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Superiority of Conventional Banks & Islamic Banks of Bangladesh: A Comparative Study

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www.ccsenet.org/ijef International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 2, No.

3; August 2010

Superiority of Conventional Banks & Islamic Banks of Bangladesh:

A Comparative Study
Md. Safiullah
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business and Economics, Daffodil International University
102, Shukrabad, Dhanmodi, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]
The commercial banking system dominates the financial sector with limited role of non-bank financial
institutions and the capital market. The Banking sector alone accounts for a substantial share of assets of the
financial system. Commercial banks contribute significantly in the economic development through the
development of major contributory economic indicators directly or indirectly. Commercial banks in Bangladesh
operate under branding of interest-based conventional banks and interest-free Islamic banks (based on Islamic
sariah).The study emphasis on the financial performance analysis of both stream of banks to measure superiority.
The study indicates that financial performance (business developments, profitability, liquidity and solvency,
commitment to economy and community, efficiency and productivity) of both streams of banks is notable. Study
result based on commitment to economy & community, productivity and efficiency signifies that interest-based
conventional banks are doing better performance than interest-free Islamic banks. But performance of
interest-free Islamic banks in business development, profitability, liquidity and solvency is superior to that of
interest-based conventional banks. That is comparatively Islamic banks are superior in financial performance to
that of interest-based conventional banks.
Keywords: Interest, Performance, Islamic & Conventional Banking, Industries/Segments
1. Introduction
Bangladesh has a mixed banking system comprising nationalized, private and foreign commercial banks.
Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of the country and is in charge of monetary policies of the Government and
all commercial banks. After independence the govt. of Bangladesh initially nationalized the entire domestic
banking system and proceeded to reorganize and rename the various banks. After that in nineteen eighties
privatization decision of commercial banks revolutionize the overall banking system. At present total banking
systems of Bangladesh consists of four state owned banks, four specialized banks, thirty private commercial
banks & nine foreign banks. Financial performance evaluation of bank is important for all stake holders: owners,
Investors, debtors, creditors, government, depositors, bank managers and regulators. The performance of banks
gives directions to the stake holder of decision making. For example it gives direction to the debtor and the
investor to make decision that either they should invest money in bank or invest some where else. Similarly, it
flashes direction to bank managers whether to improve its deposit service or loan service or both to improve its
finance. Regulatory agencies and government are also interested of financial performance for regulation
2. Objective of the study
The specific objectives of the study are to enlighten on financial performance of interest-based conventional
banks and interest-free Islamic banks through business development ratios, profitability ratios, liquidity and
solvency ratios, commitment to economy and community, productivity and efficiency ratios and to draw
3. Rationale of the study
Banks and financial institutions are contributing in the economic development of Bangladesh through exploring
different lucrative economic segments in the form of investment and lending. Banks of our country play roles
from conventional and Islamic perspective. Islamic Banks are operating based on Islamic sariah & principles that
does not support interest based banking where as conventional banks are in favor of interest and conventional
rules & regulation. So, a comparative performance analysis of interest-based conventional banks and

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interest-free Islamic banks of Bangladesh is very rational and time demand study. From that ground the
extensive data based study has been undertaken to make out the comparisons.
4. Methodology of the study
Interest-based conventional and interest-free Islamic banks are accounting for the economic development of
Bangladesh. For this study four conventional banks (South East bank, Prime bank, Jamuna bank & City bank)
and four Islamic banks (Social Islami bank, Al-Arafah Islami bank, EXIM bank& Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd.)
have been selected. The period of study is 5 years from 2004 to 2008. These banks have been selected on the
basis of their year of establishment and regular data availability to ensure comparability and comprehend the
performance of both type of banks established with the same objective. This study also covers international
journals and also some books written by renowned writer on banking system and management. Data has been
processed through “Statistical Package for Social Science” software or SPSS version 11.5, Microsoft Excel and
other version and analysis has been conducted on the basis of secondary data, descriptive statistics, T- test, and
test of hypothesis.
5. Tools of analyzing financial performance
5.1 Profitability Ratios
Profitability is the ultimate test of managements operating effectiveness and success of a company. Profitability
can be judged by the following criteria. Return on asset (ROA), Return on equity (ROE), Profit expense ratio
(PER), Profit growth and EPS.ROA, ROE, Profit growth rate and EPS are the indicators of measuring
managerial efficiency. ROA is net earning per unit of a given asset. It shows how a bank can convert its asset
into net earnings. The higher ratio indicates higher ability and therefore is an indicator of better performance.
Similarly, ROE is net earnings per unit equity capital. The higher ratio is an indicator of higher managerial
performance. A high PER indicates that a bank is cost efficient and makes higher profit with a given expense.
However, profitability is only part of bank performance story.
5.1.1 Liquidity and Solvency Ratios
Liquidity ratios measure the short-term ability of the company to pay its maturing obligations and to meet
unexpected needs for cash. There is a trade-offs that generally exist between returns(profitability) and
risks(liquidity) are demonstrated by observing that a shift from short-term securities to long-term securities or
loans raises a banks returns but also increases its liquidity risk. The inverse would be true if short-term securities
were increased. Thus, a higher liquidity ratio for the sample bank would indicate a less risky and less profitable
bank. In another situation bank and other depository institutions share liquidity risk because transaction deposits
and saving accounts can be withdrawn at any time. Thus when withdrawals exceed new deposit significantly
over a short period, banks get into liquidity trouble. Cash deposit ratio, Advance deposit ratio, Current asset ratio
and Equity multiplier are the indicators of liquidity and solvency position of banks. Higher CDR indicates that a
bank is relatively more liquid than a bank which has lower CDR as cash in a bank vault is the most liquid asset
of a bank. Depositors' confidence to bank is enhanced when a bank maintains a higher cash deposit ratio. Again
higher advance deposit ratio indicates that a bank takes more financial stress by making too much loan.
Comparatively higher CAR indicates that a bank has more liquid asset. A lower ratio is a sign for illiquidity as
more of the assets are long term in nature and EM is the amount of assets per unit of equity capital. A higher EM
indicates that the bank has borrowed more funds to convert into asset with the share capital and greater risk for a
5.1.2 Business Development ratios
Business development ratios are the indicators of financial progress and development over time measured by
different indicators as total assets growth, deposits growth, advances growth and investment growth. They are
also the indicators of contribution of banks in the economic development of Bangladesh through financing,
investment and capital forming scheme directly and indirectly. Higher ratios are the record of success story and
significant contribution in the economy.
5.1.3 Efficiency and Productivity ratio
Total operating expenses to deposit ratio is the measurement of efficiency and productivity of banks. It indicates
economies of scale in banking operation.
5.1.4 Commitment to Economy and Community
Commitment to economy and community can be measured by long term loan ratio (LTL), and government bond
Investment (GBD) ratio. A high LTL indicates a bank commitment for supporting long term development

200 ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728

www.ccsenet.org/ijef International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 2, No. 3; August 2010

project and higher GBD indicates commitment to the community through investment in govt. securities also
measures high liquidity and less risk.
6. Analysis & Discussion
The financial performance ratios have been calculated from the annual financial statements of these banks.
Ratios of the period 2004-2008 have been calculated for evaluation. The statistical method of t-test has been
used at 0.05 level of significance to identify significant difference of performance indicators between
interest-based conventional banks and interest-free Islamic banks.
6.1 Statistical hypothesis
In order to assess and draw comparison of the financial performance of interest-based conventional banks and
interest-free Islamic banks the assumed null hypothesis is: “The performance of interest-based conventional
banks is superior to that of interest-free Islamic banks”. The hypothesis has been rejected or accepted for
each performance ratio separately between conventional and Islamic bank.
6.2 City Bank Ltd & Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd
6.2.1 Profitability
In case of Profitability the null hypothesis has been rejected with respect to the ratios of return on total assets,
profit expense ratio, growth of profit and earning per share but accepted only for return on equity. That is
performance of Islami bank Bangladesh ltd. is superior and indicates higher ability and therefore is an indicator
of better managerial performance to that of City bank ltd. But ROE of City bank ltd. is superior to that of IBBL.
Insert table-1 here.
6.2.2 Liquidity and Solvency
In case of liquidity and solvency ratios the null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance because the
statistical t-value is not within accepted region for cash deposit ratio, advance deposit ratio, and equity multiplier
ratio. That is liquidity & solvency statement is in favor of IBBL to that of City bank ltd. The calculated value
reports that IBBL takes less financial stress and has borrowed fewer funds to convert into asset with the share
capital but higher govt. bond investment of CITYBL indicates high liquidity and less risk to that of IBBL.
Insert table-2 here.
6.2.3 Business development
Based on the calculated value the null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance as the statistical t-value
is not within accepted region for all of the ratios that indicates performance of IBBL is superior to that of City
bank ltd. and making significant contribution in the economic development of Bangladesh. Insert table-3 here.
6.2.4 Efficiency and Productivity
In case of efficiency & productivity, Islami bank ltd. is more efficient than City bank ltd.because total operating
expenses to deposits ratio of IBBL is less than CITYBL it means economies of scale is in favor of Islami bank
Bangladesh ltd to that of CITY bank ltd. Insert table-4 here.
6.2.5 Commitment to Economy and Community
Long-term loan ratio is calculated to measure superiority in economic commitment where the null hypothesis is
accepted at 0.05 level of significance it means City bank ltd. is superior to that of IBBL. Insert table-5 here.
6.3 Jamuna Bank Ltd & EXIM Bank Ltd
6.3.1 Profitability
From the statistical result of profitability it is clear that, the null hypothesis has been rejected with respect to the
ratios of return on total assets, return on equity, profit expense ratio and earning per share but accepted only for
profit growth. That is performance of EXIM bank ltd. is superior and indicates higher ability and therefore is an
indicator of better managerial performance to that of Jamuna Bank ltd. But profit growth of Jamuna bank ltd. is
superior to that of EXIM bank ltd. Insert table-6 here.
6.3.2 Liquidity and Solvency
The null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance because the statistical t-value is not within accepted
region for cash deposit ratio, advance deposit ratio, current asset ratio and equity multiplier ratio. That is
liquidity & solvency statement is in favor of EXIM Bank ltd. to that of Jamuna bank ltd. The calculated value
reports that EXIM bank ltd. takes less financial stress and has borrowed fewer funds to convert into asset with

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the share capital but higher investment of Jamuna bank ltd. in government bond indicates high liquidity and less
risk. Insert table-7 here.
6.3.3 Business development
Based on the calculated value the null hypothesis is accepted at 0.05 level of significance as the statistical t-value
is within accepted region for advances growth and investment growth that indicates performance of Jamuna bank
ltd. is superior to that of EXIM bank ltd and making significant contribution in the economic development of
Bangladesh. But null hypothesis is rejected for total assets growth and deposits growth that is performance of
EXIM bank ltd is superior in capital formation and asset development. Insert table-8 here.
6.3.4 Commitment to Economy and Community
In measuring superiority in community development and economic commitment calculated output states that
the null hypothesis is accepted at 0.05 level of significance as the statistical t-value is within accepted region it
means Jamuna bank ltd. is superior to that of EXIM bank ltd. Jamuna bank ltd. contributes significantly in the
long-term development of different economic segments. Insert table-9 here.
6.3.5 Efficiency and Productivity
In case of efficiency & productivity, Jamuna bank ltd. is more efficient than EXIM bank ltd.because the null
hypothesis is accepted it means economies of scale is in favor of Jamuna bank ltd to that of EXIM bank ltd.
Insert table-10 here.
6.4 Prime Bank Ltd & Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd
6.4.1 Profitability
For profitability the null hypothesis has been rejected with respect to the ratios of return on total assets, growth
of profit and earning per share but accepted for return on equity and profit expense ratio. That is performance of
Prime bank ltd and Al-Arafah Islami bank ltd. is mixed. Prime bank ltd is superior in cost management and
maximizing shareholders wealth where as Al-Arafah Islami bank ltd shows better performance in asset return
and return to the shareholder through higher growth in profit. Insert table-11 here.
6.4.2 Liquidity and Solvency
In case of liquidity and solvency ratios the null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance because the
statistical t-value is not within accepted region for cash deposit ratio, advance deposit ratio but accepted for
current asset ratio and equity multiplier ratio. The calculated value reports that prime bank ltd takes less financial
stress and has borrowed fewer funds to convert into asset with the share capital with efficiency in liquidity
management as well as high liquidity and less risk because of higher investment in government bond. Insert
table-12 here.
6.4.3 Business development
Based on the calculated value the null hypothesis is accepted at 0.05 level of significance for deposits growth
and investment growth but rejected for total assets growth and advances growth that indicates mixed
performance of Prime bank ltd. and Al-Arafah Islami bank ltd. Insert table-13 here.
6.4.4 Efficiency and Productivity
In case of efficiency & productivity, Prime bank ltd. is more efficient than Al-Arafah bank ltd.because total
operating expenses to deposits ratio of Prime bank ltd. is less than that of Al-Arafah bank ltd it means from the
perspective of economies of scale Prime bank is more efficient and productive. Insert table-14 here.
6.4.5 Commitment to Economy and Community
Long-term loan ratio is calculated to measure superiority in community development and economic commitment
where in long term loan ratio the null hypothesis is rejected it means AL-Arafah bank ltd. has higher contribution
in the economic development through long term lending in different economic sectors to that of prime bank ltd.
Insert table-15 here.
6.5 South East Bank Ltd & Social Islami Bank Ltd
6.5.1 Profitability
Profitability is one of the most important indicators of financial performance. Based on calculation it is vibrant
that, the null hypothesis has been accepted with respect to the ratios of return on total assets and return on equity
but rejected for profit expense ratio, profit growth and earning per share. That is performance of SEBL and SIBL

202 ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728

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is mixed. South East bank ltd. is superior in better managerial performance but performance of Social Islami
bank ltd. is noteworthy in cost management and profit growth with higher earning per share.
Insert table-16 here.
6.5.2 Liquidity and Solvency
The null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance because the statistical t-value is not within accepted
region for cash deposit ratio, current asset ratio and equity multiplier ratio. That is liquidity & solvency statement
is in favor of Social Islami Bank ltd. The calculated value reports a significantly higher cash deposit ratio,
current asset ratio and equity multiplier ratio that indicates that the bank has borrowed less funds to convert into
asset with the share capital to that of SEBL. But null hypothesis is accepted in case of advance deposit ratio that
is Southeast Bank ltd. takes more financial stress by making too much loan but lower advance deposit ratio is
always encouraging to higher advance deposit ratio. But higher investment of SEBL in government bond
indicates high liquidity and less risk. Insert table-17 here.
6.5.3 Business development
Based on the calculated value the null hypothesis is accepted at 0.05 level of significance as the statistical t-value
is within accepted region that indicates performance of South East bank ltd. is superior to that of Social Islami
bank ltd and making significant contribution in the economic development of Bangladesh through higher growth
in total assets, deposits and advances but null hypothesis is rejected for investment growth that is investment
growth is in favor of SIBL. Insert table-18 here.
6.5.4 Commitment to Economy and Community
In order to measure superiority in community development and economic commitment long term loan ratio is
calculated where the null hypothesis is accepted at 0.05 level of significance as the statistical t-value is within
accepted region it means South East bank ltd. has superior commitment to economy and community to that of
Social Islami bank ltd. Insert table-19 here.
6.5.5 Efficiency and Productivity
In case of efficiency & productivity, South East bank ltd. is less efficient than Social Islami bank ltd.because the
null hypothesis is rejected it means total operating expenses to deposits ratio of SEBL is higher SIBL.
Insert table-20 here.
7. Conclusion
Financial system of Bangladesh consists of central bank, commercial banks, NBFIs, capital market, microfinance
institutions, co-operatives and so on. Among contributory organizations in financial system commercial banks
both conventional & Islamic banks are making significant contribution in the economic development of
Bangladesh. To figure out sustained growth and development performance evaluation study of banks is very
important. The performance study concludes that Islamic banks are superior to conventional banks. But it is not
likely that solely Islamic banks are better performing organizations rather conventional banks have also
noteworthy performance and significant contribution in different economic segments. Despite some limitations
in operational procedures, financial instruments, adequate training & research, motivated employee to conduct
Islamic banking based on sariah and appropriate legal system Islamic banks deserve the credit of superiority of
financial performance. Participatory process in every financing & investment is the root cause of Islamic banks
success. But they should emphasis on the welfare being of the poor and destitute people rather than only profit
oriented sectoral development. Islamic banks have to go a long way. Though conventional banks are fully
converting or opening windows of Islamic banking but their main focus should be given on both social &
economic development of Bangladesh. Alongside conventional banks should come forward in order to enhance
rural financial market rather than only urban development through their superior performance in different arena.
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Statistical output summary (IBBL vs. CITYBL)
Table-1. Statistical result of Profitability
CITYBL IBBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
ROA .0098 .00474 .0254 .03278 -1.009 Rejected
ROE .4692 .27777 .1482 .02487 2.546 Accepted
Profit Expense Ratio .3773 .20142 .5724 .08178 -2.449 Rejected
Profit Growth .1141 .46438 .3119 .38589 -.610 Rejected
EPS 46.9240 27.792 317.1880 247.151 -2.614 Rejected

Table-2. Statistical result of Liquidity and Solvency

CITYBL IBBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Cash deposit Ratio .0741 .00781 .1565 .03118 -4.885 Rejected
Advance deposit Ratio .7460 .04807 .8856 .03909 -5.460 Rejected
Current asset ratio .9723 .00993 .0229 .00278 2.802 Accepted
Equity Multiplier 46.1532 5.8226 46.2322 3.03245 -0.022 Rejected
Govt. bond investment .3084 .18671 .0512 .03996 6.396 Accepted

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Table-3. Statistical result of Business development

CITYBL IBBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Total Assets Growth .2204 .15141 .2265 .03253 -0.069 Rejected
Deposits Growth .2012 .16211 .2295 .02106 -0.335 Rejected
Advances Growth .2112 .23009 .2568 .05058 -0.361 Rejected
Investment Growth .3245 .28837 1.0250 2.48399 -0.543 Rejected

Table-4. Statistical result of Efficiency and Productivity

2004-2008 2004-2008
Mean SD Mean SD
Total operating expenses to deposits .0318 .00431 .0191 .00147

Table-5. Statistical result of Efficiency and Productivity

CITYBL IBBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Long term loan ratio .4995 .17823 .1458 .02865 2.888 Accepted

Statistical output summary (EXIMBL vs. JAMUNABL)

Table-6. Statistical result of Profitability
JAMUNABL EXIMBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
ROA .0105 .00446 .0164 .00102 -2.470 Rejected
ROE .3007 .15125 .4926 .11807 -3.613 Rejected
Profit Expense Ratio .5905 .24441 1.0797 .11040 -4.964 Rejected
Profit Growth 1.0704 2.2491 .3088 .15530 o.649 Accepted
EPS 28.1940 27.313 50.3780 10.69 -1.776 Rejected

Table-7. Statistical result of Liquidity and Solvency

JAMUNABL EXIMBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Cash deposit Ratio .0590 .01282 .0966 .02025 -8.366 Rejected
Advance deposit Ratio .7443 .05356 .9527 .03831 -5.492 Rejected
Current asset ratio .9910 .00574 .9953 .00091 -1.568 Rejected
Equity Multiplier 28.3906 9.66 30.22 7.64 -1.672 Rejected
Govt. bond investment .2820 .01949 .0564 .01426 20.310 Accepted

Table-8. Statistical result of Business development

JAMUNABL EXIMBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-value
Mean SD Mean SD
Total Assets Growth .1831 .11597 .2963 .07329 -1.238 Rejected
Deposits Growth .2799 .09822 .3234 .13685 -1.785 Rejected
Advances Growth .3411 .20625 .2916 .05780 0.565 Accepted
Investment Growth .4839 .25883 .1760 .13681 1.616 Accepted

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Table-9. Statistical result of Commitment to Economy and Community

JAMUNABL EXIMBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Long term loan ratio .2459 .09169 .1476 .06486 2.763 Accepted

Table-10. Statistical result of Commitment to Economy and Community

JAMUNABL EXIMBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Total operating expenses 2.637 Accepted
.0227 .00356 0.0186 0.00242
To deposits

Statistical output summary (ALARAFBL vs. PRIMEBL)

Table-11. Statistical result of Profitability
PRIMEBL ALARAFBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
ROA .0181 .00369 .0183 .00482 -0.082 Rejected
ROE .2715 .05179 .2146 .04956 1.583 Accepted
Profit Expense Ratio 2.0115 1.7554 .2942 .09468 2.123 Accepted
Profit Growth .2478 .45099 .5374 .54031 -0.768 Rejected
EPS 53.4600 10.309 256.0240 222.582 -2.038 Rejected

Table-12. Statistical result of Liquidity and Solvency

Statistical Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Cash deposit Ratio .0814 .00700 .0992 .01683 -2.341 Rejected
Advance deposit Ratio .8594 .06627 .9220 .09884 -1.472 Rejected
Current asset ratio .9907 .00213 .9880 .00227 2.020 Accepted
Equity Multiplier 49.1262 23.464 24.8007 2.61529 2.575 Accepted
Govt. bond investment .1682 .06160 .0133 .01825 6.336 Accepted

Table-13. Statistical result of Business development

PRIMEBL ALARAFBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Total Assets Growth .3611 .08382 .9248 1.2035 -0.912 Rejected
Deposits Growth .3348 .12419 .3330 .12525 0.030 Accepted
Advances Growth .3447 .11269 .3940 .20321 -0.443 Rejected
Investment Growth .6773 .31073 .0029 .00575 4.365 Accepted

Table-14. Statistical result of Efficiency and Productivity

2004-2008 2004-2008
Mean SD Mean SD
Total operating expenses to deposits .0132 .00701 .0709 .00785

206 ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728

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Table-15.Statistical result of Commitment to Economy and Community

PRIMEBL ALARAFBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Long term loan ratio .3616 .05439 .4811 .11890 -2.315 Rejected

Statistical output summary (SIBL vs. SEBL)

Table-16.Statistical result of profitability
Statistical Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
ROA .0130 .00452 .0036 .00315 5.560 Accepted
ROE .1709 .02954 .1163 .10214 1.131 Accepted
Profit Expense ratio .1554 .04435 .2034 .16911 -0.679 Rejected
Profit Growth .4427 .71457 1.3015 1.38722 -2.125 Rejected
EPS 47.5800 13.58 60.1340 57.79 -.513 Rejected

Table-17. Statistical result of liquidity and Solvency

SEBL SIBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Cash deposit Ratio .0563 .00764 .0733 .01740 -3.188 Rejected
Advance deposit Ratio .8555 .04089 .8389 .11221 0.477 Accepted
Current asset ratio .9777 .00900 .9916 .00380 -4.336 Rejected
Equity Multiplier 32.28 6.90 33.78 4.53 -0.489 Rejected
Govt. bond investment .1281 .01840 .0273 .00702 2.556 Accepted

Table-18. Statistical result of Business development

SEBL SIBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Total Assets Growth .2458 .03596 .0900 .17951 1.667 Accepted
Deposits Growth .2542 .07876 .0468 .17391 1.804 Accepted
Advances Growth .2914 .13207 .1005 .08735 3.553 Accepted
Investment Growth .4081 .15988 2020.1214 4039.68 -1.00 Rejected

Table-19. Statistical result of Commitment to Economy and Community

SEBL SIBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Long term loan ratio .4488 .07231 .1823 .17602 2.442 Accepted

Table-20. Statistical result of Efficiency and Productivity

SEBL SIBL Statistical Test Hypothesis
2004-2008 2004-2008 T-Value
Mean SD Mean SD
Total operating expense
To deposits .0951 .01202 .0199 .00341 18.933 Rejected

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 207

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