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Principles of Pest Control

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Principles of Pest Control

Prepared by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Learning Objectives

After you complete your study of this unit, you should be able to:

Explain why identification of the pest is the first step in developing an

effective pest control strategy.
Explain the differences between continuous pests, sporadic pests, and
potential pests.
Explain what is meant by prevention, suppression, and eradication of pests.
Describe "thresholds" and why they are an important consideration in
developing a pest control strategy.
Describe "monitoring" as it relates to pest control and explain why it is
important to pest control strategy.
Define "integrated pest management" and list several possible control tactics
that may be used in an IPM strategy.
Name factors that can cause pesticide applications to fail to control pests.
Name ways to help avoid the development of pest resistance to pesticides.

Principles of Pest Control


A pest is anything that:

competes with humans, domestic animals, or desirable plants for food or

injures humans, animals, desirable plants, structures, or possessions,
spreads disease to humans, domestic animals, wildlife, or desirable plants,
annoys humans or domestic animals.

Types of Pests

Types of pests include:

insects, such as roaches, termites, mosquitoes, aphids, beetles, fleas, and

insect-like organisms, such as mites, ticks, and spiders,
microbial organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes, viruses, and
weeds, which are any plants growing where they are not wanted,
mollusks, such as snails, slugs, and shipworms, and
vertebrates, such as rats, mice, other rodents, birds, fish, and snakes.

Most organisms are not pests. A species may be a pest in some situations and not in
others. An organism should not be considered a pest until it is proven to be one.
Categories of pests include:

continuous pests that are nearly always present and require regular
sporadic, migratory, or cyclical pests that require control occasionally or
potential pests that do not require control under normal conditions, but may
require control in certain circumstances.

Pest Identification

Accurate identification is the first step in an effective pest management program.

Never attempt a pest control program until you are sure of what the pest is. The more
you know about the pest and the factors that influence its development and spread,
the easier, more cost-effective, and more successful your pest control will be. Correct
identification of a pest allows you to determine basic information about it, including its
life cycle and the time that it is most susceptible to being controlled.
As a certified applicator, you must be familiar with the pests you are likely to
encounter in the type of work in your certification category.

To identify and control pests, you need to know:

the physical features of the pests likely to be encountered,

characteristics of the damage they cause,
their development and biology,
whether they are continuous, sporadic, or potential pests, and
what your control goal is.

If you need help in identifying a pest, contact your commodity or industry

organization, Cooperative Extension educator, or state land-grant university.

Pest Control

Any time you are considering whether pest control is necessary, remember:

Control a pest only when it is causing or is expected to cause more

harm than is reasonable to accept.
Use a control strategy that will reduce the pest numbers to an
acceptable level.
Cause as little harm as possible to everything except the pest.

Even though a pest is present, it may not do much harm. It could cost more to control
the pest than would be lost because of the pest's damage.

Pest Control Goals

Whenever you try to control a pest, you will want to achieve one of these three goals,
or some combination of them:

prevention -- keeping a pest from becoming a problem,

suppression -- reducing pest numbers or damage to an acceptable level,
eradication -- destroying an entire pest population.

Prevention may be a goal when the pest's presence or abundance can be predicted
in advance. Continuous pests, by definition, are usually very predictable. Sporadic
and potential pests may be predictable if you know the circumstances or conditions
that favor their presence as pests. For example, some plant diseases occur only
under certain environmental conditions. If such conditions are present, you can take
steps to prevent the plant disease organisms from harming the desirable plants.
Suppression is a common goal in many pest situations. The intent is to reduce the
number of pests to a level where the harm they cause is acceptable. Once a pest's
presence is detected and control is deemed necessary, suppression and prevention
often are joint goals. The right combination of control measures can often suppress
the pests already present and prevent them from building up again to a level where
they are causing unacceptable harm.

Eradication is a rare goal in outdoor pest situations because it is difficult to achieve.

Usually the goal is prevention and/or suppression. Eradication is occasionally
attempted when a foreign pest has been accidentally introduced, but is not yet
established in an area. Such eradication strategies often are supported by the
government. The Mediterranean fruit fly, gypsy moth, and fire ant control programs
are examples.
Eradication is a more common goal indoors. Enclosed environments usually are
smaller, less complex, and more easily controlled than outdoor areas. In many
enclosed areas, such as dwellings, schools, office buildings, and health care, food
processing, and food preparation facilities, certain pests cannot or will not be

Threshold Levels

Thresholds are the levels of pest populations at which you should take pest control
action if you want to prevent the pests in an area from causing unacceptable injury or
harm. Thresholds may be based on esthetic, health, or economic considerations.
These levels, which are known as "action thresholds," have been determined for
many pests.
A threshold often is set at the level where the economic losses caused by pest
damage, if the pest population continued to grow, would be greater than the cost of
controlling the pests. These types of action thresholds are called "economic
thresholds." For example, when the number of insects on a particular crop exceeds a
given quantity, an insecticide application to prevent economic damage could be
In some pest control situations, the threshold level is zero: even a single pest in such
a situation is unreasonably harmful. For example, the presence of any rodents in
food processing facilities forces action. In homes, people generally take action to
control some pests, such as rodents or roaches, even if only one or a few have been

Pest Monitoring
In most pest control situations, the area to be protected should be checked often.
Regular monitoring can answer several important questions:
What kinds of pests are present?
Are the numbers great enough to warrant control?
When is the right time to begin control?
Have the control efforts successfully reduced the number of pests?

Monitoring of insect, insect-like, mollusk, and vertebrate pests usually is done by

trapping or by scouting. Monitoring of weed pests usually is done by visual
inspection. Monitoring for microbial pests is done by looking for the injury or damage
they cause.
Monitoring also can include checking environmental conditions in the area.
Temperature and moisture levels, especially humidity, are often important clues in
predicting when a pest outbreak will occur or will hit threshold levels.
Monitoring is not necessary in situations where a pest is continually present and the
threshold is zero. For example, there is zero tolerance for bacteria in operating rooms
and other sterile areas of health care facilities. In these situations, routine pest
control measures are taken to eradicate any pests and to prevent pests from entering
the area.

Avoiding Harmful Effects

Pest control involves more than simply identifying a pest and using a control tactic.
The treatment site, whether it is outdoors or indoors usually contains other living
organisms (such as people, animals, and plants) and nonliving surroundings (such as
air, water, structures, objects, and surfaces). All of these could be affected by pest
control measures. Unless you consider the possible effects on the entire system
within which the pest exists, your pest control effort could cause harm or lead to
continued or new pest problems. Rely on your good judgment and, when pesticides
are part of the strategy, on the pesticide labelling.
Most treatment sites are disrupted to some degree by pest control strategies. The
actions of every type of organism or component sharing the site usually affect the
actions and well-being of many others. When the balance is disrupted, certain
organisms may be destroyed or reduced in number, and others -- sometimes the
pests -- may dominate.

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management is the combination of appropriate pest control tactics
into a single plan to reduce pests and their damage to an acceptable level. Using
many different tactics to control a pest problem tends to cause the least disruption to
the living organisms and nonliving surroundings at the treatment site. Relying only on
pesticides can cause pests to develop resistance to pesticides, cause outbreaks of
other pests, and can harm surfaces or non-target organisms. With some pests, using
pesticides alone will not achieve adequate control.

To solve pest problems, you must:

identify the pest or pests and determine whether control is warranted for
determine your pest control goal(s),
know what control tactics are available,
evaluate the benefits and risks of each tactic or combination of tactics,
choose a strategy that will be most effective and will cause the least harm to
people and the environment,
use each tactic in the strategy correctly,
observe local, state, and federal regulations that apply to the situation.

The strategy you choose will depend on the pest you have identified and the kind and
amount of control you need.

Natural Controls
Some natural forces act on all organisms, causing the populations to rise and fall.
These natural forces act independently of humans and may either help or hinder pest
control. You may not be able to alter the action of natural forces on a pest population,
but you should be aware of their influence and take advantage of them when
possible. Natural forces that affect pest populations include climate, natural enemies,
natural barriers, availability of shelter, and food and water supplies.
Climate -- Weather conditions, especially temperature, day length, and humidity,
affect pest activity and rate of reproduction. Pests may be killed or suppressed by
rain, freezing temperatures, drought, or other adverse weather. Climate also affects
pests indirectly by influencing the growth and development of their hosts. A
population of plant-eating pests is related to growth of its host plants. Unusual
weather conditions can change normal patterns so that increased or decreased
damage results.

Natural enemies -- Birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and mammals feed on some
pests and help control their numbers. Many predatory and parasitic insect and insect-
like species feed on other organisms, some of which are pests. Pathogens often
suppress pest populations.

Geographic barriers -- Features such as mountains and large bodies of water

restrict the spread of many pests. Other features of the landscape can have similar

Food and water supply -- Pest populations can thrive only as long as their food and
water supply lasts. Once the food source -- plant or animal -- is exhausted, the pests
die or become inactive. The life cycle of many pests depends on the availability of

Shelter -- The availability of shelter can affect some pest populations. Overwintering
sites and places to hide from predators are important to the survival of some pests.

Applied Controls
Unfortunately, natural controls often do not control pests quickly or completely
enough to prevent unacceptable injury or damage. Then other control measures
must be used.

Those available include:

host resistance,
biological control,
cultural control,
mechanical control,
sanitation, and
chemical control.

Host resistance -- Some plants, animals, and structures resist pests better than
others. Some varieties of plants, wood, and animals are resistant to certain pests.
Use of resistant types, when available, helps keep pest populations below harmful
levels by making conditions less favorable for the pests.

Host resistance works in three ways:

Chemicals in the host repel the pest or prevent the pest from completing its
life cycle.
The host is more vigorous or tolerant than other varieties and thus less likely
to be seriously damaged by pest attacks.
The host has physical characteristics that make it more difficult to attack.
Biological control -- Biological control involves the use of natural enemies --
parasites, predators, and pathogens. You can supplement this natural control by
releasing more of a pest's enemies into the target area or by introducing new
enemies that were not in the area before. Biological control usually is not eradication.
The degree of control fluctuates. There is a time lag between pest population
increase and the corresponding increase in natural controls. But, under proper
conditions, sufficient control can be achieved to eliminate the threat to the plant or
animal to be protected.
Biological control also includes methods by which the pest is biologically altered, as
in the production and release of large numbers of sterile males and the use of
pheromones or juvenile hormones.
Pheromones can be useful in monitoring pest populations. Placed in a trap, for
example, they can attract the insects in a sample area so that pest numbers can be
estimated. Pheromones also can be a control tool. Sometimes a manufactured copy
of the pheromone that a female insect uses to attract males can be used to confuse
males and prevent mating, resulting in lower numbers of pests. Applying juvenile
hormones to an area can reduce pest numbers by keeping some immature pests
from becoming normal, reproducing adults.

Cultural control -- Cultural practices sometimes are used to reduce the numbers of
pests that are attacking cultivated plants. These practices alter the environment, the
condition of the host plant, or the behavior of the pest to prevent or suppress an
infestation. They disrupt the normal relationship between the pest and the host plant
and make the pest less likely to survive, grow, or reproduce. Common cultural
practices include rotating crops, cultivating the soil, varying time of planting or
harvesting, planting trap crops, adjusting row width, and pruning, thinning, and
fertilizing cultivated plants.

Mechanical (physical) control -- Devices, machines, and other methods used to

control pests or alter their environment are called mechanical or physical controls.
Traps, screens, barriers, fences, nets, radiation, and electricity sometimes can be
used to prevent the spread of pests into an area.
Lights, heat, and refrigeration can alter the environment enough to suppress or
eradicate some pest populations. Altering the amount of water, including humidity,
can control some pests, especially insects and disease agents.
Sanitation -- Sanitation practices help to prevent and suppress some pests by
removing the pests or their sources of food and shelter. Urban and industrial pests
can be reduced by improving cleanliness, eliminating pest harborage, and increasing
the frequency of garbage pickup. Management of pests attacking domestic animals is
enhanced by good manure management. Carryover of agricultural pests from one
planting to the next can be reduced by removing crop residues.
Other forms of sanitation that help prevent pest spread include using pest-free seeds
or transplants and decontaminating equipment, animals, and other possible carriers
before allowing them to enter a pest-free area or leave an infested area. The proper
design of food-handling areas can reduce access and shelter for many pests.

Chemical control -- Pesticides are chemicals used to destroy pests, control their
activity, or prevent them from causing damage. Some pesticides either attract or
repel pests. Chemicals that regulate plant growth or remove foliage also are
classified as pesticides. Pesticides are generally the fastest way to control pests. In
many instances, they are the only tactic available.

Pest Control Failures

Sometimes you may find that even though you applied a pesticide, the pest has not
been controlled. You should review the situation to try to determine what went wrong.
There are several possible reasons for the failure of chemical pest control.
Pest Resistance
Pesticides fail to control some pests because the pests are resistant to the
pesticides. Consider this when planning pest control programs that rely on the use of
pesticides. Rarely does any pesticide kill all the target pests. Each time a pesticide is
used, it selectively kills the most susceptible pests. Some pests avoid the pesticide.
Others withstand its effects. Pests that are not destroyed may pass along to their
offspring the trait that allowed them to survive.
When one pesticide is used repeatedly in the same place against the same pest, the
surviving pest population may be more resistant to the pesticide than the original
population was. The opportunity for resistance is greater when a pesticide is used
over a wide geographic area or when a pesticide is applied repeatedly to a rather
small area where pest populations are isolated. A pesticide that leaves a residue that
gradually loses its effectiveness over time will help select out resistance. Rotating
pesticides may help reduce the development of pest resistance.

Other Reasons for Failure

Not every pesticide failure is caused by pest resistance. Make sure that you have
used the correct pesticide and the correct dose and that you have applied it correctly.
Sometimes a pesticide application fails to control a pest because the pest was not
identified correctly and the wrong pesticide was chosen. Other applications fail
because the pesticide was not applied at an appropriate time -- the pest may not
have been in the area during the application or it may have been in a life cycle stage
or location where it was not susceptible to the pesticide. Also remember that the
pests that are present may be part of a new infestation that developed after the
chemical was applied.

Test Your Knowledge

Q-1. What is the first thing you should do when you detect the presence of a
pest that you think you may need to control?
 A. Identify the pest to be sure you know exactly what the problem is.
Q-2. How can pest identification help you develop a good pest control
 A. Identification of the pest allows you to determine basic information about it,
including its life cycle and the time that it is most susceptible to being controlled.
Q-3. Explain the differences between continuous pests, sporadic pests, and
potential pests.
 A. Continuous pests are nearly always present and require regular control;
sporadic pests are migratory, cyclical, or other occasional pests that require control
once in a while, but not regularly; potential pests are organisms that are not pests
under normal conditions, but can become pests and require control in certain
Q-4. Explain what is meant by prevention, suppression, and eradication of
 A. Prevention is keeping a pest from becoming a problem; suppression is
reducing pest numbers or damage to an acceptable level; eradication is destroying
an entire pest population.
Q-5. What is a threshold? Why should you consider thresholds when you
develop a pest control strategy?
 A. Thresholds are the levels of pest populations at which you must take pest
control action to prevent unacceptable damage or injury. Using threshold information
can improve your pest control strategy by helping you decide about when to begin
control tactics.
Q-6. Describe pest monitoring and explain how it can be important to pest
control strategy.
 A. Monitoring is checking or scouting for pests in an area to determine what pests
are present, how many of each kind are in the area, and how much damage they are
causing. Monitoring is important to many pest control strategies because it helps
determine if the threshold has been reached and whether control measures have
been effective.
Q-7. Define "integrated pest management" (IPM) and list several possible
control tactics that may be used in an IPM strategy.
 A. Integrated pest management is when several pest control tactics are combined
into a single plan to reduce pests and their damage to an acceptable level. Pest
control tactics may include: host resistance, biological, cultural, mechanical or
chemical (pesticide) controls, and sanitation.
Q-8. You applied a pesticide, but it did not control the pest. Name three
reasons why your control effort might have failed.
 A. The failure of the pesticide might have been caused by misidentifying the pest,
pest resistance, choosing the wrong pesticide, applying the wrong amount, or
applying the pesticide incorrectly.
Q-9. What can you do to keep the pests you are trying to control from
becoming resistant to the pesticides you use?
 A. Pest resistance can be reduced by using integrated pest management and
rotating the types of pesticides used.

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