Classroom Management: James H. Stronge " Qualities of Effective Teachers" (2002)

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 Classroom management is not teaching; it is a necessary condition to



 A common problem, sometimes the most common, that beginning

teachers face is poor classroom management. As the quotation beneath the
title of this topic states, classroom management is not teaching, yet it is a
pre-requisite to teaching. We cannot teach when our classes are inattentive,
worse when they are unruly . This is how critical classroom management is.
 As classroom managers, we management resources to facilitate learning.
These resources the 3 Ms Moment, Materials, and Man. Teaching and
learning, these are time, teaching materials and other physical features like
desks and tables, and the learners themselves.


James H. Stronge “ Qualities of Effective Teachers” (2002)

1 .A proactive approach to discipline prevents unnecessary disciplinary problems

from cropping up.
2. Routine saves you a lot of time.
3. Smooth transitions prevent unnecessary lull in classroom activities.
4. Strike the golden mean between extremely easy and extremely difficult
5. Have eyes on the back of your heads. Be aware of what is happening in the
6 Respond to inappropriate behavior promptly.
7. Reinforce positive behavior with genuine praise.
8. Treat minor disturbance calmly.
9. Come up with a physical arrangement that allows maximum interaction.
10. Minimize discipline time to have more time for instruction.
Pamantasang Lungsod Ng Pasay
Pasadena St. Pasay City
College of Graduate School
Second Semester Academic Year 2009-2010

Research Methods in Education

Mr. Romeo P. Serquinia Professor: Dr. Perfecto C. Marcelo



Fire Prevention and Control in School


Is a process and means of acquiring factual information in order to make or

formulate new concepts, new principles, and theories as a basis for answering
questions that posted by the researcher.


Provides information that is accurate and reliable through scientific method.

Management of Time
“Time lost is irretrievably lost”
Developing time management skills an effective way to reduce stress increase
personal productivity and experience peace of mind. It is possible for one to gain
control of one’s activity in life by controlling time management is one of the widely
taught skills in corporate training and development.

The term time management refers to techniques designed to enable people to get
more activities done in less time with better results. Time is one of manager’s most
valuable resources. It is a competitive weapon that has become part of many time
quality management system. With the contemporary trend of corporate
downsizing, employees are usually expected by prioritizing activities and time
management system.

Time management analyses present use, prioritizing activities, using time

management skills become important.

We have nineteen (19) Saturdays for the second semester this calendar year 2009-
2010. If the average teaching learning hours is three (3) hours per course then we
have fifty (57) hours per course for the entire second semester. These are inclusive
of hours and days devoted to e major tests. These hours will be more than enough
to master the course. The problem is that not all these hours are used for
instruction. Many hours for instruction are robbed of every student for several
reasons. One big reason is disruption of instruction due to disciplinary problems,
interruptions due to announcements, administrative tasks such as checking
attendance, hardware not working like OHP with busted bulb, brown-out when you
are scheduled for film viewing, etc. What can we do to minimize the time spent on
discipline problems in order maximize the academic time for instruction and make
spend time on their academic task?

Guidelines in Time Management

• Analyze Time Use. The first step to successful time management is to determine
current time use for an activity. Working long hours foes not necessarily get good
results. In some cases, it is often a sign of poor time management. It is observed
that it is how many hours you spend for an activity or how hard you work that
counts. It is the results that matter by analyzing how you use your time everyday
will certainly indicate areas of improvement.
• The Use of Time Log. The time log is daily diary that tracks activities and enables
one to determine how time is used. It is necessary to use one time log for each day.
Beside each time, write the activity that has been completed.
Analyzed Time Log. After keeping time logs for 5-10 working days you can
analyzed them by answering the following questions:
1. Review the time logs to determine how much time you are spending on your
primary responsibilities. How do you spend most of your time.
2. Identify areas where you are spending too much time.
3. Identify areas where you are not spending too much time.
4. Identify major interruptions that keep you from doing what you want to get done.
5. Identify tasks that you can delegate to your subordinates.
6. How much time is controlled by your employees? How much time do you actually
7. Identify crisis situations. Were they caused by something you did or did not do?
8. Look for habits, pattern and tendencies. Do they help or hurt you set the job done?
How much can you change them yo your advantages?
9. List down five conditions of your biggest time wasters. What can you do to
eliminate them?
10. Make a resolve of how you can manage time more effectively.

• Prioritize Activities. In any organization, people are often faced with having to do
may different tasks. It can be inferred that perhaps one of the most important
things. It can be inferred that perhaps one of the things that separate successful
people from un-successful ones is their ability to do the most important things. A
priority is simply the preference given to one activity over other activities. The
tasks that a managers must get done should be placed on a to do list, and then
prioritized to rank the order of performance. When tasks are already prioritized
focus on only one activity at a time. Pete Drucker, Observed that there are few
people who seem to do an incredible number of things, however, their impressive
versatility is based mainly on doing one thing at a time. It is noted that successful
manager’s are effective at delegating work and communicating priorities to
employees. To prioritize activities, it is important to begin by answering three
priority determination questions such as:

1. Do I have to be personally involved in this activity because of my inherent and

unique knowledge or skills? There are certain cases when you are the only one who
can do the task and therefore, you must be involved.
2. Is the tasks within major area of responsibility or will affect the performance of my
department or unit?
3. When is the deadline? Is quick action needed? Should I work on activity right now?

• Perception of Time. When material things are destroyed or when money gets
lost, hey can be replaced. But when time is lost, it is gone forever. It cannot be
recouped for time is not only fleeting. It is irreversible it is irreplaceable. Also it is
transitive and successive. It moves on a certain order that cannot be changed. It
cannot be compressed, extended, or re-ordered, it cannot be stopped physically. In
this sense time is objective.
However, time can be subjective. It can be highly relative. It is person oriented,
value laden and culture bound. Time is also situational. For some people, time
seems uneven in place. Now slow, now fast, depending on one’s moods, feeling
disposition, expectations and aspirations. But time is objective and impersonal to
men of action like businessmen and manager’s who live and thrive in a world of
competition and material ambition. Time keeping for them is time serving. They
are serve mechanism of the clock. In fact others are blame for a manager’s inability
to control his time.

Time Savers and Wasters:

Plenty of studies have been conducted at the individual and organization levels on
how to save time. Expenses can be reduced to a great extended through good time
management. The number of persons, hours, or days spent in organizational
functions like meeting, briefings can be decreased and would results in savings. In
project management, utilizing different groups for various phrases means loss of
productive time each time a “team” hands of to the next team in the sequence. A
strategy to reduce the waste of time is the creation of matrix team composed of
different people for different tasks.

Examples of Time Savers:

1. The telephone frequency and length of calls.
2. Meeting: Numerous “too long and too many: ineffective and indecisive.
3. Reports: all paper works, report writing, ever increasing stream of form, records,
memos, mails and simple informational notes.
4. Visitors: Unannounced visits by persons referred by a superior or coming from the
home office.
5. Delegation: Frequent checks by subordinates as to what is desired.
6. Procrastinations: Existence of more problems than managers accommodate.
7. Firefighting: unexpected problem that demand attention, not enough time to allot
to them.
8. Special Request: Enlarged uncertainty, worse specially from the head office.
9. Delays: Making managers “Scurry up and wait” for incominh schedules, required
information and planning decisions.
10. Reading: Increasing volume of management literature.

Manager’s Role in Time Management:

Although time management is mainly a personal responsibility, it behooves on the
organization to help individuals save and manage time/ Just like financial
management, materials management, human resources management. The
concept of time as a resource has to be also communicated to the managers group.
The process is slow and often frustrating but it is a way of achieving efficient
operations and more effective management of a precious asset.
Understanding certain motivational and operational concepts in time management
is the key minimize, if not avoid “workaholic syndrome” as interesting
psychological subject itself.
Effective Techniques

1. Orchestrate smooth classroom transitions.

2. Remain involved with the students during the entire class period allowing for no
idle time.
3. Use fillers ,in case you finish the lessons ahead of time. Examples of fillers are
reciting a favorite stanza then letting others explain the meaning or conducting a
short contest about topic. Puzzles can be given for the fast students to work on
while the rest of the class continue their academic task.
4. Use planning or pacing material such as a copy of the scope and sequence of the
objects or a calendar for long-term , and weekly planning . These serve as a visual
reminder for both the teacher and student on what comes next.
5. Use a common place to keep materials such as overhead projector , reference
book , school supplies . This save time .You have not to look for them when you
need .
6. Follow a consistent schedule and maintain the procedures and routines established
at the beginning of the semester.
7. Handle administrative task quickly and efficiently.
8. Make clear and more transitions.
9. Limit disruptions and interruptions through appropriate behavioral management

For quality output within an allotted period , here are some suggestions:
1. Schedule all activities with corresponding time allotment way head of time.
Early preparations could avoid haste and confusion.
2. Provide enough time for everything you expect to happen .
3. Avoid rushing since you know you have carefully allotted required time for every
activity, Quality may suffer.
4. Anticipate difficulties or failure of some operations in order to be able to pursue
alternative actions .
5. Be flexible with time assignments. If students are observe to be so interested
and eager to continue working ,allow a little more time for them to complete and
achieve the objectives with satisfaction.
6. Set the example by showing that you are time conscious. They will develop the
same regarding time utilization.

For Elaborative Learning

>Example of Time Wasters:
Procrastination ”Mania Habit”
Accident , Flood :unexpected problem that demand attention
Delays: “scurry up and wait”
>Example Time Fillers
“What case can you do for today do un tomorrow”
In case you finish the lessons ahead of time. Conduct a short contest about the

>Administrative task that can be done efficiently to avoid waste of time .

1. Identify your objects. In formulating objective consider the following
2. Prioritize your objectives give the highest priority to the objectives that are
important .
3 .List the activities that must be done to accomplish your objectives .Planning is
the key here . List that are completely done.
4 .Prioritize your to-do list. This steps involves imposing a second set of
prioritize. . 5 .Schedule your day. Develop a daily plan.

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