Installation Journal
Installation Journal
Installation Journal
Operating System
- Title Page
- Table of Content
Installation Journal Objective:
1. Records the experiences of students in some
Operating System and share it with others
2. Motivates students on doing technical papers or
3. Experience Window/Linux OS
1. Font Style: Century Gothic
2. Font Size: 12
3. Spacing: 1.5
4. Page Size: Letter Size (8.5 x 11)
1. Create a Journal (installation journal) on the OS that
was assigned to you.
2. Some of the items above needs research, therefore,
state your sources.
3. Other items need exploration, therefore, take a
snapshot on the steps of exploring. For instance,
User, you have to discuss and provide snapshots on
how to edit, add, delete, change account of the user..
4. Submission:
a. On .pdf format
b. Submit online thru CJC E-classroom
c. An assignment link will be provided and will
enable you to submit you file..
d. (optional)You may also send your .doc file for
back up copy in case you want to make some
modifications and development soon.
e. You can only upload up to 3 files with limit of 8
MB each.
f. Deadline will be provided by the link, the
website will not accept late submissions..
g. IN CASE of server down due to some
circumstances, you may email your file at
[email protected] . I will emphasize
again, JUST IN CASE..