The document provides the color names and corresponding color codes in both Java and HTML formats for various shades of colors ranging from snow to plum. It includes 3 columns - the color name, Java color code and HTML color code. There are over 100 color names and codes listed in the document.
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The document provides the color names and corresponding color codes in both Java and HTML formats for various shades of colors ranging from snow to plum. It includes 3 columns - the color name, Java color code and HTML color code. There are over 100 color names and codes listed in the document.
The document provides the color names and corresponding color codes in both Java and HTML formats for various shades of colors ranging from snow to plum. It includes 3 columns - the color name, Java color code and HTML color code. There are over 100 color names and codes listed in the document.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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The document provides the color names and corresponding color codes in both Java and HTML formats for various shades of colors ranging from snow to plum. It includes 3 columns - the color name, Java color code and HTML color code. There are over 100 color names and codes listed in the document.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
Available Formats
Download as ODT, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd