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Generation Details Unit Budaet for the vear Actual for last month For the month Uoto the month

Gross Generation MU 8350.000 637.978 623.385 1261.363

Aux. Consumption MU 793.250 59.963 59.160 119.123
T&D,lntake & Asoh cons. MU 41.750 10.261 10.632 20.893
Net Generation MU 7515.000 567.754 553.593 1121.347
Trial Generation MU 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total net Generation MU 7515.000 567.754 553.593 1121.347
ImpOrtfrom Gridco MU 0.000 4.143 18.956 23.099
Power available MU 7515.000 571.897 572.549 1144.446
Transferred to Smelter MU 7515.000 557.887 560.261 1118.148
Sold to Gridco MU 0.000 14.010 12.288 26.298
Consumption of Coal 1000'MT 6510.000 497.895 485.650 983.545
Consumption of HFO KL 6764.000 366.971 659.433 1026.404
Consumption of LDO KL 2480.000 126.732 354.336 481.068
51. Items Amount Cost /unit Amount Cost/Unit Amount Cost/Unit Amount Cost/Unit
No. RsiLakh Paise/Kwh RsiLakh Paise/Kwh RsiLakh Paiselkwh Rs.lLakh Paise/kwh
1.0 Material Cost
1.1 Chemicals 179.00 0.24 10.06 0.18 4.52 0.08 14.58 0.13
1.2 Others 81.00 0.11 2.97 0.05 1.68 0.03 4.65 0.04
1.3 Water charges 210.00 0.28 16.04 0.28 16.79 0.30 32.83 0.29
Total Material Cost 470.00 0.63 29.07 0.51 22.99 0.41 52.06 0.46
2.0 Power & Fuel
2.1 Power Purchased 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.2 MCL Coal 42876.91 57.06 2958.25 52.10 3483.56 62.93 6441.81 57.45
2.3 Washed coal 20125.00 26.78 1773.25 31.23 494.34 8.93 2267.59 20.22
2.4 ImpOrted Coal 22800.00 30.34 1904.04 33.54 561.15 10.14 2465.19 21.98
2.5 Fuel Oil - HFO 1657.06 2.21 94.40 1.66 169.64 3.06 264.04 2.35
2.6 Fuel Oil - LDO 917.58 1.22 50.82 0.90 142.09 2.57 192.91 1.72
2.7 Electricitv Dutv 1706.00 2.27 140.45 2.47 139.58 2.52 280.03 2.50
2.8 Fuel for EQuipments 351.18 0.47 29.19 0.51 29.19 0.53 58.38 0.52
Total Power & Fuel 90433.73 120.35 6950.39 122.41 5019.56 90.68 11969.95 106.74
3.0 Conversion Cost
3.1 R & M - Spares 4682.00 6.23 298.73 5.26 498.73 9.01 997.46 8.90
3.2 R & M - Outside 4031.00 5.36 193.23 3.40 193.23 3.49 386.46 3.45
3.3 R & M - Maior Repl. 1500.00 2.00 20.57 0.36 20.57 0.37 41.14 0.37
3.4 Cons. of stores etc. 444.94 0.59 40.00 0.70 40.00 0.72 80.00 0.71
3.5 Emolovee Rem. & Benifit' 13887.78 18.48 1185.38 20.88 1185.38 21.41 2370.76 21.14
3.6 Administrative Exp. 790.25 1.05 98.23 1.73 98.23 1.77 196.46 1.75
3.7 Interest on Water charges 3396.14 4.52 282.49 4.98 288.58 5.21 571.07 5.09
3.8 Interest on Electricitv Dutv 5700.00 7.58 376.01 6.62 407.66 7.36 810.53 7.23
3.9 Provisions (Non-moving stores) 126.00 0.17 27.02 0.48 27.02 0.49 54.04 0.48
3.10 Common Off. - Smelter 2888.29 3.84 218.81 3.85 212.77 3.84 431.58 3.85
3.11 Common Off. - H 0 4024.53 5.36 315.49 5.56 355.95 6.43 671.44 5.99
Total Conversion Cost 41470.93 55.18 3055.96 53.82 3328.12 60.10 6610.94 58.96
4.1 Interest on Capital Emploved 19881.53 26.46 1125.50 19.82 1125.50 20.33 2251.00 20.07
4.2 Exchanae Variation 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4.3 Guarantee Fee 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Financing Cost 19881.53 26.46 1125.50 19.82 1125.50 20.33 2251.00 20.07
5.0 Non - Cash Items
5.1 Deoreciation - On Assets 11536.28 15.35 871.50 15.35 871.50 15.74 1743.00 15.54
5.2 Depreciation - On ExchVar. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.3 Depreciation - Com.Office 37.14 0.05 3.78 0.07 2.42 0.04 6.20 0.06
Total Non-Cash Cost 11573.42 15.4 875.28 15.42 873.92 15.78 1749.20 15.60
Total Cost of Power 163829.61 218.02 12036.20 211.98 10370.09 187.30 22633.15 201.83

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