Revised Scheme & Syllabus of The MCA Programme

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Revised Scheme & Syllabus of the MCA programme

( effective from 2006 admissions)

A major objective of the MCA programme, in addition to other academic

objectives, is to create skilled man power at the level of programmer, system
analyst, project manager and system manager.

The duration of the course is six semesters in 3 years. The student has to take,
generally, 5 theory papers , 2 practical courses and one seminar /(Communicative
English in the1 st semester ) in the first five semesters. In the fourth semester one
practical course and a seminar together is replaced with a mini-project work.. In
6th semester there is no theory /practical course but one has to do a major project
work. In each week a student is supposed to get 10 practical hours and hence in
every semester a total of 160 hours of practical training in the laboratories. The
contact hours for theory/ tutorial comes to around 20 hours/week. The attendance
in the theory & practical is compulsory

General :


University Examinations will be conducted at the end of each semester as decided

by the Academic Council of the University and as per the scheme included in this
General rules of PG examinations w.r.t publication of results/repetitions/
improvement/valuation etc., under Kerala University are applicable for MCA
programme also.

Sessional Marks:
The sessional marks are awarded based on 2 class tests and assignments/ lab
reports for theory/ practical and attendance. Split up is shown below:
Attendance 20%
Assignments ( minimum 2 ) 30%
Class tests ( minimum 2) 50%


Attendance 20%
Performance in the lab ( lab reports) 30%
Lab tests ( minimum 2) 50%
For seminars, the sessional marks are based on presentation / seminar report and

The students are required to present the progress ( in respect of project works)
twice to the Department Faculty.

Question Paper Pattern. : As per KU Order. No. Ac. A. IV/2/027861/2001 dated


Detailed Syllabus


Module I Fundamental principles of counting - permutations and combinations - binomial theorem -

combinations with repetition - combinatorial numbers - principle of inclusion and exclusion -
derangements - arrangements with forbidden positions - Generating functions - partitions of integers -
the exponential generating function - the summation operator - recurrence relations - first order and
second order - nonhomogeneous recurrence relations - method of generating functions

Module II Introduction to graphs - definitions - subgraphs - paths and cycles - matrix representation of
graphs - Euler tours - chinese postman problem - planar graphs - Euler's formula - platonic bodies -
applications of kuratowski's theorem - hamiltonian graphs - graph colouring and chromatic polynomials
- map colouring

Module III

Trees - definitions and properties - rooted trees - trees and sorting - weighted trees and prefix codes -
biconnected components and articulation points - Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms for minimal spanning
trees - Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm - Bellman-Ford algorithm - all-pairs shortest paths - Floyed-
Warshall algorithm - the max-flow min-cut theorem - maximum bipartite matching

Text book

1. Grimaldi R. P., Discrete And Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, 3/e, Addison

Reference books

1. Clark J. & Holton D. A., A First Look at Graph Theory, Allied Publishers (World Scientific), New


2. Corman T. H., Leiserson C. E. & Rivest R. L., Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall India

3. Mott J. L., Kandel A. & Baker T.P., Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists And
Mathematicians, 2/e, Prentice Hall of India

4. Liu C. L., Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 2/e, McGraw Hill, Singapore

5. Rosen K. H., Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 3/e, McGraw Hill, Singapore


Module I
Probability: Probability theory: Sample spaces, Events and probability, Discrete probability: Union,
Intersection and Compliment of events, Conditional probability, Baye’s theorem; Random variables and
distributions — Discrete probability distribution — Binomial, Poisson, Hypergeometnc; Density
functions and distributions functions, Continuous probability distribution — Uniform, Exponential,
Normal, Student’s 1, X, Beta and F — Static. Expectations and higher order moments; Characteristic

Module Il
Laws on large numbers: Weak laws and Strong laws on large numbers, central limit theorems and other
limit theorems Statistics: Review of basic statistics, Linear correlation coefficient, Linear regression,
Non Linear regression, Multiple correlation and Multiple regression

Module Ill
Sampling: Theory of sampling, population and sample, sampling survey methods and estimation.
Statistical Inference: Testing of Hypothesis and Inference

1. Hogg R.V., Craig A.L., Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, American Publishing Co. pvt
2. Yule U.G., Kendall M.G., An Introduction to the theory of Statistics, Chailes Gruffin & Co. Ltd
3. Draper N.A., Smith H., Applied Regression analysis, John Wiley & Sons Inc
4. Anderson T.W., An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical analysis, John Wiley & sons, Inc
5. Brokes B.C., and Dick W.E.L., An Introduction to Statistical Method, Heinemann Educational
Books, 1969

06.103 PROGRAMMING IN C 2 - 1- 0

Module I
Introduction to programming languages – types of programming languages – high level
languages – assembly language – machine language. Problem solving concepts – flow
charts and algorithms – problem definition phase – general problem solving strategies –
top-down design – breaking a problem into sub problems – choice of a suitable data
structure. Documentation of programs – debugging of programs – program testing.
Important C concepts. Preprocessor directives – header files – data types and qualifiers –
operators and expressions – enumerations - data input and output

Module II
Control statements – arrays and strings – structures and unions – working with bits in C –
storage classes. Pointers – arrays of pointers – structures and pointers.

Module III
Memory allocation functions: Function – function definition – function prototypes –
function call by value and call by reference – recursive functions. Data files – formatted,
unformatted and text files. Low level programming in C. command line arguments.

Text Books:
1. Kamthane A.N., Programming with ANSI and Turbo C , Pearson Education
India 2002
2. V. Rajaraman ., Computer Programming in C , PHI

3. Venkateshmurthy, M.G., Programming Techniques through C Pearson

Education India.
4. Hanly J.R., and E.B. Koffman Problem Solving and Program Design in C 4th
ed.,, Pearson/Addison Wesley
1. Keringhan., The C Programming language 2nd ed., Pearson Education.
2. Spirit of C - Cooper.
3. Tremblay, J. P., and R.B. Bunt, Introduction to Computer Science an
Algorithmic approach McGraw Hill.
06.104 DIGITAL SYSTEMS 3-1-0

Module I
Number systems – Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal – conversion form systems
to another representation of negative numbers – representation of BCD numbers –
character representation – character coding schemes – ASCII – BBCDIC etc. –
Algorithms for addition subtraction, multiplication and division of binary and BCD
number – Addition and subtraction of octal and hexadecimal numbers. Representation of
floating point numbers – precision – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of
floating point numbers.

Module II
Postulates of Boolean algebra – Logic functions – logic gates – methods of minimization
of logic functions – Karnaugh map method and tabulation method – realization using
logic gates. Design of combinatorial logic circuits – adder, subtractor, binary parallel
adder, decimal adder, code converter, magnitude comparator, decoder, multiplexer,
demultiplexer, parity generator – design examples.

Module III
Sequential Logic Circuits – Flip flops RS, D, JK & T type – Master slave flip flop.
Analysis and design of clocked sequential circuits – state diagram – state reduction and
assignment – design with state equations – shift registers – serial adder – Design of
synchronous and asynchronous Counters – Timing Sequences.

Text Books
1. Morris Mano., Digital Logic and Computer Design PHI.
2. Gothman W.H. Digital Electronics – An introduction to theory and practice –
Prentice hall of India.
3. J. Peatman – Design of systems – Mc Graw Hill International Students edition,
4. Bartee T, Digital Computer Fundamentals, 6th edition, Mc Graw Hill 1986.
5. Rajaraman. V., and T. Radhakrishnan – An introduction to digital computer
design, 4th ed., Prentice Hall.1997.


Module I
Introduction to data processing: files, types and organization, records and files, data
collection, preparation, verification, editing and checking Business files Master and
Transaction files, generations, backup and file recovery procedures
Module II
COBOL programming ,divisions, identification and environment division, data division
file section, working storage section, procedure division, verbs, movement, arithmetic
and program control verbs, table handling, structured program . development

Module III
Sequential files, File sorting, searching, merging, matching direct access files, indexed
sequential access files, character handling, report writer, subroutines

1. Roy M.K., and Dastidar Ghosh D., COBOL Programming, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Philippakis and Kazmier, Information System Through COBOL, 2nd Ed.,
McGraw Hill .
1. Popkin G.S., Advanced Structured COBOL 2nd Ed., Kent Pub.. Comp.
2. Pierson & Horn: Structured COBOL Programming, Soft Foreman Co.,
3. Rajaraman V. and Sahasrabudha H.V., Computer Programming in COBOL,
Prentice Halt India.
4. Grover P.S., Programming with Structured COBOL, Macmillan


Reading- Skimming-scanning-detailed reading-predicting content-interpreting charts and

tables-identifying stylistic features in texts - evaluating texts-understanding discourse
coherence-guessing meaning from the context- note making / transferring information.
Word formation with prefixes and suffixes-discourse markers and their functions-degrees
of comparison- expressions relating to recommendations and comparisons-active and
passive voice-antonyms-tense forms- gerunds- conditional sentences-modal verbs of
probability and improbability-acronyms and abbreviations - compound nouns and
Sentence definition-static description-comparison and contrast-classification of
information-recommendations- highlighting problems and providing solutions-formal and
informal letter writing-using flow-charts/diagrams paragraph writing-editing.
Defining, describing objects-describing uses/functions-comparing-offering suggestions-
analysing problems and providing solutions-expressing opinions (agreement/
disagreement) –expressing possibility/certainty – framing questions-providing answers.

Text Books:
1. " English for Engineers and Technologists ", Volume I. Authors : Humanities and
Social Science Department, Anna University, Published by Orient Longman Ltd.,
2. Sarah Freeman, Written communication in English, Orient Longman, .
06.107 C PROGRAMMING LAB 0-0-4

Experiments covering the topics included in the subject 06.103 should be done.
Linux/Unix platform may be selected


Experiments covering the topics included in the subject 06.105 should be done.


Module I
Introduction to programming methodologies – structured approach, stepwise refinement
techniques, programming style, documentation – analysis of algorithms: frequency
count. Data abstraction. Complexity of algorithms: Time and space complexity of
algorithms using “big oh” notation. Recursion: Recursive algorithms, Analysis of
recursive algorithms. Logic characteristics of strings, physical representation for strings

Module II
Study of basic data structures – vectors, arrays, records, stacks, queues and dqueues. –
linked lists – trees, binary tree traversals – graphs – applications. Storage management –
free storage lists, reference counters, garbage collection, storage compaction, boundary
tag method.

Module III
Internal and external sorting techniques – selection, bubble, insertion, merge sorting,
partition exchange sorting, heap sort. Searching – linear and binary – hashing. File
organizations- External sorting – sorting with disks, sorting with tapes.

Text Books
1. Tremblay and Sorenson., Introduction to data structures with applications, TMH.

1. Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest.,
Introduction to Algorithms., 2nd ed., Prentice Hall of India.1990
2. Seymour .L., Theory and Problems of Data Structures –, Schaum’s series.
3. Wirth., N., Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs –Prentice Hall
Englewood cliffs.
4. Hugges. J.K., & J.I. Michtm A Structured Approach to Programming –,
Prentice Hall.

Module I
Basic Structure of digital computer, functional units, basic operational concepts, bus
structures, software, addressing methods and machine program sequencing, instruction
formats, instruction sequencing addressing modes, assembly language, addressing modes
and instructions, simple I/O programming, stacks, subroutines. Processing unit –
fundamental concepts, execution of a complete instruction, sequencing of control signals

Module II
I/O organization – Accessing of I/O devices, DMA, Interrupts, handling, I/O channels.
Memory organization – basic concepts, semiconductor RAM memories, memory system
considerations, semiconductor ROM memories, multiple module memories and
interleaving, cache memory, Virtual memory segmentation, paging, Associative memory

Module III
Computer peripherals – printers, plotters, scanners, storage devices, input devices. 8085
microprocessor, architecture, instruction set, assembly language programming

Text Books
1. Hamachar, Vranesic & Zaky, Computer Organization. McGraw Hill Publishing
Company.5th ed, 2002.
2. Pal Chaudhari., Computer Organization and Design, 2nd ed., PHI., 1999.
3. Gaonkar., Microprocessors and interfacing.
1. Gear, C.W., Computer Organization Programming –McGraw Hill International
Student Edition.
2. Glenn H. Mac Even, Introduction to Computer Systems using PDP – II and Pascal
McGraw Hill


Module I
Accounting: principles, concepts and conventions, double entry system of accounting,
introduction to basic books of accounts of sole proprietary concern, control accounts for
debtors and creditors, closing of books of accounts and preparation of trial balance. Final
accounts: trading, profit and loss accounts and balance sheet of sole proprietary concern
with normal closing entries. introduction to manufacturing account, finally accounts
partnership firms, limited company. Introduction to accounting packages like Tally

Module Il
Financial Management: meaning and role Ratio analysis: meaning, advantages,
limitations, types of ratios and their usefulness. Fund Flow statement: meaning of the
terms fund, flow and fund, working capital cycle, preparation and interpretation of the
fund flow statement.
Module III
Costing: nature and scope, importance, method of finalisation of master budget and
financial budgets.Marginal costing: nature, scope and importance, Break even analysis,
its uses and limitations, construction of break even chart, practical applications of
marginal costing; standard costing: nature and scope,computation and analysis of
vanances with reference to material cost, labor cost and overhead cost, interpretation of
the vanances Introduction to computerized accounting system: coding logic and codes
required, master files, transaction files, introduction to documents used for data
collection, processing of different files and outputs obtained.

1. KellokJ., Elements of accounting, Heinemann
2. Rockley L.E., Finance for the Non-Accountant, 2 Edition, Basic Books.
3. Levy and Sarnat, Principles of Financial Management, Prentice Hall
4. Arnolel, Financial Accounting, Prentice Hall International (Paperback Edition)
5. Horngren , Sundem and Selto (9th ed), Introduction to Management Accounting,
Prentice Hall International (Paperback Edition)
6. Murthy U.S., Management Finance, 2 Edition, Vakils Refers & Simons Ltd.
7. Van Home, James C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall
8. Pandey I.M., financial Management, Vikas publications


Module I
Fundamentals of object-oriented Design : Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, classes,
Inheritance and Polymorphism, class Hierarchies. C++ enhancements to C : Default
Function Arguments, Placement of variable declarations, the scope resolution operation,
the “Const” Qualifier, References: References as Aliases, references and pointers
similarities and differences, references as function parameters, references as return
values. Introduction to classes: Declaring and using classes, class members , Creation and
destruction of objects, constructors and destructors- accessing data members

Module II
Returning a reference, “Const” objects and member function., inline functions, Classes
and dynamic memory allocation: New, delete operators, “this” pointer. Static members,
friends, array of class objects. Function overloading, constructor overloading, Operator
overloading : Overloading unary operator, overloading binary operator, data conversion

Module III
Inheritance and polymorphism: Derived class and base class, derived class constructors,
overriding member functions, public and private inheritance, virtual functions,
polymorphism, multiple inheritance, classes within classes., abstract classes, Generic
functions, generic classes, exception handling, File processing – formatted – unformatted
and random files. Microsoft foundation classes : Strings, data structure.
Text Books
1. Robert Lafore., Object Oriented Programming in Microsoft C++– Galgotia Book
House 1995
2. Kamthane, Object oriented Programming with ANSI and Turbo C++., Pearson
1. Balaguruswamy., Object Oriented Programming in Microsoft C++ -
2. Barkakti., Object Oriented Programming
3. Ravi Chander., Object Oriented Programming in C++


Module I
Introduction to database- traditional file system- data and need for information-
sequential, random and indexed sequential files- data organization- single and multilevel
indexes- B trees and B+ trees- secondary storage devices- database approach–data
models- schemas and instances- Data independence – 3 schema architecture – Data base
languages – Data base users – Classification of data base systems – E-R modeling–
Attributes and keys – E-R diagrams – Weak entities – extended E-R model- mapping
ER model to relational model

Module II
Introduction to Relational model: Basic concepts: Domains Attributes, keys, tuples,
relations – Relational data base schemas – relational Algebra operations, SQL in queries
– views- Over view of relational calculus- Conceptual design of relational data base –
Normalization theory- Functional dependencies- membership and minimal covers- Loss
less decomposition of relations- First, Second, Third and Boyce – Cod normal forms –
Multi valued dependencies and Fourth normal form – Join dependencies and Fifth normal

Module III
Security issues in database- DBMS and web security Transaction management properties of
transactions- database architecture- concurrency control- serializability locking methods-
time stamping methods- database recovery- introduction to object oriented DBMS and
distributed DBMS emerging trends

Text Books:
1. Henry F. Korth and Abraham Silbershatz- Database System Concepts-2nd ed.,
McGraw Hill 1992.
2. Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg - Database systems 3rd edition – Pearson
Education, 2003
1. Database management systems- Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon- Vikas
2. Ramez Elmsri and Shakant B. Navathe- Fundamentals of Database Systems- 3rd
ed., Pearson Education. 2000.
3. Jeffry D. Ullman - Principles of Database Systems 2nd ed., Galgotia


Implementation and applications of data structures like stack, queue, tree, linked list,
graph etc and experiments on sorting and searching should be done. OOPs concepts
should also be experimented


Programming exercises on 8085 microprocessor trainer kit. Interfacing


Module I
Overview of system analysis and design — business system concepts, categories of
information systems, system development strategies, implementation and evaluation,
tools for system development. Reasons for project proposals — managing project review
and selection, preliminary investigation, scope of study, conducting the investigation,
testing project feasibility, handling infeasible project. Tools for determining system
requirements — activities in requirements determination, fact finding techniques, tools
for documenting procedures and decisions, structured analysis development strategy —
features of data flow strategy, features of a data dictionary, recording data descriptions

Module II

Application prototype development strategy — purpose of application prototyping, steps

in prototype method, use of prototypes, tools for prototyping, prototype strategies
Analysis to design transition - specifying application requirements, objectives in
designing an information system, what features must be designed? Output objectives,
type of output, how to present information, designing printed output, designing visual
display output. Design of input and control — objectives of input design, capturing data
for input, input validation, checking the transaction, validation, checking the transaction
data, modifying the transaction data.

Module III
Design of online dialogue — how is online different? Purpose and characteristics of
interface, designing dialogue and dialogue strategies, data entry dialog, basic file
terminology, data structure diagrams, types of files, methods of file organization System
engineering and quality assurance — design objectives, program structure charts, design
of software, top down structure of modules, coupling, cohesion, span of control, module
size, shared modules. Managing system implementation — training, training system
operators, user training, training methods, conversion methods, post implementation
review, review methods. Hardware and software selection — hardware selection,
determining size and capacity requirements, computer evaluation and measurement, plug
compatible equipment, financial factors, maintenance and support, software selection,
evaluation of software, software contracts.

Text book:
1. James A. Senn, Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Second
edition, McGraw Hill International Edition,

Reference Books:
1. Hussain, K.M., and Dona Hussain, Information System Analysis, Design
& Implementation Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1995.
2. Elias M. Award , System Analysis and Design, , Second Edition, Galgotia
Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 1995
3. Don Yeates, System Analysis and Design, McMillan India(Ltd),1996.
4. Hawryszkiewycz, I.T., Introduction to System Analysis and Design, 3”’
Edition, PHI, 1997
5. Rajaraman V., Analysis and Design of Information Systems, PHI,
6. Gupta A.K. & Sarkar S.K., System Analysis, Data Processing and
Quantitative Techniques, Galgotia., 1997


Module I

Basic concepts in Computer Graphics - Types of Graphic Devices - Interactive

Graphic inputs - Basic Raster Scan Graphics - Line Drawing Algorithms - Circle
Generation Algorithms - Scan Conversion - frame buffers - solid area scan conversion -
polygon filling.

Module II
Two dimensional transformations - Homogeneous coordinate systems - matrix
formulation and concatenation of transformations - Windowing concepts - two
dimensional clipping.

Module III
Introduction to graphics in three dimension - plane projections - vanishing points -
specification of a 3D view - introduction to Bezier curves, B-Splines and surfaces -
3D transformations and clipping - hidden line elimination - shading - Graphical
User Interfaces. Introduction to multimedia systems.

Text Books :
1. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker., Computer Graphics – C Version.,
Pearson Education
2. William M. Newman and Robert F. Sproull. Principles of Interactive
Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill
References :
1. David F. Rogers, Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics –McGraw Hill
2. Johm F. Kodgel Buford, Multimedia systems , Pearson Education/Addison
3. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia making it works, 6th ed., TMH, 2004


Module I:
Errors in numerical calculations - sources of errors - significant digits – Numerical
solution of Non-linear equations - Bisection method - Regula-falsi method - Newton-
Raphson method - Fixed point method of iteration - Rates of convergence of these
methods; Solution of system of algebraic equations - exact methods - triangularization
method - iterative methods ; Gauss - Seidel and relaxation method; Polynomial
interpolation - Lagrange interpolation polynomial - divided differences - Newtons`
divided difference interpolation polynomial - finite differences - operators ∆,∇,e,δ-
Gregory - Newton forward and backward difference interpolation polynomials - central
differences .

Module II:
Mathematical formulation of linear programming problem: Formulation of LPP :
canonical and standard forms of LPP, Graphical method of solution, Simplex method -
artificial variables - Charnes M method , revised simplex algorithm- two phase technique
- duality in linear programming - dual simplex method and sensitivity analysis.

Module III:
Transportation Problem, Loops in transportation table, Methods of finding initial basic
feasible solution, Tests for optimality. Assignment Problem, Mathematical form of
assignment problem, methods of solution, Network analysis by linear programming and
shortest route, maximal flow problem

Reference books
1. Sastry S. S., Numerical Analysis, Prentice-Hall India
2. Froberg, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Second Edition, Addition
3. Gerald & Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education Asia,
Sixth edition.
4. P.K. De, Computer Based Numerical Methods and Statistical Techniques, CBS
5. Grawin W.W., Introduction to Linear Programming, McGraw Hill
6. Gass S.I., Introduction to Linear Programming, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Rao S.S., Optimization Theory and Applications, Wiley Eastern

Module I
Introduction : Basic concepts - terminology Historical perspective - early system -
simple monitor - performance - types of OS - batch processing - multiprogramming -
time sharing - real time system - Protection - different classes of computers -
functions and components of an operating system - OS structure - Multiprocessor
system - distributed system. Operating system services. Information management : File
concepts file support - file system - directory structure - gaining access to files - basic
file system calls - sharing and security - operation on files - file protection - allocation
methods - implementation issues - case study.

Module II
Processor management : CPU scheduling - Review of Multiprogramming concepts -
scheduling concepts - scheduling algorithm - Multiprocessor scheduling , Concurrent
process - precedence graph - hierarchy of process - The critical section problem -
Semaphores - process coordination - determinant program Modularization -
Synchronization - concurrent languages - Structured and Modular concurrent
programming. Memory management : Preliminaries - Memory architecture evolution -
Bare machine - objectives - Resident monitor - Swapping - fixed partitions - variable
partitions - paging - segmentation - combined system - virtual memory concepts -
overlay - demand paging - page replacement - space allocation policies - segmented
paging dynamic linking - caching of secondary storage information.

Module III
Device management : Physical characteristics – FCFS, SST , C- SCAN selecting a
disk scheduling algorithm - sector queuing. I/O scheduling policies - terminal I/O
handling - channels and control units - virtual devices. Dead locks : The dead lock
problem characteristics prevention avoidance - detection - Recovery from dead
lock - combined approach to dead lock handling. Protection : Goals of protection -
Mechanisms and policies - domain of protection - access matrix and its
implementation. Dynamic protection structures, Language based protection - security.
Case study : Typical Operating System Characteristics MS DOS, WINDOWS,

Text Books :
1. A. Silberchats., Operating System Concepts- Windows XP Updation,6th
ed., A John Wiley .2003
References :
1. 1.Hanson, P.B., Operating System Principle, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Shaw. A. C. The Logical design of operating systems, Prentice Hall
3. 3.Deitel. H.M., Operating system principles –,2nd ed., Pearson Education/
Addison Wesley,.

Module I

Systems Programming – What is systems programming, Difference between systems

programming and application programming – Dependence on systems programming on
hardware – System software and Machine architecture. Traditional (CISC) machines –
VAX architecture, Pentium Pro architecture, RIC machine – ultra SPARK, Power PC,
Cray architecture.

Module II
Assemblers – Basic assembler functions – machine dependent assembler features –
machine independent assembler features – assembler design options – one pass
assembler, multi pass assembler – assembler implementation – MASM, SPARC
assemblers. Loaders and Linkers basic loader functions, machine dependent loader
features, machine independent loader featured, loader design options – linkage editors,
dynamic linkage editors, dynamic linking, bootstrap loaders, examples – DOS linker

Module III
Macro processors – basic macro processor functions – machine dependent and machine
independent macro processor architectures – design options – implementation examples –
MASM, ANSI C macro processors. Introduction to Compilers Text Editors – overview of
the editing process – user interface, editor structure. Debuggers – debugging functions
and capabilities, relationship with other parts of the system – user interface criteria.

Text Books
1. Leland L. Beck System Software – An Introduction to System Programming, 3rd
ed., Addison Wesley Publishing.1997.
1. John J. Donovan., Systems Programming , TMH, 1995
2. Dhamdhere, D.M., Operating Systems and Systems Programming, 2nd ed., TMH.,

06.305.2 COMPILER DESIGN 3-1-0

Module I
Introduction to compilers and interpreters – Overview of compilation, Issues in
compilation – structure of a compiler – compiler writing tools – bootstrapping – notations
and concepts for languages and grammars – regular expressions – context free grammar,
derivations and parse trees, BNF notations. Context of a lexical analyzer – construction
of lexical analyzer, deterministic and non deterministic finite automata.
Module II
Compile time error handling, error detection, reporting, recovery and repair. Basic parsing
techniques Top down parsing recursive descent parser, predictive parser simple LL(1)
grammar. Bottom up parsers, operator precedence parser, LR grammar, LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1)

Module III
Syntax directed translation schemes, intermediate codes, translation of assignments,
translation of array reference, Boolean expressions, case statements, back patching, code
optimization, loop optimization and global optimization, sources of sample code

Text books:
1. Alfred V Aho and Jeffery D Ullman Principles of Compiler Design , Narosa/Addison
1. Aho, Sethi,& Ullman., Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools , Addison
2. Jean Paul Tremblay and Sorenson., The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing
McGraw Hill


Module I
Introduction to theory of computation, Finite state automata – description of finite
automata, Properties of transition functions, Designing finite automata, NFA, 2 way finite
automata, equivalence of NFA and DFA, Mealy and Moor machine, finite automata with
epsilon moves, Regular sets and regular grammars, regular expressions, pumping lemma
for regular languages, closure properties of regular sets and regular grammars,
Application of finite automata, Decision algorithms for regular sets, Minimization of

Module II
Chomsky classification of languages, CFGs, Derivation trees, ambiguity, simplification
of CFLs, normal forms of CFGs, pumping lemma for CFGs, decision algorithms for
CFGs, designing CFGs, PDA – formal definition, examples of PDA, equivalence with
CFGs, PDA and CFG, Chomsky hierarchy.

Module III
Turing machines basics and formal definition, Language acceptability by TM, examples
of TM, variants of TMs – multitape TM, NDTM, Universal Turing Machine, offline
TMs, Equivalence of single tape and multitape TMs, recursive and recursively
enumerable languages, decidable and undecidable problems – examples, halting problem,

Text Books :
1. Hopcroft and Ullman., Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and
Computation. 2nd ed., Pearson EducationNarosa,
1. Manna, Mathematical theory of computation –McGraw Hill
2. Peter Linz., Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Narosa
Publishing., 1997.
3. Zvi Kohai., Switching and Finite Automata Theory ,Tata McGraw Hill


Module I
Concepts in algorithm analysis – the efficiency of algorithms, average and worst – case
analysis, Asymptotic notation, time and space complexity, Recurrences – substitution
method, iteration method and master method, Analysis of sorting algorithms insertion
sorting, heaps, maintaining the heap property, building heap, heap sort algorithm, priority
queues, Description of quick sort, randomized version of quick sort.

Module II
Red – Black trees – Height balanced trees – AVL TREES, rotations, Definition of B –
trees – basic operations on B – trees, Algorithm for sets – Union and Find operations on
disjoint sets, Graphs – DFS and BFS traversals, Spanning trees – Minimum Cost
Spanning Trees, Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms, Shortest paths – single source shortest
path algorithms, Topological sorting, strongly connected components.

Module III
Algorithm Design and analysis Techniques – Divide – and – Conquer, Merge Sort,
Integer multiplication problem, Strassen’s algorithm, Dynamic programming – Matrix
multiplication problem, Greedy algorithms – Knapsack problem, Back – tracking – 8
Queens problem, Branch and Bound – Traveling Salesman problem. Definitions and
Basic concepts of NP – completeness and NP – Hendress. Study of NP – Complete
Text Books:
1. Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest., Introduction to
Algorithms., 2nd ed., Prentice Hall of India.1990.
2. Horowitz , Sahni & Rajasekharan., Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms Galgotia
3. Kenneth A. Merman and Jerome L. Paul, Fundamentals of Sequential and Parallel
Algorithms , Vikas Publishing Company
1. A.V Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer
Algorithms Addison Wesley Publishing Company
2. Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley , Fundamentals of Algorithms –, Prentice Hall of
4. Sara Baase., Allaen Van Gelder., Computer Algorithms - Introduction to Design and
Analysis., Addison Wesley.2000.
5. A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison

06.306 DATABASE LAB 0-0-4

The following topics should be covered

Database customization
Creating databases/table spaces
Creating objects
Moving data
Preparing applications for execution using a front end tool


Topics covered in the subject 06.302 should be given as experiments

Line drawing algorithms, circle drawing, 2d and 3d transformations, polygons, hatching,
filling, animations, 3d graphics


Module I
The Java Revolution: Java applets, Java features, Byte codes, Internet classes. Review of
object-oriented fundamentals: Object-oriented programming, encapsulation, inheritance,
polymorphism, Object summary, Java genesis, global variables, pointers, memory
allocation, data types, type casting, unsafe arguments lists, header files, unsafe structures,
preprocessor Java language introduction: Java keywords, lexical issues, comments,
reserved keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, separators, variables, declaring a
variable, scope and lifetime of variables Data types: Numeric types, integers, floating
point numbers, casting characters, Boolean, simple type, arrays, multi dimensional arrays.

Module II
Operators: Arithmetic operators, bit wise operators, relational operators, precedence,
operator overloading. Flow control, branching, if-else, break, switch, looping, while, do-
while, for, continue, exceptions, etc. Classes: The general form of a class, object
references, instance variables, the new operator, the dot operator, method declaration,
method calling, this, instance variable hiding, constructors, overloading, methods,
overloading constructors, inheritance, super classes, creating multilevel hierarchy,
method overloading, dynamic method dispatch, final, finalize, static, abstract, etc.
Packages and interface: Defining a package, compiling classes in packages, importing
packages, access protection, Interfaces: defining an interface, . implementing interfaces,
applying interfaces, variables in interfaces. String handling: Special string operations,
character extraction, string , comparison, searching strings, modifying a string, string
buffer, different string methods. Exception handling: Fundamentals, exception types,
uncaught exceptions, try , and catch, multiple catch clauses, nested try statements,
throws, exception sub classes , Boolean logic operators, Short circuit logical operators.
Multithreaded Programming: Thread basics, creating and running a thread, the thread life
cycle, thread priorities, advanced threading, synchronization, , messaging, inter thread
ommunications, priorities and scheduling, daemon
Module III
Standard Java packages: Type wrapper classes, multithreading support classes, vector,
stack, bitset, interface observer, stream tokenizer, GUI classes, Java I/O , classes and
interfaces, file, the stream classes, filtered streams, buffer streams, , random access file
Client/Server models, sockets, Internet addressing, Inet address, TCP/IP client sockets,
URL connection. , Applets: The Applet class, applet architecture, applet display methods,
repainting, handling events, HTML Applet tag, passing parameters to applets, applet
context. Abstract window toolkit: Window fundamentals, container class, frame
windows, creating a frame window in an applet, displaying information within a
window, graphics drawing lines, rectangles, polygons, ellipses and circles, arcs, working ,
with color. Dyna Draw: The source, from C to Java, Dyna Draw out , Imaging: Creating,
Loading and displaying images, Image observer interface, media tracker, Memory image
source, pixel grabber, Image filter.

Text Book:
Java Hand Book, Patrick Naughton, Tata-McGraw Hill Publishing, New Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. Vanhelsuwe, Laurence, Mastering Java, BPB, 1996.
2. Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt , Java: The Complete Reference, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1997.
3. Andrew Cobley, The Complete Guide to Java, , Comdex
4. H. M. Dietel & P. J. Deitel, Java: How to program, PHI
5. Anuff, (ed).The Java Source Book, Galgotia
6. Somasundaram,K., Programming in Java 2, Jaico Pub.,2005.


Module I
Definition of Management — Organizational Structure — Classical theories of
organization — Functional approach, division of labour, Lines of authority, Span of
control, authority and responsibility, efficiency of management, Behavioral theories of
organization — Limitations of formal organization, human relation, group behavior,
committee and group decision making, motivation and responsiveness to stimuli,
Decision process approach, Parts of organization system, development of corporate
strategy, dynamics of decision, role of system.
Module Il
Types of models: Mathematical planning models, deterministic and probabilistic models,
relevance of models - for understanding analysis and design, planning and forecasting, rr
and control limitations.Personnel functions — its evolution, objectives, principles,
philosoDtues and pohdes, dutias &wi responsibilities of the personnel manager position
of personnel department in the organization, line and staff relationship and the changing
concept of personnel management in India.

Module Ill
Manpower planning —its use and benefits, problems and limitations, manpower
inventory, manpower forecasting, job descriptions, manpower skills analysis and
practices in the Indian industry — Recruitment — job specification, selection process,
psychological testing, interviewing techniques, transfer, promotion and its policies,
induction placement and exit interview — training and development its objectives and
policies, planning and organizing the training department; training manager and his job,
on and off the job training techniques, career planning, objectives of performance
appraisal and its methods.

Reference Books:
1. Monappa Awn & Saiyadian M.S., Personnel Management 5 reprint, Tata
McGraw Hill 1979
2. Prasad L.M., Principles and Practices of Management, S. Chand & Sons,1998
3. Temngton and Hall, Personnel Management: A new Approach, Prentice Hall
International (Paperback edition)
4. Hellrigel Don, Solum, John W. & Woodman Richard, Organizational
Behavior West Pub Comp, New York.


Module I
Introduction- FAQs about software engineering - professional and ethical responsibility -
system modeling - system engineering process - the software process - life cycle models -
iteration - specification - design and implementation - validation - evolution - automated
process support - software requirements - functional and non-functional requirements -
user requirements - system requirements - SRS - requirements engineering processes -
feasibility studies - elicitation and analysis - validation - management - system models -
context models - behavior models - data models - object models - CASE workbenches

Module II
Software prototyping - prototyping in the software process - rapid prototyping techniques
- formal specification - formal specification in the software process - interface
specification - behavior specification - architectural design - system structuring - control
models - modular decomposition - domain-specific architectures - distributed systems
architecture - object-oriented design - objects and classes - an object oriented design
process case study - design evolution - real-time software design - system design - real
time executives - design with reuse - component-based development - application
families - design patterns - user interface design - design principles - user interaction -
information presentation - user support - interface evaluation

Module III
Dependability - critical systems - availability and reliability - safety - security - critical
systems specifications - critical system development - verification and validation -
planning - software inspection - automated static analysis - clean room software
development - software testing - defect testing - integration testing - object-oriented
testing - testing workbenches - critical system validation - software evolution - legacy
systems - software change - software maintenance - architectural evolution - software re-
engineering - data re-engineering

Module IV
Software project management - project planning - scheduling - risk management -
managing people - group working - choosing and keeping people - the people capability
maturity model - software cost estimation - productivity estimation techniques -
algorithmic cost modeling, project duration and staffing quality management - quality
assurance and standards - quality planning - quality control - software measurement and
metrics - process improvement - process and product quality - process analysis and
modeling - process measurement - process CMM - configuration management - planning
- change management - version and release management - system building - CASE tools
for configuration management

1. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 7/e, Pearson Education Asia
2. Pressman R. S., Software Engineering, 5/e, McGraw Hill
3. Mall R., Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India
4. Behferooz A. & Hudson F.J., Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford
University Press
5. Jalote P., An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa


Module I
The basics: Introduction to C++, windows programming, MFCs, review of C++
programming techniques, Microsoft Foundation Class and windows programming
techniques, program building and debugging, managing screen, mouse, keyboard, timer
etc, menu and accelerators, control of child window and dialog boxes.
Module II
Windows I/O graphics device interface: concept of GUI, device context, outputting the
text, selecting text style, outputting line and box figures, mapping modes, other graphic
techniques, handling the keyboard event and mouse. Windows features: child window
controls, dialog box and controls, designing and managing menus, processing messages,
writing MDI applications, memory

Module Ill
Graphics: using drawing functions, using bitmaps and bit operators. MFC programming,
SDI programming, MDI program, structure of MFC programming, OLE programming.

1. Michael Young., Windows programming with Microsoft C++, , Sybex, Tech
publications, .
2. Jacob Lee and Yula Kim., Windows programming Handbook, Comdex,


Module I
Concepts — complexity — the inherent complexity of software, the structure of complex
systems, the role of decomposition, the role of abstraction and the role of hierarchy — on
designing complex systems — the meaning of design, categories of analysis and design
methods. The object model — the evolution of object model, trends in software
engineering foundations of the model, OOP, OOD, OOA — elements of the object model
— abstraction, encapsulation, modularity and hierarchy — applying the object model.
Classes and objects — the nature of an object — what is an object, state, behavior and
identity of objects — relationships of objects — links and aggregation — the nature of a
class — relationship among classes — association, inheritance, aggregation, using
instantiation and metaclass — the interplay of classes and objects — relationship between
classes and objects in analysis and design on building quality classes and objects —
measuring the quality of an abstraction, choosing operations, relationships and

Module II
Classification — the importance of proper classification — classification and object-
oriented development, the difficulty of classification — identifying classes and objects —
classical and modem approaches, object oriented analysis — key abstraction and
mechanisms. The method — the notation — elements of the notation — class diagrams
essentials: classes and their relationships, class categories, advanced concepts,
specifications — state transition diagrams — object diagrams — interaction diagrams —
module diagrams — process diagrams — applying the notation.
Module III
The process — first principles — traits of successful projects, towards a rational design
process — the micro development process — identifying classes and objects, the
semantics of classes and objects, the relationships among classes and objects and
implementing classes and objects — the macro development process conceptualization,
analysis, design, evolution and maintenance. Pragmatic management and planning — risk
management, risk planning and walkthroughs — staffing — resource allocation,
development team roles — release management — reuse - quality assurance and metrics
— documentation — tools — special topics — the benefits and risks of object oriented
development. Applications (case study) — data acquisitions, weather monitoring station
frame works, foundation class library, client/server computing, inventory tracking.

Text Book:
1. Grady Booch., Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications,
Pearson Education/The Benjamin/Cumming publishing Company Inc.

Reference Books:
1. Peter Coad and Edward Yourdon., Object-Oriented Analysis, , Yourdon Press,
2. Peter Coad and Edwa Yourdon, Object-Oriented Design, , Yourdon Press
3. Martin and Dell., Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, , Prentice Hall, New


Module II
Introduction to parallel processing – Evolution, parallelism in uniprocessor systems,
parallel computer structures, classification, schemes, principles of pipelining and vector
processing – principles of designing pipelined processors – vector processing
requirements, vectorization methods, the architecture of Cray – 1 Cyber 205.

Module II
Structure and algorithms for array processors – SIMD processors, interconnection
networks, associative array processing, The Iliac IV systems architecture – The MPP
system architecture, Performance enhancement methods.

Module III
Multiprocessor architecture – functional structures, interconnection networks – parallel
memory organization – multiprocessor operating system – interprocess communication
mechanisms – system – interprocess deadlock and protection, scheduling strategies,
parallel algorithms, The C.mmp system architecture, The S – I multiprocessor system.
Control flow versus data flow computers, data flow computer architecture, systolic array
Text books:
1. K. Hawang & Brigg.,Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing McGraw
Hill International edition.
2. H.P. Hayes., Computer Architecture and Organization –, McGraw Hill.
3. P.M. Kogge., The Architecture of pipelined Computer –McGraw Hill.
4. Kogge., The Architecture of Symbolic Computers McGraw Hill.
5. M Sasikumar, Dinesh Shikkare, P. Raviprakash Introduction to Parallel
Processing –- Prentice Hall of India.
6. V Rajaraman , C Sivarama Moorthy., Parallel computers – Architecture and
Programming : - Prentice hall of India.


Module I
Product: The evolving role of software-an industry perspective-aging software plant-
software competitiveness. Software - characteristics-components-application-crisis on the
horizon-software myths. Process: Process-methods-tools-a generic view of software
Engineering-software process models-linear sequential model-proto typing model- RAD
model- incremental, spiral, component, assembly and concurrent development models.
Project Management concept: People – Product-Process-Project

Module II
Software process and project metrics: - Measures- Metrics and indicators- Software
measurements-metrics for software quality- integrating metrics within the software
process. Software project planning: Planning objectives - software scope-resources-
software project estimation-Decomposition Techniques –Empirical estimation models-
COCOMO model-automated estimation tools. Risk management: software risks-risk
identification-risk projection-risk mitigation, monitoring and management-safety risks
and hazards-RMMM plan.

Module III
Project scheduling and tracking: Basic concepts-relation between people and effort-
defining task set for the software project-selecting software engineering task-refinement
of major task-defining a task network-scheduling-project plan. Software quality
assurance-quality concepts-software reviews-formal technical review-Formal approaches
to SQA- software reliability-SQA plan-the ISO 9000 quality standards. Software
configuration management: baselines-software configuration item-the SCM process-
identification of objects in software configuration-version control-change control-
configuration audit-status reporting-SCM standards.
Text Book:
1. Walker Royce, Software Project management: A unified framework , Pearson

1. Pankaj Jalote., Software Project management in practice, Pearson Education
2. Kelkar, S.A., Software Project management: A concise study, PHI
3. Mike Cottorell and Bob Hughes , Software Project management –
4. Sommerville I , Software engineering –, Addison Wesley
5. Robert Futrell, Donald F Shafer and Linda I Quality software project
management , Person Education
6. Pressman ,R.S., Software Engineering, McGraw Hill International

06.405.1 E – COMMERCE 3–1–0

Module I
Internet and World Wide Web- origin, commercial use of internet, growth of Internet.
Economic Forces – Transaction cost, forces against vertical integration. Mark Up
Languages – HTML, XML, Web Server, clients.
Client server architecture – intranet, extranet, Web based Tools – Web server hardware,
Web server software features, Site Development and Management. Search engines

Module II
Electronic commerce - Tools, Web hosting, Java, Java Applets, Java Script, Active X
control, E-mail –attachments. Communication channel threats, Encryption algorithms
standards, Secure sockets layer, Firewalls.
Module III
Electronic payment system – Electronic cash, e-Wallets Smart card Brand creation on
the web. Web Auction strategies Legal environment of e-commerce. Cultural Issues
Social Implication. Impact on world economy.

Text book:
1. Kalakota.& Winston ,Frontiers of Electronic commerce , Pearson
Education/Addison Wesley Publications
2. 2. H.A. Napier, P.J. Judd, O.N. Rivers, S.W. Wagner, Creating a winning E –
Business , Vikas Publishing House
Reference :
1. Gary P Schneider and James T Perry ,Electronic Commerce Course Technology
-Thomson Learning, Cambridge.


Module I
Multimedia – definition, applications, introduction to making multimedia, multimedia
Requirements, multimedia hardware – connections memory and storage devices, Input
devices, output hardware, communication devices, multimedia software, basic tools,
making instant multimedia.
Module II
Multimedia building blocks, text, sound, images, animation and video compression
techniques, inter frame and intra frame compression. JPEG image compression standard
and MPEG motion video compression standards, Fractal compression.

Module III
Object oriented multimedia, multimedia framework, frame work overview, media,
transform, format and component classes; integrated multimedia systems. Multimedia
and internet, multimedia on the web, tools for the World Wide Web.

Text books:
1. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia making it work ,6th ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
2. Simon J Gibbs and Dionysios C Tsichritziz, Multimedia Programming objects,
Environments and frameworks – Addison Wesley 1995.
3. John F. Koegd Buford Multimedia Systems , Addison Wesly.


Module I
Introduction to data warehousing- evolution of decision support systems- data warehouse
environment- modeling a data warehouse- granularity in the data warehouse- data
warehouse life cycle- building a data warehouse- online analytical processing

Module II
Data mining – demands potential and major issues- classification of data mining
techniques- generalization, summarization and characterization- discovery and analysis
of patterns, trends and deviations- mining knowledge in database systems

Module III
Data mining models- decision trees- genetic algorithms- neural nets – data mining
process- data preparation – defining a study- data cleaning- prediction- enabling data
mining through data warehouse- integration of data mining tolls with database systems-
data mining applications – future trends

Text Books:
1. Anahory and Murray .,Data warehousing in the real world , Pearson
Education/Addison Wesley
2. W H Inmon ,Building the Data Warehouse –, John Wiley & Sons
1. George M Marakas, Modern Data Warehousing , Mining and Visualization-,
Peason Education
2. Margaret H Dunham, Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics- Core
Concepts , Pearson Education
3. U.M. Fayyad G P and Shapiro.,Advances in Knowledge Recovery and Data
Mining MIT Press.
4. George M Marakas, Decision support systems in the 21st century –, Pearson

06.405.4 BIOINFORMATICS 3-1-0

Module I
Molecular biology, gene structure and information content, molecular biology tools,
genomic information content, data searches and pairwise alignments, gaps, scoring
matrices, Needleman and Wunsch algorithm, global and local alignments, database

Module II
Patterns of substitution within genes, estimating substitution numbers, molecular clocks,
molecular phylogenetics, phylogenetic trees, distance matrix methods. Character-based
methods of phylogenetics, parsimony, ancestral sequences, searches, consensus trees, tree
confidence, genomics, prokaryotic gene structure, gene density, eukariotic genomes, gene

Module III
Protein and RNA structure prediction, polypeptic composition, secondary and tertiary
structure, algorithms for modeling protein folding, structure prediction, proteomics,
protein classification, experimental techniques, ligand screening, post-translational
modification prediction

1. D. E. Krane and M. L. Raymer, Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics,
Pearson Education, 2003.
2. T. K. Attwood and D. J. Parry-Smith, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Pearson
Education, 2003.
3. J. H. Zar, Biostatistical Analysis, 4/e, Pearson Education, 1999.


Topics covered in the subject 06.401 should be included.

06.407 MINI PROJECT 0-0-6

A mini-project should be done by the students based on concepts they have already
learnt in the first two years of the MCA programmes. It may be primarily based on
database concepts, object oriented concepts, optimization tools, compiler design,
management aspects etc.
Objectives of the mini project:.

Working on Mini project is to get used to the larger project, which will be handled in the
6th semester

The project work constitutes an important component of the MCA programme of KU and
it is to be carried out with due care and should be executed with seriousness by the
students. The objective of this mini project is to help the student develop the ability to
apply theoretical and practical tools/techniques to solve real life problems related to
industry, academic institutions and research laboratories.


A student is expected to devote about 1-2 months in planning, analyzing, designing and
implementing the project. The initiation of project should be with the project proposal
that is to be treated as an assignment. The synopsis approval will be given by
Faculty/Project Counsellors. Project Proposal should include the following:



Input and Output

Process Logic

Limitations of the Project

Tools/Platforms, Languages to be used

Scope of Future Application.

Mini-project evaluation: The evaluation of the mini-project will be based on the project
reports submitted by the student a presentation and a demonstration. The sessional marks
shall also be awarded based on report/seminars/demo.

Module I
Introduction – Uses – Network Hardware – LAN –MAN – WAN – Wireless networks,
Inter networks – Network Software – Protocol hierarchies – Design issues for the layers –
Interface & Service – Service Primitives. Reference models – OSI – TCP/IP. Physical
layer – ISDN Services – Broad band ISDN – Narrow band ISDN ATM Networks – ATM
Switches – Data Link layer Design Issues – Error & Error Detection & Correction – Flow
Control Example Data link Protocols. HDLC DLL in Internet – DLL in ATM.
Module II
MAC Sub layer – IEEE 802 FOR LANs & MANs 802.3, 802.4, 802.5 & 802.6 Bridges
– High Speed LANs – FDDI.

Module III
Network layer – Routing – Shortest path routing – Flooding – Flow based Routing –
Routing for mobile hosts – Congestion control algorithms – Internetworking – Network
layer in internet & ATM. Transport Layer – Elements of Transport Protocol – TCP &
UDP. ATM adaptation layer – application layer – Cryptography. DNS, SNMP –
Electronic mail – World Wide Web.
Text Books:
1. Andrew S Tanenbaum Computer Networks –, 5th ed.,Pearson Education.2003.
2. Douglas., Computer Networks and Internets, Addison Wesly.
3. William Stallings Data and Computer Communications , 7th ed., Pearson
4. Ha Willman Stallings, Hand book of Computer Communications Standards,
Volume 1 –PHI.
5. Keshav.S, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Pearson


Module I
Computer networks and the internet-principles i\of application layer protocols-HTTP-
FTP- email –DNS-socket programming –web servers-web pages- Multimedia
networking:-applications-streaming stored audio and video- internet telephony- RTP-
scheduling and policing mechanisms- integrated services-RSVP-differentiated services-
network management-the internet management frame work

Module II
Network security-e-mail security-privacy-S/MIME –IP security-overview-architecture-
authentication-header and payload-combining security associations-key management-
web security-SSL and transport layer security-SET-systems security-intruders and
viruses-firewalls-design-trusted systems
Module III
Mobile internet-mobile network layer-mobile IP-dynamic host configuration protocol-ad
hoc networks-mobile transport layer-implications of TCP on mobility-indirect TCP-
snooping TCP- mobile TCP transmission-selective retransmission-transaction oriented
TCP-support for mobility-file systems-WAP protocols-WML -wireless telephony
Text Books:
1. Kurose J F and Ross, K.W.,Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach
Featuring the Internet , Addison Wesley,
2. Stallings W Cryptography and Network Security Principles & Practice.,,3rd ed.,
Pearson Education 2003.
3. Schiller J ., Mobile communications –, Addison Wesley
1. Deitel, H M and Deitel, P. & Nieto T R Internet and World Wide Web: How to
program , Pearson education
2. Singhal S ,, WAP: The Wireless Application Protocol –, Pearson education
3. Goncalves M, Firewalls: A complete guide –Tata McGraw Hill.


Module I
Artificial Intelligence: Introduction, Intelligent Agents. Problem solving: Problem
solving by searching, Informed search, and Exploration, Constraint satisfaction Problems,
Adversial Search.

Module II
Knowledge and Reasoning: Logical Agents, First-order Logic, Inference in First-Order
Logic, Knowledge Representation Planning: Planning, Planning and Acting in the Real

Module III
Uncertain Knowledge: Uncertainty, Probablistic reasoning,Making simple decisions.
Learning: Learning from Observations, Knowledge in learning, Statistical learning
Methods, Reinforcement Learning.

Text book:

1. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig., Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach, 2nd
ed., Pearson Education 2002.

2. Nilsson, N.J., Artificial Intelligence:A New Synthesis., Morgan Kaufmann , 1998.
3. Rich & Knight ., Artificial Intelligence , 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 1992
4. Luger., Artificial Intelligence 4th ed., Pearson Education.

Module I
Symmetric Cipher Models- Substitution techniques- Transposition techniques- Rotor
machines- Steganography- DES: Simplified DES- Block Cipher principals- The Data
Encryption Std.. The Strength of DES- Differential and linear Cryptanalysis- Block
Cipher Design principles- Block Cipher modes of operations- IDEA: Primitive
operations- Key expansions- One round, Odd round, Even Round- Inverse keys for
description. AES: Basic Structure- Primitive operation- Inverse Cipher- Key Expansion,
Rounds, Inverse Rounds.

Module II
Public key Cryptography and RSA functions:- Principles of Public key Cryptography
Systems- RSA algorithms- Key Management - Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic
curve cryptography- Authentication requirements- Authentication functions- Message
authentication codes- Hash functions- Security of Hash functions and MACS- Digital
signatures- Authentication protocols- Digital signature standards.

Module III
Network security: Electronic Mail Security: Pretty good privacy- S/MIME IP Security:
Architecture- authentication Header- Encapsulating Security payload- Combining
Security associations- Key management- Web Security: Web Security considerations-
secure Socket Layer and Transport layer Security- electronic translation. Firewalls-Packet
filters- Application Level Gateway- Encrypted tunnels

Text Book:
1. William Stallings Cryptography and Network Security –, 3rd ed., Principles&
Practice.,Pearson Education.
1. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner , Network Security- Private
Communication in a Network World, 2nd ed., Pearson Education


Module 1
Characteristics of distributed System: Examples of distributed systems – resource sharing
and web – world wide web – issues in the design of distributed system. System models:
Architectural models and fundamental models. Networking and internetworking: Types
of network – network principles – internet protocols

Module II
Interprocess communication : the API for internet protocol – external data representation
and marshalling – client server communication - group communication- case study: inter
process communication in Unix. Distributed objects and remote invocation:
communication between distributed objects – remote procedure call – Events and
notification. Operating system support: Operating system layer – protection – processes
and threads- communication and invocation – Operating system architecture security:
Overview of security techniques

Module II
Distributed file system: File service architecture - network file system- Andrew file
system-recent advances Transactions and concurrency control: nested transactions-locks-
optimistic concurrency control-comparison of methods for concurrency control-flat and
nested distributed transactions- distributed deadlocks- transactions recovery. Replication
System model and group communication- fault tolerant services-transactions with
replicated data

Text Book:
1.George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg, Distributed Systems:
Concepts and Design –3rd ed., Pearson Education.
1. Andrew S Tanenbaum and Maarten Van Steen Distributed Systems: Principles
and Paradigms –Pearson Education.
2. Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg., Database Systems: A practical approach to
design implementation and management –- Pearson Education

06.504.3 NEURAL COMPUTING 3–1–0

Module I
Introduction – Brain and Computer – learning in biological systems and machines – the
basic neuron – modeling a single neuron – learning in simple neurons – the perception –
the perceptron learning rule – proof – limitations of perceptron – the multiplayer
perceptron – Back Propagation network – Counter Propagation network.

Module II
Kohnen self Organizing networks – introduction – the Kohnen algorithm – weight
training – neighborhoods – reducing the neighborhood – the phonetic typewriter –
Hopfield networks – introduction – the Hopfield model – the energy landscape – the
Boltzman machine – constraint satisfaction.

Module III
Adaptive resonance theory – architecture and operation – ART algorithm – training the
ART network – classification – associative memory – Bi-directional associative memory
– application of neural nets – pattern recognition.

Text Books :
1. Beale. R and Jackson. T, “Neural Computing – An Introduction” , Adam Hilger.

References :
1. Philip D. Wasserman, “Neural Computing – Theory and Practice”, Van Nostrand
and Reinhold,
2. James A. Freeman and David M. Skapura, “Neural Network Algorithms,
Application and Programming Techniques”, Addison – Wesley publishing


The client-Client Server model, Concurrent Processing, Program Interface to Protocols,
Socket interface, Client Software Design - Example, Concurrency in clients

The Server Server Software Design, Interactive Connectionless and connection Oriented
Servers, Concurrent Connection Oriented Servers, Single Process Concurrent Servers,
Multi-protocol Servers, Multiservice Servers, Uniform, Efficient Management of Server

Applications -Tunneling at the transport and applications levels. Application Level
gateways, External data representation, Remote Procedure call, Distributed program
Generation, Network File System, Mount, Telnet.

Reference :
1.D.E Comer and D L Stevens, Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol III,
Pearson Education


Developing applications Creating Java Applications, Creating HTML resources, Creating
Web applications with dynamic content Database applications Database connectivity,
SQL Wizard & SQL Query Builder, Stored procedures, Accessing databases from
Module II
Testing and Deploying Web applications Server Instances & server configurations,
Testing and Debugging applications, Deploying Web applications

Profiling & Team Programming Plug-ins development

Reference :
1. Osamu Takaglwa, “ Web Sphere Studio Application Developer
Programming Guide” IBM.Com/red Books


Module I
System Models - Continuous and discrete models - Static and Dynamic Models -
Principles used in modeling - system studies - system analysis - design and
postulation. System simulation : Techniques of simulation - Monte Carlo Method -
Comparison of analysis and simulation - Types of system - Simulation Numerical
computation for simulation - Applications of digital analog and hybrid computers in
continuous system simulation - Real time simulation.

Module II
Exponential growth models, exponential decay models - Logistic curves -
Generation of growth models - system models - system dynamic diagrams -
Multisegment models Representation of time - delay - Review of probability concepts -
Arrival pattern and service times - poisson arrival patterns - Exponentiations, Erlang and
Hyper Exponential Distribution - Mathematical studies of Queuing problems.

Module III
Discrete system Simulation : Discrete events - Generation of arrival patterns -
Simulation of telephone systems - Simulation languages - GPSS programming General
description - simscript programs, simscript system concept.

Text Book :
1. Geoffrey Gordon., System simulation –, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.1999.

References :
1. Maryanski F., Digital Computer Simulation , CBS Distributors.
2. Bank and Carson., Discrete Event System Simulation, , Prentice Hall Inc.

Module I
Unix overview — History of Unix — Structure of Unix OS — The Kernel — running a
command, shell — all about Unix file system - file structure — file creation — mode
umbers and file names — file system — multiple file system — checking file system —
mounting and unmounting special files — file security.

Module Il
Problem solving approaches in Unix — Unix commands — Compound command,
redirection, tees, pipes. filters — Unix tools, grep, sed, tr, awk — shell scripts — C
programs for soMng r — Building your own command library program. Shell —
Working with t boume shell — shell meta character shell vahab user created, system
created, standard) - local and global shell variables — shell scripts — interactive shell
scripts — shell script argument — looping and making choice, for loop, case, while and
until — A survey of C shell — csh.

Module Ill
Unix and GUI, X Windows, Motif, Unix and networking sockets — socket interfaces —
Advanced IPC facilities. Linux — History, structure, comparison with Windows and
OS/2 — system security and stability — Utilities.

Text Books:
1. Stephan Pratta., Advanced Unix Programming, , BPB,
2. Lowell Jay Arther & Ted Barnn.,Unix Shell Programming,

Reference Books:
1. Unix for programmers and users — A complete guide, Eagle Wood Cliffs, PHI,
2. David A Curry.,Unix System Security — A guide for users and system
3. Sumithaba Das., Unix System V — Concepts and Applications, Tata McGraw
4. Peter Norton and Harley Habin., Guide to Unix, BPB,.


Module I
Definition of management information system, MIS a evolving concept, MIS and other
academic disciplines subsystems of MIS. Structures of MIS, Operating elements of an
information system, MIS support for 5 decision making, MIS structure based on
management activity, MIS structure based on organizational function, synthesis of MIS
structure formal versus informal information structure, extent of integration, extent of
user-machine interaction.

Module Il
Decision making process: Phases in the decision making process, intelligence and design
phases, concepts of decision making, behavioural model of decision maker, behavioural
model of organizational decision making, decision making under psychological stress,
methods for deciding among alternatives, documenting and communication decision
rules, reliance of decision making concepts of information system design.Concepts of
information: Definition of information, information in mathematical theory of
communication, information present in quality of information, value of information in
decision making, value of information other than a decision. Humans as information
processors: The Newell-Simon model, tentative limits on human information processing,
concepts of human cognition a learning, characteristics of human information processing
performance. -managers as information processors, implications for information system
design. System concepts: General model of a system, types of systems, subsystems,
system stress and system change, system concepts and organizations, system concepts
applied to MIS

Module Ill
Concepts of organizational planning: The planning process, computational support for
planning, charactenstics of control processes, the nature of control in organizations.
Organizational structure and management concepts: The basic model of organizational
structure, modifications of basic organization structure, information processing model of
organization, organization culture and power, organization change, management theories,
organizations as socio-technical systems, implications of organizational structure and
management theory for MIS. Decision support systems: Expert systems, support for
decision making process, approaches to development of decision support systems,
summary of planning support system, summary of a control support systems. Planning
for information systems: content of information system master plan, the Nolan stage
model, the three stage model of the planning process, strategic planning, stage analysis of
organizational information requirements, resource allocation.

Text Book:
1. Gordon B. Davis, Margrethe H. Olson., Management Information Systems —
Conceptual Foundation, Structure and Development, , Second Edition, McGraw
Hill International Editions.

Reference Books:
1. Roberts Murdick, Joel E. Rose .,Information Systems for Modem Management,
Second Edition, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Mcleod., Management Information Systems A Study of Computerized
Information Systems, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall.
2. James A O’Brien., Management Information Systems: A Managerial End User
Perspective,, Galgotia,
3. David Kroenke and Richard Hatch , Management Information Systems, ,MCH,


Implementation of TCP, UDP, FTP, telnet, email clients, chatting, unicasting,



Experiments like the flowing should be done in this lab

Implement Web applications using Servelets, HTML and JSPs and deploy.
Test the application on an Application Server.
Debug Web applications locally and remotely.
Developing applications in a team environment.
Retrieval of data from database using SQL and exchange information in XML

06. 601 —Project Work.

Students are advised to carry out the project work in-order to understand systematic and
good software development methodologies and management in an industry or R&D
environment for a duration of a full semester and submit a detailed report. The Master’s
level projects should be done individually.

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