Ims 02
Ims 02
Ims 02
IMS dates back to 1968, when it was develloped for North American Rockwell Corporation to manage
large bills of material for the construction of the Apollo spacecraft program.
Database management system. The IMS database management system (DBMS) implements the
hierarchical model tree structure to organize the collection of records in a one-to-many entity-
relationship data model. The use of a database introduced the concept of separating application code
from the data. The database management system controlled the access and recovery of data. This
established a new data processing technology paradigm. Now the application code could focus on the
access and manipulation of the data. DL/I was developed to provide the application code with a
standard interface to the data.
Data Language/I. Navigational access to the data for application code is through the DL/I standard
callable interface data manipulation language (DML). Since the data control was moved from the
application, an opportunity was provided for on-line access to the data.
An on-line component initially called Information Control System/Data Language/I (ICS/DL/I) was
developed to support data communication access. To enable data communication transparency to the
application program, the DL/I callable interface was extended to the on-line component. To maintain
the integrity of data communication messages and to provide a queuing concept for scheduling
application programs, a message queue function was created. ICS/DL/I evolved to become the
transaction manager function of IMS.
IMS technological innovations. Today, over 90 percent of the top worldwide companies in the areas
of manufacturing, finance, banking, retailing, aerospace, communications, government, insurance,
high technology, and health care use IMS (usually in addition to a relational data base) to run their
daily operations. IMS is usually preferred over a relational alternative when throughput requirements or
transaction rates are very high. Figure 1 shows the evolution of IMS and the various technologies that
have been implemented over the past 30 years.
These technologies have been instrumental in enabling corporations to refine their information
technology solutions to be cost-effective. This technical note describes these various technologies and
how IMS has evolved over the past 30 years to provide the functionality that supports these
technological innovations.
IMS database
The IMS database (DB) function provides a full-function resource manager and a fast path resource
manager for hierarchical database management. These resource managers map the DL/I application
call interface to the underlying operating system access methods. This mapping enables the
application code to function independently of operating system access methods and to remain
transparent to the physical storage of the data. The data managed by IMS are organized in
hierarchical database records. A database record is composed of segments, a segment being the
smallest piece of information that IMS can store. A segment contains fields that are the smallest
pieces of data an application program can manipulate. A field is identified as a unique key field that
can be used to navigate the database to find a specific segment. The hierarchical structure of the
segments establishes the structure of the database record. A root segment identifies a database
record, and a database record cannot exist without a root segment. Dependent segments are the
pieces of data that complete the rest of a database record. The IMS DB full-function resource manager
provides sequential access, indexed sequential access, and direct access for database processing.
The fast path DB resource manager provides the direct method for processing data by using direct
access pointers to the segments.
Data integrity
One of the fundamental concepts supported by IMS DB is the concurrent update capability from
multiple application programs. IMS DB contains a program isolation local lock manager to support
concurrent application program processing. The local lock manager controls access to the database
records to ensure data integrity by preventing duplicate access to the same record until the application
program completes its processing of the record. The database record is locked when position is first
obtained on the record. The item locked is the root segment. The database record is locked until
position is changed to a different database record or until the application program reaches a commit
Because data are always accessed hierarchically, when a lock on a root segment is obtained, IMS
determines whether any application programs hold locks on dependent segments. If there are no locks
on dependent segments, it is not necessary to lock dependent segments when they are accessed.
When an application program updates a segment, the segment, not the database record, is locked.
IMS DB uses the Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM) global lock manager to support the global
sharing of databases across systems in a sysplex. When the IRLM is used, no lock is obtained when a
dependent segment is updated. Instead, the root lock is held at single update level when exiting the
database record. Therefore, no additional locks are required if a dependent segment is inserted,
deleted, or replaced. This established the foundation for two-way data sharing and Nways* data
sharing in a System/390* (S/390*) Parallel Sysplex* cluster.2
Another key aspect of data integrity is recovery. The IMS logger function provides recovery and restart
capability for the system. IMS logs the following events:
When IMS starts up and shuts down When application programs start and terminate Changes made to
the database Communication messages received and responses sent Application program
checkpoints System checkpoints
The original IMS logger wrote the log records to a tape drive. The IMS logger was converted to a direct
access storage device (DASD) logger to support high-volume traffic. IMS first writes log records to a
high-speed DASD data set called the Write-Ahead Data Set (WADS). When IMS fills a DASD track on
the WADS, IMS copies the entire track to another DASD data set called the Online Log Data Set
(OLDS). When IMS is close to filling the last available OLDS, it archives the full ones to System Log
Data Sets (SLDSs). While the Log Archive utility is creating an SLDS, it can also create a Recovery
Log Data Set (RLDS). The RLDS contains only the log records needed for database recovery.3 The
Database Recovery Control (DBRC) facility is used to support log management, database recovery
control, and data sharing.
DBRC automatically records all log data sets produced by the on-line IMS subsystem and by log
archiving jobs in a pair of Key-Sequenced Data Sets (KSDS) called RECON (recovery control). IMS
uses this information for database recovery jobs if databases are registered and also for IMS restart.
DBRC also tracks the archiving requirements of the on-line data set (OLDS) and, if requested,
generates and submits the Job Control Language (JCL) for archiving jobs.
Because DBRC records this information in the RECON, DBRC can generate JCL for executing a
database recovery.
Data sharing requires that the databases be registered with DBRC. DBRC checks on whether
subsystems have authority to perform the requested task and whether other subsystems are not
currently reserving the database. Concurrent access to databases by systems in one or more
processors is controlled with a common (shared) DBRC RECON data set. To maintain data integrity,
status indicators in the RECON data set control concurrent access and recovery actions for the
databases. This common RECON data set is required in a data-sharing environment so that a given
database is identified to all the sharing subsystems.4
IMS has evolved with the System/360*, System/370*, and System/390 architectures while preserving
the ability of the application program to process data. Some customers have application programs
written 30 years ago that still run today without any changes to their existing code. The fundamental
architecture of IMS consists of a control region, a DLI secondary address space (DLISAS), a DBRC
address space, an IRLM address space, and one or more dependent regions.
The control region is the execution environment for the IMS system software, the control blocks, and
storage pools required for managing communication access and application program scheduling. The
control region also contains the fast path system software for managing access to fast path databases.
This isolates the IMS system functions from the customer's application programs to maintain the
integrity of the IMS system. The DLISAS execution environment contains the IMS DB full-function
system software, control blocks, and storage pools for managing access to the full-function databases.
The dependent regions provide the execution environments for the application programs to process
transactions. IMS schedules a customer's application programs in the dependent regions to provide
for parallel processing and a separation of application program processing. The scheduling of an
application program in its own dependent region also provides application program integrity. When a
transaction message arrives in the IMS control region, the IMS scheduling function checks for a
dependent region that is available for running the application program. The available dependent region
is supplied with the name of the application program to be loaded and executed in the dependent
region. The application program uses the DL/I calls for message queue processing to retrieve the
message from the message queue and to process the request.5 When the application program
completes the processing of the request, this indicates the completion of the unit-of-work, and the IMS
sync-point manager initiates the two-phase commit process. During sync-point processing, IMS
creates a log record to establish commitment of database changes and availability of output
messages. The commit process is not complete until IMS physically writes this log record to the
For Phase 1, the IMS resource managers are asked to commit updates, and for Phase 2 the IMS
resource managers are told to commit or abort the changes. After the IMS sync-point manager
completes the two-phase commit process, the IMS transaction manager (TM) will check on whether
there are any more work requests for the application program. If no additional work is ready to be
processed, IMS TM determines whether the region can become pseudo wait-for-input (pseudo WFI). If
the region is eligible for pseudo WFI, the region remains scheduled for the transaction and waits until
another message is entered for the region. If the next message is for the scheduled transaction, the
message is passed to the application program. If the next message is for a different transaction, IMS
TM terminates the application program and schedules a new application program to process the new
message. This self-tuning technique is used to maximize the use of a dependent region by an
application program.6 The ability to support multiple dependent regions facilitates workload balancing
and application program isolation. IMS distributes the workload among processors by off-loading some
of the IMS control region task control block (TCB) work to dependent region TCBs.
The following functions operate in dependent region TCBs using the cross-memory facility of the
Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS*) operating system to communicate with the IMS control region for:
This enables customers to utilize their CPU investment with their application processing. The IMS
multiaddress space architecture exploits the multiprocessing architecture ofOS/390 and the
transformation of the S/390 platform to the S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server*. The IMS control region
also provides the functions that support communication access.
Communication access
A key concept supported by the IMS transaction manager is to view communication devices and end
users in a logical fashion. This concept provides transparency for the application program and security
for end-user messages. The application program does not have to know the characteristics of the
communication device when sending data to or receiving data from the device. The IMS TM function
uses the message queue resource manager and expedited message handler (EMH) resource
manager to manage the communication messages to be processed by the application program. These
resource managers support the DL/I communication message application call interface to provide a
communication message to the application. The IMS TM resource managers use the concept of a
message segment to manage a communication message, and multiple message segments can be
used to support a complete communication message. The application programs use the DL/I interface
to receive and send message segments. Another key function of message segments is to provide
network transparency to the application programs. The IMS TM resource managers use the IMS TM
communication functions to interface to the network protocols for communication message processing.
The IMS TM communication manager function supports the S/390 Virtual Telecommunications Access
Method (VTAM*). The communication manager is the interface between the message queue and EMH
resource managers and VTAM. IMS TM also provides a multiple systems coupling (MSC) feature.
MSC is a private IMS TM protocol that only permits the coupling of IMS systems to other IMS systems.
MSC is an extension of the IMS TM communication and scheduling capabilities and enables the user
to perceive one virtual IMS system while the transactions are being routed across a complex of IMS
subsystems. The MSC function can be used to provide workload distribution across a single system
boundary or across geographical boundaries.
IMS TM can also be used to access other types of database subsystems using the external subsystem
attach facility (ESAF). ESAF gives application programs running in IMS dependent regions the
capability to obtain data from external subsystems, such as DATABASE 2* (DB2*).
In September 1990, IBM introduced theOS/390 systems complex, or sysplex. The base sysplex
provided the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) component of Multiple Virtual Storage/Enterprise
Systems Architecture (MVS/ESA*). XCF services allow authorized applications on one system to
communicate with applications on the same system or on other systems.
Also during this time frame,OS/390 and IMS were working on the requirement to enable cooperative
application processing using the IBM Systems Network Architecture Logical Unit 6.2 (SNA LU 6.2)
Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC) protocol. IMS TM was changed to support
the APPC protocols and still preserve the existing application program interface. IMS TM utilizes the
APPC/MVS facilities to enable APPC support. APPC/MVS and APPC/IMS are one of the authorized
application pairs to implement the XCF protocols for communication. APPC/MVS uses APPC/VTAM
macros to communicate with the communications network and uses XCF to communicate with
APPC/IMS. An IMS application program can also use APPC/MVS services for direct communication
processing. The coordination of processing between two APPC programs is the synchronization level
(sync_level). APPC sync_level defines the protocol that is used when changing conversation states.
APPC and IMS support the following sync_level values:
IMS requires the Operating System/390* (OS/390*) Resource Recovery Services (RRS) as the
syncpoint manager (SPM) when a conversation with sync_level=SYNCPT is established. RRS
controls the commitment of protected resources by coordinating the commit or backout request with
the participating owners of the updated resources, the resource managers. IMS is the resource
manager for DL/I, fast path data, and the IMS message queues. The application program decides
whether the data are to be committed or aborted and communicates this decision to the SPM. The
SPM then coordinates the actions in support of this decision among the resource managers. IMS
Version 6 interfaces to RRS to provide for coordinated commit. IMS assumes the role of a participant
in the two-phase commit process with the sync-point manager, RRS.
Since XCF services were introduced to provide a standard OS/390 sysplex communication protocol,
IMS implemented the Open Transaction Manager Access (OTMA) function. The OTMA function uses
XCF application programming interfaces to define a transaction pipe (TPIPE) connection between an
OTMA client and IMS TM OTMA server function. The TPIPE supports a full-duplex protocol. An OTMA
client is anOS/390 application program that sends transactions to an IMS server and receives the
output. TheOS/390 application program must be a member of an XCF group that includes IMS and
uses the OTMA protocol.7 OTMA also works with RRS to support coordinated commit processing. In
an OTMA environment, OTMA is not a resource manager registered with RRS. The process remains
an interprocess protocol between a server (IMS) and a number of clients (application programs). The
client-adapter code that uses OTMA is responsible for obtaining and owning the context identifier (ID).
In messages passed to OTMA, the context-ID field represents the sync_level=SYNCPT request.
When IMS finds the context-ID in the message, IMS assumes the role of a participant in the two-phase
commit process, as it does in the APPC environment.6
The IMS TM OTMA server function interfaces to the message queue resource manager and the EMH
resource manager for delivery of messages to or from application program processing. Since the
existing application programs use the DL/I call interface for their message processing requests, they
continue to run transparent to the communication protocol supported by the OTMA client interface.
The OTMA function opens IMS to access with other communication protocols. The OpenEdition DCE
(data circuit-terminating equipment) Application Support server for IMS (AS/IMS) and the MQSeries*
IMS bridge provide OTMA clients that interface with IMS.
With the increasing use of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) as a network
protocol, IMS needed to enhance the existing TCP/IP interface support. Since IMS TM had already
established the OTMA server function, IMS implemented the TCP/IP OTMA connection (ITOC) client
function. The ITOC runs as an authorizedOS/390 application program. ITOC provides support for user
exit routines that can be used by TCP/IP clients to access IMS. ITOC defines a message prefix that is
used to identify the user exit routine and a standard interface for calling the user exit routine.
The accelerating use of the Internet and the World Wide Web established the requirement for IMS
Internet solutions. The IMS Internet solutions are called "IMS Connectors" and are a part of IBM's e-
business plan to enable access to enterprise applications and data over the Internet using a Web
browser. The ITOC is one of the four IMS Connectors that are provided for a communication access
solution to IMS. The IMS Client for Java** Connector provides templates for preparing a Java applet or
application program to access IMS application programs and data. The IMS Web Connector provides
the ability to dynamically create transaction-specific programs and HyperText Markup Language
(HTML) to enable Web browser access to IMS. The IMS Client for Java and the IMS Web Connectors
use the ITOC for accessing IMS TM. The IMS WWW Templates is the fourth IMS Connector and uses
the APPC protocol to communicate with IMS TM.
The interface to IMS TM for the four IMS Connectors for communication access enables DL/I message
processing application programs to continue to process without change. The opening of access to IMS
also requires the ability to access IMS DB.
The IMS Object Connector provides a new, easier way to access IMS DB managed data. New object-
oriented application programs can use IMS Object Connector to access data managed by IMS. The
object-oriented applications can be either IMS DB batch or IMS TM applications. Object-oriented
application programs can also be invoked from a Web browser. The IMS Object Connector can use
the IMS Open Data Base Access (ODBA) callable interface to access IMS DB. The ODBA connection
interface enables any OS/390 application program to access the IMS DB full-function and fast path
databases and to use RRS to provide the commit or backout coordination of database updates. In
conjunction with the IMS birthday, IMS Version 6 is available to exploit the S/390 Parallel Sysplex (see
Figure 2).
In an S/390 Parallel Sysplex, IMS DB resource managers support block-level multisystem data
sharing. The resource managers can also exploit the coupling facility cache structures for database
buffer management. This enhances the sharing of databases by multiple IMS systems. The IRLM lock
manager uses the coupling facility lock structures to provide the block-level locking of IMS databases.
IMS TM supports message queue sharing by using the coupling facility list structures. Multiple IMS
systems can access and process messages on the shared message queue. IMS provides the
Common Queue Server (CQS) to manage the queues in the coupling facility list structures. CQS has a
structured interface that enables other programs besides IMS to connect to it and process the shared
message queues.8 To fully utilize the Parallel Sysplex, IMS systems should be defined as clones. A
cloned IMS system configuration is one in which the same application system resources (including
transactions, programs, and databases) are shared among multiple IMS systems operating in a
Parallel Sysplex configuration that is also sharing a common transaction workload. Transactions
executing in such a configuration should have access to a common set of DL/I databases through IMS
Nways or two-way data sharing.
The multisystem data sharing and message queue sharing provides the following capabilities when
using the S/390 Parallel Sysplex:
Ø Automatic workload balancing--All IMS systems in the sysplex can automatically process
workload by using shared queues. In prior releases of IMS, workload balancing was a user
responsibility, requiring the use of MSC or APPC
Ø Incremental growth--As workload increases, new IMS systems can be dynamically added to
the sysplex to process the extra workload. This approach supports peak processing periods.
Ø Increased reliability--If any IMS system in the sysplex fails, any of the remaining IMS
systems can process the workload in the shared queues. If one or more of the IMS systems
requires a cold start, the contents of the shared queues are not affected.
Celebrating 30 years as an IBM product, IMS has continued to evolve to exploit new technologies
while preserving customers' application program investments. IMS is recognized as the world's
premier transaction and hierarchical database server and manages the majority of the world's
corporate data. Over 90 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies use IMS as their DBMS1 of choice for
fulfilling the requirements of performance, reliability, and availability. For more information on IMS visit
the following Web site: