle rings; 32” for 7” middle rings; and 44” for 12” & 16”
middle rings. See selector chart below for pipe diameters and line working pressure.

Style 440 Joint Harnesses

Selector Chart - Number of Joint Harnesses Required by Pipe Diameter, Bolt Size and Working Pressure
Pipe Bolt Line Working Pressure (PSI)
Diam. Size 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
2” - 6” 5/8” 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8” 5/8” 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
3/4” 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10” 5/8” 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4
3/4” 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
12” 5/8” 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
3/4” 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4
14” 5/8” 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
3/4” 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
16” 5/8” 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 Lugs (2)
3/4” 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5
18” 5/8” 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10
3/4” 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
20” 5/8” 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
3/4” 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 Standard Style 440 Design
24” 5/8” 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 15 15
3/4” 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
30” 3/4” 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 18
36” 3/4” 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 26

NOTE: Style 440 Joint Harnesses are joints of special fabrication and built
for special conditions. Use of any one of these products is limited and never
required for ordinary conditions. In all cases of unusual service conditions
that may require these devices consult Dresser engineers to assist with
recommendations for your particular requirements.

AWWA M-11 Design

Style 253Cast
Couplings for Cast Iron Pipe
The Dresser Style 253 Cast Coupling is designed to allow a faster, easier way to join all
your waterworks piping – steel, cast or ductile iron, and PVC – regardless of pipe class or
O. D. and comes in a wide range of sizes from 2”- 16” O.D. The Style 253 is constructed of
ductile iron and features a color-coding system intended to facilitate installation and reduce
your coupling inventory requirements.
Each coupling follower is color-coded for the type of pipe it is designed to fit. Matching
gaskets are also imprinted with the correct color, as well as the O. D. range for ease of quick
identification. You’ll always have the right coupling for the job – without carrying a separate
coupling for every class or type of pipe. Ruggedly constructed, the Style 253 gives you positive
Offered with gasket confinement for a safe leak-proof seal.
alloy bolts and nuts
Materials of Construction
Followers and Middle Rings: Ductile iron to ASTM A-536. Grade 65-45-12 (Dresser
Spec. 0259)
Bolts: AWWA C 111/ANSI A21.11
Gaskets to Spec. 0035, conform to compression set test ASTM D-395 method A & B,
approved for water applications
Coating: Fusion-Bonded Epoxy
Ratings to 200 PSI working pressure per AWWA C219, and -20°F to 212°F.
• Testing per AWWA C-219 (ANSI A21.11)

Style 253 Cast Couplings

Specifications for Sizes 2” thru 16” - All Supplied with 5” Middle Rings
Nominal Bolts Approx.
Pipe Range* Number Alloy** Shipping
Size O.D. Dia. x Length Bolts & Nuts Primary Weight
(In) Inches (In) Assembly Part No. Pipe Applications (Lbs.)
2 2.34 - 2.63 2—5/8 x 7 0253-0263-0263-00 Steel 6
2-1/2 2.65 - 2.88 2—5/8 x 7 0253-0288-0288-00 Steel 8
3 3.50 4—5/8 x 7 0253-0350-0350-00 Steel 12
3.80 - 3.96 0253-0396-0396-00 DIP
4 4.46 - 4.86 4—5/8 x 8-1/4 0253-0486-0486-00 Steel/DIP/Pit Cast “A” 15
4.80 - 5.10 0253-0510-0510-00 DIP/Al Pit Cast/PVC

6 6.56 - 6.96 6—5/8 x 8-1/4 0253-0696-0696-00 Steel/DIP/Pit Cast “A”/PVC 23
6.90 - 7.22 0253-0722-0722-00 DIP/CIP

8 8.54 - 9.11 6—5/8 x 8-1/4 0253-0911-0911-00 Steel/DIP/Pit Cast A&B 32
9.05 - 9.45 0253-0945-0945-00 CIP

10 10.50 - 10.75 6—5/8 x 9-1/2 0253-1075-1075-00 Steel 52
11.10 - 11.60 0253-1160-1160-00 DIP/CIP

12 12.50 - 12.75 8—5/8 x 9-1/2 0253-1275-1275-00 Steel 55
13.20 – 13.50 0253-1350-1350-00 DIP

16 17.40 - 17.80 10—5/8 x 10-3/4 0253-1780-1780-00 DIP 80

*Published ranges indicate nominal pipe outside diameters. Couplings are designed for pipes within current AWWA standard tolerances.
**Stainless Steel Bolts and Nuts are available upon request. Consult factory for your particular requirements.

Piping Specialties DRESSER® Life-time Gaskets
Bradford, PA Dresser Compounded Rubber Gaskets Butyl -Max. Temp. 250°F
Pipe joints must be able to absorb pipe stress caused by Butyl gaskets are resistant to hot air service, steam, hot water
natural forces and natural expansion, contraction, vibration and miscellaneous aqueous solutions. They are also suitable
and deflection while the line is in service. The sealing capabili- for vegetable oils, organic chemicals, oxidizing acids and
ties and the extreme flexibility of a Dresser coupled joint is alkalies.
How to Specify/Order....................... Page 2-3 AL-CLAD™ Coating offered as standard made possible by the resilience of the rubber-compounded
Coupling Deflection Specifications..........Page 4 gaskets. Resiliency is the property that enables the gaskets
EPDM - Max. Temp. 300°F
Dresser AL-CLAD fusion-bonded epoxy coating is EPDM gaskets provide excellent resistant to aging factors
to maintain pressure against the followers that confine it and,
offered as standard on the most common Dresser such as ozone, oxygen and elevated temperatures. This
at the same time, allow for flexibility not found in rigid piping
Dresser water market products you’ll find pipe joining products in the most popular sizes connections. Without it, a flexible joint is not possible!
includes service in hot water, steam and dry heat. They are
in this catalog... featured in this catalog.* Simply put, the absorption of pipeline stress permits each
also suitable for handling popular chemicals such as ketones,
alcohols, phosphate ester hydraulic fluids, glycols, dilute acids
Regular Couplings................................Page 5-8 Tough, corrosion-resistant, factory-applied Dresser section of the pipeline to “float” in the joint ensuring a
and alkalies.
flexible piping system while avoiding leakage, line breaks,
AL-CLAD coating has been developed through years
Insulating Couplings............................... Page 9 costly repairs and service interruptions. High Temperature - Max. Temp. 1200°F
of exhaustive testing and field application.
These braided flexible gaskets are designed specifically
Long Body Couplings..........................Page 10-11 AL-CLAD epoxy coating is a fusion-bonded coating Armored® Gaskets for the high temperature and abrasive atmospheres
Reducing Couplings...........................Page 12-13 applied under rigidly controlled factory conditions Armored gaskets can be used to great advantage where low associated with services such as fly ash handling systems.
and offers smoother flow in wetted waterways and electrical-resistant joints are desired. The armor “bites” into the As a replacement for asbestos, these gaskets are
Line Caps...........................................Page 14 pipe providing metal to metal contact allowing easy passage of manufactured of a pure homogenous graphite bonded to
provides protection against corrosive or aggressive current where cathodic protection is a necessity. a fiberglass carrier for strength and thermal durability.
Lock Couplings.....................................Page 15 conditions. The armor–an elastic, practically indestructible brass coil or The braid over braid construction is die-formed and cut
Flange Adapters....................................Page 16 helix–is molded into the gasket tip becoming an integral part of to length to fit proper coupling configurations resulting in
*Excludes Style 63 Expansion Joints where AL-CLAD coating is the gasket. When used with the proper grade/compound rubber, a uniform tolerance which has proven itself as a reliable
Expansion Joints...................................Page 17 optional. Please consult factory for other products and sizes the armor shields the gasket material from the line content asbestos replacement.
where AL-CLAD coating may be optional. without interfering with the sealing efficiency of the gasket.
Dismantling Joints.................................Page 18
Note: The non-resilient characteristic of this particular gasket
Buna N (Grade 42 - Nitrile) Max. Temp. 150°F*
Joint Harnesses....................................Page 19 material may result in a non leak-proof seal. This should be
Buna N (Grade 42) gaskets are resistant to oil, most
taken into consideration for this application.
Modular Cast Couplings..........................Page 20 aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, natural gas fogging oil,
condensates and gasolines.
Dresser Gaskets........................Inside Back Cover
Buna S (Grade 27) Max. Temp. 212°F* WARNING NOTE: Temperature recommendations are
The compound most generally used for plain gaskets is Buna S for reference purposes only. Please consult Dresser
(Grade 27). This gasket has wide applications and is accepted Engineering for specific recommendations, product style,
as standard for most pipeline use. It is recommended for use line content, working pressure and temperature ranges.
on lines transporting both fresh water and salt water, natural
and other gases, air, most acids, alkaline and sugar solutions
and some refrigerants. For SEVERE Service Conditions, see Dresser
Fluorocarbon - Max. Temp. 350°F Gasket Brochure for complete listing of corrosive
Fluorocarbon gaskets are resistant to hydrocarbons, aromatic content and gasket recommendations.
hydrocarbons, alcohols, organic acids, nitrogen-containing
compounds, vegetable oils and greases.

Customer Service: 800-458-2398

Sales Fax: 800-362-9363
email: [email protected]
*For Dresser Styles 65 & 88 Fittings, the maximum temperature is 150°F
Other DRESSER Piping Products for Water, Wastewater
and Industrial Piping Systems
Style 360® Repair Clamps
Style 360 Repair Clamps offer simplicity and ease of installation for the repair of holes,
splits and cracks for permanent repair of A-C, PVC, cast/ductile iron or steel pipe. You can use it
where pipe ends are separated, or where ends are deflected up to 4 degrees or 1/8 inch. Clamp
features include a tapered gasket with a gridded design and the spanner molded into the gasket
to prevent “hang up.” The “360” has a stainless band, lugs of rugged epoxy-coated ductile iron,
special one-inch long nuts for use with a standard deep socket wrench, and bolts of corrosion-
resistant Dresserloy (stainless steel optional).

Style 91 Service Saddles

Style 91 Service Saddles are made with high grade ductile iron bodies with either zinc-
Steel Products
plated steel stirrups or stainless steel straps. Style 91 saddles are designed to shape themselves
for Water, Wastewater
to the pipe during installation for maximum support, and to eliminate loading stresses. This allows and Industrial Piping Systems
the saddle to accommodate an exceptionally wide range of pipe materials and sizes. Style 91
saddles are available in single or double strap configurations and are furnished with 1/2” thru 2”
NPT tapped bodies.

Custom Fabrication
DRESSER offers custom fabrication and engineering expertise
making Dresser Piping Specialties your ideal solutions provider for unique
piping requirements. Shown at right is an offset reducing coupling custom
designed to join a 56” O.D. pipeline to a 57-5/8” O.D. pipeline with a 14-3/8”
parallel offset. This Dresser coupling eliminated the need to excavate and • Couplings
realign two water tanks and connecting pipelines, saving a major New York
State water utility customer hours of down time and thousands of dollars in
• Flange Adapters
construction costs. • Expansion Joints
You got a problem? Dresser Has Solutions! • Dismantling Joints
• Joint Harnesses
• Custom Fabrication

Piping Specialties
Dresser, Inc.
41 Fisher Avenue, Bradford, PA 16701
Phone: (814) 362-9200
Fax: (814) 362-9333
Email: [email protected] www.dresser.com www.dresser.com
© 2009 Dresser, Inc. FORM CPLG/9-02
REV. 4.09/R2.5M

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