Construction Methodology For Bridges
Construction Methodology For Bridges
Construction Methodology For Bridges
The scope of works comprises the construction of two abutments, five piers, two
lanes deck slab, approach slabs and grouted riprap slope protection.
Within the right of way limit, the area will be cleared of obstruction and other
unnecessary objects. Material designated to be removed shall be disposed of at
places designated and or approved by the authority. Facilities which are
designated to remain will be protected from damage.
The main construction of bridge will follow after benchmarks and centerlines
had been established and approved by the consultant’s representative.
Backfill placed around piers and abutments will be deposited on both sides
at approximately same elevation to prevent wedging against the structure. The
materials shall be placed in layer and compacted by suitable compaction
machine to the required density.
After structural excavation and blinding concrete had been undertaken and
approved, placing of reinforcing steel in accordance with the required number,
spacing and location will be started immediately. Concrete covering will be
maintained as per type of structure according to specification. The reinforcing
steel shall be free from dirt, oil and detrimental scales. It shall be accurately
placed and secured during placing of concrete.
Falseworks shall be assembled and erected on site by competent skilled
workers. False work columns shall be supported by wood or metal bases. It shall
not be supported on any part of the structure. Forms shall be mortar–tight and
rigid to prevent distortion due to concrete pressure and vibration. They will be
checked before, during , and after placing of concrete.
All top surfaces such as top of retaining wall, curb, abutment, etc., will be
treated by tamping and floating with a wooden float. Bridge deck on wearing
surface will be floated, straight- edged and belted until finished surface is in
conformity with the cross section shown on plans.
Risers will be checked for correct elevation, orientation and location prior
to placing of elastomeric bearing pad. Bearing pads will be maintained in correct
position during placing of girders.
• Bridge Alignment
Upon setting and approval of required elevation, centerlines and limits, the
construction of each structure will follow.
A. Substructure
1. Foundation Works
2. Columns / Pedestal
B. Superstructure
2. Deck Slab
C. Slope Protection
• Placing of stones
• Grouting
• Surface finishing
The contractor will ensure that activities on site is carried out in safe and
healthy manner as much as possible to avoid or minimize the risks of injury to its
employees and any other persons who could possibly be affected.
• All site personnel will wear suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
while on site.
Minimum Requirements ;
1. Hard Hat
2. High Visibility Vest
3. Safety Shoes
• All visitors and/or delivery drivers will be required to report on site office
upon arrival. Delivery drivers must remain inside or immediately near their
• Only trained and authorized persons are allowed to operate plant and
machineries. All plant/machinery will be switch off when not in use.
Electrical safety guidelines and warnings will be posted near electrical
equipment and machineries.
• Safety nets will be provided for overhead construction and guard rails will
be installed on all scaffold platforms. Scaffolding works will be prohibited
during strong winds.